

One Series Safety TransmitterSafety ManualUnited Electric Controls1 INTRODUCTIONThis Safety Manual provides information necessary to design, install, verify and maintain a Safety Instrumented Function (SIF) utilizing the One Series Safety Transmitter. This manual provides necessary requirements for meeting the IEC 61508 or IEC 61511 functional safety standards.1.1 Terms and AbbreviationsSafety Freedom from unacceptable risk of harmFunctional Safety The ability of a system to carry out the actions necessary toachieve or to maintain a defined safe state for the equipment/ machinery / plant / apparatus under control of the system Basic Safety The equipment must be designed and manufactured suchthat it protects against risk of damage to persons byelectrical shock and other hazards and against resulting fireand explosion. The protection must be effective under allconditions of the nominal operation and under single faultconditionSafety Assessment The investigation to arrive at a judgment - based on evidence- of the safety achieved by safety-related systems Fail-Safe State State where the outputs are de-energized. Defined as:4-20 mA Output <3.6mASwitch Status OFFSafety Relay Output OFFIAW OFFFail Safe Failure that causes the outputs to go to the defined fail-safestate without a demand from the process.Fail Dangerous Failure that does not respond to a demand from the process(i.e. being unable to go to the defined fail-safe state).Fail Dangerous Undetected Failure that is dangerous and that is not beingdiagnosed by proof testing or instrument diagnostics.Fail Dangerous Detected Failure that is dangerous but is detected by prooftesting or instrument diagnostics.Fail Annunciation Undetected Failure that does not cause a false trip or preventthe safety function but does cause loss of an automaticdiagnostic and is not detected by another diagnostic.Fail Annunciation Detected Failure that does not cause a false trip or preventthe safety function but does cause loss of an automaticdiagnostic or false diagnostic indication.Fail No Effect Failure of a component that is part of the safety function butthat has no effect on the safety function.Low demand mode Mode where the frequency of demands for operation made ona safety-related system is no greater than twice the proof testfrequency.1.2 AcronymsDTT De-Energize to TripDU Dangerous UndetectedFMEDA Failure Modes, Effects and Diagnostic AnalysisHFT Hardware Fault ToleranceIAW I Am Working – On board diagnostics that monitor devicehardware and software functions to alert the operator if aproblem has occurred that could impair the safety functionof the device.MOC Management of Change – These are specific procedures oftendone when performing any work activities in compliance withgovernment regulatory authorities.PFD avg Average Probability of Failure on DemandPLC Programmable Logic ControllerSFF Safe Failure Fraction – The fraction of the overall failure rateof a device that results in either a safe fault or a diagnosedunsafe fault.SIF Safety Instrumented Function - A set of equipment intendedto reduce the risk due to a specific hazard (a safety loop).SIL Safety Integrity Level - Discrete level (one out of a possiblefour) for specifying the safety integrity requirements of thesafety functions to be allocated to the E/E/PE safety-relatedsystems where Safety Integrity Level 4 has the highest levelof safety integrity and Safety Integrity Level 1 has the lowest.SIS Safety Instrumented System – Implementation of one or moreSafety Instrumented Functions. A SIS is composed of anycombination of sensor(s), logic solver(s), and final element(s).SRO Safety Relay Output – A high capacity solid-state relay switch 1.3 Product SupportProduct support can be obtained from:United Electric Controls180 Dexter Ave,P.O. Box 9143Watertown, MA 02471-9143************************Telephone: 617 923-6977FAX: 617 926-2568Lost Password: go to /uuc The Kanban number from the product nameplate is required.1.4 Related LiteratureHardware Documents:•One Series Safety Transmitter Installation and Maintenance Instructions (IM_ONE_SAFETY-01)•SR113028.D3.6 UE 12-10-073 R001 V1 R2 One Series SAFETY TRANSMITTER FMEDA Report•One Series ST-B-01 United Electric Controls Safety Transmitter Product Bulletin •Guidelines/References:•Practical SIL Target Selection – Risk Analysis per the IEC 61511 Safety Lifecycle, ISBN 978-1-934977-03-3, exida•Control System Safety Evaluation and Reliability, 3rd Edition, ISBN 978-1-934394-80-9, ISA•Safety Instrumented Systems Verification, Practical Probabilistic Calculations, ISBN 1-55617-909-9, ISA1.5 Reference StandardsFunctional Safety•IEC 61508: 2010 Functional safety of electrical/electronic/ programmable electronic safety-related systems•ANSI/ISA 84.00.01-2004 (IEC 61511 Mod.) Functional Safety – Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process Industry Sector2 DEVICE DESCRIPTIONThe One Series Safety Transmitter senses the temperature or pressure of a system and provides control outputs that are used to monitor or shut down that system before an unsafe condition occurs. An externally excited 4-20mA provides an analog indication of the process for use by a safety PLC. The solid state relay output provides direct control or shut down of a final element based on programmed operating modes and limits. The Switch Status output is a discrete output that mirrors the function of the solid state relay output. The IAW output isa discrete output based on self diagnostics that provides the user with anindication of device health. Any diagnostic failure that causes an IAW fault will force all outputs to the fail-safe state. All outputs of the One Series Safety Sensor operate in DTT (De-energize To Trip) mode.Detailed information on the installation, programming and operation of the OneSeries Safety Transmitter along with System Context Diagrams may be found indocument IM_ONE_SAFETY-01.3 DESIGNING A SIF USING THE ONE SERIES SAFETY TRANSMITTER3.1 Safety FunctionThe 4-20 mA, I Am Working, Safety Relay and Switch Status outputs have been assessed for safety instrumented systems usage.The achieved SIL level of the designed function must be verified by the designer. 3.2 Environmental limitsThe designer of a SIF must check that the product is rated for use within the expected environmental constraints. Refer to the United Electric Controls One Series ST-B-01 bulletin for environmental limits.3.3 Application limitsThe materials of construction of the One Series Safety Transmitter are specified in the United Electric Controls One Series ST-B-01 bulletin. It is especially important that the designer check for material compatibility considering on-site conditions. If the One Series Safety Transmitter is used outside of the application limits or with incompatible materials, the reliability data provided become invalid.3.4 Design VerificationA detailed Failure Mode, Effects, and Diagnostics Analysis (FMEDA) report isavailable from United Electric Controls. This report details all failure rates and failure modes as well as the expected lifetime.The achieved Safety Integrity Level (SIL) of an entire Safety Instrumented Function (SIF) design must be verified by the designer via a calculation of PFD AVG considering architecture, proof test interval, proof test effectiveness, any automatic diagnostics, average repair time and the specific failure rates of all products included in the SIF. Each subsystem must be checked to assure compliance with minimum hardware fault tolerance (HFT) requirements. The exida exSILentia® tool is recommended for this purpose as it contains accurate models for the One Series Safety Transmitter and its failure rates.When using the One Series Safety Transmitter in a redundant configuration, a common cause factor of at least 5% should be included in safety integrity calculations.The failure rate data listed in the FMEDA report are only valid for the useful lifetime of the One Series Safety Transmitter. The failure rates will increase sometime after this time period. Reliability calculations based on the data listed in the FMEDA report for mission times beyond the lifetime may yield results that are too optimistic, i.e. the calculated Safety Integrity Level will not be achieved.3.5 SIL Capability3.5.1 Systematic IntegrityThe product has met manufacturer design process requirements of Safety Integrity Level (SIL) 3. These are intended to achieve sufficient integrity against systematic errors of design by the manufacturer. A Safety Instrumented Function (SIF) designed with this product must not be used at a SIL level higher than stated without “prior use” justification by the end user or diverse technology redundancy in the design.3.5.2 Random IntegrityThe One Series Safety Transmitter is a Type B Device. Therefore, based on the SFF between 90% and 99%, when the One Series Safety Transmitter is used as the only component in a sensor element subassembly, a design can meet SIL 2 @ HFT=0.When the sensor element assembly consists of multiple components the SIL must be verified for the entire assembly using failure rates from all components. This analysis must account for any hardware fault tolerance and architecture constraints.3.5.3 Safety ParametersThe safety accuracy of the device is 3% of the operating range.For detailed failure rate information refer to the Failure Modes, Effects and Diagnostic Analysis Report for the One Series Safety Transmitter.3.6 Connection of the One Series Safety Transmitter to the SIS Logic-solverThe One Series Safety Transmitter is connected to the safety rated logic solver via a NAMUR NE 43 4-20 mA analog and up to two discrete diagnostic status outputs.The logic solver is actively performing the safety function by monitoring and interpreting the One Series Safety Transmitter outputs, designed to diagnose potentially dangerous process conditions and failures within the One Series Safety Transmitter via the I Am Working (IAW) diagnostic.The One Series Safety Transmitter may also be configured to provide the safety function directly without connections to a safety rated logic solver.Please refer to the System Context Diagrams in document IM_ONE_SAFETY-01 for details on using the various logic outputs on the One Series Safety Transmitter.3.7 General RequirementsThe system’s response time shall be less than the process safety time. The One Series Safety