



通信高级工考试题及答案一、单选题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在数字通信系统中,以下哪个参数不是衡量通信系统性能的关键指标?A. 信噪比B. 比特率C. 调制方式D. 传输介质答案:D2. 以下哪个选项不是无线通信技术?A. 蓝牙B. 光纤通信C. Wi-FiD. 蜂窝移动通信答案:B3. 在光纤通信中,以下哪个不是光纤的类型?A. 单模光纤B. 多模光纤C. 同轴电缆D. 塑料光纤答案:C4. 以下哪个协议不是用于数据链路层的?A. TCPB. IPC. PPPD. HDLC答案:A5. 在通信网络中,以下哪个设备不是用于数据传输的?A. 路由器B. 交换机C. 防火墙D. 集线器答案:C二、多选题(每题3分,共15分)1. 以下哪些技术是数字信号处理中常用的?A. 傅里叶变换B. 离散余弦变换C. 快速傅里叶变换D. 线性预测编码E. 线性回归分析答案:ABCD2. 在无线通信中,以下哪些因素会影响信号的传输质量?A. 天线增益B. 传输距离C. 信道容量D. 多径效应E. 传输介质答案:ABDE3. 以下哪些设备是通信网络中常用的?A. 路由器B. 交换机C. 调制解调器D. 无线接入点E. 集线器答案:ABCDE三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 光纤通信的传输速度比同轴电缆快。

(对)2. 调制解调器的作用是将数字信号转换为模拟信号。

(对)3. 无线局域网(WLAN)使用的是蜂窝移动通信技术。

(错)4. 信噪比越高,通信质量越好。

(对)5. 光纤通信不受电磁干扰的影响。

(对)6. 蓝牙技术使用的是2.4GHz频段。

(对)7. 光纤通信中,单模光纤的传输距离比多模光纤远。

(对)8. 无线通信技术不需要考虑信号衰减问题。

(错)9. 光纤通信中的光放大器可以放大光信号。

(对)10. 无线通信中的天线增益越高,信号覆盖范围越小。

(错)四、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 请简述数字通信与模拟通信的主要区别。






3、切换是MS ,所在小区位置发生变换时而改变与网络的连接关系的过程。




7、GSM网络中,执行信道管理与分配的是 ,移动性管理主要由、共同完成,对移动用户的鉴权是由来完成。














高级通信工程师复习题及参考答案 交换技术专业、传输与接入专业

高级通信工程师复习题及参考答案  交换技术专业、传输与接入专业
























A、50B、100C、150D、200 答案:B3.关于公用电话网中使用的信号音我国多采用()Hz的频率,通过不同的断续方式来定义。

A、450B、550C、650D、750 答案:A4.交换系统的再启动次数要求每月在()次之下。


A、3%B、5%C、7 %D、9%答案:B6.全分散控制方式的最大特点是取消了()。







A.星形网B.复合形网C.总线形网D.环形网3.【单选题】M系统中,由于系统工作在(),所以可以实现软切换A.同一时隙B.同一频率C.同一码片D.同一小区4.【单选题】可视电话属于( )A.话音业务B.图文业务C.视像业务D.多媒体业务5.【多选题】移动通信业务按通信方式与服务对象划分,主要有( )。

A.无线寻呼B.移动电话C.调度电话D.无绳电话等业务6.【单选题】互联点是指两个电信网网间直接相联时的( )接口点。


()9.【多选题】电话网的接续质量是指用户通话被接续的速度和难易程度,通常用( )来衡量。

A.接续损失B.接续时延C.接续方式D.接续程序10.【单选题】探索就是人们认识、掌握、利用( )的方法和过程。

A.技术发明B.社会规律C.科技成果D.客观规律11.【单选题】以下关于通信网的叙述中,不正确的是()A.为兼顼可靠性和经济性,在通信网中经常采用复合型网络拓扑B.为减少线路投入,在通信网同级网络中常采用星型网络拓扑C.为保证可靠性,在通信网的核心网中经常采用网状网拓扑结构D.在通信网中经常采用树形网络拓扑结构搭建分级的网络12.【多选题】可视图文是利用( )进行双向对话型的图像通信方式。

A.公用电话网B.有线接入网C.无线接入网D.分组交换网13.【单选题】标准单模石英光纤在1310nm波长处的传输损耗是()/kmA.1.0B.0.8C.0.5D.0.214.【多选题】电信网的硬件一般由( )等部分电信设备构成,是构成电信网的物理实体。


