
海 市 经 济 管 理 干 部 学 院 学 报 Junl f h nhi cnmcMaae et oee ora o S aga E oo i ngm n Cl g l
第 4卷 第 2期 2 0 0 6年 3月
Vo. . r 0 6 1 No2 Ma. 0 4 2
家族企 业继任研 究 的 中美 ,04 3) . 203 上
[ 摘要] 本文选择 C K 的 C F 作为检索库 , NI JD 以检索关键词 的方式收集相 关文献, 运用统计分析 法, 分析 中
国家族企业继任 问题 的研 究现状 , 并从研究 内容 、 研究方法和研 究时间等 方面对 中美 两国家族企业继任
研究的现状进行对 比, 最后提 出未来我国家族企业继任研究的建议 , 国内相关人 员更好地研 究家族企 为 业继任 问题提供参考 , 以更好地用理论指导实践。
[ 关键词] 家族企业; 继任; 中美比较 【 中图分类号】 2 6 【 F 7. 文献标识码] 文章编号] 7 — 982O)2 O3 一 6 5 A【 1 2 38 ( 6O一 O4 O 6 O
根据企业继任过程主要涉及的继任事前因素 、 继任过程和继任结果三个主维度对文 献进行 了整理 , 并根据 目前企业继任研究的现状和文献实际情况, 把三个主维度又分为若干次维度。同时, 又对文献的时间分布 、 所涉及的企业类型和文献研究类型进行了分类整理。 目前, 国内企业继任 问题研究现状的特点是 :
() 1从研究 内容 的主 分类看 , 研究最多的领域是继任 的过程 , 其次是继任 的事前 因素 , 涉及最少 的是
继任 的结果 ,
() 2 从研究 的次分类看 , 受关注较多的是与继任相关的最基本问题 , 如继任者的来源 问题( 源于 内部 或外部 )继任 的重要性 、 、 影响继任的因素等。 为了方便研究家族企业继任 , 本文将“ 继任与职业经理人” 从 “ 继任者的来源” 中分离出来 ; 为了表现出企业业绩对继任 的重要影响, 企 业绩效对继任 的影响” 把“ 单独 从“ 影响继任的因素” 中分离 出来, 两者合计非常可观 , 一方面说明国内对该 问题的重视 , 另一方面也 反映 出业绩是影响继任的一个非常重要的因素。总体来说研究涉及的内容还比较浅 , 大多是从国外文献入手 , 介绍国外文献或模型 , 还有相 当多的文献是介绍或说明企业继任熏要性的 , 充分说明我国企 业继任 问题 的相关研究仍处于起步阶段。唯一例外的是对国内上市公司业绩与继任的关系研究相对 比较深入。
匿虱垂趸琴瓤嘲豳垂圃 控制黼理 Specification

薄项堪.基于JSR208 JBi标准。
圈1 JSt规范中企业应用的体系结构
Key words:SOA。JBI,Enterprise Integration.Middleware
中离释释鸯慧稚赣舞静重要缀成帮分+已经专攥撵系统, 数据库齐头并进。成为分布式应掰的核心组成,正柱成为软件 行业新的市场增长点。
随着我周倍息建设步伐的加快和深入,在束米几年内,盘 照应用集成审蛹在中国潜力董太,鸯簧广翔斡市场发袋嚣求空 赫。两在垒韭簧鼗翡赛理蕹路上,薯瘩雏ForresterReseareh公 葡总共褥查了116象公司.报告撼示77%的犬企北、51%的中 型企业和46%的小企业将主动在20/)5年底前实现SOA的企 业集成。所以{I毫SOA体系结掏的余业集成的时代曩簸到来。
子幕统进行分析。对“产品订单”系统馓个简化.解奂方粜只需 要盘持以下需求:接受订单和处理订单。
4.1接受订单 4。l+l藏程彳卜缨 窭理瀛承撬订单箍瑾静第一步楚撬一接受汀单,害产可敷 通道兰种通道下订单web站点、砰州中心或传真。上述每十系 统都采用了不同的宴现技术.并且把接受到的订单保存为不同 的敷船格式。呼叫中心系统是一十封装好的应用,而web站点 是一个定裁J2EE应_礴l。对于传真系统蒜簧把数据项手工袋人



模 糊评 价 法对调查 结果进 行 分析验证 , 以得 到与现 实情 况 比较 一致 的结论 。 可
关键词:Байду номын сангаас家族 企业 家 ; 抉择 行为 ; 社会化
中 图分 类 号 :26 5 文 献 标识 码 : 文 章编 号 :0 1 68 20 )6~ 0 8 0 收 稿 日期 :08— 7—1 F7. A 10 —40 (08 0 05 — 7 20 0 6
作者简介: 爱 中, 鲍 复旦 大学管理 学 院博 士 生 ; 晓明 , 许 复旦 大学管理 学 院教授 在家族 企业 的成 长发 展 过 程 中 , 企业 家 对 本 企业 的影 响力最 大 。家 族企业 从本 质上来 说就 是
企业 家个人 的企 业 , 业 的行 为 实 际 上就 反 映 了 企 企业 家个人 的行 为 。在 家族企 业 的分析 中忽视 企 业家 存在 的看法 , 是有偏 颇 的 ; 没有 企业 家就没 有
中提 出 了民营企业 家行 为影 响因 素有企业 家 自身
( 人格倾 向 、 力 约 束 、 值 观 ) 民 营企 业 ( 度 能 价 、 制 困境 、 人力资 源 困境 )外 部 环境 ( 、 体制 环 境 、 资金
困境 、 律制 度 环境 、 会 人 文环 境 、 法 社 社会 关 系 网
目前对企 业家 行 为 的研 究 已经很 深 人 , 熊 毅提 如 出了企业 家经 营 中 主观 的 精 神 与经 济 动 机 、 客观 的能力 动机等 ; 忠武 提 出 了企业 家 在 同社 会 王
环境 进行 积极 主动 和持续 良性 的双 向互 动 的过程

组织行为学、企业理论、家族企业研究经典文献-—组织行为学研究“战略路线图"2010.3.16-29【导航】(一)方法论:行为科学研究方法 .................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
(五)企业理论、组织管理研究经典文献 ..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
(六)家族企业研究经典文献............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
(七)企业史、企业案例经典文献 .................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
(八)组织行为学研究与探索....................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
J.) 著,邓铸等译,行为科学研究方法[M],西安:陕西师范大学出版社,2005。
102.杨国枢、李亦园等,社会及行为科学研究法(上、下)(第13版) [M],重庆大学出版社,2008。

【 一 】 比利时LMS公司
PAC公司在声发射领域的巨大成就得益于该公司卓越的人才队伍,PAC公司汇聚了一大批世界一流的声发射研究和应用专家,其中包括多位具有博士、硕士学位的专家,许多专家在多个重要的学术组织和机构担任重要职务,如:PAC公司总裁Sotirios J.Vahaviolos博士曾经担任美国无损检测学会主席;负责PAC培训工作的Pollock博士是美国无损检测学会教育和资格委员会主任及国家认证工作组的重要成员。在声发射技术方面,PAC公司拥有全世界该领域中技术专利数十项,并发表了数百篇学术论文。
现在,产品系列中又增加了便携式多分析仪系统。这样,B&K 公司的产品就涵盖了声学和振动领域所有的测试分析应用。例如,“车内”噪声分析、质量控制和结构动态试验等。

主题词:家族企业代际传承家文化AbstractThree decades of reform and opening up, the status and function of private enterprises in the national economy is becoming increasingly obvious, as an important component of the socialist market economy, private enterprises played an important role in maintaining market balance, promoting market prosperity, expanding the channels of employment, maintaining social stability and improving people's living level.In China, there are about 90% of private enterprises is family business, with the development of private enterprises, these family businesses has shown a vigorous vitality, but the problems of property rights, corporate governance structure, and intergenerational transmission have always been bottlenecks to limit the family businesses’ further development. Among them, intergenerational transmission directly affect the efficiency and results of the enterprise's wealth and family blood transmission, it is an issue of business survival. In view of this, the study on intergenerational transmission of family business has important practical significance and research value.Chinese traditional "family culture" has a profound impact on economic, political and social implications, in such a cultural background, generational transmission of family business is not a simple model of "from father to son, home the world ", but a complex process, it not only means that the transfer of corporate management, but also property, reputation, social status, interpersonal synchronization shift.This article study China's inter-generational transmission of family enterprises from a traditional cultural perspective, through studying relevant literature at home and abroad, and comparatively analyze the Sino-Japanese family business model of inter-generational transmission, set a suitable model for Chinese family businesses intergenerational transmission, and propose a solution of the theoretical framework of succession planning, hope to provide theoretical guidance for China's inter-generational transmission of family businesses .Key Words: family business, generational transmission, family culture独 创 性 声 明本人郑重声明:今所呈交的《中国家族企业代际传承模式研究》论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的科研成果。

