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考研英语写作冲刺密训 刘晓艳
?1. 考研英语写作注意事项(交代后事) ?2. 考研英语写作考情预测(及必备范文) ?3. 考研英语写作无敌模板(命题规律破解)
一 考研英语写作(翻译)注意事 项
a. 定心神丸 b. 保分神器
2. 抢分心法
2.1 正觉正念 你一定行
?to write a letter to express your thanks to one of your friends who helped you most when you were in difficulty.
?to write a letter to express your thanks to one of your school teachers upon entering college
?the harm caused by misleading information online.
六级作文 16.6
?to imagine what will happen when robots take the place of human beings in industry as well as people's daily lives.
?the impact of social networking websites on reading
?the difficulty in acquiring useful information in spite of advanced information technology.
?to imagine what will happen when more and more people study on-line instead of going to school.
?to imagine what will happen when people spend more and more time in the virtual world instead of interacting in the real world
? 15年12月真题 三个作文题目命题都是漫画,主题全部 涉及网络科技类,分别包含 “社交网络对阅读的影响、先 进技术条件下获得有用信息的难度以及虚假信息的危害 ”, 这些话题在 2012年之后的四六级都属于同质性很高的话题 16年6月真题三个作文题目在命题形式上都属于英文引语,话题 (再次)涉及网络科技,包括“机器人在工业领域和日常生活取 代人类、越来越多的人在线学习、虚拟世界和真实世界的互动”
?to express your thanks to your parents or any other family member upon making a memorable achievement.
?15年考察题目以“心态哲理,品质素质为主” 涉及“倾听、终生学习和参与感” ?16年6月的题目再次出现反押题,继考察“求职信”之后, 本次考试三封书信都是感谢信,考前准备的模板全部失 效,考生考场上的自由发挥再次得到印证 16年12月四级预测会出现漫画作文,主题涉及社会性话 题为主,偏向教育、文化、网络科技和家庭关系或环境话题 当然,全面而系统的覆盖和笼罩性准备,依旧是保障
?Saving energy/ inherit the traditional culture ,virtues
?Patience/ haste makes waste / independence ?Making plans/ valuing time / be thrifty/ details ?Sense of innovation/ passion ,enthusiasm in life ?be open to/ inclusive of others' criticism ?Honesty / modesty / process or result/ cooperation ?A contended mind / persistence/ diligence / confidence ?Objectives/ concentration/ communication/ optimism
16.12月六级命题更多倾向漫画作文, 主题也会涉及心态哲理和品质素质为主
?Information security / Personal data leakage ?Credit Cards/ Password flooding / mobile phone
2. 命题话题
? 2015.12 A: Listening is more important than talking , illustrate the importance of paying attention to others' opinions B: Learning is a daily experience and a lifetime mission , to illustrate the importance of lifelong learning C: Never go out there to see what happens, go out there to make things happen , to illustrate the importance of being participants rather than mere onlookers in life
?* 你的分数不一定全由自己决定
2. 写作的抢分心法
2.2 从容淡定 字迹工整
2. 抢分心法
2.3 语言质量的切实提高 a. 尽少语法错误 /无错别字
便利的 资源 志愿者
考研英语核心580词 汇
2. 抢分心法
2.3 语言质量的切实提高 b. 尽量出彩的 (well-dressed) 语言表达
-1persistence 坚持重要性
?Persistence is very important. ?Nothing can be more important than persistence.
二 考研英语写作考情预测(七大必备范文)
1. 命题形式 全英文引语、漫画、应用文、图表作文
二 考研英语写作考情预测(七Baidu Nhomakorabea预测范 文)