



实验区(过渡区):在缓冲区的周围划出一定 地段的保护区。可根据自然资源条件,开展科 学试验、教学实习、参观考察、驯养繁殖和多 种经济活动。
世界的第一个自然保护区为1864年美国为保 护红杉树而在约西迈特山谷建立的自然保护区。 1872年美国建立了世界上第一个国家公园, 即黄石国家公园。 1879年,澳大利亚在悉尼附近建立了世界上 第二个国家公园。自此以后,尤其是本世纪三 十年代以后,世界各国都陆续开展建立自然保 护区的工作。
6 多种经营管理区(Multiple-use 多种经营管理区(Multiplemanagement areas)与自然资源保护区 areas)与自然资源保护区 (Resource reserve) reserve) 单项自然资源的保护地或储备地、禁猎 区等。目的是为资源持续利用创造条件。 具有相当大面积的区域,可以进行木材 生产、水资源利用、放牧、养殖等活动。 要计划经营,并进行一定的保护管理, 划分为多个小区,分别经营和管理。
我国自然保护区的发展历史 ---创建时期(1956-1965) ---创建时期(1956-1965)
1957年在福建建立了以保护中亚热带常绿阔 叶林为主的万木林自然保护区。 1958年在云南西双版纳建立了小勐养、勐后、 勐腊三个保护区,对热带雨林及珍稀动物亚 洲象、野牛、犀鸟等进行保护。 1961年,全国各地规划的自然保护区和禁猎 区有70多处,其中自然保护区级20处,面积 814万ha,约占我国国土面积的0.1%。 到1965年为止,我国正式建立的自然保护区 19处,面积为64.8874ha。
2 国家公园(National Parks) 国家公园( Parks)
国家公园与其它保护区的区别主要有: 国家公园与其它保护区的区别主要有: (1)面积较大。 (2)区内具有一种或几种未被人类开发利用 的生态系及一些可供观赏的自然景观。 (3)在区域内严禁开发自然资源的大规模生 产性活动。 (4)可以参观访问。

Lecture 5 大洋运输公司

Lecture 5 大洋运输公司

表2 现金流量计算的基本规则
项目 租金收入
-营运成本 -折旧 =EBIT
计算方式 日租金×出租天数
日营运成本×365天 $39M/25 Years +(F) -资本支出 +资产期末残值税后现金流 -NWC的变化 =Total Cash Flow
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案例讨论: 大洋运输公司

Q1:你预期下一年度(2002年)的现租价格 会上升还是下降?影响租金的驱动因素有 哪些?

Q2:行业特性如何?该行业未来前景如何? Q3:Linn的决策?To buy or not to buy?

35% or 0% of EBIT
净利润+折旧,EBIT+折旧-所得税 案例给定条件 出售价格-所得税率×(售价-账面价值) 初始为$500,000;按通胀率3%逐年增长

Q4:哪些因素会影响Linn的决策?所得税 率/资本成本/未来租金的变化/通货膨胀率? Q5:公司在使用货轮15年后将其报废是否是 一个最佳选择?



第五讲 载流子产生与复合(续)9月12,2001内容:1.热平衡之外的G&R率2.表面产生与复合阅读作业del Alamo Ch. 3,§§3.4 ,3.6主要问题●当载流子浓度被扰动而偏离热平衡时的值时,对产生和复合之间的平衡发生了什么影响?●对每个G&R机制是如何打乱的?●决定G&R率平衡的主要因素是什么?●如何能表征表面G&R?⒈ 平衡之外的G&R率●在热平衡时:●在热平衡之外(载流子浓度被扰动而偏离热平衡时的值):如果,G R 载流子浓度随时间变化。

定义净复合率U 是十分有用的:U R G=−反映内部G&R 机制的平衡:如果0R G U >,净复合占优势如果0R G U <,净产生占优势如果几个机制同时作用,定义:i i iU R G =−而iU U =在热平衡之外的不同机制对G&R 率会发生什么影响?a )能带到能带光学G&R●光产生率没有变化,因为键合数目没有变化:00rad rad rad G g r n p ==●如果电子和空穴浓度发生变化时,光复合率受到影响:rad rad R r np=●定义净复合率:()00rad rad rad rad U R G r np n p =−=− -如果00np n p >,0rad U >,净复合占优势-如果00np n p <,0rad U <,净产生占优势●注意:我们假定rad g 和rad r 与平衡时无变化b ) 俄歇G&R●包括热电子 :eeh eeh G g n= 2eeh eeh R r n p=如果eeh g 和eeh r 间关系和TE 时无差别:()00eeh eeh eeh eeh U R G r n np n p =−=−●同样,包括热电子:()00ehh ehh U r p np n p =−●总的 俄歇 :()()00Auger eeh ehh U r n r p np n p =+−c ) 与陷阱有关的热G&R在平衡之外,如果产生复合率常数不受影响:复合:捕获一个电子+一个空穴净复合率=净电子捕获率=净空穴捕获率tr ec ee hc heU r r r r =−=−从这,推导出t n ,并最终得到tr U :()()00tr ho i o inp n p U n n p n ττ−=+++d ) 所有过程组合起来□ 特殊情况:低水平掺杂定义过剩载流子浓度:'0n n n =+ '0p p p=+LLI :平衡的少数载流子浓度占主导但对多数载流子浓度扰动可以忽略-对n 型:-对p型:在LLI中:U的所以表达式仿效下面形式:τ为过程i的载流子寿命,每个G&R过程的一个特征常数:i在LLI 情况下,净复合率作为材料和温度的一个常数,线性的取决于过剩载流子浓度。

