



1.Her room is ____ than _____.

A.biger, your

B.bigger, your

C.biger, yours

D.bigger, yours

2.His ____ brother is three years ____ than he.

A.elder, older

B.elder, elder

C.older, elder

D.older, older

3.Can you finish the work with ____ time and ____ people?

A.less, fewer

B.lesser, few

C.fewer ,less

D.little, fewer

4._____ they are twins,____ they don’t look the same.

A.Though, but

B.Though, \

C.But, \

D.Because, so

5Tara sings _____ than Lisa.




D.more loudly

6.---Who is Lisa?

--- The one _____ short black hair.





7._____ of Wang Lei’s parents are teachers.





8.Lucy is the same _____ her sister.





9.Lily is my friend.She is _____ outgoing than me.


B.a little

C.a little much

D.much more

10.A true friend can _____ his happiness (幸福)and sadness(忧伤)with you.





11.It’s very important ___ us ___learn English well.

A.to, to

B.for, for

C.to , for

D. for, to 12.My mother makes me ___ my homework before 8 every day.

A.to finish




13. She is talented music but I am good sports.

A.in, at




https://www.360docs.net/doc/1e9453025.html,rry is different _____ his classmates.





15. _________you don’t give up(放弃),your dreams will come true.

A. As long as

B. As soon as

C. As well as

D.As often as


I have a good friend. Her name is Betty. She is 12 years old. I‘m one year older than her.So I am 1 years old. Her eyes are 2 than mine. Her hair is black and long. My hair is longer than 3 . Betty is 156 centimetres (厘米)tall. I'm two centimetres taller 4 her. She is about 40 kg. I'm 50 kg. So she is 5 than me. Betty is a beautiful and 6 girl. She does 7 in English than me. She 8 helps me 9 my English. We'll be good 10 forever(永远).

1.A 10 B 11 C 12 D 13

2.A . big B.bigger C.biger D.small

3A. she B.her C.hers D.she’s

4.A. than B.then C.with D. as

5.A.fat B.fatter C.thin D.thinner

6.A.helps B.helpful C.help D.more helpful

7.A.well B.good C.better D.worse

8.A.often B.hardly C.never D.likes

9.A.to B.with C.studies D.studying

10.A.friend B.brother C.friends D.sister



Mr. and Mrs. Brown lived in a small town near Londonwith their child. Sometimes Mr. Brown came back home from work very late, when his wife(妻子) and the child were asleep, and then he opened the front door of this house with his key(钥匙)and came in very quietly.

But one night when he was coming home very late,he lost his key, so when he reached his house, he rang the bell. Nothing happened(发生). He rang it again. Again nothing happened. Nobody moved inside the house. Mr. Brown knocked at(敲)the bedr oom window, he spoke to his wife, he shouted, but she didn’t wake up. At last he stopped and thought for a moment. Then he began to speak like a small child. \! Mother! ”he said. \! I want to go to the toilet! ”He spoke quite quietly but at once(立刻)Mrs. Brown woke up. Then he spoke to her, and she opened the door for him.

( )1.Mr. Brown and his family lived in a small town near London.

( )2.Mr. Brown’s wife and his child always went to sleep after he came back from work.

( )3.One night Mr. Brown lost his key to the door, so he knocked at the front door and the bedroom window.

( )4.Mr. Brown said\! Mother” like a small child because he wanted his wife to wake up.

( )5.Mrs. Brown woke up at once when she heard the bell rang. She opened the door for her husband. 四.根据提示完成单词。(每空1分,共10分)

1.Do you like the singing ____________(竞赛) yesterday?

Yes, it was great.

2. It’s ___________(必须的) for us to work hard every day.

3. Our maths teacher is very (严肃的). He never laughs in class.

4. Today we learned some ________(谚语) in our Chinese class.

5. He was so funny that he often makes his friends (发笑).

6. I was a p school student when I was seven years old.

7 Alice is an o girl. She likes to stay with her friends and enjoys talking.

8. Everyone wants to w______ the game.

9. Sam and I are b______ good at swimming.

10. Every morning I look at myself in the m________ after I

Wash my face.


