高中英语Unit 5 lesson 2 Beijing Opera课件4 北师大版 必修2

1. what does the stage look like in Beijing Opera?
Very simple.
2. How do symbols play an important role in Beijing?
Many body movements can represent actions such as opening a door, climbing a hill, going upstairs or rowing a boat.
Lesson 2 Beijng Opera
a mixture of two or more things
Zhu Meiling
Listen again and complete the
Function File with these words: would, can’t , let , could , OK ,know ,excuse me ,must, everyone’s going ,can
In order to be seen by the crowds clearly. In order to be heard over the crowds acting, talking, singing, music, dancing and acrobatics
It was performed mostly on open-air stages in markets, streets, teahouses or temple courtyards

Besides Beijing Opera, there are still other National Treasures in China. They serve as a window of China. And through this window, foreigners are able to understand Chinese culture better.
riding a horse
an army of thousands
holding a tassel in his hand
four generals and four soldiers
2. Discuss with your group members to find out the similarities and differences between Beijing Opera and Cantonese Opera.
main roles
skills needed
In order to be heard over the crowds.
3. Why do performers wear brightly coloured costumes?
In order to be seen by the crowds clearly.
main roles
The costumes are always in bright colour.
date back combination a national treasure a piercing voice acrobatics costume
a mixture of two or more things

英语:Unit5lesson2BeijingOpera教案(北师大版模块2)Lesson2 Beijing Opera教案Te aching aims:1.To practise using general knowledge to think of possible answers before listening.2.To practise getting the general idea when listening for the first time.3.To practise identifying key words to listen for.4.To practise asking for, giving and refusing permission.Teaching material:Lesson2, Unit 5, Module 2Teaching aid: A multimedia computerTeaching procedures:Stage 1 Lead-in■In pairs, students look at the photographs and guess the possible answers to the questions, using their bac kground knowledge.■ Check the answers with the class.■ Introduce more about Beijing Opera:1.Beijing Opera dates back to the 18th century.2.It is a combination of acti ng, talking, singing, music, dancing and acrobatics.3.The costumes are always in bright colour.Stage 2 Before you start■ Students study the words and the definitions in pairs and guess the possible definition for each word or phrase.■ Check the answers as a class and make sure students und erstand all the new words.Stage 3 Look and judge1.When did Beijing Opera start?2. How many main roles are there in Beijing Opera?3. What are the main instruments played in it?4. Match the main roles with their names:sheng male roles with brightly painted facesdan female rolesjing clown roleschou male rolesStage 4 Find out the definition■ Students study the words an d the definitions in pairs and guess the possible definition for each word or phrase.■ Check the answers as a class and make sure students understand all the new words.Step 5 ListeningUse the Strategies :Listen & answer the questions.1.What skills do Beijing Opera actors need to have?2. Where was Beijing Opera performed at the beginning?3. Why does it ha ve very loud music and a piercing singing style?4. Why do performers wear brightly coloured costumes?Step 6 TapescriptStage7 ReadingRead the last part of the programme and answer the questions:1.What does the stage look like in Beijing Opera?2.How do symbols play an important role in Beijing Opera?Stage 8 Useful ExpressionsStage 9 Listening■ Students lis ten to the dialogue and make notes about Li Ming and Zhu Meiling.。

Warm Up Background Knowledge
Vocabulary (10 min)
Listening (10 min)
Retelling ( 12 min)
Consolidation ( 5 min)
pictures (3 min)
questions (5 min)
5 Listening Strategies(p24)
No.2 Use your general knowledge to think of possible answers. Wh-quewtions What skills…? Where was …performed? Why…music/singing…?
What do you know about Beijing Opera? Work in pairs and choose the right answers.
1. When did Beijing Opera start? a) the late 18th century b) the late 19th century c) the late 20th century
Listen and use the strategies!
1. What skills do Beijing Opera actors need to have ?
Acting, talking, singing, music dancing and acrobatics.
On open-air stages, in markets, streets, teahouses or temple courtyards.

