陶板及陶板幕墙施工方案1. 引言本文档提供了关于陶板及陶板幕墙施工方案的详细说明。
2. 施工流程陶板及陶板幕墙的施工流程一般包括以下几个步骤:2.1 准备工作在施工开始之前,需要进行一些准备工作:•确定施工图纸:根据建筑设计图纸确定具体的施工方案和要求。
2.2 陶板安装陶板的安装是整个施工过程中的核心环节,包括以下步骤:1.清洁基层墙面:在安装陶板之前,需要确保基层墙面的清洁平整,以便更好地粘贴陶板。
2.3 粘贴陶板幕墙陶板幕墙是一种由多块陶板组成的大面积墙体装饰,施工流程如下:1.安装骨架结构:根据施工设计图纸和要求,安装陶板幕墙的骨架结构。
1 取材于天然陶土,生产能耗低,生产过程不产生废气. 污水.废渣 2 无辐射。 3 独特的内空腔结构,有效降低噪音9分贝以上。 4 空腔具有保温隔热性能,有效降低建筑能耗。 5 质坚且轻,内空结构能降低材料自重,减轻幕墙结构 系统荷载。 6 规格精准,可自由切割。 7 耐酸碱抗霜冻。 8 建筑自洁,金属含量低,不产生静电, 不易吸附灰 尘,雨水冲刷即可自洁。 9 色彩丰富,永不褪色。
中国建材中耀陶板有限公司由中国建材咸阳陶瓷研究设计院和厦门冠耀建材有限公司共同 发起成立。是央企背景的大型陶板企业,将建立打造全球陶板标杆企业,让全世界更多的 建筑披上“中耀陶板”的色彩。是中国建材集团与衡阳市政府战略合作发展“泥、玻、陶 ”产业而成立的专业生产干挂空心陶板的股份制公司,成立于2011年7月1日。注册资金 2000万元人民币。从事陶板的研发、生产、销售;陶板配套安装材料的生产、销售及安装 工程服务;太阳能陶板的研发、生产、销售及安装服务;新型建筑材料的研发生产。 中国建材中耀陶板认真履行作为中央企业应担负的政治责任、社会责任和经济责任,确立 了“善用资源、服务建设”的核心理念,崇尚“诚信务实、团结向上”的企业精神,倡导 “三宽三力”(待人宽厚、处事宽容、环境宽松及向心力、亲和力、凝聚力)的思想原则 ,不断丰富并形成了“创新、绩效、和谐、责任”的文化理念。坚持创新与学习,推动企 业转型升级; 追求持续一流的绩效,争取国内领先和顶尖;做到与自然和谐、与社会和谐 、与竞争者和谐、与员工和谐;自觉地履行央企应负的责任。在未来的发展历程中,中国 建材中耀陶板将一如继往,不断迈出新的步伐。 公司座落于衡阳市石鼓区松木工业园区金源安置小区。中耀陶板项目总投资8亿元人民币, 建设六条生产线,年产陶板600万平方米,太阳能陶瓷板100万平方米,陶瓷保温材料100 万立方米,可创造年产值12亿元,实现年利税2.5亿元。项目分两期建设:一期用地143 亩,投资3.5亿元,年产400万平陶板;二期用地287亩,投资4.5亿元,年产200万平陶 板、太阳能陶瓷板100万平,陶瓷保温材料100万立方米。 中耀陶板项目全套生产流水线设备全部采用国际最先进的意大利进口陶瓷生产线设备,产 品采用国内最先进的陶板工艺生产配方,产品原料采用全国最优质的衡阳高岭土与钠长石 ,可生产高品质的低碳节能型陶板产品,为生态人居环境提供新型建筑材料。 公司计划聘请国内知名的品牌策划机构对中耀进行全方位的规划,包含公司品牌战略规划 ,品牌文化建设,品牌运营管理,品牌形象设计,品牌营销推广,员工能力培训等。将中 耀树立成全球陶板行业的高端品牌。把温馨、舒适、古典、专业、环保、美观的家园呈现 给广大市民,“创精品楼市,造健康家园”是我们的宗旨;“你的满意”就是我们一直不 变的追求!
