Out-going Inspection Product(中英文)

ROHS compliance Is in line with the ROHS standard
检验结果(Inspection result):
核准 (approval):
□ 是(YES ) 确认(check):
□ 否(NO)
客户 Customer: 出货数量 Shipping Qty : ENA条码
ENA Barcode:
正唛(Main mark):
客户唛头信息 The customer shipping
mark information
Outgoing inspection rep
Description : 抽样数
检验 员
彩盒内部产品、配件及内部包材摆放是否正 确 graphic carton put internal products, accessories and packaging are correct
□ 抽检 spot check
不良数 defect quantity
贴纸/说明书 stickers/
包装辅材 Packaging material and auxiliary material
纸卡、珍珠棉、PE袋、泡壳等,外观及尺寸 是否符合规格要求 Paper card, pearl cotton, PE bag, blister Package,and so forth, the appearance and size is in accordance with the specification requirements
出货检验报告 -中英文版

出货检验报告-中英文版出货检验报告-中英文版Shipment Inspection Report出货检验报告是集成了中文和英文内容的一份重要文件,用于记录产品出货前的质量检验结果。
The Shipment Inspection Report is an important document that integrates Chinese and English contents, which is used to record the quality inspection results of the products before shipment. The purpose of making this report is to ensure the safety and quality of the shipped products, so as to create a responsible and good image for customers, which is an important part of enterprise management.出货检验报告的格式通常包括产品基本信息、生产日期、生产批次、规格、数量、货运方式、检测结果等。
The format of the Shipment Inspection Report usually includes basic information of the product, production date, production batch, specifications, quantity, shipping method, inspection results, etc. The content of the report should beconcise and clear. It should include all standard inspection items and inspection results of the exported goods, as well as information such as the name of the inspector and the inspection time.出货检验报告的作用主要体现在以下几个方面:1. 对企业的质量管理有利。

OQC出货检查程序Out-going Inspection Product一、目的Purpose:規定出貨檢查工作在有效受控下進行。
To ensure that out-going inspection is performed under effective control.二、適用範圍說明Scope:一般情況下,本公司产品终检后不再做出貨檢查:但在以下四种情況任一種出現時,必須進行出貨檢查。
Generally, no need out-going inspection after final inspection. But in any one of the following situations, out-going inspection is necessary.Related personnel in Program Dept and QC section are responsible for determining whichparts need to do out-going inspection.1.產品庫存期超過6個月(若FQC当月已对待出货产品进行了仓贮品质评估,可根据其《仓库物资评估报告》QF-PW-009的结果进行,反之,则必须做出货检查)。
Stored more than 6 months (If the waiting-for-delivery product has been assessed byFQC in the same month, then FQC conduct in accordance with the result of thecorresponding <<Material/product assessment report>> QF-PW-009, otherwise it is amust for FQC to perform out-going inspection.)2.因受外界環境的影響發生异常,影響到產品質量Product quality is effected by thechanging of environment;3.包材被損坏.Damage of package;4.出貨海外(包括香港)或客户指定产品。

例如:The inspection of the building took a whole day.(对这栋建筑物的检查花了一整天时间。
)双语例句:Regular inspection is necessary to ensure the quality of products.(为确保产品质量,定期检查是必要的。
例如:The shipment will arrive next week.(这批货物将于下周到达。
)双语例句:We are waiting for the shipment from our supplier.(我们正在等供应商的出货。
例如:They will examine the documents carefully.(他们会仔细审查这些文件。
)双语例句:The inspector will examine the products before shipment.(检验员会在出货前检查这些产品。
例如:Please check the list before you leave.(你离开之前请核对一下清单。
)(动词用法);We made a quick check of the equipment.(我们对设备作了快速检查。
)(名词用法)双语例句:The workers need to check the quality of the goods during the shipment process.(工人们需要在出货过程中检查货物的质量。

