



















ALU 产品手册

ALU 产品手册










目录总体描述 (4)行业解决方案 (5)全业务传送网解决方案 (5)城域网解决方案 (8)骨干网解决方案 (9)数据中心网络解决方案 (10)数据中心互联/出口解决方案 (11)电力数据调度网与综合数据网解决方案 (12)专业DNS_DHCP_IPAM系统解决方案 (13)无源局域网解决方案(POL) (15)端到端L TE解决方案 (17)IMS/NGN解决方案 (19)产品系列 (21)光传送 (21)OTN/WDM 产品-1830 PSS系列产品 (21)PTN-1850 TSS系列产品 (23)MSTP系列产品 (24)微波传输 (25)中短距分组微波-9500 MPR系列产品 (25)长距微波-9600 LSY系列产品 (26)数据承载 (27)骨干/核心路由平台-7950 XRS (27)城域业务路由-7750 SR/7705 SAR (28)MES系列交换机 (30)软件定义网络– Nuage SDN (32)VitalQIP:面向IPv4、IPv6的下一代IP地址管理解决方案 (33)超宽带接入 (34)PON OL T局端设备-7360 ISAM FX (34)丰富的光终端(ONU)系列 (34)LTE无线产品 (37)业务核心网 (38)IMS产品 (38)NGN产品 (38)总体描述通信网的未来将会何去何从?企业期望应对动态的市场和客户需求,实施新的业务策略并开拓新的市场机会,今天的网络已经无法应对日益增长的海量数据,我们需要一个灵活敏捷、伸缩自如的人性化网络,基于IP的网络演进势在必行,而这一切必须以网络为基石。



OptiX OSN 9500 OptiX OSN 7500 OptiX OSN 3500 OptiX OSN 2500 OptiX OSN 1500
接入业务类型与 接入能力 丰富的槽位资源 组网能力
4(622M POS) ,或者280×STM-1,或者88×GE,或者208×FE(100M),或 者102×E3,或者252×E1 单子架提供22个业务槽位,具备内置波分功能 支持7×10G四纤环网;支持Mesh网络结构、支持链形、环形、相交环、 枢纽形等复杂网络拓扑 设备级保护:交叉、时钟、主控、电源的1+1热备份 网络级保护:MESH恢复、SDH保护(支持2F/4F MSP、SNCP、DNI、共享光
长途WDM 骨 干 层 城域WDM
BWS 1600G
Metro 6100 Metro 6040 OSN 6800
OSN 9500
OSN 7500
汇 聚 层 10G
Metro 5000 OSN 3500 OSN 3800
2.5G 接 入 层 622M
Metro 3000 OSN 2500 OSN 2000 Metro 1000 OSN 1500
OptiX Metro 5000 OptiX Metro 3000 OptiX OSN 2000 OptiX Metro 1000 OptiX Metro 500
接入能力 组网特性
为2U),典型配置下功耗小于50W,可直接接入-48V、+24V、 ~110V/220V电源 每个网元既可配置为单个的STM-1/4 TM或ADM系统,也可配置为STM-1、
经过多年的发展,华为已经形成了包括MSTP(基于SDH的多业务传输平台)、 ASON(智能光交 换设备) 、LH/Metro WDM(长途 / 城域波分系统)和OTN(光传送网)在内的电信级的光传输产品 系列,并且凭借其卓越的产品性能和优质的售后服务,这些产品在全球的电信运营商和行业市场都获得 了广泛的应用;



工程量清单2 室内高清高速球型网络摄像机图像传感器 1/3" CMOS总像素约130万像素水平解析度≥800TVL视频制式PAL/NTSC最低照度彩色: 0.05LUX @ (F1.4,AGC ON)黑白: 0.005LUX @( F1.4,AGCON)0Lux(红外灯开启)增益控制自动/手动信噪比大于50dB白平衡自动/自动跟踪/室内/室外/室外自动/钠灯模式/一次白平衡/手动数字降噪支持电子快门1/25 - 1/100000s数字变倍 12x(最大216x)日夜模式滤光片彩转黑镜头焦距4.3mm - 86.0mm光学变倍 20倍光圈值 F1.4 - F3.2视场角 55.2°- 3.2°功能红外灯控制自动/近灯/远灯/关闭红外灯距离≥100米旋转范围水平:0°~360°连续旋转垂直:-10°~90°自动翻转180°后连续监视旋转速度键控:水平0.1°~160°/秒;垂直0.1°~120°/秒预置点:水平240°/秒; 垂直200°/秒预置点 255个自动模式支持8条自动巡航、5条自动巡迹、5条自动线扫云台功能支持空闲动作,支持三维定位,支持人性化的焦距/速度自动匹配功能视频压缩H.264/M-JPEG图像分辨率主码流(1280*960、1280*720)辅码流(D1)音频压缩G.711/PCM语音对讲支持网络协议TCP/IP,HTTP,DDNS,DHCP,NTP,PPPoE,FTP,SMTP,RTSP,RTP多码流支持SD卡支持用户管理最大支持10个用户,多级用户权限管理故障检测网络断开检测,IP冲突检测,编码器状态检测,存储卡状态检测,存储空间检测输入/输出模拟视频输出1.0Vpp/75Ω,NTSC或PAL,BNC接口网络接口 1路10/100BaseT以太网,RJ45接口报警接口 7路输入/2路输出,报警时可联动预置点/自动巡航/自动巡迹/开关量输出控制接口 RS485,支持云台控制和在线升级一般规范电源 AC 24V/2.2A(±10%)(含红外控制电路)功耗 17W/ 35W(红外灯、加热器同时开启)提供产品彩页原件(原厂盖章)扫描件,原件备查。









TSI 8130还具有高灵敏度的特点。


该技术使得TSI 8130可以检测到非常低浓度的离子,如ppb或ppm级别的浓度。















等级 性 能 的 军 用 计 算 机 需 求 。A r mpo b L NK yAD I Mi y t m系 列 产 品 l se S
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式 模 块 计 算 机 及 B 载 板 EX E X 单 板 计 算 机 B
板 处
是 即插 即用的 完整 系统 ,配有 MI— L
统的主要规格与特色请参见下表 :
搭 载 英特 尔C r T 2 Du 与A o oe M o t m 处 理 器 ,满 足 不 同性 能 等 级 需 求
符 L _1G见 ( 动与冲击测试 )、 M_ 8O圭 范 震
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更 多强 固 型 军 用宽 温 级 产 品详
细 信 息 ,请 浏 览 凌 华 科 技 网 站 :
htp: www . d i k e h. o / n/ t // a ln tc c m c a r -e te e u g d mp o x rm -r g e /。
标 。其 使 用 强 固型机 箱 外壳 ,通过 传 导 式 散 热 , 不 需 要 额 外 安 装 风 扇 或 散 热 孔 进 行 导 热 。 凌 华 科 技 产 品





数据中心交换机CloudEngine 12800数据中心交换机CloudEngine 12800 (简称CE12800)系列交换机是华为公司面向数据中心和高端园区网络推出的新一代高性能核心交换机。




关键特性弹性、虚拟、敏捷、高品质数据中心核心交换机弹性:64Tbps交换容量,可平滑升级到320Tbps;单设备支持 192个100GE 384个40GE或 1536 个 10GE虚拟:1:16核心虚拟化,512节点TRILL组网,EVN支持跨数据中心资源共享;敏捷:作为Overlay虚拟化网络(VXLAN/NVGRE的高性能硬件网关,支撑高达16M多租户的数据中心运营,OPS和 ENP实现双平面可编程,网络按需定制;品质:专利的严格前后风道设计,线卡网板风道独立,提高散热效率;多种绿色节能创新技术,降低机房能耗。

技术规格参数交换容量(bps)包转发率(pps)业务槽位交换网槽位交换架构CE12804S C E12808S CE12804 CE12808CE12812CE12816 16T/80T32T/160T '16T/80T32T/160T 48T/240T 64T/320T 14400M28800M14400M28800M43200M57600M 48481216 246666Clos交换架构、信元交换、VoQ分布式大缓存风道类型设备虚拟化标准前后风道支持VS (1:16虚拟化)支持CSS集群支持SVF支持TRILL支持Overlay 虚拟化(VXLAN/NVGRE 硬件网关 虚拟机感支持nCenter知数据中心 支持EVN 跨数据中心二层网络 互联SDN 特性支持OPSCloudEngine 7800数据中心交换机CloudE ngine 7800数据中心交换机关键特性 40GE 汇聚交换机全40GE 交换机,1U 高设备支持32个40GE 接口,可灵活拆分为 10GE 接口; 支持iStack 堆叠技术,实现机架内、机架间以及跨区域超长距的高性能堆叠, 构建可扩展、易管理的数据中心网络平台;支持IETF 标准协议TRILL ,构建512节点的大二层网络,实现虚拟机大范围在线迁移。



