
新时代交互式英语视听说教程第二级答案新时代交互式英语视听说教程第二级答案原文地址新时代交互式英语视听说教程第二级答案作者忆如潮水新时代交互英语视听说第二级答案unit 1 23 132213 312 32211 drink ice lemon start think going have salad side back BAEDC 1324 221312 11211 12231 unit 2 23 13133312 113 1131 vacation fantastic island beach beautiful mile expensive anyone along stayed EDCBA 2413 231322322 11212 21321 unit 3 11 2221212 223 2113 DABEC 3122 13312312 22112 13212 unit 4 31 321233 322 2333 feeling cold nose throat cough breathe chest home soup day BCAED 1212 1213311123 12113 12111212 13212 新时代交互英语level2答案Unit5 unit5 b-a b-a-a-a-c-a-a-c a-b-a --- a-c-a stay dinner store cook place drive turn straight miss find e-d-b-a-c b-a at at on down close ina-b-a-b b-a-b 新时代交互英语level2答案unit 6 a-c-c --b-b-b-c-a party fun look outfit vampires people dress candy dance player c-e-d-b-a b-c-b-b-a b-a-b-b-a a-b-b-a-ab-b-b-a-c-b-a-b 新时代交互英语level2答案unit 7 unit 7 b-d a-c-b-c-a-a a-c-c --- c-a-c-c-c navigate stores side look best compare skywalk restaurants pizzas clothes b-d-e-c-a c-a-c-b-c any some some some any some a-a-b-b-b a-b-c-c-b-a-c-a 新时代交互英语level2答案unit 8 b-c c-c-b-a-a-a c-c-b -- b-a-a-a-a difficult wrong dressed wearing school naked covered shortheels shoes d-a-b-c-e c-a-b-a spending to speak to go enough should apply try to go to ask about to find out very too a-a-b-a-b a-b-a 新时代交互英语level2答案unit 9 b-a b-b-b-c-b-c c-a-b --- a-b-a-c-b good horrible food trip rude culture group museums experience boring b-c-d-e-a a-b-c-b-c b-c-a-c-aa-a-a-a-a c-a-b-b-b-a 新时代交互英语level2答案unit 10 c-b c-c-b-b-b-c b-b-c -- a-a-c-b-c place apartment bedrooms distance floors decorate month utilities Pets washer d-a-e-b-cc-c-b-b-c b-a-b-c-a a-b-a-b-a a-b-b-c-b-a 新时代交互英语level2答案unit 11 c-a a-a-a-c-a-a-a c-c-b --- b-a-b-a-a house apartment parents born area from grew corner college moneyb-c-a-e-d a-c-a-b-a your yours They their them b-a-a-a-b 新时代交互英语level2答案unit 12 a-b c-a-c-b-a-c b-c-c ---b-a-a-a-a favorite American foreign Chinese Italian Mexican spicy eaten steak chicken b-a-d-e-c a-b-c-c-c b-b-c-c-a a-b-a-b-a b-b-b-b-c-a 新时代交互英语l evel2答案unit 13 c b b cb cb c b ac aa cc a degree job family business commute salary money maybe environment important ad be c b cb ac ac ba a a bb ab cc ba ca 阶段测试新时代交互英语level2答案test A Sam Says. a-c-b-a-b HiChris. was were did have spent much Kevin. Super Math. WellIm. What do you. We need. All you. Mm-hmmm. Then you. Kate asks. b-c-a-b --- At the airpot. reserve browsedelete fares RobJenny. waitress nervous responsible punctual It sounds. c-a-a-a-b --- Doctor. can have to Take make sure Dave.a slice of tomato Some iced tea Dave. a-b-a --- I saw you.a-b-b-a LOS-an-ge-les. b-b-a Which. a-b -- Nurse. c-b-b-c-c-a Can I. a-b-a-b 新时代交互英语level2答案test B KevinSuper. How can add do click Where VoiceThank. calling at to is What does. a-b-c-a-b Luis. mean have get on Got --- KateAna. have adata nauseous aches fever pharmacy to get dressed single Are you coming. b-a-b-a-c-b Laura. supermarket cake florist blocks Take aright intersection -- NurseHello. am calling need feel make will too The should come Where take turn on EmiI am. should take Pardom am packing Laura. to help make enough get might -- DRIVE away. b-a --- GilI think. a-a-b What are.b-b-b-b-a --- 新时代交互英语level2答案test C AnaWhat. happen forgot baggage claim was What is. c-b-a Thank you. are two view utilities furnished Luiss. b-a-c-a-b -- Dr.Han. interview delayed luggage baggage claim Lets meetb-b-b-c-a-a-a Need a. ocean mountains tours river convenient --- Jack. told understood met have decided am Maxhello. were was studying met werent didnt have First Then finally were you living Two children. No No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No -- talked b-a Wheres your. b-a-b apartments c-a absoLUTEly.a-a-b-b-a --- Wheres. a-c-c Kate. b-c-a-b-c 期末测试新时代交互英语level2答案level test Dave tells. a-b-a-c SoRick. weirdest snail thing foreign cuisine meat eater vegetarian stuff favorite Chinese food is pretty great Dave. lettuce go Itll Ireally. really nice of you make a right out there fabulous bakery keep going I wh ould love it that doesnt sound too hard Does the. a-c --- Richard. responsible browsing downloaded fare reserve The little. c-a-c-a Two high. waiter oders meals small business owner talented Two friends. fever prescription pharmacy Take aright blocks -- The friends. Happy Birthday What did you say Ohno Im sorry at See you soon Answering. Yes Yes No No No Yes -- 注意此章节答案仅为我做的答案请注意题目是否相配suit. c-b Here you. No No Yes No Shirt. b-a-a takes. c -c c proJECT. no yes yes Those are yes no no --- Rearrange the sentences. The general manager is expected to give aspeech at the annual meeting Sarah got three good job offers so that she cant decide which one to take up Iwas running late and missed my boyfriend by five minutes Agood economy will help to bring the const of living down again Marry a-b-a-b-c MSN空间完美搬家到新浪博客。

□■ 1UnitlWhfch Part 1(H th* vid«D dip anol cornpiMt ll» 肆打饶僦的X NW * INs sJMly Trrhe guMttlBd : 2£i !B-03-->6 16 5fl 〔Riday|iBOOH'■ ■・ ■ 4 Mw| 科 aw Mmrda曲d4w” Ha^ani LhlwK0 In 匚 Kuj is.(1 jm ha Mark! Wta wte toAJs« JM». Pn v^wrti^ Hevd M C O *S W W S»B H S fW 冲anwd kart.打 Vv bM Hfll mnl &\ TWriE ' W WI WE-B ^AJfi ■ Hii-hnni BC 3R win fluoail^ E IF «Dund ■■ wcrH Che V MRT »Krtirti ・M K WI nn E. ft?.・.刚钮 曰MEIJ I 疔 m “Jrfjr «■V.iMh 总 bV9"VRL ftifbUMHBM Itf 野 H9fl -tTQV' * "W Mn* •***«hw* v< t** K?oqi. UH , and.and* twi 耳Ri«iy Sdw 刃i <ri C5uw vim^ ar tws Jrts F KmnMls 业U Si Crf^vinnwil. U. tr ww i9b »»k ** MT |I - BtavrM «hdvnb vwi wi haw 側 romdom * H F !h««.VMMMI .'Mt MKl 辰 HiKtafMi iiir <H1T H *I J 2 I H I 上 R K I AI rwhM. 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Whnw John do EO・ of M urwwnrfywovt*>Join doos «IME of hM awocfrb MXt in ffahartt ✓Next >□■< It «at is a fund to *^c>o n*cNews report > 1Me* *<xd»O<負imjooo BtW.000o >M.a»XJW Witch Part 2of tM v3o clip and compete tfw answersOone 冊INs a^Mty Tme sutntted. 2O1W3-MDo i n«w5> report >nd c hom. th« d4rsw»r Io th* qursWns you ho«rDore wtr- tha 血脚Tire sUsrrrited. 20lM<i j Da 16.3fl iSurxlary^Z FKXTV imU S^w- s inMr for tier irnt^gr am■3C£<k』LA 5** i ・》<加■申豪Ungy帀B *a*f q皿fw ^qw^uaMitC WHIN U^*0 3nt In to inti4 ptchnn irf rw Ita «« V« USLB Aafns V-^HH mw noa^rani kiDwfin ihan U M hu mna冥,1C. 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So I 9u«m «v Wi—■ ■ ol mportanc* 6 on hMX) ^rut (1)KlMXM ✓Bu: War I movod t>F M 8WM. I Mml how o atAocdta anth peocn. M MonQ2. Sc. I a** " • M of mportunc* cn ei・k>«HD».6 tw<^g 9rwf (U tQioww ✓M 2 I to r«9Utok I iMmi ho* oMtoodfa "th PM0B. M along E l» M M wM EO ⑵OKH ■ “ ycuhAO*. Elston^, omg Mca If. &ssKaly ho* RJ |3)X —PM* ✓ .ho» you irate(*««• tnl. end hw ■•甲・w^aM . W I ■*•••vvonanl. M t M«mlMlln»oUttomworMWy toM erf «lr«M on *M«(4) .Kmcr* 丿b«e* n r« day* 21 •aU 9^9t\ fou knew now IMfIrernef aM pecM K comnMKtflnQ (S| s f" *^r< “ . Faar” a1 3v, a M pen ol vw, n grwn, ■ litwn^ i gw rm taMg a lot ngr<no* ouKyou w q f ・mg wet ■h peo0e >DU阳一o (1) Mteg torw^ . io p«t J ■ ITMM< mavte Z you* moJh tv • RW M B Mid teten .cthm, aM IhtR |0v em (21 tnmund 1M fiBfnjMaie ✓•• then* .a b«t«« ««F S>. p«< erf CO. I VarK . tafi»rv^)- Mvmg t> cttHV- and il can X nxv ifrpcrtBrrt Ifwi IQAnswerOutside view >Watch video clip agam and comptett th* semenc^s冊INs a^Mty Tme summed 201M5O4 19 35 (Rl«K •• t—xrw ir»« (hr fw wvtf tQ CD ca^a UP“ . you tow.