检验检疫常用词汇中英文对照Entry—exit Inspection and Quarantine of the P、R、China 中国出入境检验检疫1、foreign trade(外贸) contract合同) invoice(发票)2、bill of lading(提单) L/C(信用证) buyer(买方)3、import(进口) export(出口) corporation(公司)4、textile(纺织品) telephone(电话)manager(经理)5、message(音信、文电)order(订单) trouble(麻烦)6、minute(分钟) agree(同意) machinery(机械)7、sales(销售) receive(收到) cable(电报)8、customer 客户、顾客 accept接受 choice 选择9、industrial 工业的 product产品 terms条款10、important 重要的 sign 签字 each 每一个11、business 业务、生意 start 开始 wait等待12、sure 肯定的 service 服务 rest 休息13、fair 交易会 spend 花费 certainly 当然14、goods 货物 display 展示 commodity 商品15、silk 丝绸 garment 服装 sample 样品16、sell卖出 market 市场 world 世界17、example例子 of course 当然 popular 流行的18、policy 政策 visit 拜访 relation 关系19、past 过去的 fact 事实 benefit 利益20、commercial 商业的 cooperate 合作 future 未来21、type 型号 specification 规格 price 价格22、FOB 离岸价 CIF 到岸价23、inspection 检验 test 检测 report 报告24、certificate 证书 stamp 印章 health 健康25、quality 品质 weight 重量 quantity数量26、wrong 错的 colour 颜色 date 日期27、shipment 装船 answer 回答 delivery 交货28、size 尺码 percent 百分之 toy 玩具29、packing 包装 carton 纸箱 ilogram 公斤30、net weight 净重 confirmation 确认 agent 代理人31、beneficiary 受益人 applicant 申请人 opening bank 开证行32、Certificate of Quality 品质证书 Certificate of Weight 重量证书33、Certificate of Quantity 数量证书 Certificate of Packing 包装证书34、Certificate of Health 健康证书 Certificate of Quarantine 检疫证书35、Veterinary Certificate 兽医证书 Sanitary Certificate 卫生证书36、Certificate of Origin 产地证书37、Certificate of Fumigation 熏蒸证书38、Fumigation/Disinfection Certificate 熏蒸/消毒证书39、Animal Health Certificate 动物卫生证书40、Phytosanitary Certificate 植物检疫证书41、Phytosanitary Certificate For Re-export 植物转口检疫证书42、3anitary Certificate For Conveyance 交通工具证书43、Quarantine Certificate For Conveyance 运输工具检疫证书44、Veterinary Health Certificale 兽医卫生证书45、consignee 收货人 consignor发货人 description of good 品名、货物名称46、quantity/weight declared 报检数/重量47、Contract No、合同号 Invoice No、发票号48、place of arrival 到货地点 means of conveyance 运输工具49、date of arrival 到货日期 B/L or Way Bill No、提单或运单号50、place of despatch 启运地 date of inspection 检验日期51、date of completion of discharge 卸毕日期52、Mark&No. 标记及号码 destination 目的地53、Name and No. Of Conveyance 运输工具名称及号码54、Port of despatch 启运口岸 Port of destination 到达口岸55、date of arrival/departure 到达/离境日期56、name and address of consignor 发货人名称及地址57、name and address of consignee 收货人名称及地址58、number and type of packages 包装种类及数量59、document 单据 rule 规则 bank 银行60、importer 进口商 exporter 出口商 trade mark 商标61、container 集装箱 vessel 船 to order 待指定62、Plastic drum 塑料桶 gunny bag 麻袋 wooden case 木箱63、packing material 包装材料 outer package 外包装64、flexible package 软包装 transparent package 透明包装65、wooden pallet 木托盘 corrugated carton 瓦楞纸箱66、plywood 胶合板箱 poly bag 塑料袋67、vacuum packaging 真空包装 cushioning material 衬垫材料68、dozen 打 roll 卷 bundle 捆69、water proof packing 防水包装 rust proof packaging 防锈包装70、moisture proof packaging 防潮包装 shockproof packaging 防震包装71、adhesive tape 压敏胶带 plastic foam 泡沫塑料72、long 长 high 高 thick 厚73、top 顶 bottom 底 side 边74、degree 度 wide 宽 deep 深75、fragile 易碎的 hard 硬的 sharp 锋利的76、packing sound 包装良好 no leakage 无渗漏77、total net weight 总净重叠 pumpkin seeds 南瓜子 garlic 大蒜78、bike 自行车 rubber shoes 胶鞋 game player 游戏机79、loud speaker 扬声器 citric acid 柠檬酸80、inspection certificate 检验证书 certify 证明81、Guangdong Native Product Import & Export Corporation. 广东土产进出口公司82、The goods were packed In gunny bags of 50kgs net each. 货物用麻袋包装、每袋净重公斤83、The quality of the above mentioned goods were in conformity with the requirement of the contract No、JBD-089. 上述货物的品质符合JBD-089号合同的品质要求84、We need a Phytosanitary Certificate. 我们需要一份植物检疫证书85、food inspection for export 出口食品检验86、Fill in this Application Form,please. 请填写一份申请。

PP Production Proveout 生产验证TTO Tool Try-Out 工装设备试运行(J1) Job 1 整车投产DFMEA Design Failure Mode Effects Analysis 故障模式影响分析设计DVP Design Verification Plan 设计验证计划DVP&R Design Verification Plan & Report 设计验证计划和结果FMEA Failure Mode Effects Analysis 故障模式影响分析FPDS Ford Product Development System 福特产品开发系统GYR Green-Yellow-Red 绿-黄-红MRD Material Required Date 物料要求到厂日OTT OK-TO-TOOL 可以开模TKO Tooling-Kick-Off 工装启动OEM original Equipment Manufacturer 设备最初制造厂FtF/F2F Face To Face 面对面会议PV Production Validation 产品验证OTS Off-Tooling-Sample 完全工装样件QOS Quality Operating System 质量运作体系TS-16949 Technical Specification –16949 技术规范-16949APQP Advanced Product Quality Planning 先期产品质量计划IPD In Plant Date 进厂日PPM Parts per Million (applied to defective Supplier parts) 零件的百万分比率(适用于供应商不合格零件)PPAP Production Part Approval Process 生产件批准程序Pre-PV Pre -Production Validation 产品预先验证1PP- First Phase of Production Prove-Out 第一次试生产3C Customer(顾客导向)、Competition(竞争导向)、Competence(专长导向)4S Sale, Sparepart零配件, Service, Survey信息反馈5S 整理,整顿,清理,清洁,素养8D- 8 DisciplineABS Anti-lock Braking SystemAIAG 美国汽车联合会ANPQP Alliance New Product Quality ProcedureApportionment 分配APQP Advanced Product Quality PlanBacklite Windshield 后窗玻璃Benchmark Data 样件资料bloodshot adj.充血的, 有血丝的BMW Bavarian Motor WorksC.P.M Certified Purchasing manger 认证采购经理人制度CB- Confirmation Build 确认样车制造CC- Change CutOff 设计变更冻结CC\SC- critical/significant characteristicCCR Concern & Countermeasure RequestCCT Cross Company TeamCharacteristics Matrix 特性矩阵图COD Cash on Delivery 货到付现预付货款(T/T in advance) CP1- Confirmation Prototype 1st 第一次确认样车CP2- Confirmation Prototype 2nd 第二次确认样车Cpk 过程能力指数Cpk=Zmin/3CPO Complementary Parts orderCraftsmanship 精致工艺Cross-functional teams 跨功能小组CUV Car-Based Ultility VehicleD1:信息收集;8DD2:建立8D小组;D3:制定临时的围堵行动措施,避免不良品流出;D4:定义和证实根本原因,避免再发;D5:根据基本原因制定永久措施;D6:执行和确认永久措施;D7:预防再发,实施永久措施;D8:认可团队和个人的贡献。

