
化工设备泵p u m p 轴流泵a x i a l f l o w p u m p 真空泵v a c u u m p u m p 屏蔽泵c a n n e d p u m p 柱塞泵p l u n g e r p u m p 涡轮泵t u r b i n e p u m p 涡流泵v o r t e x p u m p 离心泵c e n t r i f u g a l p u m p 喷射泵j e t p u m p 转子泵r o t a r y p u m p 管道泵i n l i n e p u m p 双作用往复泵d o u b l e a c t i o n r e c i p r o c a t i n g p u m p 计量泵m e t e r i n g p u m p 深井泵d e e p w e l l p u m p 齿轮泵g e a r p u m p手摇泵h a n d(w o b b l e)p u m p 螺杆泵s c r e w(s p i r a l)p u m p 潜水泵s u b m e r s i b l e p u m p 斜转子泵i n c l i n e d r o t o r p u m p 封闭式电磁泵h e r m e t i c a l l y s e a l e d m a g n e t i c d r i v e p u m p 气升泵a i r-l i f t-p u m p 轴承b e a r i n g 叶轮i m p e l l e r 虹吸管s i p h o n 高压容器h i g h p r e s s u r e v e s s e l 焚化炉i n c i n e r a t o r 火焰清除器f l a m e a r r e s t e r 工业炉f u r n a c e 烧嘴b u r n e r 锅炉b o i l e r 回转窑r o t a r y k i l n加热器h e a t e r 电加热器e l e c t r i c h e a t e r 冷却器c o o l e r 冷凝器c o n d e n s e r 换热器h e a t e x c h a n g e r 反应器r e a c t o r 蒸馏釜s t i l l 搅拌器a g i t a t o r 混合器m i x e r 静态混合器s t a t i c m i x e r s 管道混合器l i n e m i x e r s 混合槽m i x i n g t a n k s 破碎机c r u s h e r 磨碎机g r i n d e r 研磨机p u l v e r i z e r 球磨机b a l l m i l l过滤器f i l t e r 分离器s e p a r a t o r 干燥器d r i e r 翅片f i n s 烟囱s t a c k 火炬f l a r e 筛子s c r e e n 煅烧窑c a l c i n e r 倾析器d e c a n t e r 蒸发器e v a p o r a t o r 再沸器r e b o i l e r 萃取器e x t r a c t o r 离心机c e n t r i f u g e r 吸附(收)器a d s o r b e r 结晶器c r y s t a l l i z e r 电解槽e l e c t r o l y z e r电除尘器e l e c t r i c p r e c i p i t a t o r 洗涤器s c r u b b e r 消石灰器s l a k e r 料仓b i n 料斗h o p p e r 加料器f e e d e r 增稠器t h i c k e n e r 澄清器c l a r i f i e r 分级器c l a s s i f i e r 浮洗器f l o c c u l a t o r 废液池s u m p 喷射器e j e c t o r 喷头s p r a y e r 成套设备p a c k a g e u n i t 仪器设备a p p a r a t u s 附属设备a c c e s s o r y旋转式压缩机r o t a r y c o m p r e s s o r 往复式压缩机r e c i p r o c a t i n g c o m p r e s s o r 水环式压缩机n a s h c o m p r e s s o r 螺杆式压缩机h e l i c a l s c r e w c o m p r e s s o r 离心式压缩机c e n t r i f u g a l c o m p r e s s o r 多级压缩机m u t i p l e s t a g e s c o m p r e s s o r 固定床反应器f i x e d b e d r e a c t o r 流化床反应器f l u i d i z e d b e d r e a c t o r 管式反应器t u b u l a r r e a c t o r 列管式换热器t u b u l a r h e a t e x c h a n g e r 螺旋板式换热器s p i r a l p l a t e h e a t e x c h a n g e r 萃取塔e x t r a c t i o n c o l u m n 板式塔p l a t e c o l u m n 填料塔p a c k e d c o l u m n 洗涤塔s c r u b b e r 吸收塔a b s o r b e r冷却塔c o o l i n g t o w e r 精馏塔f r a c t i o n a t i n g t o w e r 汽提塔s t r i p p e r 再生塔r e g e n e r a t o r 造粒塔p r i l l t o w e r 塔附件t o w e r a c c e s s o r i e s 液体分配(布)器l i q u i d d i s t r i b u t o r 填料支持板s u p p o r t p l a t e 定距管s p a c e r 降液管d o w n c o m e r 升气管c h i m n e y 顶(底)层塔盘t o p(b o t t o m)t r a y 挡板b a f f l e 抽出口d r a w n o z z l e 溢流堰w e i r 泡罩b u b b l e c a p筛板s i e v e p l a t e 浮阀f l o a t v a l v e 除沫器d e m i s t e r p a d 塔裙座s k i r t 椭圆封头e l l i p t i c a l h e a d 高位槽h e a d t a n k 中间槽i n t e r m e d i a t e t a n k 加料槽f e e d t a n k 补给槽m a k e-u p t a n k 计量槽m e a s u r i n g t a n k 电解槽c e l l 溜槽c h u t e 收集槽c o l l e c t i n g t a n k 液滴分离器k n o c k o u t d r u m 稀释罐t h i n n i n g t a n k 缓冲罐s u r g e d r u m回流罐r e f l u x d r u m 闪蒸罐f l a s h d r u m 浮顶罐f l o a t i n g r o o f t a n k 内浮顶罐c o v e r e d f l o a t i n g r o o f t a n k 球罐s p h e r o i d 气柜g a s h o l d e r 湿式气柜w e t g a s-h o l d e r 干式气柜d r y g a s-h o l d e r 螺旋式气柜h e l i c a l g a s-h o l d e r 星型放料器,旋转阀r o t a r y v a l v e 抽滤器m u t c h e f i l t e r 压滤器f i l t e r p r e s s 压滤机p r e s s u r e f i l t e r 板框压滤器p l a t e-a n d-f r a m f i l t e r p r e s s 转鼓过滤器r o t a r y d r u m f i l t e r 带式过滤器b e l t f i l t e r翻盘式过滤器袋滤器b a g f i l t e r 旋风分离器c y c l o n e s e p a r a t o r 盘式干燥箱c o m p a r t m e n t t r a y d r i e r 真空干燥器v a c u u m d r i e r 隧道式干燥器t u n n e l d r i e r 回转干燥器r o t a r y d r i e r 穿流循环干燥器t h r o u g h c i r c u l a t i o n d r i e r 喷雾干燥器s p r a y d r i e r 气流干燥器p n e u m a t i c c o n v e y o r d r i e r 圆盘式加料器d i s h f e e d e r 螺旋式加料器s c r e w f e e d e r 颚式破碎机j a w c r u s h e r 回转破碎机g y r a t o r y c r u s h e r 滚洞破碎机r o l l c r u s h e r 锤式破碎机h a m m e r c r u s h e r冲击破碎机r o t o r i m p a c t b r e a k e r 气流喷射粉碎机j e t p u l v e r i z e r 棍磨机r o d m i l l 雷蒙机r a y m o n d m i l l 锤磨机h a m m e r m i l l 辊磨机r o l l e r m i l l 振动筛v i b r a t i n g s c r e e n 回转筛r o t a r y s c r e e n 风机f a n 罗茨鼓风机r o o t's b l o w e r 起重机c r a n e 桥式起重机b r i d g e c r a n e 电动葫芦m o t o r h o i s t 发电机g e n e r a t o r 电动机m o t o r 汽轮机s t e a m t u r b i n e。

医疗包装机械设备中英文对照表泡罩包装机blister packagingmachinﻫ泡罩板装盒机blisterboxingmachineﻫ药用塑料管膜制造机madicinalplastic tube/film making machineﻫ药用塑料容器制造机medicinal plastic packaging container makingmachineﻫ螺旋卸料过滤离心机scroll discharge screen centrifuge密闭离心机hermeticcentrifugeﻫ密闭式转鼓真空过滤机enclosedrotary-drum va cuum filterﻫ灭菌设备sterilizing equipment明胶液设备liquid gelatin equipmentﻫ明胶液桶gelatin tankﻫ模制瓶制造机mould bottlemaking machineﻫ盘管式多效蒸馏水机multi—effectcoil waterdistiller旁滤式离心机side-filteredpiston-discharge sedimentary centrifuge抛射剂压装机freon press-filling machineﻫ泡罩板装盒机blister boxingmachine 药用塑料管膜制造机madicinal plastic tube/film making machine药用塑料容器制造机medicinal plastic packagingcontainer making machine螺旋卸料过滤离心机scroll dischargescreencentrifugeﻫ密闭离心机hermetic centrifuge药用相关包装机械medicinal interrelatedpackaging machineryﻫ药用印字机medicinalprinting machineﻫ药用装盒包装机medicinal boxing andpackaging machineﻫ叶滤机leaf filterﻫ液体灌装自动包装线automatic liquidfilling and packaginglineﻫ医用低速离心机pharmaceutical low-speed centrifugeﻫ移动缸式制粒机moving cylinder typemixing granulator饮片机械sliced herbalmedicine machinery硬度测定仪hardness testerﻫ硬胶囊充填机hard gelatincapsule filling machineﻫ硬胶囊剂机械machinery for hard gelatin capsule原料药设备及机械machinery andequipment for pharmaceutical material圆盘干燥机disc dryer圆盘真空过滤机rotarydiscvacuum filterﻫ远红外干燥器far-infrared dryerﻫ轧盖机cappingmachine粘浆式贴标签机paste adhesivelabeling machineﻫ粘浆式外盒贴标签机paste adhesivecarton labelingmachineﻫ真空干燥箱vacuum drying oven真空浓缩罐vacuum concentrating tank真空匀质制膏机vacuum emulsifying unguent machineﻫ真空振动流动干燥机vacuum vi brateddryerﻫ振荡式筛分机vibration type screeningmachine振动干燥机vibrating dryerﻫ震荡落盖器cap vibrating device蒸发设备evaporatingequipment蒸馏釜distiller蒸馏设备distillingequipment整粒机straightening granulatorﻫ直联式三足离心机direct-coupledthree column centrifuge直线式安瓿拉丝灌封机linear type ampoule fillingand drawing-sealingmachineﻫ直线式安瓿清洗机linear type ampoule cleaning machine直线式玻璃输液瓶灌装机linear type glass infusionbottlefillingmachine直线式口服液剂灌封机linear typeliquid oraldrug filling-sealing machine直线式液体灌装机linear type liquidfilling machine纸型膜分格包装机checker embossing and packaging forpaper film纸型药膜机paper medicine film machineﻫ制袋包装机sack making and packagingmachine制膏机unguentmachine制盒安瓿印字包装机box makingand printing-packaging machine for ampoule制盒批号印字机batch number printingmachineforcarton制剂机械preparation machinery制粒机granulator制膜包装机medicinefilmmaking and packaging machine制膜机medicine film machineryﻫ制丸机pill making machine制药用水设备water treatmet equipment forpharmaceutical useﻫ中空纤维发酵器hollow fiber fermenter贮存设备storageequipment柱塞式液体灌装机pistontype liquid filling machine转鼓式贴标签机drum typelabeling machineﻫ转鼓真空过滤机rotary-drumvacuum filter转笼式软胶囊定型干燥机cage type soft capsuledryerﻫ转盘式计数充填机disktype counting—fillingmachine转台真空过滤机rotary tablevacuumfilterﻫ锥形混合机conical mixerﻫ自动高速旋转式压片机automatichigh speed rotary tablet press组合立刀粉碎机bined vertical—knife millﻫ卧式抗生素玻璃瓶胶塞清洗机horizontal typeantibiotic vial stopplewashing machine卧式抗生素玻璃瓶清洗机horizontal antibiotic vial cleaning machineﻫ卧式拉管生产线horizontalglasstube drawing production lineﻫ卧式椭圆形封头容器horizontaltype elliptical head vessel卧式无折边球形封头容器horizontal type flapless spherical head vessel洗药机herbal medicine washing machine铣削式粉碎机milling breakerﻫ小蜜丸机smallpill making machine小软管装盒机small collapsible tube boxing machine小丸剂瓶装机small pillbottlingmachineﻫ斜刀多级粉碎机multi-stage inclined—knife mill行列式玻璃输液瓶清洗机rowtype glass infusion bottle washingmachine行列式抗生素玻璃瓶清洗机row type antibiotic vial cleaning machineﻫ旋盖机cap screwing machine旋涡式振动筛eddytypevibrating screen旋转式安瓿拉丝灌封机rotary type ampoule filling and drawing—sealing machineﻫ旋转式玻璃口服液瓶清洗机rotary glass oralbottlecleaning machine旋转式气雾剂联合灌装机rotary type aerosol interlocking filling machine旋转式切药机rotaryherbalmedicine slicing machineﻫ旋转式压片机rotary tablet press旋转式摇瓶机rotary bottle rocker旋转式液体灌装机rotary type liquid filling machineﻫ旋转式制粒机rotary granulator选丸机pillselecting machine压磨式粉碎机press-grind mill压片机tablet pressﻫ压纹式轧盖机embossingtypecapping machineﻫ研磨机gr inding machineﻫ摇摆式制粒机oscillating granulatorﻫ药膜剂机械medicine film drugmachinery药片、胶囊印字机tabletand capsuleprinting machine药片印字机tabletprinting machineﻫ药品包装机械pharmaceuticalpcakagingmachinery药物检测设备medicinedetecting instrumentﻫ药液灌装机liquid drug filling ma chineﻫ药用包装机械medicine packagingmachinery药用包装容器成形充填封口机medicinal container forming and filling-sealing ma chine药用玻璃瓶清洗机medicinal glass bottle cleaningmachineﻫ药用玻璃瓶制造设备med icinal glassbottle making equipment药用玻璃容器制造机medicinal glass packaging containermaking machineﻫ药用充填机medicine fillingmachineﻫ药用袋装包装机sackedmedicine packaging machineﻫ药用定量充填机medicine quantitative filling machine药用粉碎机械pharmaceutical milling machinery药用裹包机medicinal wrapping machine泡罩包装机blisterpackaging machine药用计数充填机medicine counting-filling machineﻫ药用金属容器制造机metallicmedic inalcontainer makingmachine药用捆合包装机medicinal tyingmachine药用铝管制造机medicinal aluminium tube makingmachineﻫ药用泡罩包装机medicinal blister packaging machine药用容器塞封机medicine bottlecorking-sealing machineﻫ药用收缩包装机medicine shrink packagingmachineﻫ药用塑料管膜制造机madicinal plastic tube/film making machineﻫ药用塑料容器制造机medicinalplasticpackaging container makingmachineﻫ螺旋卸料过滤离心机scroll discharge screen centrifuge密闭离心机hermetic centrifuge密闭式转鼓真空过滤机enclosedrotary—drum vacuum filter灭菌设备sterilizing equipmentﻫ明胶液设备liquid gelatin equipmentﻫ明胶液桶gelatin tank模制瓶制造机mouldbottlemaking machineﻫ盘管式多效蒸馏水机multi—effect coilwater distillerﻫ旁滤式离心机side-filteredpiston-dischargesedimentarycentrifugeﻫ抛射剂压装机freon press-fillingmachineﻫ泡罩板装盒机blisterboxing machine培养罐culture tank培养基连消塔culture mediumsterilizingcolumnﻫ喷射自吸式发酵罐jet an slf-drawn fermentingtank喷雾阀门轧口机spray valverolling-installing machine喷雾干燥气spray dryer泡罩包装机blisterpackagingmachineﻫ片(丸)剂瓶装机tablet/capsulebottling machineﻫ片、丸、胶囊玻璃剂瓶装自动包装线glass bottled tabled/capsule automatic packaging line片、丸、胶囊剂瓶装自动包装线bottletablet/capsuleautomatic packaging line 片、丸、胶囊剂塑料瓶装自动包装线plastic bottledtablet/capsule automatic packa gingline片剂机械tabletmachinery平板式泡罩包装机plate type blister packagingmachineﻫ破碎振动筛分机crushing andvibrating screeningmachineﻫ其她类型得发酵设备other type fermenting equipment其她药用金属容器制造机othermedicinal containermakingmachine其她制药机械及设备other pharmaceutical machinery and equipment气流粉碎机pneumatic crackerﻫ气流干燥器pneumatic dryerﻫ气流搅拌式发酵罐air stirring typefermentingequipment气升式发酵罐airliftfermenting tank气雾剂灌封机组aerosol drug filling-sealingmachine气雾剂机械aerosol drug machinery气雾剂冷灌装机aerosolcold-filling machine切药机herbalmedicine slicing machineﻫ揿盖装置cappressingdevice清糖浆制造设备simple syrup producing equipment清糖浆专用过滤器simple syrup filterﻫ球磨机ball mill全自动填塞式硬胶囊充填机pistontypefully-automatic hardgelatin capsule filling machineﻫ全自动硬胶囊充填机fully-automatic hardgelatin capsule filling machine热泵干燥器heatpump dryer热泵蒸发器heat pump evaporatorﻫ热风循环烘箱circulatinghot air ovenﻫ热熔式制栓机hot meltingtypesuppository making machineﻫ热压式蒸馏水机thermopressionwaterdistiller溶出实验仪dissolution testerﻫ溶胶锅gelatin dissolver溶胶锅gelatin melter溶药罐medicine dissolvingtankﻫ熔糖罐sugar melting tankﻫ乳钵研磨机mortarmillﻫ软膏灌封机unguentfilling-sealing machineﻫ软膏剂机械unguent drugmachinery软胶囊(丸)剂机械machinery for softgelatin capsuleﻫ软胶囊清洗机soft capsule wa sher软胶囊输送机softcapsuleconeryor软胶囊制造机soft capsulemaking machine润药机herbalmedicineinfiltrating machineﻫ塞棉机cottonstuffingmachineﻫ塞内塞机inner cork stoppling machineﻫ密闭式转鼓真空过滤机enclosed rotary—drum vacuum filterﻫ灭菌设备sterilizing equipment明胶液设备liquid gelatin equipment明胶液桶gelatintankﻫ模制瓶制造机mouldbottlemaking machine盘管式多效蒸馏水机multi—effectcoil waterdistillerﻫ旁滤式离心机side—filtered piston-discharge sedimentary centrifugeﻫ抛射剂压装机freon press—fillingmachineﻫ药用贴标签机medicinal labelingmachine塞塞封蜡机corkingandwax-sealing machineﻫ塞纸机paper stuffing machine 泡罩包装机blisterpackaging machineﻫ三足式沉降离心机solidbowl three column centrifuge三足式离心机three-column centrifugeﻫ筛分机械screening machineﻫ筛选机screening machineﻫ上悬式离心机top-suspended centrifuge升膜式蒸发器upward film evaporatorﻫ生化反应器biochemicalreactor声波干燥器sound-wavedryer湿法制粒机wettype granulatorﻫ输瓶机bottleconveyerﻫ输液剂机械infusionmachinery栓剂崩解器suppository disintegration tester栓剂机械suppository drug machineryﻫ栓壳成形灌封机suppository shell forming and f illing—sealing machine双锥回转式真空干燥机double conic rotary vacuum dryer双锥型混合机double conical mixer水针剂机械injection machineryﻫ说明书折叠机synopsisfolding machineﻫ送料装置conveyer for medicine material塑料滴眼瓶成形灌封机eye drug plastic tube formingandfilling—sealingmachineﻫ塑料滴眼瓶清洗设备eye drug plastic tube cleanerﻫ塑料盖制造机plasticcap making machine塑料口服液瓶成形灌封机plastic oralbottle forming andfilling-sealing machineﻫ塑料瓶输液检漏仪leakage detector for plastic bottle infusionﻫ塑料瓶制造机pla stic bottlemakingmachineﻫ塑料容器输液剂设备plastic infusion equipmen tﻫ塑料软管灌封机plasticsoft tubefilling-sealingmachine塑料输液袋灌封机plasticinfusionbag filling-sealing machine塑料输液瓶成形灌封机plastic infusionbottleforming andfilling—sealing machine塑料制瓶充填包装机plastic bottleforming and filling-packaging machineﻫ隧道烘箱tunnel drying ovenﻫ隧道式灭菌干燥机tunnel sterilizingdryerﻫ塔式发酵器tower fermenter塔式移动床发酵罐moving—bed towerfermenter台式硬胶囊充填机tabletypehard gelatincapsulefillingmachine糖浆配制罐syrup toring and dispensingtankﻫ提取罐extracting tank提取浓缩罐extracting and concentractingtankﻫ填函式换热器packing-gland hea texchanger通用装盒机universal boxling machine外滤面转鼓真空过滤机external filtering surfacerotary-drum vacuum filter外循环式蒸发器externalcirculating evaporator丸剂干燥机pill drying machineﻫ丸剂机械pill machineryﻫ往复式切药机to-and-frotype herbalmedicineslicingmachineﻫ往复式摇瓶机to—and—fro bottlerocker往复式振动筛to—and—fro typevibrating screenﻫ微波干燥器microwave dryerﻫ微孔薄膜过滤设备microbore-film filtering equipment微孔过滤设备microbore filtering equipmentﻫ微丸瓶装机mini—pill bottlingmachineﻫ维持罐maintaining tankﻫ稳定泵regulatingpumpﻫ涡轮式粉碎机turbo—mill卧式安瓿制造机horizontal anmpoulemaking machine卧式刮刀卸料离心机peeler centrifuge卧式滚筒筛分机horizontaldrumscreening machine ﻫ卧式活塞推料离心机pusher centrifugeﻫ卧式结晶器horizontalcrystallizer开合式轧盖机open—close typecapping machineﻫ抗生素玻璃瓶超声波清洗机ultra—sonic antibioticvial cleaning machine抗生素玻璃瓶分装机antibiotic vial filling machiine抗生素玻璃瓶封蜡机antibotic vialwaxing machine抗生素玻璃瓶胶塞洁净设备antibiotic vial stopplecleaningequipmentﻫ抗生素玻璃瓶理瓶机antibioticvialstraightenerﻫ抗生素玻璃瓶螺杆分装机antibiotic vial screw-filling machineﻫ抗生素玻璃瓶气流分装机antibiotic vialpneumatic—filling machine抗生素玻璃瓶清洗机antibioticvial cleaning machine抗生素玻璃瓶塞塞机antibiotic vial stoppling machine抗生素玻璃瓶水剂灌装机liquidmedicineantibiotic vial filling machineﻫ抗生素玻璃瓶隧道式灭菌干燥机antibiotic vial tunnel sterilizingdryer抗生素玻璃瓶轧盖机antibiotic vial capping machineﻫ抗生素粉、水针剂机械machiner yformedicine powder and liquid antibiotic vial抗生素粉针生产联动线antibioticvial antibioticpowder automaticproduction li neﻫ抗生素瓶铝盖清洗机antibiotic vial aluminium capwashing machineﻫ空心胶壳制造生产线capsule shellproductionline空心胶囊制造机empty capsule making machine蜡壳包装机waxy pillcover packaging machine冷冻干燥机freezingdryerﻫ冷挤压制栓机coldpressing type suppository makingmachine离心机centrifuge离心式包衣制粒机centrifugal typecoating—granulating machine离心式薄膜蒸发器centrifugal filmevaporator离心式刮板薄膜蒸发器centrifugal scraper film evaporatorﻫ离子交换设备ion-exchange equipment理瓶机disk type bottle straightening machine立式安瓿制造机vertical ampoule makingmchine立式侧刀粉碎机verticaltype side-knifemillﻫ立式炒药机verticaltypeherbal medicine roasterﻫ立式结晶罐verticalcrystallizer立式抗生素玻璃瓶清洗机vertical antibiotic vial cleaningmachine立式平底平盖容器vertical vessel withflat top and flat bottomﻫ立式平盖锥底容器verticalvessel with flattop and conical bottomﻫ立式椭圆形封头容器vertical vesselwithelliptical headﻫ立式锥篮离心机verticaltypeconic basket centrifuge 连续插管式硬胶囊充填机insertion pipe continuous hard gelatincapsulefilling machine量杯式充填机measuring cup fillingmachineﻫ列管式多效蒸馏水机multi-effecttubular water distiller流化床发酵罐fluid-bed fermenter流化床沸腾干燥器fluid bed dryer龙门式贴标签机portal typelabeling machine铝管冲挤机aluminium tube extruding machine铝管螺纹机aluminium tube screwing machineﻫ铝管旋盖机aluminium tube capprinting machineﻫ铝管印字机aluminium tube printing machine铝塑泡罩包装检测仪detector for aluminium-plastic blister package履带式计数充填机caterpillar typecounting—filling machine螺旋板式换热器scroll—plateheat exchanger螺旋卸料沉降-过滤离心机solid/screen bowlscrollcentrifuge螺旋卸料沉降离心机scroll discharge sedimentarycentrifuge高速离心机high—speedcentrifugeﻫ高速旋转式压片机high speedrotary tablet pressﻫ高效包衣机high efficiency coatingmachine高压匀质泵highpressureuniforming pumpﻫ固定床发酵器fixed-bedferment erﻫ固定缸式制粒机fixingcylinder type mixing granulatorﻫ固定管板式换热器fixed tube-sheet heat exchangerﻫ固定化细胞流化床发酵器fixed-cellfluid-bed fermenter固定式刮板薄膜蒸发器constant-clearance scraper filmevaporator固体发酵罐solidfermenting equipmentﻫ刮板式薄膜蒸发器scraper typeevapora tor刮刀卸料沉降离心机knife-discharge centrifugal clarifierﻫ管壳式换热器tubular heat exchanger管式分离机tubular centrifuge管式过滤设备tubular filtering equimentﻫ管制瓶制造机glass tube vialmaking machineﻫ柜式灭菌箱cabinet type sterilizingtank滚板组合式泡罩包装机plate-cylinder type blisterpackagingmachine滚模式软胶囊生产联动线cylinder typesoft capsule interlocking production line 滚模式软胶囊压制机cylinder type soft capsuleencapsulating machineﻫ滚碾式制膏机rollingtype unguent machine滚筒式玻璃输液瓶内洗机horizontal drumtype glassinfusion bottleinternal washing machine滚筒式炒药机drumtype herbalmedicine roasterﻫ滚筒式泡罩包装机cylinder type blister packagingmachineﻫ滚压式抗生素玻璃瓶轧盖机rollingtype antibiotic vial cappingmachineﻫ滚压式轧盖机rollingtype capping machineﻫ过滤机pharmaceutical filter过滤离心机filtering centrifugeﻫ化学反应设备chemical reacting equipment换热器heat exchangerﻫ回转式玻璃输液瓶灌装机rotary type glassinfusion bottle filling machineﻫ回转式混合机rotary mixer回转式口服液剂灌封机rotary typeliquid oral drugfilling-sealing machine混合机mixer混合制粒机mixing granulator机械搅拌发酵设备mechanical stirring type fermenting equipment机械式粉碎机machine mill机械式药用玻璃瓶清洗机mechanical medicinal glassbottlecleaning machine机械自吸式发酵罐self-drawn typefermenting equipmentﻫ基质熔融罐melting tank挤压式制粒机pressing granulatorﻫ间歇插管式硬胶囊充填机insertion pipe intermittenthard gelatin capsule filling machine检片机tablet detectorﻫ降膜式蒸发器downwardfilm evaporator胶囊、药片磨光机capsule/tabletsmoothing machineﻫ胶囊印字机capsule printingmachine胶囊重量选择机capsuleweight checker胶体磨colloid millﻫ搅拌干燥机stirringdryerﻫ搅拌式发酵罐stirring typefermenting tank结晶设备crystallzing equipmentﻫ金属检测仪metal detector金属软管灌封机metallic collapsible tube filling—sealing machine精馏塔fractionalcolumn就地清洗、灭菌设备site cleaning-sterilizing machineﻫ局部层流装置partiallaminar f lowdevice菌种选育设备seed fungus selecting equipment开合玻璃输液瓶塞塞、翻塞机glass infusion bottlerubber cork stoppling andturni ng-overmachineﻫ玻璃输液瓶洗、灌、封生产联动线washing and filling-sealing int erlocking productionlinefor glass infusion bottleﻫ玻璃输液瓶轧盖机glass infusionbottle cappingmachineﻫ玻璃纸包装机glassine packagingmachine不干胶贴标签机self—adhesivelabeling machineﻫ不干胶外盒贴标签机self-adhesive carton labeling machineﻫ不干胶药用瓶贴标签机self-adhesive medicinal bottle labelingmachine擦丸机pillwiping machineﻫ槽型混合机trough type mixer层板式过滤设备laminate filtering equipmentﻫ敞开式浓缩罐opentypeconcentratingtank超临界萃取设备supercritocal extracting equipment超声波药用玻璃瓶清洗机ultra-sonicmedicinal glass bottle cleaning machineﻫ炒药机herbalmedicineroaster沉降离心机sedimentary centrifugeﻫ齿式粉碎机tooth millﻫ充气装置gas-fillingdeviceﻫ除气仪gasremoving instrument垂直输箱机vertical type caseconveyer锤块式粉碎机blockmillﻫ锤片式粉碎机paddle mill锤式粉碎机hammer millﻫ脆碎仪brittleness tester萃取设备extracting equipment打、喷印装置markerﻫ大蜜丸机large pill making machine带式翻板干燥机chaindrivedrying equipment带式真空过滤机horizontal-belt vacuum filter带状包装机strip packaging machine单冲压片机single punch tablet press单机联动瓶装包装线bottle medicine automaticinterlocking packging lineﻫ刀式多级粉碎机multi—stageknife millﻫ刀式粉碎机knife mill滴丸机pill dropping machine滴眼剂灌装设备eye drug filling equipmentﻫ滴眼剂机械eyedrug machineryﻫ滴眼瓶、胶帽清洗设备tubeand rubber cap cleaner for eye drug滴眼瓶胶帽清洗器rubbercapcleaner滴制式软胶囊(丸)制造机dropping typesoftcapsule/pillencapsulatingmachineﻫ电渗析设备eletric-penetration waterpurificating equipment电子计数充填机electronic counting-filling machine碟式分离机disc centrifugeﻫ酊水、糖浆灌装机tincture syrup filling—sealing machineﻫ酊水、糖浆剂机械tincturedrug machinery动态提取罐dynamic extractingtankﻫ冻力仪bloom tester多功能抗生素玻璃瓶胶塞处理机multi-purpose antibiotic vialstopplecleaning machine多功能药用瓶装包装机multi-function medicine bottle packagingmachineﻫ多效蒸发器multi-effect filmevaporatorﻫ发酵设备fermenting equipment反渗透设备anti-penetration equipment反应设备reaction equipmentﻫ废胶囊绞碎机waste capsule mincer沸腾制粒机fluid bed granulatorﻫ分离机separatorﻫ分子蒸馏设备molecular distillingequipmentﻫ粉末压片机powder pressing machine封盖机sealing/capping machineﻫ封蜡机wax-sealing machineﻫ浮头式换热器floatinghead heat exchangerﻫ干法制粒机dry type granulatorﻫ干燥设备drying equ ipment式抗生素玻璃瓶轧盖机open—closetype antibioticvial capping machine安瓿擦瓶机ampoulerubbing machine安瓿超声波清洗机ultra—sonic ampoule cleaningmachineﻫ安瓿超声波清洗机ultra—sonicampoulecleaningmachine安瓿割圆机ampoule cutting machine安瓿灌封机ampoule filling an sealing machineﻫ安瓿灭菌检漏设备ampoule steri lization and leakagedetectorﻫ安瓿清洗机ampoule cleaning machine安瓿色标机ampoule markerﻫ安瓿隧道式灭菌干燥机ampouletunnel sterilizing machine安瓿洗、烘、灌、封联动机ampoule cleaning-dryingand filling-sealing interlocking m achineﻫ安瓿洗灌封机ampoule cleaningand drawing—sealingmachine安瓿印字包装机ampouleprinting and packaging machine安瓿印字机ampouleprintingmachine安瓿印字装盒机ampouleprinting and boxing machineﻫ安瓿制造设备ampoule making equipment安瓿注射液异物半自动检查机semi—automaticimpurity detectingmachine for ampoule injectionﻫ安瓿注射液异物检测仪impurity detectorforampoule injection安瓿注射液异物检查设备impurity detecting equipment for ampoule injection安瓿注射液异物自动检查机impurity detecting machine for ampoule injection板翅式换热器wing typeheat exchangerﻫ板框压滤机plateand frame filterpre ssﻫ板式多效蒸馏水机platetypemulti-effectwater distiller板式换热器plate type heat exchanger板式蒸发器plate type evaporator半自动药用玻璃瓶清洗机semi-automaticmedicinal glassbottle cleaning machin eﻫ半自动硬胶囊充填机semi-automatichard gelatin capsule filling machine包衣机coatingmachine崩解仪disintegrationtester荸荠式包衣机water chestnuttype sugar coating machineﻫ标签批号印字机batch number printing machine for labelﻫ玻璃滴眼瓶清洗设备eye drug glass tubecl eanerﻫ玻璃口服液瓶超声波清洗机ultra-sonic glassoral bottle cleaningmachineﻫ玻璃口服液瓶清洗机glassoral bottlecleaning machine玻璃口服液瓶隧道式灭菌干燥机glass oral bottle tunnelsterilizingdryerﻫ玻璃口服液瓶轧盖机glass oralbottle capping machineﻫ玻璃瓶口服液剂生产联动线glassor al bottle liquid oraldrug interlocking production lineﻫ玻璃瓶输液剂灭菌柜glass infusion bottle sterilizing cabinet玻璃瓶输液剂设备glass bottle infusionequipment玻璃瓶输液瓶理瓶机glass infusionbottle straightener玻璃瓶输液瓶清洗机glass infusion bottle washingmachineﻫ玻璃瓶输液瓶外洗机e xternal washing machineforglass infusion bottle玻璃瓶输液异物半自动检查仪semi-automatic impurity detecting machine for glass bottle infusion玻璃输液瓶超声波清洗机ultra—sonic glass infusion bottle washingmachine玻璃输液瓶充氮机nitrogenfilling machine forglassinfusion bottle玻璃输液瓶翻塞机glassinfusion bottle plug turning—over machine玻璃输液瓶灌装机glass infusion bottlefillingmachine玻璃输液瓶胶塞清洗机rubbercork washing machinefor glassinfusion bottle玻璃输液瓶塞胶塞机glass infusion bottle rubber corkstopplingmachineﻫﻫﻫ。