(D■> io.、'•pp 厂4«4・4 000( loothng✓5 mrgate✓e hwM> reWui✓r hot✓✓• P*«»M.quw<✓10✓11 pum Wsh✓(2.7✓13 MWKFthy✓14 iCOMl haco)✓巧Rtw.hom✓16即5✓■i. <K1- 卜3如3w/mg N A U E W片怦巒理冲El«| 14 faiiod «n 岂PH gJH MOUf 3—p B^』射咖世»q f 旳巳砂iA^A put (mra^jm. fe.M{t UAMM g4_wsw ・w r ?nm TTJAJWI QWQH V細h 囲|r HTWd T79UOH W)fCUJ IHW £tnapri I«MJ ・HHU四lAttteu d ■* 州• I H* n 4^nri «J WJBWU vnw* HUIXK^■Oj fur AlMtij -MS D|. u«M puMiflt ApKiwd fiM 9UA« vvui斗b)d」.3dcud gp CMM帀&如'Mucnnu 4ui* ymopa ejodE7H« W4i ita* M*K>*i uJGMi -Urt*op*ri Hniw1 «mu UflMd ^k«v |IMM T£WUOLMNPPgE4fdom W ■沖£:』«|i¥*ww Hffmd fi ^r«i jiMA tLCHHL UJE ¥K4j>n MKXKl何«<4H4i sfitHji fttufe. Irrnfluva uiw| ieii H84>|_P J D IFLJiJt OQPHD MF 9M* «0U0d rG*q ZD M£vJfU UOUWOP«0UM r«* w*r *wr "ss* n*wrt £护口也憾|匸|是期E创tkH ^dotid !>«#■ r. IKV MOM i 严lAw. j- |.f-6L H>5C-9;(JZ paUILdqnfi 翻11丄初阿歯*闻切卑>M«XZI5L^BMS4J F HU. UUM 9-U)MJ5«lt> 科4|3iFLM PUF UlBifC £ lOmiVd 且I< J dBess«d■电叫—*3m宁凹w* O B U PA wifWM^ that Z H昨EIM入oenru^ thdt eperaoes mr7® and iwiHEng pods-.& th* HIMilHSu9hW np *<yw> s p*a^a"K atnupUntEwtfflw iWKia ta e fa Uw tp/mta >£■.• twafehftocten; *iaw H M &wt wbton« g c*^y p»rt*TmD. UHdersufldufig i HE从repert■ fci ■■■■■ Y&tf, Biw d Uplift F**in.rtiW tft fcHMrlo tfW mcmni—O WL F OhCife. Tha mw raped ■ fate—d*・•*«揪STUnit3Outside view 3Lt¥t»n t<] a n«w rvfKwtand 宅hew 罚・負imvwrlfii thfl! qu«ti#n« you M ATbone wth Itie adMty. Time MMwOed. 201fr4M-CO2Z3& fMon轲:YtiurMxrt icmB hftn muhi MIW;i*aA*uidfid ・h toM& hArt 沽4M I wih£ Fw tfbMn 血丫BK4Hd 叭屯ItBra* taw-gD Mm (F^hcwttf ^nwn prin m Mr taun >rw.A Ife^t ■ {Moornngi i 清唧■pprlinE M iiW*ng A H IA I M.E wotks miw run fnaaion# n naainq ETUTW<] pnxMV^D IT fi» devil ■» fGQB <ariK0fii voti wli hJta im IsMW-tMuk p«ittrriiof Uh*^^owigE MM师p« alh*H(1) .«KW #true <I D(Y ikfiofl<?) attiKrtav tZlocnofi the SUa mKMni34i m fl* PWran JWnffUM ehHii^teii4»> 整wn «J 事《5drji^lk! turMgpAlnt ampmCl] feu # bwu w *fiBirriN* vlyl*□ullT^ihvniS^ 耐w加j 1/ I D tivte d Ifwdmb tai Passage-2曙3|0鼻艸・u* A W N now" IRH事vI 沖皿I I S&JO* »fiN I ■ VSJW^L 4JCOC IPQA.gny:号J 挺川贺-frCHHW pa«iuqm BUI j AlAipetLfl 屮跆・u叱Si v lkjiu*4.5*| jo «dA| IBIIHK H»Q|3 pue e *C岭冈u«iw]tQffA Uifli QumFlUwSV R 4tlQu ■*!}“MUHDi UKM| uAU "ft MfrtUI 1 MQfftefS Qj MtlUijg * ^pautuux^ ・| 话Ml^lUU th HW <MVHin> 列 .irq MMUF4MJ *<^1M0P waul . « tKi flExuLim jfi ik£ufl|^ 41H Wi, MjMMduS ■期吟副mT if 甲袒i杯呻尹"*「声吨4WU¥ UHAAMri Mfl <Lj Fwa ^aiq QMfddins- puE «0ood .p sm faunbflu pm F«u-£pd:钿皿EJ □gge6essedI < 2 *0«s«dMHUH bl 删■ill!立出p泊晒i禺謝IMTdy iLk# ] •2 UV^I! gtabT dQM du Ef^KLh』udtfWCT? G Thty wlu* sMf w«4*F"w呻G#mw.六* 3 Whtil Jfw Ei^igh Imm Iw*1* APB wwing H M R|Nr*» Thn ■ ■ pfe» bt tw D i^fTWTW^Idia^f |* n> flQwiturqi Egfehfl * G PTVMF V^ 0 E H tfKmg& Wfrfl ■ #il riilJ pvftDn ku hMCJl V M tMfA. 4 KA|>k£快GAfTTWl “M鼻8呻I W I NI V M mnw*fl WOTfl■仙SPB“ D. AiMn StwFur fw gmilf. Hew Car 1 血Tw m0ii dm tM scar* 17 E. H D sccroa 1 dH«! two En_AK" pliv-Unit3 testfl D U P pn bn I ripOfSectKW □: UnderstavidiRg i news r»mrt■■* BMlee r°" ■ trt-riH J ym t>«|»fL Y*u JFA r•孑・I■曲la iMbtfi id tht 皿匚勧idw甲-DM_Y ONCL. B M rtfrfMl m 1(xlnM»d■ 3 LHlffll ri^d «hODM> ffl« ■<llrW hlFH> UW *U« lAokM-严12.A tl if4^4^TW ClwwVQ bwiiBCiHi MjpmdHK Vm Ung !*■&■ IMFWMlAng 邛rmrudvid wifi Bi停IM E U削my fw N息* 材~弓上雷阳吧A. In Jaruw>'-Be hu*cRIIIUnit 4■K E *■ a P [jkii! 4 ¥11B ■ r-i.rr~i:iOutside view * 1•M VR^-Q I m wit be UM Iv eanKn MW H !«Ma Mn wH «■ ijaHufBdTmnM MWI * DIMW vtugWM rSffl# WnGn*A H M N*H BI KWIM rnvft碎Mgnpww I* TVC. Pisopta- ara EM nKfAd P helping 杞brne^D 曲・*4» ■ ri Muh 幻*^ ttki rg«ajrq nwtlfm ftom prwxi.*A Sadi m«n nudMKl tur-dflhfenAC. i&tfh nwn ■BTfDHifir Emwx^j ® g ETW Fwy flidnl 阿]・d. C* Bull mn■«*^HHI<Ar<M • p aamt "»w «M MK» K lbw CMMkDn wffl 3(7k r Jlth EiHkT %1-auD4-rH» J 7: Monday0 l^e hov tw IranMi x> brir ans vtcp fww £ H* anf*pfEMd^s Ih* I WH bu»glV}P Ha 4 Ail Hi« gft*iLfteb七■mily Eiyifwi-A mb* iJua^v:hvdfc «3> hofflM mil 血rf| luw* an jkvm 甸1・<」蚪TM> *i•序br* E D hornw iw tw pf 事"C IPwp u^uAh M£・d homu EU: ham 丄wouilv 町I I BHIPassaged1 Thaii nJiapi IN H! I J K T K I rum■皓EaiT »M3url!| ntar rup- Mill ha—'J AM■申:■^*rfcw la vvw pw: h*ax Imrfli f Qang ta Bal* nfJ 加ZTMinQi < h* 昨押fVud 点5屯>1 MX ir^tW E-.WO Ari I'A UkAA H.i Uta ^uf M A H HH^HQ tftbvn J ^licni bUfli — Ihvf ft-nrifad hrh vMii IM wtt 4hl Urftahg tif T H■3 The E0 -wdgErft P ug. oui w■讪sure 唏tm gurirya1创Passage21Done Allh 1>也Time* Mbmitted. 19 2>55 Einday:V DK BCUB 100%• ■PassagedUnit 4 testczaiI New words✓tOVBtMTf zA. A t*qjr«vT»e ttf! M»rwBtoaBBfiWitch Part 2of (M video clip and compim the sentencesDone g tNs MMy Tme sutmned 201M5O4 2012 (Rd®刃Voo^v^r. For gpte M>* Io aaf an IOQUTO•wwy⑴ tfraAiIrwMKn ✓Women: OK 0?外Q Qm®n B ©n* f G© uM^g Eat movttJoe ^w»y WOrifr7 g e. not AvflyMown. Joa. a know r» my Ui ・>wo nm X mM r ・M> IWMI<•co niM nwMM flByhlWi rm p« ooma gn wm* ccMwJoe* i EY ・e vnichra twl tend ol movr Pt» I OWt 師JSa*Ro6Mt& I H«h hMa thM tno«wVo«ce<ver J M Zsec htf tfml a baucfbtfl ga^ on Uxnorrue nigMHe aartibMkh<Mends ww toMfth tVtewtf ). I MM M m*cVkewM 1.OK Mxv 4bcM Z MMSVktwM ). Than OK But r* Men t(4> toommrUiMi “VtewM2. YMh M tooVteww 2. YMh >oJre ntftViewer 1: Hey. XJW aboui WQOO U andget K»ne poza?Viewer 3: Trafl a good dea Turn that of.Mum* i 01 you to Um r N CMT fm gng to tirn fl o<Wom»n: Oh.杓over I fjgt Z El ^XMe* Th®»u Hx (•l槽X W V S <•not)«ir te¥0M»taJg Ti OK » loim<W»— 5 f Ktg E 财> ow l>IQ Tw 9»vw ✓Woman: CH. «ur» lew I «nl be ATV*V* rommotr? rm 0ong to vMn>v MvJoe: On ywrv ThM» 5Voiceover The buwww rwei. »wn» to haw VMd H M f8l WM>✓・■ prtgrwmw that »wn t>stooo And Fuf* ail lor cn^ht teas/ B< iax« 1o Lne n tomonwrVtowM 2: Na he etM«r Men M Macn»«•A csW« Wwf cvttoHm to owhour of pUytwwC. Mar^ calto ony Liropear sttateg/ girvesD stto MX charge ・i I EUIW I MA The* donl IM ^a/ng Q»nM >n Mr own hornB The> 3 me fcod ana dims that M« urved xC. ・0 0QVT1^^8“? (MJy® y tt>5®rC®^BSTha pccuterty of Z MUM INews report >Done ”6 tns ided 201MMM 19 48 (RWay)A nmcsy 和IMW E MI V IU I•MtHw6 Tctet rw^tn M« ticto* tor tv prw»C Ron ^iA(nowAM OCMBI HmaonMMM M T* vh1 M'D-CLJXin IXZI1 TM¥盘舛如Fl 7 3 JTtai fJymgi fla^vra 勺* * aw npK1 bMllmn'i WHP S fflBtarr ■MHfl 3 < 6 ifti W- ftp jSptf IwrlW"Z1 / T■VHW23 “The AOf^kinA. H* <HX事['I |>nd 隆*1 rfB H« is sci™**i^ borod wtti <C Hf n ingWIy 仕解"i HA FnjtfidC S MUM A I I0 Inchiilmii亀葩Ehq 爾谪a 4»Eg■ I4W1«4 up BO««口口□叭町和twig kui in-iia dw^j:B ¥<uifi wip* AH I•柿nmi 血硝HfHha 甲C '任pAapiA An uruvMfMAUi I M■vie afur< 凸^LM>^ pmifd* ara taiaraJad! iwttii wtrU aHwrv{空}Unit 6■1 r剧理=1J mtnB IhKauw heEF^WEUitwirgiOTYflHo. t Dwm h« ■« T klHMfl *M 1VN* Zrt WfwSMtJOfl □: UnderEtafi^ifig d news report■“r j・F Q H I hut « Mm ・・呻*1_ T MJ jr* K^uarid la khten io th*-『■匚右1序网-ONLY ONCE. Tlu imn r»fi<w1 r* fol«iM»d靳3 別•■■DHI L H I PII unhdlp1 »nd «haM« lw bill ■IHHH tn l*ui dwlui-A Ha -luKi found Pw»maC A IttuM certoM by A canlrM cun^Jat0. A tlMlM w<iojt • oc«n>UB^4 WV«il VM! wa»y H>OM n« wnwl home“ KU 沁JJB. AcorcxmrC A bjrg^rO. AW<vv««wKro9QrirQ<5 如v O" yoop =0"・》・*wir cow^Jtr M a ratted frwntf?A 11 (Mr centB H RT otm負1. rwertd thenleo dp,UMC. The M» of corpuiors r» Ti>nMm0. Ow ge of ” erg tecR2. W\rt pmcBHe al hMm In — N H« A COM^UB P1 WMt« a tnan ewxm>A A hXN0 W<« • OOfTpUtefA Thipopd^t^ax^pklwBB fe^r oof*C. 44 centr—h>.