作者简介: 郑诗锋( 1971 - ) ,男,河南光山人,副编审,研究方向为中小企业管理、编辑出版。
一、问题的提出 美国社会心理学家库尔特·卢因( Kurt Lewin) 提 出了著名的行为模式( Lewin metal of behavior) 。卢因 的行为 模 式 如 下 所 示: B = F ( P———P1 ,P2 ,…,Pn, E———E1 ,E2 ,…,En) 其中,B( behavior) 代表个人的行 为; P( personal) 代表个人的内在条件和内在特征; P1 , P2 ,…,Pn 表示构成内在条件的各种生理和心理因素, 如生理需要、生理特征、能力、气质、性格、态 度 等; E ( environment) 表示个人所处的外部环境; E1 ,E2 ,…, En 表示构成环境的各种因素,如自然环境、社会环境 等。该模式表明,人类的行为方式、指向和强度,受个 人内在因素和外部环境因素制约。其中心理因素包含 了个人的态度,社会环境因素包含了社会文化[1]。可 见,个人的态度与所处的社会文化因素将影响着个人 的行为。北京师范大学金盛华 20 世纪 90 年代初期, 在进行博士论文研究时正式提出自我价值定向理论, 认为自我价值定向理论是一个有关态度与行为关系的 心理学理论,此理论认为在外在环境压力相对稳定的 情况下,一种态度与具体行为之间一致性的高低,或对 具体行为影响作用的大小,决定于这一态度本身是否 居于个人价值系统的中心位置,是否对个人有特别重 要的意义。态度的向中度越高,则有关的行为对个人 的意义越重要,对个人远效的心理影响也越大,从而这 种态度对 行 为 的 影 响 作 用 也 越 大[2]。 自 我 价 值 定 向 理论更加具体地解释了态度与行为的关系。本文依据 亲缘选择理论,将具体分析在中国家族企业文化外部 环境下,中国家族企业行为的价值定向( 态度) 对企业 成员角色安排的影响。 ·74·

为了您能够在菲斯曼发展,我们对求 职者有以下要求: ■ 为企业所想、为企业服务
菲斯曼,工程师和企业经济学 者的正确选择
■ 灵活性与协调能力 ■ 敬业与团队协作能力
■ 沟通能力
技术支持、质量管理、产品管理、市 ■ 场销售:在菲斯曼,您会有针对性地 熟悉工作,在一个积极进取的团队中, ■ 您可以证明自己的能力和才华。
广告和公共关系显示了企业的鲜明特 色,体育赞助、广告和促销活动在带 来知名度的同时也为菲斯曼创造了积 极的形象和鲜明的品牌特点。
对环境和社会的责任,平等地对待业 务伙伴、员工以及对完美的追求是菲 斯曼的核心价值。菲斯曼的产品与功 能让客户得益,让品牌增值。
系统解决方案: 产品完美相互配套
Dr. Martin Viessmann
员工的能力和投入让菲斯曼成为了热 技术的顶尖制造商。作为一家有活力 的企业,我们希望自身不断的发展和 壮大—菲斯曼高素质的团队为我们开 创企业的未来。
通往成功之路:菲斯 曼为您提供一切施展 创造力和才华的机会
团队协作:在菲斯曼, 专业能力和社会交往 处事能力都很重要
⋹ Tianjin
䖲 Dalian
䴦ቯ Qingdao
㽓ᅝ Xi’an
ᕤᎲ 䚥Ꮂ Xuzhou Zhengzhou
ড়㙹 Hefei
䖲ѥ␃ Lianyungang
फҀ Nanjing
᮴䫵 Wuxi
Ϟ⍋ Shanghai
៤䛑 Chengdu
䞡ᑚ Chongqing
݁Ⲭ∈ Liupanshui
乐他语言和有在国外 学习生活经历者优先考虑

析, 只是 “ 略管 理 事 项 ” 战 。几 年 之 后 , 们 分 析 他 了家族 企业 战略 管理 研 究进 展 及 未 来方 向 , 们 他
认为 , 家族企业战略管理研究虽有所 推进 , 但仍
第2 5卷 第 6期 20 0 7年 1 2月
郑 州 航 空 工 业 管 理 学 院 学 报
J u a o h n z o nt ueo rn uia n u t n g met o r l f e gh u Isi t Aeo a t lId s y Ma ae n n Z t f c r
方 法 。Sm n和 H t就 以此 为 指 导 , 为 家 族 企 io i t 认 业仅 仅具 有静 态资 源 是 不够 的 , 须 有效 管 理 家 必
持续成 长 的 另一 个 重 要 问题— — 家 族 企 业 战 略
管理 , 研究成果却稀少零散。Sa aC rm n hr ,h s a 和 m i C u 从 战 略管 理 的视 角 , 1 8 ha 对 9 0~19 9 4年 在 3 2
Vo - 2 l 5 No. 6 De . 2 o7 c 0
家 族企 业 战 略 管 理 及 其 启 示
— —
基 于 国外 学 者 的论 点
项 国鹏
( 江 工商 大学 工 商管理 学 院 , 江 浙 浙
303 ) 10 5
摘 要 : 家族 企业 战略 管理是 家族 企业 可持 续 成 长 的一 个 重要 因素 。基 于 国外学 者 的论
企 业 长期 财务 资本 的启 发 , 为 这 种 资本 可 以 帮 认

马克思韦伯马克斯·韦伯(Max Weber)是20世纪初期德国最伟大的学者之一,按照他自己的观点,他的学术研究范畴属于社会学,后世也公认韦伯是现代社会学奠基人之一。


艾尔弗雷德·D·钱德勒艾尔弗雷德·D·钱德勒Alfred D.ChandlerJr.1918—2007:伟大的企业史学家、战略管理领域的奠基者之一钱德勒1918年生于美国特拉华州。
2007年5月9日钱德勒Alfred D.Chandler 逝世享年88岁。
小艾尔弗雷德-杜邦-钱德勒Alfred Dupont Chandler Jr.19182007以企业史的研究而著称。
在英语缩略语中BC为公元前AC为公元后而美国的《商业周刊》曾借用这一词汇赞誉钱德勒“在商业历史中BC意味着在钱德勒之前Before Chandler。
”所以商业史时代也被称为ACAfter Chandler。
与钱德勒的AC相提并论有人把德鲁克也拉出来称管理学时代为ADAfter Drucker。

四个 方 面
代 表 人 物 : 恒安 集 团 许 连 捷 、许 清 流 水 、 许 清 池
;许 清
l 、信 用 。 信 用 是 企 业 安 身 立 命 之 本 ,无 信 不 立 , 无论 是 对 消 费 者 、供 应 商 、 经 销 商 、社 会 等外
长 江 实 业 李 嘉 诚 、 李 泽楷
化 。 中 国 家 族企 业 受 创 始 企 业 家 性 格 的 影 响 非 常 巨
大 ,其 内 在 基 因 中无 不 显 示 着 创 始 企 业 家 的 精 神 价
攘心黄 争力 缺陷 产业偏 好 墨手 起步
撼捉机 遇.广盼^脉 盲 目武| I } 实体经 济. ̄Fm -业园 . r 实傩 侪.舟厂臻 工业园 敢业务 .散制造
方 面 , 中 国 市 场 已 经 进 入 到 市 场 超 细 分 阶
段 ,市 场 的 “ 片 化 ”要 求 企 高 度 专 业和 高度 聚 碎 焦 ;而 另 一 方 面 , 由 于前 几 年 中 国 企业 发 展 当 中 机
3 “ 业 化 文 明 ”的 洗 礼 、 工
遇 众 多 ,创 始 企 业 家 通 常 受着 各 种 诱 惑 ,: 疋拥有 大
博士 复旦大学管理学院和北京大学光华管理学院两站博士
模大 品牌领袖“获得者 中国第一位品牌 O 方向博士及博士后 ,首任 中国策划研究院院长。现任 中国公 书长 。兼任江苏 浙江 、山东、新疆、湖北、湖南、四川等
儿 辈 从 事 新 兴 产 业 ,父 辈 从 事 传 统 产 业 ;儿 辈 关协会常务副会长兼学术委员会主任 上海品牌促进 中心秘 做 投 资 ,父 辈 做 实 业 ;儿 辈 做 乘 法 ,父 辈 做 加 法 。 优 势 互 补 ,相 辅 相 成 。 代 表 人 物 :万 向 集 团 鲁 冠 球 、 鲁伟 鼎

Messko公司中国市场销售渠道建设研究摘 要Messko公司是一家来自德国的中小企业,主要为电力变压器提供各种检测和控制产品。
关键字:销售渠道、中国市场、行业分析、业务组合、竞争战略THE RESEARCH OF CHINA MARKET SALE CHANNEL DEVELOPMENT FOR MESSKO COMPANYABSTRACTMessko is a small company from Germany which provided different kinds of measuring and controlling products for power transformer. Since entering China market in 1996, the revenue kept increasing and the gap with market leader kept decreasing. To serve the new round power grid construction investment and the Chinese transformer manufactories which fast growing, Messko recruited new employees in 2007 who belong to the mother company MR Group’s branch in China to ensure its target: To exceed all competitors and become the market leader by the leapfrog development.After the industrial analysis, Messko do faces the great chance to meet the target, but tough competition as well. It’s been found by current business status that the competitive strategy is correct, the business matrix is also advantaged comparing to other competitors. But there are some facts need to be improved on the segments of organization configuration, Position design, Business process and etc, specially, the lack of a appropriate sales channel. The main content of this thesis is to describe the initial plan of the saleschannel for Messko China. This plan is based on the analysis of internal and external environment, strength and weakness, referring to the similar company experiences and classic sale channel theory, and adapting to different requirement of business matrix.Meanwhile, this thesis point out the