飘 英文 简介




推荐飘这本书的英文理由自我介绍English:I would recommend the novel "Gone with the Wind" for its powerful portrayal of the American Civil War and Reconstruction era, its complex and compelling characters, and its exploration of timeless themes such as love, resilience, and the human spirit. The novel follows the story of Scarlett O'Hara, a strong-willed and determined Southern belle, as she navigates the challenges and heartaches of war, love, and loss. The character development in the novel is exceptional, as Scarlett evolves from a selfish and self-centered young woman into a more mature and empathetic individual. Additionally, the novel delves into the societal and political changes brought about by the war, offering a thought-provoking commentary on the human capacity for both cruelty and kindness. Finally, the novel's rich and vivid prose transports readers to the antebellum South, immersing them in a world of grand plantations, sweeping landscapes, and the vibrant culture of the Old South. Overall, "Gone with the Wind" remains a timeless classic for its enduring themes and its unflinching portrayal of a defining era in American history.中文翻译:我推荐小说《飘》是因为它强大地描绘了美国内战和重建时期,其复杂而引人入胜的角色,以及对爱情、坚韧和人类精神等永恒主题的探索。

Gone with the wind《飘》电影欣赏中英

Gone with the wind《飘》电影欣赏中英
Film Appreciation
Gone with the wind
Gone with the wind
Gone with the wind

Time Released:1939
Country: USA
Running length:222min
Genre: Drama/ Romance/ War Author: Margaret Mitchell(玛格 丽特· 米切尔) Director :Victor Fleming(维克 多 费莱明)

玛格丽特· 米切尔(1900-1949),美国现代
著名女作家。她生于亚特兰大市,曾获文学 博士学位,担任过《亚特兰大新闻报》的记 者。1937年她活的普利策奖。1939年获纽约 南方协会金质奖章。1949年,她不幸被车撞 死。她短暂的一生并未留下太多作品,但只 一部《飘》足以奠定她在世界文学史中不可 动摇的地位。
一句话。我们应该珍惜现在所拥有的,因为 只有到最后我们才知道自己真正想要的是什 么什么。有太多人在失去后才懂得珍惜。如 果你在错过太阳时流泪,那么你也因此失去 了群星。当你经历了这些事后你要学会忽略 过去,因为明天又是新的一天
伦· 奥哈拉的女儿。无论是挑选衣服还是男孩, 她总有自己的选择。她总是在年轻男子中间 尽情的调情,其中包括其他女孩子的求爱者。 她是一个任性而且放纵的姑娘,但是智慧又 远远高于那些受过良好教德)

Scarlett’s third husband who is in love with her from the moment he sees her. He is opportunist willing to take advantage of any situation , but not without kindness or generosity under the right conditions.

飘 中英文简介和感想

飘 中英文简介和感想

《飘》展现了美国南北战争时期南方动 乱的社会现实。 乱世佳人” 乱的社会现实。以“乱世佳人”斯嘉丽为主 描写了几对青年的爱情纠葛。 线,描写了几对青年的爱情纠葛。 小说最 吸引人的地方是斯佳丽的个性以及她的爱情 故事。 故事。主人公在困难与挫折前所表现出表现 出来的勇气与奋斗不息的精神, 出来的勇气与奋斗不息的精神,着实让我们 感动。电影又名《乱世佳人》。 感动。电影又名《乱世佳人》。

Gone with the wind
玛格丽特·米歇尔 玛格丽l is a famous American author. She was born in Atlanta and she ever got the doctor's degree of literature. She worked as a Atlanta Journal journalist .In 1937,she won the Pulitzer Prize. In 1939,she won a gold medal of south association in New York. Unfortunately ,she died in a car accident . She didn’t leave too many compositions. But she established the position by Gone with the wind.
小说最吸引人的地方是斯佳丽的个性以 及她的爱情故事。 及她的爱情故事。她的爱情不是充满诗意和 浪漫情调的那一种,而是现实的和功利的。 浪漫情调的那一种,而是现实的和功利的。 为了达到目的, 为了达到目的,她甚至不惜使用为人所不齿 的狡诈伎俩。 的狡诈伎俩。那么她的爱情故事为什么还那 么引人入胜呢?原因很简单,这就是真实。 么引人入胜呢?原因很简单,这就是真实。 是小说所设置的情景下完全可能发生的真实 情况。真实的东西可能并不崇高,但更接近 情况。真实的东西可能并不崇高, 人们的生活,因而也更受读者喜爱 因而也更受读者喜爱。 人们的生活 因而也更受读者喜爱。