負■♦・Done 加(Ns a^Mty nne sutrrNM 201&O5O41959score 100%N^w wrvH<m a very «rponant x cf mow (Il JiMh a ■ “ ■dM«n ・y no po*c«ana h sdB. But «hey 9n beccmng wenpottart ⑵ECM hO«W 丿• ■ Tt»y1l MO corM am 怙• ■•**•»! WW ■ (J) (ORVMHf-90^9M ✓houm The »TWI howt »MM a rwi pocsOity If ■(4 | Ow IxncetiM. w a b^rgtar Mm■ME x UghH rMtfv tef you to ocm home Md of OCMM«btoto($) new raVudom ✓stw compeer ho* your fnoMe phone So f your ptan. cf»mgnKnw VM! (6) jMCtMUMt^L J nomMhn««|oliotoafl<how X EMde (7| TYE ti—mat ✓tocMte . vwy•wm. »o |XM/1 tXi■ Ou*ml fltwfvw* ywWarr. II rhe TpfrWue ft) WE? ^4H9H ✓ . «he VHB Hhome ■ F*aveta inwd* Tha coeipunfMl iho dote f« MMa II 9m ■ to Hop ■ rwdi (91 jtfi from Earn 7 ■roan AM■ /OU WM to Mt wfwn you gat kMe, m» cc*n^ular ■<10) Um fw 90 ✓far »W/f)8 T>w»hm^ • pood vyw/* n dartvww C Dw* M net (Mkxll )0 LB.0 !>»•> oan »<tNhv«j 0 Wvm re# bofy次 Q 5 • I讪Tfl* -News report > 1NoIgM0 TMy«en1 MliMtvtMKi〔New MX切A RmaiKtWB rrMM«d he tWnaD «nd wM “ oocAroectmIS印91!un严[皿uav3dflig|jy 3^呼讯•网*■祕轉静報辑剔祖||t rr«W 件如出檸耳整! 1尸dad fipati srikifi 40 lufijb 4M>- P unrwduh] IEJUMH^ jonpE -aqi ICM P«IJ44! uqdit rairf op MD_ - aww| E»W啊*i m pb >i#in vwwwq 叭I.FVM dpNE rs ■£卢认Fiun *1 !■・4I 理冋¥XK| do WpKJ [fcg J3 tpjOMJ 2£4J «m t z li^lu <|t 員M dMi wUnqi * tfvuj faMvw jd Mhft t IWM卑Hh> £/*Ehttit^o^u fuaqEuguP amn inq fiCuij VUKWIU wm I OuWn vuauj z严■单trd.gii1酎期阿华AJB«U, p4ujofi - fkin ineaqu 口Kj ■屮鼻w | Kiteq■o 卿I ajcra ricUi,0 ■ClVI**- iUVudp'H^l-UI' dill *AJ|.¥K>i|->Ji^iL ijUnit 7 Outside view > 1Walxh ttit vKfeH flip >gasn ind* eofiipMt lti« urM:«ne*s1. WeW hn now «1 fw AuFTriBn 伙・Mvnm4 Dt t» Art E hfl I:”"HT FI OA*2. rtaihl |1;-惘rr哺耐• /fwnLeil wn i即tnis< * .J. Fia ia E 甲B»口『J u^iiiM' arhiM ktam脚 d ml hnown ■M ■剧Ihm 血9码■*«!Ml MFIHlft! # h/i««ra■祁CD 饶刑血*4 ThrtHaR 4* ii IM 吐厅yi*;4« liuF *他bw«臼■■p irWfMiMMiUCin 鼎E H■剛IfBW 0 GW 円耳h・hFi> MrjQEmoi& ttwf -truglhi' an ttw l^mnci HfarH '曲匕r and n^nnr [i |0«11>0|5 d won An Ihtf tuw happml|』| tflii *& ■ rHfifii 111iZ M QI^ |we s*o■MHG aataM * n * e•屈i 比朴mfr h Uuon wm A kMdf ^uuirmOutside view > 3* I SlfWWWi Wn Ji Pwft如匹如.9urmm^racusoii*旷WplM 删邛4AV IM rd»W4 4l WM WbrI, ww to ” mawita*»d H 财・r・i4 B**SAr rj^hAAd rwdj*dc of wq*£« gdimHi jnd oritaML』I MtMto Tw Hri M htamarv * ih» 1bn« cf PitUrAm^Mohf# 3 AH&HC Dwy it ■ P1M; H曲■! ik*mOboe iMlh <Ns Errc xjibr-rHfld 沁勺口14~£占Q 04 | Monday|^tjy B^QTB 100%15>STWEiBIX>・□6ity Tlfi J18-O44S23 (M■ A TM Mnette the FoOA'tl Gl 841 dtart8 The «M*K MW Mlerf rrtenra m««< m US irrwwim0 H»e US MTwarvlm <4v to aMSvtA MAtoM YVMtfw «rtv ««I Utrwa MuOma*0 8M>wt «<h trot«m«A «MAn0 to M B1 Whri dm Ehorjig way jfcnjl VUrwn»4i ■ 耐"^書k wn-«<T 曲iff呵7l杓曲祁*W?llv:u-j^il ywwH !flis3|ngi ^rvl nJ碑i*j«d Stm Lj-ibH—rg *生m^:世M M ±K H F U WAAF?3IW Krtwf an ■ llijiiftp lh« QqrnMn4. WhiL ■>« Dorl-s uy W K期1 Pw of Krtjng in tha WAAF?Th*y w* ■■阿・ifi i* 伙wi| tom*』9- *ntaj 如° g. w Hw pilB* 他EUdi am ■ *• W"W 呻的廿』« mudie «H MW! AMU IWH. VW 4 flMUtR 函剛”忖处帕3C- D YAH L AD Ej<^*rdrvAn< Il mM> M M I F Amnan hMi 'b hm M>wi ・tora 197SH WKTI:an optar tor ftrnran lanjn !□ lu理i'flfcwn M U'D 1B750 II wi-t >g«4 Mi ^HtfWi irav K i»rt Vtvitwrti W» 19?5 區曲叫Iw IM 4±l 冲B 卜祜lit hus twi ioo coriKNiBraaiU hi* u«0 II ■割旳10 -MwwUnit7 test・■ Vw MI^WH finni hw 9 thirl1 f-enn jFMatww Y M■* 曲〜*・沖w I MMU he 1h» mttMlnf ONLY OW ・M oflwiMilic-<wm*i4lMn g■ iVJeilK^ wil be Htoaid AtXMri wtial hM- bten KMd Ltsten cairrlui^ and choone Hit belt jniwrf fr«n the- row岂F rq# |Qi匚FXi«P争讯・*U klv- Ih hn Ewn ta ftB II • rwnfl.Section D. UniSerstandmg « news report・—BMd>oavo<・ ht ・[■MEpoaJjrt tofcUHitothert<o (XOWUYOC^.TWiww>fpo<tmfokMwd✓Sectxxi C; Understanding a passa9e!2Unit 8z pn-haa Irijk□: Undcrslanding i news rspcrtfHWl l*pon r* -To4iiJM4iA 戌H IWRWWd E WWrmpB 咅wU E* n .衿昇e ^ngrj仃* 匚A IrinM oUl Mppvwi *1Adwndh on BdAr owtig13.JL B* BUM an E JU J V uU^ratpv^ parxdv ■■ Md m 9-M port. B Mriu#rwr m BW* n^jr* 101* P** L B#n t JI ■wiiKrui tah^ilinl> i' w •Outside view >Wateh Hit vKfeHi flip and cofi^pMt th« iMtfile.Desie vAlh Bill acO呻r■晦tubt^rlM 2JD1B-CM-19 2Q 57 |Pu*day?Faclilte期9 rail沪majitaiiij ■ FMiaR IlnlM-M^nral97 43 25 lRiAiiiin£a'.1?1D30hkmAf E PM0& 峑Hag dJ啲PKP*RilWtnft-pwpt■-LftnjBn 0 -davlp |HrPeirencf ■iMIT-jOS Cf pn^K; N CumMTirtnnWiikiijJll0 prn«pr± n E i^nr*Brir uocnimin^RjiFhiariiCBacmvuityat m Ma jrv ChiirxuwJwrture-I'lw artrtori UMri itw wfcdHlewi n nonglo b JU1« ma*A, dnirari t>pn E bfkfaG Mwvri nalwwfliO. a wv WTIQ I A pari cf I M WF Ui w i* llw lb ■»*电MWwiiri WFl rn !pnM ZOutside view > 2B D * tl «■pn bm I ripiL vHJ >U N^ M |UQ| Epfddlia FWMF GUtaJ 和tVf hfea T in Thi prafKl* f** 剧iritmC ■ MI艸 E rh・nhwnwi fif CMU m HUgg■. E local Boonorr*■C hid su4w*«l Uu4Outside view > 3。

第一部分新时代视听说2文字版答案部分Level 2 Unit 1第一部分第1.2小节不做。
第3小节 1.rough 2.exceeding 3.stand out 4.Witnesses 5.rejected 6. adopted 7.flowed in 8.emerged 9.To seek out 10.resolve第4小节不做。
第5小节 1.inclined 2.refugees 3.establishment 4.exclusively 5.rescued 6.abandoned 7.sought 8.exceed 9.matched 10.nourish第6.7.8小节不做第二部分不做。
第三部分第1小节 1.itness 2.esolved 3.dopted 4.escued 5.xceed 6.rief 7.elatively 8.ray 9.wist 10.rgan第2小节 1.sought out 2.As for 3.died form 4.go through 5.recovering from第3小节 1.slums 2.care 3.proved 4.revered 5.saint 6.specifically7.reject 8.emerged 9.cheerfulness 10.dignity第4小节(此部分每个人做都会有不同的顺序,记得要好好看题) 1.D:after 2.C:imploring 3.B:since 4.D:offer 5.C:choking up 6.D:talk to 7.B:keep 8.A:what 9.C:neither 10.C:collected第5.6节不做。