If a substrate design does not comply with these guidelines, CoorsTek may still be able to offer options to specific design
Spray Dried Alumina Powder
Feed Hopper
Premium ≤ 0.002 in./in. (≤ 0.002 mm/mm)
Tooled Corner Radius
Minimum 0.125" (3.175 mm) Radius required.
Thicknesses CoorsTek offers thicknesses from 0.015" (0.381 mm) to 0.100" (2.54 mm). The most economical thickness range is 0.025" (0.635 mm) to 0.040" (1.016 mm). Common form factors are for ADS-96R only. Other materials may have specific form factor constraints.
None > 0.001" (0.025 mm) High
None > 0.0007" (0.017 mm) Deep
None > 0.010” (0.254 mm) High
Байду номын сангаас
Bumps or Ridges Protrusions on the surface
Chips Open: Material broken off along an edge or corner Closed: Material has not broken off or separated
安科(AKO)陶板说明1. 表面效果。
2. 规格尺寸厚度[宽度x长度x厚度(mm)]。
常用的T型板:300x600x15, 300x900x15, 300x600x18, 300x900x18,300x1200x18.400x800x18, 400x1200x18, 450x900x18, 450x1200x18.常用的H型板:300x600x30, 300x900x30, 300x1200x30450x900x30, 450x1200x30,500x900x30, 500x1200x30,600x900x30, 600x1200x30, 600x1500x30.需注意:名义宽度尺寸为表面装饰部分与留缝尺寸(俗称分割尺寸),而实际尺寸的陶板宽度是指包含有搭接部分的尺寸,即整块陶土板的实际尺寸。
安科陶板:Page 1 of 2制作规格宽度:200mm,250mm,300mm,400mm,450mm,600mm.制作规格长度:600mm,900mm,1200mm,1500mm.制作规格厚度:15mm,18mm,30mm,40mm,以18mm,30mm制作为主。
3. 颜色系列。
Page 2 of 2。
Mirage Koru 木材陶瓷板说明书
![Mirage Koru 木材陶瓷板说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0f810e3730b765ce0508763231126edb6f1a768f.png)
(41F)Koru is an interpretation of the wood found in fruit trees, characterized by light veining and distinctive knots. The name Koru derives from a Maori word and symbol representing new life, growth and peace. The colors of Mirage’s Koru are clean and crisp, creating a final look that creates a peaceful living space. The classic, natural colors are further enhanced by the opaque surface that absorbs light rather than reflecting it. The innovative finish and the high number of different images make this wood look porcelain incredibly realistic and universally appealing.Apple (MEKO01)Peach (MEKO02)Apricot (MEKO03)Nut (MEKO04)Colors are intended as a guide only and may vary from actual tile. Sizes listed are nominal. Please check samples before making final selection and to get actual dimensions for layout. See reverse side for additional product information.PRODUCT INFORMATIONSize - RectifiedTechnical InformationMEKO01Apple (White/Ivory)MEKO02Peach (Greige)MEKO03Apricot (Beige/Honey)MEKO04 Nut (Walnut)TSMEKO/ TILESHOP 8 x 48MEKO--/848Colors The Coefficient of Friction is a general guide only. Testing may vary with different production runs and with different testing labs. As noted in the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) the coefficient of friction varies considerably due to facts not under the control of entities such as the manufacturers and distributors. These factors include, but are not limited to, contaminants, slope of terrain, drainage conditions, adjacent surfaces, etc. Suitability for any installation can only be determined by a site examination of allconditions that could affect the slip resistance of the tile being installed. Continual cleaning and maintenance must be performed once the tile has been installed. For more information see our current handout Americans with Disabilities Act and Slip Resistance of Tile.INSTALLATION INFORMATION We recommend using a tile leveling system to install this product Before installing the tile you should:• Ensure the perfect planarity (flatness) of underlying floor base.• Always double-check the quality of the tiles.