Lecture 5气候经济学

Lecture 5气候经济学

5.1. Public goods5.1. Public goods - IntroductionIn the perfectly competitive market, property rights are assumed to be perfectly defined and enforced. This implies goods and services are excludable and rivalrous in consumption.Excludable Non-excludableRivalrous Non-rivalrousClub goods Common resources Public goodsIn reality, many goods and services are associated with property rights problems:Private goodse.g. ice-cream, clothing e.g. cable TV, club membershipe.g. fish in the ocean, the environment e.g. basic research, national defenceDefinitions: non-excludable: once produced, no one can be prevented from using the good; and non-rivalrous: one person’s use of the good does not diminish other people’s use.5.1. Public goods - Market failurePrivate goods and club goods do not present market failure – they have prices attached to them. Public goods and common resources present market failure – externalities arise because something of value has no price attached:• If a person were to provide a public good, for e.g. national defence, others would be better off and yet they are not charged for this benefit;• If a person uses a common resources, for e.g. fish in the ocean, others would be worse off and yet they are not compensated for this loss.Due to these externalities, private decisions about production and consumption can lead to inefficient outcomes (market failure).Government intervention (public solutions) can potentially correct inefficiency and raise economic well-being.5.1.1. Public goodsDue to these two features, people have an incentive to be free riders:The existence of free riders lead to the under-provision of public goods in the market (the free rider problem ).The market fails to provide the efficient outcome because those who gain a benefit fromconsuming the public good do not compensate the supplier for the production costs. Hence, the supplier has no incentive to provide the good.The government can remedy this problem by providing or subsidising the public good and paying for it with tax revenue, to make everyone better off. This is a public solution.Some examples: fireworks displays, lighthouses, national defence, basic research (knowledge), free-to-air TV and radio.Definition: public goods are goods that are non-excludable and non-rivalrous.Definition: free rider is a person who receives the benefit of a good but avoids paying for it.National defence - one of the most expensive public goods.• Solution: People may disagree on the appropriate levels, but most will agree that some government spending on defence is necessary.Basic research (knowledge) – general knowledge is a public good; profit seeking firms have incentive to free ride on the knowledge created by others.• Solution: Government subsidises the basic research carried out by universities and other research organisations (this is a corrective subsidy on the positive externality generated). Fighting poverty – everyone prefers living in a society without poverty, but fighting poverty is not a ‘good’ that private actions will adequately provide.• Solution: Many government programs are aimed at helping the poor, for e.g. unemployment benefits, old-age pensions, disability support, funded by tax revenue.Before providing a public good, government conducts a cost-benefit analysis to determine whether it is efficient to do so.Definition: cost-benefit analysis is a study that compares the costs and benefitsto society of providing a public good.Free-to-air TV and radio - non-excludable and non-rivalrous, yet provided by private firms as for-profit business. For e.g. Freeview.How is revenue generated, when consumers enjoy for free?• Solution: broadcasters sells a complementary, private good i.e. advertising. Sells airtime to advertisers.Advertisers are willing to pay more if their ads are shown during a program that has many viewers. This gives broadcasters incentive to show programs that viewers want to watch. Hence, viewer demand drives what is shown.Other examples of the private provision of public goods: search engines e.g. Google and Bing; and video sharing sites e.g. YouTube and Vimeo. These are funded by the revenue from the ads displayed on the webpages.5.1.2. Common resourcesThe tragedy of the commons refers to the overgrazing of communal land surrounding medieval English villages.Each family in the village has the right to graze sheep on the commons. When one family ’s flock grazes on the common land, it reduces the quality of the land available for other families. Because people neglect this negative externality when deciding how many sheep to own, the result is an excessive number of sheep. Overgrazing eventually damages the land ’s ability to replenish itself, destroying the common resource for all families in the village.Some examples: clean air and climate change, oil deposits, congested non-toll roads, fish, whales and other wildlifeSolutions to the common resource problem can be private and/or public. Definition: common resources are goods that are non-excludable but rivalrous.Definition: the tragedy of the commons is a parable that illustrates why common resources get used more than is desirable from the standpoint of society as a whole.Clean air and climate change – greenhouse gasses emitted in one country spread around the world contributing to climate change in every country. When a government in one country regulates emissions, it considers only its own environment, not the effects on other countries. • Solution: the Coase Theorem suggests that nations can enter into a treaty (e.g. the Kyoto Protocol) which commits them to reduce their own emissions. The treaty behaves like contract, internalising the externality.Oil deposits – a large oil field lies under many properties with different owners. Any of the owners can extract the oil, but when one owner extracts oil, less is available for the others. Because each owner who drills a well imposes a negative externality on the other owners, the benefit to society of drilling a well is less than the benefit to the owner who drills it. If owners of the properties decide individually how many oil wells to drill, they will drill too many.• Solution: some type of joint action or agreement among the owners is necessary to solve the problem and ensure that oil is extracted at lowest cost.Overgrazing on the commons - the community can prevent the tragedy in a number of ways. • Solution: regulate the number of sheep in each family ’s flock or divide up the land among the families.Congested roads - yield a negative externality. When one person drives on the road, it becomes more crowded, and other people must drive more slowly.