talk show 演讲课件



在节奏和时机方面,讲笑话跟炒菜异曲同工,火候的拿捏极为关键。看喜剧中心的特别节目“单口相 声百角榜”,许多讲脱口段子的大行家都以绝佳的时机把握而闻名于世。停顿,是铺好前提后必要的 步骤。在抛出笑点之前给观众思考和期待的时间,这时绝对不可一气呵成。因为好的段子都内涵丰富 ,不是明睁眼露,需要动了脑转过弯才能理清头绪。操之过急,观众还没理解前提;拖得太久,观众 可能失去耐心或已猜出结果。只有恰到好处的停顿,才能幽默充分发酵,让最终的包袱达到最完美的 效果。有时停顿本身也充满喜剧效果,比如黄西慢悠悠的停顿就是其一大亮点。
脱口秀 脱胎于单口相声,且大多数脱
口秀都包含一个与单口相声极其相似的“ 单口独白”环节,可是“单口相声”是一 种舞台喜剧艺术形式,而“脱口秀”是一 种电视节目形式,可以包含的内容远远广 于单纯的单口相声。二者并不属于一个范 畴。
脱口秀的段子一般分成两个部分: premise(前提)和 punch line(笑点)。前提是 让人们了解段子背景的必要铺垫,也是百般误导听众的烟雾弹。在这个环节,讲述者 看似漫不经心实则深谋远虑,一边随意闲扯一边悄悄给观众设下埋伏摆好圈套。当你 毫无戒备的跟着讲述者的思路和逻辑,再形成自己的判断和预期时,就顺利地上了当 了。
A talk show (American and Australian English) or chat show (British) is a television program or radio program where one person (or group of people) discuss various topics

Talk show

Talk show

Talk showJust in case.i also have some too just in case.i know.,you never know,so you have a cold,i have a poor know,it's no big deal, i got so many children that it's like a pediatrician in my house at all times.yeah,i know ,and all of you bring it to me,lucky ,lucky youi knowthat's why i brought this. i went to the CVS today to pick up some nose -blowing product, and the woman lysolled the entire area around me like I was some sort of “I alone was an infectious disease” and that made me feel bad for you ,so I brought you some hand sanitizer.Thank you very muchyou're welcomewell , I guess ,because ,first of all, you just had twins?i had twinsWhen, how old are they?5 months oldthank you, thank you for for clapping , isn't it a kindest thingyeah,yeah,wowit is kind of horrible5-month oldtwinsand a 2.5 year old boy all boys, right, that's right. I'm so outnumbered.let's clap again., yeah, there he is.That’s my Oliver, that's my Oliver right t are working on a brand new showthat's my vocationi am so happy to go to work and I can't even tell you .just to flee the house ,to flee the constant, the cacophony of people that wanna get on my boobs or wanna me to wipe their butts and my children. Then I have kidsthen you have kids toobut how do you ,what do you do when you have time, would you have time at home by yourself?i mean i had decades of me-time, i really did ,i squandered them, i did nothing , you think oh ,if only I had the time I would read the classics ,or I would cure something important ,you know, polio , they covered it that way, and I did nothing ,nothing at all i slept and read a little , but more like comic books ,and so now, i have no me-time.that's just the way it's gonna be for the rest of my lifewell , at least until they are 13, and then you can kick them out, right?well ,then you have to worry about then you have to ……then you don't wanna them out of your sight, right now I just wish they would just sort of magically disappear for a few hours a day, and then come back ,healthy, but I think when they are 13 , you don't “where are you are off to, what are you doing?”right ,right , uh, man do you wannai was gonna blow my nose,sure,of courseok. Then I will hand sanitize, this is very detractive.Do you get to, no it's fineI just gonna do this a little bit, here we go .I just feel so bad that you are having to..we've all been there,yeahit's not a H1 or anythingyou are watching, i know you're watching SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE,oh ,that is my treat, i get up , i will defy sleep, cus sleep is for the weak, and I get up like at 4:30 , a quarter to five, just so i can get a cup of coffee, get on the elliptical thingamadiggy(a probable variant of thingamajig)and watch TV at last.that's what you do. You make time in the morning to catch up on your Tivoi was ,but i was in the audience the night you judged for "cancer dance"oh ,reallyyeah, I was in the audience sitting right down the aisle from, with Portiawasn't that beautiful?it was astounding ,but i still , i like watching on tivo better, i have to say , cus you get to go backwards, I go wo,yeah,they do things so fast, that's greatyeah, i know , really good dancing on that showare you gonna come back at all?for that ?yeah, you can, can’t you? Now that you are doing?no , now that i'm doing idol, i can’t have too many jobs, i mean , i kind of , think i maxed out nowthat's it? that's all you can do?yeah, I think so , I mean i work in Barneys at night, but you know , iyou just sweep upyeah, let's talk about the show ,cus i think it's so hilarious,oh, thank youit's so well written, it's just , it's clever, and it's just such a dysfunctional family, finally it's a show that represents what's really going on ,you knowi agree, agreei think every character on that show is so good, who is the show runner? who created that show?Steve Levitan and Christopher Lloydwhat they've done before?they did, uh, well , "just shoot me" and "frasier" and some other little shows, but you know , not muchwell ,if you haven't seen Modern Family, it is so funny , it airs Wednesdays at nine on abc and you are gonna let us dunk you, right? even with the cold you really would let us dunk youam i wrong? But isn't it 10,000 dollars for breast cancer research, am i right?yes , it isthat's ,how can you ? i mean ,i know , but i doubt that,the water they told me is warmalright, it is .英语口语培训/。

