A380-841/TRENT970制造商:AIRBUS公司制造国:法国航空器分类航程类型:远程(LR-TA)使用机场等级:4F消防分类:ARFF E / RFFS 10尾流分类:H近进分类:C(因Vref小于141kts)高度层分类:D飞行间隔:按B747-400型掌握ICAO领航报代号:A380-841几何尺寸机身长:70.73米翼展宽:79.75米机身宽:7.14米机身上部离地高:10.80米(562T/AFT CG)/ 11.03米(290T/MID CG)垂尾高:24.08(562T/AFT CG)/ 24.40米(290T/MID CG)内侧发动机离地高: 1.05米(562T/AFT CG)/ 1.25米(290T/MID CG) 外侧发动机离地高: 1.90米(562T/AFT CG)/ 2.27米(290T/MID CG) 翼尖离地高: 5.22米(562T/AFT CG)/ 6.05米(290T/MID CG)前、大翼轮距: 28.61米大翼主轮距: 12.46米发动机台数:4台客舱情况双通道/单通道:双座位数:555座紧急出口数:16个客舱门数:14个客舱高度:客舱门尺寸(宽×高):1.26米×1.89米(M1L、M1R)客舱门尺寸(宽×高):1.07米×1.92米(除M1L、M1R外)客舱门编号:主舱左侧:M1L、M2L、M3L、M4L、M5L 主舱右侧:M1R、M2R、M3R、M4R、M5R 上舱左侧:U1L、U2L、U3L 上舱右侧:U1R、U2R、U3R可用襟翼位置起飞襟翼:CONF1+F, CONF2, CONF3进近襟翼:CONF1+F, CONF2, CONF3着陆襟翼:CONF3, CONF FULL 限制重量最大滑行重量:562000 千克(1238998磅)最大起飞重量:560000千克(1234588磅)最大着陆重量:386000千克( 850984磅)最大无油重量:361000千克(795869磅)典型使用空重:275000千克(595281磅)结构限制业载: 90985千克(200587磅)速度最大巡航速度(Vmo/Mmo):340 KIAS/0.89 M 正常巡航马赫数:0.855 M穿越颠簸速度:0.85 M 最小光洁速度:跑道入口速度:138KT(最大着陆重量,海平面,ISA, FLAP FULL)航程满载最大航程:6550NM(PL=84000KG, MTOW)满客最大航程:7950NM(PL=52000KG, MTOW)满油最大航程:9500NM(PL=0KG, FULL FUEL) (Assumption : IAS, NO WIND, FL360, LRC, Holding 30MINS, Alternate Distance 200NM, 5% Enroute Reserve Fuel)满载最大航程:5453NM (PL=50044KG,684MINS)满客最大航程:6932NM (428YPAX@95KG,70FPAX@115KG,8FPAX@115KG,PL=48930KG,867MINS)满油最大航程:8059NM (PL=16478KG,1007MINS)满油最大航程:8651NM (PL=0KG,1086MINS)计算条件:MTOW=294835KG,国际燃油政策,IAS,NO WIND,阶梯巡航,LRC,等待30MINS,备降距离200NM,2%公司备份油跑道典型起飞距离:2800米(ISA+0、海平面、MTOW)典型起飞距离:2950米(ISA+15、海平面、MTOW)典型着陆距离:1900米(ISA+15、海平面, MLDW)*Based on- NOSE GEAR : tire pressure-205PSI,tire dimension-1270*455R22 32PR - MAIN GEAR : tire pressure-218PSI,tire dimension-1400*530R23 40PR最小转弯半径(70°转弯角)机头半径:36.52米翼尖半径:53.76米机尾半径:46.01米最大转弯角度:70°有效转弯角度:69.5°180°转弯所需最小道面宽:62.9边界余度为6米燃油/耗油最大载油量:310000L/241800KG(按密度0.78kg/l)参考小时耗油量:12T/Hr(FL350,ISA,M85, 500T) APU地面耗油率:300KG/Hr APU空中耗油率:400KG/Hr 地面滑行耗油率:40KG/MIN 有无空中放油装置:有复飞油:1250KG等待油:5400KG(半小时)运行数据最大飞行高度:13106M(43000FT)95%MTOW/LRC重量最佳高度:10800M(35500FT)典型单发升限(总高):米(T,KIAS)油箱温度限制:℃-℃全发/一发失效最大爬升率/最大爬升梯度(见表)全发/一发失效最大下降率(见表)自动着陆等级:CATⅠⅡⅢISA,MTOW,单发,MCT,最大爬升率(最大爬升率速度)/最大爬升梯度(绿点速度)ISA,MTOW,全发/单发,IDLE,放出减速板,最大下降率(VMO/MMO)噪音依据FAR36:级起飞噪音侧向噪音着陆噪音。
21644Federal Register/Vol. 65, No. 79/Monday, April 24, 2000/Rules and Regulations(2) For the purposes of these mandatory inspections, piece-part opportunity means: (i) The part is considered completely disassembled when accomplished in accordance with the disassembly instructions in the manufacturer’s engine manual; and (ii) The part has accumulated more than 100 cycles in service since the last piece-part opportunity inspection, provided that the part was not damaged or related to the cause for its removal from the engine.’’(b) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this AD, and notwithstanding contrary provisions in section 43.16 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR 43.16), these mandatory inspections shall be performed only in accordance with the Airworthiness Limitations Section of the manufacturer’s ICA.Alternative Methods of Compliance(c) An alternative method of compliance or adjustment of the compliance time that provides an acceptable level of safety may be used if approved by the Engine Certification Office (ECO). Operators shall submit their requests through an appropriate FAA Principal Maintenance Inspector (PMI), who may add comments and then send it to the ECO.Note 2: Information concerning the existence of approved alternative methods of compliance with this airworthiness directive, if any, may be obtained from the ECO.Ferry Flights(d) Special flight permits may be issued in accordance with sections 21.197 and 21.199 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR21.197 and 21.199) to operate the airplane toa location where the requirements of this AD can be accomplished.Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program(e) FAA-certificated air carriers that have an approved continuous airworthiness maintenance program in accordance with the record keeping requirement of §121.369(c) of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR 121.369 (c)) must maintain records of the mandatory inspections that result from revising the Airworthiness Limitations Section of the Instructions for Continuous Airworthiness (ICA) and the air carrier’s continuous airworthiness program. Alternately, certificated air carriers may establish an approved system of record retention that provides a method for preservation and retrieval of the maintenance records that include the inspections resulting from this AD, and include the policy and procedures for implementing this alternate method in the air carrier’s maintenance manual required by §121.369(c) of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR121.369(c)); however, the alternate system must be accepted by the appropriate PMI and require the maintenance records be maintained either indefinitely or until the work is repeated. Records of the piece-part inspections are not required under§121.380(a)(2)(vi) of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR 121.380(a)(2)(vi)). All other Operators must maintain the records of mandatory inspections required by the applicable regulations governing theiroperations.Note 3: The requirements of this AD havebeen met when the engine manual changesare made and air carriers have modified theircontinuous airworthiness maintenance plansto reflect the requirements in the enginemanuals.(f) This amendment becomes effective onOctober 23, 2000.Issued in Burlington, Massachusetts, onApril 14, 2000.Jay J. Pardee,Manager, Engine and Propeller Directorate,Aircraft Certification Service.[FR Doc. 00–10157 Filed 4–21–00; 8:45 am]BILLING CODE 4910–13–UDEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIONFederal Aviation Administration14 CFR Part 71[Airspace Docket No. 99–AAL–18]Revision of Class E Airspace;Unalaska, AKAGENCY: Federal AviationAdministration (FAA), DOT.ACTION: Final rule.SUMMARY: This action revises Class Eairspace at Unalaska, AK. Theestablishment of a Global PositioningSystem (GPS) instrument approachprocedure at Unalaska Airport madethis action necessary. This rule providesadequate controlled airspace for aircraftflying IFR procedures at Unalaska, AK.EFFECTIVE DATE: 0901 UTC, June 15,2000.FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: BobDurand, Operations Branch, FederalAviation Administration, 222 West 7thAvenue, Box 14, Anchorage, AK 99513–7587; telephone number (907) 271–5898; fax: (907) 271–2850; email:/at or ataddress INFORMATION:HistoryOn November 19, 1999, a proposal toamend part 71 of the Federal AviationRegulations (14 CFR part 71) to revisethe Class E airspace at Unalaska, AK,was published in the Federal Register(64 FR 63261). The proposal wasnecessary due to the establishment of aGPS instrument approach procedure atUnalaska, AK. Interested parties wereinvited to participate in this rulemakingproceeding by submitting writtencomments on the proposal to the FAA.No public comments to the proposalwere received; thus, the rule is adoptedas written.The area would be depicted onaeronautical charts for pilot reference.The coordinates for this airspace docketare based on North American Datum 83.The Class E airspace areas designated as700/1200 foot transition areas arepublished in paragraph 6005 in FAAOrder 7400.9G, Airspace Designationsand Reporting Points, dated September1, 1999, and effective September 16,1999, which is incorporated byreference in 14 CFR 71.1. The Class Eairspace designations listed in thisdocument will be publishedsubsequently in the Order.The RuleThis amendment to 14 CFR part 71revises the Class E airspace at Unalaska,AK, through the establishment of a GPSinstrument approach. The area will bedepicted on aeronautical charts for pilotreference. The intended effect of thisrule is to provide controlled airspace forIFR operations at Unalaska, AK.The FAA has determined that thisregulation only involves an establishedbody of technical regulations for whichfrequent and routine amendments arenecessary to keep them operationallycurrent. It, therefore—(1) Is not a‘‘significant regulatory action’’ underExecutive Order 12866; (2) is not a‘‘significant rule’’ under DOTRegulatory Policies and Procedures (44FR 11034; February 26, 1979); and (3)does not warrant preparation of aregulatory evaluation as the anticipatedimpact is so minimal. Since this is aroutine matter that will only affect airtraffic procedures and air navigation, itis certified that this rule will not havea significant economic impact on asubstantial number of small entitiesunder the criteria of the RegulatoryFlexibility Act.List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 71Airspace, Incorporation by reference,Navigation (air).Adoption of the AmendmentIn consideration of the foregoing, theFederal Aviation Administrationamends 14 CFR part 71 as follows:PART 71—DESIGNATION OF CLASS A,CLASS B, CLASS C, CLASS D, ANDCLASS E AIRSPACE AREAS;AIRWAYS; ROUTES; AND REPORTINGPOINTS1. The authority citation for 14 CFRpart 71 continues to read as follows:Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40103, 40113,40120; E.O. 10854, 24 FR 9565, 3 CFR, 1959–1963 Comp., p. 389.21645 Federal Register/Vol. 65, No. 79/Monday, April 24, 2000/Rules and Regulations§71.1[Amended]2. The incorporation by reference in 14 CFR 71.1 of Federal Aviation Administration Order 7400.9G, Airspace Designations and Reporting Points, dated September 1, 1999, and effective September 16, 1999, is amended as follows:* * * * *Paragraph 6005Class E airspace extending upward from 700 feet or more above the surface of the earth.* * * * *AAL AK E5Unalaska, AK [Revised] Unalaska Airport(Lat. 53°53′57″ N., long. 166°32′ 42″ W.) Dutch Harbor NDB(Lat. 53°54′19″ N., long. 166°32′57″ W.) That airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface within 6.4-mile radius of the Unalaska Airport and within 2.9 miles each side of the Dutch Harbor NDB 360°bearing extending from the 6.4-mile radius to 9.5 miles north of the airport; and that airspace extending upward from 1,200 feet above the surface within 20-mile radius north of the airport between the Dutch Harbor NDB 305° bearing extending clockwise to the 075°bearing.* * * * *Issued in Anchorage, AK, on April 14, 2000.Anthony M. Wylie,Acting Manager, Air Traffic Division, Alaskan Region.