issues existed in current business, like in process and customer service,the possible solutions are figured out to meet the requirement of new sales channel. Author also prefigure the supports from MR China on Human resource, IT, and marketing dept to ensure the sales channel running well. At last, CRM is mentioned in simple.KEY WORDS:Sales Channel、China Market、Industry Analysis、Business Matrix、Competition Strategy目录前言 (1)第1章 变压器行业现状及发展趋势分析 (4)1.1 行业现状分析 (4)1.2 变压器行业发展趋势预测 (7)第2章 行业结构及Messko业务现状分析 (13)2.1 行业结构分析 (13)2.1.1 客户价格谈判能力 (14)2.1.2 供应商价格谈判能力 (15)2.1.3 替代威胁 (16)2.1.4 进入威胁 (16)2.1.5 现有竞争对手的竞争 (17)2.2 Messko中国区域业务开展现状 (20)2.2.1 业务组合分析 (20)2.2.2 现行业务战略 (23)2.3 战略实施评估及主要问题分析 (29)第3章 Messko中国销售渠道建设 (31)3.1 销售渠道建设的理论基础 (32)3.1.1 销售渠道的定义及重要性 (32)3.1.2 渠道参与者及渠道成员 (33)3.1.3 销售渠道设计的一般步骤 (34)3.2 MOXA公司案例分析 (39)3.3 Messko中国销售渠道建设 (42)3.3.1 Messko中国销售渠道建设的目标 (42)3.3.2 Messko中国销售渠道总体规划 (42)3.3.3 Messko中国销售渠道运营方针 (43)第4章 销售渠道建设的辅助系统 (46)4.1 人力资源配置 (46)4.2 业务流程设计 (49)4.3 信息化系统建设 (53)4.4 其他职能部门的配合 (54)4.4.1 信用政策 (54)4.4.2 库存管理 (55)4.4.3 市场营销能力 (56)4.5 客户关系管理 (57)4.5.1 客户满意度 (57)4.5.2 客户忠诚度 (58)第5章 结束语 (61)参考文献 (62)致谢 (63)攻读学位期间发表的学术论文目录 (64)前言Messko GmbH(以下简称Messko)是一家来自德国的中小型企业,总部位于上乌瑟尔,一个典型的德国中部古镇。
家族企业前途何在 来自上海庄臣的启示


1 9 9 8 年到 2 0 1 0 年, 关于家族企业研究的文献共
[ 作者 简介 ] 张 俭( 1 9 7 8 一) , 女, 南华大学经济管理学院讲师 , 暨南大学管理学院博士生 , 研 究方向为家族企业信息披露及
公 司治 理 。
55 ・
中共 山西雀直机关党校学 报
5 6 1 篇( 以南 大 核 心期 刊 ( C S S C I ) 中 的数 据 为研 究 样 上 的分 析 。从 这个 角度 看 , 即使 百分 之百 由家族 持 有 的家族 企 业 , 只要 业 主本 人 不 亲 自管 理 企业 , 就 会存 在 代理 问题 。而且 , 相 对 其 它企 业而 言 , 家 族企 业 的
是2 0多篇 而 已 。这说 明 国内关 于家族 企业 的研 究现
与“ 理 性 的 经济 人 ” 不同 , 家 族 成 员 之 间 可 能存 在着 互 惠甚 至单 方 不对 称 的利 他 主义 行为 。利 他 主
题》 的文 章 , 在 C S S C I 有关“ 家 族 企业 ” 的论 文 中 , 被
引用 率高 居榜 首 , 为1 1 8次 。
( 二) 近期研 究 : 主要 期刊
篇, 这表明国内学者对家族企业的研究起步较晚。
自1 9 9 8年 起 , 国 内关 于家 族 企业 研 究 的文 献 逐
素 包括政府政策 、 市场环境等 。 内部 因素 包括企业股权 、 控制权分布 以及企业所属行业等 。 家族企业应 当根据发展需要
在 不 同时 期 采 取 不 同的 管理 模 式 , 最 终 实现 管 理 现 代 化 。
[ 关键词 ]
家族企业 ; 家族 管理 ; 特征 ; 变革 【 文献标识 码】 A [ 文章编号】 1 6 7 4 — 1 6 7 6 ( 2 0 1 3) 0 1 — 0 0 5 5 — 0 3

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Full Citation & AbstractPUBLICATIONNUMBERAAT 3187801TITLE A systems psychodynamic perspective on the organizational diagnosis of a family businessAUTHOR Edison, Mark RabbDEGREE PhDSCHOOL CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORKDATE2006PAGES86ADVISER Gould, Laurence J.ISBN0-542-29297-1SOURCE DAI-B 66/08, p. 4479, Feb 2006SUBJECT PSYCHOLOGY, CLINICAL (0622)DIGITAL FORMATS0.87Mb normal PDF24 page PreviewSystems psychodynamics, an intellectual and clinical approach to exploring the behavior of individuals and groups in organizations, is employed to develop hypotheses about the behavior of the managing partners and staff of a family business. Known in systems psychodynamics as organizational diagnoses, hypotheses are developed based on data gathered over the course of eighteen months' observation of the business. Special attention is given to the contribution of the process of projective identification in making sense of unconscious aspects of group behavior as they relate to the management of the business. The data are also used to illustrate the interactive role of systems and psychodynamics in the understanding of organizational behavior. Suggestions are offered to future student organizational diagnosticians on how to employ systems psychodynamics in their research.You are viewing title 1 of 51 in the current results list.Full Citation & AbstractPUBLICATIONNUMBERAAT 3150755TITLE Family business consultation: A modified Delphi studyAUTHOR Cross, Keith AllenDEGREE PhDSCHOOL PURDUE UNIVERSITYDATE2004PAGES218ADVISER Sprenkle, Douglas H.ISBN0-496-10836-0SOURCE DAI-A 65/10, p. 4008, Apr 2005SUBJECT SOCIOLOGY, INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY STUDIES (0628); BUSINESSADMINISTRATION, GENERAL (0310)DIGITAL FORMATS8.80Mb image-only PDF24 page PreviewWhat makes for a good family business consultant? This question has been hotly debated since the field began. Currently, there is not a significant literature base directed at improvi ng consultant effectiveness. This exploratory study articulates and ranks the interventions and personal characteristics that expert family business consultants consider most important to their ability to successfully work with family businesses. Using the Delphi method, 18 expert family business consultants completed surveys in which they listed these interventions and characteristics. They also discussed these responses during a phone interview. Two primary themes emerged from the results: relatively few interventions passed with agreement whereas many characteristics passed with agreement; the results appear to be impacted by the relative youthof the field of family business consultation. Additionally, the subgroup of olderpanelists was found to have the highest level of agreement among the items inthe final profile and overall the attorneys agreed on the highest number itemsof all subgroups. Further research is necessary in order to measure theeffectiveness of the interventions and characteristics identified by this study.You are viewing title 2 of 51 in the current results list.PUBLICATIONNUMBERAAT 3085075TITLE Under the