Marketing Strategy营销战略
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Virtual Learning Resource Centre Marketing strategy and planningOverviewIntroductionStage one: Defining strategic marketing objectivesStage two: Determining strategic focusStage three: Defining customer targetsStage four: Competitor analysisStage five: Differential advantageStage six: Marketing mixStage seven: ImplementationStage eight: Monitoring market performanceIntroductionThe terms marketing strategy and strategic market planning are often used interchangeably, which sometimes leads to confusion. We will use the term marketing strategy to mean the overall strategy of an organisation in relation to a particular market. In this learning guide we will explore the process of analysis and decision making which organisations go through as they define and implement their approach to that market. Marketing plans will form part of this process, in particular when it comes to implementation.Key aspects of the process are that it is cyclical, ie subject to constant review and reiteration; that it is dynamic, subject to changes in the environment (including customers and competition); and that it should be shared within the organisation, rather than being the sole preserve of the marketing department, if it is to be wholeheartedly adopted and implemented by the whole organisation.Two interrelated trends in marketing approaches have changed the emphasis of marketing strategy in recent years. These are relationship marketing and customer economics. The increased use of sophisticated database information in marketing has helped further the adoption of these two approaches and indeed both require such information in order to be successfully implemented. If you are specifically interested in relationship marketing, there is a further learning guide specifically on this topic.This overview will introduce a framework for the steps to be followed in a comprehensive marketing strategy process, the information and analysis required at each stage and the decisions to be taken at each stage. There are of course other possible frameworks and approaches which would be equally acceptable, provided all the key steps are included. What is crucial is to see each stage, and the whole process, as dynamic and iterative.Fig.1 : Components of marketing strategySource: Doyle, P. et al. Japanese Marketing Strategies in the UK: A Comparative study, Journal of International Business Studies Vol. 17(1) Spring 1986. Reprinted with permission from Butterworth Heinemann.Back to the topStage one: Defining strategic marketing objectivesThese will to a large extent be determined by corporate strategy, and will answer such questions as: which markets should we compete in? what should be our targets, in terms of market share and profitability, in these markets?The answer to the first question will be determined by the inherent attractiveness of the market and our ability to compete in it. A market may be attractive for a number of reasons: because there are high profits to be made in it; because it is growing; because it fits in well with or fills a gap in our existing portfolio. It is useful at this stage to carry out some structured analysis using a framework such as Michael Porter's Five Forces of Competition (see Fig. 2. below) or SWOT analysis.Fig. 2. Porter's "Five Forces of Competition" analysis© Porter, M.E. (1980) "Competitive Strategy" New York, The Free Press. Reprinted with permissionIt is crucial, however, to ask not just whether the market is inherently attractive, but whether it matches our capability profile: in other words, do we have particular strengths which will give us an advantage in the market? A good marketing strategy may be determined as much by those markets we choose not to enter as by those we do.Targets will be expressed in terms of market share or profitability, or possibly both. For example, in an early stage of the stage in the market life cycle, an organisation mayconcentrate on building share at the expense of profitability, or at a later stage may be content for share to remain static whilst profits are high.Back to the top Stage two: Determining strategic focusHaving decided which markets to compete in, the question of how to compete can be addressed. Should the focus be on growing the overall size of the market, or on taking a bigger share of an existing market (penetration)? In order to do this, should we be concentrating on getting existing customers to use more of our product, or on finding new customers or even new segments? Or can we only increase share by taking customers from our competitors?The answers to these questions will depend largely on what stage has been reached in the life cycle of the market for this product. This in turn will determine whether the market is fairly homogeneous or divided into segments or sub-segments. The more mature the market, the more fragmented it tends to be.Fig. 3.© Arnold, David (1992) The Handbook of Brand Management, Century Business. Reprinted with permission from FT Management.The product market life cycleTotal sales in a particular product market will tend to follow the curve shown in Fig. 3 aboveover a period of time. That period of time may span a hundred years or more (as would be the case for, say, washing powder or banking services) or it may be much shorter, in the case of technological innovations such as the cassette recorder or fashion-related items such as particular types of clothes or music. Each stage in the so called product market life cycle has different characteristics in terms of customers, competition, and company priorities.1.The introductory phaseCustomers: Unfamiliar with or unaware of product category. Those who do buy likely to be more experimentalist by nature. Sales lowCompetition: Likely to be lowCompany priorities: Encourage trial. Work with customers on productdevelopment to improve aspects such as packaging or documentation, or toeliminate "teething troubles"2.The growth phaseCustomers: Growing in numbers. Segments begin to appear. May be less price sensitive as category benefits more widely knownCompetition: Growing as new entrants appear.Company priorities: Build share by concentrating on distribution, creating alliances where appropriate to do this3.Early maturityCustomers: Segmentation is now more distinct and customer loyalty established as repeat purchases take placeCompetition: Intense as players attempt to secure their shareCompany priorities: Differentiate to attract and retain customers in specific target segmentste maturityCustomers: Knowledgeable, may demand low prices and high service levelsCompetition: Intense due to lack of market growth and difficulty of further differentiation. May be price basedCompany priorities: Attempt to lengthen life cycle by innovation, re-inventing product category before decline stage5.DeclineCustomers: Late adopters, eg first time buyers of microwaves or VCRsCompetition: May come more from substitute products or services than direct competition, eg plastic instead of steel components; on line services instead oflibraries or hard copy journalsCompany priorities: Re-define market whilst milking profits in early part of decline stage.Back to the top Stage three: Defining customer targetsThe first step in defining customer targets will be to understand the structure of the market interms of what segments exist and what alternative ways of segmenting the market might be possible. It is important to remember in this context that segmentation is a characteristic of the market, not something which marketeers impose upon it. In seeking to gain a better understanding of different customers' perception of value, marketeers may see certain customers with similar characteristics and perceptions as belonging together as a distinct segment, but unless those similarities actually exist, the segmentation and the target will be meaningless. Customers within one segment should be similar to each other in ways which are important for how, when, what and why they buy, and different from customers in other segments. Organisation's which find new ways of segmenting a market may also find new ways of differentiating their offering in response to a particular segment's perception of value, and will therefore gain an advantage over their competitors.Once we have a clear view of market structure, we need to decide which segment or segments to target. Certain elements will tend to make a segment attractive:size.growth.profitability.fit with company strengths.relative weakness of competition.The issue of customer economics, or choosing the right customer portfolio, is vital. Organisation's can waste large amounts of resources pursuing customers who are not sufficiently profitable, or are unattractive in other ways. This is even more important given the recent emphasis on building customer relationships. This is usually an expensive and time consuming business, so organisation's need to be sure that they are building relationships with the right customers. It is not usually possible or desirable to build relationships with all customers.As part of this stage, it will be decided whether to target only one segment, or several segments at once. Clearly this decision will be influenced by such factors as:available resources.danger of brand contamination.opportunity for economies of scale in manufacturing, marketing or distribution.Back to the top Stage four: Competitor analysisIn practice, it is clear that the analysis of competitors and the selection of customer targets will go hand in hand, since the one will exert a strong influence on the other. The decisions to be taken at this stage will relate to competitive positioning and competitive strategy. Competitor analysis is a big topic and has an important role to play at the level of corporatestrategy as well as in the marketing strategy process. If you want to look more specifically and in greater depth at competitor analysis, there is a separate learning guide on this topic. In the context of developing a marketing strategy, there are particular areas of competitor analysis to be considered. The specific questions which competitor analysis must answer at this market specific level are:what does the customer buy when he does not buy my product?what is his perception of these alternatives and how does it compare with his perception of my product?what do I know or what can I infer about my competitors' strategies in relation