• Solution: Government levies a toll or a congestion charge. A toll is a corrective tax on the externality of congestion. Sometimes congestion is a problem only at rush hour. Government can charge higher tolls at rush hour as an incentive for drivers to alter their schedules.Many species of animals (fish, whale, other wildlife) – are common resources.Fish, for instance, have commercial value, and anyone can go to the ocean and catch whatever is available. Each person has little incentive to maintain the species for the next year. Just as excessive grazing can destroy the commons, excessive fishing can destroy marine populations. • Solution: ??Two problems prevent successful Government regulation of fish stocks:(1) many countries have access to the oceans, so any solution would require internationalcooperation among countries that hold different values;(2) because the oceans are so vast, enforcing any agreement is difficult.5.2. Government intervention - IntroductionGovernments intervene in markets to correct market failures, such as inequality, externalities and public goods. Objective: to restore efficiency and increase economic well-being of society. Government can intervene: • Directly – by controlling prices in the markets• Indirectly – by taxing and/or subsiding demand and supplySome policy tools used bygovernment:• Price controls• Taxes• Subsidies5.2.1. Price controlsInequality and fighting poverty are market failures.Governments can directly control prices in different markets by using price ceilings and price floors to ensure all members of society enjoy a certain standard of living.Definition: price ceiling is a legal maximum on the price at which a good can be sold. Definition: price floor is a legal minimum on the price at which a good can be sold.5.2.1. Price controls: price ceilingA binding price ceiling is set below the equilibrium price.Price ceilings result in shortages of the good, as the market cannot achieve equilibrium.To manage the shortage, somemechanism for rationing the good will naturally develop, for e.g. queuing. In the case of rent control , landlords may be discouraged from maintaining their buildings.A price ceiling is only binding if set belowthe equilibrium price. If set above , it is non-binding as it does not prevent the market from achieving equilibrium.SupplyDemandPrice ceiling $3 $2100 75 125Price QuantityQuantity supplied Quantity demandedShortage5.2.1. Price controls: price floorA binding price floor is set above the equilibrium price.Price floors result in surpluses of the good. Some sellers are able to sell their goods at the higher price, but others will not be able to.Some method for rationing will naturally develop, for e.g. appealing to the personal biases of the buyers. In the case of minimum wage , the surplus is unemployment.Rationing may lead to discriminatory hiring practices in the labour market.A price floor is only binding if set above theequilibrium price. If set below , it is non-binding as it does not prevent the market fromachieving equilibrium. SupplyDemandPrice floor$3$4 100 75 125 Price Quantity Quantity suppliedQuantity demanded SurplusDefinition: tax incidence is the study of who bears the burden of taxation, the degree to which buyers and sellers will be worse off due to the tax.5.2.2. TaxesGovernment taxes firms and households in different markets.Taxes fulfill two functions:(1) Provide government with the resources required for intervention, for e.g. government uses taxrevenue to provide or subsidise public goods;(2) Corrective measure to internalise externalities, for e.g. government can tax activities that havenegative externalities an amount equaling its external cost.Definition: tax is a payment to government, from buyers or sellers, for each unit of good that is bought or sold.The government requires buyers to pay a tax of $0.50 on each unit purchased.This shifts demand to the left (demand falls) by the amount of the tax.The tax creates a wedge between the price buyers effectively pay ($3.30), and the price sellers receive ($2.80).Although the tax is levied on buyers, the burden of the tax falls on both buyers and sellers. The price buyers pay is $0.30 higher than before, the price sellers receive is $0.20 lower than before.Moreover, the quantity traded falls (100 to 90).SupplyDemand 1 $3 $2.8010090 Price QuantityEquilibrium without tax Demand 2$3.30 Equilibrium with taxTax $0.50The government requires sellers to pay a tax of $0.50 on each unit sold.This shifts supply to the left (supply falls) by the amount of the tax. Otherwise, the effects are identical to tax incidence on buyers.How taxes affect market outcomes:Taxes discourage market activity:• When a good is taxed, the quantity traded falls;• Buyers pay more for the good and sellers receive less.Buyers and sellers share the tax burden. It does not matter who the tax is levied on. The effects on the market and the tax incidence are identical.Supply 1Demand$3 $2.8010090 PriceQuantityEquilibrium without tax$3.30 Equilibrium with taxTax $0.50Supply 25.2.2. Taxes: elasticity and tax incidenceSupply 1DemandPrice without tax PriceQuantityEquilibrium without taxEquilibrium with taxTaxSupply 2Price buyers payPrice sellers receiveTax incidence on buyersTax incidence on sellersSupply 1DemandPrice without tax PriceQuantityEquilibrium without taxEquilibrium with taxTaxSupply 2Price buyers pay Price sellers receiveTax incidence on buyersTax incidence on sellersBecause supply is elastic , the price sellers receive does not fall much, so sellers bear only a small burden. In contrast, the price buyers pay risessubstantially, so buyers bear most of the tax burden.Because demand is elastic , the price buyers pay does not rise much, so buyers bear only a small burden. In contrast, the price sellers receive falls substantially, so sellers bear most of the tax burden.5.2.3. SubsidiesGovernment sometimes subsidises firms and households in different markets.Definition: subsidy is a payment from government, to buyers or sellers, for each unitof good that is bought or sold.Definition: subsidy incidence is the study of who receives the benefit of the subsidy,the degree to which buyers and sellers will be better off due to the subsidy.Subsidies fulfill two functions:(1) It can be regarded as negative taxes, for e.g. government subsidises the provision of publicgoods;(2) Corrective measure to internalise externalities, for e.g. government can subsidise activitiesthat have positive externalities an amount equaling its external benefit.5.2.3. Subsidies: subsidy incidence on sellersThe government pays sellers a subsidy of $1.00 for each unit sold.This shifts supply to the right (supply increases) by the amount of the subsidy.Like a tax, the subsidy creates a wedge between the price buyers pay ($2.40), and the price sellers receive ($3.40).In this case the subsidy is paid to sellers, yet the benefits areenjoyed by both buyers and sellers. The price buyers pay is lower than before and the price sellers receive is higher. Moreover, the quantity traded rises as a result of the subsidy.The market outcomes are identical if the subsidy is paid to buyers.How subsidies affect market outcomes:Subsidies encourage market activity:• When a good is subsidised, the quantity traded rises;• Buyers pay less for the good and sellers receive more (the government makes up the difference).Buyers and sellers share the benefit. It does not matter whoreceives the subsidy. The effects on the market and the subsidy incidence are identical.Supply 2Demand$3 $2.40120100 PriceQuantity $3.40 Equilibrium with subsidySubsidy $1.00Supply 1Equilibrium without subsidyThe demand of first home buyers for housing tends to be relatively elastic. The supply of housing tends to be relatively inelastic.The subsidy creates a wedge between the price paid by buyers and the price received by sellers.The price buyers pay does not fall much, so buyers gain a small benefit. In contrast, the price sellers receive rises substantially, indicating that sellers gain most of the benefit.Price QuantityPrice buyers payDemand1SupplyPrice sellers receivePrice without subsidy Subsidy ($7000)Sellers’ shareBuyers’ shareUnder this scheme, to assist first time home buyers,the government pays buyers a subsidy of $7000 when they purchased their first home.Using the tools of demand, supply and elasticity, we can determine who gets the benefits from this scheme.Demand2 5.2.3. Subsidies: application - who benefits from the First Home Owner Grant scheme?。

