

1. Where does this conversation most likely take place?- A. In a restaurant.- B. In a library.- C. In a hospital.2. What does the woman want to do?- A. Return the shirt.- B. Buy a new shirt.- C. Exchange the shirt.3. What does the man think the weather will be like tomorrow?- A. Sunny.- B. Cloudy.- C. Rainy.4. How many classes did the woman miss?- A. One.- B. Two.- C. Three.5. What does the woman imply about men?- A. They are careless.- B. They are forgetful.- C. They are helpful.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请听下面5段对话或独白。
6. What does the woman want to do?- A. Go swimming.- B. Go hiking.- C. Go skiing.7. When does the conversation most probably take place?- A. In winter.- B. In spring.- C. In summer.听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。

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上海交通大学英语水平考试样题学生姓名:________________ 年级:____________学号:_____________班级代号:_______________ 考试地点: 授课教师:Part I Listening (40%)Section 1 Long Conversations (10%)Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear five questions. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices.(注意:请把答案写在答题卷上,否则以零分处理)Conversation 11. A) It is exaggerated.B) It is self-important.C) It is a move toward the concepts she teaches.D) It doesn’t give a clear idea of what the department does.2. A) S he didn’t agree with him.B) It illustrates one of her basic ideas.C) The man was an expert on people management.D) It shows how some people do not understand people management.3. A) Worrying can cause needless stress.B) It is important to remember other things as well.C) They can stop you thinking about more basic things.D) We can’t solve them, so there’s no point in worrying.4. A) Completely.B) In no way at all.C) With respect to relationships.D) With respect to professional questions.5. A) By giving them a written warning.B) By sacking people who break the rules.C) By following organizational procedures.D) By understanding the employee’s personal circumstances.Conversation 26. A) Sarcastic.B) Humorous.C) Indifferent.D) Matter-of-fact.7. A) She was talking about suicide literally.B) She was talking about smoking literally.C) She wanted to be left alone by saying so.D) She was talking about both smoking and her life.8. A) None of them helped her positively.B) Her mother was too busy to be around her.C) Her father was the role model she followed.D) Her friends always cheered her up when she was feeling down.9. A) She feels less hopeless.B) She feels she has many dreams.C) She feels she is not part of this world any more.D) She feels that her life took the wrong way in the past, but now she wants tomake a change for the better.10. A) He is a psychiatrist.B) He is a school teacher.C) He is a policeman in disguise.D) He is a stranger she just ran into by chance.Section 2 Compound Dictation (10%)Directions:In this section, you will hear a passage twice. You have its script in the following, but with eleven blanks in it. You are required to fill in the first eight blanks with the exact words you have just heard. For the last three blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Remember, there will be a pause for the last three blanks in the second reading. (注意:请把答案写在答题卷上,否则以零分处理)The medical center at New York University is one of the clinical sites for the study.Thirty-nine-year-old Denise Harris is helping researchers gain a better understanding of the brain. She suffers from epilepsy, and doctors are monitoring her seizures in the hope of performing an operation to minimize them. Her head is 1) ____________. Wires protruding from the side are attached to electrodes implanted in her brain. Harris says doctors are monitoring her to see whether she is a good candidate for surgery."I've been on many medications throughout my life and after a while, they don'twork," said Denise Harris. "I still get seizures. So now, when they remove the part that the seizure is 2) ____________ from, it's supposed to stop."But while Harris is in the hospital, she is also helping scientists understand how the brain comprehends and uses language. For the study, researchers are monitoring the implanted 3) ____________ on a part of the frontal lobe called Broca's area, named after 19th century French physician Pierre Paul Broca. He was the first doctor to recognize the major role of that area in language.Through the implant process, called Intra-cranial Electrophysiology, or ICE, the researchers have found that Broca's area processes three different language functions in 4) ____________ –– within a quarter of a second. It is the first time the technique has been used to document how the brain processes grammar and produces words.Eric Halgren of the University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine, is one of the 5) ____________ investigators of the study."What we were able to find was that within a centimeter, around less than an inch, certainly, and probably half an inch, there were different regions - perhaps they 6) ____________ some –– but they were doing, at different times, different processes, all within this small area."The first function deals with recognizing a word, the second with understanding the word's context in a sentence, and the third lets us 7) ____________ the word by speaking.Harvard University brain expert Steven Pinker is another of the study's authors. Ned Sahin, a 8) ____________ fellow at Harvard and the University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine was the first author of the paper outlining the work, which was published in the journal Science.According to Sahin, 9)___________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________."Nearly every introductory textbook as well as people practicing in the field in speech pathology, for instance, teach and believe that 10) ______________________ ____________________________________________________________________ _______________ ––Broca's area and Wernicke's area, where Broca's area is responsible for producing, for speaking, and Wernicke's for comprehending," said Sahin.This study shows that Broca's area is involved in both speaking and comprehension, illustrating that parts of the brain perform more than one task."Here's an example of one relatively small part of the brain that's doing three very different things at three different times, but all within the space of a quarter of a second."But Eric Halgren points out that despite our growing knowledge, much about the human brain remains unknown."How does this hunk of flesh, which is not much different from a muscle –– it's just a bowl of porridge –– how does it produce the mind? It's a total mystery".He says11) ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________.Section 3 Short-answer Questions (10%)Directions:In this section, you will hear a passage ONLY ONCE. In the following you have five questions. You are required to answer these questions with as few words as possible, in any case, no more than 25 words.(注意:请把答案写在答题卷上,否则以零分处理)1) What is the basic idea about intercultural competence?2) What is listed as one of the most important criteria for intercultural competence?3) What is considered as offensive in the Arab countries according to the woman?4) What mistake did the woman make when conducting business in Russia?5) What is the advice the woman gave in the end?Section 4: Listening and Translating (10%)Directions:In this section you are going to hear five short passages. You will hear them ONLY ONCE. In each of these passages some of the sentences are already printed. You are required to translate the missing parts into Chinese. After each of the passages there will be a pause lasting one and a half minutes. The pause is intended for you to do the translation.(注意:请把答案写在答题卷上,否则以零分处理)1) Our development agenda will also focus on women as drivers of economic growthand social stability. Women have long comprised the majority of the world’s unhealthy, unschooled, and underfed. They are also the bulk of the world’s poor.