(2)直接序列扩频。运行在2GHz ISM波段,最多可用七个通道,每个通道的数据率为1~2Mbit/s。
(3)跳频扩频。运行在2.4GHz ISM波段,数据率为1~2Mbit/S。两个正在进行的项目涉及运行在3Mbit/s的跳频扩频和8Mbit/s的直接序列扩频的2.4GHz选项,以及运行在20Mbit/s的5GHz扩频选项。



2023年通信工程师考试《通信专业综合能力》考试历年真题摘选附带答案第1卷一.全考点综合测验(共20题)1.【单选题】计算机通信网是指多台计算机及终端设备,通过通信线路互相连接起来,实现( )的网络,简称计算机网。

A.信息交换B.电路交换C.分组交换D.IP交换2.【单选题】用户电报网经过专门的( )可与其他网络互连。

A.交换设备B.终端设备C.接口设备D.传输设备3.【单选题】第二代移动通信系统主要采用数字式时分多址和( )技术。

A.空分多址B.频分多址C.码分多址D.波分多址4.【多选题】传输信道的类型按在信道上传输信号的形式可划分为( )。

A.无线信道B.有线信道C.模拟信道D.数字信道5.【单选题】分组交换数据网是以分组交换方式工作,并向用户提供( )业务的电A.语音传输B.数据传输C.图像传输D.多媒体传输6.【单选题】呼叫移动用户,则应拨打移动网的( )+移动网用户号码。

A.长途字冠B.长途区号C.局号D.接入码7.【单选题】移动通信是以移动用户为服务对象的( )通信业务。


()9.【单选题】礼仪电报分为一般礼仪电报和( )礼仪电报两种。


()11.【单选题】按照租用期限,电话电路出租业务分为临时租用和( )两种。

A.一次租用B.多次租用C.长期租用D.中继电路租用12.【多选题】非话业务一般泛指除话音通信外的通信业务,例如( )等。

B.电报C.电子邮箱D.数据通信13.【单选题】无线寻呼系统是一种传送简单信息的( )呼叫系统。

A.单向B.两项C.三项D.多项14.【单选题】非主导的电信业务经营者的电信网与主导的电信业务经营者的电信网网间互联的,互联传输线路及管道由( )。



通信高级试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在数字通信系统中,以下哪个参数不是衡量系统性能的指标?A. 信噪比B. 误码率C. 传输速率D. 传输距离答案:D2. 以下哪个不是数字调制技术?A. PSKB. QAMC. FSKD. PCM答案:D3. 在无线通信中,多径效应会导致以下哪种现象?A. 信号衰减B. 信号增强C. 信号失真D. 信号同步答案:C4. 以下哪个不是无线通信的频段?A. UHFB. VHFC. HFD. LF答案:D5. 在光纤通信中,以下哪个因素会影响信号的传输质量?A. 光纤长度B. 光纤直径C. 光源的波长D. 所有以上因素答案:D二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. 数字通信系统通常使用_______来表示信息。

答案:数字信号2. 在数字调制中,QAM调制技术可以表示为_______。

答案:正交幅度调制3. 无线通信中的多径效应是由于_______引起的。

答案:信号在不同路径上的反射和散射4. 光纤通信的基本原理是利用_______传输光信号。

答案:光导纤维5. 在通信系统中,信道容量受到_______的限制。

答案:香农-哈特利定理三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述数字通信系统相对于模拟通信系统的优势。


2. 解释多址接入技术在移动通信中的应用及其重要性。



3. 描述光纤通信的基本原理及其主要优点。






2023通信工程师考试-高级通信工程师(精选试题)一、单选题1. 以下哪个频段可以用于5G通信?- A. 2.4GHz- B. 5GHz- C. 30GHz- D. 60GHz2. 下面哪个技术不属于物联网通信技术?- A. LoRa- B. ZigBee- C. LTE- D. Bluetooth3. 以下哪个协议用于无线局域网(WLAN)通信?- A. TCP/IP- C. FTP- D. IEEE 802.114. 以下哪个接口可以实现多台计算机之间的数据传输?- A. HDMI- B. USB- C. VGA- D. Ethernet5. 下面哪个编码方式可以提高数据传输的可靠性?- A. NRZ- B. Manchester- C. 8B/10B- D. RZ二、多选题1. 下面哪些是通信工程师需要掌握的网络协议?- A. TCP/IP- C. FTP- D. SMTP2. 以下哪些是无线通信中的调制方式?- A. AM- B. FM- C. BPSK- D. QPSK3. 以下哪些是光纤通信中常用的光模式?- A. MMF- B. SMF- C. SFP- D. QSFP三、判断题1. LTE可以提供比4G更高的网络速度和更低的延迟。