Incoming inspection procedure(中英文)

Incoming inspection procedure进料检验作业程序1.0 目的:本程序旨在建立适切之进料检验作业管制,以确保外购的生产性材料材质符合环境要求,质量符合本公司的设计要求.Attempt: The procedure is to establish unanimous incoming inspectoperations, in order to make sure those purchasing stuff canmanage environment requirement and the quality can come up todesign .2.0 范围:适用于本公司所有外购的生产性物料的进料检验.Range: Apply to all incoming inspection of purchasing stuff.3.0 定义: Definition3.1 IQC: 进料检验单位(Incoming Quality Control).3.2 SQE :供货商质量工程(Supplier Quality Engineer).3.3 客供配件:由客户提供,代为出货包装用之配件,并不参与成品组立、加工作业流程.(此种配件不纳入零件承认规范内,仅作资材面处理).Customer supplied parts: Customer supplied parts are used to delivery package parts, not participate in final-products、operation procedure.(the parts are not bring into parts recognition rules, only be regarded as stuff management)4.0 权责: Rights and responsibility4.1 品保部负责物料的检验、判定、检验后的标识及不合格品的改善追踪工作.QA Dep. manage stuff inspection、judgment、mark and rejects improving or tracking after inspection.4.2 资材部采购员负责与供货商联络,并协助来料质量异常的处理及改善追踪.Material purchaser manage and communicate with suppliers, then support dealing and tracking anomaly.5.0 作业内容: Contents5.1 检验规划:Inspection planning5.1.1 抽样计划:IQC依MIL-STD-105E(II)对进料实施抽样检验.Sampling scheme: IQC refer to MIL-STD-105E(II)to execute sampling action.5.1.2 正常检验:IQC依MIL-STD-105E(II)对进料实施抽样检验.Regular inspection: IQC refer to MIL-STD-105E(II)to execute sampling action.5.1.3 抽样时机:IQC依照MIL-STD-105E(II)对物料进行抽验检验,取样需平均抽样,在仓库平均取样后,在IQC室依照该物料之承认书与图纸执行检验。

te Measurement Room, Metroቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱogy Room)
技术文员 经理 客服 采购 出纳 科员
Manager Customer Services Buyer Cashier Staff Member 人事行政 Personnel Administrator 党支部书记/行政基建 Party Branch Secretary/Administrative Infrastructure 薪资专员 C&B Specialist 招聘培训专员 Training Specialist 保安 Security 清洁工 Purifier 辅助工 Backman 主管 Supervisor 统计 Statistician 组长 Group Leader 机修 Mechanic 电工组长 Electrician Team Leader 电工 Electrician 副经理 Vice-manager 质量工程师 Quality Engineer 三室主管 Supervisor of three Rooms(Metallography Room, Accurate Measurement Room, Metrology Room) 进出货检验主管 IOQC(Input & Output Quality Controller) 计量室 Metrology Room 金相室 Metallography Room 文控 Document Controller 精测室 Accurate Measurement Room
总经办 总工程师办公室 磨刀组 商务部 财务部 内控办 人事行政 人事行政部 设备部 质保部 总师办 生产部 生产准备 齿轮事业部 齿条前道 齿条后道