Transmitter, Switch Status and Safety Relay Outputs will move to its safe state in less than 100 milliseconds under specific delay filter settings. The 4-20mA output shall stabilize to 90% of a step response within 250mSec under specific delay filter settings. For available settings and a description of the delay filter operation document refer to the product installation and maintenance manual IM_ONE_SAFETY-01.The diagnostic interval for the One Series Safety transmitter is less than 10 seconds.All SIS components including the One Series Safety Transmitter must be operational before process start-up. At power up, there may be a brief delay before the outputs are stable. The user must consider this in the application and not rely on the One Series Safety Transmitter for the control of the Safety Instrumented System until the outputs have stabilized. The time from power on until the outputs are stable shall be less than 10 seconds.User shall verify that the One Series Safety Transmitter is suitable for use in safety applications by confirming the One Series Safety Transmitter’s nameplate is properly marked.Personnel performing maintenance and testing on the One Series Safety Transmitter shall be competent to do so.Results from the proof tests shall be recorded and reviewed periodically.The useful life of the One Series Safety Transmitter is discussed in the Failure Modes, Effects and Diagnostic Analysis Report for the One Series Safety Transmitter.4 INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING4.1 InstallationThe One Series Safety Transmitter must be installed per standard practices outlined in the Installation Manual.The One Series Safety Transmitter must not be modified.The environment must be checked to verify that environmental conditions do not exceed the ratings.The One Series Safety Transmitter must be accessible for physical inspection.Detailed programming and operating instructions are found in the One Series Safety Transmitter Installation and Maintenance Instructions manual (IM_ONE_SAFETY-01). It is the responsibility of the SIF designer to validate all device settings either through test or by re-entering the programming menu and reading back all settings. The checklist in Appendix A provides a place to record all device settings as they are read back. While in the programming menu all outputs are forced to the fail safe state:4-20mA Output <3.6mASwitch Status OffSafety Relay Output OffIAW OffThe Plugged Port Detection and Safety Relay Fault Monitor are turned off from the factory. If these features are desired they must be enable using the programming menu. Reference One Series Safety transmitter Installation and Maintenance Instructions manual (IM_ONE_SAFETY-01) for details.4.2 Physical Location and PlacementThe One Series Safety Transmitter shall be accessible with sufficient room for connections and shall allow manual proof testing.Piping to the One Series Safety Transmitter shall be kept as short and straight as possible to minimize restrictions and potential clogging. Long or kinked tubes may also increase the response time.The One Series Safety Transmitter shall be mounted in a low vibration environment. If excessive vibration can be expected special precautions shall be taken to ensure the integrity of connectors or the vibration should be reduced using appropriate damping mounts.4.3 ConnectionsConnections to the One Series Safety Transmitter are to be made per the Installation and Maintenance Instructions (IM_ONE_SAFETY-01).Recommended methods for process connections to the One Series Safety Transmitter can be found in the installation and maintenance manual IM_ONE_SAFETY-01. The length of tubing between the One Series Safety Transmitter and the process connection shall be kept as short as possible and free of kinks.5 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE5.1 Proof test without automatic testingThe objective of proof testing is to detect failures within the United Electric Controls One Series Safety Transmitter that are not detected by any automatic diagnostics of the instrument. Of main concern are undetected failures that prevent the safety instrumented function from performing its intended function.The frequency of proof testing, or proof test interval, is to be determined in reliability calculations for the safety instrumented functions for which a United Electric Controls One Series Safety Transmitter is applied. The proof tests must be performed at least as frequently as specified in the calculation in order to maintain the required safety integrity of the safety instrumented function.The following proof test is recommended. The results of the proof test should be recorded and any failures that are detected and that compromise functional safety should be reported to United Electric Controls. The suggested proof test consists of simulating a process upset and injecting a fault of the One Series Safety Transmitter and observing the reaction of the SIF to these upsets.Table1: Recommended Proof TestStep Action1.Bypass the safety PLC or take other appropriate action to avoid a false trip.2.Verify the correct output under normal conditions. The Safety Relay Output,SRO Status and IAW Output will be in the closed state. The 4-20 mA outputwill provide a proportional signal to the process variable.3.Change the process variable or change the programming of the instrument sothat the Safety Relay Output changes to the tripped state (opens). Verify thatthe Safety Relay Output and SRO Status opens and the IAW Output remainsclosed. The 4-20 mA output will provide a proportional signal to the processvariable.4.Change the process variable so that the IAW Output goes to the fault state(opens). (Extreme Over Range of 150% of the sensor’s range is suggested.)Verify that the IAW Output opens and the 4-20 mA output provides <3.6 mA.5.Restore the normal input values or programming. Verify that the outputs havereturned to their non-tripped (closed) state. Verify that the 4-20 mA output isproportional to the process variable.6.Restore the loop to full operation.7.Remove the bypass from the safety PLC or otherwise restore normal operation.This test will detect >99% of possible DU failures in the One Series Safety Transmitter.The person(s) performing the proof test of a One Series Safety Transmitter should be trained in SIS operations, including bypass procedures, maintenance and company Management of Change procedures. A 2mm hex wrench is required to remove the cover. The Software Flow Chart from the One Series Safety Transmitter installation and maintenance manual IM_ONE_SAFETY-01 is required to change the programming.5.2 Repair and replacementRepair and replacement procedures for the One Series Safety Transmitter are obtained by contacting United Electric Controls technical support at 617-923-6977 or ************************.A complete list of fault codes for the One Series Safety Transmitter may be found inthe installation and maintenance manual IM_ONE_SAFETY-01.5.3 Hardware and Software ConfigurationThe model number of the device is found on the PART# field on the device nameplate.Hardware and software revisions are noted on the label located on the back of the displaymodule.5.4 Useful LifeThe useful life of the One Series Safety Transmitter is 50 years.5.5 MANUFACTURER NotificationAny failures that are detected and that compromise functional safety should be reported to United Electric Controls. Please contact United Electric Controls technical support at 617-923-6977 or ************************..O NE S ERIES S AFETY T RANSMITTER S AFETY MANUALAppendix A Sample Start-up ChecklistThis appendix provides a Sample Start-up Checklist for a One Series Safety Transmitter. A Start-up Checklist will provide guidance during One Series Safety Transmitter deployment.O NE S ERIES S AFETY T RANSMITTER S AFETY MANUAL1 START-UP CHECKLISTThe following checklist may be used as a guide to employ the One Series Safety Transmitter in a safety critical SIF compliant to IEC61508.# Activity ResultVerifiedBy DateDesignTarget Safety Integrity Level and PFD avg determinedCorrect mode chosen (Open on Rising, Open on Falling or Window mode)Correct set point and deadband chosen Design decision documentedFluid compatibility and suitability verifiedSIS logic solver requirements for automatic tests defined and documentedRouting of fluid connections determined Design formally reviewed and suitability formally assessedImplementationPhysical location appropriateFluid connections appropriate and according to applicable codesSIS logic solver automatic test implemented Maintenance instructions for proof test released Verification and test plan released Implementation formally reviewed and suitability formally assessedO NE S ERIES S AFETY T RANSMITTER S AFETY MANUAL# Activity ResultVerifiedBy DateVerification and TestingElectrical connections verified and tested Fluid connection verified and testedSIS logic solver automatic test verified Safety loop function verifiedSafety loop timing measuredBypass function testedVerification and test results formally reviewed and suitability formally assessed MaintenanceTubing blockage / partial blockage tested Safety loop function testedO NE S ERIES S AFETY T RANSMITTER S AFETY MANUALRecord all device settings in the worksheet provided below:For a detailed explanation of each feature refer to the One Series Safety Transmitter installation and maintenance manual IM_ONE_SAFETY-01Device ID: ______________________Range: ______________________Kanban#: ______________________Password: ______________________Units of Measure: ☐ psi ☐ bar/mbar ☐ KPa/MPa ☐ Kg/cm2☐ “wc (Default psi) ☐ °F ☐ °C (Default °F)Switch Mode: ☐ Open on Rise ☐ Open on FallSet Point:______________________Dead Band:____________________☐ WindowSet Point (Upper):_____________________Dead Band(Upper):____________________Set Point(Lower):_____________________Dead Band(Lower):____________________Offset: ______________ (Nominally 0.0)Span: ______________ (Nominally the Upper Range Limit of the Transmitter)Latch Mode: ☐ On ☐ OffPlugged Port: ☐ Off ☐ 1Min ☐ 1HR ☐ 24HR (Default Off)SSR Fault Monitor: ☐ On ☐ Off (Default Off)Delay: ☐ Off ☐ ¼Sec ☐ ½Sec ☐ 1Sec ☐ 2Sec (Default Off)4mA Set: __________________ (Nominally the Lower Range Limit of the device.)20mASet: __________________ (Nominally the Upper Range Limit of the device.)。

