






关键词:MSP430 DS18B20 PID算法PWM LCD12864目录一、任务及要求 (1)1.1设计任务 (1)1.2要求 (1)1.2.1基本要求 (1)1.2.2发挥部分 (1)二、方案设计与论证 (2)2.1 温度检测电路方案选择 (2)2.2显示电路的方案选择 (2)2.3加热和控制方案选择 (2)2.4控制算法选择与论证 (3)三、系统硬件电路设计 (3)3.1系统结构框图 (3)3.2控制器模块 (3)3.3温度检测电路设计 (4)3.4加热控制电路设计 (5)3.5键盘及显示电路设计 (5)3.6电源电路设计 (6)四、软件设计 (6)4.1 PID算法设计 (6)4.2程序流程图 (8)4.2.1主程序框图 (8)4.2.2 LCD12864程序流程图 (9)4.2.3 PID程序流程图 (10)4.2.4 DS18B20水温检测程序流程图 (11)五、系统测试及分析 (12)5.1系统调试 (12)5.1.1控制模块的调试 (12)5.1.2 温度检测模块 (12)5.1.3 继电器的检测 (12)5.2测试结果及分析 (12)5.2.1测试仪器 (12)5.2.2测试方法 (13)5.2.3测试结果 (13)六、设计总结 (14)七、附录 (15)附录1 仪表器件清单 (15)附录2 水温控制系统原理图 (16)附录3 程序设计 (17)一、任务及要求1.1设计任务该水温控制系统是一个典型的检测、控制型应用系统,它要求系统完成从水温检测、信号处理、输入、运算输出控制加热装置以实现水温控制的全过程。