Margaret Mitchell admired people who had gumption(进取心), people who fought their way through hard times successfully and came out survivors. She said that if her novel, Gone with the Wind, had a theme it was survival, "I wrote about the people who had gumption and the people who didn't." With Gone with the Wind Margaret brought a promising message to all people - "Tomorrow is another day."
Gone with the Wind
——Margaret Mitchell
Margaret Mitchell's first and only published, best-selling and Reconstruction Period novel that first appeared in 1936, but was mostly written in the late 1920s. The novel had a great success throughout the United States and around the world. It has been translated into about 27 languages in 37 countries. At present, Gone with the Wind is still one of the best-selling novels in the world.



《飘》是著名女作家玛格丽特·米切尔于1936年出版的一部长篇小说,全名为《Gone with the Wind》。















唯一的《飘》,永远的思嘉090115396 周珍妮一九三六年,美国女作家玛格丽特•米切尔(M.Mitchell1990—1949)发表她的第一部,也是最后一部长篇小说《飘》(Gone With the Wind)即随风逝去。




















She is tender, but her weakness serve as a foil to her fortitude
She turned away and started back toward the house across the rough fields, twisting her hair into a knot upon her neck. Ashley watched her go and saw her square her small thin shoulders as she went. And that gesture went to his heart, more than any words she had spoken. 她转身向荒地那边的房子走去,一面把她的头发整理成一个发髻贴 在颈后。艾希礼目送着她,看她抬起瘦小的肩膀向前走去。而这一 姿势映到他的心灵上,比她所说过的任何话都更加深刻。
那是怎样的寂静与无情,亚特兰大人们用 悲痛的双眼望向远方的葛底斯堡小镇,整 整三天他们一直在等待死者的名单,而此 时宾夕法尼亚州的土地上南北双方真正拼 死血战。
Hushed and grim, Atlanta turned painful eyes towards the far away little town of Gettysburg and a page of history waited for three days while two nations came to death grips on the farm lands of Pennsylvania……
She always fight against with fate 她始终在与命运作斗争

飘 中英对照简介

飘 中英对照简介








作者简介Margaret Munnerlyn Mitchell (November 8, 1900 – August 16, 1949) was an American author, who won the Pulitzer Prize in 1937for her novel Gone with the Wind. The novel is one of the mostpopular books of all time, selling more than 30 million copies(see list of best-selling books). An American film adaptation,released in 1939, became the highest-grossing film in thehistory of Hollywood, and received a record-breaking tenAcademy Awards. Its record of eight non-honorary Academy Awardsstood until 1958.关于作者的小故事有一位作者被邀请参加笔会,坐在他身边的的是一位匈牙利年轻的女作家。


1937 - 21 Days
1938 - A Yank at Oxford
1938 - St. Martin's Lane 1939 - Gone with the Wind(乱世佳人、飘) (获奥斯卡最佳女主角奖) 1940 - Waterloo Bridge(魂断蓝桥) 1941 - That Hamilton Woman(汉密尔顿夫人)(又译:绝代佳人/ 忠魂鹃血 离恨天) 1946 - Caesar and Cleopatra(凯撒和克利奥帕特拉) 1947 - Anna Karenina - 安娜卡列琳娜 1951 - A Streetcar Named Desire (欲望号街车)(获奥斯卡最佳女主角奖)
1955 - The Deep Blue Sea 1961 - The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone (罗马之春) 1965 - Ship of Fools(愚人船)
• Clark Gable • Gender: Male • Birthday: 1901
• Active:20's—50's • Constellation:
• The film is divided into two parts:
Part I deals with Scarlett O'Hara before and during the war. Part II continues the story line after the war and Scarlett's complex relationship with Rhett Butler.
• It went on public on 15th,Dec.1939 after three years’ effort and cost about $4 million .