10/26/2009 8130.21G Table of ContentsParagraph PageChapter 1. General Information1-1. Purpose of This Order...................................................................................1-11-2. Audience.......................................................................................................1-11-3. Where Can I Find This Order and FAA Form 8130-3?................................1-11-4. Cancellation...................................................................................................1-11-5. Explanation of Policy Changes.....................................................................1-11-6. EffectiveDate................................................................................................1-21-7. Purposes For Which FAA Form 8130-3 Cannot Be Used ...........................1-21-8. Authorization to Issue FAA Form 8130-3....................................................1-21-9.Systems and Automation..........................................................1-3InformationChapter 2. Domestic Airworthiness Approvals2-1. General Information on Domestic Airworthiness Approvals.......................2-1Inspections.................................................................................2-22-2. ConformityFigure 2-1. Sample FAA Form 8130-3 for a Conformity Inspection..............................2-3Approvalof New Products (Aircraft EnginesAirworthiness2-3. Domesticand Propellers)..............................................................................................2-3Figure 2-2. Sample FAA Form 8130-3 for Domestic Airworthiness Approvalfor an Engine.................................................................................................2-4AirworthinessApproval of New Articles.....................................2-42-4. DomesticFigure 2-3. Sample FAA Form 8130-3 for Domestic Airworthiness Approvalfor a New Product or Article (Packing List).................................................2-5of New Products and Articles at 14Approval2-5. DomesticAirworthinessCFR Part 121 and Part 135 Certificate Holders, and 14 CFR Part 145Certificated Repair Stations.........................................................................2-6Figure 2-4. Sample FAA Form 8130-3 for Airworthiness Approval When Issuedat a Distributor Facility.................................................................................2-72-6. Prepositioned Products and Articles.............................................................2-7Figure 2-5. Sample FAA Form 8130-3 for Identification of a PrepositionedProduct or Article..........................................................................................2-92-7. Splitting Bulk Shipments of Previously Shipped New Products andArticles..........................................................................................................2-9Figure 2-6a. Sample FAA Form 8130-3 for Splitting Bulk Shipments...........................2-11Figure 2-6b. Sample FAA Form 8130-3 for Splitting Bulk Shipments (SeparateSheet of Paper)............................................................................................2-112-8. Block-by-Block Instructions for Completing FAA Form 8130-3for Domestic Airworthiness Approvals......................................................2-12Figure 2-7. Sample FAA Form 8130-3 for a Direct Shipment Authorization...............2-16Figure 2-8. Sample FAA Form 8130-3 for Airworthiness Approval for a NewSubcomponent for a PMA Article...............................................................2-1710/26/2009 8130.21GParagraph Page2-9. Lost FAA Form 8130-3 Issued for Domestic Airworthiness Approvals....2-182-10. Reissuance of FAA Form 8130-3 for Domestic AirworthinessApprovals....................................................................................................2-18Chapter 3. Approval for Return To Service of Products and Articles3-1. General Information on Approval for Return To Service.............................3-1Figure 3-1. Sample FAA Form 8130-3 for a Rebuilt Product or Article.........................3-33-2. Approval for Return To Service After Maintenance, PreventiveMaintenance, Rebuilding, and Alteration — Products and Articles.............3-3Figure 3-2. Sample FAA Form 8130-3 for Approval for Return To Service..................3-5Figure 3-3. Sample FAA Form 8130-3 for Dual Release Approvalfor Return To Service....................................................................................3-63-3. Approval for Return to Service — Products and Articles.............................3-63-4. Issuance of FAA Form 8130-3 for Used Products and ArticlesRemoved from a U.S.-Certificated Aircraft for Installation on AnotherU.S.-Certificated Aircraft..............................................................................3-73-5. Block-by-Block Instructions for Completing FAA Form 8130-3 forApproval for Return To Service....................................................................3-83-6. Lost FAA Form 8130-3 Issued for an Approval for Return To Service.....3-113-7. Reissuance of FAA Form 8130-3 Because of Typographical Errors onthe Original..................................................................................................3-11Chapter 4. Export Airworthiness Approvals of Aircraft Engines, Propellers, or Articles4-1. General Information on Export Airworthiness Approvals............................4-1Figure 4-1. Sample FAA Form 8130-3 for Export Airworthiness Approval..................4-44-2. New Products and Articles............................................................................4-4Products................................................................................................4-44-3. UsedArticles................................................................................................4-44-4. PMAFigure 4-2. Sample FAA Form 8130-3 for Export Airworthiness Approvalfor a New Subcomponent for a TSO Authorization Article.........................4-54-5. Block-by-Block Instructions for Completing FAA Form 8130-3 forExport Airworthiness Approvals...................................................................4-5Figure 4-3. Sample FAA Form 8130-3 for a Direct Shipment Authorization forExport..........................................................................................................4-104-6. Lost FAA Form 8130-3 Issued for Export Airworthiness Approvals.........4-114-7. Reissuance of FAA Form 8130-3 for Export Airworthiness Approvals.....4-11Chapter 5. Electronic Use of the Authorized Release Certificate, FAA Form 8130-3,Airworthiness Approval Tag5-1. Purpose of This Chapter................................................................................5-15-2. Background on Electronic FAA Form 8130-3..............................................5-15-3. General Procedures for the Use of Electronic FAA Form 8130-3................5-2Requirements........................................................................................5-45-4. DataParagraph Page 5-5. Use of the Electronic FAA Form 8130-3......................................................5-45-6. Specific Requirements Other Than Those Listed in ATA Spec 2000,Chapter 16.....................................................................................................5-5Responsibilities......................................................................5-7 5-7. User/Installer5-8. Sample Uses of Electronic FAA Form 8130-3.............................................5-7Figure 5-1a. Sample XML Fragment for an Electronic Export AirworthinessApproval........................................................................................................5-7 Figure 5-1b. Sample FAA Form 8130-3 for an Electronic Export AirworthinessApproval........................................................................................................5-9 Figure 5-2a. Sample XML Fragment for an Electronic Airworthiness Approval...........5-10Figure 5-2b. Sample FAA Form 8130-3 for an Electronic Airworthiness Approval......5-11Figure 5-3a. Sample XML Fragment for an Electronic Conformity AirworthinessApproval......................................................................................................5-12 Figure 5-3b. Sample FAA Form 8130-3 for an Electronic ConformityAirworthiness Approval..............................................................................5-13 Figure 5-4a. Sample XML Fragment for an Electronic Approval for Return ToService.........................................................................................................5-14 Figure 5-4b. Sample FAA Form 8130-3 for an Electronic Approval for Return toService.........................................................................................................5-15 5-9. Intent to Use Electronic FAA Form 8130-3................................................5-16Figure 5-5 Sample Letter of Intent for an Electronic Certification System..................5-16 Appendix A. Acronyms .............................................................................................................A-1 Appendix B. Definitions .............................................................................................................B-1 Appendix C. Administrative Information ...................................................................................C-1 Appendix D. FAA Form 1320-19, Directive Feedback Information .........................................D-1Chapter 1. General Information1-1. Purpose of This Order. This order describes the procedures for completion and use of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Authorized Release Certificate, FAA Form 8130-3, Airworthiness Approval Tag (FAA Form 8130-3). The order describes the use of the form for the following purposes:a. Domestic airworthiness approval, including conformity inspections, prepositioning of new products or articles pending approval, and splitting bulk shipments of previously produced products and articles;b. Approval for return to service of products and articles; andc. Export airworthiness approval of products and articles.NOTE: For the purposes of this order, the term product refers only to aircraftengines and propellers.1-2. Audience. FAA personnel, designees, production approval holders (PAH), air agencies, U.S. air carrier certificate holders, and distributors.1-3. Where Can I Find This Order and FAA Form 8130-3?a. You can find this order at /regulations_policies/orders_notices/.b. FAA Form 8130-3 may be obtained through normal distribution channels from the Logistics Center, AML-8000, P.O. Box 25082, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 73125. The telephone number is 405-954-8900 (ask for the FAA Forms Inventory Manager). FAA Form 8130-3 also is available from the Customer Care Center, AML-30, at 405-954-3793 or toll free at 1-888-322-9824, or may be obtained on the Internet at /aircraft. The stock number for FAA Form 8130-3 is 0052-00-012-9005.1-4. Cancellation. FAA Order 8130.21F, Procedures for Completion and Use of the Authorized Release Certificate, FAA Form 8130-3, Airworthiness Approval Tag, dated May 30, 2008, is canceled upon the effective date of this revision (that is, April 14, 2010).1-5. Explanation of Policy Changes. This revision—a. Reflects changes and updates appropriate references following publication of Production and Airworthiness Approvals, Part marking, and Miscellaneous Amendments; Final Rule in the Federal Register under docket number FAA-2006-25877.b. Replaces parts and appliances with the term “article.”c. Removes references to classes of products.d. Deletes the term “newly overhauled” and associated guidelines from the description of work performed.10/26/2009 8130.21Ge. Revises acceptable methods for enabling traceability of FAA Form 8130-3 bypermitting use of Block 3 of the form in combination with other information on the form.f. Removes language pertaining to distributors that are accredited in accordance withAdvisory Circular (AC) 00-56, Voluntary Industry Distributor Accreditation Program.g. Combines and moves information on computer-generated forms, information systems,and automation to a new paragraph 1-9.h. In Chapter 3, permits use of either the term “Inspected” or “Tested” in Block 12 ratherthan requiring that both terms be entered together.i. Adds a requirement in Chapter 4 that for exported aircraft engines or propellers, theexporter include total time and if applicable, time since overhauled.1-6. Effective Date. This Order is effective on April 14, 2010.1-7. Purposes For Which FAA Form 8130-3 Cannot Be Used. FAA Form 8130-3 is intendedto be issued for civil aeronautical products and articles by persons under the jurisdiction of theFAA. Its issuance by persons not described in Chapters 2 and 4 of this order, (i.e., FAA aviationsafety inspectors (ASI) or FAA-authorized designees or delegations), or Chapter 3 of this order(i.e., certificate holders under 14 CFR parts 21, 121, 135, or 145) is not authorized. Furtherpurposes for which the form cannot be used are as follows:a. FAA Form 8130-3 is not a delivery or shipping document,nor should it be used foradministrative purposes between two persons.b. FAA Form 8130-3 may not be issued by organizations or individuals other than thoseapproved/authorized by the FAA within the scope of such an approval/authorization.c. Aircraft are not to be released using FAA Form 8130-3.d. FAA Form 8130-3 does not constitute approval to install the product or article on aparticular aircraft, aircraft engine, or propeller; however, it does help the end user to determine aproduct’s or article’s airworthiness approval status.e. A mixture of production- and maintenance-released products and articles is notpermitted on the same FAA Form 8130-3.f. A mixture of products and articles released against approved and non-approved designdata is not permitted on the same FAA Form 8130-3.1-8. Authorization to Issue FAA Form 8130-3. The following persons may issue FAAForm 8130-3 in accordance with the appropriate chapter of this order:a. FAA ASIs,b. Persons with the appropriate function codes in accordance with FAA Order 8100.8, Designee Management Handbook (Order 8100.8) when authorized by their Certificate of Authority (COA), orc. Persons authorized in accordance with FAA Order 8100.15, Organization Designation Authorization (ODA) Procedures (Order 8100.15).1-9. Information Systems and Automation.a. FAA Form 8130-3 may be computer-generated for local reproduction, but must duplicate the format of the original Government-printed form. The overall form as designed must not be changed, nor may any words be added or deleted (with the exception of filling in the blanks). White is the preferred color for the paper; however, if another color is used, the information contained on the form must be legible. You may preprint the text on FAA Form 8130-3 that is required by this order. The size of blocks, in relationship to each other, may vary slightly, but all blocks must remain in their original location. FAA Form 8130-3 also may be reduced in overall size to reduce paper consumption, but not to the extent that it is no longer easily readable and readily recognizable. The details to be entered on the form may be either machine/computer-printed or handwritten using block letters and must be easy to read, with limited use of abbreviations. All entries on the form must be made in permanent ink and be in English. If a deviation to FAA Form 8130-3 becomes necessary, the FAA employee involved should ensure that the deviations are substantiated, documented, and concurred with by the appropriate supervisor. The deviations must be submitted to AIR-200 for review and approval.b. Approval holders should develop procedures for managing information systems consistent with AC 21-35, Computer Generated/Stored Records. These procedures should include a secured electronic auditing system that reflects all system changes and a secured monitoring system that records all transactions by items such as part number, serial number (when applicable), and quantity shipped.c. Automation and use of an electronic signature on FAA Form 8130-3 is allowed by all persons who issue the form; however, using automation and electronic signature does not relieve the designee or person authorized to issue FAA Form 8130-3 from verifying that the product or article conforms to FAA-approved design data and is in a condition for safe operation.Chapter 2. Domestic Airworthiness Approvals2-1. General Information on Domestic Airworthiness Approvals.a. FAA Form 8130-3 is the preferred method for documenting the approval of products and articles considered approved by the Administrator. The FAA recommends that each PAH include FAA Form 8130-3 for all eligible product and article shipments. This will help the aviation authorities and the industry to ensure complete traceability, and ease the movement of products and articles through the aviation system. The PAH authorized representative is encouraged to issue FAA Form 8130-3 with each shipment while minimizing the quantity of forms for bulk shipments (for example, 500 turbine blades shipped on 1 form vs. 500 forms). Issuing FAA Form 8130-3 with all eligible product and article shipments enables the end users to determine airworthiness approval status of the products and articles. Only an FAA ASI or authorized designee/delegation is authorized to issue FAA Form 8130-3 for this function. Except as provided in paragraphs 2-2 and 2-6 of this order, products and articles not produced under an FAA production approval are not eligible to receive an FAA Form 8130-3. FAA Form 8130-3 does not constitute approval to install a product or article on a particular aircraft, aircraft engine, or propeller.b. FAA Form 8130-3 must be completed as described in paragraph 2-8 of this order.c. FAA Form 8130-3 must be correlated with the shipment. Additional copies of the original FAA Form 8130-3 may be provided upon request.d. If FAA Form 8130-3 is issued as an airworthiness approval of a new product or article (this is to include conformity inspections, prepositioning, and splitting of bulk shipments), the issuer should retain a copy of FAA Form 8130-3 for no less than 5 years.e. The copies of FAA Form 8100-1, Conformity Inspection Report (FAA Form 8100-1), and FAA Form 8130-3 may be retained in their original paper format or in a secure database, provided the database contains all of the information required on FAA Form 8130-3. An acceptable means of compliance is provided in AC 21-35 or AC 120-78, Acceptance and Use of Electronic Signatures, Electronic Recordkeeping Systems, and Electronic Manuals (when applicable). Duplicates of FAA Form 8130-3, including signatures retained in a database, do not need to be graphic images of the original documents.f. Unique identification is required to enable or provide product or article traceability. The preferred method is a unique form tracking number in Block 3. However, if traceability is provided through other information on the form combined with a number in Block 3, this is also acceptable.g. The signature of the person authorized to issue FAA Form 8130-3 may be applied electronically to Block 15 from domestic or international locations. With the exception of paragraphs 2-9 and 2-10(b), at the time the signature is authorized to be placed on FAA Form 8130-3, the person whose signature appears on the form must have direct access to the product or article to verify that it conforms to FAA-approved design data and is in a condition for safe operation.10/26/2009 8130.21G NOTE: The time and location of the authorization of the form issuance may bedifferent from the time and location of the printing of the form.h. In the case where a product or article is presented for inspection for the issuance ofFAA Form 8130-3, and the product or article is sealed in a package that does not afford a visibleinspection, the authorized person must request to see the objective evidence to determine that theappropriate inspections were conducted and approved before the issuance of FAA Form 8130-3.i. Products or articles received without an FAA Form 8130-3 must not be commingledwith those received with FAA Form 8130-3. This is to preclude shipment of products andarticles that were not received with an original FAA Form 8130-3. When more than one productor article is listed on a supplemental FAA Form 8130-3, the product or article does not need tobe from the same quantity or shipment, as long as it was received with an original FAA Form8130-3 and traceability has been maintained.j. The User/Installer Responsibilities statements may be placed on either side of the form.If the statements are placed on the back side of the form, a note in Block 13 must reference thatfact. When copies of the forms are generated, these statements must be provided with the copies.2-2. Conformity Inspections. When requested on FAA Form 8120-10, Request for Conformity(FAA Form 8120-10), FAA Form 8130-3 is used to ship a prototype product or article. Anynonconformities/deviations relative to the product or article conformity inspection must haveprior aircraft certification office (ACO)/designated engineering representative (DER), ODA, orFAA project manager acknowledgement of disposition. Before signing FAA Form 8130-3, anynonconformities/deviations must be appropriately acknowledged and dispositioned and beannotated in Block 13. Only an FAA ASI or authorized designee/delegation is permitted to signthe form. (Refer to figure 2-1 of this order.) When the request for conformity includes aquantity of articles in excess of those articles subject to the required certification, the tag forthose excess articles should indicate they are prepositioned.10/26/2009 8130.21G Figure 2-1. Sample FAA Form 8130-3 for a Conformity Inspection2-3. Domestic Airworthiness Approval of New Products (Aircraft Engines and Propellers).a. FAA Form 8130-3 can be issued for domestic shipments to identify the airworthinessapproval status of new products produced under the provisions of 14 CFR part 21. The use ofFAA Form 8130-3 for this purpose is optional, but the FAA recommends its use. When used foran airworthiness approval for new products (engines or propellers), the following statement mustbe entered: “AIRWORTHINESS APPROVAL — ENGINE [or PROPELLER].” (Refer tofigure 2-2 of this order.)Figure 2-2. Sample FAA Form 8130-3for Domestic Airworthiness Approval for an Engineb. Authorized FAA ASIs, persons with the appropriate function codes in accordance with Order 8100.8 when authorized by their COA, and persons authorized in accordance withOrder 8100.15 may perform this function for new products. These persons must determine that the product meets the FAA-approved design data and is in a condition for safe operation before issuing FAA Form 8130-3. FAA Form 8100-1 will be used to document the conformity inspections.c. An FAA Form 8130-3 for domestic shipments of products to identify airworthiness approval cannot be used as an export approval. Exporters must meet the applicable requirements of 14 CFR part 21, subpart L, Export Airworthiness Approvals (refer to chapter 4 of this order).2-4. Domestic Airworthiness Approval of New Articles.a. FAA Form 8130-3 can be issued for domestic shipments to identify the airworthiness approval status of new articles produced by an FAA-approved PAH under the provisions of14 CFR part 21. The use of FAA Form 8130-3 for this purpose is optional, but the FAA recommends its use. (Refer to figure 2-3 of this order.)Figure 2-3. Sample FAA Form 8130-3 for Domestic Airworthiness Approvalfor a New Product or Article (Packing List)b. A person must determine that the article meets the FAA-approved design data and is in a condition for safe operation before issuing FAA Form 8130-3. The FAA managing office must make the determination of whether an FAA Form 8100-1 has to be completed for each FAA Form 8130-3 issued based on the PAH’s quality system’s health and/or the designee’s previous history, experience, or performance, or if the information can be stored and retrieved in another format (for example, electronic database).c. Standard parts produced under a production approval are eligible for the issuance of an FAA Form 8130-3 airworthiness approval. Use of FAA Form 8130-3 for this purpose is recommended, but not mandatory. The inclusion of FAA Form 8130-3 helps document the airworthiness and traceability of the standard part.d. Issuance of FAA Form 8130-3 as an airworthiness approval does not constitute an export approval, because compliance with a specific country’s special import requirements may not have been verified.e. An original FAA Form 8130-3 to document airworthiness approvals may be issued at PAH facilities, including PAH suppliers and associate facilities identified in the PAH’s approved procedures. The form also may be issued by a designated person at PAH suppliers with direct shipment authorization or associate facilities outside the United States, if the FAA finds there is no undue burden associated with the form’s issuance.f. FAA Form 8130-3 will not be issued by non-PAH suppliers for products or articles shipped to their PAH’s facilities for use on production products or for proof of the PAH’s source inspection requirements at suppliers. If, however, the supplier has its own production approval for the products and articles, and the products and articles are part of another PAH’s higher level design, then FAA Form 8130-3 may be issued.2-5. Domestic Airworthiness Approval of New Products and Articles at 14 CFR Part 121 and Part 135 Certificate Holders, and 14 CFR Part 145 Certificated Repair Stations.a. New products and articles at repair stations certificated under 14 CFR part 145 (Repair Stations), the holder of a U.S. air carrier certificate operating under 14 CFR part 121 (Operating Requirements: Domestic, Flag, and Supplemental Operations), or 14 CFR part 135 (Operating Requirements: Commuter and On Demand Operations and Rules Governing Persons On Board Such Aircraft), with an approved continued airworthiness maintenance program, may be eligible to have an FAA Form 8130-3 issued as a domestic airworthiness approval. All other approvals must be issued in accordance with the appropriate chapter of this order.b. When completing FAA Form 8130-3, the name and address of the organization where FAA Form 8130-3 was issued must be documented in Block 4, along with the PAH’s name in Block 13. (Refer to figure 2-4 and paragraph 2-8 of this order.)Figure 2-4. Sample FAA Form 8130-3 for Airworthiness Approval When Issuedat a Distributor Facility2-6. Prepositioned Products and Articles.a. General. FAA Form 8130-3 may be used to identify airworthiness approval status of prepositioned products or articles before type certificate (TC)/supplemental type certificate (STC) approval.b. Applicability. Eligible products and articles are production products and articles that are conformed as part of an FAA certification project, and produced under a production certificate (PC) holder’s FAA-approved quality system in accordance with 14 CFR part 21, subpart G, Production Certificates, or subpart F, Production Under Type Certification Only.c. System Requirements. The PC holder must have a procedure that tracks the configuration of the product or article from the manufacturer through shipment until the TC/STC is issued. The procedures must be adequate to ensure that the requirements of § 21.146(b)and (c) are met.。