Design of Flexible Interface Unit for Functional Reconfigurationof Measurement and Control SystemPenghui Zhao a, * and Haibin Yuan bSchool of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191,China.a, * ****************.cn,b ***************.cnAbstract. Aiming at the problems of static fixed network architecture, low resource utilization and difficult maintenance of existing measurement and control system network, this paper introduces a design scheme of flexible interface unit which can realize functional reconfiguration. The design uses the FPGA as the core control element, and completes the configuration and normal work of the FPGA by communicating with the host computer. In this paper, the hardware design of the circuit and the whole workflow are given in detail. The realization of logic control circuit, power-driven module and initialization module are mainly introduced. The experimental data show that the flexible interface unit has fast switching speed and high precision, and can quickly and effectively complete functional reconfiguration in the measurement and control system with high reliability and configurable redundant components.Keywords: Measurement and Control System; Relay-array; Functional Reconfiguration; FPGA.1. IntroductionAt present, computer, communication, command and information technology jointly promote the rapid development of measurement and control (TT&C) systems. The TT&C bus with measurement and control system as its main objective has gone through the development process of GPIB, VXI and PXI bus. It has been widely used in automobile industry, military equipment, aerospace testing and other fields [1]. But in the complex large-scale measurement and control system, the device connection is a static hierarchical structure, and a large number of test cables need frequent manual switching. In addition, due to the solidification of the node relationship, the upper nodes depend on the function realization of the lower nodes, any node failure may lead to the failure of the entire subsystem function, and the reliability and flexibility of the system is poor [2].In order to solve the above problems, we can apply the strategy of system functional reconfiguration. For the system architecture that cannot meet the current requirements of measurement and control, we can remove, add or switch some of the equipment circuits, and reconstruct the functions needed by the link connection to restore the system. Therefore, this paper designs a flexible interface unit for functional reconfiguration of measurement and control system.Fig. 1 System connection of the flexible interface unitAs shown in Fig.1, the tested/controlled units that need frequent switching, the measurement andcontrol resources that are idle of the system, and other backup resources are connected to the system3rd International Conference on Computer Engineering, Information Science & Application Technology (ICCIA 2019)Advances in Computer Science Research (ACSR), volume 90network through the flexible interface unit. When the system has component failure or needs to switch the measurement and control object, the flexible interface unit is disconnected from the unrelated device, and then the required device is connected to the system network to realize the flexible connection of the system interface. The flexible interface unit can effectively improve the resource utilization efficiency and fault handling capability of the system, reduce the cost and time of system fault repair, and greatly enhance the reliability and maintainability of the measurement and control equipment, and improve intelligence, flexibility and safety of the test system.2.Principle Model of the Flexible Interface UnitThe flexible interface unit connects the redundancy and backup resources in the measurement and control equipment to the system network. When components in the system are damaged, the faulty components can be isolated through the flexible interface unit to initiate backup to quickly restore the system. Therefore, according to the requirements of functional reconstruction, the flexible interface unit should have the following characteristics [3]: 1) The unit has enough interfaces to connect as many measurement and control resources as possible to the network; 2) The flexible unit has a faster response speed and higher precision to quickly switch components and reduce the disturbance when signal passing; 3)The unit has high security and avoids control errors such as line shorting and channel conflict. According to the needs of the measurement and control system, the functional block diagram of the designed flexible unit is shown in Fig.2.Fig. 2 Principle block diagram of flexible interface unitThe flexible interface unit is mainly composed of relay-array, initialization module, driving module and programmable logic control circuit. When there is a component failure, the host computer issues an instruction to the programmable control circuit, and the control circuit decodes and then controls the switch of the relay array through the driving module. The initialization module is used to start or reset to verify whether the flexible unit itself is working properly.3.Design in Hardware of the Flexible Interface Unit3.1The Design of Relay-array ModuleAfter analysis, the SRD-05VDC-SL-C relay was selected for its voltage range is large, and the cost performance is high. The rated voltage of the relay is 5V, the coil power is 360mW and the response time is less than 10ms. The internal structure of the relay is shown in Fig.3. Pin1 and Pin2 are the control signals of the relay, Pin5 is the input signal, Pin3 is the normally closed output, and Pin4 is the normally open output. When voltage of Pin1 is 5V higher than Pin2, the inductor coil is energized, and the generated electromagnetic force attracts the metal switch downward to close thenormally open output, and the Pin 4 and Pin5 are connected electrically. After the 5V control voltage is disconnected, the electromagnetic force disappears and the metal switch bounces back to the normally closed output again.Fig. 3 The internal structure of relayThe relay array can be set to various specifications depending on the number of backup components in the measurement and control system. For different types of backup components, we can continue to add relay-arrays or expand the array size to connect more components to the measurement and control network. This paper designs an 8-input