__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 2) About 80 percent of Australians live in coastal areas. There are fears that somelow-lying communities may have to be abandoned in years to come because of flooding and erosion. And with higher sea levels, heavy rains and massive tides known as storm surges, which often accompany tropical storms, can do unexpected damage. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 3) It is no coincidence that the relationship between our countries has accompanied aperiod of positive change. ___________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 4) And yet the success of that engagement depends upon understanding -- onsustaining an open dialogue, and learning about one another and from one another. For just as that American table tennis player pointed out, we share much in common as human beings, but our countries are different in certain ways. _____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 5) For a variety of reasons, production of the H1N1 vaccine has lagged behinddemand. The vaccine for the so-called swine flu is made in the same way as the seasonal flu vaccine - in chicken eggs. But the government's top infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, said the goal is to perfect new ways to make a vaccine."What we really want to do is get away from that and get it to be 21st century technology - molecular biology, recombinant DNA technology, where you have very good control over the process. It's rapid, it's consistent, and it proves to be something that we can rely on." _____________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Part II Integrated Reading (30%)Section 1 Banked Cloze (10%)Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required toselect one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a wordbank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully beforemaking your choices. You may not use any of the words in the bankmore than once. Give your answers to the questions on your ANSWERSHEET.Attention:You need to change the forms of the words in the word bank where necessary.(注意:请把答案写在答题卷上,否则以零分处理)A name might tell you something about a person's background. Names can be1) __________ of class and race. Data show African Americans are far more likely than other 2) __________ groups to give their children uncommon names. White people tend to 3) ________ more familiar names that were formerly popular with more affluent white people.The new study purports to show a link between name and outcome of life: The more 4) _________ your name, the more likely you are to land in juvenile hall. That's because we know that boys with uncommon names are more likely to come from a socio-economically 5) _________ background, which means that they also are more likely to get involved with crime. Even the researchers readily admit that it's not a name alone that 6)_______ a child's outcome, but rather the circumstance underlying the name.The researchers first assigned a popularity score to boys' names, based on how often they showed up in birth records in an undisclosed state from 1987 to 1991. Michael, the No. 1 boy's name, had a Popular Name Index score of 100; names such as Malcolm and Preston had index scores of 1. The researchers then assessed names of young men born during that time who landed in the juvenile justice system. They found that only half had a rating higher than 11. By 7) __________, in the general population, half of the names scored higher than 20. "A 10% increase in the popularity of a name is associated with a 3.7% 8) _________ in the number of juvenile delinquents who have that name."Still, the study theorizes that teenagers named Malcolm might also 9) ___________ because their peers treat them differently or they just don't like their names. And since the study's release last week, the name-crime 10) ___________ has been written or talked about in major media outlets.Section 2 True or False Judgement & Sentence Completion (10%)Directions:In this part, you will find 7 statements and 3 incomplete sentences followed by the reading passage.For questions 1-7, markY (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage;For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Attention: For questions 1-7, one more point will be deducted if you do n’t answer each one correctly.(注意: 1-7题中每答错一题倒扣1分, 不答不得分,答对得1分; 请把答案写在答题卷上,否则以零分处理)Who are smarter, men or women? It's a topic of common –– and often comic ––contemplation, but it has also become a serious policy issue for colleges and students in the United States.After years of concentrated effort to raise the academic achievement of girls, who in previous decades had often received less attention in the classroom and been steered away from college-prep courses, the nation can brag that female students have progressed tremendously. Though still underrepresented in calculus and other advanced-level science and math courses in high school, women now outnumber men applying to and graduating from college –– so much so that it appears some colleges are giving male applicants an admissions boost. As a result, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights is examining whether colleges are engaging in widespread discrimination against women in an effort to balance their male and female populations.Consider some of the numbers at leading schools: At Vassar College in New York State, a formerly all-women's college that is still 60% female, more than two-thirds of the applicants last year were women. The college accepted 35% of the men who applied, compared with 20% of the women. Locally, elite Pomona College accepted 21% of male applicants for this year's freshman class, but only 13% of female applicants. At Virginia's College of William & Mary, 7,652 women applied for this year's freshman class, compared with 4,457 male applicants. Yet the numbers of each who gained admittance were nearly the same. That's because the college accepted 45% of the men and only 27% of the women.A 2007 analysis by U.S. News & World Report, based on the data sent by colleges for the magazine's annual rankings, found that the admissions rate for women averaged 13 percentage points lower than that for men. But percentages don't tell thewhole story. It could be that the men were stronger candidates, or they might have applied in areas of engineering and science where women's numbers are still lower. But such justifications, even if true, are unlikely to fully explain these numbers. At schools such as the University of California, where admissions rely overwhelmingly on statistical measures of academic achievement such as grades and test scores, the disparities don't appear. Far more women than men applied to UCLA ––the UC's most selective campus ––last year. The university accepted about the same percentage of each, with a slight edge to the women. As a result, the freshman class has close to 800 more women than men.In recent years, several college leaders have admitted that their institutions give a boost to male applicants to maintain gender balance on campus. Most students of either sex, they point out, prefer such balance. If Vassar accepted equal percentages of each sex, women would outnumber men by more than 2 to 1.Jennifer Delahunty Britz, the dean of admissions at Kenyon College in Ohio, a formerly all-male school, brought the matter to broad public attention in 2006 with an Op-Ed article for the New York Times describing the dilemma of her admissions office. "What messages are we sending young women that they must . . . be even more accomplished than men to gain admission to the nation's top colleges?" New York Times has long favored allowing colleges to use race as an admissions factor in order to diversify student populations.She also wrote that exposure to people of different backgrounds and viewpoints better educates all students –– not just those given a leg up. We are not in favor of accepting underqualified or clearly inferior students for the sake of diversity. But most colleges are inundated with applications from students who more than meet their standards; the differences among many of them are