IMI Cornelius Pinnacle Ice Bank 2和4口味制作设备说明书

IMI Cornelius Pinnacle Ice Bank 2和4口味制作设备说明书

UNIT PART NO.561490XXX 2 FL Integral 561491XXX 2 FL Remote 561492XXX 4 FL Integral 561493XXX 4 FL Remote 561494XXX 2 FL Integral Export 561480XXX 2 FL Integral, Tall 561481XXX 2 FL Remote, T all561482XXX 4 FL Integral, Tall 561483XXX 4 FL Remote, T all IMI CORNELIUS INC. Manual Part No. 620920802IPL Revision Date: April 23, 2007 Revision: H FCB Pinnacle Illustrated Parts List ©IMI Cornelius, Inc., 2004–2007ILLUSTRATED PARTS LIST 2 AND 4 FLAVOR FCB PINNACLEIMI CORNELIUS INC.1Manual Part No. 620920802IPL Release Date: April 23, 2007Revision: HFCB Pinnacle Illustrated Parts List ©IMI Cornelius, Inc., 2004–2007Table of FiguresFIGURE 1. Ice Bank Components 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 2. Blendonator Assembly 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 3. Integral Unit Refrigeration System 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 4. Remote Unit Refrigeration System 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 5. Cladding 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 6. Drip Tray Components 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 7. Emerson Freeze Cylinder Components 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 8. Baldor Freeze Cylinder Components 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 9. Freeze Door Assembly 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 10. Motorman Valve Assembly 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 11. Product Tray Components 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 12. CO2 Line and Regulator Components 12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 13. Secondary CO2 Regulator Components 12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 14. CO2 Regulator Components 13. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 15. Water Line Components 2 Flavor 13. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 16. Water Line Components 4 Flavor 14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 17. Water Inlet Components 14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 18. Syrup Inlet Components 15. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 19. Product Line 1 Components 15. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 20. Product Line 2 Components 15. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 21. Product Line 3 Components 16. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 22. Product Line 4 Components 16. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 23. Brix Line 1 Components 17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 24. Brix Line 2 Components 17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 25. Brix Line 3 Components 17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 26. Brix Line 4 Components 17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 27. Brix Assembly 18. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 28. Brix Valve Assembly 19. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 29. Contact Box Assembly 20. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 30. 4FL Control Box Assembly 21. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 31. 2FL Control Box Assembly 21. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 32. Top Cover Assembly 22. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 33. Merchandiser Assembly 23. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IMI CORNELIUS INC.2Manual Part No. 620920802IPL Revision Date: April 23, 2007Revision: HFCB Pinnacle Illustrated Parts List ©IMI Cornelius, Inc., 2004–2007212421FIGURE 1. ICE BANK COMPONENTSItem No.Part No.Name1325282000Screw SD 8-18 HXWS 162317691000Fitg L-Barb 3/8-Barb x 1/4-MPT 3309852000Clamp4560006093T ank Water Bath 5560006094Brkt Wire Blendonator 6560002205Brkt Sensor Ice Bath 72598Probe Assy Ice Bank 8560006216Rod Supp Coil Retr 9560004527Coil Refrig Water Bath 10309510000Spacer Evap 11331309000Screw SM 8 TRPH 1612620049162Brkt Agitator Motor131********Tube Vinyl .375 I.D. (Sold by Foot)14560002226Cover Water Bath RHItem No.Part No.Name155********Cover Water Bath LH 16560002325T ank Blendonator Assy (Fig 2)175********Coil Prod Assy RH 185********Coil Prod Assy LH 19186154000Screw SE 08-36 PAPH 1220186294000Washer Lk .262 I.D.21186116000Nut Hex 1/4-2022186216000Blade Agit 3-Bld 23186599000Slinger Water24560002354Motor Agit 15W 230/5/6 1500RPM 25560003342Spacer Valve Wtr Bath 26560003274Valve Level Cntl27560002311Fitg Push 3/8 Stem x 1/4NPT 28560004283Valve Solnd Rfg CylIMI CORNELIUS INC.3Manual Part No. 620920802IPL Revision Date: April 23, 2007Revision: HFCB Pinnacle Illustrated Parts List ©IMI Cornelius, Inc., 2004–2007Item No.Part No.Name560002325T ank Blendonator Assy 14589T ank Carb Assy 2560002369Cover Blendonator 34597Retainer Cover Carb 4180353888Valve Relief Assy 54591O-Ring 6629087547Kit, Float Switch 7560002370Blendonator Float Stem 8560002286O-Ring 1.41 I.D.9174029000Tube Poly .375 I.D. (Sold by Foot)Item No.Part No.Name104911Valve Chk11560004293Fitg Push L 3/8 x 5/16 Stem 12560002318Fitg Push 3/8 x 1/4 Flare 135********Fitg Reducer 3/4-Barb x 3/8-Barb 14560004864Diffuser 155********Baffle16174029000Tube Poly .375 I.D. (Sold by Foot)173********Clamp 187********Clip Locking 1948114011ClampIMI CORNELIUS INC.4Manual Part No. 620920802IPL Revision Date: April 23, 2007Revision: HFCB Pinnacle Illustrated Parts List ©IMI Cornelius, Inc., 2004–20077Item No.Part No.Name1325282000Screw SD 8-18 HXWS 162360174000Tie Cable3325993000Parker Solenoid Pull 24V 4560006450Heat Exchg Assy 5620608601Filter Dryer 6560002216Tube Inlet 7560003423Valve Expan Solnd8325574000Parker Valve Hot Gas Solnd Refg 9560003970Clip Spring 1/2 T emp Sensor 10560005495Kit Thermistor 11560006505Cond Coil 12560006072Fan13560007212Shroud CondItem No.Part No.Name14560006919620608608620608612Air FilterExtended Length Air Filter Filter Assy w/ T ab 156********Brkt Corner Fan Shroud 166********Brkt Fan Shroud173********Screw TC 10–32 PAPH 12 STZI 23183609Spacer 193608Grommet2020223008Washer Ft .375 I.D.2170752Bolt MA 5/16-18 HX 6422560006054Kit Comp 1-1/4HP 240V 60HZ 560006053Kit Comp 1-1/4HP 230V 50HZ 23560003971Clip Spring 3/8 T emp Sensor 24629091023Kit Sporlan Hot Gas Valve Assembly 25620313723Sporlan Solenoid CoilIMI CORNELIUS INC.5Manual Part No. 620920802IPL Revision Date: April 23, 2007Revision: HFCB Pinnacle Illustrated Parts List ©IMI Cornelius, Inc., 2004–2007Item No.Part No.Name1325282000Screw SD 8-18 HXWS 162360174000Tie Cable3309913011Coupling Rfg 3/8 x 1-1/164309919000Flange Mtg 3/853********Accumulator6325993000Parker Solenoid Pull 24V 7560006450Heat Exchg Assy 8620608601Filter Dryer 9560002216Tube Inlet10560003970Clip Spring 1/2 T emp Sensor 11560005495Kit Thermistor 12560003423Valve Expan SolndItem No.Part No.Name133********Parker Valve Hot Gas Solnd Refg14560005496Flange Rfg 155********Coupling Rfg166********Kit Ref Pressure Switch 173609Spacer 183608Grommet1920223008Washer Ft .375 I.D.2070752Bolt MA 5/16-18 HX 6421560006054Kit Comp 1-1/4HP 240V 60HZ 560006053Kit Comp 1-1/4HP 230V 50HZ 22560003971Clip Spring 3/8 T emp Sensor 23629091023Kit Sporlan Hot Gas Valve Assembly 24620313723Sporlan Solenoid CoilIMI CORNELIUS INC.6Manual Part No. 620920802IPL Revision Date: April 23, 2007Revision: HFCB Pinnacle Illustrated Parts List ©IMI Cornelius, Inc., 2004–2007Item No.Part No.Name13108Screw TC 10-32 PAPH 322560003823Door Frz Cyl Assy Motorman (Fig 56000382410)Door Frz Cyl Assy Delta 560003825Door Frz Cyl Assy Delta Door Frz Cyl Assy Lancer 3620709413Pin Hinge4620052077Brkt Support LH Hinge 5620052078Brkt Support RH Hinge 6398034400Pin Hitch7560006577560006576Merchandiser Door Asy (2FL) Fig 33Merchandiser Door Asy (4FL) Fig 338560006579Cover Assy T op (2FL) Fig 32560006578Cover Assy T op (4FL) Fig 329560006427Panel Splash Valve Fnt (2FL)560006537Panel Splash Valve Fnt (4FL)10560006607Spacer11560007210560007211560006471560006571Panel Splash Front (2FL)Panel Splash Front (4FL)Panel Splash Front, T all (2FL)Panel Splash Front, T all (4FL)12316753000Nut Push1371010Washer Retaining 143247Spacer1571085Screw MA 8-32 TRPH 4016560003670Gasket 4” Dia17620050716620050752620050753620050754Panel, Side, Left, SST Panel, Side, Left, Black Panel, Side, Left, White Panel, Side, Left, BeigeItem No.Part No.Name18620050715620050757620050756620050755Panel, Side, Right SST Panel, Side, Right Black Panel, Side, Right White Panel, Side, Right Beige620052326Panel Back Upper SST (2FL) Int 19620052328620052327Panel Back Upper Black (2FL) Int Panel Back Upper White (2FL) Int Panel Back Upper Beige (2FL)Int 620052329Panel Back Upper Beige (2FL) Int Panel Back Upper SST (4FL)Int 620052340Panel Back Upper SST (4FL) Int 620052339Panel Back Upper Black (4FL) Int 620052337620052338Panel Back Upper White (4FL) Int Panel Back Upper Beige (4FL) Int Panel Back Upper SST (2FL)Rmt 560006477S gPanel Back Upper SST (2FL) Rmt Panel Back Upper Black (2FL)Rmt 560006677Panel Back Upper Black (2FL) Rmt 560006678Panel Back Upper White (2FL) Rmt 560006665560006501S Panel Back Upper Beige (2FL) Rmt Panel Back Upper SST (4FL) Rmt P l B k U Bl k (4FL)R t 560006679pp ()Panel Back Upper Black (4FL) Rmt Panel Back Upper White (4FL)Rmt 560006680560006662Panel Back Upper White (4FL) Rmt Panel Back Upper Beige (4FL) Rmt 20560006478S Panel Back Lower SST (2FL)560006681560006682Panel Back Lower Black (2FL)Panel Back Lower White (2FL)Panel Back Lower Beige (2FL)560006666Panel Back Lower Beige (2FL)Panel Back Lower SST (4FL)620052365Panel Back Lower SST (4FL)620052364Panel Back Lower Black (4FL)620052366620052363Panel Back Lower White (4FL)Panel Back Lower Beige (4FL)620717703620407913Tube Drain Line (not shown)Tube Drain Line, T all (not shown)IMI CORNELIUS INC.7Manual Part No. 620920802IPL Revision Date: April 23, 2007Revision: HFCB Pinnacle Illustrated PartsList©IMI Cornelius, Inc., 2004–2007Five Inch Deep Drip Tray 2 Flavor4 FlavorItem No.Part No.Part 1620517148620517149Drip Tray 2620708531620708529Cup Rest 3620052082620052083Drip Tray Support Bracket Asy 4620051266620051266Drip Tray Bracket Lt 5620051297620051297Drip Tray Bracket Rt 6321503000Bullet Latch 7316753000Push NutEight Inch Deep Drip Tray 2 Flavor4 FlavorItem No.Part No.Part 1325983039325990039Drip Tray 2325982000325992000Cup Rest 3620052082620052083Drip Tray Support Bracket Asy 8325984000325991000Drip Tray Frame 325985000Drip Tray Bracket (notshown)IMI CORNELIUS INC.8Manual Part No. 620920802IPL Revision Date: April 23, 2007Revision: HFCB Pinnacle Illustrated Parts List ©IMI Cornelius, Inc., 2004–2007121110562784913131415FIGURE 7. EMERSON FREEZE CYLINDER COMPONENTSItem No.Part No.Name1318418000Washer Ft .312 I.D.2560007018Gasket Back3560003275Nut Hex 5/16–184560007015Gasket Back Cyl5629087564Magnet Drive Kit Emerson 6560007145Foam Pack Kit7629087566Stator Motor DC Drive Kit EmersonItem No.Part No.Name8560004533Gasket Stator9560007016Gasket Back Motor10560003823Door Frz Cyl Assy Motorman (Fig 10)11560002222Body Beater Freeze Cyl 12560002223 Blade Scraper Freeze Cy 136******** Kit Thermostat Repl 14620046135Drive Key15560004289Bushing for Magnet Drive AssyIMI CORNELIUS INC.9Manual Part No. 620920802IPL