



意大利GEFRAN直线位移传感器(电子尺)型号:LT / PC / PK / PA1 / PY1 / PY2 / PY3 / PZ12 / PZ34 / PME12 / PMI12 / PMA12 / IC / PCIR / PCIR101/PCIR102LT:⊙广泛应用于注塑、机床及机械加工等行业⊙无限分辨率⊙行程:50至900mm⊙独立线性度:±0.05%⊙位移速度达到:5m/s、10 m/s可选⊙工作温度:-30至+100℃⊙多种电气连接方式⊙保护等级:IP60(IP65可选)LT 位移传感器PC:⊙行程:50至750mm⊙使用寿命:>1亿次或>25×1000000米⊙机械固定并使用双珠自整连接⊙最大角度位移超过±30o⊙无限分辨率⊙独立线性达±0.05%⊙位移速率达5m/s⊙工作温度:-30至+100℃⊙保护等级:IP65PC 位移传感器PK:⊙行程:100至2000mm⊙利用M5螺纹机械连接⊙无限分辨率⊙独立线性达±0.05%⊙工作温度:-30至+100℃⊙使用寿命:>1亿次或>25×1000000米⊙保护等级:IP40PK 位移传感器PA1:⊙行程:25至150mm⊙利用M4螺纹机械连接⊙无限分辨率⊙独立线性达±0.05%⊙位移速率达5m/s⊙工作温度:-30至+100℃⊙使用寿命:>1亿次或>25×1000000米⊙保护等级:IP40PA1 位移传感器PY1:⊙行程:25至150mm⊙利用M4螺纹机械连接⊙无限分辨率⊙独立线性达±0.05%⊙位移速率达10m/s⊙工作温度:-30至+100℃⊙使用寿命:>1亿次⊙控制杆的双向支持⊙保护等级:IP40PY1 位移传感器PY2:⊙广泛应用于注塑、机床、喷涂及机械加工等行业⊙行程:10至100mm⊙控制杆的双向支持和复位弹簧⊙顶部具有M2.5螺纹和不锈钢球⊙无限分辨率⊙位移速率达10m/s⊙工作温度:-30至+100℃⊙使用寿命:>1亿次⊙保护等级:IP40PY2 位移传感器PY3:⊙广泛应用于注塑、机床、喷涂及机械加工等行业⊙行程:10至50mm⊙控制杆的双向支持和复位弹簧⊙顶部具有M2.5螺纹和不锈钢精密轴承⊙独立线性达±0.1%⊙无限分辨率⊙位移速率达10m/s⊙工作温度:-30至+100℃⊙使用寿命:>1亿次⊙保护等级:IP40PY3 位移传感器PZ12:⊙广泛应用于注塑、机床、喷涂及机械加工等行业⊙行程:25至250mm⊙利用托架、自整连接球、法兰进行机械固定⊙独立线性达±0.05%⊙无限分辨率⊙使用寿命>1亿次或>25×1000000米⊙保护等级:IP60PZ12 位移传感器PZ34:⊙行程:25至300mm⊙利用托架、自整连接球、法兰进行机械固定⊙独立线性达±0.05%⊙无限分辨率⊙位移速率达10m/s⊙使用寿命>1亿次或>25×1000000米⊙工作温度:-30至+100℃⊙保护等级:IP60。



To Order (Specify Model Number)
Model No.
Price Description
OS1611(*)-(**) OS1711(*)-(**) OS1811(*)-(**)
$ 930 1125 1850
Remote IR sensing head and electronics
Shown smaller than actual size.
OS1700 Series sensor with integral electronics.
ߜ Linear 4 to 20 mA Output
ߜ Simple 2-Wire Installation
ߜ 10 to 40 Vdc Power Operation
ߜ 3 Models to Choose From
ߜ 6 Infrared Spectral Responses
OS1800 Series sensor with integral electronics/display.
OS1600 Series OEM style sensor and remote electronics.
Rear view showing sensor.
OS1811-112-S, $1600, shown actual size.
signal allows the sensor to be interfaced with a variety of remote devices: indicators, controllers, recorders, and/or computers, etc.



投入热电偶和抵抗温度计从面板完全可配置补偿功能,在输入信号继电器、马或逻辑主要输出1到3可配置的警报器科技辅助输入闹钟opencircuit载入或短路探针PD报警输出配置用于冷却校正/自整定、Soft-start,无扰人/自动转移optoisolated 4-wires线连接:微处理器控制器,48x96(1 / 8 DIN)格式模型1000和96x96(1 / 4 DIN)格式模特和1101人造SMT 1001。


主要的输入为控制变量是放之四海而皆准的可能性提供连接不同类型的信号:热电偶的类型J、钾、氮、S,R,T电阻温度计Pt100(3-wire)线性输入:0-50mV,10-50mV 2-10V,0-10V定义键盘,0-20mA,4-20mA在外部转轨。


该仪器具有双重控制输出,既是继电器(5A,250Vac在cosφ= 1)和静止,烦请懂max.20mA),最多有3个报警继电器输出(3A,250Vac)。






精度f.s. 0.2%以内在名义上的条件。




1的闹钟和完全可配置的功能(3报警分)自整定、Soft-start校正,72 PID是40T的72x36以微处理器为基础的控制器,采用SMT。



页次 1-11实业有限公司版次 1.0产品规格书日期 2013.目 录名 称 页 次目录 (1)产品图纸 (2)产品性能 (3)R-T表 (4)变更记录版次 变更日期 变更内容第1页 共11页24mm*0.31铜带热敏电阻备 注比 例重 量第 2 页图 样 标 记共 11 页名 称材 料 及 规 格温度传感器日期更改文件号签字数量实业有限公司1序号设计(审核)(工艺)处数标注23技术要求:1.表面光滑无毛剌;2.端子与导线连接紧固;4导线1铁氟龙管1 L铁氟龙管 mm 2客户确认56连接器端子C3-2Y白色C31271外胶内纤管 4 ∅L=90mm电子实业有限公司规格书R25℃=XXXKΩ±1% 页码:第3页共11页NTC负温度系数热敏电阻B25/50=XXX±1% 1.电气性能项目技术要求测试条件/测试方法测试仪器1.1 额定零功率电阻R25℃=100KΩ±2%环境温度范围25℃±0.1%放2小时测试仪表精度≤±0.2%测试功率≤±0.2mW1.2 B值B25/50=3950±1%B=Ln(R25/R50)/(1/273.15+50)-1/(273.15+25)环境温度: 25℃±0.1℃. 50℃±0.1℃测试仪表精度; ≤±0.2%1.恒温油槽宁波2. 水银温度计(北京玻璃研究院)3. LCR数字电桥1.3 耐压1500VDC/0.5mA.10S无击穿或飞弧现象耐压测试仪(南京长盛)1.4 绝缘电阻≥100ΜΩ/500VDC绝缘电阻测试仪(常州惠发电子有限公司)1.5 耗散系数δmax2.5mw/℃(静止空气中)δ=W/(T-T0)=l²R/(T-T0)1.6 时间常数τmax 10S (静止空气中)零功率状态下由一个特定温度向另一个特定温度突变时阻值变化63.2%所需时间1.7 工作温度-20℃--+200℃1.8 最大功率Pmax 5mw2.可靠性2.1 高温存放200℃环境中放置1000小时阻值变化不大于±2% 101-1型恒温干燥箱(设备有限公司)2.2 低温存放-20℃环境中放置1000小时阻值变化不大于±冰箱2.3 耐温热60℃95%RH存放1000小时阻值变化不大于±2%2.4 耐温度冲击-20℃30分钟—常温5分钟—70℃30分钟循环冲击3次后,阻值变化不大于±2%.101-1型恒温干燥箱(上海沪越实验设备有限公司)BCD-232容声冰箱2.5 引线强度引线沿轴向施加20N拉力并持续60S后,外观无损伤.阻值变化不大于±1%SLJ型拉力计(温州山度)VD9806型数字万用表2.6 振动元件经受加速10g,振幅1.5mm频率从10HZ到500HZ X.Y方向各15分钟后应无损伤,阻值变化不大于±2%VD9806型数字万用表2.7使用寿命正常使用电阻值年飘移率≤3‰3.其它性能3.1 外观无可见性损伤目测4.使用环境条件相对湿度: ≤±95%HK 振动频率: 10—500HZ 大气压力:40Kpa 加速度: 250m/S 贮存温度: -5℃--40℃R25=100KΩ 精度:±1% B25/50=3950K B25/85=4092K 精度:±1%(P182-6B2) 电阻(KΩ) 电阻精度(%) 温度精度(℃)温度(℃) 最小值 中心值 最大值 △R -△R △T -△T -55 20623.500 21986.100 23436.400 6.596 -6.197 0.715 -0.672 -54 17809.100 18957.600 20178.200 6.438 -6.058 0.712 -0.670 -53 15466.500 16440.600 17474.200 6.287 -5.924 0.709 -0.668 -52 13504.600 14335.400 15215.800 6.141 -5.795 0.706 -0.666 -51 11851.500 12564.000 13318.100 6.001 -5.671 0.703 -0.664 -50 10450.700 11064.900 11714.100 5.867 -5.551 0.699 -0.662 -49 9257.290 9789.400 10351.000 5.737 -5.435 0.696 -0.659 -48 8235.230 8698.310 9186.510 5.612 -5.323 0.692 -0.657 -47 7355.590 7760.350 8186.560 5.492 -5.215 0.689 -0.654 -46 6594.960 6950.200 7323.840 5.375 -5.111 0.685 -0.651 -45 5934.270 6247.250 6576.080 5.263 -5.009 0.681 -0.649 -44 5357.900 5634.670 5925.140 5.155 -4.911 0.678 -0.646 -43 4853.030 5098.620 5356.100 5.049 -4.816 0.674 -0.643 -42 4409.040 4627.670 4856.660 4.948 -4.724 0.670 -0.639 -41 4017.110 4212.340 4416.620 4.849 -4.634 0.666 -0.636 -40 3669.900 3844.740 4027.520 4.753 -4.547 0.662 -0.633 -39 3361.230 3518.250 3682.230 4.660 -4.462 0.657 -0.630 -38 3085.930 3227.300 3374.810 4.570 -4.380 0.653 -0.626 -37 2839.610 2967.200 3100.210 4.482 -4.300 0.649 -0.622 -36 2618.550 2733.970 2854.190 4.397 -4.221 0.644 -0.619 -35 2419.590 2524.220 2633.120 4.314 -4.145 0.640 -0.615 -34 2240.020 2335.070 2433.910 4.232 -4.070 0.635 -0.611 -33 2077.520 2164.020 2253.910 4.153 -3.997 0.631 -0.607-32 1930.090 2008.970 2090.850 4.076 -3.926 0.626 -0.603 -31 1796.020 1868.050 1942.780 4.000 -3.856 0.621 -0.599 -30 1673.800 1739.690 1808.000 3.926 -3.787 0.616 -0.594 -29 1562.140 1622.510 1685.040 3.854 -3.720 0.611 -0.590 -28 1459.910 1515.290 1572.610 3.783 -3.654 0.606 -0.585 -27 1366.120 1417.000 1469.610 3.713 -3.590 0.601 -0.581 -26 1279.910 1326.700 1375.060 3.645 -3.526 0.596 -0.576 -25 1200.520 1243.600 1288.100 3.578 -3.464 0.590 -0.571 -24 1127.280 1166.990 1207.980 3.512 -3.402 0.585 -0.567 -23 1059.590 1096.230 1134.020 3.447 -3.342 0.579 -0.562 -22 996.936 1030.770 1065.650 3.383 -3.282 0.574 -0.557 -21 938.848 970.126 1002.340 3.321 -3.224 0.568 -0.552 -20 884.914 913.850 943.637 3.259 -3.166 0.562 -0.546 -19 834.767 861.555 889.114 3.198 -3.109 0.557 -0.541 -18 788.078 812.895 838.409 3.138 -3.052 0.551 -0.536 -17 744.551 767.557 791.194 3.079 -2.997 0.545 -0.530R---T分度表 :- 传真:- 地址:15座4楼 网址 电子邮箱:@.comR25=100KΩ 精度:±1% B25/50=3950K B25/85=4092K 精度:±1%(P182-6B2) 电阻(KΩ) 电阻精度(%) 温度精度(℃)温度(℃) 最小值 中心值 最大值 △R -△R △T -△T -16 703.923 725.262 747.173 3.021 -2.942 0.539 -0.525 -15 665.955 685.759 706.082 2.963 -2.887 0.533 -0.519 -14 630.435 648.823 667.681 2.906 -2.834 0.526 -0.513 -13 597.168 614.249 631.756 2.850 -2.780 0.520 -0.507 -12 565.979 581.853 598.112 2.794 -2.728 0.514 -0.502 -11 536.711 551.468 566.575 2.739 -2.675 0.507 -0.496 -10 509.220 522.943 536.983 2.684 -2.624 0.501 -0.490 -9 483.374 496.140 509.192 2.630 -2.573 0.494 -0.483 -8 459.056 470.934 483.071 2.577 -2.522 0.488 -0.477 -7 436.156 447.211 458.499 2.524 -2.471 0.481 -0.471 -6 414.576 424.866 435.367 2.471 -2.421 0.474 -0.465 -5 394.224 403.803 413.574 2.419 -2.372 0.467 -0.458 -4 375.018 383.937 393.028 2.367 -2.322 0.460 -0.452 -3 356.881 365.185 373.645 2.316 -2.274 0.453 -0.445 -2 339.742 347.475 355.348 2.265 -2.225 0.446 -0.438 -1 323.538 330.738 338.065 2.215 -2.177 0.439 -0.431 0 308.207 314.913 321.731 2.165 -2.129 0.432 -0.425 1 293.697 299.940 306.285 2.115 -2.081 0.425 -0.418 2 279.954 285.767 291.671 2.066 -2.034 0.417 -0.411 3 266.934 272.345 277.838 2.017 -1.986 0.410 -0.404 4 254.590 259.627 264.737 1.968 -1.940 0.402 -0.396 5 242.884 247.572 252.325 1.919 -1.893 0.395 -0.389 6 231.778 236.139 240.559 1.871 -1.847 0.387 -0.382 7 221.236 225.293 229.402 1.823 -1.800 0.379 -0.374 8 211.226 214.999 218.817 1.776 -1.754 0.371 -0.367 9 201.717 205.225 208.772 1.728 -1.709 0.364 -0.359 10 192.681 195.941 199.236 1.681 -1.663 0.356 -0.352 11 184.092 187.121 190.180 1.634 -1.618 0.348 -0.344 12 175.925 178.737 181.576 1.588 -1.573 0.340 -0.336 13 168.157 170.767 173.400 1.541 -1.528 0.331 -0.328 14 160.766 163.187 165.628 1.495 -1.483 0.323 -0.320 15 153.731 155.976 158.237 1.449 -1.439 0.315 -0.312 16 147.034 149.114 151.208 1.404 -1.394 0.306 -0.304 17 140.657 142.582 144.520 1.358 -1.350 0.298 -0.296 18 134.582 136.364 138.155 1.313 -1.306 0.289 -0.287 19 128.794 130.442 132.097 1.268 -1.262 0.280 -0.279 20 123.279 124.800 126.328 1.224 -1.219 0.271 -0.270 21 118.021 119.425 120.834 1.179 -1.175 0.262 -0.261 22 113.009 114.303 115.600 1.135 -1.132 0.252 -0.251 23 108.229 109.420 110.614 1.090 -1.089 0.240 -0.240R---T分度表 :- 传真:- 地址:15座4楼 网址 电子邮箱。