slight. It makes sense for colleges to pick a balanced population from within this group. At the same time, admissions officers should avoid rigid notions of what constitutes enough men on campus. It's not harming UCLA, or destroying college social life, to admit somewhat more women than men.Even if the Civil Rights Commission finds pervasive gender discrimination inadmissions, there's little it could do about the situation. Such discrimination –– though not racial discrimination –– is legal for undergraduate admissions at private, nonprofit colleges, even those that receive federal funding. Commission documents on the inquiry suggest that colleges could find more "gender-neutral" ways of balancing their student numbers, perhaps by offering programs and extracurricular activities that attract men.Those might work for some schools but won't change the overall scenario. Not with college populations composed of 57% women nationwide. The issue we'd like the Commission on Civil Rights to investigate is: What's happening with the education of U.S. boys? Why are so few of them applying to and graduating from college?Theories and arguments abound. Some say that boys are more active and thus less able to sit still for long periods –– and as a result, more likely to be categorized as having attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder or needing special education. A 2008 study by researchers at Northwestern University found that when girls are involved in a language-related task –– such as reading –– they show more activity in areas of the brain involved in encoding language. Boys use more sensory information to do linguistic tasks. The study suggests boys might do better if they were taught language and arts in different ways. Race is a factor as well. The gender gap is starker among African American and Latino students.There may be no one reason –– or solution. But figuring out ways to help boys achieve in school is a better response to the gender gap than making it easier for them to get into college later.1. As a result of the effort to raise the academic achievement of the girls for years, the girls have exceeded boys tremendously in all courses in colleges except calculus and other advanced-level science and math courses.2. Female students are facing the low admission rate because some colleges areengaging in discrimination against women to achieve the balance of their male and female populations.3. Although the men were traditionally considered stronger candidates in areas of engineering and science, the admission rate for men in these areas is still lower than that for women.4. Women have outnumbered men in gaining admittance in UCLA’s freshman class this year because their admissions greatly rely on grades and test scores of their applicants.5. Some college leaders hold that most college students prefer their policy of maintaining gender balance by admitting equal percentages of each sex.6. The dilemma of the dean of admissions at Kenyon College is whether to use gender as an admissions factor in order to achieve gender balance or use race as an admissions factor in order to diversify student populations.7. According to Jennifer Delahunty Britz, it is reasonable for colleges to pick a balanced population from the candidates who more than meet their standards.8. Actually the Civil Rights Commission can do little to change the situation of discrimination in college admission because such discrimination is ____________________________________________________________________.9. The study shows that in doing linguistic tasks the boys use more sensory information, the girls show more _________________________________________.10. Despite various theories and arguments about why so few boys apply to and graduate from college, the better solution to the problem is to____________________________________________________________________. Section 3 Cloze (10%)Directions:In this section there are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Give your answers to the questions on your ANSWER SHEET.(注意:请把答案写在答题卷上,否则以零分处理)Part III Writing (30%)Section A (10%)In this Section,, you have 15 minutes to write an essay on the following topic. You should write at least 100 words. (请务必写在答题卷上,否则以零分处理)Your cousin, Ming Zhang, is going to take the national entrance examination to college in June. However, he is under great pressure and simply can’t concentrate on his study. Please drop him a note of about 100 words, giving him some tips as to how to deal with this situation.Section B (20%)In this Section, you have 30 minutes to write an essay on the following topic. You should write at least 200 words. (请务必写在答题卷上,否则以零分处理)Many college students complain of their heavy course load. They think some courses offered are time-consuming and not very useful. What do you think of the complaints? S hould college students’ opinions be considered in curriculum development and policy-making? Please write an essay of about 200 words to express your opinion and explain why with specific reasons.上海交通大学英语水平考试答题卷学生姓名:_____________ 年级:____________学号:_____________班级代号:___ 考试地点: 授课教师:分数__________ Part I Listening (40%)1) ___________ 2) _____________ 3) ___________ 4)_____________5)____________6) _____________ 7) ____________ 8) _____________9) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________10)___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________11) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Section 3 Short-answer Questions (10%)1)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Section 4 Listening and Translating (10%)1)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 3)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________4)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Part II Integrated Reading (30%) Section 1 Banked Cloze (10%) 1) _________ 2) ___________ 3) ___________ 4)_______ 5)__________ 6) __________ 7) ____________ 8) ___________ 9)_________ 10) _________ Section 2 True or False Judgement & Sentence Completion (10%) 1) _____ 2) _______ 3) _______ 4) ________ 5) _____ 6)_____ 7)_____ 8) _____________________________________________________________ 9) _____________________________________________________________ 10) ____________________________________________________________Part III Writing (30%) (请将作文写在答题卷背面)Section A (10%) Your cousin, Ming Zhang, is going to take the national entrance examination to college in June. However, he is under great pressure and simply can’t concentrate on his study. Please drop him a note of about 100 words, giving him some tips as to how to deal with this situation. Section B (10%) Many college students complain of their heavy course load. They think some courses offered aretime-consuming andnot very useful. What do you think of the complaints? Should college students’ opinions be considered in curriculum development and policy-making? Please write an essay of about 200 words to express your opinion and explain why with specific reasons.Key 答案:Section 1: 1-5 CBBDC 6-10 ADACASection 2:1)Bandaged 2)triggered 3)probes 4)succession 5)principal 6)overlap 7)articulate 8) postdoctoral 9)scientists have known for some time that conventional explanations for how parts of the brain work need to be revised10)there is a separation of tasks and a division of labor between two very different parts of the brain11)brain studies are shedding light on the pieces of the puzzle and might one day solve the mystery Section 3:1) I t’s basically the ability to c ommunicate successfully with people of other cultures. (2 points)2) Sensitivity to other cultures (1 point)3) Showing the bottom of your shoe or foot when crossing your legs (2 points)4) She did not remove her gloves when shaking hands with a business associate in Russia( without realising that this is considered impolite). (2 points)5) Never make false assumptions about other cultures, and never lack sensitivity. Be open tolearning about new cultures. And learn the local language. (3 points)Section 4:1) 全球经济的衰退对妇女和女孩所产生的影响尤其严重,这进而又波及到家庭、社区、乃至地区。
英语测试B卷 交大A-level 入学测试题