1.He is (hard-working) than the other students in his class.

2.I am shy so it’s not easy for me _______(make)friends.

3.He doesn’t like singing,but he is good at (dance)

https://www.360docs.net/doc/1e9453025.html,rry always gets ______(good) grades than Lucy does.

5.I _______(break) my arm last year but she made me feel better.

6.His mother often makes him (clean) his room on weekends.

7.Lisa practiced a lot more and (win) the match at last.

8.A true friend ???________(reach) for your hand and touches your heart.

9.He is (different) from his brother. They have some ____________(different).



That’s Tara, ______ _______?


______ Sam _____ Tom can swim.


_____ Jack run ____ _____ _____ Sam? Yes, he does.


You don’t need a lot of friends____ ______ _____ they are good.


My best friend helps to _____ _____ the best ____ _____.


Jeff is ______ _______ than most kids.


He is ______ and ______ ________ than me.


1.I like dancing. My sister likes dancing,too.(合并为一个句子)

My sister and I _______ dancing.

2.Sue is four years old. Gina is four years old,too.(合并一个句子)

Sue_____ _____Gina.

3.Jim is thirteen years old. Tim is twelve years old.(合并为一句)

Jim is one year Tim.

4.Huang Lei is fatter than Larry.(同义句)

Larry is Huang Lei.

5.Tom is smarter than Sam.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)

_____ Tom ______ _______ Sam?

No,_______ ________.


你有一个好朋友Tom,请把你们两个做一个比较,要求用上下列词汇。tall, thin, big eyes, long hair, outgoing, sing songs clearly, hard-working……

________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ______


一、单项选择 1. Lucy look _________Lily. They are _____________ A. like, like B. like , alike C. alike , like D. alike , alike 2. The number of the cranes is getting ________. If we don’t help them, they will disappear ______a few years A. fewer and fewer, in B. larger and larger, after C. more and more, after D. smaller and smaller, in 3. I’m ________ to see the baby’s ________ ability in music. A. amazing, amazing B. amazing, amazed C. amazed, amazing D. amazed, amazed 4. ----How did he finish the work?----I hear that he did it __________ A. in the own B. on his own C. of the own D. all his own 5. The ______ of living areas makes wild animals become fewer than before A. loss B. lost C. losing D. lose 6. People make medicine _______tigers’ ____________ A. of bones B. with, bone C. on , bone D. from ,bone 7. Do you know how many people ______ the big fire last week? A. lived B. survived C. stayed D. continued 8. Of the two American students , Lily is _____________ one. A. tallest B. the taller C. taller D. the tallest 9. We can’t win the match ________your support. A. without B. with C. under D. for 10. Daniel is my friend. I like sharing my _________ with him when I am happy. A. joy B. happy C. sad D. secrets 11. ---Which book can I take? ---You can take ____ book you like. A. both B. any C. no D. all 12. His grandfather is over 85, _________ he is very healthy. A. and B. but C. or D. so 13. –Are these cars made in Japan? ---Yes. And they’re much cheaper than _______ in America.


七年级英语上第三单元综合测试卷(A) (考试时间:90分钟满分:120分) 一、听力(每小题1分,满分20分) A.听对话回答问题,每段对话听两遍。 ( )1. Where are they talking? ( )2. What does Julia want to do first? ( )3. What time is the meeting? ( )4. What colour is the teacher's shirt? ( )5. Where is the school library? A. In front of the playground. B. Behind the playground. C. We don't know. ( )6. On which floor can you see an art room? A. On the first floor. B. On the third floor. C. On the fourth floor. ( )7. How often does Amy go to the cinema? A. Every Sunday evening. B. Every Saturday evening. C. Every Friday evening. ( )8. When is the man's birthday? A. On Tuesday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Thursday. ( )9. How many children are there in the room? A. Two. B. Five. C. Three.


