
INT(INTERIOR) ……………………………………… 里面;室内景
INB(IN BETWEEN) …………………………………… 动画
IN-BETWEENER ……………………………………… 动画员
I&P(INK & PAINT) …………………………………… 描线和着色
EASE-OUT ……………………………………………… 渐慢
EDITOR ………………………………………………… 剪辑师
EPISODE ……………………………………………… 片集
FIELD(FLD) …………………………………………… 安全框
FADE(IN/ON) ………………………………………… 画面淡入
CEL LEVEL …………………………………………… 化学板层次
CHARACTER …………………………………………… 人物造型
DIALOG (DIALOGUE) ………………………………… 对白及口形
DUBLE EXPOSURE …………………………………… 双重曝光
MULTI RUNS ………………………………………… 多重曝光
JUMP …………………………………………………… 跳
JITTER ………………………………………………… 跳动
LEVEL ………………………………………………… 层
LOOK ……………………………………………ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ…… 看
1st RUN ……………………………………………… 第一次曝光


其中第1小题选择到今年10月1 日我国建国多少周年,个别学生选错;第四小题选错是因为个别学生空间观念比较差,不能灵活应用所学的长方形和正方形这部分的知识;第五小题出错是因为没有真正读懂题,不知道谁看的少就剩的多。

动画专业英语action['ækʃən] 动作animator:['æni,meitə] 原画者,动画设计assistant:[ə'sistənt] 动画者antic :['æntik] 预备动作air brushing:['brʌʃiŋ] 喷效angle:['æŋgl] 角度animated zoom['æni,meitid] 画面扩大或缩小animation film:[,æni'meiʃən] 动画片animation puter:[kəm'pju:tə] 电脑控制动画摄影atmosphere sketch:['ætməsfiə] [sketʃ] 气氛草图B.P.(bot pegs)下定位BG(background):['bækgraund]背景blurs:[blə:]模糊BLK(blink):[bliŋk]眨眼BRK DN(B.D.)(break-down)中割BG layout:['leiaut] 背景设计稿background keys 背景样本background hookup:[huk]衔接背景background pan 长背景background still:[stil] 短背景bar sheets :[ʃi:t]音节表beat:[bi:t]节拍blank :[blæŋk]空白bloom:[blu:m]闪光blow up :[bləu] 放大camera notes:['kæmərə] :[nəut] 摄影注意事项C.U.(close-up)特写clean up:[kli:n]清稿,修形,作监cut:[kʌt]镜头结束CEL=celluloid:['selju,lɔid]化学板cycle:['saikl]循环CW(clock-wise):[klɔk][waiz] 顺时针转动CCW(counter clock-wise):['kauntə] 逆时针转动continue(cont,con‘d):[kən'tinju:] 继续CAM(camera):['kæmərə] 摄影机CUSH(cushion):['kuʃən] 缓冲C=center:['sentə]中心点camera shake:[ʃeik] 镜头振动checker:['tʃekə]检查员constant :['kɔnstənt]等速持续color keys=color mark-ups:[mɑ:k]色指定color model:['mɔdl]彩色造型color flash(paint flash):[peint] 跳色camera animation动画摄影机cellevel:['levl]化学板层次character:['kæriktə]人物造型DIALOG(dialogue):['daiəlɔ:g] 对白及口形duble exposure:[iks'pəuʒə]双重曝光multiruns多重曝光1st run第一次曝光2nd run地二次曝光dry brushing::[drai]['brʌʃiŋ] 干刷DIAG PAN(diagonal):[dai'ægənl]斜移DWF(drawing):['drɔ:iŋ]画,动画纸double image :['imidʒ]双重影像dailies(RUSHES)样片director:[di'rektə]导演dissolve(X.D):[di'zɔlv] 溶景,叠化distortion:[dis'tɔ:ʃən] 变形double frame :[freim] 双(画)格drawing disc :[disk] 动画圆盘E.C.U = extreme close up:[iks'tri:m] 大特写EXT(exterior):[eks'tiəriə] 外面;室外景EFT(effect):[i'fekt]特效editing:['edit] 剪辑exit(moves out, o.s.):['eksit] 出去enter(in):['entə]入画ease-in:[i:z] 渐快ease-out:[aut]渐慢editor:['editə]剪辑师episode:['episəud]片集field(FLD):[fi:ld]安全框fade(in/on):[feid]画面淡入fade(out/off)画面淡出FIN(finish):['finiʃ]完成FOLOS(follows):['fɔləu]跟随,跟着fast;quickly:[fɑ:st] ['kwikli] 快速field guide:[gaid]安全框指示final check:['fainl] [tʃek]总检footage:['futidʒ]尺数(英尺)F.G.(foreground):['fɔ:graund]前景focallength :['fəukəl]:[leŋθ] 焦距frame:[freim]格数freeze frame:[freim]停格gain in:[gein]移入head up:[hed]抬头hook up:[huk] 接景;衔接hold:[həuld] 画面停格halo:['heiləu] 光圈INT(interior):[in'tiəriə] 里面;室内景INB(in between):[bi'twi:n]动画in-betweener动画员I&P(ink & paint):[iŋk] :[peint]描线和着色inking:[kiŋ]描线in sync:[siŋk] 同步intermittent:[,intə'mitənt] 间歇iris out :['airis] 画面旋逝jiggle:['dʒigl] 摇动jump:[dʒʌmp] 跳jitter:['dʒitə] 跳动LIP SYNC(synchronization)[lip] [,siŋkrənai'zeiʃən ] 口形level:['levl]层look:[luk]看listen:['lisn]听layout:['leiaut] 设计稿;构图laughs(LAFFS):[lɑ:f]笑L/S(light source):[lait] :[sɔ:s]光源linetest(pencil test):[lain]铅笔稿试拍;线拍M.S.(medium shot):['mi:diəm] :[ʃɔt]中景M.C.U.(medium close up)['mi:diəm]近景movesout(exit;o.s.):[mu:v] :['eksit]出去moves in[mu:v]进入match line:[mætʃ] :[lain]组合线multi runs :['mʌlti]:[rʌnz]多重拍摄mouth:[mauθ]嘴mouth charts:[tʃɑ:t]口形图MAG TRACK(magnetic sound track):[mæg'netik]音轨multi cellevels:['mʌlti] :['levl]多层次化学板multiplane:[plein]多层设计n/spegs:[peg]南北定位器N.G.(no good):[gud]不好的,作废narration:[næ'reiʃən]旁白叙述OL(overlay):['əuvə'lei]前层景Out of scene:[si:n]到画外面O.S.(off stage off scene):[steidʒ]出景off model:['mɔdl]走型OL/UL(underlay):['ʌndəlei]前层与中层间的景overlap action:['əuvə'læp] :['ækʃən]重叠动作ones:[wʌn]一格;单格pose:[pəuz] 姿势POS(position):[pə'ziʃən]位置;定点pan移动pops in/on突然出现pause:[pɔ:z]停顿;暂停perspective:[pə'spektiv]透视peg bar定位尺P.T.(painting):['peintiŋ] 着色paint flashes(color flashes)跳色papercut剪纸片pencil test:['pensl] 铅笔稿试拍persistence of vision:[pə'sistəns] :['viʒən] 视觉暂留post-synchronized sound:[saund]后期同步录音puppet:['pʌpit]木偶片ripple glass:['ripl] :[glɑ:s]水纹玻璃re-peg :[peg]重新定位RUFF(rough-drawing):[rʌf]:['drɔ:iŋ] 草稿run:[rʌn]跑REG(register):['redʒistə]组合RPT(repeat):[ri'pi:t]重复retakes: teik]重拍;修改registration pegs:[,redʒi'streiʃən]定位器registration holes:[həul]定位洞silhouette(SILO):[,silu'et]剪影speed line:[spi:d][lain]流线storm out:[stɔ:m]速转出sparkle:['spɑ:kl]火花;闪光shadow:['ʃædəu]阴影smile:[smail]微笑smoke:[sməuk]烟stop:[stɔp]停止slow:[sləu]慢慢的SC(scene):[si:n]镜号S/A(same as):[seim]兼用S.S(screen shake):[skri:n] :[ʃeik]画面振动size parison:[saiz] :[kəm'pærisn]大小比例storyboard(SAB):['stɔ:ri,bɔ:d]分镜头台本SFX(sound effect):[saund] :[i'fekt]声效;音效settle:['setl]定姿;定置self-line(self-trace line):[self] [treis] [lain]色线sound chart(bar sheets):[tʃɑ:t]:[ʃi:t]音节表special effect:['speʃəl] :[i'fekt]特效spin:[spin]旋转T.A.(top aux):auxiliary[ɔ:g'ziljəri]上辅助定位T.P.(top pegs):[peg]上定位track:[træk]声带turns:[tə:n]转向take:[teik]拍摄(一般指拍摄顺序)truck in:[trʌk]镜头推人truck out:[aut]镜头拉出tr(trace):[treis]同描tapers:['teipə]渐taper-up:[ʌp]渐快taper-down:[daun]渐慢tight field:[tait] :[fi:ld]小安全框tap(beat):[tæp]:[bi:t]节拍title:['taitl]片名;字幕Ul(underlay):['ʌndəlei]中景;后景up:[ʌp]上面use:[ju:z]用vert up:[və:t]垂直上移V.O.(voice over):[vɔis] :['əuvə]旁白;画外音value:['vælju:]明暗度wipe:[waip]转(换)景方式work print:[wə:k][print]工作样片X(x-diss)(x.d.):[dis]两景交融xerox down缩小xerox up(xerox paste-ups):[peist]放大x-sheet:[ʃi:t]摄影表zoom out:[zu:m]拉出zoon chart::['zəuɔn][tʃɑ:t]镜头推拉轨迹zoom in推进zoom lens:[lenz]变焦距镜头Good afternoon teacherIt is really my honor to have this opportunity for introduce myselfI hope I can make a good performance today.I'm confident that I can succeed Now I will introduce myself brieflyMy name is BLUE I was born in Handan is south of Hubei.Handan is not a big city but it has long history, it can date back to QIN dynastyIt's really a fantasy place too.People there are very friendly and helpful.There're also some places of interests in my hometown, I love it and hope that you can visited it someday.There’re 5 people in my family.My parents one sister one brother and I.I’mthe youngest in my family.We love each other and livea happy life.I usually love basketball.But I’m not good at it, because I’m not enough tall and powerMy major is animation design, I love animation very much.I want to be a master of animation.Hayao Miyazaki is my idol, he is a Japanese mange artist and prominent film director and h animator of many popular anime feature films.He has been named one of the most influential people by Time Magazine.So I want to go to Japan to continue my education I has already to learn Japanese for one year.As a school animation student I am serious and responsible, good workIn a lot of study and practice, my ability to learn, work, innovations have been greatly improved;but I know that not enough, in the future still need to create, I will do better.I believe myselfSo, you see, I’m really an easygoing gal.That's all, thank you分享版本,希望大家珍惜这份词汇表字母音标班附表美语音标共51个,其中元音(韵母)22个,辅音(声母)29个。

