法律英语 名言警句
(MarkTwain,Americanwriter美国作家马克吐温)4.Innaturetherearenorewardsorpunishments;therearecons equences.自然界中没有奖赏和惩罚,只有因果报应。
4、I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it5、有此上士,则必天网恢恢,疏而不漏!6、The law often allows what honor forbids7、法律的生命从来不是逻辑,而是经验。
15、If we do not maintain justice, justice will not maintain us16、It is better to fight for justice than to rail at the ill17、人们嘴上挂着的法律,其真实含义是财富。
23、If there were no bad people, there would be no good lawyers24、法律有权打破平静。
27、Every law has its loophole. ---Anonymous28、Laws grind the poor, and rich men rule the law29、法律一多,公正就少。
Law is the safest helmets.2、人民的愉悦是至高无个的法。
The pleasure of the people is the highest without a method.3、法律的性命不是逻辑而是经验。
The life of law is not logic but experience.4、极端的法规,就是极端的不公。
Extreme rules and regulations, and is extremely unfair.5、法律是为了保护无辜而制定的。
Law is designed to protect the innocent.6、法律是社会习俗和思想的结晶。
7、Dredging method is better than secret heart, and the width is better than a strict master.法律就应是铁的,像铁锁那样。
8、Laws are should be iron, like chains.法律是社会的习惯和思想的结晶。
9、Law is the crystallization of the habit and thought of society.弱者比强者更能得到法律的保护。
10、The weak can get the protection of the law more than the strong.法宽则刑者少,刑者少则民为耻矣。
11、Method is wide punishment is less, the punishment is less people to shame.人类受制于法律,法律受制于情理。
12、Human subject to the law, the law is subject to reasonable.如果法律是非正义的,它就不能存在。
Abide by the laws and regulations, draw a complete life.2、万物皆有序,有法天下和。
The world and everything in order, just.3、法律应当与权利保持一致。
The law should be consistent with the rights.4、人民的幸福是至高无个的法。
The happiness of the people is the highest without a method.5、法律的解释具有法律的效力。
The interpretation of the law has the force of law.6、法律的性命不是逻辑而是经验。
The life of law is not logic but experience.7、与其责骂罪恶,不如伸张正义。
It is better to fight for justice than to scold, evil.8、好法律是由坏风俗创造出来的。
The good law is created by the bad custom.9、圣人能生法,不能废法而治国。
The saints to body, will not pass the law ruling.10、举证职责之所在,即败诉之所在。
The responsibility of proof, namely the losing.11、不体现民意的法律是绝对行不通的。
Don't reflect public opinion law is absolutely won't work.12、法律结束之处,正是暴政开始之处。
At the beginning of the end of the law, it is tyranny.13、在法律面前,一切头衔都无济于事。
The greater the harm of crime to public interests, the more powerful the means to stop people from committing crimes should be.2、受刑者不应被当作受辱者,而应被当作悔过者重新回归社会。
The victim should not be treated as a humiliated person, but as a repentant person to return to society.3、公心在胸,不止一事一案;廉字当头,贵乎贯穿始终。
Public heart is in the mind, not just one case; honest words are the first, and it is precious throughout the whole process.4、人心是杆秤,法律是准绳。
The human heart is a bar scale, and the law is the criterion.5、听讼当庭审公正办案则是非明辨,断案凭证据严肃依法则曲直分明。
It is not clear to handle a case impartially when hearing a lawsuit, but it is clear to judge a case by serious evidence according to law.6、了解和掌握神圣法典的人越多,犯罪就越少。
The more people who know and master the Holy Code, the fewer crimes they commit.7、堂堂正正做人,清清白白为官,公公正正办案。
In the noise of violence, the voice of law seems too weak.2、当事人给法官事实,法官给当事人法律。
The parties give the judges facts and the judges give the parties the law.3、在民主的国家里,法律就是国王;在专制的国家里,国王就是法律。
In a democratic country, the law is the king; in an autocratic country, the king is the law.4、习惯没有法律那样明智,可它们往往更盛行。
Customs are not as wise as laws, but they are often more prevalent.5、法律如果不讲道理,即使延续时间再长,也还是没有制约力的。
If the law is unreasonable, even if it lasts for a long time, it will still have no restriction.6、法律是无私的,对谁都一视同仁。
The law is selfless and treats everyone equally. She is not selfish in everything.7、因为需要才有法律,但需要自己却不服从法律。
Because there is law in need, but we need to obey the law ourselves.8、法律并不能使所有的人都平等,但是所有的人在法律面前都是平等的。
The law can not make all people equal, but all people are equal before the law.9、法律的力量应当跟随着公民,就像影子跟随着身体一样。
In the noise of violence, the voice of law seems too weak.2、当事人给法官事实,法官给当事人法律。
The parties give the judges facts and the judges give the parties the law.3、在民主的国家里,法律就是国王;在专制的国家里,国王就是法律。
In a democratic country, the law is the king; in an autocratic country, the king is the law.4、习惯没有法律那样明智,可它们往往更盛行。