博乐C 班结业考试英语试卷 总分:100分 考试时间:60分钟 姓名:___________ 一、看图,选出正确的单词。(10分) ① eye ② peach ③ nose ④ bus ⑤ watermelon ⑥ bike ⑦ banana ⑧ hand ⑨ ear ⑩ plane ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 一、 将下列英语和相对应的汉语表达连线。(20分)

二、写出下列单词的汉语意思。(45分) 1、friend( ) 2、taxi( ) 3、brother( ) 4、grape( ) 5、nod ( ) 6、Chinese( ) 7、fruit( ) 8、ship( ) 9、open( ) 10、leg( ) 11、wave( ) 12、purple( ) 13、body( ) 14、black( ) 15、happy( ) 四、选出不同类的单词。(10分) 1、A、cat B、big C、dog () 2、A、arm B、leg C、taxi () 3、A、red B、blue C、duck () 4、A、open B、close C、neck () 5、A、apple B、pen C、pencil () 6、A、bus B、pear C、orange () 7、A、grey B、wave C、green () 8、A、father B、sister C、face () 9、A、nine B、eleven C、elephant () 10、A、China B、American C、Japanese () 五、情景选择。(15分) ()1、当你想知道对方的名字时,你应该说: A、Good morning! B、My name is Wang Yang. C、What’s your name? D、Nice to meet you! ()2、下午3:00左右,你见到同学Lily,向她问好,应该说: A、What’s your name、 B、I’m Mike. C、Good morning, Lily. D、Good afternoon, Lily. ()3、向别人介绍你的哥哥时,你该怎么说? A、How are you? B、I’m fine. C、This is my brother, D、Here you are. ()4、问别人喜欢什么颜色,应该怎么说? A、I like pink. B、What color do you like? C、It’s nice. D、This is pink. ()5、放学时,要跟老师告别了,你应该说: A、Good morning. B、Good afternoon. C、Goodbye! D、Hello!


三年级下册英语期末测试卷 一、找出下列单词中不同类的一项,并将序号填在括号内(10分) ()1. A. grandma B. grandpa C. family ()2. A. China B. cat C. USA ()3. A. apple B. grape C. fruit ()4. A.box B.under C. in ()5. A.chair B.tall C. desk 二、读一读,选一选(20分) ()1、---How many apples do you see?. --________________. . A.I’m ten. B.I have twelve. C.I see fifteen.()2、---Where are you from? --________________. . A. My name is Mike. B.I’m from Canada. C.I’m a boy.()3、---Who’s that woman ? --________________.. A. This is my father. B. She is my mother. C. He is my father.

()4、--Is he your father? --________________. A. Yes,she is. B.No, she isn’t. C.Yes ,he is. ( )5.---Look at the elephant.---It has a _____nose. A. short B.big C.long ( )6. This _________ my friend, Ann. She ______ from America. A. is… am B. is …is C,am…am ( )7.Have ___ apple. A.some B.an C. a ( )8.I hav e__apple. Me too. A、an B、a C、some ( )9.—Who’s that man?—He’s m y__. A、mothe B、father C、sister ( )10. Do you like oranges?—. A、Yes,I do. B、No,I do. C、Yes,I don’t. 三、从B栏中选择A栏的答语(10分) A B ()1.Nice to meet you . A.She’s my mother.


新人教版八年级上册英语第二单元精选练习题附答案 Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 第一课时Section A(1a~2d) 01基础过关 Ⅰ.根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。 1.My friend sometimes watches movies on the ________(因特网). 2.Do you often help your mother do some ________(家务活)? 3.There are lots of ________(秋千) in the park. 4.The bus is ________(满的) of people. 5.We went to Hong Kong only ________(一次). Ⅱ.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 6.The old man is so tired that he can ________ walk. 7.I visit my grandparents six ________ a year. 8.They are all my favorite TV ________.I often watch them. 9.His uncle ________ every day. He is very healthy. 10.Last year Mary went to Beijing ________—the first time in May and the second time in October. Ⅲ.单项选择。 ( )11.—________ does Linda watch English movies? —Once a week. A.How often B.How many C.How far D.How long ( )12.—What ________ your mother________ on weekends? —She usually goes shopping. A.is;do B.does;do C.do;does D.do;do ( )13.—May I put the books in the box? —I'm afraid not. The box is ________. A.old B.new C.full D.expensive ()14.Sport News is my father's favorite ________ and he watches it every night. A.program B.movie C.book D.newspaper ( )15.—Would you like a cup of tea? —No,thanks. I ________ drink tea. A.ever B.still C.hard D.hardly Ⅳ.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 16.你明天有空吗? ________ ________ ________ tomorrow? 17.今天怎么会下雨呢? ________ ________ it's rainy today? 18.你喜欢哪种水果? ________ ________ ________ fruit do you like? 19.迈克的表弟几乎从不做运动。 Mike's cousin ________ ________ plays sports.