动漫设计专业术语1. 人物设计(Character Design):指的是动漫中角色的外观设计,包括人物形象、服装、发型、表情等方面。
2. 背景设计(Background Design):指的是动漫中场景的设计,包括城市、森林、房屋等背景环境。
3. 故事板(Storyboard):是动画中的一个环节,用来粗略描述故事的发生顺序和画面的布局,通常用一系列连续的图画或插图来表达。
4. 动画制作(Animation Production):指的是整个动漫从策划、制作到最终的呈现过程,包括原画、色彩填充、动画效果等。
5. 角色设定(Character Setting):与人物设计相关,指的是对角色的更详细的设定,包括人物背景、性格特点、生活习惯等方面。
6. 特效(Special Effects):指的是动漫中的一些特殊效果,如爆炸、火焰、电光等,增强画面的视觉效果。
7. 原画(Key Animation):是动漫制作中最主要的环节之一,指的是最关键、最重要的画面,由主要的动画师完成。
8. 動態定格攝影(Stop Motion):是一种手工动画的制作方式,通过分步移动模型或物品,并拍摄一系列照片,再将照片连续播放形成动画效果。
9. 动漫剧本(Anime Script):制作动漫所需的剧本,包括故事情节、对白等。
10. 漫画连载(Manga Serialization):指的是漫画作品在连续的杂志或报纸上发布,每期发布一部分,直到作品完结。
11. 声优(Seiyuu):指的是为动漫、游戏等媒体配音的声音演员。
12. 音效(Sound Effect):指的是动漫中使用的各种音效,如爆炸声、枪声、脚步声等。
13. 配乐(Original Soundtrack):为动漫专门创作的音乐,用来配合画面和情节的展现。
14. 舞台剧(Stage Play):将动漫或漫画改编成舞台剧形式的表演,通常由真人扮演角色。
15. 重制版(Remake):对已有的动漫作品进行重新制作,可以进行图像效果的提升、故事情节的修改等。

construction scenic artist 布景美术师
consultant 顾问
continuity 分镜头剧本
continuity girl 女场记员
continuity man 场记员
continuity writer 分镜头剧本作者
assistant sound editor 声音助理剪辑师
assistant sound effects editor 声效助理剪辑师
associate producer 副制片人
audio assistant editor 声音助理剪辑师
best boy 照明助手
best boy electric 照明助手
assistant producer 助理制片人
assistant production coordinator 制片协调人助理
assistant property master 助理道具管理员
assistant p 道具管理员助理
assistant set decorator 置景人员助理
best boy grip 置景工
best person 照明助手
body makeup 身体化装
boom operator 录音花筒操作员
cableperson 电缆管理员
cameraman's assistant 摄影师助理
camera operator 摄影助理,摄影师
camera trainee 见习摄影师
cameraman 电影摄影师
cartoonist 动画片画家

redits 影片字幕acrobat 特技演员ADR assistant 配音助理ADR editor 配音剪辑ADR mixer 配音录音师ADR supervisor 配音指导ADR voice casting 配音演员advisor 制片顾问all rights reserved 版权所有animator 动画设计师animator cartoonist 动画画家apprentice editor 见习编辑art department assistant 美术部门助理art department coordinator 美术部门协调人art designer 美术设计人员art director 艺术指导,美工师assistant accountant 助理会计assistant art director 助理美工师assistant cameraman 助理摄影师assistant chief lighting technician 助理照明师assistant construction coordinator 制景协调人助理assistant costume supervisor 服装管理助理assistant dialogue editor 助理对白编辑assistant director 助理导演assistant engineer 助理录音技师assistant location manager 外景制片助理assistant producer 助理制片人assistant productioncoordinator 制片协调人助理assistant property master助理道具管理员assistant prop 道具管理员助理assistant set decorator 置景人员助理assistant sound editor 声音助理剪辑师assistant sound effectseditor 声效助理剪辑师associate producer 副制片人audio assistant editor 声音助理剪辑师best boy 照明助手best boy electric 照明助手best boy grip 置景工best person 照明助手body makeup 身体化装boom operator 录音花筒操作员cableperson 电缆管理员cameraman's assistant 摄影师助理camera operator 摄影助理,摄影师camera trainee 见习摄影师cameraman 电影摄影师cartoonist 动画片画家casting 选派演员casting assistant 演员部助理casting associate 演员部联系人caterer 伙食管理员chief cameraman 总摄影师chief lighting technician 主任照明师choreographer 舞蹈编导cinemanufacturer 电影制造厂cinematographer 电影摄影师clapper boy 场记员co-costume designer 联合服装设计师color timer 配光员commentator 解说员composer 作曲者computer graphicsplayback 计算机图形重放conductor 乐队指挥construction carpenter 置景木工construction coordinator搭景协调人construction estimator 搭景评估人construction gang boss 搭景组指挥construction key grip 主要置景工construction scenic artist布景美术师consultant 顾问continuity 分镜头剧本continuity girl 女场记员continuity man 场记员continuity writer 分镜头剧本作者coproducer 联合制片人costume designer 服装设计师costume supervisor 服装管理员costumer 服装师crafts service 技巧员dailies advisor 样片指导decorator 制景人员designer 设计人员dial twister 调音师dialect coach 方言教练,对白员,提词员dialogue director 对白导演dialogue editor 台词编辑director 导演best boy 照明助手best boy electric 照明助手best boy grip 置景工best person 照明助手body makeup 身体化装boom operator 录音花筒操作员cableperson 电缆管理员cameraman's assistant 摄影师助理camera operator 摄影助理,摄影师camera trainee 见习摄影师cameraman 电影摄影师cartoonist 动画片画家casting 选派演员casting assistant 演员部助理casting associate 演员部联系人caterer 伙食管理员chief cameraman 总摄影师chief lighting technician 主任照明师choreographer 舞蹈编导cinemanufacturer 电影制造厂cinematographer 电影摄影师clapper boy 场记员co-costume designer 联合服装设计师color timer 配光员commentator 解说员composer 作曲者computer graphicsplayback 计算机图形重放conductor 乐队指挥construction carpenter 置景木工construction coordinator搭景协调人construction estimator 搭景评估人construction gang boss 搭景组指挥construction key grip 主要置景工construction scenic artist布景美术师consultant 顾问continuity 分镜头剧本continuity girl 女场记员continuity man 场记员continuity writer 分镜头剧本作者coproducer 联合制片人costume designer 服装设计师costume supervisor 服装管理员costumer 服装师crafts service 技巧员film industry电影工业cinematograph电影摄影机,电影放映机cinema,pictures电影院(美作:movietheater)first-runcinema首轮影院second-runcinema二轮影院art theatre艺术影院continuous performancecinema循环场电影院film society电影协会,电影俱乐部(美作:filmclub)film library电影资料馆premiere首映式。

sliding peg
sound effect
normal paint
BG only
1 feet=16x
1 second=24x
line test
size commparison
camera man
production report
turn around3
model sheet
BG color key
BG layout key
at random

漫画(Manhua): 表达故事或情节的图像艺术形式。
动画(Animation): 通过连续播放静止图像来创造运动效果的艺术形式。
原画(Genga): 动画中最初的绘制图稿,通常由主要动画师完成。
分镜(Storyboard): 将故事情节分解为连续图像的布局和顺序排列。
美术(Art): 制作动画过程中的背景、角色设计和绘画风格。
彩色键盘(Color Key): 设计动画场景或角色颜色的关键图层。
音效(Sound Effects): 用于增强动画场景的声音效果。
配乐(Soundtrack): 为动画创作的音乐背景。
角色设计(Character Design): 创建动画角色的外观、服装和特征的过程。
剧本(Script): 描述动画故事情节和对话的书面文本。
摄影(Cinematography): 利用摄影技术拍摄动画并确定画面构图。
色彩设计(Color Design): 确定动画中使用的调色板和色彩搭配。
动画师(Animator): 负责创作和绘制动画的专业人员。
后期制作(Post-production): 通过剪辑、特效和音频处理等改善和完善动画作品。
漫展(Comic Con): 举办动漫、游戏及相关文化活动的盛大会展。