(True / False)2. 蓝牙协议只支持短距离无线通信。

(True / False)3. 码分多址(CDMA)是一种常用的多址技术。

(True / False)4. 网络拓扑是指计算机网络中各节点之间的物理连接方式。

(True / False)四、简答题1. 请简要解释物联网(IoT)的概念和应用。

2. 请描述一下数据压缩的基本原理。

3. 什么是带宽?为什么带宽对通信性能有重要影响?4. 请简要解释TCP/IP协议栈中每个协议的作用。





高级工程师统一考试(本卷满分 100 分)一、选择题(每题只有一个正确答案,每题 1 分,共 10 分)1. IS-95CDMA 系统采用的是〔〕技术。

A. 时分双工-码分多址B. 时分双工-时分多址C. 频分双工-时分多址D. 频分双工-码分多址2. 通常,光纤直放站离开施主基站的距离(中继范围)最大不应超过〔〕公里。

A. 15B. 18C. 20D. 353. CDMA 系统频率复用系数 K 等于〔〕A. 4.6B. 1.33C. 1.0D. 6.44. CDMA 系统 PN 码偏移指数是〔〕个码片。

A. 8.5B. 16C. 28D. 645. 西门子 3 扇区 6 载频(6/6/6)的全速率 GSM 基站,至少要配置〔〕 E1。

A. 2B. 4C. 8D. 166. 在直放站增益调试时,应首先保证〔〕A. 直放站的输出功率B.供电电源的容量C.对施主基站上行噪声的增量控制D.下行覆盖范围7. CMDA 微蜂窝基站至 GPS 天线最大距离为〔〕米。

A. 100B. 150C. 200D. 5008. GSM 系统的邻道干扰保护比(+400KHz)是〔〕 dBA. 12B. 36C. 41D. 609. 在某次 CQT 测试中发现通话时有回音,故障可能出现〔〕。

A. 收发信机侧B. 基站控制器侧C. 交换机侧D. 移动台侧10. 基站天线下倾角变大时,以下哪项网络参数不受影响〔〕。

A. 话务量B. 覆盖范围C. 天线水平方向波形D. 最小接入电平二、填空题(每题 1 分,共 20 分)1. 若 CDMA 信道带宽为 1.2288MHz,为了改善话音质量,将其数据速率 Rb 从 9.6Kbit/s 增加到19.2Kbit/s,那么,其无线容量将 ________。

2. 用正态分布模型解一个移动电话月租服务费问题。

如果 50%的用户愿意每月付 50 元,而用户的标准偏离意见是 20 元,那末,能让 90%的用户满意的价格应是_______ 元/月。




答:蓝牙技术传输距离有三种类型:(1)当功率为100 mW时,传输距离是100 m;(2)当功率为2.5 mW时,传输距离是10 m;(3)当传输距离为1 mW时,传输距离是10 cm。




答:蓝牙系统天线指标是按0 dBm设计的,根据FCC(美国联邦通信委员会)有关电平为0 dBm的ISM频段的标准。

由于采用扩频技术,发射功率可达到100 mW。

系统最大的跳频速率为1 600跳/秒,在2.402 GHz 和2.480 GHz之间,采用79个间隔为1 MHz的频点来实现。

系统的设计通信范围为10 cm到10 m,但是通过增大发送功率可以将范围扩大至100 m。



连接建立后,Master和Slave可以未被选中就发送SCO 数据包。











通信工程师习题集考点(题库版)1、多选一个典型的EPON系统由()组成.A.光线路终端B.网元管理系统C.光配线系统D.光网络单元E.光分配网络正确答案:A, B, D, E2、单选在数字基带传输(江南博哥)系统中,以下不能消除码间干扰系统传输特性为()。





