OVER警告:部分答案来自互联网,版权归原作者所有,请勿转载LEVEL 2 UNIT 21/3第三节:1.numerous 2.diverse 3.immense 4.transform 5.maintain6.ambition7.tremendously8.crucial第四节:1.transfering 2.previous 3.style 4.miserable 5.unique6.convincing7.motion8.adaptedponents 10.goals第五节:munity 2.diverse 3.transfer municate 5.pursue6.integrate7.obtaining8.significant9.encountered 10.maintain3/3第一节:1.diminished 2.convinced 3.diverse 4.previous 5.transferred 6.effect 7.rate 8.mood 9.performed 10.motivate第二节:1.take into account 3.familiar with 4.result in 5.participate more in 6.prior to就这么多了,关键的2节没有,真不好意思1/3第三节:1.fortune 2.In a way mitted 4.creativity 5.make a difference 6.on my own 7.For all 8.hooked 9.inspired 10.diagnostic第五节:1.grade 2.hooked 3.barely pared 5.changed 6.vision 7.souned 8.optimisic 9.size 10.personal警告:部分答案来自互联网,版权归原作者所有,请勿转载LEVEL 2 UNIT3/3第一节:1.ortune 2.ommitting 3.ooted 4.nspired 5.ooked ined 7.eans 8.ssumed 9.ntense 10.eputation第二节:1.as long as 2.make a difference 3.showing off 4.take,up 5.working out第三节:1.optimist 2.toughest 3.possible 4.deadly 5.diagnostic 6.paid -7.possibilities 8.creativity 9.solve 10.achievements第四节:(此部分每个人做都会有不同的顺序,记得要好好看题)1.B:watching 2.B:whose 3.B:as 4.A:improving 5.C:the death of a child 6.C:as 7.C:alive 8.C:being 9.C:beneficial 10.B:giving警告:部分答案来自互联网,版权归原作者所有,请勿转载UNIT 41/3 第三节 1.hung around 2.discouraged 3.recalled 4.essential5.curiosity6.kept in touch7.resist8.qualify9.addition 10.came out -第五节 1.cleaing 2.essential 3.resistance 4.discouraged 5.through 6.single-minded 7.Naturally 8.lift 9.so es3/3 第一节 1.essestial 2.curious 3.recall 4.discouraged 5.qualifies 6.postponed 7.embraced 8.further 9.confine 10.prejudice第二节 1.hanging around 2.started out 3.keep in touch 4.leave for 5.make something of yourselves第三节 1.identify 2.addition 3.conducted 4.broaden 5.beyond6.out7.apply8.scientific9.profound 10.affect第四节(此部分每个人做都会有不同的顺序,记得要好好看题)1.C:beyond 2.D:had attended 3.A:As 4.C:that 5.C:willing 6.D:uneducated 7.C:that 8.A:had been given 9.D:fleeing 10.B: taking警告:部分答案来自互联网,版权归原作者所有,请勿转载UNIT 51/3 第三节 1.marvelous 2.interviewed 3.congratulate 4.prime 5.via6.formuma7.Originally8.mounted9.destination 10.illusion第四节 1.my signature is similar to yours 2.are working far apart 3.he studied hard and his hard work paid off 4.takes too much of my time ,I'd like to be excused from further participation5.congratulating her on winning the Sports Trophy第五节 1.congratulated 2.mounted 3.promised 4.scholarship5.graduate6.proudbined8.benefit9.champion 10.excused3/3 第一节 1.hampion 2.ongratulate 3.ormula 4.llusion 5.riginally6.enerate7.erived8.riority9.espite 10.mposed第二节 1.are similar to 2.excused from 3.pay off 4.in other words 5.related to第三节 1.advice 2.lose sightof 3.plus m4.arvelous 5.formula 6.encouraged 7.favorite 8.finals 9.relaxed 10.atmosphere第四节(此部分每个人做都会有不同的顺序,记得要好好看题)1.A:In the case of 2.D:off 3.B:in 4.B: staged 5.D: satisifying 6.D:that 7.A:graduated 8.C:were 9.B: blame 10.B:to警告:部分答案来自互联网,版权归原作者所有,请勿转载UNIT 61/3 第三节1.controversy2.proposed3.implement4.varies5.renewed6.critical7.maintain8.opposing9.favor 10.burden第四节1.proven2.literate3. second4.native5.more6.courses7.argue 8.opposed 9.work 10.immigrants3/3 第一节1.transitional2.maintaining3.concepts4.proponents5.proposing6.fascinated7.lump8.swarm9.union 10.scared第二节1.other than 2.serve ..as 3. point out 4.slipped outof 5.banded together第三节1.immersed 2.effective 3.concepts 4.controversial5.variety6.critics7.burden8.immigrants9.addition 10.bilingu al第四节(此部分每个人做都会有不同的顺序,记得要好好看题)1.B: be given 2.C: should take/take 3.B: was told 4. B:more likely to 5. D: should be spent 6. C: were required 7. A: in which 8.C: during which 9.C: should be considered/be considered 10.A: having been worked out警告:部分答案来自互联网,版权归原作者所有,请勿转载UNIT 71/3第三节 1.norms 2.proof 3.viewpoint 4.inherit 5.outlook ck7.particular 8.undertook 9.prompted 10.response第五节 1.measure 2.有事要忙,这几天补上,后面的测试也会发到这里!开始补了:(5月16了,唉)第五节 1.measure 2.statements 3.helpless 4.depressing 5.suffer6.extreme7.trait8.undertake9.generally10.researchers3/3第一节 1.nteracts 2.esponse 3.ack 4.iewpoint 5.redicted6.haracteristic7.onservative8.riented9.lexible 10.eeking第二节 1.lead to 2.backed up ck of 4.figure out 5.search for第三节 1.personality 2.passed 3.interacting 4.contribute 5.factors 6.particular 7.involved 8.control 9.associated 10.depression第四节(顺序有所不同,认真看题啊)1.C:rather than 2.A:with 3.C:half of whom 4.D:to which 5.D:that 6.B:compared to 7.D:leading 8.D:no matter where 9.C:that it 10.D:in警告:部分答案来自互联网,版权归原作者所有,请勿转载UNIT 81/3第三节: 1.supportive 2.emerged 3.conveyed 4.intended plaints 6.romantic 7.misinterpreting 8.positively 9.emotional 10.engage[B]第四节: 1.he put it in his pocket instead of his mouth2.as a means of imparting and receiving information3.lead to job cuts in public schools4.on the verge of starvation5.assuming you're by the sea i assuming you are by the sea第五节:1.seldom 2.expect 3.factual 4.various 5.intended plaints - 7.respond 8.mislead 9.conveying 10.argument3/3第一节:1.conveyed plaints 3.intended 4.emotional 5.ignored 6.illustrate 7.typical 8.collapsed 9.insight 10.professional第二节:1.in contrast to 2.as a means of 3.on the verge of 4.looks you straight in the eye 5.give them away第三节:municated 2.assistance 3.conflict 4.instead 5.full y 6.similar 7.emphasis 8.emerged9.misunderstandings 10.acceptance第四节:(顺序有所不同,注意认真看题)1.A:Sensitizing 2.C:is used to using speech 3.B:misinterpreted 4.D:a little 5.D:delivered 6.D: what 7.C:comes 8.A:in which 9.C:is focused on 10.D:positively[/B] 警告:部分答案来自互联网,版权归原作者所有,请勿转载期末过关检测1/1第一节:1.resolve 2.miracles 3.adapt 4.hooked 5.intense 6.postponed 7.generate 8.proposed 9.response 10.typical第二节:municate with 2.in favor of 3.watched out for 4.made a big differance 5.stood out第三节:1.variety 2.critics 3.places 4.money 5.immigrants 6.reason 7.have 8.addition 9.programs 10.successful第四节:1.Tell...A:information 2.The...B:that3.They...D:understoodputers...B:giving5.After...D:did we hear6.I am...B:it7.Is...C:whose8.That's...A:what9.The job...D:get used to 10.The reason...C:that第二部分新时代视听说2截图版答案部分Unite1Unite2Unite3Unite4Unite5was,were,did,have,spent,much3/31.help=home2.homework=whoUnite6Unite7。

新时代交互英语视听说2级答案PART2新时代交互英语视听说2级答案PART2因为伟大的百度将文库单篇文章设置了财富值上限,本该超过2000的收入,我却最多只能拿到可怜的200,此答案被分为三部分,这是第二部分,包含第二级的unit7~11和section test B的完整答案Unit73/121.The father and the son buy the wrong foods2.The father and the son have to buy food for the family5/12Frankie, let's do the grocery shopping.OK, I made-a* list*.Frankie, go get some milk*, two cartons, OK?I didn't get any* milk*, but I did get some ice* cream*.You know we have to cut down on sweets*.Oh good, you got the groceries*.We got a lot-of good* stuff*.Did you remember to buy some tomatoes?I didn't know* we needed* tomatoes.Good* work*, guys.8/12detailed comprehension1.He forgot lettuce and tomatoes2.Paul forgot some things3.Frankie,put it back/doc/9810445319.html,k and vegetables5.They bought a lot of snacks6.Ice cream11/12More listening1.onions2.Tomorrow morning3.$172.43testlistening1A/51.Some of the stores are expensive2.A big mall3.One of the srores in the mall4.There are a few restaurants there,but the pizza place is the best one5.They don't say1B/5navigatestoressidelookbestcompareskywalkrestaurantspizzasclothesV ocabulary and Usage2A/51.We shouldn't eat.....=We need to cut2.A great job....= ...Good work,guys3.Let's go buy some....=Let's do the grocery...4.We bought lots of. ...=We got a lot of..5.I wrote down.