Customs are not as wise as laws, but they are often more prevalent.5、法律如果不讲道理,即使延续时间再长,也还是没有制约力的。
If the law is unreasonable, even if it lasts for a long time, it will still have no restriction.6、法律是无私的,对谁都一视同仁。
The law is selfless and treats everyone equally. She is not selfish in everything.7、因为需要才有法律,但需要自己却不服从法律。
Because there is law in need, but we need to obey the law ourselves.8、法律并不能使所有的人都平等,但是所有的人在法律面前都是平等的。
The law can not make all people equal, but all people are equal before the law.9、法律的力量应当跟随着公民,就像影子跟随着身体一样。
——托·富勒Laws one more, just little。
——爱·科克Law is the safest helmets。
——马·格林Law has the right to break the peace。
——弥尔顿How many SINS will be how many laws。
——英格索尔Law is the result of self-preservation。
——爱略特Law is designed to protect the innocent。
——西塞罗Extreme rules and regulations, and is extremely unfair。
——马克罗维乌斯The good law is created by the bad custom。
——托·富勒Human subject to the law, the law is subject to reasonable。
——西塞罗The law is no say in the presence of violence。
——亚里士多德Law is order, and good law is good order。
——爱献生Human law, regular things, this is not allow to ignore。
1.有关法律的英语名言警句1. The law cannot make everyone equal, but everyone is equal before the law――Pollock2. The real purpose of law is to induce those governed by law to seek their own virtue―― Aquinas3. The punishment stipulated by law is not for private interests, but for public interests; It depends partly on harmful coercion and partly on the effectiveness of example―― Grotius4. Law is law, it is a magnificent summer, sheltering us all; Every brick is built on another brick―― Galsworthy5. Law is order. Good order comes from good law―― Aristotle6. The law is selfless and treats everyone equally. She is not selfish in everything―― Thomas7. The law develops for evil and punishes evil―― Florio8. Goldsmith: the law always ravages the poor, and the rich always dominate the law.9. Minand: justice is better than law.10. Milton: as many sins as there are laws.11. Bekstaff: everyone is subject to the law.12. Tennyson: all titles are useless before the law.13. As the saying goes: if the law cannot open the door of privilege, it must not enter the hearts of the people.14. Aristotle: man is the best of animals when he is perfect, but when he is isolated from law and justice, he is the worst of animals. He is the most unholy and savage of animals.15. Plutarch: custom may not be as wise as law.2.有关法律的英语名言警句1. Among the major civilizations in the world, China is the most distant one from the rule of law, and even forms a polar contrast with Europe―― Zihe Xiulan2. To make things just (fair), there must be no biased balance; Law is precisely such a middle way trade-off Aristotle (ancient Greece) political science3. The clarity of the law lies not in the detail of its provisions, but in the obvious intention, and the people can get its metaphor Hobbes (UK) Leviathan4. When the law is obliterated, autocracy arises.5. The law is by no means invariable. On the contrary, just as the sky and sea change due to wind and waves, the law also changes due to circumstances and luck Hegel (Germany) principles of legal philosophy6. The law must rely on some external means to make its machine work, because the legal rules will not be enforced automatically Pound (United States), social control through law, the task of law7. Saints can live by the law, not rule the country by abolishing the law Guan Zi (Warring States period) Guan Zi fa8. The law is changeable.9. Within the law, there should be reason and human feelings―― Antigo pinch10. In a country, laws are always made by the power of the strong Plato (ancient Greece) law11. Establishing good and preventing evil is the ritual, and prohibiting non establishment is the law Fu Xuan (Jin Dynasty), Fu Zi, FA Xing12. The law should be iron, like an iron lock Gorky (Su): my university13. Like a house, law and law are interdependent―― Burke14. There are two forces that bring stability: Law and politeness Goethe (Germany) Goethe's collection of maxims and feelings15. The law shows the story of the country's development over the centuries. It cannot be regarded as just the laws and calculation