动漫用语英语知识点总结1. Anime Genresa. Shounen - This term refers to anime and manga that are targeted towards young male audiences. Shounen anime often feature action-packed storylines and themes of friendship, teamwork, and perseverance. Examples of popular shounen anime include Naruto, One Piece, and Dragon Ball.b. Shoujo - Shoujo anime is aimed at young female audiences and typically focuses on romance, relationships, and personal growth. These anime often feature strong female protagonists and themes of love and friendship. Examples of shoujo anime include Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor Sakura, and Fruits Basket.c. Mecha - Mecha anime revolves around large robotic machines and often features futuristic settings and intense battles. Mecha anime can also explore themes of technology, war, and morality. Examples of mecha anime include Gundam, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and Code Geass.d. Isekai - Isekai anime involves characters being transported to a different world or parallel universe. These anime often feature fantasy settings, adventure, and magical elements. Examples of isekai anime include Sword Art Online, Re:Zero, and No Game No Life.e. Slice of Life - Slice of life anime focuses on everyday, ordinary experiences and relationships. These anime often have a slower pace and are known for their realistic and relatable storytelling. Examples of slice of life anime include Clannad, Barakamon, and March Comes in Like a Lion.2. Common Phrases and Expressionsa. Kawaii - This term is used to describe something cute or adorable. It is commonly used to refer to characters, animals, and objects in anime that are visually appealing and endearing. Example: "That plushie is so kawaii!"b. Senpai and Kouhai - Senpai refers to someone who is older or more experienced, while kouhai refers to someone who is younger or less experienced. These terms are often used to denote seniority and respect within a group or organization.Example: "I look up to my senpai for guidance and advice."c. Itadakimasu - This phrase is spoken before a meal and is used to express gratitude and appreciation for the food that is about to be eaten. It is a common custom in Japanese culture and is often depicted in anime scenes involving mealtime.Example: "Itadakimasu! This looks delicious."d. Gomen Nasai - This phrase is used to apologize or express regret in Japanese. It is often used in anime to convey a character's remorse or to seek forgiveness from someone else. Example: "Gomen nasai for being late. I got stuck in traffic."e. Sugoi - Sugoi means "amazing" or "incredible" in Japanese, and it is a commonly used expression in anime to convey admiration or astonishment.Example: "Sugoi! I can't believe you won the competition."3. Character Archetypes and Tropesa. Tsundere - A tsundere character is someone who initially appears cold and aloof but gradually shows a softer and more caring side as the story progresses. Tsundere characters are often depicted as having a tough exterior but a kind heart.b. Kuudere - A kuudere character is someone who is calm, composed, and emotionless on the outside, but harbors deep feelings and emotions underneath their stoic facade.c. Yandere - A yandere character is someone who appears sweet and loving at first, but quickly becomes possessive, obsessive, and even violent when it comes to their romantic interests.d. Dandere - A dandere character is someone who is shy, quiet, and withdrawn, but opens up and becomes more sociable over time, often in the presence of a specific person or group.e. Genki - Genki characters are energetic, optimistic, and outgoing individuals who often bring a lively and positive energy to the story. They are typically depicted as being cheerful and enthusiastic.4. Industry Terms and Conceptsa. Seiyuu - Seiyuu is the Japanese term for voice actors and actresses who provide the voices for anime characters. Seiyuus are an integral part of the anime industry and are often recognized for their talent and versatility.b. Otaku - Otaku is a Japanese term used to describe people who are avid fans of anime, manga, and other forms of Japanese pop culture. In recent years, the term has become more widely accepted and has been used to refer to enthusiasts of these hobbies outside of Japan.c. Akihabara - Akihabara is a district in Tokyo, Japan, known for its vibrant and bustling subculture of anime, manga, video games, and electronics. It is a popular destination for anime fans and otaku from around the world.d. Cosplay - Cosplay is the practice of dressing up as a character from anime, manga, video games, or other forms of media. Cosplayers often attend conventions and events to showcase their costumes and participate in cosplay competitions.e. Doujinshi - Doujinshi are self-published works created by fans and amateur artists, and are often based on existing anime, manga, or video game franchises. Doujinshi can include original stories, fan fiction, and fan art.5. Regional and Cultural Referencesa. Kawaii - As mentioned earlier, kawaii is a Japanese term that means "cute" or "adorable," and is commonly used to describe visually appealing and endearing characters and aesthetics in anime.b. Baka - Baka is a Japanese insult that means "fool" or "idiot." It is often used by anime characters in moments of frustration or exasperation with someone else.c. Gaijin - Gaijin is a Japanese term that refers to a foreigner or someone who is not of Japanese descent. This term is often used to describe non-Japanese characters in anime.d. Nakama - Nakama is a Japanese word that means "comrade" or "colleague," and is often used to refer to a close-knit group of friends or allies in anime.e. Sempai - Sempai is a Japanese term used to address someone who is older or more experienced, and is often used in anime to denote respect and admiration for a senior or mentor.In conclusion, the world of anime is rich and vibrant, and it is filled with its own unique vocabulary and expressions. From genre-specific terms to cultural references, anime has a language and terminology of its own that adds to its charm and appeal. By understanding these key anime vocabulary and terminology, fans can deepen their appreciation for the medium and connect with others who share their passion for anime.。

一Animation & its CharacteristicsAnimation comes from the Latin word anim (生命)are which means to give life to . This is what our animators do . They create(创造创作)characters(人物角色)and bring them to life . Whether(不论)a spoon ,a dog or a person ,all characters take on human mannerisms(特殊习惯).In the English language animation is mostly associated with the work of filmmakers .Animation refers to the process in which each frame of a film or movie is produced individually ,whether generated as a computer graphic , or by photographing a drawn image ,or by repeatedly making small changes to a model ,and then photographing the result。
When the frame are strang together and resulting film is viewed at a speed of 16 or more frames per second , there is an illusion of continuos movement .Generating such a film is very labour intensive and tedious though the development of computer animation has greatly speed up the process.Now people believe animation is good for :Illustrating processDescribing things not possible in real worldSummarizing complex real-world events二Animation historyThe history of animation that most people are familier with is the Disney version . you can clearly see that to this point, there were many people and studios that came before Disney .But , the influence of the Disney animated films should not be understand Disney designed a character called Mortimer Mouse .He later changed the name to Mickey. Theyproduced two silent films with Mickey ,but it was their third that was actually released first . The third film was “ Steamboat Willie”, which not only made Micky a star , but also was the very first sound cartoon.The Golden Age of animation is generally considered to be the period between 1837 and the late 1950’s .During this time the studios produced some of the best and funniest cartoon of all time. Disney continued to made animated features, but also short cartoons with Mickey Mouse ,Donald Duck ,Goofy.In 1960’s ,people were staying home more for their entertainment than going out . This created a new demand ,but required a new kind of studio , one that could produce a lot more animation in much shorter time . Televisions tock off.。

1. 动漫术语:
- Anime:动画
- Manga:漫画
- Otaku:御宅族,热衷于动漫文化的粉丝
- Cosplay:角色扮演
- Fanfiction:同人小说
- Fanart:同人艺术
2. 角色特征:
- Tsundere:傲娇
- Yandere:病娇
- Kuudere:腹黑
- Dandere:天然呆
- Hikikomori:家里蹲
3. 情感表达:
- shipping:配对,指粉丝为自己喜欢的角色创造的爱情故事-OTP:One True Pairing,指粉丝认为的最佳配对
- Feels:情感
- Ships:船,指粉丝支持的配对
4. 网络用语:
- NSFW:不适宜在工作场合观看的内容
- YYY:意为“愉悦”,用于表达兴奋的情绪
- SOS:求救信号,用于表示遇到困境
- SEX:指角色之间的亲密关系
5. 创作者与作品相关:
- Mangaka:漫画家
- Studio:工作室
- Creator:创作者
- Adaptation:改编作品
- Original Work:原创作品