to their products?In answering the first question, it may help to consider at what level does the competition pose a threat in this market? There are a number of different possible levels of competition:budget level. The customer is choosing between spending his/her budget in two completely different ways, to meet completely different needs. To use an examplefrom the regional newspaper industry: does the customer buy the local paper or abar of chocolate?generic competition. The competitive product delivers the same benefit but in a different way: instead of buying the local paper, the customer listens to local radio.product category competition. Here the customer may choose between different product categories within the same industry: the customer buys a national dailynewspaper instead of the local one, or reads the free local paper delivered throughhis door, instead going out and buying one.brand competition. This is the most direct form of competition: does the customer buy one local title or the other?Organisation's will often be aware of direct brand competition, but less knowledgeable about the encroaching threat of competition at a lower level. The level at which the competitive threat is the strongest will obviously have serious implications for the organisation's strategic priorities.The second question relates more to the positioning of competitive products in the mind of the customer. The use of perceptual maps may help. Perceptual maps use the results of market research to map consumers' perceptions of competing brands in relation to attributes they consider important in determining value.They are a useful tool in determining strategies, because marketeers can see the major threats to their brand as well as the different directions in which they could move. Perceptual maps are discussed in more detail in David Arnold's book, The Handbook of Brand Management (1992) Century Business, pp.84 ff.The third question requires some thinking around the role of the particular competitive product in the competitor's portfolio as a whole. Portfolio management tools such as the Boston Consulting Group Matrix or the Directional Policy Matrix will probably be useful here. They are described briefly below.Fig. 4. The product portfolio matrixSource: Perspectives, No. 66, “The product portfolio.” Reprinted by permission from The Boston Consulting Group Inc. Boston MC. © copyright 1970The BCG product portfolio matrix classifies products according to two measures, market growth and relative market share. According to their position on the matrix, products are known as problem children (or question marks), stars, cash cows or dogs.Organisation's will tend to have a number of problem children at once, products at an early stage of the life cycle, having low market share in a fast growing market. They require a great deal of investment and support, but only some of them will survive to become mature products which can contribute to the organisation's overall revenues.Once products have succeeded in growing their market share, and whilst the market itself is still in its growth phase, they are known as stars. These products still require substantial investment to sustain their high market share position, but they are at the same time generating positive cash flows themselves.As the market moves into maturity and growth slows down, products with high market share are classified as cash cows, able to generate cash whilst requiring less support than before. These cash flows can therefore be used to support other products in the other categories. Finally, products with low market share in a low growth market are known as dogs. They may still generate some cash, but as the market moves into decline, it will not be worth it for organisation's to invest money or effort in them. Instead they are advised to cut back investment as much as possible (harvesting) or, if possible, to move out of the market (divestment).Clearly, the BCG matrix can be used by an organisation to analyse its own or its competitors' products. Both will be useful for the purpose of competitive positioning.The Directional Policy Matrix is also a two dimensional model but incorporates a number of different elements into each dimension. It is therefore more complex and also more subjective than the BCG model. (see Fig.5) It can be used to plot brands, products, geographical areas or market segments and helps managers to think through their strategy for each element in the company's portfolio (or to make assumptions about their competitors' likely strategy). The size of each circle drawn on the matrix may represent size of turnover or, if known, profit margin. Fig. 5. The directional policy matrix© Adapted from Abell, Derek F. & Hammond, John S. (1979) Strategic Market Planning:Problems and Analytical Approaches, p213. Reprinted with permission of Prentice Hall Inc.The two axes of this matrix are market attractiveness and relative strength versus the competition. Clearly, an organisation will aim to have as many products as possible in the top left hand corner, ie in a strong competitive position in an attractive market. It will almost certainly have other products in the middle of the matrix (in an attractive market but in a relatively weak competitive position) and even in the right hand corner (a weak product in an unattractive market).Looking at the portfolio in this way will help with deciding priorities and allocating resources. For example, how much will it cost to keep a product in the top right position? What other products may threaten it? If a product is in the top middle square, what resources or tactical moves would it take to shift it over to the right? And for the product in the bottom left - should it be harvested? or is it possible to shift it?Back to the topStage five: Differential advantageDifferential advantage, or competitive advantage, describes the ways in which one organisation's offering is different from and better than another's. This gives the company an advantage over its competition. Differential advantage may come from a variety of sources: superior position, superior skills or superior resources.Superior positioneg lower costs (perhaps due to location); incumbent position (eg distribution network); relationshipsSuperior skillseg specialised knowledge, technical expertise, organisational skills such as flexibilitySuperior resourceseg financial resources, geographical coverage, exclusive ingredients, experienced peopleWhatever the source of differential advantage, it must offer real value to the customer in that it meets his/her needs in a distinctive way, and is in some way better than the competition. It is the meeting point of the three C's of customer, competition and company resources. Differential advantage is at the heart of a marketing strategy and should be based on all of the preceding analysis. It can then be translated into a practical marketing plan covering the four P's of the marketing mix.Back to the top Stage six: Marketing mixThe "marketing mix" refers to the various elements of a company's offering in the market place: the product or service itself, including its packaging; the price, including any discounts or payment terms; the place, or distribution method; and the promotional mix by which the offering is communicated to the market place.Fig. 6.In addition to the traditional "four Ps" (Borden, The Concept of the Marketing Mix, Journal of Advertising Research, Vol. 4, June 1964), subsequent writers have talked about the need to include physical evidence, process and people, particularly where service products are concerned. For example, if buying an intangible financial services product such as a mortgage, the building society's offices, the ease and speed with which an application can be made, and the way in which the society's staff deal with their customers will all influence the customer's perception of the offering.The marketing plan can be produced at this stage, and will include a definition of the target market segment(s), the source of differential advantage, and a list of actions under each of the marketing mix headings, with timings, budget and responsibilities allocated.The marketing mix approach simply says that all the messages the customer receives must be consistent with each other and help to communicate the differential advantage (sometimes called the value proposition). Some have argued that the concept is outdated, relying too much on the marketing department to implement it, and needs to be replaced by a more company wide approach. It is certainly true that consistency and an integrated approach are vital in implementing marketing strategy.Back to the topStage seven: ImplementationThe implementation of marketing strategy demands good communication between the marketing function and the other parts of the organisation. The McKinsey "Seven S" model (Peters, T. & Waterman, R. (1982) "In Search of Excellence" New York, HarperCollins) may be used as a checklist to ensure that all the elements involved in implementing the strategy are consistent with each other and with the strategy itself. The "seven S's" are:Strategy itself - supported bySkills- what distinctive core tasks (functional or organisational) is the company good at performing?Shared values - what is the culture of the company? What behaviour or achievements are rewarded?Style- what is the management style? How do things get done round here?Staff - what are the people like? What is their educational or business background? What is likely to motivate them? How is their morale?Systems- what formal systems are in place that may help (or hinder) implementation? (these could be reward systems, monitoring systems, customer service systems?) What about the informal systems?Structure- what structures are in place that may help (or hinder) implementation? Is there a flat management structure? Are there (for example) project management teams, or is the organisation structured along purely functional lines?Back to the top Stage eight: Monitoring market performanceIdeally a marketing plan should also include performance targets in terms of sales and contribution, customer satisfaction, or any other measures deemed appropriate. There is a trend towards the use of non-financial measures in monitoring company performance. (Kaplan, R. S. & Norton, D.P. (1996) The Balanced Scorecard, Harvard Business School Press). The information needed for such measurements is often difficult to obtain, but as feedback mechanisms showing whether or not a strategy is being successfully implemented, they may be more useful than traditional quantitative measures. the learning guide on performance management has more information about the balanced scorecard approach.Back to the topLast modified: 02/10/2006。