• When setting, tile should be only slightly staggered so that the ends of the tiles are within 8” or less from the ends of the corresponding staggered tile. (See figures 1 & 2)• Staggered spacing does not need to be uniform, but should not exceed 8” recommendation.• It is preferable to use a grouting material that matches the color of the tiles.As with all inkjet lines, there are many different graphics that are mixed and packed randomly. It is important to pull from multiple boxes during installation, rotate pieces and note the placement of the different images in order to get the proper final blend. Koru is suitable for both residential and commercial settings with medium to high foot traffic.Figure 1Figure 28” or less FrostResistance Water Absorption Coefficient of Friction Dynamic & Static Coefficient of FrictionSlipResistance No Damage ≤ 0,05WET:≥0.60DRY:≥0,60≥0.42R9MADE IN ITALY。
二、工具清单1. 切割工具:包括陶瓷切割刀和切割脚。
2. 粘接工具:包括粘合剂和修补剂。
3. 打磨工具:包括砂纸和砂轮。
三、切割工具使用1. 陶瓷切割刀使用方法:a. 将待切割的陶瓷材料放置在平坦的工作台面上。
b. 用一手持陶瓷切割刀的切割头部,另一手提起切割刀的手柄。
c. 轻轻地将切割刀沿所需切割的线条向下压,直至陶瓷材料切割完成。
2. 切割脚使用方法:a. 将切割脚固定在工作台面上。
b. 将待切割的陶瓷材料放置在切割脚上,与所需切割的线条对齐。
c. 用一只手稳定陶瓷材料,用另一只手轻轻拍击陶瓷材料的一侧,直至切割完成。
四、粘接工具使用1. 粘合剂使用方法:a. 将待粘接的陶瓷材料清洁干净,确保表面无灰尘和油污。
b. 均匀涂抹一层粘合剂于需要粘接的陶瓷材料表面。
c. 将两个待粘接的陶瓷材料对齐并压合,保持一段时间直至粘合剂干燥。
2. 修补剂使用方法:a. 将修补剂挤出至需要修补的陶瓷表面。
b. 用修补剂刮刀将修补剂均匀地填充至需要修补的部位。
c. 等待修补剂干燥,并用打磨工具进行打磨,使修补部分与原陶瓷表面平滑一致。
五、打磨工具使用1. 砂纸使用方法:a. 将需要打磨的陶瓷表面涂抹水,保持湿润。
b. 将砂纸贴在砂纸板上,用手指轻轻揉搓。
c. 用手指或工具拿取揉搓好的砂纸,沿陶瓷表面的需要打磨的部分进行反复轻轻磨擦。
2. 砂轮使用方法:a. 将需要打磨的陶瓷表面涂抹水,保持湿润。
b. 将砂轮安装在电动打磨机上,并根据需要调整转速。
c. 用手持电动打磨机,沿陶瓷表面的需要打磨的部分进行磨擦。
六、注意事项1. 在使用切割工具时,要特别注意手部安全,避免切割刀或切割脚造成伤害。
2. 使用粘接工具时,要确保陶瓷材料表面清洁,以保证粘合效果。
玻璃陶瓷瓷块说明书 (2)
![玻璃陶瓷瓷块说明书 (2)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/693f2bbb4793daef5ef7ba0d4a7302768e996f8f.png)
玻璃陶瓷瓷块说明书1. 简介玻璃陶瓷瓷块是一种特殊的建筑材料,由玻璃和陶瓷材料混合而成。
2. 特点•耐高温:玻璃陶瓷瓷块能在高温环境下长时间保持稳定,不破裂、不变形。
3. 产品规格玻璃陶瓷瓷块的常见规格如下:•尺寸:300mm × 300mm、600mm × 600mm、800mm × 800mm、1000mm × 1000mm•厚度:6mm、8mm、10mm、12mm、15mm•颜色:透明、亚光、光滑•质地:光面、亚光面、磨砂面4. 安装方法4.1 准备工作•清理基层:确保基层平整、干净,并清除所有杂物。
4.2 玻璃陶瓷瓷块铺设1.使用专业切割工具将玻璃陶瓷瓷块切割成所需尺寸。
4.3 完工处理待瓷砖胶完全干燥后,用专用清洁剂擦拭清洁表面,确保没有残留的胶水或填料。
5. 使用注意事项•在搬运和安装时,应注意轻拿轻放,避免碰撞和摔落。
6. 维护保养•定期清洗:使用中性清洁剂和软布进行定期清洗,以保持瓷块表面的光洁。
轻质发泡陶瓷板应用技术规程概述说明1. 引言1.1 概述轻质发泡陶瓷板是一种具有良好的绝热性能和高强度的新型建筑材料,由于其轻便、耐火、隔热、吸声等特点,在建筑行业、工业领域以及其他领域中得到了广泛的应用。
1.2 文章结构本文共分为五个部分进行论述,具体如下:第一部分为引言,旨在对文章进行概述说明,介绍轻质发泡陶瓷板的应用技术规程相关内容。
1.3 目的本文旨在系统介绍轻质发泡陶瓷板应用技术规程,使读者对该材料有更全面深入的了解。
2. 正文2.1 轻质发泡陶瓷板的定义与特点轻质发泡陶瓷板是一种由多孔陶瓷材料制成的板材,具有密度低、导热系数低和良好的隔音性能等特点。
2. ArgeTon的特点(1)轻质材料:ArgeTon用轻质的陶土制成,相比传统的建筑材料,如混凝土、砖块等,具有更轻的重量,从而减少了建筑物的负荷和基础的压力。
3. ArgeTon的应用领域(1)住宅建筑:ArgeTon的优点使其在住宅建筑中应用广泛。
Centaur Speckled S 擦亮的陶瓷板 floor 产品说明书
![Centaur Speckled S 擦亮的陶瓷板 floor 产品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b9966579fe00bed5b9f3f90f76c66137ee064fe1.png)
ADHESIVE BULLETIN AB720 CUSTOM® Wood HP4, CUSTOM® Wood UR and CUSTOM® Wood UR4 are recommended for use as a bonding adhesive for the below product:Centaur Floor Systems “SPECKLED S”, is the original vulcanized composition rubber fitness floor. Available in rolls, this durable surface sets the standard for performance, quality, and affordability. https:///Product thickness:8mm (0.40-inch) thicknessTechnical Manual:https:///document/t3u98m2bfh5a7brf2srsdvfb6g?filename=CENTAURSpeckledSTechnicalManual1 4Jul2021.pdfInstallation:•Use below adhesive options for Speckled S Rolls and Tiles installation to suitable substrates.•Install with wet set method only (place into wet adhesive).•Trowel recommendation 1/8” x 1/8” x 1/8” square notch.•Install above product per manufacture’s technical data sheet instructions.