[FR Doc. 00–10015 Filed 4–21–00; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910–13–PDEPARTMENT OF JUSTICEDrug Enforcement Administration21 CFR Part 1310[DEA Number 199F]RIN 1117–AA52Placement of Gamma-Butyrolactone in List I of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 802(34))AGENCY: Drug Enforcement Administration, Justice.ACTION: Final rule.SUMMARY: Public Law 106–172, signed into law on February 18, 2000, and known as the ‘‘Hillory J. Farias and Samantha Reid Date-Rape Drug Prohibition Act of 1999,’’ amends section 102(34) of the Controlled Substances Act as amended (CSA) by designating gamma-butyrolactone (GBL), the precursor to gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB), as a List I chemical. Reflecting this change in stature, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is amending itsregulation to reflect the status of GBL asa List I chemical subject to therequirements of the CSA and itsregulations. Establishment of athreshold for GBL will be the subject ofa separate rulemaking. Therefore, unlessand until a threshold is established, anydistribution of GBL is a regulatedtransaction as described by 21 CFR1300.02(b)(28). All handlers of GBLmust comply with the CSA regulatoryrequirements pertaining to List Ichemicals as described in the body ofthis document.FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:Frank L. Sapienza, Chief, Drug andChemical Evaluation Section, Office ofDiversion Control, Drug EnforcementAdministration, Washington, DC 20537.DATES: Effective: April 24, 2000.Registration application deadline:DEA must receive a properly completedDEA–510 registration application withfee from handlers of GBL on or beforeJuly 24, 2000.SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:What Is DEA Doing and Whom Does ItEffect?GBL is gamma-butyrolactone, theprecursor used in the clandestineproduction of gamma-hydroxybutyricacid (GHB). This Final Rule deals solelywith amending 21 CFR 1310.02(a) toreflect that GBL is a List I chemical asestablished by Public Law 106–172.Consequently any person who imports,exports, or distributes GBL must registerwith DEA and make required recordsand reports.What Authority Does DEA Have To DoThis?On February 18, 2000, Public Law106–172 was enacted. This law requiresthe Attorney General (AG) to addgamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) toSchedule I no later than April 18, 2000.Effective on February 18, 2000, Congressalso specifically designated the GHBprecursor, gamma-butyrolactone (GBL)as a List I chemical.Why Is This Being Published as a FinalRule?This publication amends 21 CFR1310.02(a) to reflect the fact thatCongress made GBL a List I chemical.For regulatory purposes, this actionleaves DEA no discretion. Therefore,DEA is publishing this action as a FinalRule.Why Was Control of GBL Necessary?Law enforcement authorities haveidentified GBL in many GHBclandestine laboratories anddocumented its use as a precursor in theclandestine synthesis of GHB. There areno chemical substitutes for GBL as aprecursor in the clandestine synthesis ofGHB. Congress recognized that controlof GBL as a List I chemical is necessaryto prevent diversion for use in the illicitproduction of GHB and made it a ListI chemical. This Final Rule amends 21CFR 1310.02(a) to reflect the fact thatGBL is a List I chemical subject to therequirements of the CSA and itsregulations.Is GBL Subject to Any Other ControlsUnder the CSA?In addition to GBL functioning as achemical precursor for the manufactureof GHB, it also produces psychoactiveeffects. If taken for human consumption,GBL and other chemicals, including 1,4-butanediol, are swiftly converted intoGHB by the body. Abuse of these andother GHB-like substances is asignificant law enforcement and publichealth problem. GBL and 1,4-butanediolare structurally and pharmacologicallysimilar to GHB and are often substitutedfor GHB. Under certain circumstancesthey may satisfy the definition of acontrolled substance analogue (21U.S.C. 802(32)). Congress expresslycontemplated this possibility byamending 21 U.S.C. 802(32) to state thatthe designation of GBL or any otherchemical as a Listed chemical does notpreclude a finding that the chemical isa controlled substance analogue andsubject to the provisions of 21 U.S.C.813.Is There a Threshold for Transactionsin GBL?Public Law 106–172 did not establisha threshold for regulated transactionsinvolving GBL. Therefore, the DEA isreviewing available data, including thatprovided by commenters in response tothe Federal Register publication‘‘Industrial Uses and Handling ofGamma-butyrolactone; Solicitation ofInformation’’ (63 FR 56941), regardingan appropriate threshold. This will bethe subject of a separate rulemaking andwill provide an opportunity for publiccomment. Until and unless a thresholdis established, all covered transactionsinvolving any amount of GBL aresubject to the CSA regulatoryrequirements.Each regulated person who engages ina regulated transaction involving GBLmust keep a record of the transactionand file reports under certaincircumstances (21 CFR 1300.02(b)(28)).If a threshold is established for GBL, therecordkeeping and reportingrequirements will only apply totransactions, including cumulative。
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E-mail: info@A. 额外的 WILCO FLEET : A380 (只为CD - ROM 版本)很高兴为您服务,我们已经提供了一套完整的额外的. 这些都 位于您的CD-Rom, 额外的 WILCO 目录.ERJ 145 Pilot in Command Wilco Fleet CRJ 2004Track IR 3ProWilco FleetA380TrailerWilcoFleet A380 Paint Kit喷气机区域运输该架CRJ 是历史上最成 功的支线飞 机项目。
要充分享受 三维虚拟座舱,红外可以让您在飞行中控制您的视野,只需环顾几度。
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Track IR 3 Pro 可购买自 Wilco 出版 .如果您已经制作了新涂装,请与我们联系 (info@) 。
我们可以把它上传到Wilco 出版社的网站上。
任何彩绘或更新的纹理可以上传互联网上的下面的文本文件: 为Wilco Fleet : A380开发涂装.(c) 2005 Wilco Publishing 登陆WILCO 出版网站 : 在那里你会发现信息,新闻,以及对常见问题的解答。
B. 快速启动WILCO FLEET : A3801. 驾驶Wilco Fleet : A3801. 开启模拟飞行2. 从菜单中,选择飞机3. 选择Airbus - Wilco Fleet : A380-8004. 选择飞机模式,根据你的电脑性能对于低配置,选择:- Full : 显示所有的选项- 2D Panel : 2D 面板- VC : 显示虚拟座舱- Wingview : 显示从座舱看机翼的模式。
存储巴士A380中文说明书 DATA BUS CHN
![存储巴士A380中文说明书 DATA BUS CHN](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6450e62c3169a4517723a312.png)
2.1 硬盘组装...................................................................................................................................6 2.2 更换硬盘...................................................................................................................................7 2.3 连接至电脑 ...............................................................................................................................7 2.4 关于资料备份 ...........................................................................................................................7
Page 2
1 介绍 ..................................................................................................................................................1
A380集中熔化操作指导书 C.1
![A380集中熔化操作指导书 C.1](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d90c7510f7ec4afe05a1df20.png)
1.每班首次倒料后,转运包内取样 2.与图谱对比,并记录图谱编号
隔离/通知生 产部
1.频率:生产启动时或者铝合金锭炉批号发生改变时; 2.使用舀汤勺将铝液浇入模具中,冷却后,再将铸件打磨,送至测量室。
要点 转运过程中,注意行车安全
步 骤 8
操作 顺序
1.用铲车将装有铝液的转运包转移至机 边炉 2.用铲车吊起转运包到相应高度后,将 铝液缓慢倒入坩埚内 3.填写加料记录
要点 转运过程中,注意行车安全
第 2 页,共 3 页
编号:QP-SP03.01-085.01 版本/版次:C.1
操作 顺序
1.将预热后的转运包放在熔炉出料口; 2.启动倒料开关,熔炉倾斜倒料; 3.倒料结束,启动复位开关,熔炉复位
要点 倾到时,严禁周边有人
操作 确认熔化炉挂牌与材料一致 顺序 性:A380
操作 顺序
回料添加 比例
铝锭与铝料柄/废铝件混合加料【不允许渣包,飞 内(通过计算转换为40%以内),(铝锭重量以每根
边及料渣和表面涂层废料(如:外协喷漆件、表 5.5KG计算,废铝件/铝料柄重量以称重方式计
Wilco FleetA380使用于微软 模拟飞行飞行指南请勿在真实飞行中使用!质量第一!如果不使用盗版并且只有购买原版的WILCO产品,您将获得我们软件的继续升级以及完善的质量。
E-mail: info@A. 额外的 WILCO FLEET : A380 (只为CD - ROM 版本)很高兴为您服务,我们已经提供了一套完整的额外的. 这些都 位于您的CD-Rom, 额外的 WILCO 目录.ERJ 145 Pilot in Command Wilco Fleet CRJ 2004Track IR 3ProWilco FleetA380TrailerWilcoFleet A380 Paint Kit喷气机区域运输该架CRJ 是历史上最成 功的支线飞 机项目。
要充分享受 三维虚拟座舱,红外可以让您在飞行中控制您的视野,只需环顾几度。
目前最大的 和最先进的商用客机,运输555名乘客超过8000海里 !创建您自己的A380飞机涂装和颜色。
Track IR 3 Pro 可购买自 Wilco 出版 .如果您已经制作了新涂装,请与我们联系 (info@) 。
我们可以把它上传到Wilco 出版社的网站上。
任何彩绘或更新的纹理可以上传互联网上的下面的文本文件: 为Wilco Fleet : A380开发涂装.(c) 2005 Wilco Publishing 登陆WILCO 出版网站 : 在那里你会发现信息,新闻,以及对常见问题的解答。
B. 快速启动WILCO FLEET : A3801. 驾驶Wilco Fleet : A3801. 开启模拟飞行2. 从菜单中,选择飞机3. 选择Airbus - Wilco Fleet : A380-8004. 选择飞机模式,根据你的电脑性能对于低配置,选择:- Full : 显示所有的选项- 2D Panel : 2D 面板- VC : 显示虚拟座舱- Wingview : 显示从座舱看机翼的模式。
a380缩略语手册(中国南方航空) a380 abbrv 汇总
![a380缩略语手册(中国南方航空) a380 abbrv 汇总](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4a1ceacccfc789eb162dc806.png)
A Amber琥珀色A Air空气A Alternate备用的A Area区域,范围,面积A.ICE Anti-ice防冰A.ICE Anti-icing防冰A/BRK Autobrake自动刹车A/C Aircraft飞机A/COLL Anti-Collision防撞A/D Analog/Digital模/数A/DC Analog-to-Digital Converter模/数转换器A/F Auto Flight自动飞行A/G Air to Ground空/地A/L Airline航线;航空公司A/N Alphanumeric字母/数字的A/N SIZE Alpha Numeric Size字母/数字尺寸(大小)A/P Airport机场A/R Audio Reproducer放音机A/S Airspeed空速A/S Auto Stabilization自动安定;自动稳定(性) A/SKID Anti-Skid防滞A/STAB Auto Stabilizer 自动安定面;自动稳定装置,自动稳定器A/T Adjustment/Test调节/测试A/THR Autothrust自动推力A/XFMR Autotransformer自耦变压器AA Airworthiness Authorities适航管理局;适航当局AA Arithmetical Average算术平均值AAA Airworthiness Approval Attestation适航批准证明,适航批准认证AAAH Airbus Approved Abbreviations Handbook空客批准缩写手册AAC Airline Administrative Communications航空行政通讯AADC Analog Air Data Computer模拟大气数据计算机AAL Above Aerodrome Level高于机场水平面的高度AAMG Airbus Application Management Group空客应用软件管理小组AAP Additional Attendant Panel附加乘务员面板AAR Air-to-Air Refueling空中加油ABBR Abbreviation缩写ABCD Airbus Collective Data Dictionary空客收集数据词典ABCM Alternate Brake Control Manifold备用刹车控制总管ABCU Alternate Braking Control Unit备用刹车控制组件ABD Airbus Directive and Procedure空客指令和程序ABDC Avionics Broadcast Data Collector电子广播数据采集器ABEC Airbus (Beijing) Engineering CentreCompany Limited空客(北京)工程技术中心有限公司ABM APU Build-up Manual APU装配手册ABM Abeam正切ABN Abnormal不正常的ABNORM Abnormal不正常的ABRN Airborne机载的;在空中ABS Autobrake System自动刹车系统ABS VAL Absolute Value绝对值第 1 页,共 92 页ABSELV Alternate Brake Selector Valve备用刹车选择活门ABSORB Absorber减震器,缓冲器ABV Above在...