2.Tasks Ss to talk about what they’ve known about Beijing Opera.
1.Ss look at the pictures and answer the questions.
①Who are they in the pictures?
②Whatdo you know about Beijing Opera?
Activate prior knowledge about“Beijing Opera”.
Activity 2
1.T asks Ss totalk about their expectations about whatcan be listened to in a radio program of the introduction of Beijing Opera.
3. T plays the recording for Ss for the 3rdtime to finishExercise4 and remind Ss to take notes of the key words to show logical relationship.
4. T asks Ss to finish the rest part of the mind map in pairs.
Ss work inpairs, discuss and answer the questions.
①Do you like Beijing Opera?Give your reasons.
②Do you think it is necessary to protect and
新北师大版高中英语必修三Unit7Art Lesson2 Beijing Opera课件

Skill Builder
Understanding Logical Relationships Logical relationships usually refer to the inner relationships between / among things, like between causes and effects. • While you are listening, listen for key words like why and
Dr. Liu is talking about Beijing Opera on a radio programme. Listen and tick ( √ ) the aspects that are mentioned.
__√___ main roles
_____ instruments
__√___ the unique sound __√___ costumes
female roles common male roles male roles with brightly painted masks clown (小丑) roles
b____cl_o_w_n__r_o_le_s_____ c_c_o_m__m_o_n__m__a_le__ro_l_e_s d_m_a_l_e_r_o_l_e_s_w_i_t_h_b_r_i_g_h_t_ly__p_a_in_t_e_d__m_a_s_ks
Key phrases used by Dr. Liu to give reasons: Yes. That’s why… This is because… In order to be… Otherwise, …
高中英语 Unit 5 Rhythm Lesson 2 Beijing Opera教案2 北师大版必修2

Unit 5 Rhythm Lesson 2 Beijing Opera教学目的:练习学生的听力技能,能抓住关键词。
努力提高学生的语言输出能力-说语言技能:speaking, reading, writing语言知识:有关京剧的历史,文化。
教学辅助设施:幻灯片,微机教学过程:Ⅰ. Warm upShow pictures of Beijing OperaT: What kind of music is it?S:T: Yes, it is our cultural treasure—Beijing Opera. How much do you know it? S:T: introduce (Peking opera, the best-known Chinese Opera, was developed during the Qing dynasty (1644-1911). It is a dramatic form that includes dance, theater, music, and skilled performance. Character types depend on vocal styles. Performers wear dramatic make up or masks.)T: Can you name some famous actors and actresses? Who do you know ae the best performers in China?S: Cheng Yanqiu, Mang Lianliang, Qiu Shengrong ,Mei Lanfang and so on.T: show a slide of Mei Lanfang ( introduce Mei Lanfang)T: What role do they play in Beijing Opera?S: guide students to say out “sheng”, “dan”, “jing”, “chou”, “mask”Ⅱ ListeningT: We have some knowledge about Beijing Opera, Now we do the exercise 1 before doing it first guess their answers.It is necessary to listen to the tape twice.Show students a chart about Beijing Opera’s structureDo the exercise 2 and 3Do the exercise 4Read through the Strategies with the class and see if they know how to use any of these Strategies already.Students listen to the cassette and get the general idea. Play the cassette. Do the exercise 5, 6 and 7The teacher can draw a conclusion:Besides Beijing Opera, there are still other National Treasures in China. They serve as a window of China. And through this window, foreigners are able to understand Chinese culture better.Ⅲ SpeakingPractice your oral EnglishSuppose Smith come from America. He is interested in Beijing Opera. As his interpreter you are introduce Beijing Opera to him. .Do the exercise 9Ⅳ WritingWrite a composition to introduce Beijing Opera its history and value,including Characters, scenes, costumes and skills needed. You can add some details, such as some names of play and famous artists.。

通过Lesson 1 Masterpieces(西方绘画名作)和本课L esson 2 Beijing Opera(京剧)的学习,在语言小观念1“围绕艺术形式整合性学习相关词汇和表达方式”的辅助下,学生将逐步形成单元主题小观念,即“赏析古今中外的艺术盛宴”。
该语篇详细阐述了京剧唱腔和京剧中音乐的独特之处(high voices and loud music)以及服饰特点(bright and colourful patterns),并联系古代京剧的表演背景解释其成因,如露天舞台(openair stages),昏暗的灯光(oil lamps)等。
该听力文本注重训练学生对于语篇逻辑关系的理解,使用了一些表达因果关系的功能用语,如含有表语从句的“that is why...”和“thisis because...”,以及不定式短语“in order to be heard”,从而提升了学生的逻辑思维,有助于学生逻辑清晰地表达自己的观点。

