TQ160 型全液压推土机行走系统压力与牵引力关系

pm =- 2E- 05Fq +0.182 2Fq +5.602 9
( 1)
式中: pm — ——液压系统压力( MPa) Fq — ——全液压推土机的挂钩牵引力( kN) 为了方便说明问题, 此处我们引入驱动端机械
2!Mm qm
= !Fq r qm i
( 2)
根据 TQ160 全液压推土机的参数, 按照转矩压
力公式( 2) 可以计算出, 在不考虑机械损失( 即假设
液压马达和减速机的传动效率均为 100%) 和地面阻
力的情况下, 牵引力与压力之间的关系如式 4 所示。
( 4)
效率为 93.3%, 此值是经 TQ160 全液压推土机现场
入控制环节, 可以通过液压泵和液压马达排量的调 节, 使推土机始终工作在最佳速度, 以便更好地实现 恒功率控制。
3 结论
土机的设计过程中, 可以依据此值进行液压系统的 压力匹配和液压马达加减速器的选型, 液压元件的 寿命可以得到保证, 能够充分发挥液压马达的驱动 能力, 经济性好。
本文通过 TQ160 全液压推土机现场试验, 对所 测试验数据进行数学分析, 得出以下结论:
样机试验在三一重工试验场经过平整的红粘土 场地上进行, 图 2 所示为牵引试验现场照片。
试验过程中发动机控制手柄始终保持最大位置 不变, 根据试验需要, 设定推土机挡位。先空载行走, 记录所测得的相关数据, 然后给试验样机逐渐加载, 直至样机不能拖动负载为止, 记录所测得的相关数 据。数据采集使用 DEWETRON 公司的 DEWE- 4010 动态信号分析仪, 试验所得样机的牵引力波形如图 3 所示, 行走液压系统压力信号波形如图 4 所示。

(倒)U形(电路)sink(电机)定子stator(电机)转子rotor 磁极magnetic pole叠装stacked up(汽车)启动:ignite (推土机)铲刀:shovel (仪表等的)指针:hand[在起动马达带动发动机运转时,观察发动机油压表指针是否摆动,能否建起润滑油压。
]建起:set up [建起某压力是指使压力达到某种程度]【机】联轴器:shaft co叩ling2 号极压锂基润滑脂No.2 lubricating grease with extreme pressure lithium2 位 5 通电磁换向阀Two-way and five - connection electromagnetic commutating/change valve60C 辅阀组60C auxiliary valve group60C 主阀组60C Main valve groupJ 型防尘圈J-type dust-proof ringkey switch:钥匙开关,电键开关,键式开关[由几档单健开关组成的形同琴键的开关组。
(IK)]0 形圈:O-ring 0 型密封圈:O-seal ring S 管总成 S-pipe assemblySAE 法兰片SAE Flange TQ160A 履带式全液压推土机:TQ160AFully Hydraulic Crawler Bulldozer U 型管接管U-pipe connecting pipe U 型管接头U・tube pipe fitting U 型管接头螺母:U-tube connecting nut; U-tube tie-in nut U 型卡U-clamp U 型螺栓U-boltY x型密封圈Yx-type seal ring Y 型管Y-shaped pipeY 字管组件Y-shaped pipe assembly 安全阀safety valve 安装板installation plate 安装垫块:Installation cushion block 安装块:Installation block 扒出棒scratching stick fittings 百叶窗:Shutter, louver 摆阀控制钢管Swing valve control steel pipe 摆阀油缸swing valve oil cylinder 摆阀油缸控制管(摆阀处)Swing-valve oil cylinder control pipe (at the swing valve)摆阀油缸连通管Swing-valve oil cylinder connecting pipe摆缸、插装阀、蓄能器油配管Oil Piping of Swing Cylinder, Cartridge Inserted Valve And Accumulator 摆缸调整swing cylinder adjustment摆缸控制钢管至主阀块胶管Rubber hose from swing cylinder control steel pipe to main valve block 摆摇机构及配阀swing mechanism and distributor valve 摆油缸回油胶管Swing valve oil cylinder oil return rubber hose 摆油缸进油胶管Swing valve oil cylinder suction rubber hose板:Board 拌筒agitation cylinder 包板:Wrapped sheet 保护圈back up ring保护套:Protective bush 背板:Back panel 泵车:Pump Truck/Truck-mounted concrete pump 保真度fidelity紧密耦合in close proximity (to)进口接头Inlet connector 进口小球阀接头体:Inlet small ball valve connector 进料feedstock, charge 进料斗Feed hopper; feeding hopper 进料斗用水管:Feed hopper water service pipe 进料门feeding door 进料速度charging rate 进料小锥:small discharge cone 进气总成:Air Intake Assembly 进水阀intake valve 经济性:economical efficiency 精称阀precise weightingvalve 精称门:precise measuring door 精滤器:secondary filter 精制螺栓:Refine bolt 静线压力:Static Pressure 救援车:wrecking car 卡:Clamp均方根值r.m.s. values=root mean square values 正铉时间函数sinusoidal time function 卡板:Clamp plate 卡箍:Clip 卡键:Clipping Key 卡键帽:Clipping Key Cap; Lock key cap 卡式接头:Bayonet joint 卡套Clamp sleeve 卡子:Shackle 开关柜门锁:Switchboard Door Lock 开口销:Splint pin 可编程程序控制器programmable Logic controller (PLC)空调胶管:Air conditioner rubber pipe 空调系统:Air Conditioning System 空气过滤系统air filtering system空间基波分量space-fundamental component空气滤清器:Air Cleaner 空压机air compressor 空载:no-load 孔用弹性挡圈:Ring baffle for hole 空载功率因数the no-load power factor孔用卡键:Clipping key for hole 控制板:Control board 控制电源按钮power supply control button 控制器:Controller 控制箱支架:Control box support 快速接头:Quick connector 跨导transconductance 扩展模块expansion module 拉扳:Arm tie 拉杆:Coupling bar 拉钩:Draw hook拉簧:Tension spring 劳力氏回转轴承:Rolex rotary bearing 冷凝风机:Condensation blower 拉力pulling force 压应力compressive stress 永久性变形permanent deformation 拉应力tensile stress钗接车架hinged frame 锁紧装置locking device冷凝器总成:Condenser Assembly 冷凝水:condensed water 冷却器Cooler冷却器回油胶管Cooler oil return rubber hose冷却器接头:Cooler connector冷却器座:Cooler seat冷却系统cooling system 冷却装置:Cooling system离地间隙:ground clearance of machine [简称“地隙”。