进料检验 Incoming QC Inspection (IQC) IQI磨片 Wafer Grind Back Grind贴片 Wafer Mount甩干 Spinning划片 Wafer Saw装片 Die Attach (D/A)焊丝球焊,打金丝,打线,焊线 Wire Bond (W/B)倒装芯片 Flip Chip (FC)热压焊 Thermal Compression Bond (TCB)烘烤烘箱 Baking Curing全检三号目检 3rd Optical Inspection (3rd Opt.)包封塑封 Molding Encapsulation冲塑冲胶 Degate后固化 Post Mold Cure (PMC)切筋冲筋,切中筋 Damcar Cut Trim去飞边 Deflash打印 Marking激光打印 Laser marking油墨打印 Ink UV marking电镀 Plating锡铅电镀铅锡电镀 Tin Lead Plating无铅电镀纯锡电镀 Lead Free Plating Pure Tin Plating成型 Forming分离 Singulation外观检产品出厂检 Out Going Inspection (OGI) 4th Optical Inspection测试 Test分选编带 Tape & Rail包装 Packing出货 Shipping组装 Front OF Line (FOL)芯片 Die色点芯片 Ink Die引线框 Lead Frame助焊剂 Flux导电胶 Epoxy蓝膜 Blue Tape / Mounting tape圆片 Wafer金丝 Gold wire推晶 Die shear弧高 Loop Height弧度 Wire Loop布线图 Bond diagram布线错误 Wrong Bonding焊丝拉力测克,拉丝 Wire Pull 推球金球剥离 Ball shear细刀 Capillary扭曲 Bending翘曲 Bow / Warpage硅屑 Silicon Dust沾污 Contaminate压伤 Dented变形 Distort缺角 Chip Die锡膏回流 Solder Reflow银厚度 Silver Thickness毛刺针刺 Burr塌丝 Depress Wire超波膜 UV Tape火山口 Crater Ring断丝 Broken Wire昂球 Lifted Bond飞球 Sky Ball金属剥落 Lifted Metal昂楔 Lifted Wedge高尔夫球 Golf Ball扁球 Flat Ball半球 Insufficient Ball Size 不粘 Non-Stick芯片裂缝 Crack Die 错方向 Wrong Orientation焊不牢 Incomplete Bond无焊 No Bonding翘芯片 Lifted Die误置芯片 Misplaced Die芯片装斜 Tilted Die芯面粘胶 Epoxy On Die导电胶不足 Insufficient Epoxy多胶 Excess Epoxy导电胶气孔 Epoxy Void镀层气孔 Solder Void导电胶裂缝 Epoxy Crack金属划伤 Saw Into Metal擦痕 Scratches墨溅 Ink Splash薄膜气泡 Tape Bubbles边沿芯片 Edge Die镜子芯片 Mirror Die飞片 Fly Die封装 End Of Line (EOL)排气 Air vent托块 Insert刀片 Punch型腔 Cavity料饼塑料,树脂,环氧 Mold Compound Mold pallet基岛 Paddle (PAD) DAP共面性 Coplanity点温计 Digimite空封 Dummy Molded Strip废胶跑料,废料 Mold Flash小脚 Gate Remain脚间距开档,总宽,跨度 Lead Tip to Tip Total Width, Lead Distance.包封偏差 Molding Mismatch包封模具 Mold Chase冲切,成型模具 Dieset清模 Mold Cleaning多肉 Package Bump引线条 Molded Strip溢胶 Mold Bleed包反 Wrong Orientation Molding印偏 Offset Marking焊丝冲弯 Wire Sweep错位 Molding Mismatch偏心 Molding Offset气孔空洞,气泡 Void排气不畅 Air Vent Clog偏脚 Offset Punch注浇口,进浇口 Injection Gate 1st Gate上料框 Frame Loader冲圆 Fan Out模温 Mold Temperature表面粗糙 Rough Surface未填充 Incomplete Mold料饼醒料 Compound Aging顶针 Ejector Pin顶孔顶料孔 Ejector Pin hole定位块 Locator Block粘模 Sticky Mold烘箱 Oven麻点镀层起毛 Solder Blister锡桥搭锡 Solder Bridge镀层起泡拉尖 Solder Bump镀层剥落 Solder Peel Off锡丝 Solder Flick露铜露底材 Expose Copper细脚小脚 Narrow Lead镀层厚度 Plating Thickness变色 (发黄,发黑,发花,水渍,酸斑) Discolor (Yellowish, Blacken, WaterMark)锡球 Solder Pad镀层偏厚或偏薄 Thick or Thin Plating易焊性 Solderability退锡 Solder Remove站立高度 Stand Off切中筋凸出或凹陷 Dambar Protrusion or Intrusion连筋 Uncut Dambar脚长 Lead Length管脚刮伤 Lead Scratches管脚反翘 Lead Tip Bend反切 Wrong Orientation Forming.缺脚缺管,断脚 Missing Lead Broken Lead裂缝胶体破裂 Crack Package微裂缝 Micro Crack崩角缺角,缺损 Chip Package Chip Off成型角度 Foot angle共面性 Coplanarity倒角 Touch Up印章印记 Marking Layout断字 Broken character印记磨糊褪色 Fad Mark打印不良 Illegible Marking打印字间距 Mark Character Distance印记倾斜 Slant Marking漏打 No marking缺字 Missing Character错字 Wrong Marking弄脏 Smear定位针 Location Pin烧氢 Hydrogen Frame扫描打印 Writing laser模板激光 Mask Laser常用的术语集成电路 Integrated Circuit (IC)塞头 Plug托盘 Tray编带, 带盖 Rail, Rail Cover料管 Tube静电袋 Anti Static Bag支持棒 Suspension Bar Fishtail, tie bar 随件单 Traveling Card Run Card去离子水 D.I. Water散热片 Heat Sink品管 Quality Control (QC)品保 Quality Assurance (QA)关卡 QC Gate校验 Calibrate照明放大镜 Dazor Light Ring Light显微镜 Microscope返工 Rework质量标准 Criteria扩散批 Wafer Lot Mother Lot批 Lot抽样 Sample Size (SS)良品 Accept Unit (Acc)不良品 Reject Unit (Rj)良率 Yield次品率不良率 Yield Lost外次率 O.G.I. YieldX管率 X-ray Yield目检 Visual Inspection正面 Top Surface反面 Bottom surface冷藏库料饼存放库 Cold Room Compound storage 表面贴装式 Surface Mount Technology (SMT)报废 Scrap开短路 Open short调机 Machine Buy Off单列直插式 Single Side Lead Insert双列直插式 Dual Side Lead Insert Type 内控 Internal / In-house Control在制品 Work In Progress (WIP)。