=.I made a list..2B/51.pick up2.sweetie3.cartons4.sweets5.groceriesGrammar3/5anysomesomesomeanysomeSpeking5/51.check it out2.In a supermarket3.Vegetables and meat4.I like to buy fresh foods in small amounts5.It has the best selection of foods6.Excellent choice7.Darn!I didn't know we needed milk8.I need to cut down on sweetsUnit85/12What's* wrong*, Maggie?Well, I want-to ask Brian to the school dance* . . . but I can't.Try calling* him-up*.I'm too* shy*!I'll bet* he says yes.Um . . . I was wondering . . . if you . . . had-a date for the dance on Friday? But do we have* to* dance?Oh . . . but I don't have to dress-up, do I?Well, maybe you can pick* me-up* or something?11/12More listening1.Smoking is not allowed anywhere2.No containers are allowed in the gymnasium3.The parking lot will be lockedtestlistening1A/51.She's just wearing the same as everybody else2.short skirts3.it's hot in school and there's no air conditioning4.Take her father to school and show him what the other kids are wearing5.Her father doesn't think she's dressed right for school1B/5difficultdressedwearingschoolnakedcoveredshortheelsV ocabulary and Usage2A/51.You should make=It's up to you2.You should think=You should consider it ...3.He is bery thoughtful=He's really considerate...4.Time will make=You should give it..5.You told me something=You just opened...2B/51.up to you2.considerate3.dress up4.insightGrammar3/5to speakto goenoughshould applytry to goto ask aboutto find outverytooSpeking5/51.I enjoyed talking to you,too2.You should take him to school and let him see what the other girls wear3.I'm too shy3/12Global Comprehension1.She missed her flight,2.Neighbors5/12Welcome* back!You look tired*.Ahhh . . . I'm exhausted* . . .What happened*?What didn't* happen?!It was so frustrating!I almost lost* my mind*!That's terrible*.That's SO annoying*, I can't believe-it*! Did that go* well*?7/121.Exhausted2.Noisy and uncomfortable3.She was at a business meeting4.She can't think anymore5.Kate is very tired6.It was lost11/12More listening1.What kind of bag is it?2.Do you need your bag tonight3.We'll bring it to you tonighttestlistening1.it was bad2.They were rude and disrespectful3.A group trip4.No,because she didn't experience the country the way ...5.She didn't enjoy it1B/5horriblefoodtriprudeculturegroupmuseumsexperienceboringV ocabulary and Usage2A/51.No,but I missed.....=Was your flight delayed2.Thank you...= Welcome back...3.I bet...=it was so frustrating...4.It isn't at the baggage claim ...=Where is your suitcase..5.I am exhausted...=You look tired...2B/51.annoying2.delayed3.baggage claim4.frustrated5.businessGrammar1.was annoying2.missed3.'m exhausted4.lost5.happenedSpeking5/51.What didnt't happen2.I missed it3.It was terrible4.Not really5.They were annoying6.TerribleUnit103/12Global Comprehension1.Disappointed2.Kate is looking at apartments to rent5/12This-is a great* location*.Mmm, that's convenient*.It's bigger* than my place*.It's-a great* place.That's . . . a little more* expensive* than I thought . . .That's-a view* of the ocean*?And here is the kitchen* . . . fully equipped with all the modern* conveniences*!I will definitely* give this some consideration* . . .Well, I would encourage* you to act quickly*.This beautiful place* won't last long.8/121.She can't see a view of the ocean2.It's bigger than my place3.It's a great place...4.Two5.It's a little expensive6.She will look for another apartment 11/12More listening1.Between $1,000 and $1,5002.14503.Tt has a nice viewtestlistening1A/51.She's definitely going to take it2.They can have both dogs and cats3.Within walking distance from LCC4.An apartment5.They1B/5placeapartmentbedroomsdistancefloorsdecoratemonthutilitiesPetswasherV ocabulary and Usage2A/51.At an extra....=Are pets allowed2.That's convenient...= This place is within...3.There's no ...=What about a security...4.No,but it's not ...=Does the rent..5.Tt's lovely to be...=Do you like...2B/51.ceilings2.utilities3.Approved credit4.drier5.security depositGrammar3/51.more attractive2.as nice as3.bigger4.as much as5.betterSpeking5/51.It's high2.I'll have to pay it3.Yes,and safe,too4.Yes,I can have my cat5.Yes,it's within....6.Yes,they're extraUnit113/12Global Comprehension1.Where their families are from2.Her family5/12San Francisco, you know* that!I mean, where-is your family from?Oh, my parents* are from Mexico*.That's close*.It's somewhere-around* here . . . here.What's-it* like* there?I think it's the most* beautiful place-on-Earth*. Where's your family* from?Everyone's* got-a story*, huh?7/121.How about you2.near Mexico city3.Her father is from Georgia4.Mexico5.Colima6.is very beautiful7.Many people's families come from other places 11/12 More listening1.union Square2.Fairmont Hotel3.San Francisco Baytestlistening1A/51.It's her ideal place to live2.Yes,but she doesn't want to stay there forever3.She's lived in Lansing all her life4.her father's from.....5.With her parents1B/5houseapartmentparentsbornareafromgrewcornercollegemoneyV ocabulary and Usage2A/51.I was born in California....=Where were youborn2.It's by the ocean...=What's it like there ...3.Mexico...=Where are you from...4.Wow! ...=They got married and...5.A town called Colima...=But where in Mexico...2B/5/doc/9810445319.html,ndmarks2.family3.population4.city life5.countryGrammar3/5youryoursTheytheirthemSpeking5/51.Very much2.In a quiet countryside3.In college4.A small town5.It's very warm and beautiful6.My parents have lived here all their lives。
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Unit 1 Unite2 Unite3 Unite4 Unite5 2/4 的答案为 was,were,did,have,spent,much
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新时代交互式英语视听说教程第二级答案新时代交互式英语视听说教程第二级答案原文地址新时代交互式英语视听说教程第二级答案作者忆如潮水新时代交互英语视听说第二级答案unit 1 23 132213 312 32211 drink ice lemon start think going have salad side back BAEDC 1324 221312 11211 12231 unit 2 23 13133312 113 1131 vacation fantastic island beach beautiful mile expensive anyone along stayed EDCBA 2413 231322322 11212 21321 unit 3 11 2221212 223 2113 DABEC 3122 13312312 22112 13212 unit 4 31 321233 322 2333 feeling cold nose throat cough breathe chest home soup day BCAED 1212 1213311123 12113 12111212 13212 新时代交互英语level2答案Unit5 unit5 b-a b-a-a-a-c-a-a-c a-b-a --- a-c-a stay dinner store cook place drive turn straight miss find e-d-b-a-c b-a at at on down close ina-b-a-b b-a-b 新时代交互英语level2答案unit 6 a-c-c --b-b-b-c-a party fun look outfit vampires people dress candy dance player c-e-d-b-a b-c-b-b-a b-a-b-b-a a-b-b-a-ab-b-b-a-c-b-a-b 新时代交互英语level2答案unit 7 unit 7 b-d a-c-b-c-a-a a-c-c --- c-a-c-c-c navigate stores side look best compare skywalk restaurants pizzas clothes b-d-e-c-a c-a-c-b-c any some some some any some a-a-b-b-b a-b-c-c-b-a-c-a 新时代交互英语level2答案unit 8 b-c c-c-b-a-a-a c-c-b -- b-a-a-a-a difficult wrong dressed wearing school naked covered shortheels shoes d-a-b-c-e c-a-b-a spending to speak to go enough should apply try to go to ask