A Levels 国际课程入学测试English (B)I.Grammar and V ocabulary(20mins)Directions:Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices d A , B , C andD ,choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.1、Stop making so much noise ____ the neighbor will start complaining.A、or elseB、but stillC、and thenD、so that2、We hope to go to the beach tomorrow, but we won’t go ____ it’s raining.A、ifB、whenC、thoughD、because3、——The weather is too cold ____ March this year.——It was still ____ when I came here years ago.A、for; colderB、in; coldC、in; hotD、for; hotter4、——How much vinegar did you put in the soup?——I’m sorry to say, ____. I forget.A、noB、no oneC、nothingD、none5、He is only too ready to help others, seldom, ____, refusing them when they turn to him.A、if neverB、if everC、if notD、if any6、——What should I wear to attend his wedding party?——Dress ____ you like.A、whatB、howeverC、whateverD、how7、——The research on the new bird flu virus vaccine is challenging and demanding.Who do you think can do the job?——____ my students have a try?A、ShallB、MustC、WillD、May8、I’d like to live somewhere ____ the sun shines all year long.A、whichB、thatC、whereD、in which9、I ____ to go for a walk, but someone called and I couldn’t get away.A、was planningB、plannedC、had plannedD、would plan10、——Y our book, Tommy?——No, Mom, it’s my friend’s.——Remember to return it to ____ name is on it.A、whatB、whichC、whoseD、whosever11、——The dinner was delicious!——I agree. I am so full.——That’s too bad. But some dessert ____.A、has orderedB、will be orderedB、C、has been ordered D、was going to be ordered12、——This wall of air is an effective answer to the problem and it ____ work.——But it is a question to put such a wall of air around the statue.A、mayB、mustC、shouldD、could13、We should know that we can only reach the top if we are ready to ____ and learn fromfailure.A、deal withB、depend onC、carry onD、go with14、——Good evening. I ____ to see Miss Jessic.——Oh! Good evening. I’m sorry, but she is not in.A、cameB、comeC、have comeD、had come15、——Please call me at 8:00 tomorrow morning. I’m kind of forgetful.——Don’t worry about that, you’ll be surely ____.A、remindedB、toldC、warnedD、informed16、——What’s the matter with Tim?——Oh, Tim’s cellphone was left in a taxi accidentally, never ____ again.A、to findB、to be foundC、findingD、being found17、A terrible earthquake happened in that district at the end of 2004, ____ many countries inthe world paid close attention to this.A、whereB、whenC、whichD、what18、——How come a simple meal like this costs so much?——We have ____ in your bill the cost of the cup you broke just now.A、addedB、includedC、containedD、charged19、——Y ou didn’t wait for Mr. Black last night, did you?——No, but we ____. He didn’t return home at all.A、couldn’t haveB、needn’t haveC、didn’t need toD、should wait have20、——How do you think I should receive the reporter?——____ you feel about him, try to be polite.A、HowB、WhatC、WhateverD、However21、——Tomorrow ____ my birthday. I’d like you and Jane to come.——I’m not sure if she ____ free.A、will be; isB、is going to; isC、is; isD、is; will be22、——Do you have anything in mind ____ you’d like for supper?——Well, ____ is okay with me.A、that; anythingB、which; everythingC、what; whateverD、where; something23、Parents are advised to take pressure ____ a child and give him some encouragement beforean exam.A、offB、outC、fromD、away24、The generous donation from China to the sufferers in the killing Indian OceanQuake-tsunami has ____ the Chinese people’s unselfishness and internationalism.A、let outB、brought outC、given outD、taken out25、My command of English is not ____ yours.A、as half asB、so half good asC、good as half asD、half so good as26、I know the man by ____ but I have never spoken to him.A、chanceB、heartC、sightD、experience27、____ nearly all behavior is learned behavior is a basic assumption of social scientists.A、/B、ThatC、It is acceptableD、When28、——Mary, what would you say to a holiday for the weekend?——____. I am simply tired of life here.A、Y ou’re taken the words out of my mouthB、Enjoy yourselfC、I can’t afford the timeD、Where should we go?29、A British man who ____ to play practical jokes ____ his own humorous art work in fourmajor New Y ork museums over the last two weeks.A、liked; has secretly hungB、likes; has secretly hungC、had liked; secretly hungD、has liked; secretly hung30、Shanghai is the first city in the world ____a high-speed maglev train, from the city toPudong Airport.A、to buildB、to be builtC、to have builtD、to have been builtII.Reading (10 mins)(A)Hunting for a job late last year, lawyer Gant Redmon stumbled across CareerBuilder,a job database on the Internet. He searched it with no success but was attracted by the site's"personal search agent". It's an interactive feature that lets visitors key in job criteria such as location, title, and salary, then E-mails them when a matching position is posted in the database. Redmon chose the keywords legal, intellectual property, and Washington, D.C.Three weeks later, he got his first notification of an opening. "I struck gold," says Redmon, who E-mailed his resume to the employer and won a position as in-house counsel for a company.With thousands of career-related sites on the Internet, finding promising openings can be time-consuming and inefficient. Search agents reduce the need for repeated visits to the databases. But although a search agent worked for Redmon, career experts see drawbacks.Narrowing your criteria, for example, may work against you: "Every time you answer a question you eliminate a possibility." says one expert.For any job search, you should start with a narrow concept what you think you want to do then broaden it. "None of these programs do that," says another expert. "There's no career counseling implicit in all of this." Instead, the best strategy is to use the agent as a kind of tip service to keep abreast of jobs in a particular database; when you get E-mail, consider it a reminder to check the database again. "I would not rely on agents for finding everything that is added to a database that might interest me," says the author of a job-searching guide.Some sites design their agents to tempt job hunters to return. When CareerSite's agent sends out messages to those who have signed up for its service, for example, it includes only three potential jobs those it considers the best matches. There may be more matches in the database; job hunters will have to visit the site again to find them and they do. "Oh the! day after we send our messages, we see a sharp increase in our traffic," says Seth Peets, vice president of marketing for Career Site.Even those who aren't hunting for jobs may find search agents worthwhile. Some use them to keep a close watch on the demand for their line of work or gather information on compensation to arm themselves when negotiating for a raise. Although happily employed, Redmon maintains his agent at Career Builder. "You always keep your eyes open," he says.Working with a personal search agent means having another set of eyes looking out for you.1. How did Redmon find his job?A. By searching openings in a job database.B. By posting a matching position in a database.C. By using a special service of a database.D. By E-mailing his resume to a database.2. Which of the following can be a disadvantage of search agents?A. Lack of counseling.B. Limited number of visits.C. Lower efficiency.D. Fewer successful matches.3. The expression "tip service" (Line 4, Paragraph 3) most probably means ________.A. advisoryB. compensation C]. interaction D. reminder4. Why does CareerSite's agent offer each job hunter only three job options?A. To focus on better job matches.B. To attract more returning visits.C. To reserve space for more messages.D. To increase the rate of success.5. Which of the following is true according to the text?A. Personal search agents are indispensable to job-hunters.B. Some sites keep E-mailing job seekers to trace their demands.C. Personal search agents are also helpful to those already employed.D. Some agents stop sending information to people once they are employed.(B)In the age of reality television, success isn’t the only way to the public eye. Failure can also create fame, just like William Hung, 21, a native of Hong Kong.Hung recently has made an agreement with US-based entertainment firms Koch Records and Fuse Music Network. They will publish a full-length record, titled “The True Idol” on April 6.The idol (偶像) is a civil engineering student at the University of California at Berkeley. He did a version (改写本) of Ricky Martin’s “She Bangs” on the television show “American Idol 3", on January 27. The Fox TV singing contest searches for pop stars among ordinary people. In the case of Hung, however, his act was so bad that the judges cut him off in mid-act. Hung’s response? “I already gave my best, so I have no regrets at all.” That’s interesting, because any common person would have found plenty to regret: the off-key singing, the blue Hawaiian shirt worn with pants pulled up too high, the terrible dancing, the hips jerking (摇摆) to a beat that did not belong to the song, maybe not even to this planet. It was, by all accounts, bad.But, it was this very bad act that sold well.Marc Juris, president of Fuse, explained it this way: “Every one of us is happily guilty of singing our favorite song at the top of our lungs with complete freedom, completely off-key and completely unworried. That’s what William did and immediately won the hearts of America.”Whatever it is, for the moment it’s big. Three websites devoted to Hung have gone up on the Internet in the past few weeks. V ersions of his performance have been remixed with hip hop and techno music and have made it to the top 10 request list at a Chicago radio station.So, what does Hung think of this?“There were all these people saying things about me. A lot were saying I was very courageous and that I was great on the show, but some didn’t have much respect for me and some were kind of mean.”Now he says he’s not so sure whether to distance himself from the glamour (魅力) or to accept it. Returning to normal hasn’t been easy.6.What is the main idea of this passage?A.Sometimes an idol behaves quite foolishly.B.Hung's performance attracted the public eye.C.How an unsuccessful person became famous.D.Success sometimes does not require hard work.7.Hung was popular in America for all the following reasons EXCEPT ________ A.his shirt and pants B.his off-key singingC.his jerking hips D.his excellent version8.What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 6 refer to?A.William Hung.B.Hung's bad performance.C.Hung’s website.D.The public’s opinion. 9.Which of the following shows the correct order of what happened to Hung?a.The entertainment firms made an agreement with Hung.b.The judges cut Hung off in mid-act in the singing contest.c.Hung became popular among Americans.d.Hung gave a terrible performance though he tried his best.e. Three websites put Hung’s funny performance on the Internet.A.d, b, e, c, a B.a, c, d.b, e C.a, d, b, c, e D.d, b, a, e, c 10.Why was Hung able to win the hearts of America?A.His success was based on luck rather than his own hard work.B.He attracted people’s attention and won wide praise in the contest.C.He was good-looking in his pants and shirt th ough he didn’t sing well.D.In the contest he did what every one of us is happy to do in daily life.答案B卷单选1-5AAADB6-10BACCD11-15CCACA16-20BBBCD21-25DAABD26-30CBABC阅读1-5 CADBC 6-10 CDBAD。
郑州外国语 上海交通大学外语类保送生考试面试经验及真题试题回顾