作品《飘》的书评《飘》英文名叫《Go with the Wind》,它是美国女作家玛格丽特.米切尔唯一的作品,一经问世便成了美国小说中最畅销的作品,它已被译为数十种文字,在全球近40个国家销售。

《Go with the Wind》,其名字带有诗情的色彩,一看到它的名字就让人联想起主人翁们的命运在那个动荡的年代像漂浮在空中的羽毛,起伏不定,让我感觉到他们拼命想要掌握自己命运,缩小梦想与现实之间的差别,而不断地挣扎,也让我在他们的苦痛中也感受到一种希望。










Gone with the Wind《飘》或,乱世佳人英语简介

Gone with the Wind《飘》或,乱世佳人英语简介

Gone with the WindGone with the Wind, an American novel by Margaret Mitchell, waspublished in 1936 and won the Pulitzer Prize in1937. The novel is one of themost popular of all time, and an American film adaptation of the same namereleased in 1939 became the highest-grossing film in the history of Hollywoodand received a record-breaking number of Academy Awards.Mitchell's work relates the story of a rebellious Georgia woman named ScarlettO'Hara and her travails with friends, family and lovers in the midst of theantebellum South, the American Civil War, and the Reconstruction period. Italso tells the story of the love that blossoms between Scarlett O'Hara andRhett Butler.The title is taken from the first line of the third stanza of the poem Non sumqualís eram bonae sub regno Cynarae by Ernest Dowson:"I have forgot much,Cynara! gone with the wind." Alternatively, the line also appears in the novel.When Scarlett escapes Atlanta's bombing by the forces of the north, she fleesback to her family's plantation, Tara. At one point, she wonders "Was Tara stillstanding? Or was Tara also gone with the wind which had swept throughGeorgia?"a metaphor for the South's viewpoint on the statehood ofKansas.Nevertheless, the book includes a vid description of the fall of Atlanta in1864and the devastation of war (some of it absent from the 1939 film), and shows aconsiderable amount of historical research. Mitchell's sweeping narrative ofwar and loss helped the book win the Pulitzer Prize on May 3,1937.An episode in the book suggests the early Ku Klux Klan, though without givingthe name:in the immediate aftermath of the Civil War, Scarlett is assualted byrecently-emancipated Blacks, whereupon her male friends make a retaliatorynight-time raid on the Blacks' encampment. This raid is presentedsympathetically as being necessary and justified, while the law-enforcementofficers trying to catch the perpetrators are depicted as opressive Northernoccupiers. Although the Klan is not mentioned in that scene, Scarlett laterlearns that Ashley Wilkes and others who were involved in the raid arembers of the Klan. Many such local anti-Black vigilante groups dideventually join the Klan in the late 1860's, as Mitchell must have been awarefrom her historical reasearch.Alexandra Ripley wrote the novel Scarlett, in 1991, as the authorized sequel toMitchell's novel.In 2000, the copyright holders attempted to suppress publication of AliceRandall's The Wind Done Gone, a book that retold the story from the point ofview of the slaves. A federal appeals court denied the plaintiffs an injunctionagainst publication in Suntrust v. Houghton Mifflin(2001), on the basis that thebook was parody protected by the First Amendment. The parties subsequentlysettled out of court to allow the book to be publishedHistorical Sources for the CharactersWhile Margaret Mitchell used to say that her Gone with the Wind characterswere not based on real people, modern researchers have found similarities tosome of the people in Mitchell's own life as well as to individuals she knew orshe heard of. Rhett Butler is thought to be based on Mitchell's first husband,Red Upshaw, who she married in 1922, but divorced after it was revealed thathe was a bootlegger.Another at least pàrtial character source for Scarlett O'Hara mighthave been Martha Bulloch Roosevelt, the mother of US presidentTheodoreRoosevelt.Rooseveltbiographer,DavidMcCullough,discoveredthatMitchellco nductedaninterviewwithoneofMartha'sclosestfriendsandbridesmaid, Evelyn King Williams, at age 87, while a reporter forTheAtlantaJournal.Inthatinterview,Martha'sphysicalappearance,beauty,grace and intelligence were described in great detail. The similaritiesbetween Martha, who was also called Mittie, and Sc。