因此我们可以计算出探头到反射面的距离D = C*t/2(除以2是因为声波从发射到接收实际是一个来回,D是距离,C是声速,t是时间)。
三、产品特点高分辨率响应时间短数码管显示测量距离通过RS 232/485 完成参数设置丰富的输出方式:开关量、模拟量、RS232/485四、主要技术指标你五、安装指南5.1 安装注意事项(1)超声波传感器安装时发射面应垂直于被测物体; (2)电源线和输出信号线不要接反。
5.2安装尺寸⑴ 超声波传感器外形图:HFTCGQ_SMG 型:(2)超声波传感器尺寸图 HFTCGQ_SMG 型:功 能 一体型量 程 0.05~0.5m 0.1~1m 0.2~3m 0.2~4m 0.3~5m 0.3~6m探头频率200K 100K 65K 65K 50K 50K安装尺寸HFTCGQ_SMG 型 M60*1.5M18*1.5M27*1.5 M40*1.5 M40*1.5 M40*1.5M40*1.5分辨率 3mm 或0.1%(取大者) 响应时间 < 200ms显 示 LED , 数码管 发射角度 20°模拟输出 4~20mA/500Ω负载、0~5V开关量输出 继电器DC 30V/ 5A 、PNP/NPN (5V )(可选) RS232/485 MODBUS 协议或者厂家自定义协议(可选) 供 电 标配24V (±15%) 环境温度 -20~+60℃, 防护等级IP65 可选IP67超声波传感器5.3 实物安装HFTCGQ_SMG型:①在被测物体上方装一个法兰②法兰上放一片内径相同的垫片③把测距传感器对准法兰孔④将测距传感器放入法兰孔⑤从法兰底部看到的情况⑥法兰下放一片内径相同的垫片你⑦拧上螺母固定好测距传感器⑧给测距传感器接上电缆线HFTCGQ_ZL型:(停产)①在被测物体上方装一个法兰②把测距传感器对准并放入法兰孔③拧上螺母固定好测距传感器④给测距传感器接上探头线超声波传感器⑤给测距传感器接上电缆线5.4 接线方式电源:红线: 24VDC+ 黑线: 24VDC–1、4~20mA:蓝线: mA + 黄线: mA–2、0~5V:蓝线: V + 黄线: V–3、485/232通讯:黄线:T/R+ 蓝线: T/R–4、继电器信号:蓝线黄线你5、NPN信号:蓝线:NPN+ 黄线:NPN -6、PNP信号:蓝线:PNP+ 黄线:PNP-备注:1、输出信号选择(1~6)其中一种;2、要将黑线可靠接地;3、当测距传感器为mA模块时,也可将黄线(mA-)接地;六、信号说明HFTCGQ_SMG型:初始上电时,电源指示灯“绿灯”常亮。