之上,高于;上述,上文AC Airplane Characteristics for AirportPlanning用于机场计划的飞机特性;适应机场的飞机特性AC Alternating Current交流电AC Advisory Circular咨询通告ACARS Aircraft Communication Addressing andReporting System飞机通信寻址和报告系统ACAS Airborne Collision Avoidance System机载防撞系统ACAU ARINC600 Connecting Assembly Unit ARINC600连接装配组件ACC Active Clearance Control主动间隙控制ACC Area Control Center区域管制中心,区调ACCEL Acceleration/Accelerate加速度/加速ACCESS Accessory附件, 零件ACCLRM Accelerometer加速度表ACCU Accumulator储压器ACCUR Accuracy准确性,精度ACD Additional Control Device附加的控制装置ACD Airframe Certification Document飞机取证文件ACD Airworthiness Certification Dossier适航取证档案ACDB Aircraft Component Data Base飞机部件数据库ACE Airbus Concurrent Engineering空客合作工程ACE Altimeter Control Equipment高度表控制设备ACFT Aircraft飞机ACFU Aircraft Check Follow Up飞机检查(定检)跟踪ACG Aircraft Center of Gravity飞机重心ACGS Aircraft GSM Server飞机GSM服务器ACI Avionics Communication Interface电子通讯接口ACIA Asynchronous Communications InterfaceAdaptor异步电子通讯接口适配器ACJ Advisory Circular-Joint联合咨询通告ACK Acknowledge感谢,承认;确认收悉ACL Aircraft Configuration List飞机构型清单ACM Air Cycle Machine空气循环机ACM Abbreviated Component Maintenance Manual简化部件维修手册ACM Aircraft Configuration Matrix飞机构型矩阵ACM Aircraft Conversion Manual飞机换算手册ACMB Aircraft Configuration Management Board飞机配置管理委员会ACMM Abbreviated Component Maintenance Manual简化部件维修手册ACMM Aircraft Configuration Meta Model飞机构型Meta模型ACMP Airframe Condition Monitoring Procedure飞机状态监控程序ACMR Aircraft Configuration Management Rules飞机构型管理标准ACMS Aircraft Condition Monitoring System飞机状态监控系统ACMT Aircraft Component Management Team飞机部件管理小组ACN Aircraft Classification Number飞机类别编号ACO Airworthiness Certification Office适航认证办公室ACO Automatic Call Out自动报告ACOB Automatic Call Out Box自动报告盒ACOC Air Cooled Oil Cooler空气冷却滑油冷却器ACP Area Call Panel区域呼叫面板第 2 页,共 92 页ACP Audio Control Panel音频控制面板ACP Altimeter Check Point高度表检查点ACQ Acquire获取,获得ACQN Acquisition获取,获得ACR Avionics Communication Router电子通讯路由器ACRIF ACR Instrumentation Function ACR仪表功能ACRT Additional Cross Reference Table附加交叉索引表ACS Access接近ACS Alternating Current Supply交流供电ACS Air Conditioning System空调系统ACSC Air Conditioning System Controller空调系统控制器ACT Active主动的,工作的,作动的ACT Additional Center Tank附加中央油箱ACT Activity活动ACTD Actuated(被)作动的;(被)驱动的ACTG Actuating作动ACTIV Active主动的,工作的,作动的ACTN Action动作ACTR Actuator作动筒ACTVN Activation作动;活动ACTVT Activate作动;使活动,引发ACU Air Cooling Unit空气冷却组件ACU Antenna Coupler Unit天线耦合器组件ACVR Alternating Current Voltage Ratio交流电电压比值,交流电压比ACWP Actual Cost of Work Performed实际工作成本AD Aerodrome机场AD Airplane Datum飞机基准面AD Airworthiness Directive适航指令A-D Airbus Deutschland空客德国公司)ADAM Airbus Spares Distribution and MaterialsSystem空客备件配送和航材系统ADAU Auxiliary Data Acquisition Unit辅助数据采集组件ADB Airport DataBase机场数据库ADB Area Distribution Box区域分配盒ADB Aeronautical DataBase航空数据库ADC Air Data Computer大气数据计算机ADC Airbus Delivery Centre空客交付中心ADCL Airworthiness Directives Compliance List适航指令符合性清单ADCN Avionics Data Communication Network航空电子数据通讯网络ADCOMS Advanced Configuration Management System先进的配置管理系统ADCSIP Acceptance and Delivery CustomerSatisfaction Improvement Programme验收和交付客户满意度提升计划ADD Addition加装ADD Additional附加的ADD Aircraft Description Data Base飞机描述数据库,飞机概述数据库ADD Aircraft Design Declaration飞机设计声明,飞机设计宣言ADD BY Added By被…附加;被增加ADF Automatic Direction Finder自动定向机ADG Air Driven Generator空气驱动发电机ADI Attitude Director Indicator姿态指引仪ADIRS Air Data/Inertial Reference System大气数据惯性基准系统第 3 页,共 92 页ADIRU Air Data/Inertial Reference Unit大气数据惯性基准组件ADJ Adjust调节ADJMT Adjustment调节ADL Airborne Data Loader机载数据装载机ADL Aircraft Data Loader飞机数据装载机ADM Air Data Module大气数据组件ADMZ Aircraft DeMilitarized Zone飞机非武装区域ADNS Airbus Document Numbering Service空客文档编号服务ADO Airbus Documentation Office空客文档办公室ADOPT Airbus Design and Operational Philosophyin Training空客培训设计和操作原理ADPM Aircraft Deactivation Procedures Manual 飞机偏差程序手册;飞机限动程序手册ADPTN Adaptation采用,应用;适配ADPTR Adapter适配器,转接器ADR Air Data Reference大气数据基准ADR Advisory Route咨询航路ADRES Aircraft Documentation Retrieval System飞机文件检索系统ADRS Address地址,寻址ADS Air Data System大气数据系统ADS Automatic Dependent Surveillance自动附属监控ADU Area Distribution Unit区域分配组件ADU Align Display Unit校准显示组件ADV Advisory咨询A-E Airbus Espana空客西班牙(公司) AEB Airline Engineering Bulletin航空公司工程通告AECMA The European Association of AerospaceIndustries欧洲航空航天工业协会AEDS Axle Equipment Drive Shaft轮轴设备传动轴AEDS Airbus Enterprise Directory Service空客企业目录服务AEEC Airlines Electronic EngineeringCommittee航空公司电子工程委员会AERO Aviation Routine Weather Report航空定期气象报告AES Aircraft Earth Station飞机地面站AESS Aircraft Environment Surveillance System飞机环境监视系统AESU Aircraft Environment Surveillance Unit飞机环境监视装置AEU Audio Electronic Unit音频电子装置AEVC Avionics Equipment Ventilation Computer电子设备通风计算机AEX Access Authorized访问授权;开启许可(电脑程序)AF Audio Frequency音频频率AF Acceptance Flight许可飞行AF All Freighter全货机AF DME Arc to Fixed Waypoint测距机扇面到固定航路点A-F Airbus France空客法国(公司)AFB Antifriction Bearing耐磨轴承AFC Automatic Frequency Control自动频率控制AFCS Automatic Flight Control System自动飞行控制系统AFDX Avionics Full Duplex Switched Ethernet航空电子全双向交换式以太网AFECU Automatic Fire Extinguishing ControlUnit自动灭火控制组件AFFECTD Affected受影响的第 4 页,共 92 页AFFIRM Affirmative肯定的,确定的AFIS Airline In Flight Information System航空公司飞行信息系统AFL Auto Flush自动冲洗AFM Aircraft Flight Manual飞机飞行手册AFMC Auxiliary Fuel Management Computer辅助燃油管理计算机AFMR Airframer机身AFN ATS Facilities Notification ATS设备通告AFR Airframe机身AFRS AirFRamer Shell机身外形,机身外壳AFS Automatic Flight System自动飞行系统AFSA Airbus France Standard Architecture空客法国公司标准体系AFTN Aeronautical Fixed TelecommunicationNetwork航空固定通讯网络AFTR After在…之后AFU Artificial Feel Unit模拟感觉装置,人工感觉装置AGB Accessory Gearbox附件齿轮箱AGB Angle Gearbox角齿轮箱AGC APU Generator Contactor APU发电机接触器AGC Automatic Gain Control自动增益控制AGE Aircraft Ground Equipment飞机地面设备AGG Airbus General Guide空客通用指南AGL Above Ground Level离地高度AGMT Augment扩大,增加AGP Alternate Gauging Processor备用测量处理器,备用测量仪AGS Air Generation System空气发生系统AGU Air Generation Unit空气发生装置AGW Actual Gross Weight实际总重AHP Anti-Hijacking Panel反劫机面板AHRS Attitude and Heading Reference System姿态和航向基准系统AHRU Attitude and Heading Reference Unit姿态和航向基准组件AI Anti-Icing防冰AIB Airbus Industrie空中客车工业公司AIBU Advanced Illumination Ballast Unit改进型照明镇流器组件AIC Access Illustration Cards接近图解卡AIC Airbus Integrated Company空客综合公司AICC Aviation Industry CBT Committee航空工业CBT委员会A-ICE Anti-Ice防冰AICU Anti Ice Control Unit防冰控制装置AID Aircraft Installation Delay飞机安装延期AIDA Airbus Industrie Drawing Access空客工业公司工程图访问AIDA Attestation Integrated Delta Aggregation综合变量集合认证AIDS Aircraft Integrated Data System飞机综合数据系统AIG Accident Investigation事故调查AIL Aileron副翼AIM Aircraft Integrated Maintenance飞机整体维护AIM/CRM Airbus Integrated Management/CockpitResource Management空客综合管理/驾驶舱资源管理AIM-FANS Airbus Interoperable Modular-Future AirNavigation Sys空客相互操作(模块)组件-新一代空中导航系统AIMI Avionics Information ManagementInterface电子信息管理界面第 5 页,共 92 页AIMS Airbus Improvement Management System空客改进管理系统AIMS Airbus Industrie Material Specification空客工业公司原材料明细表AIMS Airbus Inventory Management System空客资产管理系统AIN Airbus Integrated Network空客综合网络AINA Airbus North America空客北美洲公司AINS Aircraft Information Network System飞机信息网络系统AIP Attendant Indication Panel乘务员指示面板AIP Aeronautical Information Publication航空信息出版物AIPS Airbus Process Specification空客工艺规范AIQI Airbus Industrie Quality Instruction空客工业公司质量规程AIR Aircraft Inspection Report飞机检验报告AIRCOND Air Conditioning空调AIRMAN Aircraft Maintenance Analysis飞机维修分析AIS Audio Integrated System音频综合系统AIS Aeronautical Information Service航空信息服务AISI American Iron and Steel Institute美国钢铁协会AITM Airbus Test Method空客测试方法AL Airline航空公司ALERFA Alert Phase警告阶段,警戒阶段ALF Aft Looking Forward从后往前看ALHP Airframe Life-History Program机身寿命-经历提纲ALIGN Alignment对正,校准ALIGND Aligned对正,校准ALLWD Allowed允许的ALNA Airline Network Architecture航空公司网络体系结构ALPHA Angle-of-Attack迎角,攻角ALPHANUM Alphanumerical字母数字的ALPS Aircraft Lease Portfolio Securitisation飞机租赁文件保密ALS Approach Light System进近灯光系统ALSCU Auxiliary Level Sensing Control Unit辅助水平感觉控制组件ALT Altitude高度ALT ACQ Altitude Acquire高度获得ALT TO Alternate To作…的备用ALTM Altimeter高度表ALTN Alternate备用的ALTN Alternative备用的,可选的ALTU Annunciator Light Test Unit信号灯测试组件ALU Arithmetic and Logic Unit算术和逻辑组件AM Amplitude Modulation调幅AM Airbus Means and Methods Document空客方式和方法文件AMAT Aircraft Multi Purpose Access Terminal飞机多用途接近终端AMB Ambient周围的AMC Acceptable Means of Compliance可接受的执行方法AMDB Airport Mapping DataBase机场地图数据库AMI Airline Modifiable Information航线可变更信息AMJ Advisory Material-Joint联合航材咨询AMM Aircraft Maintenance Manual飞机维修手册AMM Ammeter电表AMP Amperage安培数AMP Ampere安培AMPL Amplifier放大器第 6 页,共 92 页AMS Air-ground Message Server空-地信息服务器AMS Aeronautical Material Specifications航空材料规范AMS Aerospace Material Specification空间(宇航)材料规范AMS Aircraft Modification Status飞机改装状态AMTOSS Aircraft Maintenance Task OrientedSupport System飞机维修工作支持系统,飞机维修工作定向支援系统AMU Audio Management Unit音频管理组件AN Air Navigation空中导航ANCE Announce通知,声明ANCU Anti-Noise Control Unit防噪控制组件AND Aircraft Nose Down飞机机头向下;飞机俯冲ANI Analog Input模拟输入ANLG Analogic模拟逻辑ANN Annunciator指示器,信号牌ANN LT Annunciator Light指示灯ANNCE Announce通知,声明ANNCMT Announcement通知,声明ANO Analog Output模拟输出ANPT Aeronautical National Taper Pipe Threads航空国家锥形管螺纹ANS Anti-Noise System防噪系统,隔音系统ANSA At Nearest Suitable Airport就近备降的机场ANSI American National Standards Institute美国国家标准协会ANSU Aircraft Network Server Unit飞机网络服务器组件ANT Antenna天线ANU Aircraft Nose Up飞机抬升;飞机机头向上AO Access Opening检修孔;接近口AOA Angle Of Attack迎角,攻角AOAS Angle of Attack Sensor迎角传感器AOC Airline Operational Control航空公司运行控制AOC Air Operator's Certificate航空营运许可证AOD Audio on Demand音频点播AOG Aircraft On Ground飞机停场AOHX Air/Oil Heat Exchanger空气/滑油热交换器AOLS Airbus On-Line Services空客在线服务AOM Aircraft Operating Manual飞机运行手册AOMT Airbus Onboard Maintenance Tool空客机载维护工具AOP Airbus Operational Plan空客运作计划AOT All Operator Telex所有操作者电传AP Autopilot自动驾驶AP Airborne Printer机载打印机AP Airbus Procedure空客程序AP Access point接近点AP/FD Autopilot/Flight Director自动驾驶/飞行指引仪APASHE Aircraft Publication Automated ShippingExpedite飞机出版物自动发货APC Area Positive Control区域绝对管制API Application Programming Interface应用程序界面API Application Programming Interface应用编程界面APLC Aircraft Power Line Conditioner飞机供电线路调节器APM ARINC Processing Module ARINC处理组件APM Aircraft Performance Monitoring Program飞机性能监控方案第 7 页,共 92 页APM Airport Planning Manual机场计划手册APP Appearance出现;外貌APP Approach Control-Approach Control Office进近管制-进近管制办公室APPL Application应用软件APPR Approach进近APPROX Approximately大约APPU Asymmetry Position Pick Off Unit不对称位置传感组件APQ Airline Pre-Qualification航线预限制APS Avionic Printing Specification航空电子印刷规范APS Absolute Pressure Sensor绝对压力传感器APS Aircraft Prepared for Service准备作勤务工作的飞机APS Auxiliary Power Supply辅助电源APU Auxiliary Power Unit辅助动力装置APU AFE APU Automatic Fire Extinguishing ControlUnit APU自动灭火控制组件AQP Advanced Qualification Program高级资格认证程序AR As Required按需AR Audio Reproducer放音机ARC Air Refueling Computer空中加油计算机ARG Arresting Gear or Hook制动齿轮或掣子ARINC Aeronautical Radio Incorporated航空无线电公司ARINC Aeronautical Radio, INCorporated航空无线电公司ARM Aircraft Recovery Manual飞机恢复手册ARM Airworthiness Review Meeting适航回顾会议ARMD Armed预位的ARMG Arming启动准备,预位ARMT Armament武器装备,军队ARN Aircraft Registration Number飞机注册号ARND Around在..周围;大约ARO After Receipt Order收到指令之后ARP Aerospace Recommended Practice航空推荐施工法ARP Aerodrome Reference Point - AirportReference Point航站基准点—机场参考点ARPT Airport机场ARR Arrival进港,到达ARR Arriving进港,到达ARS Airworthiness Review Sheet适航性回顾表ART Active Repair Time实际修理时间/主动修理时间ARTCC Air Route Traffic Control Centre 航路交通控制中心,航路流量管制中心ARTCLD Articulated铰接(的)ARTF Artificial人工的,模拟的ARU Aircraft Router Unit飞机路由器装置ARU Audio Reproducer Unit放音机组件ARV Alternate Refill Valve备用加油活门AS Airscoop空气进气口AS Airspeed空速ASA All Speed Aileron全速副翼ASA Audio and Sign Adapter音频/符号适配器ASAP As soon as possible尽快ASC APU Starter Contactor APU启动机接触器第 8 页,共 92 页ASCII American Standard Code for InformationInterchange美国信息交换标准代码ASCO Airbus Service Company Inc.