
剧本--白雪公主 原版

Snow White and the Seven DwarfsScene 1(片段一):PPT:破旧小屋(道具:扫帚)(旁白不出场,白雪公主出场,做扫地的动作)Speak aside (旁白):Once upon a time there lived a lovely little Princess named Snow White. Her vain /vein/ 自负and wicked /wikid/邪恶stepmother the Queen feared that some day Snow White’s beauty would surpass /səpa:s/ 超越her own. So she dressed the little princess in rags /rǽgs/ 破布and forced her to work as a scullery /sk˄ləri/ maid /meid/女帮厨each day.the vain Queen consulted /kən's˄ltid/ 商议her Magic Mirror(灯光渐渐变暗,白雪公主退场)Scene 2(片段二):PPT:黑色城堡(道具:镜子)(皇后,魔镜准备入场)Queen(皇后):Magic Mirror on the wall,who is the fairest one of all? Magic Mirror(魔镜):Famous is the beauty, Majesty /mǽʤisti/ 陛下. But hold,a lovely maid l see. Rags /rǽgs/ 破布cannot hide her gentle grace/greɪs/ 优雅,she is more fair than you.Queen(皇后):quickly,quickly! tell her name.Magic Mirror(魔镜):Lips red as the rose. Hair black as ebony/ebəni/乌木. Skin white as snow.Queen(皇后):Snow White!(灯光渐渐变暗,皇后,魔镜入场)Scene 3(片段三):PPT:森林(道具:井)Speak aside (旁白):Snow White is standing by a wishing well. she wants to make a wish into the well. that’s all you have to do,and if you hear it echoing /ekəuing/ 回声your wish will soon come true.Then the prince come to the well quietly.(白雪公主站井旁,王子幕后,不出场)Snow White白雪公主: l am wishing.Prince(王子):l am wishing.Snow White白雪公主: For the one l love . To find me.Prince(王子):To find meSnow White (白雪公主): Today.Prince(王子):Today.Snow White (白雪公主):l am hoping.Prince(王子):l am hoping.Snow White (白雪公主):And l am dreaming of. The nice things. Prince(王子):The nice things.Snow White (白雪公主):He’ll say.Prince(王子):He’ll say.Snow White (白雪公主):l am wishing.Prince(王子):l am wishing.Snow White (白雪公主) For the one l love .To find me.Prince(王子):To find me.Snow White (白雪公主): Today.Prince(王子): Today.Snow White (白雪公主):Oh!(王子入场)王子:Hello.Snow White (白雪公主):Oh(王子出场)Prince王子:Did l frighten you? Wait! Wait,please. Don’t run away. Now that l have found you. Hear,what l have to say. (白雪公主跑着退场)Scene 4(片段四):PPT:黑色城堡(道具:盒子)Speak aside (旁白):the queen is really angry,then she calls housecarl /ˈhaʊsˌkɑrl/ 侍卫(皇后,侍卫入场)Queen(皇后):Take her far into the forest,find some quiet glade/geid/林中空地.Housecarl(侍卫):Yes,my Majesty.Queen(皇后):And there,my faithful Huntsman,you will kill her! Housecarl(侍卫):But,my Majesty,the little Princess!Queen(皇后):Silence! You know the penalty /penəlti/ 惩罚if you fail.Housecarl(侍卫):Yes,my Majesty.Queen(皇后):But to make doubly /ˈdʌbli/ 更加sure you do not fail,bring back her heart in this.(灯光渐渐变暗,皇后,侍卫退场)Scene 5(片段五):PPT:绿色森林(道具:树)(白雪公主, 小鸟准备入场)Speak aside (旁白):Snow White sings and dances. she can pick wildflowers in the foreset.Snow White (白雪公主): Hello Bird,what is the matter?Bird (小鸟):Hello!Snow White (白雪公主): Where is your mama and papa? Why l believe you are lost. Oh,please do not cry. Come onBird (小鸟):Hello !(悲伤语气)Snow White (白雪公主): Won’t you smile for me? That is better. Y our mama and papa can not be far. There they are! Can you fly? Good bye,good bye!Bird (小鸟):Good bye,good bye!(灯光渐渐变暗,小鸟退场,白雪公主慢慢走进森林深处)Scene 6(片段六):PPT:黑暗森林(道具:刀)Speak aside (旁白):Snow White sings happily,then she walk into the foreset.(侍卫入场,悄悄跟随白雪公主)Snow White (白雪公主):oh? who' re you?Housecarl(侍卫):l can not. l can not do it. Forgive me. l beg of your highness /hainəs/ 殿下,forgive me.Snow White (白雪公主): l do not understand!Housecarl(侍卫):She is mad,jealous /ʤeləs/ 嫉妒of you!Snow White (白雪公主): But,but who?Housecarl(侍卫):The Queen.Snow White (白雪公主):The Queen?Housecarl(侍卫): Now,quick,child,run. Run away,hide! In the woods! Anywhere! Never come back! Now,go. Go! Go! Run! Run! Hide!(灯光渐渐变暗,侍卫退场,白雪公主快跑开,进入小矮人家)Scene 7(片段七):PPT:小矮人家(道具:楼梯床,桌子,椅子) Snow White (白雪公主): Let’s see what’s upstairs. Oh! what adorable /ə:dɔ:rəbl/ 可爱的little beds! And look they have their names carved/kɑːvd/ 刻on them. Happy, Sneezing, Essence /esns/,Dopey /dəupi/ 迟钝的.What funny names for children! Grumpy/gr˄mpi/坏脾气的Bashful /bǽʃf ə l/羞怯的and Sleepy . I’m a little sleepy myself. Oh!(白雪公主退后,小矮人准备出场)Scene 8(片段八):PPT:小矮人家门外(道具:铲子,铁锹等工具)(舞蹈形式出场:开采矿石的舞蹈,慢慢入场)Dwarces /dwɔ:ves/(小矮人):We dig dig dig dig dig dig dig In our mine the whole day .Dwarves /dwɔ:ves/(小矮人):It’s home from wor k we go.Ha--ho. Ha-ho . Ha-- ho. .Ha-- ho. Ha-hoDwarf 3 /dwɔ:f/(小矮人3):Oh, my God.Our house! Uh...the light’s lit. Dwarf4/dwɔ:f/(小矮人4):The door is open. The chimney’s smoking .Something’s in there Maybe a ghost Or a goblin /gɔblin/ 妖精or a dragon/ˈdrægən/ 龙. Oh,there’s trouble! That’s a b ad sign.What’ll we do?Dwarf 5 /dwɔ:f/(小矮人5):Let’s sneak/sni:k/ 偷偷溜走up on it. Dwarf 6/dwɔ:f/(小矮人6):YES.We’ll...squeak /skwiːk/ 吱吱叫;嘎吱作响up. Sneak e on hen...Uh men Follow me.Dwarf7/dwɔ:f/(小矮人7): Careful. Men Search every cook, Hook /hʊk/ 钩住and Crooked/krʊkt/ 不直的fan...Search everywhere. Quiet. Look!