Products Solutions Services SD00188F/00/EN/13.1371238762Functional safety manualLiquiphant M/S with FEL56and Nivotester FTL325NLevel Limit Measuring SystemApplicationMinimum detection (also dry running protection) of all types of liquids in tanks to satisfy particular safety systems requirements as per IEC 61508/IEC 61511-1.The measuring device fulfils the requirements concerning •Safety functions up to SIL 2•Explosion protection by intrinsic safety or flameproof enclosure•EMC to EN 61326 and NAMUR RecommendationNE 21.Your benefits•For minimum detection up to SIL 2–Independently assessed (Functional Assessment) by as per IEC 61508/IEC 61511-1•Monitoring for corrosion on the tuning fork of the sensor•No calibration•Fault message for circuit break and short-circuit •Functional test of subsequent devices at the pushof a button•Protected against outside vibration•Easy commissioningLiquiphant M/S with FEL56 and Nivotester FTL325N2Endress+HauserTable of contentsSIL declaration of conformity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4General depiction of a safety system (protection function) . . . 4Structure of the measuring system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Level limit measuring system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Safety function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Permitted device types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Safety function data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Supplementary device documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Settings and installation instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9Installation instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Response in operation and failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Recurrent function tests of the measuring system . 10Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Specific values and wiring options for themeasuring system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Exida Management Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Supplementary Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Liquiphant M/S with FEL56 and Nivotester FTL325NEndress+Hauser 3SIL declaration of conformitySIL-04001B-00-A2Liquiphant M/S with FEL56 and Nivotester FTL325N4Endress+HauserIntroductionGeneral depiction of a safety system(protection function)Parameter tables for determining Safety Integrity Level (SIL)The following tables are used to define the reachable SIL or the requirements pertaining to the“Average Probability of Dangerous Failure on Demand” (PFD av ), the “Hardware Fault Tolerance” (HFT)and the “Safe Failure Fraction” (SFF) of the safety system. The specific values for the Liquiphant M/S +Nivotester FTL325N measuring system can be found in the Appendix.Permitted probabilities of dangerous failures on demand of the complete safety related systemdependent on the SIL (e.g. exceeding a defined MIN level/switch point) (Source: IEC 61508, Part 1):The following table shows the achievable Safety Integrity Level (SIL) as a function of the probability fraction of safety-oriented failures and the "hardware fault tolerance" of the complete safety system for type B systems (complex components, not all faults are known or can be described).For general informationen about SIL please refer to: /silSIL PFD av4≥ 10-5 to < 10-43≥ 10-4 to < 10-32≥ 10-3 to < 10-21≥ 10-2 to < 10-1SFFHFT 01 (0)1)1)In accordance with IEC 61511-1 (FDIS) (chapter 11.4.4), the HFT can be reduced by one (values in brackets) if the devices used fulfil the following conditions:- The device is proven in use,- Only process-relevant parameters can be changed at the device (e.g. measuring range, ...),- Changing the process-relevant parameters is protected (e.g. password, jumper, ...),- The safety function requires less than SIL 4.All conditions apply to Liquiphant M/S + Nivotester FTL325N.2 (1)1< 60%not allowed SIL 1SIL 260% to < 90%SIL 1SIL 2SIL 390% to < 99%SIL 2SIL 3≥ 99%SIL 3Liquiphant M/S with FEL56 and Nivotester FTL325NEndress+Hauser 5Structure of the measuring systemLevel limit measuring systemThe measuring system's devices are displayed in the following diagram (example).1FEL - Electronic insert A Nivotester FTL325N (one-channel)2Liquiphant M/S B Nivotester FTL325N (three-channel)Safety functionThe safety function applies to all settings in MIN safety (monitoring of the covered state) and use of the NO contacts of the level relays.The following settings are permitted for the safety function:The level relay always works in quiescent current safety; i.e. the relay releases when:•The switch point is undershot (level falls below response height)•A detected fault occurs •The mains voltage failsIn addition to the level relay, the alarm relay works in quiescent current safety and releases when:•One of the following faults occurs: –the sensor connection is interrupted –the sensor connection short circuits •The mains voltage failsDevice SettingAs-delivered state Liquiphant•Density switch setting: 0,5•Density switch setting: 0,7Density switch setting: 0,7"MIN" safety"MAX" safetyNivotesterFTL325N-#3#3Error current signal > 2,1 mAError current signal > 2,1 mA All settings except" S function" (see section "Settings and instal-lation instructions")Three-channel operationThe DIL switch for fault messaging(short-circuit-, and circuit break-monitoring)must be set to the ON position.Failure switch "ON"NivotesterFTL325N-#1#1Error current signal > 2,1 mAError current signal > 2,1 mA One-channel operationThe DIL switch for fault messaging(short-circuit-, and circuit break-monitoring)must be set to the ON position.Failure switch "ON"When the alarm relay releases, the level relay also releases.Liquiphant M/S with FEL56 and Nivotester FTL325N6Endress+HauserPermitted device typesThe details pertaining to functional safety in this manual relate to the device versions listed below and are valid as of the specified firmware and hardware version.Unless otherwise specified, all subsequent versions can also be used for safety instrumented systems.A modification process according to IEC 61508 is applied for device changes.Valid device versions for safety-related use:Valid firmware version: as of 01.00.00Valid hardware version (electronics): as of 01.00Valid device versions for safety-related use:Valid firmware version: as of 01.00.00Valid hardware version (electronics): as of 01.00Valid device versions for safety-related use:Liquiphant M FTL50, FTL50H, FTL51, FTL51C, FTL51H+ FEL56Feature Designation Option model 010Approvalall 020Process connection all 030Probe length; Type all 040Electronics; Output 6FEL56; SIL NAMUR (L-H signal)050Housing; Cable Entry all 060Additional optionsallLiquiphant S FTL70, FTL71+ FEL56Feature Designation Option model 010Approvalall 020Process connection all 030Probe length all 040Electronics; Output 6FEL56; SIL NAMUR (L-H signal)050Housing; Cable entry all 060Additional option all 070ApplicationallNivotester FTL325N Feature Designation Option model 010ApprovalG H N P T WATEX II 3(1)G Ex nC/A (ia) IIC T4, SIL, IECEx Zone 2ATEX II (1)GD (Ex ia) IIC, WHG, SIL, IECEx (Ex ia) IIC (Liquiphant M / Liquiphant S)NEPSI (Ex ia) IIC, SIL (Liquiphant M / Liquiphant S)FM IS Cl. I, II, III Div. 1 Gr. A-G, SIL (Liquiphant M / Liquiphant S)CSA IS Cl. I, II, III Div. 1 Gr. A-G, SIL (Liquiphant M / Liquiphant S)TIIS Ex ia IIC, SIL, labeling in Japan020Housing all 030Power Supply all 040Switch outputallLiquiphant M/S with FEL56 and Nivotester FTL325NEndress+Hauser 7Safety function data•The mandatory settings and data for the safety function can be found in chapter "Safety function", →ä5 and chapter "Settings and installation instructions", →ä9.•The measuring system reacts in ≤ 1,4 s.Supplementarydevice documentationMTTR is set at eight hours.Safety systems without a self-locking function must be monitored or set to an otherwise safe state after carrying out the safety function within MTTR.Liquiphant M FTL50, FTL50H, FTL51, FTL51H, FTL51C DocumentationContents CommentTechnical Information•FTL50, FTL50H, FTL51, FTL51H:TI00328F/00/EN •FTL51C:TI00347F/00/EN –Technical data –Accessories–The documentation is available on the Internet:→ .Operating Instructions •FTL50, FTL51:KA00143F/00/A6KA00163F/00/A61)•FTL50H, FTL51H:KA00144F/00/A6KA00164F/00/A61)•FTL51C:KA00162F/00/A6KA00165F/00/A61)1)with aluminium housing / separate terminal compartment.–Installation –Wiring –Operation–Commissioning –Troubleshooting –Repair–Maintenance–The documentation is supplied with the device.–The documentation is also available on the Internet:→ .Safety instructions depending on the selected version"Approval"Safety, installation andoperating instructions for devices, which are suitable for use in potentially explosive atmospheres or as overfillprotection (WHG, German Water Resources Act).Additional safety instructions (XA, ZE) are supplied with certified device versions. Please refer to the nameplate for the rele-vant safety instructions.Liquiphant S FTL70, FTL71Documentation Contents CommentTechnical Information TI00354F/00/EN –Technical data –Accessories –The documentation is available on the Internet:→ .Operating Instructions KA00172F/00/A6KA00173F/00/A61)1)with aluminium housing / separate terminal compartment–Installation –Wiring –Operation–Commissioning –Troubleshooting –Repair–Maintenance–The documentation is supplied with the device.–The documentation is also available on the Internet:→ .Safety instructions depending on the selected version"Approval"Safety, installation andoperating instructions for devices, which are suitable for use in potentially explosive atmospheres or as overfillprotection (WHG, German Water Resources Act).Additional safety instructions (XA, ZE) are supplied with certified device versions. Please refer to the nameplate for the rele-vant safety instructions.Liquiphant M/S with FEL56 and Nivotester FTL325N8Endress+HauserNivotester FTL325N Documentation Contents CommentTechnical Information TI00353F/00/EN –Technical data –Accessories –The documentation is available on the Internet:→ .Operating Instructions •One-channel device:KA00170F/00/A6 •Three-channel device:KA00171F/00/A6–Installation –Wiring –Operation–Commissioning –Troubleshooting –Repair–Maintenance–The documentation is supplied with the device.–The documentation is also available on the Internet:→ .Safety instructions depending on the selected version"Approval"Safety, installation andoperating instructions for devices, which are suitable for use in potentially explosive atmospheres or as overfillprotection (WHG, German Water Resources Act).Additional safety instructions (XA, ZE) are supplied with certified device versions. Please refer to the nameplate for the rele-vant safety instructions.Liquiphant M/S with FEL56 and Nivotester FTL325NEndress+Hauser 9Settings and installation instructionsInstallation instructionsPlease refer to the Compact Instructions (KA) for information regarding the correct installation of Liquiphant M/S + Nivotester FTL325N.Since the application conditions have an effect on the safety of the measurement, pay attention to the notes in the Technical Information (TI) and Compact Instructions (KA).The ambient conditions for the Nivotester FTL325N must correspond to IP54 (in accordance with EN 60529).The manuals on setting the devices can be found in the section "Supplementary device documentation", →ä7.Settings for Liquiphant M/S (FEL56):•The density switch setting must be configured according to the density range of the medium.•The settings of the safety mode has an effect on the function. The DIL switch must be set to MIN for minimum detection in a SIL application.Settings for Nivotester FTL325N-#3#3 (three-channel version):Observe the following for the Nivotester FTL325N-####: The operator must use suitablemeasures (e.g. current limiter, fuse) to ensure the relay contact characteristics are not exceeded:•U ≤ 253 V AC 50/60 Hz , I ≤ 2 A, P ≤ 500 VA at cos ϕ ≥ 0,7 or •U ≤ 40 V DC, I ≤ 2 A, P ≤ 80 WChanges to the measuring system and settings after start-up can impair the protection function!Liquiphant M/S with FEL56 and Nivotester FTL325N10Endress+HauserResponse in operation and failureThe response in operation and failure is descriped in the documentation, which can be found in the section "Supplementary device documentation", ä7.RepairIn the event of failure of a SIL-labeled Endress+Hauser device, which has been operated in a protection function, the "Declaration of Contamination and Cleaning" with the corresponding note "Used as SIL device in protection system" must be enclosed when the defective device is returnedRecurrent function tests of the measuring systemThe operativeness of the minimum detection must be checked annually if the PFD av values given in the Appendix are used.The check must be carried out in such a way that it is proven that the minimum detection functions perfectly in interaction with all components. This is guaranteed when the response height is lowered in an emptying process. If it is not practical to empty to the response height, suitable simulation of the level or of the physical measuring effect must be used to make the level sensor respond.If the operativeness of the level sensor/transmitter can be determined otherwise (exclusion of faults that impair function), the check can also be completed by simulating the corresponding output signal.In the case of recurrent tests, each permitted setting must be checked, especially whether all the alarm switches are set to ON.Note the following points for the function test:•Each individual channel must be checked e.g. by lowering the level.•Relay contact switching can be checked by using a hand multimeter at the terminals or by observing the minimum detection components (e.g. horn, adjuster).•In multi-channel devices, all channels which do not carry out a safety function must beincluded in the recurrent function tests if faulty functioning cannot be detected by any other means.•As a positive test result, an uncovered tuning fork must be detected and trigger the alarm for minimum detection.•If fork uncovering is not detected during the recurrent test, the monitored process must be set to a safe state by means of additional or other measures and/or kept in the safe state until the safety system is repaired.AppendixSpecific values and wiring options for the measuring system The tables show the specific values and wiring options for the measuring system.Note the following points on the tables below:•The PFD av values for multichannel systems already contain common cause failures for theassociated wiring scheme.•The PFD av values are only valid for the associated wiring scheme. Wiring schemes other than those shown in the Appendix were not assessed and thus do not bear any information relevant to safety. Using NC contacts instead of NO contacts requires further consideration of theinstallation means.•The wiring scheme shows the number of devices (Liquiphant and Nivotester) and the limitrelay contact circuits (open, when the sensor signals uncovering).•Fault messaging (circuit break/short-circuit) must be switched on for each channel thatperforms a safety function.•With several devices in a wiring scheme, they all indicate the same displayed settings.For safety related use of the Liquiphant M/S for MIN detection, the following application errors must be excluded:•Permanent and/or heavy build-up or "non-Newtonian media"•Solid proportions of the medium with a diameter > 5,0 mm (0.2in)•Corrosion: The Liquiphant may only be used in media to which the process-wetted parts are resistant. If coated sensors are used, measures must therefore be taken to ensure that there is no damage during installation and operation.The errors may cause that the demand mode of the safety function is not detected and theLiquiphant will not switch as intended.Exida Management SummaryExida Management Summary 2Exida Management Summary 1Exida Management Summary 4 Exida Management Summary 3Supplementary Documentation Safety in the Process Industry - reducing risks with SIL CP01008Z/11/EN.Liquiphant M/S with FEL56 and Nivotester FTL325NEndress+Hauser21Liquiphant M/S with FEL56 and Nivotester FTL325N 22Endress+HauserLiquiphant M/S with FEL56 and Nivotester FTL325NEndress+Hauser2371238762。
氢氟酸HF气体报警器使用规范 说明书