2. 行走(Travel):控制行走装置,使挖掘机在地面移动。
3. 回转(Swing):控制回转机构,使挖掘机旋转。
4. 工作装置操作(Working Device Operation):控制工作装置,进行挖掘、装载、卸载等作业。
5. 停机(Stop):关闭发动机,使挖掘机停止工作。
2. 租赁费用:根据挖掘机型号、租赁期限、作业量等因素确定。
3. 维护服务:提供定期检查、保养、维修等服务。
4. 故障处理:快速响应故障报告,及时排除故障。
5. 零部件供应:提供原厂零部件供应,确保维修质量。
6. 技术支持:提供技术咨询服务,解决操作难题。
1. 市场需求:分析挖掘机在不同领域的需求量,预测市场趋势。
4. 公路养护(Road Maintenance):如道路修补、清理等。
5. 城市建设(Urban Construction):如市政工程、园林绿化等。
6. 灾后救援(Disaster Relief):如地震、洪水、泥石流等灾害后的救援工作。
1. 挖掘机:Excavatorom
4. 斗杆:Stick
5. 驾驶室:Cabin
6. 发动机:Engine
7. 液压系统:Hydraulic system
8. 轮胎:Tire
9. 液压油:Hydraulic oil
5. 最大挖掘半径(Maximum Digging Radius):挖掘机在标准工况下能够达到的最大挖掘半径。

Ⅲ档Gear III
Ⅳ档Gear IV
Ⅴ档Gear V
Ⅵ档Gear VI
Ⅶ档Gear VII
Toe-in of front wheel(mm)
Specificationoffront tire
Specificationof rear tire
10-inch dry typesingle-actionor double-action
Gear box
2 axes4×(2+l)gearconstitutiontype,sliding sleevegear shift
Maximumlifting forceat the position that is 610mmbehind the lowersuspension pointkN

工程机械之装载机的英语翻译Unit 8Loaders装载机Overview概述Basic Concept 基本概念A loader is a type of construction equipment (engineering vehicle) machinery that is primarily used to "load"material into another type of machinery (dump truck, conveyor belt, rail-car, etc.).Loaders are used mainly for uploading materials into trucks, laying pipe, clearing rubble, and digging. A loader is not the most efficient machine for digging as it cannot dig very deep below the level of its wheels, like a backhoe can. Their deep bucket can usually store about 3-6 cubic meters of earth. The front loader's bucket capacity is much bigger than a bucket capacity of a backhoe loader. Loaders are not classified as earthmoving machinery, as their primary purpose is other than earthmoving.装载机是一种主要用于向另一种机械(自卸车、输送皮带、铁路运输车辆等)“装载”物料的建设机械(工程车辆)设备。

工程机械英汉词典Engineering Machinery English-Chinese Dictionary1. Excavator - 挖掘机2. Bulldozer - 推土机3. Crane - 起重机4. Loader - 装载机5. Forklift - 叉车6. Dozer - 推土机7. Roller - 滚压机8. Grader - 平地机9. Paver - 铺路机10. Dump Truck - 自卸车11. Concrete Pump - 混凝土泵12. Mixer Truck - 搅拌车13. Drill Rig - 钻机14. Skid Steer Loader - 小型装载机15. Backhoe Loader - 装载机兼挖掘机16. Asphalt Paver - 沥青铺路机17. Road Roller - 道路压路机18. Tower Crane - 塔吊19. Mobile Crane - 移动式起重机20. Crawler Crane - 履带式起重机21. Wheel Loader - 轮式装载机22. Hydraulic Excavator - 液压挖掘机23. Telescopic Handler - 伸缩臂叉车24. Articulated Boom Lift - 叉车25. Aerial Work Platform - 空中作业平台26. Scissor Lift - 剪叉式吊篮27. Tractor - 拖拉机28. Skid Loader - 履带装载机29. Motor Grader - 自行式平地机30. Bulldozer - 推土机以上是一些常见的工程机械英汉词汇,希望对你有所帮助。

挖掘机外文翻译外文文献中英翻译Excavator Translation: English Translation of Foreign LiteratureAbstract:The translation of foreign literature plays a significant role in acquiring knowledge and broadening horizons. In this article, we will explore the translation of foreign literature related to excavators. By analyzing various examples, we aim to provide an insightful understanding of the translation process and techniques involved in conveying the essence of foreign texts to the target language.1. IntroductionThe field of construction machinery presents numerous challenges when it comes to translation due to the technical nature of the content. Translating related literature helps engineers and professionals gain access to international best practices, safety guidelines, and advancements. One of the key areas within construction machinery is excavators, which serve as the focus of this article's English translation of foreign literature.2. Historical Background and EvolutionBefore delving into translations of foreign literature, it is essential to understand the historical background and evolution of excavators. The first excavators can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians and Greeks. Through detailed research and analysis, these ancient excavation methods have gradually evolved into the sophisticated machinery used today.3. Translation Techniques for Excavator-Related TerminologyTranslating technical terms accurately is crucial in preserving the integrity and clarity of the original text. When it comes to excavators, some terms might not have a direct equivalent in the target language. In such cases, the translator must employ various techniques like borrowing, calque, explanation, or using a closest possible translation. Balancing accuracy and readability is a crucial aspect of this translation process.4. Examples of Translated Excavator LiteratureTo demonstrate the translation techniques mentioned earlier, several examples will be provided in this section. These examples will range from user manuals, safety guidelines, to technical specifications and advancements. Through examining these examples, readers will gain insight into the specific challenges faced during translation and the strategies usedto overcome them.5. Cultural Considerations in Excavator TranslationsIn addition to technical accuracy, cultural considerations play a vital role in translating excavator literature. Different cultures may have varying perceptions and terminologies related to construction machinery. Translators need to be aware of cultural nuances to ensure that the translated materials are not only accurate but also culturally appropriate for the target audience.6. ConclusionIn conclusion, the translation of foreign literature on excavators is of great importance in the field of construction machinery. By accurately conveying the technical details, safety guidelines, and advancements fromforeign texts, engineers and professionals can broaden their knowledge and stay updated with international practices. The translation process involves employing various techniques and considering cultural aspects. As a result, it is crucial for translators to possess both technical expertise and cultural sensitivity when undertaking such translations.Through this article, we have explored the significance of excavator translation, the challenges faced, and the techniques employed. It is the bridge that connects language barriers, facilitates learning, and fosters advancements in the field.。