初一英语测试卷及答案 第Ⅰ卷 ( 共 50 分) I、单项选择。(共20小题,每小题1分,共 20分) ( ) 1. The man is a friend of _________. He is a teacher. A. me B. mine C. my D. I ( ) 2. I like _________. Would you like __________ with me this afternoon? A. swimming; swimming B. to swim; swimming C. swimming; to swim D. to swim; swim ( ) 3. We have seven lessons every day. And Maths _______ my favourite lesson. A. are B. be C. does D. is ( ) 4. We have _________ homework to do every day. A. lot of B. too much C. many D. much too ( ) have hot _________ and eat lots of nice, hot _________. A、drink, foods B、drinks, foods C、food, drinks D、drinks, food

( ) 6. There ________ some good news in today’s newspaper. A. are B. has C. have D. is ( )7. They won’t go to the zoo _______ the price is high. A. and B. but C. so D. because ( ) 8. Could I have——— stamps? Sorry, I don’t have —— . A. some; any B. any; any C. some; some D. any; some ( ) 9. Who knows the answer ___________the question? A. for B. at C. to D. in ( ) you finish _________ that picture before nine? A、draw B、to draw C、draw D、drawing ( ) 11. He isn’t _____ his father, but he _______his father very much. A. like…likes B. likes…likes C. like…like D. likes…like ( ) 12. They are busy ________ model planes A. to make B. make C. making D. at making


姓名:得分: 英语测试卷 一、读出下列词语的英语。(每人任选一组)( 24 分) 1.铅笔书包头胳膊黑色的猴子鸟牛奶 2.尺子书眼睛白色的猫松鼠果汁飞机 3.橡皮手指身体橙色的狗大象面包小汽车 二、认一认,连一连。根据图片认一认单词,将左边的单词与右边的图连起来。(20 分) 1.pencil-case pen crayon eraser sharpener 2.head ear nose arm hand 三、按书写格式,把下列大写字母的小写形式,小写字母的大写形式写在下面的四线格内。( 21 分) G H E I Y P FAMILY ELBOW TWO GIRL r d q j m x sing body juice door 第1页共3页

四、找答语。(15 分) ( )1.How are you? ( )2.How many pencils? ( )3.What ’yours name? ( )4.How old are you? ( )5. Nice to meet you A. Nice to meet you , too B. I ’ m nine. C. Two., D.My name is Chen Jie. E.I ’ m fine.Thanks. 五、 选一选。给图片选出正确的单词,将单词前的序号写在图片下的括号内。 ( 20 分) A 、 juice B 、 milk C 、coffee 1、 2、 ( ) A 、 bread B 、 hot dog 3、 C 、hamburger ( ) A 、head B 、ear C 、eye 5、 ( ) A 、eight B 、seven C 、six A 、 pen B 、 pencil C 、 pencil-case ( ) A 、 dog B 、 pig C 、 cat 4、 ( ) A 、 hand B 、 head C 、 finger 6、 ( ) A 、 bird B 、 rabbit C 、 squirrel 7、 8、 ( ) ( ) A 、doll 10、 4 B 、boat A 、 four C 、ball B 、 five 9、 C 、 face ( ) ( )