Revision Date: April 23, 2007Revision: HFCB Pinnacle Illustrated Parts List ©IMI Cornelius, Inc., 2004–200712117213614891310415FIGURE 8. BALDOR FREEZE CYLINDER COMPONENTSItem No.Part No.Name1318418000Washer Ft .312 I.D.2569030115Cap End Assy w/ Hall Board Kit Baldor3560003275Nut Hex 5/16–184560003421Gasket Panel Accs Bck 5560003694Gasket Back Cyl 6561600112Magnet Drive Kit Baldor 7560007145Foam Pack Freeze CylItem No.Part No.Name8629087565Stator Motor DC Drive Kit Baldor9560004533Gasket Stator10629088368Kit Thermostat Repl11560003823Door Frz Cyl Assy Motorman (Fig 10)12560002222Body Beater Freeze Cyl 135********Blade Scraper Freeze Cyl 14620046135Drive Key15560004289Bushing for Magnet Drive AssyItem No.Part No.NameDispense Valve Assy Motorman 11557Dispense Valve Assy, Motorman (Fig 10)(Fig 10)2560002224Door Frz Cyl 3560002422Nut Acrn 5/16–184560002367O–Ring 3.44 I.D.5560002272Shaft Pivot Faceplate 6325954000Stem Assy 7325936000Spacer Val8321652000Nut Shank (Not Shown)92392Bushing Split 10560003272Washer Ft .344 I.D.FIGURE 9. FREEZE DOOR ASSEMBLYItemNo.Part No.Name11556Body Valve w/Stop21554Body Valve31576Housing Spring 41575Retainer Spring Valve 5325305000Spring T orsion 6321651000Lever Valve 71555Knob White8325647000Spring Housing Retainer 9317784000Screw TC 08–18 TRPH 16102818O–Ring Caged 11321653000O–Ring .862 I.D.121544Spring Compression 131543Tube Release89FIGURE 10. MOTORMAN VALVE ASSEMBLY181013FIGURE 11. PRODUCT TRAY COMPONENTSItemNo.Part 1200498003Nut Hex 8-322Assy CO2 Line (Fig 12) 3178025100Gasket 1/4 Male Flare4Tube Assy Syr Inlet (Fig 18) 5Assy Prod Line No. 1 (Fig 19) 6Assy Prod Line No. 2 (Fig 20) 7Assy Prod Line No. 3 (Fig 21)ItemNo.Part 8Assy Prod Line No. 4 (Fig 22) 9186768000Nut Hex 7/16-20 10560003493Switch Press CO2 30-50PSI 114416Fitg Elbow12560002164Pump and Mot 230V 50/60HZ 135********Brkt CO2Item No.Part No.Name1178025100Gasket 1/4 Male Flare 2560002339Clip Flow Bend3560006491Tube Prod .250 I.D. (4FL)560006483Tube Prod .250 I.D. (2FL)4560006492Tube Prod .250 I.D. (4FL)560006507Tube Prod .250 I.D. (2FL)5560006522Reg CO 2 Assy (4FL) (Fig 13)560006422Reg CO 2Assy (2FL) (Fig 13)6560006490Tube Prod .250 I.D. (4FL)560006458Tube Prod .250 I.D. (2FL)3FIGURE 12. CO 2Item No.Part No.Name560006522Reg CO 2 Assy (4FL)560006422Reg CO 2 Assy (2FL)1183047000Fitg Stght 1/4-MPT Gage 60-PSI 2183061000Fitg Stght 1/4-MPT x 7/16-203183068000Fitg L 1/4-NPT 4183287000Gage 60-PSI 5183301100Valve Chk Assy6183446016Reg S Sq 30-PSI (Fig 14)7314700000Fitg T 1/4-MPT x 1/4 Male Flare (4FL)187485000Fitg L1/4-MPT x 1/4-MF4 FLAVOR SHOWNFIGURE 13. SECONDARY CO 2 REGULATOR COMPONENTSItemNo.Part 183446016Reg S Sq 30-PSI1183099000Kit Repair Reg Secondary2183560016Reg S SqFIGURE 14. CO2 REGULATOR COMPONENTSItemNo.Part 1620708970Tube Poly .250 I.D. (Sold by Foot)2750300160Fitg Push T ee 3/8 x 1/43620708970Tube Poly .250 I.D. (Sold by Foot)4560003966Tube Poly .170 I.D. (Sold by Foot)FIGURE 15. WATER LINE COMPONENTS 2 FLAVORRIGHT SIDE LEFT SIDE FIGURE 16. WATER LINE COMPONENTS 4 FLAVORItemNo.Part 1750300157Fitg Push Y 3/8 2750300160Fitg Push T ee 3/8 x 1/4ItemNo.Part 4560003966Tube Poly .170 I.D. (Sold by Foot) 5620708970Tube Poly .250 I.D. (Sold by Foot)ItemNo.Part 177083101Fitg 3/8-Barb x 1/4-Nut277062100Fitg T 1/4-Barb x 3/83311035000Strainer Wtr4560003391Reg Press Wtr 1.65-GPM5560002411Switch Press Wtr6174292000Tube Flexcor .375 I.D. (Sold byFoot)7620708970Tube Poly .250 I.D. (Sold by Foot)FIGURE 17. WATER INLET COMPONENTSItemNo.Part 1178025100Gasket 1/4 Male Flare 277010400Fitg Nipl .265 I.D. x 1/4 Flare Nut3620708970Tube Poly .250 I.D. (Sold by Foot)4560005312Fitg T7/16-20 x 1/8-FPT577010100Nut Swiv 7/16-206312926000Clamp7560006424Switch Press SyrFIGURE 18. SYRUP INLET COMPONENTSItemNo.Part 1750700502Clip Locking 3/82560002317Fitg Push 3/8 x 1/43560002339Clip Flow Bend4560001826Valve Chk Dual Chud5620708970Tube Poly .250 I.D. (Sold by Foot)4 FLAVOR 2 FLAVORFIGURE 19. PRODUCT LINE 1 COMPONENTSItemNo.Part 1750700502Clip Locking 3/8 2620708970Tube Poly .250 I.D. (Sold by Foot)3560002317Fitg Push 3/8 x 1/44560002339Clip Flow Bend5560001826Valve Chk Dual Chud4 FLAVOR 2 FLAVORFIGURE 20. PRODUCT LINE 2 COMPONENTSNo.Part 1750700502Clip Locking 3/82620708970Tube Poly .250 I.D. (Sold by Foot)3560002317Fitg Push 3/8 x 1/44560002339Clip Flow Bend5560001826Valve Chk Dual ChudFIGURE 21. PRODUCT LINE 3 COMPONENTS Array ItemNo.Part 1750700502Clip Locking 3/82620778970Tube Poly .250 I.D. (Sold by Foot)3560002317Fitg Push 3/8 x 1/43 4560002339Clip Flow Bend5560001826Valve Chk Dual ChudFIGURE 22. PRODUCT LINE 4 COMPONENTSItem No.Part No.Name1Brix Assy (Fig 27)2560002339Clip Flow Bend3560006494Tube Conn .250 I.D. x 72” (4FL)560006861Tube Conn .250 I.D. x 55” (2FL)4560006495Tube Conn .250 I.D. x 9” (4FL)560006860Tube Conn .250 I.D. x 8” (2FL)Item No.Part 1Brix Assy (Fig 27)2560002339Clip Flow Bend3560006494Tube Conn .250 I.D. x 72” (4FL)560006866Tube Conn .250 I.D. x 58” (2FL)4560006496Tube Conn .250 I.D. x 14” (4FL)560006865Tube Conn .250 I.D. x 12” (2FL)FIGURE 24. BRIX LINE 2 COMPONENTSItem No.Part 1Brix Assy (Fig 27)2560002339Clip Flow Bend3560006494Tube Conn .250 I.D. x 72”4560006496Tube Conn .250 I.D. x 14”Item No.Part 1Brix Assy (Fig 27)2560002339Clip Flow Bend3560006494Tube Conn .250 I.D. x 72”4560006495Tube Conn .250 I.D. x 9”FIGURE 26. BRIX LINE 4 COMPONENTSItem No.Part No.Name1560002991Valve Chk7/16-202319941000Screw TR 8-32 HXWS 123750700502Clip Locking 3/84560002318Fitg Push 3/8 x 1/45560003876620608746Valve Solnd Assy Syr (Fig 28)Valve Solnd Assy Syr, Cont Duty (Fig 28)62469620046352Retainer Module BrixRetainer Module Brix, Cont Duty 7560006482Tube Prod Assy (Includes #11–13)8560003875620608747Valve Solnd Assy Wtr (Fig 28)Valve Solnd Assy Wtr, Cont Duty (Fig 28)9560006423620052826Brkt Mtg Val BrixBracket Mtg Valve Brix, Cont Duty 10620313706620516667Solenoid CoverSolenoid Cover, Cont Duty 11620708970Tube Poly .250 I.D. (Sold by Foot)1277900500Manif U 1/4-Barb 13309854000Clamp629088599Kit, Cont Duty Solenoid, 1 FL (Not Shown)FIGURE 27. BRIX ASSEMBLYFIGURE 28. BRIX VALVE ASSEMBLY ItemNo.Part 560003875 560003876 620608746 620608747Valve Solnd Assy WtrValve Solnd Assy SyrValve Solnd Assy Wtr, Cont Duty Valve Solnd Assy Syr, Cont Duty12356Block Valve21319Body Valve30837Screw SM 06 TB PAPH 20 4310754011Piston Wtr Reg310480011Piston Syr Reg 5317431011Cylinder Flo Cntl 6310482000Spring Reg Syrup 7317816000O-Ring .676 I.D. 8310632051Screw Adj Syr and Wtr Reg ItemNo.Part 91318Housing Flo Cntl 10180025000O-Ring .364 I.D. 11309992000Cap Slv12309991000Knob Adjusting Flow131545Retainer Housing Flo Cntl Val 141081Screw TT 08-16 16150024620313722Solenoid Pull 24V.Solenoid Pull 24V, Cont Duty 16187188000Screw SE 08-32 PAPH 08 173********Arm Solenoid186********Spring Compsn Conical Solenoid 19311355000Valve InletFIGURE 29. CONTACT BOX ASSEMBLYItem No.Part No.Name13595Strap, Capacitor 270055Clip, Tinnerman 3309473000Relay, 24V DPDT 4320389000Bushing, Snap, 687 I.D.620710726Transformer 208/240V 60HZ – 24V 5620710725Transformer 208/240V 60HZ 24V Transformer 230V 50HZ – 24V 560002376Relay, Start Comp 60HZ 6560002375Relay, Start Comp 50HZ 560002378Capacitor Start, 60HZ 7560002377Capacitor Start, 50HZ 560002380Capacitor 8560002379, Run, 60HZ Capacitor , Run, 50HZItem No.Part No.Name9560002627Bushing, Snap, 1.3 I.D.10560003950Support, PC Board11560003953Filter , Single Phase RFI (50HZ only)12620050551Cover, Electric Box, RH Rear (4FL)136********Cover, Electric Box, LH Rear 14620313255Switch, Safety Circuit 156********Box, Electrical Box, LH 166********Box, Electrical Box, RH (4FL)176********Board, Control Thermostat 18620920905Label, T–stat Reset SwitchItemNo.Part No.Name1313736000Clip Guide2312251000Screw TR 10-24 PAPH 123560003948Bushing Snap4560003949Wrap Shielding Ctrl Box 5560003950Support PC Board65600047420150Fan Muffin 4-1/2” 230V 15W (4FL)Fan Cage 230V 9W (2FL)560006516Box Elec Control (4FL Baldor)7Box Elec Control (4FL Baldor)560006065620043272Box Elec Control (4FL Emerson)Box Elec Control (2FL Baldor)B El C t l (2FL E )620043247()Box Elec Control (2FL Emerson)8620314831Board Circ Main9560007539Board Circ Oper Interface 10560007541Board Circ Prod DeliveryItemNo.Part No.Name560002362Board Circ DC Inverter (Baldor)11560006084Board Circ DC Inverter (Emerson)12560002364Switch T ouch Membrane560006517Cover Box Cntl RH (4FL)13Cover Box Cntl RH (4FL)Cover Box Cntl (2FL Baldor old style)560006417Cover Box Cntl (2FL Baldor, old style)14560006518Cover Box Cntl LH (4FL)153********Bushing Snap 16325925000Support PC Board 175********Gasket Operator Interface 185********Holder Fuse Panel Mount 19620313517Fuse 1.6A Slo Blow 20620314612Indicator LED 21560001783Door Latch22319941000Screw TR 8–32 HXWS 12 STZI12FIGURE 30. 4FL CONTROL BOX ASSEMBLY FIGURE 31. 2FL CONTROL BOX ASSEMBLYWire Harnesses (Not Shown)560003278Harness, Phone Lines 560002171Harness, Main Display Board 560006071Harness, Low Volt, Emerson 560006070Harness, High Volt, Emerson 560007148Inverter to Product Delivery #1,Emerson560007149Inverter to Product Delivery #2,Emerson620316491Harness, In–rush Protection, Emerson 560006412Harness, High Voltage, Baldor 560006413Harness, Low Voltage, BaldorWire Harnesses (Not Shown)560002148Inverter to Product Delivery, Baldor 620317419Harness, Hall Sensor Replacement,Baldor560006463Harness, Pressure Switch (Remote Only)560004781Harness, Main Power to Contactor 620317401Harness, Main Power to Contactor (Export)620316479Harness, Control Board to Reset Switch620316480Harness, Control Board to ThermostatsItem No.Part No.Name560006578Cover Assy T op (4FL)560006579Cover Assy T op (2FL)1560006581Cover T op (4FL)560006556Cover T op (2FL)2560006562Brkt Clip RH Top 3560006561Brkt Clip LH T op 4317656039Grille Black 5317658000Nut Push .188 Stud 6620700101Rivet Pop .125 Dia.FIGURE 32. TOP COVER ASSEMBLY11 FIGURE 33. MERCHANDISER ASSEMBLYItemNo.Part 560006576Merchandiser Assy (4FL)560006577Merchandiser Assy (2FL) 12098Clip Bulb270171Screw MA 8-32 TRPH 12 3189429000Nut Hex 1/4-20 4313736000Clip Guide570153Screw MA 6-32 RDPH 24 6620700101Rivet Pop .125 Dia. 7360174000Tie Cable8560002627Bushing Snap9560006591Indicator10318036000Nut Push .125 Stud (for #20) 11560006557Support Inner Merch (4FL) 560006435Support Inner Merch (2FL) 12330181000Nut Hex 6-32 135********Merchndsr Door (4FL)560006590Merchndsr Door (2FL) 14560006652Panel Backup Reflector (4FL) 560006862Panel Backup Reflector (2FL) 155********Guide Lens Merch 16560006584Lens Support (4FL)560006473Lens Support (2FL) 175********Lens Clear (4FL)560006474Lens Clear (2FL)ItemNo.Part 186********Brkt Hinge LH Merch 19620049177Brkt Hinge RH Merch 20560006589Display Flavor Card Holder 21560006594Lamp Holder Selflock 22560006595Ballast Rapid 120/277V 50/60HZ 23560006596Bulb Flour24560006654Brkt Bottom Reflector 25560001783Latch Door26620709907Rivet Pop .188 Dia. 27560006559Screw TF 4 PAPH 12 28560006563Harness Jumper Ballast Merch (NotShown)29560006592Harness Wiring Merch 30560006593Brkt Support Merch 31560006653Brkt T op Reflector (4FL)560006863Brkt T op Reflector (2FL)3270076Nut Hex 8-32560006864Price Wing Lens (Not Shown)560006600Price Wing (Not Shown) 33560006560Plastic Pushmounts 34560007562Light Bulb Install Label 35620200805Pad Foam w/ Adhesive。