(小矮人准备进门)Scene 9(片段九):PPT:小矮人家(道具:楼梯床,桌子,椅子,花) Happy (小矮人1):The floor , it’s been swept!Sneezing(小矮人2):Chair’s been busted /bustid/打破!Essence (小矮人3):Our window’s been washed. oh! our cobwebs/kɔ:bwebz/ 蜘蛛网are missing. Why...why, the whole place is clean ! Dopey (小矮人4):There’s dirty work afoot/əˈfʊt/ 计划中. Sink’s/sink/ 水池emptyˈ/empti/ 空的. Hey , someone stole/stəʊl/ 偷our dishes !Grumpy (小矮人5):They aren't stolen . They’re hid in the cupboard . /ˈkʌbəd/ 橱柜Smells good! Don’t touch it , you fools! Might be poison /pƆizn/有毒Bashful (小矮人6):See ? It’s witches’ /witʃiz/ 女巫brew /bru:/ 酒. Look what’s happened to our ... table . Flowers ! Don’t do it . Take them away. You know I can’t stand it . I can’t ... I can’t ... I... Oh . Ah ... Ah ...... Thanks ! Hey ! Shh! You're crazy fool ! Fine time you picked to sneeze ! I couldn’t help it .Sleepy (小矮人7):I can’t tell. Don’t let him. Stop him . Oh! Ah... Ah... Ah ! Don’t let go. Hold him tight. Quite , you fool! You want to get us all killed? What’s that? That’s it . Sound close. It’s in this room right now. It’s up there. Y eah. In the bedroom . One of us has gotta/gɒtə/必须go down and chase/tʃeɪs/ 追赶it up...Up .Happy (小矮人1):Don’t be nervous.Don’t be afraid.We’re right behind you . Yes ! Right behind you . Here it comes ! It’s after us . Sneezing(小矮人2):Don’t let it out. Hold it shut. Here it comes . Now’s our chance. Get it now ! Quick ! Give it to it ! Don’t let get away ! Hold on there . It’s only Dopey /dəupi/ 笨的Essence (小矮人3):Did you see it? How big is it ? Was it a dragon? Has it got horns? Was it breathing fire? Was it drooling/dru:lig/ 垂涎? What was it doing ? He says it’s a , a monster asleep in our beds ! Dopey (小矮人4):Let’s attack/əˈtæk/ 袭击. While it’s sleeping . Yeah , while it’s sleeping . Hurry , men . It’s now or never ! Off with its head . Break its bones . Chop /tʃɒp/切碎it to pieces . We’ll kill it dead .Grumpy (小矮人5):Oh, my God ! What a monster !it covers three beds. Let’s kill it before it wakes up. Which end do we kill -Shh... Bashful (小矮人6):Well ah...What is it.Why it... It’s a girl... She’s beautiful just like a angel ...Angel /ˈeɪndʒl/ 天使.Sleepy (小矮人7): ha. She’s a female. And all females is poison. They’re full of wicked/wɪkt/ 邪恶的wiles/waɪlz/ 花招.Happy (小矮人1):What are wicked wiles? I don’t know. But Not so loud. You’ll wake her up,let her wake up, She don’t belong here. Look out! She’s moving. She’s waking up .What’ll we do? Hide... turtle(乌龟): Hide... Hide... Hide...Snow White (白雪公主):Oh dear I wonder if the children are...Oh Why why you’re little men How do you do? I said how do you do Sneezing(小矮人2): How do you do what?Snow White (白雪公主):Oh you can talk ,I’m so glad. Now don’t tell me who you are? Let me guess I know you’re DocWhy why why yes Y es That’s trueSnow White (白雪公主):And you’re you’re BashfuiEssence (小矮人3):Oh ! you you’re SleepySnow White (白雪公主): And you And you’re Sneezy. Yes and you must be...Dopey (小矮人4):Happy ma’am That’s me. And this is Dopey. He don’t talk none .He never triedSnow White (白雪公主):Yow mean he can’t talk?Oh that’s too bad Oh!You must be Grumpy.Grumpy (小矮人5):Oh yes Yes! Hah!We know who we are. Ask her who she is and What are you and who are you doing?Bashful (小矮人6):What are you...Who are you my dear?Snow White (白雪公主):Oh how silly of me l’m Snow WhiteSleepy (小矮人7):Snow White? The Princess?Snow White (白雪公主):YesHappy (小矮人1):Well...Well my my dear...Uh Princess. We’re honored/ˈɒnəd/ 尊敬. Yes we’re ... we’re...Mad as hornets /ˈhɔːnɪts/ 大黄蜂-Mad as hornets!Grumpy (小矮人5):No no we’re not We’re bad as cornets/ˈkɔːnɪts/ 短号...No no as bad as...What was l saying? Just standing there! shut up and tell her to get out!Snow White (白雪公主):Please don’t send me away! If you do she’llkill me Kill you?Bashful (小矮人6):Who will? -Yes who?Snow White (白雪公主):My stepmother the Queen -The Queen? Sleepy (小矮人7): She’s wicked!She’s bad!She’s mighty /maɪti/ 非常;mean!She’s an old witch/wɪtʃ/ 女巫!Happy (小矮人1):I’m warning. If the Queen finds her here, she’ll swoop/swuːp/ 突然袭击down and wreak /riːk/ 造成her vengeance /ˈvendʒəns/ 报复on us!Snow White (白雪公主):But she doesn’t know where I am! Sneezing(小矮人2): She don’t? She knows everything. She’s full of black magic. She can even make herself invisible /ɪnˈvɪzəbl/ 看不见的. Might be in this room right now.Snow White (白雪公主):Oh she’ll never find me here . And if you let me stay I ’ll keep house for you . I’ll wash and sew and sweep and cook and...Essence (小矮人3):Cook?Can you make Apple dumplings -oh yes! Snow White (白雪公主):Yes and plum/ˌplʌm/ pudding /ˈpʊdɪŋ/葡萄干布丁and gooseberry/ˈgʊzbəri/ 醋栗pie...Dopey (小矮人4):Gooseberry pie? Hooray/huˈreɪ/ 好哇! She stays! Ah! Hooray! Uh--uh uh uh!Snow White (白雪公主):Just a minute. Supper’s not quite ready .You’ll just have time to washGrumpy (小矮人5):Wash? Wash? Wash? Wash? Wash? Hah! . Knew there was a catch to it. Why wash?Snow White (白雪公主): Oh perhaps you have washedBashful (小矮人6):Perhaps we...Yes! Perhaps we have But when? Snow White (白雪公主):Yes !Perhaps we have .But when?Sleepy (小矮人7): When? Uh you said when...Why last week ?Why recently /riːsntli/ 最近! Yes recently!Snow White (白雪公主):Oh recently! Let me see your hands. Let me see your hands! Why does I’m surprised! Come on let’s see them. Oh. Worse than l thought! Oh! How shocking/ˈʃɒkɪŋ/令人气愤的Goodness me this will never do . March straight outside and wash or you’ll not get a bite /baɪt/ 咬to eat.Dwarces/dwɔ:ves/(小矮人):Oh!Snow White (白雪公主): Well aren’t you going to wash? What’s the matter? Oh!Did you hurt yourself?(灯光渐渐变暗,PPT变换:厨房)Scene 10(片段十):PPT:厨房(道具:桌子,椅子,厨房用具) Happy (小矮人1): Hah women! Courage/ˈkʌrɪdʒ/ 勇气men courage . Don’t be nervous. Gosh/gɒʃ/ 天哪it’s wet! It’s cold ,too! I’ll take a chance for her!Sneezing(小矮人2): Me too! Hah!Her wiles /waɪlz/ 花招arebeginning to work. But l’m warning you give me an inch /ɪntʃ/ 英寸. and they’ll walk all over you! Don’t Come on now men.Essence (小矮人3):How hard do you scrub/skrʌb/ 擦洗? Do you get in the tub/tʌb/ 盆? Do you have to wash where it doesn’t show? Now ...now don’t get excited.Snow White (白雪公主):Supper!Dwarces/dwɔ:ves/(小矮人):Supper!Food.Hooray! Hah!