一. 仪表选型注1:标准型:仪表出厂前具有继电器输出和电压脉冲输出。


二. 接线图(-) (+) RS484 (-) 通讯 SSR 输出(+) (D2) 继电器 4-20mA 输出 + 报警1或 第二输出(带PD三.安装尺寸(面板安装) 1000/1001 1100/1101501深100mm 深100mm 深105mm注:为确保安装正确,请参阅英文版手册中的注意事项和警告。

四. 功能说明 1) 输入种类热电偶:K 、J 、N 、S 、R 、T 热电阻:PT100电压: 0-50mv ,10-50mv电流: 0-20mA ,4-20mA ,0-10mA(电流输入需在输入端并接2.5Ω或5Ω精密电阻) 电流互感器输入 2) 输出输出1:继电器:端子额定电流5A/220Vac SSR :24V/20mA 电压脉冲 DC 输出: 4-20mA输出2:用报警输出1,通过软件组态改为PD 控制功能 3) 报警功能报警1可以带PD 控制,触点电流5A报警2和3触点为常开,可以通过内部跳线改为常闭触点容量为3A/220Vac 4) 数字通讯(电流环/RS485)如果仪表有1200波特率无源电流环接口,接收二极管在端子8(RX+)和端子9(RX-) 传输晶体管端子10(TX+)和(TX-)标准配置(并联到串行口)联接到二极管阻值为1千欧,集电极电阻为100Ω 对串联连接,接到二极管阻值为100欧 若配置为4线制RS485(1200波特率),输入端为8(RX+)和9(RX-)传输为10(TX+)和11(TX-) [参阅硬件组态] 五. 显示面板和按键说明 A :显示测量值 B :显示设定值1) 显示过程设定值2)当AL1,AL2,AL3/HB 灯闪烁时,设定报警值显示 3)当字母“P ”前面显示[0-99%]显示主输出功率 4)可显示组态参数F :主输出灯,当第一输出动作时该灯亮G :报警输出指示C:功能键“F”1)F键用来选择设定值或报警值以便读取和修改设定值,如果未按住F键,10秒钟后,修改值将自动存贮,同时返回显示过程设定值。