空客服务有限公司ASD Accelerate Stop Distance加速停止距离ASDC Airline Service Data Collection航空公司服务数据收集ASE Airborne Support Equipment机载支援设备ASE Airbus Supplied Equipment空客提供的设备ASF Amperes per Square Foot安培/平方英尺,每平方英尺安培数ASG Airbus Security Group空客安全小组,空客安全委员会ASI Airspeed Indicator空速指示器,空速表ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuits专用集成电路ASM Aircraft Schematics Manual飞机图解手册,飞机系统原理图手册ASM American Society for Metals美国金属协会ASMA Aircraft Systems Maintenance Aids飞机系统维护援助ASN Aerospatiale Norme (Standard)航空标准(标准)ASP Audio Selector Panel音频选择面板ASPSU Autonomous Standby Power Supply Unit自主备用电源组件ASR Airport Surveillance Radar机场监视雷达ASSY Assembly装配ASYM Asymmetric(al)不对称的AT Autothrust自动推力AT Autothrottle自动油门ATA Actual Time of Arrival实际到达时间ATA Air Transport Association of America美国航空运输协会ATAM Airbus Takeoff Analysis Module空客起飞分析组件ATB ATA 100 Breakdown ATA100细节分类ATC Air Traffic Control空中交通管制ATC Airbus Training Center空客培训中心ATCA Air Traffic Control Board空中交通管制委员会ATCDB Aircraft Technical Characteristics DataBase飞机技术特性数据库ATCH Attach(ment)附件,附属物ATCI Air Traffic Control and Information空中交通管制和信息ATCK Attack迎角ATCRB Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon空中交通管制雷达信标ATCSS Air Traffic Control Data Link SignallingSystem空中交通管制数据链信号系统ATD Actual Time of Departure实际出发时间ATD Aircraft Technical Definition飞机技术定义ATE Automatic Test Equipment自动测试设备ATEC Automatic Test Equipment Complex自动测试综合设备ATI Air Transport Indicator航空运输指示器ATIMS Air Traffic and Information ManagementSystem空中交通和信息管理系统ATIS Automatic Terminal Information Service自动终端信息服务ATLAS Abbreviated Test Language for AvionicsSystems电子系统简短测试语言ATLAS Abbreviated Test Language for AllSystems所有系统适用的简化测试语言ATM Air Traffic Management空中交通管理ATM Aircraft Transportability Manual飞机运输性手册,飞机运营手册第 9 页,共 92 页ATM Available Ton-Mile可用的吨-英里数ATMG Airbus Technical Management Group空客技术管理小组ATMS Advanced Text Management System先进的文档管理系统ATN Aeronautical Telecommunications Network航空无线电通讯网络ATO Authorization to Offer授权提供ATR Austin Trumbull Radio奥斯汀特兰伯尔电台ATRCCS Automatic Turbine Rotor ClearanceControl System自动涡轮转子间隙控制系统ATS Air Traffic Service空中交通服务ATS Autothrottle System自动油门系统ATS Airbus Technical Specification空客技术规范ATS Autothrust System自动推力系统ATSU Air Traffic Service Unit空中交通服务组件ATT Attitude姿态ATT Attitude Reference姿态基准ATTEN Attenuation衰减ATTND Attendant服务员,乘务员ATZ Aerodrome Traffic Zone机场交通区域AUD Audio音频AUDSWTGSYS Audio Switching System音频转换系统AUDSWTGUNIT Audio Switching Unit音频转换组件A-UK Airbus UK空客英国公司AUTH Authorize批准,授权AUTO Automatic自动的AUTOCAL Autocalibration自动校准,自动标定AUTOLAND Automatic Landing自动着陆AUW All-Up Weight空中总重,总飞行重量AUX Auxiliary辅助的AVAIL Availability可用性AVAIL Available可用的AVG Asset Value Guarantee资产价值保证AVG Average平均AVIONICS Aviation Electronics航空电子AVNCS Avionics航空电子设备AVOD Audio/Video on Demand音频/视频点播AVRS Audio/Video Recording System音频/视频记录系统AVS Avionics Ventilation System电子通风系统AWACS Advanced Warning (on) AircraftCommercial Sales改进的飞机商务销售警告AWB Air Waybill运单AWG American Wire Gage美国导线量规AWG Audible Warning Generator音频警告发生器AWL Aircraft Wiring List飞机导线清单AWLS All Weather Landing System全气象着陆系统,全天候着陆系统AWM Aircraft Wiring Manual飞机线路图手册AWS American Welding Society美国焊接协会AWY Airway航路;航空公司AX Longitudinal Acceleration纵向加速度AX Access Authorized访问授权,授权接近AY Lateral Acceleration横向加速度AZ Azimuth方位,方位角第 10 页,共 92 页AZ Vertical Acceleration垂直加速度AZFW Actual Zero Fuel Weight实际零油重量B Blue蓝色(的)B/B Back-Beam反向波束,后梁B/C Business Class公务舱B/D Bottom of Descent下降的末段,下降底点BAABI Basic Approved ATA Breakdown Index经批准的基本ATA分解索引BAC Battery to APU Contactor APU电瓶接触器BAF BITE Access Function自检接近功能BAF Baffle缓冲隔板BAFO Best and Final Offer最优和最后报价BAG Bandwidth Allocation Gap带宽分配间距BAL Basic Assembly Language基本汇编语言BARC Barometric Altitude Rate Computer气压高度速率计算机BARO Barometric气压的BAT Battery (Electrical)电瓶(电源)BATC Battery Contactor电瓶接触器BBAND Broadband宽带BBRG Ball Bearing球形轴承,滚珠轴承BC Baggage Container Train集装箱拖车BCC Bleed Control Computer引气控制计算机BCD Binary Coded Decimal 二进制编码的十进制计数法,二进制标出的十进位数BCDS BITE Centralized Data System自测中央数据系统BCF Brake Cooling Fan刹车冷却风扇BCL Battery Charge Limiter电瓶充电限制器BCM Backup Control Module备用控制组件BCN Beacon信标BCP Business Continuity Plan商务连续性计划BCRC Bulk Crew Rest Compartment散装货舱机组休息舱BCRU Battery Charge and Rectifier Unit电瓶充电与整流组件BCS Brake Control System刹车控制系统BCU Brake Control Unit刹车控制组件BCWP Budgeted Cost of Work Performed工作完成的费用预算BCWS Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled计划工作的费用预算BDD BITE Description Document自检记述文件BDIE Base de Données Installation Electrique电气安装数据库BDLI Bundesverband der Deutschen Luft-undRaumfahrt Industrie德国航空航天协会BDSG BundesDatenSchutzGesetz (Federal DataProtection Act in Germany)德国联邦数据保护行动BEA Bureau d'Enquête Accident事故调查局BEL CRK Bellcrank摇臂,钟形曲柄BER Beyond Economical Repair非经济修理,超出修理价值BETW Between在…之间BEV Bevel斜面,斜角BEW Basic Empty Weight基本空重BFD Bi-Folding Door双边折叠门BFDAS Basic Flight Data Acquisition System基本飞行数据采集系统BFE Buyer Furnished Equipment买方提供设备第 11 页,共 92 页BFEMS BFE Management System BFE管理系统,买方提供设备管理系统BFO Beat Frequency Oscillator拍频振荡器BFR Buffer缓冲器,阻尼BG Build Group (Assembly Group)装配组BGC Build Group Component装配组部件BGM Boarding Music登机音乐BGS Build Group Stack-Up装配组分层BH Block Hours轮挡小时BHD Bulkhead舱壁, 隔板BIST Built-in Self Test机内自我测试BITE Built-in Test Equipment内装测试设备,自测设备BIU BITE Interface Unit自检接口组件BK Black黑色(的)BKFLW Backflow逆流,回流BKUP Backup备份(的);备用的BL Bleed放气,引气BLC Basic Lines Catalog基本航线目录BLC BCRU Line Contactor BCRU(电瓶充电与整流组件)线路接触器BLES Brake Life Extension System刹车寿命延长系统BLG Body Landing Gear机身起落架BLK Black黑色(的)BLK Block阻塞BLKT Blanket隔热棉,毯BLOW Blower鼓风机BLST Ballast镇流器BLT Bolt螺栓,螺杆BLV Bleed Valve引气活门;放气活门BLW Below在…以下,低于BLWG Blowing吹风,鼓风BM Beam梁,桁条BMC Bleed Monitoring Computer引气/放气监控计算机BMI BITE Monitoring Interface自检监控界面BMP Bit MaP位图BMS Bulletin Météo Spécial特殊气象通告BND Bonded连接的,焊接的BNDG Bonding连接,焊接BNDRY Boundary边界,边缘;范围,极限BNR Binary二进制的BNR Binary Words二进制码BO Blocking Oscillator间歇振荡器BO Body Odour身体气味BOH Brake-Off Weight刹车重量,开始滑行时的重量BOT Begin of Tape磁带起始端BOT Bottom底部,末端BP Bottom Plug底部堵盖BPPU Back-up Position Pick-Off Unit备用位置获取组件BPR By-Pass Ratio旁通率BPS Backup Power Supply备用电源BPTU Brake Pedal Transmitter Unit刹车脚蹬传感组件第 12 页,共 92 页BR Brown褐色(的)BRC Brace支架,吊杆BRD Braid饰带,编织物BRDG Bridge桥,电桥BRG Bearing轴承BRK Brake刹车BRKNG Braking刹车BRKR Breaker跳开关,断路器BRKS Brakes刹车BRKT Bracket支架BRT Bright明亮的BRT Brightness亮度BSCS Braking and Steering Control System刹车和转弯控制系统BSCU Braking and Steering Control Unit刹车和转弯控制组件BSHG Bushing衬套BSU Beam Steering Unit梁转弯组件BT Bus Tie汇流条连接BTA Bogie Trim Actuator小车式起落架配平作动器BTAC Bus Tie Alternating Contactor汇流条连接转换接触器BTC Bus Tie Contactor汇流条连接接触器BTCC Bus Tie Continuous Contactor汇流条持续连接接触器BTCM Brake Temperature Compensation Module刹车温度补偿组件BTL Bottle瓶体BTMS Brake Temperature Monitoring System刹车温度监控系统BTMU Brake Temperature Monitoring Unit刹车温度监控组件BTN Button按钮,按键BTR Bus Tie Relay汇流条连接继电器BTS Base Transceiver Station基地收发站BTS Brake Temperature Sensor刹车温度传感器BTU British Thermal Unit英制热量单位BU Battery Unit电瓶组件BUS Busbar汇流条BVID Barely Visible Impact Damage可视撞伤BWS Body Wheel Steering机身轮子转弯BYDU Back-Up Yaw Damper Unit备用偏航阻尼组件BYP Bypass旁通C Celsius摄氏的C Centigrade摄氏温度的C Close闭合,关闭C Cyan蓝绿色,青色C Clear清晰的;消除;清洁C Cold (Electric Point)冷(电路指示)C Comparator比较器C Convertible可转换的c Equal Margin等幅C of A Certificate of Airworthiness适航授权C/B Circuit Breaker电路跳开关C/L Check List检查单C/M Command/Monitor指令、监控C/M Crew Member机组成员第 13 页,共 92 页C/O Change Over转换C/S Call Sign呼叫信号C/SSR Cost/Schedule Status Report成本/计划状态报告CA Cable Assembly电缆组件CA Cable电缆,钢索CA Constituent Assembly组装CA Certification Authority证书授权CA/CRL Certification Authority/CertificateRevocation List证书授权、证书废除单CAA Central Aviation Archive航空中心档案文件CAA Civil Aviation Authority民航当局CAATS Computer Assisted Aircraft TroubleShooting计算机辅助飞机故障排除CAB Cabin客舱CAB PRESS Cabin Pressurization客舱增压CAD Computer Aided Design计算机辅助设计CADB Component for Attestation Data Base数据库认证部件CADETS Computer Assisted DocumentationEducation Tutorial System计算机辅助文档教育教程系统CAG Circulation Aérienne Générale通用航空交通;一般空间交通CAGE Commercial And Government Entity商业和政府机构CAI Combustion Area Inspection燃烧区域检查CAL Calibration校验,校准CAL Calibrated校验的CALC Cargo Acceptance and Load Control货物验收和装载控制CAM Cabin Assignment Module客舱分配组件CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing计算机辅助制造CAM Customer Acceptance Manual客户验收手册CAN Controller Area Network控制器区域网CAN Canopy座舱盖CANC Cancellation取消CANC Cancel取消CANCD Cancelled已取消,取消的CANTIL Cantilever上反角;悬臂CAO Cargo Aircraft Only仅货机CAOA Corrected Angle Of Attack修正迎角CAOM Cabin Attendant Operating Manual客舱乘务员操作手册CAP Capacitor电容器CAPLTY Capability容量CAPT Captain机长CAR Cargo货舱CAR Civil Aviation Requirements民用航空要求CARE Common Airbus Requirements Engineering通用的空中客车公司工程要求CARE Continuing Airframe - Health Review andEvaluation整体机身-健康回顾和评估CARP Carpet地毯CAS Calibrated Air Speed校准空速CAS Calculated Air Speed计算空速CAS Collision Avoidance System防撞系统CAS Computed Air Speed计算空速CAT Category类别,分类,目录第 14 页,共 92 页英文缩写英文全称中文全称CAT Clear Air Turbulence晴空湍流,晴空颠簸CATCH Complex Anomaly Tracking and Search复杂异常跟踪与调查CAUT Caution警戒,注意CAX Compartment Air Extraction抽风舱(箱)CBAL Counterbalance补偿;抵消CBB Connexion By Boeing通过波音联系CBIT Continuous BITE连续自测试CBM Circuit Breaker Monitoring跳开关监控CBMF Circuit Breaker Monitoring Function跳开关监控功能CBMS Circuit Breaker Monitoring System跳开关监控系统CBMU Circuit Breaker Monitoring Unit跳开关监控组件CBO Cycles between Overhaul大修周期CBORE Counterbore埋头孔;扩孔;平头钻,镗孔CBR California Bearing Ratio加州轴承比CBS Cost Breakdown Structure结构疲劳损伤CBSV Cycles Between Scheduled Visits例行检查周期CC Current Comparator电流比较器CCB Configuration Control Board构型控制委员会CCB Change Control Board变更控制委员会CCC Crash Crew Chart坠毁机组图表;飞机坠毁机组图CCC Component Change Card部件更换卡CCC Configuration Control Committee构型控制委员会CCCP Compressor Cavity Control Pressure压气机内腔控制压力CCD Cursor Control Device光标控制装置CCG Cabin Configuration Guide客舱构型指引CCITT Consultative Committee InternationalTelegraphy & Teleph国际电传电话顾问委员会CCMD Configuration Conformity Management andDocumentation构型符合管理和文件CCMU Centralized Crypto Management Unit集中密码管理组件CCOM Cabin Crew Operating Manual客舱乘务组操作手册CCQ Cross Crew Qualification交叉驾驶资格CCR Credit Card Reader信用卡读卡机CCR Customer Change Register客户改变登记CCRC Cabin Crew Rest Compartment客舱机组休息间CCRM Cabin Crew Rest Module客舱机组休息间CCS Cabin Communications System客舱通讯系统CCW Counter Clockwise逆时针CD Compact Disk光盘CD Control Display控制显示CD Cold Drawn冷拔,冷拉伸CD Count Drag反向阻力,计算阻力CDAM Centralized Data Acquisition Module集成数据采集组件CDAU Centralized Data Acquisition Unit集成数据采集组件CDB Configuration DataBase构型数据库CDBT Component Design and Build Team部件设计和构造团队CDC Cargo Door Controller货舱门控制器CDDS Component Documentation Data System部件文件数据系统CDE Consumption Data Exchange Card消耗数据交换卡CDIM Component Data Instruction Manual部件数据说明手册第 15 页,共 92 页CDIS Customization Definition InformationSystem客户化定义信息系统CDL Configuration Deviation List构型偏离清单,外形缺损清单CDLCU Cockpit Door Locking Control Unit驾驶舱门锁控制组件CDLS