Lecture 5拟人、拟声、拟物

Lecture 5拟人、拟声、拟物

拟声词可呈多种次词类形式,其中最常见的是名词、 动词、副词和感叹词。 E.g. The angry husband shut the door with a bang. (用作名词) My heart is banging in my ears. (用作动词)
The drunken driver drove bang into the store window. (用作副词)
Lecture 5
• It gives human form of feelings to animals, or life and personal attributes to inanimate objects, or to ideas and abstractions. Personification is treating a thing or an idea as if it were human or had human qualities. • It is a figure of speech in which a thing, quality, or idea is represented as a person.
There are three chief kinds of personifications: 1) That produced by the use of adjectives. the blushing rose; the thirsty ground
2) That produced by the use of verbs. the kettle sings; the waves danced
3) That produced by the use of nouns. the smiles of spring; the whisper of leaves


• 习语,包括固定搭配使用的词组或短语、成语、典 故、俚语、歇后语、谚语、格言等。 • 从广义上说,习语是语言的精华。 • 它所承载的文化信息特别集中,并且带有强烈的民 族文化特色。
• 思维方式的不同 • 由于东西方之间自然与社会条件差别极大,人们形 成了不同的思维模式。 • 英语强调个体、逻辑,而不是主语,并习惯于抽象思 维;汉语则强调整体、直觉和主语,并常运用具体形 象思维。
• 谋事在人,成事在天 • Man proposes, God disposes • Man proposes, Heaven disposes
• 同一种形象在不同的文化国度中会有不同的联想 意义。 • 例如vinegar在汉语中的比喻联想意义是“忌 妒”——“醋劲大发”、“醋坛子”、“醋罐子” 等;而在英语中它的联想意义是“bad temper”或 “being unhappy” 。 • 如“His resort was delivered with a strong note of vinegar”,译成正确的汉语应为“他怒气冲冲 地进行了回击”。
• • • • • • • • • • • 金元外交 “dollar policy” 大棒加胡萝卜政策 “a stick_and_carrot policy” 时间就是金钱 “Time is money” paper tigers 纸老虎 An inch of time is an inch of gold 一寸光阴一寸金 A gentleman uses his tongue,not his fists 君子动口不动手
• • • •tread on thin ice 如履薄冰 as clear as crystal 像水晶一样透明 as light as a feather 轻如鸿毛 bull market 牛市 Bear market 熊市 tower of ivory 象牙之塔


移动设备 LTPS显示技术在智能手机、平板 电脑等移动设备领域具有广泛应 用前景,可提供高分辨率、低功 耗的显示解决方案。
物联网与智能家居 物联网和智能家居领域的快速发 展为LTPS显示技术提供了新的应 用场景,如智能家居控制面板、 智能穿戴设备等。
车载显示 随着智能交通的发展,LTPS显示 技术在车载导航、仪表盘等领域 有较大的应用潜力。
采用先进的温度控制、压力调节和化 学计量系统,确保制程参数的稳定。 同时,引入自动化和智能化的监控系 统,实时监测制程状态并调整参数。
深入研究设备和材料的兼容性,优化材料选择和制程参数。同时,加强设备之 间的互通性和标准化,提高设备之间的兼容性。
为降低成本和提高效率,产业 链上下游企业将加强合作,实
在生产过程中注重环保和可持 续发展,推动绿色制造和循环
某公司在LTPS制程技术上取得了重大突破,成功研发出高性能、高分辨率的LTPS显示屏。该技术具有低功耗、 高亮度、高对比度等特点,广泛应用于高端智能手机、平板电脑等领域。
某知名品牌手机厂商在其新款旗舰机型中采用了LTPS显示屏,该显示屏具有出色的色彩还原度和超高 的清晰度,为用户带来了极致的视觉体验。该手机上市后获得了市场的广泛认可和用户的一致好评。

最优化方法Lecture5 灵敏度分析

最优化方法Lecture5 灵敏度分析

0 cr cr 0
目标函数值 cB cB B1b cB B1b cB B1b
cB B1b cr br
cr变为cr’ 后,只要把原单纯形表中xr所在的行乘以(cr’-cr)加到
例:min x1 2x2 x3 s.t x1 x2 x3 4 3x1 2x2 6 xj 0 j 1,2,3
2. 基列Pj→Pj’ 重新计算
一个LP问题为 min z 10x1 16x2 x3
x1 2x2 x3 2 2
x1 x2
x j 0, j 1, 2,3
其中 0,求:
1)当 0 时,求解上述LP问题;
2) 在什么范围内变化,原问题的最优性不变。
5 0 2 1 14
-3+5 0 -3+5 0 -8+20
x* 0, 0, 4, 6T
fmin 4
x3 1 1 1 0 4 x4 3 -2 0 1 6
0 -2 0 0 4
1. B1b ' 0 此时,原来的最优基仍为最优基,
x1 x2 x3 x4 x3 1 1 1 0 4 x4 3 -2 0 1 6
0 3 0 04
x1 x2 x3 x4 x2 1 1 1 0 4 x4 5 0 2 1 14
-3 0 -3 0 -8
x* 0, 4, 0, 14T
fmax 8
x1 x2 x3 x4
x3 1 1
1 04

操作系统课件:Lecture5 进程的控制与调度

操作系统课件:Lecture5 进程的控制与调度

例,几乎同时到达的三个作业j1、j2、j3。j1运行2 小时,j2和j3只需1分钟。三个作业的平均周转时 间为2个小时多。增长了短作业的周转时间。
(系统先运行j1,j2和j3要等2个小时。j1完成之后 ,j2和j3再分别运行1分钟。)
(3)为支持可剥夺调度,即使没有新就绪进程,为了让 所有就绪进程轮流占用处理机,可在下述情况下申请 进行进程调度: 当时钟中断发生,时钟中断处理程序调用有关时间片 的处理程序,发现正运行进程时间片到,应请求重新 调度。以便让其他进程占用处理机。 在按进程优先级进行进程调度的操作系统中,任何原 因引起进程的优先级发生变化时,应请求重新调度。 如进程通过系统调用自愿改变优先级时或者系统处理 时钟中断时,根据各进程等待处理机的时间长短而调 整进程的优先级。
内核 进程1 调度
内核 调度
内核 调度
内核 调度
正在执行的进程执行完毕。操作系统在处理进程结束 系统调用后应请求重新调度。 正在执行的进程发出I/O请求,当操作系统代其启动 外设I/O后,在I/O请求没有完成前要将进程变成阻塞 状态,应该请求重新调度。 正在执行的进程要等待其它进程或系统发出的事件时。 如等待另一个进程通讯数据,这时操作系统应将现运行 进程挂到等待队列,并且请求重新调度。 正在执行的进程暂时得不到所要的系统资源,如要求 独占资源,但其被其它进程占用,这时等待的进程应阻 塞到等待队列上,并且请求重新调度。



例7.3 小白鼠在接种了3种不同菌型的伤寒杆菌后的存活天数如表7.5所示。 判断小白鼠被注射3种菌型后的平均存活天数有无显著差异?
菌型 1 2 3 2 5 7 4 6 11 3 8 6 2 5 6 4 10 7 7 7 9 7 12 5 2 12 5 2 6 10 5 6 6 4 3 10
解 提出假设 > mouse<-data.frame( X=c(2, 4, 3, 2, 4, 7, 7, 2, 2, 5, 4, 5, 6, 8, 5, 10, 7, 12, 12, 6, 6, 7, 11, 6, 6, 7, 9, 5, 5, 10, 6, 3, 10), A=factor(c(rep(1,11),rep(2,10), rep(3,12)))) > mouse.aov<-aov(X ~ A, data=mouse) > summary(mouse.aov) Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) A 2 94.26 47.13 8.484 0.0012 ** Residuals 30 166.65 5.56 --Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘
由上述计算结果可知, μ1与μ2, μ1与μ3均有显著差异,而μ2与μ3间 没有显著差异,即小白鼠所接种的三种不同菌型的伤寒杆菌中第一种与 后两种使得小白鼠的平均存活天数有显著差异,而后两种差异不显著。 多重t检验方法的优点是使用方便,但在均值的多重检验中,如果 因素的水平较多,而检验又是同时进行的,多次重复使用t检验会增大犯 第一类错误的概率,所得到的“有显著差异”的结论不一定可靠。 可通过设置函数pairwise.t.test()中的参数p.adjust.method选择不 同的调整P值的方法。

Lecture 5

Lecture 5

• It is difficult for a non-specialist to understand the implications of this and how it interacts with other requirements.
Domain Requirements Problems
• Example
▫ The system shall implement patient privacy provisions as set out in HStan-03-2006-priv.
Domain Requirements
Embedded Systems
Organizational Requirements
• Requirements which are a consequence of organisational policies and procedures e.g. :• process standards used, • implementation requirements, • etc.
Types of Requirements
• Functional Requirements
• Non – Functional Requirements
▫ Also called as Quality Requirements
Functional Requirements
• A functional requirement is a requirement defining functions of the system under development
• If domain requirements are not satisfied, the system may be unworkable

Lecture 5 语态转换 (YOKI)

Lecture 5 语态转换 (YOKI)

英语中被动语态的使用频率较汉语要高得多,其原 因至少有以下几点: 受事方是谈话的主题或中心; 施事方不明或无说明之必要; 出于某种考虑故意不提施事方; 语篇内部的衔接
• 因此,在英汉互译过程中要注意语态之间的转换, 从语义角度出发,灵活处理语言的表达形式,着 眼译文的通顺,遵守译文读者的语言习惯,避免 生硬的翻译,提高翻译质量。
英语被动句 汉语施事方主动句
• It was announced that there will be a new film tomorrow. • 有人通知明天放映新影片。 • Rubber is found to be a good insulation material. • 人们发现橡胶是很好的绝缘体。 • The old professor was seen making an experiment late at night. • 有人看见老教授深夜还在做实验。 • It was pointed out that the accusations were groundless. • 有人指出,这些指控是毫无根据的。
英语被动句 汉语无主语主动句
• Measures have been taken to prevent the epidemic from spreading quickly. • 已经采取了措施来防止这种流行病迅速蔓延。 • Water can be shown as containing impurities. • 可以证明,水含有杂质。 • 必须立即停止这种讨厌的噪声。 • The unpleasant noise must be immediately put to an end.

Lecture 5

Lecture 5
• She promptly shepherded them out of the crowded living room and into the privacy of the library. • 她迅速把他们领出拥挤的客厅,带到了人少的图 书馆。
• One should be psychologically as well as physically sound.
Please have a try!
• An acquaintance of world history is helpful to the study of current affairs.
• 熟悉一些世界史有助于学习时事。 • He urged upon citizens of the country the necessity of persisting in participation in political controversies. • 他告诫全国人民,必须坚持参加政治论战。
• 老年人什么都相信;中年人什么都怀疑;青年人 什么都懂。 • Under given condition, the harmful can be transformed into the beneficial. • 在一定条件下,坏事可以变成好事。
3、n → adj
• I recognized the absurdity of dealing with them through intermediaries. • 我认识到通过中间人跟他们打交道是愚蠢的。
Lecture 5
• • • • • 转性与变态 增补与省略 正译与反译 抽象与具体 分句与合句



? 大进化=种上分类单元进化:树状分歧进化为主。 种间由于生殖隔离和突变以及分歧导致有完全不同 的基因型的固定,从而形成非重叠的基因库( nonoverlapping gene pools )和相互的单系性 (reciprocally monophyletic lineages) 。
? 小进化=种下进化:网状形式的进化 种内群体内 /间的个体因随机交配有发生重组的机会, 从而使个体的基因谱系呈现网状关系 ( reticulating relationships =tokogeny) 。
among taxa) (4) 性状进化(character evolution)
? 采用分子标记不同 ? 抽样策略不同(Sampling strategy) ? 数据分析方法不同
Molecules and their useful ranges in phylogenetic relationships
? 父系遗传标记
? Y Chromosome
? Haploid, none or little recombination ? 1.9×10-9~5.4×10 -9 per site per year ? 母系遗传标记
? Mitochondrial DNA
? Haploid, none or little recombination ? 3.5×10-8 per site per year ? 双亲遗传标记 ? nDNA ? Diploid, undergoes recombination
种下数据分析方法 Data Analysis at Intraspecies
黄原 2010-3

Lecture5 表面等离激元ppt课件

Lecture5 表面等离激元ppt课件

Band-structure effects
n 1 ( r ,) d 3 r 1 ( r ,r ,) s( c r ,f)
1 (r ,r , ) k ,k (fk fk )k * (r ) k (r k ) k * k ( r i )k (r )
n( D2 D1 )
n ( E2 E1 ) 0
0,(z 0) (z) 1,(z 0)
Retarded regime (light speed c is finite)
可以证明:s-polarized wave (TE mode) 在表面上不能存在! 因此,我们只考虑 p-polarized wave (TM mode):
Free-standing Ag薄膜的表面等离激元
反对称模式 -+-+-++-+-+-+
对称模式 +-+-+-+ +-+-+-+
Z. Yuan and S. Gao, Phys. Rev. B 73, 155411 (2006)
模型(Non-retarded regime)
v 1 v
2 c

lecture5 定态薛定谔方程及可解问题(I)

lecture5 定态薛定谔方程及可解问题(I)
及 可解问题(I)
2 2 U (r , t ) 1) 薛定谔方程: i t 2
2) 得到定态薛定谔方程的前提条件:势能不显含时间变量 U ( r )
3) 由2)条件,薛定谔方程变为: 2 i 2 U (r ) t 2 4) 利用分离变量法,考虑方程一特解: (r , t ) (r ) f (t )
i b.几率流密度: J ( * * ) 2 i J ( * * ) 2
( r , t ) ( r )e

11) 由5)和6)得与时间无关的关于 (r ) 的方程:
? (r ) 中,得薛定谔方程特解 8) 将7)中的任意常数并入
( r , t ) ( r )e
iE t
因为 (r ) 中也有任意常数
9) e


E 为系统能量 E 是确定常数

薛定谔方程特解 (r , t ) (r )e

对应着确定的能量 E
* ( x ) 3)所以, 和 ( x) 都是定态薛定谔方程的相应于 E 的解
4)推论: 如果关于 E 的解无简并,则该解总可以表示为实数
E 解无简并 C C C C C 为实数 取C 1
* * *
C 1
定理2 设 V ( x) 具有空间反射不变性 V ( x) V ( x) ,如果 ( x)
( x) C ( x)

lecture 5

lecture 5

• 我们应继续采取措施进一步提高常规教育、成人 教育以及在职培训。 A: We should continue to take measures to further improve regular education, adult education and on-the-job training program. B: We should continue to improve regular education, adult education and on-the-job training program. [- “Continue” to improve=“further” improve. -take measures to improve, unnecessary verb phrase, should be dropped.]
• [- “Make vigorous efforts to” is a variant of “make great efforts to.” • - “To establish the institution of regulating”= “to regulate”.
Unnecessary Modifiers
• 今年从国外进口的汽车数量急剧下滑。 A: Imports of foreign automobiles have declined sharply this year. B: Imports of automobiles have declined sharply this year. [we cannot import a domestic product.]
• Adverbs of time: • 过去我们经常过分强调阶级斗争的需要。 A:Previously we used to overemphasize the need for class struggle. B:We B We used to overemphasize the need for class struggle. [Such adverbs of time as “at present”, “in the future”, “and in the past” appear in the Chinese publications. Actually their function is served by the tense of the verb.

Lecture 5 Restructuring 结构重组法

Lecture 5  Restructuring 结构重组法
• 天快黑了,人家给了他一把椅子,请他坐下来等 一会儿。忽然电灯全亮了,照出了整个大桥的轮 廓。
• 上例在时间上都采取“倒叙”的手法, 其中after, as soon as, before, when,as 引导 的从句所表达的事件或动作都在主句 动词表达的动作之前发生。但是翻译 成汉语时,句子完全是按照时间顺序 排列的。
• (6). Link inversion(连接倒装) • On this depends the whole argument. • 整个争论都以此为论据。
• 这种倒装主要是为了与上下文衔接紧 密。这句话的正常语序为:The whole argument depends on this.
• (7). Signpost inversion(点题倒装) • By strategy is meant something wider. • 战略的意义比较广。 • 这种倒装主要是为了突出话题。这 句话的正常语序为:Strategy means something wider.
• 像公鹿渴望清凉的小溪一样。 • 这种倒装主要是为了保持诗歌、谚语的音步(foot) 一致。英语诗句讲究抑扬顿挫,读起来有节奏。 如果按正常语序:As the hart pants for cooling streams, 音步就乱了,而倒装为As pants the hart for cooling streams,就形成了标准的抑扬格,读起来也就保 持了“轻重、轻重”这样一种节奏。
• 抓住了主要矛盾,一切问题就可以迎刃而解。 (先假设后可能) • 从上面的例子可以看出,英语句子对因果关系等 逻辑顺序比较灵活,而汉语的词序则比较固定, 通常按先——后,因——果,条件——结果的顺 序排列。
• 三、在对某事发表评论时,英语通常先评论或表态,然 后再说明有关情况。汉语则正好相反,通常先叙述(即 事实或描写)后表态(即判断或结论)。例如:

地球物理流体力学 Lecture 5_浅水模型和地转流

地球物理流体力学  Lecture 5_浅水模型和地转流
Ω= 0 i+ Ω cos f j + Ω sin f k
Ekman number 埃克曼数
Ek<<1 viscosity can be neglected Ek~1 viscosity is important
AV H 2
AV H 2
埃克曼层(Ekman layer)是流体中压力梯度力、科氏力和湍流粘性 力三力平衡的一层, 粘性力不可忽视。由瑞典海洋学家埃克曼提出。 埃克曼层理论适用于许多地区,包括大气层底部(接近地球表面和 海洋),大洋底部(海床附近)和表层海水(海气界面附近)。
a V
p 2
( 1
ij )
(a )V 为涡管的倾斜效应 (for vortex tilting)
(a ) V为涡管的伸长效应
(for vortex strectching)
p 2
局地直角坐标(or z coordinate): 随地球转动而运动的正交坐标系 The variables x and y are distances eastward and northward on the globe. We will ignore the effects of sphericity except in the Coriolis term. Then (x, y, z) are equivalent to Cartesian coordinates.
(uu) x
(vu) y
(wu) z

lecture 5 超验主义

lecture 5 超验主义

A. born in a clergyman’s family in New England B. graduated from Harvard C. founded a Transcendentalists' Club and published a journal D. traveled and gave lectures; quite influential
• A. Puritan heritage At the eቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱd of the 18th century people gradually felt boring about the strict Calvinism. At the same time with the development of science and technology, Americans suspected the old religion. Thus, Unitarianism(唯一神教) appeared. It stressed ―continual progress of mankind‖. • Emerson once was a preacher of Unitarianism, but he thought there were too many rituals. Then he resigned from the position. Emerson also believed in individuality. He inherited the ideas of inward communication with God and the divine symbolism of nature.
• A foolish consistancy is the hobgoblin of little minds… • With consistancy a great soul has simply nothing to do.
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Proof of White-Path Theorem
=>Assume v is a descendant of u, there is a unique path from u to v in the DFS forest. Let w be an arbitrary vertex on the path from u to v in the depth-first forest, then w is a descendant of u. By the nesting of descendants’ interval corollary, d[u]<d[w], and so at time d[u], w is white.
Properties of DFS (2)
Theorem 22.7 parenthesis theorem(括号定理): In any
depth-first search of a (directed or undirected) G=(V, E), for any two vertices u and v, exactly one of the following three conditions holds: the intervals [d[v], f[v]] and [d[u], f[u]] are entirely disjoint, and neither u nor v is a descendant of the other in the depth-first forest. the interval [d[u], f[u]] is contained entirely within the interval [d[v], f[v]] , and u is a descendant of v in a depthfirst tree, or the interval [d[v], f[v]] is contained entirely within the interval [d[u], f[u]] , and v is a descendant of u in a depthfirst tree.
1. 2. 3. 4. Tree edges: edges in G 。(树边) Back edges: edges (u, v) connecting a vertex u to an ancestor v. Selfloops in directed graphs are considered to be back edges.(返回边或反 向边) Forward edges: those non-tree edges (u, v) connecting a vertex u to a descendant v.(前向边或正向边) Cross edges: all other edges. They can go between vertices in the same depth-first tree as long as neither vertex is ancestor of the other, or they go between vertices in different trees. (交叉边)
Properties of DFS (2)
The discovery and finishing time have parenthesis structure.
In detail, if we use “(u” to represent the discovery of u, and “u)” the finishing of u, then the history of discoveries and finishings makes a wellformed expression in the sense that the parentheses are properly nested
Lecture 4 Properties of DFS
DFS Algorithm
DFS(G) DFS-VISIT(u) 1 for each vertex uV[G] 1 color[u] GRAY 2 do color[u] WHITE 2 d[u] time time +1 3 [u] NIL 3 for each v Adj[u] 4 time 0 4 do if color[v] = WHITE a global variable 5 for each vertex uV[G] 5 then [v] u 6 DFS-VISIT(v) 6 do if color[u] = WHITE 7 then DFS-VISIT(u) 7 color[u] BLACK 8 f[u] time time + 1
Nesting of descendants’ intervals
Corollary 22.8: Vertex v is a proper descendant of vertex u in the depth-first forest for a graph G if and only if d[u]< d[v] < f[v] < f[u].
Properties of DFS (3)
Theorem 22.9 (White-Path Theorem)

In a depth-first forest of a (directed or undirected) graph G = (V, E), vertex v is a descendant of vertex u if and only if at time d[u] that the search discovers u, vertex v can be reached from u along a path consisting entirely of white vertices.hing time
Properties of DFS (1)
Definition: In a rooted forest(especially, DFS forest), any vertex u on the simple path from the root to v is called an ancestor of v, and v is called a descendant of u. u = [v] if and only if DFS-VISIT(v) was called during a search of u’s adjacency list. u is called the parent of v. Vertex v is a descendant of vertex u in the depthfirst forest if and only if v is discovered during the time in which u is gray.
Proof of Parenthesis Theorem
We begin with the case in which d[u] < d[v]. We consider two subcases, according to whether d[v]< f[u] or not. d[v]< f[u], so v was discovered while u was still gray, which implies that v is a descendant of u. Moreover, since v was discovered more recently than u, all of its outgoing edges are explored, and v is finished, before the search returns to and finishes u. In this case, therefore, the interval [d[v], f[v]] is contained entirely within the interval [d[u], f[u]]. In the other subcase, f[u]< d[v], and by inequality (22.2), thus, d[u] < f[u] < d[v] < f[v], that is, the intervals [d[u], f[u]] and [d[v], f[v]] are disjoint. Because the intervals are disjoint, neither vertex was discovered while the other was gray, and so neither vertex is a descendant of the other. The case in which d[v] < d[u] is similar, with the roles of u and v reversed in the above argument
Proof of White-path theorem
<=(By contradiction) Suppose at time d[u], there is a path from u to v consisting only of white vertices, but v does not become a descendant of u in the depth-first tree. Without loss of generality, assume that every other vertex along the path becomes a descendant of u. (otherwise, let v be the closest vertex to u along the path that does not become a descendant of u.) Let w be the predecessor of v in the path. Hence, w is a descendant of u, and by Corollary Nesting of descendants’ intervals, f[w] <= f[u]. Note that v must be discovered after u is discovered, but before w is finished. Therefore, d[u]<d[v]<f[w]<= f[u]. Parenthesis Theorem then implies that the interval [d[v],f[v]] is a subinterval of [d[u],f[u]]. By Corollary Nesting of descendants’ intervals, v must be a descendent of u.