Seeder Tips1.Pay n to adding good quality seeds to the seed box to XXX。
Make sure there are no small。
or impure seeds。
XXX.2.Before large-scale seeding。
conduct a 20-XXX.3.Choose a suitable route for the seeding machine to move ina straight line at a constant speed。

附录二:外文技术资料及中文翻译1、英文技术资料Belt ConveyorFIELD OF THE INVENTIONThe present invention relates to a belt conveyor having a circulating conveying belt, having carrying rollers, which are arranged between the top strand and the bottom strand of the conveying belt, and having a drive device and a force-transmission device for moving the conveying belt.BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTIONIt is known from practice for force to be transmitted from the drive device to the conveying belt of a belt conveyor via friction fitting. The friction between a driven carrying roller and the conveying belt, for example, may even be sufficient for this purpose. The rest of the carrying rollers are mounted in a movable manner and rotate along.DE 42 44 170 C2 discloses a belt conveyor having an endless conveying belt, the latter being driven by means of a force-transmission device which is present in the form of a friction wheel. A drive shaft extends beneath the bottom strand of the conveying belt. On the inner radius of the belt curve, a motor is connected as a drive device to the drive shaft and, in the region of the outer radius, a friction wheel is seated on the drive shaft and is in contact with the outer surface of the conveying belt. In this case, the friction wheel interacts with a carrying roller functioning as counterpressure roller. The drive shaft is mounted such that it can be moved at an angle both in the region of the outer radius and in the region of the inner radius of the belt curve. The movable-angle mounting of the drive shaft allows adaptation of the extent to which the friction wheel is pressed against the conveying belt in proportion to the actual load. In this way, the wear is reduced if, in part-load operation, the conveying belt is only subjected to the contact-pressure force which is necessary for this purpose.Although the belt conveyor known from DE 42 44 170 C2 reduces the wear of the conveying belt, it cannot rule it out altogether. The task of conveying foodstuffs or other goods which are to be kept clean involves, in addition to the mechanical damage to the conveying belt, the aspect of hygiene and of keeping goods clean. The abraded surface particles of the conveying belt could have a considerable adverse effect on the quality of the goods which are to be conveyed. Moreover, the known belt conveyor requires an extremely high level of structural outlay as far as the movable mounting of the separate drive shaft is concerned. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTIONTaking as departure point the belt conveyor known from DE 42 44 170 C2, the object of the invention is to specify a belt conveyor of the type in question which largely rules out any adverse effect to the surface of the conveying belt of the belt conveyor by the force-transmission device. According to a particularly preferred configuration, the belt conveyor is intended to require just a low level of structural outlay.The above object is achieved by the features of Patent claim 1. According to the latter, a belt conveyor of the type in question is configured such that a pair of elements which interact with one another with a form fit is provided for force-transmission purposes, and that one element is assigned to the force-transmission device and the other element is assigned to the conveying belt.According to the invention, it has been found that the surface of the conveying belt is not adversely affected as a result of the action of the force-transmission device if a separate pair of elements is providedin order to realize force transmission. It has also been found that the use of a pair of movement-converting elements which are known per se and interact with one another with a form fit largely eliminates the disadvantages which are known in the case of friction-fitting movement conversion, in particular wear and abrasion.According to a preferred exemplary embodiment of the belt conveyor according to the invention, the pair of elements could be present as toothed ring and toothed belt, the tooth flanks of the toothed ring and of the toothed belt interacting with one another. It would be possible for the toothed ring to be assigned to the force-transmission device and for the toothed belt to be assigned to the conveying belt.As far as a particularly low level of structural outlay is concerned, a preferred configuration of the abovementioned exemplary embodiment provides that the toothed ring is assigned to a carrying roller, and the latter thus simultaneously assumes the role of the force-transmission device. Via a journal projecting from the carrying roller, the drive takes place by means of a motor. The toothed ring could be plugged onto the carrying roller and fixed releasably—for example via a shaft/hub connection or a feather key—to the same. In the case of a plugged-on toothed ring, it is advantageous that it is possible to use carrying rollers which are already present. It is particularly advantageous for each carrying roller to be assigned at least one toothed ring. Over the entire running path of the conveying belt, it would then be the case that the toothed belt and the toothed rings interengage and move the conveying belt in a dimensionally stable manner. Corresponding to the toothed ring or rings which is/are arranged between the top and bottom strands and belongs/belong to the preferred configuration mentioned above, the toothed belt is arranged on the underside of the conveying belt, and extends in the running direction of the same. Arranging the toothed belt on the underside of the conveying belt once again ensures that the top side of the conveying belt, which is charged if appropriate with goods which are to be kept clean, is not subject to any force transmission, mechanical damage or production of abrasion particles or other contaminants.An expedient development of the preferred configuration of the belt conveyor according to the invention makes provision for the toothed ring to be arranged at the end of the carrying roller. As a result, on the one hand, straightforward maintenance of the force-transmission device is made possible and, on the other hand, this arrangement is also more cost-effective than a, for example, central arrangement. Direct force transmission over a short distance is achieved by a journal for the connection of the drive device projecting from that end of the carrying roller which is provided with the toothed ring.It is particularly advantageous if the toothed belt extends in the region of the side border of the conveying belt. As a result, on the one hand, straightforward production of the conveying belt with the toothed belt is made possible by the direct relationship to the border region and, on the other hand, a role is also played here by the accessibility to the pair of elements for maintenance purposes and, of course, by the coordination between the toothed belt and the arrangement of the toothed ring.In addition to toothed belts and toothed rings with normal toothing, it would also be possible to realize multisplining. This further reduces undesired sliding and thus wear, heating and noise development. In order to absorb high tensile forces, it would be possible for Kevlar filaments to be incorporated in the toothed belt, which usually consists of plastic. It would be possible for the conveying belt to be produced with the toothed belt by welding, vulcanizing or adhesive bonding.According to a particularly preferred configuration, it would be possible for the toothed belt to be a constituent part of a toothed- belt component which is of essentially U-shaped design in the transverse direction of the toothed belt. The U-shape makes it possible for the toothed- belt component simply to be plugged onto the border of the conveying belt until the border region has come into contact with the base part between the U-legs. The inner surface of the toothed- belt component may have been provided with adhesive beforehand. As a result of its shaping and of being produced in this way, the toothed- beltcomponent engages around the side-border region of the conveying belt.While the toothed belt of the conveying belt is subjected to compressive force by the toothed ring, and this largely rules out detachment of the toothed- belt component on the underside of the conveying belt, a counterpressure device could be provided in order to secure that region of the toothed- belt component which extends on the top side of the conveying belt. In design terms, the counterpressure device could be present in the form of an arm which acts on the U-leg of the toothed- belt component on the top side and thus constantly presses the same onto the top side of the conveying belt.As far as reliable guidance is concerned, it would be possible for the toothed belt or the toothed- belt component containing the toothed belt to form a bead. A bead ridge is thus produced over the length of the conveying belt. In the case of a U-shaped toothed- belt component, the bead ridge extends in each case at the free ends of the U-legs, at a distance from the border of the conveying belt, the distance depending essentially on the width of the toothed belt. As an alternative to a bead ridge, it would be possible for the toothed- belt component or for the straightforward toothed belt also to have at least one beveled free end. The guidance measure taken on the toothed belt or on the specific toothed- belt component is provided in order that a guide roller or a pair of guide rollers acts on the beveled surface or on the bead or bead ridge. The guidance measure explained above could be taken equally well in the case of belt curves and straight belt lines and of belt S-shapes bridging different heights.In the case of belt curves, the force acting on the conveying belt is directed toward the inner radius of the belt curve, with the result that the guide rollers, in an advantageous manner which is known per se, could have inclined running surfaces. Correspondingly angled retaining arms as a constituent part of retaining structures for the guide rollers could be arranged in each case in the region of a carrying roller. The guide rollers could be arranged in pairs on the top strand and on the bottom strand of the conveying belt.It should be emphasized at this point that, with the abovementioned configuration of the belt conveyor according to the invention having the bead or beveled free ends, two functions are combined in the pair of form-fitting elements. Not only the force transmission, but also the guidance of the conveying belt, takes place. The dimensional stability of the conveying belt is advantageously increased by the pair of form-fitting elements with the specific configuration of the toothed belt or of the toothed- belt component for action of the guide rollers thereon.In the case of the already cited design of the belt conveyor in the form of a belt curve, the carrying rollers are of conical design and the toothed ring is arranged at the larger-diameter end of the respective carrying roller, that is to say on the outer radius of the belt curve. The drive device is present as a motor and is assigned to the first carrying roller of the belt curve. The form-fitting interengagement of the toothed wheel and toothed belt takes place in the region of each carrying roller, the form fit, in relation to the first, motor-driven carrying roller, serving for force-transmission purposes and, in relation to the rest of the rollers, serving for guiding the conveying belt.The previously explained principle of force transmission via a pair of elements which interact with one another with a form fit could also be used in the case of a straight belt line or in the case of a height-changing belt S-shape. Here, the carrying rollers are of a cylindrical design and the force transmission takes place—as with the belt curve—at a first carrying roller, while the following carrying rollers, likewise equipped with the pair of form-fitting elements, serve for guiding the conveying belt. In contrast to the belt curve, however, it would be possible, in the case of the straight belt line or in the case of the belt S-shape, for the pair of elements to be arranged at the two free ends of the respective carrying roller and on the two border regions of the conveying belt. It would thus be possible specifically for the two border regions of the conveying belt to have a toothed belt or a toothed- belt component which interacts with the toothed rings at the two free ends of each carrying roller. Furthermore, it would also be possible, with these types of construction of the belt conveyor according to the invention, to provideguide rollers.A further advantage of the preferred embodiment of the belt conveyor according to the invention, the toothed ring and toothed belt interacting, consists in the improved capacity for controlling the belt speed in accordance with the current loading. It would be possible to provide a control device which senses a change in the speed by corresponding measuring sensors and adjusts the power of the drive device in line with the safety regulations.In comparison with the force transmission realized by friction fitting, the belt conveyor according to the invention not only has the advantage of better capacity for control, but also has the advantage that the conveying belt has a high level of dimensional stability as a result of the guidance by means of the pair of form-fitting elements and by means of the pairs of guide rollers and can be subjected to higher torques. Overall, it is possible to achieve an increased level of drive power during start-up. In the case of the belt conveyor according to the invention being designed in the form of a belt curve with an inner radius of 400 mm, the carrying rollers rotate at 230 rpm at a maximum speed of 1.5 m/sec.2、中文翻译带式运输机一、领域的发明本发明涉及一种具有循环带式输送机输送带,有托辊,这是链之间的顶部和底部的传送带链排列,有一个传动装置和一个移动传送带力传动装置。