营销策略(Marketing Strategy)
![营销策略(Marketing Strategy)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2d30105b6ad97f192279168884868762caaebb2b.png)
营销策略(Marketing Strategy)引言营销策略在企业发展中起到至关重要的作用。
以下是一些与目标市场营销相关的重要名词解释:1. 市场细分(Market Segmentation):将整个市场分割成相对独立的、具有相似需求和特征的小区块,以便更好地了解和满足各个细分市场的需求。
2. 目标市场(Target Market):基于市场细分的结果,选择最有可能购买产品或服务的消费者群体作为目标市场。
3. 市场定位(Market Positioning):确定产品或品牌在目标市场中的差异化和竞争优势,以便在竞争激烈的市场中脱颖而出。
4. 价值主张(Value Proposition):将产品或服务的独特价值和优势传达给目标市场,使其认识到购买该产品或服务的价值。
5. 市场需求(Market Demand):目标市场对特定产品或服务的总体需求。
6. 市场细分变量(Segmentation Variables):用于将市场细分的各项统计指标,包括人口统计数据(如年龄、性别、收入)和行为数据(如购买行为、偏好)等。
7. 营销策略(Marketing Strategy):基于目标市场的需求和竞争环境,制定出达到目标市场的目标和方式的计划。
8. 市场定位图(Positioning Map):将竞争对手及其产品在某一或多个关键属性上绘制出来的图,用于分析目标市场中产品的位置和差异化机会。
9. 市场份额(Market Share):企业在目标市场中所占的销售额或市场份额的比例。
1. 市场调研(Market Research):通过定量和定性的研究手段,了解市场需求、产品特点、竞争环境等信息。
2. 定位(Positioning):根据产品特点和目标客户群体,确定产品在市场上的位置和差异化竞争策略。
3. 4P (Product, Price, Place, Promotion):指产品、价格、渠道和促销策略四个要素,是传统营销理论中的核心概念。
4. 品牌管理(Brand Management):对品牌进行策划、设计、推广和维护,提高品牌知名度和影响力。
5. CRM (Customer Relationship Management):通过建立客户数据库、分析客户需求和行为等手段,实现与客户的沟通和管理,提高客户忠诚度和满意度。
6. 电子商务(E-commerce):通过互联网平台进行交易和营销活动,包括网上商城、搜索引擎优化、社交媒体营销等。
7. 数据分析(Data Analysis):通过收集和分析大量数据,了解消费者
8. 营销策略(Marketing Strategy):根据市场状况和企业目标,制定推广、促销和市场开发等策略,提高产品和品牌的市场份额。
9. 营销通路(Marketing Channel):通过经销商、代理商、零售商等渠道,将产品或服务推向消费者,并保持商品流通和销售。
10. 社交媒体营销(Social Media Marketing):通过社交平台如微信、微博、抖音等,进行品牌宣传、内容推广和用户互动的营销方式。
营销策略 Marketing StrategyPART ONEQuestions 1—8· Look at the statements below and the five extracts about advertising and promotion from an article.· Which extract (A, B, C, D orE. does each statement (1—8) refer to?· For each statement (1—8), make one letter (A, B, C, D orE. on your Answer Sheet.· You will need to use some of these letters more than once.A. SMS marketing is marketing using a mobile phone. SMS stands for short message server, otherwise known as text messaging. In short SMS marketing is done using a mobile device to transfer marketing communication to interested consumers. It's an area that is gaining a great deal of interest by businesses both small and large.B. In a perfect world, every brand would contain a variety of meanings, the better to speak to a variety of consumers. The trouble with stuffing the brand this way is that the meaning that works for one consumer can bewilder or antagonize the next. Building a brand with many meanings can sometimes fail spectacularly. Everyone creating popular culture is trying to solve this question.C. Marketing managers work with advertising and promotion managers to promote the firm's or organization's products and services. With the help of lower level managers, including product development managers and market research managers, marketing managers estimate the demand for products and services offered by the firm and its competitors and identify potential markets for the firm's products.D. Marketers should also be aware of the competition that they will face when pursuing a position at a media company. Typically, marketers must have a plethora of solid experience and a vast understanding of the media industry and the specific changes impacting the industry they are looking to work in.E. Convergence has significantly blurred the lines between print, internet, television and radio. Messaging that used to be tailored for one outlet will now have to be adjusted for a wider audience. Further, the accessibility of the internet has created a very diverse and global customer base.1、 Marketers should already be familiar with how to communicate their messages across a variety of mediums.2、 Marketing managers also develop pricing strategies to help firms maximize profits and market share while ensuring that the firms' customers are satisfied.3、 In collaboration with sales, product development, and other managers, they monitor trends that indicate the need for new products and services and they oversee product development.4、 In the United States alone 9 out of 10 people carry a mobile device according to research done by MobiThinking.5、 So marketers should build their awareness of different cultures and respective sensitivities.6、 Specifically we have something to learn from Hollywood, which I believe may serve us as a kind of laboratory.7、 At present, SMS marketing is considered to be one of the more direct and personal forms of marketing.8、 So marketers have something to learn from non marketers.PART TWOQuestions 9—14· Read the text about the Yao's career development in the U. S.· Choose the best sentence to fill each of the gaps.· For each gap (9—14), mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.· Do not use any letter more than once.A. Let's start off by reviewing the formal definitions of eachB. All of these elements must not only work independently but they also must work together towards the bigger goal.C. Advertising only equals one piece of the pie in the strategyD. While both components are important they are very differentE. Advertising is the largest expense of most marketing plansF. Advertising can be defined as a way to publicize the information consumers needG. After reading both of the definitions it is easy to understand how the difference can be confusing to the pointH. We can come a conclusion that all the elements are important for advertisers to noteMarketing vs. Advertising: What's the Difference?You will often find that many people confuse marketing with advertising or vice versa. 9 Knowing the difference and doing your market research can put your company on the path to substantial growth.10and then I'll go into the explanation of how marketing and advertising differ from one another:Advertising: The paid, public, non-personal announcement of a persuasive message by an identified sponsor; the non-personal presentation or promotion by a firm of its products to its existing and potential customers.Marketing: The systematic planning, implementation and control of a mix of business activities intended to bring together buyers and sellers for the mutually advantageous exchange or transfer of products.11 that people think of them as one-in-the same, so lets break it downa bit.Advertising is a single component of the marketing process. It's the part that involves get ting the word out concerning your business, product, or the services you are offering. It involves the process of developing strategie s such as ad placement, frequency, etc. Advertising includes the placement of an ad in such mediums as newspapers, direct mail, billboards, television, radio, and of course the Internet. 12 with public relations following in a close second and market research not falling far behind..The best way to distinguish between advertising and marketing is to think of marketing as a pie, inside that pie you have slices of advertising, market research, media planning, public relations, product pricing, distribution, customer support, sales strategy, and community involvement. 1314Marketing is a process that takes time and can involve hours of research for a marketing plan to be effective. Think of marketing as everything that an organization does to facilitate an exchange between company and consumer.PART THREEQuestions 15—20· Read the following article on the reasons why customers don't buy from you.· For each question (15—20) mark one letter (A, B, C orD. on your Answer Sheetfor the answer you choose.Are you spending time marketing your product, but still not selling as much as you would like? The truth is consumers have needs and steps that they go through and that persuades them to buy. If your marketing is not meetingthose requirements it is probably the reasons your product is not selling. As consumers we are not just persuaded by the "price" of a product, we are moved by the benefits of the product and what it can do for us; that's our reason for purchasing. If you are finding that you are having difficulty in selling your product you may want to consider the following reasons why consumers don't buy and evaluate how you can do better at marketing your products in a way that converts consumers into your customers. They are not aware of your product.Consumers cannot purchase products they are not aware of. If you are marketing, but consumers still don't know about your product it may be time to evaluate why it's not working. Are you targeting the right market with your message? Is your message reaching those that would have an interest in your product? It's important to remember that the solution is not always more marketing, because the problem may lie with where you are marketing at, and what marketing vehicles you are using. They don't understand the benefits of your product. Consumers don't buy products solely based on price. Now, this does not mean that they don't factor in price, they do. Consumers buy based on the benefits your product brings them. If you asked your customers what the benefits of your product are, would they know? This is important. Your marketing must be centered on the benefits for your product in order for consumers to take an interest in purchasing your product. Create a list of the top three benefits of your product and use those in your marketing message. They don't feel your product has perceived value. Consumers will not buy products that they perceive as having no value. Why should customers value your product? You can use the benefits of your product to create a perceived value and it is that perceived value that helps in the sales of your product. If a customer cannot see value they will simply pass your product by. You must create that perceived value in your marketing message. They don't see how your product meets their needs. We've talked about benefits and perceived value, now let's talk about needs. Do consumers know how your product meets their needs? Does it make their life easier, save them time, and make them feel better? What need does you r product satisfy? You have to tell consumers that, don't make them guess or come up with the answer on their own, tell them and help educate them on why they need your product.15、 Which is not one of the main reasons that the consumers do not buy your products?A. The