电机设备术语:front form: 前模rear form: 后模middle form: 中模stripper 铜头holder 定位器bolt 螺钉lamination 冲片lend end 出线侧opposite lend end 非出现侧coil 绕组slot 槽数bore 内径iron gap /slot opening槽口stack height 铁芯高度compression ring 端部套guide 导轨blade 导条stator 定子wire range 漆包线线径copper wire 铜线single strand 单绕线径insertion 落线drift 整形pitch 跨距winding pattern 绕组方案process flow 工艺流程manual 手动的conveyor 输送带cycle time 生产节拍daily output 日产量perishable part 易损件spare part 备件ambient condition 周围环境air pressure 压缩空气源atmosphere 气压bearing 轴承grease oil 润滑油nozzle 管口cylinder 气缸valve 气动阀furnace 隧道炉butter 缓冲器muffler 消声器clamp 勾线夹pressure meter 压力计gauge 计量器具electric cabinet 电气柜component 元件wiring diagram 电路图anti chemical corrosion 耐化学腐蚀fasten 扎牢sensor 传感器optical switch 光电开关proximity switch 接近开关limit switch 限位开关socket 插座laptop computer 便携式电脑subtask 子任务relay 继电器servo drive 伺服电机驱动punch 冲制manual load/unload 手动上料、下料rotation speed 回转速度former 绕线模concave 刮痕pinhole test 针孔实验washer 垫圈open hole 安装孔shoulder hole 阶梯孔定子故障词汇:buildup 堵线crossover 共槽loosening 松脱wire over wedge 槽外线scratch 伤漆膜wire damage, wire deformation, wire over wedge, short wedge or wedge jam.伤线、线压痕、槽外线、侧槽、槽楔长短、槽楔推不进绕组package opening 开箱检验profile inspection 外观检查plating 电镀operation guide 作业指导书operation description 作业技术说明inspection criteria 检验标准aluminum 铝semi-product 半成品final product 成品scrap material 报废材料attachment 附件whitworth 英制螺纹metric system 公制table of contents 目录。

化工设备常用词汇和缩写中英文对照缩写/ 英文/中文AB Anchor Bolt 地脚螺栓Abs Absolute 绝对的Abs Abstract 文摘、摘要A/C Account 帐、帐目AC Alternating Current 交流电Add Addendum 补充、补遗、附录ADL Acceptable Defect Level 允许的缺陷标准Adpt Adapter 连接器、接头AE Absolute Error 绝对误差AET Acoustic Emission Examination 声发射检验AISC American Institute of Steel Construction 美国钢结构学会AISI American Iron and Steel Institute 美国钢铁学会AL Aluminium 铝Alk Alkaline 碱的、强碱的ALM Alarm 报警Alt Alternate 交流、改变Amb Ambient 周围的Amt Amount 数量、金额Anh Anhydrous 无水的ANSI American National Standard Institute 美国国家标准学会API American Petroleum Institute 美国石油学会App Apparatus 设备App Appendix 附录、补遗Appl Applied 应用的Appl Applicable 适当的、合适的Approx Approximate 大约、近似Appx Appendix 附录、附件Arrgt Arrangement 布置AS Alloy steel 合金钢Asb Asbestos 石棉ASL Above Sea Level 海拔高度ASM American Society for Metals 美国金属学会ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers 美国机械工程师学会Assem Assembly 装配ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials 美国材料试验学会Atm Atmosphere 大气atm Atmosphere pressure 大气压Auto Automatic 自动Aux Auxiliary 辅助设备、辅助的Avail Available 有效的、可用的Avg Average 平均AW Arc welding 电弧焊AW Automatic Welding 自动焊A.W.G. American Wire Gauge 美国线规AWS(AWI) American Welding Society(Institute) 美国焊接学会BAB Babbitt Metal 巴氏合金Baf Baffle 折流板、缓冲板BB Ball Bearing 滚珠轴承BC Between Centers 中心距、轴间距BC Bolt circle 螺栓中心圆BD Blow down 放空、放料BEDD Basic engineering design data 基础工程设计数据Bet Between 在…之间Bev Bevel 斜角、坡口BF Back face 背面、反面BF Blind flange 法兰盖(盲法兰)BHN Brinell hardness number 布氏硬度值BL Battery Limit 界区BL Battery Line 界区线B/L Bill of Loading 载荷数据表Bld Blind 盲板Blk Black 黑色Blk Blank 空白BM Bench Mark 基准标志BM Bending Moment 弯矩B/M (BOM) Bill of Material 材料表Bot Bottom 底BP Back Pressure 背压BP Base plate 底板BR Basic Requirements 基本要求BRG Bearing 轴承BRKT Bracket 支架Brs Brass 黄铜BS Both Side 两边BS British Standard 英国标准BS Balance Sheet 平衡表Bskt Basket 筐BTU British Thermal Unit 英国热量单位BV Back View 后视图BV Butterfly Valve 碟阀BW Brine Vater 冷冻盐水BW Butt Welding 对焊BWG Birmingham Wire Gauge 伯明翰线规BWRA. British Welding Research Association 英国焊接研究协会C Centigrade(degree) 摄氏度数CA Chemical Analysis 化学分析CA Corrosion Allowance 腐蚀裕量Calc Calculate 计算Cap Capacity 能力、容量CAS Cast Alloy Steel 铸造合金钢Cat Catalyst 触媒、催化剂Catg Catalog 目录、样本C-C(C/C) Center to center 中心距cc carbon copy 复写(纸复制)本cc cubic centimeter 立方厘米CCW Counter clockwise 反时针方向CD Cold Drawn 冷拉的、冷拔的CE Covered Electrode 焊条Cent Centrifugal 离心的CF Centrifugal Force 离心力CFW Continuous Fillet Weld 连续角焊缝CG Center of Gravity 重心CH Case-Hardening 表面硬化Ch Chapter 章节Cham Chamfer 倒角、斜角、斜面Chan Channel 通道、沟槽、管箱、槽钢Chk Check 检查CI Cast Iron 铸铁CIF Cost,Insurance and Freight 到岸价格Circ Circumference 圆周、环向CL Class 等级、类别CL Center Line 中心线CL Clearance 间隙CLAS Cast Low Alloy Steel 低合金铸钢CM Center of Mass 质量中心Cnds Condensate 冷凝液CO Clean Out 清除Co Company 公司Coef Coefficient 系数Col Column 柱、塔Comb Combination 组合Comp Compare 比较Comp Compound 化合物、复合的Compn Composition 组分Conc Concrete 混凝土Conc Concentration 浓度Cond Conductor 导体Cond Condition 条件Conn Connection 联接、接口Const Constant 常数、恒定的Const Construction 结构Cont Control 控制Cont Contain 包含Cont Content 内容、含量Corp Corporation 公司Corr Corrosion 腐蚀CP Centipoise 厘泊CP Center of Pressure 压力中心Cpl Coupling 管箍Cplg Coupling 联轴节CR Chloroprene Rubber 氯丁橡胶CS Carbon Steel 碳钢CS Center Section 中心截面CSTG Casting 铸造、铸件Ctr Center 中心CW Cooling Water 冷却水CW Continuous Welding 连续焊Cy Cycle 循环Cyl Cylinder 气缸、圆筒D Density 密度Dbl Double 二倍、双DEDD Detail Engineering Design Data 详细工程设计数据Def Definition 定义Deg Degree 度、等级Dept Department 部门Des Design 设计Det Detail 详细Detn Determination 确定、决定Dev Deviation 偏差Dev Device 装置DF Design Formula 设计公式Df Deflection 偏斜Dia Diameter 直径Diag Diagram 图Dim Dimension 尺寸Dir Direction 方向Disch Discharge 排出、出口Distr Distribution 分布Div Division 部分、区分DL Dead load 静载荷、自重Doc Document 文件、资料DP Design Pressure 设计压力DP Differential Pressure 压差、分压Dr Drill 钻孔Dr Drive 驱动DW Dead weight 静重、自重DW Demineralized Water 脱盐水Dwg Drawing 图E East 东EC Elasticity Coefficient 弹性系数Ecc Eccentric 偏心EF Electric Furnace 电炉Eff Efficiency 效率eg exempli gratia 例如EHP Effective Horsepower 有效功率EJ Expansion joint 膨胀节EL Elevation 标高Elb Elbow 弯头Elec Electric 电的Elem Element 元素、元件Ellip Ellipsoidal 椭球的、椭圆的Emer、Emerg Emergency 事故、紧急Encl Enclosure 密封、封闭Engrg、Eng Engineering 工程、设计EP Explosion Proof 防爆Eq Equipment 设备Eq Equation 公式、方程式Eq Equivalent 当量ES Electrostatic 静电EST Estimate 估计ESW Electro-Slag Welding 电渣焊ET Eddy Current Examination 涡流检验etc et cetera (and so on) 等等Evap Evaporate 蒸发Ex Example 例如Ex Excess 过剩、超过Exam Examination 检验Exh Exhaust 废气、排气Exp Expansion 膨胀Exptl Experimental 实验的Ext External 外部Ext Extreme 极端的FAO Finish All Over 全部加工FAX Facsimile 传真FB Flat Bar 扁钢FCAW Flux Cored Arc Welding 熔剂芯弧焊(手工焊)Fdn Foundation 基础FDW Feed Water 给水FF Flat Face 平面F/F Field Fabricated 现场制造Fig Figure 图Fin Finish 加工、完成FL Full Load 满载Flex Flexible 挠性Flg Flange 法兰FOB Free On Board 离岸价格FOC Free Of Charge 免费Forg Forging 锻件FOS Factor Of Safety 安全系数FREQ Frequency 频率FST Forged Steel 锻钢Ft Feet 英尺Ftg Fitting 管件、装配F.V. Full Vacuum 全真空FW Fresh Water 新鲜水FW Field Weld 现场焊接FW Fillet Weld 角焊缝GA General Average 平均值Gal Gallon 加仑Gen General 一般、总的Genr Generator 发电机、发生器GF Groove Face 槽面Gl Glass 玻璃GL Ground Level 地面标高GMAW Gas Metal Arc Welding 气体保护金属极电弧焊Gnd Ground 接地、地面Govt Government 政府GP General Purpose 一般用途、通用Gr Grade 等级Gr Gravity 重力Grd Ground 地面Grp Group 分组、类Gr- wt Gross weight 总重、毛重HB Brinell Hardness 布氏硬度HC Hydrocarbon 烃类HC High Capacity 大容量HD Head 压头Hex Hexagon 六角HH Hand Hole 手孔Hor Horizontal 水平、卧式hp Horsepower 马力HP High Pressure 高压HR Rockwell Hardness 洛氏硬度HR(hr) Hour 小时HRC Rockwell C Hardness C级洛氏硬度HS High Pressure Steam 高压蒸汽HS Shore Scleroscope Hardness 肖氏硬度HSC High Pressure Condensate 高压蒸汽凝液HT High Temperature 高温HT Heat Treatment 热处理HT Hydrostatic Test 水压试验HV Vickers Hardness 维氏硬度Hvy Heavy 重的、重型的HW Hot Water 热水ICW Inter Cooling Water 中间冷却水ID Inside Diameter 内径IF Interface 交接面Illus Illustration 说明、图解IN Inlet 进口in Inch 英寸incl Including 包括Ind Indicate 指示Ins Insulation 保温INSP Inspection 检验Instl Installation 安装Int Internal 内部的Int Intermediate 中间的Intmt Intermittent 间歇的、间断的I/O Input/Output 输入/输出Jt Joint 连接、接头KG Kilogram 公斤KW(kw) Kilowatt 千瓦LAS Low Alloy Steel 低合金钢lb pound 磅LC Level Control 液位控制器Leng Length 长度LF Female Face 凹面Lg Long 长的LG Level Glass 液位计LH Left Hand 左手Lin Linear 线性的Liq Liquid 液体Lj Lap joint 搭接LJ Lapped Joint 松套LM Male Face 凸面LMTD Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference 对数平均温差LN Liquid Nitrogen 液氮LN Level Normal 正常液位Lng Lining 衬里LNG Liquefied Natural Gas 液化天然气Lo Lubrication oil 润滑油Lo Low 低LOA Length Over-All 全长\总长LOC Location 位置Log Logarithm(to the base 10) 对数(以10为底)Long Longitudinal 纵向LP Low Pressure 低压LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas 液化石油气LT Low Temperature 低温LT Leak Testing 气密试验Ltd Limited 有限Ltr Letter 字母、信Lub Lubricate 润滑LW Lap Welding 搭接焊LWN Long Welding Neck 对焊长颈LWS Longitudinal Welded Seam 纵向焊缝M(m) Meter 米、公尺Mach Machine 机器Maint Maintenance 维修Mat(Mat’l) Material 材料MAWP Maximum Allowable Working Pressure 最大允许工作压力Max Maximum 最大MDMT Min. Design Metallic Temperature 最低设计金属温度Mech Mechanical 机械的Mfd Manufactured 制造的Mfr Manufacturer 制造商MG(mg) Milligram 毫克MH Manhole 人孔MI Melt Index 熔融指数MIG Metal Inert Gas Arc Welding 熔化极惰性气体保护焊Min Minimum 最小MIN(min) Minute 分钟MJG Metallic Jacketed Gasket 金属包复垫片Mk Mark 标志ml Milliliter 毫升mm Millimeter 毫米MP Medium Pressure 中压MPC Maximum Permissible Concentration 最大许用浓度MS Medium Pressure Steam 中压蒸汽MS Medium Steel 中碳钢MSL Mean Sea Level 平均海平面MT Magnetic Particle Examination 磁粉检测MTD Mean Temperature Difference 平均温差Mtd Mounted 安装、装配MTR Material Testing Report 材料试验报告MU Measurement Unit 测量单位MV Mean Value 平均值MW Mineral Wool 矿渣棉N North 北NA Not Applicable 不适用的NAT Natural 天然的Natl National 国家的NC America National Coarse Thread 美制粗牙螺纹NDT Nondestructive Testing 无损检验Neg Negative 负NF American National Fine Thread 美国细牙螺纹Nip Nipple 螺纹管接头、短节Nom Nominal 名义Nor Normal 正常NOZ Nozzle 接管NPS American Standard Straight Pipe Thread 美国标准直管螺纹NPSHA Net Positive Suction Head Available 有效汽蚀裕量NPSHR Net Positive Suction Head Required 要求汽蚀裕量NPT American Standard Taper Pipe Thread 美国标准锥管螺纹NT Net Tonnage 净吨数NTP Normal Temperature and Pressure 标准温度和压力NTS Not To Scale 不按比例Num Number 数、编号、号码Obj Object 目标、对象OC Operating Characteristic 操作特性OD Outside Diameter 外径OH Open Hearth 平炉Oper Operating 操作Opp Opposite 对面、相反OR Outside Radius 外半径OR Outside Ring 外环Orien Orientation 方位Ovhd Overhead 高架的、顶部的Oxyg Oxygen 氧P Page 页P Pressure 压力Par Parallel 平行Para Paragraph 节、段Pc Piece 件PE Polyethylene 聚乙烯PFD Process Flow Diagram 工艺流程图Perform Performance 性能PF Power Factor 功率因素PID Piping & Instruments Diagram 管道和仪表流程图Pl Plate 板Pneum Pneumatic 气、气动PO Purchase Order 订货单Port Portable 便携式、轻便Posit Positive 正Posit Position 位置ppb Parts per billion 十亿分之几ppm Parts per million 百万分之几Prod Product 产品Proj Project 项目、工程PS Polystyrene 聚苯乙烯psf Pounds per square feet 磅/平方英尺psi Pounds per square inch 磅/平方英寸PT Liquid Penetrants Examination 液体渗透检测PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene 聚四氟乙烯PV A Polyvinyl Acetate 聚醋酸乙烯PV AL Polyvinyl Alcohol 聚乙烯醇PVC Polyvinyl Chloride 聚氯乙烯PWHT Post Weld Heat Treatment 焊后热处理QA Quality Assurance 质量保证QC Quality Control 质量控制Qty Quantity 数量Qual Quality 质量R Radius 半径Rad Radial 径向RC Rockwell Hardness 洛氏硬度Recip Reciprocate 往复式Recirc Recirculate 再循环Recom Recommended 建议、推荐Ref Reference 参照、基准Refract Refractory 耐火材料Reg Regulator 调节器Regen Regenerator 再生器、再生塔Reinf Reinforce 加强Rel Relative 相对Rep Report 报告Rep Repeat 重复Reqd Required 要求、需要的REV Revision 修改、版次Rev Review 评论、检查Rev Revolution 旋转、转数RF Raise face 突台面RH Relative Humidity 相对湿度RH Right Hand 右手RMS Root Mean Square 均方根ROT Rotating 旋转rpm revolutions per minute 转/分rps revolutions per second 转/秒RT Radiographic Examination 射线照相检验S South 北SAW Submerged Arc Welding 埋弧焊Sc Scale 刻度、比例SC Standard Condition 标准状态(温度压力)SCH Schedule 表号、管厚号、进度Sec Second 秒Sec Section 剖面、节、段Seg Segment 节、段Sep Separator 分离器Seq Sequence 次序、顺序SG Specific Gravity 比重SHP Shaft Horsepower 轴马力SI Standard International 国际单位制Sig Signal 信号Sld Solid 固体SMAW Shield Metal Arc Welding 手工焊Smls Seamless 无缝的SO Slip on 平焊(法兰)Sol Solution 溶液SP Spare parts 备件Sp Special 特殊的、专门的SP Static pressure 静压力Spec Specification 说明、规定SpGr Specific Gravity 比重Sq Square 方形、平方SR Stress Relief 消除应力SS Stainless Steel 不锈钢Sta Station 站STD Standard 标准STDWT Standard Weight 标准重量STL Steel 钢STP Standard Temperature and Pressure 标准温度和压力Suc Suction 吸入Suppl Supplement 补充SW Shop Welding 车间焊接SW Spot Weld 点焊SW Socket Welding 承插焊(法兰)SWP Safety Working Pressure 安全工作压力SYM Symbol 符号、标志SYM Symmetry 对称SYS System 系统T Ton 吨TC Tungsten Carbide 碳化钨Tech Technique 技术TEMA Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association 管壳式换热器制造商协会(美国)Temp Temperature 温度Term Terminal 终端、接头Thk Thickness 厚度TIG Tungsten Inert Gas Arc Welding 钨极惰性气体保护焊TL Tangent line 切线Tol Tolerance 公差Tot Total 总Trans Transfer 输送器TW Total Weight 总重TW Tack Welding 定位焊Typ Typical 典型、标准UNC Unified National Coarse Thread 统一标准粗牙螺纹UNF Unified National Fine Thread 统一标准细牙螺纹US Undersize 尺寸过小UT Ultrasonic Examination 超声波探伤UTS Ultimate Tensile Strength 抗拉强度极限Vac Vacuum 真空Vap Vapor 蒸汽Var Variable 变化、变量Vel Velocity 速度Vert Vertical 垂直V ol Volume 体积VT Visual Testing 宏观(目测)检查W Watt 瓦WL Welding Line 焊缝线WL Water Line 水线WPS Welding Procedure Specification 焊接工艺规程WP Working Pressure 工作压力WRC Welding Research Committee 焊接研究委员会(美国)WS Water Supply 供水WT Weight 重量W/V Wind Velocity 风速XR X-Ray X射线Yd Yard 码YP Yield Point 屈服点Yr Year 年。