Gefran 650 1250 1350 PID 温度调节器系列用户手册说明书

Gefran 650 1250 1350 PID 温度调节器系列用户手册说明书

650/1250/1350 SERIES PID TEMPERATURE CONTROLLERSENG C O D . 81171G2Gefran’s model 650 – 1250 - 1350 PID temperature controllers, in format 48 x 48, 48 x 96 and 96x96mm (1/16th, 1/8th and 1/4 DIN) are full of advanced functions.FLEX-VIEW DISPLAYOn Gefran’s new controllers, everything can be customized : cfaceplate color, display, operator messages, logo, and use of the bargraph (1250/1350).Attributes, such as, character size, black/white contrast, and the combination of different message colors, guarantees excellent readability even at a distance.EASY AND FAST SETUPThere are three configuration methods : from keyboard in only 7 steps, from PC with our free to download GF_eXpress configurator software , and from the Zapper portable configurator ..SETPOINT PROGRAMMERThe temperature profiles can be set in 12 steps, grouped and saved in 4 programs with trigger inputs and programmable event outputs.PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCEOutputs can be programmed to indicate when the actuators ( relay, ssr, IR lamps ) are close to the lifetime limits and maintenance is needed.ENERGY MONITORThe Energy Monitor function monitors the electrical consumption of the process and signals any faults.Technical information available onMUCH MORE THAN A SIMPLE CONTROLLERSERIES 650 / 1250 / 1350The new 650 / 1250 / 1350 controllers are highly customizable, adapting to the customer’s application and integrating perfectly with the look of the machine interface.FLEX-VIEW DISPLAYcharacters (in multiple languages).- White – Green (650)- White – Green – Amber (1250/1350) - Other combinations on request.4INTUITIVEThe green LEDs corresponding to the four mechanical keys (real buttons)make using these devices highly easy: - they visually indicate the key pressed- they guide the user to the key to press (as foracknowledge of an alarm with latch) - they indicate inactive functions - they signal if a key is not recognized(diagnostics)Up to 9 I/O Up to 14 I/O Up to 14 I/OCLEAR AND EASY TO READSERIES 650 / 1250 / 1350 CLEAR AND IMMEDIATE ALPHANUMERIC MESSAGESThe controllers have 300 preconfigured messages to which the user can add up to 25 custom process messages: - Process: 25 messages with 32 configurable charactersEx.HI TEMPERATURE- Diagnostics: 10 preconfigured messagesEx.SENSOR BROKEN- Configuration: 300 Help on Line messagesEx.TYPE > MAIN INPUT TYPE OF PROBEDISPLAY BRIGHTNESSDisplay brightness is easy to set for the optimum visibility in the workplace. This also extends the display’s lifecycle. BARGRAPHBargraph display can be easily customized to indicate many process parameters and variables.6THE DEVICE CAN BE CONFIGURED FROM THE KEYBOARD IN JUST 7 EASY, PLAIN LANGUAGE STEPSThe 650 – 1250 - 1350 controllers are set up at first power-on with a simple procedure from the keyboard.The controller can be configured in just 7 steps, in a few minutes, and without a user manual.At first power-on, the controller displays only the parameters needed for the user to start work, based on the model ordered.Each displayed parameter includes a scrollable Help on Line plain language message describing its meaning.Disable fast configurationEASY SET UPSERIES 650 / 1250 / 1350GO!GO!1. CopyThe parameters are copied from the PC on which theCONFIGURATION WITH GF_eXpress CONFIGURATION WITH ZapperThe Zapper connects to the controller via the microUSBconnector cable to paste the configuration.3. GO!Click to copy the configuration to one or more controllers.The 650 – 1250 - 1350 controllers can be configured from the PC and from the Zapper, a portable, battery-powered configurator with microUSB connection cable used for easy and safe copying/pasting of complete configurations. - Copied from other controllers- Copied from GF_eXpressConfiguration can be done with the controller powered and also not powered i.e., on controllers just removed from the package or already instal-led on the machine.This function is extremely useful for OEMs and End Users who need to program multiple controllers on more than one machine.1. CopyThe parameters are copied from the PC on which theCONFIGURATION WITH GF_eXpress AND WITH ZapperC L I C KUSB8The various setpoint profiles with ramps, holds, trigger inputs and event outputs can be configured directly from the device keyboard or with GF_eXpress in an easy to use by tracing the required profile.Model 1350 (1/4 DIN) offers the widest and most complete operator interface in its category: a “dashboard” that simultaneously shows the variable, setpoint, scrolling messages with 7 segments, step number, active program, and bargraph for program step times.With the energy monitor function you can count and save the energy consumed by the process.In case of deviations from average consumption, the controller signals with a physical output and configurable messages.These functions accompany the preventive maintenance function, which monitors the life cycle of the actuators and Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) lamps.This lets you:- predict any potential machine breakdowns - schedule maintenance in advance - prevent system shutdowns- maximize machine up time and limit costly emergency shut downsENERGY MONITORMeasures and monitors systemenergy consumption.Monitors and signals if system exceedsexpected values.PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCECycle counter and alarm messagesto monitor system cycles.SETPOINT PROGRAMMING12 Segments with configurableramps and hold timesSETPOINT PROGRAMMERPREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE AND ENERGY COUNTERSERIES 650 / 1250 / 1350With 16 logic blocks, AND, OR, NOT, TIMER, you can create applications by associating external events from logic inputs to PID control internal states, such as setpoint states, alarms, AUTO/MAN state, etc.Benefits: - Simplifies the control system by integrating multiple hardware components in a single device. - Maintains the advantages of single-loop PID control and adds simple PLC functionality.ALL-IN-ONE SOLUTION WITH LOGIC CONTROL BLOCKSUSBSERIES 650 / 1250 / 1350 65012501350ALARMS Continuous(C)Number: 1 maxCurrent: 4...20mARout< 500 ΩResolution: 12 bitIsolated from main inputAnalog retransmission(A1)Number: 1 maxSignal: 10V, 0/4...20mA0...10 V, max 20 mA, Rout: > 500 Ω0...20 mA, 4...20 mA, Rout: < 500 ΩResolution: 12 bitIsolated from main inputNumber of alarm functions 4 max, assignable to an outputPossible configurationsMaximum, minimum, symmetric, absolute/relative, exclusion at firing, memory, reset from keypad and/or contact,LBA, HB,HBB Hold Back Band if enabled with Programmer functionCONTROL FUNCTIONSCONTROL Type Single loopControl PID, ON/OFF, single action heat or cool, double action heat/coolControl output Continuous or ON/OFFCycle time: constant or optimized (BF)Control output for motorizedvalves OPEN/CLOSE for floating motorized valve on Relay, Solid-state, Triac outputsSETPOINT PROGRAMMER Number of programs Max 4, Start / Stop / Reset / Skip via digital inputs and/or outputs from logic operationsOutput state: Run /Hold / Ready / EndNumber of stepsMax 12, each with own setpoint, ramp time and hold time; Times settable in HH:MM or MM:SSMax 4 consents, configurable for ramp and for holdMax 4 events, configurable in ramp and in holdMULTIPLE SETPOINTS Number ofsetpointMax 4, selectable from digital inputEach setpoint change is subject to set ramp, different for up and down rampLOGIC 1 OPERATIONS Function blocks Max 16, with 4 input variables per block. The result can act on the state of the controller, of the programmer on alarms and outputs. Each function contains an incorporated timer block timer.TIMER FUNCTION Modes START / STOPSTABILIZATION (timer is on when PV enters a band set around setpoint; at end of count you can activate an output, shut down SW or change SP1/SP2) FIRING (timed activation of control after power on)ENERGYCOUNTER Calculation done on nominal line voltage and nominal load power or on rms current measured on load via CTDIAGNOSTIC Short circuit or open circuit (LBA alarm) Interrupted or partially interrupted load (HB alarm) Short circuit of control output (SSR alarm)RETENTIVE MEMORY Type EEPROM Max. number of writes 1.000.000SERIAL INTERFACEType: RS485Baudrate: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19.200, 38.400, 57.600, 115.200 bit/sProtocoll: MODBUS RTUIsolated from main inputGENERAL DATAPOWER SUPPLY Operating voltage100...240 VAC/VDC ±10%, 50/60 Hz (on request 20...27 VAC/VDC ±10%)Power dissipation 5 W max10 W max10 W max Protections Overvoltage 300 V / 35 VConnection Screw terminals and crimp connector, max. wire section 1 mm2CONNECTIONS Serial configuration port(for USB connection)Connector: microUSBInputs and outputs Screw terminals and crimp connector, max. wire section 2,5 mm2AMBIENT CONDITIONS Use IndoorAltitude2000 m maxOperating temperature-10 ... +55 °C (as per IEC 68-2-14)Storage temperature-20 ... +70 °C (as per IEC 68-2-14)Relative humidity20...85% RH non-condensing (as per IEC 68-2-3)PROTECTIONLEVEL IP 65 on front panel (as per IEC 68-2-3)ASSEMBLY Positioning On panel, removable faceplate Installation regulations Installation category: II; Pollution degree: 2,Isolation: doubleDIMENSIONS48X48 mm (1/16 DIN), Depth.: 80 mm48X96 mm (1/8 DIN) Depth.: 80 mm96X96 mm (1/4 DIN) Depth.: 80 mm WEIGHT0,16 kg0,24 kg0,24 kgCE STANDARDS EMC(electromagneticcompatibility)EMC p(electromagnetic compatibility): conforms to directiv 2014/30/EU with reference to standard EN 61326-1emission in industrial environment class A for models 650 LVemission in residential environment class B for models 650 HVSafety LVD: conforms to directiv 2014/35/EU with reference to standard EN61010-1UL Conformity C/UL/US File no. E216851EAC Conformity TC N° RUД-IT.AЛ32.b.01762FM FM approvals project NO: 0003054712ORDER METHODS 650 POWER SUPPLY 100...240 VAC12SERIES 650 / 1250 / 1350 POWER SUPPLY 20...27 VAC/VDCPlease contact GEFRAN for information on available codes.ORDER METHODS 1250/1350 POWER SUPPLY 100...240 VAC14SERIES 650 / 1250 / 1350Please contact GEFRAN for information on available codes.Drive & Motion Control Unit Via Carducci, 2421040 GERENZANO (VA) ITALY Ph. +39 02967601Fax +39 029682653**********************Technical Assistance:*********************Customer Service*************************Ph. +39 02 96760500 Fax +39 02 96760278GEFRAN HEADQUARTER Via Sebina, 7425050 PROVAGLIO D’ISEO (BS) ITALY Ph. +39 03098881Fax +39 0309839063GEFRAN DEUTSCHLAND GmbH Philipp-Reis-Straße 9a D-63500 SeligenstadtPh. +49 (0) 61828090Fax +49 (0) 6182809222******************GEFRAN BENELUX NV ENA 23 Zone 3, nr. 3910 Lammerdries-Zuid 14A B-2250 OLENPh. +32 (0) 14248181Fax +32 (0) 14248180**************GEFRAN SIEI ASIA 31 Ubi Road 1#02-07,Aztech Building,Singapore 408694Ph. +65 6 8418300Fax +65 6 7428300***************.sg SIEI AREG - GERMANY Gottlieb-Daimler Strasse 17/3D-74385 PleidelsheimPh. +49 (0) 7144 897360Fax +49 (0) 7144 8973697****************GEFRAN UK LtdUnit 7 Brook Business Centre 54a Cowley Mill Road Uxbridge UB8 2FXPh. +44 (0) 8452 604555Fax +44 (0) 8452 604556 ***************.ukGEFRAN INDIASurvey No. 191/A/1,Chinchwad Station Road, Chinchwad, Pune-411033, Maharashtra Ph. +91 20 6614 6500Fax +91 20 6614 6501**********************SENSORMATE AGSteigweg 8,CH-8355 Aadorf, Switzerland Ph. +41(0)52-2421818 Fax +41(0)52-3661884http://www.sensormate.chGEFRAN MIDDLE EAST ELEKTRIK VE ELEKTRONIK San. ve Tic. Ltd. StiYesilkoy Mah. AtaturkCad. No: 12/1 B1 Blok K:12D: 389 Bakirkoy /Istanbul TURKIYE Ph. +90212 465 91 21Fax +90212 465 91 22GEFRAN Inc.8 Lowell AvenueWINCHESTER - MA 01890Toll Free 1-888-888-4474Fax +1 (781) 7291468******************GEFRAN FRANCE SA 4, rue Jean Desparmet BP 823769355 LYON Cedex 08Ph. +33 (0) 478770300Fax +33 (0) 478770320********************GEFRAN SIEIDrives Technology Co., Ltd No. 1285, Beihe Road, Jiading District, Shanghai, China 201807Ph. +86 21 69169898Fax +86 21 69169333***************.cnGEFRAN BRASILELETROELETRÔNICA Avenida Dr. Altino Arantes,377 Vila Clementino04042-032 SÂO PAULO - SP Ph. +55 (0) 1155851133Fax +55 (0) 1132974012********************.br07/2016。



SMART HART NaK FILLED MELT PRESSURE TRANSMITTERS HKE SERIES - CURRENT OUTPUT PL d & SIL2 VERSION4...20mA OutputThe HKE series of Gefran are pressure transmitters withHART communication protocol for using in high tempera-ture environment.The main characteristic of this series is the capability to read temperature of the media up to 538°C.The constructive principle is based on the hydraulic tra-smission of the pressure.The fluid-filled system assures the temperature stability. The physical measure is transformed in a electrical measu-re by means of thick film strain-gauge technology.The SIL2 and PL d approvals make the product suitable for use in the Functional Safety applications, particularly in the process plants for the production of polymers, where it is an essential requirement.MAIN FEATURES• Pressure ranges from: 0-17 to 0-1000 bar / 0-250 to 0-15000 psi• Accuracy: < ±0.25% FS (H); < ±0.5% FS (M)• Hydraulic transmission system for pressure signal guarantees stability at working temperature (NaK).• SIL2 and PL d approvals for Functional Safety• 1/2-20UNF, M18x1.5 standard threads; other types available on request• Autozero function on board / external option • Inconel 718 diaphragm with GTP+ coating for temperatures up to 538°C (1000°F)• 15-5 PH diaphragm with GTP+ coating for temperatures up to 400°C (750°F)• Hastelloy C276 diaphragm for temperatures up to 300°C (570°F)• 17-7 PH corrugated diaphragm with GTP+ coating for ranges below 100bar-1500psi (up to 400°C/750°F)• Stem material: 17-4 PHGTP+ (advanced protection)Coating with high resistance against corrosion, abrasion and high temperatureAUTOZERO FUNCTIONAll signal variations in absence of pressure can be elimina-ted by using the Autozero function.This function is activated by closing a magnetic contact loca-ted on the transmitter housing.The procedure is permitted only with pressure at zero.This function can be activited via HART as well.WORKING AREACABLE OUTPUT (1/2 14-NPT) L = 1 mACCESSORIESORDER CODE。