FOX FT2中文操作说明书

3.1.范围 ............................................................................................................................... 17 3.2.接线 ............................................................................................................................... 17 3.3.启动顺序 ....................................................................................................................... 22 3.4.测量模式 ....................................................................................................................... 22 3.5.4 到 20mA 输出..............................................................................................................22 3.6.频率/报警输出 ............................................................................................................. 22 3.7.屏幕显示 ....................................................................................................................... 23 3.8.报警指示 ....................................................................................................................... 23

KHP197-Z煤矿用带式输送机保护装置主机执行标准 Q/HFT Z-01-2009锦州市矿山通讯设备厂KHP197-Z煤矿用带式输送机保护装置主机一、前言:矿用机电网()的KHP197-Z煤矿用带式输送机保护装置主机(以下简称主机)是根据国家煤矿安全规程和关于完善井下皮带运输机保护的有关文件的要求而进行设计的,在进行了大量的井下实地调查及试验后,对现有的皮带机综合保护器进行了优化和改进;同时听取了大量的用户反馈意见,使本装置的先进性、可靠性、操作方便性、节能等与同类产品相比较都有了较大程度的提高。
其特点:1) 本电路选用了中大规模集成电路,使得系统功能强,控制更具灵活性,而且功能扩展方便,状态对位准确显示更直观。
2) 语言报警即能报出故障性质又能报出发生故障的皮带机号,这是目前国内同类产品所不具备的。
3) 除具有同类产品相同功能,如:“集控、手动控制、综合保护及通讯功能外,还增强了面板控制功能,使系统设置更加方便,集控、手动两种工作方式在面板可以直接设定。
4) 防打滑传感器寿命长、灵敏度高,传感器距磁铁小于40mm,便于安装。
5) 机械式堆煤传感器安全可靠,使用寿命长。
6) 配接压敏式撕裂传感器或纵撕传感器可对皮带撕裂或强力皮带因钢丝断裂而引起的皮带撕裂进行保护和预测。
8) 配接带控传感器,可实现皮带机开车自动洒水。
10) 结构合理,功能板之间连线极少,很大程度上减少接线的故障率。
二、适用的环境条件:a) 海拨高度不超过2000m(80kPa~106kPa),不低于-1000m;b) 环境温度-20℃~+40℃;c) 相对湿度平均值不大于95%(25℃时);d) 含有沼气、煤尘等爆炸性混合物;e) 无破坏金属壳体和电器绝缘性的气体;f) 无淋水及其他液体浸入。
爱斯顿 HFWF4225L 系列 C 型 F-框型封装式电路保护器说明书

Eaton HFWF4225LSeries C F-frame molded case circuit breaker, 225A, HFWF type, 65 kAIC, Four-pole, Line and load terminals, Non-interchangeable, Thermal-magnetic tripGeneral specificationsEaton Series C complete molded case circuit breakerHFWF4225L 7866790175793.38 in 5.5 in5.5 in6.3 lb Eaton Selling Policy 25-000, one (1) year from the date of installation of the Product or eighteen (18) months from the date of shipment of the Product, whichever occurs first.IEC Rated Product NameCatalog Number UPCProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight WarrantyCertifications70 kAIC at 240 VacFHFWFComplete breakerLine and load240 V AC225 AFixed thermal, fixed magnetic Four-pole UL listed 100%-rated molded case circuit breakersApplication of Multi-Wire Terminals for Molded Case Circuit Breakers Application of Tap Rules to Molded Case Breaker TerminalsCircuit breaker motor operators product aidPlug-in adapters for molded case circuit breakers product aidMotor protection circuit breakers product aidStrandAble terminals product aidMulti-wire lugs product aidPower metering and monitoring with Modbus RTU product aid Current limiting Series C molded case circuit breakers product aid Breaker service centersEaton's Volume 4—Circuit ProtectionMolded case circuit breakers catalogCircuit Breakers ExplainedCircuit breakers explainedMOEM MCCB product selection guideSeries C G-Frame molded case circuit breakers time current curves Series C F-Frame molded case circuit breakersEaton Specification Sheet - HFWF4225LSeries C J-Frame molded case circuit breakers time current curvesSelling Policy 25-000 - Distribution and Control Products and ServicesInterrupt ratingFrameCircuit breaker type Circuit breaker frame type TerminalsVoltage rating Amperage RatingTrip TypeNumber of poles Application notesBrochuresCatalogsMultimediaSpecifications and datasheets Warranty guidesEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmedia。

leaf 中幅数码相机系统 说明书

利圖AF i中幅數碼相機系統世界上最先進的6 x 6中幅自動對焦數碼相機系統82頂級的施耐德自動對焦(AFD)數碼鏡頭極快的連拍速度—每分鐘高達82幀7082完整的操控—6 x 7厘米的觸摸屏使用您現有的祿萊鏡頭和附件6008舒適性和靈活性—可多角度旋轉手柄45 從橫構圖模式切換到豎構圖模式—相機背可橫豎構圖可選拍攝位置—3種不同取景器的選項90454590可攜式電源有效的電源管理堅實耐用的材料和設計該相機使用簡單,手感良好。
我只花費了數分鐘就掌握了AF i 的使用。
Adam Chinitz ,美國“”© Fah Wah, China© Lawrence Yu, Hong Kong絕不妥協的頂級圖像品質AFD 鏡頭品質鏡間葉片快門1/1000秒 PQS 1/3級光圈的增減運行。
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喬治•蘭格,美國“”© Lonna Tucker, USA出眾的成像技術感測器7.29紅外線濾波器電子部件處理成CCD噪音和卓越的線性。
軟體AF i相機的所有性能得到三大直觀撥鈕功觸鈕,輕鬆選擇手動功能或者全自動功能後撥鈕可按需選擇所需測光模式有: 平均測光,重點測光,中心點測光。
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下撥鈕可按需選擇所需對焦模式有: 單張自動對焦,連續自動追焦,手動對焦模式。
可裝卸的數碼後背通過裝卸利圖AF i 數碼後背,使用可選的Graflok 、Mamiya RZ 或者其他適用的適配器。
可配接到其他中幅和大幅的相機,體現您的AF i 相機投資的最大相容性。