Abbreciation........Note........Chinese........Remark........8D........8.Discipline.Report........8D.报告prehensive.team-based.corrective.action.plan.for.objectively.identifying,.qua ntifying.and.resolving.process.and.product.quality.issuesA........ABS........Anti-lock.Break.System........防抱死制动系统................ABS+T................防抱死制动系统+循迹系统................ACI........Automatic.Car.Identification.System........汽车自动识别系统........ ........APQP........Advanced.Product.Quality.Planning........产品质量先期策划........ ........AQL........Approval.Quality.Level........品质允收水准........C=0/AQL=04 ........APQP........Advanced.Product.and..Quality.Planning.........先期质量策划........ ........ASC................加速防滑控制品................ASD........Approval.Supplier.Database........合格供应商名录................ASES........Alliance.Supplier.Evaluation.Standard........................ASM................动态稳定系统................ASN........Advance.Shipping.Notification........................ASR................加速防滑系统................ASSY........Assembly........装配................A-TRC................车身主动循迹控制系统................AVL........Approved.Vendor.List........被Intier客户和Intier批准的供应商名单........ ........AYC................主动偏行系统........B........BAS................制动辅助系统................BDAR........Business.Development.Activity.Request........................BOM........Bill.Of.Material........材料清单........C........CAputer.Aided.Design........计算机辅助设计................CAPEX........SCAPital.Expenditure................"ed.for.controlling.progra m.budget.during.and.after.an.APQP.program"'s........Critical.Characteristics........关键特性................CDL........Control.Door.Lock........控制门锁................CER........Capital.Expenditure.Request...固定资产投资申请........"CER.is.a.capital.expenditure.application.package.that.alldivisions.of.Intier.Group.are.requested.to.fill.out.when.there.is.a.new.program.and/or.capi tal.investment"........CFT........Cross.Functional.Team........跨部门小组................CFR................成本加运费(……指定目的港)................CIF........Cost.Insurance&Freight........到岸价................CIP................运费、保险费付至(……指定目的港)................CMK........Capability.of.Machine.Index........设备能力指数................Change.Notice........更改通知........pany.Operating.Procedure........公司营运程序................CP.........Control.Plan........控制计划................CPK........Capability.of.Process.Index........工序能力指数................CPT................运费付至(……指定目的港)........D........DAF................边境交货(……指定地点)................DCC........Document.Control.Coordinator........文件控制协调员........ ........DDP........Delivery.with.Duty.Paid........完税交货价................DDU........Delivery.with.Duty.Unpaid........未完税交货价................DES........Delivered.Ex.Ship........目的港船上交货价................DEQ........Delivered.Ex.Quay........目的港码头交货价................DFM........Design.For.Manufacturing................bor........直接员工................DMN........Defect.Material.Notice........不合格品控制单................DOS........Days.Of.Stock........存货天数................DSC/VSC................车身稳定控制系统................DV........Design.Verification.........设计验证........DV.are.tests,.inspections,.and.procedures.that.must.be.accomplished.before.produ ctions.starts.to.verify.design.intentE........EBA................紧急制动辅助系统................EBD................电子制动力分配系统................ECN........Engineering.Change.Notice........工程变更通知................ECR........Engineering.Change.Request.........工程变更申请........ECR.is.a.request.for.a.change.to.the.product........ECU........Engineering.Change.Utilization........工程变更实施................EDI........Electronic.Data.Infrastructrue........电子数据信息................EDS................电子差速锁................EES................座椅自动调节系统................EHS........Environment,.Health&Safety........环境、健康、安全........ ........EIC........Carbon.Emission.Index........碳排放量指数................EOL........End.of.Line........终检........"ed.at.the.end.of.theassembly.line.to.ensure.that.all.products.meet.specific.requirements"........EOS........Employee.Opinion.Survey........员工意见调查................EPS........Expanded.Polystyrenes........改良聚苯乙烯................ERP........Enterprise.Resources.Planning........企业资源计划................ESP................电子稳定程序系统................EV........Equipment.Variation........设备变差................EXW................厂内交货........F........FAI........First.Article.Inspection........首次检验................FAQ‘s........Frequently.Ask.Question........常见问题................FAS................船边交货(……指定装运港)................FCA................货交承运人(……指定地点)................FF................前轮驱动................FIFO........First.In.First.Out........先进先出标签................FMEA........Failure.Mode.and.Effects.Analysis........失效模式及后果分析........ ........FOB........Free.on.board........离岸价................FQC........Finial.Quality.Control........最终出货检验................FR................后轮驱动................FSP........Ford.Supplier.Portal........................F-W-D.Car................前轮驱动轿车........G........GAGE........gage........量具................GD&T........Geometric.Dimensioning&Tolerancing........形状与位置公差........ ........GIS................地理信息管理系统................GPS........Global.Postioning.System........全球卫星定位系统................GP12........General.Motor.Process.12........通用遏制计划................GT................跑车........I........IATF........International.Automotive.Task.Force........国际汽车工作组........ bor........间接员工................IMDS........International.Material.Data.System........................IRR........Incoming.Reject.Report.........进料拒收报告........anization........国际标准化组织........ J........JD........Job.Description........工作描述................JIT.........Just.In.Time........及时生产........K........KC........key.characteristics........关键特性................KOI........Key.Operating.Index........主要绩效考核指标........L........LOT........lot........批次........M........MAR........Manufacturing.Action.Request.Form........特采单........ ........MES........Manufacturing.Execution.System................"ed. to.describe.manufacturing.systems.that.perform.tracking,.process.monitoring.and.control.of.automated.manufactuing.processes"........MFG........Manufacturing........................MPV........Multi.Purpose.Vehicles........多功能汽车................MOQ........Min.Order.Quatity........................MPS........Master.Production.Schedule........................MRB........Material.Review.Board........材料审核小组........Consist.Quality,.Material,.ME,.Production........MRO........Maintenance.Repair.and.Others........非原材料采购........ ........MSA........Measure.System.Analysis........测量系统分析........N........NCRs........Nonconformance.Reports........不符合项报告........O........ODS........Operator.Description.Sheet................"ed.to.describe.and/or.ill ustrate.what.anplete.his/her.job.properly"........OEE........Overall.Equipment.Effectiveness........全面设备效率........ ........OEM........Original.Equipment.manufacturers........原始设备制造商(主机厂)........ ........OGP........ogp(公司名)........光学测量仪................OIL........Open.Issue.List........开口问题清单........"ed.for.recording.review.and.disposition.of.concerns.from.customers,.internal.and.supplier.concerns"........OQC........Output.Quality.Control........出货检验................OTS........Off.Tooling.Sample........工装样件........"Off.tool.samples.are.the.initial.samples.that.supplierssubmit.for.assessment.of.tlloing.and.functions"P........PCL........Powered.Child.Lock........电动儿童门锁................PCN........Process.Change.Notice........工艺变更通知........PCN.is.a.request.for.a.change.to.the.process........PCN................................PDP........Product.Delievery.Process........................PEP........Program.Execution.Process........................PFMEA........Process.Failure.Mode.and.Effects.Analysis........过程失效模式及后果分析................PM........Program.Manager........................PP................................PPAP........Production.Parts.Approval.Process........生产件批准程序........ ........PPK........primary.Process.Capability........短期过程能力........lion.quality.metrics........百万分之概率................PSO........Process.Sign-Off........................PSW........Part.Submit.Warranty........零件提交保证................PV.Test........Production.Validation.Test........工艺生产验证........"ed.to.validate.a.product.or.process.forvolume.production"Q........QC........Quality.Control........质量控制................QIP................过程检验规程................QMS........Quality.Management.System........质量管理体系................QOS................................QSA........Quality.System.Audit........质量体系评定................Quattro................全时四轮驱动系统........rmation........信息申请表................RFQ........Request.For.Quote........报价申请........"Request.from.Customer(S)rmation.on.a.product.or.a.proposal"........RPN........Risk.Priority.Number........风险系数................RSP................电子稳定程序.................RTV........Return.To.Vendor........退回供应商................Run#Rate................节拍生产........"A.systematic.tool.to.qualify.the.output.of.manufacturing.process.interms.of.documentation.and.implementation"S........SC's........Special.Characteristics........特殊特性........"Are.specifications.which.require.special.manufacuring.control.toernment.requirements"........SIM........Supplier.Improvement.Metrics........供应商改进数据........"Supplier.performance.measurements.available.through.FSP(Ford.Supplier.Portal"........SLL........Skip.Lot.List........免检清单................SOP.........Start.Of.Production........批量生产........"estone.date.that.a.product/assembly.line.stars.its.volume.production.after.PV.test.passes.and.PPAP.is.approved.by.the.customer" ........SOP's........Standard.Operation.Procedure........标准作业程序................SPC........Statistical.Process.Control,........统计过程控制........"e.of.statistical.techniques.such.as.control.charts.to.analyze.a.process.or.its.outputs.so.as.to.take.appropriate.actions.to.achieve.and.a.state .of.statistical.control.and.to.improve.the.process.capability,"........SQA........Supplier.Quality.Assurance........................SREA........Supplier.Request.for.Engineering.Approval........................SRS................双安全气囊................STA........Supplier.Technical.Assistance........供应商技术支持........"pany's.team.dedicated.to.assist.in.the.development.of.supplier.processes"T........TRC/TCS................牵引力控制系统........V........VDA........Verdand.Dor.Automobiliudustrie.ev........德国汽车工业联合会........W........WGQ................外高桥........ ........WI........Work.Instruction。