learning lens: An examination of a small family business evolving toa learning organizationAUTHOR Eikenmeyer, Laura BianchiDEGREE PhDSCHOOL LOYOLA UNIVERSITY CHICAGODATE2003PAGES107ADVISER Morgan, RonaldISBN0-496-32882-4SOURCE DAI-A 64/03, p. 794, Sep 2003SUBJECT EDUCATION, EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY (0525); EDUCATION, ADULT AND CONTINUING (0516); SOCIOLOGY, SOCIAL STRUCTURE ANDDEVELOPMENT (0700)DIGITAL FORMATS3.39Mb image-only PDFModern businesses are adopting learning organizational practices as a competitive tool in today's competitive marketplace. Toyota, one of the largest24 page Previewcorporations worldwide, has proclaimed itself a learning organization for years. However, while many companies and researchers speak of such organizations and define them in various terms, it is often difficult to reconcile the theoretical constructs with the day-to-day realities in which we work. This study was designed to examine such a place, literally the place in which I live and work. My goals were to better define the learning organization within a context which had meaning to me and to the organization which my family owns and operates. Our organization is much smaller than the Toyota's of the world, but it has many things in common. In particular, it is an organization made up of many people, all of whom must collaborate, communicate, and interact to create products and services which made available in the marketplace. After seven months of struggling with the IRB about conducting the study at my family's business, I was left with no other alternative than moving the setting of my study. The company targeted for study was similar to ours (both companies are manufacturing companies, both are run by families, and both have 2 geographically separate plants). An aluminum extrusion manufacturer in Canada was selected for study. Thirty-eight employees representing various levels of the company voluntarily participated in a series of interviews. The interviews were crafted to focus on the learning capabilities and mechanisms used to bring about changes within the company. A total of sixteen multi-part questions were put to the participants. The following research questions were addressed: (1) Within the organizational structure of a small family business, are there differences in the schematic map representations across participant clusters? (2) Among clusters of learners are there motivators that can be identified to encourage the practice of a learning organization? and (3) What are the steps needed to develop a small family business into a learning organization? The 1102 natural language responses given by the participants were then coded into a total of 24 standard language terms. The lengthy coding process took into account not simply the concepts used, but also the 926 links that were generated between (among) those concepts. Various levels of company personnel were configu red into five participant clusters (upper management, middle management, supervisory, support staff, and plant employees). Comparisons were made within the clusters, as well as between the clusters. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)You are viewing title 3 of 51 in the current results list.Full Citation & AbstractPUBLICATIONNUMBERNot Available from UMITITLE The development of inter-organizational collaborative ventures of Spanishfamily businesses. Antecedents to the evolution of inter-organizationalcollaborative ventures. Do family business characteristics matter?AUTHOR Knief, ChristianDEGREE PhDSCHOOL UNIVERSIDAD DE NAVARRA (SPAIN)DATE2003PAGES285SOURCE DAI-C 66/01, p. 46, Spring 2005SUBJECT BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, MANAGEMENT (0454)There are few studies on inter-organizational collaborative ventures (IOCVs) in the context of family businesses, and of studies investigating the development of IOCVs. The purpose of this dissertation is to explore the development of IOCVs in the context of Spanish family businesses. The first part of the dissertation focuses on extent research of family business and IOCVs, establishing the managerial relevance of this area and reviews extent research. This concludes in the formulation of the research question. Also the methodology chosen for this dissertation will be discussed. Then we will report on the results and findings of the fieldwork in three Spanish family businesses. We find that antecedent factors are critical to the formation of IOCVs and have an imprinting effect critical for the development of the IOCV. Data suggests that those family businesses' ventures, which develop along many small“incremental” changes (process), change more dynamically and are more successful than those ventures (outcome) which develop along a small number of significant changes. Process and outcome of change are associated with the management approach adopted by the parent organization towards the venture. Ventures which are managed in a formal way rely on exogenous safeguards and contracts develop along few large changes. Ventures that are managed to a lesser degree through formal mechanisms and contracts develop in an incremental manner. Whether