and 8-output relay-array model as shown in Fig.4. When the measurement and control signal is transmitted from an input channel, the switch of the relay can be controlled to select the channel of the output so that the connection of different input ports to the output port can be flexibly realized, and the flexible interface configuration of the measurement and control system is completed.Fig. 4 Relay-array model3.2The Design of Programmable Logic Control CircuitThe main function of the programmable logic control circuit module is to realize data decoding, verification and latching [4]. Taking into account the dynamic changes in demand, we use FPGA to build circuits. With high integration, short development cycle, and rich internal trigger and I/O resources, FPGA is a good choice for designing control circuits, which can be programmed online. The host computer sends an initialization command and a relay on/off command to the FPGA so we can realize the safe start of the flexible interface unit and the function reconstruction when some component fails [5].3.2.1 Introducing the Communication ProtocolFor the 8×8 relay-array, the row number and column number are both marked as 0~7, and the relay can be uniquely determined according to the row number and column number. The host computer communicates with the FPGA through the UART serial port, each communication uses 1 byte of data and the data format of the serial communication is shown in Fig.5. The first two data formats areapplied to the host computer to send instructions to the FPGA, and the FPGA responds to the instructions and returns the result using the third data format. Since the row number and the column number each occupy 3 bits which indicate the labels of 0 to 7(from 000 to 111), so that we specify that in all data communication formats D2 to D4 represent the row numbers and D5 to D7 represent the column numbers. In the host computer control instruction, D0 indicates the control mode: when D0 is 1, if D1 is 1, it means to turn on the relay, and if D0 is 1, it means to turn off the relay. When D0 is 1, FPGA is required to check whether the relay can work normally. In the signal returned by the FPGA, that D0 is 0 indicates that the instruction received by the FPGA is legal and that D0 is 1 indicates the instruction is illegal. When D1 is 0, we can get the flexible interface unit executed successfully, and D1 is 1 indicates the execution failed. The specific relay label in all of the formats of transmitted data discussed above is given by D2~D7.Fig. 5 UART serial communication frame format3.2.2 FPGA Internal ProgrammingThe FPGA device we selected is Xilinx's XC6SLX9, with XCF04 as configured Flash, which is programmed to decode, verify, and latch the circuit. We use the hardware design tool ISE to complete the input, synthesis, implementation, verification, download and other aspects of FPGA product development. After the design is completed, the simulation software ModelSim is used to simulate and analyze the logic circuit.The decoding circuit analyzes the control commands received by the FPGA from the host computer, and determines operations to be performed according to the communication protocol. The latch circuit which is simple to implement in the FPGA can define Verilog register variables and assign them to the I/O port. Each relay is controlled by an I/O port for the corresponding output pin is locked while the register variable is unchanged [6].Inspection circuit is used to determine whether the received instructions are legitimate. Any input row of the relay-array can only have one relay on at the same time. Otherwise, signal crosstalk may be disturbed and even serious faults may occur such as power shortage, device burnout, etc. Therefore, for the received instruction, the FPGA internally generates a status table to record whether rows and columns of relay-array have been occupied. For example, after the initialization is completed the host computer sends the instruction “01011101” to the FPGA, that is, the relay of row 3 and has been turned on, and the recording line number 3 is occupied at this time. After that we assumes the FPGA received the instruction of “01011001” which means the relay at row 3 and column 1 in array should be turned on. Comparing the status table at this time, we find the row 3 has been already occupied so that the instruction is illegal and cannot be executed, and the FPGA sends error feedback to the host computer.3.3 The Design of Driving ModuleThe driving circuit module needs to be designed for the I/O port of FPGA can only lock the high or low level, but its current and sink current are insufficient, and the relay cannot be driven to complete the switching action. Here we choose the inverting driver MC1413, which consists of 7 NPN Darlington tubes, can be directly connected to TTL and CMOS circuits at 5V operating voltage.It sinks up to 500mA and can withstand 50V in the off state, fully meeting the control requirements of the I/O port for relays [7]. The specific circuit schematic is shown in Fig.6.Fig. 6 Driving circuit schematic diagramA1~A7 of MC1413 are input pins, Y1~Y7 are output pins, and K is connected to +5V voltage. The input pins are connected to the I/O ports of FPGA, the output pins are connected to negatives of relays, and the anodes of relays are connected to +5V. The diode is used for circuit freewheeling to prevent the back electromotive force generated by the coil from damaging the device when the relay is disconnected [8]. For example, the I/O1 of the FPGA is set to a high level of 3.3V. At this time, the output of the inverting driver Y1 is low, the current of the relay coil is passed, the metal piece is closed, and the relay is turned on. Similarly, when I/O1 is set to a low level, Y1 is connected to +5V due to the action of the inverter. Both ends of the relay are high level, no current flows through the coil, and the relay is disconnected.3.4 The Design of Initialization ModuleThe initialization module can detect whether the relay-array works normally when the flexible interface unit is started or reset to avoid the problems of the switch failure, poor contact, abnormal resistance of the relay-array itself, which may have an influence on the signal transmission of the measurement and control system, and can effectively improve the flexible interface unit safety and reliability [9].Fig. 7 Initialization circuit schematic diagramFig.7 is the circuit diagram of the