脱口秀 Talk show

脱口秀 Talk show

脱口秀talk show脱口而出的幽默,智慧,让人萦绕于耳的,沉思的话语!让你的谈话更加引人注意,思索,秀一秀你的睿智,让交谈飞扬起来!Ability1. we rate ability in person by what they finish, not bywhat they start.2. a lot of people doubt their ability ,but few have anydoubts about their importance.3. what is behind us and what is before us are smallmatters compared to what is within us.4. doing your best is more important than being thebest.Accomplishment1. the only thing in life accomplished without effort isfailure.2. it is when we forget ourselves that we do things that aremost likely to be remembered.3. nothing is impossible-if it isn’t you that has to do it.Action1. it doesn’t do any good to sit up and take notice if youkeep on sitting.2. we are not responsible to all the things that happen tous,but we are responsilble for the way we act when they happen.3. the thing to try when all else fails is agiain.4. having a good aim in life doesn’t mean a thing if you’erloaded with blanks.5. people may doubt what you say , but they will alwaysbelieve what you do.6. it isn’t how much you know , but what you get done thatpeople remember.7. better than a kind thought is a kind word and better thanboth is a kind deed.8. people take your actions more seriously than theytake your advice.9. it’s what you do when you have nothing to do thatreveals waho you are.10. many good intentions die young, but not becausethey were executed.11. actions speak louder than words, but are just as likelyto be misunderstood.12. you can’t win today’s game with the points youscored yesterday.13. you do what you have to, because if you don’t whowill?Admiration [ˌædməˈreɪʃən]1. admiration is our polite recognition of another person’sresemblance[riˈzembləns] to ourselves.赞美是我们礼貌地赏识别人与我们自己的相同之处。

Talk show

Talk show

Talk show撰稿:马亚飞导播:马亚飞连豆豆K:OK, welcome back, this is….S:the most colourful part—talk showK:坐在我旁边的这位,可爱融合着调皮S:sunny, hi , glad to see you again.K:and I…S:温柔混搭了性感K:KellyS:好了,开始我们今天的话题吧。

K:cannes film festivalS:戛纳电影节K:from 11 to 22 may 2011S:法国南部的小镇戛纳经历了它又一年的热闹与狂欢。

K:yeah,maybe she deserve it, you know it’s a beautiful city.S:是的,戛纳,欧洲有名的旅游胜地和国际名流社交集会场所,濒临地中海,海水蔚蓝、棕榈葱翠,气候温和,风光明媚,戛纳还拥有世界上最洁白漂亮的海滩,海滨还建有游泳场。



