



英语电影对话台词3分钟In the heart of New York City, amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life, two friends, Jack and Sarah, find themselves in a coffee shop, discussing their dreams and aspirations. The scene unfolds with a blend of humor and sincerity, capturing the essence of friendship and thepursuit of happiness.Jack: (sipping his coffee) You know, Sarah, I've beenthinking about what I really want to do with my life.Sarah: (smiling) And what's that, Jack? You want to take over the world?Jack: (laughs) No, not quite. But I've been considering going back to school. I've always loved photography, and I thinkit's time I pursue it seriously.Sarah: That's amazing, Jack! I've always admired your eye for detail. You could really make a difference in the world with your art.Jack: (nods) Thanks, Sarah. But it's not just about the art.I want to tell stories, capture moments that people can look back on and remember. It's like... it's like preserving a piece of history.Sarah: (nodding) I get it. It's like you're a time traveler,but instead of physically going back in time, you'recapturing it through your lens.Jack: Exactly! And I've been looking into this photography course at the local college. It's intensive, but I think it could really help me develop my skills.Sarah: (excited) You should definitely do it! Life's tooshort not to chase your dreams, Jack.Jack: (smiling) You're right. I've been holding back for too long. It's time to take the leap.Sarah: (grinning) And who knows, maybe one day you'll be the one taking pictures of me on the red carpet at my book launch.Jack: (laughs) Deal! But for now, let's just focus on getting through this coffee without spilling it.Sarah: (raising her cup) To new beginnings and chasing dreams!Jack: (clinks his cup against hers) To new beginnings!As they continue their conversation, the camera pans out, leaving the viewers with a sense of hope and inspiration, a reminder that it's never too late to follow your passion.。



阿凡达一阿凡达二中的最经典的句子英文Some of the most iconic lines from Avatar and Avatar: The Last Airbender include:1. 'I see you.' - Neytiri, Avatar2. 'I have a vision for the future, Avatar. Join me, or fight me, as you will.' - Fire Lord Ozai, Avatar: The Last Airbender3. 'The four elements are all around us. They are the basis of the universe, the foundation of all life.' - Aang, Avatar: The Last Airbender4. 'Sometimes the best way to solve your own problems is to help someone else.' - Iroh, Avatar: The Last Airbender5. 'The greatest illusion of this world is the illusion of separation.' - Guru Pathik, Avatar: The Last Airbender6. 'I will not end the war for you. But I will help you to win it.' - Colonel Quaritch, Avatar7. 'Water is the element of change. The people of the Water Tribe are capable of adapting to many things. They have a deep sense of community and love that holds them together through anything.' - Katara, Avatar: The Last Airbender8. 'I see you've learned to play like a warrior. But can you make that leap from warrior to healer?' - Eytukan, Avatar 9. 'You're not wearing clothes.' - Sokka, Avatar: The LastAirbender10. 'We are all one people, but we live as if divided.' - Princess Yue, Avatar: The Last Airbender。




They can do whatever they like.2、我们要让他们知道。

We want them to know.3、很难填补,已经满杯。

It is hard to fill, already full.4、他们并不能为所欲为。

They can't do whatever they want.5、你们要像疾风一样出发。

You want to start like lightning.6、人类给我们带来了消息。

Man has brought us a message.7、就说魅影骑士召唤他们。

They said they call phantomrider.8、甚至那块石头比他还要地了解。

Even the stone is better than he knows.9、但是我们也要给他们送去消息。

But we have to send them a message.10、潘多拉将便爱上你死了,零警告。

Pandora will fall in love with you dead, zero warning. 11、人可以退役,但精神不可以退役。

People can retire, but the spirit can not be retired.12、潘多拉将便爱上你死了,零警告。

Pandora will fall in love with you dead, zero warning. 13、因为,这里是——是我们的土地!Because this is our land!14、他没有商业坚持他的鼻子在我的**。