动画英语知识点总结1. History of animationAnimation has a rich history that dates back to ancient times. The earliest forms of animation can be traced back to prehistoric times, where cave paintings and other forms of visual storytelling were used to convey movement and emotion. However, it was not until the 19th century that animation as we know it today began to take shape.One of the earliest forms of animation was the invention of the phenakistoscope, a device that used a series of images on a spinning disc to create the illusion of movement. This led to the development of other animation techniques such as the zoetrope, flip book, and magic lantern, all of which played a crucial role in the development of modern animation.In the early 20th century, animation began to emerge as a popular form of entertainment with the creation of iconic characters such as Mickey Mouse and Betty Boop. The invention of synchronized sound in the late 1920s allowed for the creation of animated films with dialogue and music, further solidifying animation as a legitimate art form.Since then, animation has continued to evolve, with advancements in technology leading to the creation of more realistic and visually stunning animated works. Today, animation is a thriving industry that encompasses a wide range of styles and techniques, from traditional hand-drawn animation to computer-generated imagery (CGI).2. Principles of animationIn order to create compelling and believable animations, animators must understand and apply a set of principles that govern the movement and behavior of characters. These principles include:- Squash and stretch: This principle involves exaggerating the shape and form of an object to convey weight, impact, and flexibility. For example, when a character jumps, their body may stretch as they launch into the air and squash as they land.- Anticipation: This principle involves preparing the audience for an action by using a small movement or gesture before the main action occurs. This helps to create a sense of anticipation and build up to the main event.- Staging: Staging involves presenting a scene or action in a way that is clear and easy for the audience to understand. This may involve using composition, lighting, and camera angles to direct the viewer's attention to the most important elements of the scene.- Timing: Timing refers to the speed and rhythm of motion in an animation. Different timing can convey different emotions and moods, so it is important to consider the timing of movements carefully.- Exaggeration: Exaggeration involves pushing the movement and actions of characters beyond what is realistic in order to convey a sense of drama and emotion. This can help to create more dynamic and expressive animations.- Follow through and overlapping action: These principles involve creating a sense of natural flow and movement in characters by allowing parts of their body to continue moving after the main action has stopped.- Appeal: Appeal refers to the overall design and attractiveness of a character, as well as their personality and emotions. A well-designed and appealing character can help to draw the audience into the story and create a strong emotional connection.By understanding and applying these principles, animators can create animations that are more visually appealing, realistic, and emotionally engaging.3. Animation techniquesThere are many different techniques and styles of animation, each with its own unique look and feel. Some of the most popular animation techniques include:- Traditional hand-drawn animation: This is one of the oldest and most traditional forms of animation, involving the creation of individual frames by hand and then filming them in sequence to create the illusion of movement. This technique is often associated with classic Disney films and other traditional animated works.- Stop-motion animation: This technique involves capturing individual frames of a physical object or puppet in different positions and then playing them back in sequence to create movement. This can include techniques such as claymation, puppet animation, and object animation, and has been used in films such as "Wallace and Gromit" and "The Nightmare Before Christmas."- Computer-generated imagery (CGI): CGI animation involves creating individual frames of animation using computer software, allowing for more realistic and detailed animations. This technique is widely used in contemporary animated films, television shows, and video games.- Motion capture: Motion capture involves recording the movements of a live actor and then applying them to a digital character. This can create more realistic and naturalistic movement, and is often used in film and video game animation.- 2D and 3D animation: 2D animation involves creating animations in a flat, two-dimensional space, while 3D animation involves creating animations with depth and three-dimensional space. Both techniques have their own set of advantages and challenges, and are used in a wide range of animated works.Each of these techniques has its own advantages and challenges, and can be used to create a wide range of styles and visual effects.4. Animation softwareAnimation software has played a crucial role in the evolution of animation, allowing animators to create more complex and visually stunning works. Some of the most popular animation software programs include:- Adobe Animate: This is a versatile and powerful animation software that is often used for creating 2D animations. It offers a wide range of tools and features for creating character animations, motion graphics, and interactive content.- Toon Boom Harmony: Toon Boom Harmony is a professional-grade animation software that is used for both 2D and 3D animation. It offers a wide range of tools and features for creating complex and visually stunning animations.- Autodesk Maya: Maya is a popular 3D animation software that is used for creating a wide range of animations, including characters, environments, and visual effects. It offers a wide range of tools and features for creating realistic and visually stunning animations.- Blender: Blender is a free and open-source 3D animation software that is used for creating a wide range of animations, including characters, environments, and visual effects. It offers a wide range of tools and features for creating complex and visually stunning animations.- Cinema 4D: Cinema 4D is a professional 3D animation software that is used for creating a wide range of animations, including characters, environments, and visual effects. It offers a wide range of tools and features for creating realistic and visually stunning animations.Each of these software programs has its own strengths and weaknesses, and can be used to create a wide range of animations.5. Career opportunities in animationThere are many different career opportunities available in the field of animation, including:- Animator: Animators are responsible for creating the individual frames of animation that make up a film, television show, video game, or other animated work. They may work in a variety of different styles and techniques, and may specialize in character animation, special effects, or other areas of animation.- Character designer: Character designers are responsible for creating the visual appearance and personality of animated characters. They may work closely with animators, directors, and other members of the production team to bring characters to life.- Storyboard artist: Storyboard artists are responsible for creating a visual blueprint of an animated work, including the composition, pacing, and layout of each scene. This can help to guide the production team and give them a clear vision of the final product.- Visual effects artist: Visual effects artists are responsible for creating the special effects and visual enhancements that can be added to animated works to make them more visually stunning and dynamic.- 3D modeler: 3D modelers are responsible for creating the three-dimensional models of characters, environments, and objects that are used in 3D animation. They may work in a variety of different styles and techniques, and may specialize in character modeling, environment modeling, or other areas of 3D modeling.- Game designer: Game designers are responsible for creating the visual appearance and gameplay of video games. They may work closely with animators, programmers, and other members of the production team to create engaging and visually stunning games.These are just a few of the many career opportunities available in the field of animation, and there are many other roles that can be filled by talented and creative individuals.In conclusion, animation is a versatile and dynamic art form that encompasses a wide range of techniques, styles, and career opportunities. By understanding the history, principles, techniques, and software of animation, you can gain a greater appreciation for this art form and its potential for creativity and innovation. Whether you are interested in creating your own animations or simply enjoy watching animated works, there is something for everyone to appreciate and enjoy in the world of animation.。

目录1.动画及特点Animation and its Characteristics2.动画史Animation and History3.动画种类Types and Animation4.动画风格Styles and Animation5.动画艺术家Animation Artists6.动画工作室Animation Studio7.动画片介绍Animation Film8.动画节Animation Festival9.动画剧本写作Animation Script Writing10.中间画Inbetween11.色彩与材质Color and Material12.运动Motion13.镜头入门Film Camera14.合成Composting15.动画软件Animation Software16.动画市场Animation Market17.动画产业Animation Industry18.动画产品Animation Products19.动画技术应用Applied AnimationLesson oneAnimation and its CharacteristicsTextAnimation comes from the Latin word animare which means to give life to. This is what our animators do. They create characters and bring them to life. Whether a spoon, a dog or a person, all characters take on human mannerisms. In the English language animation is mostly associated with the work of filmmakers. Animation refers to the process in which eachframe of a film or movie is produced individually, whether generated as a computer graphic, or by photographing a drawn image, or by repeatedly making small changes to model (see claymation), and then photographing the result. When the frames are strung together and the resulting film is viewed at a speed of 16 or more frames per second, there is an illusion of continuous movement. Generating such a film is very labor intensive and tedious, though the development of computer animation has greatly sped up the process.Now, people believe animation is good for:●Illustrating processes.●Describing things not possible in real word.●Summarizing complex real-word events.New wordsLatin n.拉丁文,拉丁语animator n.动画师character n.角色,人物mannerism n. 特殊习惯associated adj. 关联的;联合的frame n. 格,画面produce v.创作;引起individually adv. 个别地,单独地generate vt. 生产graphic n. 图形image n. 图像model n. 模型string v. 排成一排illusion n. 幻想,错觉continuous adj. 连续的intensive adj.强烈的labour intensive 劳动密集型,劳动强度大的tedious adj. 乏味的development n. 发展illustrate v. 阐释,图解summarize v. 概括complex adj.复杂的Practice1. Make judgments according to the text.(1) Animation comes from a Latin word.(2) Now animation means a kind of film.(3) Animation is good to describe something abstract.2. Translate into Chinese(1) Whether a spoon, a dog or a person, all character take on human mannerisms.(2) Animation refers to the process in which each frame of a film or movie is producedindividually, whether generated as a computer graphic, or by photographing a drawn image, or by repeatedly making small changes to model (see claymation), and then photographing the result.(3) Generating such a film is very labour intensive and tedious, though the development ofcomputer animation has greatly sped up the process.3. Translate into English.(1)小城的建筑呈现出拉丁风格。

透明度 文本是否为粗体字
编号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
软件中的翻译 方法 公开的 包 私有的 对象 输出 数组 类 舞台 绝对 地板 天花板 圆形 最大 最小 乘方 开方 放大 遮罩 π 弧度 角度 半径 距离 目标 当前的 冒泡 自定义 内容器 按钮 勾选框 颜色选择 下拉菜单 列表、表单 列表 字符串 数字 整形 在本包中 重载 重写 实例化 正则表达式 导入 继承 行为 标识 时间轴 正弦 余弦 正切 定义线条的宽度 颜色
英文单词 function public package private object trace Array class stage absolute floor ceil round max min pow sqrt zoom mask Math.PI radians angle randio distance target current bubbles custom content Button ChenkBox ColorPicker ComboBox DataGrid List String Number int interenal overroad override new RegExp impor extends behavior identity root sin cos tan thickness Color

