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Ⅰ.Make the best choice

1. is seen as a way to stimulate gains in economic efficiency by giving new private owners a powerful incentive—the reward of greater profits—to search for increases in productivity, to enter new markets, and to exit losing ones.


B. creation of a legal system

C. privatization


2.We can identify three broad types of economic systems,which is not right for the following?:

A. a market economy

B. a command economy

C. a green economy

D. a mixed economy

3.The first theory of international trade, , emerged in England in the mid-16th century.

parative advantage theory

B. absolute advantage theory

C.H-O theory

D. mercantilism

4.There are three main types of legal systems---or legal traditions ---in use around the world,for the following which is not right?

A. common law

B. civil law

C. theocratic law

D. continent law

5.In a , certain sectors of the economy are left to private ownership and free market mechanisms while other sectors have significant state ownership and government planning.

A.Planed economy

B. mixed economy

C. command economy

D. central economy

6.In a mixed economy, certain sectors of the economy are left to private ownership and free market mechanisms while other sectors have significant state ownership and government planning.

A.Planed economy

B. mixed economy

C. command economy

D. central economy

7.A local content requirement is a requirement that some specific fraction of a good be .

A.produced domestically

B. produced in abroad

C. produced at home

D. produced globally

8.A system tends to be less adversarial than a common law system, since the judges rely upon …detailed legal codes rather than interpreting tradition, precedent, and custom.

A. theocratic law

B. common law

C. continent law

D. civil law

9.A subsidy is a to a domestic producer.

A.Personal payment

B. producer payment

C. government payment

D. firm payment

10.A subsidy is a government payment to a domestic producer.

A. Personal payment

B. producer payment

C. government payment

D. firm payment

11.To understand about an import tariff is who suffers and who gains, which is correct ?

A. The government lose

B. Domestic producers gain

C. Consumers gains

D. Domestic producers lose

12. is based on tradition, precedent, and custom.

A. theocratic law

B. common law

C. continent law

D. civil law

13.Dumping is defined as selling goods in a foreign market at their costs of production or as selling goods in a foreign market at below their “fair” market value.

A. upon

B. below

C. equal

D. others

14.The WTO was founded in the year of





15.Cooperation between management and labor can be achieved at a lower cost in a culture where the value system emphasizes .

A. the virtue of brave

B. the virtue of self-confident

C. the virtue of loyalty

D. love

16. refers to the establishment of a new operation in a foreign country.

A. mergering

B. acquiring

C. greenfield investment


17.To understand about an import tariff is who suffers and who gains, which is correct ?