海运专业名词英文对照A/W 全水路All WaterANER 亚洲北美东行运费协定Asia NorthAmerica EastboundRate B/L 海运提单Bill of LadingB/R 买价Buying RateBAF 燃油附加费Bunker AdjustmentFactorC&F 成本加海运费COST AND FREIGHTC.C 运费到付CollectC.S.C 货柜服务费Container Service ChargeC.Y. 货柜场Container YardC/(CNEE) 收货人ConsigneeC/O 产地证Certificate of OriginCAF 货币汇率附加费Currency Adjustment FactorCFS 散货仓库Container Freight StationCFS/CFS 散装交货(起点/终点)CHB 报关行Customs House BrokerCIF 成本,保险加海运费COST,INSURANCE,FRIGHTCIP 运费、保险费付至目的地Carriage and Insurance Paid To COMM 商品CommodityCPT 运费付至目的地Carriage Paid ToCTNR 柜子ContainerCY/CY 整柜交货(起点/终点)D/A 承兑交单Document Against AcceptanceD/O 到港通知Delivery OrderD/P 付款交单Document Against PaymentDAF 边境交货Delivered At FrontierDDC 目的港码头费Destination Delivery ChargeDDP 完税后交货Delivered Duty PaidDDU 未完税交货Delivered Duty Unpaid DEQ 目的港码头交货Delivered Ex QuayDES 目的港船上交货Delivered Ex ShipDoc# 文件号码Document NumberEPS 设备位置附加费Equipment Position SurchargesEx 工厂交货Work/ExFactoryF/F 货运代理Freight ForwarderFAF 燃料附加费Fuel AdjustmentFactorFAK 各种货品Freight All KindFAS 装运港船边交货Free Alongside ShipFCA 货交承运人Free CarrierFCL 整柜Full Container LoadFeeder Vessel/Lighter 驳船航次FEU 40\'柜型Forty-Foot Equivalent Unit 40\'FMC 联邦海事委员会Federal Maritime CommissionFOB 船上交货Free On BoardGRI 全面涨价General RateIncreaseH/C 代理费Handling ChargeHBL 子提单House B/LI/S 内销售Inside SalesIA 各别调价Independent ActionL/C 信用证Letter of CreditLand Bridge 陆桥LCL 拼柜Less Than Container LoadM/T 尺码吨(即货物收费以尺码计费)Measurement Ton MB/L 主提单Master Bill Of LoadingMLB 小陆桥,自一港到另一港口Minni Land Bridge Mother Vessel 主线船MTD 多式联运单据Multimodal Transport DocumentN/F 通知人NotifyNVOCC 无船承运人Non Vessel OperatingCommon CarrierO/F 海运费Ocean FreightOBL 海运提单Ocean (or original B/L)OCP 货主自行安排运到内陆点Overland Continental PointOP 操作OperationORC 本地收货费用(广东省收取)Origen Recevie ChargesP.P 预付PrepaidPCS 港口拥挤附加费Port Congestion SurchargePOD 目地港Port Of DestinationPOL 装运港Port Of LoadingPSS 旺季附加费Peak Season SuchargesS/(Shpr) 发货人ShipperS/C 售货合同Sales ContractS/O 装货指示书Shipping OrderS/R 卖价Selling RateS/S Spread Sheet Spread SheetSC 服务合同Service ContractSSL 船公司Steam Ship LineT.O.C 码头操作费Terminal Operations OptionT.R.C 码头收柜费Terminal Receiving ChargeT/S 转船,转运Trans-ShipT/T 航程Transit TimeTEU 20\'柜型Twenty-Foot Equivalent Unit 20\'THC 码头操作费(香港收取) Terminal Handling ChargesTTL 总共TotalTVC/ TVR 定期定量合同Time Volume Contract/ RateVOCC 船公司Vessel Operating Common CarrierW/M 即以重量吨或者尺码吨中从高收费Weight or Measurement tonW/T 重量吨(即货物收费以重量计费) Weight TonYAS 码头附加费Yard Surcharges 海运费ocean freight集卡运费、短驳费Drayage订舱费booking charge报关费customs clearance fee操作劳务费labour fee or handling charge商检换单费exchange fee for CIP换单费D/O fee拆箱费De-vanning charge港杂费port sur-charge电放费B/L surrender fee冲关费emergent declearation change海关查验费customs inspection fee待时费waiting charge仓储费storage fee改单费amendment charge拼箱服务费LCL service charge动、植检疫费animal & plant quarantine fee 移动式其重机费mobile crane charge进出库费warehouse in/out charge提箱费container stuffing charge滞期费demurrage charge滞箱费container detention charge卡车运费cartage fee商检费commodity inspection fee转运费transportation charge污箱费container dirtyness change坏箱费用container damage charge清洁箱费container clearance charge分拨费dispatch charge车上交货FOT ( free on track )电汇手续费T/T fee转境费/过境费I/E bonded charge空运方面的专用术语空运费air freight机场费air terminal charge空运提单费airway bill feeFSC (燃油附加费) fuel surchargeSCC(安全附加费)security sur-charge抽单费D/O fee上海港常用术语内装箱费container loading charge(including inland drayage)疏港费port congestion charge他港常用术语场站费CFS charge文件费document charge物流费用分析常见的物流费用包括以下几种:海洋运费:Ocean Freight, 从装运港到卸货港的海洋运输费用,按照货物运输方式及性质计价方式回不一样,如集装箱运输,按照每个集装箱收费,集装箱分为普通干箱(General Purpose, Dry)和特种集装箱,按照集装箱大小分为20’, 40’, 20’H(High, 高箱), 40’H(High,高箱),45’等;特种集装箱分为挂衣箱、平板箱、框架箱、冷冻箱、开顶箱、半封闭箱等。

产品标识和可追溯性控制程序Product Identification and Traceability Control Procedure(ISO9001:2015)1目的:Purpose使所有的物料从购进到交付,都可以由其位置、所贴标签等标识清晰识别,并且可以由标识追溯到相关的人、机、法、环、料。
To make all materials can be clearly identified from purchase to delivery through the place and labels that be marked, and can be traced to relevant personnel, machine, law, environment and materials by the identification.2 适用范围:scope本程序适用于公司所有物料从购进到交付的各个阶段。
Be applicable to each stage of all company materials from coming in to delivery.3 程序:Process:3.1 标识Identification:3.1.1 从原材料到成品,所有的物料都必须按其质检状态放置在规定的区域内。
All materials that from raw material to finished products should be placed in the stipulated areas as per the inspection status.3.1.2 原材料和成品包装上必须有标签可以明确识别其型号、数量、质检状态、物料批次等Packages of raw materials and finished products should have labels that can be used to clearly identify the type, quantity, inspection status, material lot number and etc.3.1.3 车间流动的半成品通过生产流程卡识别其型号、物料批次等。

Test equipment
Aging Test
Under the punch of agingmachine﹥4H
Aging Machine
Inspection Standard
Puncture Test
Under the punch of aging machine﹥4H
Aging Machine
The use of power meter+—1W
Power Meter
The same as customer’s requirement