SENSORSC OD . 81221FPRESSURE TRANSDUCERS AND TRANSMITTERSENG2Thanks to forty years of experience, Gefran is the world leader in the design and production of solutions for meas-uring, controlling, and driving industrial production processes .We have branches in 14 countries and a network of over 80 worldwide distributors.QUALITY AND TECHNOLOGYA pressure transducer is an electronic device that converts a physical variable (pressure) into an electrical sig-nal (current or voltage) that can be read or acquired by various control, measurement, and adjustment devices.Gefran, with its own Technological Pole, is one of the few international companies with the know-how to create sensitive elements based on the following technologies: Thick film on stainless steel, Bonded strain gauge, Piezoresistive silicon .Gefran sensors can measure the pressure of fluids and gases in all industrial applications, with a complete line for ranges from 0…50 mbar to 0…5000bar for both relative and absolute pressures.ONE STOP SHOPGefran offers complete display solutions for industry , providing its own sensors and ensuring maximum compo-nent compatibility and integration .SERVICESA team of Gefran experts works with the customer to select the ideal product for its application and to help install andconfiguredevices(***********************)..Gefran offers a wide range of courses at different levels for the technical-commercial study of the Gefran product range as well as specific courses on demand..APPLICATIONSPLASTIC AND RUBBER INJECTIONPRESSESBLOWING MACHINESPRESSES AND METAL WORKINGMACHINERY FLUID POWER AND HYDRAULIC POWER PACKS AGRICULTURAL AND EARTH-MOVINGMACHINERYAUTOMOTIVE TEST EQUIPMENTS, ENGINE TEST BEDSTEST BENCHES AND TEST EQUIPMENTSTEAM TREATMENT PLANTSTEST BENCHES AND TEST EQUIPMENTMATERIAL TEST MACHINES ATEXFOOD INDUSTRY4BONDED STRAIN GAUGEBonded strain-gauge technology is very often used to produce pres-sure sensors thanks to its applicative versatility, reliability, and ac-curacy.The measurement element (resistance) consists of an extremely thin foil of metal alloy, chemically etched using a specific process.The resistance and diaphragm are bonded with sophisticated tech-niques after precise positioning of the strain-gauge (extensometer)to ensure perfect adhesion to the surface and to guarantee linearity and repeatability.PIEZORESISTIVE SILICONPiezoresistive silicon technology is characterised by complex and de-licate installation of the chip (solid state Wheatstone bridge) on the metal support and by a separating metal diaphragm with interposi-tion (under vacuum) of insulating silicone oil (filling).Thanks to this technology, the measurement range of Gefran sen-sors can be very low (0-50 mbar), with high precision and overpres-sure capacity.Gefran owns the technology for its transducers.:THICK FILM ON STAINLESS STEELThe Wheatstone bridge is made with the screen printing process, which deposits the insulating layer (dielectric), the conducting layer (Cermet) and the resistive layer on the steel diaphragm.The thickness of the diaphragm determines the measurement range, and the increase from 200°C to 900°C makes the sensor extremely sturdy and reliable.To further ensure quality, the diaphragm is connected to the electro-nics by means of Wire Bonding .OUR PASSION FOR TECHNOLOGYMEASUREMENT RANGESWIDE RANGE OF PRODUCTS FOR EVERY APPLICATIONGefran offers an extremely wide range of transducers topressure in all industrial applicationsThe range includes models for specialprecision, as well as for use in veryronments as typical on mobile machines.The TPF/TPFADA series is an advancedvery sturdy steel flush measurement diaphragm.TPFAS This makes it unique and especiallypressure of very dense and harsh fluids and pastesAdd to this the new series TPFAS that introduces thediaphragms down to Ø 8.6 mm, which are the smallest of this kindonthe market.The TPH/TPHADA, series, with monolithic measurement diaphragm,is the ideal product for measuring very high pressures (up to 5000bar), including with highly dynamic pressure pulsation.KS6≥ 0.15% FS ÷ ≤≥ 0.25% FS ÷ ≤ 0.5% FSGUIDE TO SELECTIONPRESSURE TRANSDUCERS AND TRANSMITTERSDISPLAYThe TDP-1001 plug-in display is a universal PRESSURE INDICATORS- universal inputs for amplified sensors - very high acquisition speed - high accuracy- math calculations, pressure delta - 4 configurable outputs- Modbus and Profibus communications - input for non-amplified pressure sensors - 4 configurable outputs - Modbus communications- input for amplified pressure sensors - 4 configurable outputs - Modbus communicationADAPTERS AND SEALSGefran pressure transducers offer a very wide selection of built-in pressure connec-tions: metric, gas, NPT and UNF, as well as a wide range of stainless steel adapters (both male/male and male/female) with seals, cal-led PKITxxx , to satisfy all possible process connection requirements.CONNECTORS AND EXTENSION CABLESGefran pressure transducers are available with various types of electrical connectors (EN 175301-803, M12x1, etc.), and for each of these Gefran supplies the female connector for the cable to be soldered (called CON xxx) or an extension cable pre-attached to the fe-male connector (called CAV xxx) with length up to 30 metres.Drive & Motion Control Unit Via Carducci, 2421040 GERENZANO (VA) ITALY Ph. +39 02967601Fax +39 029682653**********************Technical Assistance:*********************Customer Service*************************Ph. +39 02 96760500 Fax +39 02 96760278GEFRAN HEADQUARTER Via Sebina, 7425050 PROVAGLIO D’ISEO (BS) ITALY Ph. +39 03098881Fax +39 0309839063GEFRAN DEUTSCHLAND GmbH Philipp-Reis-Straße 9a D-63500 SeligenstadtPh. +49 (0) 61828090Fax +49 (0) 6182809222******************GEFRAN BENELUX NV ENA 23 Zone 3, nr . 3910 Lammerdries-Zuid 14A B-2250 OLENPh. +32 (0) 14248181Fax +32 (0) 14248180**************GEFRAN SIEI - ASIA 31 Ubi Road 1 #02-07,Aztech Building, Singapore 408694Ph. +65 6 8418300Fax +65 6 7428300***************.sg SIEI AREG - GERMANY Gottlieb-Daimler Strasse 17/3D-74385 PleidelsheimPh. +49 (0) 7144 897360Fax +49 (0) 7144 8973697****************GEFRAN UK LtdUnit 7 Brook Business Centre 54a Cowley Mill Road Uxbridge UB8 2FXPh. +44 (0) 8452 604555Fax +44 (0) 8452 604556 ***************.uk GEFRAN INDIASurvey No. 191/A/1,Chinchwad Station Road, Chinchwad, Pune-411033, Maharashtra Ph. +91 20 6614 6500Fax +91 20 6614 6501**********************SENSORMATE AGSteigweg 8,CH-8355 Aadorf, Switzerland Ph. +41(0)52-2421818 Fax +41(0)52-3661884http://www.sensormate.chGEFRAN MIDDLE EAST ELEKTRIK VE ELEKTRONIK San. ve Tic. Ltd. StiYesilkoy Mah. Ataturk Cad. No: 12/1 B1 Blok K:12 D: 389 Bakirkoy /Istanbul TURKIYE Ph. +90212 465 91 21Fax +90212 465 91 22GEFRAN Inc.8 Lowell AvenueWINCHESTER - MA 01890Toll Free 1-888-888-4474Fax +1 (781) 7291468******************GEFRAN FRANCE SA 4, rue Jean Desparmet BP 823769355 LYON Cedex 08Ph. +33 (0) 478770300Fax +33 (0) 478770320********************GEFRAN SIEIDrives Technology Co., Ltd No. 1285, Beihe Road, Jiading District, Shanghai, China 201807Ph. +86 21 69169898Fax +86 21 69169333***************.cnGEFRAN BRASILELETROELETRÔNICA Avenida Dr . Altino Arantes,377 Vila Clementino04042-032 SÂO PAULO - SP Ph. +55 (0) 1155851133Fax +55 (0) 1132974012********************.br04/2016。