《思铂睿常用功能操作指南》东风本田官方APP 下载地址按将钥匙编号标签与钥匙分开保管在车外安全场所。
释放按钮携带智能钥匙遥控器时,可以在车门外把手约 80 cm 的半径内锁止/解锁车门。
* 并非所有型号导槽中间肩部安全带释放杆座椅靠背恢复原位时,需用力向后推座椅靠背,直至其锁止。
■后排座椅发动机关闭时,不要使用座椅加热器,即使是 LO动机起动困难。
座椅加热器位于 HI 档位,达到了满意的温度时,选择 MID 或 LO 档位来保温。
凸舌日间位置选择器开关* 并非所有型号CRUISE MAIN 指示灯/ CRUISE CONTROL 指示灯IOSAndroid只能使用图示三种APPCD 弹出键图示为不带导航系统的车型收音机USB 连接CD 播放音乐HDMIIPod 播放音乐基本功能介绍主机控制智能手机关于音响系统的详细操作请参见思铂睿《DA 快速使用指南》。

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上海谷雨环HF 浊度浊度监测器监测器操作维护手册Micro TOLHF MicroTOL O NLINE T URBIDIMETER浊度监测器 操作维护手册上海谷雨环一. 规格 (2)二. 外部尺寸标示图 (3)三. 结构说明图 (3)四. 电路端子接线图 (4)五. 操作显示屏 (5)六. 校正步骤 (6)七. 操作功能说明 (7)八. 测定槽保养分解图功能说明 (13)九. 疑难排解&维护 (14)十. 日常保养 (15)一、规格型号Micro TOL准确度测量读值2%之内(低于40NTU) 测量读值5%之内(低于40NTU)测量范围0 to 100.0 NTU 0 to 1000.0NTU分辨率0.0001 NTU(低于10NTU)显示器多行且背光LCD显示清洗功能超音波自动清洗通讯接口RS-485警报接点两组且可任意设定值接点容量120~240 VAC 2A From C 接点模拟输出 4 to 20 mA 600Ω制程水压要求414kpa(60psi)流量速率100ml/min.~1 liter/min操作温度0℃~50℃电源输入90~250VAC,47~63Hz,80VA接液材质Nylon, Borosilicate Glass, Silicon, Polypropylene, Stainless Steel, CAB防水等级IP66/NEMA 4X使用环境建议室内使用,海拔高度达2000米相对湿度达到95%RH。
制造及认证标准U.SEPA180.1,ISO7027,CE Approved, ETL Listed UL3111-1& ETL Certified to CSA22.2 No.1010-1-92二、外部尺寸标示图上方高度请保持至少20公分紧急状态排水管排出处 尺寸16mm I.D.出水软管排出处4.75mm I.D. 8mmO.D.软管排风孔备压调整阀,控制流率 避免管内气泡。

注入新创意,塑出好品质丰铁注塑机操作说明书——FT、FC、FK系列注塑机——丰铁机械有限公司FOMTEC MACHINERY CO.,LDT总目录第一章公共篇1.用途及特点 (4)2.射出成型机构介绍 (5)3.机器运输及安装 (6)4.安全警告警示牌 (8)第二章注塑工艺调整篇1.缩水 (13)2.成品粘膜 (15)3.浇道粘膜 (17)4.成品内有气孔 (17)5.成品变形 (19)6.银纹、气泡 (20)7.毛边、彼峰 (22)8.成品短射 (26)9.结合线 (27)10.成品表面光泽不良 (29)11.黑纹 (29)12.流纹 (30)13.开模或顶出时成品破裂 (31)第三章工程技术篇一.液压系统组成1.油箱 (35)2.油泵 (35)3.油压马达 (35)4.液压控制阀 (36)(1).压力控制阀 (36)a.溢流阀 (36)b.抗衡阀 (39)(2).流量控制阀 (39)(3).方向控制阀 (40)a.液控单向阀 (41)b.充溢阀 (41)c.电磁换向阀 (42)5.液压油缸 (43)6.密封装置 (43)7.基本液压回路 (44)a.压力控制油路 (44)b.速度控制回路 (46)c.方向控制回路 (47)8.其他回路 (49)二.故障处理1.机械故障 (50)2.电气故障 (55)3.警报及排除 (58)三.机器保养1.日常保养 (61)2.定期保养 (62)*注:机器电气部分请参照电气手册。
Series HFT Flow Transmitters 安装与操作说明说明书

Series HFT Flow Transmitters are typically used to transmit a signal proportional to flow rate to a process control computer, a PLC, a recorder, or a panel-mount display. The Flow Transmitters are used as the primary input device to record flow rates through hydraulic and pneumatic systems. The universal output transmitter circuit employed by the Series HFT Flow Transmitter is capable of producing output signals of 4-20 mA, 0-5 VDC, and 0-2000 Hz square wave pulse. A 1-5 VDC signal may be obtained from the 4-20 mA signal by placing a 249 Ω resistor in parallel with the receiver.Series HF In-Line Flow Monitor, Bulletin F-55, Instructions” for installation, operation, and cleaning instructions basic flow monitor cartridge (included). The following instructions are specifically for the Series HFT circuitry for transmitting a proportional output signal.PRESSURE DIFFERENTIAL VS. FLOW RATE1/4˝ female NPT1/2˝ female NPT3/4˝, 1˝ & 1-1/2˝ female NPTSelecting the OutputThe user may choose between reading a 0-2000 Hz square wave pulse, a 0-5 VDC analog signal, or a two-wire 4-20 mA analog signal by connecting to the appropriate pins on the 4-pin DIN connector and by placing the programmable jumper in the appropriate position for the desired output. An analog 1-5 VDC output may also be obtained by configuring the unit for the two-wire 4-20 mA output and then placing a 249 Ω resistor in parallel with the receiver. The exact output pins and jumper positions that correspond to each output are discussed later in this manual.Wiring4-20 mA output connections:Input Voltage: The supply voltage must be between 12 and 35 VDC. The maximum resistance that may be placed within the current loop is given by the following formula:R max = 50(V s - 12)Where:R max = the maximum resistance that may be placed in the current loop (Ω) V s = the value of the supply voltage (VDC)Note: Although the signal conditioning circuit does have integral over-current protection, it is recommended that the circuit be protected with a 0.25 amp fuse.Wiring Instructions:(Refer to Illustrations 2 & 3)1) Move the programmable jumper on the signal conditioning board into the position closest to the meter’s outlet, as shown in Illustration 3.2) Connect the positive DC power source (+12 to +35 VDC) to terminal #1 on the DIN connector.3) Connect terminal #2 of the DIN connector to the positive current input on the receiving device.4) If the power source does not originate from the receiving device, the negative side of the power supply must be connected to the signal ground of the receiving device.5) If the transmitter is operating properly, the green LED on the signal conditioning board will illuminate dimly at zero flow and will increase in intensity as flow increases.0-5 VDC output connections:Wiring Instructions:(Refer to Illustrations 4 & 5)1) Move the programmable jumper on the circuit board into the position closest to the meter’s inlet, as shown in Illustration 5.2) Connect the positive voltage source (+12 to +35 VDC) to terminal #1 of the DIN connector.3) Connect terminal #2 of the DIN connector to the negative side of the DC voltage source.4) Connect terminal #3 of the DIN connector to the 0-5 VDC input of the receiving device.5) If the power source does not originate at the receiving device, a wire will need to be connected between the negative side of the voltage source and the signal ground of the receiving device.6) If the transmitter is operating correctly, the green LED on the circuit board will illuminate brightly when power is applied to the unit.Note: The input impedance (resistance) of the receiving device must not be lower than 100 Ω or non-linearities may result. Lower impedance will not damage the transmitter.PIN #1+12-35 VDC PIN #24-20 mA OUTNO CONNECTIONJumper position - 4-20 mAIllustration 3Electrical connections - 4-20 mAIllustration 20-2000 Hz pulse output connections:Wiring Instructions:(Refer to Illustrations 6 & 7)1) Move the programmable jumper on the circuit board into the position closest tothe meter’s inlet, as shown in Illustration 7.2) Connect the positive voltage source (+12 to +35 VDC) to terminal #1 of the DINconnector.3) Connect terminal #2 of the DIN connector to the negative side of the DC voltagesource.4) Connect the “G” terminal of the DIN connector to the pulse input of the receivingdevice.5) If the power source does not originate at the receiving device, a wire will need tobe connected between the negative side of the voltage source and the signal ground of the receiving device.6) If the transmitter is operating properly, the green LED on the circuit board willilluminate brightly when power is applied to the unit.1-5 VDC output connections:Wiring Instructions:(Refer to Illustrations 8 & 9)1) Move the programmable jumper on the signal conditioning board into the positionclosest to the meter’s outlet, as shown in Illustration 9.2) Connect the positive voltage (+17 to +35 VDC) to terminal #1 of the DIN connector.3) Connect terminal #2 of the DIN to the 1-5 VDC input of the receiving device.4) Connect one lead of a 249 Ω resistor to Terminal #2 as shown in Illustration 8.Connect to the other lead to signal ground.5) If the power source does not originate at the receiving device, a wire will need tobe connected between the negative side of the voltage source and the signal ground of the receiving device.6) If the transmitter is operating properly, the green LED on the circuit board willilluminate dimly at zero flow and will increase in intensity as flow rate increases.Electrical connections - 0-5 VDCIllustration 4Jumper position - 0-5 VDCIllustration 5Electrical connections - 0-2000 Hz pulse outIllustration 6Jumper position - 0-2000 Hz pulse outIllustration 7Electrical connections - 1-5 VDCIllustration 8Jumper position - 1-5 VDCIllustration 9PIN #1 +12-35 VDCPIN #2DC GROUND PIN #30-5 VDC OUTPUT"G" PINPIN #1 +12-35 VDCPIN #2DC GROUNDNO CONNECTIONPIN #1+17-35 VDCNO CONNECTION GROUNDPrinted in U.S.A. 9/19FR# 443343-00 Rev. 4©Copyright 2019 Dwyer Instruments, er AdjustmentsThe 4-20 mA, 0-5 V, and 0-2000 Hz square wave outputs on the Flow Transmitter are all factory calibrated. User adjustment should be unnecessary and any adjustment of the potentiometer on the signal conditioning board is strongly discouraged . If one of the outputs does fall out of calibration, the following procedure may be used to recalibrate the unit.1) Turn off the flow through the system.2) Connect between +12 and +35 VDC to pin 1 of the DIN connector. Connect terminal 2 of the DIN connector to the negative terminal of the DC supply.3) Move the programmable jumper on the signal conditioning board into the position closest to the sensor’s inlet, as shown in Illustrations 5 & 7.4) Connect the positive terminal of a voltmeter to pin 3 of the DIN connector. Connect the negative terminal to pin 2 of the DIN connector.5) Gradually increase the flow through the system until the flow rate indicated on the printed flow rate scale reaches full-scale (the highest value printed on the scale).6) Adjust the 0-5 VDC Span potentiometer until a reading of 5.00 VDC is obtained on the voltmeter.7) Turn off the flow through the system and remove the voltmeter.8) Move the programmable jumper on the signal conditioning board into the position closest to the sensor’s outlet, as shown in illustrations 3 and 9.9) Disconnect pin 1 of the DIN connector from the positive terminal of the DC power supply.10) C onnect the positive terminal of an ammeter to the positive terminal of the DC power supply. Connect the negative terminal of the ammeter to pin 1 of the sensor’s DIN connector.11) Adjust the 4-20 mA Offset potentiometer (see Illustration 1) until a reading of 4.00 mA is obtained on the ammeter.12) G radually increase the flow through the system until the flow rate indicated on the printed flow rate scale reaches full-scale (the highest value printed on the scale).13) A djust the 4-20 mA span potentiometer (see Illustration 1) until a reading of 20.00 mA is obtained on the ammeter.14) G radually decrease the flow through the system until a value equal to 50% of full-scale is obtained on the sensor’s flow rate scale. Verify a reading of between11.92 and 12.08 mA.。
阿特拉高性能涡轮平面盘式联轴器 型号:HF说明书