Cockpit Door Locking System驾驶舱门锁系统CDP Compressor Discharge Pressure压气机出口压力CDR Critical Design Review临界设计检查CD-ROM Compact Disc - Read Only Memory光盘-只读内存CDS Component Documentation Status部件文档状态CDS Control and Display System控制和显示系统CDS Cold Drawn Steel冷拉伸钢CDSS Cockpit Door Surveillance System驾驶舱门监测系统CDSU Cockpit Door Surveillance Unit驾驶舱门监测组件CDT Cabin Door Trainer客舱门培训员CDU Center Drive Unit中央驱动组件CDU Control and Display Unit控制和显示组件CD-WD Component Data Working Document部件数据工作文件CE Central Entity中央机构CE Change Event变更事件CECAM Centralized Cabin Monitoring集中客舱监控CED Cooling Effect Detector冷却效果探测器CEET Cabin Emergency Evacuation Trainer客舱紧急撤离培训员CEL Component Evolution List部件变化清单CELLI Ceiling Emergency LED Light天花板紧急LED灯CEO Chief Executive Officer首席执行官,行政总裁CEPT Council of European Posts and Telegraphs欧洲邮政和电信理事会CER Contrôle Essais et Réception控制测试和接待CEV Centre d'Essais en Vol飞行测试中心CEV Clutch Electro Valve离合器电子活门CF Course to a Fixed Waypoint到某一固定航路点的航道CF Configuration File构型文件CFDIU Centralized Fault Display Interface Unit中央故障显示接口组件CFDS Centralized Fault Display System中央故障显示系统CFE Customer Furnished Equipment客户提供设备CFIT Controlled Flight Into Terrain可控的飞行撞地CFM Cable Fabrication Manual钢索制造手册CFM Cubic Feet per Minute每分钟立方英尺CFMI CFM International CFM国际发动机公司CFP Computerized Flight Plan计算飞行计划CFR Code of Federal Regulations联邦规章代码CFRP Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic碳纤维强化塑料CFS Cabin File Server客舱文件服务器CFS Cold Finished Steel冷凝钢CFT Call For Tender招标公告CFVCU Cargo Fire Verification Control Unit货舱火警测试控制组件CFVS Cargo Fire Verification System货舱火警测试系统CG Center of Gravity重心CGC Customer Ground Check客户地面检查CGCS Center of Gravity Control System重心控制系统CGM Computer Graphics Metafile计算机绘图文件CH Character特性第 16 页,共 92 页。
第一章、安装扫描仪.............................................................................................7 软件安装需求 .............................................................................................................. 7 硬件需求 ..................................................................................................................... 7 安装与设定扫描仪 ....................................................................................................... 7 第一步、解除扫描仪安全保护锁 ........................................................................................... 8 第二步、连接您的扫描仪和计算机 ....................................................................................... 8 第三步、安装软件 ................................................................................................................. 9 第四步、测试扫描仪 ........................................................................................................... 11 安装其它软件 ............................................................................................................ 12
封面:南航A380 飞翔从此大不同一、高瞻远瞩,远见未来(南航实力大不同)中国南方航空,是中国唯一一家运营A380超大客机、首家运营波音787“梦想飞机”的航空公司,是SKYTRAX四星航空公司,是中国年客运量最大、运输飞机最多、航线网络最发达、安全星级最高的航空公司。
二、空中旗舰,开启广阔天地——南航A380大不同1、最大客机,空中巨无霸1)双层客舱,载客量多出40%A380是迄今世界上最大的宽体客机,拥有双层客舱,与现有最大机型相比,载客量多出40% 。
MMEL 由 局 方 批 准 颁 布 , MEL 由航空公司 制定
“24 Hour Service, Day & Night”
2011.07 南航机务工程部
“24 Hour Service, Day & Night”
《A380放行标准》手册 使用介绍
“24 Hour Service, Day & Night”
2011.07 南航机务工程部
“24 Hour Service, Day & Night”
Going digital
“24 Hour Service, Day & Night”
“24 Hour Service, Day & Night”
2011.07 南航机务工程部
第00章 前言 第01章 MEL ● MEL介绍 ● MEL入口 ● MEL项目 ● (O)程序 第02章 CDL ● CDL介绍 ● CDL项目
“24 Hour Service, Day & Night”
如果某故障可按MEL放行, 办理故障 保留,需要做什么:( )
在飞行记录本上 填写详细 的记录
必须将故障件拆 下修理
MMEL 是 航 空 公 司 制 定 MEL 的 依据
MEL的严格程度不 低于MMEL
航空公司可根 据具 体情况,某 些 MEL 项 目 的标准可低 于MMEL
一、功能概述二、充电说明三、外观及按键说明四、拆换面壳说明及复位五、进入主菜单及浏览操作六、操作说明1、开机及播放音乐2、关机3、音乐(MP3)模式4、录音(RECORD)模式5、收音(FM RADIO)模式6、娱乐(AMUSEMENT)模式7、设置(SETUP)模式七、连接计算机1、安装驱动程序2、连接电脑3、文件传输4、USB供电5、格式化内存6、弹出播放器7、固件升级八、附带工具软件使用说明九、技术参数十、疑难解答十一、附件一、功能概述本机是全新一代数码随身听设备。
支持MP3、WMA、W A V等多种音乐格式。
●支持多种音频格式:如MP3、WMA、W A V等音乐格式。
The Runway OverrunBy: Armand JACOB Experimental Test Pilot By: Robert LIGNÉE Flight Test Engineer1IntroductionAirbus has developed the Runway Overrun Prevention System (ROPS) as a response to runway overrun events during the landing phase. The ROPS is presently being certified for the A380,under a new specific EASA performance regulation, in conjunction with the Brake T o Vacate system.Runway excursions during the landing phase now represent the largest category of accidents in air transport, amounting to approximately 20 percent of all reported occurrences.This article will describe how the system:•Keeps the pilots informed during approach, through its intuitive interface, so that they can better make the necessary decision on whether or not to go-around•Assists and warns the crew after touch down on the necessary actions to reduce the risk of runway overruns, or to limit the overrun speed.2 procedures. landing are: --Long flare ------3Descriptionof the ROPSThe ROPS assists the flight crew, during the approach and roll-out, in preventing runway overruns.The system integrates two functions:•A warning function, called Runway Overrun Warning (ROW), which applies in flight and is go-around oriented.•3.1The Runway Overrun WarningFrom 500ft Radio Altitude (RA) until Auto-Brake activation, the Runway Overrun Warning (ROW):•Computes and displays predicted DRY and WET lines on the Navigation Display (ND)•Triggers alerts in case of predicted runway overrun conditions.3.1.1•Figure 1: ROW/ROP functionschange inserted in FMS for appropriate speed managed, RWY condition change), a quick new operational landing distance check is possible with minimal crew workload.Below 500 ft RAThe computation of the DRY and WET lines is based on measured data, by computing the operational landing distance realistically achievable, in real time.This landing distance is calculated by taking account of the aircraft weight, ground speed, wind conditions, landing configuration and vertical/ h orizontal trajectory with respect to the runway threshold.Note: In Auto-Brake modes other than BTV, the DRY and WET lines are not displayed.On the A380 in BTV mode, the DRY andWET lines can be checked on the Navigation Display (ND)Above 500 ft RA:In PLAN mode and in Airport Navigation range, as soon as the landing runway is selected during the BTV preparation, then with BTV mode setBelow 500 ft RA:In ARC mode and in Airport Navigation range (below 5NM), with BTV mode set.” box.Figure 2: Illustration of DRY and WET linesFigure 3: Illustration of PFD and ND (ARC mode in Airport Navigation range) in case of “Wet” ROW alert Figure 4: Illustration of PFD and ND (ARC mode in Airport Navigation range) in case of “Dry” ROW alertFigure 5: Illustration of ND (ARC mode in AirportFigure 6: Illustration of PFD and ND (ARC mode inSafety FirstThe Airbus Safety MagazineFor the enhancement of safe flight throughincreased knowledge and communications.Safety First is published by the Flight Safety Departmentof Airbus. It is a source of specialist safety informationfor the restricted use of flight and ground crew memberswho fly and maintain Airbus aircraft. It is also distributedto other selected organisations.Material for publication is obtained from multiple sourcesand includes selected information from the Airbus FlightSafety Confidential Reporting System, incident andaccident investigation reports, system tests and flighttests. Material is also obtained from sources within theairline industry, studies and reports from governmentagencies and other aviation sources.All articles in Safety First are presented for i nformationonly and are not intended to replace ICAO guidelines,standards or recommended practices, operator-mandated requirements or technical orders. The contentsdo not supersede any requirements m andated by the Stateof Registry of the Operator’s aircraft or supersede or amendany Airbus type-specific AFM, AMM, FCOM, ME Ldocumentation or any other approved documentation.Articles may be reprinted without permission, except wherecopyright source is indicated, but with acknowledgementto Airbus. Where Airbus is not the author, the contents ofthe article do not necessarily reflect the views of Airbus,neither do they indicate Company policy.Contributions, comment and feedback are welcome. Fortechnical reasons the editors may be required to make editorialchanges to manuscripts, however every effort will be madeto preserve the intended meaning of the original. Enquiriesrelated to this publication should be addressed to:Airbus。
A380-800 ATA章节中英文对照表
![A380-800 ATA章节中英文对照表](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e6e50ea4dd3383c4bb4cd297.png)
机组/乘客休息和服务区域的通 风
时限-维护检查-概述 例行维护检查-维修手册程序 区域检查:机身下半部分
A380服务手册国内航线各舱共用部分服务标准2011年12月10日定稿版1 A380国内航线各舱共用服务标准1.1 登机前各舱通用标准1.1.1 乘务组登机前准备工作规定1.1.1.1 登机前,主任乘务长查询所执行航班的旅客订座信息、飞行机组信息、乘务组信息、飞机号、停机位,协作时将以上信息传达给组员1.1.1.2 主任乘务长负责下载当日航班信息,了解高端旅客个性化需求1.1.1.3 乘车规定及分区域协作规定●为了分区域协作方便,进场执行航班时,全体组员须按区域乘车●主任乘务长、主舱安全员、包厢式头等舱乘务长/乘务员、头等舱乘务长/乘务员同乘一辆机组车,并按服务区域落座●其余组员共乘另一辆机组车兵按服务区域落座●各区域乘务长明确本区域乘务员的具体工作职责,详细地进行任务分工,并对本区域安全及服务提出具体要求1.1.2 乘务组个人行李的存放规定1.1.2.1 乘务组个人物品可放置各区域储物柜1.1.2.2 行李存放不应占用两舱客人使用的衣帽间1.1.2.3 乘务组的个人行李全程应在乘务员视线可监控的范围内1.1.3 清舱要求1.1.3.1 检查所有餐车、储物柜1.1.3.2 检查衣帽间、洗手间1.1.3.3 确保无外来人员及物品1.1.4 应急设备的检查要求1.1.4.1 登机后,由主任乘务长发出指令1.1.4.2 全体组员按岗位职责检查应急设备1.1.4.3 应急设备包括●水灭火瓶、HALON灭火瓶、灭火毯、PBE、手提氧气瓶、急救药箱、喊话喇叭、救生衣、应急手电筒、人工释放工具、应急发报机、生化隔离包、加长安全带、婴儿、儿童救生衣等●安全演示包(包括救生衣、氧气面罩、安全带、安全须知)●广播和内话系统●洗手间烟雾探测器、自动灭火装置、温度感示标牌、垃圾箱盖板●应急灯光系统●SK包1.1.4.4 应急设备检查标准见《客舱乘务员手册》 各区域乘务员向主任乘务长报告各区应急设备检查结果1.1.4.6 主任乘务长查阅《客舱故障记录本》,确认客舱故障排除情况,通知客舱乘务员检查确认1.1.5 厨房内的服务设备检查标准1.1.5.1 检查厨房●配电板功能正常●烤箱功能正常●烧水杯功能正常●烧水器功能正常●咖啡机功能正常●冷风机功能正常●厨房真空废物抽取机(如设置)功能正常●储物柜及餐车固定装置功能正常●餐车刹车装置正常●垃圾箱盖板功能正常●水槽畅通●垃圾压缩机(如设置)功能正常●餐车升降机(如设置)功能正常1.1.6 客舱内的服务设备检查标准1.1.6.1 客舱内部设施检查标准●客舱照明系统无故障●检查隔帘、搭扣确保无污渍、无故障●地毯干净整洁、无毛球●机窗清洁、无破损●行李架清洁、无故障●阅读灯、呼唤铃无故障●座椅上枕头、被子/毛毯包装完好并摆放整齐(四星标准)●座椅上的薄被、腰枕、床垫在位、洁净无污渍,睡枕、羽绒被妥善存放(五星标准)●座椅上的安全带一字型摆放整齐●座椅各部位操控、调节功能完好,并处于起飞/落地状态●座椅套、头片、平整、无污渍●座椅扶手与坐垫的夹缝内无异物●座椅扶手台上无污渍●座椅小桌板的桌面清洁、无故障●个人电视屏幕清洁完好、视觉清晰、视频、音频系统无故障●客舱内部壁板清洁无污渍、无故障●客舱内部环境干净、整洁1.1.6.2 洗手间检查标准●水龙头功能正常●洗手液充足或配备洗手液●洗手池下水顺畅●马桶功能正常●镜面、洗手池、地面无水滴、污渍●垃圾箱内无垃圾1.1.7 迎客前准备要求1.1.7.1核对、传达旅客信息●主任乘务长签收PIL单●未配备IPAD航班,主任乘务长将PIL单内各舱高端旅客信息传达给各舱区域乘务长,区域乘务长再将本舱高端旅客信息传达给区域乘务员●配备IPAD航班,主任乘务长、区域乘务长进行第二次数据下载,确认高端旅客信息并传达给各区域乘务员1.1.7.2 再次清舱1.1.7.3 登机欢迎词、登机音乐、五星标准娱乐节目的播放要求●旅客登机过程中应播放登机欢迎词两至三遍●广播的语言顺序为:中文→目的地语言→英文●播放欢迎词的间歇时间要播放登机音乐●客人开始登机时开始播放娱乐节目,客人下机结束后停止播放娱乐节目(五星标准)整理个人仪表1.1.8 起飞前引导客人入座标准1.1.8.1 服务要求(五星标准)●姿态高雅●工作有效率●笑容亲切●待客友善●充满自信●具有良好的工作责任心●时刻关注客人●特别注意说话轻、动作轻、走路轻●服务时应与贵宾有90CM_-1M的距离●遵守“动作不说话、说话不动作”原则●以上标准应贯穿整个服务流程1.1.9 飞机移动前的准备工作标准1.1.9.1关舱门前,主任乘务长签收并确认各类随机文件,按舱单核对旅客人数1.1.9.2 清理客舱中的杂物,协助客人整理个人物品●两舱:使用小托盘回收客人不需要的杯子、杯垫●包厢式头等舱:使用小托盘、毛巾夹回收独立毛巾盘、毛巾●上层公务舱:使用专用毛巾回收盘、毛巾夹回收毛巾●协助客人整理、妥善放置个人松散物品1.1.9.3 将所有隔帘扣好1.1.9.4 妥善放置洗手间内的松散服务用品,盖上马桶盖板并锁闭洗手间门1.2 起飞前各舱通用服务标准1.2.1 起飞前鞠躬致礼、安全检查标准1.2.1.1 起飞前致礼标准●舱门预位后,各舱乘务员按各自岗位职责在规定的位置站好●如主任乘务长/主任乘务长/乘务长不担任广播员,则鞠躬致礼时站在本舱位左通道或左通道的左侧,两舱乘务员站在客舱右通道或左通道的右侧●除广播员外,所有组员必须出客舱向客人致礼●站姿端正、面带微笑、与客人有眼神交流●鞠躬的时间统一到广播“致以最诚挚的问候”这句话结束时●鞠躬呈30度角●双脚呈丁字形摆放●主任乘务长或有资格的广播员广播●中文致礼广播结束、安全检查广播开始时,按1.2.1.2所列标准进行安全检查●开始安全检查的时间统一到广播“现在客舱乘务员进行起飞前的安全检查”这句话结束时1.2.1.2 起飞前安全检查标准●开始播放安全检查时,乘务员统一按各自负责的区域进行安全检查●安全检查遵循“由下至上”的顺序:脚踏板(如设置)→安全带→小桌板→遮光板→座椅靠背→行李架;乘务员安全检查时用右手确认自身前进方向右侧行李架,返回时,完成通道对侧行李架触摸检查,左手统一放在前方上衣前襟处或自然垂下●无制动装置的两舱旅客座椅前方不可摆放任何行李、松散物品●三语广播安全检查时,客舱内都必须有乘务员按自己的职责区域按要求进行安全检查1.2.2 安全演示标准1.2.2.1 如预录系统出现故障,乘务员进行安全演示表演的标准●表演内容:机上应急出口的位置、应急设备的使用方法●表演顺序:救生衣→氧气面罩→安全带→应急出口的指示→通道指示灯→出口指示灯→安全须知●表演结束乘务员将演示用具放回固定位置后,广播员再次进行客舱安全检查广播,各区域乘务员按各自的岗位职责按1.2.1.2 所列标准统一进行安全检查1.2.2.2 播放安全演示录像出口指示标准●播放安全演示录像前必须广播通知旅客●逐级调节音量至适中●播放安全演示期间,应避免在客舱履行与安全无关的职责●播放预录安全演示时,乘务员必须演示应急出口●播放预录安全演示或人工表演时,乘务员在播放到“本架飞机共有16个紧急出口,主舱10个,上舱6个”时应在安全演示位置就位●播放到“请你辨识离你最近的应急出口”,乘务员指示出离自己演示位置最近的该区域旅客撤离所使用的应急出口。