通信中高级工程师综合考题一、填空题(每题1分,共10分)1. 与光的传播一样,无线电波在从一种介质进入另一种具有不同传播速度的介质时,也会发生()。

2. 基带信号可分为数字基带信号和模拟基带信号两种,调制也分为()和()。

3. 在发送端需要把数字基带信号的频谱搬移到带通信道的通带范围内,这个频谱的搬移过程称为()。


4. 数字基带信号是低通型信号,其功率谱集中在()附近,它可以直接在()信道中传输。

5. GPRS 业务可分为()业务和()业务。

6. 微波中继通信是利用()作为载波并采用()方式在地面上进行的无线电通信。

7. 若x和y是两个整形变量,在执行了语句序列x=5; y=6; y+=x--; 后,x+y的值为()。

8. 网络拓扑结构设计的目的是确定网络的( )。

9. 频率复用越紧密,复用距离就越小,同、邻频干扰也就()。

10.SDH的网络节点接口NNI的基本特征是具有国际标准化的( )和信号帧结构。

二、单选题(每题1分,共13分)1. 通信用光纤按其传输的光信号模式的数量可分为( )A.1310nm 和1550nmB. 单模和多模C. 色散位移和色散没有位移D. 骨架式和套管式2. C语言中函数参数传递方式是()A. 值传递B. 地址传递C. 宏扩展D. 名字传递3. 在高频通道中接合滤波器与耦合电容共同组成带通滤波器,其在通道中的作用是( )A. 使输电线路和高频电缆的连接成为匹配连接B. 使输电线路和高频电缆的连接成为匹配连接,同时使高频收发信机和高压线路隔离C. 阻止高频电流流到相邻线路上去D. 使高频收发信机和高压线路隔离4. 下面哪些试验不是电磁兼容抗扰度试验?()A. 浪涌试验B. 辐射发射试验C. 静电试验D. 电快速瞬变试验5. 国家电网公司的企业精神是()A. 努力超越、无私奉献B. 爱岗敬业、无私奉献C. 爱岗敬业、追求卓越D. 努力超越、追求卓越6.SDH 传送网STM-64 信号的标准速率为( )kbit/sA.15520B.622080C.2488320D.99532807. 假设模拟信号的最高频率为10MHz,采样频率必须大于()时,才能使得到的样本信号不失真。






