5063.牛津深圳初中英语八上《Unit 6 Ancient stories Reading教案
牛津深圳版八年级上册 Unit 6 Ancient stories词汇及基础知识过关

Unit 6 Ancient stories【课堂练习】一.英汉互译。
A.Words:1.古代的__________________2.特洛伊人__________________3.战争__________________4.懂;理解__________________5.差别;不同(之处)__________________6.(古埃及的)金字塔__________________7.首领__________________ 8.希腊人__________________9.用武力夺取;攻占__________________ 10.士兵__________________11.巨大的__________________ 12.(向某方向)拖;拉动__________________13.主要的__________________ 14.庆祝;庆贺__________________15.笨的;傻的__________________ 16.午夜:子夜__________________17.空的__________________ 18.除…之外___________________19 secret__________________ 20 side__________________21 quietly__________________ 22 army__________________23 enter__________________ 24 succeed__________________27 trick__________________ 28 prince__________________29. queen__________________ 30 steal__________________31 punish__________________ 32 scene__________________B.Phrases:1.将…表演出来__________________2.拿…开玩笑__________________3.除…之外__________________4.(有)大量的;(有)许多的__________________5.最后__________________6.(用于命令)快;加油;加把劲__________________7.攻占我们的城市__________________8.把…放入__________________9.入睡__________________ 10.从我的童年起__________________11 by midnight__________________ 12 climb out of…__________________13 one by one__________________ 14 by fighting__________________15 in one night__________________ 16 succeed in doing…__________________二.根据要求写出相应的单词。
牛津深圳版英语八年级上册Unit 6 Ancient stories Grammar教案

教案5课题课型备课时间1period教材分析教学目标1. Students can master the present perfect tense.2. Learn the usage 、structures 、adverbial time of theP.P and the forms of the verbs.教学重点the usage 、structure s 、adverbial time of the P.P andthe forms of the verbs.教学难点延续性动词与瞬间性动词的理解教学关键运用自我归纳的方式使学生掌握时态教法与学法指导任务教学法,直观教学,小组合作教学环节主要教学步骤或内容学生主体活动教师活动设计意图时间分配第一环节复习回忆平移的根本性质,引入课题StepⅠ:Warming up 1.Work t ogetherwith the teacherto review theusage of thestruc ture 、theadverbial timeand so on of thesimple pasttense..2.Stuents answersome questions1.Review thesimple pasttense withthestudents.2.Ask themsomequestio nsusing P.P.通过对一般过去时的学习,告知学生学习完成时与一般过去时的方法一样,通过带有现在完成时的问题让学生进入现在完成时。
5第二环节观察操作、探索归纳平移的作StepⅡ:L. 1.Students workin group to writedown the past andpartic iples ofsome words.1.PPT 上展示一些动词,要求同学们讨论过去式与分词。
小组合作文成过去式与过去分词书写,有助于学生提高积极性,参与课堂,为后面教学作铺垫10法第三环节课堂练习StepⅢ: While task. 1. Students writedo wn the negativesentence andother forms of thepresent perfecttense.2.Practicewriting moresentence.3.Summarize thestructure ofpresent perfecttense.1.Write downa positivesentencesthen askstudents tochange itintonegative andquestionone.2.Ask them tochange more.3. Help themto summarizethestructure ofthe P.P.通过教师所给的句子,学生写出否认句,一般疑问句,特殊句句型,有助于学生笔头锻炼,更重要的是更直观的了解完成时时态,通过自我归纳知识掌握更深刻5第四环节课时小结StepⅣ:for /since 1.Learn somesentences withfor and since.2.Find out for andsince followedwith a presentperfectsentences.3.Studentsummarize theadverbial time ofthe presentperfect tense.1. Showstudentswith for andsentence.2.ask them toexamine thekinds ofverbs.3.Ask them tosummarizetheadverbialtime of thepresentperfecttense.学生使用for与since 时间状语引导的现在完成时。
牛津深圳版英语八年级上Unit6 Ancient stories 单词+语法(现在完成时+since,for+时态区别)(无答案)