He has no business to stick to his nose in my department.15、所有活的东西是由他们的女神创造的。

All the living things were created by their goddess.16、你有了一些的心,孩子,展示这个社区。



英语影评——《阿凡达》第一篇:英语影评——《阿凡达》The Hero on PandoraAvatar is a science fiction film shot by famous director James Cameron and produced by 20th Century Fox.Main actors are Sam Worthington and Zoe Saldana.The film has 2D, 3D, and IMAX-3D for the audience to choose.Moreover, the film grossed more than 2.5 billion dollars worldwide, and thus made it be the world's highest grossing movies.Besides, the film also won Oscars for Best Cinematography and Best Visual Effects for realistic special effects.James Cameron, the famous film director in Canada, specializes in action films and sci-fi movie.His main works are: Titanic, Terminator, Alien, True Lies, Avatar.The film, Avatar, takes place on a planet called Pandora where human beings have set up bases to mine a surpassingly precious mineral called unobtanium.And the human, through science and technology, can control Na'vi people who are intelligent creatures on the “Pandora”.Movie hero Jack Sally c ontrols a Na'vi person and entered the Na'vi tribe, after a long time with them, then he gradually understood and sympathized with them.Meanwhile, Jack fell in love with the heroine Neytiri.Jack chose to fight together with the Na'vi when the human attacked the Na'vipeople, they finally defeated the invading humans and protected the living thing on the Pandora.For this reason, Jack became a hero to save theplanet of Pandora.This film shows Jack's bravery through different perspectives.First of all, when Jack and his separated from teammates, he encountered many ferocious beasts, but he was very calm and courageously fought with wild beasts.Then,Jack learned various skills from Na'vi people, the learning process was full of dangers and once he almost lost his life.However, in the process, he did not give up and became more powerful.We can expect a hero to be born to save Pandora.In the end of the film, due to Jack's courage and kindness, he got Na'vi people's support and led Na'vi people to bravely fighting for the invasion of human.Through the last decisive battle, Jack successfully saved Pandora.This flim, by this series of events, successfully created a heroic image of Jack.第二篇:阿凡达影评阿凡达,一个奇迹,难道你不想见证吗?!起因一,阿凡达是卡梅隆继铁达尼后十四年磨一剑的史诗级科幻巨著,只有你愿不愿看没有值不值得看!起因二,今天你3D 了吗?作为巨幕3D 这种新兴产物,不久的将来会成为潮流、时尚。



阿凡达英语电影写自己喜欢的10句话以下是我喜欢的《阿凡达》电影中的10句话(英文原文):1. "I see you." - Neytiri2. "Everything is backwards now, like out there is the true world and in here is the dream." - Jake Sully3. "You have a strong heart. No fear. But stupid! Ignorant like a child!" - Neytiri4. "All energy is only borrowed, and one day you have to give it back." - Grace Augustine5. "It is hard to fill a cup which is already full." - Mo'at6. "This is how it's done. When people are sittin' on s#*t you make them believe it's gold." - Parker Selfridge7. "We will show the Sky People that they cannot take whatever they want! And that this is our land!" - Eytukan8. "The wealth of this world isn't in the ground. It's all around us." - Jake Sully9. "I would rather die as a human than live as a Na'vi." - Colonel Miles Quaritch10. "We will send them a message. That this... this is our land!" - Jake Sully这些台词中有些表达出了电影的主题和核心价值观,有些则是人物性格、情感等方面的表达。



可以这么说。这将会是一个全新的开始,一个新的 世界。
If you wish to survive you need to cultivate a strong mental attitude.如果你想生存下去,你需要培养坚强的心理态度。
There's no such things an ex-Marine. You may be out, but you never lose the attitude.
Human life twice, once you were born, once when you get social recognition.
So to speak.It'd be a fresh start, on a new world.
主人公本是前 海军陆战队战士, 因双腿瘫痪被迫 退役,来到潘多 拉参加阿凡达计 划是他的一次重 生。只是谁能想 到,他不甘退役 的精神最后拯救 了潘多拉,拯救 了地球,成为潘 多拉的精神领袖。
海军会退役,ink it was benign neglect,but now I see that you're intentionally screwing me. 我曾经以为它是善 意的忽视,但是现在 我看到你故意拧我。
一个生命结束,另一个生命开始。 A life ends and another life begins.
主人公第一次 将意识注入进阿 凡达内,在美丽 的潘多拉上奔跑, 那是重生的感觉, 也注定了他的灵 魂将要游走在两 个躯体内。
I see you!
I see you不是表象的我看见你. 句子虽然很简单,但包含了 复杂的意思。可以蕴含看,理 解,凝视,明白,观望等无数 意义,越是简单的越代表了复 杂的含义




They can do whatever they like.2、我们要让他们知道。

We want them to know.3、很难填补,已经满杯。

It is hard to fill, already full.4、他们并不能为所欲为。

They can't do whatever they want.5、你们要像疾风一样出发。

You want to start like lightning.6、人类给我们带来了消息。

Man has brought us a message.7、就说魅影骑士召唤他们。

They said they call phantomrider.8、甚至那块石头比他还要地了解。

Even the stone is better than he knows.9、但是我们也要给他们送去消息。

But we have to send them a message.10、潘多拉将便爱上你死了,零警告。

Pandora will fall in love with you dead, zero warning.11、人可以退役,但精神不可以退役。

People can retire, but the spirit can not be retired.12、潘多拉将便爱上你死了,零警告。

Pandora will fall in love with you dead, zero warning.13、因为,这里是——是我们的土地!Because this is our land!14、他没有商业坚持他的鼻子在我的**。

He has no business to stick to his nose in my department.15、所有活的东西是由他们的女神创造的。

All the living things were created by their goddess.16、你有了一些的心,孩子,展示这个社区。



阿凡达经典台词1.“isee you”(我看到你了)经典名言点评:这是最经典的台词,相信这一定会成为和《泰坦尼克号》中的经典台词“youjump,ijump”一样载入电影史册。

这句台词其实在影片中出现了好几次,尤其是出现在全片中最催人泪下的场景时,女主角救了地球人状态的杰克时,男主角用他的“小手”扶着女主角的脸,说了句“iseeyou”,然后女主角的眼泪就留下来了,回应了句“i seeyou”,仅仅两句话,配合着音乐的烘托,非常地具有感染力。