600 CONTROLLERMain applications •Extrusion lines•Injection presses for plastics •Heat punches•Presses for rubber •Packaging machines •Packing machines •Polymerization and synthetic fiber plants•Food processing pants•Die-casting plants•Cooling plants•Climatic cells and test benches •Dryers for ceramics and construction parts•Ovens•Painting plants Main features•Universal input configurable from faceplate •Accuracy better than 0.2% f.s. under nominal conditions•Control output: relay, logic, Triac , continuous, digital insulated•Hot/cold function with selection of cooling fluid• 3 alarms with completely configurable function•Analog retransmission output•Isolated digital input with configurable function•Auxiliary input for CT (TA) (50mAac)•Heater break or probe short-circuit alarm •Self-tuning, Auto-tuning, Soft-start, bumpless Man/Auto function•Double set, set ramp, timed output function •Optically isolated RS485 serial line. Protocol:GEFRAN CENCAL or MODBUS RTU •Self-diagnosis•Rapid configuration from PC with WinstrumpacketPROFILEMicroprocessor controller, format 48x48(1/16 DIN) manufactured using SMT. Provides a complete operator interface protected by a Lexan membrane that ensures level IP65 faceplate protection.It has 4 keys, two green LED displays, each with 4 digits, 4 red signal LED's for the 4 logic or relay outputs, and 3 other programmable LED's to signal the various operational states of the instrument.The main input for process variable is universal, and many types of signals can be connected: thermocouples, resistance thermometers, thermistors, normalized linear inputs, all with possibility of custom linearization using the faceplate keys.The type of input is selected from the faceplate keys; no external shunts are required.A second auxiliary analog input from the current transformer is also available.With the isolated digital input you can select: one of the two presettable setpoints, select Manual-Automatic mode, reset the alarms memory, or enable the hold function. The instrument can have up to 4 outputs: relay (5A at 250Vac/30Vdc cosϕ= 1), logic 24V±10%(10V min at 20mA), digital insulated, triac.An analog output in voltage or current is also available.The function of each output is freely configurable from the faceplate keys.In addition to control and alarm outputs, youcan have outputs that repeat the state of thedigital or retransmission input by processvariable, setpoint, drift, alarm limits andvalues acquired from serial line.Another output (at 10 or 24Vdc, 30mA max.)is available to power external transmitters.The serial communication option (availablein RS485 standard) allows connection tosupervision systems and PLCs with twoprotocols: GEFRAN CENCAL and MODBUSRTU.Instrument programming is facilitated bygrouping parameters in functional blocks(CFG for control parameters, Inp for inputs,Out for outputs, etc.).The instrument can also select displayparameters based on hardwareconfiguration, automatically maskingirrelevant parameters.The instrument is supplied with an "EASY"configuration with just a few parameters(only those for the model ordered andessential for controller operation).In this way, you just have to set the setpointand alarm, and launch selftuning from thebutton.The 600 does all the rest.A PC programming kit is available for evensimpler configuration, composed of a cableand a guided program for Windowsenvironment (see data sheet codeWINSTRUM).TECHNICAL DATAI NPUTSAccuracy 0,2% f.s. ±1digit.Sampling time 120msec.TC- ThermocoupleJ0...1000°C/32...1832°FK0...1300°C/32...2372°FR0...1750°C/32...3182°FS0...1750°C/32...3182°FT-200...400°C/-328...752°FB44...1800°C/111...3272°FE-100...750°C/-148...1382°FN0...1300°C/32...2372°FL-GOST0...600°C/32...1112°FU-200...400°C/ -328...752°FG0...2300°C/32...4172°FD0...2300°C/32...4172°FC0...2300°C/32...4172°F(NI-Ni18Mo)0...1100°C / 32...2012°Fcustom-1999 (9999)RTD 2/3 wiresPT100 -200...850°C /-328...1562°FJPT100 -200...600°C/ -328...1112°FPTC990Ω, 25°C -55...120°C/-67...248°FNTC1KΩ, 25°C -10...70°C/14...158°FGEFRAN spa reserves the right to make any aesthetic or functional change at any time and without prior noticeGEFRAN spa via Sebina, 74 - 25050 Provaglio d’Iseo (BS)Tel.03098881 - fax 0309839063 - Internet: DTS_600_1107_ENG。



gefran位移传感器技术参数摘要:I.简介- 简要介绍gefran位移传感器II.位移传感器技术参数- 标称阻值- 重复精度- 分辨率- 允许误差- 线性精度- 寿命III.gefran位移传感器的应用- 滑块式直线位移传感器- 拉绳位移传感器IV.结论- 总结gefran位移传感器技术参数的特点和应用正文:gefran位移传感器是一种高精度的传感器,广泛应用于各种工业领域。





















杰佛伦的压力传感器系列产品包含防爆型压力变送器,适用于 潜在爆炸性环境的应用。 防爆指令 2014/34/EU 是指可以在包括极端条件在内的潜在爆炸 性环境(气体、蒸汽和易燃粉末)中使用的电气和机械设备以 及保护系统。 KX 系列通过 II1GExiaIICT4、T5 和 T6 认证,涵盖的测量范围 为 ±1bar 至 0...1000barg,温度范围为 -40°C 至 +80°C。 为了确保最大安全性和可靠性,KX 系列以及 Atex 还通过 SIL2 认 证(功能安全),适用于可安装在潜在爆炸性环境的安全设备。
输出类型 型号
KXΒιβλιοθήκη 电压 电流 电压 电流 mV/V 电压 电流 mV/V 电压 电流 mV/V 电压 电流 电压 电流
零点和量程自动调节功能利用磁笔对压力传感器进行简单有效 的归零和满量程设置。 只需将磁笔置于接触点上( 符号标识)几秒钟,操作完成, 无需打开或拆卸传感器。
型号 TKDA、TPSADA、TPFADA、TPFAS 和 TPHADA 具备数字 零点和量程自动调节功能。

杰弗逊电子 PSW 系列温度传感器说明书

杰弗逊电子 PSW 系列温度传感器说明书
Enclosure: Die-cast aluminum, epoxy coated, gasketed
Weight: 0.7 to 2.7 kg (1.5 to 6 lb) (varies by model)
Electrical Connection: 1⁄2 NPT and (2) 22 mm (7⁄8") diameter knockouts

100 psi
50 vac to 50 inH2O -124.54 to 124.54 mbar 0.4 to 12 inH2O

100 psi
11 A SPDT –
PSW-223D 50 vac to 50 inH2O -124.54 to 124.54 mbar 13.5 inH2O typ.
300 vac to 0 inH2O -747.24 to 0 mbar 0.8 to 32 inH2O

100 psi
11 A SPDT –
PSW-221D 300 vac to 0 inH2O -747.24 to 0 mbar 36 inH2O typ.

100 psi
0.21 to 1.38 bar
1 to 4 psi
3 to 20 psi
0.21 to 1.38 bar
3.8 psi typ.
proof pressure
1000 psi 1000 psi
PSW-236 PSW-236D



gefran位移传感器技术参数【实用版】目录一、GEFRAN 位移传感器概述二、GEFRAN 位移传感器的主要特性参数1.分辨率2.允许误差3.线性精度4.寿命三、GEFRAN PKM 滑块式直线位移传感器四、意大利 GEFRAN 位移传感器 PK 系列正文一、GEFRAN 位移传感器概述GEFRAN 位移传感器是一种高精度的测量设备,能够准确测量物体在一定范围内的线性位移。