3、切换是MS ,所在小区位置发生变换时而改变与网络的连接关系的过程。




7、GSM网络中,执行信道管理与分配的是 ,移动性管理主要由、共同完成,对移动用户的鉴权是由来完成。














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通信英语强化训练试题(一)Ⅰ单项选择题:(Choose the best one)( )1.Furthermore, we shall prove that a minimum theoretical sampling frequency of order 6.8 kHz is required _________a voice channel _________the range 300Hz to 3. 4 kHz.A. convey, occupyB. to convey, occupyingC. conveying, occupiedD. convey, to occupy( )2.For example, the signal _________from a satellite, _________in far outer space, is very weak.A. received, locatedB. receive, locateC. receiving, locatingD. to receive, to locate( )3.If we consider binary transmission, the complete information about a particular message will always _________by simply _________the presence or absence of the pulse.A. obtain, detectB. be obtained, detectingC. obtained, detectedD. obtaining, detected( )4. 4. There is an inherent advantage for _________noisy environments by _________digital transmission.A. overcoming, chooseB. overcome, choosingC. overcome, chooseD. overcoming, choosing( )5.Each voice channel has a separate coder,the unit _________converts sampled amplitude values to a set of pulses; And decoder, the unit _________performs thereverse operation.A. who, whoB. when, whenC. where, whereD. that, that( )6.The problem is easily overcome by _________a frame format, where at the start of each frame a unique sequence of pulses is placed _________the start of the frame.A. specify, identifyB. specifying, so as to identifyC. specified, identifiedD. specify, identifying( )7.An asynchronous serial data link is said _________character oriented,as information is transmitted in the form of groups of bits _________characters.A. be,callingB. to being,to callC. been,callD. to be,called( )8.This interface is so called because the _________data and the _________data are not synchronized over any extended period.A. transmit,receiveB. to transmit,to receiveC. transmitting,receivingD. transmitted,received( )9.Serial data transmission systems _________in the telephone,Morse code, and even the smoke signals once _________by native Americans.A. are finding,usingB. are found,usedC. find, useD. be found, using( )10.Traditionally,the idle state _________the mark level. By convention this corresponds _________a logical 1 level.A. is referred to, asB. is referred as, inC, is referred to as, to D. is referred,within( )11.The transmitter then sends the character,1 bit at a time,by _________each successive bit on the line for a duration of T seconds, _________all bits have beentransmitted.A. place, stillB. placed,sinceC. placing, untilD. placing,because( )12.When the data link connects a CRT terminal _________a computer,_________problems arise, as the terminal is itself character oriented.A. into, manyB. on,a fewC. in, a fewD. to,few( )13._________the receiving end of a synchronous serial data link,the receiver continually monitors the line _________a start bit.A. On,lookingB. Within,look forC. In, look atD. At,looking for( )14.As companies realized they could save money and gain productivity by _________networking technology, they added networks and expanded_________networks almost as rapidly as new network technologies and productscould be introduced.A. use, existB. using, existingC. to use, to existD. used, existed( )15.The OSI reference model allows you _________the network functions that occur at each layer. More importantly, the OSI reference model is a framework you canuse _________how information travels throughout a network.A. view, understandB. viewing, understandingC. viewed, understoodD. to view, to understand( )16.The transport layer segments data from the _________host’s system and reassembles the data into a data stream on the _________host’s system.A. sending, receivingB. to send, to receiveC. sent, receivedD. send, receive( )17.The data link layer provides the transit of data _________a physical link. In so doing, the data link layer is concerned _________physical addressing, networktopology, network media access, and error detection.A. with, acrossB. at, inC. between, inD. across, withⅡ短语英译汉:(Translate the following phrases into Chinese)1.the schemes for performing these three functions2. a series of amplitude values3. a speech channel of telephone quality4. a sequence of 8-binary digits5. a minimum theoretical sampling frequency6. a voice channel occupying the range 300 Hz to 3. 4 kHz7.8-digits per sample value8.the sparking of a car ignition system9.the stream of the pulses with a repetition rate of 64 kHz10.the relationship of the true signal to the noise signal11.the signal received from a satellite12.the complete information about a particular message13.the shape of the transmitted signal14.the attenuation introduced by transmission path15.the unit that converts sampled amplitude value to a set of pulses16. a sequence relating to channel 1,2 and so on17. a unique sequence of pulses called synchronization word18.terrestrial system19.the presence or absence of the pulse20. a high-speed electronic switch21.the time division multiplexer22.Time Division Multiplexing23.asynchronous serial data transmission24.the most popular serial interface25.the transmitted data26.the clocks at the transmitter and receiver27.the era of teleprinter28.the dots and dashes of a character29.three times the duration of intersymbol space30.the group of bits called characters31.the invariable units comprising 7 or 8 bits of information32. a clock generated locally by the receiver33.the received parity bit following the character34.the falling edge of the start bit35.the character-oriented nature of the data linkworking technology37.proprietary networking system38.the International Organization for Standardizationpatibility between the various types of networks40.seven numbered layers41.standardization of network components42.error recovery43.receiving host's system44.connection-oriented circuitsrmation flow controlwork topologywork media access48.electrical specification49.maximum transmission distanceⅢ短语汉译英:(Translate the following phrases into English)1.