consumers don't find the way to know your product.B. The practicability of the product is not obvious.C. The product of other marketer has a more favorable price.D. Consumers don't buy anything which they think is of no value.16、 What do we learn about from the first paragraph?A. The consumers don't want to buy from you because you applied inappropriate ways in marketing the product.B. It is the benefits of the product that attract the customers to pay for it.C. A marketer should learn to summarize the reasons from the failure marketing.D. Meeting the customers' requirements appears to be of most importance in marketing techniques.17、 What does the author mean by saying "create a perceived value in your marketing message" ?A. It means that you should create a seductive message about the product to attract the consumers' attention.B. It refers to the benefits and requirements that consumers want from the product.C. It advises the marketers to use the benefits of your product to advertise.D. It is the only way that the customers can see how your product meets their needs.18、 Which is the essential concern that a customer buy a product?A. The customer really need it.B. It has a perceived value.C. It has a favorable price.D. The benefit of it sounds good.19、 A success product marketing is determined by ______.A. where the consumers get them.B. the way the consumers get them.C. the sales volume in the different sales locations.D. the awareness of your product.20、 To convert consumers into your customers, you shouldA. improve your marketing tools and strategies.B. learn about the needs and requirements of the consumers.C. pay more attention to the product itself, not the marketing.D. take more into consideration rather than simply marketing.PART FOURQuestions 21—30· Read the article below about the five W's of marketing.· Choose the correct word to fill each gap from A, B, C or D.· For each question (21—30), mark one letter (A, B, C orD. on your Answer Sheet. The Five W's of MarketingYou've heard of the Five W's: who, what, when, where, and why. They're the elements of information needed to get the full story, whether it's a journalist 21a scandal, a detective investigating a crime, or a customer service representative trying to resolve a 22There's even an old PR formula that uses the Five W's as a template for how to write a news release.Most of the time it doesn't matter in what order the 23 is gathered, as long as all five W's are ultimately 24The customer service rep's story may begin with who was offended, while the journalist may follow a lead based on what happened. The detective may start with where a crime was committed while details of who and what (not to mention when and why) are still 25 The Five W's are helpful in marketing planning as well. But unlike in other 26 the development of an effective marketing program requires that they be answered in a specific order: why, who, what, where, and when. The reasons may not be obvious, but by following this pathway you can avoid a great deal of confusion, trial and error, and blind 27 preserving your company's precious time and 28 Many marketers instinctively begin with questions about what and where, as in "what" their advertising should say or "where" it should appear. That's what gets them into 29 To 30 their marketing efforts, think why, who, what, where, and when. The order makes all the difference.21、 A. reporting B. uncovering C. exposing D. unmasking22、 A. problem B. dispute C. complaint D. issue23、 A. information B. statistics C. intelligence D. data24、 A. introduced B. proposed C. addressed D. raised25、 A. sketchy B. rough C. curt D. unshaped26、 A. fields B. occupations C. industries D. professions27、 A. alleys B. paths C. valleys D. tunnels28、 A. money B. efforts C. resources D. vigor29、 A. dilemma B. trouble C. puzzle D. uncertainty30、 A. improve B. perfect C. advance D. optimize PART FIVEQuestions 31—40· Read the article below about being different in your marketing.· For each question 31—40, write one word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.Dare to Be Different In Your MarketingDo you want to attract the attention of 31potential clients and customer? Then it's time to dare to be different. Over the last five years our marketing departments have become complacent. 32 than come up 33 new concepts, ideas, and marketing plans, we only revisit someone else's idea, 34a few things and call it our own. Do you want to create buzz 35 your products and services? Would you like people to take a look at 36 it is that you have to offer over your competitor? If you answered yes to 37 of these questions then this year I dare you to be different. Develop new ideas, actually spend time brainstorming to firm up your own company's marketing message. Stop looking at what everyone else is doing. Quit comparing your creative ideas with others. It's 38we learn that adopting the tactics and strategies of another company is just simply not 39 It's still important to do your re search regarding your competitors. However, it's more important to listen to the needs of prospects and current clients. When did it become ok to quit paying attention to our markets? We want a quick fix, a fast campaign, an instaneous idea. Daring to be 40doesn't have to be difficult, often enough it's as simple as getting back to the basics. PART SIXQuestions 41—52· Read the text below from a report about brand management.· In most lines (41—52), there is one extra word. It either is grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text. Some lines, however, are correct.· If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet.· If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.41、 Believe it or not, your company is already being facing just that type of situation. Oh, you may not42、 have realized it, and if that's the case you probably haven't been responding as you should do.43、 The challenge you're facing, like the one above all, is complicated. It, too, has long term44、 implications. It's also expensive, and it's public—very public. Worse, if you're mishandling things, you're already damaging the health of your company. What is it? It's your branding program.45、 Don't roll up your eyes. Think about it. Companies often mismanage their brands by neglect,46、 and doing so harms their top lines, their bottom lines, and their prospects for long-term47、 success. Just because someone else hasn't dropped a bombshell on you i na breathless phone48、 call doesn't make it any less true. Like the subtle movement of the hands of a clock going, brand neglect happens slowly, almost imperceptibly, which makes it even more sinister.49、 What makes it so nonsensical is that your brand is the ultimate asset—or they should be. Your50、 brand, unlike a building, inventory, or furniture, fixtures, and equipment, needs never depreciate.51、 Quite on the contrary—brands can increase in value indefinitely as long as they're well-managed.52、 Consulting firm Interbrand estimates the market value of Coca-Cola ( KO)—not means the secret formula, not the factories, not the trucks, but the brand alone—to be more than $ 70 billion. The McDonald's (MCD. brand is worth more than $ 33 billion. Disney (DIS), $ 28 billion.答案:PART ONE1、D2、C3、C4、A5、E6、B7、A8、B PART TWO9、 10、11、 12、 13、14、PART THREE15、C 16、C 17、D 18、A 19、D 20、DPART FOUR21、B 22、C 23、A 24、C 25、A 26、D 27、A 28、C 29、B 30、DPART FIVE31、MORE 32、RATHER 33、WITH 34、CHANGE 35、ABOUT 36、WHAT 37、EITHER 38、TIME 39、ENOUGH 40、DIFFERENT PART SIX41、BEING 42、DO 43、ALL 44、CORRECT 45、UP 46、CORRECT 47、ELSE 48、GOING 49、THEY 50、CORRECT 51、ON 52、MEANS。
营销战略(marketing strategy)文献综述Stanley F. Slater等研究了环境影响评估的战略和业务单位在市场营销的创造力和执行效用方面的相对重要的作用,研究人员来调查这些条件,能提供关于管理和指导以便优化配置资源。
Rajan Varadarajan等[2]对现存的市场营销的环境中能使用Internet的吉姆公司的第一个十年进行研究,并猜测将来的互动营销市场的范围,研究销售和市场教育机制。
Kyriakos Kyriakopoulos等[3]认为一个公司的市场定位应该结合开发战略和市场开发,通过提供一个聚焦在客户目标的有效理论,来促进市场信息流动之间的战略进程,并集成一个动态连接能力市场。
Florence Crespin-Mazet等[4]研究了建筑业中的合作开发的营销战略,努力找出在何种条件下的项目合作开发被认为是一个可行的营销战略和具有竞争力的营销战略。
Kwaku Atuahene-Gima等[5]扩展了在新产品营销策略和基于新的冒险技术之间的关系研究,发现额外的工业关系和市场的活力能够加强新产品的营销战略在市场中的表现。
Eleri R. Rosier等[6]发明和测试了一种概念模型,是关于关键执行者和营销经理在程序上的合理的洞察力所带来的结果。
Henrikki Tikkanen等[7]研究了基本规划公司的的多商业关系和多规划的营销战略的实现。
Denise Jarratt等[8]描述了营销战略是如何随着新的竞争和组织环境的改变而演化的,解释了市场活动在公司面临营销战略时的作用和战略发展的途径。
Yvonne Brodrechtova[9]说明影响出口市场营销战略的因素不单单是西方发达国家,还有欧洲的过渡国家。
Sandra Mottner等[10]研究经济和文化博物馆存放策略,认为这些策略能够测量非盈利性的营销策略的成败。
下面是几个常见的商业领域中strategy的示例:1. 市场营销策略(Marketing Strategy):企业在推广和销售产品或服务时,为了吸引和保留客户,通常会制定市场营销策略。
2. 品牌战略(Brand Strategy):建立和维护一个强大的品牌对于企业的发展至关重要。
3. 渠道战略(Channel Strategy):在销售产品或服务时,选择适当的渠道对于企业的成功非常重要。
以下是战略管理中strategy的一些常见应用:1. 企业战略(Corporate Strategy):企业战略是指企业如何定位自己在特定市场中,以及如何分配资源来实现其长期目标。
2. 竞争战略(Competitive Strategy):竞争战略是企业在竞争激烈的市场中如何获胜的计划。
营销策略(Marketing stragegy)文
![营销策略(Marketing stragegy)文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/589f617bf242336c1eb95eba.png)
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Publications On the WWW Databases General search engines Books, periodicals, newspapers Dissertation Abstracts & Indexes Government agencies and reports Markets Census data Government sources Annual reports Syndicated commercial information
Printed resources
Robert Balay, Guide to reference books, Chicago ; London : American Library Association, 1996. Call Number: Z 1035.1 Gui 1996 Robert E. Stevens, The marketing research guide, New York : Best Business Books, 2006. Call Number: HF 5415.2 Mar 2005 James Woy (Editor), Encyclopedia of Business Information Sources, Farmington Hills, MI : Gale Group, 2005. Call Number: HF 5353 Enc 2005 Sheri R. Lanza, International business information on the web, Medford, N.J. : Cyber Age Books, 2001. Call Number: HF 54.56 Lan 2001
(四)促销策略 为有效地渗透到美国汽车市场, 为有效地渗透到美国汽车市场,促销策略的核心是集中 全力直接对目标市场做大量广告, 全力直接对目标市场做大量广告,抓住还没有其他外国汽车 制造商在电视上做广告的机会, 制造商在电视上做广告的机会,垄断小轿车电视广告的播映 在电视广告外,还要辅以印刷品广告。而且, 权。在电视广告外,还要辅以印刷品广告。而且,广告内容 要由专家精心设计,绝不粗制滥造。 要由专家精心设计,绝不粗制滥造。为避免日美贸易矛盾的 尖锐化,广告设计大力宣传交通工具在美国的重要, 尖锐化,广告设计大力宣传交通工具在美国的重要,宣扬丰 田花冠车是“具有美国精神的进口汽车” 田花冠车是“具有美国精神的进口汽车”。丰田公司这一时 期的广告支出大大超过竞争者的水平, 1969年广告费用支 期的广告支出大大超过竞争者的水平,仅1969年广告费用支 出就达1 万美元。强大精心的宣传与广告攻势, 出就达1 850 万美元。强大精心的宣传与广告攻势,突出了 丰田的良好功能和给消费者带来的利益。 丰田的良好功能和给消费者带来的利益。 日本“丰田”在汽车市场上取得了令人瞩目的成功。 日本“丰田”在汽车市场上取得了令人瞩目的成功。 年进入美国市场,很快就受到了消费者的欢迎。 1965 年进入美国市场,很快就受到了消费者的欢迎。而以后 年间市场份额也是稳定增大, 的20 年间市场份额也是稳定增大,到1975 年,超过主要竞 争对手原西德大众公司,在美国小轿车进口商中占据首位; 争对手原西德大众公司,在美国小轿车进口商中占据首位; 年代初,年产量超过30 万辆, 80 年代初,年产量超过30 万辆,成为世界第二位汽车制造 在美国的市场销量高达50 万辆, 商;1985 年,在美国的市场销量高达50 万辆,控制美国轿 车市场的11.5%. 车市场的11.5%.