•Install below adhesives per technical data sheet instructions.Adhesive Options:▪Wood HP4 4-In-1 Hybrid Polymer Adhesive (4-in-1 product works as an adhesive, concrete moisture barrier, sound reducer and crack suppressant all in one). https:///TDS/TDS-364.pdf▪Wood UR Ultimate Adhesive (is a professional grade, low solvent, moisture cured urethane adhesive).https:///TDS/TDS-365.pdf▪Wood UR4 Ultimate Adhesive (4-in-1 product works as a urethane adhesive, concrete moisture control, sound reducer and crack isolation membrane). https:///TDS/TDS-366.pdfPatching Compound Options:▪Silk™ Patching & Finishing Compound (ASTM C109 / ASTM F710 compressive strength requirements).https:///TDS/TDS244.pdf▪Tech Patch-MP Multipurpose Rapid Setting Skim Coat & Floor Patch (ASTM C109 / ASTM F710 compressive strength requirements). https:///TDS/TDS326.pdf*Refer to Product Technical Data Sheet for complete installation instructions, requirements and product limitations. Technical Services Department Santa Fe Springs, CA 800-282-8786 7/21©。
Crossville 高精度陶瓷瓦板产品说明书
![Crossville 高精度陶瓷瓦板产品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7ca73e0968eae009581b6bd97f1922791688beab.png)
Cava – 5.6mm Gauged Porcelain Tile PanelsWith looks as good as natural stone delivered straight from the quarry, Cava brings you all of the style withunsurpassable performance. Utilizing state of the art technology, each vein is rendered to remarkably authentic effect. The result, supersized stone looks guaranteed to be even better than the real thing.Bianco Lasa Bush Hammered - F7048 - 5.6 (Floors & Walls) - StockingNoir Desir Polished** - F0372 - 5.6 (Walls) - StockingNero Greco Polished** - F0373 - 5.6 (Walls) - StockingDiamond Cream Bush Hammered - F7049 - 5.6 (Floors & Walls) - StockingBianco Lasa Polished** - F0375 - 5.6 (Walls) - StockingNote! These samples depict base color and sheen. Please refer to our website for a more accurate depiction of veining and pattern.*See chart on the next page for further information**Polished finishes require apenetrating sealer prior to grouting.Please Note: Due to DCOF value, these tile panels are not recommended for applications in wet areas or areas where standing water may occur..O.Box1168,Crossville,TN38557•Phone:931.484.2110•Fax:931.456.2956•E-Mail:************************•Series and Color5.6 1M3M Cava Bianco Lasa Polished F0375.1M3M Cava Bianco Lasa Bush Hammered F7048.1M3M Cava Diamond Cream Bush Hammered F7049.1M3M Cava Noir Desir Polished**F0372.1M3M Cava Nero Greco Polished**F0373.1M3M** Polished Finishes require a penetrating sealer prior to grouting.Please Note: Due to DCOF value, these tile panels are not recommended for applications in wet areas or areas where standing water may occur.With looks as good as naturalstone delivered straight from the quarry, Cava brings you all of the style with unsurpassable perfor-mance. Utilizing state of the art technology, each vein is rendered to remarkably authentic effect.• Available in 5.6 for floor and wall use• Unparalleled testing and training ensures high performance • Suitable for indoor surfacesLaminam 1 meter x 3 meter sheets *LAMINAM 5.6Piece 32.29 sq. ft./piece Crate 13 pc./crateSq. ft./crate 419.77 sq. ft./crate Lbs./piece 93.96 lbs./piece Lbs./crate1,422 lbs./crate (includes crate weight)Sq. ft. minimum order32.29 sq. ft.