经典电影 战前演说 部分

经典电影 战前演说 部分

勇敢的心:William Wallace: Sons of Scotland, I am William Wallace. Young soldier: William Wallace is 7 feet tall.William Wallace: Yes, I've heard. He kills men by the hundreds, and if he were here he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes and bolts of lightning from his arse.I am William Wallace,and I see a whole army of my countrymen here in defiance of tyranny.You have come to fight as free men,and free men you are.What will you do with that freedom?Will you fight?fight and you may die, run and you'll live. At least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now,would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance,just one chanceto come back hereand tell our enemies thatthey may take our lives,but ~ they'll never take ourfreedom!!!指环王Sons of Gondor, of Rohan, my brothers.I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me.A day may come when the courage of Men fails,when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship. But it is not this day.An hour of wolves and shattered shieldswhen the Age of Men comes crashing down.But it is not this day.This day we fight!By all that you hold dear on this good earth,I bid you stand,Men of the West!冈多,罗翰的子民们,我的兄弟们!我从你们眼里看到,你们跟我一样都恐惧得心惊胆战。



阿凡达经典语录中英文对照以下是《阿凡达》中一些经典的语录,含有对应的中文和英文翻译:1. "我看见你们那儿有世界末日的标志,人类未来的终结。



""I see you. You are like a baby. Making noise, don't know what to do. But the mother listens. And learns fast."2. "我对内心的爱能够给我力量。


""I was your most dangerous enemy. But you loved me. I was your savior, your goddess. But you killed me."3. "我看见你们的长辈们,一代代的出生和死去,他们是如何幸福地活着的。



""My brothers, sisters, of the Omaticaya, I stand before you, as one of you. All I ever wanted was a single thingworth fighting for."4. "我不会浪费力气去恨你们。


""You should not curse your enemies, instead you should wonder why they are so cursed."5. "与其百分之二十赢得百分之四十的战斗,不如全力以赴赢得百分之百的战斗。





阿凡达中英文台词Pandora will shit you out dead with zero warning.潘多拉将便爱上你死了,零警告。

Sky people can not learn. You do not see. -Teach me how to see.人类不能学习。



It is hard to fill a cup which is already full.很难填补,已经满杯。

For reasons I cannot fathom the Omaticaya have chosen you.我不能完全理解的原因Omaticaya选中你。

If you want to hit this thing, it's going to be complicated.Only their Deity.如果你想打这事,这将是相当复杂的。


