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五保户household enjoying the five guarantees
无尘粉笔dust-free chalk
无党派人士non-party personage
屋顶花园roof garden
无多数议会hung parliament
无风不起浪There are no waves without wind. There's no smoke without fire.
无缝网络Seamless Network
无氟冰箱freon-free refrigerator
文联literary federation
无公害蔬菜"green" vegetable
无固定期限合同open-ended contract
无核区nuclear-free zone
无核武器区nuclear-weapon-free zone
物价局Price Bureau
五讲四美三热爱the movement of "five stresses, four points of beauty and three loves"
五金化工metals and chemicals
无力偿付的公司insolvent corporation
武力冲突armed conflict
物流the interflow of goods and materials
乌龙球own goal
屋漏又逢连阴雨Misfortunes never come singly. When it rains it pours.
物美价廉be affordable but of very high quality
无农不稳(There is) no political stability without the development of agricultural production
武器禁运arms embargo
武器输出国arms exporter; arms-exporting country
武器输入国arms importer; arms-importing country
污染指数pollution index
无人飞船unmanned spacecraft
无人驾驶车driverless vehicle
无人驾驶汽车driverless vehicle
无人售票self-service ticketing
无商不活(There will be )no economic revitalization without the development of a commodity economy
无绳来电显示电话ordless telephone with caller ID
午睡吧nap bars
污水处理sewage treatment/ disposal
五天制工作日five-day workweek
无土栽培soilless cultivation
无为而治govern by doing nothing that is against nature; govern by non-interference
无息贷款interest-free loan
武侠小说tales of roving knights; martial arts novel; kung fu novel (船只或飞机发出的)无线电求救呼号a mayday call
无效进球disallowed goal
无性夫妻―separate‖couples, couples don‘t share bedroom.
无性生殖法asexual reproduction
无形资产intangible assets
务虚会theory-discussing meeting
无烟工业smokeless industry
无烟工业smokeless industry
无烟环境smoke-free environment
业主home owner
物业公司property management company
物业管理estate management, property management
物以类聚,人以群分Birds of a feather flock together.
无源雷达passive radar
无源之水,无本之木water without a source, and a tree wiithout roots
物质鼓励material encouragement
无纸化办公go paperless.
物质文明material progress
无绳来电显示电话ordless telephone with caller ID
无线应用协议W AP(wireless application protocol)
物质文明建设和精神文明建设一起抓pay attention to ethical as well as material progress
物种起源origin of species
无中生有make/create something out of nothing
物资平衡balance in the supply and demant of goods and materials
误差幅度margin of error
无偿献血blood donation without payment
五个统筹maintain the five balances
无轨电车trolley bus
五局三胜best of five
乌拉圭回合the Uruguay Round
舞龙舞狮dragon-lion dance
无期徒刑life imprisonment
物权法property rights law
无条件最惠国待遇原则Unconditional Most-favored-nation Treatment
细胞工程cell engineering
西部大开发Western Development, large-scale development of the western region