品质管理(be) qualfied, up to grade 合格3B 模具正式投産前確認5M Man/Machine/Material/Method/Measurement 人力/ 機器/ 材料/ 方法/ 量測5S整理/ 整頓/ 清掃/ 清潔/ 教養5WIH When/Where/Who/What/Why/How to 何時/ 何地/ 誰/ 何事/ 為什麼/ 怎麼做7QCTools7 Quality Controls Tools 品管七大手法8 disciplines 8項回復內容abnormal handling 異常處理ACC Accept 允收acceptance = receive 驗收ADM Absolute Dimension Measurement全尺寸測量AIR Artical Inspection reportAOD Accept On Deviation 特采AOQ Average Output Quality平均出廠品質AOQL Average Output Quality Level 平均出廠品質水準APP Approve 核准,認可,承認AQL Acceptable Quality Level 允收品質水準AR Averary Range全距平均值Bending 軟體導入C=0 Critical=0 極嚴重不允許CARCorrective action request 改正行動要求改正報告CPcapability index製造能力指數CPK模具制程能力參數capability index of processCR Critical 極嚴重的defective product/non-good parts 不良品defective products不良品DFR Defect Failure RateNG Not Good 不良,不合格No.Number 數(號)OOBA開箱檢查out of box auditOQA出貨品質保證output quality assuranceOQC最終出貨品管output quality controlORT On going Reliability QualitP/O Waive Purchase Order WaivePacking 包裝PDCA Plan/ Do /Check /Action 計劃/ 執行/ 檢查/ 總結POC段檢人員passage quality controlPPM Parts Per Million 百萬分之一Product Control ListQ/R/S Quality/Reliability/Service 品質/可靠度/服務QA質量保證quality assuranceQAN Quality Ameliorate Notice 品質改善活動QC品管quality controlQC Quality Control 品管QC Quality System 品質系統QC Section品管科QCC Quality Control Circle 品質圈QE品質工程quality engineeringQFD品質機能展開quality function deploymentQI Quality Improvement 品質改善QIT Quality Improvement Team品質改善小組QP Quality Policy 目標方針QT Quality Target 品質目標quality 品質R Range 全距REE Reject 拒收RMA Return Material Audit 退料認可RQT Reliability Quality TestS I-S IV Special I-Special IV 特殊抽樣水準等級S/S Sample size 抽樣檢驗樣本大小SPC Statistical Process Control 統計制程管制SQC Statistical Quality Control 統計品質管制SSQA合格供應商品質評估standardized supplier qualityTQC全面品質管理total quality controlTQM Total Quality Management全面品質管理UAI Use As It 特采UCL Upper Central Limit 管制上限ZD Zero Defect 零缺點ZD Zero Defect 零缺點Down Load Box轉接盒FA最終稽核final auditFAA首件確認first article assuranceFAI首件檢查first article inspectionFC Function checkFMEA失效模式分析failure model effectiveness analysisFPIR First Piece Inspection Report首件檢查報告FQC最終品管final quality controlFREQ Frequency 頻率good product , accepted goods, accepted parts, good parts 良品GRR Gauge Reproducibility & Repeatability 量具之再制性及重測性判斷量可靠與否IPQC制程中品管in process quality controlIQC進料品質管制incoming quality controlJapanese Industrial Standard 日本工業規格(JIS)LCL Lower Central Limit 管制下限LQL Limiting Quality Level 最低品質水準LRR Lot Reject Rate 批退率MAJ Major 主要的MAX Maximum 最大值odd itemofferoffer sheetopen accountorderover lookedpackingpamphletpartial shipmentpatentpaying pricepayment methodport of destinationport of trans-shipmentpriceprice descendingprice risingprocurementprompt deliverypurchasepurchasing agentquotationrebatereferenceremittancerepeat orderrequest letterRFQ Request For Quotationrumorsample ordersecond hand goodsshipmentshippershippingshipping marksold outspecial discount 特別折扣specification 規格standing 信用情形storage charge 倉租subcontract 外包subject to final confirmation 有待確認之報價supplier 供應商T/T 電匯tie-in sale 搭售trade fair 商展會transferred 已轉運trans-shipment 轉運wharf 碼頭PD Product Department生産部PDA Personal Digital Assistant 個人數位助理PE Product Engineering 産品工程部performance 動作性能physical count quantity 帳面數量physical inventory 盤點數量PM Post Meridian 下午PMC Production & Material Control 生産和物料控制PMP Product Management Plan 生産管制計劃PPC Production Plan Control 生産計劃控制pre-fixed finishing date 預定完成日prepared by 製表present members 出席人員production control confirmation 生産確認production tempo 生産進度現狀PS Package Specification 包裝規範Q’TY Quantity 數量quantity of customs count 會計師盤,點數量quantity of physical invetory second count 複盤點數量R&D Research & Design 設計開發部REF Reference 僅供參考remark 備註responsible department 負責單位REV RevisionRFI Read Frequency InputS/T Standard TimesampleSECC SECC`second checksecond countsemi-finished productSGCC SGCCSIMM Single in-line memory moduleSIP Specification In ProcessSOP Standard Operation Procedurespare parts physical inventory listspare parts=bufferSPEC SpecificationSPS Switching power supplySQA Strategy Quality AssuranceSSQA Sales and service Quality Assurancestock age analysis sheetsubjectsummary of year-end physical inventory billsT/P True PositionTBD To Be Discussthe first pageThis sheet and physical inventory list will be sent to accountingdepartment and financial department)to put file in order 整理資料total 合計TPM Total Production Maintenance 全面生産保養TYP Type 類型。