2020年最新 三年级下册英语期末考试卷 一、Write the right form. (写出下列字母的大写或小写形式。)(10分) I F d G X r K Q J y 二、根据所给情景,选择最佳答语。(10分) ()1.在过教师节的时候,我们应对老师说:______ A.Good morning. B.How are you? C.Happy Teachers' Day! ()2.当你把你爸爸介绍给Miss Wu时,你应说:______ A. This is Miss Wu. B.Miss Wu, this is my dad. C.He is my dad. ()3. 当别人称赞你的衣服漂亮时,你应说:_______ A. Thank you. B. Not at all. C. You're welcome! ()4.当你见到一位新朋友时,应该说:________ A. How old are you? B. Goodbye. C. Nice to meet you! ()5. 当问别人身体怎样时,应该说:_______ How are you? B. How old are you? C. Very well, thanks. 三、根据算式选出正确的答案(用线把算式与单词连起来)。(15分)(1.5分一题) thirteen 8+9= 3+11= eleven fourteen 5+6= 9+7= twenty nineteen 18-6= 13+7= twelve ten 14+5= 20-7= fifteen sixteen 6+9= 2+8 = seventeen 四、请将下列图画字母标号填入相应单词前的括号内。(10分)


( ) 1.—Look! There is ________ orange under ________ tree. —Let’s go and pick it up. A. a, the B. an, the C. an, a D. the, the ( ) 2. There are 3 erasers on the table. ________ one is yours? A. What B. Which C. Whose D. Who’s ( ) 3. I have a sister. ________ is an English teacher. This English book is________. A. Her, Hers B. Her, her C. She, her D. She, hers ( ) 4. — Linda, when shall we take a walk? —After I finish my homework. A. check B. check C. to check D. checking ( ) 5. —My grandfather is ill. — ________ . A. Sorry B. Excuse me C. That’s too bad D. I’m sorry to hear that ( ) 6. Behind the door _________ some apples. A. is B. are C. be D. / ( ) 7. —Can I help you, madam? —I’d like a kilo of ________ . A. milk B. cake C. banana D. apple ( ) 8. School ________. Let’s go home. A. begins B. is off C. is over D. is over there ( ) 9. —________ is your new bike? —1,000 yuan. A. How many B. How much C. How about D. Where ( ) 10. Do you read English ________? A. every morning B. in morning C. on every morning D. in every morning ( ) 11. Mrs. Green comes from ________. A. English B. American C. Australia D. Japanese ( ) 12. Best wishes ________ New Year’s Day and best wishes ______ you. A. to; for B. to; to C. for; for D. for; to ( ) 13. It ________her three weeks to study lessons. A. spends B. cost C. waste D. takes ( ) 14. I hope ________ go to the park with me next week. A. her to B. her C. / D. she will ( ) 15. He at painting, but he doesn’t in playing chess. A. is good, does well B. does well, is good C. is good, do well D. do well, is good ( ) 16. I will go to the hospital this afternoon. There is_______ with my nose. A. nothing wrong B. wrong nothing C. anything wrong D. something wrong ( ) 17. —________ you cross the street every morning? —No. But I _________ it this afternoon. A. Do, do B. Do, will do C. Will, do D. Will, will do ( ) 18. —________ do you like eating? —I like eating rice, meat and all kinds of vegetables. A. How much B. How many C. What D. How ( ) 19. _______ late for music class again next time, . A. Don’t be B. Be not C. Not be D. Don’t ( ) 20. I think Dick can __________ his camera in the lost and __________ office. A. find, find B. finds, finds C. find, found D. found, find