工程机械专业英语推土机(Bulldozers)3Unit11newwords一、单词列表1. Bulldozer(名词):推土机2. Blade(名词):刀片,推土机的铲刀3. Cab(名词):驾驶室4. Track(名词):履带5. Transmission(名词):传动系统6. Hydraulics(名词):液压系统7. Grader(名词):平地机8. Excavator(名词):挖掘机9. Loader(名词):装载机10. Dozer(名词):推土机(口语表达)二、单词解析1. Bulldozer:推土机是工程机械中的一种,主要用于土地平整、挖掘和装载等工作。
2. Blade:推土机的铲刀,用于推土、挖土和装载物料。
3. Cab:驾驶室是推土机操作员的工作场所,通常配备有座椅、控制系统和显示器等。
4. Track:履带是推土机行走部分的关键部件,使推土机能在复杂地形上稳定行驶。
5. Transmission:传动系统负责将发动机的动力传递到推土机的各个工作部件。
6. Hydraulics:液压系统是推土机实现各种动作的关键,如铲刀升降、转向等。
7. Grader:平地机,与推土机类似,主要用于道路、场地平整作业。
8. Excavator:挖掘机,用于挖掘土石方,与推土机在功能上有所区别。
9. Loader:装载机,主要用于装载、搬运物料,与推土机在某些场合可互换使用。
10. Dozer:推土机的口语表达,常用于施工现场的交流。
三、实用例句1. The bulldozer is equipped with a powerful blade for efficient earthmoving.(这台推土机配备了一个强大的铲刀,用于高效的土石方作业。
)2. The operator sits in the cab, controlling thebulldozer with ease.(操作员坐在驾驶室里,轻松地控制着推土机。