目录一、产品简介 (1)二、试验原理 (2)三、产品选用 (2)四、技术参数 (4)五、仪器结构 (4)六、操作说明 (6)七、电缆的超低频耐压试验方法 (10)八、发电机的超低频耐压试验方法 (12)九、注意事项 (13)十、随机附件 (13)MSVLF-80/1.1超低频0.1Hz试验装置一、产品简介本产品接合了现代数字变频先进技术,采用微机控制,升压、降压、测量、保护完全自动化。













显示屏上的压力数据和测试盘上的数据是否 在满足偏差要求 如果超出,需要对仪器做清洗和调整
清洗混合腔 用水清洗和擦拭
清洗流量计 不能用刷子或其他工具清洗流量计的内部
更换流路滤芯器 为了确保滤芯器的最大使用寿命,在混用油
一、AFT8130系统概述 二、 AFT8130工作原理 三、AFT8130的使用 四、0国内服务
使用简单,测试速度快,每分钟可达5次测试 效率测试可以达到99.999% 精确的流量控制和阻力测试 外接便携式打印机直接打印测试数据 可以通过RS232串口向计算机传输数据 采用多种人性化设计
够达到测试标准(建议定期每两周或仪器清洗和更换不同溶液后进行测试); 正式进行滤料的测试。
CF值:上、下游光度计相关系数,用于穿透 率的计算(夹具未放滤膜时进行测试)
气溶胶发生器质量浓度测试 使用随机提供的称重滤膜和相关夹具 另外需要秒表和电子天平(精度1mg)
气流量为70lpm时,对准出气口进行测试,如 果发生电离偏移,需要用小一字改锥调节中 和器电源模块上标有+/-的电位器,直到测试 数据为零
更换油性发生器粘垫 粘垫实际上是一个过滤器,过滤大颗粒,长
和盐气溶胶发生器时,您应该使用不同的滤 芯器。