about to find out very too a-a-b-a-b a-b-a 新时代交互英语level2答案unit 9 b-a b-b-b-c-b-c c-a-b --- a-b-a-c-b good horrible food trip rude culture group museums experience boring b-c-d-e-a a-b-c-b-c b-c-a-c-aa-a-a-a-a c-a-b-b-b-a 新时代交互英语level2答案unit 10 c-b c-c-b-b-b-c b-b-c -- a-a-c-b-c place apartment bedrooms distance floors decorate month utilities Pets washer d-a-e-b-cc-c-b-b-c b-a-b-c-a a-b-a-b-a a-b-b-c-b-a 新时代交互英语level2答案unit 11 c-a a-a-a-c-a-a-a c-c-b --- b-a-b-a-a house apartment parents born area from grew corner college moneyb-c-a-e-d a-c-a-b-a your yours They their them b-a-a-a-b 新时代交互英语level2答案unit 12 a-b c-a-c-b-a-c b-c-c ---b-a-a-a-a favorite American foreign Chinese Italian Mexican spicy eaten steak chicken b-a-d-e-c a-b-c-c-c b-b-c-c-a a-b-a-b-a b-b-b-b-c-a 新时代交互英语l evel2答案unit 13 c b b cb cb c b ac aa cc a degree job family business commute salary money maybe environment important ad be c b cb ac ac ba a a bb ab cc ba ca 阶段测试新时代交互英语level2答案test A Sam Says. a-c-b-a-b HiChris. was were did have spent much Kevin. Super Math. WellIm. What do you. We need. All you. Mm-hmmm. Then you. Kate asks. b-c-a-b --- At the airpot. reserve browsedelete fares RobJenny. waitress nervous responsible punctual It sounds. c-a-a-a-b --- Doctor. can have to Take make sure Dave.a slice of tomato Some iced tea Dave. a-b-a --- I saw you.a-b-b-a LOS-an-ge-les. b-b-a Which. a-b -- Nurse. c-b-b-c-c-a Can I. a-b-a-b 新时代交互英语level2答案test B KevinSuper. How can add do click Where VoiceThank. calling at to is What does. a-b-c-a-b Luis. mean have get on Got --- KateAna. have adata nauseous aches fever pharmacy to get dressed single Are you coming. b-a-b-a-c-b Laura. supermarket cake florist blocks Take aright intersection -- NurseHello. am calling need feel make will too The should come Where take turn on EmiI am. should take Pardom am packing Laura. to help make enough get might -- DRIVE away. b-a --- GilI think. a-a-b What are.b-b-b-b-a --- 新时代交互英语level2答案test C AnaWhat. happen forgot baggage claim was What is. c-b-a Thank you. are two view utilities furnished Luiss. b-a-c-a-b -- Dr.Han. interview delayed luggage baggage claim Lets meetb-b-b-c-a-a-a Need a. ocean mountains tours river convenient --- Jack. told understood met have decided am Maxhello. were was studying met werent didnt have First Then finally were you living Two children. No No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No -- talked b-a Wheres your. b-a-b apartments c-a absoLUTEly.a-a-b-b-a --- Wheres. a-c-c Kate. b-c-a-b-c 期末测试新时代交互英语level2答案level test Dave tells. a-b-a-c SoRick. weirdest snail thing foreign cuisine meat eater vegetarian stuff favorite Chinese food is pretty great Dave. lettuce go Itll Ireally. really nice of you make a right out there fabulous bakery keep going I wh ould love it that doesnt sound too hard Does the. a-c --- Richard. responsible browsing downloaded fare reserve The little. c-a-c-a Two high. waiter oders meals small business owner talented Two friends. fever prescription pharmacy Take aright blocks -- The friends. Happy Birthday What did you say Ohno Im sorry at See you soon Answering. Yes Yes No No No Yes -- 注意此章节答案仅为我做的答案请注意题目是否相配suit. c-b Here you. No No Yes No Shirt. b-a-a takes. c -c c proJECT. no yes yes Those are yes no no --- Rearrange the sentences. The general manager is expected to give aspeech at the annual meeting Sarah got three good job offers so that she cant decide which one to take up Iwas running late and missed my boyfriend by five minutes Agood economy will help to bring the const of living down again Marry a-b-a-b-c MSN空间完美搬家到新浪博客。

新时代交互英语视听说2级答案unit3~unit12 & all testUnit33月12日1.frankie' homework2.at home5月12日1.Can you show* me how to use this math* program*?2.You have to hit "return" after* each number.3.Next*, you need* to highlight* the numbers . . . and now you have to click-on "add."4.Yeah, computers-are great* . . . but you have to learn how* to add numbers* the real* wa5.You have* to learn how to add without-a* computer.6.Why do I have to learn* that?7.Believe-it or* not, Frankie, you won't always* have-a computer with-you when you need* t Why not*?8月12日1.you have to learn without a computer2.Yes,he does3.Why won't I always have a computer4.the numbers5.His math homework6.Click on "add"7.How to add without a computer11月12日More listening1.Eversoft2.She can't use the program3.On the menu bartestlistening1月5日1.tweezers2..........small3.earring4.like a long needleVocabulary and Usage2A/51.Do you have a device..........=Do you have a modem2.What software do you......=What browser do you prefer3.I often explore...=I surf the ....4.A password is....=Your computer is ....5.He bought a portable computer=Jeff bought ...2B/5work2.in3.modemptopGrammar3月5日Helen:Hi,Mark,do you .....knowcanWillshouldMayshouldn'tshouldcan'tSpeking5月5日ually, I do2.Only if you have a USB port to plug it in3.Just press Ctrl+S4.It doesn't matter, on-line or off-line5.Yes,I do,let me type it for youUnit43月12日1.Emi need medicine2.She is sick5月12日1.You don't look* so good today.2.I feel* terrible*.3.You have* a* fever*.4.OK, open-up* . . . Say "ahh" . . .5.You need some medication*.6.You have-a sinus infection*, so I'm giving you some Azithromycin.7.You need to take-it* for five* days.8.Take-it to the pharmacy*, and they'll fill-it* for you.9.Oh, and-I know you're busy, but you need to take-it* easy* for-a few days, OK?8月12日detailed comprehension1.Good health2.You seem sick today3.Take it for five days4.A prescription for some medicine5.What do I do with this6.You need to take it easy for a few days11月12日More listening1.Fever,headache,sore throat2.For 2 or 3 days3.Her throat hurts a lottestlistening1A/51.She has a terrible cold2.lie down and have a rest3.can hardly breathe4.Stomachache1B/5feelingcoldnosethroatcoughbreathechesthomesoupdayVocabulary and Usage2A/51.What conditions....=Can you describe2.His pain is sudden...=Jack has a sharp ...3.I can't breathe well through...=My nose is...4.She's been taking...=Rose has been ..5.My pain is contnuous...=Sometimes I have ...2B/51.stuffed-up2.some rest3.prescription4.horribleGrammar3A/5feeling,feel,think,have,looks,seem,taking,need,usually eat,often have3B/51.I love2.I like their steak3.I am taking antibiotics4.She seems tired5.I think it isSpeking5月5日1.That's because you've got a cold and a stuffyed-up nose2.Yes,I get a dull pain in my chest when I breathe3.Oh,I feel horrible4.Yes,I'm taking the medication my doctor gave me5.I've got a pain in my chest and a sore throatUnit55月12日1. I'm-in* the office.2. It's on Ashby, 3121 Ashby, near* Telegraph Avenue.3. Be sure* to* bring* the Lucid file.4. I put-it-on* your desk this morning.5. I put-it next-to* your computer.6. Oh, right*.7. And Luis*, please hurry*.8. OK, we'll talk-about-it when I get* there.8月12日detailed comprehension1.Be sure to bring the Lucid file2.We'll talk about it when I get there3.At his office4.By car5.On Ashby Avenue6.On Luis's desk7.Yes, he finds it after looking for a minute8. At Lucid Systems11月12日More listening1.First Street2.Highway 17 North to Highway 8803.At the Civic Arena Stationtestlistening1A/51.Near the liquor store2.Turn left out of the driveway,and then left again at the next street3.Turn left at the lights and then turn right1B/5staydinnerstorecookplacedriveturnstraightmissfindVocabulary and Usage2A/51.I'd like to ....