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1-100 (略)

ten / one hundred / one thousand / ten thousand / one hundred thousand

one million / ten million / one hundred million / one billion

123one hundrend and twenty-three

1,234 one thusand, two hundred and thirty-four. 12,345 twelve thousand, three hundred and forty-five

( 千位与百位之间用逗号连接, 百位与十位之间用and连接, 十位与个位之间用连字

符- 连接 )

three hundred ( hundred 没有复数, 不能加s; hundred 前面只能用数字, 不能用 many

和 a few )

hundreds of ( hundred 如果加s, 后面必须接 of ) five thousand ( thousand 没有复数, 不能加s;thousand 前面只能用数字, 不能用 many

和 a few )

thousands of ( thousand 如果加s, 后面必须接 of )


first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth


sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twenty-first twenty-second

twentieth thirtieth fortieth fiftieth sixtieth seventieth eightieth ninetieth one hundredth

Lesson Three: 第三课 page four six three: 第463页 page five o seven: 第507

Room three o five: 第305房间: Seventy-six Chang’an Stree: 长安街76号

in his fifties: 在他50多岁的时候

January twenty-eighth February fourteenth October first

年代: 1978: nineteen seventy-eight 2008: two thousand and eight 2010: two thousand and ten 1900: nineteen hundred

1908: nineteen and eight / nineteen hundred and eight

1960s(1960’s): 二十世纪六十年代 ( in the 1960s / in the 1960’s )

钟点: 8:45 eight forty-five / a quarter to nine 9:15 nine fifteen / a quarter past nine

10:03 ten three / three past ten

11:30 eleven thirty / half past eleven

小数的读法:1.25 : one point two five 3.728 : three point seven two eight

0.56 : (zero) point five six / (naught) point five six

百分数的读法:5%: five percent; 20%:twenty percent;

100%: one hundred percent

0.5%: zero point five percent ( naught point five percent )

分数表示法:分子用基数词, 分母用序数词. 分子大于 1 时, 分母用复数形式.

1/5 : one fifth;2/5 : two fifths; 1/4 : a quarter / one fourth

3/4 : three quarters / three fourths;

5 1/2 : five and a half; 7 2/5 : seven and two fifths


1/2 : one over two 2/3 : two over three

3/4 : three over four 11/20 : eleven over twenty


1. He became a famous writer in his .

A. thirty

B. thirtieth

C. thirties

D. thirty’s 2. -- How often do you go to the movies ? -- a month.

A. two

B. second

C. the second

D. twice 3. My office is on floor.

A. twelve

B. twelfth

C. twelveth

D. the


4. There are more than three people in the park.

A. hundred

B. hundreds

C. hundreds of

D. hundred of 5. The weight of the moon is only about one of the earth.

A. eight

B. eighth

C. eighty

D. the


6. Mr Brown’s room is on the third floor.

A. Room 309

B. 309 Room

C. the Room 309

D. the 309 Room 7. China is largest country in the world.

A. the

B. three

C. third

D. the third 8. There are workers in this factory.

A. five thousand and two hundred and sixty-five

B. five thousand and two hundred and sixty five

C. five thousand, two hundred and sixty-five

D. five thousands, two hundred and sixty-five

9. Tom is a boy.

A. 12 year old

B. 12 years old

C. 12-years-old

D. 12-year-old 10.About of the students in my class are girls.

A. three fifth

B. three fifths

C. third five

D. third fives 11.There is not enough room for us .

A. four

B. the four

C. fourth

D. the fourth 12.Ten years a long time.

A. were

B. is

C. are

D. be

13.I was exhausted after walk.

A. six hours

B. six hour’s

C. six hours’

D. six hour 14.Coca Cola started to enter China’s market .

A. in 1970’s

B. in 1970s

C. in the 1970s’

D. in the 1970s 15.My apartment is on floor of this building.

A. thirty

B. thirtyth

C. the thirtyth

D. the