Unit 6 Ancient stories【重点单词短语】1.ancient adj.古代的Eg: This is an ancient city.【拓展】the ancients 古人,古代名族Eg: The ancients knew more than we do about the heavens.反义词modern 现代的,先进的近义词old 老的,旧的Eg: Modern cars have long lives.2.war n. 战争the First World War 第一次世界大战the Second World War 第二次世界大战Eg: The two countries have been at war for five years.【拓展】反义词peace n.和平Eg: People are against the war and for the peace.3.difference n.差别;不同Eg: There is no difference between the sexes.【拓展】different adj.不同的;有差别的differ v.区分make a (no) difference (没)有…影响;(不)起…作用Eg: Exercise makes all the difference.the difference between.....and.... ....和....之间的区别Eg: Can you see the difference between Lucy and Lily?be different from 与...不同be the same as=be similar to 与...相同【小试牛刀】你能告诉我他们之间的区别吗?对我而言,什么都不起作用。
4.huge adj. 巨大的,只能指体积的巨大或超过标准的巨大,相当于very large Eg: They live in a huge house.5.pull v.(向某方向)拖,拉动Eg: She pulled the drawer open.【拓展】pull down 把某物拉下,拆毁;pull out 拉出,拔出反义词push vt. 推6.main adj. 主要的mainly adv. 大部分地,大体上,主要地Eg: My main reason for learning English is to get a better job.7.celebrate v. 庆祝;庆贺celebration n. 庆祝;庆祝会(仪式)Eg: Tom celebrated his 24th birthday with his friends two days ago.The company will celebrate its tenth anniversary this year.8.stupid adj. 笨的,傻的foolish adj. 傻的silly adj. 愚蠢的Eg: Don’t be so stupid!9.midnight n. 午夜;子夜at midnight 在午夜;在半夜by midnight 在午夜前Eg: They had to leave at midnight.10.empty adj. 空的反义词:full adj. 满的Eg: My glass is empty.11.except prep.除…之外Eg: The museum is open every day except MondayI like everything except math.【辨析】except ,besides, except for, but(1)except介词“除......之外”,表示将一个或几个人或物从同一类人或物中排除。
牛津深圳初中英语八年级上册《Unit 6 Ancient stories Grammar教案

Unit 6 GrammarContents Unit6 –Grammar &More PracticeAims Knowledge1) To help the Ss conclude the usage of the presentperfect tense2) To enable the Ss to master the usage of thepresent perfect tense by doing exercises3) To teach Ss some language pointsSkills To train Ss’ reading skil l---read more practice by using skimming and scanning skillEmotion To broaden Ss’eye sight of learning about educational exchangeLanguage Focus 1)Learn s ome language poi nts in More Practice2)Teach Ss the grammar of the present perfect tenseTeaching Aids PPT, BlackboardProceduresStep Tea ching’sactivityStudents’ activity PurposesI. Grammar 1 Greetings2 Leading inShow some sentencesand let the studentsdiscuss a nd work outthe rules of thepresent perfecttense3 Exercises4 practiceShow some sentencesand let the studentsdiscuss and work outthe rules of thepresent perfecttense with for/since5 work out thedifference betweenthe simple past tenseand the presentperfect sentenc e.Summary what wereview this lesson.Try to find out therule by themselves byreading the examplesFinish the exercisesTry to find out therule by themselves byreading the examplesFinish the exercisesTalk with partnersBe familiar with thetopicTo teach Ss the ruleof grammar and letSs learn and findout the ruletogetherTo let Ss practisetheir oral Englishby using the grammarII. More practice 1. show some newwords about the storyRead the story andanswer the questionsbelow2. Ask students tocomplete the story ifyou are one of c a ocaos soldiers.3.Exerc ises doingRead the articles withQsTake notesTalk with yourpartners and answerthe QsTo be familiar withthe topicLearn more languagepoints of morepractice and learnthe usage of themThink more about thetopic and speakingtrainingIV. Homework 1) Recite the whole article2) 英语周报一张Reflection。
牛津深圳初中英语八上《Unit 6 Ancient stories Grammar教案