Their Goddess made up of all living things.所有活的东西是由他们的女神创造的。

The sky people have sent us a message.人类给我们带来了消息。

That they can take whatever they want.他们可以为所欲为。

But we will send them a message.但是我们也要给他们送去消息。

You ride out as fast as the wind can carry you.你们要像疾风一样出发。

You tell that Turok Makto calls to them.就说魅影骑士召唤他们。

You got some heart, kid, showing up in this neighborhood.你有了一些的心,孩子,展示这个社区。



《阿凡达》的导演詹姆斯·卡梅隆演讲(2)I grew up on a steady diet of science fiction. In high school, I took a bus to school an hour each way every day. And I was always absorbed in a book, science fiction book, which took my mind to other worlds, and satisfied, in a narrative form, this insatiable sense of curiosity that I had.And you know, that curiosity also manifested itself in the fact that whenever I wasn't in school I was out in the woods, hiking and taking "samples" -- frogs and snakes and bugs and pond water -- and bringing it back, looking at it under the microscope. You know, I was a real science geek. But it was all about trying to understand the world, understand the limits of possibility.And my love of science fiction actually seemed mirrored in the world around me, because what was happening, this was in the late '60s, we were going to the moon, we were exploring the deep oceans.Jacques Cousteau was coming into our living rooms with his amazing specials that showed us animals and places and a wondrous world that we could never really have previously imagined. So, that seemed to resonate with the whole science fiction part of it.And I was an artist. I could draw. I could paint. And I found that because there weren't video gamesand this saturation of CG movies and all of this imagery in the media landscape, I had to create these images in my head. You know, we all did, as kids having to read a book, and through the author's description, put something on the movie screen in our heads. And so, my response to this was to paint, to draw alien creatures, alien worlds, robots, spaceships, all that stuff. I was endlessly getting busted in math class doodling behind the textbook. That was -- thecreativity had to find its outlet somehow.And an interesting thing happened: The Jacques Cousteau shows actually got me very excited about the fact that there was an alien world right here on Earth. I might not really go to an alien world on a spaceship someday -- that seemed pretty darn unlikely. But that was a world I could really go to, right here on Earth, that was as rich and exotic as anything that I had imagined from reading these books.So, I decided I was going to become a scuba diver at the age of 15. And the only problem with that was that I lived in a little village in Canada, 600 miles from the nearest ocean. But I didn't let that daunt me. I pestered my father until he finally found a scuba class in Buffalo, New York, right across the border from where we live. And I actually got certified in a pool at a YMCA in the dead of winter in Buffalo, New York. And I didn't see the ocean, a real ocean, for another two years, until we moved to California.Since then, in the intervening 40 years, I've spent about 3,000 hours underwater, and 500 hours of that was in submersibles. And I've learned that that deep-ocean environment, and even the shallow oceans,are so rich with amazing life that really is beyond our imagination. Nature's imagination is so boundlesscompared to our own meager human imagination. I still, to this day, stand in absolute awe of what I see when I make these dives. And my love affair with the ocean is ongoing, and just as strong as it ever was.But when I chose a career as an adult, it was filmmaking. And that seemed to be the best way to reconcile this urge I had to tell stories with my urges to create images. And I was, as a kid, constantly drawing comic books, and so on. So, filmmaking wasthe way to put pictures and stories together, and that made sense. And of course the stories that I chose to tell were science fiction stories: "Terminator," "Aliens" and "The Abyss." And with "The Abyss," I was putting together my love of underwater and diving with filmmaking. So, you know, merging the two passions.Something interesting came out of "The Abyss," which was that to solve a specific narrative problem on that film, which was to create this kind of liquid water creature, we actually embraced computer generated animation, CG. And this resulted in the first soft-surface character, CG animation that was ever in a movie. And even though the film didn't make any money -- barely broke even, I should say -- I witnessed something amazing, which is that the audience, the global audience, was mesmerized by this apparent magic.You know, it's Arthur Clarke's law that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. They were seeing something magical. And so that got me very excited. And I thought, "Wow, this is something that needs to be embraced into the cinematic art." So, with "Terminator 2," which was my next film, we took that much farther. Working with ILM, we created the liquid metal dude in that film. The success hung in the balance on whether that effect would work. And it did, and we created magic again, and we had the same result with an audience -- although we did make a little more money on that one.So, drawing a line through those two dots of experience came to, "This is going to be a whole new world," this was a whole new world of creativity for film artists. So, I started a company with Stan Winston, my good friend Stan Winston, who is the premier make-up and creature designer at that time, and it wascalled Digital Domain. And the concept of the company was that we would leapfrog past the analog processes of optical printers and so on, and we would go right to digital production. And we actually did that and it gave us a competitive advantage for a while.But we found ourselves lagging in the mid '90s in the creature and character design stuff that we had actually founded the company to do. So, I wrote this piece called "Avatar," which was meant to absolutely push the envelope of visual effects, of CG effects, beyond, with realistic human emotive characters generated in CG, and the main characters would all be in CG, and the world would be in CG. And the envelope pushed back, and I was told by the folks at my company that we weren't going to be able to do this for a while.So, I shelved it, and I made this other movie about a big ship that sinks. (Laughter) You know, I went and pitched it to the studio as "'Romeo and Juliet' on a ship: "It's going to be this epic romance,passionate film." Secretly, what I wanted to do was I wanted to dive to the real wreck of "Titanic." And that's why I made the movie. (Applause) And that's the truth. Now, the studio didn't know that. But I convinced them. I said, "We're going to dive to the wreck. We're going to film it for real. We'll be using it in the opening of the film. It will be really important. It will be a great marketing hook." And I talked them into funding an expedition. (Laughter)Sounds crazy. But this goes back to that theme about your imagination creating a reality. Because we actually created a reality where six months later, I find myself in a Russian submersible two and a half miles down in the north Atlantic, looking at the real Titanic through a view port. Not a movie, notHD -- for real. (Applause)Now, that blew my mind. And it took a lot of preparation, we had to build cameras and lights and all kinds of things. But, it struck me how much this dive, these deep dives, was like a space mission. You know, where it was highly technical, and it required enormous planning. You get in this capsule, you go down to this dark hostile environment where there is no hope of rescue