(灯光渐渐变暗,白雪公主,小矮人退场)Scene 11(片段十一):PPT:黑色城堡, 雷电,风声,(道具: 苹果,黑色外套,白色头发)(皇后,墨迹,秃鹰准备入场)Queen(皇后):Magic Mirror on the wall. Who now is the fairest one of all?Magic Mirror(魔镜):Over the seven jeweled/ˈdʒuːəld/ 宝石的hills. In the cottage/ˈkɒtɪdʒ/ 小屋of the seven dwarfs. /dwɔːfs/ 小矮人lives Snow White fairest one of all.Queen(皇后):Snow White lies dead in the forest. The huntsman has brought me proof. Behold/bɪˈhəʊld/ 看哪her heart.Magic Mirror(魔镜):Snow White still lives. The fairest in the land. “ the heart of a pig you hold in your hand.Queen(皇后):The heart of a pig! Then l’ve been tricked! The heart of a pig! The blundering /b˄lndəriɳ/ 易犯错的fool! I’ll go myself tothe dwarfs cottage /kɔtiʤ/小屋. In a disguise /disgaiz/伪装so complete.No one will ever suspect /səˈspekt/ 怀疑. Now transform /trænsˈfɔːm/ 使改变形态my beauty into ugliness/ˈʌglɪnɪs/ n.丑恶. Mummy/ˈmʌmi/ 木乃伊Dust /dʌst/ 粉末to make me old. To shroud /ʃraud/ 覆盖my clothes the black of night. To age my voice an old hag’s /hǽg/ 女巫cackle /kǽkl/ 咯咯声. To whiten /ˈwaɪtn/ (使)变白my hair a scream/skriːm/ 尖叫of fright /fraɪt/惊吓. A blast /bla:st/ 一阵of wind to fan my hate! A thunderbolt /Ɵ˄ndəbəult/ 雷电to mix it well. Now. Begin the magic spell. Look! My hands! My voice! My voice. A perfect disguise /disgaiz/ 伪装, and now...A special sort of death for one so fair. What shall it be?Vulture /v˄ltʃə/ (秃鹫):Ah!monsterQueen(皇后):A poisoned apple! Sleeping Death. One taste of the Poisoned Apple and the eyes will close forever. In the Sleeping Death (灯光渐渐变暗,皇后,魔镜,秃鹫退场)Scene 12(片段十二):PPT:小矮人家(道具: 音乐,桌子)(白雪公主,小矮人们准备入场)Happy (小矮人1):I’d like to dance and tap/tæp/ 轻敲; my feet. But they won’t keep in rhythm/ˈrɪðəm/ 节奏. The words don’t mean a thing . Isn’t this a silly song for anyone to sing?Sneezing(小矮人2): Oh... gosh/gɒʃ/ 天哪I chased a polecat/pəulcǽt/臭鼬up a tree. Way out upon a limb /lim/ 树枝.And when he got the best of me. l got the worst of him. The words don’t mean a thing. Isn’t this a silly song for anyone to sing?Snow White (白雪公主): That was fun!Dwarces/dwƆ:ves/(小矮人):Now you do somethingSnow White (白雪公主): Well , what shall l do?Dopey (小矮人4):Tell us a story Yes! Tell us a story. Tell us a story Grumpy (小矮人5):Yes ,tell us a story, A true story, A love story... Snow White (白雪公主): Well once there was a princessEssence (小矮人3):Was the princess you?Snow White (白雪公主): And she fell in loveBashful (小矮人6):Was it hard to do?Snow White (白雪公主): Oh it was very easy. Anyone could see that the Prince was charming. The only one for me. Was he strong and handsome/ˈhænsəm/ 英俊的? Was he big and tall? There’s nobody like him anywhere at all.Sleepy (小矮人7): Did he say he loved you? Did he steal /stiːl/ 偷 a kiss?Snow White (白雪公主):He was so romantic /rəʊˈmæntɪk/浪漫的l could not resist /rɪˈzɪst/ 抵制. Some day my prince will come. Some day we’ll meet again. And away to his castle we’ll go. To be happy forever. I knowDwarces/dwɔ:ves/(小矮人):Hah! Mush/mʌʃ/ 叹息!Snow White (白雪公主):Some day when spring is here. We’ll find our love anew/əˈnjuː/ 重新. And the birds will sing. And wedding bells will ring. Some day when my dreams. Come true. Oh my goodness /gʊdnəs/ 善良! It’s past bedtime. Go right upstairs to bedHappy (小矮人1):Wait! Hold on there men!The Princess will sleep in our beds upstairsSnow White (白雪公主):But where will you sleep?Sneezing(小矮人2):Oh we’ll be quite comfortable/ˈkʌmftəbl/ 舒服的down, I mean...We’ll be comfortable. won’t we men? On yes. Mighty /ˈmaɪti/ 强大的comfortable. Now don’t you worry about us. We’ll be all right. Go right on up now my dear.Snow White (白雪公主):Well if you insist /ɪnˈsɪst/ 坚决Good night! Essence (小矮人3):Good night, Princess.Snow White (白雪公主):You’re sure you’ll be comfortable?Dopey (小矮人4):Oh yes, very comfortableSnow White (白雪公主):Well pleasant dreamsGrumpy (小矮人5):Pleasant/ˈpleznt/ 令人愉快的dreams. Let go! I saw it first! Now men don’t get excited.Bashful (小矮人6):Remember,share. It’s share and share alike. Snow White (白雪公主):Bless the seven little men who have been so kind to me. And... And may my dreams come true. Oh.yes! Andplease make Grumpy like me.Sleepy (小矮人7):Hah! Women! A fine kettle/ˈketl/ 壶of fish!(灯光渐渐变暗,小矮人,白雪公主退场)Scene 13(片段十三):PPT:黑色城堡(道具: 酒,酒杯,苹果,) (皇后,秃鹰准备人场)Queen(皇后):Dip /dip/ 浸the apple in the brew /bru:/ 酒. Let the Sleeping Death seep /si:p/ 渗出through /θruː/ 穿过!Vulture /v˄ltʃə/ (秃鹫):Look! On the skin! The symbol of what lies within.Queen(皇后):Now,turn red to tempt/tempt/ 引诱Snow White,to make her hunger for a bite /baɪt/ 咬. Have a bite? (给秃鹰)Queen(皇后):It’s not for you, it’s Snow White. When she breaks the tender peel to taste the apple in my hand,her breath will still,her blood congeal /kənʤi:l/ 凝结. Then I’ll be fairest in the land! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! But wait! There may be an antidote /ǽnstidəut/ 解药, nothing must be overlooked. Oh,here it is! Victim of the Sleeping Death can be revived/rɪˈvaɪvd/ (使)苏醒only buy love’s First Kiss. Vulture /v˄ltʃə/ (秃鹫) :“Love’s First Kiss.”Queen(皇后):ah!No fear of that, the dwarfs will think she’s dead. She’ll be buried/ˈberid/ 埋葬alive! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Buried /ˈberid/ 埋葬alive! Ha! Ha! Ha! Thirsty? Have a drink! Ha! Ha! Ha!(灯光渐渐变暗,皇后。