Try to find out the rule by themselves by reading the examples
Finish the exercises
Try to find out the rule by themselves by reading the examples
3 Exercises
4 practice
Show some sentences and let the students discuss and work out the rules of the present perfect tense with for/since
5 work out the difference between the simple past tense and the present perfect sentenc e.
Unit6 –Grammar &More Practice
1) To help the Ss conclude the usage of the present perfect tense
2) To enable the Ss to master the usage of the present perfect tense by doing exercises
Finish the exercises
Talk with partners
Be familiar with the topic
To teach Ss the rule of grammar and let Ss learn and find out the rule together
牛津深圳版英语八年级上册Unit 6 Ancient stories 重难点知识归纳总结

牛津深圳版英语八年级上册Unit 6 Ancient stories【重点单词】1.ancient /ˈeɪnʃənt/ adj. 古代的2.war /wɔː(r)/ n. 战争3.understand /ˌʌndəˈstænd/ v. (understood, understood) 懂,理解4.difference /ˈdɪfrəns/ n. 差别;不同(之处)5.captain /ˈkæptɪn/ n. 首领6.soldier/ˈsəʊldʒə(r)/ n. 士兵7.huge /hjuːdʒ/ adj. 巨大的8.pull /pʊl/ v. (向某方向)拖,拉动9.main /meɪn/ adj. 主要的10.celebrate /ˈselɪbreɪt/ v. 庆祝;祝贺11.stupid /ˈstjuːpɪd/ adj. 笨的;傻的12.midnight /ˈmɪdnaɪt/ n. 午夜;子夜13.empty /ˈempti/ adj. 空的14.except /ɪkˈsept/ prep. 除……之外15.secret /ˈsiːkrət/ n. 秘密的16.side /saɪd/ n. 侧面17.quietly /ˈkwaɪətli/ adv. 安静地18.army /ˈɑːmi/ n. 陆军部队19.enter /ˈentə(r)/ v. 进来;进入20.succeed /səkˈsiːd/ v. 达到目的;实现目标21.trick /trɪk/ n. 计谋22.prince /prɪns/ n. 王子23.queen /kwiːn/ n. 王后24.steal /stiːl/ v. (stole, stolen)偷;窃取25.punish /ˈpʌnɪʃ/ v. 处罚;惩罚26.scene /siːn/ n. (戏剧或歌剧的)场27.sir /sɜː(r)/ n. 先生【重点短语】1.act out 将……表演出来2.make jokes about 拿……开玩笑;以……为笑柄3.except for 除……之外4.(be) full of (有)大量的;(有)许多的5.in the end 最后e on (用于命令)快;加油;加把劲7.one by one 一个接一个8.in ancient times 在古代9.climb out of 从……爬出来10.succeed in doing. sth 成功地做成某事11.play a trick 恶作剧;捉弄12.fall asleep 入睡;睡着13.under attack 受到攻击14.at the beginning 从一开始15.in the middle 在中间16.at the end of 在……结束时【重点句型】1.They’ve tried to capture our city for ten years.他们十年来一直试图占领我们的城市。

Unit 6 Ancient stories1. understand 【v.】懂,理解 (understand - understood - understood)▲make oneself understood 表达自己的意思,让旁人理解自己的意思【例】Can you make yourself understood in English? 你能用英语表达自己的意思吗?2.difference 【n.】区别,不同之处▲常用结构:the difference(s) between... and... 。
之间的差别different 【adj.】不同的,差别的常用结构:be different from 与......不一样反义词:be the same as 与......相同differently 【adv.】不同地,差别地【例】Can you find the differences between the two?The chairs in your house are different from ours?3. captain 【C.】队长,首领,船长【例】His father is a captain.4. huge 【adj.】庞大的,巨大的 =very big▲【例】The party was a huge success. 聚会非常成功。
5. main adj. 主要的 =very important【例】the main gate, the main street.6. celebrate 【v.】庆祝,庆贺 celebration【n.】祝贺Eg: All the Chinese people are celebrating the Spring Festival.7. except & except for & besides▲★请先观察下面例句中 except和 except for 的用法,然后补全结论部分所缺内容。
牛津深圳版英语八上 Unit 6 Ancient stories 知识点+练习(无答案)