towerreactorfluidfluid characteristicsgas-holderbibbPiping componentPipeFittingBendFlangeGasketPiping SpecialtyEnd ConnectionWeldingVarieties of WeldingType of WeldingWelding PositionDefects of WeldingHeat TreatmentConventional Heat Treatment Surface Heat Treatment InspectionTestFerrous MetalNon-metallic MaterialPiping Material Specification Material Take-off45°lateralEquipment NameVesselPipe Supports and Hangers Attachment of SupportType of Pipe Support spectacle blindquarter bendlong radius elbowdouble bevel grooveL-type supportO-ring“S”bendT-boltT-type strainerT-barcombination U and V grooveU-bolt“U”bendX-ray radiographydouble V groovey-type strainergamma radiographysafety factorerectionammonia gasreinforcing saddlessaddlefemale faceAustenitic stainless steel austenitic stainless steel pipe octagonal ring gasketdrawingcrateissueofficehalf couplingsemi-killed steeltracing pipetracing steampackingsaturated steamcold insulationhot insulationinsulation blockquoted pricequotationrupture diskexplosive weldinglimit of explosionnorthspare partsstand-byback to backstyrene-rubberpump housescalespecific heatspecific gravitywall thicknessschedule numbergratelightning preventeritemizeditemized equipmentflat nuttransmittertransformer roomelevationtitle blockstandardstandard pipe supportstandard drawingsurface preparationacrylonitrile-butadiene-styreneacrylic resinwave crestwave troughcorrugated metal gasket with asbestos inserted corrugated metal gasketbellow expansion jointglassglass clothglass tubeglass woo1gage glassBirmingham wire gagePoisson ratiomake-upreinforcement padstainless steelstainless steel pipeBrinell hardnessdepartmentbill of materialmaterial status reportProcurement; Purchasepurchase specificationpurchasing specification summary sheet referencereference drawingresidual stresschannelslot weldinggroove facegrooved metal gasketsketchthermo-paintblanklong radius returnslotnormally closednormally openvendor quotationvendor coordinative meeting future areafree on truckover-dimension cargo ultrasonic test superimposed loadclarifiersettlercountersunk screwlined pipeproductproduction design phase package unitcontractionsocket weldedsocket welding endsocket welding flange sockoletbell endgravity settlerorange colourendurance limitserratedfinshock loadimpact testimpact valueflush valveevacuationoutletcenter line of discharge preliminary stagefree on boardwindowblow-offsoot blowerpurgeperpendicularvertical installafion verticalalkyd enamelenamelmagnetic particle test roughnessstrainercoarseexpeditingbrittlenessquenchingextractoralignment tolerancemismatchlap weldinglapped jointlarge end threadlarge end plainbarometric legatmospheric pollutionatmosphereover haulcode numberside outlet elbowasbestos rope with inconeleye rodhinged expansion jointtied expansion jointpin with holebase teebase elbowstrap clampholdsingle bellowbendsingle U groovemonomersingle actionpacked slip joint spring washerspring hangerspring steelspring constant hangerresting type spring constant support spring supportresting type spring supportspring constantspring bracingelastic limitmodulus ofelasticitylightnitrogencanduitthermal conductivity factorconduit tubeguideroadstraight teestraight crossplasma weldingisothermal quenchingisothermal annealinglow alloy steellow-carbon steellow pressurelow pressure steambase plateflat on bottomprimary coatanchor boltfloor drainground levelabove ground pipingsloptankunder ground pipingearthquakeseismic loadseismic co emc ientprimary valvespot weldingpittingelectrical tracingarc weldingelectro corrosiontelephoneelectric heatercable trenchcurrentelectrical panelcapacitanceelectric-fusionelectric fusion weldingwirevoltageelectroslag weldingresistanceelectric resistance weldingelectric-resistance welded steel pipe backing weldspacertype of gasketwasherlifting lughangerhoisting beamdaviterection openingregulating valvequenching and temperingwing nutnitrile butadiene rubbertop plateJack screwflat on toppurchasing orderlocationtack weldpreset piecesdowel pindirectional stoplimit stopeastdynamic loaddynamic analysisplugplatingchromium-plated, chrome-plated galvanized steel pipe galvanized plain sheet galvanized wiregalvanized wire meshshort radius returnshort radius elbowshort codenipoletnipplereduction of areasection modulusslack quenchingforged steelwrought-iron pipeswageforgingforged valveforged steel clevisreducing swagebuild up weldingsymmetricbutt weldingbutt weldedbutt welded end welding neckflange welding neck collar convection section alignmentmultiple bellow multiport valve trunnionsecondary stresstwo-axis stopfoaminghair feltvalve pitflanged endblind flange, blind protective discflange facingfacing finishflangedlapped pipe end reactionsquare washersquare barsquare nutsquare head bolt orientationdirectionexplosion door moisture-proof packing winterizingcorrosion inhibitor anti-corrosive paint fire-proofingfire dooranti-sweatwater-proof packing rust-proof packing antirust paintventvent valvevent holenon-metallic gasket unpaved area nonferrous alloynon-rotary valvewaste heat boilerrimmed steelvictaulic couplingsubcontractorDecibelseparatorkey plananalytical engineering phaseanalyzer roommolecular sievephenolic paintincineratorwind loadwind velocityback run weldingpeak stresscrevice corrosionfuran resinfluoroplasticssymbolradiant sectionauxiliary boilercorrosioncorrosion testcorrosion allowanceappendant displacement; externally imposed displacement appendixaccessoryclad steelclad pipedry gas-holderdryerinduction hardeningrigidrigid hangerplatestrap steelsteel pipesteel pipe flangesteel ringsteel structuretop of steelreinforced concrete constructioncableleverhigh silicon cast ironhigh alloy steelhigh strength steelhigh-carbon steelhot quenchinghigh pressurehigh pressure steam isolating valvepartition wallinsulationsound insulation chromium steelchrome-molybdenum steel chromium-nickel steel inconelfeed water heaterroot valveroot gaproot crackincomplete penetration locker roomplantshop weldplant northplant limitengineering specification engineering manual engineering drawingtool steelman-dayman-hourindustrial waste water process airprocess flow diagram process gasprocess waterprocess liquidI-beamworking procedureworking pointworking loadoperating temperature operating pressure nominal pressurenominal diameterutility flow diagram metric ibreadpower factortapped; tappingsuppliercopolymerresonancethroughboaom of trenchmemberestimated priceestimatefixed saddlefix pointanchornatural frequencynatural frequency mode client; customer observation door, peep door pipe attachmentpiping layoutpiping arrangement plan piping classclass designationpiping attachmentpiping andline spanpiping flexibility analysis piping designpiping requisition sheet piping studypiping elementpiping support drawing bouom of pipetop of pipespool piecesleeperpiping trenchline spacingfitting to fitting coupling, full coupling clampshellnozzlelist of nozzlesnozzle orientationpipe rackpipe threadcapshoenetwork of pipespiping systemline listpipetubeinvertmoment of inertiaclosetgroutinggroutingdrumtank yardsmoothsmooth raised faceplanning stagecalcium silicatealuminosilicate fiberkieselguhrrolling supportboilerboiler feed waterfilterethylene perchloride paintsuperheated susceptivitysuper heatersuperheated steamover-sea mean levelburn throughwelding plate flangewelding endsymbol of weldwelded steel pipewelding procedure qualification test welding inspectionweld crackweldingiinebranch pipe welded directly to the run pipe weldoletoverlapwelding wirewelding electrodesynthesis towersynthetic rubberalloy steelalloy steel pipestructural alloy steelloadload caseconstant hangergirderredafter coolerpit; cratersliding saddlesliding supporttackle-blockseptic tankchemical analysis chemical cleaning chemical sewagering joint circumferential band ambient temperature ambient temperaturering joint faceeye boltring joint metal gasket flat ring gasketcirele bendepoxy, epoxy resin epoxy resin paintknock out drumheat exchangeryellowbrassgreygrey cast irontemper brittleness direct-fired heater recoverytemperingrotary kilnsummary sheetinter department check mixing valvemixertop of concretelive loadunionflareflare gasflame surface quenching maehine bolt mechanical vibration foundation; footingbasic designexcitationpolar moment of inertiadead-soft annealingultimate strengthquenchercatch basindrip legdrip valvelumped massextrudingmeasuring tankcomputer aided designcalculation sheettechnical specificationextra heavy, extra strongfeed tankstiffienerreinforcing ringheatercleatelastomer with cotton fabric insertionspiral-wound metal gasket with asbestos fillerelastomer with asbestos fabric insertionelastomer with asbestos fabric insertion and with wire r jacketed line, jacketed pipingjacketed valveslag inclusionmethanatortop of supportintermittent weldingdesuperheatersnubberdamping deviceshear stressinspection holeinspectionpart humbetconstructionbuildingkeyalternating stressdelivery orderalternating currentadhesivegussetangle steelhexagonal steel barfillet weldingangular rotationagitatorcontact corrosiongrounding; easthingearth lugreceivercontinue on drawingmatch linenodenode numberpitchcrystallizerbattery limit conditionoff sitemicroscopic testflat metal jacketed asbestos filled gasket clad; metal jacketing; cladding metalgas metal arc weidingmetal hosemetallic stuffingribfeedPTFE impregnated asbestos gasketTeflon impregnated asbestos packing intergranular corrosionfractionating towerfinished, finewellpurifiernet positive suction headnet weightstatic electricitydead loadlocal panelspot annealingsevere cyclic conditiondistancepolyurethanepolyurethanepolyurethane paintpolystyrenepolypropylenepolybutylenepolymerpolymethyl methacrylatepolyvinyl chloridepolyvinylidene fluoride polytetrafluoroethylenePTFE sliding platepolymerizerpolycarbonatepolyolefinpolyamidepolyethylenepolyester resinpolyester fibersabselute elevationroot mean squarehomopolymeras built drawingstart-upkick-off meeting; launching meeting cotter pintensile strengthbending strengthcompressive strengthhardenabilityadjustable cleatadjustable supportmalleable ironflammableair separation facilityair coolerairorificeorifice flangecontrol roomspanquick closing valvequick opening valvequick couplingwide flanged beammineral woolflaring testtension testtension stresshandrailbluecold-drawing seamless pipecold shortnessrefrigerantcold workingcold springcold flowcondensercoolingcooling towercooling towercold loadcold rollingforcemomentcouple of force vertical welding asphaltbituminous painttie plateconnecting rodtie rodhook up drawing interlocktop of beambeamboth end threadboth ends plain reformercritical pointcritical temperature critical pressure temporary load phosphor bronzeflow diagramflow metersulphuric acidradius of gyration hexagonal nut hexagonal head bolt floorstair; stair way funnelfurnace tubefurnacehalogen gas leak test shoulderaluminumalaminium sheet aluminum magnesium aluminum bronzegreenneoprenechlorinated polyvinyl chloride chlorinated polyethertapnutboltbolt circlethreadedthreaded endthreaded flangethreaded joint, pipe threaded joint threadoletspiral plate heat exchangerspiral welded steel pipehelical gas-holderstud boltbare iineRockwell hardnessMartensitic stainless steelmastic weatherproof coatingex wharfpulsationpulsating stressgross weightcliprivetAmerican standard taper pipe thread American wire gagedoormanganese bronzedensitysealing oilblanketareain-planefinishing coatout-planeface to facefire extinguishernomenclaturemodelbase metalmother liquorwoodwood blockwooden boxmolybdenum steelbevel for inside thickness inner ringinternal forcebevel for combined thickness internal pressure stressfire brickalkali-proof paintheat resisting steelincoloyheat-proof paintHastelloycorrosion resistanceacid-proof paintseismic classsouthdeflectionflexible tubenylon plasticcounter clock wiseurea resinnickel steelnickel copper alloyfreezing pointtorquetorsional stress concentrationdischarge valveexhaustblow downblowdown valveblow down tankdraindrain valvedrip ringdrain funnelpad type flangeby passby-pass valvefoam glassfoamed concretecellular polystyrenefoam monitorfoam hydrantfoam fire-fightingfoam stationswitch boardsubstation, switch roomcompanion-flangeejectorsprayerspray nozzleshelterborosilicate glassexpansion jointexpansion boltapproved for planningapproved for designapproved for constructionfatigue limitfatigue testeccentric reducerfrequencyflat gasketplain washerplain endflat weldingwelding-on collarflat metal gasketplanplatformparallelevaluationgroovebeveled endvacuum breakervacuum breakerpaving areageneral structure low-alloy steel general carbon steelspectrum analysisurushiol resin paintcylindergas welding; flame welding vaporizerporosityair tightness testfusion gas weldingcavitation erosiongas-shielded arc weldinggas analysisgaseous corrosiongas chromatographpneumatic teststeam drumleadwallsupport on wallblock valvecut to suittangent linebronzehydrogen embrittlementhydrogenvarnishclean outrequisitioningspheroid, spherical tankspheroids annealingspherical washernodular cast iron; nodular graphite iron ball type expansion jointarea limitzone iimityield pointyield limitsampling valvesampling connectionsample coolerfull jacketedflat face; full faceskirtfuel gasfuel oilthermocouplethermosetting plasticshot workingthermal expansion coefficienthot waterhot-water tracingthermoplasticthermal cyclethermal stressthermal stress analysisheat affected zonehot rollinghot-rolling seamless pipemanholepersonal protectionman-monthtoughesssolvent cementsolutionsolution storage tankmelting pointmelterflexibility characteristicflexibilityflexibility factorflexibility stressvisual inspectioncreep rupture strengthcreep limitinletcenter line of suctionhose valvehose connectionhose stationsoftenercork woodsoft waterlubricating oilsprinklerplug weldingtriangular support’teethree way valvebulk materialblisterflash pointflash drumuprisercaustic sodaburnerequipment listequipment item numberdesign specification summary sheet basic engineering design data design managerdesign temperaturedesign documentdesign response spectrumdesign pressuredesign scismic coefficientdesign notefacilitiesradiographic testchillerdarkapprovalcheck listnitridationchromizingchromized steelsoak-away pitaluminizingcarbonizationboostersanitary sewerpig ironsound intensitysound pressure levelsound sourceeconomizerfull water testhumiditywet gas-holderasbestos boardasbastos clothasbestos ropeasbestos fabricgraphite phenolic plasticsnaphthaageing treatmentemergency valvesight glasscommissioninghand-operated valvemanual and automatic inert gas tungsten arc welding handholewrought ironresindata sheetdata basequantityattenuation constantdouble extra heavydouble bellowcorrugated metal double jacketed asbestos filled gasket double jacketed gasketdouble U groovedouble offset expansion “U”double branch elbowwater traatmentwater hammerwater quenchingcold quenchingwater coolerwater-gas steel pipefinishing cementwater monitorwateringhorizontal installationhorizontalhydraulic testclock wisedescriptiongauze strainerTeflon tapcrossloose plate flangeloose hubbed flangelap joint flangeplasticplastic pipeplasticitysour gasarithmetical average roughness height gravel pavingtongue faceacetal plasticindexlock nuttitaniumcarbon steel pipecarbon steelmagnesium carbonateporcelain enamelceramicspecial flangespecial supporttrapezoid threadvolumeskylightnatural white rubber gasketnatural gasnatural rubberslip type expansion jointpackingstuffing box glandpacking boxcaulking materialskip weldingferritic alloy steel pipeshut-downventilating roomtypical pipe supporttypieal installation concentric reducercopperaccuracy of take-offbidlens gasketmale faceraised facestub endfiguredrawing numberlegendcoatingpaintingsurgingthrustannealingcradlestooldesulphurization reactor degasifierdemineralized water demineralizerdeaeratoroval ring gasketellipsoidal headbevel for outside thickncss outer ringexternal forceexternal pressure stress externally applied load bending momentbending testbending stresselbowelboletuniversal jointuniversal type expansion joint checkered platedouble-acting limit stophazardous area classificationhazardous area planmicro crackVickers diamond hardnessmaintenance roomincomplete fusion; lack of fusion displacementdisplacement stress rangedisplacement stressthermometerthermowellfileeddy current testcontaminationcontaminated rain waterseamless steel pipeinorganic zinc-rich paintnon graphited compressed white asbestos gasket non-destructive testingnon-itemized equipmentwestadsorbersuction valvesound-absorbingabsorberscrubbereye washer and showereye washer stationfine threaddownadvanced certified finalfiber reinforced thermoplasticsfield weldwire gagerestriction orificestopstopperlimit rodrestraintintersectionphasesweepoletdetaildetail designdetail design issueprojectjob No.proiect status reportproject managerbatterylimitinside battery limitproiect review meetingrubberrubber hoserubber tuberubber pavingstress relieffire fighting truckfire hose connectionfire waterfire pumphydrantsilencersilencernitric acidpinpinned shansmall end threadsmall end plaincheckbracingslant washermitre bendlatroletharmonic analysisleak testunloading valveshaped steelrevisiontrim to suitallowable stressallowable stress rangebattery roomcantilever supportcyclonesnow loadinquirycireulatloncooling water supplycooling water returncirculating waterflattening testpressure rating, pressure rating class classmanometerpressure balanced expansion pressure testpressure-temperature rating compressor housecompressed asbestos class gasket compression stressargon-arc welding,stackpercentage elongationductilityexcessive spatterrock woolbrinechlorhydric acidcolouroverhead weldingoxygenundercutownerliquefired petroleum gasliquid penetrant testlevel gaugeliquid chromatographhydraulic snubberprimary stressone end threadinstrument airinstrument panelapparatusinstrumental analysisethylene propylene rubber ethylene propylene diene monomer existing steel structurereducing nipple; swage nipple reducing flangereducerreducing couplingreducing teereducing crossreducing elbowcathodic protectionacoustic vibrationpotable waterstrain; deformationstrain energystressstress range reduction factur stress corrosioncoefficient of stress concentration stress intensification factor fluorescent penetrant inspection hardness testrigid foam rubberbraze weldinghard leadhard waterpermanent filteruserclient change noticehigh-quality carbon steeloil quenchingasphalt feltasphalt feltshielded metal arc weldingtoxicorganic silicon paintright hand threadrain watertroughembedded part; inserted plate preheatingpreheaterprefabricatedfabricated pipe bendmemberraw waterroundnessround steelround head boltcircumferential stress; hoop stress taper pintransportationon streamheating mediumreboilerreheaterregenerationregenering towerrecycleprflling towernoise levelrollingwrought-steel pipeviscositylighting; illumination corrugated bendpin holeperlitevacuumvacuum testtrue northamplitudekilled steelevaporatordistillation towersteam tracingsteaming outsteam condensatevapor pressureintegral pipe flangesolid metal serrated gasket normalizingpoint of supponstrutringsupport ringresting supportlugbranch connectionbosslegrun pipedirect currentladdershear lugpreparationdrawnmanufacturer; vendormass spectrometric analysis vermiculitemedium alloy steel neutralization tankinter coolerprocess annealingmedium-carbon steel centerlinecenter to endcenter to facecenter to centermedium pressuremedium pressure steamcounter weight hangerweightcritical pipingheavy oilperiodshaftisometric drawingbearingaxial movement type expansion jointaxial stressbead weldingmost frequent wind directionprincipal stressstorage roomtankcolumnpole type supportcast steelcastingcast ironcast iron pipecast valvedisciplineconverterpilepacking liststatus reporttaper pipe threadseal-welded taper pipe threaded jointdye penetrant inspectiondocumentationpurpleautomatic analysisautomatic submerged arc weldingself tapping screwself springself-sealingfreefree to slidefree vibrationconsolidated piping material summary sheet brownheader, manifoldheader valvegeneral plot planlongitudinal stresswalk way, gangway, access way routing studyflame arresterdamped vibrationassemblydrillcertified finalcoordinateorigin of coordinate塔反应器流体流体特性气柜(水)龙头管道组成件管子管件弯管法兰垫片管道特殊件端部连接焊接焊接种类焊接形式焊接位置焊接缺陷热处理普通热处理表面热处理检验试验黑色金属非金属材料管道材料规定材料统计45°斜三通 设备名称容器管道支吊架管架零部件管支架型式8字盲板90°弯管k半径弯头K形坡口L形管架O形环S形弯管T形螺栓T型粗滤器T型钢U-V组合坡口U形螺栓U形弯管V形坡口X射线照相X形坡口y 型粗滤器γ射线照相安全系数安装氨气鞍形补强板鞍座凹面奥氏体不锈钢奥氏体不锈钢管八角环形垫片拔制板条箱版次办公室半管接头半镇静钢伴热管伴热蒸汽包装饱和蒸汽保冷保温保温块报价报价书爆破片爆炸焊爆炸极限北备品备件备用背至背苯乙烯橡胶泵房比例比热比重壁厚壁厚系列号篦子板避雷针编位号的编位号设备扁螺母变送器变压器室标高,立面标题栏标准标准管架标准图表面处理丙烯腈—丁二烯—苯乙烯丙烯酸树脂波峰波谷波纹金属包嵌石棉垫片波纹金属垫片波纹膨胀节玻璃玻璃布玻璃管玻璃棉玻璃液位计伯明翰线规泊松比;横向变形系数补充补强板不锈钢不锈钢布氏硬度部门材料表材料情况报告采购采购说明采购说明汇总表参考、基准参考图残余应力槽钢槽焊槽面槽形金属垫片草图测温漆插板长半径180°弯头长孔常开厂商报价厂商协调会场地敞车上交货超尺寸运输超声波探伤超载沉淀池沉淀器沉头螺栓衬里管成品成品设计阶段成套设备承包商承插焊的承插焊端承插焊法兰承插支管台承口澄清器橙色的持久极限齿形翅片式导向板冲击荷载冲击试验冲击值冲洗阀抽空;排空出口出口中心线初步阶段船上交货,离岸价格窗吹出吹灰器吹扫垂直,正交,垂直的垂直安装垂直的,立式的醇酸瓷漆瓷漆磁粉探伤粗糙度粗制的催货脆性淬火萃取器错边量错位搭焊搭接接头,松套连接大端带螺纹大端为平的大气腿大气污染大气压大修代码带侧向口的弯头(右向或左向)带铬镍合金丝的石棉绳带环头拉杆带铰链膨胀节带接杆膨胀节带孔销带支座三通带支座弯头带状卡待定单波单侧偏置U形膨胀弯管(| ?形) single offset “U”单面U形坡口单体单向滑动填料函补偿器弹簧垫圈弹簧吊架弹簧钢弹簧恒力吊架弹簧恒力托架弹簧架弹簧托架弹簧系数弹簧支撑架弹性极限弹性模量淡(浅)色的;轻的氮气导管导热系数导向架道路等径三通等径四通等离子焊等温淬火等温退火低合金钢低碳钢低压低压蒸汽底板底平底漆地脚螺栓地漏地面地上管道地下槽地下管道地震地震荷载地震系数第一道阀;根部阀点焊点蚀电伴热电弧焊电化腐蚀电话电加热器电缆沟电流电气盘电容电熔(弧)焊钢板卷管电熔焊电线电压电渣焊电阻电阻焊电阻焊钢管垫板焊垫环垫片的型式吊耳吊架吊梁吊柱吊装孔调节阀调质蝶形螺母丁腈橡胶顶板顶开螺栓,顶起螺栓顶平订货单;订购单定位定位焊定位块定位销定向限位架定值限位架东动力荷载动态分析堵头镀层镀铬的镀锌钢管镀锌铁皮镀锌铁丝镀锌铁丝网短半径180°弯头短半径弯头短代码短管支管台短节断面收缩率断面系数断续淬火锻钢锻铁管锻造,型钢锻造的,锻造锻造阀锻制U形夹锻制异径管堆焊对称的。