上交考试这两年的题型基本不变:30选20的补全句子,每个句子之间没有关系,词汇差不多就是专四六级的难度一篇阅读,后有5道选择题,不是很难,六级难度选句7选5,句子比较长,而且文章也比较长,A4纸一面半左右选词填空,类似于六级的那种,但是词更多,文章也更长一篇summary 100词一篇作文300词,今年考的是一个名言 do not do today what you can do tomorrow, or you may regret for your premature action. 问你同不同意,并给出自己的见解。
推荐书目:新东方乱序版专四、六级词汇华研《专四阅读》、《六级阅读》华研《专四语法与词汇》,主要做词义辨析题,边做边总结PETS 5,上面有选段填空华研《专八作文》,作文要理清思路并且结合范文进行话题的总结下面是面试。

中外合作办学入学考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪个国家不是“一带一路”倡议的参与国?A. 中国B. 德国C. 俄罗斯D. 美国答案:D2. 中外合作办学的目的是:A. 促进文化交流B. 提高教育质量C. 促进经济发展D. 所有以上选项答案:D3. 以下哪个不是中外合作办学的特点?A. 资源共享B. 独立运营C. 课程融合D. 管理协同答案:B4. 中外合作办学的课程通常包括:A. 外语课程B. 专业课程C. 文化课程D. 所有以上选项答案:D5. 中外合作办学的学位证书通常由:A. 外方学校单独颁发B. 中方学校单独颁发C. 中外双方学校共同颁发D. 由第三方机构颁发答案:C6. 中外合作办学的学生毕业后,通常可以:A. 在中方就业B. 在外方就业C. 在全球范围内就业D. 只能在本国就业答案:C7. 中外合作办学的学费通常:A. 低于普通高校B. 高于普通高校C. 与普通高校相同D. 根据专业不同而不同答案:B8. 中外合作办学的申请条件通常包括:A. 高考成绩B. 语言能力C. 专业背景D. 所有以上选项答案:D9. 中外合作办学的课程设置通常:A. 侧重于中方课程B. 侧重于外方课程C. 两者并重D. 根据学校不同而不同答案:C10. 中外合作办学的优势在于:A. 提供国际化的教育环境B. 降低留学成本C. 增强学生的国际视野D. 所有以上选项答案:D二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. 中外合作办学通常采用_________和_________两种模式。
答案:独立法人模式;非独立法人模式2. 中外合作办学的课程设置需要符合_________和_________的教育标准。
答案:中方;外方3. 中外合作办学的学生在毕业后,可以获得_________和_________的学位证书。
答案:中方;外方4. 中外合作办学的教师团队通常由_________和_________的教师组成。