八年级英语Unit 6 Ancient storiessort contentwords understand celebrate except succeed steal ancient war difference captain soldier huge pull main stupid midnight empty secret side quietly army enter trick prince queen punish scene sirphrase 1. act out 将…表演出来 2. make jokes about 拿…开玩笑3. except for 除…之外 4.(be)full of (有)许多的5. in the end 最后 6. come on 加油7. sail away 开船走了8. climb out of 从…爬出来9. one by one 逐个地10. play a trick on sb 捉弄某人11. give up 放弃12. take sth with sb 随…一起带走sentence 1.They’ve tried to capture our city for ten years.2.Now they’ve given up and sailed away!3.By midnight,the main square was empty,except for the huge horse.4.The horse was full of Greek soldiers.5.In one night,however,they succeeded in capturing it through a clever trick.知识清单1.①try to do尽力做某事②try doing 尝试做③try one’s best to do sth 尽某人最大努力做2.give up+doing放弃做某事3.①except意思是“除了….以外”,表示某物不包括在整体内,是介词,常与all 连用.②besides意思是“除…之外,还有”,表示某物包含在整体内,是介词.4.be full of=be filled with 装满,充满5.succeed in doing 成功做某事6.take sth with sb 某人随身携带某物7.think of 想到8.in three days三天后:in+一段时间,表示将来9.order sb to do sth 命令某人做某事10.ask sb to do sth 要求某人做某事11.decide to do 决定做某事words and sentences完璧归赵1.The bottle is e,please help me get some water.2. Don’t work until m ,it is bad for your health,going to sleep early is very important.3.He joined the army when he was 18,everyone thought he was a great s .4.They kept their marriage s until last year,we thought they were single then.5.Adili s in walking in the high sky over the Pearl River without any protection.6.He is not s (笨的)but lazy,he will pass the final exam if he studies hard.7.C (首领)Ku is cool and smart,his army beat many enemies.8.When you finish filling in the form,you can press this button to e (进入)the next page.9.She closed the door q (安静地)and went away from her home forever.10.He p (拉)the door open and came into his new office happily.二、词来词往1.他常常取笑他的同学,所以没有人喜欢他.He always his classmates,so no one likes him.2.早上6点左右,天安门广场上到处是人.Tian‘an men Square people.3.他尽力游泳.He .4.搬入新房子时我想把我所有的东西带上.I want to all my things me when I move into my new house.5.我决定这周去玩.I this weekend.6.我妈妈叫我去吃饭.My mother me dinner.7.门已经关了,所以他爬出屋子了.Because the door was closed,he of the house.8.我的口袋装满了钱.My pocket money.9.他成功地发明了这个机器.He this machine.10.每个人都在,除了Lily.Everyone is here Lily.三、知识点大考验1. The bus people,so I had no room to stand on.A.was fill withB.was fulled ofC.was filled ofD.was full of2. All the students passed the final exam,Tom. Because he played computer games day and night.A.besidesB.besideC.exceptD.except for3.They jokes about the way I wear glasses.A.playB.sayC.tellD.make4.--How did you succeed winning the football match?--Well,we practice every day.A.onB.inC.ofD.by5.The boss ordered his workers for him over 15 hours a day.A.to workB.workingC.workD.works6. ,they captured the city.A.In the endB.To the endC.With the endD.For the end7.We succeeded in a kite.A.makeB.makesC.makingD.made8.Be careful,the road snow.A.is full ofB.is filled ofC.are full ofD.are filled with9.Don’t give up .A.learnB.to learnC.learningD.learns10.They decided abroad (外国).A.to goB.goC.goingD.goestest选择题1.The doctor told my father to give up .A.smokeB.smokingC.smokesD.to smoke2.—Tom,you can never let others know what I have told you today.--Don’t worry,I will keep the .A.secretB.moneyC.addressD.grade3.If you read a lot,your life will be full pleasure.A.byB.ofC.forD.with4.He succeeded climbing out of the hole at last.A.inB.withC.forD.on5.I’m looking after Tom today,he’s been in my house 8:00 this morning.A.atB.forC.sinceD.till6.Helen and Pairs fell in love each other.A.ofB.withC.toD.for7.They opened the main gate and let him .A.enteredB.enteringC.to enterD.enter8.He ordered a soldier it into the room.A.to pullB.pulledC.pullD.pull9.Believe in ,You’re the best in our club.A.herselfB.myselfC.yourselfD.himself10.He in this school for 20 years already.A.will workB.worksC.has workedD.is working 完成句子1.不要放弃你的梦想.Don’t your dream.2.她正在拿这件事开玩笑.She is about this thing.3.我们的未来充满了希望.Our future is hope.4.他成功地爬出了洞.He climbing out of the hole.5.树上只有几个苹果.There are apples on the tree.6.将来会发生什么?What will happen ?7.赶紧把袋子装满金子.Hurry to the bag gold.8.他们多久以后回来?Will they come ba完形填空(10*1=10)Many people like to travel by plane, but I don’t like it because an the airport is usually far from the city. You 1 get there early and wait for hours for the plane to take off which is often late. You can’t 2 the windows. You can’t choose the food. Planes are fast, but it still takes hours to get 3 the airport and into the city.I like traveling by 4 . I think trains are safe. Railway stations are usually good in cities. When you are late for a train, you can catch 5 one. You can walk around in the train and open the windows. You can see many 6 things on your way .though it takes a little 7 time.I also like cars. You can start your journey whenever you want to, and you don’t need to get to a railway station or a bus stop. Also you can 8 many things with you in a car. 9 sometimes there are too many cars on the 10 .( ) 1. A.have to B.can C.may D.must( ) 2. A.open B.close C.look out of D.look though ( ) 3. A.on B.off C.out of D.into( ) 4. A.the train B.trains C.a train D.train( ) 5. A.the other B.another C.other D.others( ) 6. A.interesting B.delicious C.good D.funny( ) 7. A.many B.much C.more D.most( ) 8. A.carry B.bring C.get D.have( ) 9. A.And B.So C.Or D.But( ) 10. A.street B.road C.way D.farm阅读理解Shlander is a man from space. He thinks the people and things on the earth are very strange. He is now writing a letter to his friend at home. Here is part of his letter. Read it and answer the questions.Now I am in a strange world. It is very nice. There are many new things here. There are many earth monsters here,too. The earth monsters look very funny. They have just one head,two arms and two legs. They have thin black strings on their heads. Some earth monsters have brown or yellow strings. The earth monsters have a hole in their face. Every day,they put nice things and balls from the trees into the hole. They put water into the hole,too. The earth monsters do not walk very fast. They move from place to pace in tin boxes.At night,the earth monsters like to look at a square window box. This box has very small earth monsters in it.1. Shlander thinks the people and things on the earth are very ________.A. strangeB. niceC. differentD. beautiful2. Shlander thinks man on the earth is ________.A. a monkeyB. a earth monsterC. a tin boxD. a strange world3. The earth monster doesn’t have ________.A. heads, arms and legsB. brown or yellow strings on its headC. a hole on its faceD. a swing on its body4. The earth monsters don‘t put ________ on their holes.A. nice thingsB. ballsC. fireD. water5. The square window box is ________.A. a car or a busB. a very small earth monsterC. a TV setD. a radio现在完成时现在完成时态中,用since或for引起的时间状语修饰.Since 和for 的用法表示过去已经开始持续到现在的动作或状态常用的时间状语有:for, since, how long, so far, these days等。