marketing用语以下是一些常见的 Marketing 用语:1. Marketing strategy:营销策略2. Marketing plan:营销计划3. Branding:品牌推广4. Product placement:产品放置5. Sales promotion:促销活动6. Advertising:广告7. Direct marketing:直接营销8. Digital marketing:数字营销9. Social media marketing:社交媒体营销10. Search engine optimization (SEO):搜索引擎优化11. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising:点击付费广告12. Email marketing:电子邮件营销13. Online marketing:在线营销14. Mobile marketing:移动营销15. Content marketing:内容营销16. Inbound marketing:集客营销17. Outbound marketing:外延式营销18. Cold calling:冷电话推销19. Lead generation:潜在客户生成20. Sales funnel:销售漏斗21. Conversion rate optimization (CRO):转化率优化22. Landing page optimization:着陆页优化23. Key performance indicators (KPIs):关键绩效指标24. Customer relationship management (CRM):客户关系管理25. Market research:市场研究26. Segmentation:市场细分27. Target audience:目标受众28. Positioning statement:定位声明29. Pricing strategy:定价策略30. Distribution channels:分销渠道31. Point of sale (POS):销售点32. Call to action (CTA):行动呼吁33. Lead magnets:吸引潜在客户的诱饵34. Email newsletters:电子邮件通讯35. White papers:白皮书好的,以下是更多的 Marketing 用语:36. Case studies:案例研究37. Blogs:博客38. Podcasts:播客39. Webinars:网络研讨会40. Infographics:信息图表41. E-books:电子书42. Whitepapers:白皮书43. Data sheets:数据表44. Product demos:产品演示45. Free trials:免费试用46. Customer testimonials:客户推荐信47. Press releases:新闻稿48. Banner ads:横幅广告49. Radio ads:广播广告50. TV ads:电视广告51. Print ads:平面广告52. Outdoor ads:户外广告53. Point-of-purchase (POP) displays:购买点展示54. Product packaging:产品包装55. Branding collateral:品牌推广资料56. Sales collateral:销售推广资料57. Marketing collateral:营销推广资料58. Event marketing:活动营销59. Conferences:会议60. Fairs and exhibitions:展览会和博览会61. Roadshows:路演62. Webcasts:网络直播63. Corporate events:企业活动64. Product launches:产品发布会65. Reputation management:声誉管理66. Customer relations management (CRM):客户关系管理67. Brand loyalty:品牌忠诚度68. Market share:市场份额69. Pricing strategies:定价策略70. Sales objectives:销售目标以上是一些常见的 Marketing 用语。
通过创新、研发和改进,提供满足市场需求的 产品。
根据产品的特点、成本和竞争情况,制定合理 的定价策略。
评估竞争对手的产品、定价和市场份额,发 现自身的优势和劣势。
通过产品特色、品牌形象和市场创新,与竞 争对手区分开来。
1 市场细分
将整个市场按照特定的标准和需求分成不同的细分市场,以便更好地 满足目标客户的需求。
2 定位策略
确定在特定细分市场中,以什么形象和差异化策略来定位自己的产品。队,提高销 售技巧和产品知识。
选择适合产品定位和分 销策略的销售渠道。
建立高效的供应链体系, 确保产品顺利分销和交 付。
市场营销策略是指企业根据市场环境和目标客户需求,制定的提高销售和市 场份额的计划和行动方案。
1 市场分析
深入了解目标市场的需求、竞争情况和趋势,为制定目标定位提供依 据。
2 目标定位
(1)公司使命。 1990年,公司主管和50多名各部门员工代表,花了三个月时间,就 星巴克的理念和价值观进行评论和评估,并拟出“使命宣言”。星 巴克的目的是透过全体职员的智慧,将公司的任务凝聚咸简单扼要 的纲领,作为未来决策的指南。在六条纲领中,我们可以看出,星 巴克把员工放在第一位,利润放在最后。这实际上是星巴克品牌的 精髓,是其立命之本。 星巴克使命宣言,建立星巴克为极品咖啡的翘楚,成长的同时绝不 放弃过去的坚持。以下六条纲领将协助我们衡量各项决策的正当性:
营销策略(marketing strategy)
星巴克这个名字来自于麦尔维尔小说《白鲸记》,本身就暗含着品 牌定位和目标顾客群的定位。星巴克文化属于美国大众文化的一部 分,是美国大众文化中的精英文化。麦尔维尔的读者虽然不多,但 都是受过良好教育、有较高文化品位的人士,星巴克的顾客定位就 是有一定社会地位、较高收入、有一定生活情调的人群。星巴克追 求顾客的质量,是特定人群对于星巴克咖啡的忠诚度。
营销策略(marketing strategy)
(1)直营 (2)合作
营销策略(marketing strategy)
(1)直营 坚持“直营”路线是星巴克的一大经营战略。星巴克几乎所有的店 面都是直营店。由总部进行直接管理,统一领导,目的是为了控制 品质标准。舒尔茨把特许加盟商视为中间人,当做介于总部和客人 之间直接交流的障碍。虽然特许经营有许多利益可图,比如来自加 盟者的直接收益,资源共享的利益,快速增长的动力,抢占新市场 的机会,但是星巴克的直营保证了咖啡的全球统一高质量,每家店 都由总部统筹管理和训练员工,虽然初期投入的资本较大,但是职 员的专业素养高,便于咖啡教育的推广,并建立了同业中最专业的 形象。星巴克进军海外市场大部分选择与当地合作伙伴共同经营。 但同样也恪守直营的戒律,由星巴克直接管理,保证每家海外商店 都是百分之百的美国星巴克血统,这种经营方式虽然使星巴克的利 润减少了,但是却让星巴克夺取外国市场更为容易。
市场营销战略(Marketing Strategy)市场营销战略市场营销战略是企业市场营销部门根据战略规划,在综合考虑外部市场机会及内部资源状况等因素的基础上,确定目标市场,选择相应的市场营销策略组合,并予以有效实施和控制的过程 。
以下是一些常用的英语词汇,这些词汇在广告公司的日常工作中经常出现:1. 品牌(Brand):指公司、产品或服务的独特身份和形象。
2. 宣传(Promotion):通过广告活动向公众传达产品或服务的信息,以提高销售。
3. 营销(Marketing):通过市场研究和定位来推广和销售产品或服务。
4. 客户(Client):我们公司的合作伙伴,他们需求我们提供广告服务。
5. 目标受众(Target audience):希望将产品或服务推向的特定群体或人群。
6. 市场策略(Marketing strategy):为实现营销目标而制定的计划和方法。
7. 创意(Creatives):指广告中使用的文案、设计和图像等创意元素。
8. 媒体(Media):广告可以在其中播放的渠道,例如电视、收音机、杂志和互联网。
9. 市场调研(Market research):通过收集和分析数据来了解受众需求和市场动态。
10. 排期(Scheduling):根据合适的时间表,将广告在媒体上播放。
11. 营销活动(Marketing campaign):为达到特定目标而设计的一系列广告和宣传活动。
12. 品牌认知度(Brand awareness):受众对某个品牌的知晓度和熟悉程度。
13. ROI(Return on Investment):投资回报率,通过计算广告投资与获得的收益来评估广告活动的效果。
14. 移动广告(Mobile advertising):广告通过移动设备(如智能手机和平板电脑)传播。
15. 社交媒体(Social media):通过社交平台(如Facebook、Instagram和Twitter)来传播广告信息。
营销组合策略(Marketing Mix Strategy)是指企业根据自身的
1. 产品策略:在制定产品策略时,企业应根据目标市场需求和竞争对手情况,确定产品的定位、特点和差异化优势。
2. 价格策略:企业在制定价格策略时,应充分考虑产品成本、竞争情况、市场需求和消费者购买能力等因素,以确定合理的价格水平。
3. 渠道策略:渠道策略主要是确定产品销售和分发的渠道选择、渠道成员管理和渠道关系的建立与维护。
4. 促销策略:促销策略是指通过广告、销售促销、公关活动和促销推广等手段,吸引消费者购买产品或服务。
企业的营销策略英语作文Marketing strategy is essential for any business to succeed in the competitive market. It involves a series of activities and tactics that a company uses to promote and sell its products or services to the target audience. Inthis essay, we will discuss the different aspects of a marketing strategy that a company can utilize to achieveits business objectives.First and foremost, a company needs to conduct thorough market research to understand the needs and preferences of its target customers. This includes analyzing the demographics, psychographics, and behavior patterns of the potential customers. By gaining insights into the target market, a company can tailor its products or services to meet the specific needs of the customers, thus increasing the chances of success in the market.Once the market research is completed, the next step isto develop a unique selling proposition (USP) for the products or services. A USP is what sets a company apart from its competitors and gives it a competitive advantage.It could be a unique feature, a lower price, better quality,or exceptional customer service. The USP should be communicated effectively to the target audience through various marketing channels such as advertising, public relations, and social media.In addition to a strong USP, a company should also establish clear marketing objectives that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). These objectives could be related to increasing sales, brand awareness, customer retention, or market share. By setting SMART objectives, a company can track its progress and make necessary adjustments to its marketing strategy to achieve the desired results.Moreover, a company needs to identify the most effective marketing channels to reach its target audience. This could include traditional channels such as print, television, and radio, as well as digital channels such as social media, email marketing, and search engine optimization. Each channel has its own strengths and weaknesses, and a company should allocate its resources to the most effective channels based on its target audience and marketing objectives.Furthermore, a company should develop a comprehensive marketing mix that includes the 4 Ps - product, price, place, and promotion. The product should be designed and packaged in a way that appeals to the target audience, and the price should be competitive and aligned with the value provided by the product. The place refers to thedistribution channels through which the product reaches the customers, and the promotion involves the communication of the product's benefits and USP to the target audience.In today's digital age, a strong online presence is crucial for the success of a company's marketing strategy. This includes having a user-friendly and mobile-responsive website, engaging in social media marketing, and utilizing search engine optimization to increase the visibility of the company's products or services online. A company should also leverage content marketing to provide valuable and relevant information to its target audience, thus building trust and credibility.In conclusion, a well-planned and executed marketing strategy is vital for the success of a business. By conducting thorough market research, developing a uniqueselling proposition, setting SMART objectives, identifying effective marketing channels, and leveraging the marketing mix, a company can effectively promote its products or services to the target audience and achieve its business objectives.企业的营销策略对于企业在竞争激烈的市场中取得成功至关重要。
什么是市场营销战略(What is marketing strategy)Abstract: in recent years, with the deepening of China's reform and opening up, foreign exchanges gradually increase, Chinese enterprises go out of the country, cross sea warfare is no longer called news. Chinese enterprises learn to swim in swimming, learn to fight in the battle, from the initial repeatedly beaten to the same stage confrontation, the middle experience of a not too long, but pay a high price process. We should thank the multinationals who brought the advanced business theory to China. It is from them that we absorb the nutrients, and therefore strengthen ourselves and develop our own competitive power.This paper discusses how to make strategy in the process of enterprise management, and analyzes the importance of strategy from the angle of research, marketing, brand and enterprise assets.Key words: strategic marketing; brand investigationFirst, what is strategy?Strategy is to determine the long-term development goals of enterprises, and points out the strategies and ways to achieve long-term goals. The strategic objectives must be consistent with the purpose and mission of the enterprise. Strategy is an idea, a way of thinking, an analytical tool, and a long-term and holistic planning.Two. What is marketing?Marketing refers to the overall marketing activities of enterprises to provide goods or services to meet the needs of consumers or users.Three. What is the marketing strategy?Marketing strategy is the enterprise marketing department according to the strategic plan, considering the internal and external market opportunities resources and other factors, determine the target market, select the appropriate combination of marketing strategy, process and effective implementation and control.Strategic goals based on the transformation to the market in the process must pay attention to "customer demand, market opportunity analysis, advantage analysis, the disadvantage of reflection, market competition factors, the possible problems of prediction, team training and improvement of comprehensive factors, determined the growth type and the defense, torsion and comprehensive marketing strategy as the guiding direction and guidelines will be transformed to market strategy.Four, the characteristics of marketing strategyThe purpose is to create customers, acquire and maintain customers; how to effectively overcome the competition in an invincible position to consider from a long-term point of view; focus on market research, collect and analyze large amounts of information, the only way to market changes in the environment and make the right decision very uncertain situation; actively promote innovation. The degree and effect of proportional;decision making in change, the decision makers should have a