液压动力传递系统涉及电动机、调节装置和压力,流量控制,总的来说,该系统包括:l 泵:将原动机的能力转换成作用在执行部件上的液压能。
2 阀:控制泵产生流体的运动方向、产生的功率的大小,以及到达执行部件液体的流量。
3 执行部件:将液压能转换成可用的机械能。
4 介质即油液:可进行无压缩传递和控制,同时可以润滑部件,使阀体密封和系统冷却。
6 油液贮存和调节装置:用来确保提供足够质景和数量并冷却的液体。
液压动力之所以成为自动化的重要组成部分,是因为它有如下主要的四种优点:1 控制方便精确通过操作一个简单的操作杆和按钮,液压系统的操作者便能立即起动、停止、加减速和能提供任意功率、位置精度为万分之一英寸的位置控制力。
2 增力一个液压系统(没有使用笨重的齿轮、滑轮和杠杆)能简单有效地将不到一盎司的力放大产生几百吨力的输出。
3 恒力或恒扭只有液压系统能提供不随速度变化而变化的恒力或恒扭矩,它可以驱动对象从每小时移动几英寸到每分钟几百英寸,从每小时几转到每分钟几千转。

机械设备中英文对照表工程机械设备中英文对照表1 隧道工程机械(tunnelling machinery)1.1全液压凿岩台车jumbo drill( hydraulic rock drill)BOOMER353E阿特拉斯·科普柯Altas Copco1.2管棚钻机pipe shelter drillKR80412科赖姆G·Klemm Bohrtechnik1.3臂式掘进机boomed diggerS1001.4隧道铣掘机tunneling header艾荷夫Eickhoff1.51.61.72 土石方挖装工程机械, earth-rock excavation and loading machinery 2.1液压挖掘机(美国)Hydraulic ExcavatorCAT 320,365BL卡特彼勒Caterpillar Inco.2.2液压挖掘机(日本)Hydraulic ExcavatorPC300SC, 600-6小松Komatsu Ltd.2.3轮式装载机Wheel loaderWA500-3,600-3国产2.4轮式侧翻装载机(美国)side-dump wheel loader 966G,980G卡特彼勒Caterpillar Inco.2.5滑移转向装载机skid-steer loaderMelroe2.6挖掘装载机(扒碴机)Backhoe loader凯斯Case2.7履带式推土机crawler dozer2.8铲运机scraper2.9碾压机Compactor2.102.113 砂石及混凝土工程机械, aggregate and concrete processing machinery 3.1鄂式破碎机Jaw crusher山特维克Sandvik3.2二级旋回破碎机2-stage Double roll crusher山特维克Sandvik3.3圆锥破碎机cone crusher诺德泊格Nordberg3.4反击式破碎机impact crusher3.5液压旋回式破碎机hydraulic gyratory crusher3.6棒磨机rod mill3.7石打石立轴冲击式破碎机rock-on-rock vertical shaft impact crusher美卓Mesto3.8碾压混凝土连续搅拌设备Uninterrupted mixing unit for roller compacted concrete(RCC)侧式悬臂堆料机Side cantilever stackerDB2000/353.10侧卸式混凝土运输车side-dump concrete truckLDC63.11混凝土运输车(大狗车)Concrete truckBD-203.12塔带机Tower conveyorTC2400Rotec3.13顶带机conveyorMD22003.14胎带机Conveyor mounted wheel crane CC200-243.15混凝土搅拌运输车agitator truck3.16混凝土输送泵车concrete conveying pumpBRF/BSF36.093.17湿喷机wet-mix spraying machineTK-961叶轮式混凝土湿喷机impellertype concrete wet-mix spraying machine 恒特3.19混凝土喷射机shotcrete machine3.20混凝土搅拌站concrete mixing station3.21混凝土拌和楼concrete mixing plant3.223.234 基础工程机械, foundation machinery4.1回转-冲击反循环钻机rotary-impact reverse circulation drillHCF-20,CJF4.3全液压多功能旋挖钻机意马4.4潜孔钻机down the hole drill4.5多功能岩土钻机4.6液压钻车truck mounted drill4.7锚杆台车anchor jumb drill4.8反井钻机raise boring drilling rigXPZ-504.9旋喷钻机whirl jet drill rigGXM-1004.10旋喷锚杆钻机whirl jet anchor drill rigXK4.11锯槽机4000法国地基处理公司4.12液压铣槽机BC304.13双轻铣槽机5T-3024.14高压旋喷泵high pressure pumpSNS系列4.15注浆泵Injection pumpYZB 系列4.16高压注浆泵5 起重机械, Lifting and hoisting equipment 5.1门座式起重机Gantry craneMQ40265.2塔式起重机Tower craneK1800丹麦克劳尔公司Kroll Cranes A/S (Denmark)5.3高架门座式起重机High-level gantry craneMQ2000德国克虏伯公司Krupp5.4摆塔式缆索起重机Luffing cable crane德国克虏伯公司Krupp5.5液压履带式起重机Hydraulic crawling craneQUY70Q5.6龙门起重机F-rame gantry crane5.76 运输机械, Transportation equipment 6.1铰接式自卸车dump truckA35D,A40D6.2水泥罐车cement tank truck6.3载重汽车autotruck6.4trailer6.56.67 桥梁施工机械7.1架桥机DF4507.2运梁车DCY4507.37.48 地铁施工机械8.18.2地下连续墙挖掘机Diaphragm wall excavatorCCJ8.3地下连续墙液压挖掘机Diaphragm wall hydraulic excavator GB248.4地下自卸车dumperDKC-128.58.69 港口河道施工机械9.1履带式挖泥船Caterpillar dredging boat9.2工程钻机Engineering drill9.3水利河道摊铺设备高马科9.49.510 地下管线敷设机械10.1钻进铺管钻机GBS10.2定向钻机directional drill HBR505D 60系列凯斯10.3水平导向钻机[Directional] drill威猛10.4挖沟机TrencherGC18(12)10.5开沟机Ditcher威猛CASE10.610.711 辅助机械11.1空气压缩机Air compressor11.2水泵Water pump11.3柴油发电机Diesel generator11.4柴油发电机diesel motor11.5文档已经阅读完毕,请返回上一页!。