输出:出一期与著名历史文学故事相关的班级报纸或杂志输出:仿写古代中外军事战术的故事性记叙文 输出:创设情境:假如你是斯巴达国王,会怎么做? 输出:将草船借箭进行戏剧表演Reading: 学习和理解木马计的经过Speaking: 木马计的剧本和戏剧表演Writing: 以参与者的身份介绍木马计的经过Listening: 特洛伊战争爆发的起因Speaking: 挖掘特洛伊战争的历史背景More practice: 学习和理解草船借箭的经过Culture corner: 草船借箭在孙子兵法中的军事战术 Project: 中外著名历史故事的讲解与介绍核心素养的综合表现:学完本单元后,学生能够掌握掌握与木马计相关的目标语言;故事性记叙文的写作结构;掌握现在完成时的意义和用法,与一般过去时的区别。
学习用戏剧表演的方式进行口语表达;掌握以第一人称的方式叙述故事的整个过程;树立热爱中外古代文学经典的意识,激发学生能学习军事战略中的智慧和头语言大观念:中外著名历史文学故事的语言表达;现在完成时的用法;中外著名历史文学故事的戏剧表演;故事性记叙文的写作方法和逻辑思路 小观念1:围绕语义整合性学习词汇和表达方式小观念2:运用语篇形式分享和交流中外古代著名历史文学故事的语言表达描述方式语篇结构 现在完成时的用法1.木马计:give up, sail away, by midnight, make jokes about...2.特洛伊战争:the city of, fall in love with, sail back...3.草船借箭:on the side of, be full of, an impossi ble task...1.现在完成时的用法:since/ for with a period of time (a point in time) ... have/ has done ...2.与一般现在时的区别: have studied, had; have learnt, read...1.succeeded in doing sth., leave sth. somewhere, order sb. to do sth. ...2.want to do sth., haven’t done sth. since ..., have gone ... & have been ...1.故事性记叙文: Beginning (cause) Process (rising action, climax, falling action) Ending (result)2.木马计的剧本:Scene 1:on the high wall of the city ; Scene 2: in the main square; Scene 3: in the wooden horse三、单元整体评价附件:作业设计这份作业是在学生学完了Unit 6 Ancient stories布置完成的。