教学目标1 学习活动效果评价预计
Step 1: Activate and share
T shows the four main roles of Beijing Opera and
guide Ss to tell the topic of this lesson: Beijing
T creates a situation: Some British high school
students came to our school. They visited the
Beijing Opera club and they wanted to know more
about Beijing Opera from you.
What do you know about Beijing Opera?
Step 2: T shows some pictures and some words that
Ss are unfamiliar with. T guides Ss to match the
words with the pictures.
Ss read after T together.
Unit5 Lesson2 Beijing Opera(教学设计)

Unit5 Lesson2 Beijing Opera安徽省淮南市第一中学杨赟Ⅰ.Analysis of the teaching material1.Status and FunctionThis is a listening lesson. It plays a very important part in the English teaching of this unit. By studying this part, it can help the students to improve their listening ability and help them to learn more about our traditional culture—Beijing Opera.2.Teaching important points ﹠difficult pointsImportant points:1) Help the students learn more knowledge about Beijing Opera.2) Improve the Ss’listening ability.Difficult points:1) How to motivate the students’ interest in Beijing Opera.2) How to help the students master the listening strategies.ⅡAnalysis of the students1.The Ss know a little about Beijing Opera, but not very much. And even somestudents are not interested in Beijing Opera.2.They don’t often use English to express themselves and communicate with others.3.Some Ss are not active in the class, because they are afraid of making mistakes.ⅢTeaching aims:1.Knowledge aim: Help the students learn more knowledge about Beijing Opera.2.Ability aim: Improve the Ss’ listening ability.3.Emotional aim: Help the Ss to develop their love to our traditional culture.ⅣTeaching ﹠Learning methods1.Multimedia computer assisted instructionmunicative approach3.Student-centered teaching method4.Activity-based teaching methods5.Task-based learning methodsⅤTeaching aids:1.Multimedia2.The blackboard3.Tape recorderⅦ Blackboard designUnit5 Lesson2 Beijing OperaHistory Main rolesMain instrumentsBeijing Opera SymbolsSkillsSinging styles Costumes。

Beijing opera is a historical art form, traditional music and singing are used to tell a story on stage. The rhythm plays a part in telling the story. It can get faster and louder, or make sudden stops to go with the action.
• What do the students Li Ming and Zhu Meiling get permission for? What do they not get permission for ?
Li Ming
Permission to go to Pufang’s birthday party No permission to go to the cinema
Permission to hand in her project next week No permission to write the project in Chinese
Zhu Meiling
• Listen again and complete the Function File with these words:
It was performed mostly on open-air stages in markets, streets, teahouses or temple courtyards
3. Why does it have very loud music and a sharp singing style?
• 1.d to have?
高中英语 Unit5 lesson2 Beijing Opera精品教案 北师大版必修2

Lesson2 Beijing Opera教案Teaching aims:1.To practise using general knowledge to think of possible answers before listening.2.To practise getting the general idea when listening for the first time.3.To practise identifying key words to listen for.4.To practise asking for, giving and refusing permission.Teaching material:Lesson2, Unit 5, Module 2Teaching aid: A multimedia computerTeaching procedures:Stage 1 Lead-in■ In pairs, students look at the photographs and guess the possible answers to the questions, using their background knowledge.■ Check the answers with the class.■ Introduce more about Beijing Opera:1.Beijing Opera dates back to the 18th century.2.It is a combination of acting, talking, singing, music, dancing and acrobatics.3.The costumes are always in bright colour.Stage 2 Before you start■ Students study the words and the definitions in pairs and guess the possible definition for each word or phrase.■ Check the answers as a class and make sure students understand all the new words.Stage 3 Look and judge1.When did Beijing Opera start?2. How many main roles are there in Beijing Opera?3. What are the main instruments played in it?4. Match the main roles with their names:sheng male roles with brightly painted facesdan female rolesjing clown roleschou male rolesStage 4 Find out the definition■ Students study the words and the definitions in pairs and guess the possible definition for each word or phrase.■ Check the answers as a class and make sure students understand all the new words.Step 5 ListeningUse the Strategies :Listen & answer the questions.1.What skills do Beijing Opera actors need to have?2. Where was Beijing Opera performed at the beginning?3. Why does it have very loud music and a piercing singing style?4. Why do performers wear brightly coloured costumes?Step 6 TapescriptStage 7 ReadingRead the last part of the programme and answer the questions:1.What does the stage look like in Beijing Opera?2.How do symbols play an important role in Beijing Opera?Stage 8 Useful ExpressionsStage 9 Listening■ Students listen to the dialogue and make notes about Li Ming and Zhu Meiling. ■ Play the dialogue two or three times if necessary.■ Students can compare answers in pairs before checking answers as a class.Step 10 Function FileStep 11 SummaryStage 12 AssignmentHave you ever seen any shows? Write a passage to describe one unforgettable show you have ever seen.。
Unit 7 Art Lesson 2 Beijing Opera 说课课件高中英语北师大版

