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When I was young, I went to a boarding(寄宿)school in Edinburgh.It was far from home because I lived on 1island in the north of Scotland.

It was a music school, and I studied the violin.At the end of the term, we all packed our bags and our instruments 2home for our holidays.Most kids went 3train or bus.Some 4by their parents.But I had to go home by ferry — 14 hours overnight on the open sea.

One summer, after packing my suitcase and violin, I said goodbye to my friends.I took the train to the ferry terminal (渡船码头)and then got on the ferry.But 5the ferry started moving, I realized an awful thing! I left my violin on the train!Oh no! What 6I do? What would my dad say? He’d be really angry! 7scared (害怕) I was!I didn’t sleep all night.

The next morning, I got off the ferry to meet my dad.After I told him everything, he laughed.I looked at him and couldn’t believe 8.Why was he laughing?

I always had a label (标签)in my violin case with my address and a telephone number.My dad told me, “A cleaner found your violin on the train and took it to the police.They called me and put it on a plane.It

9an hour ago.” 10,my violin was safe.I was so happy!

()1.A.a B.an C.the D./

()2.A.go B.going C.to go D.gone

()3.A.by B.in C.on D.off

()4.A.pick up B.picked up C.are picked up D.were picked up

()5.A.since B.unless C.though D.when

()6.A.can B.should C.would D.might

()7.A.How B.What C.How a D.What a

()8.A.him B.me C.it D.them

()9.A.arrives B.arrived C.is arriving D.have arrived

()10.A.Luck B.Lucky C.Luckily D.Lucks


Jenny was from st year she spent some time travelling in India.While she was there, she stayed with her Indian friend, Leela.However, there was 1language barrier (障碍) for her there.It was very difficult for her 2in the new environment, which was very different from that of her own country.

One day, together with Leela, Jenny went to visit an orphanage(孤儿院).All the children there were very young.At first, Jenny was not sure if she could have a way to communicate with 3.She went over to the children slowly and sat beside them.After some time, one of the children smiled at her.She felt a little 4and smiled back.Then she went 5to the child.She slowly put out her arms around the child and started a song in German.The child kept smiling and started repeating the words after her.The words 6 came from the little mouth were different from those that Jenny sang, 7the rhythm was the same.Jenny went 8singing and the child followed her again.Wanting to join in the fun, another child