K:因大海、美女和阳光(Sea Sex Sun)它也被称为3S电影节。



S:Set in 1917, on the cusp of China’s transition from monarchy to republic, Wu Xia depicts the internal moral struggles of a detective and a paper-maker who may be a renegade mass murderer. K:It represents Chan’s ambiti on to bridge the gap between Chinese and international tastes by giving a modern spin to the genre, while paying homage to the golden age of Hong Kong martial arts films through the special appearances of legendary action star Jimmy Wang Y u and Kara Hui. S:不妨来看一下预告片,金城武、甄子丹、汤唯都有参演哦!S:Kelly,have you saw those gorgeous women who were Best Dressed On Day 1 Of Cannes Film Festival?K:必须的啊,红毯向来是女星们的“兵家必争之地”,每年红地毯上都星光灿烂啊。



皮亚杰(认知发展理论) ——强调环境与主体相互作用对语言形成和发展的影响,是后天习 得的。依赖在后天的语言训练和语言交流中得到强化和提升。
Talent Talk Show !
1. 为什么要重视培养宝贝的语言能力! 2. 为什么“萌宝口才秀”课程这么好! 3. 为什么要开发海量原创课件库! 4. 怎样助力萌宝大胆表演! 5. 首选“萌宝口才秀”课程的理由
为什么要重视培养 宝贝的语言能力?
为什么“萌宝口才秀” 课程这么好?
全新语言艺术课 萌宝口才秀 Talent Talk Show !
全新语言艺术课 萌宝口才秀 Talent Talk Show !
课程结构 Level 2!
故事小屋 童诗诵读 古诗音韵
丰富优质的语言环境不仅促进幼儿语言发展,也促进其它领域能力的发 展。语言是情感交流的工具,也直接影响社会性发展,影响健康人格的形 成。良好的语言表达,可以帮助幼儿建立自信、乐于交往,促进理解他人 和判断交往情景的能力,组织自己思想的能力,利于情商的塑造。