上海交大英语考试题目Shanghai Jiao Tong University English Exam Questions。
1. Reading Comprehension。
Read the following passage and answer the questions below:Technology plays a crucial role in our daily lives, affecting everything from communication to transportation. With the rapid advancement of technology, it is important for individuals to adapt and stay informed about the latest developments. In today's digital age, being tech-savvy is not just a bonus but a necessity for success.Questions:1. What is the main idea of the passage?2. Why is it important for individuals to stay informed about technology?3. How does being tech-savvy contribute to success in the digital age?2. Listening Comprehension。
Listen to the audio clip and answer the questions below:(Audio clip: A conversation between two students discussing a recent lecture on environmental sustainability)。

第一部分:听力理解(35%)Part I: Listening Comprehension: 考试时间45分钟,共四个大题。
Section 1Long Conversations/Passages/News Reports (10%)本大题采用长对话、短文和新闻报道三种体裁中的两种。

1. 学业成绩要求:
- 高考总分不低于675分(不含加分项);
- IB体系学生需完成至少6门科目,且获得总分不低于34分;
- AP体系学生需完成至少5门科目,且获得总分不低于4分;
- GCE学生需取得3门A-Level科目,且获得总分不低于AAB。
2. 语言成绩要求:
- 英语能力证明:申请者需要提供符合以下标准之一的证明材料:
- 通过大学英语四级的成绩单,成绩不低于450分;
- 具备跨国公司工作经验,且母语为英语;
- 获得英语国家大学本科或以上学位;
- 提供一份英语能力认证机构颁发的等同于以上条件的证书;
- 在交大国际本科院校的预科项目中完成英语语言课程。
- 其他语言能力证明:
- 提供其他外语能力证明,包括汉语、日语、法语、德语、西班牙语等国际通用语言。
3. 兴趣爱好与社会工作经历:
4. 推荐信:
- 提供两封来自申请者所在高中或其他教育机构的推荐信,需标注推荐人的联系方式。
5. 其他材料:
- 提供申请者本人的个人陈述,阐述其申请本科国际课程的动机、优势和发展潜力;
- 提供学习计划,说明申请者在交大国际本科课程中的学习计划和职业发展规划;
- 提供护照复印件、证明申请者身体健康的证明文件等必要材料。

上海交大博士生2024年英语水平考试English:As a doctoral student at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, I am fully committed to achieving a high level of English proficiency by 2024. I understand the importance of being able to effectively communicate and engage with scholars from around the world in the academic community. To meet this goal, I will immerse myself in English language study, including intensive reading, writing, speaking, and listening practice. I will also take advantage of any available opportunities for language exchange, engage in conversation with native speakers, and seek out feedback from experienced language instructors. Additionally, I will make use of online resources and multimedia platforms to further expand my vocabulary and improve my comprehension skills. I am aware that reaching the required level of English proficiency will not be easy, but I am fully dedicated to putting in the necessary time and effort to make significant progress.I am confident that with perseverance and determination, I will achieve the desired level of English proficiency by 2024.中文翻译:作为上海交通大学的博士生,我完全致力于在2024年达到高水平的英语能力。

七、联系方法上海交通大学国际教育学院招生办公室上海交通大学附属中学教务办公室地址:上海市华山路1954号上海市殷高路42号:200030 200439:86-21-62932277 86-21-65911460:86-21-62817613 86-21-6591-2370邮箱:iso@ jiaozhong@online.sh网站::// :// jdfz.sh八、报到时间及地点一年制开学报到时间:每年9月半年制开学报到时间:每年2月开学报到地点:上海交通大学附属中学。

2024交大mba英语面试试题The 2024 SJTU MBA English Interview QuestionsThe process of applying for an MBA program at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) can be a daunting one, especially when it comes to the English interview portion. As an aspiring MBA candidate, it is crucial to be well-prepared and confident in your ability to communicate effectively in English. The 2024 SJTU MBA English interview questions will test your language proficiency, critical thinking skills, and overall fit for the program.One of the key areas that the interviewers will likely focus on is your background and experience. They will want to understand your academic and professional journey, the skills and knowledge you have acquired, and how these will contribute to your success in the MBA program. Be prepared to articulate your unique strengths and experiences, and how they align with the program's objectives.Another important aspect of the interview will be your ability to think critically and provide well-reasoned responses to hypothetical scenarios or case studies. The interviewers will want to assess your problem-solving skills, your capacity to analyze complex situations,and your decision-making processes. It is essential to practice case study analyses and to develop a structured approach to tackling such challenges.Effective communication and interpersonal skills will also be evaluated during the interview. The interviewers will assess your ability to express your ideas clearly and concisely, as well as your ability to engage in a constructive dialogue. Be mindful of your body language, tone of voice, and overall demeanor, as these can significantly impact the interviewer's perception of your suitability for the program.In addition to the traditional interview questions, the 2024 SJTU MBA English interview may also include a written component. This could involve a timed essay or a short written response to a prompt. It is crucial to practice your writing skills and to familiarize yourself with the types of prompts or topics that may be covered.Preparation for the SJTU MBA English interview should involve a comprehensive review of your application materials, including your resume, personal statement, and any additional essays or documents you have submitted. Understand the program's objectives and the specific skills and experiences they are looking for in their candidates.It is also advisable to practice mock interviews with friends,colleagues, or mentors who can provide constructive feedback on your performance. This will help you identify areas for improvement and build your confidence in the actual interview setting.Finally, it is essential to approach the SJTU MBA English interview with a positive attitude and a genuine enthusiasm for the program. Convey your passion for the field of business, your commitment to personal and professional growth, and your desire to contribute to the SJTU MBA community.By investing the time and effort to thoroughly prepare for the 2024 SJTU MBA English interview, you will increase your chances of success and demonstrate your readiness to embark on this exciting academic and professional journey.。