白雪公主剧本台词英文白雪公主剧本台词英文----音乐起,旁白:A long time ago, there was a queen. She had a pretty daughter named Snow White. Soon after the child was born, the queen died. The queen married another queen. The stepmother didn〞t like her very much.She made Snow White do the housework all day and all night.很久很久以前,有个皇后。
----白雪出场( 扫地,做清洁.)白雪:My name is Snow White , I am a beautiful princess, I miss my mother so much, Where is my mother? Where is my mother?我的名字是《白雪公主》,我是一个秀丽的公主,我很思念我的母亲,我的妈妈在哪里?我的妈妈在哪里?----音乐起,皇后出场皇后:I〞m the new queen. I〞m very beautiful. you see. If anyone is more beautiful than me, I〞ll kill her. I have a magic mirror. If I want to know something, It will tell me. Now, mirror, mirror, come here!我是新来的女王。

在线影院/ 。

Snow White and Seven Dwarves 白雪公主与七个小矮人英汉对照剧本Scene OneCast of Characters:出场人物列表:Queen 皇后Snow White 白雪公主Magic mirror 魔镜Hunter 猎人----music 1Voice-over: Long time ago, there was a queen. She had a pretty daughter named Snow White. Soon after the child was born, the queen died. The king married another queen. The stepmother didn’t like her very much. She made Snow White do the housework all day and all night.旁白:很久很久以前,有个皇后。
----白雪出场 ( 扫地,做清洁.)Snow White: My name is Snow White. I’m a beautiful princess. Once I had a happy family (smiling), but my mother died after I was born (feeling sad). I miss my mother so much. Where is my mother? Where is my mother? (looking around)白雪公主:我的名字是白雪公主,我是个美丽的公主,我曾经有一个幸福的家庭(开心),但我妈妈在我出生后就去世了(感到难过),我很想念我妈妈。
我的妈妈在哪里?我的妈妈在哪里?(四处张望)----music 2Queen: I’m the new queen. I’m very beautiful, you see (turning around).I believe I’m the most beautiful woman in the world. If anyone dares to be more beautiful than me, I’ll kill her (clenching the teeth in great anger). I have a magic mirror. It’ll tell me anything I want to know. Now, mirror, mirror, come here!王后:我是新来的女王。
矮人一:(踢门,看到公主喊)啊!有怪兽!(手拉手,悄悄走到白雪公主身边)矮人一:打!(众人打,画外音《双节棍》)公主:别打我脸,别打我脸~~矮人七:哇,美女~~矮人一:停!(众人后跳一步,公主起,望众人)矮人三:切!这也算美女呀……矮人六:WHERE ARE YOU FROM?公主:大家好,我叫白雪公主,今年5岁,刚上幼稚园,还没有结婚呢。
(今年15岁)旁白:事情其实这样的……第二幕镜子:大家好,我是历史悠久,价值不菲的万年古董,掏出报纸,展开,报纸上写“魔镜”,合报纸,收回(母后上,美厨围裙,蹭镜子)母后:镜子!镜子!告诉我实话,谁是这里最漂亮的女人?镜子:(唱:YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL~~YOU ARE SO HANDSOME~~)母后,你的确是非常漂亮的女人。

《白雪公主》话剧剧本SW-白雪公主Q-皇后M-魔镜H-猎人P-白马王子D-小矮人音乐起,旁白A long time ago, In a beautiful kingdom, there lived a young king and queen, the people loved them so much; the queen died while giving birth to a girl, her name was Snow White, She was a beautiful princess. Year passed, the king got married again, The people didn’t love the new queen, because she was cruel. One day, In the king’s palace: ----白雪出场S.w: My name is Snow white , I am a beautiful princess, I miss my mother so much, Where is my mother ? Where is my mother ?音乐起,皇后、魔镜出场Q: I am a queen , I’m very beautiful , Where is Mirror ? Mirror , Mirror on the wall , who’s the most beautiful ?M: Snow white is much more beautiful than you !Q: Hunter, go kill Snow white .猎人出场H: Yes, my queen音乐起,猎人追赶白雪,公主惊慌出逃S.w: Help me ,help me, please, please !白雪顺利脱逃后S.w: I am tried and hungry, oh, there is a little house , I will eat a little and lie down.音乐起,7个小矮人出场,D: Look, somebody ate my food----Somebody drank my water----Someone is sleeping now----What a beautiful girl!----小矮人睡觉----音乐起公主先醒了----小矮人醒了----对话How do you do?S.w: How do you do? My name is Snow white … Nice to meet you!D:(齐说)Nice to meet you ,too----welcome to our house!----Would you like to live here?S.W: My pleasure, thank you very much!D: Let’s go out for our work, bye-bye, Snow white.皇后、魔镜出场Q: Mirror, mirror on the wall , who’s the most beautiful?M: Snow white is much more beautiful than you!Q: What ? Snow white is not dead ? Hahaha, I got a good idea! 音乐起,皇后扮演老太太出场,对话Q: Apple ,apple, beautiful apple,S.w: Hello, Good morning grandma!Q: pretty girl ,would you like a bite?S.w: Oh, yes ,thank you grandma!白雪公主咬一口后倒地Q: The girl is dead! Hahaha…小矮人出场、围着公主哭Snow white wake up, wake up…音乐起,小矮人引着王子出场P: A beautiful girl! She shall be my queen!王子唤醒公主,公主醒了P:Wake up ! Wake up , my queen !S.w: Thank you for your help !P: My pleasure !音乐起,小矮人、公主、王子跳起欢快的舞。