A380 手册中文版
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Designation:A380–06Standard Practice forCleaning,Descaling,and Passivation of Stainless Steel Parts,Equipment,and Systems1This standard is issued under thefixed designation A380;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(e)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1.Scope*1.1This practice covers recommendations and precautions for cleaning,descaling,and passivating of new stainless steel parts,assemblies,equipment,and installed systems.These recommendations are presented as procedures for guidance when it is recognized that for a particular service it is desired to remove surface contaminants that may impair the normal corrosion resistance,or result in the later contamination of the particular stainless steel grade,or cause product contamination. For certain exceptional applications,additional requirements which are not covered by this practice may be specified upon agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser.Al-though they apply primarily to materials in the composition ranges of the austenitic,ferritic,and martensitic stainless steels,the practices described may also be useful for cleaning other metals if due consideration is given to corrosion and possible metallurgical effects.1.1.1The term passivation is commonly applied to several distinctly different operations or processes relating to stainless steels.In order to avoid ambiguity in the setting of require-ments,it may be necessary for the purchaser to define precisely the intended meaning of passivation.Some of the various meanings associated with the term passivation that are in common usage include the following: is the process by which a stainless steel will spontaneously form a chemically inactive surface when exposed to air or other oxygen-containing environments.It was at one time considered that an oxidizing treatment was neces-sary to establish this passivefilm,but it is now accepted that thisfilm will form spontaneously in an oxygen-containing environment providing that the surface has been thoroughly cleaned or descaled. is removal of exogenous iron or iron compounds from the surface of a stainless steel by means of a chemical dissolution,most typically by a treatment with an acid solution that will remove the surface contamination but will not significantly affect the stainlees steel itself.This process is described in a general way in6.2.11and defined precisely in6.4with further reference to the requirements of Annex A2and Part II of the table on acid cleaning of steel. Unless otherwise specified,it is this definition of passivation that is taken as the meaning of a specified requirement for passivation. is the chemical treatment of a stainless steel with a mild oxidant,such as a nitric acid solution,for the purpose of enhancing the spontaneous formation of the protec-tive passivefilm.Such chemical treatment is generally not necessary for the formation of the passivefilm. does not indicate the separate process of descaling as described in Section5,although descaling may be necessary before passivation can be effective.1.2This practice does not cover decontamination or clean-ing of equipment or systems that have been in service,nor does it cover descaling and cleaning of materials at the mill.On the other hand,some of the practices may be applicable for these purposes.While the practice provides recommendations and information concerning the use of acids and other cleaning and descaling agents,it cannot encompass detailed cleaning proce-dures for specific types of equipment or installations.It therefore in no way precludes the necessity for careful planning and judgment in the selection and implementation of such procedures.1.3These practices may be applied when free iron,oxide scale,rust,grease,oil,carbonaceous or other residual chemical films,soil,particles,metal chips,dirt,or other nonvolatile deposits might adversely affect the metallurgical or sanitary condition or stability of a surface,the mechanical operation of a part,component,or system,or contaminate a processfluid. The degree of cleanness required on a surface depends on the application.In some cases,no more than degreasing or removal1This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01on Steel, Stainless Steel and Related Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee A01.14on Methods of Corrosion Testing.Current edition approved May1,2006.Published May2006.Originally approved st previous edition approved in2005as A380–99(2005).of gross contamination is necessary.Others,such as food-handling,pharmaceutical,aerospace,and certain nuclear ap-plications,may require extremely high levels of cleanness, including removal of all detectable residual chemicalfilms and contaminants that are invisible to ordinary inspection methods. N OTE1—The term“iron,”when hereinafter referred to as a surface contaminant,shall denote free iron.1.4Attainment of surfaces that are free of iron,metallic deposits,and other contamination depends on a combination of proper design,fabrication methods,cleaning and descaling, and protection to prevent recontamination of cleaned surfaces. Meaningful tests to establish the degree of cleanness of a surface are few,and those are often difficult to administer and to evaluate objectively.Visual inspection is suitable for the detection of gross contamination,scale,rust,and particulates, but may not reveal the presence of thinfilms of oil or residual chemicalfilms.In addition,visual inspection of internal surfaces is often impossible because of the configuration of the item.Methods are described for the detection of free iron and transparent chemical and oily deposits.1.5This practice provides definitions and describes good pratices for cleaning,descaling,and passivation of stainless steel parts,but does not provide tests with acceptance criteria to demonstrate that the passivation procedures have been successful.For such tests,it is appropriate to specify one of the practices listed in Specification A967.1.6This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if any,associated with its use.It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.(For more specific safety precautions see7.2.5.3,7.3.4,Section8,A1.7,and A2.11.)2.Referenced Documents2.1ASTM Standards:2A967Specification for Chemical Passivation Treatments for Stainless Steel PartsF21Test Method for Hydrophobic Surface Films by the Atomizer TestF22Test Method for Hydrophobic Surface Films by the Water-Break Test2.2Federal Standard:3Fed.Std.No.209e for Clean Room and Work Station Requiring Controlled Environments3.Design3.1Consideration should be given in the design of parts, equipment,and systems that will require cleaning to minimize the presence of crevices,pockets,blind holes,undrainable cavities,and other areas in which dirt,cleaning solutions,or sludge might lodge or become trapped,and to provide for effective circulation and removal of cleaning solutions.In equipment and systems that will be cleaned in place or that cannot be immersed in the cleaning solution,it is advisable to slope lines for drainage:to provide vents at high points and drains at low points of the item or system;to arrange for removal or isolation of parts that might be damaged by the cleaning solution or fumes from the cleaning solutions;to provide means for attaching temporaryfill and circulation lines;and to provide for inspection of cleaned surfaces.3.2In a complex piping system it may be difficult to determine how effective a cleaning operation has been.One method of designing inspectability into the system is to provide a shortflanged length of pipe(that is,a spool piece)at a location where the cleaning is likely to be least effective;the spool piece can then be removed for inspection upon comple-tion of cleaning.4.Precleaning4.1Precleaning is the removal of grease,oil,paint,soil,grit, and other gross contamination preparatory to a fabrication process orfinal cleaning.Precleaning is not as critical and is generally not as thorough as subsequent cleaning operations. Materials should be precleaned before hot-forming,annealing, or other high-temperature operation,before any descaling operation,and before anyfinish-cleaning operation where the parts will be immersed or where the cleaning solutions will be reused.Items that are subject to several redraws or a series of hot-forming operations,with intermediate anneals,must be cleaned after each forming operation,prior to annealing. Precleaning may be accomplished by vapor degreasing;im-mersion in,spraying,or swabbing with alkaline or emulsion cleaners,steam,or high-pressure water-jet(see6.2).5.Descaling5.1General—Descaling is the removal of heavy,tightly adherent oxidefilms resulting from hot-forming,heat-treatment,welding,and other high-temperature operations. Because mill products are usually supplied in the descaled condition,descaling(except removal of localized scale result-ing from welding)is generally not necessary during fabrication of equipment or erection of systems(see6.3).When neces-sary,scale may be removed by one of the chemical methods listed below,by mechanical methods(for example,abrasive blasting,sanding,grinding,power brushing),or by a combi-nation of these.5.2Chemical Descaling(Pickling)—Chemical descaling agents include aqueous solutions of sulfuric,nitric,and hydrof-luoric acid as described in Annex A1,Table A1.1,molten alkali or salt baths,and various proprietary formulations.5.2.1Acid Pickling—Nitric-hydrofluoric acid solution is most widely used by fabricators of stainless steel equipment and removes both metallic contamination,and welding and heat-treating scales.Its use should