* Laminam arrives in oversized A-frames. These A-frames require proper receiving and handling equipment. Check with Crossville cutomer service for details (931-484-2110).Please refer to the Laminam technical guide online for receiving and handling information at ..O.Box1168,Crossville,TN38557•Phone:931.484.2110•Fax:931.456.2956•E-Mail:************************•Distinctive ValuesMAIN FEATURES Dimensions 1000x3000mm Perfectly Flat 3+: 52 lbs / pc 5.6: 94 lbs / pcCHEMICAL RESISTANCELaminam resists organic and inorganic solvents, disinfectants and detergents. It can be easily cleaned without affecting its surface characteristics; the only product that can attack the slabs is hydrofluoric acid.WEAR RESISTANCELaminam is highly scratch proof and resistant to deep abrasion. The properties of the slabs remain unchanged even after intensive use and frequent cleaning.HIGH FLEXURAL STRENGTHLaminam has a high modulus of rupture. 3+ is 90 MOR and 5.6 is 50 MOR which are high values. Typical porcelain value is 35-37.FROST RESISTANCELaminam’s average water absorption is 0.1% therefore it is frost resistant and suitable for any weather condition.FIRE RESISTANTLaminam does not contain organic material therefore it is resistant to fire and high temperatures. In the event of fire it does not release smoke or toxic substances.CHROMATIC PROPERTIESLaminam does not contain organic pigments and is resistant to UV rays. Even if subjected to severe climate changes, the colors remain stable.GRAFFITILaminam is a graffiti resistant ceramic surface; it is easy to clean and even the strongest paints can be removed.SUSTAINABLE• T he use of hybrid kilns that combine gas and electricity significantly reduces CO2 emissions in the atmosphere• L aminam has led the way to a photovoltaic system being installed on the roofs of its two Fiorano Modenese plants• O ver a year, this photovoltaic system guarantees the production of around 1,050 GWh, thereby enabling the company to produce 10% of its energy requirements• I n terms of CO2 reduction, Laminam's photovoltaic roof system eliminates the release of 525 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere annually• M ember of the Green Building Council Italia, this Italian association of manu-facturing leaders strive to transform the building market towards environ-mental sustainability and to build livablecommunities. Partners of GBC Italia promote environmental, economic and social responsibility by innovating the way in which buildings are designed, built and used.Information listed here is subject to change. Please refer to for the latest, most accurate information.Environmental StatementLaminam is a dynamic, flexible and rapidly growing company that makes recycling and sustainability its duty.The revolutionary slab produced by Laminam does not neglect environmental friendliness: natural raw materials, sustainable technology, entirely recyclable products are at the heart of the company’s green philosophy. Laminam is associated with the Green Building Council: created with natural materials, the slab does not release any substance into the environment and unbacked can be easily milled and recycled in other production cycles. Laminam slabs are produced adopting sustainable technol-ogy which respects the entire ecosystem and is designed to reduce processing waste to a minimum and to limit the use of resources. The use of hybrid kilns that combine gas and electricity significantly reduces CO2 emissions in the atmosphere. Thanks to its large format Laminam optimizes the transport, thus reducing the emission of particulate matter which is harmful for the environment.Moreover, Laminam has recently completed its own photovoltaic roof, a plant that today has already produced 1 GWh of energy and that in one year is expected to produce an estimated 1.387 GWh, therefore