机械专业术语中英文对照机械专业术语组装、冲压、喷漆等专业词汇 Assembly line 组装线 Layout 布置图 Conveyer 流水线物料板 Rivet table 拉钉机Rivet gun 拉钉枪 Screw driver 起子 Electric screw driver 电动起子 Pneumatic screw driver 气动起子 worktable 工作桌OOBA 开箱检查 fit together 组装在一起 fasten 锁紧(螺丝) fixture 夹具(治具) pallet 栈板 barcode 条码 barcode scanner 条码扫描器 fuse together 熔合 fuse machine 热熔机 repair 修理 operator 作业员 QC 品管 supervisor 课长 ME 制造工程师 MT 制造生技 cosmetic inspect 外观检查 inner parts inspect 内部检查 thumb screw 大头螺丝 lbs. inch 镑、英寸 EMI gasket 导电条 front plate 前板 rear plate 后板 chassis 基座 bezel panel 面板 power button 电源按键 reset button 重置键 Hi-pot test of SPS 高源高压测试 Voltage switch of SPS 电源电压接拉键 sheet metal parts 冲件 plastic parts 塑胶件 SOP 制造作业程序 material check list 物料检查表 work cell 工作间trolley 台车 carton 纸箱 sub-line 支线 left fork 叉车personnel resource department 人力资源部 production department 生产部门 planning department 企划部 QC Section 品管科 stamping factory 冲压厂 painting factory 烤漆厂molding factory 成型厂 mon equipment 常用设备 uncoiler and straightener 整平机 punching machine 冲床 robot 机械手hydraulic machine 油压机 lathe 车床 planer |"plein|刨床 miller 铣床 grinder 磨床 driller 钻床 linear cutting 线切割 electrical sparkle 电火花 welder 电焊机staker=reviting machine 铆合机 position 职务 president 董事长 general manager 总经理 special assistant manager 特助factory director 厂长 department director 部长 deputy manager=vice manager 副理 section supervisor 课长 deputy section supervisor 副课长 vice section superisor 副课长group leader/supervisor 组长 line supervisor 线长 assistant manager 助理 to move, to carry, to handle 搬运 be put in storage 入库 pack packing 包装 to apply oil 擦油 to file burr 锉毛刺 final inspection 终检 to connect material 接料to reverse material 翻料 wet station 沾湿台 Tiana 天那水cleaning cloth 抹布 to load material 上料 to unload material 卸料 to return material/stock to 退料 scraped |"skræpid|报废 scrape ..v.刮;削 deficient purchase 来料不良 manufacture procedure 制程 deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良 oxidation |" ksi"dein|氧化scratch 刮伤 dents 压痕 defective upsiding down 抽芽不良defective to staking 铆合不良 embedded lump 镶块 feeding is not in place 送料不到位 stamping-missing 漏冲 production capacity 生产力 education and training 教育与训练 proposal improvement 提案改善 spare parts=buffer 备件 forklift 叉车trailer=long vehicle 拖板车 pound die 合模 die locker 锁模器 pressure plate=plate pinch 压板 bolt 螺栓 name of a department 部门名称 administration/general affairs dept总务部 automatic screwdriver 电动启子 thickness gauge 厚薄规gauge(or jig)治具 power wire 电源线 buzzle 蜂鸣器 defectiveproduct label 不良标签 identifying sheet list 标示单screwdriver holder 起子插座 pedal 踩踏板 stopper 阻挡器flow board 流水板 hydraulic handjack 油压板车 forklift 叉车pallet 栈板 glove(s)手套 glove(s) with exposed fingers 割手套 thumb 大拇指 forefinger 食指 midfinger 中指 ring finger 无名指 little finger 小指 band-aid 创可贴 iudustrial alcohol 工业酒精 alcohol container 沾湿台 head of screwdriver 起子头 sweeper 扫把 mop 拖把 vaum cleaner 吸尘器 rag 抹布garbage container 灰箕 garbage can 垃圾箱 garbage bag 垃圾袋 chain 链条 jack 升降机 production line 流水线 chain 链条槽 magizer 加磁器 lamp holder 灯架 to mop the floor 拖地 to clean the floor 扫地 to clean a table 擦桌子 air pipe 气管packaging tool 打包机 packaging 打包 missing part 漏件wrong part 错件 excessive defects 过多的缺陷 critical defect 极严重缺陷 major defect 主要缺陷 minor defect 次要缺陷 not up to standard 不合规格 dimension/size is a little bigger 尺寸偏大(小) cosmetic defect 外观不良 slipped screwhead/slippery screw head 螺丝滑头 slippedscrewhead/shippery screw thread 滑手 speckle 斑点mildewed=moldy=mouldy 发霉 rust 生锈 deformation 变形burr(金属)flash(塑件)毛边 poor staking 铆合不良 excesssive gap 间隙过大 grease/oil stains 油污 inclusion 杂质 painting peel off 脏污 shrinking/shrinkage 缩水 mixed color 杂色scratch 划伤 poor processing 制程不良 poor ining part 事件不良 fold of pakaging belt 打包带折皱 painting make-up 补漆discoloration 羿色 water spots 水渍 polishing/surface processing外表处理 exposed metal/bare metal 金属裸露 lack of painting 烤漆不到位 safety 平安 quality 品质 delivery deadline 交货期 cost 本钱 engineering 工程 die repair 模修enterprise plan = enterprise expansion projects 企划 QC 品管 die worker 模工 production, to produce 生产 equipment 设备 to start a press 开机 stop/switch off a press 关机classification regulation 整顿 cleanness 清扫 conservation 清洁 culture 教养 qualified products, up-to-grade products 良品 defective products, not up-to-grade products 不良品waste 废料 board 看板 feeder 送料机 sliding rack 滑料架defective product box 不良品箱 die change 换模 to fix a die 装模 to take apart a die 拆模 to repair a die 修模 packing material 包材 basket 蝴蝶竺 plastic basket 胶筐 isolating plate baffle plate; barricade 隔板 carton box 纸箱 to pull and stretch 拉深 to put material in place, to cut material, to input 落料 to impose lines 压线 to press, pressing 压缩character die 字模 to feed, feeding 送料 transportation 运输 (be)qualfied, up to grade 合格 not up to grade, not qualified 不合格 material change, stock change 材料变更feature change 特性变更 evaluation 评估 prepare for, make preparations for 准备 parameters 参数 rotating speed, revolution 转速 manufacture management 制造管理 abnormal handling 异常处理 production unit 生产单位 lots ofproduction 生产批量 steel plate 钢板 roll material 卷料manufacture procedure 制程 operation procedure 作业流程 to revise, modify 修订 to switch over to, switch---to throw--over switching over 切换 engineering, project difficulty 工程瓶颈 stage die 工程模 automation 自动化 to stake, staking, reviting 铆合 add lubricating oil 加润滑油 shut die 架模shut height of a die 架模高度 analog-mode device 类模器 die lifter 举模器 argon welding 氩焊 vocabulary for stamping 冲压常词汇 stamping, press 冲压 punch press, dieing out press 冲床 uncoiler & strainghtener 整平机 feeder 送料机 rack, shelf, stack 料架 cylinder 油缸 robot 机械手 taker 取料机conveyer belt 输送带 transmission rack 输送架 top stop 上死点 bottom stop 下死点 one stroke 一行程 inch 寸动 to continue, cont.连动 to grip(material)吸料 location lump, locating piece, block stop 定位块 reset 复位 smoothly 顺利dent 压痕 scratch 刮伤 deformation 变形 filings 铁削 todraw holes 抽孔 inquiry, search for 查寻 to stock, storage, in stock 库存 receive 领取 approval examine and verify 审核processing, to process 加工 delivery, to deliver 交货 to return delivenry to. to send delinery back to retrn ofgoods 退货 registration 登记 registration card 登记卡 to control 管制 to put forward and hand in 提报 safe stock 平安库存 aeptance = receive 验收 to notice 通知 application form for purchase 请购单 consume, consumption 消耗 to fillin 填写 abrasion 磨损 reverse angle = chamfer 倒角character die 字模 to collect, to gather 收集 failure, trouble 故障 statistics 统计 demand and supply 需求 career card 履历卡 to take apart a die 卸下模具 to load a die 装上模具 to tight a bolt 拧紧螺栓 to looser a bolt 拧松螺栓 to move away a die plate 移走模板 easily damaged parts 易损件standard parts 标准件 breaking.(be)broken,(be)cracked 断裂to lubricate 润滑 mon vocabulary for die engineering 模具工程常用词汇 die 模具 figure file, chart file 图档 cutting die, blanking die 冲裁模 progressive die, follow (-on)die 连续模 pound die 复合模 punched hole 冲孔 panel board 镶块to cutedges=side cut=side scrap 切边 to bending 折弯 to pull, to stretch 拉伸 Line streching, line pulling 线拉伸engraving, to engrave 刻印 upsiding down edges 翻边 to stake 铆合 designing, to design 设计 design modification 设计变化 die block 模块 folded block 折弯块 sliding block 滑块 location pin 定位销 lifting pin 顶料销 die plate, front board 模板 padding block 垫块 stepping bar 垫条 upper die base 上模座 lower die base 下模座 upper supporting blank 上承板 upper padding plate blank 上垫板 spare dies 模具备品spring 弹簧 bolt 螺栓 document folder 文件夹 file folder 资料夹 to put file in order 资料 spare tools location 手工备品仓 first count 初盘人 first check 初盘复棹人 second count 复盘人 second check 复盘复核人 equipment 设备 waste materials 废料 work in progress product 在制品 casing = containerazation 装箱 quantity of physical invetory secondcount 复盘点数量 quantity of customs count 会计师盘,点数量the first page 第一联 filed by aounting department for reference 会计部存查 end-user/using unit(department) 使用单位 summary of year-end physical inventory bills 年终盘点截止单据汇总表 bill name 单据名称 This sheet and physical inventory list will be sent to aounting department together (Those of NHK will be sent to financial department) 本表请与盘点清册一起送会计部-(NHK 厂区送财会部) Application status records of year-end physical inventory List and physical inventory card 年终盘点卡与清册使用-状况明细表blank and waste sheet NO. 空白与作废单号 plate 电镀 mold 成型 material for engineering mold testing 工程试模材料 not included in physical inventory不列入盘点 sample 样品 ining material to be inspected进货待验 description 品名steel/rolled steel 钢材 material statistics sheet 物料统计明细表 meeting minutes 会议记录 meeting type 会别distribution department 分发单位 location 地点 chairman 主席 present members 出席人员 subject 主题 conclusion 结论decision items 决议事项 responsible department 负责单位pre-fixed finishing date预定完成日 approved by / checked by / prepared by 核准/审核/承办 PCE assembly production schedule sheet PCE 组装厂生产排配表 model 机锺 work order 工令 revision 版次 remark 备注 production control confirmation 生产确认checked by 初审 approved by 核准 department 部门 stock age analysis sheet 库存货龄分析表 on-hand inventory 现有库存available material 良品可使用 obsolete material 良品已呆滞to be inspected or reworked 待验或重工 total 合计 cause description 原因说明 part number/ P/N 料号 type 形态item/group/class 类别 quality 品质 prepared by 制表 notes 说明 year-end physical inventory difference analysis sheet 年终盘点差异分析表 physical inventory 盘点数量 physical count quantity 帐面数量 difference quantity 差异量 cause analysis 原因分析 raw materials 原料 materials 物料finished product 成品 semi-finished product 半成品 packing materials 包材 good product/aepted goods/ aepted parts/good parts 良品 defective product/non-good parts 不良品 disposed goods 处理品 warehouse/hub 仓库 on way location 在途仓oversea location 海外仓 spare parts physical inventory list 备品盘点清单 spare molds location 模具备品仓 skid/pallet 栈板 tox machine 自铆机 wire EDM 线割 EDM 放电机 coil stock 卷料 sheet stock 片料 tolerance 工差 score=groove 压线 cam block 滑块 pilot 导正筒 trim 剪外边 pierce 剪内边 drag form 压锻差 pocket for the punch head 挂钩槽 slug hole 废料孔feature die 公母模 expansion dwg 展开图 radius 半径shim(wedge)楔子 torch-flame cut 火焰切割 set screw 止付螺丝form block 折刀 stop pin 定位销 round pierce punch=die button 圆冲子 shape punch=die insert 异形子 stock locater block 定位块 under cut=scrap chopper 清角 active plate 活动板 baffle plate 挡块 cover plate 盖板 male die 公模 female die 母模 groove punch 压线冲子 air-cushion eject-rod 气垫顶杆 spring-box eject-plate 弹簧箱顶板 bushing block 衬套insert 入块 club car 高尔夫球车 capability 能力 parameter 参数 factor 系数 phosphate 皮膜化成 viscosity 涂料粘度alkalidipping 脱脂 main manifold 主集流脉 bezel 斜视规blanking 穿落模 dejecting 顶固模 demagization 去磁;消磁high-speed transmission 高速传递 heat dissipation 热传 rack 上料 degrease 脱脂 rinse 水洗 alkaline etch 龄咬 desmut 剥黑膜 D.I. rinse 纯水次 Chromate 铬酸处理 Anodize 阳性处理seal 封孔 revision 版次 part number/P/N 料号 good products 良品 scraped products 报放心品 defective products 不良品finished products 成品 disposed products 处理品 barcode 条码 flow chart 流程表单 assembly 组装 stamping 冲压 molding 成型 spare parts=buffer 备品 coordinate 座标 dismantle the die 折模 auxiliary fuction 辅助功能 poly-line 多义线 heater band 加热片 thermocouple 热电偶 sand blasting 喷沙 grit 砂砾 derusting machine 除锈机 degate 打浇口 dryer 烘干机induction 感应 induction light 感应光response=reaction=interaction 感应 ram 连杆 edge finder 巡边器 concave 凸 convex 凹 short 射料缺乏 nick 缺口 speck 瑕?? shine 亮班 splay 银纹 gas mark 焦痕 delamination 起鳞cold slug 冷块 blush 导色 gouge 沟槽;凿槽 satin texture 段面咬花 witness line 证示线 patent 专利 grit 沙砾granule=peuet=grain 细粒 grit maker 抽粒机 cushion 缓冲magnalium 镁铝合金 magnesium 镁金 metal plate 钣金 lathe 车mill 锉plane 刨 grind 磨 drill 铝 boring 镗 blinster 气泡 fillet 镶;嵌边 through-hole form 通孔形式 voller pin formality 滚针形式 cam driver 铡楔 shank 摸柄 crank shaft 曲柄轴augular offset 角度偏差 velocity 速度 production tempo 生产进度现状 torque 扭矩 spline=the multiple keys 花键quenching 淬火 tempering 回火 annealing 退火 carbonization 碳化 alloy 合金 tungsten high speed steel 钨高速的 moly high speed steel 钼高速的 organic solvent 有机溶剂 bracket 小磁导 liaison 联络单 volatile 挥发性 resistance 电阻 ion 离子 titrator 滴定仪 beacon 警示灯 coolant 冷却液 crusher 破碎机模具工程类 plain die 简易模 pierce die 冲孔模forming die 成型模 progressive die 连续模 gang dies 复合模shearing die 剪边模 riveting die 铆合模 pierce 冲孔 forming 成型(抽凸,冲凸) draw hole 抽孔 bending 折弯 trim 切边emboss 凸点 dome 凸圆 semi-shearing 半剪 stamp mark 冲记号deburr or coin 压毛边 punch riveting 冲压铆合 side stretch 侧冲压平 reel stretch 卷圆压平 groove 压线 blanking 下料stamp letter 冲字(料号) shearing 剪断 tick-mark nearside 正面压印 tick-mark farside 反面压印冲压名称类 extension dwg 展开图 procedure dwg 工程图 die structure dwg 模具结构图material 材质 material thickness 料片厚度 factor 系数upward 向上 downward 向下 press specification 冲床规格 die height range 适用模高 die height 闭模高度 burr 毛边 gap 间隙 weight 重量 total wt.总重量 punch wt.上模重量五金零件类inner guiding post 内导柱 inner hexagon screw 内六角螺钉dowel pin 固定销 coil spring 弹簧 lifter pin 顶料销 eq-height sleeves=spool 等高套筒 pin 销 lifter guide pin 浮升导料销 guide pin 导正销 wire spring 圆线弹簧 outer guiding post 外导柱 stop screw 止付螺丝 located pin 定位销 outer bush 外导套模板类 top plate 上托板(顶板) top block 上垫脚 punch set 上模座 punch pad 上垫板 punch holder 上夹板stripper pad 脱料背板 up stripper 上脱料板 male die 公模(凸模) feature die 公母模 female die 母模(凹模) upper plate 上模板 lower plate 下模板 die pad 下垫板 die holder 下夹板die set 下模座 bottom block 下垫脚 bottom plate 下托板(底板) stripping plate 内外打(脱料板) outer stripper 外脱料板inner stripper 内脱料板 lower stripper 下脱料板零件类punch 冲头 insert 入块(嵌入件) deburring punch 压毛边冲子groove punch 压线冲子 stamped punch 字模冲子 round punch 圆冲子 special shape punch 异形冲子 bending block 折刀 roller 滚轴 baffle plate 挡块 located block 定位块 supportingblock for location 定位支承块 air cushion plate 气垫板 air-cushion eject-rod 气垫顶杆 trimming punch 切边冲子stiffening rib punch = stinger 加强筋冲子 ribbon punch 压筋冲子 reel-stretch punch 卷圆压平冲子 guide plate 定位板sliding block 滑块 sliding dowel block 滑块固定块 active plate 活动板 lower sliding plate 下滑块板 upper holderblock 上压块 upper mid plate 上中间板 spring box 弹簧箱spring-box eject-rod 弹簧箱顶杆 spring-box eject-plate 弹簧箱顶板 bushing bolck 衬套 cover plate 盖板 guide pad 导料块塑件&模具相关英文 pre sion molding 压缩成型 flash mold 溢流式模具plsitive mold 挤压式模具 split mold 分割式模具 cavity 型控母模 core 模心公模 taper 锥拔 leather cloak 仿皮革 shiver 饰纹 flow mark 流痕 welding mark 溶合痕 post screw insert 螺纹套筒埋值 self tapping screw 自攻螺丝 striper plate 脱料板 piston 活塞 cylinder 汽缸套 chip 细碎物 handle mold 手持式模具移转成型用模具 encapsulation molding 低压封装成型射出成型用模具 two plate 两极式(模具) well type 蓄料井insulated runner 绝缘浇道方式 hot runner 热浇道 runner plat 浇道模块 valve gate 阀门浇口 band heater 环带状的电热器spindle 阀针 spear head 刨尖头 slag well 冷料井 cold slag 冷料渣 air vent 排气道 h=0.02~0.05mm w=3.2mm L=3~5mm welding line 熔合痕 eject pin 顶出针 knock pin 顶出销return pin 回位销反顶针 sleave 套筒 stripper plate 脱料板insert core 放置入子 runner stripper plate 浇道脱料板 guide pin 导销 eject rod (bar)(成型机)顶业捧 subzero 深冷处理three plate 三极式模具 runner system 浇道系统 stress crack 应力电裂 orientation 定向 sprue gate 射料浇口,直浇口nozzle 射嘴 sprue lock pin 料头钩销(拉料杆) slag well 冷料井 side gate 侧浇口 edge gate 侧缘浇口 tab gate 搭接浇口film gate 薄膜浇口 flash gate 闸门浇口 slit gate 缝隙浇口fan gate 扇形浇口 dish gate 因盘形浇口 H=F=1/2t~1/5tT=2.5~3.5mm diaphragm gate 隔膜浇口 ring gate 环形浇口subarine gate 潜入式浇口 tunnel gate 隧道式浇口 pin gate 针点浇口Φ0.8~1.0mm Runner less 无浇道 (sprue less)无射料管方式 long nozzle 延长喷嘴方式 sprue 浇口;溶渣品质人员名称类 QC quality control 品质管理人员 FQC final qualitycontrol 终点品质管制人员 IC in process quality control 制程中的品质管制人员 OQC output quality control 最终出货品质管制人员 IQC ining quality control 进料品质管制人员 TQC total quality control 全面质量管理 POC passage quality control 段检人员 QA quality assurance 质量保证人员 OQA output quality assurance 出货质量保证人员 QE quality engineering 品质工程人员品质保证类 FAI first article inspection 新品首件检查FAA first article assurance 首件确认 TVR tool verification report 模具确认报告 3B 3B 模具正式投产前确认 CP capability index 能力指数 CPK capability index of process 模具制程能力参数 SSQA standardized supplier quality 合格供应商品质评估OOBA out of box audit 开箱检查 QFD quality function deployment 品质机能展开 FMEA failure model effectiveness analysis 失效模式分析 8 disciplines 8 项回复内容 FA final audit 最後一次稽核 CAR corrective action request 改正行动要求 corrective action report 改正行动报告 FQC 运作类 AQL Aeptable Quality Level 运作类允收品质水准 S/S Sample size 抽样检验样本大小 ACC Aept 允收 REE Reject 拒收 CR Critical 极严重的 MAJ Major 主要的 MIN Minor 轻微的 AOQ Average Output Quality 平均出厂品质 AOQL Average Output QualityLevel 平均出厂品质 Q/R/S Quality/Reliability/Service 品质/可靠度效劳 MIL-STD Military-Standard 军用标准 S I-S IV Special I-Special IV 特殊抽样水准等级 P/N Part Number 料号L/N Lot Number 特采 AOD Aept On Deviation 特采 UAI Use As It 首件检查报告 FPIR First Piece Inspection Report 百万分之一 PPM Percent Per Million 批号制程统计品管专类 SPC Statistical Process Control 统计制程管制 SQC Statistical Quality Control统计品质管制 R Range 全距 AR Averary Range 全距平均值 UCL Upper Central Limit 管制上限 LCL Lower Central Limit 管制下限 MAX Maximum 最大值 MIN Minimum 最小值 GRR Gauge Reproducibility&Repeatability 量具之再制性及重测性判断量可靠与否 DIM Dimension 尺寸 DIA Diameter 直径 FREQ Frequency 频率 N Number 样品数其它品质术语类 QCC Quality Control Circle 品质圈 QIT Quality Improvement Team 品质改善小组PDCA Plan Do Check Action 方案执行检查总结 ZD Zero Defect 零缺点 QI Quality Improvement 品质改善 QP Quality Policy 目标方针 TQM Total Quality Management 全面品质管理MRB Material Reject Bill 退货单 LQL Limiting Quality Level 最低品质水准 RMA Return Material Audit 退料认可 QAN Quality Amelionrate Notice 品质改善活动 ADM Absolute Dimension Measuremat 全尺寸测量 QT Quality Target 品质目标 7QCTools 7 Quality Controll Tools 品管七大手法通用之件类 E Engineering Change Notes 工程变更通知(供应商) ECO Engineering Change Order 工程改动要求(客户) P ProcessChange Notice 工序改动通知 PMP Product Management Plan 生产管制方案 SIP Specification In Process 制程检验规格 SOP Standard Operation Procedure 制造作业标准 IS Inspection Specification 成品检验标准 BOM Bill Of Material 物料清单 PS Package Specification 包装标准 SPEC Specification 规格 DWG Drawing 图面系统文件类 QC Quality System 品质系统 ES Engineering Standarization 工程标准 CGOO China General PCE 龙华厂文件 H Huston (美国)休斯敦 C Compaq (美国)康伯公司 C China 中国大陆 A Assembly 组装(厂) S Stamping 冲压(厂) P Painting 烤漆(厂) I Intel 英特尔公司 T TAIWAN IWS International Workman Standard 工艺标准 ISO International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织 GS General Specification 一般规格 CMCS C-China M-Manufact C-Compaq S-Stamping Compaq产品在龙华冲压厂制造作业标准 CQCA Q-Quality A-Assembly Compaq 产品在龙华组装厂品管作业标准 CQCP P-Painting Compaq 产品在龙华烤漆厂品管作业标准部类 PMC Production & Material Control 生产和物料控制 PPC Production Plan Control 生产方案控制 MC Material Control 物料控制 ME Manafacture Engineering 制造工程部 PE Project Engineering 产品工程部 A/C Aountant Dept 会计部 P/A Personal & Administration 人事行政部 DC Document Center 资料中心 QE Quality Engineering 品质工程(部) QA Quality Assurance 品质保证(处) QC Quality Control 品质管制(课) PD Product Department 生产部 LAB Labratry 实验室 IE Industrial Engineering 工业工程 R&D Research & Design 设计开发部 PPainting 烤漆(厂) A Asssembly 组装(厂) S Stamping 冲压(厂) 生产类 PCS Pieces 个(根,块等) PRS Pairs 双(对等) CTN Carton 卡通箱 PAL Pallet/skid 栈板 PO Purchasing Order 采购订单 MO Manufacture Order 生产单 D/C Date Code 生产日期码 ID/C Identification Code (供应商)识别码 SWR Special Work Request 特殊工作需求 L/N Lot Number 批号 P/N Part Number 料号其它OEM Original Equipment Manufacture 原设备制造 PCE Personal Computer nclosure 个人电脑外设 PC Personal Computer 个人电脑 CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理器 SECC SECC` 电解片SGCC SGCC 热浸镀锌材料 NHK North of Hongkong 中国大陆 PRC People"s Republic of China 中国大陆(中华人民共和国) U.S.A the United States of America 美国 A.S.A.P As Soon As Possible 尽可能快的 E-MAIL Electrical-Mail 电子邮件 N/A Not Applicable 不适用 QTY Quantity 数量 VS 以及 REV Revision 版本 JIT Just In Time 零库存 I/O Input/Output 输入/输出 OK Ok 好 NG Not Good 不行,不合格 C=0 Critical=0 极严重不允许 ESD Electry-static Discharge 静电排放 5S 希腊语 ,整顿,清扫,清洁,教养ATIN Attention 知会 CC Carbon Copy 副本复印相关人员 APP Approve 核准,认可,成认 CHK Check 确认 AM Ante Meridian 上午PM Post Meridian 下午 CD Compact Disk 光碟 CD-ROM Compact Disk Read-Only Memory 只读光碟 FDD Floppy Disk Drive 软碟机HDD Hard Disk Drive 碟碟机 REF Reference CONN Connector 连接器 CAV Cavity 模穴 CAD Computer Aid Design 计算机辅助设计ASS"Y Assembly 装配,组装 MAT"S Material 材料 IC IntegratedCircuit 集成电路 T/P True Position 真位度 TYP Type 类型 WDR Weekly Delivery Requitement 周出货需求 C/T Cycle Time 制程周期 L/T Lead Time 前置时间(生产前准备时间) S/T Standard Time 标准时间 P/M Product Market 产品市场 3CComputer,Commumcation,Consumer electronic"s 消费性电子 5WIH When,Where,Who,What,Why,How to 5MMan,Machine,Material,Method,Measurement 4MIHMan,Materia,Money,Method,Time 人力,物力,财务,技术,时间(资源) SQA Strategy Quality Assurance 策略品质保证 DQA Desigh Quality Assurance 设计品质保证 MQA Manufacture Quality Assurance 制造品质保证 SSQA Sales and service Quality Assurance 销售及效劳品质保证 LRR Lot Rejeet Rate 批退率 BS Brain storming 脑力激荡 EMI Electronic Magion Inspect 高磁测试 FMI Frequency Modulatim Inspect 高频测试 B/MBoar/Molding(flat cable) C/P Connector of PC A/P Assembly SPS Switching power supply 电源箱 DT Desk Top 卧式(机箱) MT Mini-Tower 立式(机箱) DVD Digital Vedio Disk VCD Vdeio Compact Disk LCD Liquid Crystal Display CAD Computer AID Design CAM Computer AID Manufacturing CAE Computer AID Engineering ABIOS Achanced Basic in put/output system 先进的根本输入/输出系统 CMOS Complemeruary Metoll Oxide Semiconductor 互补金属氧化物半导体 PDA Personal Digital Assistant 个人数字助理 IC Integrated Circuit 集成电路 ISA Industry Standard Architecture 工业标准体制结构 MCA Micro Channel Architecture 微通道结构 EISA Extended IndustryStandard Architecture 扩充的工业标准结构 SIMM Single in-line memory module 单项导通汇流组件 DIMM Dual in-line Memory Module 双项导通汇流组件 LED Light-Emitting Diode 发光二级管 FMEA Failure Mode Effectivenes 失效模式分析 W/H Wire Harness 金属线绪束集组件 F/C Flat Calle 排线 PCB Printed Circuit Board 印刷电路板 CAR Correction Action Report 改善报告 NG Not Good 不良 WPR Weekly Delivery Requirement 周出货要求 PPM Parts Per Million 百万分之一 TPM Total Production Maintenance 全面生产保养 MRP Material Requiremt Planning 物料需方案 OC Operation System 作业系统TBA To Be Design 待定,定缺 D/C Drawing Change P/P Plans & Procedune EMI Electrical-Music Industry 电子音乐工业 RFI Read Frequency Input 读频输入 MMC Maximum Material ondition MMS Maximum Material Size LMC Least Material Condition LMS Least Material Size模具技术用语各种模具常用成形方式 aurate die casting 精密压铸 powder forming 粉末成形 calendaring molding 压延成形 powder metal forging 粉末锻造 cold chamber die casting 冷式压铸 precision forging 精密锻造 cold forging 冷锻 press forging 冲锻 pacting molding 粉末压出成形 rocking die forging 摇动锻造 pound molding 复合成形 rotary forging 回转锻造 pression molding 压缩成形 rotational molding 离心成形dip mold 浸渍成形 rubber molding 橡胶成形 encapsulation molding 注入成形 sand mold casting 砂模铸造 extrusion molding 挤出成形 shell casting 壳模铸造 foam forming 泡成形sinter forging 烧结锻造 forging roll 轧锻 six sides forging 六面锻造 gravity casting 重力铸造 slush molding 凝塑成形hollow(blow) molding 中空(吹出)成形 squeeze casting 高压铸造 hot chamber die casting 热室压铸 swaging 挤锻 hotforging 热锻 transfer molding 转送成形 injection molding 射出成形 warm forging 温锻 investment casting 精密铸造matched die method 对模成形法 laminating method 被覆淋膜成形 low pressure casting 低压铸造 lost wax casting 脱蜡铸造matched mould thermal forming 对模热成形模各式模具分类用语bismuth mold 铋铸模 landed plunger mold 有肩柱塞式模具burnishing die 挤光模 landed positive mold 有肩全压式模具button die 镶入式圆形凹模 loading shoe mold 料套式模具center-gated mold 中心浇口式模具 loose detail mold 活零件模具 chill mold 冷硬用铸模 loose mold 活动式模具 clod hobbing 冷挤压制模 louvering die 百叶窗冲切模 posite dies 复合模具manifold die 分歧管模具 counter punch 反凸模 modular mold 组合式模具 double stack mold 双层模具 multi-cavity mold 多模穴模具 electroformed mold 电铸成形模 multi-gate mold 复式浇口模具 expander die 扩径模 offswt bending die 双折冷弯模具 extrusion die 挤出模 palletizing die 叠层模 family mold 反套制品模具 plaster mold 石膏模 blank through dies 漏件式落料模 porous mold 通气性模具 duplicated cavity plate 复板模 positive mold 全压式模具 fantail die 扇尾形模具pressure die 压紧模 fishtail die 鱼尾形模具 profile die 轮廓模 flash mold 溢料式模具 progressive die 顺序模 gypsummold 石膏铸模 protable mold 手提式模具 hot-runner mold 热流道模具 prototype mold 雏形试验模具 ingot mold 钢锭模punching die 落料模 lancing die 切口模 raising(embossing) 压花起伏成形 re-entrant mold 倒角式模具 sectional die 拼合模 runless injection mold 无流道冷料模具 sectional die 对合模具 segment mold 组合模 semi-positive mold 半全压式模具shaper 定型模套 single cavity mold 单腔模具 solid forging die 整体锻模 split forging die 拼合锻模 split mold 双并式模具 sprueless mold 无注道残料模具 squeezing die 挤压模stretch form die 拉伸成形模 sweeping mold 平刮铸模 swing die 振动模具 three plates mold 三片式模具 trimming die 切边模 unit mold 单元式模具 universal mold 通用模具 unscrewing mold 退扣式模具 yoke type die 轭型模模具厂常用之标准零配件air vent vale 通气阀 anchor pin 锚梢 angular pin 角梢baffle 调节阻板 angular pin 倾斜梢 baffle plate 折流档板ball button 球塞套 ball plunger 定位球塞 ball slider 球塞滑块 binder plate 压板 blank holder 防皱压板 blanking die 落料冲头 bolster 上下模板 bottom board 浇注底板 bolster 垫板bottom plate 下固定板 bracket 托架 bumper block 缓冲块buster 堵口 casting ladle 浇注包 casting lug 铸耳 cavity 模穴(模仁) cavity retainer plate 模穴托板 center pin 中心梢clamping block 锁定块 coil spring 螺旋弹簧 cold punched nut 冷冲螺母 cooling spiral 螺旋冷却栓 core 心型 core pin 心型梢 cotter 开口梢 cross 十字接头 cushion pin 缓冲梢diaphragm gate 盘形浇口 die approach 模头料道 die bed 型底die block 块形模体die body 铸模座 die bush 合模衬套 die button 冲模母模 die clamper 夹模器 die fastener 模具固定用零件 die holder 母模固定板 die lip 模唇 die plate 冲模板 die set 冲压模座direct gate 直接浇口 dog chuck 爪牙夹头 dowel 定位梢 dowel hole 导套孔 dowel pin 合模梢 dozzle 辅助浇口 dowel pin 定位梢 draft 拔模锥度 draw bead 张力调整杆 drive bearing 传动轴承 ejection pad 顶出衬垫 ejector 脱模器 ejector guide pin 顶出导梢 ejector leader busher 顶出导梢衬套 ejector pad 顶出垫 ejector pin 顶出梢 ejector plate 顶出板 ejector rod 顶出杆 ejector sleeve 顶出衬套 ejector valve 顶出阀 eye bolt 环首螺栓 filling core 椿入蕊 film gate 薄膜形浇口 finger pin 指形梢 finish machined plate 角形模板 finish machined round plate 圆形模板 fixed bolster plate 固定侧模板 flanged pin 带凸缘 flash gate 毛边形浇口 flask 上箱 floating punch 浮动冲头 gate 浇口 gate land 浇口面 gib 凹形拉紧? goose neck 鹅颈管 guide bushing 引导衬套 guide pin 导梢 guide post 引导柱 guide plate 导板 guide rail 导轨 head punch 顶?冲头 headless punch 直柄冲头 heavily tapered solid 整体模蕊盒 hose nippler 管接头 impact damper 缓冲器 injection ram 压射柱塞 inlay busher 嵌入衬套 inner plunger 内柱塞 inner punch 内冲头 insert 嵌件 insert pin 嵌件梢 king pin 转向梢king pin bush 主梢衬套 knockout bar 脱模杵 land 合模平坦面land area 合模面 leader busher 导梢衬套 lifting pin 起模顶?。