二、GEFRAN 位移传感器的主要特性参数1.分辨率GEFRAN 位移传感器的分辨率是指传感器所能反馈的最小位移数值。




一般来说,只要允许误差在 20% 以内,就符合使用要求。




GEFRAN 位移传感器具有较高的线性精度,能够准确反映物体的位移变化。

4.寿命导电塑料位移传感器的寿命都在 200 万次以上,具有很长的使用寿命。


三、GEFRAN PKM 滑块式直线位移传感器GEFRAN PKM 滑块式直线位移传感器是 GEFRAN 公司推出的一款高性能位移传感器。



四、意大利 GEFRAN 位移传感器 PK 系列意大利 GEFRAN 位移传感器 PK 系列包括多个型号,如pk-m-0100-l、pk-m-0130-l 等。



40B96POSITION, FORCE and PRESSURE INDICATOR-INTERCEPTOR with INPUTfor STRAIN-GAUGE and POTENTIOMETERSoftware Version 3.2xcode 81652E /Edit. 05-03/08INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE AND WARNINGSGENERAL INDEXGraphic symbols usedTo distinguish between the type and importance of the information provided in these instructions for use, graphic symbols have been used as a reference to make interpreting the information clearer.Indicates the contents of the various manual sections,the general warnings, notes, and other points towhich the reader's attention should be drawn.Indicates a particularly delicate situation thatcould affect the safety and correct workingoperation of the instrument, or a rule that mustbe strictly observed to avoid dangerous situa-tionsIndicates a condition of risk for the safety of theuser, due to the presence of dangerous voltagesat the points shownIndicates a suggestion based on the expe-rience of the GEFRAN Technical Staff,which could prove especially useful undergiven circumstancesIndicates a reference to Detailed TechnicalDocuments available on the GEFRAN website all the parame-ters that can be set in the configuration.This section contains information and warningsof a general nature which should be read befo-re proceeding with instrument installation,configuration and use.General DescriptionGEFRAN series 40B96 digital controllers have beendesigned for temperature control in any applicationsinvolving heating or cooling processes. They representan exclusive combination of performance, reliability andapplicational flexibility. In particular, this new line ofGefran temperature controllers is the ideal solution forapplication in sectors where performance and servicecontinuity are important, including:• extrusion lines• presses for rubber• test benches• honing machines• processing plant for the food industry• weighing• manostat• positioner• motopotentiometer• etc.The 40B96 series interceptors are made on an extremelyversatile hardware and software platform, that allows themost suitable I/O composition for the plant to be chosenfrom a series of options, up to a maximum of:- variable input- digital input- transmitter power supply- analog retransmission output- a maximum of 4 outputs- RS485 interfaceAlarm unit in basic version- 1 input that allows connection of most popular sensortypes• potentiometer with 100 ohm minimum resistance• load cells with autoranging sensitivity from 1.5 to 3.3mV/V• strain-gauge pressure probesaccuracy better than 0.2% f.s.- output for sensor or transmitter power supply• 1.2 Vdc for potentiometer• 5Vdc, 10Vdc max 120 mA for strain-gauge• 15Vdc, 24Vdc max 50 mA for transmitter- 2 standard outputs: one relay type and the otherrelay/logic, or1 triac output- display functions with setting of engineering scaleand possible linearization, settable decimal pointposition, sampling time from 30 to 120 msec- trip point values can be set in a range differing fromscale limits, different modalities, hysteresis settable inscale points or time, with or without latch.- service serial line for configuration via PC (Winstrum)The following preliminary warnings should be read before installing and using the series 40BThis section contains the instructions necessaryfor correct installation of the 40B96 instrument into the machine control panel or the host system and for correct connection of the inter-ceptor power supply, inputs, outputs and interfa-ces.Before proceeding with installation read the following warnings carefully!Remember that lack of observation of these warnings could lead to problems of electrical safety and electromagnetic compatibility, as well as invalidating the warranty.Electrical power supply• the instrument is NOT equipped with an On/Off switch:the user must provide a two-phase disconnecting switch that conforms to the required safety standards (CE mar-king), to cut off the power supply upstream of the instru-ment.The switch must be located in the immediate vicinity of the instrument and must be within easy reach of the ope-rator.One switch may control more than one instrument.• if the instrument is connected to NOT isolated electri-cal equipment (e.g. thermocouples), the earth connec-tion must be made with a specific conductor to preventthe connection itself from coming directly through the machine structure.• if the instrument is used in applications with risk of damage to persons, machinery or materials, it is essen-tial to connect it up to auxiliary alarm equipment.It is advisable to make sure that alarm signals are also triggered during normal operation.The instrument must NOT be installed in flammable or explosive environments; it may be connected to equip-ment operating in such atmospheres only by means of appropriate and adequate types of interface, conforming to the applicable safety standards.Notes Concerning Electrical Safety and Electromagnetic Compatibility:CE MARKING: EMC Conformity (electromagnetic compatibility)in accordance with EEC Directive 89/336/CEE modified by Directive 93/68.Series 40B96 interceptor are mainly designed to opera-te in industrial environments, installed on the switch-boards or control panels of productive process machi-nes or plants.As regards electromagnetic compatibility, the strictest generic standards have been adopted, as indicated in the table below.BT Conformity (low tension)in accordance with Directive 73/23/CEE modified by Directive 93/68.EMC conformity has been tested with the following connections.Dimensions and cut-outElectrical ConnectionsInputs1,2V - IN + IN+- IN + IN+ E - E - IN + IN+-Outputs Out1, Out 2, Out3User configurable generic outputsOutputs Out 4 / Retransmission output User configurable generic outputsCNO Digital inputs User configurable generic inputsSerial line(data +)(data -)Green White Black or Yellow RedS1S1S2NPExample of Connection with Input from Melt SensorAnalog retransmission of pressure value, logic and relay alarm outputsConfirms the value of the current parameter (or parameter edited using) and selects the next parameter..This section illustrates the functions and operating modes of the displays, the indicator lights and the buttons that make up the operator interface of series 1200/1300 controllers. It is therefore an essential requirement for programming and configuring the controllers correctly.Operator InterfaceGeneral Operating Notes•Immediately after switching on the instrument carries out a self-diagnostic test. During the test, all the display segments and the 4 indicator lights will flash,when finished, enters normal work mode (Level 1) and displays variable value.Displays the value of the Process Variable.•By pressing briefly it is possible to see in sequence (and if necessary edit)the significant values that condition the way the instrument works in Level 1(Thresholds of interception)•Keeping pressed down for 3 seconds we enter theProgramming/Configuration menu - see Navigation in the instrument Menus for further details..In the event of errors during normal working:LOprocess variable < min. scale limit (param. LS in the IN )KI process variable > max. scale limit (param. KS in the IN )BR broken probe or input values higher than maximum limitsER input values lower than minimum limitsEBProbe power supply failure (function enabled via parameters ( (.I on IN menu)To solve the problem, refer to the paragraph: Troubleshooting Guide in Section 6 MaintenanceSwitching on and using the intrumentSelf-diagnosticsNormal Working - Level 1Errors while workingNavigating through the instrument MenuKeep pressed down to scroll through the menus in sequence and release it when the required menu appears.Press to access the parameters of the selected menu.3 sec.The parameters and menus not significant for a given configuration are NOT displayedIf the keys , are not pressed within approx. 15 seconds, the display returns to level 1PV process variableThis section contains the instructions necessary toconfigure the instrument according to the needs of theapplication..Optimal working operation of the 40B96 in the field of applica-tion it is intended for depends largely on correct configurationand programming of the relevant control parameters.The flexibility and high performance level of these instrumentsis in fact based on the numerous parameters that can beprogrammed directly by the user with the buttons on the controlpanel, or transferred from a PC, in the form of configurationfiles, by means of the RS485 interface available as an option.ConfigurationAccess to all the configuration / programming menus and to allthe parameters available in configuration, allows every detail ofthe Controller to be configured, to satisfy all application require-ments.Correct setting of the parameters involved in theconfiguration presumes a high level of knowledgeregarding of use problems and techniques, and so itis recommended that these parameters are not chan-ged unless the user is fully aware of the consequen-ces, that could arise form incorrect settings.It is the user's responsibility to check that theparameters are set correctly before putting theinstrument into service, in order to avoid damageto persons or property.For any doubts or clarification needed, please visit theWeb Site and if necessary contactthe Gefran Customer Care service..The following pages describe one by one the various menusand show for each parameter the concise description of thefunction performed, any default values and the range of valuesthat can be set.Supplementary notes on consulting the Configuration/Programming pagesTo set some particularly complex parameters certain tables ordetailed explanatory notes must be referred to.These tables or explanatory notes are shown directly on theright of the page next to the parameter in question.Application notesThe detailed explanations of certain functioning modesor special techniques the result Gefran's lengthyexperience in the field of temperature control are insteadcontained at the end of the Configuration/ProgrammingSection and can represent a valuable reference tool forthe user.Where necessary, in the configuration / programmingflows the appropriate referrals to these ApplicationNotes are provided.Password: P AWhen scrolling through the menu (keeping pressed down),following the 0V menu, the word PA appears.Access to the next menus is only possible if the PA= 99, para-meter is set to 99 by pressing .Having set the value to 99, press and keep it presseddown to access the next menus.Protection code: P RThe PR parameter is used to enable or disable the displayand/or the possibility of editing certain parameters. For furtherdetails refer to the description of the PR parameter in the confi-guration flows.Jumper S4 on CPU BoardThe absence of jumper S4 on the CPU board of the instrumentprevents access to all the menus when the hardwareconfiguration of the instrument does not require the pre-setparameters to be changed.This jumper is engaged or disengaged during production andnormally does not need to be modified by the final user.For further information, refer to Section 6 - Maintenance.I FInformation display Programming configurationSoftware versionThis menu provides information on the status and hardware configuration of the instrument (number and type of inputs/out-puts, software version, etc.).Instrument code(FConfigurationThis menu makes it possible to configure the interception parameters.S r Serial communicationThis menu makes it possible to configure the various parameters that control serial communication between the instrument and the supervisor.Ex01000001If you want to control KEYB interface elements andOUT1 LED via serial line, set S.U to 65I n Input settingsThis menu makes it possible to configure the parameters for the instrument input signals.Probe type, signal and main input scaleSelect sampling time (resolution)+4 to disable filter (average of the last eight values sampled)Strain gauge only+8 disables Eb (sampling time is halved)N.B.: maximum sampling frequency and minimum intercept time is obtained with code 15 (15 msec,11bit resolution, filter off)0V Output settingsThis menu makes it possible to configure the parameters of the instrument outputs.P R Protection codeThis menu makes it possible to enable/disenable the display and/or modification of specific parametersPR Displayed Modifiable0o1 o2 o3 o4o1 o2 o3 o41o1 o2o1 o22o1o13o1noneBy adding the following figures to the value in the table it ispossible to enable a series of supplementary functions:+4:to disable IN, 0V+8:to disable [F, SR+16:to enable maintenance of reset latch at power-off+32:base configuration (the following parameters will notbe displayed: IN: Ft, Fd, oF, L.L, K.l0V: 0n[forced to no. outputs present], rEFt, Fd, oF remain at set valueL.L, K.l are forced to L.s, K.s+64:Virtual instrument.+128:All pages access disabled, except PA(Password)L N Input linearizationThis menu makes it possible to carry out custom linearization for the main input.Only if t.P= Linear CustomThe “n” step value corresponds to input:mV beginning scale+ n* mVmV = (mV full scale - mV beginning scale) / 32U.[User calibrationThis menu makes it possible to carry out user calibration.Note: between the calibration phases some seconds could be requested to elaborate data.Application NotesAL2AL1alarm 1alarm 2For AL1 inverse absolute alarm (min.) with positive H1, 1 t = 1(*) = OFF if disabling on power-on existsFor AL2 direct absolute alarm (max) with negative H2, 2 t = 0For AL1 inverse absolute, symmetrical alarm with hysteresis H1, 1 t = 5For AL1 direct absolute, symmetrical alarm with hysteresis H1, 1 t = 4directFor AL1 direct absolute alarm (max) with negative H 1, 1 t = 0For AL2 direct relative alarm (max) with negative H2, 2 t = 2For AL1 direct absolute alarm (max) with negative H1, 1 t = 0For AL2 symmetrical deviation alarm H2, 2 t = 6AL1alarm 1alarm 2Filter - outputs with reference to parameters F.0 and r.AThe diagrams refer to a normal absolute alarm with hysteresis H = 0UCAL: strain-gauge calibrationa)Positive signal polarizationSuppose we test a probe (load cell) with sensitivity of 2mV/V, powered at 10V.The input signal range is 0 to 20mV. From unloaded to loaded cell you should see a value from 0 to 1000.Set scale limits: L.S. = 0; H.S. = 1000. Calibration procedure: U.C. = 3.Phase F1: unload the cell (equal to applying input voltage of 0mV). Wait 2 seconds for the signal to stabilize. Press key F.Phase F2: load the cell with a sample weight: for example, 80% of total weight (equal to applying input voltage of 80% of 20mV (2mV*10V) = 16mV). On display, set a value equal to 80% of H.S. = 800.Press key F.Phase F3: unload the cell (equal to applying input voltage of 0mV). Wait 2 seconds for the signal to stabilize. Press key F (calibration finished).b)Suppose we test a probe (force sensor) with sensitivity of 2mV/V, powered at 10V.The input signal range is -20mV to 20mV. From maximum compression to maximum traction you should see a value from -1000 to 1000. Set scale limits: L.S. = -1000; H.S. = 1000.Calibration procedure: U.C. = 4.Phase F1: do not apply any traction or compression to the sensor (equal to applying input voltage of 0mV).Wait 2 seconds for the signal to stabilize. Press key F.Phase F2: apply compression equal to 80% of total compression(equal to applying input voltage of 80% of 20mV (2mV*10V) = 16mV). On display, set a value equal to 80% of H.S. = 800.Press key F.Phase F3: do not apply any traction or compression to the sensor (equal to applying input voltage of 0mV).Wait 2 seconds for the signal to stabilize. Press key F (calibration finished).Alarm setpoint Output AlarmVirtual InstrumentManagement of the virtual instrument via serial is activated with the Pr parameter.By setting the S.I, S.o and S.U parameters, you can enable writing of a few variables from the serial line to set input values, output state, LED state, and the value shown on displays.You have to enable alarm limits when the write operations are continuous and you don’t have to keep the last value in EPROM (applications requiring continuous variations of interceptions).Enabling the PV input lets you exclude local acquisition of the input, replacing it with the value written in the VALUE_F register.Enabling digital input lets you set the state of this input, for example, to perform the zero setting with writing of the appropriate bit in the V_IN_OUT register.In analog mode, you can set the ON/OFF state of outputs OUT1, ..., OUT4 by writing the bit in the V_IN_OUT register; the value of analog output OUTW in the VALUE_W register; the state of LEDs OUT1,..., OUT4 by means of the bits in the V_X_LEDS register.* To use the Display resources for setting a value on the display and Keyboard to simulate key pressure, you also have to set bit 7 of the STATUS6_W register (Modbus address 345 / Cencal 690). This bit is reset at everypower-up.The following table shows the register addresses:This section contains a list of the Technical Specifications for the 40B96 instrument.This section gives the information and the necessarywarnings for routine maintenance of the instrument and contains a Troubleshooting Guide which shouldbe read before seeking help from the GefranCustomer Service Assistance, in the event of instru-ment malfunction.If installed and configured correctly according to theinstructions and the recommendations provided in Sections 2and 4 of these Instructions for use, the instrument will work normally without any need for maintenance, apart from the usual operations of cleaning the faceplate, and if necessary the internal parts of the instrument.To gain access to the inside of the instrument (for example for cleaning or to check the jumpers)just undo the screw at the bottom of the faceplateand take out the instrument without having to disconnect the cables.Make sure that the power is turned off upstream of the instrument however.Remember that the 40B96 interceptor is not equipped with an ON/OFF switch.Cleaning the InstrumentTo clean the faceplate and the case use only a cloth dampened in water or ethyl alcohol.Do not use hydrocarbon-based solvents(trichiorethylene, petrol, etc.).Do not use compressed air to remove dust from the elec-tronic circuit boards, if necessary use a clean brush with soft bristles.RepairsRepairs to the 40B96 instrument must only be carried out by qualified technicians, properly trai-ned and authorized by Gefran. Any attempts at repair or modification of the instrument hardware characteristics by unauthorized personnel will invalidate the warrantya.Checking the jumpersThe solders side of the CPU board contains the jumper S4which enables (if on) access to the controller menus.The instrument contains components which are sensitive to electrostatic discharge, so the relevant precautions must be taken whenhandling the electronic circuit boards contained in it, in order to avoid permanent damage to components themselves.You can select output state to have direct or reverse mode.Jumper S1, S2 and S3 are normally closed in position A. To change their state, the connection has to be removed. This operation must be done by trained technical personnel.Example in case of relay output:- Direct mode: energized relay and related closed contact correspond to active trip point.- Reverse mode: de-energized relay and related open contact correspond to active trip point.LSS9S1S10S6S8S4S7S5ACCESS TO THE MENU (S4)OUTPUT BOARD7 • TECHNICAL/COMMERCIALINFORMATIONThis section contains information regarding the instrument order codes and the main accessories available. As stated in the Preliminary Warnings of these Instructions for Use, correct interpretation of the instrument order code allows the hardware configuration to be identified immediately and so it is essential to quote the order code each time the Gefran Customer Care Service is contacted for assistance with any problems.Order code – 40B96 alarm unitFor information on the availability of codes please contact your Gefran dealer. When pressing down noneof the configuration menus canWhen pressing down notall of the parameters and/orTroubleshooting Guide*** Selectable (standard 24Vdc)APPENDIXThe appendix contains the list of all the abbreviations of parameters which appear in the various configu-ration/programming menus with the respective default values and meanings.The CONF column can be used to indicate the user's modified values with respect to the default configu-ration, on the basis of application requirements.• ORDER CODEN.B. RS232 interface for PC configuration is supplied with the WINSTRUM program-ming software. Make connection with instrument powered but with inputs and outputs disconnected.Side insertion cable。