主持人开场白:Hello, everybody! Welcome to our English Talk Show! I’m your hostess. It is my pleasure to be here with you all this afternoon! I'm sure everybody is very excited for the show to begin, well so am I! Today our topic is about “Dating on Campus”. To start off, first of all, let us introduce our sponsor who helped organizing this show because without him we wouldn't be sitting here right now! The sponsor is our oral English teacher, Stephen John Werder who comes from Australia! (讲到老师的名字的时候,语气加重并带动大家鼓掌) Now, I guess everyone of us can't wait to see our contestants ' performances, right? So, let’s welcome our three contestants. Welcome! (鼓掌,接下来是一号嘉宾向大家问好,然后主持人开始)Host: Welcome to English Talk Show, today our theme is dating on campus. Have you ever noticed those pairs of young lovers on campus who dine together, go to the reading room together and depart unwillingly in front of the dorm building? They range from age 17 to 22. Far from home and alone, seeking friendship, love and understanding, the boys and girls easily find comfort and appreciation in each other. However, whether dating on campus should be advocated, that is a difficult question to answer. Now, let us listen attentively to the opinion of our contestants.Host: Good afternoon, Mrs Jiang, as for campus love, what is your opinion about the reasons of it??Mrs. Jiang: Well, It is a distinct fact that most colleague students fall in love with somebody. What about contemporary college students' view of love? In my opinion, contemporary college students have the following two views of love. On one hand, treating more seriously in love and thinking love is on the basis of feelings. They are generally more mature psychologically; there is a certain sense of responsibility and a better understanding of each other. On the other hand, dealing with the attitude of love not seriously, it is not sincere. This type of college students regard love is just for fun, or meets a variety of desires. They are basically no sense of responsibility, there is not love between the two sides and they know nothing about each other.The reasons for the incorrect view of love mentioned above lies in the following aspects.Firstly,boredom.Some college students lack of study power and aim, so turn to love to spend time search for happiness.Secondly,curiosity.The idea of love is not fully reflected in the high school because of study stress. When one turns to a college student the idea of love shown result from high degree of study stly, boring.To someone campus life is monotony, even 3 point 1 line life become all the day. Coupled with the intervention from parents significantly reduced, so he in order to be happy and seek the spirit of love.Fall in love with others is not a bad thing. The key is to hold one's focus to future-oriented.Host :Very good ! You had given us a Comprehensive understanding of the reasons of dating on campus .Thank you very much!Now ,let us appreciate another conrestant”s performance.Mrs Wang ,your two children are studying in An Hui Finance and Economical University. Now ,if they face with the problem of love ,what do you think about it ??Mrs Wang: Oh,this question for me is too much of a sudden.As for the dating on campus ,My viewpoint is that it isn't a newly-born phenomenon.However, I don't advocate it. The reasons are as follows. First of all, undergraduates are neither fully psychologically mature nor able to assume the responsibility, especially freshmen and sophomores. Second, they may indulge in it, thus dilapidate their study, which isn't rare. Third, some just take advantage of it to kill time, avoid boredom with much time at their own disposals, have someone keep company, etc. What's more, some change dating "partners" frequently, holding a paradox opinion that they could show off their charm or accumulate experience, but more often than not, they would leave a bad impression, such as lacking the sense of responsibility, on others, especially their former sweethearts. Last, the proportion of successful couples is too low. The overwhelming majority reach the same end-parting just before graduation, forced by reality, etc.So, look before you leap, discard campus love and make a wiser decision after graduation.(鼓掌)Host: Thanks for your standpoint and participation .There is no doubt that dating on campus will influence the study of college students. Now, let us invite another contestant to share her opinion with us. Good afternoon Mrs. zhu, as a student representative, all of us want to know your attitude towards campus love.Mrs zhu :Good afternoon everyone .As college students, I do not think anyone can more clearly understand the feelings campus love bring us .As far as I am concerned ,dating on campus has it distinctive beauty and shortcoming. On the one hand, love really does good to the young's development. The one with brilliant performance in study can be the encouragement of the other. They compete and learn from each other, making an excellent match. Also in love, those who are accustomed to self-centered ways of thinking learn to take care of others and be considerate of others. They realize their responsibility as well as their importance. In a word, love makes one mature. Howev er, on the other hand, we cannot ignore the side effects that dating brings to the university young. Love and tenderness take time. Frequently going out on a date may result in frequent absence from class, which will undoubtedly hold up theirlearning pace. This should be taken seriously by those who indulge in sweet romance.Host :Well,thanks for your excellent answer .Nowadays ,dating on campus is a common occurance,and the opinion ahout it varies from individual to individual. For me ,there is nothing wrong with dating on campus and no power can really ban it .However ,finding a life-long comoanion is no pacnic. In my pinion ,we should keep our two eyes open to find someone we really love and faithfully keep our love and care for each other in the long journey life. Today,our English Talk Show is drawing to the end .Thank all of you for your participation and listening.That is all。

Talk Show演讲稿

Talk  Show演讲稿

Topic:Talk Show**Questions:1.How do you know about talk shows ?2. Have you ever watched some talk shows?A talk show (American and Australian English) is a television or radio program where one person or a group of people will discuss various topics put forth by a talk show host. It’s also called chat show in British English.In western countries, talk show is not only a kind of TV programs but also a kind of hosting styles. The host of a talk show always has an outstanding skill in talking and they can easily attract other people’s attentions and win their applause. They often open the shows with a comedy monologue. Sometimes, hosts are already seated but guests are often introduced and enter from backstage.Sometimes, talk shows feature a panel of guests, usually consisting of a group of people who are learned or who have great experience in relation to whatever issue is being discussed on the show for that episode. Television talk shows often feature celebrity guests who talk about their work and personal lives as well as their latest films, TV shows, music recordings or other projects they'd like to promote to the public. Other times, a single guest discusses their work or area of expertise with a host or co-hosts. A call-in show takes from callers listening at home, in their cars and so on.**History about Talk ShowTalk shows have been broadcast on television since the earliest days of the medium. Joe Franklin, an American radio and television personality, hosted the first television talk show. The show began in 1951 on WJZ-TV in America. Nowadays talk shows have more recently started to appear on Internet Radio. Also, several internet blogs are in talk shows.In addition,talk show is not only exists in western countries,it also exists in China.Chinese comic dialogue is regarded as a type of talk show by western people. It is famous for its humor. You can find it on CCTV.In a certain way, talk show is not only just a mode of entertainment; it also can encourage people to live with an active attitude by telling some powerful words and stories. For example, Oprah Winfrey has ever said“Where there is no struggle, there is no strength.” in her program, and her words encourage thousands of people.As for us English learners, watching talk show is a good way to learn more about native English. So I want to recommend some excellent talk shows to you.REFERENCES:1. Oprah Winfrey2. The Tonight Show with Jay Leno3. Late Show with David Letterman。