本文进行了TY160 型推土机的总体设计、推土机工作装置结构设计。
借助Pro/E 软件进行推土机工作装置的三维实体设计,可以真实的反映各部分的几何形状和空间位置。
关键词:推土机;工作装置;Pro/Engineer;强度校核全套CAD图纸,加153893706ABSTRACTBulldozers, works in the wide application of earth-moving equipment, which working device load to bear the main components, and load transfer to the body, the force is very poor. In the complex and ever-changing work loads, the analysis blade equipment in different conditions. Dangerous point in different parts of the stress distribution is designed bulldozers work necessary for the device.In this paper, complete the TY160 bulldozers the overall design, the bulldozers working device structure design. Working mainly components by the installation of Blade knife plate, pushers beam, pole vault, hydraulic cylinder system. The structure of Blade knife plate can determine the device situation directly. And the hydraulic system can achieve the blade angle adjustments. The design uses of Pro/Engineer software to building the 3D solid model, which can be true representation the geometry and the locus.The design chosen the dangerous working conditions and calculate the position of strength check, and the use of computer selected dangerous cross-section of the finite element analysis, and cooperate the results of the analysis. After checking the rational design of the structure, it’s meet the require ment.Key words:bulldozers; working device; pro/engineer; check strength; FEM目录摘要 (I)ABSTRACT.................................................................................................. I I 目录.. (III)第一章绪论 (1)1.1推土机概述 (1)1.2课题任务 (11)1.3课题背景和设计意义 (11)第二章推土机总体方案设计 (12)2.1动力装置 (12)2.2传动机构 (12)2.3行走机构 (13)2.4工作装置 (13)2.5液压系统 (13)第三章推土机总体参数选择 (15)3.1推土机重量和接地比压 (15)3.2推土机的行走速度 (15)3.3铲刀的垂直压力及比压入力 (16)3.4推土机的轨距和最小转弯半径 (16)3.5推土机的驶入角、离去角、离地间隙 (17)3.6铲刀的提升高度和切削深度 (17)3.7推土机生产率 (17)第四章推土机重心计算 (19)4.1重心位置分析 (19)4.2中心位置的确定 (19)第五章推土机工作装置设计 (21)5.1工作装置结构类型 (21)5.2工作装置主要参数及结构尺寸的确定 (22)5.3推土机工作装置的强度计算 (27)5.4推土机铲刀的强度计算 (32)5.5第三计算位置 (41)结论 (43)参考资料 (44)致谢 (45)附件 (46)第一章绪论1.1 推土机概述1.1.1 推土机的用途推土机是一种短距离的自行式铲土运输机械,以工业拖拉机或专用牵引车为主机,前端装有推土装置,依靠主机的顶推力,用来开挖路基、构筑路堤、回填基坑、铲除障碍、清除积雪、平整场地等,也可完成短距离内松散物料的铲运和堆集作业。

A Summary of Small-size Excavators Home and AbroadI。
The brief introduction of hydraulic excavatorParts such as the hydraulic excavator is by engine, hydraulic system and works device and walks device and electric control etc are formed。
The hydraulic system is formed by hydraulic pump, control valve, hydraulic cylinder, hydraulic pressure motor, pipe route and fuel tank etc. The electric control system includes supervision dish, motor control system, pump brain and various kinds of sensor and solenoid valves etc。
The hydraulic excavator is general by the work device and turns round the device and walks device three is mostly formed. According to his construction and use, we can differentiate : many kinds of types such as caterpillar tread type, tyre type, walk type, full hydraulic pressure, half hydraulic pressure, turns round entirely, not turns round entirely, utility version, mould for a special purpose, the joining with a hinge type and arm type stretched out and drawn back etc.The work device is directly accomplishing the device that excavates the assignment. It has been joined with a hinge by moves the arm, fights the pole and shovels the fill etc three parts。

外文文献翻译(含:英文原文及中文译文)文献出处:K Tanizumi. Truck Crane Hydraulic System: Technical Status and Development Trend [J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2015, 310-319中文译文汽车式起重机液压系统: 技术现状与发展趋势K Tanizumi1行业背景1.1工程汽车起重机的发展趋势近20年世界工程起重机行业发生了很大变化。
RT(越野轮胎起重机) 和AT(全地面起重机) 产品的迅速发展,打破了原有产品与市场格局,在经济发展及市场激烈竞争冲击下, 导致世界市场进一步趋向一体化。
为与RT 和AT 产品抗衡, 汽车起重机新技术、新产品也在不断发展。
几年前某些工业界人士曾预测, RT 和AT 产品的兴起将导致汽车起重机的衰退。
日本汽车起重机在世界各地日益流行,以及最近格鲁夫、特雷克斯、林克.贝尔特、德马泰克等公司汽车起重机的产品进展, 已向上述观念提出挑战。
国外工程起重机从整体情况分析, 领先国内10~20年(不同类型产品有所不同) 。
25t 以下基本上不生产,产品向高附加值、大吨位发展, 住友建机、多田野和加藤公司曾于1989年相继推出360t 汽车起重机。
住友建机在90年代开发出80t ~250t 共4种AT 产品。
多田野也在90年代相继推出100t ~550t 共6种特大型AT 产品。
加藤公司则研制成NK5000型500t 汽车起重机。
行业配套也与国内有所不同:(1)下车主要是300kW 以上柴油大功率发动机,与之配套的液力变矩器和自动换档变速箱、12吨级驱动转向桥及越野轮胎。