reducing the CO2 emission by 617 tons in the atmosphere and allowing Laminam to produce 15% of its energy requirements.About Laminam ® by Crossville ®Laminam, a brand which stands for innovative materials and unique technology, is the leader in large format porcelain panel production. Revolutionary technology concentrates three square meters into unbelievably thin por-celain: 3+ for interior walls and 5.6 for interior floors. Versatile and flexible, it is a genuine skin for contemporary architecture, and is ideal in a host of applications.Capable of anticipating lifestyle trends, accommodating the needs of design, and participating in the dialog of global architecture, Laminam and Crossville Inc. have joined together to bring Laminam ® by Crossville ® to the U.S. marketplace. Large format porcelain panels for interior walls and flooring–together, creativity is limitless.ApplicationsLaminam ® is suitable for many indoor applications:BUILDING SECTORFloor and wall coverings, partition and storage walls, false ceilings, surface finishes and restoration, insulated panels and tunnels.INTERIOR DESIGNSurfaces of kitchen and bathroom tops, cupboards, tables, desks, doors and furnishings in general.SHIPBUILDING SECTORThe lightness and high technical properties of Laminam make it suitable for walls of cruise ships and sports crafts.COMPOSITE AND STRUCTURAL PANELSThe slabs can be placed on top of each other or over other materials to create extremely light and particularly resistant composite and structural panels suitable in all those cases that require high resistance and reduced weight load on the surface.T echnical SpecificationsLAMINAM 3+ and 5.6mmLaminam porcelain obtained by wet grinding of clayish raw materials, granite and metamorphic feldspar-containing rocks and ceramic pigments. Com-pacted by a special shaping in compactor and sintering at 1200°C, with hybrid firing.T echnical InfoLAMINAM 3+Laminam 3+ is made up of the basic slab with the structure reinforced with fiberglass matting applied on the back using special adhesive.Thickness: 3mm plus .5mm fiberglass e of Laminam 3+• I nterior wall covering applied using adhesiveLAMINAM 5.6mm• I nterior floors below, and slab on interior floors above grade concrete and interior and exterior wall coverings. (See Laminam Technical Guide for more information).• Polished finishes require a penetrating sealer prior to grouting. Please Note: Due to DCOF value, these tile panels are not recommended for applications in wet areas or areas where standing water may occur.• Due to the grooved texture, when rail cutting Laminam Satori Beige, Crossville ® recommends scoring face down.FS-LAM-CAVA-7-17。
Bianco Antico Memorie 手工陶瓷砖说明书
![Bianco Antico Memorie 手工陶瓷砖说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1311497d5b8102d276a20029bd64783e09127d94.png)
Colors are intended as a guide only and may vary from actual tile. Please check tile samples before making nal selections. See reverse side foradditional product information.Bianco Antico (SAMEBA)Memorie takes us back to the artisan ceramic tradition with the historic 2.5x5 brick size and and a color palette that was painstakingly studied. The colors have nuanced shade variation that is enriched by the glossy crystalline glaze. The fi nal look creates a mood where modern design confronts a taste for the vintage aesthetic which never goes out of style. The bisque is made by multiple molds that have some irregular edges and surface imperfections, and there is intentional shading and glazed details that give the material a handmade look and