采购术语中英文对照表常用采购术语中英文对照采购Procurement; Purchase采购说明purchase specification订货单;订购单purchasing order(P/O)采购说明汇总表purchasing specification summary sheet (PSSS) 请购requisitioning交货单delivery order (D/O)装箱单packing list预制的prefabricated备品备件spare parts供应者supplier制造者;制造厂manufacturer; vendor顾客client; customer承包商contraction分包商subcontractor业主owner用户user包装packing。
防锈包装rust-proof packing防潮湿包装moisture-proof packing防水包装water-proof packing板条箱crate木箱wooden box超尺寸运输over-dimension cargo (ODC)催货expediting检验inspection运输transportation船上交货,离岸价格free on board (FOB)敞车上交货free on truck码头交货ex wharf; expire企业管理常用缩写术语之中英文对照表5S:5S管理ABC:作业制成本制度(Activity-Based Costing)ABB:实施作业制预算制度(Activity-Based Budgeting)ABM:作业制成本管理(Activity-Base Management)APS:先进规画与排程系统(Advanced Planning and Scheduling) ASP:应用程序服务供货商(Application Service Provider)ATP:可承诺量(Available To Promise)AVL:认可的供货商清单(Approved Vendor List)BOM:物料清单(Bill Of Material)BPR:企业流程再造(Business Process Reengineering)BSC:平衡记分卡(Balanced ScoreCard)BTF:计划生产(Build To Forecast)BTO:订单生产(Build To Order)CPM:要径法(Critical Path Method)CPM:每一百万个使用者会有几次抱怨(Complaint per Million)CRM:客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management)CRP:产能需求规划(Capacity Requirements Planning)CTO:客制化生产(Configuration To Order)DBR:限制驱导式排程法(Drum-Buffer-Rope)DMT:成熟度验证(Design Maturing T esting)DVT:设计验证(Design Verification Testing)DRP:运销资源计划(Distribution Resource Planning) DSS:决策支持系统(Decision Support System)EC:设计变更/工程变更(Engineer Change)EC:电子商务(Electronic Commerce) ECRN:原件规格更改通知(Engineer Change Request Notice) EDI:电子数据交换(Electronic Data Interchange)EIS:主管决策系统(Executive Information System) EMC:电磁相容(Electric Magnetic Capability) EOQ:基本经济订购量(Economic Order Quantity)ERP:企业资源规划(Enterprise Resource Planning) FAE:应用工程师(Field Application Engineer)FCST:预估(Forecast)FMS:弹性制造系统(Flexible Manufacture System)FQC:成品质量管理(Finish or Final Quality Control)IPQC:制程质量管理(In-Process Quality Control)IQC:进料质量管理(Incoming Quality Control)ISO:国际标准组织(International Organization for Standardization) ISAR:首批样品认可(Initial Sample Approval Request)JIT:实时管理(Just In Time)KM:知识管理(Knowledge Management)L4L:逐批订购法(Lot-for-Lot)LTC:最小总成本法(Least Total Cost)LUC:最小单位成本(Least Unit Cost)MES:制造执行系统(Manufacturing Execution System)MO:制令(Manufacture Order)MPS:主生产排程(Master Production Schedule)MRO:请修(购)单(Maintenance Repair Operation)MRP:物料需求规划(Material Requirement Planning)MRPII:制造资源计划(Manufacturing Resource Planning)NFCF:更改预估量的通知Notice for Changing Forecast OEM:委托代工(Original Equipment Manufacture) ODM:委托设计与制造(Original Design & Manufacture)OLAP:在线分析处理(On-Line Analytical Processing)OLTP:在线交易处理(On-Line Transaction Processing)OPT:最佳生产技术(Optimized Production Technology) OQC:出货质量管理(Out-going Quality Control)PDCA:PDCA管理循环(Plan-Do-Check-Action) PDM:产品数据管理系统(Product Data Management) PERT:计划评核术(Program Evaluation and Review Technique)PO:订单(Purchase Order)POH:预估在手量(Product on Hand)PR:采购申请Purchase RequestQA:质量保证(Quality Assurance)QC:质量管理(Quality Control)QCC:品管圈(Quality Control Circle)QE:质量工程(Quality Engineering)RCCP:粗略产能规划(Rough Cut Capacity Planning) RMA:退货验收Returned Material ApprovalROP:再订购点(Re-Order Point)SCM:供应链管理(Supply Chain Management)SFC:现场控制(Shop Floor Control)SIS:策略信息系统(Strategic Information System)SO:订单(Sales Order)SOR:特殊订单需求(Special Order Request)SPC:统计制程管制(Statistic Process Control)TOC:限制理论(Theory of Constraints)TPM:全面生产管理Total Production Management TQC:全面质量管理(Total Quality Control)TQM:全面质量管理(Total Quality Management)WIP:在制品(Work In Process)1. Never say die.永不言败。

Check it up with BOM
Conten t/stick in ess/da mage of the tags
Check it up with data
In spect ion
Байду номын сангаасInner
Damage/ Dirt
In spect ion
In spect ion
Length* Width* Height
Check it up with BOM
Conten t/stick in ess/da mage of the tags
Check it up with data
In spect ion
Check it up with order
Outgoi ng Quality Con trol Report
In spect ion Date:

The latest issues of the following documents are effective.
COP001《纠正和预防措施控制程பைடு நூலகம்》
Corrective and Preventive Action Control Procedure
Working instruction for equipment management
Working instruction for government, safety and environment code
This procedure stipulates control method forincoming goods inspection /validation of raw /auxiliary material, equipment,parts ,subassembly and parts processed by other company .Its purpose is to make checking and accepting ofraw /auxiliary material , parts purchased from other company / processed with the help of other company and processed products can be carried out quickly ,correctly and effectively and ensure the products that haven’t been inspected or inspected to be unsatisfactory will not be used or processed (except the ones we haven’t time to validate )

ISO9001不合格品控制程序Control of Nonconforming Product 1.Revision History 修改记录2. purpose目的为有效地杜绝不合格的物料、半成品及成品的误用、流出; 并对其予以恰当处理.To avoid nonconforming materials, semi-finished products and finished products from misuse and Outflow, and dispose them properly.3. scope范围适用于不同阶段的产品及物料:如进料、制程、成品、库存及客户退货.Applicable for material and products in different level: Incoming, process, finished goods, stock and customer returns.4. Reference Document参考文件4.1《MRB运作程序》 MRB operation procedure4.2《记录管理程序》 Record control procedure4.3《进料品质控制程序》 Incoming quality control procedure4.4《过程质量控制程序》 Process quality control procedure4.5《出货质量控制程序》 Outgoing quality control procedure4.6《纠正与预防措施管理程序》 Corrective and preventive action managementprocedure4.7《产品标识及追溯性管理程序》Product identification and traceabilitymanagement procedure5. Definition定义5.1 合格:满足要求.Conforming: Satisfy the requirement5.2 不合格:未满足要求.Nonconforming: Disatisfy the rewuirement.6. Responsibility职责6.1 品质部:负责对不合格原料及成品的检验判定及标识。