应 用 ●小型家用设备,如 :咖啡机、电水壶、电饭锅、面包机、烤盘、熨斗、吹风筒 ●大型家用设备,如 :空调、电冰箱、洗衣机、暖风机、燃气锅炉 ●办公设备,如 :复印机、激光打印机、传真机、电源分接头 ●电池设备,如 :电池箱、充电器 ●各种供电设备,如 :变压器、适配器、逆变器、水泥电阻 ●车用设备,如 :车用空调、螺线管、发动机
部件型号 温 度
0 :标准引线
长度型 1 :长引线型 (℃)

动作温度 保持温度 温度
(℃) (℃) (℃)
SFH106R* 110
SFH109R* 113
SFH113R* 117



名称 SUP SUP SUP SUP(机框内) 机柜 6601机框(MU) 6201机柜 IP GE光模块(MU TNB侧) 地震防护组件(交换) 电缆夹(交换) 6601机框(MU) 接地组件 2.5m接地线 底座 扎带包 SPD电源接线柜 SPD电源接线柜 PSU-AC PSU-AC(RRU侧) AC PSU 三相电源线 及 MU电源线 通宇 D频段天线(八通道) 10m接地线 15m室内接地线 GPS放大器 F频段双通道天线安佛士 AC配电箱 室内型交流电源线 3X4MM2 电源线(交换) 3频段合路器,1.8G/1.9G/2.6G 走线槽 3X1.5MM2 电源线(交换) PSU-AC(MU侧) 两头1/2的6M馈线 海天 D频段天线(八通道) 防水胶带 1/2馈线(300M) 3x1mm2 电源线 冷缩管 10m MU-FC室内光纤 15m MU-FC室内光纤 20m MU-FC室内光纤 八通道馈线标贴 AUB安装组件GPS天线抱杆件 6601 19英寸MU安装支架 京信 D频段天线(八通道) 10m RRU-FC室外光纤 20m RRU-FC室外光纤 30m RRU-FC室外光纤 50m RRU-FC室外光纤 70m RRU-FC室外光纤 1/2馈线 6201机柜(总箱) 6601机柜(总箱)
爱立信 爱立信 爱立信 爱立信
FAD频段0.7λ8阵元天 TYD 线(内置合路器) FAD频段0.7λ8阵元天 TYD 线(内置合路器) FAD频段0.5λ2阵元天 S-W 线 FAD频段0.5λ2阵元天 TD 线 F频段0.7λ2阵元天线 (独立电调)
R6_DU_PRODUCTS VCO DU 产品 R6_RU_DU_CABLES DU,TCU电缆 VCO_6601_CAB RBS 6601 KRC118039/1R2C RRUS 61B39 ENC-ODS-090R15CV 八通道合路天线 ENC-20152616D4T6BC普通FA/D内置合路器智能天线通宇 RBS6601主单元AC/DC转换模块电源线 ENC-04110502 ENC-NETSURE212C23RBS6601主单元AC/DC转换模块 BML901250/1 电源模块 ENC-TSR951342/3M 同轴电缆(带接头) KRC161309/1R1G RRU 62B40 RPM2531610/150M 150M室外光纤 KRE1012182/1 GPS天线 KRC161308/1R1G RRUL 62B38



目 次前言 ................................................................................ I II1 范围 (1)2 规范性引用文件 ...................................................................... 1 3 通用术语 . (1)4 导航方式术语 (2)5 转向方式术语 ........................................................................ 3 6 驱动方式术语 ........................................................................ 4 7 驱动结构术语 ........................................................................ 4 8 性能参数 ............................................................................ 5 9 运动方向术语 (6)10 机构与零部件 (6)11 辅助零部件术语 ..................................................................... 7 12 软件功能术语 .. (8)13 充电/供电方式 (9)14 安全术语 .......................................................................... 10 英文索引 .. (12)中文索引 (14)全国团体标准信息平台前 言本标准按照GB/T1.1给出的规则起草。



TSI8130介绍TSI8130是一种高性能的数字信号处理器(DSP),由德州仪器(Texas Instruments)公司研发和生产。































台达嵌入式工业计算机操作手册-J1900 系列说明书

台达嵌入式工业计算机操作手册-J1900 系列说明书

中达电通公司版权所有如有改动,恕不另行通知文件编码 :DIAVH-092AG10-01文件日期 : 2019/02/20238201209 0215863-56780215863-0003 扫一扫,关注官方微信上海电话:(021)6301-2827武汉电话:(027)8544-8475济南电话:(0531)8690-7277乌鲁木齐电话:(0991)4678-141沈阳电话:(024)2334-16123南昌电话:(0791)8625-5010长沙电话:(0731)8549-9156郑州电话:(0371)6384-2772西安电话:(029)8836-0780长春电话:(0431)8892-5060合肥电话:(0551)6281-6777南宁电话:(0771)5879-599北京电话:(010)8225-3225成都电话:(028)8434-2075南京电话:(025)8334-6585厦门电话:(0592)5313-601天津电话:(022)2301-5082重庆电话:(023)8806-0306 杭州电话:(0571)8882-0610广州电话:(020)3879-2175太原电话:(0351)4039-475哈尔滨电话:(0451)5366-0643绵密网络 专业服务中达电通已建立了71个分支机构及服务网点,并塑建训练有素的专业团队,提供客户最满意的服务,公司技术人员能在2小时内回应您的问题,并在48小时内提供所需服务。

400 - 820 - 9595台达嵌入式工业计算机操作手册-J1900系列版权说明©Delta Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved.台达电子工业股份有限公司保留所有权利本使用手册编撰的所有信息内容属台达电子工业股份有限公司(以下简称「台达」)之专属财产,且受到著作权法及所有法律保护。