Learn some information aboutancient stories.
Try to talk aboutancient storiesas much as possible.
Try to guess the meaning of the pictures.
To arouse Ss,interests of different kinds of ancient stories
Language Focus
1) Know the structure and contents of the main article
2) Train Ss,guessing skill of the new words according to the whole article
To lead in the topic
To let Ss be familiar with the article and train theirskimmingskill
II. While -reading Procedure
1.While -reading
1)Fast reading:readand try to choose the right answers.
Unit6- -Reading
1) To teach Ss main contents ofReading
2) To introduce ancient s
To train Ss,reading skills - - -skimming and scanning
牛津深圳版英语八年级上册 Unit6 Ancient stories必背材料

8A Unit6 Ancient stories 必背材料三、词形1. main: adj.主要的mainly: adv.主要地2. success: u/n.成功; c/n成功的人/事succeed: v.获得成功successful: adj.成功的successfully: adv.成功地3. celebrate: v.庆祝celebration: n.庆祝celebrated: adj.著名的celebrity: n.名人4. empty: adj.空的v.倒空,清空5. enter: v.进入entrance: n.入口6. punish: v.惩罚punishable: adj.可以惩罚的punishment: n.惩罚7. understand: v.理解,明白understanding: n.认识;知识8. difference: adj.不同的different: n.区别9. wooden: adj.木制的;呆板的wood: 木材;木制品10.quiet: adj.安静的quietly: adv.安静地11.secret: n.秘密;adj.秘密的secretly: adv.秘密地11.prince: n.王子princess: n.公主12. Greek: n.希腊人(s);adj.希腊的Greece: n.希腊13.Troy: n.特洛伊(城邦) Trojan: n.特洛伊人(s); adj.特洛伊的四、重点句1. “They’ve tried to capture our city for ten years. Now they’ve given up and sailed away! ”2. They sang and danced around the horse, and made jokes about the stupid Greeks.3. By midnight, the main square was empty, except for the huge horse.4. The horse was full of Greek soldiers! They quietly climbed out of the horse one by one.5. In one night, however, they succeeded in capturing it through a clever trick.6. We can get to the town faster.7. Paris took Helen to his ship and his men also stole a lot of gold from Sparta.8. Zhuge Liang asked his soldiers to fill 20 large boats with many straw men.9. …they thought they were under attack.10. The Art of War is full of clever sayings.。
牛津深圳版英语八年级上册Unit 6 Ancient Stories课件

Unit 6 Ancient Stories
empty except secret side
adj. 空的 prep. 除……之外 adj. 秘密的 n. 侧面
quietly adv. 安静地
army n. 陆军部队
enter v. 进来;进入 succeed v. 达到目的;实现目标 trick n. 计谋
Words review
adj. 古代的
adj. 特洛伊的
n. 战争
understand v. 懂;理解
difference n. 差别;不同(之处) pyramid n. (古埃及的)金字塔 captain n. 首领 Greek n. 希腊人
Reading listening grammer speaking writing Practice
Unit 6 Ancient Stories
capture v. 用武力夺取;攻占 soldier n. 士兵
adj. 巨大的
v. (向某方向)拖,拉动
adj. 主要的
celebrate v. 庆祝;庆贺
stupid adj. 笨的;傻的
midnight n. 午夜;子夜
Reading listening grammer speaking writing Practice
Reading listening grammer speaking writing Practice
Unit 6 Ancient Stories
④That night, in the main square of the city, all the Trojans celebrated. They sang and danced around the horse, and made jokes about the stupid Greeks." haven't laughed like this since my childhood," the captain said. After the party, they locked all the gates of the city and then all went to sleep.
牛津深圳初中英语八年级上册《Unit 6 Ancient stories Reading教案

Unit 6 Reading Contents Unit 6 -- ReadingAims Knowledge 1) To teach Ss main contents of Reading2) To introduce ancient storiesSkills To train Ss’reading skills---skimming and scanningEmotion To arouse Ss’ interests of different kinds of ancient storiesLanguage Focus 1) Know the structure and contents of the main article2) Train Ss’ guessing skill of the new words according to the whole articleTeaching Aids PPT, BlackboardProceduresSteps Teacher’sactivitiesStudents’ activities PurposesI. Pre-reading Presentation 1、 Lead inHave Ss talk aboutsome ancientstories.2、 Pre-reading1) Ask Ss to loo k atsome pictures aboutsome ancientstories.2) Tell Ss they aregoi ng to read anancient s tory, andshow some keyphrases.3) Have Ss try toguess the order ofthe pictures beforereading.Talk with partners.Learn someinformation aboutancient stories.Try to talk aboutancient stories asmuch as possible.Try to guess themeaning of thepictures.To lead in the topicTo let Ss befamiliar with thearticle and traintheir skimmingskillII.While-reading Procedure 1. While-reading1) Fast reading:read and try tochoose the rightanswers.2) Read again andfinish C1&2.3) Read and finishD1&D2.2. Language points1) Learn the usefulexpressions in theRead and try to finishthe exercises.Take notes and finishthe exercises.To le t Ss be morefamiliar with thewhole st ructure ofthe article andit’s good for Ss torecite it in classpassage.2) Finish the exercises.III. Post-task Activity Ask Ss to retell thestory “The Trojanhorse”.Retell the story. To be more familiarwith the wholepassage and try toretell the story byusing the new wordsand phrasesIV. Homework 1) 学案Reading一张2) 英语周报一张Reflection。
【牛津深圳版】八年级英语上册 Unit 6 Ancient stories单元课件

Unit 6习
一、根据汉语写出英文单词 1. 古代的 (adj.) __________________ ancient huge 2. 巨大的 (adj.) __________________ stupid 3. 笨的;傻的 (adj.) __________________ empty 4. 空的 (adj.) __________________ 5. 秘密的 (adj.) secret __________________ difference 6. 差别;不同 (之处) (n.) __________________ soldier 7. 士兵 (n.) __________________ 8. 计谋 (n.) __________________ trick 9. 懂;理解 (v.) __________________ understand 10. 进来;进入 (v.) __________________ enter pull 11. (向某方向)拖;拉动 (v.) __________________ 12. 庆祝;庆贺 (v.) __________________ celebrate
二、根据汉语写出下列词组 1. 将……表演出来 act ____________________ out make jokes about 2. 拿……开玩笑;以……为笑柄 __________________ 3. 最后 ____________________ in the end 4. (用于命令)快;加油;加把劲 come ________________ on (be) full of 5. (有)大量的;(有)许多的 ____________________ succeed in doing 6. 成功做…… ____________________ 7. 除……之外 ____________________ except for 8. 放弃 ____________________ give up

• After he came home, he went to sleep
at once.
• fall asleep 睡着
• go to bed 去睡觉
• feel sleepy 感觉到困的 • 他上课的时候感到困,后来就睡着了。 • He felt sleepy in class, so he fell
八年级英语上册Unit6AncientstoriesR eading 2课件 新版牛 津深圳 版
八年级英语上册Unit6AncientstoriesReading2课件新版牛津深圳版。除了他的粗心,他是个好男 孩。他们悄悄的一个接一个的从木马里爬出来。他们一个接着一个的上了公车汽车。谢谢大家
No Image
• 1. “They have tried to capture our city for ten years . Now they’ve given up and sailed
• 他们试图占领我们的城市已经十年了, 现在他们放弃并且启程回家啦!
• try to do sth • 努力做某事,试图做某事 • 我想通过考试, 因此我努力学习 • I try to pass the exam, so I study
• give up sth/ doing sth • 放弃做某事,放弃做某事
• 他放弃了去美国读书。
C. have gone to; understand
D. have been at; understood
牛津深圳版英语八年级上册 Unit 6-附录