飘 中英文简介和感想

飘 中英文简介和感想

Unfortunately ,she died in a car accident . She didn’t leave too many compositions. But she established the position by Gone with the wind.
玛格丽特·米切尔(1900 —1949),美国现 代著名女作家。她生于亚特兰大市,曾获文学博 士学位,担任过《亚特兰大新闻报》的记者。 1937年她获得普利策奖。1939年获纽约南方协会 金质奖章。1949年,她不幸被车撞死。她短暂的 一生并未留下太多的作品,但只一部《飘》足以 奠定她在世界文学史中不可动摇的地位。
4.You’re throwing away happiness with both hands. And reaching out for something that will never make you happy.
你把自己的幸福拱手相让,去追求一些 根本不会让你幸福的东西。
The most impressive thing for me is that tomorrow is another day. Treasured possession is happy, because we always don’t know exactly what we need in the end. Too many people only in lost time, before we know to cherish. If you miss the sun when you cry, then you also miss the stars. Through a lot, you have to learn to ignore the past. Because tomorrow is another day.



玛格丽特·米切尔《飘》(中英文互译) 《飘》(Gone with the Wind)是美国作家玛格丽特·米切尔创作的长篇小说。



Gone with the Wind飘SCARLETT O’HARA was not beautiful, but men seldom realized it when caught by her charm as the Tarleton twins were.思嘉·奥哈拉长得并不漂亮,但是男人们一旦像塔尔顿家那对孪生兄弟为她的魅力所迷住时,便看不到这一点了。

In her face were too sharply blended the delicate features of her mother, a Coast aristocrat of French descent, and the heavy ones of her florid Irish father. But it was an arresting face, pointed of chin, square of jaw. Her eyes were pale green without a touch of hazel, starred with bristly black lashes and slightly tilted at the ends.她脸上混杂着两种特征,一种是她母亲的娇柔,一种是她父亲的粗犷,前者属于法兰西血统的海滨贵族,后者来自浮华俗气的爱尔兰人,这两种特征显得太不调和了。





Gone with the Wind 飘(又名:傲慢与偏见)简介:Gone with the Wind is a romantic drama and the novel written by Margaret Mitchell, which sets the American Civil W ar as the background. The novel's protagonist, Scarlett O'Hara is the daughter of a planter, who is rich and standing in Georgia USA. Father Gerald is an Irish immigrant. Arriving in Georgia, Gerald is penniless but he wins the ownership of the manor of Tarot by gambling. After that, he began the venture in this red land, weaving his American Dream. Until 43 years old, he is married with the daughter named Ellen of a French immigrant in East Coast knot. Gerald is good-natured, but bad-tempered and the young wife has a good family education and strict moral values. She manages the day-to-day affairs of the estate as a whole on her own, even sets the black slaves to the doctor. Because of these, the couples get the respects from the white manor and won the love of the black slaves. Their daughter Scarlett is grown up in this environment.《飘》所讲述的是一个以美国南北战争为背景的爱情故事。



玛格丽特·米切尔与南方史诗《飘》引言玛格丽特·米切尔(Margaret Mitchell)是美国著名作家,她的作品《飘》(Gone with the Wind)被誉为南方史诗。