We can see some differences compared with American talk show. It also reflects some characteristics of Chinese talk show.
The differences between the two countries
The Outline
talk show and characteristics of it American talk show
Chinese talk show(Zhou Libo Show) ces between Chinese and American
talk show Conclusion
Topic: • Chinese like Social topics,not Sensitive topic. • American is as long as the audience loved what can
What is a talk show?
Talk show, also known as a “chat show.” The audience gathered to discuss the topic of the host of a radio or television programme.
American talk show
Does anyone know the talk show of American?
• Maybe you will say...
• David letterman • Oprah Winfrey show • The daily show • ...

Talk show会话英语讲义-15

Talk show会话英语讲义-15
Visit Company
Rio @ Web International
Key words and expression:
• • • • • • • • • Receptionist 接线员 Italian 意大利人,意大利的 cuisine 菜,菜式 Canadian business 加拿大企业 Connect 接通 Terrific 非常棒的,极好的 just a moment 稍等 Leave a message 留言 Invitation 邀请
Practice Talk 2
• Mr. Clark will pay a visit to All-Win Software Company. He is calling the marketing manager Tom. • They will talk about the visiting time, the hotel, the schedule and so on. • You can add more to the conversation as you like.
• Receptionist: Oh, just a moment. Mr. Parker's line is free now. I can connect you through. • Glen: Glen Parker speaking. • Neil: Hi, Glen. It's Neil. • Glen: Hi Neil! What a surprise. Where are you calling from? • Neil: I'm calling from downtown Ottawa. • Glen: Really? What are you doing here? • Neil: I'm traveling across Canada with two friends from China.



英语talkshow演讲Title: The Power of Empathy in Interpersonal Communication.Ladies and Gentlemen,。

Good evening! Tonight, I'd like to take you on a journey through the world of empathy and explore its profound impact on our interpersonal communications. Empathy, a term often associated with understanding and sharing the feelings of others, is perhaps one of the most underrated yet crucial skills in our day-to-day interactions.In today's fast-paced and often disconnected world, we find ourselves constantly surrounded by people, yet sometimes feel lonely and misunderstood. This disconnect is not merely a physical one; it's an emotional gap that separates us from true connection and understanding. Empathy, when cultivated and practiced, can bridge this gapand transform our relationships.Let's start with the basics. What is empathy? It's the ability to put oneself in someone else's shoes, to imagine and understand their feelings, thoughts, and experiences.It's about connecting with another human being on an emotional level, without judgment or prejudice. Empathy is not sympathy, which often involves feeling sorry for someone; rather, it's about truly understanding and resonating with their emotions.Now, why is empathy so important in our lives? Consider this: when was the last time you felt truly heard and understood by someone? It probably felt good, didn't it? That's because being understood is a fundamental human need. It's what binds us together as social beings and what makes us feel connected to others.Empathy has the remarkable ability to transform our perspectives. When we empathize with someone, we automatically start seeing the world from their perspective. This shift in perspective can lead to deeper understanding,more compassionate responses, and stronger connections.It's the reason why empathy is such a powerful tool in conflict resolution, negotiation, and even everyday conversations.Now, let's talk about how we can cultivate empathy. The first step is to be aware of our own emotions and the emotions of others. This awareness comes from paying attention, actively listening, and observing non-verbalcues like facial expressions and body language. By paying attention to these cues, we can gain valuable insights into someone's emotional state and respond more appropriately.Next, we need to work on our emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify, use, understand, and manage our own emotions in positive ways.It's about being able to regulate our own emotions and use them to our advantage, rather than being controlled by them. By developing our emotional intelligence, we can becomemore empathetic and effective communicators.Lastly, we need to practice empathy regularly. Empathyis a skill that requires constant practice and refinement. We can start by being more mindful of our own emotions and then gradually extend this mindfulness to others. We can also try role-playing scenarios or engaging in meaningful conversations with friends and family to practice our empathy skills.In conclusion, empathy is a powerful tool that can transform our interpersonal communications and bring about deeper connections with others. By cultivating empathy, we can break down barriers, understand perspectives, and create more meaningful relationships. Let's start practicing empathy today and bring about a more compassionate and understanding world.Thank you for joining me on this journey through the world of empathy. I hope my talk has inspired you to cultivate this valuable skill in your own life and use it to make a positive difference in the world. Good night, everyone!。