=I want to explore2.You'll find ...=It's hard to...3.This road is...=It's a cul-de-sa...4.Go along the...=Go staight down..5.Turn at the...=Turn at the ...2B/51.dead end2.Turn right at the lightsGrammar3月5日at,at,on,down,close,inSpeking5月5日1.It's in the left drawer of your desk2.Next to the community center3.Take Unibersity Avenue down....Section Test AListening1月4日1.At I-travel2.He remembers Chris3.He works in a travel office4.He drives a taxi part-time5.He means that Sam has a lot to do with two jobs2月4日was,were,did,have,spent,much3月4日1.Young2.She thinks the director is a man3.He met a new employee4.He is nervous4月4日1.Super Math...2.Well,I'm...3.What do you...4.We need to5.All you have ...6.Mm-hmmm7.Then you highlight...Vocabulary1月3日reserve,browse,delete,fares2月3日waitressnervousresponsiblepunctual3月3日1.likework3.prescription4.in your way5.stufffed upGrammar1月3日1.a slice of tomato2.some3.iced tea2月3日1.How much coffee=YES2.Just a little=YES3.How many sugar=NO3月3日can,have to,Take,make surePronunciation1月3日1.SHE=No2.YOUR=No3.TIME=Yes4.PARTY=Yes2月3日1.LOS-an-ge-les=No2.New-YORK=Yes3.MA-nil-a=No3月3日1.help=home2.homework=whoSpeaking1月2日1.I thik she is nice2.I'm glad you like it3.YEs,I like racketball and volleyball4.What are we celebrating5.I'm feeling terrible6.Hello,thank you for calling Jerry's Restaurant2月2日1.Thanks2.No,I don't think so3.It was great4.Yeah,I'd like a cup of coffeeUnit63月12日1.A farewell party2.A visitor from Japan5月12日Are you going to the party tomorrow* night*?Emi's farewell* party?Oh, probably a million* people!Hmmm, what should-I* bring?Flowers or a card would* be nice*.OK, I'll think-of* something*.Emi, Emi, I think it's time for a speech*.I just want to thank everyone* for coming*.So thanks, everybody, for being such* great friends . . .8月12日detailed comprehension1.I think I'm going to cry2.We don't know3.Saturday night4.A lot of people5.Next week6.He doesn't know11月12日More listening1.To say goodbye to Emi2.In Seattle3.Maybetestlistening1A/51.A Halloween party2.They dressed up and danced3.Only one of them came4.A lot5.It was fun1B/5partyfunlookoutfitvampirespeopledresscandydanceplayerVocabulary and Usage2A/51.Be creative....=Use your imagination2.I really enjoyed...=I've had a ...3.Emi,you should...=It's time for...4.It should be ...=It;ll be such..5.Will you come...=Are you going...2B/51.speech2.fabulous3.card4.Should5.farewellGrammar3月5日1.are you going to do2.I'll think3.won't tell4.I'm going5.Are you comingSpeking5月5日1.Yes,thousands2.A party where everyone has fun3.I'm going to a farewell party4.I like to watch movies5.speech6.I had a fabulous timee your imagination8.Thank youUnit73月12日1.The father and the son buy the wrong foods2.The father and the son have to buy food for the family5月12日Frankie, let's do the grocery shopping.OK, I made-a* list*.Frankie, go get some milk*, two cartons, OK?I didn't get any* milk*, but I did get some ice* cream*. You know we have to cut down on sweets*.Oh good, you got the groceries*.We got a lot-of good* stuff*.Did you remember to buy some tomatoes?I didn't know* we needed* tomatoes.Good* work*, guys.8月12日detailed comprehension1.He forgot lettuce and tomatoes2.Paul forgot some things3.Frankie,put it backk and vegetables5.They bought a lot of snacks6.Ice cream11月12日More listening1.onions2.Tomorrow morning3.$172.43testlistening1A/51.Some of the stores are expensive2.A big mall3.One of the srores in the mall4.There are a few restaurants there,but the pizza place is the best one5.They don't say1B/5navigatestoressidelookbestcompareskywalkrestaurantspizzasclothesVocabulary and Usage2A/51.We shouldn't eat.....=We need to cut2.A great job....= ...Good work,guys3.Let's go buy some....=Let's do the grocery...4.We bought lots of. ...=We got a lot of..5.I wrote down.=.I made a list..2B/51.pick up2.sweetie3.cartons4.sweets5.groceriesGrammar3月5日anysomesomesomeanysomeSpeking5月5日1.check it out2.In a supermarket3.Vegetables and meat4.I like to buy fresh foods in small amounts5.It has the best selection of foods6.Excellent choice7.Darn!I didn't know we needed milk8.I need to cut down on sweetsUnit85月12日What's* wrong*, Maggie?Well, I want-to ask Brian to the school dance* . . . but I can't.Try calling* him-up*.I'm too* shy*!I'll bet* he says yes.Um . . . I was wondering . . . if you . . . had-a date for the dance on Friday? But do we have* to* dance?Oh . . . but I don't have to dress-up, do I?Well, maybe you can pick* me-up* or something?11月12日More listening1.Smoking is not allowed anywhere2.No containers are allowed in the gymnasium3.The parking lot will be lockedtestlistening1A/51.She's just wearing the same as everybody else2.short skirts3.it's hot in school and there's no air conditioning4.Take her father to school and show him what the other kids are wearing5.Her father doesn't think she's dressed right for school1B/5difficultwrongdressedwearingschoolnakedcoveredshortheelsshoesVocabulary and Usage2A/51.You should make=It's up to you2.You should think=You should consider it ...3.He is bery thoughtful=He's really considerate...4.Time will make=You should give it..5.You told me something=You just opened...2B/51.up to you2.considerate3.dress up4.insightGrammar3月5日spendingto speakto goenoughshould applytry to goto ask aboutto find outverytooSpeking5月5日1.I enjoyed talking to you,too3.I'm too shyUnit93月12日Global Comprehension1.She missed her flight,2.Neighbors5月12日Welcome* back!You look tired*.Ahhh . . . I'm exhausted* . . .What happened*?What didn't* happen?!It was so frustrating!I almost lost* my mind*!That's terrible*.That's SO annoying*, I can't believe-it*! Did that go* well*?7月12日1.Exhausted2.Noisy and uncomfortable3.She was at a business meeting4.She can't think anymore5.Kate is very tired6.It was lost11月12日More listening1.What kind of bag is it?2.Do you need your bag tonight3.We'll bring it to you tonighttestlistening1A/51.it was bad2.They were rude and disrespectful3.A group trip4.No,because she didn't experience the country the way ...5.She didn't enjoy it1B/5goodhorriblefoodtriprudeculturegroupmuseumsexperienceboringVocabulary and Usage2A/51.No,but I missed.....=Was your flight delayed2.Thank you...= Welcome back...3.I bet...=it was so frustrating...4.It isn't at the baggage claim ...=Where is your suitcase..5.I am exhausted...