七年级英语上第三单元测试 Ⅰ.选择填空(20) A.指出能填入相应空白处的最佳答案。 ( )⒈“____ I ask your name, please?” “Sure.” A. May B. Am C. Do D. Are ( )⒉My name is Thomas. Please call ____ Tom. A. I B. me C. my D. mine ( )⒊“Do you have ____ color pens?”“Yes, I do.” A. some B. a little C. any D. a lot ( )⒋“May I study Chinese ____ you, Li Lei?”“No problem.” A. in B. about C. and D. with ( )⒌“Thank s a lot.” “____” A. You’re welcome. B. No problem. C. Yes, of course. D. All right. ( )⒍“Where does he ____ from?”“He ____ from a far land.” A. come; come B. come; comes C. comes; come D. comes; comes ( )⒎“Where do you ____?”“I ____ in Mayang Street.” A. lives; live B. lives; lives C. live; live D. live; lives ( )⒏“Does Jim like the English corner?”“____ He likes it very much.” A. Y es, of course. B. Y es, he is. C. No, he doesn’t. D. Sorry, I don’t know. ( )⒐“Do you ____ English at the English corner?”“A little.” A. say B. speak C. talk D. tell ( )⒑“What does he say in the letter?”“He wants ____ the Great Wall.” A. go B. to go C. to go to D. going to B.指出不能填入相应空白处的答案。 ( )⒒“Where is Sandy from?”“She’s from ____ .” A. England B. Canada C. New York D. American ( )⒓“What class are you in?”“I’m in ____ .” A. Class 4 B. Class 7, Grade 2 C. Grade 1 D. Class 2, Grade 7 ( )⒔“What color do you like?”“I like ____ .” A. white B. the red one C. dark blue D. light green ( )⒕“Excuse me, Ann. Is this your pen?”“No, it’s not mine. I think it’s ____ .” A. yours B. hers C. his D. Lily’s ( )⒖“By the way, do you speak ____ ?”“Y es, I do. But only a little.” A. Germany B. English C. Japanese D. Chinese C.指出有错误的选项。 ( )⒗We speak different language, but keep friendship in mind. A B C D ( )⒘“Where’s the letter from?”“He’s from my pen pal.”


人教版小学三年级英语 测试题 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

姓名:得分: 英语测试卷 一、读出下列词语的英语。(每人任选一组)(24分) 1.铅笔书包头胳膊黑色的猴子鸟牛奶 2.尺子书眼睛白色的猫松鼠果汁飞机 3.橡皮手指身体橙色的狗大象面包 小汽车 二、认一认,连一连。根据图片认一认单词,将左边的单词与右边的图连起来。(20分) 1. pencil-case pen crayon eraser sharpener 2. head ear nose arm hand 三、按书写格式,把下列大写字母的小写形式,小写字母的大写形式写在下面的四线格内。(21分) G H E I Y P FAMILY ELBOW TWO GIRL r d q j m x sing body juice door 四、找答语。(15分) ( ) are you A. Nice to meet you,too

( ) many pencils B . I’m nine. ( )’s your name C. Two., ( ) old are you name is Chen Jie. ( )5. Nice to meet you ’m . 五、 选一选。给图片选出正确的单词,将单词前的序号写在图片下的括号内。(20 分) 1、 2、 ( ) ( ) 3、 4、 ( )( ) 5、 、 7、 8、 9、 10、4 ( ) ( ) A 、 juice B 、 milk C 、coffee A 、pen B 、pencil C 、pencil- case A 、 bread B 、 hot dog C 、hamburger A 、dog B 、pig C 、cat A 、head B 、ear C 、eye A 、eight B 、seven C 、six A 、hand B 、head C 、finger A 、bird B 、rabbit C 、 squirrel A 、doll B 、boat C 、ball A 、four B 、five C 、face


小学三年级下册英语期末考试卷听力部分每题连读两遍 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 ( ) 1.A.China B. Canada ( ) 2.A. woman B. man ( ) 3.A. ten B. pen ( ) 4.A. fat B. cat ( ) 5.A.tall B. tail ( ) 6.A. pear B. bear ( ) 7.A. ball B.box ( ) 8.A. bag B.big ( ) 9.A.cap B.map ( ) 10.A. six B.sixteen 二、仔细听,选出与录音内容相符的图片。 A B 5.() 三、听音,给下面的图片排列序号。 ( ) () ( ) ( ) () 四、听录音,判断图片是(√)否(×)与录音内容相符。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) () ( ) ( ) () 五、听录音,给下面的句子排列顺序。 ()How many kites do you see? ()No! The black on is a bird? ()Look at the kites!