Action 动作Animator 原画者,动画设计Assistant动画者Antic 预备动作Air Brushing 喷效Angle 角度Animated Zoom 画面扩大或缩小Animation Film 动画片Animation Computer电脑控制动画摄影Atmosphere Sketch气氛草图B.P.(Bot Pegs) 下定位Background 背景Blurs 模糊Blink ………眨眼Break-Down …中割Background Layout 背景设计稿Background Keys…………背景样本Background Hookup………衔接背景Background Pan …………长背景Background Still 短背景Bar Sheets ……………音节表Beat …………节拍Blank …………空白Bloom ……………闪光Blow Up ………………放大Camera Notes ………摄影注意事项C.U.(Close-Up) …特写Clean Up ………清稿,修形,作监Cut ………………镜头结束Cel=Celluloid ……………化学板Cycle ……………循环Cw(Clock-Wise) …顺时针转动Ccw(Counter Clock-Wise)…逆时针转动Continue(Cont,Con‘D)…继续Cam(Camera)………摄影机Cush(Cushion) ……缓冲C=Center…………中心点Camera Shake……镜头振动Checker ……………检查员Constant …………等速持续Color Keys=Color Mark-Ups 色指定Color Model…………彩色造型Color Flash(Paint Flash) …跳色Camera Animation………动画摄影机Cel Level…………化学板层次Character…………人物造型Dialog (Dialogue………双重曝光Multi Runs………多重曝光1st Run…………第一次曝光2nd Run……………地二次曝光Dry Brushing……干刷Diag Pan(Diagonal)………斜移Dwf(Drawing)……………画,动画纸Double Image………双重影像Dailies (Rushes)……样片Director…………………导演Dissolve(X. D)……………溶景,叠化Distortion………………………变形Double Frame…………………双(画)格Drawing Disc…………………动画圆盘E. C. U = Extreme Close Up 大特写Ext(Exterior)…………外面;室外景Eft(Effect)…………特效Editing……………剪辑Exit(Moves Out, O. S. ) …出去Enter(In) ………入画Ease-In …………渐快Ease-Out ………渐慢Editor …………剪辑师Episode ……片集Field(Fld) ……………安全框Fade(In/On) ……画面淡入Fade(Out/Off) ……画面淡出Fin(Finish) ………完成Folos(Follows) …跟随,跟着Fast; Quickly……快速Field Guide ……安全框指示Finial Check…………总检Footage ………尺数(英尺)F. G. (Foreground)…前景Focal Length ……焦距Frame…格数Freeze Frame ………停格Gain In ……移入Head Up ………抬头Hook Up …………接景;衔接Hold ………画面停格Halo …………………光圈Int(Interior) …………里面;室内景Inb(In Between) ………………动画In-Betweener ……动画员I&P(Ink & Paint) …描线和着色Inking ………描线In Sync ………同步Intermittent ………间歇Iris Out …………画面旋逝Jiggle …………摇动Jump …跳Jitter ………跳动Lip Sync(Synchronization) 口形Level …………层Look ……看Listen …………听Layout …………设计稿;构图Laughs(Laffs) ……笑L/S(Light Source) ……光源Line Test(Pencil Test) …铅笔稿试拍;线拍M. S. (Medium Shot) ………中景M. C. U. (Medium Close Up) …近景Moves Out(Exit; O. S. ) ………出去Moves In ………………进入Match Line …………组合线Multi Runs ………多重拍摄Mouth ………………嘴Mouth Charts …………口形图Mag Track(Magnetic Sound Track)音轨Multicel Levels …多层次化学板Multiplane …………多层设计N/S Pegs …………南北定位器N.G.(No Good) ………不好的,作废Narration ……旁白叙述Ol(Overlay) …………前层景Out Of Scene ………到画外面O.S.(Off Stage Off Scene) …出景Off Model …………走型Ol/Ul(Underlay) 前层与中层间的景Overlap Action …重叠动作Ones ………………一格;单格Pose ……………姿势Pos(Position) ……位置;定点Pan ………………移动Pops In/On …………突然出现Pause ……………停顿;暂停Perspective ……透视Peg Bar …………定位尺P.T.(Painting) ………着色Paint Flashes(Color Flashes) 跳色Papercut ……………剪纸片Pencil Test ………铅笔稿试拍Persistence Of Vision 视觉暂留Post-Synchronized Sound后期同步录音Puppet …………………木偶片Ripple Glass ………水纹玻璃Re-Peg ……………重新定位Ruff(Rough-Drawing) …草稿Run …………………跑Reg(Register) …………组合Rpt(Repeat) ………………重复Retakes …………重拍;修改Registration Pegs ……定位器Registration Holes ……定位洞Silhouette(Silo) ………剪影Speed Line ………流线Storm Out …………速转出Sparkle …………火花;闪光Shadow ………阴影Smile ………微笑Smoke ……烟Stop …………停止Slow ……………慢慢的Sc(Scene) ……………镜号S/A(Same As) …………兼用S.S(Screen Shake) …画面振动Size Comparison ……大小比例Storyboard(Sab) …分镜头台本Sfx(Sound Effect) …声效;音效Settle …………………定姿;定置Self-Line(Self-Trace Line) 色线Sound Chart(Bar Sheets) 音节表Special Effect ………特效Spin …………………旋转T.A.(T op Aux) ………上辅助定位T.P.(T op Pegs) ………上定位Track ………………………声带Turns ………………………转向Take …………拍摄(一般指拍摄顺序) Truck In …………………镜头推人Truck Out ……………镜头拉出Tr(Trace) ………同描Tapers …………………渐Taper-Up ……………渐快Taper-Down …………渐慢Tight Field ………小安全框Tap(Beat) …………节拍Tittle …………片名;字幕Ul(Underlay) …………中景;后景Up ………………上面Use ……………用Vert Up …………垂直上移V.O. (Voice Over) …旁白;画外音Value …………………明暗度Wipe ……………转(换)景方式Work Print …工作样片X(X-Diss) (X. D. ) ……两景交融Xerox Down ………缩小Xerox Up(Xerox Paste-Ups) 放大X-Sheet ……………摄影表Zoom Out ……………拉出Zoom Chart ………镜头推拉轨迹Zoom In ……推进Zoom Lens …变焦距镜头MMagnetic Tape 磁性录音带Makeup Artist 美容师Manipulation 操纵Markup 固定利润Matte 影像形板Maysles Films 梅思利电影公司Memory-Hook 回马枪Memory-Jogger 回马枪Merrill Lynch 美林动画Metamorphic Animation 变形动画Metamorphosis 变形Micro-Markets 微众市场Mixer 混音师Modeling 模型制作Montage 蒙太奇Morph 型变Mos 不需要现场收音的无声取景Motion Board 活动脚本或动作脚本Motion Capture 动作资料截取Motion Control 电脑控制拍摄系统Motion Picture Film 动画影片Motion Tests 动作测试Motor Home 移动居住车Mouse 滑鼠Mouthpiece 发言人Multi-City Bidding 多城市竟标Music Bookends 音乐书签Music First 以音乐为优先Musical Instrument Digital Interface Midi电子乐器一的数位介面NNational Association Of Broadcast 国家广播电子技师协会National Cash Register 国家收银机公司NBC 国家广播公司Negative Conformer 底片组合员NG(No Good)不好的镜头Nonlinear Editing 非线性剪辑OOff-Camera 镜外表演Off-Key 走调Offline System 线外系统Offline System 线外剪辑系统One-Stop Operation 一贯作业On Camera 镜内表演On-Camera Sag Rates演员同业公会规定的上镜费On Location 出外景Online Editing 线上剪辑One-Light 单一光度One-Light Film Print 单光影片洗印One-Stop Operation 一次作业Opaquer 著色人员Open Camera 公开摄影Optical House 视觉效果工作室Optical Printer 光学印片室Original Arrangement 编曲著作Original Recording 录音著作Original Score 总谱制作Out-Of-Pocket 现款支付Outside Props 棚外道具师Outtakes 借用镜头PPacific Data Images 太平洋影像公司Pegs 过场用之画面Pencil Test 铅笔测试稿Perceived Value 知觉价值Personalities 知名人士Personality Testimonials 名人见证Persuasion 说服Photo Cd 影像光碟Pickup Footage 从旧有的广告借凑而来的影片Pictures First 以画面为优先Pixels 像素Playback 播放Playback Person 录影机播放员Post-Scoring 后制配乐Posttesting 后测Pre-Lite 预先排演Pre-Production Meeting 拍制前会议Pre-Production Stage 制前阶段Prescoring Music 拍摄前配乐Pretesting 前测Price-Quote 报价或喊价Printed Circuit 印刷电路Producer 广告公司的制片,制作人Product Shot 商品展示镜头Production Assistant P.A制作助理Production Boutique 制片工作室Production Notes 制作住记Production Package 制作议价组合Production Specification Sheets 制作工明细表Promotions 促销Prop People 道具师Stage Properties 舞台道具Props 道具Public-Domain Music 大众共有或版权公有的音乐Publisher's Fee 发行费用Pulldown 抓片RRandom Access 随机存取Random Access Memory Ram随机存取记忆体Raster 屏面Read Only Memory Rom唯读记忆体Real Opinions 真实反应的意见Real People 消费大众或一般人Real People Reactions And Opinions 消费大众的真实反应及意见Recordist 录音师Reebok 锐跑Reflections 反光Rendering 算图Rental Facilities 出租公司Residual 后续付款Rhapsody In Blue 《蓝色狂想曲》Rhythm And Hues 莱休电脑动画公司Right-To-Work 自由工作权Ripomatic/Stealomatic Storyboard 借境脚本Roll Camera 开动摄影机Rotoscope 逐格帖合的重覆动画动作Rough Cut 粗剪SSample Reels 作品集Scenes 场景Scenic Artist 布景设计师Scratch Track 临时音轨Screen Actors Guild Sag电影演员同业公会Screen Extra's Guild Sag电影临时演员同业公会Scripts 剧本Script Clerk 场记Set Construction Costs 搭景费用Set Designer 布景设计师Set Dresser 布影装饰师Shadows 阴影Shape Library 清晰对焦Shooting Board 模型资料库Shooting Day 制作脚本拍片日Shooting In Two 一次两画格的方式拍摄Shot List 拍摄程序表Shutter 快门Sides 台词表Silent Scenes 无声场景Silent Takes 无声取景Slate 开拍板Slice-Of-Life Episodes 生活片段式对白Snapshot 快照拍摄Solid State Screensound 数位录音工作站Song-And-Dance 歌舞片Sound People 音效人员Sound Stage 隔音场Sound Take 有声摄影Special Effects Person 特殊效果人员Special-Effects 特效Specification Sheet 职责明细表Speed 运转正常Splice 捻接Sprint 斯布林特电话公司Stand-In 替身Stand-Up Presenters 播报员推荐Standing Sets 常备的布景配置Star Personality 知名人物Stereo-Mixing 立体声混音Sticks 排字手托Stills 剧照Still Photos 静态照片Stock Footage 底片材料、库存影片Stop-Motion 单格拍制Story Line 故事情节Storyboard 故事脚本Strobe-Lighe Photography 频闪闪光灯摄影法Subaru Automobile 速霸陆汽车Super 16mm Format 超16厘米底片规格Sync Sound 同步收音Synchronized 同步TThe Screening Room 试播室Takes 取景镜头Talent Reports 劳务报价单Teamsters 卡车驾驶员Teamsters Union 卡车驾驶员工会Teleprompter 读稿机Test Commercial 测试性广告Testimonial Release Print 电影院放映片Three-Dimensional 3d三度空间tight Close-Up 大特写Time-Code 时码Tissue Sheets 薄绵纸Top Light 顶光Trim 剪修 Trims 修剪下来的片头尾Tracing Paper 扫图纸Track Left 摄影机左移Track Right 摄影机右移Track Time 音轨时限Trade 通路tri-X底片Turnarounds 转场Unique Selling Proposition 独特的销售主张VVideo 视觉或影像部分Video Master 影像母带Video Tape Recording Person 录音带录制员Vignetters 集锦式快接画面处理Virtual Reality 虚拟实境Visual Timeline 视觉时间尺Visually Oriented 视觉导向Voiceover Announcer 旁白播音员WWardrobe Attendant 服装师West And Brady 威布广告公司Wild Wall 活动墙板Window Burn-In 叠印框Wire-Frame 立体线稿Words-And-Music 旁白加音乐Words First 以文案为优先Zoom 变焦Zoom In 镜头向前推进。