最新-白雪公主舞台剧剧本 精品

白雪公主和七个小矮人 英文剧本

白雪公主和七个小矮人Snow white and the seven dwarvesOnce upon a time, In a land far away, a king and queen lived in a beautiful castle. They had everything they wanted, except a child of their own . One night ,the queen was sitting by her window. She was watching the snow fall outside. she looked up and saw a wishing star. Starlight, star bright, wishing star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might have the wish I wish tonight. I wish I had a little girl with skin as white as snow, with cheeks as red as roses, and with hair as black as night.The next year, the queen got her wish. she had a lovely little daughter. Her name was Snow white. The king and queen were very happy. Everyone in the kingdom loved princess snow white.What a beautiful little baby girl. Her skin is as white as snow. Her cheeks are as red as roses.Her hair is as black as night ,with pretty curls .she’s adorable.Soon after Snow White was born, the good queen died. The king married a new queen. The new queen was very beautiful, but she was also very proud. She wanted to be the most beautiful woman in the kingdom. The queen had a magic mirror that answered any question she asked. Every day, she asked the mirror the same question.Mirror ,mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?You are, my Queen.Are you sure?Of couse, my queen .you know I always tell the truth.Thank you ,mirror. I’m very happy now.Many years passed ,and snow white grew to be a beautiful young woman. Her comes the princess snow white. look at her hair. It’s so long and thick. Yes ,and her eyes are always bright and happy. She smiles at everyone she meets.She is as graceful as a dancer. And she is so kind and gentle.Everyone loves her.But the queen did not love snow white. She was jealous of the princess’ beauty. Then one day,Mirror ,mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?Snow white is the fairest , my queen.What?! Never! I am the fairest!I’m sorry, but I always tell the truth. You are very beautiful, but snow white is more beautifufl than you are .What can I do? I know. If I make snow white work hard, then she will lose her beauty. And I will be the fairest of them allThe queen called for snow white.Snow white ,you are growing up. Your days of playing are over. Now you must workin the kitchen. First, you will carry buckets of water from the well. Then, you will cook all out meals. And then ,you will wash all thedishes and scrub all the pots and pans.All that work? Every day?Yes, every day. Now go to the kitchen and get started.Snow white worked very hard all day long. She did everything the queen told her to do .But the more snow white worked ,the more beautiful she became.Mirror ,mirror , on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all ?Snow white is the fairest, my queen.Still? But I make her do all that hard work.She is still more beautiful than you are .Then I’ll make her work harder.The queen called for snow white again.No more kitchen work for you.Hooray! Thank youNow you must work in the castle. First you will scrub all the floors in the castle. Then you will wash everyone’s clothes. Then , you will clean all my jewelry.Oh , no!Snow white worked very hard in the castle. But the more snow white worked , the more beautiful she became. The queen was very angry. Finally, she had another ides. She called a huntsman.Huntsman, take snow white into the forest and kill her. Kill snow white?But she is so kind and gentle.If you don’t kill her ,then I will kill you.When you are done, bring me her heart. Then I will know that she is dead.I hate to do it , but I will. I must obey the queen.That afternoon, the huntsman took snow white into the forest. Snow white loved the tall trees and pretty flowers. She chased butterflies and sang with the birds in the trees.she looked so happy. The huntsman did not want to kill her.Princess, the queen told me to kill you today, but I can’t do it .Why does the queen want to kill me? I don’t understand.She hates you because of your beauty. Please, princess ,run away and never come back.Then you will be safe.I don’t know where to go. But I will run away form the castle. Thank you for saving my life. Good bye.The huntsman killed a wild pig. He took its heart to the queen. The queen thought it was snow white’s heart. Now she thought that she was the most beautiful in the land.Chapter 2Snow white ran and ran. She did not know where she was .or where she was going. suddenly, she saw a little house in the middle of a clearing. It was a pretty house, but it was so small. She knocked on the door, but noone answered. She opened the door and went in.Is anyone home? please help me. I’m lost. My goodness. Everything in this house is so small. The chairs are small. The table is small. Even the dinner dishes are small. This looks like a house for children. she went to the kitchen. There was a pot of soup on the stove. she was very hungry, so she ate a bowl of soup. Then she went upstairs. there she saw seven little beds in one small bedroom. She was very tired, and the beds looked so soft and warm. She lay down on the beds ,and fall asleep. That night, the owners of the little house came home from their work. They were seven dwarves. they looked like men, but they were only as tall as young children. They were miners who dug for gold and jewels in the hills . When they got home, they went to the kitchen for dinner.Hey! Who ate the soup?I don’t know. We just got back home.Maybe it was a thief .Quickly! Search the house! You search the living room. You search the bedroom. We’ll search the back yard.I found someone. He’s asleep in the bedroom.That’s not a “he”. That’s a girl.Poor child. Was she lost in the forest? Let her sleep . we will talk in the morning.The next morning. Snow white woke up. She was surprised to see theseven dwarves.Good morning ,young lady.Who are you?We are the seven dwarves. This is our house. Who are you, and what are you dong here?A am snow white . I’m sorry I let myself in . I was lost in the forest. What were you doing in the forest?My stepmother is the queen. She is jealous of me. She tried to kill me ,so I ran away. But I don’t know where to go.Can she stay with us?Why do you want her to stay with us?I like her . I want to help her.I want to help her , tooSnow white ,you can stay here, but you must work for us . what can you do ?I can clean. And I can cook and sew ,too.That will be perfect. We need a good housekeeper.Thank you so much. I’m sure I will be safe here.But snow white was not safe. A few days later, the queen asked her magic mirror.Mirror ,mirror, on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?Snow white is the fairest, my queen. She is alive. she lives in the forestwith the seven dwarves.No! the huntsman lied to me. Now I must think of a new plan to kill snow white. The queen was also a powerful magician. She made a magic potion and drank it. Suddenly, she did not look like a beautiful queen and more. She looked like a peasant girl. then she cast a magic spell on a hair comb. This magic comb will kill snow white. When she is gone, I will be the most beautiful in the land .Chapter 3The next morning, the dwarves left for work.Take good care of our house, snow white.We will be home at sundown.I will cook a roast with potatoes for dinner.And your clothes will be all clean. good bye.As soon as the dwarves were gone, the queen walked to the door and knocked. Snow white answered the door. She did not recognize the queen. She only saw a young girl.(girl’s voice) good morning, ma’am. I am selling fine combs for pretty ladies. Do you want to buy one?I’m sorry , but I don’t need a comb.Oh please, ma’am. please try my combs. They are very strong. Your hair is so thick and beautiful. You should have a good comb.Alright, I’ll try one.Snow white took the queen’s comb and began to comb her hair. When the comb touched her head, her hair began to move. Her hair wrapped around her neck and began to tighten. Snow white couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t even call for help.Die, snow white! Now I will be the fairest.The queen laughed and laughed. Then she went back to the castle. Luckily, one of the dwarves forgot his lunch. He ran back to the house to get it . when he got there , he saw snow white with the comb in her hair. Her hair was wrapping tighter and tighter around her neck. The dwarf grabbed the comb and threw it to the ground. The comb broke into pieces. The spell was broken, and snow white could breathe again.Snow white! snow white! what happened?A girl was selling combs. I tried one ,and my hair wrapped around my neck. The girl ran away, but I heard her laugh. It was the queen’s laugh. The girl was the queen in disguise.The queen found you here. You are in great danger, snow white . from now on , you must never take anything from a stranger. And never let and strangers into the house. We will keep you safe, but we must be very careful. The queen returned to the castle ,she went to her magic mirror. Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?Snow white is the fairest, my queen . she is still alive in the forest. One of the dwarves saved her life.No. no, no! I can’t use another comb. Snow white will know that it is a trick. I must make her trust me. But how? Ah-ha! I know what to do . The next morning, the dwarves left for work.Remember, snow white, don’t let any strangers into the house. It might be the queen in disguise. And don’t take anything from strangers. It might be another trick.I will remember. I’ll be very careful.That afternoon, there was a knock at the door.Snow white went to the window to see who it was . she saw and old woman with a basket of apples. She did not know it was the queen again. (old woman’s voice) hello, young lady, I am selling apples. Do you want to buy some nice, fresh apples?I’m sorry . but I’m not allowed to take anything from strangers.You are a good girl. I’ll give you half and apple for free. I’ll eat the other half. Then you will know it is safe.The old woman cut the apple in half. she ate the good half and gave the poisoned half to snow white. Snow white thought it was safe, so she ate her half. After one bite, she fell down to the floor . the queen laughed and laughed.Now I am the fairest .good bye, snow white, good bye forever.That night, the seven dwarves came home. They found snow white and the poisoned apple on the floor .Oh no! snow white , wake up! wake up!Is she dead?I don’t know. She is not breathing. But her skin is still warm, and her cheeks are still red .The queen did this. The apple was poisoned. What will we do?Let’s make a glass coffin for her. We will put it on the hill. There we can watch her.We can take turns watching her each day. If she wakes up, we will see it . The dwarves built a glass coffin for snow white ,and put it on a hill near their house.Form that day on, only six of the dwarves went to dig for gold and jewels in the hills .One dwarf stood guard by snow white’s coffin every day. A long time passed, and snow white never moved.Chapter 4One day, a prince was hunting in the forest. He saw the dwarf guarding snow white’s coffin on the hill. He rode up to him.Who is this young woman?This is the princess snow white. She was a kind and lovely girl. Her stepmother was very jealous of her beauty. She gave snow white a poisoned apple. She fell asleep and did not wake up. Now we watch her every day. We hope she will wake up one day.Her story is so sad .she is so young and beautiful. I have fallen in love with her .may I give her a kiss before I go home?Umm, ok , I allow you to kiss her.The dwarf took off the top of the coffin . the prince leaned over and kissed snow white. The queen’s poisoned magic was strong. But the magic of love was stronger. When the prince kissed snow white ,her eyes opened, and she woke up.Snow white! You’re awake!Where am I ? who are you ?I am prince charming. Your stepmother gave you a poisoned apple. You were asleep for many years. I kissed you, and you woke up.My castle is on the other side of this forest.Please come with me . I love you , and I want you to be my queen, will you marry me?You saved my life. I love you too. I will be happy to marry you.Snow white and the prince rode away to the prince’s castle. The prince sent a messenger to snow white ‘s father , the kings.Your majesty, I have great news. Your daughter, snow white, is alive. My daughter is alive? Where?She is in the castle on the other side of the forest. The prince wants to marry her.That is wonderful news!I also have bad news. Your wife, the queen, is an evil magician. She put a spell on snow white. That is why we thought she was dead.That is terrible. I can’t allow her to put evil spells on people. Guards! Arrest the queen.The king’s guards ran to arrest the queen. But when they went to her room, it was empty. The queen ran away, and no one saw her ever again. Snow white and the prince were married that year. The dwarves made wedding rings with the gold from their mines. People from all over the kingdom came to the wedding. Everyone was so happy , and they all wanted to see the little men who helped snow white.The dwarves were heroes. Snow white and the prince often visited the dwarves in the forest. And the dwarves often visited snow white and the prince in their castle. They were best friends for the rest of their lives. And they all lived happily ever after.。