a formal management approach relying on exogenous/contractual safeguards is adopted or an informal management approach relying on endogenous/non contractualmanagement mechanism is adopted, is associated with several antecedents tothe formation and development of the IOCV. Where (1) no endogenoussafeguards were developed between the partners prior to venture formation,(2) the investments are specific and risky, (3) operational set up ofthe IOCV is complex and leads to need for coordination and (4) thefamily business is governed through formal systems and structure,(A) formal mechanisms are adopted in the management of the IOCV.Where family businesses have developed (1) endogenous safeguardswith the partner prior to the formation of the IOCV, (2) the investmentsare neither specific nor risky, (3) the operation of the venture is notcomplex and requires little coordination due to partner interdependence in theoperation and (4) the corporate context is characterized by few formalcoordination mechanisms but direct supervision, (B) an informal IOCVmanagement approach relying on non-contractual/endogenous safeguards isapplied. In this context the corporate management structure adopted by thefamily business is associated with family business characteristics. Familybusinesses, which are characterized by complex ownership and managementstructures, and show conflict, are characterized by a high reliance on formalmanagement systems and structures. Family businesses which have lesscomplex ownership and management structures and show little conflict amongfamily members, rely to a lesser degree on formalized management structuresand systems. In the final chapter we discuss the propositions deduced fromdata and their contribution to academic inquiry. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)You are viewing title 4 of 51 in the current results list.AAT 3090289PUBLICATIONNUMBERTITLE Unified Blended Family Business(c): A new perspective for the 21st century understanding relationships in family businessesAUTHOR Nedlin, Marny B.DEGREE PhDSCHOOL NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERS ITYDATE2003PAGES271ADVISER Cole, Patricia M.ISBN0-496-38014-1SOURCE DAI-A 64/05, p. 1862, Nov 2003SUBJECT SOCIOLOGY, INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY STUDIES (0628); PSYCHOLOGY, INDUSTRIAL (0624); BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, MANAGEMENT (0454)DIGITAL FORMATS10.70Mb image-only PDF24 page PreviewEighteen million family businesses operate in the United States. Within thesebusinesses, family and non-family members create two distinct groups ofstakeholders, which engender in-group and out-group issues. Relationshipsbetween these two groups of stakeholders have remained relatively invisibleand unexamined. In addition, current literature indicates that long-held beliefsabout families are changing. Yet, many family businesses appear bound to thetraditional meanings ascribed to the construct family. Within a socialconstructionistic frame, two areas of curiosity guided this naturalistic qualitativeresearch study: (a) interrelational aspects of family and non-familystakeholders and (b) meanings family and non-family stakeholdersascribe to the notion of family as a component of the family business.Thirty-five stakeholders from 11 family firms participated in this research study.Results indicated that entities of blended family businesses appeared practical,especially for family businesses that were beyond their first generation. Somefamily firms, in second-, third-, and forth-generation, believed that the survivalof their firms may be dependent on a blend of family and nonfamily personnel,thus creating a blended family enterprise.You are viewing title 5 of 51 in the current results list.PUBLICATIONNUMBERNot Available from UMITITLE The transfer of ownership and leadership: A study of Chinese family business and inheritanceAUTHOR Zheng, Victor Wan TaiDEGREE PhDSCHOOL UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG (PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA) DATE2003SOURCE DAI-A 65/01, p. 239, Jul 2004SUBJECT BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, MANAGEMENT (0454); ECONOMICS, COMMERCE-BUSINESS (0505)This thesis focuses on the study of Chinese family business, inheritance and economic development in Hong Kong. In order to test the conventional argument that Chinese family business is inefficient, short-lived and unstable, intensive fieldwork was conducted in the period 1997–2000. A total of 35 Chaozhou merchants who came from 26 families were interviewed. In addition, 19 other old-established wealthy families were also selected for closer study. The findings clearly deviate from conventional perceptions about Chinese family business. First, inheritance isn't narrowly confined to economic capital. Human capital and social capital are equally stressed. A successful transfer of family business not only includes a smooth transmission of ownership, but also covers the reestablishment of new leadership, business networks and personal ties to the heirs. Second, equal inheritance doesn't necessary lead to internal family conflict. Quite the