initialization module which uses a +5V DC power supply. The figure shows four relays J00, J01, J10, J11 in the first two rows and the first two columns of the relay-array. The output port of the operational amplifier, Vout, is connected to the I/O port of FPGA, and the level characteristic of the I/O port is set to LVCMOS 3.3V. When the relay is closed, the resistance effect is ignored, the voltage of the non-inverting input terminal and the inverting input terminal of the operational amplifier are equal, the output voltage Vout is equal to 0, and the I/O port of the FPGA is detected as a low level. When the relay is disconnected, the voltage of the non-inverting input terminal of the operational amplifier is 1.647V and the inverting input terminal is grounded through R4 and R5 and connected with the output terminal through R7. We calculate that Vout is equal to 3.294V at this time, and the I/O port of the FPGA is detected as high level.After the FPGA receives the initialization command, it closes the corresponding relay. For the initialization of a single relay, the I/O port connected to Vout is “1” when the relay is disconnected, and Vout is “0” when the relay is closed. A detection level error indicates that the relay cannot be normally switched or the resistance is abnormal. For a faulty relay, the FPGA sends an error message and the corresponding relay number to the host computer.4.Design in Software of Flexible Interface UnitThe main program flow chart of the flexible interface unit is shown in Fig.8.Fig. 8 Main program flow chart of flexible interface unit After the flexible interface unit is started, the host computer sends an initialization command. The FPGA sequentially checks whether each relay is normal and when the relay is found to be faulty the system stops working. If no fault is found, the FPGA generates a status table of relay-array and records whether the relays are turned on in each row. Since all relays are disconnected at this time, the row and column values in the status table are all 0, indicating that they are not occupied. If therelay is required to be disconnected by the control signal, directly perform the operation to set the corresponding I/O port low and change the status of the row to 0. If the command requires the relay to close, check whether the row is occupied in the status table. If it is closed, the command is illegal and cannot be executed. For legitimate operations, the FPGA executes control instruction and sets the I/O port high and changes the value of the row and column in the status table to 1. After the action is completed, the execution result is sent to the host computer, and then the host computer is requested to end the process. If the request is successful, the process ends, otherwise it continues to wait for the control command.5.The Results of ExperimentIn order to determine the safety and feasibility of the above design, the flexible interface unit is connected to the measurement and control system for verification by experiment. We add +12V DC power supply to the system, and control the 3×2 relays to turn on and off in turn, and record the execution time of the host computer program, that is, the time from when the command is issued until the last disconnected feedback signal is received. The above operation was repeated 4 times to obtain Table 1. The average time taken to continuously complete 6 relays is 75.843ms and the average switching time of each relay is 6.321ms.Table 1. Execution time of relay switchingExperiment number Execution time(ms)Mean of execution time(ms)1 75.996 6.3322 75.731 6.3103 75.775 6.3124 75.851 6.320Average value 75.843 6.321 The experiment also tested the voltage error of the flexible interface unit. The above 3×2 relay array was closed, and the input voltage and output voltage values were measured for comparison. The data results are shown in Table 2. The maximum difference between the test input voltage and the output voltage is 13mV, and the maximum relative error is 0.108%.Table 2. Voltage measurement resultsRelay number Input voltage(V)Output voltage(V)Relative error(%) J0012.01212.008-0.033J0112.00912.0150.050J1012.00512.0180.108J1112.00312.000-0.025J2012.00812.0010.058J2112.011 12.007 -0.0336.ConclusionThe above experimental results show that the flexible interface unit controls the relay on and off by the drive circuit through the host computer control, effectively completes its own initialization function and the function reconstruction task of the measurement and control system, and can be applied to the systems whose architecture is prone to failure, inconvenient maintenance or have redundant device. In the experiment, the test relay switching time is within 6.332ms, and relative error of the voltage is within 0.108%, which ensures the rapidity and reliability of the system reconstruction task. Due to the free implementation of the programmable control circuit, the flexible interface unit can be developed in terms of integration, intelligence and low power consumption, and has a good application prospect.References[1].Hong C, Xin-Yu J. The Analysis and Actuality of Measure-control System Bus Technology[J].Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Magazine, 2003.[2].Neves, Saotome. Comparison between Redundancy Techniques for Real Time Applications[C]//International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations. IEEE Computer Society, 2008.[3].Xiang Xuezhi, Kai Xianglong, Zhang Zhenyu. Design of switching matrix module based on PXIbus[J]. Foreign Electronic Measurement Technology, 2013, 32(12):76-79.[4].Wang Jie. Xilinx FPGA / CPLD Design Manual [M]. The Posts and Telecommunications Press,2011.[5].Zhang H G, Xing H G, Wang D S, et al. Design of Massive Switching Matrix Module Based onField Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)[J]. Torpedo Technology, 2006.[6].Ren Xiaodong, Wen Bo. CPLD/FPGA Advanced Application Development Guide[M].Electronic Industry Press, 2003.B. R. Jackson and T. Pitman, U.S. Patent No. 6,345,224 (8 July 2004).[7].Chen Jiandong. A Practical Circuit of MC1413[J]. Home electronics, 1998(01):21. R. C.Mikkelson (private communication).[8].Han Zhiqiang, Zhang Jianjun, Yan Ruliang. Relay Fault Analysis and MATLAB Simulation [J].Electrician technology, 2006(10):13-14.[9].Ge Genhua, Zang Chunhua. Horizontator measurement and control cabinet with self-inspectionand self-protection functions[J]. Electronic Technique, 2006(08):44-48.。



