
母亲节的由来中英文篇一:mothers母亲节的由来_英语短文mothers'dayhistory母亲节的由来originofmother'sdaygoesbacktotheeraofancientGreekandRomans.B uttherootsofmother'sdayhistorycanalsobetracedinUKwhereamotheri ngSundaywascelebratedmuchbeforethefestivalsawthelightofthedayinUS. However,thecelebrationofthefestivalasitisseentodayisarecentphenomenon andnotevenahundredyearsold.Thankstothehardworkofthepioneeringwome noftheirtimes,JuliawardHoweandannaJarvisthatthedaycameintoexistence. Todaythefestivalofmothersdayiscelebratedacross46countries(thoughondiff erentdates)lionsofpeopleacrosstheglobetake thedayasanopportunitytohonortheirmothers,thankthemfortheireffortsingiv ingthemlife,raisingthemandbeingtheirconstantsupportandwellwisher....... 参考译文:母亲节的起源可以追溯到古希腊和罗马时代。

母亲节的由来英语故事母亲节的由来英语1Mother's day is a holiday to thank his mother. In the United States, Canada and some other countries, every year the second Sunday of may is mother's day. On the date of the other countries are not the same (see all countries in the world mother's day date). Mothers on this day would normally receive gifts. Carnation is regarded as dedicated to mother's flower.Festival originated in ancient Greece. On this day, the ancient greeks to Greece Hera pay tribute to the mother of the gods. To ancient Rome, the scale of these activities becomes more big, to celebrate the grand often last for three days. And, of course, the ancient people worship of the goddess is only a superstition, it with people today is very different to the respect of maternal. In the 17th century, mother's day spread to England, the British fasting period of the fourth Sunday as mother's day. In this day, go out in the outside of young people will return to their home, to bring small gifts for their mothers.The modern mother's day originated in the United States, by Anna jarvis (AnnaJarvis, 1864-1948), she never married, always accompany beside her mother. Anna jarvis's mother has a kind heart, caring, she should be a day to commemorate the obscurity to contribute the mothers, but this desire has not yet realize she died. Her daughter, Anna jarvis, in 1907 began to organize activities, apply for mother's day become a legal holiday. Festival on May 10, 1908 in the official start of the American West Virginia and Pennsylvania. She had personally arrange ceremony in the church, organization activity, at the same time requirements to participants on the chest to wear white pink. This activity, hascaused many people's attention and interest. The following year, have more churches are organizing the same activities.In 1911, to celebrate mother's day is very widespread, not only spread to every state in the United States of America, and Canada, Mexico and South America, some countries also begann to celebrate this festival. The United States of America have the propaganda leaflets for mom on mother's day with ten different words print and distribute to all countries, in order to expand the influence. Celebrate mother's day since few years, the movement of the boom has redoubled. In 1912, the United States of America set up the mother's day international association. In May 1913, the United States house of representatives unanimously passed a resolution, called on the President, house and senate, and the federal government and cabinet all officials are wearing white pink on mother's day. In 1914, the United States congress officially named the second Sunday in May as mother's day, and ask the President issued declaration, called on officials to display the flag on all public buildings. Then, President Wilson announcing to the national citizens also hang flags on their homes to show people for all the mother's love and respect for the United States of America. The President of the United States has since been held every year to publish a declaration of the same content.In 1913, the U.S. congress will determine the second Sunday in May each year as legal mother's day, and on that day every family all want to hang the national flag, to honor their mothers. And Anna jarvis's mother's favorite carnation has become the symbol of mother's day.母亲节是一个感谢母亲的节日。

母亲节的来历英文版The Origin of Mother’s DayMother’s Day is a holiday that honors mothers and their influence in society. It is celebrated on the second Sunday in May in many countries around the world. But where did the idea for Mother’s Day come from? Let us take a deep dive into the fascinating history of Mother’s Day.Ancient RootsThe tradition of honoring mothers can be traced back to ancient civilizations. The Greeks and Romans held festivals to honor the mother goddesses Rhea and Cybele. In the Christian faith, Mothering Sunday was celebrated in the United Kingdom and other parts of Europe as a day to return to one’s mother church and pay tribute to the Virgin Mary.The Modern Day OriginThe modern-day celebration of Mother’s Day originated in the United States in the early 20th century. A woman named Anna Jarviscampaigned for a national holiday to honor mothers after her own mother died in 1905. She believed that mothers deserved recognition for their sacrifices and contributions to society.Anna Jarvis campaigned tirelessly for years, and in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation declaring the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day. It soon became a popular holiday, and many countries around the world followed suit.International CelebrationsMother’s Day is now celebrated in more than 40 countries. However, each country has its own unique customs and traditions. For example, in Ethiopia, families gather in the fall to celebrate Antrosht, a multi-day festival that honors motherhood. In Thailand, Mother’s Day is celebrated on August 12th, the birthday of Queen Sirikit, who is considered the mother of the nation.CommercializationWhile Mother’s Day began as a heartfelt tribute to mothers, it has also become highly commercialized. Companies have capitalized onthe holiday and turned it into a major shopping event. The sale of flowers, cards, and gifts skyrocket on Mother’s Day, and some argue that the holiday has lost its original meaning.ConclusionDespite its commercialization, Mothe r’s Day remains an important holiday that honors the selfless and tireless work of mothers around the world. It is a day to show gratitude and appreciation for everything that mothers do. As we celebrate Mother’s Day this year, let us remember its deep and rich history and the women who have shaped our lives.。

英文版的母亲节的由来作文英文:Mother's Day is a holiday that is celebrated annuallyin many countries around the world. It is a day dedicatedto honoring mothers and mother figures for their love, care, and sacrifices. The origins of Mother's Day can be traced back to ancient civilizations, but the modern-day holiday began in the United States in the early 20th century.The woman credited with starting the Mother's Day movement in the United States was Anna Jarvis. After her mother's death in 1905, Jarvis campaigned for a day tohonor all mothers. She organized the first officialMother's Day celebration in 1908, and by 1914, it had become a national holiday in the United States.Today, Mother's Day is celebrated on different dates in different countries, but the sentiment remains the same. It is a day to show appreciation and gratitude to the womenwho have played a motherly role in our lives. Whether it be our biological mothers, grandmothers, aunts, or other maternal figures, Mother's Day is a day to thank them forall they have done for us.Personally, I always make sure to send my mom a card or gift on Mother's Day. It's a small gesture, but it means a lot to her and shows her how much I appreciate her. I also like to call my grandmothers and wish them a happy Mother's Day. It's important to remember all the motherly figures in our lives, not just our own moms.中文:母亲节是一个在世界许多国家每年庆祝的节日。

英语作文母亲节的起源Mother's Day, a day dedicated to honoring and expressing gratitude towards mothers, has a rich history that spans across cultures and continents. While the celebration of mothers and their contributions to society has existed for centuries, the modern concept of Mother's Day as a specific holiday with its own traditions and observances can be traced back to the early 20th century. The origins of Mother's Day are often attributed to two women: Anna Jarvis and Julia Ward Howe. Anna Jarvis, a Quaker activist from West Virginia, is credited with starting the movement to establish a national Mother's Day holiday in the United States. She was deeply influenced by her own mother, Anna Maria Reeves Jarvis, who was a strong advocate for social reform and women's rights. Anna Jarvis believed that mothers played a pivotal role in shaping society and deserved to be recognized for their efforts. She campaigned tirelessly for years, writing letters to ministers, politicians, and business leaders, urging them to support the creation of a Mother's Day holiday. Her efforts were finally successful in 1914, when PresidentWoodrow Wilson declared the second Sunday in May asMother's Day, a national holiday to honor mothers.Julia Ward Howe, a prominent abolitionist and author, is also considered a pioneer in the Mother's Day movement. In 1870, she proposed the idea of a "Mother's Day of Peace" to be observed on the second anniversary of the American Civil War. Her goal was to promote reconciliation and unity among families and communities devastated by the conflict. Although her initiative did not immediately lead to the establishment of a widespread holiday, it did lay the groundwork for the later Mother's Day celebrations.Over time, the celebration of Mother's Day has evolved into a global phenomenon. In addition to the United States, where it is now a federally recognized holiday, Mother's Day is also observed in many other countries, often with their own unique traditions and customs. Common practices include giving flowers, cards, and gifts to mothers, as well as organizing special events and services to honor their contributions.The symbol of the motherly figure, the carnation, has become synonymous with Mother's Day. Traditionally, redcarnations represent a living mother, while white carnations symbolize a mother who has passed away. This tradition dates back to the early 20th century, when Anna Jarvis began selling carnations to raise funds for her mother's memorial Day, which later evolved into Mother's Day.The impact of Mother's Day is far-reaching. It serves as a reminder of the importance of mothers in our lives and their invaluable contributions to society. It also acts as a catalyst for promoting positive values such as love, gratitude, and respect for all mothers, regardless of their background or situation. In this way, Mother's Day not only honors individual mothers but also serves as a powerful symbol of the universal bond between mothers and their children.**母亲节的起源**母亲节是一个专门用来向母亲们表示敬意和感激之情的节日,其历史丰富多彩,跨越了不同的文化和大陆。
最新-母亲节的由来英文版 精品

母亲节的由来英文版's y isy母亲节由来isy 's y is uis l gs bk is i gks, l siviis , gs. lyisis lb 's sivl u suy l y, is. isigly, l ligius s liyilu ll s, i s ig suy. glis liss sl i i isiu ii ig suy bus lk i. i 1872 juli giz y s i p. i is lk i isy 's y.母亲节的历史可以追溯到几百年前的古希腊,当时,人们都会举行庆祝活动纪念(瑞亚),(古希腊的众神之母,她是主神宙斯和天后赫拉的母亲)。
i 1907, . jvis (1864-1948) pillpi sl, bg v s up il 's y i ,i vs jvis. s slii lp us lgisls pi busiss spil y s. is 's y bsv s u svi ig 's . u 's vi ls, i iis, si s y ps sss, puiy, pi. 's k illy pi i y 1914, psi ils pli s suy i y s il liy i s.1907年,一位费城教师,安娜米贾维斯(1864-1948),开始了一项在全国范围内纪念母亲的的节日,安娜米贾维斯荣誉日。

本⽂是为⼤家整理的《关于母亲节的由来中英⽂翻译》的⽂章,希望⼤家能够喜欢!关于母亲节的由来中英⽂翻译The second Sunday in May has been set aside in honor of motherhood. Many churches have special services in which they honor Mothers of the congregation. They usually present the oldest Mom, youngest Mom, and Mom with the most children a corsage.There is a custom of wearing a carnation on Mother's Day. A colored carnation means that the person's Mother is living. A white carnation indicates that a person's mom is dead.Years ago, England observed what they called Mothering Sunday. It came in Mid-Lent.The first suggestion for a day set aside to honor Mothers was made by Julia Ward Howe. She suggested that it be observed on June 2, as a day dedicated to peace.Julia was born in 1819 in New York to a prominent family. She was an American writer, lecturer, and reformer. She was known as one of the most famous women of her time. She wrote "The Battle Hymn of the Republic", which was inspired when she visited military camps in Washington, D.C., during the Civil War in 1861. It became the major war song of the Union forces.Julia became interested in the women's movement. She became the first president of the New England Woman Sufferage Association.Three years after Frank Hering of Indiana launched his campagin for observance of Mother's Day in 1904, Anna Jarvis began a campaign to a nationwide obervance of Mother's Day. She chose the second Sunday in May. She also began the custom of wearing the carnation.Jarvis' own Mother was honored on the first service at Andrews Methodist Episcopal Church in Grafton,West Virginia, on May 10, 1908. Later, at the general assembly in 1912, a delegate from Andrews Church introduced a resolution recognizing Jarvis as the founder of Mother's Day, and suggested that Mother's Day be observed on the second Sunday in May.President Woodrow Wilson signed a joint resolution in Congress on May 9, 1914, recommending that the federal government observe Mother's day. The next year, the president was authorized to proclaim an annual holiday.关于母亲节的由来中英⽂翻译。

母亲节的来历用英语表达_英语介绍母亲节带中文母亲节( mother's day)是英美等国家为了表达对母亲的敬意而设的一个节日。
日期是每年的5月第二个星期日(the 2nd sunday in may)。
母亲节Mother's Day Date:Mother's Day is thesecond Sunday in May.母亲节的英语介绍Mother's Day is celebrated to honor all mothers and express gratitude for the hardships they bear in bringing up a child.Most countries including US, Australia, Canada and India celebrate Mother's Day on the second Sunday of May.母亲节是向妈妈们致敬,并表达出我们感激她们生育之恩的一种方式。
First observance in Philadelphia, Pa. in 1907, it is based on suggestions by Julia Ward Howe in 1872 and by Anna Jarvis in 1907.In the U.S. Mothers' Day . It is a day when children honor their mothers with cards, gifts, and flowers.第一次庆祝母亲节是发生在1907 年的费城,是由朱莉娅·瓦德·豪e79fa5e98193e4b893e5b19e31333431346436和安妮塔·贾威斯分别在 1872 年和 1907 年提议设立的。
母亲节 Mother's Day(双语介绍)

母亲节(Mother's Day),作为一个感谢母亲的节日,最早出现在古希腊,时间是每年的一月八日,而在中国、美国、加拿大和一些其他国家,则是每年5月的第二个星期天,其他一些国家的日期也并不一样。
The modern Mother's Day is celebrated on various days in many parts of the world, most commonly in March, April, or May as a day to honor mothers and motherhood.节日起源于古希腊。
There is evidence of mother goddess worship in the ancient world, dating back as far as 6.000 BC, and many mother goddess shrines could be found in ancient times in Asia minor.Ancient Greece imported the Mother Goddess cult from Asia Minor, in the form of a festival to Cybele, a great mother of Greek gods. It was held around the Vernal Equinox around Asia Minor. Originally they identified Cybele with Rhea, the mother of gods. The details were not recorded, and we only know that the goddess was attended by galli.Ancient Romans appropriated the cult to Cybele/Rhea in order to absorb culturally the Greeks and the habitants of Asia Minor, honoring Cybele in the Hilaria festivals, from the Ides of March (15 March) to 18 March. But the Romans were horrified by the Greek celebrations; they quickly associated the cult to the Roman version of Cybele and they made up their own customs. They also made a separate festival in April dedicated to Magna Deorum Mater Idaea, a version of Cybele that was even further separated from Greek customs. The two goddesses, Cybele and Mater Idaea, were eventually merged into a single entity that was completely Romanized, although they kept using galli.The festivals of Cybele evolved into the Christian festival of Mothering Sunday, honouring the Virgin Mary and your mother church (the main church of the area) It's now a long standingtradition, part of the liturgical calendar in several Christian denominations, including Anglicans, and in the Catholic calendar it is marked as Laetare Sunday, the fourth Sunday in Lent. Children and young people who were "in service" (servants in richer households) were given a day off on that date so they could visit their families (or, originally, return to their "mother" church). The children would pick wild flowers along the way to place them in the church or to give them to their mothers as gifts. Eventually, the religious tradition evolved into a secular tradition of giving gifts to mothers. This festival survived in the UK and Ireland for longer than in other European countries, and it was repopularised in the 20th Century. Most people are unaware of its historical origins, and regard Mothering Sunday and Mother's Day as the one and same festival.1876年,美国还在悲悼南北战争的死者。

母親節的由來(1)Do you know on which day of the year telephone lines in the United States record the highest traffic? You guessed it! On Mother's Day.Sons and daughters who live far away from home use this day to pick up the phone and express their appreciation to the women who raised them. Those who live with or near their mothers also show their gratitude, perhaps by preparing breakfast in bed for their mothers or by taking them out for an expensive meal. Flowers, especially carnations, and cards are often presented as well.The earliest observance of“Mother's Day” can be traced back to the ancient Greeks, who honored Rhea, the mother goddess of all deities, during the springtime. Starting in the 1600s in Europe, mothers were honored each year on the fourth Sunday in Lent, known as “Mothering Sunday.”你知道美國每年哪天的電話通訊量會創下年度紀錄嗎?你猜對了!就是母親節。
母亲节的由来 翻译参考译文


在美国,母亲节为五月的第二 个星期日,丹麦、芬兰、意大 利、土耳其、澳大利亚,以及 比利时同美国一样。
On this day mothers often receive gifts. Overseas, the carnation flower is regarded as dedicated to his mother. In China, mother lily flower flower, also known as Wang Youcao.
母爱是一种巨大的火焰。(罗曼.罗兰) Motherly love is a huge flame. (Romain Rolland)
世界上有一种最美丽的声音,那便是母亲的呼唤。(但丁) The world there is a most beautiful voice, and that is the call of the mother. (Dante)
美国贾维斯夫人母女对纪念和赞扬母亲终生不懈,1914年美国国会正式确 立每年5月的第二个星期日为母亲节。
President Wilson took the lead in flying his flag festival to express his love and respect for all mothers of the United States of America.
之后,得到世界众多国家支持,每年 的5月11日成为国际性的母亲节。
n the United States, Mother's Day is the second Sunday in May. Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia, and Belgium celebrate Mother's Day on the same day as in the U.S.

Mothers Day is a special day to honor and appreciate the love and sacrifices made by mothers.It is celebrated on the second Sunday of May in many countries around the world.Here is a sample English essay on Mothers Day,followed by its translation into Chinese.English Essay:Title:The Significance of Mothers DayMothers Day is a day set aside to express our gratitude and love for the women who have nurtured us and shaped our lives.It is a day to reflect on the countless ways in which our mothers have supported us,guided us,and loved us unconditionally.The origins of Mothers Day can be traced back to ancient times,with celebrations in honor of motherhood in various cultures.However,the modern version of Mothers Day was first celebrated in the United States in1908,thanks to the efforts of Anna Jarvis,who wanted to honor her own mother and all mothers.On this day,we often give gifts,such as flowers,cards,and small tokens of appreciation, to show our mothers how much we care.The most popular flower associated with Mothers Day is the carnation,which symbolizes love,charm,and beauty.Many people also choose to spend quality time with their mothers,sharing meals,conversations,and creating memories that will last a lifetime.Moreover,Mothers Day is not only about celebrating our own mothers but also about recognizing the importance of mother figures in our lives.This includes stepmothers, grandmothers,and other women who have played a significant role in our upbringing.In conclusion,Mothers Day is a time to pause and give thanks for the incredible women who have been there for us through thick and thin.It is a day to celebrate the love, strength,and resilience of mothers everywhere.Chinese Translation:标题:母亲节的意义母亲节是一个特别的日子,用来表达我们对那些养育我们、塑造我们生活的女性的感激和爱。

母亲节的由来英文版简短Mother's Day is a special occasion that celebrates the love and dedication of mothers all over the world. This annual event is observed on various dates in different countries, but it is generally celebrated on the second Sunday of May in most countries, including the United States.The history of Mother's Day goes back to ancient times when people celebrated a festival in honor of Rhea, the mother of the gods in Greek mythology. The Romans also celebrated a similar festival called Hilaria to celebrate Cybele, the mother of the gods.However, the modern version of Mother's Day was first celebrated in the United States in the early 20th century. It is said to have been inspired by the efforts of Anna Jarvis, a social activist who wanted to honor her mother, Ann Reeves Jarvis.Ann Reeves Jarvis was a community activist who worked to improve the health and living conditions of families and children in the area where she lived. She also organized Mother's Day Work Clubs,which were designed to help educate and support mothers in ways that would benefit their children's health and well-being.After Ann Reeves Jarvis passed away in 1905, her daughter Anna began campaigning for a national holiday to honor all mothers. Her efforts paid off in 1914 when President Woodrow Wilson declared the second Sunday in May as Mother's Day, which became an official national holiday in the United States.Since then, Mother's Day has evolved into a global celebration, with people all over the world honoring their mothers with gifts, cards, and special meals. It is a day when people reflect on the importance of mothers in their lives and express their love and gratitude for all that their mothers have done and continue to do for them.In conclusion, Mother's Day is a day that celebrates the selfless love, sacrifice, and dedication of mothers everywhere. It is a time to appreciate the important role that mothers play in our lives and to express our gratitude for all that they do.。

母亲节历史英文翻译作文Mother's Day, a special day to honor and celebrate mothers, has a long history that dates back to ancient times. It is a day to show appreciation and gratitude to the women who have played a significant role in our lives.The modern Mother's Day we celebrate today has its origins in the early 20th century, when Anna Jarvis campaigned for a day to honor mothers. Her efforts led to the official declaration of Mother's Day as a national holiday in the United States in 1914.Mother's Day is celebrated on different dates around the world, but the sentiment behind it remains the same –to recognize and honor the love, sacrifices, and contributions of mothers everywhere.On Mother's Day, people express their love and gratitude to their mothers through various ways, such as giving cards, flowers, gifts, or spending quality timetogether. It is a day to make mothers feel special and appreciated for all that they do.Mother's Day is not just about biological mothers, but also about all women who have played a nurturing and caring role in the lives of others. It is a day to celebrate the maternal figures who have made a positive impact on our lives.The significance of Mother's Day goes beyond just a single day of celebration. It serves as a reminder to cherish and appreciate the mothers in our lives every day, and to recognize the importance of their love and support.。

Mothers Day in the United States is annually held on the second Sunday of May.
It celebrates motherhood and it is and mother figures. Many people give gifts, cards, flowers, candy, a meal in a restaurant or other treats to their mother and mother figures, including grandmothers, great-grandmothers, stepmothers, and foster mothers.
Mothers Day has become a day that focuses on generally recognizing mothers and mother figures roles. Mothers Day has also become an increasingly important event for businesses in recent years. This is particularly true of restaurants and businesses manufacturing and selling cards and gift items.

母亲节的由来英文翻译【篇一:母亲节的由来英文翻译】mothers day history 母亲节的由来origin of mothers day goes back to the era of ancient greek and romans.but the roots of mothers day history can also be traced in uk where a mothering sunday was cel...【篇二:母亲节的由来英文翻译】mother s day is the legal a national holiday. every year in the second sunday of may is held. the earliest mother in ancient greece for the feast of folk customs. at that time, the ancient greeks each spring in the legendary for the mother of the gods, human mother symbols-the serbian held a grand celebration. but at this moment is not form the mother s day.mother s day is made by a named jarvis s women s advocates, and by her daughter, anna jarvis was launched.mrs jarvis has 10 is female of mother, is at a time when the us grafton city church sunday school director. in the united states to emancipate the slaves for the purpose of north and south after the war, in her school about the united states is responsible for the memorial course. jarvis is a kind, bleeding heart woman. she tells the story of a war for justice that portion of the story of the hero, looked at the full of one of the children was the face, an idea sud...the origin of the mother s day- - - - chinese version mother s day is the legal a national holiday. every year in the second sunday of may is held. the earliest mother in ancient greece for the feast of folk customs. at that time, the ancient greeks each spring in the legendary for the mother of the gods, human mother symbols-the serbian held a grand celebration. but at this moment is not form the mother s day.mother s day is made by a named jarvis s women s advocates, and by her daughter, anna jarvis was launched.mrs jarvis has 10 is female of mother, is at a time when the us grafton city church sunday school director. in the united states to emancipate the slaves for the purpose of north and south after the war, in her school about the united states is responsible for the memorial course. jarvis is a kind, bleeding heart woman. she tells the story of a war for justice that portion of the story of the hero, looked at the full of one of the children was the face, an idea suddenly into my mind: contribution for our country so many bravewarriors, to ensure the victory of the war, is not the one to suck it up with the mothers of children raised? their son ruiner of blood, bear the greatest pain and sacrifice, not is also the mother of unknown? therefore, she proposed should set a day or mother s day, to these ordinary woman some solace, express the sons and daughters of the filial piety to mother thought. unfortunately, the good wish is not implemented, jarvis lady he died. her daughter, anna jarvis witnessed mother bringing up your brothers and sisters of the adult hard, the mother s offer is deeply for justice of the people. therefore, she wrote dozens of letter, sent to the united states congress. place the governor and women s groups, mother s day was proposed. in her has repeatedly called for under the proposal has attracted extensive social response and support.in 1914, president wilson formally announced that every year the second sunday of every may, also is mrs jarvis fete-day, as mother s day. the u.s. government also rules, mother s day, this day, every family to hang the national flag, to show respect to mother. because mrs jarvis was love carnation flowers, this kind of flower also became the symbol of mother s day.mother s day is filled with earth warmhearted festival, these days, is the man of the house home all members baoxialai housework, the sons and daughters everyone should do a make his mother happy to do filial piety. even if far beyond the child, also want to call the mother of congratulations. this day, the american people are in the chest fitted a flower. mother alive, wear a colored flowers, says joy; the mother s death, wear a white, express their grief.mother s day, we also get the support of the people of the world. anna jarvis alive, set up a mother s day of the country have been up to 43. today, celebrating the festival of many more countries. mother s day, already became a real international festival. traditionally, international mother s day be set each year on 5 november, was held.japan s mother s day is the second sunday of may. holiday people for her a red pink, congratulations.france to celebrate mother s day is the first time in 1928, and set in the may holiday last sunday. festival this day, millions of mothers, with great pleasure to accept their the children s happy holidays best wishes.e sons and daughters of the fragrant aroma with jasmine, dedicated to his mother.the arab region of mother s day in many countries set on march 21, the vernal equinox that day. the local people think the vernal equinox is spring, in the beginning of the year, as the great mother said. the portuguese s mother s day in december 8,; and indonesia is scheduled for december 22,. mother s day in our country is the regional festival, is the earliest it is to be in hong kong, macao and taiwan regions have this festival. after the reform and opening, the mother s day accepted for the mainland. guangdong province began in 1988, and hangzhou city began in 1989, are made by the women s organizations at all levels of mother s day celebration, and the competition good mother as one of the content of the festival.。
母亲节的由来-Give love back to mothers

in Tibet autonomous region in southwest China show their paintings to express their thank to their mothers on Mother's Day, May 9, 2010.
autonomous region
[ɔ:'tɔnəməs] 民族区域自治区
volunteer celebrates Mother's Day with an elder woman at a seniors' home in Guiyang
pupils show their hand-made clay sculptures which are made as gifts for their mothers.
father-to-be experiences the hardship of pregnant women
stewardess gives a bunch of carnation to a mother passenger marking the Mother's Day in an inter-city train between Beijing and Tianjin
也免不了“烦死了”的抱怨。 《爱得过火》的老妈恨不得一 手包办,差点害到女儿与真爱 擦肩。一起看看这部,说不定 你的老妈也会领悟,孩子大了, 需要独自面对。
求成为一位花样滑冰的冠军,望 女成凤的单身母亲则希望女儿可 以步入哈佛大学,认为凯茜的金 牌梦想只是一个可望不可即的梦 而已。凯茜也尝试着通过各种行 动让辛勤工作的母亲可以理解自 己,为了继续追逐自己的梦想, 凯茜不得不冲出母亲的期望与情 感的包围圈
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The second Sunday in May has been set aside in honor of motherhood. Many churches have special services in which they honor Mothers of the congregation. They usually present the oldest Mom, youngest Mom, and Mom with the most children a corsage.There is a custom of wearing a carnation on Mother's Day. A colored carnation means that the person's Mother is living. A white carnation indicates that a person's mom is dead.Years ago, England observed what they called Mothering Sunday. It came in Mid-Lent.The first suggestion for a day set aside to honor Mothers was made by Julia Ward Howe. She suggested that it be observed on June 2, as a day dedicated to peace.Julia was born in 1819 in New York to a prominent family. She was an American writer, lecturer, and reformer. She was known as one of the most famous women of her time. She wrote "The Battle Hymn of the Republic", which was inspired when she visited military camps in Washington, D.C., during the Civil War in 1861. It became the major war song of the Union forces.Julia becameinterested in the women's movement. She became the first president of the New England Woman Sufferage Association.Three years after Frank Hering of Indiana launched his campagin for observance of Mother's Day in 1904, Anna Jarvis began a campaign to a nationwide obervance of Mother's Day. She chose the second Sunday in May. She also began the custom of wearing the carnation.Jarvis' own Mother was honored on the first service at Andrews Methodist Episcopal Church in Grafton,West Virginia, on May 10, 1908. Later, at the general assembly in 1912, a delegate from Andrews Church introduced a resolution recognizing Jarvis as the founder of Mother's Day, and suggested that Mother's Day be observed on the second Sunday in May.President Woodrow Wilson signed a joint resolution in Congress on May 9, 1914, recommending that the federal government observe Mother's day. The next year, the president was authorized to proclaim an annual holiday.关于母亲节的由来中英文翻译。
关s Day),作为一个感谢母亲的节日,节日起源于古希腊。在这一天,古希腊人向希腊众神之母希布莉(Cybele,宙斯、波塞冬、哈德斯、得墨忒耳、赫拉和赫斯提亚的母亲,故称众神之母)致敬。到古罗马时,这些活动的规模就变得更大,庆祝盛况往往持续达三天之久。当然,古时人们对女神的崇拜只不过是一种迷信,它同今天人们对母性的尊敬是大不相同的。在17世纪中叶,母亲节流传到英国,英国人把封斋期的第四个星期天作为母亲节。在这一天里,出门在外的年轻人将回到家中,给他们的母亲带上一些小礼物。母亲节是在中国港澳台地区流行起来之后才进入大陆的,名贵的珠宝,象征母爱的康乃馨,特制的爱心甜点,精致的手工贺卡等,成为人们向母亲敬献爱意的礼物。20世纪xx年代,母亲节逐渐被中国内地的民众所接受。从20xx年开始,中国南方的广州等一些城市开始举办母亲节的庆祝活动,并把评选“好母亲”作为内容之一。20世纪末,随着中国与国际的日益接轨,母亲节这一节日在中国大陆各地日益推广开来,越来越多的人开始接受母亲节概念,在每年5月的第二个星期日,中国人和全世界其他国家的人们一道以各种各样的方式表达对母亲养育之恩的感谢。当然,中国人的母亲节更有中国味道。中国人以自己特有的方式表达浓浓的亲情,在母亲节这一天,人们会送给母亲鲜花,蛋糕,亲手烹制的饭菜等等礼物。从小就孝敬父母的中国儿童会尝试着为母亲做饭,洗脸,化妆,演奏音乐,绘制图画,让母亲们快乐地过节。人们在这一天除了孝敬自己的生身母亲之外,还会以慈善募捐,志愿服务的方式向更多的母亲回报亲情。关于母亲节的由来中英文翻译。