opposite, equal arrangements alleviate sibling disputes and disagreements. In other words, the system per se reduces business instability and family conflic t. Third, the equal inheritance mechanism doesn't definitely imply the leveling of capital and suffocation of business development. In fact, division mainly occurs in the family property. Capital investment is seldom affected. In this study, one of the key findings concerns the positive function of the equal inheritance system on the development of the economy. Equal inheritance can assist economic development by generating <italic>competition</italic> and<italic>capital</italic>. Equal division is a criterion for sibling comparison. Comparison generates stress and anxiety with each son trying to outdo the other. Competition is therefore galvanized. Furthermore, initial capital that is released from partition can motivate sons, who want to be free from subjugation, to start their own business. This is the origin of the<italic>self-employment mentality</italic>. Both competition and capital are crucial factors for economic development to take place. Last, but not least, a strong desire of self-employment mentality drives Chinese family business to develop its own type of structure: <italic>jia-zu ji-tuan</italic> [family-based consortium]. Different family members diversify into different businesses orprofessions. These businesses or professions may or may n ot relate to eachother. However, they maintain a certain level of interconnection under thebanner of the family [<italic>jia-zu</italic>]. They can support each other duringtime of crises and difficulties. As a result, <italic> jia-zu ji-tuan</italic> can behighly stable and can maintain their domination in the community fromgeneration to generation.You are viewing title 6 of 51 in the current results list.PUBLICATIONNUMBERAAT 3043230TITLE The relationship between family capital and family business performance:Collaboration and conflict as moderatorsAUTHOR Hoelscher, Mark LewisDEGREE PhDSCHOOL TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITYDATE2002PAGES114ADVISER Hoffman, James J.; Sorenson, Ritch L.ISBN0-493-57028-4SOURCE DAI-A 63/02, p. 662, Aug 2002SUBJECT BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, MANAGEMENT (0454); ECONOMICS,COMMERCE-BUSINESS (0505)DIGITAL FORMATS3.87Mb image-only PDFThis study defines the concept of family capital and proposes that family capital has potential impact on business performance. This potential is unleashed when a family business collaborates or encounters moderate levels of task24 page Previewconflict and is inhibited when a family business engages in relational conflict.Thus, this study investigates whether the use of collaboration as a problemsolving technique within family business has a moderating effect on therelationship between family capital and family business performance.Additionally, this study investigates whether the existence of conflict (i.e. bothtask and relational) within family business has a moderating effect on therelationship between family capital and family business performance.Specifically, it is theorized that (1) family capital will positively affectfamily business performance and (2) conflict and collaboration willmoderate this relationship. The hypotheses are tested using data from theSurvey of Family Business collected by the Center For Entrepreneurship andFamily Business at Texas Tech University.You are viewing title 7 of 51 in the current results list.PUBLICATIONNUMBERAAT MQ76301TITLE Altruism as an influence on agency costs and risk-taking in the family business: Some special casesAUTHOR Wu, ZhenyuDEGREE MBASCHOOL UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY (CANADA)DATE2002PAGES84ADVISER Chua, J. H.ISBN0-612-76301-3SOURCE MAI 41/05, p. 1302, Oct 2003SUBJECT ECONOMICS, FINANCE (0508); BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION,MANAGEMENT (0454)DIGITAL FORMATS3.03Mb image-only PDF24 page PreviewThere is little formal modeling of the family firm in the finance literature. In thisstudy, the family firm is differentiated from the public, non-family firm in thefinance literature by five critical attributes: (1) family members own thefirm together; (2) family members are involved in the management of thebusiness such that the firm is mainly characterized by a joint productionfunction of the family members' work efforts; (3) the family membersmay be altruistic toward each other; (4) family members expect to inheritownership of the firm; and (5) family business owners are risk aversebecause they are not well-diversified. This research focuses on the influence ofaltruism on agency cost and risk-taking in family firms. Abstracting frominformation asymmetry, analytical results were obtained for special cases onhow altruism on the part of the parent can cause adverse selection, free riding,and shirking problems. Results also show how altruism on the part of the kidscan, in some cases, exacerbate the problems and, in others, mitigate theproblems.You are viewing title 8 of 51 in the current results listPUBLICATIONNUMBERAAT 3047747TITLE Succession in family business in IndonesiaAUTHOR Sekarbumi, AnandaDEGREE