序 号 Ser ial NO. 分类 编码 Class ifica tion Code 监管类 别 Superv ision & Admini strati on Level
名称 Name
基础外科手术器械 basic surgical operation instruments 医用缝合针(不带线) medical suture needle (without thread)
681005 681006 681007.1 681007.2 681008.1 681008.2
矫形(骨科)外科用钩、针 orthopedic surgical hook & needle 矫形(骨科)外科用刮 orthopedic surgical scrape 矫形(骨科)外科用有源器械 orthopedic surgical instruments with power 矫形(骨科)外科用有源器械 orthopedic surgical instruments with power 矫形(骨科)外科用其它器械 other orthopedic surgical instruments 矫形(骨科)外科用其它器械 other orthopedic surgical instruments 妇产科用手术器械 obstetric and gynecologic surgical operation instruments 妇产科用刀 obstetric and gynecologic knife 妇产科用剪 obsteric and gynecologic scissors 妇产科用钳 obsteric and gynecologic forceps 妇产科用镊、夹 obsteric and gynecologic tweezer & clip 妇产科用钩、针 obsteric and gynecologic hook & needle 妇产科用其他器械 other obsteric and gynecologic instruments

窑炉设备中英文对照日期:审核:报告人:由于窑炉的设备大部分都是国外进口的,所有资料都是英文的.对于其设备名称,能翻译为中文,更能使员工理解.一、窑炉结构名称Melter Stack:本窑烟囱 Fronted Stack:前段烟囱Rear Wall: 后墙 Front Wall: 前墙Breast Wall: 胸墙Side Wall: 侧壁Main Channel: 主通道 Cross Channel:交叉道Inboard Channel:内侧通道 Outboard Channel:外侧通道Thuck Stone: 挂钩砖 Flow Block: 溢料口砖Burner Block: 烧嘴砖 Bushing Block: 衬套Batch Line:料层线 Foam Line:泡层线Superstructure:上层结构Forehearth: 料道 Doghouse:进料洞 Throat:窄路Crown: 大碹 Bottom:底部 Port: 端口Cover:盖子 Peephole: 窥视孔二、窑炉所用砖专业术语:Mullite: 莫来石 Super Silica: 超级硅石Dense Chrome:致密铬 Dense Zircon: 致密锆石Porous Chrome:多孔铬 Porous Zircon: 多孔锆石Magnesite Chrome:镁珞合金 Clay Flux: 粘土通量AZS: 电熔铸锆刚玉砖 Insulating Silica: 绝缘硅石High Density Upper Structure Zircon :高密度上部结构锆石2300°F Insulating Firebrick :2300华氏度绝缘耐火砖2600°F Insulating Firebrick :2600华氏度绝缘耐火砖High Density Mullite : 高密度莫来石三、窑炉进料系统设备名称及专业术语:Transporter: 输送器 Batch Bin:料斗Pneumatic: 气压 Surge Bin: 缓冲槽Oscillator: 振荡器 Batch Plant: 配料车间Dust Collector :集尘器 Charger Feeder: 投料机Activator: 振动器 Screw: 螺杆Counter Weight: 配重 Motor Belt: 电机带Gear Chain: 齿轮传动链 Water Jacket:水套Bearing Cap: 轴承盖 Satisfy Probe: 满足探头Canvas Bag: 帆布袋四、窑炉燃烧系统设备及专业术语:Combustion Air Fan: 助燃风机 Filter Screen: 滤网Main Combustion Air Blower: 主要燃烧风机 Blower:鼓风机Stand-By Blower: 备用的燃烧风机 Manifold: 歧管Burner: 燃烧器油枪 Diesel Engine: 柴油机Test Burner: 测试烧嘴 Thermocouple: 热电偶Aspirator Mixer: 混合器 Flue Gas: 废气Thrim Heater: 加热器 Strainer: 过滤器LNG Liquefied Natural Gas : 液化天然气LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas : 液化石油气Bubbler: 鼓泡器 Atomizing Air: 雾化空气Nozzle: 喷嘴 R/PRecuperator :换热器Tank Heater: 预热 Flow Meter: 流量计Bubbler Tube:气泡管 Process Water: 制程水Line Pump: 输油管泵 Liver Heater: 第二次加温Resistance Monitor: 阻力监测器 Emission: 散发Electrode Booster: 电极助力器 Regulator:校准器Electrode Block: 电极块 Stack Extension:内烟筒五、控制阀名称:Control Valve: 控制阀 Ball Valve: 球阀Butterfly Valve: 蝶形阀 Ration Regulator: 定量调节阀Pressure Regulator: 调压阀 Hand Valve: 手动阀Electromagnetic Valve: 电磁阀 Safety Valve: 安全阀Pressure Reducing Valve: 减压阀 Pinch Valve: 夹管阀六、其它专业术语:Furnace Pressure: 炉压 Fire System: 消防系统Cooling Water System: 冷去水系统 Glass Level: 玻璃液位Winder Cooling System: 冷却风系统 Gas Tip: 油枪嘴Compress Air System: 压缩空气系统 Spill Air: 溢出空气Limiting Orifice: 限制孔口 Dampering Air: 调节空气Instrument Air:仪表空气 Air Nozzle: 空气喷嘴Slide Gate: 滑动闸门 Exp Joints: 实验关节Drain Bushing: 拉丝漏板 Skimmer: 撇渣器Primary Foam:初级泡沫 Foam Behavior: 泡沫举止Hydrate:氢氧化物 Extension Tube:延长管Batch Expansion:膨胀 Secondary From:第二次泡沫Flow Switch: 流量开关 Liquid-N:液氮2Speed Sensor:速度传感器 Grease: 黄油Flexible Fabric: 柔性面料 Transmitter: 转换器Inverter: 反用换流器 Cap Cylinder: 阀罩OP: Out Put 输出值 SP: Set Point 设定值PV: Practical Value 实际值 Rat Hole: 老鼠洞目前,暂时只有如上的英语词汇,随着学习的深入,会逐渐增加词汇.注:本人的英语水平有限,这些词汇是借助英语词典和自己的理解翻译出的.有些不对的地方,请您见谅,谢谢增加的词汇:Purge Can: 气套。

设备词汇中英文对照表1.恒温·干燥器/恒温恒湿器(恒温干燥箱) Drying Ovens/Humidity Chambers---(在重庆有OEM生产)送风定温恒温器Forced Convection Constant Temperature Ovens惰性气体恒温器Inert Gas Ovens精密恒温器Precision Constant T emperature Ovens2.洁净恒温器Clean Ovens送风定温干燥器Forced Convection Constant T emperature Drying Ovens空气幕送风定温恒温器Forced Convection Ovens With Air Curtain定温干燥箱Constant Temperature Drying Ovens3.角形真空定温干燥器(真空干燥箱)Vacuum Drying Ovens恒温恒湿器Constant T emperature and Humidity Chambers流水线设备In-Line System for Underfill Adhesive and Encapsulation4.恒温培养器(恒温培养箱)(在重庆有OEM生产)Constant T emperature Incubators---可程式低温培养器Low T emperature Program Type Incubators5.低温培养器Low T emperature Incubators低温稳定性培养器Low T emperature Stability Incubators培养器IncubatorsCO2培养器 CO2 Incubators振荡培养器Shaking Incubators6.冻结干燥器Freeze Dryers---冻结干燥器Freeze Dryers离心形冻结干燥器Centrifugal Freeze Dryers7.灭菌器Sterilizers---干热灭菌器Drying Sterilizers高压灭菌器(高压灭菌锅)Autoclaves Sterilizers低温等离子灭菌器Low Temperature Plasma Sterilizers环形燃烧管灭菌器Loop Cinerator8.纯水制造装置Water Purifiers---纯水制造装置Water Stills超纯水制造装置Ultra-pure Water Purifiers简易纯水制造装置Water Purifiers超纯水制造装置系统Ultra-pure Water Purifier System 大容量纯水制造装置Water Purifiers System9.洗净器Washers---实验室玻璃器皿清洗机Laboratory Glassware Washers超声波清洗机Ultrasonic Cleaners大型超声波清洗机Aqueous Ultrasonic Cleaning Systems超声波试管清洗机Ultrasonic Pipet Washers超声波清洗机Ultrasonic Cleaners10.恒温液槽Constant Temperature Baths---投入式恒温装置Constant Temperature Devices油槽Oil Baths振荡式低温水槽Low Constant T emperature Shaking Baths深槽形恒温水槽Constant T emperature Water Baths11.离心形冻结干燥机器Centrifugal Freeze Dryers12.冷却液体循环器Cooling Liquid Circulators冷却水循环器 Cooling Water Circulators便携式冷却器Immersion Cooler寒流捕获器 Cooling Trap冷却水外部循环器Cooling Water Circulators试验槽Thoughs13.高温炉High Temperature Furnaces Heating Apparatus---马弗炉Muffle Furnaces超高温电气炉Ultra-High T emperature Electric Furnaces高温电气炉High T emperature Electric Furnaces 真空气体置换炉14.造粒干燥装置(喷雾干燥机、喷雾造粉机、喷雾造粒机)Granulating and Drying Apparatus for Wet Powder Body and Liquid---喷雾干燥器Spray Dryer有机溶剂喷雾干燥器Spray Dryer生产线喷雾干燥器Spray Dryer for Product Line15.浓缩器Evaporators---旋转蒸发仪Rotary Evaporators溶媒回收装置Solvent Recovery Unit16.乳化·搅拌·振荡器Homogenizers, Stirrers, Shakers---磁力搅拌器Magnetic Stirrers加热板Hot Plates振荡器Shakers送液·减压·加压装置Aspirators, Pumps, Compressors搅拌器Stirrers 实验室自动乳钵粉碎器17.等离子装置Low Temperature Ashers, Cleaners, Etchers---气体等离子蚀刻机Gas Plasma Etcher “Plasma Reactor”气体等离子清洗机Gas Plasma Dry Cleaner气体等离子灰化机Gas Plasma Asher半导体基板自动机器18.桌上小型探测显微镜Desk-Top Small Probe Microscope “Nanopics”半导体制造用检查装置Yield Management for Semiconductor Ptoducts非破坏评价解析装置Nondestructive Testing System紫外线洗净·改质装置尘埃计数器风速计19.去静电风机、风幕及静电测定计Auto Balanced Over Head Ion Blower环境试验设备Temperature,Humidity Testing Chamber防湿保管库Moisture-proof Storage Nanotechnology 半导体用设备ANELVA日本电子制品Jeol振动试验装置Vibration Test Systems冲击试验装置20.形态观察分析系统Mapping Analyzer生物分子间相互作用分析系统Biomioleculer Interaction Analysis System高速液相色谱仪LC-CE/CEC System21.血管壁细胞混合培养系统Dynamic Coculture System22.基因检查仪器Genopattern Analyzer23.ATP测定器ATP Measuring Instrument分光光度计Microplate Spectrophotometer细胞培养·发酵用自动分析系统Automated Chemistry Analyzer for Monitoring Cell Culture and Fermentation Processes细胞生死判别系统Cell Vital Analyzer24.细胞计数分析装置Cell Scaler/Analyzer 2元电泳仪荧光Spot Cutter高速冷却离心机High Speed Refrigerated,Centrifuges微量高速离心机High Speed micro-Centrifuges液体中微生物简单测试仪Simple Germ Test Kit “simple T ester”试料混合器25.防爆冷藏柜Explosion proof Freezer and Refrigerator 杀菌水生成系统Sterilization Water Production Device 膜式脱气装置Filter-type Air Extractor 抗酸化机能水制造装置Acid-Resistant Water Purifier 高性能净水器反渗透式高性能净水器26.分光光度计Spectrophotometer元素分析装置Atomic Absorption SpectrophotometerICP发光分光分析ICP Atomic Emission Spectrophotom eterX线光分析计X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis 气体分析计27.近红外分析装置Fourier Transform Near Infrared Spectrometer融点测定仪Melting Point Measuring Instrument热分析系统Thermo System自动反应装置Automatic Reactor水分计Moisture Analyzer引张压缩试验机T ester,Tension and Compression数字粘度计28.振动式粘度计Vibro Viscometer浸透压测定装置Osmotic Pressure Meters 超临界水酸化系统Small SCWO Systems重金属排液处理装置Heavy Metal Eliminator 简易水质检查试验纸Water Quality Tester StripsPH计 Phmeter导电率计 Conductivity Meters湿度计29.YAMATO试验研究设备Laboratory Design and Engineering---通风柜Fume Hoods排风机Blowers实验台Laboratory Furniture保管柜Storage Cabinets实验台用附属器具Carts and Laboratory T able Attachments30.环境制御设施Research Facilities, Product Lines, Environment control Devices---生物安全柜Biohazard Safety Equipment 废水处理系统 Waste Water Treatment 试验动物饲养室Bio Clean Room for Animal experiment31.试料混合器Blender防爆冷藏柜Explosion proof Freezer and Refrigerator 杀菌水生成系统Sterilization Water Production Device 膜式脱气装置Filter-type Air Extractor 抗酸化机能水制造装置Acid-Resistant Water Purifier 高性能净水器反渗透式高性能净水器32.分光光度计Spectrophotometer元素分析装置Atomic Absorption SpectrophotometerICP发光分光分析ICP Atomic Emission Spectrophotom eterX线光分析计X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis 气体分析计Gas Analyzers33.回折/散乱式粒度分布测定装置Analyzer,Particle Size Distribution Laser Diffraction Device 低真空走查电子显微镜Scanning Probe Micro Scope高速液相色谱仪Liquid Chromatograph 滴定装置Automatic Titration34.大塚电子制品电位计膜厚计散乱光光度计LCD测定·评价装置热量计35.天平Balances36.近红外分析装置Fourier Transform Near Infrared Spectrometer融点测定仪Melting Point Measuring Instrument热分析系统Thermo System自动反应装置Automatic Reactor水分计Moisture Analyzer37.近红外分析装置Fourier Transform Near Infrared Spectrometer融点测定仪Melting Point Measuring Instrument热分析系统Thermo System自动反应装置Automatic Reactor水分计Moisture Analyzer38.引张压缩试验机Tester,Tension and Compression数字粘度计Digital Viscometer振动式粘度计Vibro Viscometer浸透压测定装置Osmotic Pressure Meters 超临界水酸化系统Small SCWO Systems39.引张压缩试验机Tester,Tension and Compression数字粘度计Digital Viscometer振动式粘度计Vibro Viscometer浸透压测定装置Osmotic Pressure Meters 超临界水酸化系统Small SCWO Systems40.引张压缩试验机Tester,Tension and Compression数字粘度计Digital Viscometer振动式粘度计Vibro Viscometer浸透压测定装置Osmotic Pressure Meters 超临界水酸化系统Small SCWO Systems41.重金属排液处理装置Heavy Metal Eliminator 简易水质检查试验纸Water Quality Tester StripsPH计Phmeter导电率计 Conductivity Meters湿度计Hygrothermometers过滤器Filter 42.通风柜Fume Hoods排风机Blowers实验台Laboratory Furniture保管柜Storage Cabinets 实验台用附属器具Carts and Laboratory Table Attachments43.生物安全柜Biohazard Safety Equipment 废水处理系统Waste Water Treatment 试验动物饲养室Bio Clean Room for Animal experiment44.生物安全柜Biohazard Safety Equipment 废水处理系统Waste Water Treatment 试验动物饲养室Bio Clean Room for Animal experiment45.电磁波室隔音室恒温室/恒温恒湿室Constant Temperature and Humidity Facilities低温室Constant Low T emperature Facilities人工气候室Artificial Atmospheric Phenomena Simulator 46.电磁波室隔音室恒温室/恒温恒湿室Constant Temperature and Humidity Facilities低温室Constant Low Temperature Facilities人工气候室Artificial Atmospheric Phenomena Simulator 动物研究用高压蒸汽灭菌装置47.动物研究用高压蒸汽灭菌装置Sterilization Systems, for Animal Research48.动物研究用高压蒸汽灭菌装置Sterilization Systems, for Animal Research49.送风定温恒温器Forced Convection Constant T emperature Ovens惰性气体恒温器Inert Gas Ovens精密恒温器 Precision Constant T emperature Ovens洁净恒温器 Clean Ovens送风定温干燥器Forced Convection Constant T emperature Drying Ovens50.定温干燥箱Constant T emperature Drying Ovens角形真空定温干燥器Vacuum Drying Ovens 恒温恒湿器Constant Temperature and Humidity Chambers流水线设备In-Line System for Underfill Adhesive and Encapsulation51.液晶产业用高压脱泡机Autoclaves ----用于去除LCD的气泡。