Talk Show

Talk Show

◆The time that talk show appeared on television was the early television era.Since 1950 the political talk show has become the most popular program on sunday.Since twentieth Century 80 years, talk show has become a fashion
Thanks for your attention
◆At that time,there were only experts shared their ideas , without the audience participated in.Until 1933,the ience had the chance to share ideas, meanwhile, programs focused on some social problems which been widely concerned.
Origin and development
◆The origin of the talk show can be traced back to eighteenth Century.In England area,there were some coffee bar assemblies(集会)and people talk about all kinds of social problems there.However,the real development of the talk show is in America. ◆In twentieth Century,with the production of broadcast and people's love to the public assembly,more and more people were interested in using

Talk show

Talk show

Principles in Education.One works as a host, the others are Hyde School founder J oseph Gauld, some teacher s and student s. The rest of the class may act as audience and raise some questions.A sample beginningHost: Welcome to Dialogue Today. Join us today are Joseph Gauld, Hyde school founder and some of the teachers and students.Now let’s welcome our honor able guests.Joseph Gauld: Good evening, everyone. I am Joseph Gauld from Hyde School.Paul Hills: Good evening, I am a teacher who now works in the New heaven program…Jimmy DiBattista: Good evening, I am a student from the Bath campus of Hyde SchoolMs. Smith: Good evening, I am a Jimmy’s mother.Audience: …..若干Host:Q1:As we all know, Hyde school has received considerable publicity for its success in education with its new philosophy/idea of Education. First, I’d like to ask Mr. Gauld “What is the basic purpose of Hyde School?”Q2: Why do you think so? Is there any assumption behind it?Q3: Excellent! Students in Hyde are so lucky!So, is the Hyde totally different from conventional schools?Q4:Can you give some examples?Q5: Ok. Have you ever met any obstacles in the operation of the principle?~~~~~Shine always comes after the rain. You’ve created a miracle!Q6: Hello! Mr. Paul, as a teacher in Hyde, do you have something to say?Q7:What’s the difference between the students in Hyde and the ones in other school?Q8: Are you willing to send your kids to Hyde?Q9: Best wishes for our great teacher!Q10: Hello! Little Jimmy, as a student in Hyde school, how do you feel?Q11: What has changed you greatly? Or who has the strongest influence on you?Q12: In your eyes, what’s the difference between the students in Hyde and the ones in other school?~~~~Well. Good boy! Hope you can have a bright future!Q13: At last, I’d like to ask some audience a question:what is the best way to educate for success? Or what principles a school should operate on?So much for today’s talk show. Greatest gratitude goes to our honor-able guests. 鼓掌Thank you for your attention. See you next time!Exercise Does Have Unexpected BenefitsExercise does have unexpected benefits. Just as exercise strengthens the heart and lungs, bones and muscles, it may power up the brain. A brain scientist’s studies with rats have demonstrated two primary effects of activity: vigorous physical exercise provides the brain with more fuel, and skill-based exercise increases the formation of connections in the brain, which, according to some scientists, may make the brain better able to process information.。

中职资源环境类通用版通用_Talk Show 公开课

中职资源环境类通用版通用_Talk Show 公开课

Teaching PlanUnit 2 I saw a terrible movie.[Reading]TaIk ShOW竦州市职业教育中心王圆梨本课TaIkShoW系高等教育出版社,《英语基础模块2》(第二版)Unit 2 Isawa terrible movie.中的reading课时。






Teaching aims (教学目标):1.知识目标:(1)学生能掌握以下单词:band, jazz, rent, order, prefer.⑵学生能掌握以下重点词汇和句型:A.spend ....... (in) doing sth.B.rock musicC.such music2,能力目标:(I)听:学生能听懂对曾经做过的事情以及活动中人物和感受的描述。