动画专业英语词汇动画专业英语词汇Action 动作Animator 原画者,动画设计Assistant动画者Antic 预备动作Air Brushing 喷效Angle 角度Animated Zoom 画面扩大或缩小Animation Film 动画片Animation Computer电脑控制动画摄影Atmosphere Sketch气氛草图B.P.(Bot Pegs) 下定位Background 背景Blurs 模糊Blink ………眨眼Break-Down …中割Background Layout 背景设计稿Background Keys…………背景样本Background Hookup………衔接背景Background Pan …………长背景Background Still 短背景Bar Sheets ……………音节表Beat …………节拍Blank …………空白Bloom ……………闪光Blow Up ………………放大Camera Notes ………摄影注意事项C.U.(Close-Up) …特写Clean Up ………清稿,修形,作监Cut ………………镜头结束画,动画纸Double Image………双重影像Dailies (Rushes)……样片Director…………………导演Dissolve(X. D)……………溶景,叠化Distortion………………………变形Double Frame…………………双(画)格Drawing Disc…………………动画圆盘E. C. U = Extreme Close Up 大特写Ext(Exterior)…………外面;室外景Eft(Effect)…………特效Editing……………剪辑Exit(Moves Out, O. S. ) …出去Enter(In) ………入画Ease-In …………渐快Ease-Out ………渐慢Editor …………剪辑师Episode ……片集Field(Fld) ……………安全框Fade(In/On) ……画面淡入Fade(Out/Off) ……画面淡出Fin(Finish) ………完成Folos(Follows) …跟随,跟着Fast; Quickly……快速Field Guide ……安全框指示Finial Check…………总检Footage ………尺数(英尺)F. G. (Foreground)…前景Focal Length ……焦距Frame…格数Freeze Frame ………停格Gain In ……移入Head Up ………抬头Hook Up …………接景;衔接Hold ………画面停格Halo …………………光圈Int(Interior) …………里面;室内景Inb(In Between) ………………动画In-Betweener ……动画员I&P(Ink & Paint) …描线和着色Inking ………描线In Sync ………同步Intermittent ………间歇Iris Out …………画面旋逝Jiggle …………摇动Jump …跳Jitter ………跳动Lip Sync(Synchronizatio n) 口形Level …………层Look ……看Listen …………听Layout …………设计稿;构图Laughs(Laffs) ……笑L/S(Light Source) ……光源Line Test(Pencil Test) …铅笔稿试拍;线拍M. S. (Medium Shot) ………中景M. C. U. (Medium Close Up) …近景Moves Out(Exit; O. S. ) ………出去Moves In ………………进入Match Line …………组合线Multi Runs ………多重拍摄Mouth ………………嘴Mouth Charts …………口形图Mag Track(Magnetic Sou nd Track)音轨Multicel Levels …多层次化学板Multiplane …………多层设计N/S Pegs …………南北定位器N.G.(No Good) ………不好的,作废Narration ……旁白叙述Ol(Overlay) …………前层景Out Of Scene ………到画外面O.S.(Off Stage Off Sc ene) …出景Off Model …………走型Ol/Ul(Underlay) 前层与中层间的景Overlap Action …重叠动作Ones ………………一格;单格Pose ……………姿势Pos(Position) ……位置;定点Pan ………………移动Pops In/On …………突然出现Pause ……………停顿;暂停Perspective ……透视Peg Bar …………定位尺P.T.(Painting) ………着色Paint Flashes(Color Flas hes) 跳色Papercut ……………剪纸片Pencil Test ………铅笔稿试拍Persistence Of Vision 视觉暂留Post-Synchronized Soun d后期同步录音Puppet …………………木偶片Ripple Glass ………水纹玻璃Re-Peg ……………重新定位Ruff(Rough-Drawing) …草稿Run …………………跑Reg(Register) …………组合Rpt(Repeat) ………………重复Retakes …………重拍;修改Registration Pegs ……定位器Registration Holes ……定位洞Silhouette(Silo) ………剪影Speed Line ………流线Storm Out …………速转出Sparkle …………火花;闪光Shadow ………阴影Smile ………微笑Smoke ……烟Stop …………停止Slow ……………慢慢的Sc(Scene) ……………镜号S/A(Same As) …………兼用S.S(Screen Shake) …画面振动Size Comparison ……大小比例Storyboard(Sab) …分镜头台本Sfx(Sound Effect) …声效;音效Settle …………………定姿;定置Self-Line(Self-Trace Line ) 色线Sound Chart(Bar Sheets ) 音节表Special Effect ………特效Spin …………………旋转T.A.(Top Aux) ………上辅助定位T.P.(Top Pegs) ………上定位Track ………………………声带Turns ………………………转向Take …………拍摄(一般指拍摄顺序)Truck In …………………镜头推人Truck Out ……………镜头拉出Tr(Trace) ………同描Tapers …………………渐Taper-Up ……………渐快Taper-Down …………渐慢Tight Field ………小安全框Tap(Beat) …………节拍Tittle …………片名;字幕Ul(Underlay) …………中景;后景Up ………………上面Use ……………用Vert Up …………垂直上移V.O. (Voice Over) …旁白;画外音Value …………………明暗度Wipe ……………转(换)景方式Work Print …工作样片X(X-Diss) (X. D. ) ……两景交融Xerox Down ………缩小Xerox Up(Xerox Paste-U ps) 放大X-Sheet ……………摄影表Zoom Out ……………拉出Zoom Chart ………镜头推拉轨迹Zoom In ……推进Zoom Lens …变焦距镜头MMagnetic Tape 磁性录音带Makeup Artist 美容师Manipulation 操纵Markup 固定利润Matte 影像形板Maysles Films 梅思利电影公司Memory-Hook 回马枪Memory-Jogger 回马枪Merrill Lynch 美林动画Metamorphic Animation 变形动画Metamorphosis 变形Micro-Markets 微众市场Mixer 混音师Modeling 模型制作Montage 蒙太奇Morph 型变Mos 不需要现场收音的无声取景Motion Board 活动脚本或动作脚本Motion Capture 动作资料截取Motion Control 电脑控制拍摄系统Motion Picture Film 动画影片Motion Tests 动作测试Motor Home 移动居住车Mouse 滑鼠Mouthpiece 发言人Multi-City Bidding 多城市竟标Music Bookends 音乐书签Music First 以音乐为优先Musical Instrument Digital Interface Midi电子乐器一的数位介面NNational Association Of Broadcast 国家广播电子技师协会National Cash Register国家收银机公司NBC 国家广播公司Negative Conformer 底片组合员NG(No Good)不好的镜头Nonlinear Editing 非线性剪辑OOff-Camera 镜外表演Off-Key 走调Offline System 线外系统Offline System 线外剪辑系统One-Stop Operation 一贯作业On Camera 镜内表演On-Camera Sag Rates演员同业公会规定的上镜费On Location出外景Online Editing 线上剪辑One-Light 单一光度One-Light Film Print 单光影片洗印One-Stop Operation 一次作业Opaquer 著色人员Open Camera 公开摄影Optical House 视觉效果工作室Optical Printer 光学印片室Original Arrangement 编曲著作Original Recording 录音著作Original Score 总谱制作Out-Of-Pocket 现款支付Outside Props 棚外道具师Outtakes 借用镜头PPacific Data Images 太平洋影像公司Pegs 过场用之画面Pencil Test 铅笔测试稿Perceived Value 知觉价值Personalities 知名人士Personality Testimonials 名人见证Persuasion 说服Photo Cd 影像光碟Pickup Footage 从旧有的广告借凑而来的影片Pictures First 以画面为优先Pixels 像素Playback 播放Playback Person 录影机播放员Post-Scoring 后制配乐Posttesting 后测Pre-Lite 预先排演Pre-Production Meeting 拍制前会议Pre-Production Stage 制前阶段Prescoring Music 拍摄前配乐Pretesting 前测Price-Quote 报价或喊价Printed Circuit 印刷电路Producer 广告公司的制片,制作人Product Shot 商品展示镜头Production Assistant P.A 制作助理Production Boutique 制片工作室Production Notes 制作住记Production Package 制作议价组合Production Specification Sheets 制作工明细表Promotions 促销Prop People 道具师Stage Properties 舞台道具Props 道具Public-Domain Music 大众共有或版权公有的音乐Publisher's Fee 发行费用Pulldown 抓片RRandom Access 随机存取Random Access Memory Ram随机存取记忆体Raster 屏面Read Only Memory Rom 唯读记忆体Real Opinions 真实反应的意见Real People 消费大众或一般人Real People Reactions And Opinions 消费大众的真实反应及意见Recordist 录音师Reebok 锐跑Reflections 反光Rendering 算图Rental Facilities 出租公司Residual 后续付款Rhapsody In Blue 《蓝色狂想曲》Rhythm And Hues 莱休电脑动画公司Right-To-Work 自由工作权Ripomatic/Stealomatic Storyboard 借境脚本Roll Camera 开动摄影机Rotoscope 逐格帖合的重覆动画动作Rough Cut 粗剪SSample Reels 作品集Scenes 场景Scenic Artist 布景设计师Scratch Track 临时音轨Screen ActorsGuild Sag 电影演员同业公会Screen Extra's Guild Sag 电影临时演员同业公会Scripts 剧本Script Clerk 场记Set Construction Costs 搭景费用Set Designer 布景设计师Set Dresser 布影装饰师Shadows 阴影Shape Library 清晰对焦Shooting Board 模型资料库Shooting Day 制作脚本拍片日Shooting In Two 一次两画格的方式拍摄Shot List 拍摄程序表Shutter 快门Sides 台词表Silent Scenes 无声场景Silent Takes 无声取景Slate 开拍板Slice-Of-Life Episodes 生活片段式对白Snapshot 快照拍摄Solid State Screensound 数位录音工作站Song-And-Dance 歌舞片Sound People 音效人员Sound Stage 隔音场Sound Take 有声摄影Special Effects Person 特殊效果人员Special-Effects 特效Specification Sheet 职责明细表Speed 运转正常Splice 捻接Sprint 斯布林特电话公司Stand-In 替身Stand-Up Presenters 播报员推荐Standing Sets 常备的布景配置Star Personality 知名人物Stereo-Mixing 立体声混音Sticks 排字手托Stills 剧照Still Photos 静态照片Stock Footage 底片材料、库存影片Stop-Motion 单格拍制Story Line 故事情节Storyboard 故事脚本Strobe-Lighe Photography 频闪闪光灯摄影法Subaru Automobile 速霸陆汽车Super 16mm Format 超16厘米底片规格Sync Sound 同步收音Synchronized 同步TThe Screening Room 试播室Takes 取景镜头Talent Reports 劳务报价单Teamsters 卡车驾驶员Teamsters Union 卡车驾驶员工会Teleprompter 读稿机Test Commercial 测试性广告Testimonial Release Print 电影院放映片Three-Dimensional 3d三度空间tight Close-Up 大特写Time-Code 时码Tissue Sheets 薄绵纸Top Light 顶光Trim 剪修 Trims 修剪下来的片头尾Tracing Paper 扫图纸Track Left 摄影机左移Track Right 摄影机右移Track Time 音轨时限Trade 通路tri-X底片Turnarounds 转场Unique Selling Proposition 独特的销售主张VVideo 视觉或影像部分Video Master 影像母带Video Tape Recording Person 录音带录制员Vignetters 集锦式快接画面处理Virtual Reality 虚拟实境Visual Timeline 视觉时间尺Visually Oriented 视觉导向Voiceover Announcer 旁白播音员WWardrobe Attendant 服装师West And Brady 威布广告公司Wild Wall 活动墙板Window Burn-In 叠印框Wire-Frame 立体线稿Words-And-Music 旁白加音乐Words First 以文案为优先Zoom 变焦Zoom In 镜头向前推进。