be carefully controlled and is not recommended for descaling sensitized austenitic stain-less steels or hardened martensitic stainless steels or where it can come into contact with carbon steel parts,assemblies,2For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,,or contact ASTM Customer Service at service@.For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.5.2.2Surfaces to be descaled are usually precleaned prior to chemical treatment.When size and shape of product permit, total immersion in the pickling solution is preferred.Where immersion is impractical,descaling may be accomplished by (1)wetting the surfaces by swabbing or spraying;or(2)by partiallyfilling the item with pickling solution and rotating or rocking to slosh the solution so that all surfaces receive the required chemical treatment.The surface should be kept in contact with agitated solution for about15to30min or until inspection shows that complete scale removal has been accom-plished.Without agitation,additional exposure time may be required.If rocking or rotation are impracticable,pickling solution may be circulated through the item or system until inspection shows that descaling has been accomplished.5.2.3Over-pickling must be avoided.Uniform removal of scale with acid pickling depends on the acid used,acid concentration,solution temperature,and contact time(see Annex A1).Continuous exposure to pickling solutions for more than30min is not recommended.The item should be drained and rinsed after30min and examined to check the effectiveness of the treatment.Additional treatment may be required.Most pickling solutions will loosen weld and heat-treating scale but may not remove them completely.Intermit-tent scrubbing with a stainless steel brush orfiber-bristle brush, in conjunction with pickling or the initial rinse,may facilitate the removal of scale particles and products of chemical reaction(that is,pickling smut).5.2.4After chemical descaling,surfaces must be thoroughly rinsed to remove residual chemicals;a neutralization step is sometimes necessary beforefinal rinsing.To minimize stain-ing,surfaces must not be permitted to dry between successive steps of the acid descaling and rinsing procedure,and thorough drying should follow thefinal water rinse.Chemical descaling methods,factors in their selection,and precautions in their use are described in the Metals Handbook.4When chemical descaling is necessary,it should be done while the part is in its simplest possible geometry,before subsequent fabrication or installation steps create internal crevices or undrainable spaces that may trap descaling agents,sludge,particles,or contami-nated rinse water that might either result in eventual corrosion or adversely affect operation of the item after it is placed in service.5.3Mechanical Descaling—Mechanical descaling methods include abrasive blasting,power brushing,sanding,grinding, and chipping.Procedural requirements and precautions for some of these methods are given in the Metals Handbook.4 Mechanical descaling methods have the advantage that they do not produce such physical or chemical conditions as inter-granular attack,pitting,hydrogen embrittlement,cracks,or smut deposits.For some materials,in particular the austenitic stainless steels when in the sensitized condition and the martensitic stainless steels when in the hardened condition, mechanical descaling may be the only suitable method.Grind-ing is usually the most effective means of removing localized scale such as that which results from welding.Disadvantages of mechanical descaling are cost,as compared to chemical descaling,and the fact that surface defects(for example,laps, pits,slivers)may be obscured,making them difficult to detect.5.3.1Surfaces to be descaled may have to be precleaned. Particular care must be taken to avoid damage by mechanical methods when descaling thin sections,polished surfaces,and close-tolerance parts.After mechanical descaling,surfaces should be cleaned by scrubbing with hot water andfiber brushes,followed by rinsing with clean,hot water.5.3.2Grinding wheels and sanding materials should not contain iron,iron oxide,zinc,or other undersirable materials that may cause contamination of the metal surface.Grinding wheels,sanding materials,and wire brushes previously used on other metals should not be used on stainless steel.Wire brushes should be of a stainless steel which is equal in corrosion resistance to the material being worked on.5.3.3Clean,previously unused abrasives,such as glass beads or iron-free silica or alumina sand,are recommended for abrasive blasting.Steel shot or grit is generally not recom-mended because of the possibility of embedding iron particles. The use of stainless steel shot or grit reduces the danger of rusting and iron contamination,but cannot completely elimi-nate the possibility of embedding residues of iron-oxide scale.5.3.4If a totally iron and scale free surface is required,most abrasive blasting may be followed by a brief acid dip(see Annex A2).6.Cleaning6.1General—Cleaning includes all operations necessary for the removal of surface contaminants from metals to ensure (1)maximum corrosion resistance of the metal;(2)prevention of product contamination;and(3)achievement of desired appearance.Cleanness is a perishable condition.Careful plan-ning is necessary to achieve and maintain clean surfaces, especially where a high degree of cleanness is required. Selection of cleaning processes is influenced mainly by the type of contaminant to be removed,the required degree of cleanness,and cost.If careful control of fabrication processes, sequencing of cleaning and fabrication operations,and mea-sures to prevent recontamination of cleaned surfaces are exercised,very little special cleaning of thefinished item or system may be necessary to attain the desired level of cleanness.If there is a question concerning the effectiveness of cleaning agents or procedures,or the possible adverse effects of some cleaning agents or procedures on the materials to be cleaned,trial runs,using test specimens and sensitive inspec-tion techniques may be desirable.Descriptions,processes,and precautions to be observed in cleaning are given in the Metals Handbook.4Proprietary cleaners may contain harmful ingredi-ents,such as chlorides or sulfur compounds,which could adversely affect the performance of a part,equipment,or system under service conditions.It is recommended that the manufacturer of the cleaner be consulted if there is reason for concern.N OTE2—Instances are known where stainless steel vessels have stress6.2Cleaning Methods—Degreasing and general cleaning may be accomplished by immersion in,swabbing with,or spraying with alkaline,emulsion,solvent,or detergent cleaners or a combination of these;by vapor degreasing;by ultrasonics using various cleaners;by steam,with or without a cleaner;or by high-pressure water-jetting.The cleaning method available at any given time during the fabrication or installation of a component or system is a function of the geometric complexity of the item,the type of contamination present,the degree of cleanliness required,and cost.Methods commonly used for removing deposited contaminants(as opposed to scale)are described briefly below and in greater detail(including factors to be considered in their selection and use)in the Metals Handbook4and the SSPC Steel Structures Painting Hand-book.5The safety precautions of8.6must be observed in the use of these methods.Particular care must be exercised when cleaning closed systems and items with crevices or internal voids to prevent retention of cleaning solutions and residues.6.2.1Alkaline Cleaning is used for the removal of oily, semisolid,and solid contaminants from metals.To a great extent the solutions used depend on their detergent qualities for cleaning action and effectiveness.Agitation and temperature of the solution are important.6.2.2Emulsion Cleaning is a process for removing oily deposits and other common contaminants from metals by the use of common organic solvents dispersed in an aqueous solution with the aid of a soap or other emulsifying agent(an emulsifying agent is one which increases the stability of a dispersion of one liquid in another).It is effective for removing a wide variety of contaminants including pigmented and unpigmented drawing compounds and lubricants,cuttingflu-ids,and residues resulting from liquid penetrant inspection. Emulsion cleaning is used when rapid,superficial cleaning is required and when a light residualfilm of oil is not objection-able.6.2.3Solvent Cleaning is a process for removing contami-nants from metal surfaces by immersion or by spraying or swabbing with common organic solvents such as the aliphatic petroleums,chlorinated hydrocarbons,or blends of these two classes of solvents.Cleaning is usually performed at or slightly above room temperature.Except for parts with extremely heavy contamination or with hard-to-reach areas,or both,good agitation will usually eliminate the need for prolonged soaking. Virtually all metal can be cleaned with the commonly used solvents unless the solvent has become contaminated with acid, alkali,oil,or other foreign material.Chlorinated solvents are not recommended for degreasing of closed systems or items with crevices or internal voids.6.2.4Vapor Degreasing is a generic term applied to a cleaning process that employs hot vapors of a volatile chlori-nated solvent to remove contaminants,and is particularly effective against oils,waxes,and greases.The cleanness and chemical stability of the degreasing solvent are critical factors in the efficiency of the vapor and possible chemical attack of the metal.Water in the degreasing tank or on the item being cleaned may react with the solvent to form hydrochloric acid, which may be harmful to the metal.No water should be present in the degreasing tank or on the item being cleaned.Acids, oxidizing agents,and cyanides must be prevented from con-taminating the solvent.Materials such as silicones cause foaming at the liquid-vapor interface and may result in recontamination of the workpiece as it is removed from the degreaser.Vapor degreasing with chlorinated solvents is not recommended for closed systems or items with internal voids or crevices.6.2.5Ultrasonic Cleaning is often used in conjunction with certain solvent and detergent cleaners to loosen and remove contaminants from deep recesses and other difficult to reach areas,particularly in small work-pieces.Cavitation in the liquid produced by the high frequency sound causes micro agitation of the solvent in even tiny recesses of the workpiece, making