湿度传感器 7 U6 6 5 R59 4 3 2 N 超声波测距模块接口 温度传感器
10 3
P30 P31
N N 2 3 4 5 6 7
89C54RD+ 40C-PDIP40 1039C1P746907
51单片机 学习开发系统 型号:GL9
100 16V RVT
R45 R44
T1 K2
T2 K3 K4
U9 R63 R64 R62
10 3
PS /2键盘接口
P1.0 P1.1 P1.2 P1.3 P1.4 P1.5 P1.6 P1.7 P3.0 P3.1 P3.2 P3.3 P3.4 P3.5 P3.6 P3.7 P0.0 P0.1 P0.2 P0.3 P0.4 P0.5 P0.6 P0.7 P2.7 P2.6 P2.5 P2.4 P2.3 P2.2 P2.1 P2.0
液晶接口 液晶接口
CN26 VR3 CN27
K A Vlcd RST CS2 CS1 DB7 CN29 DB6 h g DB5 DB4 f DB3 e DB2 d DB1 c DB0 b E a 1位静态数码管 R/W RS Vo Vdd Vss











其系统整体结构如下图3-1所示:图3-1 智能花卉浇灌系统整体结构图单片机主要负责本地部分数据采集和控制,DHT11温湿度传感器将采集到温湿度数据传送给单片机,单片机处理后传送到TFT LCD显示屏显示出来,同时通过串口将数据传递给4G开发平台。





本方案技术重点主要分为LED照明技术和Z igBee协议组网技术和GPRS远程传输技术。


本设计硬件由atmage16、atmega128单片机,ZigBee sz05模块和sz11GPRS模块,和LED路灯灯头以及路灯电源相关器件组成,软件基于Delphi的上位机设计和基于c的下位机程序设计。