redits 影片字幕acrobat 特技演员ADR assistant 配音助理ADR editor 配音剪辑ADR mixer 配音录音师ADR supervisor 配音指导ADR voice casting 配音演员advisor 制片顾问all rights reserved 版权所animator 动画设计师animator cartoonist 动画画家apprentice editor 见习编辑art department assistant 美术部门助理art department coordinator 美术部门协调人art designer 美术设计人员art director 艺术指导,美工师assistant accountant 助理会计assistant art director 助理美工师assistant cameraman 助理摄影师assistant chief lighting technician 助理照明师assistant construction coordinator 制景协调人助理assistant costume supervisor 服装管理助理assistant dialogue editor 助理对白编辑assistant director 助理导演assistant engineer 助理录音技师assistant location manager 外景制片助理assistant producer 助理制片人assistant production coordinator 制片协调人助理assistant property master 助理道具管理员assistant prop 道具管理员助理assistant set decorator 置景人员助理assistant sound editor 声音助理剪辑师assistant sound effectseditor 声效助理剪辑师associate producer 副制片人audio assistant editor 声音助理剪辑师best boy 照明助手best boy electric 照明助手best boy grip 置景工best person 照明助手body makeup 身体化装boom operator 录音花筒操作员cableperson 电缆管理员cameraman's assistant 摄影师助理camera operator 摄影助理,摄影师camera trainee 见习摄影师cameraman 电影摄影师cartoonist 动画片画家casting 选派演员casting assistant 演员部助理casting associate 演员部联系人caterer 伙食管理员chief cameraman 总摄影师chief lighting technician 主任照明师choreographer 舞蹈编导cinemanufacturer 电影制造厂cinematographer 电影摄影师clapper boy 场记员co-costume designer 联合服装设计师color timer 配光员commentator 解说员composer 作曲者computer graphics playback计算机图形重放conductor 乐队指挥construction carpenter 置景木工construction coordinator 搭景协调人construction estimator 搭景评估人construction gang boss 搭景组指挥construction key grip 主要置景工construction scenic artist布景美术师consultant 顾问continuity 分镜头剧本continuity girl 女场记员continuity man 场记员continuity writer 分镜头剧本作者coproducer 联合制片人costume designer 服装设计师costume supervisor 服装管理员costumer 服装师crafts service 技巧员dailies advisor 样片指导decorator 制景人员designer 设计人员dial twister 调音师dialect coach 方言教练,对白员,提词员dialogue director 对白导演dialogue editor 台词编辑director 导演best boy 照明助手best boy electric 照明助手best boy grip 置景工best person 照明助手body makeup 身体化装boom operator 录音花筒操作员cableperson 电缆管理员cameraman's assistant 摄影师助理camera operator 摄影助理,摄影师camera trainee 见习摄影师cameraman 电影摄影师cartoonist 动画片画家casting 选派演员casting assistant 演员部助理casting associate 演员部联系人caterer 伙食管理员chief cameraman 总摄影师chief lighting technician 主任照明师choreographer 舞蹈编导cinemanufacturer 电影制造厂cinematographer 电影摄影师clapper boy 场记员co-costume designer 联合服装设计师color timer 配光员commentator 解说员composer 作曲者computer graphics playback 计算机图形重放conductor 乐队指挥construction carpenter 置景木工construction coordinator 搭景协调人construction estimator 搭景评估人construction gang boss 搭景组指挥construction key grip 主要置景工construction scenic artist布景美术师consultant 顾问continuity 分镜头剧本continuity girl 女场记员continuity man 场记员continuity writer 分镜头剧本作者coproducer 联合制片人costume designer 服装设计师costume supervisor 服装管理员costumer 服装师craftsservice 技巧员film industry电影工业cinematograph电影摄影机,电影放映机cinema,pictures电影院(美作:movietheater)first-runcinema首轮影院second-runcinema二轮影院art theatre艺术影院continuous performancecinema循环场电影院film society电影协会,电影俱乐部(美作:filmclub)film library电影资料馆premiere首映式。