strong ability to have, like entrepreneurs insight, recognition and decision making.Five, the conditions and environmental factors of marketing strategyMarketing objectives should include: the amount of the target, such as sales, profits, and market share etc.; quality goals, such as improving corporate image and reputation, won the customer; other goals, such as market development, new product development, sales, sales of existing products. Management idea, policy, enterprise strategy, marketing target and so on are the preconditions of enterprise system marketing strategy, and must be adapted or obeyed. Generally, the marketing objectives may not be decided yet, but in the process of marketing strategy formulation, the marketing objectives must be determined first. When determining a goal, the relationship with the overall strategy must be taken into account to make the goal fit the purpose of the enterprise, as well as in the enterprise concept, and to the market and the customer's posture.The paper analyzes the macro environment, market, industry and enterprise status in order to grasp the market opportunity accurately and dynamically.Macro environment: the environment that surrounds the enterprise and the market, including politics, law, society, culture, economy, technology, etc.. Enterprises must carry out research, collect information, and analyze them scientifically.Environmental change is both a threat and an opportunity for the enterprise.Micro environment: refers to the new direction and new integration requirements of enterprise operation and enterprise growth needs. Using the past achievements and other information to understand the company's situation, and sorting out its advantages and disadvantages. Strategy is actually a plan for companies to win, so,When making a strategy, the enterprise must give full play to the advantages of the company and try to avoid its disadvantages.Six, the formulation and implementation process of marketing strategyMarketing strategy formulation and implementation process: market segmentation - selected target market - marketing mix - implementation plan - organization implementation - Testing and evaluation.1) market segmentation. The market is not a single, homogeneous with the needs of customers, but the diversity and heterogeneity of the group, so the market segmentation can discover new market opportunities, but also can better meet the market demand; can more fully exert the advantages, but also provide conditions for enterprises to select the target market, to lay the foundation.2) selection of target market. Choosing the target marketdetermines the market to which the enterprise will enter, answer the question of whom the customer is, and whom the product appeals to. First, enterprises must have a clear target market; two, for a product must have a clear appeal, there is a clear consumer groups; three is to seize the main contradiction, highlighting the focus.3) marketing mix. Once a clear target market, we must consider how to enter the market and satisfy the market demand, it is the organic combination of product, price, channel and promotion strategy, but not the simple addition of several strategies.4) enterprises must consider the following points when conducting marketing mix:I want to understand their use of the marketing mix through the investigation of outstanding domestic enterprises.It is unique and outstanding differences in the company's competitive advantage and give full play to the advantage of the company.* the marketing mix is the enterprise can control, enterprises can control the combination of factors to control the entire marketing mix.* the marketing mix is a system engineering, composed of a multilayer system.This marketing combination factors must be coordinated,according to different products for different prices, different channels, adopt different means of promotion.* the marketing mix is not static, but dynamic.Whether the enterprises provide products are the products required by the market, whether it can meet the needs of consumers, consumers to solve the problems to be solved, providing consumers hope to obtain benefits, this is the product key. Only consumers satisfied, consumers will accept your product.Seven, the basic strategy of marketing can be summed up as follows:1. innovation strategy1) concept innovation. First of all, we should correctly understand and understand the value of knowledge. Under the condition of market economy, knowledge itself is both commodity and value. Secondly, we should have a strong sense of innovation, and consciously improve the ability to innovate. Thirdly, it is necessary to realize that innovation is the most fundamental and effective means to improve the marketing competitiveness of enterprises. Finally, marketing innovation is not an individual behavior of an individual, but an organized whole activity involving all employees of an enterprise.2) organizational innovation. Organizational innovation includes the organization form, management system, organization setting, rules and regulations and so on. It isthe guarantee of marketing innovation strategy. Organization structure unreasonable, bloated, meticulous division of labor, management level, more personnel than work available, each other too much is not conducive to innovation.3) technological innovation. With the rapid progress of science and technology, a large number of new technologies emerge, and the technical life cycle is shortened. Technological innovation has been called the core of manufacturing enterprises. Have adequate technical reserves to meet customer demand under the premise still need to improve, market segmentation and belongs to the technical field of their own enterprise technical barriers, effectively protect thelong-term development of enterprises, and guide the consumer demand, continue to meet the new needs of customers.4) product innovation. Under the drive of technological innovation, the market life of new products is also becoming shorter and shorter. Therefore, it is necessary to make full use of advanced technology to continuously introduce new products to meet customer needs.5) market innovation. Find new consumer needs and find the best target market. To observe the difference of consumer demand, based on the scientific market segmentation, find out the innovation point from the difference of consumer demand.2. talent strategy1) the new concept. Firmly set up the thought of talent standard, have talent, can make a fortune.Founder group, Peking University, is an excellent example. Founder assets increased 7000 times in the past 10 years. Wang Xuan, founder of Fangzheng group, said, "what they rely on is the solution to the relationship between" talent "and" wealth ".2) the concept of lifelong learning. For enterprises, we should set up the idea of all staff training.3. cultural strategyCorporate culture includes enterprise management concept, enterprise spirit, value concept, code of conduct, moral norms, corporate image, as well as the sense of responsibility and honor of all employees to the enterprise. It is not only an important means to improve the cohesion of the enterprise, at the same time, it in the spirit of enterprise as the core, members of the corporate thinking and behavior guidance to enterprise development goals set up, it also formed through the corporate values, norms, ethics, social psychological approach to text or members of the enterprise thought and behavior influence and control. Values are the cornerstone of corporate culture. The success of many enterprises is due to the fact that all employees are able to accept and implement the values of the organization.4. image strategyDavid Ogilvy said: "advertising is a long-term investment in brand impression". In the era of knowledge economy, advertisinghas entered the "impression" era, enterprises with all kinds of advertising and promotion, and constantly improve the corporate reputation, the creation of brand-name products, so that consumers according to the enterprise's "reputation" and "impression" to buy products.Eight. Determine the flow of marketing strategyFirst of all, market analysis, analysis of the current consumer characteristics of the market. And then market segmentation, according to your consumer demand segment market. After market segmentation, market positioning, and then select the marketing mix.Nine, summaryStrategy and strategy are different. Strategy should be at the top of the enterprise, which indicates the direction of the development of an enterprise, and strategy is the means and impetus to realize this direction. The development of China 30 years of reform and opening up, a lot of practice theory, a lot of theoretical verification, it is proved that the theory is suitable for many China enterprises, in the development process, we pay the high tuition fees, many enterprises and make us more aware of, make the correct marketing strategy is is very important for enterprises.Like Google, companies like NOKIA, they can understand the customers or consumers are thinking, they understand the market demand, they can feel the needs of the market, they can guide the customer or consumer demand. This helps them to develop theright strategy and maintain a fast and steady growth through the implementation of the right strategy. We see that these companies are also rapidly promoting their brand building.We see behind the success of brand enterprises, they are good at focusing, they are more professional, more clearly understand what is their business focus, they in the implementation of the strategic approach to their target customers, and communication methods are highly focused. This sentence can probably explain the reason why this model, "the sun also wear a reheat brick, but as long as a small laser beam can penetrate the entire plate", this is the power of strategic focus. So, what a successful brand implies is what we discussed and introduced. Only these things are linked together, perfect combination, a good brand can stand firmly in front of consumers, and more powerful and robust.Professor Michael Porter said in the "competitive strategy" in the book, the success of the marketing strategy is nothing more than three kinds: one is the lowest cost leading strategy, namely the enterprise is committed to achieve the cost of production and sale; two is the differentiation strategy, namely the enterprise is committed to creating a significantly different product lines and marketing plan, so that it is possible to become the market leader in the industry; three is the focus strategy, namely the enterprise will concentrate in several market segments of the service, rather than the pursuit of all the market.How to choose and confirm these strategies in the light of their own situation and marketing environment is essentially astrategic positioning problem.The positioning of marketing strategy is to solve the long-term, overall and directional problems of enterprises, and it is particularly important in the enterprise management.References (abbreviated)。