if you can't get back by yourself. And I thought like, "Wow. I'm like, living in a science fiction movie. This is really cool."And so, I really got bitten by the bug of deep-ocean exploration. Of course, the curiosity, the science component of it -- it was everything. It was adventure, it was curiosity, it was imagination. And it was an experience that Hollywood couldn't give me. Because, you know, I could imagine a creature and we could create a visual effect for it. But I couldn't imagine what I was seeing out that window. As we did some of our subsequent expeditions, I was seeing creatures at hydrothermal vents and sometimes things that I had never seen before, sometimes things that no one had seen before, that actually were not described by science at the time that we saw them and imaged them.So, I was completely smitten by this, and had to do more. And so, I actually made a kind of curious decision. After the success of "Titanic," I said, "OK, I'm going to park my day job as a Hollywood movie maker, and I'm going to go be a full-time explorer for a while." And so, we started planning theseexpeditions. And we wound up going to the Bismark, and exploring it with robotic vehicles. We went back to the Titanic wreck. We took little bots that we had created that spooled a fiber optic. And the idea was to go in and do an interior survey of that ship, which had never been done. Nobody had everlooked inside the wreck. They didn't have the means to do it, so we created technology to do it.So, you know, here I am now, on the deck of Titanic, sitting in a submersible, and looking out at planks that look much like this, where I knew that the band had played. And I'm flying a little robotic vehiclethrough the corridor of the ship. When I say, "I'm operating it," but my mind is in the vehicle. I felt like I was physically present inside the shipwreck of Titanic. And it was the most surreal kind of deja vu experience I've ever had, because I would know before I turned a corner what was going to be there before the lights of the vehicle actually revealed it, because I had walked the set for months when we were making the movie. And the set was based as an exact replica on the blueprints of the ship.So, it was this absolutely remarkable experience. And it really made me realize that the telepresence experience -- that you actually can have these robotic avatars, then your consciousness is injected into the vehicle, into this other form of existence. It was really, really quite profound. And it may be a little bit of a glimpse as to what might be happening some decades out as we start to have cyborg bodies for exploration or for other means in many sort of post-human futures that I can imagine, as a science fiction fan.So, having done these expeditions, and really beginning to appreciate what was down there, such as at the deep ocean vents where we had these amazing, amazing animals -- they're basically aliens right here on Earth. They live in an environment of chemosynthesis. They don't survive on sunlight-basedsystem the way we do. And so, you're seeing animals that are living next to a 500-degree-Centigradewater plumes. You think they can't possibly exist.At the same time I was getting very interested in space science as well -- again, it's the science fiction influence, as a kid. And I wound up getting involved with the space community, really involved with NASA, sitting on the NASA advisory board, planning actual space missions, going to Russia, going through the pre-cosmonaut biomedical protocols, and all these sorts of things, to actually go and fly to the international space station with our 3D camera systems. And this was fascinating. But what I wound up doing was bringing space scientists with us into the deep. And taking them down so that they had access -- astrobiologists, planetary scientists, people who were interested in these extreme environments -- taking them down to the vents, and letting them see, and take samples and test instruments, and so on.So, here we were making documentary films, but actually doing science, and actually doing space science. I'd completely closed the loop between being the science fiction fan, you know, as a kid, and doing this stuff for real. And you know, along the way in this journey of discovery, I learned a lot. I learned a lot about science. But I also learned a lot about leadership. Now you think director has got to be a leader, leader of, captain of the ship, and all that sort of thing.I didn't really learn about leadership until I did these expeditions. Because I had to, at a certain point, say, "What am I doing out here? Why am I doing this? What do I get out of it?" We don't make money at these damn shows. We barely break even. There is no fame in it. People sort of think I went awaybetween "Titanic" and "Avatar" and was buffing my nails someplace, sitting at the beach. Made all these films, made all these documentary films for a very limited audience.13:45No fame, no glory, no money. What are you doing? You're doing it for the task itself, for the challenge --and the ocean is the most challenging environment there is -- for the thrill of discovery, and for that strange bond that happens when a small group of people form a tightly knit team. Because we would do these things with 10, 12 people, working for years at a time, sometimes at sea for two, three months at a time.And in that bond, you realize that the most important thing is the respect that you have for them and that they have for you, that you've done a task that you can't explain to someone else. When you come back to the shore and you say, "We had to do this, and the fiber optic, and the attentuation, and the this and the that, all the technology of it, and the difficulty, the human-performance aspects of working at sea," you can't explain it to people. It's that thing that maybe cops have, or people in combat that have gone through something together and they know they can never explain it. Creates a bond, creates a bond of respect.So, when I came back to make my next movie, which was "Avatar," I tried to apply that same principle of leadership, which is that you respect your team, and you earn their respect in return. And it really changed the dynamic. So, here I was again with a small team, in uncharted territory, doing "Avatar," coming up with new technology that didn't exist before. Tremendously exciting. Tremendously challenging. And we became a family, over a four-and-half year period. And it completely changed how I do movies. So, people have commented on how, "Well, you know, you brought back the ocean organisms and put them on the planet of Pandora." To me, it was more of a fundamental way of doing business, the process itself, that changed as a result ofthat.So, what can we synthesize out of all this? You know, what are the lessons learned? Well, I think number one is curiosity. It's the most powerful thing you own. Imagination is a force that can actually manifest a reality. And the respect of your team is more important than all the laurels in the world. I have young filmmakers come up to me and say, "Give me some advice for doing this." And I say, "Don't put limitations on yourself. Other people will do that for you -- don't do it to yourself, don't bet against yourself, and take risks."NASA has this phrase that they like: "Failure is not an option." But failure has to be an option in art and in exploration, because it's a leap of faith. And no important endeavor that required innovation was done without risk. You have to be willing to take those risks. So, that's the thought I would leave you with, is that in whatever you're doing, failure is an option, but fear is not. Thank you. (Applause)https:///。