机械配件词汇中英文对照1. 螺栓(Bolt)2. 螺母(Nut)3.垫圈(Washer)4. 销子(Pin)5. 轴承(Bearing)6. 齿轮(Gear)7. 液压缸(Hydraulic Cylinder)8. 气缸(Pneumatic Cylinder)9. 皮带轮(Pulley)10. 链轮(Sprocket)11. 联轴器(Coupling)12. 弹簧(Spring)13. 密封圈(Seal)14. 油封(Oil Seal)15. 滤清器(Filter)16. 泵(Pump)17. 阀门(Valve)18. 传感器(Sensor)19. 接头(Connector)20. 软管(Hose)机械配件词汇中英文对照(续)21. 齿条(Rack)22. 滑轨(Guide Rail)23. 滑块(Slider)24. 紧固件(Fastener)25. 调整垫片(Shim)26. 定位销(Locating Pin)27. 卡簧(Retaining Ring)28. 摩擦片(Friction Plate)29. 转向节(Steering Knuckle)30. 万向节(Universal Joint)31. 减震器(Shock Absorber)32. 悬挂臂(Suspension Arm)33. 制动盘(Brake Disc)34. 制动鼓(Brake Drum)35. 制动片(Brake Pad)36. 制动蹄(Brake Shoe)37. 驱动轴(Drive Shaft)38. 传动带(Transmission Belt)39. 齿轮箱(Gearbox)40. 变速器(Transmission)机械配件词汇中英文对照(续二)41. 发电机(Alternator)42. 起动机(Starter)43. 空气滤清器(Air Filter)44. 油冷却器(Oil Cooler)45. 散热器(Radiator)46. 扩张圈(Expansion Joint)47. 轴承座(Bearing Block)48. 摩擦盘(Clutch Disk)49. 离合器压盘(Clutch Pressure Plate)50. 飞轮(Flywheel)51. 正时皮带(Timing Belt)52. 正时链条(Timing Chain)53. 气门(Valve)54. 气门导管(Valve Guide)55. 气门弹簧(Valve Spring)56. 气门杆(Valve Stem)57. 气门座(Valve Seat)58. 活塞(Piston)59. 连杆(Connecting Rod)60. 曲轴(Crankshaft)这些词汇是机械领域的基础,它们构成了机械设备的骨架和血脉。

机械专业英语词汇总汇陶瓷ceramics合成纤维synthetic fibre电化学腐蚀electrochemical corrosion车架automotive chassis悬架suspension转向器redirector变速器speed changer板料冲压sheet metal parts孔加工spot facing machining车间workshop工程技术人员engineer气动夹紧pneuma lock数学模型mathematical model画法几何descriptive geometry机械制图Mechanical drawing投影projection视图view剖视图profile chart标准件standard component零件图part drawing装配图assembly drawing尺寸标注size marking技术要求technical requirements刚度rigidity内力internal force位移displacement截面section疲劳极限fatigue limit断裂fracture塑性变形plastic distortion脆性材料brittleness material刚度准则rigidity criterion垫圈washer垫片spacer直齿圆柱齿轮straight toothed spur gear 斜齿圆柱齿轮helical-spur gear直齿锥齿轮straight bevel gear运动简图kinematic sketch齿轮齿条pinion and rack蜗杆蜗轮worm and worm gear虚约束passive constraint曲柄crank摇杆racker凸轮cams共轭曲线conjugate curve范成法generation method定义域definitional domain值域range导数\\微分differential coefficient求导derivation定积分definite integral不定积分indefinite integral曲率curvature偏微分partial differential毛坯rough游标卡尺slide caliper千分尺micrometer calipers攻丝tap二阶行列式second order determinant逆矩阵inverse matrix线性方程组linear equations概率probability随机变量random variable排列组合permutation and combination气体状态方程equation of state of gas动能kinetic energy势能potential energy机械能守恒conservation of mechanical energy动量momentum桁架truss轴线axes余子式cofactor逻辑电路logic circuit触发器flip-flop脉冲波形pulse shape数模digital analogy液压传动机构fluid drive mechanism机械零件mechanical parts淬火冷却quench淬火hardening回火tempering调质hardening and tempering磨粒abrasive grain结合剂bonding agent砂轮grinding wheel后角clearance angle龙门刨削planing主轴spindle主轴箱headstock卡盘chuck加工中心machining center车刀lathe tool车床lathe钻削镗削bore车削turning磨床grinder基准benchmark钳工locksmith锻forge压模stamping焊weld拉床broaching machine拉孔broaching装配assembling铸造found流体动力学fluid dynamics流体力学fluid mechanics加工machining液压hydraulic pressure切线tangent机电一体化mechanotronics mechanical-electrical integration 气压air pressure pneumatic pressure稳定性stability介质medium液压驱动泵fluid clutch液压泵hydraulic pump阀门valve失效invalidation强度intensity载荷load应力stress安全系数safty factor可靠性reliability螺纹thread螺旋helix键spline销pin滚动轴承rolling bearing滑动轴承sliding bearing弹簧spring制动器arrester brake十字结联轴节crosshead联轴器coupling链chain皮带strap精加工finish machining粗加工rough machining变速箱体gearbox casing腐蚀rust氧化oxidation磨损wear耐用度durability随机信号random signal离散信号discrete signal超声传感器ultrasonic sensor集成电路integrate circuit挡板orifice plate残余应力residual stress套筒sleeve扭力torsion冷加工cold machining电动机electromotor汽缸cylinder过盈配合interference fit热加工hotwork摄像头CCD camera倒角rounding chamfer优化设计optimal design工业造型设计industrial moulding design有限元finite element滚齿hobbing插齿gear shaping伺服电机actuating motor铣床milling machine钻床drill machine镗床boring machine步进电机stepper motor丝杠screw rod导轨lead rail组件subassembly可编程序逻辑控制器Programmable Logic Controller PLC 电火花加工electric spark machining电火花线切割加工electrical discharge wire - cutting相图phase diagram热处理heat treatment固态相变solid state phase changes有色金属nonferrous metal陶瓷ceramics合成纤维synthetic fibre电化学腐蚀electrochemical corrosion车架automotive chassis悬架suspension转向器redirector变速器speed changer板料冲压sheet metal parts孔加工spot facing machining车间workshop工程技术人员engineer气动夹紧pneuma lock数学模型mathematical model画法几何descriptive geometry机械制图Mechanical drawing投影projection视图view剖视图profile chart标准件standard component零件图part drawing装配图assembly drawing尺寸标注size marking技术要求technical requirements刚度rigidity内力internal force位移displacement截面section疲劳极限fatigue limit断裂fracture塑性变形plastic distortion脆性材料brittleness material刚度准则rigidity criterion垫圈washer垫片spacer直齿圆柱齿轮straight toothed spur gear 斜齿圆柱齿轮helical-spur gear直齿锥齿轮straight bevel gear运动简图kinematic sketch齿轮齿条pinion and rack蜗杆蜗轮worm and worm gear虚约束passive constraint曲柄crank摇杆racker凸轮cams共轭曲线conjugate curve范成法generation method定义域definitional domain值域range导数\\微分differential coefficient求导derivation定积分definite integral不定积分indefinite integral曲率curvature偏微分partial differential毛坯rough游标卡尺slide caliper千分尺micrometer calipers攻丝tap二阶行列式second order determinant逆矩阵inverse matrix线性方程组linear equations概率probability随机变量random variable排列组合permutation and combination气体状态方程equation of state of gas动能kinetic energy势能potential energy机械能守恒conservation of mechanical energy 动量momentum桁架truss轴线axes余子式cofactor逻辑电路logic circuit触发器flip-flop脉冲波形pulse shape数模digital analogy液压传动机构fluid drive mechanism机械零件mechanical parts淬火冷却quench淬火hardening回火tempering调质hardening and tempering磨粒abrasive grain结合剂bonding agent砂轮grinding wheelAssembly line 组装线Layout 布置图Conveyer 流水线物料板Rivet table 拉钉机Rivet gun 拉钉枪Screw driver 起子Pneumatic screw driver 气动起子worktable 工作桌OOBA 开箱检查fit together 组装在一起fasten 锁紧(螺丝)fixture 夹具(治具)pallet 栈板barcode 条码barcode scanner 条码扫描器fuse together 熔合fuse machine热熔机repair修理operator作业员QC品管supervisor 课长ME 制造工程师MT 制造生技cosmetic inspect 外观检查inner parts inspect 内部检查thumb screw 大头螺丝lbs. inch 镑、英寸EMI gasket 导电条front plate 前板rear plate 后板chassis 基座bezel panel 面板power button 电源按键reset button 重置键Hi-pot test of SPS 高源高压测试Voltage switch of SPS 电源电压接拉键sheet metal parts 冲件plastic parts 塑胶件SOP 制造作业程序material check list 物料检查表work cell 工作间trolley 台车carton 纸箱sub-line 支线left fork 叉车personnel resource department 人力资源部production department生产部门planning department企划部QC Section品管科stamping factory冲压厂painting factory烤漆厂molding factory成型厂common equipment常用设备uncoiler and straightener整平机punching machine 冲床robot机械手hydraulic machine油压机lathe车床planer |plein|刨床miller铣床grinder磨床linear cutting线切割electrical sparkle电火花welder电焊机staker=reviting machine铆合机position职务president董事长general manager总经理special assistant manager特助factory director厂长department director部长deputy manager | =vice manager副理section supervisor课长deputy section supervisor =vice section superisor副课长group leader/supervisor组长line supervisor线长assistant manager助理to move, to carry, to handle搬运be put in storage入库pack packing包装to apply oil擦油to file burr 锉毛刺final inspection终检to connect material接料to reverse material 翻料wet station沾湿台Tiana天那水cleaning cloth抹布to load material上料to unload material卸料to return material/stock to退料scraped |\\'skr?pid|报废scrape ..v.刮;削deficient purchase来料不良manufacture procedure制程deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良oxidation |\\' ksi\\'dei?n|氧化scratch刮伤dents压痕defective upsiding down抽芽不良defective to staking铆合不良embedded lump镶块feeding is not in place送料不到位stamping-missing漏冲production capacity生产力education and training教育与训练proposal improvement提案改善spare parts=buffer备件forklift叉车trailer=long vehicle拖板车compound die合模die locker锁模器pressure plate=plate pinch压板bolt螺栓administration/general affairs dept总务部automatic screwdriver电动启子thickness gauge厚薄规gauge(or jig)治具power wire电源线buzzle蜂鸣器defective product label不良标签identifying sheet list标示单location地点present members出席人员subject主题conclusion结论decision items决议事项responsible department负责单位pre-fixed finishing date预定完成日approved by / checked by / prepared by核准/审核/承办PCE assembly production schedule sheet PCE组装厂生产排配表model机锺work order工令revision版次remark备注production control confirmation生产确认checked by初审approved by核准department部门stock age analysis sheet 库存货龄分析表on-hand inventory现有库存available material良品可使用obsolete material良品已呆滞to be inspected or reworked 待验或重工total合计cause description原因说明part number/ P/N 料号type形态item/group/class类别quality品质prepared by制表notes说明year-end physical inventory difference analysis sheet 年终盘点差异分析表physical inventory盘点数量physical count quantity帐面数量difference quantity差异量cause analysis原因分析raw materials原料materials物料finished product成品semi-finished product半成品packing materials包材good product/accepted goods/ accepted parts/good parts良品defective product/non-good parts不良品disposed goods处理品warehouse/hub仓库on way location在途仓oversea location海外仓spare parts physical inventory list备品盘点清单spare molds location模具备品仓skid/pallet栈板tox machine自铆机wire EDM线割EDM放电机coil stock卷料sheet stock片料tolerance工差score=groove压线cam block滑块pilot导正筒trim剪外边pierce剪内边drag form压锻差pocket for the punch head挂钩槽slug hole废料孔feature die公母模expansion dwg展开图radius半径shim(wedge)楔子torch-flame cut火焰切割set screw止付螺丝form block折刀stop pin定位销round pierce punch=die button圆冲子shape punch=die insert异形子stock locater block定位块under cut=scrap chopper清角active plate活动板baffle plate挡块cover plate盖板male die公模female die母模groove punch压线冲子air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板bushing block衬套insert 入块club car高尔夫球车capability能力parameter参数factor系数phosphate皮膜化成viscosity涂料粘度alkalidipping脱脂main manifold主集流脉bezel斜视规blanking穿落模dejecting顶固模demagnetization去磁;消磁high-speed transmission高速传递heat dissipation热传rack上料degrease脱脂rinse水洗alkaline etch龄咬desmut剥黑膜D.I. rinse纯水次Chromate铬酸处理Anodize阳性处理seal封孔revision版次part number/P/N料号good products良品scraped products报放心品defective products不良品finished products成品disposed products处理品barcode条码flow chart流程表单assembly组装stamping冲压molding成型spare parts=buffer备品coordinate座标dismantle the die折模auxiliary fuction辅助功能poly-line多义线heater band 加热片thermocouple热电偶sand blasting喷沙grit 砂砾derusting machine除锈机degate打浇口dryer烘干机induction感应induction light感应光response=reaction=interaction感应ram连杆edge finder巡边器concave凸convex凹short射料不足nick缺口speck瑕??shine亮班splay 银纹gas mark焦痕delamination起鳞cold slug冷块blush 导色gouge沟槽;凿槽satin texture段面咬花witness line证示线patent专利grit沙砾granule=peuet=grain细粒grit maker抽粒机cushion缓冲magnalium镁铝合金magnesium镁金metal plate钣金lathe车mill锉plane刨grind磨drill铝boring镗blinster气泡fillet镶;嵌边through-hole form通孔形式voller pin formality滚针形式cam driver铡楔shank摸柄crank shaft曲柄轴augular offset角度偏差velocity速度production tempo生产进度现状torque扭矩spline=the multiple keys花键quenching淬火tempering回火annealing退火carbonization碳化tungsten high speed steel钨高速的moly high speed steel钼高速的organic solvent有机溶剂bracket小磁导liaison联络单volatile挥发性resistance电阻ion离子titrator滴定仪beacon警示灯coolant冷却液crusher破碎机阿基米德蜗杆Archimedes worm安全系数safety factor; factor of safety安全载荷safe load凹面、凹度concavity扳手wrench板簧flat leaf spring半圆键woodruff key变形deformation摆杆oscillating bar摆动从动件oscillating follower摆动从动件凸轮机构cam with oscillating follower 摆动导杆机构oscillating guide-bar mechanism 摆线齿轮cycloidal gear摆线齿形cycloidal tooth profile摆线运动规律cycloidal motion摆线针轮cycloidal-pin wheel包角angle of contact保持架cage背对背安装back-to-back arrangement背锥back cone ;normal cone背锥角back angle背锥距back cone distance比例尺scale比热容specific heat capacity闭式链closed kinematic chain闭链机构closed chain mechanism臂部arm变频器frequency converters变频调速frequency control of motor speed变速speed change变速齿轮change gear change wheel变位齿轮modified gear变位系数modification coefficient标准齿轮standard gear标准直齿轮standard spur gear表面质量系数superficial mass factor表面传热系数surface coefficient of heat transfer表面粗糙度surface roughness并联式组合combination in parallel并联机构parallel mechanism并联组合机构parallel combined mechanism并行工程concurrent engineering并行设计concurred design, CD不平衡相位phase angle of unbalance不平衡imbalance (or unbalance)不平衡量amount of unbalance不完全齿轮机构intermittent gearing波发生器wave generator波数number of waves补偿compensation参数化设计parameterization design, PD残余应力residual stress操纵及控制装置operation control device槽轮Geneva wheel槽轮机构Geneva mechanism ;Maltese cross槽数Geneva numerate槽凸轮groove cam侧隙backlash差动轮系differential gear train差动螺旋机构differential screw mechanism差速器differential常用机构conventional mechanism; mechanism in common use 车床lathe承载量系数bearing capacity factor承载能力bearing capacity成对安装paired mounting尺寸系列dimension series齿槽tooth space齿槽宽spacewidth齿侧间隙backlash齿顶高addendum齿顶圆addendum circle齿根高dedendum齿根圆dedendum circle齿厚tooth thickness齿距circular pitch齿宽face width齿廓tooth profile齿廓曲线tooth curve齿轮gear齿轮变速箱speed-changing gear boxes齿轮齿条机构pinion and rack齿轮插刀pinion cutter; pinion-shaped shaper cutter 齿轮滚刀hob ,hobbing cutter齿轮机构gear齿轮轮坯blank齿轮传动系pinion unit齿轮联轴器gear coupling齿条传动rack gear齿数tooth number齿数比gear ratio齿条rack齿条插刀rack cutter; rack-shaped shaper cutter齿形链、无声链silent chain齿形系数form factor齿式棘轮机构tooth ratchet mechanism插齿机gear shaper重合点coincident points重合度contact ratio冲床punch传动比transmission ratio, speed ratio传动装置gearing; transmission gear传动系统driven system传动角transmission angle传动轴transmission shaft串联式组合combination in series串联式组合机构series combined mechanism串级调速cascade speed control创新innovation creation创新设计creation design垂直载荷、法向载荷normal load唇形橡胶密封lip rubber seal磁流体轴承magnetic fluid bearing从动带轮driven pulley从动件driven link, follower从动件平底宽度width of flat-face从动件停歇follower dwell从动件运动规律follower motion从动轮driven gear粗线bold line粗牙螺纹coarse thread大齿轮gear wheel打包机packer打滑slipping带传动belt driving带轮belt pulley带式制动器band brake单列轴承single row bearing单向推力轴承single-direction thrust bearing单万向联轴节single universal joint单位矢量unit vector当量齿轮equivalent spur gear; virtual gear当量齿数equivalent teeth number; virtual number of teeth当量摩擦系数equivalent coefficient of friction当量载荷equivalent load刀具cutter导数derivative倒角chamfer导热性conduction of heat导程lead导程角lead angle等加等减速运动规律parabolic motion; constant acceleration and deceleration motion 等速运动规律uniform motion; constant velocity motion等径凸轮conjugate yoke radial cam等宽凸轮constant-breadth cam等效构件equivalent link等效力equivalent force等效力矩equivalent moment of force等效量equivalent等效质量equivalent mass等效转动惯量equivalent moment of inertia等效动力学模型dynamically equivalent model底座chassis低副lower pair点划线chain dotted line(疲劳)点蚀pitting垫圈gasket垫片密封gasket seal碟形弹簧belleville spring顶隙bottom clearance定轴轮系ordinary gear train; gear train with fixed axes动力学dynamics动密封kinematical seal动能dynamic energy动力粘度dynamic viscosity动力润滑dynamic lubrication动平衡dynamic balance动平衡机dynamic balancing machine动态特性dynamic characteristics动态分析设计dynamic analysis design动压力dynamic reaction动载荷dynamic load端面transverse plane端面参数transverse parameters端面齿距transverse circular pitch端面齿廓transverse tooth profile端面重合度transverse contact ratio端面模数transverse module端面压力角transverse pressure angle锻造forge对称循环应力symmetry circulating stress对心滚子从动件radial (or in-line ) roller follower对心直动从动件radial (or in-line ) translating follower对心移动从动件radial reciprocating follower对心曲柄滑块机构in-line slider-crank (or crank-slider) mechanism 多列轴承multi-row bearing多楔带poly V-belt多项式运动规律polynomial motion多质量转子rotor with several masses惰轮idle gear额定寿命rating life额定载荷load ratingII 级杆组dyad发生线generating line发生面generating plane法面normal plane法面参数normal parameters法面齿距normal circular pitch法面模数normal module法面压力角normal pressure angle法向齿距normal pitch法向齿廓normal tooth profile法向直廓蜗杆straight sided normal worm法向力normal force反馈式组合feedback combining反向运动学inverse ( or backward) kinematics反转法kinematic inversion反正切Arctan范成法generating cutting仿形法form cutting方案设计、概念设计concept design, CD防振装置shockproof device飞轮flywheel飞轮矩moment of flywheel非标准齿轮nonstandard gear非接触式密封non-contact seal非周期性速度波动aperiodic speed fluctuation非圆齿轮non-circular gear粉末合金powder metallurgy分度线reference line; standard pitch line分度圆reference circle; standard (cutting) pitch circle 分度圆柱导程角lead angle at reference cylinder分度圆柱螺旋角helix angle at reference cylinder分母denominator分子numerator分度圆锥reference cone; standard pitch cone分析法analytical method封闭差动轮系planetary differential复合铰链compound hinge复合式组合compound combining复合轮系compound (or combined) gear train复合平带compound flat belt复合应力combined stress复式螺旋机构Compound screw mechanism复杂机构complex mechanism杆组Assur group干涉interference刚度系数stiffness coefficient刚轮rigid circular spline钢丝软轴wire soft shaft刚体导引机构body guidance mechanism刚性冲击rigid impulse (shock)刚性转子rigid rotor刚性轴承rigid bearing刚性联轴器rigid coupling高度系列height series高速带high speed belt高副higher pair格拉晓夫定理Grashoff`s law根切undercutting公称直径nominal diameter高度系列height series功work工况系数application factor工艺设计technological design工作循环图working cycle diagram工作机构operation mechanism工作载荷external loads工作空间working space工作应力working stress工作阻力effective resistance工作阻力矩effective resistance moment公法线common normal line公共约束general constraint公制齿轮metric gears功率power功能分析设计function analyses design共轭齿廓conjugate profiles共轭凸轮conjugate cam构件link鼓风机blower固定构件fixed link; frame固体润滑剂solid lubricant关节型操作器jointed manipulator惯性力inertia force惯性力矩moment of inertia ,shaking moment 惯性力平衡balance of shaking force惯性力完全平衡full balance of shaking force惯性力部分平衡partial balance of shaking force 惯性主矩resultant moment of inertia惯性主失resultant vector of inertia冠轮crown gear广义机构generation mechanism广义坐标generalized coordinate轨迹生成path generation轨迹发生器path generator滚刀hob滚道raceway滚动体rolling element滚动轴承rolling bearing滚动轴承代号rolling bearing identification code 滚针needle roller滚针轴承needle roller bearing滚子roller滚子轴承roller bearing滚子半径radius of roller滚子从动件roller follower滚子链roller chain滚子链联轴器double roller chain coupling滚珠丝杆ball screw滚柱式单向超越离合器roller clutch过度切割undercutting函数发生器function generator函数生成function generation含油轴承oil bearing耗油量oil consumption耗油量系数oil consumption factor赫兹公式H. Hertz equation合成弯矩resultant bending moment合力resultant force合力矩resultant moment of force黑箱black box横坐标abscissa互换性齿轮interchangeable gears花键spline滑键、导键feather key滑动轴承sliding bearing滑动率sliding ratio滑块slider环面蜗杆toroid helicoids worm环形弹簧annular spring缓冲装置shocks; shock-absorber灰铸铁grey cast iron回程return回转体平衡balance of rotors混合轮系compound gear train积分integrate机电一体化系统设计mechanical-electrical integration system design 机构mechanism机构分析analysis of mechanism机构平衡balance of mechanism机构学mechanism机构运动设计kinematic design of mechanism机构运动简图kinematic sketch of mechanism机构综合synthesis of mechanism机构组成constitution of mechanism机架frame, fixed link机架变换kinematic inversion机器machine机器人robot机器人操作器manipulator机器人学robotics技术过程technique process技术经济评价technical and economic evaluation技术系统technique system机械machinery机械创新设计mechanical creation design, MCD机械系统设计mechanical system design, MSD机械动力分析dynamic analysis of machinery机械动力设计dynamic design of machinery机械动力学dynamics of machinery机械的现代设计modern machine design机械系统mechanical system机械利益mechanical advantage机械平衡balance of machinery机械手manipulator机械设计machine design; mechanical design机械特性mechanical behavior机械调速mechanical speed governors机械效率mechanical efficiency机械原理theory of machines and mechanisms机械运转不均匀系数coefficient of speed fluctuation机械无级变速mechanical stepless speed changes基础机构fundamental mechanism基本额定寿命basic rating life基于实例设计case-based design,CBD基圆base circle基圆半径radius of base circle基圆齿距base pitch基圆压力角pressure angle of base circle基圆柱base cylinder基圆锥base cone急回机构quick-return mechanism急回特性quick-return characteristics急回系数advance-to return-time ratio急回运动quick-return motion棘轮ratchet棘轮机构ratchet mechanism棘爪pawl极限位置extreme (or limiting) position极位夹角crank angle between extreme (or limiting) positions计算机辅助设计computer aided design, CAD计算机辅助制造computer aided manufacturing, CAM计算机集成制造系统computer integrated manufacturing system, CIMS 计算力矩factored moment; calculation moment计算弯矩calculated bending moment加权系数weighting efficient加速度acceleration加速度分析acceleration analysis加速度曲线acceleration diagram尖点pointing; cusp尖底从动件knife-edge follower间隙backlash间歇运动机构intermittent motion mechanism 减速比reduction ratio减速齿轮、减速装置reduction gear减速器speed reducer减摩性anti-friction quality渐开螺旋面involute helicoid渐开线involute渐开线齿廓involute profile渐开线齿轮involute gear渐开线发生线generating line of involute渐开线方程involute equation渐开线函数involute function渐开线蜗杆involute worm渐开线压力角pressure angle of involute渐开线花键involute spline简谐运动simple harmonic motion键key键槽keyway交变应力repeated stress交变载荷repeated fluctuating load交叉带传动cross-belt drive交错轴斜齿轮crossed helical gears胶合scoring角加速度angular acceleration角速度angular velocity角速比angular velocity ratio角接触球轴承angular contact ball bearing角接触推力轴承angular contact thrust bearing 角接触向心轴承angular contact radial bearing 角接触轴承angular contact bearing铰链、枢纽hinge校正平面correcting plane接触应力contact stress接触式密封contact seal阶梯轴multi-diameter shaft结构structure结构设计structural design截面section节点pitch point节距circular pitch; pitch of teeth节线pitch line节圆pitch circle节圆齿厚thickness on pitch circle节圆直径pitch diameter节圆锥pitch cone节圆锥角pitch cone angle解析设计analytical design紧边tight-side紧固件fastener径节diametral pitch径向radial direction径向当量动载荷dynamic equivalent radial load径向当量静载荷static equivalent radial load径向基本额定动载荷basic dynamic radial load rating 径向基本额定静载荷basic static radial load tating径向接触轴承radial contact bearing径向平面radial plane径向游隙radial internal clearance径向载荷radial load径向载荷系数radial load factor径向间隙clearance静力static force静平衡static balance静载荷static load静密封static seal局部自由度passive degree of freedom矩阵matrix矩形螺纹square threaded form锯齿形螺纹buttress thread form矩形牙嵌式离合器square-jaw positive-contact clutch 绝对尺寸系数absolute dimensional factor绝对运动absolute motion绝对速度absolute velocity均衡装置load balancing mechanism抗压强度compression strength开口传动open-belt drive开式链open kinematic chain开链机构open chain mechanism可靠度degree of reliability可靠性reliability可靠性设计reliability design, RD空气弹簧air spring空间机构spatial mechanism空间连杆机构spatial linkage空间凸轮机构spatial cam空间运动副spatial kinematic pair空间运动链spatial kinematic chain空转idle宽度系列width series框图block diagram雷诺方程Reynolds‘s equation离心力centrifugal force离心应力centrifugal stress离合器clutch离心密封centrifugal seal理论廓线pitch curve理论啮合线theoretical line of action隶属度membership力force力多边形force polygon力封闭型凸轮机构force-drive (or force-closed) cam mechanism 力矩moment力平衡equilibrium力偶couple力偶矩moment of couple连杆connecting rod, coupler连杆机构linkage连杆曲线coupler-curve连心线line of centers链chain链传动装置chain gearing链轮sprocket sprocket-wheel sprocket gear chain wheel联组V 带tight-up V belt联轴器coupling shaft coupling两维凸轮two-dimensional cam临界转速critical speed六杆机构six-bar linkage龙门刨床double Haas planer轮坯blank轮系gear train螺杆screw螺距thread pitch螺母screw nut螺旋锥齿轮helical bevel gear螺钉screws螺栓bolts螺纹导程lead螺纹效率screw efficiency螺旋传动power screw螺旋密封spiral seal螺纹thread (of a screw)螺旋副helical pair螺旋机构screw mechanism螺旋角helix angle螺旋线helix ,helical line绿色设计green design design for environment马耳他机构Geneva wheel Geneva gear马耳他十字Maltese cross脉动无级变速pulsating stepless speed changes脉动循环应力fluctuating circulating stress脉动载荷fluctuating load铆钉rivet迷宫密封labyrinth seal密封seal密封带seal belt密封胶seal gum密封元件potted component密封装置sealing arrangement面对面安装face-to-face arrangement面向产品生命周期设计design for product`s life cycle, DPLC 名义应力、公称应力nominal stress模块化设计modular design, MD模块式传动系统modular system模幅箱morphology box模糊集fuzzy set模糊评价fuzzy evaluation模数module摩擦friction摩擦角friction angle摩擦力friction force摩擦学设计tribology design, TD摩擦阻力frictional resistance摩擦力矩friction moment摩擦系数coefficient of friction摩擦圆friction circle磨损abrasion wear; scratching末端执行器end-effector目标函数objective function耐腐蚀性corrosion resistance耐磨性wear resistance挠性机构mechanism with flexible elements挠性转子flexible rotor内齿轮internal gear内齿圈ring gear内力internal force内圈inner ring能量energy能量指示图viscosity逆时针counterclockwise (or anticlockwise)啮出engaging-out啮合engagement, mesh, gearing啮合点contact points啮合角working pressure angle啮合线line of action啮合线长度length of line of action啮入engaging-in牛头刨床shaper凝固点freezing point; solidifying point扭转应力torsion stress扭矩moment of torque扭簧helical torsion spring诺模图NomogramO 形密封圈密封O ring seal盘形凸轮disk cam盘形转子disk-like rotor抛物线运动parabolic motion疲劳极限fatigue limit疲劳强度fatigue strength偏置式offset偏( 心) 距offset distance偏心率eccentricity ratio偏心质量eccentric mass偏距圆offset circle偏心盘eccentric偏置滚子从动件offset roller follower偏置尖底从动件offset knife-edge follower偏置曲柄滑块机构offset slider-crank mechanism 拼接matching评价与决策evaluation and decision频率frequency平带flat belt平带传动flat belt driving平底从动件flat-face follower平底宽度face width平分线bisector平均应力average stress平均中径mean screw diameter平均速度average velocity平衡balance平衡机balancing machine平衡品质balancing quality平衡平面correcting plane平衡质量balancing mass平衡重counterweight平衡转速balancing speed平面副planar pair, flat pair平面机构planar mechanism平面运动副planar kinematic pair平面连杆机构planar linkage平面凸轮planar cam平面凸轮机构planar cam mechanism平面轴斜齿轮parallel helical gears普通平键parallel key其他常用机构other mechanism in common use起动阶段starting period启动力矩starting torque气动机构pneumatic mechanism奇异位置singular position起始啮合点initial contact , beginning of contact气体轴承gas bearing千斤顶jack嵌入键sunk key强迫振动forced vibration切齿深度depth of cut曲柄crank曲柄存在条件Grashoff`s law曲柄导杆机构crank shaper (guide-bar) mechanism曲柄滑块机构slider-crank (or crank-slider) mechanism 曲柄摇杆机构crank-rocker mechanism曲齿锥齿轮spiral bevel gear曲率curvature曲率半径radius of curvature曲面从动件curved-shoe follower曲线拼接curve matching曲线运动curvilinear motion曲轴crank shaft驱动力driving force驱动力矩driving moment (torque)全齿高whole depth权重集weight sets。

