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The evoluti on of video and sound devices

Part I Fill in the blanks and pay attention to the words or phrases underlined.

Early history of TV

The first public TV broadcasts (make)in the USA in 1925. Later, in 1928, the first

Iong-distanee TV broadcast was made between the UK the USA. Regular public broadcasting followed (short) afterwards, first beginning on 11 May 1928 in NewYork and on 20 August 1929 in London.

Many different people contributed the development of TV. Most early TV broadcasts

were made using a system (develop) by John Logie Baird in the UK. However, his system was very primitive and had many drawbacks . An American, Philo Farnsworth, made important breakthroughs in the development of TV in the late 1920s and early 1930s. Moder n TVs use many of the (pri nciple) first discovered by Farn sworth.

John Logie Baird con structed the first colour TV in 1928, it was n ot un til 1938

that the first color TV programme was broadcast. It took more tha n two decades,

though, until 1951, for regular color TV broadcasts (begin) in the USA. Regular color TV broadcasts were delayed in the UK un til 1967. , with in a short time, n early all

TV broadcasts were made in color, and with in five years more color TVs

black-a nd-white TVs were being used.

The moder n age: satellite TV __________

Satellites were used (broadcast) TV begi nning in 1962. Satellites allow TV to be broadcast live over vast dista nces, with every one receivi ng the same broadcast the

same time. They also make (access)to people who live far away from cities, and

satellite dishes can often be seen distributed throughout the countryside and remote areas. Of course, only a small percentage of people own satellite dishes. However, most people still satellite TV, as local TV compa nies broadcast the sig nals they get from satellite receivers to the populati on (live) n earby.

Early history of sound recorders ____________

It all bega n in 1877, Edis on made the first record ing of a huma n voice on his inven ti on, the record player. Early record players used round tubes to record on. However, in 1887, Emile Berliner, German living in the USA, invented a record player used discs as alter natives to tubes, and so the moder n record player was born. The

first record players had to (win d)up by hand and only played records that were two minu tes long. Times (sure) have cha nged!

Sound and video recorders

In 1928, the first tape recorders used to copy sound were made in Germany. Most early recorders employed steel tape to record on, them heavy and difficult to use, or paper tape, which was easier to use but often broke. It was not until the early most

tape recorders began using plastic tapes as they do today. Meanwhile , electrical components (eventual)became so small that, by the late 1960, portable cassette

players were developed, along video recorders which were used by TV stations. By the late 1970s, video recorders small and cheap eno ugh for home use were in troduced. Sound and video go digital

In 1982, the first CDswere madeavailable . CDsare often used for storing and playing

music because they have a much (good) sound quality than traditional records and

cassettes. In 1993, the VCDwas born, and in 1995, the DVD(invent). The DVDis now

the standard for recording and playing back video.

The future

7. ___ the developme nt of digital tech no logy, sound and video can now be stored

on a PC, on the intern et, or using some form of portable (store). This will soon

make records, cassette recorders, CDs, DVDs and even TVs things of the past.

Tech no logy now (cha nge) faster tha n most people can keep pace with. Whoca n foresee the future will bring



无线电视传输节目于1925 年在美国首次公开播出。随后在1928年,英美两