()1,2… I see 12! ()Wow, so beautiful! ()Ohl! 六、听录音,写出下列单词。 笔试部分 七、读一读,圈出不同类的单词。 1. UK mother USA 2. brother student sister 3. big small ball 4. on under chair 5. pear grape bear 6. twenty twelve tail 八、读句子, 把相符图片的编号写在括号内。w ww.X kb1 .coM ()1. This is Miss Wang. She’s a teacher. A. ()2. --Who’s that woman? --She’s my mother? B. ()3. Look at the panda. It's big. It has a short tail. C. ()4. Put on a cap. D. ()5. --How many cars do you see? --I see two. E. ()6. I like strawberries. F. 九、情景交际。请将答案的字母标号写在题前的括号里。


初二英语期末模拟试题 满分:75分考试时间:70分钟 第Ⅰ卷选择题(45分) 一.单项填空(30小题,计15分) A)选择适当的词语替换句子中的划线部分。 ( )1.Tom walks to school every day. A. on foot B. goes to C. goes to … on foot ( )2.There are over 50 students in our class. A. about B. more than C. around ( )3.We had a good time in the park yesterday. A. enjoyed myself B. have fun C. enjoyed ourselves. ( )4.Finally they arrived there after a long journey. A. At the end B. In the end C. At the last ( )5.I got a letter from my friend last week. A. received from B. heard from C. heard a letter from B)从A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入空白处的答案。 ( )6. “____ do you surf the Internet?” “Once a week.” A. How soon B. How often C. How long ( )7.The students in this school have P.E. class once ___ twice a week.


三年级语文科入学测试卷(A卷) 试卷说明:1、本试卷满分100 分,考试时间50 分钟 2、本卷组卷命题人:,校对: 3、本测试卷使用有效期:20XX年5 月25 日至20XX年7月1日。 学生姓名测试时间测试得分家长签名 学生考卷分析: 阅卷与分析人签名: 试卷部分 一、读拼音,写词语。(16分) .fùjìn cǎi hóng tǎo yàn chuán rǎn ( ) ( ) ( ) () .zhēn zhūnínìng hūhuàn shǔjià ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、我是背书小高手,还能默呢。(14分) 1、______________________三千尺,疑是银河落九天。(《望庐山瀑布》)(4分) 2、翠鸟,爱贴着水面疾飞,一眨眼,又轻轻地停在苇秆上 了。,等待游到水面上来的小鱼。(10分)三、我是积累小行家。(6分) 树木()()群山()() ()()舞动()()扑鼻

四、写出黑体字的正确读音填在括号里。(8分) 1、绒绒团中间()是一只黑白相间()的花猫。 2、傣族人民盛()上美酒,举行盛()大的仪式欢迎周总理。 五、我是魔法师,我会照样子变化。(12分) 1、例:照相——照相机 洒水—()()—() 2、例:奶牛——牛奶 山上———()()————() 六、把词语补充完整。(12分) 四面()方自()自()守()待兔 随风()散千()百()目不()睛 七、照样子,写句子。(12分) 1、他的画一出来,就有许多人观赏。 ___________一_____________,就_________________________。 2、他一会儿浓墨涂抹,一会儿轻笔细描,很快就画成了。 _________一会儿_____________,一会儿___________________。 八、读短文,回答问题。(20分) 风沙笑了 漂亮的花儿开满整个村子,树木青翠()发亮,清澈()小河绕着山前进着,来到这里仿佛进入了一幅秀美的画中,让人流连忘返。可是这里的风沙太大了,于是村民们种了几万棵树,风沙每次来袭时都进不了村子,所以,他很气愤,时时刻刻都想将这块风水宝地变成一片风沙地。 不久,这块宝地被一个地产老总看中了,准备在这里盖一座庄园。几天后,老总和工人们带着挖土机、钢筋、水泥、石砖来到了村子里。村民们阻拦过,可无济于事。两年后,庄园盖好了,漂亮,精致;但老总还是不满意,“为了让客户觉得这里的一切都是最优质的,我们要用这里最好的树木做家具”。“轰”一声响倒下了一棵树,跟着许多树都倒了下来。 一天,风沙又来到这儿,令他惊讶的是,那些讨厌的护卫兵竟然一个一个只剩下了半截。他呆了几秒钟后,立刻抓紧时间进了村,到处散播泥土和沙子,这儿真真正正地变成了一个风沙村。风沙得意()站在那儿,仰天大笑:“哈哈哈哈,又一个地方被我占领了。”