A l t r a I n d u s t r i a l M o t i o n Turboflex HF Series Disc Couplings for High Performance Applications* Coupling weight based on 457.2mm (18") DBSE and maximum bores** The inclusion of additional features such as shims and/or electrical insulation will increase the minimum DBSE (Distance Between Shaft Ends)Selection Procedure1. Select an appropriate service factor “SF@”2. Calculate rating = Power (kW) x SF/Speed (rpm)3. Select a coupling with sufficient rating4. Check hub bore is capable of accommodating shafts5. Check Speed is within the maximum for the coupling selected6. Specify required dynamic balance7. Specify the distance between shaft ends andcheck this is not less than the minimum forthe selected coupling@I n accordance with API 671, a minimumservice factor of 1.5 is recommended • TURBOFLEX HF Couplings consist of 2 hubs and afactory assembled transmission unit. Installationinvolves fitting the hubs to the machinery shaftends, introducing the transmission unit, then securingwith the attachment bolts and nuts.• MAXIMUM SPEEDS shown are for standard materials.When higher speeds are required, please consult BibbyTransmissions.• API 671 defined PEAK TORQUE capacity is 1.33 Xcontinuous rating and API 671 defined MOMENTARYTORQUE capacity (or SCT) is 1.9 X continuous rating.• SPARK FREE overload protection is provided as astandard feature on all Turboflex HF couplings makingthem suitable for GAS ZONE environments.• SPECIAL VERSIONS are available for:- Torque overload protection- Limited end float- Electrical insulationType HF - MaterialsThe following standard materials ofconstruction are used in the Torsiflexrange. Alternative materials are availablefor special applications and are availableon request.Hubs: Alloy SteelSpacers: Alloy SteelAdapters: Alloy SteelDiscs: Stainless Steel (301)Bolts: Alloy SteelNuts: Alloy SteelOverload Collars: High strength‘non-sparking’ materialTXApproval CertificateNo. SIRA 03XT205 R3Note: Angular / Radial as percentage of stated value for ‘Point A’. Axial as percentage of stated value for ‘Point C’.Misalignment DataThese will be supplied upon request with any order. Guidelines are available for assessment at preliminary stages. The methods of machinery alignment vary accordingly to personal preference. Simple recommended methods are highlighted in our Installation Instructions which are available upon request.The following is a guide to acceptable misalignments at installation.Note, however, that if machinery growths are known the values may be adjusted in the form of pre-deflection, etc. In addition, please note that the values shown here are MAXIMUM values.Reduction in these values will reduce bearing loads and improve the allowance formisalignment due to machinery settlement, etc. thus ensuring greater machinery life and trouble free operation of the coupling.T he Brands of Altra Industrial MotionC ou plingsAmeridrivesBibby Turbofl exwww.bibbyturbo Guardian Couplings HucoLamifl ex Couplings mi StromagTB Wood’sGeared Cam Limit Switches Stromag Electric Clutches & BrakesInertia DynamicsMatrixStromagWarner ElectricLinear ProductsWarner LinearEngineered Bearing AssembliesKilianHeavy Duty Clutches & BrakesIndustrial ClutchTwifl exwww.twi StromagSvendborg BrakesWichita ClutchBelted DrivesTB Wood’sGearingBauer Gear MotorBoston GearDelroyd Worm GearNuttall GearOverrunning ClutchesFormsprag ClutchMarland ClutchStieberBibby Turbofl ex FacilitiesEuropeUnited KingdomCannon Way, DewsburyWest Yorkshire WF13 1EH - England +44(0) 1924 460801Disc, Gear, Grid Couplings, Overload Clutches AfricaSouth AfricaUnit 11, Middle Park, Cnr. Craig & Dormehl RoadsAnderbolt, Boksburg, P.O. Box 16524 Atlasville, 1465 - South Africa+27(0) 11 918-4270Disc, Gear, Grid Couplings, Overload ClutchesNeither the accuracy nor completeness of the information contained in this publication is guaranteed by the company and may be subject to change in its sole discretion. The operating and performance characteristics of these products may vary depending on the application, installation, operating conditions and environmental factors. The company’s terms and conditions of sale can be viewed at /terms-and-conditions/sales-terms-and-conditions. These terms and conditions apply to any person who may buy, acquire or use a product referred to herein, including any person who buys from a licensed distributor of these branded products.©2018 by Bibby Turbo ex LLC. All rights reserved. All trademarks in this publication are the sole and exclusive property of Bibby Turbo ex LLC or one of its af liated companies.P-7023-BB 3/18 。
Series HFT流量传感器规格与操作说明说明书