农业机械化机械与电子工程学院College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering农业机械化Agricultural Mechanization陕西理工学院Shaanxi University of Technology机械工程学院College of Mechanical Engineering机械设计Machine Design机械原理Theory and Design of Mechanisms and Machines工程材料Engineering Materials材料力学Material Mechanics理论力学Theoretical Mechanics高等数学Advanced Mathematics电工电子学Electronics in Electrical Engineering液压与气压传动Hydraulic [haɪˈdrɔ:lɪk] and atmospheric pressure transmission 数控机床Numerical Control Machines金属切削Metal Cutting机械制造技术基础:Mechanical Manufacturing Fundamental农业机械agricultural machine农业设备agricultural equipment收获机harvester播种机seeder除草机weedershovel 铁锹spade 铲hoe 锄weeding hoe 除草锄mechanical hoe 动力锄rake 搂草机fork 叉子hayfork, pitchfork 干草叉scythe 大钐刀sickle 镰刀flail 连枷billhook,brushhook 钩镰(field)roller 滚压器plough 犁(美作:plow)ridging plough,ridger 起垄犁weeding machine 除草机weeder,weeding hook 除草锄weeding fork 除草叉disc harrow 圆盘耙clod crusher 碎土块机tractor 拖拉机sprinkler 喷水器,人工降雨器manure spreader 撒肥机fertilizer distributor 化肥撒肥机rotovator 中耕机(美作:cultivator)planter 种植机disk harrow 圆盘耙cotton picker 摘棉机potato harvester 马铃薯收割机seeder, broadcaster 播种机seed drill, drilling machine 条播机mower 割草机(power)mower 动力割草机harvester, reaper 收割机combine (harvester) 联合收割机binder 捆束机bale loader 装草机harvesting machinery 收割机械threshing machine,thresher 脱粒机winnower,winnowing machine 风选机sheafer 束禾机grader, sorter 分类机,分级机sieve 细筛winepress 葡萄榨汁机milking machine 挤奶机churn 搅乳器。

推土机英文BulldozerA bulldozer is a powerful and versatile heavy equipment that is commonly used in construction, mining, forestry, and agriculture. It is a type of demolition equipment that is used to move earth and debris, clear land, level surfaces, and dig trenches. Over the years, bulldozers have evolved from simple machines that were powered by steam engines or horses to high-tech equipment that is operated by hydraulic systems and computer controls.History of BulldozersThe first bulldozer was invented by Benjamin Holt, an American inventor and businessman, in the early 20th century. The machine was based on his earlier invention, the track-type tractor, which was used in agriculture to plow fields. Holt's bulldozer was designed to clear land for roads, railways, and other infrastructure projects. The machine had a curved blade attached to the front that could be raised and lowered to push earth and debris. The track system provided traction and stability on uneven terrain.During World War II, bulldozers were used extensively by the military for building bases, airfields, and fortifications. They were also used to clear mines and create paths through dense jungles. After the war, the popularity of bulldozers grew as they were used to build highways, dams, and other large-scale projects. As technology advanced, bulldozers became more powerful and efficient, with the ability to move more earth in a shorter amount of time.Types of BulldozersThere are several types of bulldozers, each designed for specific tasks and terrain. The most common types include:1. Crawler BulldozersCrawler bulldozers are the most common type of bulldozer. They are equipped with tracks instead of wheels, which provides better traction and stability on rough terrain. Crawler bulldozers are ideal for heavy-duty tasks such as excavation, mining, and demolition.2. Wheel BulldozersWheel bulldozers are equipped with wheels instead of tracks, which makes them more maneuverable and faster than crawler bulldozers. They are ideal for lighter tasks such as land grading and surface leveling.3. Mini BulldozersMini bulldozers are smaller and lighter than standard bulldozers. They are designed for use in tight spaces and on small-scale construction sites.4. Swamp BulldozersSwamp bulldozers are designed for use in wetlands and marshy areas. They are equipped with wide tracks that distribute the weight of the machine to prevent it from sinking into the mud.Features of BulldozersModern bulldozers are equipped with a wide range of features and technologies that make them more efficient and productive. Some of these features include:1. Hydraulic SystemsHydraulic systems are used to power the blade and other tools on the bulldozer. They allow the operator to adjust the angle and height of the blade and control the speed and direction of the machine.2. GPS TechnologySome bulldozers are equipped with GPS technology that allows the operator to accurately navigate and map the terrain. This helps with tasks such as land grading and earthmoving.3. TelematicsTelematics systems are used to monitor the performance and health of the bulldozer. They can track fuel consumption, engine performance, and other metrics to optimize the machine's efficiency and prevent breakdowns.4. Environmental FeaturesSome bulldozers are equipped with environmental features such as emissions control systems and noise reduction technology. These features help reduce the machine's impact on the environment and make it more suitable for use in urban areas.ConclusionBulldozers are an essential piece of heavy equipment in many industries. They are powerful, versatile, and capable of performing a wide range of tasks. With the latest technologies and features, bulldozers have become more efficient and productive than ever before. Whether you need to clear land, level a surface, or dig a trench, a bulldozer can get the job done quickly and efficiently.。

英语平时用语——施工机械CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY1、Wehave all kinds of construction machinery on the job site.我们有各样施工机械在现场。
2、The truck crane (gantry crane, bridge crane, crawlercrane,crane)tower crane, mobile slewingcan lift a weight of 15 tons.这台汽车起重机 ( 龙门吊、塔式吊、悬臂汽车吊、桥式吊、履带式起重机 ) 能吊起 15 吨的重物。
3、The hoisting capacity of that gin pole (girder pole, guyderrick) is sixty tons.那个起重抱杆(格状抱杆、转盘抱杆) 的起重能力为 60 吨。
4 The brand of this truck is “JIEFANG” (YUEJIN, HUANGHE,HIN O, NISSAN, TOYOTA,ISUZU, TADANO,KATO, MITSUBISHI, HITACHI, IFA, BENA, SKODA, TATRA, CSEPEL, FIAT FORD, DODGE, GMC, BERALIN, ROMAN,ГИС , ГИП ).这台载重汽车的牌号是“解放”( 跃进、黄河、日野、日产、丰田、五十铃、多野外、加藤、三菱、日立、依发、奔驰、斯柯达、太脱拉、却贝尔、菲亚特、福特、道奇、通用、贝埃标、罗曼、吉斯、吉尔) 。
5、This is a motor hoist (winch) with low (high) wrappingspeed.这是低 ( 高) 速电动卷扬机 ( 绞盘 ) 。
6、What is the horsepower (H.P) of this engine (tractor, excavator, bulldozer, motor scraper, roller)?这台发动机 ( 拖沓机、发掘机、推土机、自行铲运机、压路机) 的马力是多少 ?7、Weused to weld pipes with direct current (D.C) are welder (alternating current A.C. welder).我们老是用直流 ( 沟通 ) 电弧焊机焊接收子。
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Crawler Hydraulic Bulldozer TQ160TQ160A in the reference and absorption of foreign advanced technology, based on a self-developed hydrostatic drive track-type bulldozer. It uses the procurement of international purchasing parts, bulldozer on the performance of the engine, the main hydraulic pump, drive motor and key electrical components of the international brand-name products are used to ensure that the aircraft of superior performance, while also integrated into a number of design Innovative technology1, Main technical parametersDeutz Engine BF6M1013E (imported)Rated Power (kW) / speed (r / min) 137 / 2 300Total mass (kg) 16 500Track center distance (mm) 1 880Ground contact length (mm) 2 430Track Width (mm) 510Ground pressure (kPa) 67Blade (L × H) (mm) 3 420 × 1 150Soil depth of maximum shear blade (mm) 545Blade maximum lift height (mm) 1 095Minimum turning radius (without blade) (mm) 1 900Speed (km / h) forward two block: 0 ~ 4.5,0 ~ 10Back two block: 0 ~ 4.5,0 ~ 102, the main structure and performance characteristics2.1 set axis units frameShown in Figure 1, sets the frame with swing shaft structure, which with the balance beam is connected via a dedicated articulated mechanism to fully meet the bulldozer work in Taiwan, the swing frame required; and racks through the fixed pivot independent of each other , pivot detachable structure, most of the weight machine passed directly to the frame through the pivot, thus greatly reducing the transmission ofthe bulldozer was at work, the impact and prolong the life of the transmission system; pendulum shaft structure Province frame to the traditional structure of the ramp platform support, simplified structure, improved processing technology, reduce production cost and increase rigidity; the final drive and sets the frame separately, without dismantling the case of Taiwan, a direct repair frame Final drive, easy maintenance.2.2 Work equipment controlsWorking. device control by the pilot control system, all actions Blade: upgrade, down, left and right tilt and float, complete with a handle and manipulate very labor-saving, light sensitive, accurate and reliable. Figure 2 shows the blade control handle. At the same time, the aircraft are also used with ripper pilot hydraulic control systems.2.3 Driving and parking brake control systemHydraulic proportional control servo drive control system, the system consists of a dedicated pilot gear pump oil, the forward, backward, left turn and driver-specific in situ hydrostatic steering performance focused on a handle, while the handle is integrated tra vel speakers , speed, and reversing alarm switch block, which greatly simplifies the control system running, so the driver can concentrate on work.When the control lever is in neutral position, the pump will cut off access to the variable ratio power servo control valve oil, zero displacement hydraulic pump, hydraulic motor lock, the vehicle can not walk, so as to achieve the purpose of the safety brake. To ensure the safety of vehicles, aircraft design is still a driven gear shaft safety brake for parking (or emergency parking brake), the brake is normally closed, when the engine stalled or moving the operating handle is in neutral position, the brakes closed under spring force, to achieve braking; and when the manipulation of moving the handle, the role of the control to open the brake fluid, so that bulldozers driving. Parking brake lever by the brake control and emergency brake button control, manipulation of any of them, can achieve braking.2.4 TransmissionShown in Figure 3, TQ160A bulldozers closed double-loopdouble-pump hydraulic system, driven by the engine double variable pump, piston-type variable hydraulic motor driven, hydrostatic drive system components, and finally tracked vehicle driven by the final drive and steering. Each side of the track system by an independent hydrostatic drive, so that bulldozers can easily achieve pivot turn, greatly enhanced the mobility of the bulldozers and work suitability.Our unique control system of the engine closed-loop constant power control system, the central controller (CPU) load based on the size of bulldozers at any time suffered moderator pump swashplate angle control drive system flow to the machine to automatically according to the size of external load adjust speed, fully meet the bulldozers at work on speed and power requirements to ensure the efficiency of machine, to prevent overloading the engine and can make full use of engine power.TQ160A bulldozer driven by electric motor two-block variable motor, the whole block forward and backward are the two to meet the needs of different conditions.2.5 Intelligent alarm systemTQ160A three bulldozers with complete intelligent alarm system, through the instrument panel meters, LED, buzzer and LCD monitors to keep it informed of the vehicle running all kinds of information, such as: engine temperature, oil pressure, hydraulic oil temperature, working hours, engine speed and battery charge and discharge; the sensors to collect information processed by the CPU through the liquid crystal display to determine a text or voice expressed in the form, such as thework of the solenoid valve opening, engine speed and the machine appears failure, etc.; The display can also work to select the operating mode of the engine.2.6 MaintenanceAs a result of hydrostatic transmission system, eliminating the torque converter drive bulldozers, power transmission, a central transmission, steering clutches and steering brakes and other components, greatly simplifying the whole structure, so that maintenance of the transmission system is convenient.In order to facilitate the hydraulic system pressure measurement, to help repair and maintenance, the aircraft pressure measurement using a centralized approach, all the measurement points are located in the left cabinets, open the box lid can see, very convenient. The aircraft left engine cover, left box spring cover support oil and gas are used, open save time and effort.2.7Modeling and machine vision drivers.Whole shape of beautiful and unique machine, the cab structure with six sides, so as to increase the door width of the cab, front blade to enhance the hydraulic cylinder, compared with the traditional style, greatly improved vision.2.8 configurationROPS / FOPS cab, straight tilting blade and the machine after the traction frame is a standard configuration. At the same time, users can use optional different angle blade, ripper, and heating and air conditioning.TQ160履带式全液压推土机TQ160A是在参考和吸收国外先进技术的基础上,自行研制开发的一种静液压驱动履带式推土机。