PEP三年级下期末试卷 姓名班级学号 一、找出每组单词中划线部分读音不同的一项。(5分) ()1.A.sisiter B.lion C.right D.violion ()2.A.goose B.too C.good D.zoo ()3.A.student B.much C.excuse D.cute ()4.A.peach B.teacher C.really D.please ()5.A.grape B.apple C.grandma D.taxi 二、补全单词。(5分) ()1.st_dent A.e B.a C.u ()2.g_ _l A.ai B.ir C.ur ()3.sh_ _pener A.ar B.er C.or ()4._ _ac_ A.bl,k B.al,k C.pl,k ()5.ch_ _ _ A.era B.air C.are 三、根据提示给下列单词分类。(10分) a. tiger b.grandma c.box d.twelve e.apple f.orange g.sister h.umbrella i.ten j.fox 1.表示数字的有____________________ 2.表示人物的有 ____________________ 3.表示动物的有____________________ 4.表示物品的有 ____________________ 5.表示水果的有____________________ 四、找出与句中划线部分单词意思相反的词。(10分) ()1.Look!The giraffe is so tall. A.short B.big C.cute ()2.The man is my grandpa. A.boy B.girl C.woman ()3.The rabbit has a short tail. A.small B.long C.short ()4.The panda has black eyes. A.brown B.red C.white ()5.Wow!The mouse is so small. A.big B.tall C.short 五、选择。(10分) ()1.The dog_____small ears. A.has B.have C.are ()2.—Mom, _____is my doll? —It’s in the box. A.where B.what C.who ()3. —_____you ______oranges? —Yes,I do. A.Are,like B.Do,like C.Does,like


初二英语试卷 一首字母填空(10分)靠靠你的记忆力,加油阿 1 Thank you for your I____ to go to the movies next week. 2 My mother is busy with housework .I have to b___ my sister. 3 I like to listen to music when I am f____. 4 It’s a p____ that you can’t go with you. 5 I’m still hungry , please give me a___ one. 6 It took him the w___ morning to study for the test. 7 Can you come o_____ to my house to help me with my English. 8 We have to s___ for the math test. 9 Richard is going to be an a____, so he is going to take acting lesson 10 She can speak three f_____ languages , such as English ,French and Japanese . 二、单项选择(20分) ( )1.There is _____with the computer. A.something wrong B.anything wrong C.wrong something D.wrong anything ()2.Don’t forget the lights when you leave the classroom. A.turn on B.turn off C.to turn on D.to turn off ()3.—Can you come to my party?—. A.No, I’d love to B.Sure , I’d love to C.No, I can’t D.I’d love ()4.There is snow here in winter. A.too much B.too many C.much too D.many ()5.Thanks for . A.to ask B.asking C.ask D.asked ()6.Let’s ask the man us. A.help B.to help C.helping D.helps ()7.What about for a walk?. A.to take B.take C.takes D.taking ()8.—Must I do it now? —. A.No, you needn’t B.Yes , you mustn’t C.No , you must D.No, you mustn’t ()9.Do you mind the windows? A.my open B.my opening C.I open D.to pen ()10. Can you my house? https://www.360docs.net/doc/1e9453025.html,e B.came C.came to https://www.360docs.net/doc/1e9453025.html,e over to ()11. of the two men is my uncle. A.The older B.older C.The old D.The oldest ()12.Lucy’s Skirt is nicer than. A.Lily’s B.Lily C.Lilys D.Lilys ()13.The weather(天气)in Guangzhou is hotter than in Haerbin