营销战略(marketing strategy)文献综述Stanley F. Slater等[1]研究了环境影响评估的战略和业务单位在市场营销的创造力和执行效用方面的相对重要的作用,研究人员来调查这些条件,能提供关于管理和指导以便优化配置资源。
Rajan Varadarajan等[2]对现存的市场营销的环境中能使用Internet的吉姆公司的第一个十年进行研究,并猜测将来的互动营销市场的围,研究销售和市场教育机制。
Kyriakos Kyriakopoulos等[3]认为一个公司的市场定位应该结合开发战略和市场开发,通过提供一个聚焦在客户目标的有效理论,来促进市场信息流动之间的战略进程,并集成一个动态连接能力市场。
Florence Crespin-Mazet等[4]研究了建筑业中的合作开发的营销战略,努力找出在何种条件下的项目合作开发被认为是一个可行的营销战略和具有竞争力的营销战略。
Kwaku Atuahene-Gima等[5]扩展了在新产品营销策略和基于新的冒险技术之间的关系研究,发现额外的工业关系和市场的活力能够加强新产品的营销战略在市场中的表现。
Eleri R. Rosier等[6]发明和测试了一种概念模型,是关于关键执行者和营销经理在程序上的合理的洞察力所带来的结果。
Henrikki Tikkanen等[7]研究了基本规划公司的的多商业关系和多规划的营销战略的实现。
Denise Jarratt等[8]描述了营销战略是如何随着新的竞争和组织环境的改变而演化的,解释了市场活动在公司面临营销战略时的作用和战略发展的途径。
Yvonne Brodrechtova[9]说明影响出口市场营销战略的因素不单单是西方发达国家,还有欧洲的过渡国家。
Sandra Mottner等[10]研究经济和文化博物馆存放策略,认为这些策略能够测量非盈利性的营销策略的成败。
外文翻译原文What is Marketing StrategyMaterial Source: Maketing Managenent Author: Philip Kotler Marketing strategy is essentially a pattern or plan that integrates your organization's major goals, policies, and action sequences in a cohesive whole to achieve customer successMarketing strategies are generally concerned with four Ps: product strategies, pricing strategies, promotional strategies, and placement strategies. Enterprises focus on nurturing relationships with customers and management, because the relationship can also bring benefits to businesses and consumers, in fact, relationship marketing more than simply building up customer relationships, but also time and effort to develop and maintain customer Relationship between enterprise and customer contact, including social contact (such as social support), psychological link (and reputation associated with guarantees), knowledge links (based on the expertise of knowledge) and ideological links (such as the ethics of compatibility) and so several different Links. Only benefit to both business and customer relationships can be developed and sustained, can be said that relations between the income received by all parties to maintain the relationship between the main reason.The focus of marketing strategies must the objectives to be achieved – not the process of planning itself. The impact of your marketing will also be improved greatly if you can use multiple channels.Market Leadership StrategiesThe market leader is dominant in its industry and has substantial market share. If you want to lead the market, you must be the industry leader in developing new business models and new customer value. You must be on the cutting edge of new technologies and innovative business processes. Your customer value proposition must offer a superior solution to a customers' problem, and your product must be well differentiated.SWOT Analysis: Questions To AnswerWhat do you offer that makes you stand out from the rest?Do you have any specific marketing expertise?Differentiation StrategyThe key to successful marketing is differentiation. "If consumers don't perceive your brand(s) as being different from those offered by the competition, you won't win the marketing war. The battle for consumer minds is a battle of perceptions not products."2 Thus, "differentiation is one of the most important strategic and tactical activities in which companies must constantly engage. It is not discretionary."1.Shaping your brand image: To start, consider first the personality of your company. Is it sexy or sweet? Tough or tender? Is it more like John Wayne or George Clooney or Andy Griffith? And if you think all this is hooey, consider these questions: Do Marlboros really taste better than other cigarettes? Is H&R Block superior to the tax accountant down the street? No, but a big reason these companies are leaders is because they have successfully built a personality around their brands.Test Marketing Your New Products or ServiceHow do you test market a new product or service? How do you find out if people are actually going to buy it? First, make or get a prototype. Create or get a sample. If it's being manufactured somewhere else, get a sample of it. If you're going to manufacture it yourself, create a prototype so that you can show it, demonstrate it, photograph it. So that you can let people see it, touch it, feel it, and get an opinion from itBut as a small business owner, you don't have time to devise complex marketing strategies for your products. Instead, you can tap into a few simple strategies that have already proven their worth.Many small business owners mistakenly confuse marketing strategies with ad campaigns. A marketing strategy is a plan or an approach for marketing your products and services. An ad campaign, on the other hand, is the means by which your marketing strategy is accomplished. Your objective is to tie your advertising efforts into a comprehensive marketing strategy that has carefully designed to attract attention in the marketplace.Relations can bring to customers personalized service, customized products and other revenue relationship, which can improve customer satisfaction, trust and commitment. Therefore, trust, satisfaction and commitment form the nature of the relationship is an important dimension of relationship quality. Which, according to the definition of marketing scholars, trust is the customer that their sales staff will provide long-term interests. Will promote the enhancement of trust relationshipbetween the improvement of quality and trust between the weakening of the quality will be reduced. Relationship satisfaction is the assessment for the interactive experience the feelings generated state is in the process of establishing relations based on personal experience and the formation of the subjective evaluation of the influence and wealth, is based on customer expectations and the actual formation of comparing performance. In general, satisfied customers will enhance the goodwill of the business, maintaining lasting relationships, and continuously improve the quality of relationships. Commitment is the behavior of participants in interaction orientation or attitudes, the relationship between a higher value perception will form and strengthen commitment to produce good effects.Some marketing strategies are created for the purpose of capturing a certain segment of the market, but the majority of small business strategies are more generic in nature. Even so, it's important to understand what your strategy is trying to achieve.Boost Consumer ConfidenceConsumers are fickle lot and are frequently hesitant to buy a product they know little about. If your business or products are new to the area, you could create a marketing campaign that emphasizes the quality and value of your products. The resulting boost in consumer confidence will likely translate into more action at the cash register.SPECIAL OFFER.Need to find the right prospect mailing list? Deliver your message to the right audience with highly targeted mailing lists from Experian. Special offer for site visitorsPurchase an Experian mailing list now.Create AwarenessAnother way to spark interest for your products is to conduct a campaign designed to promote your products in as many ways as possible. In other words, your marketing strategy could be to create buzz by blanketing the local airwaves, print space, and other advertising mediums with your name, logo, and products. Increased awareness will definitely bring more people into your store, but it also costs money, so you should be prepared to increase your advertising budget to pull it off.Leverage EmotionsNo matter what they say, the buying decision is emotional for many customers. Large corporations spend millions of dollars playing on their customers' emotionsand what works for them, can work for you, too. The key is to create a campaign that makes consumers feel themselves, your company, and the decision to buy your products.Overcome ObjectionsThe task of overcoming a buyer's objections is usually assigned to the sales team. However, a well-crafted marketing campaign can work toward overcoming your customers' buying obstacles before they walk in the door. A marketing strategy that emphasizes warranties, testimonials, endorsements, and other positive reinforcement devices can not only make the buying decision easier for existing customers, but also attract new customers who hadn't previously considered buying from your business.Set a DeadlineWhy do so many ads emphasize the date the sale ends? Because people respond to deadlines. Marketing strategies designed around the idea of limited supplies, temporary price reductions, or other mechanisms that create a sense of urgency can provide a quick influx of customers and can potentially jumpstart a business suffering from a diminished customer base.You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to come up with a good business marketing strategy, and it needn’t cost that much either.At its simplest, a marketing strategy is all about improving your chances of making sales – usually by making more potential purchasers aware of your products or services, or by making them aware of its desirable qualities (perhaps including its price).In any case it makes sense to optimise your budget. Given the choice between big-bang and little-but-often, good business marketing is less about getting big bangs and more about producing smaller amounts very regularly.The impact of your marketing will also be improved greatly if you can use multiple channels.Prospects in particular are more likely to become buyers if they read about your business in their newspaper, see your ads, find your website, enter your competition, take home a brochure, hear you speak at a seminar, and learn what a great company you are from a third party.So you should spread your activity. You should also maintain the momentum: Business marketing is a long-term activity.You don’t however need to spend big; most of the ideas in your marketing strategyare likely to involve moderate costs.译文什么是营销策略资料来源: 掌控市场作者:菲利普.科特勒营销战略本质上是一种模式或计划,整合在一个整体的组织中,它的主要目标是利用政策和行动的序列来帮助客户的成功。