抽样量化与编码2.话路3.幅值4.抽样频率5.抽样速率6.脉冲流7.重复率8.编码过程9.模拟信号10.传输质量11.数字通信12.数字传输13.含噪声的环境14.传输路由15.信噪比16.信号电平17.地面系统18.噪声功率19.二进制传输20.反向操作21.8位码序列22.接收端23.帧格式24.同步字25.串行接口26.显示终端27.发送器与接收器28.数据传输29.数据流30.闲置状态31.传号电平32.空号电平33.起始位34.停止位35.T秒的持续时间36.奇偶校验位37.错误标志38.传输错误39.下降沿40.符号间的空格41.接收机的定时42.本地时钟43.磁带44.控制比特45.逻辑1电平46.二进制数据47.明显的缺点48.联网技术49.国际标准化组织50.参考模型51.数据分组52.应用程序53.网络媒体54.分层55.硬件和软件56.表示层57.传输层58.数据链路层59.网络服务60.文件接入61.数据格式62.主机63.协议64.连接65.逻辑选址Ⅳ请将下述短文译成中文(短文英译汉):(Translate the following passages into Chinese)1.If we consider binary transmission, the complete information about a particular messagewill always be obtained by simply detecting the presence or absence of the pulse. By comparison, most other forms of transmission system convey the message information using the shape, or level of the transmitted signal; parameters that are most easily affected by the noise and attenuation introduced by the transmission path. Consequently there is an inherent advantage for overcoming noisy environments by choosing digital transmission.2.The reader may ask, how does the demultiplexer know which group of 8-digits relates tochannel 1, 2, and so on? Clearly this is important! The problem is easily overcome by specifyinga frame format, where at the start of each frame a unique sequence of pulses called the framecode, or synchronization word, is placed so as to identify the start of the frame. A circuit of the demultiplexer is arranged to detect the synchronization word, and thereby it knows that the next group of 8-digits corresponds to channel 1.3.Noise can be introduced into transmission path in many different ways; perhaps via a nearbylightning strike, the sparking of a car ignition system, or the thermal low-level noise within the communication equipment itself. It is the relationship of the true signal to the noise signal, known as the signal-to-noise ratio, which is of most interest to the communication engineer.4.Basically, if the signal is very large compared to the noise level, then a perfect message can take place; however, this is not always the case. For example, the signal received from a satellite, located in far outer space, is very weak and is at a level only slightly above that of the noise. Alternative examples may be. Found within terrestrial systems where, although the message signal is strong, so is the noise power.5.So far we have assumed that each voice channel has a separate coder, the unit that converts sampled amplitude values to a set of pulses; and decoder, the unit that performs the reverse operation. This need not be so, and systems are in operation where a single codes is shared between 24, 30, or even 120 separate channels.6. A high-speed electronic switch is used to present the analog information signal of each channel, taken in turn, to the codec. The codec is then arranged to sequentially sample the amplitude value, and code this value into the 8-digit sequence. Thus the output to the codec may be seen as a sequence of 8 pulses relating to channel 1, then channel 2, and so on. This unit is called a time division multiplexer.7.An asynchronous serial data link is said to be character-oriented, as information is transmitted in the form of groups called characters. These characters are invariable units comprising 7 or 8 bits of information plus 2 to 4 control bits and frequently correspond to ASCII-encoded characters. Initially, when no information is being transmitted, the line is in an idle state. The idle state is referred to as the mark level and corresponds to a logical 1 level.8.When the transmitter wishes to send data, it first places the line in a space level for one element period. The transmitter then sends the character, 1 bit at a time, by placing each successive bit on the line for a duration of T seconds, until all bits have been transmitted. Then a single parity bit is calculated by the transmitter and sent after the data bits. Finally, the transmitter sends a stop bit at a mark level for one or two bit period.9.At the receiving end of an asynchronous serial data link, the receiver continually monitors the line looking for a start bit. Once the start bit has been detected, the receiver waits until the end of the start bit and then samples the next N bits at their centers, using a clock generated locally by the receiver. As each incoming bit is sampled, it is used to construct a new character.10.The most obvious disadvantage of asynchronous data transmission is the need for a start, parity, and stop bit for each transmitted character. If 7 bit characters are used, the overall efficiency is only 70 percent. A less obvious disadvantage is due to the character-oriented nature of the data link. Whenever the data link connects a CRT terminal to a computer, few problems arise, as the terminal is itself character oriented.11.The most critical aspect of the system is the receiver timing. The falling edge of the start bit triggers the receiver's local clock, which samples each incoming bit at its nominal center. Suppose the receiver clock waits T/2 seconds from the falling edge of a start bit and samples the incoming data every T seconds thereafter until the stop bit has been sampled. As the receiver's clock is not synchronized with the transmitter clock, the sampling is not exact.12.By far the most popular serial interface between a computer and its CRT terminal is the asynchronous serial interface. This interface is so called because the transmitted data and the received data are not synchronized over any extended period and therefore no special means of synchronizing the clocks at the transmitter and receiver is necessary. In fact, the asynchronous serial data link is a very old form of data transmission system and has its origin in the era of the teleprinter.13.Most computer terminals transmit and receive ASCII characters, and we know that the ASCII characters require 7 bits. Therefore, 7 bits of data plus a parity bit are sent each time a character is transmitted or received by the terminal. The two most obvious ways to send the characters are by parallel