1. 基础设备1. 烧杯 - Beaker2. 烧杯夹 - Beaker tongs3. 管子 - Tube4. 试管 - Test tube5. 试管夹 - Test tube clamp6. 玻璃棒 - Glass rod7. 洗瓶 - Wash bottle8. 定量瓶 - Volumetric flask2. 分离设备1. 漏斗 - Funnel2. 过滤纸 - Filter paper3. 滤液瓶 - Filtering flask4. 离心机 - Centrifuge3. 反应设备1. 镊子 - Forceps2. 钳子 - Pliers3. 显微镜 - Microscope4. 加热器 - Heater5. 酒精灯 - Alcohol lamp6. 蒸馏器 - Distillation apparatus7. 反应瓶 - Reaction flask8. 圆底烧瓶 - Round bottom flask 4. 测量设备1. 电子天平 - Electronic balance2. 分光光度计 - Spectrophotometer3. pH计 - pH meter4. 比色皿 - Colorimeter5. 密度计 - Density meter6. 温度计 - Thermometer5. 气体设备1. 装有水的槽 - Water trough2. 科尔伯瓶 - Gas collecting bottle3. 气体瓶 - Gas cylinder4. 气体收集瓶 - Gas collection bottle6. 其他设备1. 蓝宝石激光器 - Sapphire laser2. 示波器 - Oscilloscope3. 电极 - Electrode4. 探针 - Probe5. 发光二极管 - Light-emitting diode (LED)6. 激光器 - Laser希望本文档能对您有所帮助!。

常用实验仪器名称中英文对照表仪器常用词汇玻璃漏斗Glass funnel long stem试管test tube test tube brush test tube holder test tube rack 蒸发皿evaporating dish small烧杯 beaker锥形瓶 Erlenmeyer量筒 grad cylinder洗瓶 plastic wash bottle勺皿 casserole ,smallstoppered flask分液漏斗 separalory funnelwater bath/oil bathstrring barmagnetic stirrer冷凝器 condenserBallast bottle圆颈烧瓶 Round-buttom flask试剂瓶 reagent bottles托盘天平 platform balance指针刻度表pointer and scale游码crossbeams and sliding weights分析天平 two-pan/single-pan analytical balance滴定管burette glass bead(basic) nozzle移液管 pipette 胖肚 elongated glass bulb洗耳球rubber suction bulb玻棒 glass rod玻璃活塞 stopcock容量瓶 pyknowmeter flasks比重瓶 (one-mark)volumetric flasks胖肚吸管 one-mark pipette刻度吸管 graduated pipettes实验仪器清单锥形瓶(conical flask) 250ml×4 药匙(medicine spoon)×1 (Erlenmeyer flask) 100 ml×3 滴管(drip tube;dropper)×2 烧杯(beaker) 500 ml×1 玻棒(Glass stic)×2250 ml×3 木试管夹(test tube clamp;test tube holder)×1 100 ml×3 胖肚吸管(straws) 25 ml×150 ml×2 10 ml×1容量瓶(volumetric flask) 100 ml×2 乳钵(morta)×150 ml×4 洗耳球(ear wadhing bulb)碘量瓶(iodin numoe flask;iodineflask) 500 ml×3试剂瓶 (reagent bottle) (无色)×2(棕色)×2 配洗液:量筒(cylinder)100 ml×1 K2Cr2O72g+5ml水→65mlH2SO4(graduated cylinder)10ml×1 边加边搅拌(stir)。

Titrate stand 滴定台 Turbidity meter 浊度仪 Culture dish 培养皿 Shaking bed 旋摇床 Electronic analytic balance 电子分析天平 Spectra photometer 分光光度仪 Condensate water 冷凝水 Motor retarding device 电机减速器 Dish head 封头 Mash pump 醪液泵 Reinforce plate 筋板 Sieve plate 筛板 Feed valve 进料阀 Buffering pump 缓冲罐 Staff gauge 标尺 Shell 锅身(筒节) Manhole人孔 Backing plate 垫板 Close plate 封板 Base plate 挡板,护板 Ring plate 环板 Malt outlet pipe 麦汁出口管 CIP feeding pump CIP进料泵 Brew/batch批次 Filling 填料 Fermentation 发酵 Cooling 冷却 Heating 加热 Grain silo麦仓 Weighing machine 称重器 Wet malt milling machine 湿麦芽粉碎机 Soft water 软水 Thermal load 热应力 Watch dog time 监控时间 Enzyme 酶制剂 Bitter substance 苦味质 Isomerization 异构化作用 PH- value PH值 Acidifying machine 浸酸机 压滤机 filter press
Sight glass 视镜 Light glass 光镜 Cladding 包皮 Resin 树脂 Vent stack 排气筒 Snug fit 滑合座 Descale 除垢 Sterile air filtration system 无菌空气过滤系统 Flow meter 流量计 Fine adjustment valve 微调阀门 Primary air filtration 初级空气过滤 Polypropylene 聚丙烯 Heating media 加热介质 Hot caustic tank 热碱罐 Common base connection 共基极连接 Yeast propagation 酵母扩培 Spray ball清洗球 Dull polish 磨砂 Cartridge filter element 放热过滤元件 Glycol 乙二醇 Bunging apparatus办槽装置 Samplingvalve 取样阀 Insulation 保温(绝缘) Free ladder 活动梯子 Vapour stack 排汽筒 NDT 无损探伤 Vitreous utensil 玻璃容器 Electronic balance 电子天平 Counter balance 托盘天平 Barley grader 大麦分选机 Increase force mixer 增力搅拌机 Saccharification instrument 糖化仪器 Refax machine 煮沸色度回流器(ZF) Electronic evaporator 电蒸馏器 Electronic stove 电炉 Chroma instrument 色度仪 Baking box 烘箱 Conductibility apparatus 电导仪 Residual chlorine meter快速余氨(比色计) Iron stand 铁架台

stainless steel needle不锈钢医用针管blood taking needle采血针needle destroyer针头销毁器automatic packer自动纸塑包装机scalp vein set头皮针cold treatment冷疗法ice pack冰袋eyeshade 眼罩Medical injection pump医用灌注泵lithotrite 碎石机extracorporeal shock wave lithotrite体外冲击碎石机Ballistic intracroporeal lithotrite 气压冲击体内碎石机Laparoscope 腹腔镜Urology 泌尿外科kidney stones 肾结石Mobile CT system 移动CT系统X-ray Mammary Machine 乳腺X线机Mammography乳腺high precision Stereotaxic 高精度脑立体定向仪portable Type-B ultrasonic 便携式B超Sterilization and Disinfection Equipment消毒灭菌设备Radiotherapeutic equipment.放射疗法设备pharmaceutical equipments.制药设备horizontal pressurized steam sterilizer普通卧式压力蒸汽灭菌器reagent 试剂Semi-automatic Biochemical Analyzer半自动生化分析仪Automatic Blood Cell Analyzer全自动血细胞分析仪Urine sediments analyzer尿沉渣Bio-safety Cabinet 生物安全柜Incubator培养箱High Frequency Electrotome 高频电刀shadowless lamp无影灯medical electronic linear accelerator医用电子直线加速器high frequency X-rays diagnostic machine高频X射线诊断机simulated positioner模拟定位机high frequency mobile X-rays machine高频移动X射线机Urine Analyzer 尿液分析仪blood sugar(glucose )analyzer血糖分析仪test strip 测试条High speed refrigerated centrifuge高速冷冻离心机hot air sterilizer热空气消毒箱microbiological incubator微生物培养箱Halogen light 卤素灯disposable sterile injector 一次性无菌注射针injection set注射器disposable venous infusion needle一次性静脉输液针disposable infusion set 一次性使用输液器blood transfusion set输血器infusion bag液袋urine drainage bag集尿袋blood bag血袋medical catheter医用导管Multi-parameter monitor, 多参数监护仪maternal monitor/fetal monitor母亲/胎儿监护仪ICU monitor 重症监护仪anesthetic equipment 麻醉机respirator呼吸机electronic colposcope 电子阴道镜smog absorber烟雾吸收器digital film room 数字胶片室Permanent Magnet Open Magnetic Resonance system 永磁开放式磁共振系统Ultrasonic Color Doppler Diagnostic system彩色超声多普勒诊断系统。

常用机械英语大全常用机械玉玉词汇金属切削metal cutting机床machine tool金属工艺学technology of metals刀具cutter摩擦friction联结link传动drive/transmission轴shaft弹性elasticity频率特性frequency characteristic误差error响应response定位allocation机床夹具jig动力学dynamic运动学kinematic静力学static分析力学analyse mechanics拉伸pulling压缩hitting剪切shear扭转twist弯曲应力bending stress强度intensity三相交流电three-phase AC磁路magnetic circles变压器transformer异步电动机asynchronous motor几何形状geometrical精度precision正弦形的sinusoid交流电路AC circuit机械加工余量machining allowance 变形力deforming force变形deformation应力stress硬度rigidity热处理heat treatment退火anneal正火normalizing脱碳decarburization渗碳carburization电路circuit半导体元件semiconductor element 反馈feedback发生器generator直流电源DC electrical source门电路gate circuit逻辑代数logic algebra外圆磨削external grinding内圆磨削internal grinding平面磨削plane grinding变速箱gearbox离合器clutch绞孔fraising绞刀reamer螺纹加工thread processing螺钉screw铣削mill铣刀milling cutter功率power工件workpiece齿轮加工gear mechining齿轮gear主运动main movement主运动方向direction of main movement进给方向direction of feed进给运动feed movement合成进给运动resultant movement of feed合成切削运动resultant movement of cutting合成切削运动方向direction of resultant movement of cutting 切削深度cutting depth前刀面rake face刀尖nose of tool 前角rake angle机械行业部分英文对照:螺丝词汇的中英文对照外贸常用机械词汇机械英语阀门种类中英文对照机械类常用英语:钢材类塑件模具相关英文机械图纸中英文以下是我在工作中常用的ALL WELDS CONTINUOUS UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. 未注焊缝均为连续焊ALL WELDS 3mm FILLET UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED 未注焊角高3mm.ALL UNSPECIFIED RADI - R3 未注圆角R3REMOVE ALL BURRS AND SHARP EDGES 棱角倒钝CHANNEL 槽钢RSA 708 角钢70X70X8M30X1.5 pitch M30X1.5的锥螺纹Tackweld 点焊OD 1/4" outside dimension 1/4"的缩写外径直1/4"75 CRS 尺寸为75 材质为冷轧钢板410 OPENING REF 410 开口参考尺寸40 REF 尺寸为40,参考值2.5" BSP 2.5”圆锥管螺纹2.5" BSPT HEXAGON 2.5”六角圆锥管螺纹(即对丝)30x2.5 FLAT BAR 30X2.5 扁钢TYP 2 POSNS 2处11 TOTAL COILS APROX.9 WORKING COILS APROX.RIGHT HAND WOUND ONLY,END COILSSQUARE TO TOUCH.总圈数约11圈;工作圈数约9圈;右旋;弹簧的端部磨平以便于接触.(此为弹簧技术说明)FEMALE: 内扣(母扣)MALE: 外扣(公扣)偏心轴eccentric shaft销轴PIN开口销COTTER PIN螺杆screw紧定螺钉SET SCREW圆螺母ROUND NUT内六角螺钉SOCKET HEAD CAPSCREW六角螺钉HEX HD SETSCREW六角螺栓HEX HD BOLT挡圈closing ring弹性挡圈circlip轴承隔套distance sleeve ofaxletree轴承axletree深沟球轴承DEEP GROOVE BALLBEARING无扣长non-buckle longth弹簧SPRING吊环螺钉LIFTING EYE BOLT开槽盘头螺钉SLOTTED PAN HEADSCREW圆锥滚子轴承TAPERED ROLLERBEARING推力球轴承THRUST BALL BEARING平键FLAT KEY弹簧垫圈SINGLE COIL SPRINGWASHER平垫圈FLAT WASHER螺母FULL NYLOCK NUT圆螺母ROUND NUTREMOVE ALL BURRS ANDSHARP EDGES 所有尖角/棱角倒角并去毛刺缩写全称翻译ACCESS Accessory 附件ADJ Adjustable,Adjust 调整ADPT Adapter 使适应ADV Advance 提前AL Aluminum 铝ALLOW Allowance 允许ALT Alternate 改变ALY Alloy 合金AMT Amout 数量ANL Anneal 锻炼ANSL Amer Natl Stds Institute APPROX Approximate 大约ASME Amer Society of Mech Engrs ASSEM Assemble 装配ASSY Assembly 装配AUTH Authorized 授权的AUTO Automatic 自动的AUX Auxiliary 辅助的AVG Average 平均AWG American Wire GaugeBC Bolt Circle 螺栓圆周BET Between 之间BEV Bevel 斜角BHN Brinell Hardness Number 布氏硬度值BLK Blank ,Block 空白B/NM Bill of Material 材料费BOT Bottom 底部BP or B/P Blueprint 蓝图BRG Bearing 轴承BRK Break 破裂BRKT Bracket 支架BRO Broach 钻孔BRS Brass 黄铜BRZ Bronze 青铜B&S Brown&Shape 棕色&形状BSC Basic 基本的BUSH Bushing 套管BWG Birmingham Wire GaugeC TO C Center-to-Center 中心到中心CAD Computer-Aided Drafting 电脑辅助设计CAM Computer-Aided MfgCAP Capacity 容量CAP SCR Cap Screw 螺帽CARB Carburize 使渗碳CBORE Counterbore 扩孔CCW Counter Clockwise 逆时针CDRILL CounerdrillCDS Cold-Drawn Steel缩写全称翻译EFF Effective 有效的ENCL Enclose,Enclosure 附上ENG Engine 引擎ENGR Engineer 工程师ENGRG Engineering 工程学EQLSP Equally Spaced 等距EQUIV Equivalent 相等EST Estimate 估计EX Extra 额外EXH Exhaust 消耗EXP Experimental 实验性的EXT Exension,External 范围,外部FAB Fabricate 伪造FAO Finish All OverFDRY Foundry 铸造FIG Figure 数据FIL Fillet,fillister 带子FIM Full Indicator MovementFIN FinishFLX Fixture 结构FLX Floor.Fluid,Flush 基地,液体,冲洗FLEX Flexible 易弯曲的FLG Flange 边缘FORG Forging 锻炼FR Frame,Front 边框FIG Fitting 装置FURN Furnish 提供FWD Forward 向前GA Gage,Gauge 测量GALV Galvanized 电镀GR Grade 等级GRD Grind 磨碎GRV Groove 凹槽GSKT Gasket 垫圈H&G Harden and Grind 加硬和磨碎HD Head 主要的HDL Handle 处理HDLS Headless 无领导的HDN Harden 使硬化HDW Hardware 硬件HEX Hexagon 六边形HGR Hanger 衣架HGT Height 高度HOR Horizontal 水平的HRS Hot-Rolled SteelHSG Housing 外罩HT TR Heat TrealNTS Not to ScaleOA Over All 所有OBS ObsotetcOC On CenterOD Outside Diameter 外直径OPP Opposite 对立OPTL Optional 可选择的OR Outside Radius 外半径ORIG Original 初始的PAT. Patent 专利PATT Pattern 形式PC Piece,Pitch Circle 件,节距圆PCH Punch 打孔PD Pitch DiameterPERF Perforate 打孔PERM Permanent 永久的PERP Perpendicular 垂直的PFD Preferred 首选的PKG Package,Packing 包装PL Parting Line,Places,Plate PNEU PncumaticPNL Panel 面板POL Polish 磨光POS Position,Postive 位置PR Pair 对立PRI Primary 基本的PROC Process 程序PROD Product,Production 产品,产量PSI Pounds per Square InchPT Part,Point 零件,点QTR Quarter 四份之一QTY Quantity 数量QUAL Quality 质量R Radius 半径RECD Received 巳收到的RECT Rectangle 长方形REF Reference 相关的REINF Reinforce 增强REL Release,Relief 释放,缓解REM Remove 移除REQD Requird 有需要REE Retainer,ReturnREV Reverse,Revision,Revolution RFS Regardless of Feature Size RGH Rough 粗糙的RH Right Hand 右手RIV Rivet 起皱RM Ream 扩展RND Round 周围RPM Revolutions per Minute RPW Resistance Projection Weld SAE Society of Automotive Engrs SCH Schedule 进度表缩写全称翻译CHAM Chamfer 斜面CHAN Channel 渠道CHG Change 改变CHK Check 核查CI Cast Iron 铸铁CIR Circle, Circular 圆周CIRC Circumference 圆周CL Centerline 中心线CLP Clamp 夹子CNC Computer Numerical Control 电脑数值控制COMB Combination 联合COML Commercial 商业的CONC Concentric 同中心的CONN Connect,Connector 连接器COV Cover 盖子CPLG Coupling 联结CQ Commercial Quality 商业等级钢CRS Cold Stds AssociationCRT Cathode Ray Tube 阴级射线管CS Cast Steel 铸铁CSA Canadian Stds Association CSK Countersink 埋头孔CSTG Casting 铸件CTR Center 中心CU Cubic 立方米CW Clockwise 顺时针CYL Cylinder,Cylindrical 柱面DBL Double 双倍DEC Decimal 小数DEG Degree 摄氏度DET Detail 详情DEV Develop 发展DFT Draft 草稿DIA Diameter 直径DIM Dimension 尺寸DIST Distance 距离DN Down 向下DP Deep,Diametral Pitch 深度,径节DR Drill,Drill Rod 钻孔DSGN Design 设计DVTL Dovetail 吻合DWG Drawing 图纸DWL Dowel 木钉DWN Drawn 拔出EA Each 每个ECC Eccentric 古怪HVY Heavy 重量HYD Hydraulic 水压ID Inside Diameter 内部直径IDENT Identification 鉴定ILLUS Illustration 说明IN Inch 英寸INCL Include,Including 包括INCR Increase 增加INFO Information 信息INSP Inspect 检查INSTL Install 安装INST Instruct,Instrument 指示,工具INT Interior,Internal,Intersect 内部的,内在的,交叉IR Inside Radius 内部半径ISO Internal Stds Organization 国际标准化组织JCT Junction 连结JNT Journal 杂志JT Joint 连接K Key 关键KNRL Knurl 硬节KST KeyseatKWY Keyway 键沟LB Pound 英镑LBL Label 标签LG Length,Long 长度LH Left Hand 左手LMC Least Material ConditionLOC Locate 位于LT Light 光LTR Letter 信LUB Lubricate 润滑MACH Machine 机器MAINT Maintenance 维护MATL Material 材料MAX Maximum 最大MECH Mechanical,Mechanism 机械MED Medium 媒介MFG Manufacturing 制造业MI Malleable Iron 可锻造的铁MIN Minimum, Minute 最小,秒MISC Miscellaneous 混杂的MM Millimeter 毫米MMC Max Material ConditionMS Machine SteelMTG Mouting 装备MULT Multiple 倍数MWG Music Wire GagugNA Not Applicable 不可应用的NATL National 国内的NC Numerical Control 数字电脑控制NEG Negative 忽略的NO. Number 号码NOM Nominal 名义上的NPSM Natl Pipe Straight Mech NPT Natl Pipe Tapered缩写全称翻译SCR Screw 螺丝SEC Second 秒SECT Section 部分SEP Separate 独立SEQ Sequence 顺序SER Serial,Series 系列SERR Serrate 锯齿状SF SpotfaceSFT Shaft 轴SGL Single 单个SH Sheet 纸SI Intl System of UnitsSL Slide 使滑动SLV Sleeve 袖子SOC Socket 插座SP Space,Spaced,Spare 空间SPL Special 特别SPEC Specification 规格SPG Spring 跳SPHER Spherical 球体SPRKT Sprocket 链轮齿SQ Square 平方SST Stainless Steel 纯铁STD Standard 标准STK Stock 存货STL Steel 铁STR Straight,Strip 直的SUB Substitute 替代物SUP Supply,Support 供应SURF Surface 表面SYM Symmetrical 对称的SYS System 系统T Teeth,Tooth 牙齿TECH Technical 技术TEMP Template,Temporary 模板,暂时的THD Thread 线THK Thick 厚的TOL Tolerance 公差TOT Total 总计TPF Taper per FootTPI Taper per In,Threads per InchTPR Taper 锥形TS Tool SteelTYP Typical 典型UNC Unified Natl CoarseUNEF Unified Natl Extra FineUNF Unified Natl FineUNIV Universal 普遍VAR Variable 变量VERT Vertical 垂直的VOL Volume 音量VS Versus 与..相对W Wide,Width 宽度WASH Washer 洗衣机WDF Woodruff 车叶草WI Wrought Iron 熟铁WT Weight 重量齿轮及齿轮加工中英文对照-A部分A.1. abrasive tooth wear 齿面研磨磨损2. absolute tangential velocity 绝对切向速度3. accelerometer 加速表4. addendum 齿顶高5. addendum angle 齿顶角6. addendum circle 齿顶圆7. addendum surface 上齿面8. adhesive wear 粘着磨损9. adjustability 可调性10. adjustability coefficients 可调系数11. adjusting wedge 圆盘端铣刀的可调型楔块12. allowable stress 允许应力13. alternate blade cutter 双面刀盘14. angular backlash 角侧隙15. angular bevel gears 斜交锥齿轮16. angular displacement 角移位17. angular pitch 齿端距18. angular testing machine 可调角度试验机19. approach action 啮入20. arbor 心轴21. arbor distance 心轴距22. arc of approach 啮入弧23. arc of recess 啮出弧24. attraction 收紧25. average cutter diameter 平均刀尖直径26. axial displacement 轴向位移27. axial factor 轴向系数28. axial locating surface 轴向定位面29. axial pitch 轴向齿距30. axial plane 轴向平面31. axial rakeangle 轴向前角32. axial thrust 轴向推力33. axle testing machine 传动桥试验机工厂及设备英语(24页,下面节选)Assembly line组装线Layout布置图Conveyer流水线物料板Rivet table拉钉机Rivet gun拉钉枪Screw driver起子Electric screw driver电动起子Pneumatic screw driver气动起子worktable 工作桌OOBA开箱检查fit together组装在一起fasten锁紧(螺丝)fixture 夹具(治具)pallet栈板barcode条形码。