《白雪公主和七个小矮人》剧本台词【篇1】《白雪公主和七个小矮人》剧本台词S.w---白雪公主 Q---皇后 M---魔镜 H---猎人P---白马王子 D---小矮人 A---小动物----音乐起,旁白(A long time ago, in a beautiful kingdom, there lived a young king and queen. The people loved them so much. The queen died while giving birth to a girl. Her name was Snow White. She was a beautiful princess. Year passed, the king got married a gain. The people didn’t love the new queen, because she was cruel.)----白雪公主出场S.w: My name is S.w. I am a beautiful princess. I miss my mother so much. Where is my mother? Where is my mother?----音乐起,皇后、魔镜出场Q: I am the new queen. I’m very bea utiful. I have a magic mirror. If I want to know something, it will tell me surely. Where is the Mirror? Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who’s the most beautiful?M: S.w is much more beautiful than you!Q: Hunter, go and kill S.w. I don’t want to see her any longer.----猎人出场H: Yes, my queen.----音乐起,猎人、公主出场S.w: Oh, so many flowers. How beautiful!H: (举刀犹豫不决) Oh, my god. She is so lovely and pretty. I can’t. I can’t kill her.S.w: What are you doing? What’s the matter? Whydo you kill me?H: I’m very sorry. The queen wants me to kill you.S.w: My dear hunter, don’t kill me. I will runinto the forest and never come back again.H: OK. Run away, the poor child. The wild beasts will soon eat you.S.w: Thank you, my dear hunter.----旁白(After the hunter let S.w go, S.w cameinto a forest.)S.w: I am tired and hungry. Oh, there is a little house. I will eat a little and lie down.----音乐起,7个小矮人出场D1: Look, the lamp in our house is on.D2: Who is it?D3: Perhaps it’s the ghost.D4: Let’s go into our house silently.D5: Oh, somebody ate my food.D6: Somebody drank my water.D7: Someone is sleeping now.D1: What a beautiful girl!D2: How lovely!D3: Who is she?D4: Don’t wake he r up.D5: Why is she coming here?----音乐起,公主醒了【篇2】《白雪公主和七个小矮人》剧本台词旁白:在很久很久以前,有一位美丽的公主,她的皮肤像雪一样白,大家都叫她白雪公主。
最新-《白雪公主》英语话剧剧本 精品

白雪公主经典话剧剧本 白雪公主话剧剧本

王子:红灯亮了,我要不要冲过去呢?我已经看到白雪公主了,好想 冲过去啊,可是广州如今正在创建文明城市,冲红灯可是不文明的行为啊, 而且这样也是危害了我自己的生命。算了算了,就算有多麽的急迫想要过 去,但是红灯亮了,我还是等到绿灯亮了再过吧 o
〔王子深情的看着公主,小矮人用期盼的目光看着王子〕 王子:把她…… 小矮人 1234567:把她带走吗?没问题! 王子〔坚决〕:不! 王子〔舍情脉脉〕:我要把她,扔到山下去!!
爆竹声中一岁除, 春风送暖入屠苏, 千门万户瞳瞳日,
王子:可我见眼前视野宽敞且景象清晰,而且这里是番禺的亚运村, 不是大山啊?这里的人们穿着统一且精神奕奕,踏着强健的步伐。颇有向 朝阳的气概—哗!那里还有七个在太阳的照射下烨烨生辉的大字:广州市 铁一中学?噢~莫非这便是广铁一中在番禺亚运村的新校区?嗯一真是 环境清幽,风景宜人,是个读书的好地方呢!

白雪公主英文搞笑剧本----音乐起,旁白:A long time ago, there was a queen. She had apretty daughter named Snow White. Soon after the child was born, the queen died. The queen married another queen.The stepmother didn’t like her very much.She made Snow White do the housework all dayand all night.白雪( 扫地+独白): My name is Snow white, I am a beautiful princess,I miss my mother so much, and where is my mother? Where is my mother?二、皇后、魔镜出场皇后:I'm the new queen. I’m very beautiful. You see. If anyone is more beautiful th an me, I’ll kill her. I have a magic mirror. If I want to know something .It will tell me. mirror, mirror, where is the mirror?魔镜:Yes, I’m coming. What do you want to know?皇后:Mirror mirror, on the wall. Who is the most beautiful??魔镜:You are beautiful, I think.But there is a young lady.She is as white as snow, as red asrose and as black as ebony .She is much more beautiful than you. 皇后:She is much more beautiful than me? Who is she? Tell me quickly. 魔镜:Yes, Your Majesty! She is Snow White.皇后:Snow W hite? No, I’m the most beautiful in the world. Hunter, come here, come here!猎人:Yes. Your Majesty!皇后: Hunter! Take Snow White far away to pick some flowers.Find a place and kill her. 猎人:But she is the princess... ...皇后:I am the queen. I say “ Kill her~” Bring her heart to me. I don’t want to see her again.Do you understand?猎人:Yes, your Majesty!----音乐起白雪:( 高兴地摘花) One flower,two flowers,three flowers…. How many flowers! How beautiful!猎人:( 慢慢地拔出刀,但犹豫着说 ) Oh! My God! She is so lovely and pretty! I can’t! I can’t kill her!白雪:Thank you, my dear hunter.旁白:At this time, a young bear was running by. The hunter shot it and took the heart to the queen.Snow White began to run into the wild forest until it was almost evening. She saw a little house.白雪:Oh, my God! I think the queen can’t find me now. How I amtired! How I want to have a rest! Ah, here is a house, there are seven small beds. They must be the beds of seven children. Oh, how I want to sleep!六、7个小矮人出场(音乐起)Look, the lamp in our house is on! ? ::Who is it:Maybe it’s the ghost!:Let’s go into our house quietly.:Oh, someone has cleaned our house.:Maybe it’s the witch.手拿烛光照到白雪的脸.~他们都惊叫起来:What a lovely child!:How beautiful!:Who is she:Don’t wake her u p.:Why is she coming here:Kill her.白雪: ( 醒来 ) What a nice sleep! Oh, who are you? Oh, I know. You are seven dwarfs. 七矮人:(齐说) Yes, but why are you in our house?白雪:The queen wants to kill me. So I ran to your house. Don’t drive me away. Let mestay with you.:If you look after our house.:If you do some cooking for us.:If you make the beds for us.:If you do some washing, you can stay with us.:Let’s go out for our work.:Don’t go out. Don’t let anyone come in. Your stepmother will find and kill you. 七、皇后、魔镜出场皇后:Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful?魔镜:You are the most beautiful. But Snow White is still alive and well. She lives with the seven dwarfs. No one is more beautiful than she.皇后:Oh my god. Snow White is n ot dead?……Ha-ha, I got a good idea.(The queen made a poisonous apple and dressed herself like an old woman. She came to the house.)八、皇后,白雪公主出场皇后:Good things to sell. Pretty apple to sell. Cheap, very cheap.白雪:Hi, Good morning grandma.皇后:Apples. Very delicious apples! Pretty girl, Could you have a taste. This one, please! 白雪:OK! Thank you! ( 咬了一小口,死了) 皇后:Ha-ha......Now I’m the most beautiful in the world.九、王子骑马出场(小矮人们围着公主哭)七矮人:What’s the matter?:Snow White is dead.七矮人:Oh, my God! Snow whit e wake up, wake up… (哭着拣一些花放在白雪身上)旁白:Although Snow White had been dead a long, long time. She lookedas if she was living. She looked as white as snow, as red as rose. One day, it happened a prince came to the seven dwarfs’ house. When he saw Snow White, he fell in love with her.王子:(下马)A beautiful girl! She shall be my queen! I will carrySnow White with me to my palace. Be kind to her. I love her. I want herto be my wife. Wake up! Wake up, my queen!七矮人:Ok! Carry Snow White with you to your palace. Be kind to her,please. 王子:Yes, I will.I will love her forever!( 吻白雪手) 旁白:As soon as the prince kissed Snow White, Snow White came to her life (王子唤醒公主,公主醒了)白雪:Oh, my god! Where am I? What happened?王子:You are with me, my dear. I love you. I love you more than everything in the world. Please be my queen, will you?白雪:Yes, I will, my dear!王子: My pleasure!白雪:Yes, I will, my dear!七矮人:Oh! Congratulations! Congratulations!----音乐起,旁白:The prince took Snow White to the palace. Their wedding was held with great show白雪:Good Bye!七矮人:Bye-bye! May you Happy Forever!白雪、王子:Thank you.Good Bye.See you later.(谢幕)------END------。

《白雪公主》童话剧《白雪公主》动画版场景一:皇后询问魔镜谁是最漂亮的人人物:(主角)皇后配角:魔镜道具:镜子音乐:(音乐A )06:28——06:48内容:(主持人画外音开场)(音乐A)皇后迈着缓慢的步伐出场,走到魔镜面前,询问魔镜谁是最漂亮的人。
人物:(主角)白雪公主、白鸽、王子配角:白鸽道具:水井、水桶音乐:(音乐A)公主出场07:52—08:24(音乐B)公主唱歌08:28—09:42 (音乐C)王子唱歌09:53—11:16内容:白雪公主穿的破破烂烂在洗地,但是面带微笑,唱着动听的歌,周围的小白鸽和她一起互动。