质量控制中英文对照Quality Control (QC) in English is translated as "质量控制" in Chinese. It refers to the process of ensuring that products or services meet certain standards and specifications. QC is an essential part of any manufacturing or service industry, as it helps to identify and rectify any defects or issues before the final product is delivered to the customer.The purpose of QC is to minimize the risk of producing faulty products or delivering substandard services. It involves various activities and techniques that are implemented throughout the production or service delivery process. These activities include inspection, testing, sampling, and documentation.The following is a detailed description of the key elements and steps involved in quality control, along with their corresponding translations in Chinese:1. Quality Planning (质量计划)- This involves defining the quality standards and specifications for the product or service.- Determining the necessary resources and processes required to meet these standards.- Developing a quality control plan that outlines the specific activities and procedures to be followed.2. Quality Assurance (质量保证)- This focuses on preventing defects or issues from occurring in the first place.- It involves implementing processes and systems to ensure that the production or service delivery is consistent and error-free.- This includes training employees, conducting regular audits, and implementing preventive measures.3. Inspection (检查)- This is the process of examining the product or service to ensure that it meets the specified requirements.- It involves visual examination, measurements, and testing to identify any defects or deviations.- Inspections can be conducted at various stages of the production or service delivery process.4. Testing (测试)- This involves subjecting the product or service to various tests to determine its performance, reliability, and functionality.- Testing can include physical, chemical, or performance tests, depending on the nature of the product or service.- Test results are compared against predetermined standards to determine if the product or service meets the requirements.5. Sampling (抽样检验)- Sampling is the process of selecting a representative sample from a larger population for inspection or testing.- It is used when it is not feasible or practical to inspect or test every single unit.- The sample is chosen using statistical methods to ensure it is representative and unbiased.6. Documentation (文件记录)- This involves maintaining detailed records of all quality control activities and results.- Documentation includes inspection reports, test results, corrective actions taken, and any other relevant information.- These records are important for traceability, analysis, and continuous improvement.7. Corrective Actions (纠正措施)- When defects or issues are identified, corrective actions are taken to rectify the problem and prevent its recurrence.- This can involve reworking the product, adjusting processes, or implementing additional controls.- Corrective actions are documented and monitored to ensure their effectiveness.8. Continuous Improvement (持续改进)- Quality control is an ongoing process that requires continuous improvement.- This involves analyzing data, identifying trends or patterns, and implementing changes to enhance quality.- Continuous improvement aims to optimize processes, reduce defects, and meet or exceed customer expectations.In conclusion, quality control plays a crucial role in ensuring that products or services meet the required standards and specifications. By implementing a comprehensive quality control system, businesses can minimize the risk of producing faulty products or delivering substandard services. The key elements of quality control, including quality planning, assurance, inspection, testing, sampling, documentation, corrective actions, and continuous improvement, are essential to achieving and maintaining high levels of quality.。
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Out-going Inspection Product
To ensure that out-going inspection is performed under effective control.
Generally, no need out-going inspection after final inspection. But in any one of the following situations, out-going inspection is necessary.
Related personnel in Program Dept and QC section are responsible for determining which
parts need to do out-going inspection.
Stored more than 6 months (If the waiting-for-delivery product has been assessed by
FQC in the same month, then FQC conduct in accordance with the result of the
corresponding <<Material/product assessment report>> QF-PW-009, otherwise it is a
must for FQC to perform out-going inspection.)
2.因受外界环境的影响发生异常,影响到产品质量Product quality is effected by the
changing of environment;
3.包材被损坏.Damage of package;
Oversea delivery(including H.K.) or customer
appointed products.
FQC科、货仓部、船务部、PMC 。
FQC section, Storage dept, Shipping dept, PMC。
4.1出货通知﹑备货Delivery notification and preparation:
出货通知:一般由PMC至少提前一天提供Shipping Request给船务部、货仓部、FQC 科;船务安排车辆,货仓根据S.R.备货,备妥后通知FQC科作出货检查。
Delivery notification: Generally, PMC passes delivery notification to store dept and shipping dept and FQC section. Shipping dept arranges vehicle while store dept prepares the outgoing products according to S.R. Then store dept informs FQC section to perform outgoing inspection.
The leader arranges FQC inspector to perform sampling inspection for waiting- for- delivery parts.
4.3检查标准/Inspection Standard:
依<<产品终检程序>>FQP-FQC01 ,<< 质量检查标准>> SQC002(此文件中说明哪些为重不良,哪些为轻不良), 《手持产品喷涂表面检查标准及测试方法》SQC004,并参考制程检验中相应产品的<<QC 检查指导票>> 或确认样板进行抽样检验。
Sampling inspection is carried out according to<Final Inspection Procedure > procedure FQP-FQC01 and <Quality Inspection Standard> SQC002(in which describes the major and minor
nonconformance), “Handheld Product Painted Surface Inspection Standard & Testing
Method”SQC004, as well as referring to the related production instruction documents)or
confirmed sample.
4.4检查过程及处理/Inspection process and disposition
然后填写《质量检查报告》QF QC 007交FQC组长或QC主管/QE
If the final judgement for out-going products is “OK” after
out-going inspection, QC should put a blue “Acceptable” label onto every pallet and
submit completed < Quality Inspection Report > QF-QC-007 to OQC leader or OQC
supervisor for signature. Then pass this report to Shipping dept for delivery