(2)没有固定IP地址,但是该电脑能够运行在公共网络,每次连接上网IP 地址都会改变。



44 集成电路应用 第 38 卷 第 6 期(总第 333 期)2021 年 6 月
否符合要求,若LED闪烁则说明超出限度应停止灌 溉。最后对湿度数据进行转换并储存。
2.3 灌溉控制模块程序设计 本系统的灌溉控制方式由手动和自动两种构
成。手动控制是通过操作上位机界面或手机端界面 的浇灌按钮来执行对继电器的操作。自动控制则是 收集到的土壤湿度数据与设置的阈值比较,当土壤 湿度值低于设定值时就自动执行程序控制继电器打 开,开始灌溉,当设定的灌溉量达到时,程序自动 控制继电器关闭,停止灌溉。
[18] 周岩,江冰,邬智俊,胡钢.提水式泵站农业灌 溉用水全智能化计量系统研究[J].测控技术, 2020,39(05):107-111.
[19] 张明.基于物联网的农田灌溉系统设计——以 甘肃省张掖市甘州区沿山灌区为例[J].甘肃 科技纵横,2021,50(04):8-11.
集成电路应用 第 38 卷 第 6 期(总第 333 期)2021 年 6 月 45
册状态信息并进行上报; (5)复位NB模块,查询网络的注册状态,若
为“1”,表示正在联网运行,若为“2”,表示正 在搜索网络。
(6)AT寻查默认IP地址是否为默认PDN,若是 默认的PDN,则查询IMEI号,然后发送数据,入网 配置完成。
2.5 电信云平台配置 进入电信云平台,根据步骤注册用户并开通
基于NB-IoT智能灌溉系统硬件终端主要由MCU 主控模块、NB-IoT无线传输模块、数据采集模块、 灌溉控制模块、以及电源供电电路组成。
(1)MCU主控模块:从功耗、性能、价格和开 发难度这四个方面考虑。使用STM32单片机作为本 系统的MCU主控芯片。
(2)NB无线传输模块:采用移远公司的 BC95-B5模块。



U1 给力者
51单片机 学习开发系统
C7 +
74HC138 U4
有源蜂鸣器 无源蜂鸣器
100 16V RVT IIC存储器
STC 40C-PDIP40 1039C1P746907
7,步骤4 : 设置其它参数,此处按照默认即可。

8,步骤5 : 下载,点击 Download/下载 键即可启动下载,点击前要保证GL9型开发板 已经正确的通过USB数据线连接于电脑的USB接口上,并且将开关SW1置于左侧。
5 6 7 CN4
22 16V RVT
R49 R53 V10
R52 R51 R50
+ R49 R48 JP1
3 CN3
100 16V RVT 100 16V RVT



F1 F2
h g f e d c b a
C1 C2
E5 22 16V RVT
51 MCU
10 3
16×16 LED点阵屏
C10 C11 R67R86
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
10A 250VAC 10A 125VAC 10A 30VDC 10A 28VDC
湿度传感器 7 U6 6 5 R59 4 3 2 N 超声波测距模块接口 温度传感器
10 3
P30 P31
N N 2 3 4 5 6 7
89C54RD+ 40C-PDIP40 1039C1P746907










粮食水分检测装置设计胥保文;蔡健荣;孙力;张文松;安玉亭;何振鲁【摘要】开发了一套对射式微波水分检测装置.以STC89C52芯片为主处理器,控制各部件执行顺序.为保证物料装载的一致性,采用光电开关控制装载量;为消除温度影响,实时采集样本料温,建立温度补偿模型;为避免微波产生热效应,采用时序控制采集温度及微波信号,以实现粮食水分的准确测量.经实验验证,物料实际水分与微波检测水分之间的相关系数>0.96,满足实际检测要求.%A set of grain moisture detection device based on incident microwave was designed,and the STC89C52 chip was used as the main processor to control the execution order of each component.Moreover,the photoelectric switch was used to keep the amount of the loading material in line.In order to eliminate the influence of temperature,it was detected in real time,and the temperature compensation model is established.To avoid the thermal effect of microwave,the sequential control system was applied to collect temperature and microwave signals,ensuring the accurate measurement of grain moisture.The results showed that the correlation coefficient between actual moisture content and microwave moisture content was greater than 0.96,and it could meet the requirements of actual test.【期刊名称】《食品与机械》【年(卷),期】2017(033)009【总页数】3页(P81-83)【关键词】粮食水分;微波;检测装置【作者】胥保文;蔡健荣;孙力;张文松;安玉亭;何振鲁【作者单位】江苏大学,江苏镇江212013;江苏大学,江苏镇江212013;山东同泰集团股份有限公司,山东日照276801;江苏大学,江苏镇江212013;山东同泰集团股份有限公司,山东日照276801;山东同泰集团股份有限公司,山东日照276801;山东同泰集团股份有限公司,山东日照276801【正文语种】中文粮食在储藏过程中应及时掌握水分变化情况,水分过高易引起霉变、生虫等,造成粮食变质;水分过低会破坏其有机物质[1]。