feel.Please note that some colors in the series have more variation than others. It is important to blend well during installation to get the intended fi nal look.Blu di Prussia (SAMEBP)Chiaro di Luna (SAMECL)Merletto (SAMEME)Muschio (SAMEMU)Cinerino (SAMECO)Nuvola (SAMENA)SAMEDESIGNED IN ITALY MADE IN SPAIN PRODUCT INFORMATION TSSAME/230711 TILESHOP 2 1/2 x 5SAME--/25Expect variation in color and size between eld and trims. There is limited shade variationon the pencil bullnose; the shading is more uniform than the eld tile. It is advisable to showsamples to customers so that they understand what the trim looks like and decide if theynd it acceptable.Due to the irregular edges on this handcrafted look, the factory recommends using a minimum joint of 3/32”.Memorie is intended for interior walls. If installing with a cement-based adhesive, it is recommended to use exible setting material that meets the ISO S1 standard (e.g. Servolight by Kiesel). All substrates should be properly reinforced to be sure there is no movement. Wood studs need to be dry and properly braced with a minimum depth of 3 1/2”. For mortar installations, the mortar bed has to be cured (less than 2% humidity) and has to have proper reinforcing.It is important to work with the layout, blending pieces with di erent hues, within each carton and pulling from several cartons, to get the proper blend during installation. Due to the di erent production techniques and times, expect variation in size and color between eld and trim. Please note that, due to the shape of the trim piece, a bit of craquele e ect may be observed on the trim pieces. This is common in crafted ceramic products, especially those with translucent glazes, and is not considered a defect.Please note that glossy glazes are susceptible to scratching during installation as well as use. This is especially true on darker colors. Please handle the material with care. There is wax on the surface of the tile to protect it during transit and installation. It should be removed before grouting. Wetting the wax with water and letting the water sit for a few minutes before wiping will help ease removal.SAMEBABianco Antico SAMEBPBlu di Prussia SAMECLChiaro di Luna SAMECO Cinerino SAME--/110SBN 1/2 x 10 SBN (Pencil Bullnose/Jolly)Size - Non-Recti edCoordinating TrimInstallation InformationColors Colors shown on the front SAMEME Merletto SAMEMU Muschio SAMENA NuvolaDue to the nature of this special material, orders for the 2-1/2 x 5 size must be for full boxes only. Please note that we do not accept returns in general. In the rare occurrence that we make an exception and do take a return of this product, only factory sealed full boxes can be accepted.1/2 x 10 SBN (Pencil Bullnose/Jolly) & Pro le1/2 x 10 SBN (Pencil Bullnose/Jolly)with eld tile.。
ICS 91.200P32T/GBMA团体标准T/GBMA 001—2019陶瓷大板施工技术规程Technical Specification For Installation ofLarge Ceramic Slab2019-06-25发布2019-06-25实施广东省建筑材料行业协会发布全国团体标准信息平台I本规程按照GB/T 1.1—2009《标准化工作导则第1部分:标准的结构和编写》和住建部《工程建设标准编写规定》建标[2008]182号的规定和要求,规程编制组经广泛调查研究,认真总结工程经验,参考了国内外陶瓷大板粘贴施工的先进做法,并在广泛征求意见的基础上,经反复论证制定本规程。