第5章如何实施STP营销战略实施STP营销战略(STP Marketing Strategy)是一种基于市场细分、目标市场选择和定位的营销策略。
1. 市场细分(Market Segmentation)市场细分是将整个市场划分为若干个特定的细分市场。
2. 目标市场选择(Target Market Selection)目标市场选择是在细分市场中选择适合的目标市场。
3. 定位(Positioning)定位是将产品或品牌在目标市场内的位置与竞争对手区分开来,使目标消费者对产品或品牌有独特的认知。
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营销策略 Marketing StrategyPART ONEQuestions 1—8· Look at the statements below and the five extracts about advertising and promotion from an article.· Which extract (A, B, C, D orE. does each statement (1—8) refer to· For each statement (1—8), make one letter (A, B, C, D orE. on your Answer Sheet.· You will need to use some of these letters more than once.A. SMS marketing is marketing using a mobile phone. SMS stands for short message server, otherwise known as text messaging. In short SMS marketing is done using a mobile device to transfer marketing communication to interested consumers. It's an area that is gaining a great deal of interest by businesses both small and large.B. In a perfect world, every brand would contain a variety of meanings, the better to speak to a variety of consumers. The trouble with stuffing the brand this way is that the meaning that works for one consumer can bewilder or antagonize the next. Building a brand with many meanings can sometimes fail spectacularly. Everyone creating popular culture is trying to solve this question.-C. Marketing managers work with advertising and promotion managers to promotethe firm's or organization's products and services. With the help of lower level managers, including product development managers and market research managers, marketing managers estimate the demand for products and services offered by the firm and its competitors and identify potential markets for the firm's products.D. Marketers should also be aware of the competition that they will face when pursuing a position at a media company. Typically, marketers must have a plethora of solid experience and a vast understanding of the media industry and the specific changes impacting the industry they are looking to work in.E. Convergence has significantly blurred the lines between print, internet, television and radio. Messaging that used to be tailored for one outlet will now have to be adjusted for a wider audience. Further, the accessibility of the internet has created a very diverseand global customer base.1、 Marketers should already be familiar with how to communicate their messages acrossa variety of mediums.2、 Marketing managers also develop pricing strategies to help firms maximize profits and market share while ensuring that the firms' customers are satisfied.3、 In collaboration with sales, product development, and other managers, theymonitor trends that indicate the need for new products and services and they oversee product development.4、 In the United States alone 9 out of 10 people carry a mobile device according to research done by MobiThinking.5、 So marketers should build their awareness of different cultures and respective sensitivities.6、 Specifically we have something to learn from Hollywood, which I believe may serve us asa kind of laboratory.7、 At present, SMS marketing is considered to be one of the more direct and personal forms of marketing.8、 So marketers have something to learn from non marketers.}PART TWOQuestions 9—14· Read the text about the Yao's career development in the U. S.· Choose the best sentence to fill each of the gaps.· For each gap (9—14), mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.· Do not use any letter more than once.A. Let's start off by reviewing the formal definitions of eachB. All of these elements must not only work independently but they also must work together towards the bigger goal.C. Advertising only equals one piece of the pie in the strategyD. While both components are important they are very different(E. Advertising is the largest expense of most marketing plansF. Advertising can be defined as a way to publicize the information consumers needG. After reading both of the definitions it is easy to understand how the difference can be confusing to the pointH. We can come a conclusion that all the elements are important for advertisers to noteMarketing vs. Advertising: What's the DifferenceYou will often find that many people confuse marketing with advertising or vice versa.9 Knowing the difference and doing your market research can put your company on the path to substantial growth.10 and then I'll go into the explanation of how marketing and advertising differ from one another:Advertising: The paid, public, non-personal announcement of a persuasive message by an identified sponsor; the non-personal presentation or promotion by a firm of its products to its existing and potential customers.Marketing: The systematic planning, implementation and control of a mix of business activities intended to bring together buyers and sellers for the mutually advantageous exchange or transfer of products.11 that people think of them as one-in-the same, so lets break it down a bit.Advertising is a single component of the marketing process. It's the part that involves get ting the word out concerning your business, product, or the services you are offering. It involves the process of developing strategies such as ad placement, frequency, etc. Advertising includes the placement of an ad in such mediums as newspapers, direct mail, billboards, television, radio, and of course the Internet. 12 with public relations following in a close second and market research not falling far behind..$The best way to distinguish between advertising and marketing is to think of marketing as a pie, inside that pie you have slices of advertising, market research, media planning, public relations, product pricing, distribution, customer support, sales strategy, and community involvement. 13 14 Marketing is a process that takes time and can involve hours of research for a marketing plan to be effective. Think of marketing as everything that an organization does to facilitate an exchange between company and consumer.PART THREEQuestions 15—20· Read the following article on the reasons why customers don't buy from you.· For each question (15—20) mark one letter (A, B, C orD. on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose.Are you spending time marketing your product, but still not selling as much as you would like The truth is consumers have needs and steps that they go through and that persuades them to buy. If your marketing is not meeting those requirements it is probably the reasons your product is not selling. As consumers we are not just persuaded by the "price" of a product, we are moved by the benefits of the product and what it can do for us; that's our reason for purchasing. If you are finding that you are having difficulty in selling your product you may want to consider the following reasons why consumers don't buy and evaluate how you can do better at marketing your products in a way that converts consumers into your customers. They are not aware of your product.Consumers cannot purchase products they are not aware of. If you are marketing, but consumers still don't know about your product it may be time to evaluate why it's not working. Are you targeting the right market with your message Is your message reaching those that would have an interest in your product It's important to remember that the solution is not always more marketing, because the problem may lie with where you are marketing at, and what marketing vehicles you are using. They don't understand the benefits of your product. Consumers don't buy products solely based on price. Now, this does not mean that they don't factor in price, they do. Consumers buy based on the benefits your product brings them. If you asked your customers what the benefits of your product are, would they know This is important. Your marketing must be centered on the benefits for your product in order for consumers to take an interest in purchasing your product. Create a list of the top three benefits of your product and use those in your marketing message. They don't feel your product has perceived value. Consumers will not buy products that they perceive as having no value. Why should customers value your product You can use the benefits of your product to create a perceived value and it is that perceived value that helps in the sales of your product. If a customer cannot see value they will simply pass your product by. You must create that perceived value in your marketing message. They don't see how your product meets their needs.We've talked about benefits and perceived value, now let's talk about needs. Do consumers know how your product meets their needs Does it make their life easier, save them time, and make them feel better What need does your product satisfy You have to tell consumers that, don't make them guess or come up with the answer on their own, tell themand help educate them on why they need your product.15、 Which is not one of the main reasons that the consumers do not buy your productsA. The consumers don't find the way to know your product.,B. The practicability of the product is not obvious.C. The product of other marketer has a more favorable price.D. Consumers don't buy anything which they think is of no value.16、 What do we learn about from the first paragraphA. The consumers don't want to buy from you because you applied inappropriate ways in marketing the product.B. It is the benefits of the product that attract the customers to pay for it.C. A marketer should learn to summarize the reasons from the failure marketing.D. Meeting the customers' requirements appears to be of most importance in marketing techniques.17、 What does the author mean by saying "create a perceived value in your marketing message"A. It means that you should create a seductive message about the product to attract the consumers' attention.B. It refers to the benefits and requirements that consumers want from the product.《C. It advises the marketers to use the benefits of your product to advertise.D. It is the only way that the customers can see how your product meets their needs.18、 Which is the essential concern that a customer buy a productA. The customer really need it.B. It has a perceived value.C. It has a favorable price.D. The benefit of it sounds good.19、 A success product marketing is determined by ______.A. where the consumers get them.B. the way the consumers get them.C. the sales volume in the different sales locations.。