东立达(香港)科技有限公司深圳市宝安区龙华大浪同富邨工业区32栋4楼电话: 86-755-29529148 传真: 86-755-29575990 手机: 86-137******** 网站: E-mail: johnny@有效期: 30天内交货方式: 深圳工厂交货交货期: 收到货款后10-15个工作日图片型号规格1-10pcs 11-100pcs 101-1000pcs HD-IR860LA-VAPN 1/3"SONY CCD, 4-9MM IR LENS, 520TVL , 52PCS IR LED, 0.01Lux, DC10-14V,40-50M¥628.00¥599.00¥571.00HD-IR860LA-VACN1/3"SONY CCD, 4-9MM IR LENS, 520TVL , 52PCS IR LED, IR CUT ,0.005Lux,DC10-14V, 40-50M ¥693.00¥660.00¥628.00HD-IR860IA-VAPI 1/3"SONY CCD, 4-9MM ASP IR LENS, 480TVL , 52PCS IR LED, 0.001Lux, DSS (Digital Slow Shutter), DC10-14V, 40-50M¥928.00¥771.00¥714.00HD-IR860IA-VACI 1/3"SONY CCD, 4-9MM ASP IR LENS, 480TVL , 52PCS IR LED, IR CUT ,0.0005Lux with DSS (Digital Slow Shutter) on, DC12V, 40-50M, DC10-14V, 40-50M ¥1,014.00¥842.00¥771.00HD-IR860HA-VAPI1/3"SONY CCD, 4-9MM ASP IR LENS, 540TVL , 52PCS IR LED, 0.001Lux, DSS (Digital Slow Shutter), DC10-14V, 40-50M¥1,014.00¥842.00¥771.00NEWHD-IR860HA-VACI 1/3"SONY CCD, 4-9MM ASP IR LENS, 540TVL , 52PCS IR LED, IR CUT ,0.0005Lux with DSS (Digital Slow Shutter) on, DC10-14V, 40-50M¥1,071.00¥895.00¥828.00HD-IR860DW-VACUWDR CAMERA1/3"SONY CCD, 4-9MM ASP IR LENS, 560TVL , 52PCS IR LED, IR CUT ,0.0005Lux with DSS (Digital Slow Shutter) on, OSD , DC10-14V, 40-50M¥1,050.00¥985.00¥935.00图片型号规格1-100pcs 101-500pcs 501-5000pcs Unique CaseHD-IR326UA-DAPN 1/3" SHARP CCD, 6MM LENS, 420TVL , 36PCS IR LED, 0.01Lux, DC10-14V, 25M ¥157.00¥149.00¥139.00HD-IR326AA-DAPN 1/3" SONY CCD, 6MM LENS, 420TVL , 36PCS IR LED, 0.01Lux, DC10-14V, 30M ¥185.00¥164.00¥157.00HD-IR326BA-DAPN 1/3" SONY CCD, 6MM LENS, 480TVL , 36PCS IR LED, 0.01Lux, DC10-14V, 30M¥296.00¥282.00¥267.00(报价不含支架)HD-IR-326LA-DAPN 1/3" SONY CCD, 6MM LENS, 520TVL , 36PCS IR LED, 0.01Lux, DC10-14V, 30M¥296.00¥282.00¥267.00*备注:红外摄像机价格表红外防水摄像机HD-IR350LA-MAPI 1/3"SONY CCD, 9-22MM ASP IR LENS, 520TVL, 12PCS high intensity IR LED,0.01Lux, built-in FAN, DC10-14V, 80M¥671.00¥639.00¥606.00HD-IR350LA-MACI 1/3"SONY CCD, 9-22MM ASP IR LENS, 520TVL, 12PCS high intensity IR LED, IRCUT,0.005Lux, built-in FAN, DC10-14V, 100M¥735.00¥699.00¥664.00HD-IR350IA-MAPI 1/3"SONY CCD, 9-22MM ASP IR LENS, 480TVL, 12PCS high intensity IR LED,0.001Lux, DSS (Digital Slow Shutter), built-in FAN, DC10-14V, 100M¥813.00¥774.00¥735.00HD-IR350IA-MACI 1/3"SONY CCD, 9-22MM ASP IR LENS, 480TVL, 12PCS high intensity IR LED, IRCUT,0.0005Lux with DSS(Digital Slow Shutter) on, built-in FAN, DC10-14V, 120M¥867.00¥824.00¥785.00HD-IR350HA-MAPI 1/3"SONY CCD, 9-22MM ASP IR LENS, 540TVL, 12PCS high intensity IR LED,0.001Lux, DSS (Digital Slow Shutter), built-in FAN, DC10-14V, 100M¥946.00¥899.00¥856.00HD-IR350HA-MACI 1/3"SONY CCD, 9-22MM ASP IR LENS, 540TVL, 12PCS high intensity IR LED, IRCUT,0.0005Lux with DSS(Digital Slow Shutter) on, built-in FAN, DC10-14V, 120M¥999.00¥953.00¥906.00HD-IR330LA-VAPI1/3"SONY CCD, 4-9MM ASP IR LENS, 520TVL, 48PCS IR LED, 0.01Lux, DC10-14V, 30M¥614.00¥585.00¥556.00HD-IR330LA-VACI 1/3"SONY CCD, 4-9MM ASP IR LENS, 520TVL, 48PCS IR LED, IR CUT,0.005Lux, DC10-14V, 40M¥671.00¥642.00¥606.00HD-IR330IA-VAPI 1/3"SONY CCD, 4-9MM ASP IR LENS, 480TVL, 48PCS IR LED, 0.001Lux, DSS(Digital Slow Shutter), DC10-14V, 35M¥750.00¥714.00¥678.00HD-IR330IA-VACI 1/3"SONY CCD, 4-9MM ASP IR LENS, 480TVL, 48PCS IR LED, IR CUT,0.0005Lux with DSS(Digital Slow Shutter) on, DC12V, 40-50M, DC10-14V, 45M¥806.00¥767.00¥728.00HD-IR330HA-VAPI 1/3"SONY CCD, 4-9MM ASP IR LENS, 540TVL, 48PCS IR LED, 0.001Lux, DSS(Digital Slow Shutter), DC10-14V, 35M¥824.00¥788.00¥749.00HD-IR330HA-VACI 1/3"SONY CCD, 4-9MM ASP IR LENS, 540TVL, 48PCS IR LED, IR CUT,0.0005Lux with DSS(Digital Slow Shutter) on, DC10-14V, 45M¥885.00¥842.00¥799.00HD-IR386AA-HAPI1/3"SONY CCD, 16MM IR LENS, 420TVL, 36PCS IR LED, 0.01Lux, DC10-14V,70M¥421.00¥399.00¥378.00HD-IR386LA-HAPI1/3"SONY CCD, 16MM IR LENS, 520TVL, 36PCS IR LED, 0.01Lux, DC10-14V,70M¥514.00¥489.00¥464.00HD-IR386LA-HACI1/3"SONY CCD, 16MM IR LENS, 520TVL, 36PCS IR LED, 0.005Lux, DC10-14V,70M¥567.00¥539.00¥514.00HD-IR386IA-HAPI 1/3"SONY CCD, 16MM IR LENS, 480TVL, 36PCS IR LED, 0.001Lux, DSS (DigitalSlow Shutter), DC10-14V, 90M¥614.00¥585.00¥556.00HD-IR386IA-HACI 1/3"SONY CCD, 16MM IR LENS, 480TVL,IR CUT,36PCS IR LED, 0.0005Lux withDSS(Digital Slow Shutter) on, DC10-14V, 100M¥671.00¥639.00¥606.00Unique Case HD-IR386HA-HAPI1/3"SONY CCD, 16MM IR LENS, 540TVL, 36PCS IR LED, 0.001Lux, DSS (DigitalSlow Shutter), DC10-14V, 90M¥671.00¥639.00¥606.00HD-IR386HA-HACI 1/3"SONY CCD, 16MM IR LENS, 540TVL, IR CUT,36PCS IR LED, 0.0005Lux withDSS(Digital Slow Shutter) on, DC10-14V, 100M¥724.00¥689.00¥656.00HD-IR380AA-TAPN 1/3"SONY CCD, 3.5-8MM IR LENS, 420TVL, 72PCS IR LED, 0.01Lux, DC10-14V,35M¥332.00¥314.00¥299.00HD-IR380LA-TAPN 1/3"SONY CCD, 3.5-8MM IR LENS, 520TVL, 72PCS IR LED, 0.01Lux, DC10-14V,35M¥442.00¥421.00¥399.00HD-IR380LA-TACN 1/3"SONY CCD, 3.5-8MM IR LENS, 520TVL, 72PCS IR LED, IR CUT, 0.005Lux,DC10-14V, 45M¥496.00¥471.00¥449.00HD-IR380BA-TAPN 1/3"SONY CCD, 3.5-8MM IR LENS, 480TVL, 72PCS IR LED, 0.01Lux, DC10-14V,35M¥435.00¥414.00¥392.00HD-IR380BA-TACN 1/3"SONY CCD, 3.5-8MM IR LENS, 480TVL, 72PCS IR LED, IR CUT, 0.005Lux,DC10-14V, 45M¥492.00¥467.00¥442.00Unique Case HD-IR380IA-TAPN1/3"SONY CCD, 3.5-8MM IR LENS, 480TVL, 72PCS IR LED, 0.001Lux, DSS(Digital Slow Shutter), DC10-14V, 45M¥556.00¥528.00¥503.00HD-IR380IA-TACN 1/3"SONY CCD, 3.5-8MM IR LENS, 480TVL,72PCS IR LED, IR CUT, 0.0005Luxwith DSS(Digital Slow Shutter) on, DC10-14V, 50M¥610.00¥581.00¥553.00HD-IR380AA-HAPI 1/3"SONY CCD, 16MM IR LENS, 420TV Line, 72PCS IR LED, 0.1Lux, DC12V, 30-45M¥307.00¥292.00¥264.00HD-IR380LA-HAPI 1/3"SONY CCD, 16MM IR LENS, 520TV Line, 72PCS IR LED, 0.01Lux, DC12V, 40-50M¥403.00¥381.00¥364.00HD-IR380IA-HAPI 1/3"SONY CCD, 16MM IR LENS, 480TV Line, 72PCS IR LED, 0.001Lux, DSS(Digital Slow Shutter), DC12V, 40-50M¥510.00¥485.00¥453.00HD-IR380HA-HAPI 1/3"SONY CCD, 16MM IR LENS, 540TV Line, 72PCS IR LED, 0.001Lux, DSS(Digital Slow Shutter), DC12V, 40-50M¥564.00¥535.00¥503.00HD-IR380IA-HACI 1/3"SONY CCD, 16MM IR LENS, 480TV Line,IR CUT,72PCS IR LED, 0.0005Luxwith DSS on, DSS (Digital Slow Shutter), DC12V, 50-70M¥617.00¥589.00¥556.00HD-IR320TA-BAPN1/4"SHARP CCD, 3.6MM LENS, 420TVL, 26PCS IR LED, 0.5Lux, DC12V,10-15M¥162.00¥155.00¥141.00 HD-IR320AA-BAPN1/3"SONY CCD, 3.6MM LENS,420TVL, 26PCS IR LED, 0.1Lux, DC12V, 15-20M¥185.00¥174.00¥164.00 HD-IR320TA-DAPN1/4"SHARP CCD, 6MM LENS, 420TVL, 26PCS IR LED, 0.5Lux, DC12V, 15-20M¥162.00¥155.00¥141.00 HD-IR320AA-DAPN1/3"SONY CCD, 6MM LENS, 420TVL, 26PCS IR LED, 0.1Lux, DC12V, 20-25M¥185.00¥174.00¥164.00图片型号规格1-10pcs11-100pcs101-1000pcsHD-DC158AA-PAPN 1/3"SONY CCD, 2.8-12MM IR LENS, 420TVL, 0.1Lux, 3-D bracket, vandal-proof,DC10-14V¥406.00¥389.00¥371.00HD-DC158EA-PAPN 1/3"SONY CCD, 2.8-12MM IR LENS, 520TVL, 0.01Lux, 3-D bracket, vandal-proof,DC10-14V, OSD¥556.00¥528.00¥503.00HD-DC158EA-PACN 1/3"SONY CCD, 2.8-12MM IR LENS, 520TVL, IR CUT, 0.005Lux, 3-D bracket,vandal-proof, DC10-14V, OSD¥614.00¥581.00¥553.00HD-DC158HA-PAPI 1/3"SONY CCD, 2.8-12MM IR LENS, 540TVL, 3-D bracket, vandal-proof,0.001Lux, DSS (Digital Slow Shutter), DC10-14V¥714.00¥678.00¥646.00HD-DC158HA-PACI 1/3"SONY CCD, 2.8-12MM IR LENS, 540TVL, IR CUT, 3-D bracket, vandal-proof,0.0005Lux with DSS (Digital Slow Shutter) on, DC10-14V¥771.00¥731.00¥696.00图片型号规格1-10pcs11-100pcs101-1000pcsHD-ID158AA-VAPN 1/3"SONY CCD, 4-9MM IR LENS, 420TVL, 30PCS IR LED, 0.1Lux, 3-D bracket,vandal-proof, DC10-14V, 25M¥399.00¥374.00¥357.00HD-ID158EA-VAPN 1/3"SONY CCD, 4-9MM IR LENS, 520TVL, 30PCS IR LED, 0.01Lux, 3-D bracket,vandal-proof, OSD,color kill, DC10-14V, 25M¥628.00¥592.00¥564.00HD-ID158EA-VACN 1/3"SONY CCD, 4-9MM IR LENS, 520TVL, 30PCS IR LED, IR CUT, 0.005Lux, 3-D bracket, vandal-proof, OSD, color kill, DC10-14V, 30M¥678.00¥646.00¥614.00HD-ID158HA-VAPI 1/3"SONY CCD, 4-9MM IR LENS, 540TVL, 30PCS IR LED, 3-D bracket, vandal-proof, 0.001Lux, DSS (Digital Slow Shutter), DC10-14V, 30M¥742.00¥706.00¥671.00HD-ID158HA-VACI 1/3"SONY CCD, 4-9MM IR LENS, 540TVL, 30PCS IR LED, IR CUT, 3-D bracket,vandal-proof, 0.0005Lux with DSS (Digital Slow Shutter) on, DC10-14V, 35M¥796.00¥756.00¥721.00 Weatherproof IR&Dome CameraNote: Optional bracket need $12/pcs addedNote: Optional bracket need $12/pcs added图片型号规格1-10pcs11-100pcs101-1000pcsHD-IR135TA-BAPN 1/4"SHARP CCD, 3.6MM LENS, 420TVL, 26PCS IR LED, 0.1Lux, DC10-14V, 10-20M¥167.00¥157.00¥149.00HD-IR135AA-BAPN 1/3"SONY CCD, 3.6MM LENS, 420TVL, 26PCS IR LED, 0.1Lux, DC10-14V, 20-25M¥207.00¥196.00¥185.00HD-IR135LA-BAPN 1/3"SONY CCD, 3.6MM LENS, 520TVL, 26PCS IR LED, 0.1Lux, DC10-14V, 20-25M¥335.00¥317.00¥303.00HD-IR138AA-BAPN 1/3"SONY CCD, 3.6MM IR LENS, 420TVL, 54PCS IR LED, 0.1Lux, DC10-14V, 20-30M¥314.00¥299.00¥278.00HD-IR138IA-BAPI 1/3"SONY CCD, 3.6MM IR LENS, 480TVL, 54PCS IR LED, 0.001Lux, DSS (DigitalSlow Shutter), DC10-14V, 30-35M¥489.00¥464.00¥421.00HD-IR138IA-BACI 1/3"SONY CCD, 3.6MM IR LENS, 480TVL, 54PCS IR LED, 0.0005Lux withDSS(Digital Slow Shutter) on, IR CUT, DC10-14V, 30-35M¥521.00¥496.00¥471.00HD-IR138HA-BAPI 1/3"SONY CCD, 3.6MM IR LENS, 540TVL, 54PCS IR LED, 0.001Lux, DSS (DigitalSlow Shutter), DC10-14V, 30-35M¥539.00¥514.00¥474.00HD-IR138HA-BACI 1/3"SONY CCD, 3.6MM IR LENS, 540TVL, 54PCS IR LED, 0.0005Lux withDSS(Digital Slow Shutter) on, IR CUT, DC10-14V, 30-35M¥578.00¥549.00¥524.00HD-IR165AA-TAPN 1/3"SONY CCD, 3.5-8MM IR LENS, 420TVL, 36PCS IR LED, 0.01Lux, DC10-14V,30M¥381.00¥360.00¥342.00HD-IR165LA-TAPN 1/3"SONY CCD, 3.5-8MM IR LENS, 520TVL, 36PCS IR LED, 0.005Lux, DC10-14V,30M¥464.00¥442.00¥421.00HD-IR165IA-TAPN 1/3"SONY CCD, 3.5-8MM IR LENS, 480TVL, 36PCS IR LED, 0.001Lux, DSS(Digital Slow Shutter), DC10-14V, 35M¥646.00¥617.00¥585.00HD-IR165IA-TACN 1/3"SONY CCD, 3.5-8MM IR LENS, 480TVL, 36PCS IR LED, IR CUT, 0.0005Luxwith DSS(Digital Slow Shutter) on, DC10-14V, 45M¥699.00¥667.00¥635.00HD-IR165HA-VAPI 1/3"SONY CCD, 4-9MM ASP IR LENS, 540TVL, 36PCS IR LED, 0.001Lux, DSS(Digital Slow Shutter), DC10-14V, 35M¥749.00¥714.00¥674.00HD-IR165HA-VACI 1/3"SONY CCD, 4-9MM ASP IR LENS, 540TVL, 36PCS IR LED, IR CUT,0.0005Lux with DSS(Digital Slow Shutter) on, DC10-14V, 45M¥799.00¥760.00¥724.00¥464.00 1/3"SONY CCD, 3.6MM IR LENS, 540TVL, 12PCS IR LED, 0.001Lux, DSS (DigitalSlow Shutter), vandal-proof, DC10-14V, 15-25M¥503.00¥480.00HD-ID110HA-BAPI。

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