Series HFT Flow Transmitters are typically used to transmit a signal proportional to flow rate to a process control computer, a PLC, a recorder, or a panel-mount display. The Flow Transmitters are used as the primary input device to record flow rates through hydraulic and pneumatic systems. The universal output transmitter circuit employed by the Series HFT Flow Transmitter is capable of producing output signals of 4-20mA, 0-5VDC, and 0-2000 Hz square wave pulse. A 1-5 VDC signal may be obtained from the 4-20 mA signal by placing a 249 Ω resistor in parallel with the receiver.Note:Refer to Series HF In-Line Flow Monitor, Bulletin F-55, “Installation and Operating Instructions” for installation, operation, and cleaning instructions for the basic flow monitor cartridge (included). The following instructions are specifically for the Series HFT circuitryfor transmitting a proportional output signal.SPECIFICATIONSService: Compatible gases or liquids.Wetted Materials: Body: Aluminum, brass or 304 SS;Seals: Buna-N or Fluoroelastomer; Magnet: PTFE coated Alnico; Other internal parts: 304 SS.Viscosity Limit: 500 SSU.Accuracy: ±4% FS over entire range; ±2.5% over center third of the measuring range.Repeatability: ±1% of full scale.Response Time: <100 msec.Output Signal: 4-20 mA; 0-5 V; 1-5 V.Temperature Limits:170°F (76°C).Pressure Limits: See Chart.Power Requirements:12-35 VDC.Enclosure Rating:NEMA 4X (IP65).Shipping Weight: 1/4 to 1/2˝ female NPT Models: 3lb (1.4 kg); 3/4 to 1˝ female NPT Models: 4.5 lb (2.0kg); 1-1/2˝ female NPT Models: 12 lb (5.4 kg).PRESSURE DIFFERENTIAL VS. FLOW RATE1/2˝ FEMALE NPT。
HF-Selectalume II TL5 电流调节器说明书

HF-Selectalume II for TL5lampsHF-S 154 TL5 II 220-240V 50/60HzHF-Selectalume II TL5 is the most cost-effective, reliable andoutstanding solution for fluorescent lamps. These ballasts are part ofan overall high-efficiency lighting system that may help you or yourcustomers to achieve any international or local energy code you needto comply with. HF-Selectalume II TL5 ballasts are the ideal choice fora broad range of new construction and retrofit applications within thecommercial sector, including general surface mounting or officelighting, parking garages, warehouses, waterproof and otherapplications.Product data•General CharacteristicsApplication code IIRated Lamptype TL5Rated Number ofLamps1 pieceRated Ballast-LampPower54Line Voltage220-240 VLine Frequency50/60 HzHousing L 280x30x21Energy EfficiencyIndexA2Lifetime 90%surv.@Tcaselife50000 hr•Operating CharacteristicsAutomatic restart YesPreheat time 1.6 sOperating frequency*40-60 kHzMains voltage safety(AC)198-264V -10%/+10%Mains voltageperformance (AC)202-254V -8%/+6%Inrush current Peak20 (max) AInrush current Width0.25 msEarth leakage current0.5 (max) mAPower losses gear 4.7 WBallast Lumen Factor 1.02 -PowerFactor 100%output power0.98 -Overvoltage protec-tion 320Vac48 hrOvervoltage protec-tion 350Vac2 hrCrestfactor 1.7 -Hum and Noise level< 30 dB(A)•Wiring CharacteristicsCable-Cap output-wires mutual200 (max) pFConn.type inputterminalsWAGO 744 connectorConn.type outputterminalsWAGO 744 connector [Suitable formanual wiring]Max. cable lengthHot Wires0.75 mStriplength8.0-9.0 mmDual fixture Master/SlavePossible, lamp wires 2m max. length[Master/Slave operation possible]Wcs Input terminals0.50-1.50 mm2Wcs Output termi-nals0.50-1.50 mm2Cable-Cap hot out-wires-earth200 (max) pFCable-Cap cold out-wires-earth200 (max) pF•System Chars on driver levelRated Lamp Poweron TL554System Power onTL558.7Lamp Power on TL554Power Loss on TL5 4.7•Temperature CharacteristicsF-marking YesT-case life75 CT-case maximum75 (max) CT-ambient -15 (min), 50 (max) C T-storage-40 (min), 80 (max) C•Emergency Characteristics Bal Lm Fac Emer-gency operation 0.7 -Light output after 5sec50% of EBLF Light output after 60sec100% of EBLF Normal operating voltage (DC)220-240 V Batt volt guaranteed ignition186-275 V Batt volt guaranteed operation176-275 V•Product Dimensions Length A1280 mm Fixing Hole Distance Length A2265 mm Width B130.0 mm Height C128.0 mm Fixing Hole Diameter D14.1 mm •Approval & Application Chars EMI 9kHz .. 30 MHzEN 55015Vibrations IEC 68-2-6 FcBumpsIEC 68-2-29 Eb (10G/16ms)Approval marks CE / CCC / ENEC / VDE-EMV CE markingYes ENEC certificate Yes C-Tick certificate Yes CCC certificate Yes PSB certification Yes TISI marking Yes SIRIM approval Yes CB Certificate Yes•Product Data Order code913713033666Full product code 913713033666Full product name HF-S 154 TL5 II 220-240V 50/60Hz Order product name HF-S 154 TL5 II 220-240V 50/60Hz Pieces per pack1Packing configuration 12Packs per outerbox 12Bar code on pack -EAN18711500999375Bar code onouterbox - EAN38727900905618Logistic code(s) -12NC913713033666Net weight per piece0.185 kgDimensional drawingHF-S 154 TL5 II 220-240V 50/60HzProductA1 (Norm)A2 (Norm)B1 (Norm)C1 (Norm)D1 (Norm)HF-S 154 TL5 II 220-240V 50/60Hz 28026530.028.04.12015, August 29data subject to changePhotometric dataHF-S 154 TL5 II 220-240V 50/60Hz© 2015 Koninklijke Philips N.V. (Royal Philips)All rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property ofKoninklijke Philips N.V. (Royal Philips) or their respective owners./lighting2015, August 29data subject to change。
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一、概述 (2)
二、主要特点 (2)
三、性能指标 (2)
四、操作指南 (2)
五、辅助台调试说明 (4)
六、使用注意事项 (4)
1. 配有《HLS系列标准电流互感器控制器》可自动也可手动随意切换不同变比。
2. 配有1-10或12工位指示灯及按钮,可自动也可手动随意切换不同工位。
3. 台面上二排电流互感器一次导线接线端适应不同的一次电流导线。
4. 台面上二排互感器一次导线接线端子已与配套的电流互感器标准一次接
1. 最多电流互感器测试只数10~12只。
2. 被试电流互感器中心孔最小直径28mm。
3. 最大一次被试电流互感器测试电流2000A 。
4. 外形尺寸:1500×820×90㎝
5. 装置总量:100㎏
1. 安装接线说明:
1.1 操作台面上两排一次电流接线端子与所配备的标准电流互感器一次接线端子一一对应。
操作台面的两个大电流压紧机构是用来与配备的标准电流互感器一次穿心(L a L b)相对应的。
1.2 操作台下面也为所配备的标准电流互感器配接好了二次所有K线,接线
1.3 用随机所配备的二次导线分别将校验台与辅助台上的T0、K、Z线接好,
1.4 将随机所配备的校验仪与辅助台连接的控制导线(屏蔽线)对应接好,
2. 操作使用说明:
2.1 先要给辅助台接上220V电源,这时《HLS系列标准电流互感器控制器》
控制器板上有“一次切换”上下键可任意切换一次接线L1L2(L3L4)或L a L b按所配标准电流互感器铭牌选择。
2.2 接通电源,十个工位中某一工位灯,及工位控制“运行”灯亮,可按“控
2.3 自动操作:
1. 被试十只电流互感器必须为同变比同型号的。
2. 十只电流互感器穿一次导线时要注意穿心方向,十只要方向一致。
3. 一次大电流导线要接触良好,紧固;不然要造成一次负荷不稳定,影响
4. 二次导线要接触良好,不然要造成二次负荷大不稳定,测试数据不稳定。