transmission or by serial transmission. Most terminals have been designed to transmit and receive ASCII characters as serial data.14.The early development of LANs, MANs, and W ANs was chaotic in many ways. The early 1980s saw tremendous increases in the numbers and sizes of networks. As companies realized they could save money and gain productivity by using networking technology, they added networks and expanded existing networks almost as rapidly as new network technologies and products could be introduced.15.Proprietary systems are privately developed, owned, and controlled. In the computer industry, proprietary is the opposite of open. Proprietary means that one or a small group of companies controls all usage and evolution of the technology. Open means that free usage of the technology is available to the public.16.The OSI reference model allows you to view the network functions that occur at each layer. More importantly, the OSI reference model is a framework you can use to understand how information travels throughout a network. In addition, the OSI reference model can be used to visualize how information, or data packets, travels from application programs, through a network medium, to other application programs that are located in another computer on a network, even if the sender and the receiver have different types of network media.17.The application layer is the OSI layer that is closest to the user. It provides network services, such as file access and printing, to the user’s applications. It differs from the other layers in that it does not provide services to any other OSI layer, but rather, only to applications outside the OSI model. The application layer establishes the availability of intended communication partners. It also synchronizes and establishes an agreement on procedures for error recovery and control of data integrity.18.The transport layer attempts to provide a data transport service that shields the upper layers from transport implementation details. Specifically, such issue as how reliable transport between two hosts is accomplished in the concern of the transport layer. In providing communication service, the transport layer establishes, maintains, and properly terminates connection-oriented circuits. In providing reliable service, transport errordetection-and-recovery and information flow control are used.19.The physical layer defines the electrical, mechanical, procedural, and functional specifications for activating, maintaining, and deactivating the physical link between end systems. Such characteristics as voltage levels, timing of voltage changes, physical data rates, maximum transmission distances, physical connectors, and other, similar, attributes are defined by physical layer specifications.Ⅴ阅读理解:(True or false statement) According to the following text's decide whether the statements following the texts are true (T) or false (F)PASSAGE ONEDigital transmission provides a powerful method for overcoming noisy environments. Noise can be introduced into transmission path in many different ways: perhaps via a nearby lightning strike, the sparking of a car ignition system, or the thermal low-level noise within the communication equipment itself. It is the relationship of the true signal to the noise signal, known as the signal-to-noise ratio, which is of the most interest to the communication engineer. Basically, if the signal is very large compared to the noise level, then a perfect message can take place; however, this is not always the case. For example, the signal received from a satellite, located in far outer space, is very weak and is at a level only slightly above that of the noise. Alternative examples may be found within terrestrial systems where, although the message signal is strong, so is the noise power.If we consider binary transmission, the complete information about a particular message will always be obtained by simply detecting the presence or absence of the pulse. By comparison, most other forms of transmission systems convey the message information using the shape, or level of the transmitted signal; parameters that are most easily affected by the noise and attenuation introduced by the transmission path. Consequently there is an inherent advantage for overcoming noisy environments by choosing digital transmission.( )1.If the true signal is very large compared to the noise level, then the information with higher quality can be obtained.( )2.If we consider binary transmission, the complete information about a particular message will always be obtained by detecting the shape of the transmitted signalor by calculating the parameters of the transmitted signal.( )3.It is the signal-to-noise ratio which is of the most interest to the communication engineer.( )4.Digital transmission provides the signal-to-noise ratio, which is a very important parameter, for overcoming noisy environments.( )5.The signal gotten from a satellite is generally very weak.( )6.The shape of the transmitted signal are most easily affected by the noise and attenuation introduced by the codec.PASSAGE TWOSo far we have assumed that each voice channel has a separate coder, the unit that converts sampled amplitude values to a set of pulses; and decoder, the unit that performs the reverse operation. This need not be so, and systems are in operation where a single codec (i.e., coder and its associated decoder) is shared between 24, 30, or even 120 separate channels. A high-speed electronic switch is used to present the analog information signal of each channel, taken in turn, to the codec. The codec is then arranged to sequentially sample the amplitude value, and code this value into the 8-digit sequence. Thus the output, to the codec may be seen as a sequence of 8 pulses relating to channel 1, then channel 2, and so on. This unit is called a time division multiplexer (TDM). The multiplexing principle that is used is known as word interleaving. Since the words, or8-digit sequences, are interleaved in time.At the receive terminal a demultiplexer is arranged to separate the 8-digit sequences into the appropriate channels. The reader may ask, how does the demultiplexer know which group of 8-digits relates to channel 1, 2, and so on? Clearly this is important. The problem is easily overcome by specifying a frame format, where at the start of each frame a unique sequence of pulses called the frame code. Or synchronization word is placed so as to identify the start of the frame. A circuit of the demultiplexer is arranged to detect the synchronization word, and thereby it knows that the next group of 8-digits corresponds to channel 1. The synchronization word reoccurs once again after the last channel has been received.