----音乐起,旁白:A long time ago, there was a queen. She had a pretty daughter named Snow White. Soon after the child was born, the queen died. The queen married another queen. The stepmother didn’t like her very much.She made Snow White do the housework all day and all night.----白雪出场( 扫地,做清洁.)白雪:My name is Snow White , I am a beautiful princess, I miss my mother so much, Where is my mother? Where is my mother?----音乐起,皇后出场皇后:I’m the new queen. I’m very beautiful. you see. If anyone is more beautiful than me, I’ll kill her. I have a magic mirror. If I want to know something, It will tell me. Now, mirror, mirror, come here!魔镜:Yes, I’m coming. What do you want to know?皇后:Mirror, mirror, on the wall.Who is the most beautiful?魔镜:Y ou are beautiful, I think.But there is a young lady. She is as white as snow, as red as rose.She is much more beautiful than you.皇后:She is much more beautiful than me?Who is she? Tell me quickly.魔镜:Yes. She is Snow White.皇后:Snow White? No, I’m the most beautiful in the world. Oh, hunter,come here, come here!猎人:Yes. I’m here now.皇后:Hunter! Take Snow White far away to pick some flowers.Find a place and kill her.猎人:But she is the princess. …皇后:No, Kill her. Bring her heart to me. I don’t want to see her again.猎人:Yes!皇后:Here is a box. You must put her heart in it and bring it to me.猎人:Yes!----音乐起白雪:( 高兴地摘花) One flower,two flowers,three flowers…. How many flowers! How beautiful!猎人:( 慢慢地拔出刀,但犹豫着说) Oh! My God! She is so lovely and pretty! I can’t! I can’t kill her!白雪:( 看到后大声哭叫)What are you doing? What’s the matter? Why do you kill me?猎人:I’m very sorry. Someone wants me to kill you.白雪:But who?猎人:The queen.白雪:But why?猎人:Y ou are more beautiful than her. So she wants to kill you.白雪:My dear hunter. Don’t kill me. I will runfar away and never come back again.猎人:Ok. Run away, the poor child.白雪:Thank you, my dear hunter.旁白:At this time, a young bear was running by. The hunter shot it and took the heart to the queen. Snow White began to run into the wild forest until it was almost evening. She saw a little house.白雪:Oh, my God! The queen can’t find me now, I think. How I am tired! How I want to have a rest! Ah, here is a house, there are seven small beds. They must be the beds of seven children. Oh, how I want to sleep!旁白:When it was dark, the owners of the house came back. They were seven dwarfs. They were looking for gold in the mountain.①老学究:Look, the lamp in our house is on!②开心果:Who is it?③喷嚏精:Maybe it’s the ghost!④瞌睡虫:Let’s go into our house quietly.⑤害羞鬼:Oh, someone has cleaned our house.⑥老顽固:Maybe it’s the witch.⑦手拿烛光照到白雪的脸. ①~⑦他们都惊叫起来老学究:What a lovely child!开心果:How beautiful!喷嚏精:Who is she?瞌睡虫:Don’t wake her up.害羞鬼:Why is she coming here?老顽固:Kill her.白雪:( 醒来) What a nice sleep! Oh, who are you? Oh, I know. You are senven dwarfs.七矮人:(齐说) Yes,But why are you in our house?白雪:The queen wants to kill me. So I ran to your house. Don’t drive me away. Let me stay with you.老学究:If you look after our house.开心果:If you do some cooking for us.喷嚏精:If you make the beds for us.瞌睡虫:If you do some washing, you can stay with us.害羞鬼:But you must be careful.老顽固:Don’t go out. Don’t let anyone come in. Your stepmother will find you and kill you.白雪:I know. I know. Thank you.旁白:From then on, Snow White kept the house.On the other hand, when the bad queen ate the heart, she took out the mirror and asked.皇后:Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful?魔镜:You are beautiful. But Snow White is still alive and well. She lives with the seven dwarfs. No one is more beautiful than she.皇后:What? Snow White is not dead?……Haha,I got a good idear.旁白:The queen made a poisonous apple and dressed herself like an old woman. She came to the house .皇后:Good things to sell. Pretty apples to sell. Cheap. Very cheap.白雪:Hi, good day, my good grandmother.皇后:Apples. Very delicious apples! Could you have a taste. This one, please!白雪:OK! Thank you! ( 咬了一小口,死了)皇后:Hahaha….Now I’m the most beautiful in the world.旁白:When the seven dwarfs came from work. They were greatly surprised to see Snow White dead七矮人:What’s the matter?老学究:Snow White is dead.七矮人:Oh, my God! Who did it? It must be the bad queen. (哭着拣一些花放在白雪身上)旁白:Although Snow White had been dead a long, long time. She looked as if she was living. She looked as white as snow, as red as rose.One day, it happened a prince came to the seven dwarfs’house. When he saw Snow White, he fell in love with her.王子:Please, let me have Snow White. I love her. I want her to be my wife.七矮人:Ok! Carry Snow White with you to your palace. Be kind to her,please.王子:Yes, I will.I will love her forever!( 吻白雪手)旁白:As soon as the prince kissed Snow White, Snow White came to her life白雪:Oh, my god! Where am I? What happened?王子:Y ou are with me, my dear. I love you. I love you more than everything in the world. Please be my queen, will you?白雪:Yes, I will, my dear!七矮人:Oh! Congratulations! Congratulations!----音乐起,旁白:The prince took Snow White to the palace. Their wedding was held with great show白雪:Good Bye!七矮人:Bye-bye! May you Happy Forever!白雪、王子:Thank you.Good Bye.See you later.(谢幕)。

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《白雪公主和七个小矮人》剧本台词五篇【篇1】《白雪公主和七个小矮人》剧本台词S.w---白雪公主Q---皇后M---魔镜H---猎人P---白马王子D---小矮人A---小动物----音乐起,旁白(Alongtimeago,inabeautifulkingdom,therelivedayoungkingandqueen.Thepeoplelovedthemso much.Thequeendiedwhilegivingbirthtoagirl.HernamewasSnowWhite.Shewasabeautifulprince ss.Yearpassed,thekinggotmarriedagain.Thepeopledidn’tlovethenewqueen,becauseshewascruel.)----白雪公主出场S.w:MynameisS.w.Iamabeautifulprincess.Imissmymothersomuch.Whereismymother?Whereismy mother?----音乐起,皇后、魔镜出场Q:Iamthenewqueen.I’mverybeautiful.Ihaveamagicmirror.IfIwanttoknowsomething,itwillt ellmesurely.WhereistheMirror?Mirror,Mirroronthewall,who’sthemostbeautiful?M:S.wismuchmorebeautifulthanyou!Q:Hunter,goandkillS.w.Idon’twanttoseeheranylonger.----猎人出场H:Yes,myqueen.----音乐起,猎人、公主出场S.w:Oh,somanyflowers.Howbeautiful!H:(举刀犹豫不决)Oh,mygod.Sheissolovelyandpretty.Ican’t.Ican’tkillher.S.w:Whatareyoudoing?What ’sthematter?Whydoyoukillme?H:I’mverysorry.Thequeenwantsmetokillyou.H:OK.Runaway,thepoorchild.Thewildbeastswillsooneatyou.S.w:Thankyou,mydearhunter.----旁白(AfterthehunterletS.wgo,S.wcameintoaforest.)S.w:Iamtiredandhungry.Oh,thereisalittlehouse.Iwilleatalittleandliedown.----音乐起,7个小矮人出场D1:Look,thelampinourhouseison.D2:Whoisit?D3:Perhapsit’stheghost.D4:Let’sgointoourhousesilently.D5:Oh,somebodyatemyfood.D6:Somebodydrankmywater.D7:Someoneissleepingnow.D1:Whatabeautifulgirl!D2:Howlovely!D3:Whoisshe?D4:Don’twakeherup.----音乐起,公主醒了【篇2】《白雪公主和七个小矮人》剧本台词旁白:在很久很久以前,有一位美丽的公主,她的皮肤像雪一样白,大家都叫她白雪公主。

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《白雪公主》童话剧《白雪公主》动画版场景一:皇后询问魔镜谁是最漂亮的人人物:(主角)皇后配角:魔镜道具:镜子音乐:(音乐A )06:28——06:48内容:(主持人画外音开场)(音乐A)皇后迈着缓慢的步伐出场,走到魔镜面前,询问魔镜谁是最漂亮的人。
人物:(主角)白雪公主、白鸽、王子配角:白鸽道具:水井、水桶音乐:(音乐A)公主出场07:52—08:24(音乐B)公主唱歌08:28—09:42 (音乐C)王子唱歌09:53—11:16内容:白雪公主穿的破破烂烂在洗地,但是面带微笑,唱着动听的歌,周围的小白鸽和她一起互动。