机械专业相关词汇中英文翻译大全单价unit price工日合计Man-day total/work-day total人工费cost of labor材料费materials expenses机械的mechanical检查接线connection test发电机generator调相机phase regulator周波cycle减负荷装置 load-shedding equipment断路器柜circuit breaker cabinet单母线single busbar互感器transformer每相电流Current by Phase封闭式插接close type socket joint发电机控制面板generator control panel分级卸载sorted unloading同步控制synchronization control调速器 speed governor信号屏signal screen继电器relay高压柜high pressure cabinet油浸电力变压器oil-immersed power transformer空气断路器air circuit breaker控制屏control panel直流馈电屏direct current feed control panel电容器electric condenser计量盘metering panel成套配电箱whole set of distribution box落地式floor model控制开关Control switches铜芯电力电缆Copper core power cable控制电缆actuating cable热缩式电力电缆终端头pyrocondensation power cable terminal 钢结构支架配管steel structure bracket tubing万用槽钢versatile U-steel电缆托架 cable bracket钢制托盘式桥架steel Tray-type cable support system waterproof socket 防水插座防爆插座Explosion-proof socket接地绞线earthing twisted pair接地母线 earthing bus接地极 lightning conductor硬质聚氯乙烯管rigid polyvinyl chloride pipe航空集散站air terminal水银灯具Mercury Lamp金属卤化物灯metal halide lamp高压钠灯High Pressure Sodium Lamp额定电压Rated Voltage额定功率Rated Power光源 Light Source防护等级Grade of Protection高压汞灯High Pressure Mercury Lamp高压钠灯High Pressure Sodium Lamp金属卤化物灯Metallic Halide Lamp照明电缆 lighting cable单线mongline穿线threading接地跨接线 earthing jumper分线箱junction box接线盒connection box圆钢round steel扁钢flat steel插座socket配电盘switchboard转换开关alternation switch自动指令呼叫装置automatic instruction calling device 扬声器loudspeaker明装Unfold Install暗装Conceal Install感温探测器Thermal Detector转台造型机turntable molding machine气动震实造型机air jarring moulding machine有箱造型机box molding machine压铸机die casting machinehot-chamber die casting machine 惯性落砂机inertia knock-out grid浇包ladle浇注机cating machine冲天炉cupola (cupola furnace)水冷冲天炉water cooled cupola焦碳炉coke-fired furnace退火炉annealing oven回火炉drawing furnace喷丸机high pressure blasting machine 抛砂机sand throwing machine摆轮式混砂机speedmuller自动分箱机automatic box splitter自动合箱机automatic closer自动壳型机autoclinoair tool锻造forging无型锻造open forging水压机锻造hydraulic forging机器锻造machine forging自由锻造flat-die forging多型槽锻造multiple impression forging 冷锻cold forging锤锻(自由锻)hammer forging平锻horzontal forging镦锻upset forging辊锻roll forging模锻die forging热模锻pressure forging开式模锻open-die forging精密模锻prescision drop forging 挤压模锻no-draft forging冷拉cold draw热拉hot draw冷挤压cold extruding切边trim冷切边cold trim热切边hot trim冲孔punching校正straightening板料冲压sheet stamping制坯blank锻造毛坯forging blank上模upper die下模bottom die(counter die)上锤头top swage下锤头lower die汽锤steam hammer无砧坐模锻锤forging hammer without anvilbed 摩擦锤jump hammer落锤block hammer水平分模(平锻机)horizontal parting冷锻模cold forging die型锻模forging die精整模forming die顶锻模joggling die锻压机forging die水压机water press平锻机horizontal forging machinesteam power forging press 压弯机bending press模锻压力机drop press曲轴压力机crank press曲柄压力机knuckle-joint press切边压力机trimming press切断压力机cutting-out press精压机coining press辊锻机forging roll镦锻机upsetting forging press喷丸清理sand blast cleaning消除内应力residual stress relieving水力清理hydraulic blasting酸洗picklingultrasonic cleaning超声波探伤ultrasonic inspection冲压stamping冲压下料bar stock cutting by punching 冲压线press line凸模punch凸凹模punch-die冲孔模piercing die修边模trimming die预弯模die for first-forming扭弯模twisting die扭弯模twisting die扭弯成形模twisting-forming die 压弯模bending die压弯翻边模bending-flanging die 压扁模flattening die压圆模circular bending die 压弯卷圆模bending-curling die 压弯压筋模bending-beading die 落料模blanking die落料压印模blanking-coining die 落料切槽模blanking-slotting die缩口模neckling die翻孔整形模hole flanging-sizing die 翻边成形模flanging forming die切槽模slotting die拉延模drawing die下料stock cutting开卷unreel成形forming翻边flanging反向拉伸reverse-draw整形restricking整径trued切口cut-off (shear-out) 切边trimming压扁flattening应变strain压痕impression拉延drawing拉伸deep drawng挤压extrusion滚挤roll-forming卷边折边edging刮边scraping三室清洗机three-stage cleaning machine 三动压机triple-action press折边机edging machine开卷机decoiling unit万能液压机universal hydraulic machine 机械压力机mechanical press气动压力机pneumatic press冲孔机punch machine弯曲机弯管机pipe bending machine辊压机rolling press滚式弯板机roll-type sheet bending machine 板料校平机sheet flattening machine退料板stripper高速棒料剪切机high speed cropping machine 剪床shearing machine转塔式冲床turret-type punch press校直机straightener挤压机extrusion press滚压挤压机hydraulic extrusion press 卷边机folding machine精压机coining press上料器loader落料机blanker搓丝机thread rolling machine 滚剪机roller shearing machine 焊接welding十字接头cross-shaped jointT 形接头T joint单J 形坡口single-J groove单U 形坡口single-U groove双V 形坡口double-V grooveK 形坡口double-vevel groove双V 形对接接头double-V butt jointY 形坡口裂缝试验Y-slit crack testTIG 保护焊tungsten inert gas (TIG) arc welding TIG 点焊TIG spot welding立焊vertical position of welding火焰钎焊brazing by flame气体保护电弧焊gas shield arc welding气焊gas welding气电焊electrogas arc welding水下焊接underwater welding水蒸气保护电弧焊water vapor arc welding水平角焊horizontal fillet welding手工焊manual welding手工电弧焊covered arc welding仰焊face-up bonding正面角焊缝front fillet weld加压气焊gas pressure welding加压铸焊pressure thermit welding 返修焊rewelding向上立焊vertical up welding向下立焊vertical down welding平焊(俯焊)flat position welding点焊point welding双面焊weld from both sides双面点焊direct welding双弧焊twin arc welding压焊pressure welding多道焊multipass welding多点凸焊multiple projection welding 多层焊multilayer welding定位焊tack welding冷压焊cold pressure welding环焊boxing自动焊接automatic welding自动点焊stitch welding自动气割automatic gas cutting无气体保护电弧焊non gas shielded arc welding 对接焊butt welding补焊repair welding深溶焊deep penetration welding滚对焊butt seam welding滚焊seam welding滚点焊roll spot welding横焊horzontal position welding横向焊缝cross weld金属极惰性气体保护点焊metal inert gas arc welding 金属极电弧焊接metal arc welding电焊eletric welding电子束焊接electron beam welding电子加热钎焊electric brazing电阻焊electric resistance welding 电弧焊electric arc welding堆焊bead welding坡口焊groove welding封底焊道sealing run搭接焊lap welding激光焊接laser welding热焊hot weld单面焊welding by one side单面点焊indirect welding单道焊single-pass welding单层焊single-layer welding单边多点点焊series spot welding单边多电极焊series welding仰焊overhead position welding 熔焊fusion welding氩弧焊argon arc welding跳焊skip welding惰性气体保护焊inert-gas welding埋弧自动焊unionmelt welding碳弧焊carbon arc welding躺焊fire-cracker welding缝焊seam welding锻焊blacksmith welding磁性气体保护焊gas shielded magnetic flux arc welding 焊接工艺welding procedure焊态as-welded焊道bead焊肉致密dense deposits焊后强度as-deposited strength 焊道裂纹bead cracking焊缝seam焊根root of weld焊波ripple焊透complete penetration 未焊透incomplete penetration 焊核nugget熔滴droplet熔敷工艺deposition techniques咬边undercut去渣deslag焊接缺陷weld defects乙炔罐acetylene cylinder乙炔发生器acetylene generator注水式乙炔发生器water to carbide generator投入式乙发生器carbide to water generator乙炔氧焊装置acetylene-welding installation 点焊钳spot welding head三相整流焊机three phase rectifier welder 三相低频焊机three phase low frequency 万能滚焊机universal seam welder手动焊炬hand torch手动焊枪hand held gun压焊机press welder交流弧焊机AC arc welding machine 多点焊机multiple spot welder多站电焊机multi-operator welding set 切割机cutting machine气瓶gas cylinder保护罩protective boot电子枪electron gun电阻对焊butt resistance welding电焊机electric welding电弧焊机arc welding machine电渣焊机electroslag welding仿型氧气切割机template-type axy-cutting machine 抽头式焊机welder with taps仰焊机overhead welder单站弧焊机single operator welding machine 移动式焊机portable welding machine移动式接触焊机portable resistance welder移动式点焊机portable spot welder 蓄电池式焊机battery welder缝焊机seam welder大焊丝盘large spool焊工用玻璃welding galss焊工用护目镜welding goggles焊工用面罩helmet shield焊把holder乙炔acetylene电石calcium carbide电极(焊条)electrode手涂焊条dipped electrode合金焊条hastelloy electrode双芯焊条twin electrode双层药皮焊条double coated electrode 机械压涂焊条extruded electrode包丝焊条flyspun electrode深熔焊条deep penetration electrode 铁粉焊条iron powder electrode堆焊焊条surfacing electrode碳极carbon electrode机加工machining车削turn高速切削high speed cutting 强力切削power cutting多刀切削multi-tool cutting深孔加工deep hole working 高速精镗high speed boringh 高速滚削high speed hobbing 平面铣削surface milling镗削boring拉削broaching成型拉削form broaching连续拉削continuous broaching 分层拉削progressive broaching 推削push broaching刨削shaping (planing)磨削grinding外圆磨削cylindrical grinding内圆磨削internal grinding端面磨削cross grinding周面磨削peripheral grinding插削slotting铲削relieve钻削drill导电磨削electrical grinding 无心磨削centerless grinding 高速磨削high-speed grinding 强力磨削power grinding珩磨honing研磨lapping超精加工superfinishing齿面加工gear face machining 拉齿broaching gear铣齿gear milling插齿gear shaping滚齿gear hobbing刨齿gear planing剃齿gear shaving研齿gear lapping珩齿gear honing磨齿gear grinding挤齿gear extruding 普通剃齿法general shaving 对角剃齿法diagonal shaving 切向剃齿法tangential shaving剃鼓形齿crown shaving砂带磨削abrasive belt gringding滚压光加工rolling finishing单面切削法single-side cutting method双面切削法spread -blade cutting method展成法切齿gear-cutting with generating method 仿形法切齿gear-cutting with form copying method 成型插齿shear-speed gear cutting花键加工splining螺纹铣thread milling螺纹磨thread grinding镗孔boring hole铰孔ream锪孔counter sinking滚丝thread rolling套丝thread chaing攻丝thread tapping旋风切削螺纹whirl wind cutting thread 少无切削加工non-chip finish挤压光加工extrusion finishing精密加工precision work超精加工superfinishing粗加工rough machining化学机械加工chemical mechanical working 电热加工electro-thermic working阳极机械加工anode mechanical working 电脉冲加工electro-spark machining电火花加工electro-spark machining电子束加工electronic beam machining 电解加工electrolytic machining超声波加工ultrasonic machining激光加工laser machining激光硬化laser hardening 油漆paint面漆enamel沥漆区drain area调漆paint mixing浸涂dip-coatng涂底漆priming补漆paint repair喷面漆topcoating热喷漆hot spray打腻子puttying老化weathering人工干燥artificial drying自然干燥air dry干打磨dry grinding去油(脱脂)degreasing碱法脱脂alkaline degreasing 蒸气脱脂vapor degreasing 去离子水demin-water除锈derusting酸洗pickling水洗rinse热水清洗hot water rinse电泳涂层electophoretic coating喷丸处理shot blasting磨光(抛光0burnishing出光glaring罩光glazing磷化预处理phosphating pretreatment 薄膜磷化处理thin amorphous phosphating 湿碰湿wet-to-wet钝化passivating结皮现象skinning起皱wrinkling遮蔽masking凉干flash off气幕air seal喷漆室booth干式喷漆室dry spray booth水过滤式喷漆室water wash spray booth下吸式喷漆室down draft spray booth侧抽风喷漆室spray booth of side exhaust 油漆调制室paint mixing room打磨间scuff sand booth通过式烘干室passing through type baking oven 桥式烘干室bridge type baking oven辐射对流烘干室joint radiation convection oven浸漆设备dip equipment浸漆槽dip tank循环槽recirculating tank自动喷漆机automatic sprayer热喷漆机flow coating equipment淋漆设备flow coating equipment手工浸漆设备hand dip equipment无空气喷涂设备airless spray equipment电泳涂漆设备electro apparatus电涂漆设备electrocoating installation静电喷漆设备electrostatic spray equipment 喷枪spray gun双头喷枪double head spray gun空气喷枪air spray gun吊具sling推杆悬链double-chain conveyer悬挂运输链overhead conveyer油水分离器oil-water separator油漆调制罐paint mixing tank除尘装置dust collector静电除尘装置electrostatic dust collector阴极罩cathode shiedl超滤装置ultrafiltration device喷砂机sand blasting machine红外线固化IR curing紫外线固化UV curing电子束固化electron beam curing辐射固化漆膜radiation cured coating (RCC) 光泽计glossmeter比重计gravimeter粘度计viscosimetr细度计fineness gauge厚度计thickness gauge遮盖力测定仪cryptometer电镀electroplating预镀(冲镀)striking防镀(止镀)resist无氰电镀non-cyanide plating 化学电镀electroless plating 气相电镀vapor plating挂镀rack用假阴极电镀dummying机械电镀mechanical plating 浸镀immersion plating 退镀stripping滚镀barrel plating电解沉积electrowinning混浊度turbidity侵蚀fretting侵渍作用maceration亲水的hydrophilic疏水的hydrophobic絮凝剂flocculant光亮镀层bright coating防腐镀层coating for protection against corrosion 冲洗flush打光lapping抛光burnishing滚光tumbling变色tarnishing电解electrolysis沉淀法decantation抗暗处理anti-tarnish treatment均镀力levelling power深镀能力covering power酸洗pickling磷化phosphating镀锌galvanizing漂白whiten出斑点spotting out电镀机plating machine自动电镀装置automatic plating machine 直线式电镀机straight-line plating machine 挂式电镀机plating machine held on racks 钟形滚镀机oblique-barrel plating machine 微型滚镀机portable plating barrel冷水槽cold rinse bank双联冷水槽double countercurrent rinse tank 电解去油槽electrolytic cleaner衬铅槽lead lined steel tank哈林电槽haring cell热水槽hot rise tank超声波去油槽ultrasonic cleaning tank浸酸槽acid dip tank温水槽warm rinse tank赫尔槽hull cell镀锌槽zinc-plating tank固定槽plating tank回收槽reclaim tank水平全浸式滚筒horizontally fully-immersed barrel 六角滚筒hexagonal plating barrel孔板流量计orifie meter浊度计nephelometer库仑计coulometer滴重计stalagmometer汽车制造设备manufactruing equipment of automobile 万能铣床universal milling machine内外圆研磨床inner-outer happing machine仿形车床copy lathe龙门刨床double housing planer牛头刨床shaper攻丝机threading machine双柱坐标镗床double pillar jig borer滚丝机thread roller滚齿机hobbing machine钻床drilling machine插床slotting machine珩齿机gear honing machine平衡-钻中心孔机床balancing centering machine曲轴车床crankshaft turning lathe双工位曲轴车床double-post carnkshafttruning blathe曲轴(主轴颈)车床crankshaft (main journal turning lathe) 凸轮轴(轴颈)车床camshaft(journal )turning lathe液压仿形车床dydraulic coping lathe凸轮轴仿形车床camsahft coping lathe多轴深孔钻床multi-spindle deep hole drilling machine 曲轴轴颈铣削专用机床crankshaft journal milling machine数控曲轴铣床N/C crankshaft milling machine螺纹铣床thread milling mahcine球面蜗杆铣床cone-worm milling machine花键轴铣床spline shaft milling mahcine转鼓铣床drum milling machine旋风式曲轴铣床whirl-wind type crankshaft milling machine 曲轴主轴颈磨床cranksahft journal grinding machine凸轮轴磨床camshaft grinding machine螺纹磨床thread grinding machine活塞销超精加工机piston pin superfinishing machine弹簧端面磨床grinding machine for spiral spring活塞椭圆磨床。
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1.drawing n. 图纸
2. Electrical Control n.电气控制
3.mechanical adj.机械的
4.fluid n.流体 adj.流体的
5.cooling n.冷却 adj.冷却的
6. pneumatic adj.气动的
7.hydraulic adj.水力的,液压的
8. lubrication n.润滑
9.maintenance n.维护,维修
C= Computerized Numerical Control 计算机数字控制
2.Machining Center 加工中心
3.Emergency Stop Switch n.急停
4.axis n.轴
5.linear axis n.直线轴(X,Y,Z,A,U,V)
6.rotary axis n.回转轴 (B,W)
7.(main )spindle n.主轴
8.Tool Magazine n.刀盘
9.Servo Motor n.伺服电机
10.cover n.卷帘
11.Front Loading Door n.前上料门
12.Tool Change Door n.换刀门
13.guideway n.导轨
14.machine zero point n.机械零点
15.Linear Glass Scale n.直线光栅尺
16.B-Axis Encoder n.B轴编码器
17.Chips Conveyor Chain n.排屑链
18.filter n.过滤器
19.Hydraulic Accumulator n.液压储能罐
20.Pneumatic Filter n.空气过滤器
21.hose n.软管
22.pushbutton n.按钮
23.cable n.电缆,线缆
24.ball screw spindle n.滚珠丝杠轴
25.Tool Break Check n.断刀检测
26.interlock n.互锁
27.Loading Device n.上料夹具
28.Clamping Device n.夹紧装置
29.coolant n.冷却液
30.coolant shower n.冷却喷淋(低压冷却)
31.High Pressure Coolant n.高压冷却(主轴)
32.tool n.刀具
33.Tool Gripper n.刀夹
34.manual n.手册
35.positioning n.定位
mand n.指令
37.Absolute Command n.绝对指令
38.Incremental Command n.增量指令
39.coordinate n.坐标
40.Rapid Traverse n.快速移动(G00)
41.interpolation n.插补
42.Linear Interpolation n.直线插补
43.Circular Interpolation n.圆弧插补
42.parameter n.参数
43.High Speed Skip Signal n.高速跳转信号
44.feed n.进给 feedrate n.进给率
45.cutting feed n.切削进给
46.deceleration n.减速
47.acceleration n.加速
48.reference position n.参考点
49.machine coordinate system n.机床坐标系
50.workpiece coordinate system n.工件坐标系
51.Tool Life Management n.刀具寿命管理
52.offsetting/offset n.偏置
53.Tool Length Compensation n.刀具长度补偿
54.Tool Radius Compensation n.刀具半径补偿
55.Tool Wear Compensation n.刀具磨损补偿
56.macro n.宏
57.variable n.变量 adj.可数的
58.Custom Macro Variable n.用户宏变量
57.automatic adj.自动的
58.rigid tapping n.刚性攻丝
59.MDI=Manual Data Input 手动数据输入
60.alarm n.报警
61.diagnosis n.诊断。