( )7.At the receive terminal the reverse operation to the multiplexing is needed to separate the 8-digit sequences into the appropriate channels.( )8.The codec in the transmitting terminal is to sample the amplitude value, and code this value into the 8-digit sequence.( )9.The demultiplexer knows which group of 8-digits relates to channel 1 as soon as it finds the synchronization word.( )10.From above text, we understand each voice channel has a coder.( )11.The time division multiplexer is so called since there is a special word called synchronization word.( )12.He group of 8-digits following the synchronization word relates to chart e1 1.PASSAGE THREEBy far the most popular serial interface between a computer and its CRT terminal is the asynchronous serial interface. This interface is so called because the transmitted data and the received data are not synchronized over any extended period and therefore no special means of synchronizing the clocks at the transmitter and receiver is necessary. In fact, the asynchronous serial data link is a very old form of data transmission system and has its origin in the era of teleprinter.An asynchronous serial data link is said to be character-oriented, as information is transmitted in the form of groups of bits called characters. These characters are invariable units comprising 7 or 8 bits of "information" plus 2 to 4 control bits and frequently correspond to ASCII-encoded characters.The most critical aspect of the system is the receiver timing. The falling edge of the start bit triggers the receiver's local clock, which samples each incoming bit at its nominal center. Suppose the receiver clock waits T/2 seconds from the falling edge of the start bit and samples the incoming data every T seconds thereafter until the stop bit has been sampled. As the receiver's clock is not synchronized with the transmitter clock, the sampling is not exact.The most obvious disadvantage of asynchronous data transmission is the need for a start, parity, and stop bit for each transmitted character. If 7 bit characters are used, the overall efficiency is only 70%. A less obvious disadvantage is due to the character-oriented nature of the data link. Whenever the data link connects a CRT terminal to a computer, few problems arise, as the terminal is itself character oriented. However, if the data link is being used to, say, dump binary data to a magnetic tape, problems arise.( )13.The most obvious disadvantage of asynchronous data transmission is about the lower transmission efficiency.( )14.In fact, the asynchronous serial data link is the teleprinter.( )15.The falling edge of the start bit triggers the receiver's local clock, which samples each bit sent from the transmitter.( )16.From above text we understand the characters are variable units.( )17.For each transmitted character, a start, parity, and stop bit are needed.( )18.Special means is needed to synchronize the clocks at the transmitter and receiver.PASSAGE FOURAn asynchronous serial data link is said to be character-oriented, as information is transmitted in the form of groups of bits called characters. These characters are invariable units comprising 7 or 8 bits of "information" plus 2 to 4 control bits and frequently correspond to ASCII-encoded characters. Initially, when no information is being transmitted, the line is in an idle state. Traditionally, the idle state is referred to as the mark level. By convention this corresponds, to a logical l level.When the transmitter wishes to send data, it first places the line in a space level (1.e., the complement of a mark) for one element period. This element is called the start bit and has duration of T seconds. The transmitter then sends the character, 1 bit at a time, by placing each successive bit on the line for duration of T seconds, until all bits have been transmitted. Then a single parity bit is calculated by the transmitter and sent after the data bits. Finally, the transmitter sends a stop bit at a mark level (I. e., the same level as the idle state) for one or two bit periods. Now the transmitter may send another character whenever it wishes.At the receiving end of an asynchronous serial data link, the receiver continually monitors the line looking for a start bit. Once the start bit has been detected, the receiver waits until the end of the start bit and then samples the next N bits at their centers, using a clock generated locally by the receiver. As each incoming bit is sampled, it is used to construct a new character. When the received character has been assembled, its parity is calculated and compared with the received parity bit following the character. If they are not equal, a parity error flag is set to indicate a transmission error.( )19.An asynchronous serial data link is said to be character oriented, because a duration of T seconds is needed for each character.( )20.When the transmitter wishes to send data, it first places the line in logical 0 level. ( )21.At the receiving terminal a single parity bit is calculated by the transmitter and compared with the received parity bit.( )22.At the receiving end of an asynchronous serial data link, the receiver continually monitors the line to search the start bit.( )23.The receiver samples the bits sent from the transmitter using characters generated by the receiver.( )24.If the parity bit calculated by the receiver is not equal to the received one, transmission error occurs.。