《飘》的主要人物妮娜·欧哈拉(Scarlett O'Hara)妮娜·欧哈拉是《飘》中的主角,她是一个美丽、坚强而顽固的女性。


雷德·巴特勒(Rhett Butler)雷德·巴特勒是一个吸引人且神秘的男性角色,在小说中与妮娜·欧哈拉有着复杂而令人动情的关系。






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Ashley Wilkes
• The handsome, chivalrous 侠义) (侠义), and honorable heir(继承) to the Twelve (继承) Oaks plantation near Tara. Ashley bewitches(吸引) (吸引) Scarlett through most of the novel. After the war, Ashley becomes resigned and sad, and he regrets not marrying Scarlett. Committed to his honor and Southern tradition, he cannot adjust to the postwar South. Ashley represents the values and nostalgia(怀旧)of the Old (怀旧) South.
Rhett Butler
Though he loves Scarlett, his pride prevents him from showing her his love, and it even leads him to brutality 残忍) (残忍). Candid, humorous, and contemptuous of silly social codes, Rhett exposes hypocrisy wherever he goes. He represents postwar society, a pragmatic, fast-paced world in which the strong thrive and the weak perish. 胜存败亡) (胜存败亡)
Plot Overview
• The Civil War begins. Scarlett agrees to marry Charles Hamilton, Melanie’s timid, hoping to hurt Ashley. Over the course of two months, Scarlett and Charles marry, Charles joins the army and dies of the measles(麻疹), and Scarlett learns that she is pregnant ( 怀 孕 ) . After Scarlett gives birth to a son, Wade, she becomes bored and unhappy. She makes a long trip to Atlanta. She begins to see a great deal of Rhett. Rhett infuriates(激怒) Scarlett with his bluntness (直言) and mockery(嘲笑), but he also encourages her to flout the severely restrictive social requirements for mourning Southern widows(寡妇).
Plot Overview
Confess her feelings
Hurt Ashley Save Tara
A fancy; A warm and sympathetic friendship
Rhett True love
Plot Overview
Plot Overview
• A free black man and his white male companion attack Scarlett on her way home from the sawmill one day. That night, the Ku Klux Klan avenges the attack on Scarlett, and Frank ends up dead. Rhett proposes to Scarlett and she quickly accepts. Scarlett becomes pregnant(怀孕) again and has another child. Scarlett and Rhett’s marriage begins happily, but Rhett becomes increasingly bitter and indifferent toward her. After Bonnie is killed in a horse-riding accident, Rhett nearly loses his mind, and his marriage with Scarlett worsens. Scarlett realizes that Ashley has been only a fantasy for her. She concludes that she truly loves Rhett. Scarlett hurries to tell Rhett of her revelation. Rhett, however, says that he has lost his love for Scarlett, and he leaves her. Grief-stricken and alone, Scarlett makes up her mind to go back to Tara to think of a way to win Rhett back.
Scarlett O’Hara
• When hardships plague Scarlett, she shoulders the troubles of her family and friends. Scarlett’s desire for the Southern gentleman Ashley and the opportunistic New Southerner Rhett Butler parallels the South’s struggle to cling to tradition and still survive in the new era.
• It is the spring of 1861. Scarlett O’Hara lives on Tara, a large plantation in Georgia. Scarlett confesses(坦白) her love to (坦白) Ashley. He tells her that he does love her but that he is marrying Melanie because she is similar to him. Scarlett slaps(巴掌) Ashley. (巴掌) Rhett Butler, a scandalous(潇洒) but (潇洒) dashing adventurer, has been watching the whole scene.
Scarlett O’Hara
• Scarlett (妖艳) Southern belle who grows up on the Georgia plantation of Tara in the years before the Civil War. Selfish, shrewd, and vain, Scarlett inherits 继承) (继承) the strong will of her father, but also desires to please her well-bred, genteel 文雅) (文雅) mother.
Rhett Butler
Scarlett’s third husband, and a dashing, dangerous adventurer and scoundrel 恶棍) (恶棍). Expelled(驱逐) (驱逐) from West Point and disowned(不认) by his (不认) prominent Charleston family, Rhett becomes an opportunistic blockaderunner during the war, emerging as one of the only rich Southern men in Atlanta after the war. Rhett proves himself a loving father and, at times, a caring husband.
Plot Overview
• During the war, Rhett helps Scarlett a lot. She reaches Tara at last. She finds that her mother is dead; her father has lost his mind; and the Yankee army has looted the plantation, leaving no food or cotton. Scarlett takes charge of rebuilding Tara. She murders a Yankee thief and puts out a fire set by a spiteful Yankee soldier. Determined to pays the taxes on Tara, she betrays her sister and marries her sister’s beau (男友), Frank Kennedy, who now owns a general store.