methods in mathematics textbooks――Holmes16. The law is not responsible for killing people, just as this responsibility should not be borne by guns and knives Shen Congwen17. The rule of law means that the government cannot impose coercion on individuals unless it implements well-known rules―― hayek18. Sparse Dharma is better than secret heart, and lenient order is better than strict Lord LV Kun (Ming Dynasty) groaning language: Governing Tao19. The real meaning of the law hanging on people's lips is wealth―― AI Xiansheng20. The real purpose of law is to induce those governed by law to seek their own virtue Aquinas (Italy) complete Theology3.有关法律的英语名言警句1. In all human states that can be governed by law, where there is no law, there is no freedom―― Locke on Government2. Within the law, there should be reason and human feelings―― Antigo pinch3. Abide by laws and regulations and draw a perfect life.4. Freedom is a way of life that must have its own authority, discipline and restriction―― Lipman5. The focus of law development is not legislation, law, or judicial judgment, but society itself―― Ehrlich6. Legal interpreters all hope to find the answers to the problems of the times in the law―― Larenz7. Everyone must know the small law and do nothing illegal every day.8. Freedom is the right to do what is permitted by law―― Cicero9. It exists in another world, but it exists in the whole world.10. It is the duty of the legislature to disseminate knowledge of their will among the people as much as possible―― Bentham11. The law does not protect the noble, but the general.12. The rule of law means that the government cannot impose coercion on individuals unless it implements well-known rules―― hayek13. Whoever makes laws for others should apply the same law to himself―― Aquinas14. Therefore, laws guide the people, and punishments prohibit adultery―― Sima Qian's historical records: biographies of officials15. The law is like a journey. It must be prepared for tomorrow. It must have the principle of growth―― Famous justice Cardoso16. The vitality of law lies in public awareness and implementation.17. The fees paid to lawyers should not be based on the length of time they havestated in court, but on the quality of their defence.18. The creator of the Constitution gave us a compass, not a blueprint―― Posner19. When order becomes chaos, we have to use chaos to maintain order and save the law―― Roman Roland's "Gora brunion"20. If the law is not supported by fear, it must not take effect.。
——托·富勒Laws one more, just little。
——爱·科克Law is the safest helmets。
——马·格林Law has the right to break the peace。
——弥尔顿How many SINS will be how many laws。
——英格索尔Law is the result of self-preservation。
——爱略特Law is designed to protect the innocent。
——西塞罗Extreme rules and regulations, and is extremely unfair。
——马克罗维乌斯The good law is created by the bad custom。
——托·富勒Human subject to the law, the law is subject to reasonable。
——西塞罗The law is no say in the presence of violence。
——亚里士多德Law is order, and good law is good order。
——爱献生Human law, regular things, this is not allow to ignore。
The peace of the people is the supreme law.2、法律的生命不是逻辑而是经验。
The life of law is not logic but experience.3、法律就应是铁的,像铁锁那样。
Laws are should be iron, like chains.4、法律家喻户晓,社会长治久安。
Legal household and social stability.5、小恶不容于乡,大恶不容于国。
Little evil is in township, wickedness not in China.6、您抛弃了法律,生活就会抛弃您。
You abandoned the law, life will abandon you.7、宪法,就是一张写着人民权利的纸。
The constitution, is a piece of paper written on the rights of the people.8、任何人均不得因其不法行为而获益。
No one may benefit for their wrongdoing.9、种德者必养其心,守法者必利自身。
Kind of virtue will raise its heart, the righteous will benefit the self.10、法律因罪恶而发展,并且惩办罪恶。
Legal development for their SINS, and punish the evil.11、法大行,则是为公是,非为公非。
Method of line, is the public, not public.12、在一千磅法律里,没有一盎司仁爱。
Decree, discipline is.2、战鼓一响,法律无声。
Where drums beat, laws are silent.3、律者,因此定分止争也。
Law of the people, so the fixed points and check also.4、清廉常自勉,公正息纷争。
Clean often high ideals, justice interest disputes.5、言论自由是一切权利之母。
Freedom of speech is the mother of all rights.6、有多少罪孽就会有多少法律。
