The BFG好心眼儿巨人英语读书笔记内容及心得

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The Main Characters


Sophie was an eight-year-old orphan.

She was full of curiosity and intelligence.

She loved to ask questions.


He had large sensitive which could hear the sounds of plants and dreams. He was kind-hearted and studious.

He thought that eating people was cruel.

The Queen

She was a very kind one among the adults.

She was generous, friendly and calm.

She can control herself no matter what happens. She always kept smiling.

Head of the army and Head of the air force

The senior officials of the Queen.

They would only back down when they met some trouble.

They were rude, opinionated and selfish.

The Contents

A little girl named Sophie saw a strange, giant man with large ears in the street at night. As a result, she was found and caught by the giant. Then he started to run fast and entered a large cave. Sophie believed that the giant will eat her. The giant laughed and explained that most giants did eat human beings, and that the tastes depended on its nationality. The giant then said that he would not eat her, as he was a special case of giants, the Big Friendly Giant.

The BFG told her that she must stay with him forever, or she would probably tell people about giant everywhere. He also warned her that it was very dangerous if she left the cave, because the other nine giants loved eating human beings. The BFG then explained that he only ate snozzcumbers. It's a kind of terrible-tasting vegetable. He drank a fizzy soda-pop drink called "frobscottle" which causes lovely bubbles in people's stomache. The BFG called this "Whizzpopping". The BFG also caught

dreams and stored them in the cave, and then gave the good ones to children all around the world. He destroyed the bad ones.

The next morning, the BFG took Sophie to Dream Country to catch more dreams. In Dream Country, the BFG used his large ears to find the dreams and catch them. He believed that the dreams were living things. But the BFG had caught a nightmare instead of good ones. He used it to make the most horrible giant,Fleshlumpeater,have a nightmare about Jack.

Sophie suggested him to ask the Queen of England for help, so they could stop the cruel giants eating human beings. She asked the BFG to mix a dream that introduced knowledge of the giants to the Queen-just like what Sophie had saw,and appearance of Sophie, so that the Queen would believe them

if she saw something real same as what in her dream. The BFG did it. Sophie used her knowledge of London to reach Buckingham Palace with the BFG, and wait in the Queen's bedroom to explain about it when the queen woke up. Finally,The Queen believed her and talked with the BFG. She decided to call out the army to catch the other giants.

Nine helicopters then followed Sophie and the BFG to the giants' homeland. The giants were still sleeping,so the soldiers tied up and caught them. But Fleshlumpeater woke up, and saw the soldiers below. Before the giant ate the poor soldiers, Sophie rammed the brooch into his feet. Fleshlumpeater thought that it was a venomous snake, so he was afraid and put his hands and feet together to be tied up. The giants were tied under the helicopters and carried back to London. They were threw into

a deep hole. From then on, they could only eat snozzcumbers.

In the end, Sophie and the BFG received many presents from other countries.

The Author

Roald Dahl was born in Wales,Britain. But his parents were both Norwegians. He was a Royal Air Force fighter pilot during World War II. Dahl wrote a lot of novels. He made a big effect on children's literature. His works have been translated into 36 languages and published all over the world. His works and the characters have become the source of many films, TV series, music and poetry, fascinating many children and adults.

My Opinions

The book explained a completely different world as we see now. After reading this book,I realized that human beings never believe what we didn’t see,but we still think that we know a lot. The BFG was an exception of the giants,so he saw what other people didn’t know,such as the cruelty