前期/中期/后期 ⼀般说的是上动画制作公司制作动画流程:1、前期:主要是和客户沟通需求、确定风格、⽂案、动画⼈设和分镜头等。
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动画专业英语词汇Action 动作Animator 原画者,动画设计Assistant动画者Antic 预备动作Air Brushing 喷效Angle 角度Animated Zoom 画面扩大或缩小Animation Film 动画片Animation Computer电脑控制动画摄影Atmosphere Sketch气氛草图B.P.(Bot Pegs) 下定位Background 背景Blurs 模糊Blink ………眨眼Break-Down …中割Background Layout 背景设计稿Background Keys…………背景样本Background Hookup………衔接背景Background Pan …………长背景Background Still 短背景Bar Sheets ……………音节表Beat …………节拍Blank …………空白Bloom ……………闪光Blow Up ………………放大Camera Notes ………摄影注意事项C.U.(Close-Up) …特写Clean Up ………清稿,修形,作监Cut ………………镜头结束画,动画纸Double Image………双重影像Dailies (Rushes)……样片Director…………………导演Dissolve(X. D)……………溶景,叠化Distortion………………………变形Double Frame…………………双(画)格Drawing Disc…………………动画圆盘E. C. U = Extreme Close Up 大特写Ext(Exterior)…………外面;室外景Eft(Effect)…………特效Editing……………剪辑Exit(Moves Out, O. S. ) …出去Enter(In) ………入画Ease-In …………渐快Ease-Out ………渐慢Editor …………剪辑师Episode ……片集Field(Fld) ……………安全框Fade(In/On) ……画面淡入Fade(Out/Off) ……画面淡出Fin(Finish) ………完成Folos(Follows) …跟随,跟着Fast; Quickly……快速Field Guide ……安全框指示Finial Check…………总检Footage ………尺数(英尺)F. G. (Foreground)…前景Focal Length ……焦距Frame…格数Freeze Frame ………停格Gain In ……移入Head Up ………抬头Hook Up …………接景;衔接Hold ………画面停格Halo …………………光圈Int(Interior) …………里面;室内景Inb(In Between) ………………动画In-Betweener ……动画员I&P(Ink & Paint) …描线和着色Inking ………描线In Sync ………同步Intermittent ………间歇Iris Out …………画面旋逝Jiggle …………摇动Jump …跳Jitter ………跳动Lip Sync(Synchronizatio n) 口形Level …………层Look ……看Listen …………听Layout …………设计稿;构图Laughs(Laffs) ……笑L/S(Light Source) ……光源Line Test(Pencil Test) …铅笔稿试拍;线拍M. S. (Medium Shot) ………中景M. C. U. (Medium Close Up) …近景Moves Out(Exit; O. S. ) ………出去Moves In ………………进入Match Line …………组合线Multi Runs ………多重拍摄Mouth ………………嘴Mouth Charts …………口形图Mag Track(Magnetic Sou nd Track)音轨Multicel Levels …多层次化学板Multiplane …………多层设计N/S Pegs …………南北定位器N.G.(No Good) ………不好的,作废Narration ……旁白叙述Ol(Overlay) …………前层景Out Of Scene ………到画外面O.S.(Off Stage Off Sc ene) …出景Off Model …………走型Ol/Ul(Underlay) 前层与中层间的景Overlap Action …重叠动作Ones ………………一格;单格Pose ……………姿势Pos(Position) ……位置;定点Pan ………………移动Pops In/On …………突然出现Pause ……………停顿;暂停Perspective ……透视Peg Bar …………定位尺P.T.(Painting) ………着色Paint Flashes(Color Flas hes) 跳色Papercut ……………剪纸片Pencil Test ………铅笔稿试拍Persistence Of Vision 视觉暂留Post-Synchronized Soun d后期同步录音Puppet …………………木偶片Ripple Glass ………水纹玻璃Re-Peg ……………重新定位Ruff(Rough-Drawing) …草稿Run …………………跑Reg(Register) …………组合Rpt(Repeat) ………………重复Retakes …………重拍;修改Registration Pegs ……定位器Registration Holes ……定位洞Silhouette(Silo) ………剪影Speed Line ………流线Storm Out …………速转出Sparkle …………火花;闪光Shadow ………阴影Smile ………微笑Smoke ……烟Stop …………停止Slow ……………慢慢的Sc(Scene) ……………镜号S/A(Same As) …………兼用S.S(Screen Shake) …画面振动Size Comparison ……大小比例Storyboard(Sab) …分镜头台本Sfx(Sound Effect) …声效;音效Settle …………………定姿;定置Self-Line(Self-Trace Line ) 色线Sound Chart(Bar Sheets ) 音节表Special Effect ………特效Spin …………………旋转T.A.(Top Aux) ………上辅助定位T.P.(Top Pegs) ………上定位Track ………………………声带Turns ………………………转向Take …………拍摄(一般指拍摄顺序)Truck In …………………镜头推人Truck Out ……………镜头拉出Tr(Trace) ………同描Tapers …………………渐Taper-Up ……………渐快Taper-Down …………渐慢Tight Field ………小安全框Tap(Beat) …………节拍Tittle …………片名;字幕Ul(Underlay) …………中景;后景Up ………………上面Use ……………用Vert Up …………垂直上移V.O. (Voice Over) …旁白;画外音Value …………………明暗度Wipe ……………转(换)景方式Work Print …工作样片X(X-Diss) (X. D. ) ……两景交融Xerox Down ………缩小Xerox Up(Xerox Paste-U ps) 放大X-Sheet ……………摄影表Zoom Out ……………拉出Zoom Chart ………镜头推拉轨迹Zoom In ……推进Zoom Lens …变焦距镜头MMagnetic Tape 磁性录音带Makeup Artist 美容师Manipulation 操纵Markup 固定利润Matte 影像形板Maysles Films 梅思利电影公司Memory-Hook 回马枪Memory-Jogger 回马枪Merrill Lynch 美林动画Metamorphic Animation 变形动画Metamorphosis 变形Micro-Markets 微众市场Mixer 混音师Modeling 模型制作Montage 蒙太奇Morph 型变Mos 不需要现场收音的无声取景Motion Board 活动脚本或动作脚本Motion Capture 动作资料截取Motion Control 电脑控制拍摄系统Motion Picture Film 动画影片Motion Tests 动作测试Motor Home 移动居住车Mouse 滑鼠Mouthpiece 发言人Multi-City Bidding 多城市竟标Music Bookends 音乐书签Music First 以音乐为优先Musical Instrument Digital Interface Midi电子乐器一的数位介面NNational Association Of Broadcast 国家广播电子技师协会National Cash Register国家收银机公司NBC 国家广播公司Negative Conformer 底片组合员NG(No Good)不好的镜头Nonlinear Editing 非线性剪辑OOff-Camera 镜外表演Off-Key 走调Offline System 线外系统Offline System 线外剪辑系统One-Stop Operation 一贯作业On Camera 镜内表演On-Camera Sag Rates演员同业公会规定的上镜费On Location 出外景Online Editing 线上剪辑One-Light 单一光度One-Light Film Print 单光影片洗印One-Stop Operation 一次作业Opaquer 著色人员Open Camera 公开摄影Optical House 视觉效果工作室Optical Printer 光学印片室Original Arrangement 编曲著作Original Recording 录音著作Original Score 总谱制作Out-Of-Pocket 现款支付Outside Props 棚外道具师Outtakes 借用镜头PPacific Data Images 太平洋影像公司Pegs 过场用之画面Pencil Test 铅笔测试稿Perceived Value 知觉价值Personalities 知名人士Personality Testimonials 名人见证Persuasion 说服Photo Cd 影像光碟Pickup Footage 从旧有的广告借凑而来的影片Pictures First 以画面为优先Pixels 像素Playback 播放Playback Person 录影机播放员Post-Scoring 后制配乐Posttesting 后测Pre-Lite 预先排演Pre-Production Meeting 拍制前会议Pre-Production Stage 制前阶段Prescoring Music 拍摄前配乐Pretesting 前测Price-Quote 报价或喊价Printed Circuit 印刷电路Producer 广告公司的制片,制作人Product Shot 商品展示镜头Production Assistant P.A 制作助理Production Boutique 制片工作室Production Notes 制作住记Production Package 制作议价组合Production Specification Sheets 制作工明细表Promotions 促销Prop People 道具师Stage Properties 舞台道具Props 道具Public-Domain Music 大众共有或版权公有的音乐Publisher's Fee 发行费用Pulldown 抓片RRandom Access 随机存取Random Access Memory Ram随机存取记忆体Raster 屏面Read Only Memory Rom 唯读记忆体Real Opinions 真实反应的意见Real People 消费大众或一般人Real People Reactions And Opinions 消费大众的真实反应及意见Recordist 录音师Reebok 锐跑Reflections 反光Rendering 算图Rental Facilities 出租公司Residual 后续付款Rhapsody In Blue 《蓝色狂想曲》Rhythm And Hues 莱休电脑动画公司Right-To-Work 自由工作权Ripomatic/Stealomatic Storyboard 借境脚本Roll Camera 开动摄影机Rotoscope 逐格帖合的重覆动画动作Rough Cut 粗剪SSample Reels 作品集Scenes 场景Scenic Artist 布景设计师Scratch Track 临时音轨Screen Actors Guild Sag 电影演员同业公会Screen Extra's Guild Sag 电影临时演员同业公会Scripts 剧本Script Clerk 场记Set Construction Costs 搭景费用Set Designer 布景设计师Set Dresser 布影装饰师Shadows 阴影Shape Library 清晰对焦Shooting Board 模型资料库Shooting Day 制作脚本拍片日Shooting In Two 一次两画格的方式拍摄Shot List 拍摄程序表Shutter 快门Sides 台词表Silent Scenes 无声场景Silent Takes 无声取景Slate 开拍板Slice-Of-Life Episodes 生活片段式对白Snapshot 快照拍摄Solid State Screensound 数位录音工作站Song-And-Dance 歌舞片Sound People 音效人员Sound Stage 隔音场Sound Take 有声摄影Special Effects Person 特殊效果人员Special-Effects 特效Specification Sheet 职责明细表Speed 运转正常Splice 捻接Sprint 斯布林特电话公司Stand-In 替身Stand-Up Presenters 播报员推荐Standing Sets 常备的布景配置Star Personality 知名人物Stereo-Mixing 立体声混音Sticks 排字手托Stills 剧照Still Photos 静态照片Stock Footage 底片材料、库存影片Stop-Motion 单格拍制Story Line 故事情节Storyboard 故事脚本Strobe-Lighe Photography 频闪闪光灯摄影法Subaru Automobile 速霸陆汽车Super 16mm Format 超16厘米底片规格Sync Sound 同步收音Synchronized 同步TThe Screening Room 试播室Takes 取景镜头Talent Reports 劳务报价单Teamsters 卡车驾驶员Teamsters Union 卡车驾驶员工会Teleprompter 读稿机Test Commercial 测试性广告Testimonial Release Print 电影院放映片Three-Dimensional 3d三度空间tight Close-Up 大特写Time-Code 时码Tissue Sheets 薄绵纸Top Light 顶光Trim 剪修 Trims 修剪下来的片头尾Tracing Paper 扫图纸Track Left 摄影机左移Track Right 摄影机右移Track Time 音轨时限Trade 通路tri-X底片Turnarounds 转场Unique Selling Proposition 独特的销售主张VVideo 视觉或影像部分Video Master 影像母带Video Tape Recording Person 录音带录制员Vignetters 集锦式快接画面处理Virtual Reality 虚拟实境Visual Timeline 视觉时间尺Visually Oriented 视觉导向Voiceover Announcer 旁白播音员WWardrobe Attendant 服装师West And Brady 威布广告公司Wild Wall 活动墙板Window Burn-In 叠印框Wire-Frame 立体线稿Words-And-Music 旁白加音乐Words First 以文案为优先Zoom 变焦Zoom In 镜头向前推进。