How many SINS will be how many laws.7、法律有时入睡,但决不死亡。
The laws sometimes sleep, but never die.8、智者以法护身,愚者以身试法。
A wise man and insulation, fools who tested.9、法律在你之上,你切不可愈越。
Law on you, you must not less.10、法律是社会的习惯和思想的结晶。
Law is the crystallization of the habit and thought of society.11、以法治权权生威,以德修心心养廉。
With the rule of law has tiger, good for repairing xinxin YangLian.12、法律不是保护崇高,而是保护一般。
The law is not to protect the sublime, but to protect.13、纲纪废弃之日,便是**兴起之时。
The day of abandoned field, is the rise of tyranny.14、法律和制度务必跟上人类思想进步。
Law is the crystallization of the habit and thought of society.2、法律的出发点不是惩罚人,而是保护人。
The starting point of law is not to punish people, but the protectors.3、自由是做法律所许可的一切事情的权利。
Freedom is everything that is permitted by law.4、法律是显露的道德,道德是隐藏的法律。
Moral law is revealed, morality is the hidden law.5、以法律保障人民权利,以法治范围全国。
Scope of legal safeguard people's rights and the rule of law across the country.6、不讲法律,一意孤行的统治者就是暴君。
Do not speak the law, promote the ruler is a tyrant.7、被败坏的道德践踏了的法律还有何意义?Be corrupted moral trampling on the law and he yiyi?8、律师是法律最理想、最无可指责的解释者。
Law is the law is the most ideal and irreproachable interpreter.9、全面无型的控制,把法律和良心合在一起。
Comprehensive without control, the law and conscience.10、王子不在法律之上,而法律却在王子之上。
The prince is not above the law, and the law is above the prince.11、像房子一样,法律和法律都是相互依存的。
Human subject to the law, the law is subject to reasonable.2、在**的喧嚣声中,法律的声音显得太微弱。
In the din of violence, the law's voice is too weak.3、如果一个人不需要服从任何人,只服从法律,那么,他就是自由的。
If a man doesn't need to obey anyone, only obey the law, so, he's free.4、当事人给法官事实,法官给当事人法律。
The parties to the judge the fact that the judge law to a party.5、法律的真谛,就是没有绝对的自由,更没有绝对的平等。
The true meaning of the law, is that there is no absolute freedom, more no absolute equality.6、如果法律没有恐惧支撑,它绝不能生效。
If the law fear supports, it will not take effect.7、放下利害,放下尊严,放下身份-爱情面前;比法律更人人平等。
Put down stakes, put down the dignity, put down the identity - love. More than the law everyone is equal.8、法律就是法律它是一座雄伟的大夏,庇护着我们大家;它的每一块砖石都垒在另一块砖石上。
The law is the law it is a magnificent building, the protection of us; Its every piece of brick and stone base on another piece of brick and stone.9、有两种和平的**,那就是法律和礼节。
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——弗劳德 Fair legal restrictions on freedom of not good, because good people won't go to do the law does not allow。
——爱?科克 If unreasonable, even longer time, still no further reading。
——威?皮物特 The day of abandoned field, is the rise of tyranny。
——威?厄尔 The weak can get the protection of the law more than the strong。
——罗?伯顿 Today's law is not necessarily tomorrow is still legal。
——希腊 To make a person with moral demonstration, apparently more valuable than using law to restrain him。
——马略 In the din of violence, the law's voice is too weak。
——西塞罗 Law always put national security over the safety of individuals。
关于法律的名言英文导读:本文是关于关于法律的名言英文的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享!1、One of the most striking and salutary thing in Ameican life is the widespread study of law。
2、No society can make a perpetual constitution,or evena perpetual law。
3、Law is order,and good law is good order。
4、If we do not maintain justice,justice will not maintain us。
5、If there were no bad people,there would be no good lawyers。
6、Singularity is almost invariably a clue。
The more featureless and commonplace a crime is,the more difficult is it to bring it home。
7、The law cannot make all men equal,but they are all equal before the law。
8、Law is the crystallizaton of the habit and thought of society。
Human subject to the law, the law is subject to reasonable.2、在**的喧嚣声中,法律的声音显得太微弱。
In the din of violence, the law's voice is too weak.3、如果一个人不需要服从任何人,只服从法律,那么,他就是自由的。
If a man doesn't need to obey anyone, only obey the law, so, he's free.4、当事人给法官事实,法官给当事人法律。
The parties to the judge the fact that the judge law to a party.5、法律的真谛,就是没有绝对的自由,更没有绝对的平等。
The true meaning of the law, is that there is no absolute freedom, more no absolute equality.6、如果法律没有恐惧支撑,它绝不能生效。
If the law fear supports, it will not take effect.7、放下利害,放下尊严,放下身份-爱情面前;比法律更人人平等。