2nd Annual International Conference on Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Information Science (EEEIS 2016) Design and implementation of automatic test system based onnetworkYong Xie, Zhen-Yu Wang, Si-Fang Liu and Li-Li XiaChina Satellite Maritime Tracking and Control Department,Jiangyin 214431, ChinaEmail:**********************Corresponding author: Si-Fang LiuAbstract: Based on the analysis of the interface relationship of each type of equipment, aset of automatic test system is developed by the unified interface. Four modules aredesigned for this purpose: I/O module, A/D module, protocol conversion module andmicrowave network module. The software of the host computer can control manydifferent types of devices. The constructed system has reliable communication andoperation/use convenient, good extension and for equipment to improve the level ofinformation management, improve the ability of the task to carry out the test and madeimportant contributions.Keywords: Airborne cooperative target; Automatic test; Function module; C#.1.IntroductionDue to the shipboard TT&C equipment with the use of frequency band is wide,in order to meet the performance and testing of the accuracy calibration flighttask needs in aircraft equipped with a large number of cooperative targets,including various frequency/mode response and beacon equipment. Is the abilityto ensure that these carry out cooperative target test tasks, the daily necessarypower and test work. Due to the different electrical characteristics of thesecooperative target, the equipment volume has increased year by year, using testinstruments and methods are not the same, if using the traditional manual testmode, not only time-consuming but also are not easy to the full state of the test.To design a set of automatic test system, through the design of the corresponding function module, the cooperation goal is separated, and itsinterface is unified as the network interface, realize the automatic test of the hostcomputer.2.Overall System DesignThe object of the system design is to meet the working frequency band, working mode and beacon equipment of the ship equipment, as well as a variety of standard equipment for testing. For the standard instrument, including spectrum analyzer, signal generator and oscilloscope provides the GPIB interface, can adopt the GPIB [1]bus control; and response and these beacon cooperative target due to the different level of information, interface exist great differences, mainly in the form of the following kinds of interface: analog interface, serial interface and network interface. In order to facilitate the unified management of equipment, as well as to meet the requirements of the development of future equipment control, through the design of functional modules to achieve a unified device interface for the network interface, the composition of the system block diagram shown in figure 1.The whole system consists of monitoring computer, standard instrument, various functional modules and cooperation targets, monitoring and controlling for scheduling and recording of the entire test process, just click the test button, can automatically complete the cooperative target automatic testing and data recording; standard instrument for transmitting, receiving and detecting signal to meet the electrical characteristics of cooperative target and it is controlled by GPIB bus; I/O module is used to realize the goal of cooperation on electriccontrol, using the unified interface definition for equipment management; the A/D module is used to complete the analog signal acquisition and transmission, using a device corresponding to a A/D module, A/D module and avoid equipment changes brought the inadaptability of microwave network [2]; the switching module is used for RF signal, avoid the RF link instrument brings less connection problems; circular polarizer and analyzer Tube wave to test the pulse signal, the complete RF signal loop back and pulse signal detection; protocol conversion module to complete and serial interface equipment protocol conversion, serial interface conversion as the interface of the network, also used a device corresponding to a conversion module; temperature and humidity sensor module is used for collecting environmental information, for the results of the tests provide data of temperature and humidity.3.Circuit Design of System HardwareIn figure 1, the system composition diagram shows, the hardware design of the system mainly includes four types of module design, namely the I/O module, A/D module, protocol conversion module and microwave network module, each module and monitoring computer interface for network interface, through monitoring computer to send / receive the provisions of the format of the frame, equipment electrical control, equipment parameter adjustment, equipment acquisition and RF link switching function is realized; at the same time, in order to ensure the integrity of the test elements design temperature and humidity sensor module, for acquisition of the test environment temperature and humidity. In order to reduce the difficulty of system hardware design, the design of the module network interface chip are using Neport module, through the Neport serial data is converted to UDP network data, so as to realize the module network.3.1 I/O moduleThe main function of the I/O module to achieve the cooperation of the target plus /off control, the principle of the block diagram shown in figure 2. Power conditioning module to complete the DC 28V power supply, through the LT1117-12 regulator for the 12V, and then through the LT1117-5.0 voltage regulator for 5V, the main control chip power supply. Due to the I / O control only needs a simple and not the number of external interface, so the main control chip adopts STC89C52, it through the serial port to receive Neport module data, changes in the level of corresponding I / O port control, realize the goal of cooperation of the power control by the driving chip to control the on-off of optocoupler relay (SRD-05VDC-SL-C).MonitorControl process for microcomputer monitoring select power equipment, to send UDP data to the I /O module, the data frame format: FF XX XX XX Fe, where FF as the frame header; Fe as the tail of the frame; XX data bits, in order to guarantee the communication reliability, STC89C52 port0, port1 and port2 use six port, to ensure the reliability of software processing. The Neport module converts the receivedUDP data packet to the serial portdata, and then the STC89C52 is parsed to control the corresponding port.3.2 A/D moduleMonitorFig. 3 Schematic diagram of A/D moduleProcess control for cooperative target power, the analog signal through conditioning, acquisition give STC89C52, it the data packaged, the data frame format is: FF X1 x2 xx1 XX2 xxx1 XXX2 Fe, the FF as the frame header; Fe as the tail of the frame; x1, xx1 and xxx1 as integer data, X2, XX2, XX2 small digital data, module Neport will the data conversion of UDP packets, sent to the monitoring computer.3.3 Protocol transform moduleSerial communication protocol to meet the requirements of other host computer control, so the serial control protocol is not the same, both common serial port protocol, there are Modbus protocol. In order to meet the functional requirements of the system design, we need to convert the serial protocol of the contract template to the network protocol, and design the protocol serial port module. The principle is shown in Figure 4. Due to meet the requirements of dual serial communication, where the main control chip using MSP430 [3], serial port 1 for the purpose of communication with the cooperation, serial port 2 for communication with Neport.Cooperative targetMonitorFig. 4 Schematic diagram of protocol conversion moduleAccording to the defined inside a cooperative target frame format and control protocol, MSP430 timer query data for process control, query results through serial port 2 send Neport conversion for UDP data and send it to computer monitoring; computer monitoring according to the control instruction sent UDP control packets, MSP430 after parsing and send them to the corresponding equipment. Itsframe format is defined as: XX XX DR... CRC, which Dr device address, each controlled cooperative targets were the onlyaddress, in order to distinguish between control; XX for data; CRC check data, due to the controlled more content, frame format is not exactly the same, but the basic frame format as above.3.4 Microwave network moduleMicrowave network module main function is to achieve the radio frequency link switch, to meet the signal flow control of a small number of instruments, the principle of which is shown in figure 5. The module uses 24V power supply, is to meet the high frequency relay (QX6-618K002) power supply requirements, and its control for a simple I/O control. The power conditioning module is used to supply power for 24V to STC89C52 in 5V.MonitorFig. 5 Schematic diagram of microwave network moduleProcess control for microcomputer monitoring according to the testing content and object, sending a UDP packet, frame format is: FF XX XX XX XX Fe, where FF as the frame header; Fe as the tail of the frame; XX for the data bits by four bytes is to avoid data bits in FF or Fe, and enhance software reliability.3.5 Temperature and humidity sensor moduleAs a test project, its environmental condition is a factor that must be considered. Therefore, the design of the temperature and humidity sensor module is shown in Figure 6. Temperature and humidity sensors choose SHT75 chip, in the STC89C52 timing acquisition SHT75 temperature and humidity data, and thedata package, sent to the Neport chip to achieve data networking. Its frame format is: X1 X2 XX1 XX2 FE FF, which FF for the frame header; FE for the end of the frame; X1, XX1 for the data of the entire digital, X2, XX2 for the data of the small digital [4].Fig. 6 Schematic diagram of temperature and humidity sensor module 4. Software DesignFunction of computer monitoring and controlling software design mainly includes the depending on the test object are respectively arranged different working state parameters, and control the corresponding function module sets; acquisition function module of the state and parameter information, complete the display; general instrument GPIB control, setting up the parameters of the apparatus and acquisition spectrum analyzer and oscilloscope graphical data display and print.Setting software for two work modes: full automatic testing and semi automatic test and in automatic test mode, monitoring software according to factor test to the test object is set and test, mainly for routine inspection, mainly transponder response models and beacon beacon mode signal quality inspection, etc.; in the semi automatic test pattern, the parameters for each of the objects were tuned and validated, mainly is the internal parameters of the various test objects, such as the spread spectrum code group settings and test.The key technologies of software development include: XML file reading and writing, Socket network communication, database technology [5]and so on. The XML file is used to complete the configuration information and adjust the settings, including the state of the instrument parameters, cooperative target normal state parameters is initiated by the system test source information; socket network communication, from the XML file to read data frame structure, for the completion of the UDP packets sent and analytical; database technology is used to store the testing results, easy afterwards analysis and statistics, and a graphic display/print, word processing documents, and so on.5.ConclusionsThe system design and implementation of a large number of various types of airborne cooperative target automatic test, to meet the needs of the daily maintenance of equipment, improve the level of information technology equipment management. Through the hardware design of the system, we can know that the system has a very high cost performance, good real-time performance, easy control, good expansibility and so on. The design method of the "separated object unified interface", which is used in the system design, has a high reference value for the development of other similar control fields. References[1]2530 Data manual [EB].Texas Instruments, Inc. San Diego,California USA, 2007.[2].Wang Yonghua. Field Bus Technology and Application [M]. Beijing:Machinery Industry Press, 2008. (In Chinese)[3].Ma Zhiqiang. Range of Geodesy [M].Beijing: National Defence IndustryPress, 2004. (In Chinese)[4]2591 Data manual [EB].Texas Instruments, Inc. San Diego,California USA, 2007.[5].Huang yuli. Design of WSN Node Communication Module Based onCC2531+CC2591 [J]. Application of single chip microcomputer and embedded system, 2011, 1:71-73. (In Chinese)。



