GEFRANPY-2-C-50-XL位移传感器GEFRANPY-2-C-50-XL位移传感器Maximator3640.0178 VP54.04.00.04密封圈CONTRINEX320-920-181DW-AD-623-065-490CONTRINEX223-020-901S12-4FUW-020-NNRN-12FGHATZHATZ DIESELMOTOR 2M41Z-170C S0*******Di-soricOGWSD 70 P3K-TSSL信号放大器WALTHER-PRAEZISION Carl Kurt Walther GmbH &amp; Co. KGKL-012-2-WR521-40-1管接头CARLO GAVAZZIRMIA4524VDC凯盛源供应备件norelem06180-510X50工件夹具CALPEDA60901223000工控凯盛源供应备件Ebm02101-4-7320离心通风机附件Knick625-1A2隔离放大器LKM electronic GmbHPT100;#3,0;25MM LG;KABELL-0,8M温度传感器CARLO GAVAZZIESI222M120凯盛源供应备件CARLO GAVAZZIPS21H-PS02HZ-Y00凯盛源供应备件CARLO GAVAZZIPS21L-PS11BE-T00凯盛源供应备件R+WB 1/200/65,Bohrung D1=58H7/D2=58H7,length=65mmBERNSTEIN6507903004KCB-M12PS/002-KLSM8CARLO GAVAZZIPS43L-PT03RB-M00凯盛源供应备件CARLO GAVAZZICTD5S1255AXXX凯盛源供应备件BERNSTEIN1017300005CS-3000NEXT Giunto per pannello uscita orizzontale RAL9006CARLO GAVAZZIHDMS2332G0V21C凯盛源供应备件CALPEDA72S51300006工控凯盛源供应备件RELECORIC25-400/UC36V凯盛源供应备件STSATM,NR.232.9915.0305.11.U(ID:108756)压力传感器BREMAS1131138工控凯盛源供应备件CARLO GAVAZZIPS31L-MO11W0-M00凯盛源供应备件BREMASVXVC845600工控凯盛源供应备件CARLO GAVAZZIRGC1P48K30ED凯盛源供应备件CARLO GAVAZZIEM0PMU4AN凯盛源供应备件Bioengineering53629,Set of seals,DN65,24Kvs,Control valve密封件parkerPV016R9K1T1NCLCK0075ATOSADR-15油压传动阀HaweEM 41S-3/4-G24油压传动阀CEJN103221202凯盛源供应备件CARLO GAVAZZICTD4X3005AXXX凯盛源供应备件CARLO GAVAZZIPS31L-PT30L3-T00凯盛源供应备件CARLO GAVAZZICONB54NF-S15P凯盛源供应备件Condor Pressure Control GmbH212263压力传感器CARLO GAVAZZIPS43L-PT21LB-M00凯盛源供应备件BREMASVXCA0160039PL2工控凯盛源供应备件luezeTKS 100x100感应传感器RELECOC7-A20/AC240V 60HZ R .凯盛源供应备件CARLO GAVAZZIICB30L50F22NCM1凯盛源供应备件TurckNI3-EH6,5K-AP6X-V1131,4610220接近开关CARLO GAVAZZIPS21L-MT02LP-T00凯盛源供应备件lapp kabel DeutschlandUNITRONIC FD CP (TP) plus 6X2X0,75 500 M电缆CARLO GAVAZZIPS42L-AT11LS-T00凯盛源供应备件ITALCOPPIETRM#P1A-3--0150X温度传感器SIEMENS7ML1510-3JE02液位计CARLO GAVAZZIPS21L-BT02RL-T00凯盛源供应备件CONTRINEX605-002-125S08-3FUW-020-YNNNCARLO GAVAZZICL10凯盛源供应备件schmalzSEM 100 SDS, NR.真空泵CARLO GAVAZZICONB54NF-A5P凯盛源供应备件KS-TOOLS907.211CARLO GAVAZZITSW2555A凯盛源供应备件CARLO GAVAZZIPS43S-NT0205-Y00凯盛源供应备件TurckJRBS-40SC-8C/EX,Nr:6611453总线模块EXCELLOX.1000.7445工件夹具PFERDUGER 5/250 SI Nr:83104525电机3德国kiepe金属紧线器CARLO GAVAZZIPS21L-AT20W0-H00凯盛源供应备件LOVATOGA 040A SN:004828自动控制器Rexroth4WRZ25W8-325-7X/6EG24N9K4/M R900713034油压传动阀CARLO GAVAZZIPS42L-MT20W1-M00凯盛源供应备件CARLO GAVAZZIPD30CNR06NPM5MU凯盛源供应备件CARLO GAVAZZIPS42L-MS11PR-M00凯盛源供应备件CEJN199005322凯盛源供应备件CARLO GAVAZZIPS42L-MO11BE-T00凯盛源供应备件regloplasArt.-Nr.154-100013液位传感器CARLO GAVAZZIPD140FNT60QMU02C凯盛源供应备件AMPHENOLC146-10B015-0002插头CARLO GAVAZZIICB18L50N14NOM1凯盛源供应备件CALPEDA164007 20000工控凯盛源供应备件Aviteq1 off control unit, SRA-C100/01-1-1电磁振荡器连接件。



TK压力 传感器主要特点• 压力范围:0-3 至 0-500 bar  及 -1 - +1 至 -1 - +10 bar• 输出信号 4 - 20mA 2 线 / 0.1 - 5.1Vdc / 0.1 - 10.1Vdc / 0 - 5Vdc / 0 - 10Vdc / 1 - 5Vdc / 1 - 10Vdc• 防护等级:IP65/IP67• 接触液体的部件:AISI 430F 和 17-4PH• 适用于多种工艺连接,包括标准规格和定制规格TK 传感器基于厚膜应变测量原理。


TK 压力传感器主要用于测量油液、空气和液压回路中的压力。


1 BFSL 方法(最佳拟合直线):包括非线性、迟滞性和重复性的综合效应2 经 1000 多次测试,单次持续时间不超过 2 ms 3 经 100 多次测试,单次持续时间不超过 2 ms测量范围 (Bar)过压电快速脉冲群实验4816510206122471428102040163264204080255010030601205010020036126012024010020040016032064020040080025050010003507001200400800120050010001200-1/+51020-1/+36124080160安装图压力连接总负载 电阻 R L负载图(电流输出)电流放大输出 - 型号E电压放大输出 - 型号B/C/M/N/P/Q/R电气连接 - 接线图GEFRAN spa 保留其实施任何设计或者功能修改而毋需事先通知之权利GEFRAN spavia Sebina, 7425050 PROVAGLIO D’ISEO (BS) - ITALIA电话:0309888.1 - 传真: 0309839063网站:代码TK - 01/06。



专业代理意大利GEFRAN杰佛伦GTT固态继电器,大量现货电气设计确保了能够自动地优化和输出功率成正比的循环周期.根据所给的输入信号,GTT提供给负载的循环周期值(快速循环)被计算成最小可能值以维持必要的精度.在带有模拟输出的控制器或PLC的驱动下,GTT能得到一个很快速和精确的控制回路. GTT能被用于三相系统, 此系统使用主-从控制结构,既控制信号仅驱动一个GTT(主)而此单元提供同步信号给其他单元( 从). 本模块可对负载断路提供可选的监视(HB: 加热器断路).本模块接受来自电流互感器的500mA交流输入信号.断路点可用平衡电位器并由发光二极管指示,正常的断开电压释放继电器触点.GTT固态继电器有一个绿色的发光二极管显示所供的24VAc,一个红色的发光二极管显示输入信号功能的开关状态.在零功率时,LED将处于关闭状态, 在最大值时,LED将全开,处于中间值时,LED将闪烁. 此单元提供(可选)DIN标轨道安装,过温度指示, (温度>90-100℃),熔断器和熔断器架.主要应用塑料挤出生产线和注塑机械合成纤维产品的聚合工厂橡胶注塑机械瓷窑和建筑工业组件的干燥化学和制药工业工业炉窑食品加工厂主要特征输入信号为模拟电压或电流信号及电位器信号过零触发反向并联双可控硅2个LED用作电源指示,"ON"状态, 1个可选LED用作加热器断路报警控制电路和功率电路之间的绝缘电压高达4000V过热指示MOV(压敏电阻)可选的负载断路监视面板安装(标准)DIN标轨道安装(可选)常见型号:GTT系列:GTT-25/480-0,GTT-40/480-0,GTT-60/480-0,GTT-90/480-0,GTT-120/ 480-0,GTT-25/480-1,GTT-40/480-1,GTT-60/480-1,GTT-90/480-1,GT T-120/480-1 GTT系列固态继电器的设计为模拟输入信号(0-10V 或0-20/4-20mA)或电位计(从1KΩ到10KΩ)的负载提供了高准确度的控制。