Put down stakes, put down the dignity, put down the identity - love. More than the law everyone is equal.8、法律就是法律它是一座雄伟的大夏,庇护着我们大家;它的每一块砖石都垒在另一块砖石上。
The law is the law it is a magnificent building, the protection of us; Its every piece of brick and stone base on another piece of brick and stone.9、有两种和平的**,那就是法律和礼节。
The law is the instrument of the world. Therefore, it is not right to be suspicious and clear.2、在民法慈母般的眼神中,每个人就是整个国家。
In the loving eyes of civil law, everyone is the whole country.3、如果法律没有恐惧支撑,它绝不能生效。
If law is not supported by fear, it will never e into force.4、让咱们维护公平,那么咱们将会得到更多的自由。
Let's maintain fairness, and we will get more freedom.5、宪法创制者给我们的是一个罗盘,而不是一张蓝图。
The creator of the constitution has given us a pass, not a blueprint.6、法律是无私的,对谁都一视同仁。
The law is selfless and treats everyone alike. In everything, she was not selfish.7、法律因罪恶而发展,并且惩办罪恶。
Law develops because of sin and punishes evil.8、法律规定得愈明确,其条文就愈容易切实地施行。
The more explicit the law is, the easier it will be to implement the provisions.9、倘若世上没有坏人,也就不会有好的律师。
If there were no bad people in the world, there would be no good lawyers.10、如果法律是非正义的,它就不能存在。
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The judge is condemned when the guilty is acquitted.
[Lat., Judex damnatur cum nocens absolvitur.]
...Publilius Syrus
Let us consider the reason of the case. For nothing is law that is not reason.
...Sir John Powell
I know of no method to secure the repeal of bad or obnoxious laws so effective as their stringent execution.
...Carrie Chapman Catt
Law is mind without reason.
Necessity has no law.
...William Langland
a sage punishes not because a crime has been committed, but rather to prevent its being committed;because the past cannot be revoked, but the future is being forestalled.
Unnecessary laws are but traps for money.
Arms and laws do not flourish together.
...Julius Caesar
...Titus Livy
The prince is not above the laws, but the laws above the prince.
[Lat., Non est priceps super leges, sed leges supra principem.]
Their support is lukewarm partly from fear of their adversaries, who have the existing law on their side, and partly because men are generally incredulous, never really trusting n
...Ulysses S. Grant
At least in the law of the jungle, you've survival of the fittest. In Congress, you've just got survival.
It is safer that a bad man should not be accused, than that he should be acquitted.
[Lat., Hominem improbum non accusari tutius est quam absolvi.]
Arms and laws do not flourish together.
...Julius Caesar
No written law has been more binding than unwritten custom supported by popular opinion.
In civilized life, law floats in a sea of ethics.
...Earl Warren
The law seems like a sort of maze through which a client must be led to safety, a collection of reefs, rocks and underwater hazards through which he or she must be piloted.
(Lat. nemo prudens punit quia peccatum est, sed ne peccetur;reuocari enim praeterita non possunt, futura prohibentur)
The question is, not what may be supposed to have been intended, but what has been said.
...Lord Halsbury
It is found by experience that admirable laws and right precedents among the good have their origin in the misdeeds of others.
...Mark Duffy
?There can be no really pervasive system of oppression . . . without the consent of the oppressed.
...Robert W. Packwood
He found law dear and left it cheap.
...Ulysses S. Grant
There is a point beyond which even justice becomes unjust.
...Pliny the Younger
The strictest law sometimes becomes the severessumma est malitia.]
The law often allows what honor forbids.
[Fr., La loi permet souvent ce que defend l'honneur.]
...Bernard Joseph Saurin
...Cornelius Tacitus
People say I've had brushes with the law. That's not true. I've had brushes with overzealous prosecutors."
The law exists to protect us all, whether we are union members, union leaders, employers or merely long-suffering members of the public. We cannot do without it. But the law is not a one-way street. Part goes our way, part goes against us. We have either to accept it all or else to opt bor anarchy.
The strictest law sometimes becomes the severest injustice.
[Lat., Jus summum saepe summa est malitia.]