Series PORCELAIN SLABSAll items shown in this document are part of Olympia’s stocking program. For special orders, please contact yourOlympia Tile Sales Representative.Non Rectified163 x 324 x 1.2 cm (64” x 128” x 0.5”) Matte WA.MO.GSL.64x128.MT 163 x 324 x 1.2 cm (64” x 128” x 0.5”)Matte WA.MO.GST.64x128.MTGREY STONE LIGHTGREY STONEAll items shown in this document are part of Olympia’s stocking program. For special orders, please contact your Olympia Tile Sales Representative.Non Rectified163 x 324 x 1.2 cm (64” x 128” x 0.5”) Matte WA.MO.BOR.64x128MT.A MatteWA.MO.BOR.64x128MT.BPolished WA.MO.BOR.64x128PL.A Polished WA.MO.BOR.64x128PL.B 163 x 324 x 1.2 cm (64” x 128” x 0.5”) Matte WA.MO.CAL.64x128MT.A MatteWA.MO.CAL.64x128MT.BPolished WA.MO.CAL.64x128PL.A Polished WA.MO.CAL.64x128PL.BBORGHINI Bookmatch A & BCALACATTA EXTRA Bookmatch A & B***Please check shades for Bookmatch***All items shown in this document are part of Olympia’s stocking program. For special orders, please contact your Olympia Tile Sales Representative.Non Rectified163 x 324 x 1.2 cm (64” x 128” x 0.5”) Polished WA.MO.CAQ.64x128PL.A Polished WA.MO.CAQ.64x128PL.B163 x 324 x 1.2 cm (64” x 128” x 0.5”) Matte WA.MO.NMQ.64x128MT.A MatteWA.MO.NMQ.64x128MT.BPolished WA.MO.NMQ.64x128PL.A Polished WA.MO.NMQ.64x128PL.BCALACATTA ANTIQUE Bookmatch A & BNERO MARQUINA Bookmatch A & B***Please check shades for Bookmatch***Technical data is supplied by the manufacturer and is subject to change at any time. Olympia does not provide warranties as to thespecifications of any product.Water AbsorptionISO 10545-3< 0.5%ConformsMarmi Europa SeriesTests Performed -- Results ConformColour VariationMemberMember of Canada Green BuildingCouncilMember of U.S. Green BuildingCouncilFor information concerning LEED, please contact our Sales Representative64”x128”0.0185.84324.564414,280Examples of Recommended ApplicationsResidentialCommercialWallFloorDistributors of America (CTDA)The Terrazzo, Tile, and Marble Association ofCanadaMarble Institute of AmericaTaskGrout Sealing MORE™ Grout, Ceramic &Porcelain Sealer Ready to use Commercial: 1-3 Years Residential: 5-8 YearsDaily Maintenance MORE™ Stone and TileCleaner 1 : 128 Ratio Daily Deep Cleaning MORE™ Alkaline Cleaner 1 : 4 Ratio As Needed Grout Haze- CementitiousMORE™ Acidic Cleaner 1 : 4 Ratio As Needed Grout Haze - Epoxy / UrethaneMORE™ Coating Stripper*Ready to useAs Needed* Always test in an inconspicuous area to make sure the product is achieving the desired results and is not damaging the finish of the surface.SURFACE PREPARATION (If Required)• Floor levelling: 59 Flex Flo / 5900 Flex Flo Plus Self Levelling Underlayment • Waterproofing: WP900 Waterproof Membrane• Crack Isolation/Uncoupling: Flexilastic 1000 Crack Isolation Membrane / FlexMat Uncoupling Membrane* For a complete listing of FLEXTILE products and accessories including Sound Control, In‐Floor Heating, and further setting options, please visit GREY STONECALACATTA EXTRABORGHINIIt is Olympia Tile’s policy to stock all items for sale. Should you require additional sizes, finishes or colours, Olympia has a Special Order Department to help find exactly what you are looking for. Please contact your Olympia Tile Sales Representative for more details. Note that minimum order quantities and longer lead times apply to all special order items.Colour may vary slightly from images shown. It is highly recommended to view physical samples of tile prior to purchase. Note that shade variations between tiles is characteristic and adds to the inherent beauty of the product. Please visit a showroom near you or request a sample from your Olympia Tile Sales Representative.Marmi Europa Series: Online PDF Catalogue & Sample box。
陶板规格陶板常规厚度为15mm ~ 30mm不等,常规长度为300mm 600mm 900mm 1200mm,常规宽度为200mm 250mm 300mm 450mm。
陶板技术参数◇ 接缝宽度:垂直竖缝4/8mm,横缝6~10mm◇吸水率:3~10%◇干燥重量:18mm厚度≤32kg/㎡,30mm厚度≤46kg/㎡◇系统重量:18mm厚度≤47kg/㎡,30mm厚度≤66kg/㎡◇抗冻性:经100次循环冻融后无裂◇破坏强度:18mm厚度4.01KN, 30mm厚度6.64KN◇防火性能:防火等级为A1◇抗震性:超过10度抗震设防陶板特点:1、施工简单,更换容易,质量容易控制。
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