Gefran 81121B 自动化指示器和报警单元 产品说明书

Gefran 81121B 自动化指示器和报警单元 产品说明书

AUTOMATIONINDICATORS, ALARM UNITSENG C O D . 81121B - 10/20152Thanks to forty years of experience, Gefran is the world leader in the design and production of solutions for mea-suring, controlling, and driving industrial production processes .We have 14 branches in 12 countries and a network of over 80 worldwide distributors.QUALITY AND TECHNOLOGYGefran indicators are designed to directly acquire multiple physical variables such as temperature, pressure, displacement, force/weight, humidity, and many others via normalised signals.ONE STOP SHOPGefran offers complete display solutions for industry, providing its own sensors and ensuring maximum component compatibility and integration.The numerous models in the catalogue offer different acquisition speeds, read resolutions, and specific functions assignable to auxiliary inputs and to alarm outputs.SERVICESA team of Gefran experts works with the customer to select the ideal product for its application and to help install andconfiguredevices(***********************).Gefran offers a wide range of courses at different levels for the technical-commercial study of the Gefran product range as well as specific courses on demand .APPLICATIONSPLASTICS MATERIAL TESTSWEIGHING SYSTEMSROLLING LINESMACHINES FOR WOOD AND MARBLETEST BENCHESSOFTWAREGF_eXpressConfiguration kit for Gefran instruments by means of PC (Windows environment).Lets you read or write all of the parameters of a single instrument via serial connection.- A single software for all models- Easy configuration- Copy/paste, save recipe, trend functions- Rapid configuration of instruments- Saving and management of parameter recipes- On-line trend and saving of historical data- Recovery of factory settings- Custom linearization- On-line user manual- Easy programming with custommessages- Easy graphics programmingwith setpoint programmers4ALL GEFRAN INDICATORS FEATUREUNIVERSAL MODELSINPUTSConfigurable universal analogue inputs for main variables and auxiliary analogue/digital inputs for additional functions.OUTPUTSVarious types of outputs for alarm management, inputretransmission.KEYBOARDKeyboard for rapid setting and diagnostics.FLEXIBILITYConnection to process via various types of sensors.LEDSLEDs for constant display of main instrument states.SHARED SOFTWAREAll models use the same software.DISPLAYClear and immediate display of main variables.READY TO USEPre-installed software for zero start-up time.IP65Elevated front panel protection without accessories.EASY TO USEImmediate and intuitive parameter settings.Gefran indicators and alarm units feature flexibility, simplicity, and compactness.Available in versions measuring 72x36...48x48 and 48x96, they indicate variables such as temperature, displacement, and force.Gefran’s 2400 series of indicators provide speed and precision, ensuring the measurement and setpoints of pressures (direct and differential), displacements, forces, temperatures, and process variables read by amplified sensors.Calculation capacity- Ability to compare input variables, engineer measurements, derive flow values.- Use of results of math functions such as value of process/ alarm limit/retransmission output.Double channel- Two main universal analogue inputs for two simultaneous acqui- sitions with a single instrument.- Direct feeding of up to 6 load cells.Easy calibration- Calibration of input by copying sensor plate data.- Standard calibration with specific menuHIGH PERFORMANCE MODELSINDICATORS, ALARM UNITS,8 Channels 2 ChannelsKgPotentiometersbar4...20mA40F9640A484A96 - 40A9640B48KgMagnetostrictivesPotentiometersbarPotentiometersPC configurationLEGEND:INDICATORS6INDICATORS, ALARM UNITS,ALARM UNITS8INDICATORS, ALARM UNITS,ALARM UNITSINDICATORS, ALARM UNITS,SPAIN MEXICOTAIWAN SOUTH KOREA INDIARUSSIABELGIUM UK TURKEYSINGAPOREGERMANYCHINA SWITZERLAND FRANCE USA BRAZILSOUTH AFRICAITALYDrive & Motion Control Unit Via Carducci, 2421040 GERENZANO (VA) ITALY Ph. +39 02967601Fax +39 029682653**********************Technical Assistance:*********************Customer Service*************************Ph. +39 02 96760500 Fax +39 02 96760278GEFRAN HEADQUARTER Via Sebina, 7425050 PROVAGLIO D’ISEO (BS) ITALY Ph. +39 03098881Fax +39 0309839063GEFRAN DEUTSCHLAND GmbH Philipp-Reis-Straße 9a D-63500 SeligenstadtPh. +49 (0) 61828090Fax +49 (0) 6182809222******************GEFRAN ESPAÑACalle Vic, números 109-11108160 - MONTMELÓ(BARCELONA)Ph. +34 934982643Fax +34 935721571**************************GEFRAN INDIASurvey No. 191/A/1,Chinchwad Station Road, Chinchwad, Pune-411033, Maharashtra Ph. +91 20 6614 6500Fax +91 20 6614 6501**********************SIEI AREG - GERMANY Gottlieb-Daimler Strasse 17/3D-74385 PleidelsheimPh. +49 (0) 7144 897360Fax +49 (0) 7144 8973697****************GEFRAN MIDDLE EAST ELEKTRIK VE ELEKTRONIK San. ve Tic. Ltd. StiYesilkoy Mah. Ataturk Cad. No: 12/1 B1 Blok K:12 D: 389 Bakirkoy /Istanbul TURKIYE Ph. +90212 465 91 21Fax +90212 465 91 22GEFRAN TAIWANNo.141, Wenzhi Rd., Zhongli City,Taoyuan County 32054, Taiwan (R.O.C.)Ph. +886-3-4273697 *********************.sg SENSORMATE AGSteigweg 8,CH-8355 Aadorf, Switzerland Ph. +41(0)52-2421818 Fax +41(0)52-3661884 GEFRAN RUSSIA4 Lesnoy pereulok, 4Business center “White Stone” 125047, Moscow, Russia Ph. +7 (495) 225-86-20 Fax +7 (495) 225-85-00GEFRAN SOUTH KOREARoom #1207, Hogue-Dong Anyang IT Valley 16-39, LS-ro 91Beon-gil, Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, 431-848, South Korea Ph. +82 70 7578 8680 GEFRAN FRANCE SA 4, rue Jean Desparmet BP 823769355 LYON Cedex 08Ph. +33 (0) 478770300Fax +33 (0) 478770320********************GEFRAN SOUTH AFRICA Pty Ltd.Unit 10 North Precinet,West Building Topaz Boulevard Montague Park, 7411, Cape Town Ph. +27 21 5525985 Fax +27 21 5525912GEFRAN Inc.8 Lowell AvenueWINCHESTER - MA 01890Toll Free 1-888-888-4474Fax +1 (781) 7291468******************GEFRAN BENELUX NV ENA 23 Zone 3, nr . 3910 Lammerdries-Zuid 14A B-2250 OLENPh. +32 (0) 14248181Fax +32 (0) 14248180**************GEFRAN SIEIDrives Technology Co., Ltd No. 1285, Beihe Road, Jiading District, Shanghai, China 201807Ph. +86 21 69169898Fax +86 21 69169333***************.cn GEFRAN BRASILELETROELETRÔNICA Avenida Dr . Altino Arantes,377 Vila Clementino04042-032 SÂO PAULO - SP Ph. +55 (0) 1155851133Fax +55 (0) 1132974012********************.brGEFRAN UK LtdUnit 7 Brook Business Centre 54a Cowley Mill Road Uxbridge UB8 2FXPh. +44 (0) 8452 604555Fax +44 (0) 8452 604556 ***************.ukGEFRAN SIEI - ASIA 31 Ubi Road 1 #02-07,Aztech Building, Singapore 408694Ph. +65 6 8418300Fax +65 6 7428300***************.sg。

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Li = Immersion Length (mm) Standard lengths: 5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 25mm Pipe ø 6 Length(mm) * (Lt) Standard length from 10 to 100 mm with 10 mm step (*) Available only for G and H cold junctions Lc = Cable Length (dm) Standard length from 10 to 100 dm with 10 dm step
I ... L
M ... N
GEFRAN spa reserves the right to make any kind of design or functional modification at any moment without prior notice
GEFRAN spa via Sebina, 74 25050 PROVAGLIO D’ISEO (BS) - ITALIA ph. 0309888.1 - fax. 0309839063 Internet:
A B C D E F G H I * L * M * N *
(*) Available only with: CH19 hexagon, E dimension = 25mm (mod. CC, CP, CE) See drawing for GF model
139 142
M 18 x 1,5 1/2” - 20UNF
7 6
10 7,8
16 10,5
16 10,5
17,8 12,7
19 17/19
A6 5,5BFra bibliotek14 11
20 16
17/25 17/25
Immersion length Immersion length
Mineral insulated resistance thermometers for the plastics industry
Main features
• Temperature limits: - 40 ... + 400° C • Tolerance: UNI 7937, IEC 751 standards: ± 0.15° C a 0° C for class A (1/2 DIN) ± 0.30° C a 0° C for class B (1 DIN) ± 0.10° C a 0° C for 1/3 DIN class • Compact mineral insulated (MgO) resistance thermometer element (Pt100 at 0°C) and continuous metal sheath
(*) Available with CH 17 hexagon, 1/2”-20 UNF thread only (**) Available with CH 19 hexagon, 1/2”-20 UNF and M18 x 1,5 thread Connection Thread M 18 x 1.5 1/2” 20 UNF Cold Junction Type Free wire termination cable Cable + standard male connector Cable + standard male and female connectors Cable + flexible armour sheath with free wire termination Cable + flexible armour sheath + standard male connector Cable + flexible armour sheath + standard male and female connectors Pipe ø6 + standard male connector Pipe ø6 + standard male and female connectors LEMO1 Connector LEMO2 Connector LEMO1 Connector + female connect LEMO2 Connector + female connect
D1 D3 D2 D4 D5 Ch.
A B C Ls
D1 D3 D2 D4 D5 Ch.
A B C Ls
A Li B C Ls E
A A-A Li A C B Ls 17 10 ~1
CODE Model Flat Tip Round Tip Conical Tip Rotating Elliptic Tip Element + Nr. of Wires Single 2 wires Single 3 wires Double 2 wires Single 4 wires Precision Class PT100 class A (1/2 DIN) PT100 class B (1 DIN) PT100 class (1/3 DIN) Cable (DIN Standards) * TTS TES (*) To be specified with A, B, C cold extension only Stem Material AISI 304 AISI 316 Ti A * D ** 5 6 Certificates Conformity Report Calibration Report SIT Certification