上海交大中外本科招生简章上海交通大学中外本科招生简章一、招生计划概述1. 招生人数:每年约1000人;2. 招生类别:中外合作办学、港澳台学生、留学生等;3. 招生专业:共有39个专业,涵盖了工、理、管、人文、医等学科。
二、招生基本条件1. 基本学历:高中或同等学力;2. 英语要求:托福、雅思、SAT等国际通用英语考试成绩达到学校规定标准;3. 具备各个专业所需的基本技能和知识。
三、招生流程1. 在线报名:学生需要在规定时间内填写个人信息、填报志愿;2. 考试报名:根据学生填报的专业,报名参加学校统一组织的笔试和面试;3. 面试:面试主要考察学生的综合素质和专业素质;4. 录取:按照学生的笔试和面试成绩及综合素质进行录取。
四、优惠政策1. 奖学金:根据学生的成绩和表现,学校设有丰富的奖学金制度;2. 减免学费:给予符合条件的优秀学生一定的学费减免;3. 面向特殊群体的招生政策:如退役军人、残疾人、贫困学生等,学校为其另设专项计划。
五、教学模式1. 中外合作办学模式:学校引进海外著名大学先进的教学理念和课程体系,与国内本科教育相结合,形成独特的教学模式;2. 实践教学为主:学校注重实践教学,将实践教学贯穿于学生的整个学习过程中;3. 多元育人:学校注重培养学生的综合素质,引导学生积极参加体育、文艺和志愿服务等活动。
六、学生生活1. 学生住宿:学校为学生提供舒适的住宿环境,宿舍设施齐全;2. 学生活动:学校举办丰富多彩的学生活动,让学生丰富多彩的校园生活;3. 学生支持:学校设有学生资助中心,为学生提供各种综合服务和支持。

上海交通大学外国留学生本科入学考试(样题)科目:化学(理科)建议用时:45 分钟可能用到的相对原子质量:H—1,O—16,N—14,C—12,Na—23, S—32,Cu—64,Ar—40,Al—27, Fe —56,Mg—24一.选择题1.美国科学家将两种元素铅和氪的原子核对撞,获得了一种质子数为118、中子数为175的超重元素,该元素原子核内的中子数与核外电子数之差为()A.57 B.47 C.61 D.2932.已知自然界中铱有两种质量数分别为191和193的同位素,而铱的平均相对原子质量为192.22,这两种同位素的原子个数比应为()A.39∶61B.61∶39C.1∶1D.39∶113.下列说法正确的是()A.标准状况下,体积都是22.4L的CO和N2,他们的物质的量和质量都相等B.同温同压下,22.4L的H2和N2都含有6.02*1023个分子C.标准状况下,等质量的O2和H2都含有相同的体积D.含6.02*1023个CO2分子的体积是22.4L4.在氢硫酸(主要成分是H2S)中加入少量下列物质:①O2;②Cl2;③SO2;④CuSO4。
能使溶液pH值减少的是()A.①③ B. ②④ C.②③④ D.①5.把石蕊试纸分别浸入氨水、新制氯水、浓H2SO4中,石蕊试纸分别出现的颜色是()A.红、红、红 B、蓝、红、红 C、蓝、白、红 D、蓝、白、黑6.氯化氢气体极易溶于水形成倒吸,下列装置中不能防倒吸的是()A. B. C. D. 7.下列各组物质,化学键类型完全相同的是()A.NaCl和NaOH B、Cl2和O2C.Na2S和(NH4)2S D、Na2O2和CO28.下列各组离子因氧化还原反应不能大量共存的是()A.Fe3+、K+、SCN--、SO42- B.Cu2+、OH--、NH4+、Cl-C.Mg2+、H+、HCO3-- 、NO3- D.Na+、Fe2+、H+、NO3-9.下列离子反应方程式书写正确的是( )A、铁粉与稀硫酸反应 2Fe+6H+→2Fe3++3H2↑B、碳酸钙与稀硝酸反应 CO32--+2H+→CO2↑+H2OC、稀硫酸与氢氧化钡的反应 Ba2++OH--+SO42--+H+→BaSO4↓+H2OD、向NaHCO3溶液中滴加NaOH溶液 HCO3--+OH---→CO32--+H2O10.下列物质含极性共价键的是()A.N2 B.Cl2C.O2D.CH411.在恒温恒容的密闭容器中进行反应:X2(g) Y2(g)+Z(g),若反应物的浓度从2mol/L降到0.8mol/L需20s,那么,反应物浓度由0.8mol/L降到0.2mol/L 所需的反应时间为()A.10s B.>10s C.<10s D.无法判断12.下列事实中,不能用勒夏特列原理解释的是()A.开启啤酒后,瓶中马上泛起大量泡沫B.钢铁在潮湿的空气中容易生锈C.实验室中常用排饱和食盐水的方法收集氯气D.工业上生产硫酸的过程中,使用过量的空气以提高SO2的利用率13.下列物质属于纯净物的是()A.漂粉精B.纯净的盐酸C.液氯D.碘酒14.把过量的CO2通入下列饱和溶液中,最终会有沉淀的是()A.CaCl2 B.Na2AlO2C.Ca(OH)2D.NaHCO315.在Al(NO3)3和Mg(NO3)2的混合溶液中,逐滴加入稀NaOH溶液,直至过量。

外国留学考试题目及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪个国家不是英语为母语的国家?A. 美国B. 英国C. 加拿大D. 法国答案:D2. 雅思考试的全称是什么?A. International English Language Testing SystemB. International English Language Testing AssociationC. International English Language Testing CouncilD. International English Language Testing Foundation 答案:A3. 托福考试的满分是多少?A. 100B. 120C. 150D. 200答案:B4. 以下哪个不是留学申请中常见的标准化考试?A. GREB. GMATC. SATD. ACT答案:D5. 留学申请中,推荐信的作用是什么?A. 证明申请者的学术能力B. 证明申请者的领导能力C. 证明申请者的道德品质D. 以上都是答案:D6. 以下哪个不是留学申请材料中通常需要的?A. 个人陈述B. 成绩单C. 作品集D. 身份证复印件答案:D7. 留学签证申请中,通常需要提供什么类型的证明?A. 财产证明B. 无犯罪记录证明C. 健康证明D. 以上都是答案:D8. 以下哪个不是留学申请中常见的奖学金类型?A. 学术奖学金B. 体育奖学金C. 艺术奖学金D. 旅游奖学金答案:D9. 留学申请中,面试的目的是什么?A. 评估申请者的学术能力B. 评估申请者的沟通能力C. 评估申请者的职业规划D. 以上都是答案:D10. 以下哪个不是留学期间常见的住宿类型?A. 校内宿舍B. 校外公寓C. 寄宿家庭D. 酒店答案:D二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 留学申请中,个人陈述的英文缩写是________。
答案:PS2. 托福考试的有效期是________年。