附录:Unit 6【学习内容与目标】
话题 Ancient Stories 古代故事 功能 能够理解故事的起因、经过和结果,并按时间顺序讲述故事。
名词 动词
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
army captain difference Greek midnight prince pyramid queen scene side sir soldier trick Trojan war capture celebrate enter pull punish steal succeed understand
act out 表演出 come on 加油 except for 除去 (be)full of 充满 in the end 最终 短语 make jokes about 拿……开玩笑 by midnight 在午夜前 under attack 受到攻击
have done/haven’t done... for... I have lived in Shenzhen for 10 years. 句型 have done/haven’t done...since...ago I have lived in Shenzhen since 10 years ago. 含有 since 和 for 引导的时间状语在现在完成时中的应用 语法 现在完成时和一般过去时在含义和用法上的区别
differ [ v. ]--difference [n.]--different [adj.] trick [n.]--tricky [adj.] Greece [n.]--Greek [adj.] 单词 派生词 Troy [n.]--Trojan [adj.] celebrate [v.]--celebration [n.] enter [v.] --entrance [n.]
新牛津深圳版英语八年级上册unit 6《ancient stories》单元优秀教案(重点资料).doc

Unit 6 Ancient Stories---基础教案Key words1.difference n.差别;不同<可数> different adj.不同的;有差别的与...不同:be different fromCan you find out the differences between the two pictures?反义词:similarity n. 相像处;相似点similar adj.相似的be similar to 与...相似2.*Greek n.希腊人Greek n.希腊语Greece n.希腊Ancient Greeks were often great thinkers.伟大的思想家3.celebrate v.庆祝;庆贺celebration n.庆祝;庆祝会(仪式)Tom celebrated his 24th birthday with his friends two days ago.The company will celebrate its tenth anniversary this year.十周年庆典活动。
4.midnight n.午夜;子夜at midnight在午夜;在半夜by midnight在午夜前They had to leave at midnight.5.except prep.除……之外The museum is open every day except Monday.。
I can answer all of the questions except the last one.【辨析】except, except for和besides1)except,介词“除......之外”,表示将一个或几个人或物从同一类人或物中排除。
All came except Tom.<说明:Tom和all都指人,同类。
>We go to library every day except Sunday.2)except for, “除...之外”,“在说明整个基本情况后,对细节加以纠正”,基本情况和细节不属于同一范畴。
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Unit 6 Reading Contents Unit 6 -- Reading
Aims Knowledge 1) To teach Ss main contents of Reading
2) To introduce ancient stories
Skills To train Ss’reading skills---skimming and scanning
Emotion To arouse Ss’ interests of different kinds of ancient stories
Language Focus 1) Know the structure and contents of the main article
2) Train Ss’ guessing skill of the new words according to the whole article
Teaching Aids PPT, Blackboard
Steps Teacher’s
Students’ activities Purposes
I. Pre-reading Presentation 1、 Lead in
Have Ss talk about
some ancient
2、 Pre-reading
1) Ask Ss to loo k at
some pictures about
some ancient
2) Tell Ss they are
goi ng to read an
ancient s tory, and
show some key
3) Have Ss try to
guess the order of
the pictures before
Talk with partners.
Learn some
information about
ancient stories.
Try to talk about
ancient stories as
much as possible.
Try to guess the
meaning of the
To lead in the topic
To let Ss be
familiar with the
article and train
their skimming
While-reading Procedure 1. While-reading
1) Fast reading:
read and try to
choose the right
2) Read again and
finish C1&2.
3) Read and finish
2. Language points
Read and try to finish
the exercises.
Take notes and finish
To le t Ss be more
familiar with the
whole st ructure of
the article and
it’s good for Ss to
recite it in class