DBASCHOOL MAASTRICHT SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT (THE NETHERLANDS) DATE2001PAGES206ADVISER Van Beugen, M.; Pekerti, AnugerahISBN0-493-61857-0SOURCE DAI-A 63/03, p. 1037, Sep 2002SUBJECT BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, MANAGEMENT (0454) DIGITAL FORMATS7.12Mb image-only PDF24 page PreviewThis was an exploratory and analytically descriptive study seeking to discover and unravel the process of management succession in family business in Indonesia. The dominant research strategy and design of the study were largely qualitative. More specifically a phenomenological approach was used in data collection and data analysis through an inductive process in as much as it was supported in some instances by statistical cross tabulation. The approach was intended to accommodate various experiences, concepts or perceptions of respondents; thus compile them to generate a pattern of succession process without a premeditated hypothesis. The primary data were collected by mailed questionnaire and interviewing the purposively selected samples; i.e. 20 respondents of founders and successors of 10 Jakarta based family businesses which had minimum 20 years operation when this research was conducted. Moreover companies documentation and extended library research were used as secondary data as well as for validity and reliability checks. In interpreting the results of this study, certain limitations should be observed. First, many other issues that might be pertinent to succession planning proces s were not addressed. Second, the number of family members involved and the company life stage of the collaborators were different, which in turn affected the level of complexities; and consequently the way the process applied to the collaborators' internal fit. Third, the study was conducted on a small number of family businesses in Jakarta thus it would not be generalizable to all family business in Indonesia. One of the implications of these findings is that management succession should be carefully plan ned in order to eliminate problems that might disrupt the business as a going concern. Another implication is the need to start grooming successors not only within the company business confines, but also beyond the family circle and to include the individual's childhood because of the likely impact and influence of the parents' on the family and business values as well as interpersonal relations. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)You are viewing title 9 of 51 in the current results list.PUBLICATIONNUMBERAAT 3008770TITLE Family business: Museum visitation as gender performanceAUTHOR Stanton, Sally A.DEGREE PhDSCHOOL THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - MILWAUKEEDATE2001PAGES303ADVISER Arnold, BettinaISBN0-493-17511-3SOURCE DAI-A 62/03, p. 1108, Sep 2001SUBJECT ANTHROPOLOGY, CULTURAL (0326); RECREATION (0814); SOCIOLOGY, INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY STUDIES (0628)DIGITAL FORMATS13.14Mb image-only PDF24 page PreviewFamily groups are the central social unit of American social life through which parents transmit values, traditions, and beliefs to their children. Museum visits are an extremely popular leisure choice for families. Using qualitative and quantitative methodology from anthropology, museum visitor studies and audience research, a study of behavior, experiences, and beliefs regarding leisure and museums of family museum visitors was conducted at thirteen museums in Wisconsin and Illinois. Nonvisitor families at parks, beaches and ethnic festivals in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, were also studied. Three questions informed the inquiry: Is one gender more influential than another in choosing to bring a family to a museum, and if so, why? What is the functional role of the museum in American culture? How do men and women differently understand and use museums? Data were gathered from museum visitors and non-visitors through: (1) participant and nonparticipant observation;(2) open-ended paper-pencil surveys; (3) unstructured, informal interviews; and (4) focus groups. Analysis of findings suggests that most family visitors believe museums preserve the past and embody culture, and value museums as educational institutions. Parent-visitors subscribe togendered ethnotheories emphasizing valued experiences informed by culturalparenting models and socialization experiences. Women visitors, asgoal-oriented family resource managers with well-defined selection criteria,purposefully choose museum visits as a productive investment of time, moneyand energy that return worthwhile benefits in terms of knowledge, valuesacquisition, and family bonding. Men visitors, with less responsibility fo r familywork and more diffuse criteria for leisure selection, often visit museums only atthe urging of women, and view family museum visits as only one of manychoices that equally satisfy their leisure needs and fulfill their fatherly role ofproviding satisfying economical family entertainment. Museum visits are thusgender performances. Data from non-visitors suggest that socio-economicstatus interacts with gender in leisure choice. Nonvisitor women, usuallynonwhite, low-income and less-educated than visitors, choose other leisuredestinations in which to spend their more limited time, money and energy,strengthen family bonds, and transmit shared cultural values. Nonvisitorsgenerally view museums as expensive, unwelcoming places promoting lessvalued perspectives and knowledge.You are viewing title 10 of 51 in the current results list.AAT MQ65063PUBLICATIONNUMBERTITLE Altruism and the family firm: Some theoryAUTHOR Wu, ZhenyuDEGREE MASCHOOL UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY (CANADA)DATE2001PAGES112ADVISER Eaton, B. C.ISBN0-612-65063-4SOURCE MAI 40/04, p. 879, Aug 2002SUBJECT ECONOMICS, COMMERCE-BUSINESS (0505) DIGITAL FORMATS3.06Mb image-only PDF24 page PreviewPrivate income transfers are becoming increasingly recognized as a keyaspect of the U.S. economy (Cox, 1987). Private income transfers based onreciprocal altruism usually occur inter vivos (i.e. between living persons). In ourmodern society, altruism, especially reciprocal altruism, is usually seen in thefamily context, and involves two generations, parents and their kids. In recentyears, more and more economists have researched topics in this area.Moreover, most of them agree that altruism, especially reciprocal altruism, isone of the most important motives for private income transfers. Therefore,reciprocal altruism is interesting in its own right, and has received considerableattention. In this essay, I am going to pose and discuss the following questions:What can be said in general about transfers from one party to the other in thepresence of reciprocal altruism? What is (are) the Nash Equilibrium (N.E.)transfer(s) of reciprocal altruism in the general nature? Is (are) the NashEquilibrium(s) Pareto-optimal? What are the circumstances in which there is noequilibrium? When two people are reciprocally altruistic, do both of themnecessarily make positive transfers? If only one makes a positive transfer,what are the factors that determine the amount of the transfer and the personwho makes it? How do these factors affect the amount of the transfer anddetermine the person who does the positive transfer? What can be said aboutthe effect of reciprocal altruism on the work efforts of family members? Howdoes reciprocal altruism affect their equilibrium personal utilities? I begin byaddressing these questions when incomes of family members are fixed orearned in an impersonal market. Building on this base, I address the samequestions when incomes are generated in a family firm.You are viewing title 11 of 51 in the current results list.PUBLICATIONNUMBERNot Available from UMITITLE Typologies of family business: A conceptual framework based on trust and strategic management (Colombia)AUTHOR Gomez Betancourt, Gonzalo EduardoDEGREE PhDSCHOOL UNIVERSIDAD DE NAVARRA (SPAIN)DATE2000PAGES218LANGUAGE SPANISHSOURCE DAI-C 63/02, p. 201, Summer 2002SUBJECT BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, MANAGEMENT (0454)The principal objective of this dissertation is to elaborate a conceptual framework that allows the area of family business to progress in prescriptions needed to reach better economic and familiar performances. Also it was necessary to establish typologies for this kind of business that would permit to classify in a way that makes understandable which ones are more successful and why. Taking in account that the key factors on the performance are trust and strategic management, we established four kinds of family business: (1) Ideal FB: The one who counts on trust and strategic management, this one is the one with the best results. (2) Astute FB: Is the kind of company where doesn't exist trust but it counts on strategic management as advantage. (3) Utopia FB: Is the kind of family business where the management is based on trust but doesn't count on strategic management. (4) Critic FB: The family business that doesn't have any of the two factors: no trust and no strategic management. In the group it is the kind of business with the worst results. In order to find variables that could measure the different studied concepts and to start with the elaboration of statistical proofs we began with an empirical study in Colombia. The principal result of this empirical study was, that there where more variables as the initially studied ones. Also we fund the existence of a paradoxes in the family business that should be studied as it is with the case of the liabilities which in theory should have the optimum point below any non-family-business. Finally, with a group analysis, we found evidences by using the classification of the case study that the first proportions of the family business are the followings: Critical FB with a 30%, utopia FB with 34%, astute FB 18%, and ideal FB with 18%. These results allow us to demonstrate the concern of the area with this 64% of family business. They are looking for a inexorable path that John Ward (1988) showed us with his studies indicating that the average of life of a family business is under the 24 years, and the critical mortgage data of 70% is t he pass of the first generation to the second.。