the method especially desirable for cleaning parts or assemblies having an intricate configuration.For extremely high levels of surface cleanness,high-purity solvents(1ppm total nonvolatile residue)are required.6.2.6Synthetic Detergents are extensively used as surface-active agents because they are freer rinsing than soaps,aid in soils dispersion,and prevent recontamination.They are effec-tive for softening hard water and in lowering the surface and interfacial tensions of the solutions.Synthetic detergents,in particular,should be checked for the presence of harmful ingredients as noted in6. Cleaning—Chelates are chemicals that form soluble,complex molecules with certain metal ions,inactivat-ing the ions in solution so they cannot normally react with another element or ions to produce precipitates or scale.They enhance the solubility of scales and certain other contaminants, do not precipitate different scales when the cleaning solution becomes spent,and can be used on some scales and contami-nants that even mineral acids will not attack.When properly used(chelating agents must be continuously circulated and must be maintained within carefully controlled temperature limits),intergranular attack,pitting,and other harmful effects are minimal.Chelating agents are particularly useful for cleaning installed equipment and systems.6.2.8Mechanical Cleaning(also see5.3)—Abrasive blast-ing,vapor blasting using afine abrasive suspended in water, grinding,or wire brushing are often desirable for removing surface contaminants and rust.Cleanliness of abrasives and cleaning equipment is extremely important to prevent recon-tamination of the surfaces being cleaned.Although surfaces may appear visually clean following such procedures,residual films which could prevent the formation of an optimum passive condition may still be present.Subsequent treatment such as additional iron-free abrasive cleaning methods,acid cleaning, passivation,or combinations of these is,therefore,required for stainless steel parts,equipment,and systems to be used where corrosion resistance is a prime factor to satisfy performance and service requirements,or where product contamination must be avoided.6.2.9Steam Cleaning is used mostly for cleaning bulkyemulsions,solvents,alkalis,and detergents.Steam lances are frequently used for cleaning piping assemblies.Steam pres-sures from50to75psi(345to515kPa)are usually adequate (see6.1).6.2.10Water-Jetting at water pressures of up to10000psi (70mPa)is effective for removing grease,oils,chemical deposits(except adsorbed chemicals),dirt,loose and moder-ately adherent scale,and other contaminants that are not actually bonded to the metal.The method is particularly applicable for cleaning piping assemblies which can withstand the high pressures involved;self-propelled nozzles or“moles”are generally used for this purpose.6.2.11Acid Cleaning is a process in which a solution of a mineral or organic acid in water,sometimes in combination with a wetting agent or detergent or both,is employed to remove iron and other metallic contamination,light oxide films,shop soil,and similar contaminants.Suggested solutions, contact times,and solution temperatures for various alloys are given in Annex A2.Acid cleaning is not generally effective for removal of oils,greases,and waxes.Surfaces should be precleaned to remove oils and greases before acid cleaning. Common techniques for acid cleaning are immersion,swab-bing,and spraying.Maximum surface quality is best achieved by using a minimum cleaning time at a given acid concentra-tion and temperature.After acid cleaning the surfaces must be thoroughly rinsed with clean water to remove all traces of the acid and thoroughly dried after thefinal water rinse.To minimize staining,surfaces must not be permitted to dry between successive steps of the acid cleaning and rinsing procedure.A neutralizing treatment may be required under some conditions;if used,neutralization must be followed by repeated water rinsing to remove all trace of the neutralizing agent followed by thorough drying after thefinal water rinse. Acid cleaning is not recommended where mechanical cleaning or other chemical methods will suffice on the basis of intended use and,as may be necessary,on inspection tests(see7.2and 7.3).Requirements for superfluous cleaning and inspection testing can result in excessive costs.Acid cleaning,if not carefully controlled,may damage the surface and may result in further contamination of the surface.6.3Cleaning of Welds and Weld-Joint Areas—The joint area and surrounding metal for several inches back from the joint preparation,on both faces of the weld,should be cleaned immediately before starting to weld.Cleaning may be accom-plished by brushing with a clean stainless steel brush or scrubbing with a clean,lint-free cloth moistened with solvent, or both.When the joint has cooled after welding,remove all accessible weld spatter,weldingflux,scale,arc strikes,etc.,by grinding.According to the application,some scale or heat temper may be permissible on the nonprocess side of a weld, but should be removed from the process side if possible.If chemical cleaning of the process side of the weld is deemed necessary,the precautions of this standard must be observed. Austenitic stainless steels in the sensitized condition should generally not be descaled with nitric-hydrofluoric acid solu-6.4Final Cleaning or Passivation,or Both—If proper care has been taken in earlier fabrication and cleaning,final cleaning may consist of little more than scrubbing with hot water or hot water and detergent(such as trisodium phosphate, TSP),usingfiber brushes.Detergent washing must be followed by a hot-water rinse to remove residual chemicals.Spot cleaning to remove localized contamination may be accom-plished by wiping with a clean,solvent-moistened cloth.If the purchaser specifies passivation,thefinal cleaning shall be in accordance with the requirements of Table A2.1,Part II.When the stainless steel parts are to be used for applications where corrosion resistance is a prime factor to achieve satisfactory performance and service requirements,or where product con-tamination must be avoided,passivation followed by thorough rinsing several times with hot water and drying thoroughly after thefinal water rinse is recommended,whenever practical.6.5Precision Cleaning—Certain nuclear,space,and other especially critical applications may require that only very high-purity alcohols,acetone,ketones,or other precision cleaning agents be used forfinal cleaning or recleaning of critical surfaces after fabrication advances to the point that internal crevices,undrainable spaces,blind holes,or surfaces that are not accessible for thorough scrubbing,rinsing,and inspection are formed.Such items are often assembled under clean-room conditions(see8.5.5)and require approval,by the purchaser,of carefully prepared cleaning procedures before the start of fabrication.6.6Cleaning of Installed Systems—There are two ap-proaches to cleaning installed systems.In thefirst,which is probably adequate for most applications,cleaning solutions are circulated through the completed system after erection,taking care to remove or protect items that could be damaged during the cleaning operation.In the second approach,which may be required for gaseous or liquid oxygen,liquid metal,or other reactive-process solutions,piping and components are installed in a manner to avoid or minimize contamination of process-solution surfaces during erection so that little additional cleaning is necessary after erection;post-erectionflushing,if necessary,is done with the processfluid.If process surfaces are coated with an appreciable amount of iron oxide,a chelating treatment or high-pressure water-jetting treatment should be considered in place of acid treatment(see6.2.7and6.2.10).6.6.1Post-Erection Cleaning—Circulate hot water to whicha detergent has been added,for at least4to8h.A water temperature of at least140to160°F(60to71°C)is recom-mended(see6.1).Rinse by circulating clean hot water until the effluent is clear.If excessive particulate matter is present,the cleaning cycle may be preceded with a high-pressure steam blow,repeating as necessary until a polished-aluminum target on the outlet of the system is no longer dulled and scratched by particulates loosened by the high-velocity steam.Valves and similar items must be protected from damage during a steam blow.6.6.2If metallic iron is indicated by one of the methods suggested in Section7,it can be removed by circulating one of the acid cleaning solutions suggested in Annex A2at room。
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该货机版本 A380F ,将携带150吨( 33万磅)以上货物,航程10400千米 / 5,600海里左右。
凭借其较大的翼展给予更大的升力及新一代发动机, A380飞机可以起飞和降落距离不比其他大型飞机长。
四架A380飞机-被用作试验机-空中客车公司在欧洲的网点现在正在按计划组装和生产的主要组成部分和其他3. 生产设施德国机身和垂直尾翼-商业设施,其中包括机舱内部安装,涂装,最后检查-疲劳试验法国中央翼盒-机身组装-安装和测试设备,其中包括液压系统,空调,燃料和电力系统-飞机机头部分-总装线英国设计和装配机翼和起落架-燃油系统测试-安装燃料,气动和液压系统和电线西班牙生产的飞机水平尾翼,后机身尾锥和腹整流罩。
4. 机舱空中客车A380是空中客车飞机的运营通用系列的成员,与空客A320 , A330和A340飞机类似的机舱及作业程序,为飞行员过渡培训提供方便,交叉飞行员资格飞行和混合机型飞行.泰雷兹航空电子设备开发和提供了8个高版本,高分辨率,150毫米x 200毫米( 6英寸x 8英寸)的液晶显示器,并提供数字抬头平视显示器( HUD )。
诺斯罗普格鲁门公司已经被选定为提供LTN - 101E惯性导航系统。
与L - 3航空录像机佛罗里达州将提供飞行数据和驾驶舱语音记录器。
5. 关于空中客车公司空中客车公司是EADS和BAE系统公司组成的一个财团公司。
空中客车公司的现代和全面的产品线由四个非常成功的家族的飞机:在单通道A320系列飞机( A318/A319/A320/A321 ),在宽体A300/A310系列,远程A330/A340型家族将不久将加入新的A350飞机,以及超远程,高容量的A380飞机家族。
6. 技术特点A380-800 A380-800F承载力典型的客运/货运负荷(吨) 555 152,4头等舱+ (商务舱+) 经济舱布局(22+96+437) N/A最大载客量853 N/ALD3航空集装箱数量38 -航程典型的客运/货运负荷(千米) 15000 10400动力系统44引擎数量Trent 900Trent 900选择引擎GP7200GP7200引擎推力(千牛顿)311340飞机规格飞机直径(米)7.14 (水平)7.14 (水平)总长度(米)72,772,7翼展(米)79,879,8总高度(米)24,124,1机翼面积(平方米)846846机翼弯曲(度)33,533,5典型巡航速度(马赫)0,850,85最大巡航速度(马赫)0,890,89重量以及燃料最大起飞重量(吨)560590最大着陆重量(吨)386427最大载重量(吨)84150最大燃料容积(升)310000310000日期开发日期十月2000十月2000首架交付航空公司春季2006夏季2008F. 空中客车A380 面板1. 大体面板布局主面板主要包括飞机的仪器:- 3个主飞行仪表: 主飞行显示器, 导航显示器和引擎/警告显示器o Primary Flight Display (PFD) 主飞行显示器o Navigation Display (ND) 导航显示器o Engine/Warning Display (E/WD) 引擎/警告显示器- The Flight Control Unit (FCU) 飞行控制单元- The EFIS Control Panel 电子飞行仪器系统控制面板- The Digital Standby Instruments 备用数字仪表- Others: Gear lever, altimeter setting, warning lights其他:起落架手柄,高度表设置,警告灯- 这4个电子飞行仪器系统: 系统显示(SD) 是唯一可见的虚拟座舱或作为弹出式窗口。
其他部分的面板都可以通过按键:- Shift-2 MCDU (多功能控制显示单元), 也被称为飞行管理计算机。
- Shift-3 顶板.- Shift-4 中央油门基座.2. EFIS 用法EFIS (PFD, ND, E/WD) 设计采用矢量图形技术。
为此, 他们完全没有任何质量缺失并且其亮度是完全可调.这张图片展示了ND的重要区域(绿色). 如果您在这个中心区按一下,这个EFIS将显示出一个弹出窗口. 然后,点击并拖动出绿色区域,你就可以移动EFIS 到周围. 如果你再点击一次中央绿色区域, 这个EFIS 将回到原来位置. 这同样适用于虚拟座舱视角.您还可以按下Shift-5, 6, 7 或8 来显示/隐藏PFD, ND, E/WD 和SD. 这同样适用于虚拟座舱模式和其他模式(卫星, 塔台, …)注: 当EFIS缩放在自己的窗口, 您可以取消,并显示在另一个显示器,如果你有。