上交考试这两年的题型基本不变:30选20的补全句子,每个句子之间没有关系,词汇差不多就是专四六级的难度一篇阅读,后有5道选择题,不是很难,六级难度选句7选5,句子比较长,而且文章也比较长,A4纸一面半左右选词填空,类似于六级的那种,但是词更多,文章也更长一篇summary 100词一篇作文300词,今年考的是一个名言 do not do today what you can do tomorrow, or you may regret for your premature action. 问你同不同意,并给出自己的见解。
推荐书目:新东方乱序版专四、六级词汇华研《专四阅读》、《六级阅读》华研《专四语法与词汇》,主要做词义辨析题,边做边总结PETS 5,上面有选段填空华研《专八作文》,作文要理清思路并且结合范文进行话题的总结下面是面试。

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上海交通大学外国留学生本科入学考试科目:语文(文科)时间:120分钟姓名:__________ 分数:_______ 一、汉语基础知识(30分)(一)选择题,完成1一10题。
A.放解释允许看B.乘责备一定得C.买劝说按时治D.撞表扬准备査5、依次填入下列句子横线处的词语,最恰当的一项是1)________________________________ 要进一步采取有力措施,有效投资过快的增长势头,保持经济平稳发展。
2)前不久,这里曾山洪________ ,致使公路堵塞,桥梁冲垮,交通瘫痪。
3)传统文化是有优点,________ 任何一种东四优点再多,_________ 看不到缺点那就不会有危机感,也就不会有所创新。
| I .:打* D.翘首西望,海而托着的就是披着银发的苍山,苍山如屏,洱海如镜,真是巧夺天工。
D. 亡了国的人民,只要牢牢记住他们的语言,就好像拿着一把打开监狱大 门的钥匙。
9. 依次填入下列横线上的句子,顺序正确的一项是近几十年来, ___________ , ___________ , ___________ , _________ , ___________ , __________ 。
随着中国国力的增强,关于中国的国际地位、 作用和责任的讨论方兴未艾。
① 也髙于同时期世界的平均水平② 中国日益成为世界关注的焦点③ 现代化建设取得了举世嘱目的成就④ 中国的综合实力大幅度提高⑤ 尽管对增长的原因有不同的看法,•然而谁也无法否认增长的事实 ⑥ 中国经济的增长速度远远高于发达国家10. 下列作品与其作者及朝代搭配完全正确的一项是A. 《水调歌头》一苏轼一宋B. 《桃花源记》一陶渊明一三国C. 《水浒》—施耐庵-淸I aD. 《聊斋志异》一曹雪芹一淸(二)填空题(共10分) 11、 按要求概括下面一段文字说明的内容。
要求:1)不超过18个字;2) 不出现具体数字。
有的人由于眼角膜变形,而普通眼镜又不够理想,所以需要购买隐形 眼镜,这些人约占购买隐性眼镜的理。
有的人为了进行某项运动或因从事 某种工作而购买这种眼镜,如进行挙击、游泳等运动或从事飞行、表演等 工作,这些人约占20%o 有的人是为了外表好看而购买这种眼镜,这类人 约占79%。
12. 阅读下面这个真实的故事,回答问题1954年,巴西足球队在世界杯上意外地输给法国队,与冠军失之交臂. 足球可是巴西的国魂。
球员们沮丧、懊悔,他们准备承受球迷的嘲笑、辱 骂。
可是,当飞机降落时,眼前却是列一种景象:总统和两万爼球迷默默 的C.⑥ ®B.⑥③④① ①D.⑥①站在机场,人群中打着一条醒目的横幅:“这也会过去!”球员们顿时泪流满面。
在宏大而激动人心的欢迎场而上,人群中依然打着那条格外醒目的横幅:“这也会过去!” 前后两条同一内容的横幅各表达了什么意思?1 )前一条:2 )后一条13、补全名句(请从下列五句中任选两句完成)(4分〉1)_________________ 天生 ,千金散尽还复来。
(李白《将进酒》)2)人生_______________ 。
(文天祥《过零丁洋》).. 3)工欲善其事,_______________ o(《论语》〉4)少壮不努力,老大_____________ o (《长歌行》)5>海内存知己,天涯_____________ o (.王勃《送杜少府之任蜀州》)(二)阅读理解(共35分)(一)阅读下文,完成1—8题。
豊汪L 乜*防——y頁€严§(2)校长鼓励我不必怕学生。
四村八里的人家婚丧嫁娶,也都要请王老师去做司仪,如果发生了什么意外,厨子来不了,王老师也当厨子, 王老师从打豆腐到红案,都做得得心应手。
而他自己呢, 则又有一条人生的座右铭,便是:万事不求人。
在琢磨中,我终于明白,一个人想要掌握自己的生活,想要骄傲,又淡左,是何等不容易啊!在那赤贫的年代,王老师仅凭一只小小工具箱,就创造与修补着他自己的生活、学校的生活和乡亲们的生活,他该付出了多少智慧, 勇气,精力与辛劳!30年过去了,王老师依然是我迄今为止见到过的, 惟一一个有气魄有能力掌握自己全部生活的人,惟一一个最贫穷却最有志气的人。
(选自20KK年第7期《读者》)1.诘给卜列词语注音:轧严◎匚拶(1)潇洒: ____________ (2)琢磨:_____________ (2分)2.请写出下列词语的意思:(1)少言寡语: ____________ (2)捉襟见肘: ____________ (2分)3. ____________________________________ 第(4)段划线句在选文结构上的作用是________________________________ o (2分)4.请把第(5)段划线句“于是,王老师的威信怎么能够不高?谁家的孩子他不敢打?打了家长还要感谢,因为他们认为这就表示王老师重视了他们的孩子改写成陈述句:(2 分)5.王老师对付最顽皮的学生为什么只用左手?(3分)6•根据要求,回答下列问题。