教学 重点
教学 难点
本节课结束后学生能够: 1. 了解并掌握抒发观点、情感和表示理由及逻辑顺序的相关表
本单元主题语境为“人与社会”下的“艺术”主题,学生通过学习以绘画和表演 艺术为主题的多模态英语资源,加深对艺术的了解,唤醒对艺术的兴趣,从而发展学 生健康的审美情趣和良好的艺术鉴赏能力。
1. 了解艺术的具体表现形式,掌握艺术的鉴赏方式; 2. 运用本单元所学的语言,介绍具体的艺术作品,表达自己对艺术的喜好和理解; 3. 深入探讨欣赏经典艺术作品的意义,激发欣赏、学习经典艺术作品的热情; 4. 提高审美情趣,从艺术作品的意蕴美中获得积极的人生态度和价值观念启示。
理解 大意
抓取 细节
在上课前,学生需完成以下学习任务: 1. 利用网络了解京剧的发展历程、主要形式等相关内容; 2. 自主跟读本课单词,扫清词汇障碍;

Unit 5Lesson 2 Beijing OperaTeaching aims:To practice using general knowledge to think of possible answers before listeningTo practice getting the general idea when listening for the first timeTo practice identifying key words to listen forTo practice asking for, giving and refusing permissionTeaching difficultiesTo practice asking for, giving and refusing permissionTo practice identifying key words to listen forTeaching Aids: computer and cassetteTeaching procedures:Ⅰ. Warming upFirst listen to a piece of Beijing OperaT: What kind of music is it?S:T: Yes, it is our cultural treasure—Beijing Opera. What do you think of Beijing Opera? Who can sing a piece of Beijing Opera for us?S:T: Thank you for your wonderful performance. How much do you know about it?S:T: Peking opera, the best-known Chinese Opera, was developed during the Qing dynasty (1644-1911). It is a dramatic form that includes dance, theater, music, and skilled performance. Character types depend on vocal styles. Performers wear dramatic make up or masks.T: Can you name some famous actors and actress? Who do you know is the best performer in China?S: Cheng Yanqiu, Mang Lianliang, Qiu Shengrong and so on. Mei Lanfang.T: show a slide of Mei Lanfang ( introduce Mei Lanfang)T: What role do they play in Beijing Opera?S: guide students to say out “sheng”, “dan”, “jing”, “chou”, “mask”ⅡListeningT: We have some knowledge about Beijing Opera, Now look at these exercise and give a judge firstly then listen to the cassette and check your guess.Do the exercise 1Show students a chart about Beijing Opera’s structureDo the exercise 2 and 3Do the exercise 4Read through the Strategies with the class and see if they know how to use any of these Strategies already.Students listen to the cassette and get the general idea. Play the cassette without pausing the first time. And ask them to answer the questions.Do the exercise 5, 6 and 7The teacher can draw a conclusion:Besides Beijing Opera, there are still other National Treasures in China. They serve as a window of China. And through this window, foreigners are able to understand Chinese culture better.ⅢSpeakingDo the exercise 8.Imagine you have to ask for permission in the situations below. Think of good reasons.Practice your oral EnglishSuppose Smith come from America. He is interested in Beijing Opera. As his interpreter you are introduce Beijing Opera to him. .Do the exercise 9ⅣWritingWrite a composition to introduce Beijing Opera its history and value,including Characters, scenes, costumes and skills needed. You can add some details,such as some names of play and famous artists.。
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Beijing Opera Revision Handout
I.Making sentences.
________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 2、京剧结合了表演、对话、唱歌、音乐、舞蹈和杂技。
________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 3、音乐声音必须要大,演员嗓音一定要尖锐,这样才能让观众听到。
________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 4、京剧演员的戏服颜色鲜艳,这样观众们在室外露天舞台才能看得更清楚。
________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________ 我很荣幸能够代表我们班参加这次比赛。
________________________________________________________________________________ III.Read and reply the letter.
Dear my Chinese friend,
How are you?
I’m learning Chinese recently and my teacher told us something about Beijing Opera. I’m very interested in it. Could you tell me more about it? And can you take me to watch a live performance when I come to Beijing next month?
Thank you very much! Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes.