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1. prologue

thank ou, mr. hairman, for our graious introdution. i am honored to have the hane to address ou on this speial oasion. the topi of m paper is “transation ost and farmers’ hoie of agriultural produts selling”. the outline of m talk as follos. the first part i ant to introdue the bakground of

this researh. the seond part suggests a simple household hoie model .the third part overs the data used in this researh. and then, e introdue the empirial results. finall, a simple onlusion is given.


ell, let’s move on the first part of this topi .the motivation of this ork like this. institutional eonomis posits that agents making deisions on different tpes of transations do so in a ostl a .for example , farmers deiding sell a partiular rop to hom base their deisions not onl on the prie the expet to reeive in eah market hoie but also on additional osts related to transating in these markets.

i ant to use a piture to illustrate it. for example, given some market h annels, farmers’ hoies an be regarded as equilibrium beteen the surplus and the additional osts that related to transating .espeiall in developing ountries, high-value rop produers full partiipate in the market and the transation ost has been the hard onstraint to farmers. furthermore, farmers’ market hoies an be taken as a hoie dilemma of transation ost and prodution surplus. onsequentl, the sientifi question of this researh is ho transation ost affets planters’ hoies.

3. methodolog

let’s move to the theor etial model of our researh. onsider a household model in one rotation. in stage 1 , famer η needs to alloate the input fators .this proess an qbe set into a funtion like this q? ? q, qη means the output farmers deide qto produe .p implies the output prie implies input prie and.z: ? is fixed input. one produe hat and produe ho man are deided, next question to be onsidered is ho muh produts to be transated in market. here e use three ,are being promoted.

2、installing the intelligent eletroni station board at the bus stop station for shoing the distribution of transit lines related to the station, the distane of the bus belong to some transit line and their predition arrival time, an

help passengers kno the loation of eah bus and determine

their travel arrangements.

3、the urban publi transportation information servie

sstem is an important part of apts, also reflets the modernization of urban publi transportation; it onstitutes a part of the modern urban publi transportation sstem, ollaborating ith the intelligent transit dispathing sstem,

the transit optimization sstem and the transit evaluation sstem.

(二)tehnial analsis of bus arrival time

1、the aura of the bus arrival predition time is diretl related to the preision of information shoed on the

intelligent eletroni station board. therefore, the aura of

the next bus’s arrival predition time shoed on the

intelligent eletroni station board is a ver ke indiator.

2、the predition model of bus arrival time displaed on

the intelligent eletroni station board need to be improved urgentl.

meanhile, theor researh,sstem design and implementation

of the advaned publi transportation sstems,are being promoted.

3、the tehnolog ponents of the bus arrival time are

divided into the folloing five parts:


