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Honeywell 低功耗开关技术简介说明书

LOW ENERGY SWITCHINGGeneral Technical Bulletin #13 - Low Energy Switching2 Honeywell Sensing and Controle of ContentsPageINTRODUCTION (3)LOW ENERGY SWITCHING (3)MECHANICAL PERFORMANCE (4)Plunger Movement Characteristics (4)Plunger Force vs. Plunger Position................................................................. 5 Circuit Terminology (5)ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE (6)Insulation Resistance..................................................................................... 6 Dielectric Strength......................................................................................... 6 Switch Resistance......................................................................................... 6 Contact Resistance....................................................................................... 7 Load Resistance........................................................................................... 7 Measurement of Switch Resistance................................................................ 7 Switch Resistance in Application................................................................... 8 Role of Contamination in Switch Resistance................................................... 9 Common Contact Materials..........................................................................10 Common Contact Configurations...................................................................11 Switch Life (12)GENERAL APPLICATION GUIDELINES .....................................................13 Storage, Installation, and Maintenance...........................................................13 Design..........................................................................................................14 Environment.. (15)SUMMARY (15)General Technical Bulletin #13 - Low Energy SwitchingFor application help: call 1-800-537-6945 Honeywell Sensing and Control 3INTRODUCTIONIn today’s age of low energy control, electromechanical switches are more frequently interfacing directly with computers and other low energy driven hardware. Switching low energy loads presents a unique challenge as compared to switching higher energy loads and at times requires an alternative switch design.The purpose of this bulletin is to provide general information about mechanical and electrical performance of electromechanical switches, along with application guidelines for using electromechanical switches in low energy applications.LOW ENERGY SWITCHINGLow energy switching can be described as using a switch to control any component(s) of a circuit where the load that the contacts will switch will not cause an arc to form between the contacts. Common names for these types of circuits are thermocouple load, dry circuit, logic level, etc.The primary concern in the area of low energy switching is contact contamination. Since low energy loads do not arc or burn the contact surface, they also do not arc or burn off the contaminants that may reside on the contact surface. These contaminants may cause erratic switch resistance and can stop current flow. Pay special attention to the General Application Guidelines if the switch is to be used in a low energy application.General Technical Bulletin #13 - Low Energy Switching4 For application help: call 1-800-537-6945 Honeywell Sensing and ControlMECHANICAL PERFORMANCEPlunger Movement Characteristics of a Basic SwitchFree Position: Switch plunger is fully released and common contact is against normally closed contact.Pretravel: Distance from free position to operating point.Operating Point: Common contact transfers from normally closed contact to normally open contact.Overtravel : Distance plunger travels past operating point.Full Overtravel Point : Point at which further plunger depression is prevented by switch mechanism.Release Point: Common contact transfers from normally open contact to normally closed contact.Differential Travel: Distance between operating point and release point.Operating Force: Force required to depress switch plunger to operating point.Full Overtravel Force: Force required to depress switch plunger to full overtravel point.Release force: Force required to allow the plunger to return to release point.The movement of the switch plunger from the free position through the release point is considered one cycle of switch operation.General Technical Bulletin #13 - Low Energy SwitchingFor application help: call 1-800-537-6945 Honeywell Sensing and Control 5Plunger Force vs. Plunger PositionThe graph at the right represents the relationship between plunger travel and plunger force and is of interest when the mechanism used to operate the switch is a force-sensitive device such as a dead weight, a thermostatic bimetal or a gas-filled bellows.For data on a specific switch type, contact the- MICRO SWITCH Application Center at 1-800-537-6945.Circuitry TerminologyPole : The number of completely separate circuits that can pass through the switch at one time.Throw: The number of different circuits that each pole can control.Break: The number of pairs of separated contacts the switch introduces into each circuit it opens.General Technical Bulletin #13 - Low Energy Switching6 For application help: call 1-800-537-6945 Honeywell Sensing and ControlELECTRICAL PERFORMANCEInsulation Resistance Applied voltage divided by the current is the electrical resistance of the insulation. For new switches at commonly used voltages, insulation resistance usually exceeds 100,000 megohms between non-connected terminals and between terminals and switch housing. The voltage does put an electrical stress on the material but does not damage it unless the potential exceeds the dielectric strength of the switch.Dielectric Strength Dielectric strength is the highest electrical potential that an insulating material can withstand without breaking down, i.e., dielectric breakdown. New switches usually have dielectric strength of over 1000 volts with leakage current less than 500 microamps. When the voltage exceeds the dielectric strength, the insulating material is permanently damaged.Insulation Resistance and Dielectric StrengthSwitch Resistance Switch Resistance is the total resistance of the conducting path between the wiringterminals of the switch.Sources of Switch ResistanceGeneral Technical Bulletin #13 - Low Energy SwitchingFor application help: call 1-800-537-6945 Honeywell Sensing and Control 7Typical Pattern of Switch Resistance versus Plunger Position at 6 Volts DC, 0.1 AmpereContact Resistance : The resistance between a pair of closed contacts.Load Resistance : Load resistance affects contact resistance in the following way; if the circuit voltageexceeds the softening or melting voltage of the contact material, the material softens or melts due to I 2R heating. See table below for softening and melting voltage of silver and gold.MaterialApproximateSoftening VoltageApproximate Melting VoltageSilver .09 Volt .37 Volt Gold.08 Volt.43 VoltIf the metal at the contact interface softens or melts, the cross-sectional area of the conducting path between the contacts will depend upon the current. The size of this cross-sectional area determines contact resistance. The higher the current, the greater the cross-sectional area of the bridge and the lower its resistance. If the softening voltage is not reached, the contact resistance is independent of current.Measurement ofSwitch Resistance: Switch resistance should be measured by voltage drop using the same voltage andcurrent as in the circuit in which the switch is to be used. This can be accomplished by connecting the switch in a series circuit consisting of a power supply of the specified voltage, a variable resistor and ammeter.General Technical Bulletin #13 - Low Energy SwitchingConnections for Measurement of Switch ResistanceSwitch Resistancein Application: In the application of snap-acting switches, if the source voltage is at least .5 volts, contact material almost always softens, or melts slightly, at the interface, and switch resistance becomes afunction of current. This leads to the following practical consequences:1. In low current circuits, switch resistance tends to be relatively high. However, low current circuitsusually have high resistance load components. The resistance of the switch usually is such a smallpart of the total resistance of the circuit that switch resistance is not a problem.2. High current circuits usually have low-resistance load components. In high current circuitshowever, switch resistance tends to be low. Again, the resistance is such a small part of the totalresistance of the circuit that switch resistance is not a problem.At source voltages of 0.5 volt or greater, the resistance of a switch during its life will rarely exceed1% of the load resistance. If source voltage is less than 0.5 volt, switch resistance may or may notbe a function of current, depending upon the amount of the source voltage that appears across thecontacts.In general, the maximum allowable switch resistance of a specific application can be defined asfollows: For DC circuits, the maximum allowable switch resistance equals the line voltage divided by the minimum allowable current, minus the load resistance. For AC circuits, the maximum allowable switch resistance equals the line voltage divided by minimum allowable current, multiplied by thepower factor and minus the load resistance.8 For application help: call 1-800-537-6945 Honeywell Sensing and ControlGeneral Technical Bulletin #13 - Low Energy SwitchingFor example, consider a switch in series with a relay coil:• 24 VDC, 5000 ohm coil, operate .004 amp, release .0025 amp.• Without the switch in the circuit, I=.0048• With the switch in circuit, coil will operate at I=.004. Switch resistance will do no harm if it does not reduce the .0048 amp to less than .004 amp• Total resistance that will allow .004 amp flow = R = V/I = 24 volts/.004 amp = 6000 ohms• Therefore, maximum allowable switch resistance = 6000 ohms - 5000 ohms or 1000 ohmsRole ofContamination inSwitch Resistance:There are two general classifications for switch contaminants, particles and films. Particles can becrushed solids that enter the switch during application or assembly. Particles deposit on the contact surface, are crushed between the contacts and can become embedded in the contact material due to contact force. Particles can cause erratic contact during wipe and roll of contacts and, if large orextensive enough, can stop current flow.Films are the second type of switch contaminant, which can be broken into two parts, organic andinorganic. Inorganic films, such as silver oxides or silver sulfides, do not typically cause switchresistance problems at the contacts. Silver oxide is conductive, so it does not represent a problem.Silver sulfide films are brittle and are punctured mechanically due to contact force and wiping action.There are several types of contaminants that can create organic films and cause resistance problems.The most common are flux, organic vapors, and silicones. Flux enters the switch cavity by vapor or is carried into the switch cavity by a cleaning solvent. Flux will increase switch resistance and can stop current flow. To avoid flux contamination: avoid use of activated flux; use flux sparingly; use flux core solder; do not allow liquid flux or flux vapor to enter the switch; use a soldering temperature ofapproximately 550° F (288° C); and, do not use solvents on or near switches - they carry flux residue and other contaminants into the switch. It is not necessary to remove flux residue from terminals.Organic materials, especially organic vapors, can decompose in the arc or I2R heating of the material at the interface between the closed contacts. Carbonaceous deposits can build up over time on thecontact surface and increase the switch resistance.For application help: call 1-800-537-6945 Honeywell Sensing and Control 9General Technical Bulletin #13 - Low Energy SwitchingSilicon is an inorganic element found in many materials. Silicone is an organic material commonlyfound in oils, greases, mold release, cleaning sprays, and potting material. Silica (SiO2), commonly referred to as glass, is transformed from silicone in the presence of electrical energy. Silicones enter the switch as vapor and over time, based on load, rate of actuation, and amount of silicone present, transform into silica. These silica deposits can raise switch resistance and stop current flow. Everyprecaution should be taken in the application to prevent silicone from coming in contact with the inner switch cavity.Common ContactMaterials:• Fine silver. 1.6 ohms/cm, low cost, if kept clean, there is no lower load limit.• 24 karat gold.2.36 ohm/cm, high cost, limited to use in applications with little or no arc energy because of its ductility.• Gold Alloys.Different properties depending on the alloy.• Gold clad over silver.If the load is low energy, it is carried through gold. If the load is arcing, it burns away the gold and is carried through silver contacts. However, a switch that has seen anarcing load should not be used for a low energy load.• Silver Cadmium Oxide.Designed for use in power loads, not recommended for use in loads less than .5 amp and/or 12 volts.The following graph can be used as a general guide for the selection of contact material. The graph indicates 1st choice, 2nd choice, etc. for each current range. Note, the current represented on the X axis is steady-state. Inrush currents from motor loads and lamp loads can be 6 to 10 times steadystate current.General Guide to the Selection of Contact Material10 For application help: call 1-800-537-6945 Honeywell Sensing and ControlFor application help: call 1-800-537-6945 Honeywell Sensing and Control 11 Common ContactConfigurations:Smooth contact. Common contact configurationSerrated contact. The top surface of the contact can be serrated toprovide a series of peaks and valleys. When the switch is operated theraised areas (peaks) tend to scruff or scrape over the mating contactsurface. This self-cleaning discourage buildups of films or particulate foreignmaterial on the raised areas. Even when the minute particles are not totallyremoved, they tend to drop into the valleys where they are less likely tocontaminate the contact interface. Serrated contacts have been effective inimproving electrical continuity in applications ranging from power duty loadsto low current requirements.Bifurcated contacts. The most effective system developed to date.Bifurcated contacts offer some of the same benefits as described forserrated contacts in addition to providing parallel redundancy.Redundancy can also be provided by connecting two or more switches inparallel and actuating them at the same time.NOTE : Not all contact configurations are available on all switch types.For more information regarding the availability of different contactconfigurations on specific switch types, contact the HONEYWELLApplication Center at 1-800-537-6945.12 For application help: call 1-800-537-6945 Honeywell Sensing and ControlSwitch Life: Mechanical life: The life of a switch with no electrical load present.Electrical life: The life of a switch when switching an electrical load.The following graph demonstrates the life of switch at different electrical loads. Switch life depends on such criteria as electrical load, environment, switch mechanism, and other factors particular to the application. As electrical load increases, switch life decreases. Below 1 amp, the electrical life approaches the mechanical life of the switch. For available test data, contact the HONEYWELL Application Center at 1-800-537-6945.GENERAL APPLICATION GUIDELINESStorage, Installation,and Maintenance• Store switch in a clean, reasonably dry environment that does not exceed the rated temperature of the switch.• Install the switch carefully:♦ Do not drill, sand or otherwise modify the switch.♦ Do not overtighten mounting screws. Review packing sheet instructions carefully.♦ If mounting the switch with an adhesive, use extreme care to avoid contaminating the switch interior.♦ Avoid the use of silicone materials to prevent silicone from coming in contact with the interior of the switch. If this is not possible, in low energy applications, use a sealed switch.♦ When soldering leads to terminals, use non-activated flux core solder and a soldering temperature of about 550° F (288° C).♦ Do not use solvents on switches.♦ Do not use commercial contact cleaners on snap-action switches.♦ Do not paint over switch after installation.♦ Do not connect opposite polarity between normally open and closed terminals. When this is done, and when the arc persists after the contacts are fully apart, a short circuit is establishedthrough the arc and hence through the switch.• Chemicals used during maintenance cleaning can degrade switch materials. If the switch cannot be easily removed prior to cleaning and the types of chemicals used for cleaning are known,contact the HONEYWELL Application Center at 1-800- 537-6945 fo r fluid compatibilitydata.For application help: call 1-800-537-6945 Honeywell Sensing and Control 13Design• For advice regarding the choice of a switch for a specific application, contact the HONEYWELL Application Center at 1-800-537-6945.• If low price is an important factor, silver contacts may help reach the objective.• All snap acting electromechanical switches have contact bounce. When the contact closes it bounces, causing the switch to open and close for a period of microseconds before stayingclosed. If contact bounce will be a problem, the circuit must be buffered. The circuit can bebuffered with additional electronic circuitry or with software.• If the load is below melting voltage, gold or gold alloys can be used for an added measure of safety.• Actuate the switch as closely as possible to the extremes of its plunger travel without applying excess force that might damage the switch. For force data, contact theHONEYWELLApplication Center, 1-800-537-6945.• Decide, based on accurate technical information, whether a switch resistance specification is needed and whether its additional cost is justified. If so, on the basis of end use, specify: thevoltage, current, plunger position, sequence of actuation, and measurement, and maximumallowable switch resistance.• When to give switch resistance special attention:♦ When the switch controls a circuit at less than 0.5 volts.♦ When several switches must be connected in series.♦ When a switch is likely to be exposed to contaminating particles or fumes.♦ When an occasional switch closure with the switch resistance exceeding 1% of the load resistance will have negative consequences.• Design the circuit so the switch sees voltage well above the softening voltage of the contact material, e.g., 0.08 volt for gold, 0.09 volt for silver.• Design low voltage circuits with a minimum number of switches in series.• Design the switch circuit to be as insensitive to normal variations of switch resistance as possible.14 For application help: call 1-800-537-6945 Honeywell Sensing and ControlIf additional assurance of low and stable resistance is desired, use bifurcated contacts or connect two or more switches in parallel and actuate them at the same time.Customers should test the switch under conditions simulating end use to verify that it performs asrequired in the application.Environment• Protect unsealed switches from contamination by particles and fumes.• Switches can be sealed to help prevent contamination from entering them. Some common levels of sealing are: dust resistant, drip-proof, water resistant, resilient, and hermetic. In general, themore critical the application and the harsher the environment, the more stringent the sealrequirements.• If the switch is unsealed and a low energy load is involved, a thorough understanding of the environment is required to choose the correct contact material and configuration. Contact theHONEYWELL Application Center at 1-800-537-6945, for help in choosing the propermaterial• If the environment of an unsealed switch contains a significant amount of sulfides (such as decaying organic matter, cardboard, or vulcanized rubber) and moisture, gold or gold-plated contacts canhelp.• If an alien film contaminant (such as paint spray or oil mist) can reach the contacts, gold won't help. Use a sealed switch.SUMMARYContact material, contact configuration, and the degree of environmental protection are importantconsiderations when low energy switching is required. They must be considered, along with otherapplication variables, to determine the proper switch for the application. The most reliable and cost-effective solution to any switch application results from a partnership between the user andHoneywell’s Sensing and Control Division.For further technical information and assistance in determining your total switching requirements,contact HONEYWELL:1-800-537-6945 USA1-800-737-3360 Canada1-815-235-6847 InternationalFAX1-815-235-6545 USAINTERNET********************.comFor application help: call 1-800-537-6945 Honeywell • MICRO SWITCH Sensing and Control 15Helping You Control Your World Honeywell Inc.11 West Spring StreetFreeport, Illinois 61032001008-3-EN IL50 GLO 797 Printed in USA。
Christie LiveViewer6 应用程序说明书

3.3.3 显示用户名 ................................................................................................................28
3.3.4 多台投影机模式 ........................................................................................................28
3.3.1 显示模式 ....................................................................................................................27
3.3.2 演示模式 ....................................................................................................................27
3.3.5 主机控制模式 ............................................................................................................29
4 LiveViewer 的操作 ................................................. 30
4.1 主菜单和操作按 ............................................................................................................30


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LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean - The Video Game (EU)(M9).cia 乐高加勒比海盗0022 - Driver - Renegade 3D (EU)(M10).cia 车神-极道无限3D0023 - Sims 3, The (EU)(M6).cia 模拟人生30024 - Madden NFL Football (EU).cia 麦登橄榄球0025 - Ridge Racer 3D (JP).cia 山脊赛车3D0026 - Super Pokemon Rumble (EU)(M5).cia 超级口袋妖怪-乱战0027 - Tales of the Abyss (EU).cia 深渊传说0028 - Green Lantern - Rise of the Manhunters (EU)(M6).cia 绿灯侠-猎人的崛起0029 - Thor - God of Thunder (EU)(M5).cia 雷神托尔0030 - Dream Trigger 3D (EU)(M3).cia 梦想扳机0031 - Ridge Racer 3D (US)(M3).cia 山脊赛车3D0032 - Pilotwings Resort (US)(M3).cia 飞行之翼-旅游圣地0033 - Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time 3D, The (US)(M3).cia 塞尔达传说-时之笛3D0034 - Steel Diver (US)(M3).cia 钢铁机师0035 - Nintendogs + Cats - Toy Poodle & New Friends (US)(M3).cia 任天狗+猫-玩具贵宾犬与新朋友0036 - Tom Clancy's - Shadow Wars (US)(M3).cia 幽灵战士-暗影战争0037 - Super Street Fighter IV - 3D Edition (US)(M3).cia 超级街霸4 3D0038 - Blazblue - Continuum Shift II (EU)(M4).cia 苍翼默示录-连续变换20039 - Cave Story 3D (US).cia 洞窟物语3D0040 - Mario Kart 7 (US)(M3).cia 马里奥赛车70041 - Super Mario 3D Land (US)(M3).cia 超级马里奥大陆3D0042 - Super Monkey Ball 3D (US)(M3).cia 超级猴球3D0043 - Sonic Generations (US)(M3).cia 索尼克世代0044 - Star Fox 64 3D (US)(M3).cia 星际火狐64 3D0045 - Shinobi (US)(M3).cia 忍0046 - Bit.Trip Saga (US).cia 像素跑者-传说0047 - SpongeBob SquigglePants 3D (EU)(M6).cia 海绵宝宝3D0048 - Captain America - Super Soldier (EU)(M5).cia 美国队长-超级战士0049 - Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 3D (EU)(M3).cia 实况足球2011 3D0050 - Harvest Moon 3D - The Tale of Two Towns (US).cia 牧场物语3D-双子村历险0051 - Dead or Alive - Dimensions (US)(M6).cia 死或生-多重维度0052 - Adventures of Tintin - The Game, The (EU)(M10).cia 丁丁历险记0053 - Shin Megami Tensei - Devil Survivor Overclocked (US).cia 真女神转生-恶魔幸存者:超频0054 - Tetris Axis (US)(M3).cia 俄罗斯方块-新轴向0055 - Nano Assault (US).cia 纳米突袭0056 - Shinobi (EU)(M5).cia 忍0057 - Naruto Shippuden 3D - The New Era (EU)(M2).cia 火影忍者3D-新时代0058 - Sudoku - The Puzzle Game Collection (EU)(M5).cia 数独0059 - Combat of Giants - Dinosaurs 3D (EU)(M9).cia 恐龙突袭3D0060 - Zoo Resort 3D (EU)(M6).cia 动物园胜地3D0061 - Blazblue - Continuum Shift II (US)(M4).cia 苍翼默示录-连续变换20062 - Transformers - Dark of the Moon - Stealth Force Edition (EU)(M5).cia 变形金刚-暗月0063 - Ace Combat - Assault Horizon Legacy (US)(M3).cia 皇牌空战:突击地平线-遗产0064 - Layton Kyouju to Kiseki no Kamen (JP).cia 雷顿教授与奇迹假面0065 - Super Street Fighter IV - 3D Edition (JP).cia 超级街霸4 3D0066 - F1 2011 (EU)(M5).cia 方程式赛车20110067 - Ace Combat - Assault Horizon Legacy (EU)(M5).cia 皇牌空战:突击地平线-遗产0068 - DualPenSports (EU)(M5).cia 双笔运动0069 - Mahjong Cub3D (US).cia 麻将3D0070 - Pokemon Rumble Blast (US).cia 超级神奇宝贝大纷争0071 - Sims 3 - Pets, The (US)(M3).cia 模拟人生3-宠物0072 - LEGO Harry Potter - Years 5-7 (US)(M4).cia 乐高哈里波特-5-7年0073 - LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean - The Video Game (US)(M3).cia 乐高加勒比海盗0074 - Cartoon Network - Punch Time Explosion (EU)(M5).cia 卡通频道大乱斗0075 - LEGO Star Wars III - The Clone Wars (US)(M3).cia 乐高星球大战3-克隆战争0076 - WWE All Stars (US)(M3).cia 全明星摔角0077 - FIFA 12 (EU)(M3).cia FIFA足球120078 - Samurai Warriors Chronicles (US).cia 战国无双编年史0079 - Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell 3D (US)(M3).cia 细胞分裂3D0080 - Resident Evil - Revelations (EU)(M6).cia 生化危机-启示录0081 - FIFA Soccer 12 (US)(M3).cia FIFA足球120082 - Bust-a-Move Universe (US)(M3).cia 飞出来吧!泡泡龙3D0083 - Wipeout 2 (US).cia 勇敢向前冲20084 - Marvel Super Hero Squad - The Infinity Gauntlet (EU)(M4).cia 漫威超级英雄-无限挑战0085 - Pac-Man Party 3D (US)(M3).cia 吃豆人聚会0086 - Rabbids - Travel in Time 3D (US)(M3).cia 疯狂的兔子-时间旅行3D0087 - SpongeBob SquigglePants 3D (US)(M3).cia 海绵宝宝3D0088 - Rabbids 3D (EU)(M10).cia 疯狂的兔子3D0089 - WWE All Stars (EU)(M5).cia 全明星摔角0090 - Cooking Mama 4 - Kitchen Magic (US).cia 料理妈妈4-厨房魔术0091 - Michael Jackson - The Experience 3D (EU)(M5).cia 迈克尔杰克逊-生涯3D0092 - Generator Rex - Agent of Providence (EU)(M5).cia 变形小雷神之刺客0093 - Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 3D (US)(M3).cia 实况足球2011 3D0094 - Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 3D (US)(M4).cia 实况足球2012 3D0095 - Dream Trigger 3D (US)(M3).cia 梦想扳机0096 - Nintendogs + Cats - Golden Retriever & New Friends (US)(M3).cia 任天狗+猫-金毛犬与新朋友0097 - Cartoon Network - Punch Time Explosion (US).cia 卡通频道大乱斗0098 - Driver - Renegade (US)(M3).cia 车神/极道无限3D0099 - James Noir's Hollywood Crimes (US)(M3).cia 好莱坞犯罪0100 - Pac-Man & Galaga Dimensions (US)(M3).cia 吃豆人与小蜜蜂0101 - Skylanders - Spyro's Adventure (US)(M2).cia 小龙斯派罗的大冒险0102 - James Noir's Hollywood Crimes 3D (EU)(M5).cia 好莱坞犯罪0103 - Tekken 3D - Prime Edition (EU)(M5).cia 铁拳3D0104 - Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games (US)(M3).cia 马里奥与索尼克在伦敦奥运会0105 - Tales of the Abyss (US).cia 深渊传说0106 - Tekken 3D - Prime Edition (US)(M3).cia 铁拳3D0107 - Metal Gear Solid 3D - Snake Eater (US)(M3).cia 合金装备3D-食蛇者0108 - Resident Evil - Revelations (US)(M6).cia 生化危机-启示录0109 - Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games (EU)(M6).cia 马里奥与索尼克在伦敦奥运会0110 - Asphalt 3D (US)(M3).cia 狂野飙车3D0111 - Green Lantern - Rise of the Manhunters (US).cia 绿灯侠-猎人的崛起0112 - Happy Feet Two (US).cia 快乐的大脚20113 - Nintendogs + Cats - French Bulldog & New Friends (US).cia 任天狗+猫-法国斗牛犬与新朋友0114 - Rayman 3D (US).cia 雷曼3D0115 - Resident Evil - The Mercenaries 3D (US).cia 生化危机-雇佣军0116 - DualPenSports (US).cia 双笔运动0117 - Need for Speed - The Run (EU)(M6).cia 极品飞车:亡命狂飙0118 - Cubic Ninja (US).cia 立体忍者0119 - Madden NFL Football (US).cia 麦登橄榄球0120 - Sims 3, The (US).cia 模拟人生30121 - Monster Hunter 3G (JP).cia 怪物猎人3G0122 - Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights (US).cia 罗特里克博士和忘却的骑士团0123 - Nicktoons MLB 3D (US).cia 尼克卡通职棒联盟3D0124 - Transformers - Dark of the Moon - Stealth Force Edition (US).cia 变形金刚-暗月0125 - Metal Gear Solid 3D - Snake Eater (EU)(M5).cia 合金装备3D-食蛇者0126 - Reel Fishing 3D - Paradise (US).cia 真实钓鱼3D-天堂0127 - Combat of Giants - Dinosaurs 3D (US).cia 恐龙突袭3D0128 - Frogger 3D (US).cia 青蛙过河3D0129 - Petz Fantasy 3D (US).cia 宠物幻想3D0130 - Puzzler Mind Gym 3D (US).cia 解谜脑锻炼3D0131 - Thor - God of Thunder (US).cia 雷神托尔0132 - One Piece - Unlimited Cruise SP (EU)(M5).cia 海贼王-无尽的航海SP0133 - Nintendogs + Cats - Golden Retriever & New Friends (v01) (EU)(M5).cia 任天狗+任天猫-金毛犬与新朋友0134 - Kid Icarus - Uprising (EU)(M5).cia 新光之神话-帕鲁迪娜之境0135 - Deca Sports Extreme (US).cia 十项全能极限0136 - F1 2011 (US).cia 方程式赛车20110137 - Brunswick Pro Bowling (US).cia 布伦瑞克职业保龄球0138 - Nikoli's Pencil Puzzle (US).cia 尼古莱的铅笔拼图0139 - Pinball Hall of Fame - The Williams Collection (US).cia 弹珠台名人堂-威廉姆斯的收藏0140 - Samurai Warriors Chronicles (EU).cia 战国无双编年史0141 - Crush 3D (EU)(M5).cia 压碎3D0142 - Sports Island 3D (EU)(M5).cia 运动岛3D0143 - Kid Icarus - Uprising (US)(M3).cia 新光之神话-帕鲁迪娜之境0144 - Crush 3D (US).cia 压碎3D0145 - Lets Ride! Best in Breed 3D (US).cia 明星坐骑3D0146 - Paws and Claws - Pampered Pets Resort 3D (US).cia 宠物商店-水疗中心0147 - Sonic Generations (EU)(M5).cia 索尼克世代0148 - Centipede - Infestation (US).cia 巨虫入侵0149 - Carnival Games - Wild West 3D (US).cia 狂欢游戏-狂野西部3D0150 - Face Racers - Photo Finish (US).cia 人面赛车-照片完成0151 - Gabrielle's Ghostly Groove 3D (US).cia 卡布瑞的幽灵舞者3D0152 - Horses 3D (US)(M2).cia 马儿3D0153 - Jaws - Ultimate Predator (US).cia 大白鲨-终极捕食者0154 - Spider-Man - Edge of Time (US).cia 蜘蛛侠-时间的边缘0155 - Ben 10 - Galactic Racing (US).cia 银河竞速0156 - Funky Barn 3D (US).cia 时尚谷仓3D0157 - Marvel Super Hero Squad - The Infinity Gauntlet (US).cia 漫威超级英雄-无限挑战0158 - Oregon Trail, The (US).cia 俄勒冈小道0159 - Nintendogs + Cats - Toy Poodle & New Friends (EU)(M5).cia 任天狗+猫-玩具贵宾犬与新朋友0160 - Cave Story 3D (EU).cia 洞窟物语3D0161 - Captain America - Super Soldier (US).cia 美国队长-超级战士0162 - Cars 2 (US).cia 汽车总动员20163 - Gem Smashers (US).cia 宝石也疯狂0164 - Generator Rex - Agent of Providence (US).cia 变形小雷神之刺客0165 - Zoo Resort 3D (US).cia 动物园胜地创造动物园0166 - Secret Mysteries in London (EU)(M4).cia 在伦敦之谜的秘密0167 - Cars 2 (EU)(M6).cia 汽车总动员20168 - Mahjong 3D - Warriors of the Emperor (EU)(M4).cia 麻将3D:皇帝之勇士0169 - Michael Jackson - The Experience 3D (US).cia 迈克尔·杰克逊舞王体验3D0170 - Adventures of Tintin - The Game, The (US).cia 丁丁历险记0171 - DreamWorks Super Star Kartz (US).cia 梦工厂全明星卡丁车0172 - Imagine - Fashion Designer (US).cia 时尚女孩3D流行趋势0173 - Pet Zombies (US).cia 宠物僵尸0174 - Hidden, The (US).cia 隐藏者0175 - Sims 3 - Pets, The (EU)(M6).cia 模拟人生3 宠物0176 - Puzzler Mind Gym 3D (EU)(M5).cia 益智思维锻炼0177 - Need for Speed - The Run (US).cia 极品飞车16 亡命天涯0178 - NASCAR Unleashed (US).cia 纳斯卡赛车:释放0179 - Puppies 3D (US).cia 小狗3D0180 - Shifting World (US).cia 变幻世界白与黑之迷宫0181 - Rhythm Thief & the Emperor's Treasure (EU)(M5).cia 节奏怪盗R 拿破仑的遗产0182 - Angler's Club - Ultimate Bass Fishing 3D (EU)(M3).cia 垂钓俱乐部:究极钓鲈鱼3D 0183 - NCIS 3D (EU)(M5).cia 海军罪案调查处0184 - Gundam the 3D Battle (JP).cia 高达3D战争0185 - Mario Tennis Open (EU)(M7).cia 马里奥网球OPEN0186 - 35 Classic Games (EU)(M4).cia 35经典游戏0187 - Bit.Trip Saga (EU).cia 像素跑者传说0188 - Pac-Man & Galaga Dimensions (EU)(M5).cia 吃豆人与小蜜蜂维度0189 - Rayman Origins (EU)(M6).cia 雷曼起源0190 - LEGO Harry Potter - Years 5-7 (EU)(M7).cia 乐高哈利波特5-7年0191 - Carnival Games - Wild West 3D (EU)(M6).cia 嘉年华游戏狂野西部3D0192 - Crash Time 4 3D (EU)(M4).cia 撞击时间0193 - Amazing Spider-Man, The (EU)(M2).cia 超凡蜘蛛侠0194 - Heroes of Ruin (EU)(M5).cia 毁灭英雄ACT(动作类)0195 - Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 3D (EU)(M3).cia 实况足球2012 3DSPG(体育类)0196 - Spirit Camera - The Cursed Memoir (EU)(M5).cia 心灵写真附体笔记0197 - 50 Classic Games (EU)(M4).cia 50款经典游戏3DPUZ(益智类)0198 - Pets Paradise Resort 3D (EU)(M6).cia 娇蛮宠物宠物度假村3D0199 - Nintendogs + Cats - French Bulldog & New Friends (EU)(M7).cia 任天猫狗法国斗牛犬与新伙伴SIM(模拟养成类)0200 - Pac-Man Party 3D (EU)(M5).cia 吃豆人聚会3D0201 - Kingdom Hearts 3D - Dream Drop Distance (EU)(M3).cia 王国之心3D 梦中陨落RPG(角色扮演)0202 - Theatrhythm Final Fantasy (EU).cia 最终幻想节奏剧场Music(音乐类)0203 - Dragon Quest Monsters - Terry no Wonderland 3D (JP).cia 勇者斗恶龙怪兽篇特里的仙境3D0204 - Kingdom Hearts 3D - Dream Drop Distance (JP).cia 王国之心3D 梦中陨落0205 - Slime MoriMori Dragon Quest 3 - Taikaizoku to Shippo Dan (JP).cia 勇者斗恶龙元气史莱姆3 大海贼与尾巴团0206 - Zelda no Densetsu - Toki no Ocarina 3D (JP).cia 塞尔达传说时之笛3D0207 - New Super Mario Bros. 2 (EU)(M7).cia 新超级马里奥兄弟20208 - Battleship (EU)(M5).cia 超级战舰0209 - Spider-Man Aux Frontieres du Temps (FR).cia 超凡蜘蛛侠0210 - Asphalt 3D - Nitro Racing (JP).cia 沥青都市3D 液氮竞速0211 - Mario Kart 7 (JP).cia 马里奥赛车70212 - Madagascar 3 - Europe's Most Wanted (EU)(M6).cia 马达加斯加30213 - LEGO Batman 2 - DC Super Heroes (v01) (FR)(M2).cia 乐高蝙蝠侠2 DC超级英雄0214 - Biohazard Revelations (JP).cia 生化危机启示录0215 - Fire Emblem - Kakusei (JP).cia 火焰之纹章觉醒0216 - Freakyforms Deluxe - Your Creations, Alive! (EU)(M5).cia 绘图生活你的创造生活0217 - Professeur Layton et le Masque des Miracles (FR).cia 雷顿教授与奇迹假面0218 - Hatsune Miku and Future Stars - Project Mirai (JP).cia 初音未来未来计划0219 - Project X Zone (JP).cia 交叉领域计划0220 - Sengoku Musou Chronicle (JP).cia 战国无双历代记0221 - Sengoku Musou Chronicle 2nd (JP).cia 战国无双历代记2nd0222 - Taiko no Tatsujin - Chibi Dragon to Fushigi na Orb (JP).cia 太鼓达人小龙与不思议宝珠0223 - Mensa Academy (EU).cia 美国门萨学院0224 - Mario & Sonic at London Olympics (KS).cia 马里奥与索尼克在伦敦奥运会0225 - Super Mario 3D Land (KS).cia 超级马里奥3D 大陆0226 - Super Mario 3D Land (JP).cia 超级马里奥3D 大陆0227 - Biohazard Revelations (CN).cia 生化危机启示录0228 - Mario Kart 7 (CN).cia 马里奥赛车70229 - Naruto SD Powerful Shippuden (CN).cia 影忍者SD疾风传0230 - Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time 3D, The (CN).cia 塞尔达传说时之笛3D0231 - Rabbids Rumble (EU)(M9).cia 疯狂兔子大混战0232 - Combat of Giants - Dinosaurs 3D (JP).cia 巨人之战恐龙突袭3D0233 - Nano Assault (JP).cia 纳米突击0234 - Senran Kagura Burst - Guren no Shoujotachi (JP).cia 闪乱神乐BURST 红莲的少女们0235 - Tales of the Abyss (JP).cia 深渊传说3D0236 - Monosugoku Nou wo Kitaeru 5-Funkan no Oni Training (JP).cia 更强脑力的5分钟魔鬼锻炼0237 - Sekaiju no Meikyuu IV - Denshou no Kyoshin (JP).cia 世界树迷宫4 传承的巨神0238 - Paper Mario - Sticker Star (EU)(M5).cia 纸片马里奥超级贴纸0239 - Luigi's Mansion 2 (EU)(M7).cia 路易鬼屋暗黑之月0240 - Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (EU)(M5).cia 怪物猎人3G0241 - Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D (EU)(M5).cia 大金刚国度:回归3D0242 - Blazblue - Continuum Shift II (JP).cia 苍翼默示录连锁反应20243 - Culdcept (JP).cia 卡片召唤师0244 - Fire Emblem - Awakening (EU)(M5).cia 火焰之纹章觉醒0245 - Epic Mickey - Power of Illusion (EU)(M7).cia 经典米奇幻影力量0246 - Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D (US).cia 大金刚回归3D0247 - Fire Emblem - Awakening (US).cia 火焰之纹章觉醒0248 - Etrian Odyssey IV - Legends of the Titan (US).cia 世界树迷宫4 传承的巨神0249 - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Gates to Infinity (US).cia 口袋妖怪不可思议迷宫0250 - Zero Escape - Virtue's Last Reward (US).cia 极限脱出ADV 善人死亡0251 - Rhythm Thief & the Emperor's Treasure (US).cia 节奏怪盗R 拿破仑的遗产0252 - Rayman Origins (US).cia 雷曼起源0253 - Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask (US)(M3).cia 雷顿教授与奇迹假面0254 - Paper Mario - Sticker Star (US)(M3).cia 纸片马里奥超级贴纸0255 - New Super Mario Bros. 2 (US)(M3).cia 新超级马里奥兄弟20256 - Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (US).cia 怪物猎人3G0257 - Mario Tennis Open (US)(M2).cia 马里奥网球OPEN0258 - Kingdom Hearts 3D - Dream Drop Distance (US)(M2).cia 王国之心3D 梦中陨落0259 - Heroes of Ruin (US).cia 毁灭英雄0260 - Castlevania Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate (US)(M3).cia 恶魔城暗影之王命运之镜0261 - Castlevania Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate (EU)(M5).cia 恶魔城暗影之王命运之镜0262 - LEGO City Undercover - The Chase Begins (US)(M3).cia 乐高都市伪装追捕游戏0263 - Epic Mickey - Power of Illusion (US).cia 经典米奇幻影力量0264 - LEGO Batman 2 - DC Super Heroes (US).cia 乐高蝙蝠侠2 DC超级英雄0265 - Code of Princess (US)(M2).cia 公主代码0266 - Harvest Moon 3D - A New Beginning (US).cia 牧场物语起源的大地0267 - Riding Stables 3D (EU)(M7).cia 驯马场3D0268 - Sherlock Holmes - The Mystery of the Frozen City (EU)(M6).cia 福尔摩斯冰封城之谜0269 - Survivor 3D - The Ultimate Adventure (EU)(M5).cia 幸存者3D 终极冒险0270 - Animal Crossing - New Leaf (EU)(M5).cia 来吧!动物之森0271 - Gabrielle's Ghostly Groove 3D (EU)(M4).cia 幽灵舞者卡布瑞0272 - Myst (EU)(M3).cia 神秘岛3D0273 - New Art Academy (EU)(M7).cia 新绘心教室0274 - Schlag den Raab - Das 2. Spiel (DE).cia 斯拉格书房第二版0275 - Project X Zone (EU).cia 交叉领域计划0276 - Frogger 3D (EU)(M5).cia 青蛙过河3D0277 - Ben 10 - Galactic Racing (EU)(M5).cia BEN10 银河赛车0278 - Imagine - Fashion Designer 3D (EU)(M9).cia 时尚女孩3D流行趋势0279 - Monster 4x4 3D (EU)(M5).cia 异形4X4特技赛车0280 - Order Up!! (EU)(M5).cia 上菜啦!0281 - Pinball Hall of Fame 3D - The Williams Collection (EU)(M5).cia 弹珠台名人堂威廉收藏版0282 - Reel Fishing 3D - Paradise (EU)(M6).cia 鱼之眼天堂0283 - Rollercoaster Tycoon (EU)(M5).cia 过山车大亨3D0284 - Shifting World (EU)(M7).cia 变幻世界白与黑之迷宫0285 - Transformers Prime - The Game (EU)(M7).cia 变形金刚领袖0286 - Winter Sports 2012 - Feel the Spirit (EU)(M4).cia 2012冬运会感受灵魂0287 - Word Wizard 3D (EU)(M6).cia 魔力单词3D0288 - Croods - Prehistoric Party, The (EU)(M5).cia 克鲁德一家史前聚会0289 - LEGO Legends of Chima - Laval's Journey (EU)(M7).cia 乐高赤马传奇拉法鲁的旅程0290 - Professor Layton und die Maske der Wunder (DE).cia 雷顿教授与奇迹假面0291 - Zero Escape - Virtue's Last Reward (EU).cia 极限脱出ADV 善人死亡AVG(文字类) 0292 - Sonic & All-Stars Racing - Transformed (EU)(M5).cia 索尼克与世嘉全明星赛车变形RAC(竞速类)0293 - Happy Feet 2 (EU)(M6).cia 快乐的大脚2 ACT(动作类)0294 - Naruto Shippuden 3D - The New Era (EU)(M5).cia 火影忍者疾风传忍立体绘卷!最强忍界决战! ACT(动作类)0295 - Mario & Luigi - Dream Team Bros. (EU)(M7).cia 马里奥与路易RPG4 梦世界冒险(欧)RPG(角色扮演)0296 - My Foal 3D (EU)(M6).cia 我的小马驹3D(欧)SIM(模拟养成类)0297 - Cats & Dogs - Pets at Play (EU)(M5).cia 阿猫阿狗宠物游戏(欧)SIM(模拟养成类) 0298 - LEGO The Lord of the Rings (US).cia 乐高指环王(欧)ACT(动作类)0299 - Rabbids Rumble (US)(M3).cia 疯狂兔子大混战(美)ACT(动作类)0300 - Transformers Prime - The Game (US)(M2).cia 变形金刚领袖(美)ACT(动作类)0301 - Funky Barn 3D (EU)(M5).cia 快乐动物牧场3D(欧)SIM(模拟养成类)0302 - LEGO Der Herr der Ringe (DE)(M7).cia 乐高指环王(欧)ACT(动作类)0303 - Spider-Man - Edge of Time (EU)(M4).cia 蜘蛛侠时空边缘(欧)ACT(动作类)0304 - DreamWorks Super Star Kartz (EU)(M7).cia 梦工厂全明星卡丁车(欧)RAC(竞速类) 0305 - Hotel Transylvania (EU)(M4).cia 精灵旅社(欧)AVG(冒险类)0306 - Monster High - Skultimate Roller Maze (EU)(M10).cia 精灵高中溜冰滚动迷宫(欧)RAC(竞速类)0307 - Pippi Longstocking 3D (EU)(M8).cia 长袜子皮皮3D(欧)PUZ(益智类)0308 - Ice Age 4 - Continental Drift - Arctic Games (EU)(M6).cia 冰河世纪4 大陆漂移北极运动会(欧)SPG(运动类)0309 - Angry Birds Trilogy (v01) (EU)(M5).cia 愤怒的小鸟三重包(欧)ETC(益智类)0310 - Shin Megami Tensei - Devil Survivor Overclocked (EU).cia 真女神转生恶魔幸存者超频(欧)SLG(策略类)0311 - Jewel Master - Atlantis 3D (EU)(M6).cia 珠宝大师亚特兰提斯传奇3D(欧)PUZ(益智类)0312 - Arcade Classics 3D (EU)(M6).cia 街机3D合集(欧)PUZ(益智类)0313 - Bella Sara - The Magical Horse Adventures (EU)(M11).cia 贝拉萨拉魔法飞马大冒险(欧)SIM(模拟养成类)0314 - Gummy Bears - Magical Medallion (EU)(M6).cia 橡皮糖熊的魔法勋章(欧)ACT(动作类) 0315 - Spy Hunter (EU)(M6).cia 间谍猎手(欧)RAC(竞速类)0316 - Puppies World 3D (EU)(M5).cia 小狗3D(欧)SIM(模拟养成类)0317 - Imagine - Babies 3D (EU)(M6).cia 幻想宝贝(欧)SIM(模拟类)0318 - Imagine - Champion Rider 3D (EU)(M9).cia 幻想冠军骑师3D(欧)SIM(模拟类)0319 - Imagine - Fashion World 3D (EU)(M9).cia 幻想时尚世界3D(欧)SIM(模拟类)0320 - Naruto Powerful Shippuden (EU)(M5).cia 火影忍者SD疾风传(欧)ACT(动作类)0321 - Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 3D (EU)(M2).cia 实况足球2012 3D(德)SPG(体育类)0322 - Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 3D (EU)(M2).cia 实况足球2013(欧)SPG(体育类)0323 - Azada (EU)(M4).cia 阿扎达(欧)PUZ(益智类)0324 - LEGO City Undercover - The Chase Begins (EU)(M8).cia 乐高都市伪装追捕(欧)RPG(角色扮演)0325 - LEGO Batman 2 - DC Super Heroes (DE)(M2).cia 乐高蝙蝠侠2 DC超级英雄(德)ACT(动作类)0326 - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Gates to Infinity (EU)(M5).cia 口袋妖怪不可思议迷宫玛古那之门与无限迷宫(欧)RPG(角色扮演)0327 - Petz Fantasy 3D (EU)(M9).cia 梦幻宠物3D(欧)RPG(角色扮演)0328 - Farming Simulator 2012 3D (EU)(M3).cia 模拟农场2012 3D(欧)SIM(模拟类)0329 - Mahjong Mysteries - Ancient Athena 3D (EU)(M6).cia 麻将探秘古雅典娜(欧)PUZ(益智类)0330 - Junior Games 3D (EU)(M6).cia 儿童经典游戏3D(欧)PUZ(益智类)0331 - Jewel Master - Cradle of Rome 2 (EU)(M6).cia 珠宝大师罗马起源2(欧)PUZ(益智类) 0332 - Bowling Bonanza 3D (EU)(M6).cia 保龄球富豪3D(欧)SPG(体育类)0333 - My Riding Stables 3D - Jumping for the Team (EU)(M5).cia 我的驯马场3D 为团队而跳跃(欧)SIM(模拟类)0334 - Rise of the Guardians (EU)(M5).cia 守护者联盟(欧)ACT(动作类)0335 - Ben 10 - Omniverse (EU)(M5).cia Ben 10 全能宇宙(欧)ACT(动作类)0336 - Profesor Layton y la Mascara de los Prodigios, El (ES).cia 雷顿教授与奇迹假面(西)AVG(冒险类)0337 - Harvest Moon 3D - The Tale of Two Towns (EU)(M3).cia 牧场物语3D 双子村(欧)RPG(角色扮演)0338 - Professor Layton e la maschera dei Miracoli, Il (IT).cia 雷顿教授与奇迹假面(意))AVG(冒险类)0339 - Disney Planes (EU)(M6).cia 飞机总动员(欧)RAC(竞速类)0340 - Fast & Furious - Showdown (EU)(M5).cia 速度与激情对决(欧)RAC(竞速类)0341 - Disney Princess - My Fairytale Adventure (EU)(M3).cia 迪士尼公主们我的童话冒险(欧)RPG(角色扮演)Disney Princess - My Fairytale Adventure 2012-08-17[512M]0342 - 50 Classic Games 3D (EU)(M6).cia 50款经典游戏3D(欧)PUZ(益智类)0343 - One Piece - Unlimited Cruise SP2 (EU)(M5).cia 海贼王无尽的航海SP2(欧)ACT(动作类) 0344 - Theatrhythm Final Fantasy (US).cia 最终幻想节奏剧场(美)Music(音乐类)0345 - Scribblenauts Unlimited (US).cia 涂鸦小子无限(美)RPG(角色扮演)0346 - Luigi's Mansion - Dark Moon (US)(M3).cia 路易鬼屋暗黑之月(美)ACT(动作类)0347 - Nintendogs + Cats - Toy Poodle & New Friends (JP).cia 任天猫狗玩具贵宾犬与新伙伴(日)SIM(模拟养成类)0348 - BioHazard - The Mercenaries 3D (JP).cia 生化危机佣兵3D(日)Action(动作射击类) 0349 - Theatrhythm Final Fantasy (JP).cia 最终幻想节奏剧场(日)Music(音乐类)0350 - Shin Hikari Shinwa - Palutena no Kagami (JP).cia 新光之神话帕鲁迪娜之镜(日)ACT(动作类)0351 - My Western Horse 3D (EU)(M5).cia 我的西部小马3D(德)SIM(模拟类)0352 - Viking Invasion 2 - Tower Defense (EU)(M5).cia 维京人的入侵2 塔防(欧)Strategy(策略) 0353 - Tobidase Doubutsu no Mori (JP).cia 来吧!动物之森(日)ETC(益智类)0354 - Gyakuten Saiban 5 (JP).cia 逆转裁判5(日)AVG(文字类)0355 - Bravely Default - Flying Fairy (JP).cia 勇气默示录飞舞的妖精(日)RPG(角色扮演) 0356 - AKB48+Me (JP).cia 秋叶原48 +我(日)SIM(模拟类)0357 - New Love Plus (JP).cia 新的爱情加(日)SIM(模拟类)0358 - Castlevania Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate (JP).cia 恶魔城暗影之王命运之镜(日)ACT(动作类)0359 - Super Robot Taisen UX (JP).cia 超级机器人大战UX(日)Strategy(策略)0360 - Dragon Quest VII - Eden no Senshitachi (JP).cia 勇者斗恶龙7 伊甸的战士们(日)RPG(角色扮演)0361 - Fantasy Life (JP).cia 幻想生活(日)RPG(角色扮演)0362 - Pokemon Fushigi no Dungeon - Magnagate to Mugendai no Meikyuu (JP).cia 口袋妖怪不可思议迷宫玛古那之门与无限迷宫(日)RPG(角色扮演)0363 - Labyrinth no Kanata (JP).cia 拉比利斯的彼方(日)RPG(角色扮演)0364 - Ken to Mahou to Gakuen Mono. 3D (JP).cia 剑、魔法与学园3D (日)RPG(角色扮演) 0365 - Bokujou Monogatari - Hajimari no Daichi (JP).cia 牧场物语起源的大地(日)Strategy(策略)0366 - Naruto Shippuden - Shinobi Rittai Emaki! Saikyou Ninkai Kessen!! (JP).cia 火影忍者疾风传忍立体绘卷!最强忍界决战!(日)ACT(动作类)0367 - Luigi Mansion 2 (JP).cia 路易鬼屋暗黑之月(日)ACT(动作类)0368 - Super Pokemon Scramble (JP).cia 超级口袋妖怪乱战(日)ACT(动作类)0369 - Steel Diver (JP).cia 钢铁机师(日)SIM(模拟类)0370 - Cubic Ninja (JP).cia 立体忍者(日)ETC(益智类)0371 - Rabbids Time Travel (JP).cia 疯狂兔子时间旅行(日)ACT(动作类)0372 - Touch! Double Pen Sports (JP).cia 双笔运动(日)SPG(体育类)0373 - Shin Megami Tensei IV (CN).cia 真女神转生4(港台)SIM(模拟养成类)0374 - Nintendogs + Cats - French Bulldog & New Friends (CN).cia 任天猫狗法国斗牛犬与新伙伴(港台)SIM(模拟养成类)0375 - Nintendogs + Cats - Shiba and New Friends (CN).cia 任天猫狗柴犬与新伙伴(港台)SIM(模拟养成类)0376 - Nintendogs + Cats - Toy Poodle & New Friends (CN).cia 任天猫狗玩具贵宾犬与新伙伴(港台)0377 - Mario Tennis Open (CN).cia 马里奥网球OPEN(港台)SPG(运动类)0378 - New Super Mario Brothers 2 (CN).cia 新超级马里奥兄弟2(港台)ACT(动作类)0379 - Super Mario 3D Land (CN).cia 超级马里奥3D 大陆(港台)SPG(运动类)0380 - Star Fox 64 3D (CN).cia 星际火狐64 3D(港台)STG(射击类)0381 - Tohoku Daigaku Karei Igaku Kenkyuusho - Monosugoku Nou wo Kitaeru 5-Funkan no Oni Training (CN).cia 突破极限脑的5分钟魔鬼锻炼(港台)ETC(益智类)0382 - Luigi's Mansion 2 (CN).cia 路易鬼屋暗黑之月(港台)ACT(动作类)0383 - Etrian Odyssey IV - Legends of the Titan (EU).cia 世界树迷宫4 传承的巨神0384 - Purr Pals - Purrfection (EU)(M5).cia 喵呜伙伴完美感受(欧)SIM(模拟养成类)0385 - Rune Factory 4 (JP).cia 符文工房4(日)RPG(角色扮演)0386 - Code of Princess (JP).cia 公主代码(日)ACT(动作类)0387 - Crayon Shin-Chan - Uchuu de Achoo! Yuujou no Oba-Karate!! (JP).cia 蜡笔小新宇宙友情大作战(日)ACT(动作类)0388 - Doctor Lautrec to Boukyaku no Kishidan (JP).cia 罗特雷克教授与忘却的骑士团(日)ETC(其他类)0389 - E.X. Troopers (JP).cia EX装甲骑兵日版游戏(日)Action(动作射击类)0390 - Inazuma Eleven Go - Shine (JP).cia 闪电十一人GO 光明(日)RPG(角色扮演)0391 - Inazuma Eleven Go 2 - Chrono Stone - Neppuu (JP).cia 闪电十一人GO2时空之石·热风(日)RPG(角色扮演)0392 - One Piece - Unlimited Cruise SP (JP).cia 海贼王无尽的航海SP(日)AVG(文字类)0393 - Layton Kyouju to Choubunmei A no Isan (JP).cia 雷顿教授与超文明A的遗产(日)ACT(动作类)0394 - SD Gundam G Generation 3D (JP).cia SD高达G世纪3D(日)Strategy(策略)0395 - Shin Sangoku Musou VS (JP).cia 真三国无双VS(日)ACT(动作类)0396 - Time Travelers (JP).cia 时间旅行者(日)ETC(其他类)0397 - Dead or Alive - Dimensions (JP).cia 死或生维度(日)FTG(格斗类)0398 - Deca Sporta - 3D Sports (JP).cia 十项全能3D(日)SPG(运动类)0399 - Guild 01 (JP).cia 吉尔德01(日)ETC(其他类)0400 - 3D Game Collection - 55 in 1 (EU)(M5).cia 3D游戏合集55合1(欧)PUZ(益智类)0401 - Puzzler Brain Games (EU)(M5).cia 解密者头脑游戏(欧)PUZ(益智类)0402 - Puzzler World 2012 3D (EU)(M5).cia 解密者头脑游戏谜题世界2012 3D(欧)PUZ(益智类)0403 - FIFA 13 (EU)(M3).cia 国际足球大联盟2013(欧)SPG(体育类)0404 - Animal Hospital (EU)(M6).cia 动物医院(欧)SIM(模拟养成类)0405 - Pac-Man & Galaga Dimensions (JP).cia 吃豆人与小蜜蜂维度(欧)ACT(动作类)0406 - Nicola Kanshuu - Model Oshare Audition 2 (JP).cia 妮可拉监修模特的养成2(日)SIM(模拟养成类)0407 - Nikoli no Sudoku 3D - 8-tsu no Puzzle de 1000-mon (JP).cia 数独与三大谜题(日)PUZ(益智类)0408 - Around the World with Hello Kitty and Friends (EU)(M5).cia 凯蒂猫的世界旅行(欧)ETC(其他类)0409 - Monster Hunter 4 (JP).cia 怪物猎人40410 - 3D MahJongg (EU)(M4).cia 3D麻将(欧)PUZ(益智类)0411 - Jewel Master - Cradle of Egypt 2 3D (EU)(M4).cia 珠宝大师埃及的摇篮(欧)PUZ(益智类)0412 - Gardenscapes (EU)(M4).cia 园艺别墅(欧)SIM(模拟类)0413 - LEGO Le Seigneur des Anneaux (FR)(M7).cia 乐高指环王(欧)ACT(动作类)0414 - Shin Megami Tensei IV (US).cia 真女神转生4(欧)RPG(角色扮演)0415 - Boulder Dash-XL 3D (US).cia 钻石小子(美)ACT(动作类)0416 - Style Savvy - Trendsetters (US).cia 任性时尚GIRL'S MODE 欲望宣言(美)PAR(派对类) 0417 - Real Heroes - Firefighter 3D (US).cia 火场英雄消防队员(美)ACT(动作类)0418 - Brain Age - Concentration Training (US)(M3).cia 突破极限脑的5分钟魔鬼锻炼(美)PUZ(益智类)0419 - Skylanders Giants (US)(M3).cia 小龙斯派罗巨人(美)ACT(动作类)0420 - Animal Resort - Dobutsuen o Tsukurou!! (JP).cia 动物园胜地创造动物园(日)SIM(模拟类)0421 - Yuugen Gaisha Brave Company (JP).cia 勇者会社(日)SIM(模拟类)0422 - Star Fox 64 3D (JP).cia 星际火狐64 3D (日)STG(射击类)0423 - Real 3D Bass Fishing - Fish On (JP).cia 真实3D钓鱼(日)Sport(休闲运动类)0424 - Pro Yakyuu Famista 2011 (JP).cia 职业棒球家庭竞技场2011(日)SPG(运动类)0425 - Minna no Ennichi (JP).cia 大众庙会(日)PUZ(益智类)0426 - Hana to Ikimo no Rittai Zukan (JP).cia 花与生物立体图鉴(日)PUZ(益智类)0427 - Heavy Fire - The Chosen Few (US).cia 战火纷飞阿富汗少数精锐3D(美)STG(射击类) 0428 - Turbo - Super Stunt Squad (US)(M3).cia 蜗牛超级特技队(美)RAC(竞速类)0429 - Shin Megami Tensei - Devil Summoner - Soul Hackers (US).cia 真女神转生恶魔召唤师灵魂黑客(美)RPG(角色扮演)0430 - Kokuga (JP).cia 哭牙(日)STG(射击类)0431 - Shinobi 3D (JP).cia 超级忍(日)ACT(动作类)0432 - My Pet Puppy 3D (US).cia 我的宠物小狗3D(美)SIM(模拟养成类)0433 - Spirit Camera - The Cursed Memoir (US).cia 心灵写真附体笔记(美)AVG(冒险类) 0434 - Etrian Odyssey Untold - The Millennium Girl (US).cia 新世界树迷宫千年少女(美)RPG(角色扮演)0435 - Alien Chaos 3D (US).cia 外星混沌3D(美)Action(动作射击类)0436 - Crosswords Plus (US).cia 交叉词汇加强版(美)PUZ(益智类)0437 - Rune Factory 4 (US).cia 符文工房4(美)RPG(角色扮演)0438 - Monster 4x4 3D (US)(M3).cia 异形4X4特技赛车(美)RAC(竞速类)0439 - Junior Classic Games 3D (US)(M3).cia 儿童经典游戏3D0440 - Myst (US)(M2).cia 神秘岛3D0441 - Hotel Transylvania (US).cia 精灵旅社0442 - Art Academy - Lessons for Everyone (US)(M3).cia 新绘心教室(美)PUZ(益智类)0443 - Amazing Spider-Man, The (US)(M3).cia 超凡蜘蛛侠(美)ACT(动作类)0444 - Trash Pack, The (US).cia 垃圾桶(美)PUZ(益智类)0445 - Top Trumps NBA All Stars (US).cia 顶级王牌NBA全明星(美)SPG(体育类)0446 - Adventure Time - Hey Ice King! Why'd You Steal Our Garbage!! (US).cia 探险活宝嘿!冰霸王你干嘛偷我们的垃圾?!(美)ACT(动作类)0447 - Hakuoki - Memories of the Shinsengumi (US).cia 薄樱鬼3D 新撰组的回忆(美)AVG(文字类)0448 - Wreck-It Ralph (US)(M2).cia 无敌破坏王(美)ACT(动作类)0449 - Hot Wheels - World's Best Driver (US)(M3).cia 风火轮赛车世界最强车手(美)RAC(竞速类)0450 - Pokemon X (EU)(M7).cia 口袋妖怪X(欧)RPG(角色扮演)0451 - Pokemon Y (EU)(M7).cia 口袋妖怪Y(欧)RPG(角色扮演)0452 - LEGO Batman 2 - DC Super Heroes (FR)(M2).cia 乐高蝙蝠侠2 DC超级英雄(欧)ACT(动作类)0453 - Boulder Dash-XL 3D (EU)(M5).cia 钻石小子(欧)ACT(动作类)0454 - Jewel Master - Cradle of Rome 2 (EU)(M3).cia 罗马发源地2(欧)RPG(角色扮演)0455 - FIFA 14 - Legacy Edition (EU)(M3).cia FIFA 14(欧)SPG(体育类)0456 - Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 3D (US)(M4).cia 实况足球2013(美)SPG(体育类)0457 - Wipeout 3 (US).cia 勇敢向前冲3(美)Sport(运动类)0458 - Finding Nemo - Escape to the Big Blue - Special Edition (US).cia 海底总动员逃出蓝海(美)ACT(动作类)0459 - Disney Princess - My Fairytale Adventure (US)(M3).cia 迪士尼公主们我的童话冒险(美)RPG(角色扮演)0460 - Lalaloopsy - Carnival of Friends (US).cia 拉拉小天使朋友嘉年华(美)PUZ(益智类) 0461 - Scribblenauts Unmasked - A DC Comics Adventure (US)(M4).cia 涂鸦小子DC漫画大冒险(美)ACT(动作类)0462 - Wipeout - Create and Crash (US).cia 勇敢向前冲创造与崩溃(美)Sport(运动类)0463 - Games Festival 1 (EU)(M11).cia 游戏日1(欧)PUZ(益智类)0464 - LEGO Marvel Super Heroes - Universe in Peril (US)(M4).cia 乐高Marvel 超级英雄(美))ACT(动作类)0465 - Nickelodeon - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (US)(M2).cia 忍者神龟(美)ACT(动作类) 0466 - Imagine - Fashion Life (US)(M3).cia 幻想时尚生活(美)SIM(模仿类)。
SINUMERIK 828D 多触屏操作手册说明书

SINUMERIK SINUMERIK 828D MillingOperating ManualValid for:SINUMERIK 828DSoftware versionCNC system software for 828D V4.95 SINUMERIK Operate for PCU/PC V4.9507/20216FC5398-7CP41-0BA1Legal information Warning notice systemThis manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are graded according tothe degree of danger.DANGERindicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.WARNINGindicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.CAUTIONindicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.NOTICEindicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property damage.Qualified PersonnelThe product/system described in this documentation may be operated only bypersonnel qualified for the specific task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions. Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.Proper use of Siemens productsNote the following:WARNINGSiemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended or approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible ambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.TrademarksAll names identified by ® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.Disclaimer of LiabilityWe have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions.Siemens AGDigital Industries Postfach 48 4890026 NÜRNBERG GERMANYDocument order number: 6FC5398-7CP41-0BA1Ⓟ 06/2021 Subject to change Copyright © Siemens AG 2008 - 2021.All rights reservedTable of contents1Introduction (19)1.1About SINUMERIK (19)1.2About this documentation (20)1.3Documentation on the internet (22)1.3.1Documentation overview SINUMERIK 828D (22)1.3.2Documentation overview SINUMERIK operator components (22)1.4Feedback on the technical documentation (24)1.5mySupport documentation (25)1.6Service and Support (26)1.7Important product information (28)2Fundamental safety instructions (29)2.1General safety instructions (29)2.2Warranty and liability for application examples (30)2.3Security information (31)3Fundamentals (33)3.1Product overview (33)3.2Operator panel fronts (34)3.2.1Overview (34)3.2.2Keys of the operator panel (36)3.3Machine control panels (44)3.3.1Overview (44)3.3.2Controls on the machine control panel (44)3.4User interface (48)3.4.1Screen layout (48)3.4.2Status display (49)3.4.3Actual value window (51)3.4.4T,F,S window (53)3.4.5Operation via softkeys and buttons (55)3.4.6Entering or selecting parameters (56)3.4.7Pocket calculator (58)3.4.8Pocket calculator functions (59)3.4.9Context menu (61)3.4.10Changing the user interface language (61)3.4.11Entering Chinese characters (62) - input editor (62) Asian characters (64) the dictionary (65)3.4.12Entering Korean characters (66)MillingOperating Manual, 07/2021, 6FC5398-7CP41-0BA13Table of contents3.4.13Protection levels (69)3.4.14Work station safety (71)3.4.15Cleaning mode (71)3.4.16Online help in SINUMERIK Operate (71)4Multitouch operation with SINUMERIK Operate (75)4.1Multitouch panels (75)4.2Touch-sensitive user interface (76)4.3Finger gestures (77)4.4Multitouch user interface (80)4.4.1Screen layout (80)4.4.2Function key block (81)4.4.3Further operator touch controls (81)4.4.4Virtual keyboard (82)4.4.5Special "tilde" character (83)4.5Expansion with side screen (84)4.5.1Overview (84)4.5.2Sidescreen with standard windows (84)4.5.3Standard widgets (86)4.5.4"Actual value" widget (86)4.5.5"Zero point" widget (87)4.5.6"Alarms" widget (87)4.5.7"NC/PLC variables" widget (87)4.5.8"Axle load" widget (88)4.5.9"Tool" widget (88)4.5.10"Service life" widget (89)4.5.11"Program runtime" widget (89)4.5.12Widget "Camera 1" and "Camera 2" (89)4.5.13Sidescreen with pages for the ABC keyboard and/or machine control panel (90)4.5.14Example 1: ABC keyboard in the sidescreen (91)4.5.15Example 2: Machine control panel in the sidescreen (92)5Setting up the machine (93)5.1Switching on and switching off (93)5.2Approaching a reference point (94)5.2.1Referencing axes (94)5.2.2User agreement (95)5.3Operating modes (97)5.3.1General (97)5.3.2Modes groups and channels (99)5.3.3Channel switchover (99)5.4Settings for the machine (101)5.4.1Switching over the coordinate system (MCS/WCS) (101)5.4.2Switching the unit of measurement (101)5.4.3Setting the zero offset (103)5.5Measure tool (105)5.5.1Overview (105)5.5.2Manually measuring drilling and milling tools (105)Milling 4Operating Manual, 07/2021, 6FC5398-7CP41-0BA1Table of contents5.5.3Measuring drilling and milling tools with the workpiece reference point (106)5.5.4Measuring drilling and milling tools with fixed reference point (107)5.5.5Measuring radius or diameter (108)5.5.6Fixed point calibration (109)5.5.7Measuring the drilling and milling tool length with electrical tool probe (109)5.5.8Calibrating the electrical tool probe (112)5.5.9Manually measuring a turning tool (for milling/turning machine) (113)5.5.10Manually measuring a turning tool using a tool probe (for milling/turning machine) (114)5.5.11Logging tool measurement results (116)5.6Measuring the workpiece zero (117)5.6.1Overview (117)5.6.2Sequence of operations (121)5.6.3Examples with manual swiveling (swiveling in JOG mode) (122)5.6.4Setting the edge (123)5.6.5Edge measurement (124)5.6.6Measuring a corner (129)5.6.7Measuring a pocket and hole (132)5.6.8Measuring a spigot (135)5.6.9Aligning the plane (140)5.6.10Defining the measurement function selection (142)5.6.11Logging measurement results for the workpiece zero (143)5.6.12Calibrating the electronic workpiece probe (144) of length and radius or diameter (144) on sphere (146)5.7Settings for the measurement result log (148)5.8Zero offsets (150)5.8.1Overview - work offsets (150)5.8.2Display active zero offset (151)5.8.3Displaying the zero offset "overview" (151)5.8.4Displaying and editing base zero offset (153)5.8.5Displaying and editing settable zero offset (154)5.8.6Displaying and editing details of the zero offsets (154)5.8.7Deleting a zero offset (156)5.8.8Measuring the workpiece zero (157)5.9Monitoring axis and spindle data (158)5.9.1Specify working area limitations (158)5.9.2Editing spindle data (158)5.10Displaying setting data lists (160)5.11Handwheel assignment (161)5.12MDA (163)5.12.1Working in MDA (163)5.12.2Saving an MDA program (163)5.12.3Editing/executing a MDI program (164)5.12.4Deleting an MDA program (165)6Execution in manual mode (167)6.1General (167)6.2Selecting a tool and spindle (168)MillingOperating Manual, 07/2021, 6FC5398-7CP41-0BA15Table of contents6.2.1T, S, M windows (168)6.2.2Selecting a tool (170)6.2.3Starting and stopping a spindle manually (170)6.2.4Position spindle (171)6.3Traversing axes (173)6.3.1Traverse axes by a defined increment (173)6.3.2Traversing axes by a variable increment (174)6.4Positioning axes (175)6.5Swiveling (176)6.6Manual retraction (181)6.7Simple face milling of the workpiece (183)6.8Simple workpiece machining operations with milling/turning machines (186)6.8.1Simple workpiece face milling (milling/turning machine) (186)6.8.2Simple stock removal of workpiece (for milling/turning machine) (188)6.9Default settings for manual mode (192)7Machining the workpiece (193)7.1Starting and stopping machining (193)7.2Selecting a program (195)7.3Testing a program (196)7.4Displaying the current program block (197)7.4.1Displaying a basic block (197)7.4.2Display program level (197)7.5Correcting a program (199)7.6Repositioning axes (200)7.7Starting machining at a specific point (201)7.7.1Use block search (201)7.7.2Continuing program from search target (203)7.7.3Simple search target definition (203)7.7.4Defining an interruption point as search target (204)7.7.5Entering the search target via search pointer (205)7.7.6Parameters for block search in the search pointer (206)7.7.7Block search mode (206)7.7.8Block search for position pattern (208)7.8Controlling the program run (210)7.8.1Program control (210)7.8.2Skip blocks (211)7.9Overstore (213)7.10Editing a program (215)7.10.1Searching in programs (215)7.10.2Replacing program text (217)7.10.3Copying/pasting/deleting a program block (218)7.10.4Renumbering a program (220)7.10.5Creating a program block (220)Milling 6Operating Manual, 07/2021, 6FC5398-7CP41-0BA1Table of contents7.10.6Opening additional programs (222)7.10.7Editor settings (223)7.11Working with DXF files (227)7.11.1Overview (227)7.11.2Displaying CAD drawings (228) a DXF file (228) a DXF file (228) or reducing the CAD drawing (229) the section (230) the view (230) information for the geometric data (231)7.11.3Importing and editing a DXF file in the editor (232) procedure (232) a reference point (232) the machining plane (233) the tolerance (233) the machining range / deleting the range and element (233) the DXF file (235) the drilling positions (235) contours (238)7.12Importing shapes from CAD programs (241)7.12.1Reading in CAD data into an editor and processing (243) procedure (243) from CAD (243) reference points (244) the machining steps (246)7.13Display and edit user variables (248)7.13.1Overview (248)7.13.2Global R parameters (249)7.13.3R parameters (250)7.13.4Displaying global user data (GUD) (252)7.13.5Displaying channel GUDs (253)7.13.6Displaying local user data (LUD) (254)7.13.7Displaying program user data (PUD) (255)7.13.8Searching for user variables (255)7.14Displaying G Functions and Auxiliary Functions (258)7.14.1Selected G functions (258)7.14.2All G functions (260)7.14.3G functions for mold making (260)7.14.4Auxiliary functions (261)7.15Displaying superimpositions (263)7.16Mold making view (266)7.16.1Overview (266)7.16.2Starting the mold making view (268)7.16.3Adapting the mold making view (268)7.16.4Specifically jump to the program block (269)7.16.5Searching for program blocks (270)7.16.6Changing the view (271) or reducing the graphical representation (271)MillingOperating Manual, 07/2021, 6FC5398-7CP41-0BA17Table of contents7.16.6.2Moving and rotating the graphic (272) the viewport (272)7.17Displaying the program runtime and counting workpieces (274)7.18Setting for automatic mode (276)8Simulating machining (279)8.1Overview (279)8.2Simulation before machining of the workpiece (287)8.3Simultaneous recording before machining of the workpiece (288)8.4Simultaneous recording during machining of the workpiece (289)8.5Different views of the workpiece (290)8.5.1Plan view (290)8.5.23D view (291)8.5.3Side view (291)8.5.4Turning view (292)8.5.5Half section (292)8.6Editing the simulation display (294)8.6.1Blank display (294)8.6.2Showing and hiding the tool path (294)8.7Program control during the simulation (295)8.7.1Changing the feedrate (295)8.7.2Simulating the program block by block (296)8.8Changing and adapting a simulation graphic (297)8.8.1Enlarging or reducing the graphical representation (297)8.8.2Panning a graphical representation (298)8.8.3Rotating the graphical representation (298)8.8.4Modifying the viewport (299)8.8.5Defining cutting planes (299)8.9Displaying simulation alarms (301)9Generating a G code program (303)9.1Graphical programming (303)9.2Program views (304)9.3Program structure (308)9.4Fundamentals (309)9.4.1Machining planes (309)9.4.2Current planes in cycles and input screens (309)9.4.3Programming a tool (T) (310)9.5Generating a G code program (311)9.6Blank input (312)9.7Machining plane, milling direction, retraction plane, safe clearance and feedrate (PL, RP,SC, F) (314)9.8Selection of the cycles via softkey (315)Milling 8Operating Manual, 07/2021, 6FC5398-7CP41-0BA1Table of contents9.9Calling technology functions (319)9.9.1Hiding cycle parameters (319)9.9.2Setting data for cycles (319)9.9.3Checking cycle parameters (319)9.9.4Programming variables (320)9.9.5Changing a cycle call (320)9.9.6 Compatibility for cycle support (321)9.9.7Additional functions in the input screens (321)9.10Measuring cycle support (322)10Creating a ShopMill program (323)10.1Program views (324)10.2Program structure (329)10.3Fundamentals (330)10.3.1Machining planes (330)10.3.2Polar coordinates (330)10.3.3Absolute and incremental dimensions (331)10.4Creating a ShopMill program (334)10.5Program header (335)10.6Program header (for milling/turning machine) (337)10.7Generating program blocks (340)10.8Tool, offset value, feed and spindle speed (T, D, F, S, V) (341)10.9Defining machine functions (343)10.10Call work offsets (345)10.11Repeating program blocks (346)10.12Specifying the number of workpieces (348)10.13Changing program blocks (349)10.14Changing program settings (350)10.15Selection of the cycles via softkey (352)10.16Calling technology functions (357)10.16.1Additional functions in the input screens (357)10.16.2Checking input parameters (357)10.16.3Setting data for technological functions (357)10.16.4Changing a cycle call (358)10.16.5Programming variables (358)10.16.6 Compatibility for cycle support (359)10.17Measuring cycle support (360)10.18Example, standard machining (361)10.18.1Workpiece drawing (362)10.18.2Programming (362)10.18.3Results/simulation test (373)10.18.4G code machining program (375)MillingOperating Manual, 07/2021, 6FC5398-7CP41-0BA19Table of contents11Programming technological functions (cycles) (379)11.1Know-how protection (379)11.2Drilling (380)11.2.1General (380)11.2.2Centering (CYCLE81) (381)11.2.3Drilling (CYCLE82) (382)11.2.4Reaming (CYCLE85) (386)11.2.5Deep-hole drilling 1 (CYCLE83) (387)11.2.6Deep-hole drilling 2 (CYCLE830) (393)11.2.7Boring (CYCLE86) (403)11.2.8Tapping (CYCLE84, 840) (405)11.2.9Drill and thread milling (CYCLE78) (412)11.2.10Positioning and position patterns (416)11.2.11Arbitrary positions (CYCLE802) (418)11.2.12Row position pattern (HOLES1) (421)11.2.13Grid or frame position pattern (CYCLE801) (422)11.2.14Circle or pitch circle position pattern (HOLES2) (424)11.2.15Displaying and hiding positions (426)11.2.16Repeating positions (428)11.3Milling (429)11.3.1Face milling (CYCLE61) (429)11.3.2Rectangular pocket (POCKET3) (431)11.3.3Circular pocket (POCKET4) (438)11.3.4Rectangular spigot (CYCLE76) (445)11.3.5Circular spigot (CYCLE77) (450)11.3.6Multi-edge (CYCLE79) (454)11.3.7Longitudinal groove (SLOT1) (458)11.3.8Circumferential groove (SLOT2) (464)11.3.9Open groove (CYCLE899) (470)11.3.10Long hole (LONGHOLE) - only for G code programs (479)11.3.11Thread milling (CYCLE70) (481)11.3.12Engraving (CYCLE60) (485)11.4Contour milling (492)11.4.1General (492)11.4.2Representation of the contour (492)11.4.3Creating a new contour (494)11.4.4Creating contour elements (495)11.4.5Changing the contour (500)11.4.6Contour call (CYCLE62) - only for G code program (501)11.4.7Path milling (CYCLE72) (502)11.4.8Contour pocket/contour spigot (CYCLE63/64) (507)11.4.9Predrilling contour pocket (CYCLE64) (509)11.4.10Milling contour pocket (CYCLE63) (512)11.4.11Residual material contour pocket (CYCLE63) (517)11.4.12Milling contour spigot (CYCLE63) (518)11.4.13Residual material contour spigot (CYCLE63) (522)11.5Turning - milling/turning machine (525)11.5.1General (525)11.5.2Stock removal (CYCLE951) (525)Milling 10Operating Manual, 07/2021, 6FC5398-7CP41-0BA1Table of contents 11.5.3Groove (CYCLE930) (529)11.5.4Undercut form E and F (CYCLE940) (533)11.5.5Thread undercut (CYCLE940) (539)11.5.6Thread turning (CYCLE99), only for G code (545) aspects of the selection alternatives for infeed depths (572)11.5.7Thread chain (CYCLE98) (573) aspects of the selection alternatives for infeed depths (582)11.5.8Cut-off (CYCLE92) (583)11.6Contour turning - Milling/turning machine (587)11.6.1General information (587)11.6.2Representation of the contour (588)11.6.3Creating a new contour (589)11.6.4Creating contour elements (591)11.6.5Changing the contour (597)11.6.6Contour call (CYCLE62) (598)11.6.7Stock removal (CYCLE952) (599)11.6.8Stock removal residual (CYCLE952) (614)11.6.9Grooving (CYCLE952) (617)11.6.10Grooving residual material (CYCLE952) (628)11.6.11Plunge turning (CYCLE952) (632)11.6.12Plunge turning residual material (CYCLE952) (642)11.7Further cycles and functions (647)11.7.1Swivel plane (CYCLE800) (647) surface transformation with swivel plane (654)11.7.2Swiveling tool (CYCLE800) (658) tool/preloading milling tools - only for G code program (CYCLE800) (658) turning tools (CYCLE800) - millling/turning machine (659)11.7.3High-speed settings (CYCLE832) (664)11.7.4Subroutines (668)11.7.5Surface turning (CYCLE953) (670)11.7.6Adapt to load (CYCLE782) (672)11.7.7Interpolation turning (CYCLE806) (674) (674) interpolation turning - CYCLE806 (675) the cycle (676) (676)11.8Additional cycles and functions in ShopMill (677)11.8.1Transformations (677)11.8.2Translation (678)11.8.3Rotation (678)11.8.4Scaling (679)11.8.5Mirroring (680)11.8.6Cylinder surface transformation (680)11.8.7Straight or circular machining (683)11.8.8Programming a straight line (685)11.8.9Programming a circle with known center point (686)11.8.10Programming a circle with known radius (687)11.8.11Helix (688)11.8.12Polar coordinates (689)11.8.13Straight polar (690)11.8.14Circle polar (691)Table of contents11.8.15Obstacle (692)12Multi-channel view (695)12.1Multi-channel view (695)12.2Multi-channel view in the "Machine" operating area (696)12.3Multi-channel view for large operator panels (699)12.4Setting the multi-channel view (701)13Collision avoidance (703)13.1Collision avoidance (703)13.2Activate collision avoidance (705)13.3Set collision avoidance (706)14Tool management (709)14.1Lists for the tool management (709)14.2Magazine management (711)14.3Tool types (712)14.4Tool dimensioning (715)14.5Tool list (722)14.5.1Additional data (725)14.5.2Creating a new tool (726)14.5.3Measuring the tool (728)14.5.4Managing several cutting edges (728)14.5.5Delete tool (729)14.5.6Loading and unloading tools (729)14.5.7Selecting a magazine (731)14.5.8Managing a tool in a file (732)14.6Tool wear (735)14.6.1Reactivating a tool (737)14.7Tool data OEM (739)14.8Magazine (740)14.8.1Positioning a magazine (742)14.8.2Relocating a tool (742)14.8.3Deleting / unloading / loading / relocating all tools (743)14.9Tool details (745)14.9.1Displaying tool details (745)14.9.2Tool data (745)14.9.3Cutting edge data (746)14.9.4Monitoring data (748)14.10Changing a tool type (749)14.11Graphic display (750)14.12Sorting tool management lists (752)14.13Filtering the tool management lists (753)Table of contents14.14Specific search in the tool management lists (755)14.15Multiple selection in the tool management lists (757)14.16Settings for tool lists (758)14.17Working with Multitool (759)14.17.1Tool list for multitool (759)14.17.2Create multitool (760)14.17.3Equipping multitool with tools (762)14.17.4Removing a tool from multitool (763)14.17.5Deleting multitool (764)14.17.6Loading and unloading multitool (764)14.17.7Reactivating the multitool (765)14.17.8Relocating a multitool (766)14.17.9Positioning a multitool (767)15Managing programs (769)15.1Overview (769)15.1.1NC memory (772)15.1.2Local drive (772)15.1.3USB drives (774)15.1.4FTP drive (774)15.2Opening and closing the program (776)15.3Executing a program (778)15.4Creating a directory / program / job list / program list (780)15.4.1File and directory names (780)15.4.2Creating a new directory (780)15.4.3Creating a new workpiece (781)15.4.4Creating a new G code program (782)15.4.5Creating a new ShopMill program (782)15.4.6Storing any new file (783)15.4.7Creating a job list (784)15.4.8Creating a program list (786)15.5Creating templates (787)15.6Searching directories and files (788)15.7Displaying the program in the Preview (790)15.8Selecting several directories/programs (791)15.9Copying and pasting a directory/program (793)15.10Deleting a program/directory (795)15.10.1Deleting a program/directory (795)15.11Changing file and directory properties (796)15.12Set up drives (797)15.12.1Overview (797)15.12.2Setting up drives (797)15.13Viewing PDF documents (803)15.14EXTCALL (805)Table of contents15.15Execution from external memory (EES) (807)15.16Backing up data (808)15.16.1Generating an archive in the Program Manager (808)15.16.2Generating an archive via the system data (809)15.16.3Reading in an archive in the Program Manager (811)15.16.4Read in archive from system data (812)15.17Setup data (813)15.17.1Backing up setup data (813)15.17.2Reading-in set-up data (815)15.18Recording tools and determining the demand (817)15.18.1Overview (817)15.18.2Opening tool data (818)15.18.3Checking the loading (818)15.19Backing up parameters (820)15.20RS-232-C (823)15.20.1Reading-in and reading-out archives via a serial interface (823)15.20.2Setting V24 in the program manager (825)15.21Multiple clamping (827)15.21.1Multiple clamping (827)15.21.2Program header setting, "Clamping" (828)15.21.3Creating a multiple clamping program (829)16Alarm, error, and system messages (831)16.1Displaying alarms (831)16.2Displaying an alarm log (834)16.3Displaying messages (835)16.4Sorting, alarms, faults and messages (836)16.5Creating screenshots (837)16.6PLC and NC variables (838)16.6.1Displaying and editing PLC and NC variables (838)16.6.2Saving and loading screen forms (842)16.7Version (843)16.7.1Displaying version data (843)16.7.2Save information (844)16.8Logbook (845)16.8.1Displaying and editing the logbook (845)16.8.2Making a logbook entry (846)16.9Remote diagnostics (848)16.9.1Setting remote access (848)16.9.2Permit modem (849)16.9.3Request remote diagnostics (850)16.9.4Exit remote diagnostics (851)17Working with Manual Machine (853)17.1Manual Machine (853)Table of contents17.2Measuring the tool (855)17.3Measuring the workpiece zero (856)17.4Setting the zero offset (857)17.5Set limit stop (858)17.6Simple workpiece machining (859)17.6.1Traversing axes (859)17.6.2Angular milling (860)17.6.3Straight and circular machining (861) milling (861) milling (862)17.7More complex machining (864)17.7.1Drilling with Manual Machine (865)17.7.2Milling with Manual Machine (866)17.7.3Contour milling with manual machine (867)17.7.4Turning with manual machine - milling/turning machine (867)17.8Simulation and simultaneous recording (869)18Teaching in a program (871)18.1Overview (871)18.2Select teach in mode (873)18.3Processing a program (874)18.3.1Inserting a block (874)18.3.2Editing a block (874)18.3.3Selecting a block (875)18.3.4Deleting a block (875)18.4Teach sets (877)18.4.1Input parameters for teach-in blocks (878)18.5Settings for teach-in (880)19Ctrl-Energy (881)19.1Functions (881)19.2Ctrl-E analysis (882)19.2.1Displaying energy consumption (882)19.2.2Displaying the energy analyses (883)19.2.3Measuring and saving the energy consumption (884)19.2.4Tracking measurements (885)19.2.5Tracking usage values (885)19.2.6Comparing usage values (886)19.2.7Long-term measurement of the energy consumption (887)19.3Ctrl-E profiles (888)19.3.1Using the energy-saving profile (888)20Easy Message (891)20.1Overview (891)20.2Activating Easy Message (892)Table of contents20.3Creating/editing a user profile (893)20.4Setting-up events (895)20.5Logging an active user on and off (897)20.6Displaying SMS logs (898)20.7Making settings for Easy Message (899)21Easy Extend (901)21.1Overview (901)21.2Enabling a device (902)21.3Activating and deactivating a device (903)21.4Initial commissioning of additional devices (904)22Service Planner (905)22.1Performing and monitoring maintenance tasks (905)23Editing the PLC user program (907)23.1Introduction (907)23.2Displaying and editing PLC properties (908)23.2.1Displaying PLC properties (908)23.2.2Resetting the processing time (908)23.2.3Loading modified PLC user program (908)23.3Displaying and editing PLC and NC variables (910)23.4Displaying and editing PLC signals in the status list (915)23.5View of the program blocks (916)23.5.1Displaying information on the program blocks (916)23.5.2Structure of the user interface (917)23.5.3Control options (918)23.5.4Displaying the program status (919)23.5.5Changing the address display (920)23.5.6Enlarging/reducing the ladder diagram (920)23.5.7Program block (921) and editing the program block (921) local variable table (922) a program block (922) a program block in the window (924) the access protection (924) block properties subsequently (925)23.5.8Editing a program block (925) the PLC user program (925) a program block (926) a program block (928) and editing networks (928) network properties (929)23.5.9Displaying the network symbol information table (930)23.6Displaying symbol tables (931)。
游戏上架苹果 APP store 必读

经验谈不上,本次我就简单说说一些APP上架的一些疑问、一些坑和一些解决办法一、app store上架费用,一般要多少钱。
二、app store上架周期,一般要多久过。
三、app store上架流程1、提交2、审核3、审核通过/审核不通过,被拒解决方案4、上架四、app store上架条件1、软件正常。
五、app store上架是什么这里指的是ios的商店,app store上架指的是ios的软件从提交申请到上线的整个过程,它的目的是让软件展示在app store上,获取app store过来的流量,用户,从而获取收入。
六、app store上架常见被拒原因1、截图中出现了Android2、截图中出现了hack苹果的内容3、评论中出现了“屌丝”等不雅词汇4、App中包含谈论Android系统的内容5、你修改了状态栏,不行6、只有第三方登录,没有自己的注册登陆功能,不行7、您的应用包括色情内容(色情交易,色情展示)8、有微信分享功能,结果因为要强制用户安装微信,才能使用该功能,被拒9、应用内用了圆角按钮,无情被拒10、你给我解释解释,应用里的积分从哪里来,到哪里去?11、应用里面表示有广告,但是审核者玩了后说没广告,后来申述成功,因为第二次游戏的时候才会出现广告(虐心重复向游戏),你丫就不能玩两遍么,一遍就几十秒~~12、有第三方支付(支付宝)果断被拒!!!13、因为集成了友盟友盟获取用户mac地址被拒了。
15、使用第三方的logo被拒(由于涉及到联通运营方面果断在关于里面加了个联通的logo 标识合作伙伴果断被拒要求提供联通的书面证明。

The Ultimate Live-Over-IP2/3-inch 3CMOS Sensors with High Sensitivity of F12 (60Hz)/F13 (50Hz)New Image Processing Engine50Mbps 4:2:2 10-bit Recording (H.264) and Standard MPEG-2 (35Mbps) Recording Industry-Standard B4 Lens Mount Professional OLED Viewfinder HDR via HLG/J-Log 1Magnesium Alloy Body and IPX2 Equivalent Splash-ProofVarious Codecs and File FormatsMode (Bit rate)Resolution File formatMPEG-4 AVC/H.264XHQ(50Mbps 4:2:210-bit)1920 x 1080MOV1280 x 720XHQ (50Mbps)1920 x 1080UHQ (35Mbps)1920 x 10801280 x 720HQ (8Mbps)720 x 480 (U model)720 x 576 (E model)Web HQ (3Mbps)960 x 540Web LP (1.2Mbps)480 x 270MPEG-2 Long GOP HQ (35Mbps)1920 x 1080MOV/MXF1440 x 10801280 x 720SP (25Mbps)1440 x 1080High-Speed RecMPEG-4 AVC/H.264XHQ (50Mbps)1920 x 1080MOV UHQ (35Mbps)J-Log 1 and Rec709+Knee Gamma HLG & J-Log 1 Color Gamut3Connected to the Field. Delivering to the World.ENG STUDIOProduct photo shown with optional equipment.Live-over-IP FeaturesLive Streaming up to 20Mbps with Low LatencyThe GY-HC900 is capable of streaming LIVE HD/SD and proxy video/audio files via network up to 20Mbps with Return over IP for ENGThe GY-HC900 can receive return video/IFB from the station while streaming live to air via IP thanks to a newplatform. This allows reporters and camera operators toAuto FTPReturn VideoIFBBR-DE900 DecodersBR-800 Streaming ServerLive Streaming FTPReturn Video / IFBRemote Control / MetadataConnection in the FieldBR-DE900 DecodersBR-800 Streaming ServerVPN RouterWireless LANFS-900BS1 – 3-camera base stationFS-900BS2 – 2-camera base stationFS-900CAMStudio ViewfinderGY-HC900Hosting BR-800 in the Cloud for Live Feeds and Playout SharingFiber Remote Studio SystemGPS — Asset Tracking and Remote ControlDecoderDecoderConnected to Excitement. Share it with the World.LIVE EVENTPRODUCTIONProduct photo shown with optional equipment.67Complete Video-over-IP Solution for Remote ProductionStreaming Peer-to-Peer to Decoder or CDNsStreaming to Zixi, ProHD Broadcaster orBroadcaster on Cloud. Advanced QoS technologyfor reliable communication with Forward ErrorCorrection (FEC), Auto Repeat Request (ARQ),BR-DE900 DecoderVPN RouterWireless LAN1.2.4.• TC Out • TC In • Video Out • Genlock 3.System ConfigurationCHE/CHECGY-HC900CHU: Anton Bauer Unit: mm (inch)910OptionsTandem 70Anton BauerBattery Charger/AC AdapterMCSH050D2PD2PXX (16m/52.5ft)MCSH082D2PD2PXX (25m/82ft)MCSH164D2PD2PXX (50m/164ft)MCSH246D2PD2PXX (75m/246ft)MCSH328D2PD2PXX (100m/328ft)MCSH410D2PD2PXX (125m/410ft)MCSH492D2PD2PXX (150m/492ft)MCSH574D2PD2PXX (175m/574ft)MCSH656D2PD2PXX (200m/656ft)Fiber Cables (Hybrid Cable/Optical CON)MCSH050SIPSIRXX (16m/52.5ft)MCSH082SIPSIRXX (25m/82ft)MCSH164SIPSIRXX (50m/164ft)MCSH246SIPSIRXX (75m/246ft)MCSH328SIPSIRXX (100m/328ft)MCSH410SIPSIRXX (125m/410ft )MCSH492SIPSIRXX (150m/492ft)MCSH574SIPSIRXX (175m/574ft)MCSH656SIPSIRXX (200m/656ft)Fiber Cables (Hybrid Cable/SMPTE304M)KJ20x8.2BKRSD(Canon)2/3” Zoom LensHZ-AS1Manual Zoom ControlRM-LP25URemote Control UnitRM-LP20GRemote Control UnitKA-551UTripod Base V-mount AdapterDionic XTAnton Bauer BatteryIA70APower SupplyDUO-C98IDX BatterySMX-100AzdenStereo Shotgun MicRM-LP100Remote Camera Controller via LANHZ-FR15GManual Focus ControlBR-800BroadcasterPB-CELL200Portable Wireless Bridge Cellular UplinkSFE-CAMDockable Wireless Bridge Cellular UplinkBR-DE900DecoderKA-SLCC100GProHD Bridge Command CenterFS-900Multidyne Fiber Optic SystemProduct and company names mentioned here are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. "AVCHD Progressive" and "AVCHD Progressive" logo are trademarks of Panasonic Corporation and Sony Corporation. HDMI, the HDMI logo and High-Definition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC. Dolby is a trademark of Dolby Laboratories. Zixi and the Zixi logo are trademarks of Zixi LLC. The SD, SDHC and SDXC are trademarks of the SD Card Association.Simulated pictures.The values for weight and dimensions are approximate.E.&O.E. Design and specifications subject to change without notice.Copyright © 2019, JVCKENWOOD Corporation. All Rights Reserved.DISTRIBUTED BYKCS-8461"JVC" is the trademark or registered trademark of JVCKENWOOD Corporation.。

注:颜色意义:完全汉化大部分汉化完成,基本能打通游戏部分汉化07th-Expansion《海猫鸣泣之时》EP1~6BY 六轩岛调查队…………………………100%《寒蝉鸣泣之时》解谜篇四篇完整版汉化补丁V2 BY 台湾同好&寒冰汉化社……100%《寒蝉鸣泣之时礼》繁简汉化版BY 寒冰汉化社…………………………100%13CM《猫猫病院》白色情人节汉化补丁BY KDAYS ……………………31.25%130CM《她们的流仪(彼女たちの流仪)》双线补丁BY 小真?爱舞………………50%Active Soft《DISCIPLINE》BY神猫在线&蓝猫组共同汉化.............................................100%Alco Entertainment《情归故里》BY新天地互动多媒体.......................................................100%ALCOT《Triptych》中文补丁Ver 0.1测试版Akabeesoft2《车轮の国、向日葵の少女》汉化版v1.1...........................................100%《G线上の魔王》汉化版 v1.0 BY G弦上的魔王汉化委员..........100% 《车轮之国悠久之少年少女》v0.5汉化补丁BY 固有结界汉化组.......50%AUGUST《东月西阳》保奈美单线简体中文测试版V1.02 BY 时痕汉化组(工程停止)…………20%《更胜黎明前的琉璃色》简体中文完整版Ver1.1.1 BY 月桂琉璃汉化组…………100%《更胜黎明前的琉璃色Moonlight Cradle》1.0公测汉化补丁正式版BY …100%AXL《恋爱少女与守护之盾》简体中文体验版 Ver0.1 BY 言叶党汉化组&指尖奶茶应援会BAROQUE《魔法少年》繁体中文版 BY 台湾信必优…………100%BaseSon《恋姬无双》简中汉化5.1版 BY风之回忆工作室...........................??《真恋姫无双》汉化补丁0.1怨念版BY WAR3ANDC.S…………………………??BROCCOLI《银河天使队月夜情人》繁体中文版BY 台湾光谱资讯…………100%《银河天使队永恒情人》繁体中文版BY 台湾光谱资讯…………100%《魔法少女未知的天空艾塔提亚》繁体中文版BY 台湾光谱资讯…………100%《DI GI Charat Fantasy~仲夏夜之梦~》繁体中文版BY 台湾TGL&仲夏夜之梦…100%BROCCOLI&CIRCUS&GAMECRAB《真实之泪》简体中文版 BY 北京YLT…………100%繁体中文版 BY 台湾光谱资讯…………100%C's ware《夜行侦探~零》BY 新天地互动多媒体......................................................100%《夜行侦探~迷失者》 BY 新天地互动多媒体..............................................100%《美人鱼的季节》BY 新天地互动多媒体......................................................100%CARAMEL-BOX《少女爱上姐姐》简体中文汉化版V2.0 BY 瑞穗姐姐推广协会WLGO…………100%CIRCUS《D.C.P.C》Ver14.1简体中文完全版BY 月樱华想汉化组&妹乃萌汉化组…………100%《D.C.II ~featuring Yun!~》简繁双语中文版V1.0 BY 小熊工作室&PIOVA汉化组………100%《舞-HiME 命运的系统树修罗》简体中文测试版V0.9 BY 3DM 日文游戏工作组&51HiME修罗汉化组………99%《D.C.Ⅱ地方巡演先行版「春风无敌大作战」》简体中文完整版V1.10 BY 3DM日文游戏工作组& 绯月雪桜汉化组…………100%《D.C.II~ダ?カーポII~》 V9.9汉化补丁最终公测版 BY蘑菇汉化组…………100%《C.D.C.D.2》14(单线)汉化版BY 夏之空汉化协会………………………………30%《D.C.II Spring Celebration》测试补丁0.5 BY 蘑菇汉化组...........................60%《D.C.II To You》中文化简繁完全补丁BY 神樱中文化翻译社………………100%CIRCUS&PrincessSoft《SAKURA ~雪月华~》双线汉化版BY CK-GAL中文化协会…………70%CROSSENT《AYAKASHI -魂兽-》汉化版BY CK-GAL(废坑确定)…………30%CUBE《夏ノ雨》汉化测试补丁v0.01………………………………………………1%CUBETYPE《凉宫春日的逆转1》 BY L.S.汉化组………………100%Cyc-soft《花历》 BY 天人互动............................................................100%D.O.《加奈…おかえり》v0.01b .......................................1%elf《臭作》序章汉化版(工程停止)……………………………………………………10%《下级生》中文化Ver 1.0 正式版…………………………………………100%《同级生2》中音汉化版BY 欢乐盒………………………………………………100%《同级生2 Win版》……………………………………………………100%《媚肉之香》汉化测试补丁……………………40%EMU《为你点亮的明灯》汉化测试版.............................5%etude《そして明日の世界より》完整汉化补丁BY pro2汉化组...........100%Family Soft《初恋之白色情人节》 BY 智冠...........................................100%FAVORITE《星空のメモリア -Wish upon a shooting star-》 1.0版测试补丁 BY CK-GAL中文化小组....100%《星空のメモリア Eternal Heart》汉化测试补丁 BY CK-GAL中文化小组....1%Feng《染成茜色的坂道》v0.5汉化补丁BY KDays............................................50%FlyingShine《Cross +Channal》体验版 BY 桃华月惮众.........................................100%GAINAX《美少女梦工厂》全系列1~5 简&繁中文版BY 台湾精讯资讯&北京娱乐通&台湾光谱资讯…………100%《新世纪福音战士:绫波育成计划》BY 新天地互动多媒体..................100%GAMANIA《心动情缘》简体中文版BY 天人互动………………………………100%Gene X《梦幻奇缘》 BY大宇...............................................................100%《梦幻奇缘2》 BY光谱.............................................................100%《恋爱物语》 BY Takara ...........................................................100%《恋爱物语~魔法学院》...........................................................100%《恋爱物语 2》...........................................................................100%GIGA《女仆咖啡帕露菲》简体中文完整版V1.10 BY CK-GAL…………100%《青空下的约定》简体中文测试版V1.10 BY CK-GAL…………100%《フォセット - Cafe au Le Ciel Bleu -》简体中文测试版V1.0 BY CK-GAL…100%《BALDR BULLET》中文版BY TGL台湾分公司…………………100%《V.G.NEO》 v0.01汉化测试补丁 BY 妹乃萌汉化小组……………1%GWAVE《APOCRITOS 外典》BY 3DM汉化组………………100%HAIKUO-SOFT《樱X樱(さくらさくら)》体验版用汉化补丁BY 誓守童贞汉化组………………100%Idle Fancy《幼性反応》汉化版ver1.0 ……………………………………………100%INNOCENT GREY《恋狱~月狂病~》简体中文汉化版V1.20 BY FARMER大家族………100%《和み匣》简体中文汉化补丁V1.10…………100%《壳之少女》push!!TG整合版?序词“心理试验”BY 臭鸡蛋汉化组……100%《壳之少女》 Ver 4.0 BY 臭鸡蛋汉化组……50%ILLUSION《河蟹校园》简体中文版最终版 BY 沐风汉化组…………100%《A-GA》简体中文汉化补丁BY 3DM工作室……………………100%《rapelayR》简体中文汉化补丁BY 3DM工作室……………………100%《biko3》简体中文汉化补丁BY 3DM工作室……………………100%KONAMI《心跳回忆——永远属于你》(纯爱手扎)BY 华义国际……………100%KID《梦之翼》简体中文版 BY 北京新天地…………100%《秋之回忆1》简体中文版 BY 北京新天地…………100%《秋之回忆2》简&繁中文版BY 北京新天地&光谱资讯…………100%《秋之回忆2 雪萤》简体中文PC移植版BY KIDFC特别创作组…………100%《秋之回忆AR1 折鹤》………………………………………………100%《秋之回忆AR2 想演》…………………………………………………100%《秋之回忆AR3 卒业》……………………………………………100%《秋之回忆想君》繁体中文版 BY光谱资讯…………100%《秋之回忆从今以后》简&繁中文版 BY 北京YLT&KIDFC汉化组&光谱资讯…………100%《秋之回忆从今以后 AGAIN》简体中文PC移植版V1.10 BY CK-GAL中文化协会……100%《秋之回忆从今以后AGAIN》简体中文版BY 北京YLT&KIDFC 汉化组…………100%《秋之回忆 5 中断的电影》简体&繁体中文版BY 北京YLT…………100%《秋之回忆5 encore》繁体中文版 BY 光谱资讯…………100%简体中文版 BY 娱乐通………………100%《秋之回忆6~三角波澜》简体中文版BY 娱乐通………………100%《秋之回忆Duet》简体中文版 BY 娱乐通………………100%《见习天使》简&繁中文版BY 北京YLT&KIDFC汉化组&光谱资讯…………100%《Ever17》繁体中文版 BY 光谱资讯…………100%《Never7》繁体中文版 BY 光谱资讯…………100%《Remember11》繁体中文版 BY 光谱资讯…………100%简体中文版 BY 娱乐通………………100%《12RIVEN》繁体中文版 BY 光谱资讯…………100%简体中文版 BY 娱乐通…………100%《散碎的原色SeparateHearts》简体中文版BY 娱乐通......................100%繁体中文版 BY 英特卫................................100%《思念的碎片~Close to》简体中文版BY 娱乐通&KFC......................100%《IRIS鸢尾花物语》简体中文版BY 北京娱乐通.............................100%《龙刻》简体中文版BY 北京娱乐通.............................................100% 《见习天使2:黑白色 Monochrome》简体中文版 BY 北京娱乐通......100%《We are 爱在2026 》简体中文版BY 北京娱乐通.................................100%《夏梦夜话》简体中文版BY 北京娱乐通.............................................100%KOGADO《蓝色天使队》及其资料片繁体中文版 BY 光谱资讯…………100%《蓝色天使队2》繁体中文版 BY 光谱资讯…………100%《交响乐之雨》繁体中文爱藏版 BY 光谱资讯…………100%《手机少女》(《手机天使》)简体版 BY 光谱资讯…………100%《发明工坊~蓝海之都特利斯提亚》繁体中文版BY 光谱资讯…………100%《发明工房2~重现天空之城的荣光》繁体中文版BY 光谱资讯…………100%《发明工房2 外传天空之城涅奥思斐亚》简体中文版BY 邪恶工房…………100%《发明工坊3:苍之巨神》繁体中文版 BY 光谱资讯…………100%《小魔女蕾妮特》繁体中文版 BY 大宇资讯…………100%《小魔女帕妃黑猫魔法屋》繁体中文版 BY 大宇资讯…………100%《小魔女帕妃2 真心的回忆》繁体中文版 BY 大宇资讯…………100%《魔法花园芙萝蕾》繁体中文版 BY 大宇资讯…………100%《幸福姊妹花》简体中文版 BY 北京天人互动…………100%《精灵协奏曲》繁体中文版 BY 光谱资讯…………100%《天使协奏曲》繁体中文版 BY 光谱资讯…………100%《天使恋曲》繁体中文版 BY 光谱资讯…………100%《天使小夜曲》简&繁中文版BY 北京新天地&光谱资讯…………100%《天使音乐会》简体中文版 BY 北京新天地…………100%《战机少女》简&繁中文版BY 3DM日文游戏工作室&北京娱乐通&台湾英特卫…100%《状况开始》BY 光谱资讯...........................................100%《魔法使?天使拉比☆杰作选》BY 糸色路…………………100%《百合二重奏solfege》繁体中文版 BY 光谱资讯…………100%《Solfege~奶茶》汉化版………………………………100%LASS《3days 満ちてゆく刻の彼方で》汉化测试版BY 3days汉化组………………100%《11eyes -罪と罚と赎いの少女》V0.6 BY 11eyes汉化组........................60%《11eyes Crossover》中文版 BY 光谱资讯........................100%LEAF&AQUAPLUS《传颂之物》简体中文完整版V1.02 BY 传颂之物汉化组…………100%《Tears to Tiara》简体中文测试版V1.0 BY 2DJGAME汉化组…………95%《漫画同人会DCE》简体中文测试版V1.01 BY CK-GAL中文化协会…………100%《无天使的12月》简体中文测试版V1.0 BY CK-GAL中文化协会……100%《ToHeart2 XRATED》简体中文完整版V1.03增强版 BY CK-GAL 中文化协会...98%《ToHeart2 AnotherDays》简体中文测试版v1.0 BY CK-GAL中文化协会……100%《爱佳でいくの!!~ Leaf Amusement Soft Vol.5》v1.00 BY CK-GAL中文化小组…………%《WHITE ALBUM 2 -introductory chapter》完全汉化补丁Ver1.1 BY丸户黑同好会@SoulPlus……100%Liar Soft《腐り姫~euthanasia~》简体汉化v1.0版BY 赤之森汉化组.....................100%《Forest 》测试补丁v0.01 BY 嘘屋汉化委员会………………??%Lillian《闪耀☆十字军》汉化测试版VER0.001......1%Lump of Sugar《游魂 -Kiss on my Deity-》汉化正式版 BY Angelical Beauty汉化组………………100%MIROCABIN《人偶情缘》 BY 依星........................................................100%《人偶情缘 2》 BY 依星........................................................100%MOINORI《EF THE FIRST TALE》简体中文完整版V1.00 BY 星炮汉化组…………100%《EF THE FIRST TALE TRIAL VERSION》简体中文完整版 BY 星炮汉化组........100%《EF THE FIRST TALE FIRST FAN DISC》简体中文完整版 BY 星炮汉化组……100%《ef - 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1. 迷你地铁(Mini Metro)#iOS#Android《迷你地铁》是款地铁模拟游戏;玩家需要规划及管理整个城市地铁线路,地图上会出现不同形状的“站点”,站点里会有要去另一种形状站点的“乘客”,玩家通过在站点间画不同颜色的线代表“地铁”来运输乘客,从而使游戏进行。
画风极简,上手容易,趣味性极强~2. 断绝(Severed)#iOS《断绝》是款动作冒险游戏;从掌机移植的血腥暴力游戏,奇异的画风瞬间就能吸引人的注意力。
3. 我是面包(I am Bread)#iOS#Android《我是面包》是款模拟类游戏;我,作为一片被切下的面包,要跋山涉水、历经艰险,到达屋子的另一端将自己变成美味的烤面包。
4. 崩溃大陆(Crashlands)#iOS#Android《崩溃大陆》是款动作冒险游戏;某外星人在宇宙郊游的时候遭受攻击,只好乘坐救生舱跑到最近的星球——崩溃大陆上去,自此开始自力更生的生活。
5. 勇者大陆:海盗(Braveland Pirate)#iOS#Android《勇者大陆:海盗》是款战棋策略游戏。
6. 彩墨弹球(INKS.)#iOS《彩墨弹球》是款休闲弹珠游戏;当玻璃球划过色块,颜色就会一种“噗”的一下泼出来,就像是把装了水的气球砸在地上的感觉!不同的颜色还会混合,特别自然舒服。

吸取了1号机在开发上的失败,2号机在一开始就使用了陆战型高达作为母机,机体的背包被换成了宇宙战式 样,其余和1号机差别不大。2号机对机师的负荷非常大,非常容易暴走。
蓝色命运3号机(3张)原本3号机是作为1号机与2号机的零件预备机,但因为2号机被夺走,EXAM的开发者克尔 斯特也死了。3号机不得以被紧急改造投入了实战。
《蓝色命运》小说作品名称:机动战士高达外传:蓝色命运 作者:皆川ゆか 出版社:讲谈社 发售日期:1997年8月18日 主要登场人物:(此条目下可能含有剧透,请谨慎阅读)
《蓝色命运》漫画作品名称:机动战士高达外传:蓝色命运 作者:高山瑞穂 出版社:讲谈社 最初在讲谈社杂志「覇王マガジン」上连载,后因杂志休刊导致烂尾。作者只画到蓝色命运1号机被击破的剧 情。曾在一迅社出版的「ギレンの野望 コミックアンソロジー」上刊载过加岛勇与尼姆巴斯的决战部分漫画。首 次与1997年发售单行本。后有两版新版发售。 发售日期:1997年2月21日
蓝色命运1号机(11张)RX-79BD-1蓝色命运1号机改装自RX-79[G]陆战型高达,机师为加岛勇。最初实验是使 用陆战型吉姆进行开发的,编号为RGM-79BD-1,但机体承受不住装入EXAM系统后的出力,因此改用陆战型高达进 行开发。EXAM系统的数据是储存在MS头部内的,改换原型机体带来了移植EXAM数据的技术困难。所以机体的头部 并没更换,由此陆战型吉姆的头部被安在了陆战型高达上,蓝色命运1号机也因此被称作“蓝色吉姆”。为了防止 暴走,机体中装有限制装置,只能发挥EXAM系统50%的能力。在加岛勇少尉的驾驶下,该机体亦被称作“苍蓝死 神”。

以用户为中心,充分考虑人的需求、使用习惯和心理感受,追求 设计的人性化和舒适度。
通过创新思维和技术应用,将设计元素与前沿科技相结合,创造 出独特、新颖的产品或解决方案。
注重环境保护和资源利用,以减少对环境的负面影响,同时确保产 品的耐用性和可回收性。
追求简洁、流畅的线条 和极简的色彩搭配,以 展现出产品的优雅和质 感。
0421是指中国的一个网络用语:指“我爱你 ”的意思,来自唇语,近似“勇于当负”的发 音。
0421作为《机动战士高达SEED DESTINY》中主角基拉·大和 的生日,是日本动漫文化的重要元素之一。
0421在中国网络文化中作为“我爱你”的唇语,源于南方地 区使用的方言。
0421作为《机动战士高达SEED DESTINY》 中主角基拉·大和的生日,是动漫迷中广为流 传的梗。
0421在中国网络文化中作为“我爱你”的 唇语,是年轻男女表达情感的一种独特方式
包括地形、气候、水文等自然环境因素, 影响0421的分布、活动范围及形态特征 。
包括人类社会经济活动、人口密度、城市 化进程等,影响0421的分布、活动范围 及形态特征。
根据客户需求或项目要求,进行充 分的技术沟通和需求分析,制定详 细的设计方案。
根据设计方案,采购符合要求的原 材料和零部件,并进行必要的材料 检验和验证。
按照设计图纸和工艺文件,经过多 道制作工序和检测工序,最终完成 产品制作。

DIRECTIVE NUMBER: CPL 02-00-150 EFFECTIVE DATE: April 22, 2011 SUBJECT: Field Operations Manual (FOM)ABSTRACTPurpose: This instruction cancels and replaces OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-148,Field Operations Manual (FOM), issued November 9, 2009, whichreplaced the September 26, 1994 Instruction that implemented the FieldInspection Reference Manual (FIRM). The FOM is a revision of OSHA’senforcement policies and procedures manual that provides the field officesa reference document for identifying the responsibilities associated withthe majority of their inspection duties. This Instruction also cancels OSHAInstruction FAP 01-00-003 Federal Agency Safety and Health Programs,May 17, 1996 and Chapter 13 of OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-045,Revised Field Operations Manual, June 15, 1989.Scope: OSHA-wide.References: Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations §1903.6, Advance Notice ofInspections; 29 Code of Federal Regulations §1903.14, Policy RegardingEmployee Rescue Activities; 29 Code of Federal Regulations §1903.19,Abatement Verification; 29 Code of Federal Regulations §1904.39,Reporting Fatalities and Multiple Hospitalizations to OSHA; and Housingfor Agricultural Workers: Final Rule, Federal Register, March 4, 1980 (45FR 14180).Cancellations: OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-148, Field Operations Manual, November9, 2009.OSHA Instruction FAP 01-00-003, Federal Agency Safety and HealthPrograms, May 17, 1996.Chapter 13 of OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-045, Revised FieldOperations Manual, June 15, 1989.State Impact: Notice of Intent and Adoption required. See paragraph VI.Action Offices: National, Regional, and Area OfficesOriginating Office: Directorate of Enforcement Programs Contact: Directorate of Enforcement ProgramsOffice of General Industry Enforcement200 Constitution Avenue, NW, N3 119Washington, DC 20210202-693-1850By and Under the Authority ofDavid Michaels, PhD, MPHAssistant SecretaryExecutive SummaryThis instruction cancels and replaces OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-148, Field Operations Manual (FOM), issued November 9, 2009. The one remaining part of the prior Field Operations Manual, the chapter on Disclosure, will be added at a later date. This Instruction also cancels OSHA Instruction FAP 01-00-003 Federal Agency Safety and Health Programs, May 17, 1996 and Chapter 13 of OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-045, Revised Field Operations Manual, June 15, 1989. This Instruction constitutes OSHA’s general enforcement policies and procedures manual for use by the field offices in conducting inspections, issuing citations and proposing penalties.Significant Changes∙A new Table of Contents for the entire FOM is added.∙ A new References section for the entire FOM is added∙ A new Cancellations section for the entire FOM is added.∙Adds a Maritime Industry Sector to Section III of Chapter 10, Industry Sectors.∙Revises sections referring to the Enhanced Enforcement Program (EEP) replacing the information with the Severe Violator Enforcement Program (SVEP).∙Adds Chapter 13, Federal Agency Field Activities.∙Cancels OSHA Instruction FAP 01-00-003, Federal Agency Safety and Health Programs, May 17, 1996.DisclaimerThis manual is intended to provide instruction regarding some of the internal operations of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and is solely for the benefit of the Government. No duties, rights, or benefits, substantive or procedural, are created or implied by this manual. The contents of this manual are not enforceable by any person or entity against the Department of Labor or the United States. Statements which reflect current Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission or court precedents do not necessarily indicate acquiescence with those precedents.Table of ContentsCHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONI.PURPOSE. ........................................................................................................... 1-1 II.SCOPE. ................................................................................................................ 1-1 III.REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 1-1 IV.CANCELLATIONS............................................................................................. 1-8 V. ACTION INFORMATION ................................................................................. 1-8A.R ESPONSIBLE O FFICE.......................................................................................................................................... 1-8B.A CTION O FFICES. .................................................................................................................... 1-8C. I NFORMATION O FFICES............................................................................................................ 1-8 VI. STATE IMPACT. ................................................................................................ 1-8 VII.SIGNIFICANT CHANGES. ............................................................................... 1-9 VIII.BACKGROUND. ................................................................................................. 1-9 IX. DEFINITIONS AND TERMINOLOGY. ........................................................ 1-10A.T HE A CT................................................................................................................................................................. 1-10B. C OMPLIANCE S AFETY AND H EALTH O FFICER (CSHO). ...........................................................1-10B.H E/S HE AND H IS/H ERS ..................................................................................................................................... 1-10C.P ROFESSIONAL J UDGMENT............................................................................................................................... 1-10E. W ORKPLACE AND W ORKSITE ......................................................................................................................... 1-10CHAPTER 2PROGRAM PLANNINGI.INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 2-1 II.AREA OFFICE RESPONSIBILITIES. .............................................................. 2-1A.P ROVIDING A SSISTANCE TO S MALL E MPLOYERS. ...................................................................................... 2-1B.A REA O FFICE O UTREACH P ROGRAM. ............................................................................................................. 2-1C. R ESPONDING TO R EQUESTS FOR A SSISTANCE. ............................................................................................ 2-2 III. OSHA COOPERATIVE PROGRAMS OVERVIEW. ...................................... 2-2A.V OLUNTARY P ROTECTION P ROGRAM (VPP). ........................................................................... 2-2B.O NSITE C ONSULTATION P ROGRAM. ................................................................................................................ 2-2C.S TRATEGIC P ARTNERSHIPS................................................................................................................................. 2-3D.A LLIANCE P ROGRAM ........................................................................................................................................... 2-3 IV. ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM SCHEDULING. ................................................ 2-4A.G ENERAL ................................................................................................................................................................. 2-4B.I NSPECTION P RIORITY C RITERIA. ..................................................................................................................... 2-4C.E FFECT OF C ONTEST ............................................................................................................................................ 2-5D.E NFORCEMENT E XEMPTIONS AND L IMITATIONS. ....................................................................................... 2-6E.P REEMPTION BY A NOTHER F EDERAL A GENCY ........................................................................................... 2-6F.U NITED S TATES P OSTAL S ERVICE. .................................................................................................................. 2-7G.H OME-B ASED W ORKSITES. ................................................................................................................................ 2-8H.I NSPECTION/I NVESTIGATION T YPES. ............................................................................................................... 2-8 V.UNPROGRAMMED ACTIVITY – HAZARD EVALUATION AND INSPECTION SCHEDULING ............................................................................ 2-9 VI.PROGRAMMED INSPECTIONS. ................................................................... 2-10A.S ITE-S PECIFIC T ARGETING (SST) P ROGRAM. ............................................................................................. 2-10B.S CHEDULING FOR C ONSTRUCTION I NSPECTIONS. ..................................................................................... 2-10C.S CHEDULING FOR M ARITIME I NSPECTIONS. ............................................................................. 2-11D.S PECIAL E MPHASIS P ROGRAMS (SEP S). ................................................................................... 2-12E.N ATIONAL E MPHASIS P ROGRAMS (NEP S) ............................................................................... 2-13F.L OCAL E MPHASIS P ROGRAMS (LEP S) AND R EGIONAL E MPHASIS P ROGRAMS (REP S) ............ 2-13G.O THER S PECIAL P ROGRAMS. ............................................................................................................................ 2-13H.I NSPECTION S CHEDULING AND I NTERFACE WITH C OOPERATIVE P ROGRAM P ARTICIPANTS ....... 2-13CHAPTER 3INSPECTION PROCEDURESI.INSPECTION PREPARATION. .......................................................................... 3-1 II.INSPECTION PLANNING. .................................................................................. 3-1A.R EVIEW OF I NSPECTION H ISTORY .................................................................................................................... 3-1B.R EVIEW OF C OOPERATIVE P ROGRAM P ARTICIPATION .............................................................................. 3-1C.OSHA D ATA I NITIATIVE (ODI) D ATA R EVIEW .......................................................................................... 3-2D.S AFETY AND H EALTH I SSUES R ELATING TO CSHO S.................................................................. 3-2E.A DVANCE N OTICE. ................................................................................................................................................ 3-3F.P RE-I NSPECTION C OMPULSORY P ROCESS ...................................................................................................... 3-5G.P ERSONAL S ECURITY C LEARANCE. ................................................................................................................. 3-5H.E XPERT A SSISTANCE. ........................................................................................................................................... 3-5 III. INSPECTION SCOPE. ......................................................................................... 3-6A.C OMPREHENSIVE ................................................................................................................................................... 3-6B.P ARTIAL. ................................................................................................................................................................... 3-6 IV. CONDUCT OF INSPECTION .............................................................................. 3-6A.T IME OF I NSPECTION............................................................................................................................................. 3-6B.P RESENTING C REDENTIALS. ............................................................................................................................... 3-6C.R EFUSAL TO P ERMIT I NSPECTION AND I NTERFERENCE ............................................................................. 3-7D.E MPLOYEE P ARTICIPATION. ............................................................................................................................... 3-9E.R ELEASE FOR E NTRY ............................................................................................................................................ 3-9F.B ANKRUPT OR O UT OF B USINESS. .................................................................................................................... 3-9G.E MPLOYEE R ESPONSIBILITIES. ................................................................................................. 3-10H.S TRIKE OR L ABOR D ISPUTE ............................................................................................................................. 3-10I. V ARIANCES. .......................................................................................................................................................... 3-11 V. OPENING CONFERENCE. ................................................................................ 3-11A.G ENERAL ................................................................................................................................................................ 3-11B.R EVIEW OF A PPROPRIATION A CT E XEMPTIONS AND L IMITATION. ..................................................... 3-13C.R EVIEW S CREENING FOR P ROCESS S AFETY M ANAGEMENT (PSM) C OVERAGE............................. 3-13D.R EVIEW OF V OLUNTARY C OMPLIANCE P ROGRAMS. ................................................................................ 3-14E.D ISRUPTIVE C ONDUCT. ...................................................................................................................................... 3-15F.C LASSIFIED A REAS ............................................................................................................................................. 3-16VI. REVIEW OF RECORDS. ................................................................................... 3-16A.I NJURY AND I LLNESS R ECORDS...................................................................................................................... 3-16B.R ECORDING C RITERIA. ...................................................................................................................................... 3-18C. R ECORDKEEPING D EFICIENCIES. .................................................................................................................. 3-18 VII. WALKAROUND INSPECTION. ....................................................................... 3-19A.W ALKAROUND R EPRESENTATIVES ............................................................................................................... 3-19B.E VALUATION OF S AFETY AND H EALTH M ANAGEMENT S YSTEM. ....................................................... 3-20C.R ECORD A LL F ACTS P ERTINENT TO A V IOLATION. ................................................................................. 3-20D.T ESTIFYING IN H EARINGS ................................................................................................................................ 3-21E.T RADE S ECRETS. ................................................................................................................................................. 3-21F.C OLLECTING S AMPLES. ..................................................................................................................................... 3-22G.P HOTOGRAPHS AND V IDEOTAPES.................................................................................................................. 3-22H.V IOLATIONS OF O THER L AWS. ....................................................................................................................... 3-23I.I NTERVIEWS OF N ON-M ANAGERIAL E MPLOYEES .................................................................................... 3-23J.M ULTI-E MPLOYER W ORKSITES ..................................................................................................................... 3-27 K.A DMINISTRATIVE S UBPOENA.......................................................................................................................... 3-27 L.E MPLOYER A BATEMENT A SSISTANCE. ........................................................................................................ 3-27 VIII. CLOSING CONFERENCE. .............................................................................. 3-28A.P ARTICIPANTS. ..................................................................................................................................................... 3-28B.D ISCUSSION I TEMS. ............................................................................................................................................ 3-28C.A DVICE TO A TTENDEES .................................................................................................................................... 3-29D.P ENALTIES............................................................................................................................................................. 3-30E.F EASIBLE A DMINISTRATIVE, W ORK P RACTICE AND E NGINEERING C ONTROLS. ............................ 3-30F.R EDUCING E MPLOYEE E XPOSURE. ................................................................................................................ 3-32G.A BATEMENT V ERIFICATION. ........................................................................................................................... 3-32H.E MPLOYEE D ISCRIMINATION .......................................................................................................................... 3-33 IX. SPECIAL INSPECTION PROCEDURES. ...................................................... 3-33A.F OLLOW-UP AND M ONITORING I NSPECTIONS............................................................................................ 3-33B.C ONSTRUCTION I NSPECTIONS ......................................................................................................................... 3-34C. F EDERAL A GENCY I NSPECTIONS. ................................................................................................................. 3-35CHAPTER 4VIOLATIONSI. BASIS OF VIOLATIONS ..................................................................................... 4-1A.S TANDARDS AND R EGULATIONS. .................................................................................................................... 4-1B.E MPLOYEE E XPOSURE. ........................................................................................................................................ 4-3C.R EGULATORY R EQUIREMENTS. ........................................................................................................................ 4-6D.H AZARD C OMMUNICATION. .............................................................................................................................. 4-6E. E MPLOYER/E MPLOYEE R ESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................... 4-6 II. SERIOUS VIOLATIONS. .................................................................................... 4-8A.S ECTION 17(K). ......................................................................................................................... 4-8B.E STABLISHING S ERIOUS V IOLATIONS ............................................................................................................ 4-8C. F OUR S TEPS TO BE D OCUMENTED. ................................................................................................................... 4-8 III. GENERAL DUTY REQUIREMENTS ............................................................. 4-14A.E VALUATION OF G ENERAL D UTY R EQUIREMENTS ................................................................................. 4-14B.E LEMENTS OF A G ENERAL D UTY R EQUIREMENT V IOLATION.............................................................. 4-14C. U SE OF THE G ENERAL D UTY C LAUSE ........................................................................................................ 4-23D.L IMITATIONS OF U SE OF THE G ENERAL D UTY C LAUSE. ..............................................................E.C LASSIFICATION OF V IOLATIONS C ITED U NDER THE G ENERAL D UTY C LAUSE. ..................F. P ROCEDURES FOR I MPLEMENTATION OF S ECTION 5(A)(1) E NFORCEMENT ............................ 4-25 4-27 4-27IV.OTHER-THAN-SERIOUS VIOLATIONS ............................................... 4-28 V.WILLFUL VIOLATIONS. ......................................................................... 4-28A.I NTENTIONAL D ISREGARD V IOLATIONS. ..........................................................................................4-28B.P LAIN I NDIFFERENCE V IOLATIONS. ...................................................................................................4-29 VI. CRIMINAL/WILLFUL VIOLATIONS. ................................................... 4-30A.A REA D IRECTOR C OORDINATION ....................................................................................................... 4-31B.C RITERIA FOR I NVESTIGATING P OSSIBLE C RIMINAL/W ILLFUL V IOLATIONS ........................ 4-31C. W ILLFUL V IOLATIONS R ELATED TO A F ATALITY .......................................................................... 4-32 VII. REPEATED VIOLATIONS. ...................................................................... 4-32A.F EDERAL AND S TATE P LAN V IOLATIONS. ........................................................................................4-32B.I DENTICAL S TANDARDS. .......................................................................................................................4-32C.D IFFERENT S TANDARDS. .......................................................................................................................4-33D.O BTAINING I NSPECTION H ISTORY. .....................................................................................................4-33E.T IME L IMITATIONS..................................................................................................................................4-34F.R EPEATED V. F AILURE TO A BATE....................................................................................................... 4-34G. A REA D IRECTOR R ESPONSIBILITIES. .............................................................................. 4-35 VIII. DE MINIMIS CONDITIONS. ................................................................... 4-36A.C RITERIA ................................................................................................................................................... 4-36B.P ROFESSIONAL J UDGMENT. ..................................................................................................................4-37C. A REA D IRECTOR R ESPONSIBILITIES. .............................................................................. 4-37 IX. CITING IN THE ALTERNATIVE ............................................................ 4-37 X. COMBINING AND GROUPING VIOLATIONS. ................................... 4-37A.C OMBINING. ..............................................................................................................................................4-37B.G ROUPING. ................................................................................................................................................4-38C. W HEN N OT TO G ROUP OR C OMBINE. ................................................................................................4-38 XI. HEALTH STANDARD VIOLATIONS ....................................................... 4-39A.C ITATION OF V ENTILATION S TANDARDS ......................................................................................... 4-39B.V IOLATIONS OF THE N OISE S TANDARD. ...........................................................................................4-40 XII. VIOLATIONS OF THE RESPIRATORY PROTECTION STANDARD(§1910.134). ....................................................................................................... XIII. VIOLATIONS OF AIR CONTAMINANT STANDARDS (§1910.1000) ... 4-43 4-43A.R EQUIREMENTS UNDER THE STANDARD: .................................................................................................. 4-43B.C LASSIFICATION OF V IOLATIONS OF A IR C ONTAMINANT S TANDARDS. ......................................... 4-43 XIV. CITING IMPROPER PERSONAL HYGIENE PRACTICES. ................... 4-45A.I NGESTION H AZARDS. .................................................................................................................................... 4-45B.A BSORPTION H AZARDS. ................................................................................................................................ 4-46C.W IPE S AMPLING. ............................................................................................................................................. 4-46D.C ITATION P OLICY ............................................................................................................................................ 4-46 XV. BIOLOGICAL MONITORING. ...................................................................... 4-47CHAPTER 5CASE FILE PREPARATION AND DOCUMENTATIONI.INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 5-1 II.INSPECTION CONDUCTED, CITATIONS BEING ISSUED. .................... 5-1A.OSHA-1 ................................................................................................................................... 5-1B.OSHA-1A. ............................................................................................................................... 5-1C. OSHA-1B. ................................................................................................................................ 5-2 III.INSPECTION CONDUCTED BUT NO CITATIONS ISSUED .................... 5-5 IV.NO INSPECTION ............................................................................................... 5-5 V. HEALTH INSPECTIONS. ................................................................................. 5-6A.D OCUMENT P OTENTIAL E XPOSURE. ............................................................................................................... 5-6B.E MPLOYER’S O CCUPATIONAL S AFETY AND H EALTH S YSTEM. ............................................................. 5-6 VI. AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES............................................................................. 5-8A.B URDEN OF P ROOF. .............................................................................................................................................. 5-8B.E XPLANATIONS. ..................................................................................................................................................... 5-8 VII. INTERVIEW STATEMENTS. ........................................................................ 5-10A.G ENERALLY. ......................................................................................................................................................... 5-10B.CSHO S SHALL OBTAIN WRITTEN STATEMENTS WHEN: .......................................................................... 5-10C.L ANGUAGE AND W ORDING OF S TATEMENT. ............................................................................................. 5-11D.R EFUSAL TO S IGN S TATEMENT ...................................................................................................................... 5-11E.V IDEO AND A UDIOTAPED S TATEMENTS. ..................................................................................................... 5-11F.A DMINISTRATIVE D EPOSITIONS. .............................................................................................5-11 VIII. PAPERWORK AND WRITTEN PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS. .......... 5-12 IX.GUIDELINES FOR CASE FILE DOCUMENTATION FOR USE WITH VIDEOTAPES AND AUDIOTAPES .............................................................. 5-12 X.CASE FILE ACTIVITY DIARY SHEET. ..................................................... 5-12 XI. CITATIONS. ..................................................................................................... 5-12A.S TATUTE OF L IMITATIONS. .............................................................................................................................. 5-13B.I SSUING C ITATIONS. ........................................................................................................................................... 5-13C.A MENDING/W ITHDRAWING C ITATIONS AND N OTIFICATION OF P ENALTIES. .................................. 5-13D.P ROCEDURES FOR A MENDING OR W ITHDRAWING C ITATIONS ............................................................ 5-14 XII. INSPECTION RECORDS. ............................................................................... 5-15A.G ENERALLY. ......................................................................................................................................................... 5-15B.R ELEASE OF I NSPECTION I NFORMATION ..................................................................................................... 5-15C. C LASSIFIED AND T RADE S ECRET I NFORMATION ...................................................................................... 5-16。

《浪潮式发售:让你卖什么都秒杀并持续热卖的产品发售方程式》阅读记录目录一、内容概括 (2)1.1 书籍简介 (3)1.2 作者介绍 (3)二、第一部分 (4)2.1 什么是浪潮式发售 (4)2.2 浪潮式发售的核心理念 (5)三、第二部分 (6)3.1 如何选择具有潜力的产品 (8)3.2 产品的市场定位与目标客户群 (9)四、第三部分 (10)4.1 确定发售渠道 (11)4.2 设计价格策略 (11)4.3 制定推广计划 (12)五、第四部分 (13)5.1 执行发售计划 (15)5.2 监控与调整策略 (16)5.3 处理风险与挑战 (17)六、第五部分 (18)6.1 提升品牌影响力 (19)6.2 持续优化产品与服务 (21)6.3 建立客户忠诚度 (22)七、结语 (23)7.1 总结浪潮式发售的精髓 (24)7.2 鼓励读者实践与应用 (25)一、内容概括由于您没有提供具体的文本内容,我无法为您生成《浪潮式发售:让你卖什么都秒杀并持续热卖的产品发售方程式》的阅读记录。

SS精品资源区游戏目录【英文名稱】: Ayakashi Ninden Kunoichiban Plus 【遊戲編號】: T-21512G【遊戲版本】: Japan【遊戲類型】: AVG【製作廠商】: Shoeisha【游戏名称】:お嬢様を狙え~~ / Ojousama wo Nerae!!【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】:T-38101G【发行公司】:CRYSTAL VISION【发行日期】:23/07/1998【英文名稱】: Dark Hunter: Shou Kotojigen Gakuen【遊戲編號】: T-7631G【遊戲版本】: Japan【遊戲類型】: AVG【製作廠商】: Koei【英文名稱】: Logic Puzzle Rainbow Town 【遊戲編號】: T-4303G【遊戲版本】: Japan【遊戲類型】: PUZ【製作廠商】: Human【英文名稱】: Houma Hunter Lime Perfect Collection 【遊戲編號】: T-2001G【遊戲版本】: Japan【遊戲類型】: AVG【製作廠商】: XING【英文名稱】: Tour Party Sotsugyou Ryokou Ni Ikou 【遊戲編號】: T-10312G【遊戲版本】: Japan【遊戲類型】: TAB【製作廠商】: Takara游戏编号:T-10623G英文名称:Warcraft II ~The Dark Saga 日文名称:魔兽争霸2 语言区域:JAP游戏类型:SLG【游戏名称】:Myst / ミスト / 密斯特 / 迷霧之島 / 神秘岛【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】:T-1501G【发行厂商】:SUNSOFT【游戏名称】:Derby Stallion / ダービースタリオン / 德贝赛马 / 打比赛马 / 达比马【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】:T-2113G【制作公司】:ParityBit / Bits Laboratory 【发行厂商】:ASCII Corp【游戏名称】:Sankyo Jikki Simulation S【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】:T-32102G【英文名稱】: Space Jam 【日文名稱】: スペースジャム【遊戲編號】: T-8119G 【遊戲版本】: 日版【遊戲類型】: SPG【製作廠商】: ACCLAIM【游戏名称】:Jissen Maajan 実戦麻雀【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】:T-15002G【游戏名称】:Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! 3 实战必胜帕青宫3 【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-2401G【游戏名称】:卒業? Neo Generation / Sotsugyou II Neo Generation / 卒業 II ネオ?ジェネレーション【游戏版本】:NTSC-J【游戏编号】:T-5301G【游戏名称】:Game Ware_Vol.3【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-17004G【游戏名称】:[天地無用~魅御理温泉湯けむりの旅] 【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-21802G【英文名稱】: Croc! Pau-Pau Island 【日文名稱】: クロック~パウパウアイランド【遊戲編號】: T-26410G【遊戲版本】: 日版【遊戲類型】: ACT【製作廠商】: MEDIA QUEST【英文名稱】: Spot goes to Hollywood 【日文名稱】: スポットゴーズトゥーハリウッド【遊戲編號】: T-7014G【遊戲版本】: 日版【遊戲類型】: ACT【製作廠商】: VIRGIN【游戏名称】バーチャファイター,,ポートレートシリーズ,,,:,ジャッキーブライアント【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】GS-9064英文名称;Dai Koukaijidai II 日文名称;大航海時代II游戏编号;T-7628G镜像格式;BIN,CUE游戏版本;日版汉化【游戏名称】(Yami-He no Tsuiseki Sha)ドルイド.闇ヘの追跡者【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-7670G【游戏名称】Tantei Jinguuji Saburou~Mikan no Report 探偵神宮寺三郎未完のルポ【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-1307G【英文名稱】: Civilization【日文名稱】: 新?世界七大文明【遊戲編號】: T-2003G【遊戲版本】: 日版【遊戲類型】: SLG【製作廠商】: ASMIK【游戏名称】Tutankhamen no Nazo Ankh ツタンカーメンの謎アン【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-35601G【游戏名称】Maajan-kyou Jidai Cogal Houkago-hen【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-2203G【游戏名称】Elf wo Karu Monotachi ~Hanafuda Hen 【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-16606G【游戏名称】Arthur to Astaroth no Nazomakaimura ~Incredible Toons 【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-1209G【游戏名称】Angelique.Special.2【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-7627G【游戏名称】BackGuiner Act-2 - Yomi Gaeru Yuusya Tati - Hishou Hen "Uragiri no Senj【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-19907G【游戏名称】Simulation【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-13328G【游戏名称】Tactical Fighter] 【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-21402G【游戏名称】Game-Ware ( 【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-17002G-T【游戏名称】Angelique Duet 【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-7662G【游戏名称】Father Christmas 【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-18504G【游戏名称】RAMPO【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】GS-9011【游戏名称】Shanghai ~Banri no Choujou 【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-1505G【游戏名称】Heiwa Pachinko Soushingeki 【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-18702G【游戏名称】Gex【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-15904G【游戏名称】Minton Keibu no Sousa File Doukeshi Satsujin Jiken 【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-5307G【游戏名称】Strikers 1945 【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-14407G【游戏名称】WipeOut【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-18603G【游戏名称】Body Special: 264 Girls in Motion Puzzle Volume 2 【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-21003G【游戏名称】SHOUJO KAKUMEI UTENA ,ITSUKA KAKUMEI SURU MONOGATARI, 【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】GS-9182【游戏名称】大牌砦【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-29201G【游戏名称】My Dream ~On Air ga Matenakute~ 【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-21303G【游戏名称】Sangokushi V 【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-7623G【游戏名称】Simulation - War 【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-7613G【游戏名称】Sakura Tsushin 【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-38401G【游戏名称】叮当大熊与复活之星【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-19801G【游戏名称】Worms【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-22404G【游戏名称】Mahou Shoujo Pretty Samy ~Osorubeshi Karada Sokutei! Kakubakuhatsu 5 ByouSen!!~【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-20110G【游戏名称】ゲーム日本史革命児ー織田信長マルチメディア歴史体験ソフト【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-7633G【游戏名称】Street Racer Extra【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-17702G【游戏名称】Courier Crisis【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-18010G【游戏名称】Texthoth Ludo ~Arcanum Senki~【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-23102G【游戏名称】麻雀大会? ,,,;,,, 【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-7621G【游戏名称】卒業 Crossworld / 【游戏版本】:日版【游戏编号】T-10503G。

威列德(Vlad): 来自白俄罗斯的战斗学校学员,曾任安德属下 飞龙战队 B 组组长。在艾洛斯决战时,是第二个 陷入崩溃的支队长。
达普尔(Ducheval ‘Shovel’): 来自拉丁美洲的战斗学校学员,曾任安德属下飞龙
战队 E 组组长。达普尔非常崇拜安德,后成为艾洛斯上 安德团队成员。他是第三个因承受不了巨大压力陷入崩 溃的支队长。
师,传说中虫族战争英雄。第二次虫族战争中,曾 力挽危局,指挥舰队独立消灭入侵的虫族。是在安 德之前,最了解虫族的人。为了能将自己掌握的知 识传递给后继者,此后一直在宇宙中以光速往返飞 行,直到联合舰队挖掘出安德。在培养并辅助安德 彻底消灭虫族后,雷汉作为舰长,加入了殖民舰队, 奔赴远方。
安德森上校(M ajor Gwen Anderson): 格拉夫上校在战斗学校的副手。主要负责在战斗室
“豆子”朱里安·德尔菲克(Julian 'Bean' Delphiki): 生于荷兰鹿特丹、具有希腊和尼日利亚血统的
战斗学校学员,安德在飞龙战队时最信任的骨干队 员之一。豆子智力超群,五岁就被送进战斗学校, 因成绩优异,被认为是仅次于安德的天才。安德在 战斗学校指挥的最后一场战斗中,豆子领导他的小 队,起到了决定胜负的关键作用。在艾洛斯,豆子 被国际舰队暗定为安德的替补者,在安德指挥舰队 摧毁虫族母星之战中,发挥了重要作用。
战斗学校拒绝。安德未去战斗学校前,华伦蒂在暴虐的 彼得和善良的安德中间,充当调解人角色。华伦蒂深爱 着安德,始终是安德的情感寄托,安德去战斗学校后, 曾两次帮助安德克服遇到的心理问题。后成为底层民众 的舆论领袖“德摩斯梯 尼”,帮助彼得成 为世界联盟的 霸主。虫族战争后,和安德一起去虫族行星殖民,成为 一个历史学家。
丁·米克(Dink Meeker): 来自荷兰的战斗学校老兵,安德的好友之一。米克

在2016 年的远景规划发布会上,日本著名游戏厂商Level-5 宣布热门游戏Fantasy Life 《幻想生活》的续集Fantasy Life 2 《幻想生活2 》将跳过3DS 平台转而在iOS 和Android 平台发行。
Fantasy Life 《幻想生活》是一款风格独特的养成RPG 游戏,2016 年游戏在3DS 平台发布后,以其充满魔幻色彩的世界、极具魅力的职业和角色受到日本乃至全球粉丝的热捧。
与《幻想生活》一样,《幻想生活 2 》依然有12 个职业,玩家可以挑选任意一个职业。
幻想生活续篇与第一部有大量相似点,它们还共享了许多相同的场景设计,所以忠实于3DS 的粉丝们也不必觉得会错过太多精彩内容。
唯一不同的就是《幻想生活 2 》将重心转移在构建自己的村庄。
《幻想生活 2 》将于今年夏天在iOS 和Android 平台的日本区发布,而目前关于它是否会在其他国家推出还未可知。

AZombiesLife0.8版全人物完美剧情攻略分享今天小编为大家带来A Zombie’s Life 0.8版全人物完美剧情攻略分享:先说说这次更新的内容:1、新增打僵尸的模式2、新增莱斯利的剧情3、新的cg因为新出的cg关系很乱,现在先整理一下:妈妈和女警姐姐和阿姨姐姐和老师阿姨和女警1、打僵尸现在打僵尸可以换上近战武器与僵尸肉搏,←↑→防御僵尸的攻击,↓攻击僵尸。

文化傳信漫畫業務商業計劃素材Ver 1.7(By 2005/2/7)目錄1 前言 (2)2 產品及盈利模式 (3)2.1線上電子書 (3)WEB瀏覽電子書 (3)下載式電子書 (5)2.2視頻點播(VOD) (5)2.3線上網路遊戲 (6)PC遊戲 (6)手機遊戲 (7)電視遊戲頻道 (8)2.4FLASH動畫 (8)2.5無線增值產品 (9)WAP/kJA V A電子書 (9)MMS壁紙 & 屏保圖案 (11)彩信MMS故事 (12)2.6集換式遊戲卡 (13)2.7漫畫改編電視劇與電影 (15)2.8海外授權漫畫出版 (15)3 相關客戶情況 (18)4管理架構 (22)5 主要管理人員的情況 (22)1前言文化傳信(以下簡稱文傳)是亞洲最大的漫畫內容供應商,自七十年代開始集團漫畫出版業務,至今已有逾三十多年歷史,是一間上市公司,亦是首間成功取得合法授權在香港出版日本漫畫的公司。
公司業務簡介: ak.html文化傳信漫畫系列2產品及盈利模式2.1 線上電子書2.1.1WEB瀏覽電子書➢合作背景隨著電腦及互聯網用戶數量的不斷增長,越來越多人開始習慣從網路上獲取各種資訊,於是電子書應運而生。
它以人性化的手翻質感,並融入Flash\Audio\Video 等多媒體技術,配合故事情節加插背景音樂,使讀者更加享受到閱讀的樂趣。

这 也 正 常 , 本 来 这 就 是 一 个 对操 作 性很 考究
的游戏 , 再 加 上 一 些 必 须连 续操作才能通 过
的地 方 … … 所 以玩 家一 定 要 多多练 习 才能顺
利过 关 , 当然 , 有魔界村这 种高难 度游 戏在
前 , 《希特 勒 复 活 》的难 度 也 只 能 算 中上 。 ( 文 /图 雷 鸣 ) 目
开发厂 商 : C A P C O M
游戏类型 : 动作类
游戏容量 : 400 K B
测试手机 : N73
游戏语种 : 英文
适应机型 : J a v a
M D IP 2 0 .
游戏画面 : 9
游戏音乐 : 8
游戏操作 : 7
游戏剧情 : 9
综合评定 : 9
优点 : 经典重现 , 动作性强
缺点 : 难度偏高 , 不 利于 操作
有点 玩 龄 的玩 家都 知 道 以 前 F C 上 的 《希 特 勒复活 》, 游戏以高难 度和高动作性著称 。 在 玩 家中受到 了很大 的欢 迎 。 在 多年 后 的 今 天 , 这款游戏终于重 生 了 , 在P C 、 X B O X 3 60 、 P S 3 、 手机平 台上 头推 出 了复刻版本 , 今天我们 为大 家介绍 的是手 机版 本。
游戏 的封面 很 帅 , 很 有感觉 , 让 人 看 了 就想继续玩 下 去。 而 且 大地 图做得也不错 , 战地 的感觉跟 游戏 的风 格很搭 。 进入 游 戏 以 后 , 我 们 可 以 看 到 。 基 本操 持 了 原 作 的风 格 , 在 色彩表现 上 有所 强 化 。 整体 表现 在手 机 游 戏 中属 于 不 错 的水 平 了 。
本作是 解 谜 型 的动作 游 戏 。 全 部 谜 题 关 卡的设计都是 围绕主 角的机 械 爪展开 。

“ ”
温 柔刺客
V e lv
t A s s a s s in
上 市 El 期 : 2 0 0 8 年 第 四 季 度
R e p l a y S t u d io
游 戏发 行 : G a
m e c o c
游 》是 款 以 二 战 时 期 英 国 女 特 工 V io le t t e S z a b o 的 真 人 真事 所 改编 的动作 潜 入 游 戏 在游戏 中 这位身材苗条 气质 优 雅 的 女 性有 个 颇 有诗 意 V i0 Ie t S u m m e r s ( 紫 的名字 兰 夏 天 ) 可 她 毕 竟不 是 那 些 以 双 纤 纤 玉 手 便 能 干 掉 整 支 罗 军 队 的虚 拟 女 主 角 身 上 也 没 有 个 连 火 箭 筒 都 装得 下 的 便 携 军 火 库 她 只 有 把 小 刀 而 已 顶 多 再 加 支 不 够 七 发 子 弹 的手 枪 大 多 数 时 候 她 都 是 潜 伏 在 建 筑 物 的 阴 影 里 丛 林 中或 其 它 什 么 见 不 着 光 的地 方 在 背 后 给 予 敌 人 温 柔 又 致 命 的 刀 真实 故 事 里 的女 主 角 很 不 幸 地在 二 战结 束 的前 几 个 月 被 杀 害 了 游 戏 中 发 生 的 切 都 是 在 V io le t 的 梦 中进 行 每个 关 卡都 被 染 上 了 独 特 的单 色 调 比 如 在 第 个 梦 中 V io le t 需 要 去 个摧 毁 德 军 的燃 料 库 任务在 野 外进 行 树 木 建 筑 和 落 日 都 是 温 暖 的 橙 色 只 有 黑 色 的 阴 影 冷冷 地伫在 那 里 吸 引你 去 寻 求 它 的 庇 护 虽 然 是 在 梦 中进 行 但 游 戏 的 场 景 和 事 件 都 十 分 写 实 以 种 残 酷 又 真 实地 方 式 再 次 揭 露 了 纳 粹 的 罪 行
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NDS经典神作复活 Drawn to Life上架IOS
2007年,一款名为《Drawn to life》的2D触屏冒险游戏登陆任天堂掌机NDS平台,凭借丰富的自由度,创新的游戏模式,获得大卖。
近日,开放商505 Games将这款经典NDS游戏移植到
《Drawn to Life》讲述了繁荣的城市Raposa 中,为城市带来活力的“生命之书”不见了,随之而来的是邪恶的生物入侵了这座城市,玩家需要通过手中的画笔描绘出一位英雄角色,去拯救这个城市。
《Drawn to Life》的绘画自由度很高,包括主人公所有需要的东西,比如武器和各种物品都需要用手画出来使用。
描绘角色进行冒险和战斗,这种设定即使到了今天仍然十分新颖和少见,更毋论这是一款 07年的作品,实在是太超前而有趣了。
《Drawn to Life》现在已在5月22日登陆IOS平台。