3.素质目标:学生能够了解国外的“talk show”等文化艺术形式,以及外国朋友的业余生活。


Teaching important points (教学重点):L学生能从文章中提取对比过去与现在喜好的具体内容。


talk show英语口语秀PPT

talk show英语口语秀PPT

equipment was removed from campuses.
• "If a student gets injured in class, the school is blamed," said a PE teacher.
• With only one child in most families, they are overprotected.
• According to the 2014 survey, Chinese students are taller and bigger, but they are also fatter and have worse eyesight. Lack of exercise is seen as the main culprit(起因).
• Children are there too, but seldom do teenagers show up. Teens are at home, working on math or
English grammar. But while they are getting higher scores, they are also getting fat, weak and lazy.
• Even when they enter college, they maintain their couch
potato lifestyle. More than 84 peise less than one hour every day, with 27
Adolescents in China are getting taller, but weaker 中国青少年越长越高, 但是身体素质越差
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American talk show
Does anyone know the talk show of American?
• Maybe you will say... • • • • David letterman Oprah Winfrey show The daily show ...
The feature of American talk show?
• 1.Humor is each talk show feature. • 2.Pay attention to current affairs.
• 3.Freedom is the different of Chinese.
• 4...
The happiness show 快乐大本营
Chinese talk show
Zhou Libo
Yang Lan
Guo De talk show in China is similar to the foreign’ ,it developed and fired up in recent years. However, many parts of it need to be improved.
His words
We can see some differences compared with American talk show. It also reflects some characteristics of Chinese talk show.
The fourth part
Differences between Chinese and American talk show
The difference between the two countries
• • • • • • History: Chinese is no more than 20 years. American is more than 50 years. Culture: Chinese is traditional culture,Golden mean(中庸之道) American social pursuit of freedom, advocating adventure, believe in individualism(个人主义) • ...
Chinese talk show
Does anyone know the talk show of China?
实 话 实 说 鲁 豫 有 约 Date with Luyu Tell It Like It Is 壹 周 立 波 秀 Mr Zhou Live Show
American talk show
Chinese talk show(Zhou Libo Show) Differences between Chinese and American talk show
Conclusion Thanks
What is a talk show?
– Talk show, also known as a "chat show." The audience gathered to discuss the topic of the host of a radio or television programme – Basic premise : popular entertainers or newsmakers The audience would be entertained by the anecdotes of the guests or the improvised quips of the host or sidekick.
History of talk show
Radio talk show
TV talk show
Interactive talk show
After 1950s
After 1990s
Characteristics of talk show
Composed of these two parts
The difference between the two countries
• • • • • • Topic: Chinese like Social topics,not Sensitive topic. American is as long as the audience loved what can be said Host: Chinese value record of formal schooling and appearance. • American value the experience and knowledge
Late Show with David Letterman(大卫牙擦骚)
Late Show with David Letterman is a talk show programme of CBS whose time ranges from monday to friday.
The climax of the programme is that guest appearances and David chatted, talked about their daily life news.The big stars are here to set aside, put aside the mask, in front of an audience to show their side of ordinary people.
Oprah Winfrey show
Oprah Winfrey is the queen of talk show in American. According to the estimated weekly in the United States there are 2100 millions of viewers, and in 150 overseas countries, has become the highest ratings in the history of television talk show.
Something about ???
Do you know who is she?
Talk show queen Oprah Winfrey
Do you know who is she?
Ellen Degeneres
Do you know who is he?
Thank You!
Mr. Zhou Live Show
Chinese talk show
Let’s think about the three characteristics of zhou libo show: His sounds The culture Of his show
The daily show
"The daily show" launched in 1996, the programme hosted by Jon Stuart, it has become the most scathing satire sound(讽刺声音), known as the most popular programs among American College students Even Harvard University economics professor Mankiw (曼昆) once said, "Jon Sturgen was a genius,"
Zhou Li Bo
Something about Talk Show
The Outline
We will share the contents as follow: .
talk show and characteristics of it
Characteristics talk show topic host
audience interaction or feedback
famous guests Humorous sketches Topic:political,family,entertainment… Provocative,interesting, impressive,critical…