物联网技术 2022年 / 第2期360 引 言当今时代,物联网技术应用有了很大的发展。

网络通信的发展和智能手机、平板等终端设备的普及以及更广的WiFi 信号覆盖范围,为智能设备的远程控制应用提供了良好基础。

同时,物联网云平台的推广应用也极大地促进了各种远程控制的实现,远程控制开关系统在智能家居和其他工程控制中有较广阔的应用空间,在控制方式上一般为智能芯片控制(GSM 模块)或WiFi 模块远程控制[1-2]。

采用GSM 短信控制方式时,系统接收手机发送的短信,匹配短信内容的关键字,对远程开关进行控制;采用WiFi 远程控制得到了更广泛的应用,主要实现智能插座一路或多路开关的通断控制。

本文设计一种以WiFi 方式远程控制的开关系统,以多模式方式实现按键模式控制、定时模式控制、循环模式控制、温控模式控制。


选择中国移动OneNET 云平台构建手机端可视化用户界面,可以方便地对开关装置实现远程控制。


1 系统组成与功能多模式远程开关控制系统包括开关装置部分和OneNET云平台构建的远程访问控制部分。

开关装置部分包括STM32F103RCT6单片机、WiFi 模块ESP8266、时钟芯片DS3231、继电器驱动、温度传感器DS18B20等。


手机端采用OneNET 云平台提供各种控件,例如旋钮、文本框、按键等,创建可视化用户界面,通过调节控件参数,设定模式选项以及各模式下的运行参数。

图1 系统组成框图基本原理:系统接入OneNET 后,单片机读取DS3231的时钟数据作为系统定时模式或循环模式下的时间信息。




题目自动浇花系统的设计学生姓名薛婵娟学号 ********** 所在学院物理与电信工程学院专业班级通信工程1201班指导教师刘亚锋完成地点物理与电信工程学院实验室2016年 6 月 5 日陕西理工学院本科毕业设计任务书院(系) 物理与电信工程学院专业班级通信工程(通信1201) 学生姓名薛婵娟一、毕业设计题目自动浇花系统的设计二、毕业设计工作自 2015 年 12 月 9 日起至 2016 年 6 月 18 日止三、毕业设计进行地点: 物理与电信工程学院实验室四、毕业设计应完成内容及相关要求:现代生活的节奏越来越快,很多人喜欢在工作地点、生活区间、公共场所等地方用绿色植物来点缀,既美化环境又能改善空气质量。








310 引言嵌入式单片机的技术发展推动了智能家居产业的进步,计算机和通信技术的快速发展也为该行业发展提供了技术基础。




1 总体设计方案以STM32F103C8T6单片机为主微控制器,实现的功能包括:经由温湿度传感器模块进行信息采集,将信息在OLED模块上显示出来;并通过光强模块检测光照强度,使用按键对温湿度和气体进行上限限制,当室内温湿度到达设置上限时,会通过控制继电器来控制空调和加湿器的运行来调节室内温湿度;当室内烟雾浓度过高时,会触发蜂鸣器报警,同时控制步进电机操纵窗帘系统来辅助调节烟雾浓度和光强。


2 硬件系统电路设计采用模块化的系统设计思想,硬件系统功能部分的模块化设计分为主控功能模块和其他功能模块。



基于STM32的智能家居控制器设计*华厚强 戴奎(中国民用航空飞行学院航空工程学院,四川广汉 618307)摘要:随着科技的进步,人们在生活舒适性与便利性的认识和要求上不断提高,家居的智能化逐渐走入大众的视野。




智能语音控制系统的设计与实现王磊;何勇;张宇【摘要】In the future,it is an inevitable trend to combine the speech recognition with the intelligent control.Man-machine voice interaction provide a more user-friendly interface.In view of the speech recognition and the application of intelligent control,this paper puts forward a intelligent control design method based on speaker-independent speech recognition technology.It uses LD3320 chip to acquire and recognize speech information and STC10L08XE chip as the main controller to control the voice system,combined the external storage and the control circuitit realizes man-machine voice interaction and voice control.Design a voice interaction is different from the traditional control devices.It is easy to resolve a issue about how to modify the datas in external storage by designing an upper computer software.At the same time,it can write the voice data into the upper computer and configure parameters bined with the custom protocol frame,the data transmission process is more rapid,stable and reliable.According to repeated experimental verification,this speech control system works stably and owns excellent recognition rate.It is of great usability and market application value.%在未来的发展中,语音识别与自动化控制的结合也将是未来发展的一种必然趋势;语音交互方式是更为人性化的人机交互界面,针对语音识别与智能控制的运用,提出了一种基于非特定人语音识别技术的智能控制设计方法,并使用LD3320芯片将语音信息采集和识别,采用STC10L08XE芯片作为语音控制系统的主控制器,并结合外部存储器和控制电路实现人机语音交互和语音控制,设计一款区别于传统控制的语音交互设备;通过设计一款上位机软件,可以很好地解决外部存储器数据修改困难的问题,并同时进行实时的语音数据写入和参数配置,结合自定义的协议帧,使数据的传输过程更加快速、稳定和可靠,经过实验验证,该语音控制系统工作稳定、识别率高,具有很好的易用性和市场应用价值.【期刊名称】《计算机测量与控制》【年(卷),期】2018(026)002【总页数】4页(P109-112)【关键词】语音识别;非特定人;LD3320;语音控制;上位机【作者】王磊;何勇;张宇【作者单位】贵州大学计算机科学与技术学院,贵阳550000;贵州大学计算机科学与技术学院,贵阳550000;贵州大学计算机科学与技术学院,贵阳550000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN912.340 引言语言是人类沟通的桥梁,可以很轻松地达到信息的交互。

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