精彩对白Jake: Me and Norm are here to drive these remotely controlled bodies called Avatars.And they're grown from human DNA mixed with the DNA of the natives. Doctor: Hey, welcome. Welcome to Pandora, good to have you.Jake: Damn, they got big.Norm: Yeah. They fully mature on the flight out. So the progress up the stim seem to work really well.Doctor: Yeah, they got great muscle tone. It'll take us a few hours to get them prepared, but you can take them out tomorrow. There's yours.Norm: Doctor, Norm Spellman.Doctor: Pleasure to meet you.Jake: Looks like him.Norm: Looks like you. This is your Avatar now, Jake.Jake: The concept is that every driver is matched to his own Avatar. So that their nervous system are in tune. Or something...Which is why they offered me the gig, because I can link with Tommy's Avatar., which is insanely expensive. Is this right? I just say whatever to the video log? Norm: Yeah, we gotta get the habit of documenting everything. What we see, what we feel, it's all part of the science.Doctor: And good science is good observation.Norm: Plus it'll help keep you sane for the next 6 years.Jake: Whatever. So uh,...Here I am. Doing science.Doctor: They're coming out.Woman on broadcast: Attention, drivers coming out of the lane.Grace: Oh God.Assistant: Where's the lab coat? Where's her lab coat?Grace: Who's got my goddamn cigarette!? Guys, what's wrong with this picture? Thank you!Norm: Grace Augustine is a legend. She's the head of the Avatar program. She wrote the book. I mean literally wrote the book on Pandoran botany.Doctor: That's because she likes plants better than people.Norm: Here she is, Cinderella back from the ball. Grace I'd like you to meet Norm Spellman and Jake Sully.Grace: Norm, I hear good things about you. How's your Na'vi?Norm: May the Great Mother rejoice our meeting.Grace: Not bad. You still sound a bit too formal though.Norm: I've studied for 5 years, but I still have much to learn.Doctor: Grace, this is Jake Sully.Grace: Yeah yeah, I know who you are and I don't need you. I need your brother. You know, the PHD who trained for three years for this mission...Jake: He's dead. I know it's a big inconvenience for everyone.Grace: How much lab training have you had?Jake: I dissected a frog once.Grace: You see? They're just pissing on us with out even a courtesy of calling it rain. I'm going to Selfridge.Doctor: No Grace!Grace: No man, this is such bullshit! I'm gonna kick his corporate butt. He has no business sticking his nose in my department.Doctor: Here tomorrow, 08:00. Try and use big words.Woman: Scorpion 2 Hotel, Hell's Gate Tower. You are cleared for South departure...Parker: Did you see that? No you didn't, you were looking at the monitor. I love this putter Ronnie.Grace: Parker...I used to think it was benign neglect, but now I see that you're intentionally screwing me.Parker: Grace, I enjoy our little talks...Grace: I need a researcher, not some jar-head drop out.Parker: Well, actually, I thought we got lucky with him.Grace: Lucky?Parker: Yeah.Grace: How is this in any way 'lucky'?Parker: Lucky your guy had a twin brother. And lucky that brother wasn't some oral hygienist or something. A Marine we could use. I'm assigning him to your team as security escort.Grace: The last thing I need is another trigger-happy moron out there. Parker: Look, you're supposed to be winning the hearts and the minds of the natives, isn't that the whole point of your little puppet show? You look like them, you talk like them and they'll start trusting us. We build them a school, we teach them English...But after how many years relations with the indigenous are only getting worse.Grace: That tends to happen when you use machine guns on them.Parker: Right, come here. This is why we're here, Unobtanium. Because this little gray rock sells for 20 million a kilo. That's the only reason. It's what pays for the whole party. It's what pays for your science. ¿Comprendo? Now, thosesavages are threatening our whole operation. We're on the brink of war and you're supposed to be finding a diplomatic solution. So use what you've got and get me some results巧学口语1. muscle tone: 肌肉张力。

阿凡达台词 1

阿凡达台词 1

Avatar scriptWhen I was lying there in the VA hospital ...当我躺在退伍军人医院里... with a big hole blown through the middle of my life,面对着我一生最大的不幸... I started having these dreams of flying..我开始在梦中飞翔于天际I was free.自由飞翔Sooner or later though, ... ... you always have to wake up.但梦……总有醒来的一刻In Cryo you don't dream at all.在冬眠舱里你根本不会做梦It doesn't feel like 6 years.六年一转眼就过去了More like a fifth of tequila and ass-kicking.感觉更像是喝了第五杯龙舌兰酒后的晕头转向Tommy was the scientist, not me.汤米才是科学,不是我He was the one who wanted to get shot light-years out in space to find the answers. 他是那种为了寻找真理可以飞到数光年远的深层空间去的书呆子Are we there yet?我们到了么?Yeah, we're there sunshine.恩,我们到了,帅哥We're there.我们到了It's about your brother.这事跟你的兄弟有关So, a week before Tommy was gonna ship out...在汤米搭飞船出行的一周前A guy with a gun ends his journey ...有个拿枪的混混结束了他的旅程... for the paper in his wallet.就为了他钱包里的那几张绿色钞票Being in Cryo for 5 years, 9 months and 22 days.在冬眠舱里呆5年9月22天You will be hungry, you will be weak.你会很饿也会感到虚弱If you feel nauseous please use the ...如果你觉得恶心想吐请使用……Yeah, Tommy was the scientist.没错,汤米才是科学家Me, I'm just another dumb grunt going some place he's gonna regret. 而我只是个笨蛋,飞向一个自己将会后悔前往的地方Up ahead was Pandora.前面就是“潘多拉”星球You grew up hearing about it, but I never figured I'd be going there. 从小就听说过这个星球,但我从没想过有一天真会到那里去Your brother represented a significant investment.你的兄弟参与了我们的一个重要投资项目We'd like to talk to you about taking over his contract.我想要跟你谈谈关于延续他的合约一事And since your genome is identical to his,因为你和他的基因是一样的you could step into his shoes.所以我觉得你可以继承他的遗志So to speak.可以这么说吧It'd be a fresh start, on a new world.这将是在一个新世界里的一个新的开始And the pay is good.我们给你的报酬会很丰厚Very good.非常丰厚Exo-Packs on! Let's go, Exo-Packs on!带上滤气面罩听见没有戴上面罩(潘多拉有氧气面罩用来过滤毒气)Remember people, you lose that mask you're unconscious in 20 seconds. 伙计们记住脱掉面罩你就会在20秒内丧失意识You're dead in 4 minutes. Let nobody be dead today.4分钟内死亡今天你们可千万别给我死了It looks very bad on my report.那会让我的工作绩效报告很你那看This is TAD-1-6 on approach.这是TAD-1-6 我们即将降落Crossing outer marker. Monument in sight正在通过外围警戒线已看到降落场One life ends...一个生命结束Another begins.另一个生命开始Harnesses off. Get your packs ... -- Put it together. Let's go.松开安全带拿好你们的装备……都给我准备好快快快!One minute, let's go.一分钟,准备When the ramp comes down, go directly into the base. Do not stop.舱门落下后这街区新兵接待处报道给我跑着走Go straight inside. Wait for my mark!直接跑过去,听我的口令!Go! Go! Go! Go! ..走!走!走!走!Get out of there!赶紧给我动起来!Keep moving. Let's go!继续向前跑!给我跑着!There's no such thing as an ex-Marine.其实是没有“前…海军陆战队员”这个叫法的You may be out...你也许退役了... but you never lose the attitude.…但你永远不会丢掉那个精气神儿I told myself I could pass any test a man can pass.我告诉自己任何人能通过的考验我也能通过They can fix the spine, if you got the money.其实只要有钱我的脊椎还是有救的But not on Vet benefits, not in this economy.但靠那点退休金靠这个经济制度绝无可能Let's go Special K. Do not make me wait for you!快点儿啊大人物别让我等你!Well, well, ladies.瞧瞧啊哥儿几个!Look at all this fresh meat!瞧瞧这一大群新兵蛋子Back on Earth, these guys were Army dogs. Marines.在地球上这些人是军人海军陆战队队员Fighting for freedom.为自由而战Look out hot rod.看着点儿!小跑车儿!But out here they're just hired guns, taking the money, working for the company. 但在这里他们呢只是拿工钱的雇佣兵给大公司办事Check this out man. Meals on wheels.哥们瞧瞧这位一个吃闲饭的轮椅男Aww, man , that is just wrong.靠不会吧这也太扯啦6:18 You are not in Kansas any more.这里不再是你老家的热炕头儿!You are on Pandora, ladies and gentlemen.这里是“潘多拉”女士们男生们Respect that fact, every second of every day.你们要时时刻刻给我记住这一点!If there is a hell,如果世上真有地狱you might wanna go there for some R and R after a tour on Pandora.在“潘多拉”逛逛后你可能会想去地狱开个摇滚派对了!Out there beyond that fence, every living thing that那堵墙的后面任何能喘气的东西crawls, flies or squats in the mud wants to kill you and eat your eyes for Ju-Ju Beads 爬的飞的蹲在泥里的都想宰了你拿你的眼睛当枣儿嚼!We have an indigenous population of humanoids called the Na'vi.这里有一种长得像人的土著我们称其为“纳威”They're fond of arrows dipped in a neurotoxin他们喜欢用涂了神经毒素的箭弓that will stop your heart in one minute.那玩意儿可以让你的心跳在一分钟内停止And they have bones reinforced with naturally occuring carbon fiber.他们的骨骼包裹着天然生成的强化碳纤维They are very hard to kill.非常难以杀死As head of security, it is my job to keep you alive.作为防务长官我的职责就是让你们的每一个人都活着I will not succeed.但这是不可能的Not with all of you.至少不可能是每一个人If you wish to survive you need to cultivate a strong mental attitude.如果你想活命就得给我有点组织性纪律性You've got to obey the rules.你们必须给我守规矩Pandora rules.“潘多拉”的规矩Rule number one...第一条规矩It's nothing like an old school safety brief to put your mind at ease.什么也比不上再次听到经典的新兵训话更让人舒心的了Jake, you're Jake right?杰克你是捷克对吧?Tom's brother.汤米的双胞胎兄弟You look just like him.你俩长的一模一样Sorry, I'm Norm Spellman. I went through Avatar training with him.对不起我是诺曼我在“阿凡达”计划里曾和他一起训练The Bio-Lab. We're gonna spend a lot of time here.生物实验室我们会在这里呆很久的How you doing, Norm, Avatar driver. 1嘿你好我是诺曼“阿凡达”的控制人员Here's the link room right here.这里是链接室This is where we're connecting to the Avatar.我们会在这里链接上“阿凡达”Me and Norm are here to drive these remotely controlled bodies called Avatars. 我和诺曼会在这里远程遥控这些叫“阿凡达”的生命体And they're grown from human DNA mixed with the DNA of the natives.用人类的DNA混合相当种族的DNA在此培育的生命体Hey, welcome.嘿欢迎……Welcome to Pandora, good to have you.欢迎来到“潘多拉”很高兴你们能来Damn, they got big. - They fully mature on the flight out.嘿个儿真大跟我刚来这里时比又大了不少So the progress up the stim seem to work really well.看来肌肉刺激生长计划进行得蛮顺利的Yeah, they got great muscle tone.没错肌肉长得真匀称It'll take us a few hours to get them prepared,我们得花上好几个小时做准备but you can take them out tomorrow.那样明天你们就能做链接了There's yours.那是你的Doctor, Norm Spellman. - Pleasure to meet you.博士我是诺曼。



阿凡达经典对白1、“I see you”(我看到你了)点评:这是最经典的台词,相信这一定会成为和《泰坦尼克号》中的经典台词“You jump,I jump”一样载入电影史册。

这句台词其实在影片中出现了好几次,尤其是出现在全片中最催人泪下的场景时,女主角救了地球人状态的杰克时,男主角用他的“小手”扶着女主角的脸,说了句“I see you”,然后女主角的眼泪就留下来了,回应一句“I see you”,仅仅两句话,配合着音乐的烘托,非常地具有感染力。




















阿凡达经典语录11、The sky people have sent us a message.人类给我们带来了消息。

2、That they can take whatever they want.他们可以为所欲为。

3、But we will send them a message.但是我们也要给他们送去消息。

4、You ride out as fast as the wind can carry you.你们要像疾风一样出发。

5、You tell that Turok Makto calls to them.就说魅影骑士召唤他们。

6、If you wish to survive you need to cultivate a strong mental attitude.如果你想活着,你需要培养一种坚强的精神态度。

7、Its nothing like an old school safety brief to put your mind at ease.没什么比个老学校安全简短,来放轻松心情了。

8、He has no businesticking his nose in my department.他没有商业坚持他的鼻子在我的部门。

9、Sometimes your whole life boils down to one insane move.大意是人一生中出人头地的机会不多,一旦有了一定要抓住机会!10、You got some heart, kid, showing up in thisneighborhood.你有了一些的心,孩子,展示这个社区。

11、Pandora will sh-it you out dead with zero warning.潘多拉将便爱上你死了,零警告。




1.我不需要你们的同情,想要公平待遇,那你来错星球了,弱肉强食,现实就是如此残酷I don't want your pity.You want a fair deal, you're on the wrong planet.The strong prey on the weak.That's just the way things are.2.悲惨人生中需要的是值得奋斗的目标All I ever wanted in my sorry-ass life was a single thing worth fighting for.3.自满的人很难教会It is hard to fill a cup which is already full.4.如今一切都混乱了在潘多拉上才是真实的`世界Everything is backwards now. Like out there is the true world5.他们根本不希望我们成功,他们故意铲平圣地只为了触怒纳美人,他们想透过战争达到目的,掠夺就是这样You know, they never even wanted us to succeed,They bulldozed a sacred site on purpose to trigger a response.Just fabricating this war to get what they want.This is how it's done.6.有人霸占你想要的东西,把他们变成敌人,你抢起来就天经地义了When people are sitting on shit that you want,you make them your enemy. Then you're justified in taking it.Quaritch is rolling the gunships. He's gonna hit Hometree.7.我原本梦想成为带来和平的战士,不过你迟早得清醒过来I was a warrior who dreamed he could bring peace.Sooner or later, though, you always have to wake up.8.有时人的一生就靠一次疯狂的举动Sometimes your whole life boils down to one insane move.9.我们要让地球人知道,他们不能为所欲为,这里,这是我们的土地And we will show the Sky People,that they cannot take whatever they want,and that this,this is our land!10.人类返回他们垂死的世界,只有少数心灵纯洁的人被选择留下来,大苦难时代结束了The aliens went back to their dying world.Only a few were chosen to stay,The time of great sorrow was ending.11.如果你想活着,你需要培养一种坚强的精神态度If you wish to survive you need to cultivate a strong mental attitude12.人类不能学习。

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1、The sky people have sent us a message.

2、That they can take whatever they want.

3、But we will send them a message.

4、You ride out as fast as the wind can carry you.

5、You tell that Turok Makto calls to them.

6、If you wish to survive you need to cultivate a strong mental attitude.

7、It's nothing like an old school safety brief to put your mind at ease.

8、He has no business sticking his nose in my department.

9、Sometimes your whole life boils down to one insane move.
10、You got some heart, kid, showing up in this neighborhood.

11、Pandora will shit you out dead with zero warning.

12、Sky people can not learn. You do not see. -Teach me how to see.



13、It is hard to fill a cup which is already full.

14、For reasons I cannot fathom the Omaticaya have chosen you.

15、If you want to hit this thing, it's going to be complicated.Only their Deity.
16、Their Goddess made up of all living things.

17、You got nothing, keep running. Why don't you bring back some friends.