=You look tired...2B/51.annoying2.delayed3.baggage claim4.frustrated5.businessGrammar3A/51.was annoying2.missed3.'m exhausted4.lost5.happenedSpeking5月5日1.What didnt't happen2.I missed it3.It was terrible4.Not really5.They were annoying6.TerribleUnit103月12日Global Comprehension1.Disappointed2.Kate is looking at apartments to rent5月12日This-is a great* location*.Mmm, that's convenient*.It's bigger* than my place*.It's-a great* place.That's . . . a little more* expensive* than I thought . . .That's-a view* of the ocean*?And here is the kitchen* . . . fully equipped with all the modern* conveniences*!I will definitely* give this some consideration* . . .Well, I would encourage* you to act quickly*.This beautiful place* won't last long.8月12日1.She can't see a view of the ocean2.It's bigger than my place3.It's a great place...4.Two5.It's a little expensive6.She will look for another apartment11月12日More listening1.Between $1,000 and $1,5002.1453.Tt has a nice viewtestlistening1A/51.She's definitely going to take it3.Within walking distance from LCC4.An apartment5.They1B/5placeapartmentbedroomsdistancefloorsdecoratemonthutilitiesPetswasherVocabulary and Usage2A/51.At an extra....=Are pets allowed2.That's convenient...= This place is within...3.There's no ...=What about a security...4.No,but it's not ...=Does the rent..5.Tt's lovely to be...=Do you like...2B/51.ceilings2.utilities3.Approved credit4.drierGrammar3月5日1.more attractive2.as nice as3.bigger4.as much as5.betterSpeking5月5日1.It's high2.I'll have to pay it3.Yes,and safe,too4.Yes,I can have my cat5.Yes,it's within....6.Yes,they're extraUnit113月12日Global Comprehension1.Where their families are from2.Her family5月12日San Francisco, you know* that!I mean, where-is your family from?That's close*.It's somewhere-around* here . . . here.What's-it* like* there?I think it's the most* beautiful place-on-Earth*. Where's your family* from?Everyone's* got-a story*, huh?7月12日1.How about you2.near Mexico city3.Her father is from Georgia4.Mexico5.Colima6.is very beautiful7.Many people's families come from other places11月12日More listening1.union Square2.Fairmont Hotel3.San Francisco Baytestlistening1A/51.It's her ideal place to live2.Yes,but she doesn't want to stay there forever3.She's lived in Lansing all her life4.her father's from.....5.With her parents1B/5houseapartmentparentsbornareafromgrewcollegemoneyVocabulary and Usage2A/51.I was born in California....=Where were youborn2.It's by the ocean...=What's it like there ...3.Mexico...=Where are you from...4.Wow! ...=They got married and...5.A town called Colima...=But where in Mexico...2B/5ndmarks2.family3.population4.city life5.countryGrammar3月5日youryoursTheytheirthem5月5日1.Very much2.In a quiet countryside3.In college4.A small town5.It's very warm and beautiful6.My parents have lived here all their livesUnit123月12日Global Comprehension1.Food2.Emi's friend5月12日What's this little* dish*?The what*?And-this is the soy* sauce*, isn't-it?I'll try* it.It's very spicy*.I love* spicy* food.Wow, that is spicy*!Here, drink* some water . . . You OK?Next-time*, I won't-eat* the whole thing*.Sam, you're supposed* to mix-it* with the soy sauce! 8月12日Detailed Comprehension1.He ate the wasabi2.It's very spicy3.He for fot to mix the wasabi with the soy sauce4.It's a kind of spice5.Do you feel all right6.It's a dish for the soy sauceMore listening1.Get a recipe2.A seafood dish3.We don't knowtestlistening1A/51.Chinese and Italian2.Some of it3.Kangaroo4.She tried them,but didn't like them5.Cheese1B/5favoriteAmericanforeignChineseItalianMexicanspicyeatensteakchickenVocabulary and Usage2A/51.Spices make my ....=I always add herbs2.This is spicy...=This stuff burned ...3.You can add ...=Try mixing it...4.I usually like ...=I like trying ..5.This stuff tastes ...=I love this dish...2B/51.Try2.mix3.Spicy4.custom5.authenticSpeking5月5日1.With pleasure2.Yes,but not too spicy3.Only pepper4.I love it5.Yes,and I often do6.It's a customUnit133月12日Global Comprehension1.Co-workers2.Going to London to live and work5月12日Have-you heard*?Heard* what?Have-you* ever been* to London?No, I've never* been to England, period!I think* you know* . . .You gotta* do what you gotta* do!So* you're going to take-it?Yeah, I just* can't pass* this-up.We're going to miss-you* around* here*! 8月12日1.Assistant Art Director2.He's happy for her,but he'll miss her3.She's going to take the new job4.To work for Media View in London5.Mr.Arnello understood her reasons6.She has never been there11月12日More listening1.To tell Mr.Jones her decision2.He's happy3.a human resources persontestlistening1A/51.No,never2.Massage3.Around $30 an hour or more4.In a small business5.Yes, a lot1B/5degreejobfamilybusinesscommutesalarymoneymaybeenvironmentimportantVocabulary and Usage2A/51.They are taking me....=I got a job offer2.I like their...= They offered great...3.It's impossible ...=This kind of job offer is...4. I got a raise...=My salaru's..5.I will be helping...=I'm going to be some...2B/51.environment2.promotion3.stability4.raise5.pass upGrammar3A/51.Have you started looking....2.Who were looking for me3.Did you like your previous job4.Joe and Ken have changed jobs a million times5.She has been an assistant ...Speking5月5日1.Very important2.No,never3.15 dollars an hour or more4.Excellent5.I've had somemuting wouldn't be a problemSection Test CListening1月4日1.an ocean2.Kate is from California3.Luis's family is from Mexico4.Where is Kate's mother from? Texas5.where their families are from2月4日Ana:What....forgotbaggage claimwas3月4日1.Happy2.to deliver her luggage3.Kate's luggage4月4日Thank you....aretwoviewutilitiesfurnishedVocabulary1月3日Need a....oceanmountainstoursriverconvenient2月3日Dr.Han:Good morning.... interviewdelayedluggagebaggage claim3月3日1.save up2.What aboutndmark4.sometime5.are not supposed6.promotion7.bitter1月3日Max:hello....werewas studyingmetweren'tdidn't haveFirstThenfinallywere you living2月3日Jack:Have you....toldunderstoodmethavedecidedam3月3日Two children....NoNoYesNoYesNoYesYesNoPronunciation2月4日1.Where's your FAMILY from--No2.oh,toNIGHT I'm going to a MOVie--Yes3.THAT'S the map that shows MY COUNtry4月4日1.Shall I meet...---Yes2.THIS is a great loCAtion--No3.absoLUTELY--Yes4.Very conVENient--Yes5.He's GOING to Jack's....=NoSpeaking1月2日1.I will put you through2.How about you3.Thanks,Sue,I hope so4.I am exhausted5.That's wonderful!...2月2日1.My parents have lived here all their lives2.I've had some3.In collegeLevel Test 2Listening1月5日1.Yes,he does2.go to the Rock in 15 minutes2月5日Dave:....lettucegotIt'll3月5日1.He types in his account2.order food for the restaurant on the computer3.cilick on "yes" to..4.llikes4月5日So,Rick....weirdestsnailthingforeigncuisinemeateatervegetarianstufffavoriteChinesefoodisprettygreat5月5日I really....reallyniceofyoumakearightouttherefabulousbakerykeepgoingIwouldloveitthatdoesn'tsoundtoohardVocabulary1月4日Two high....waiterodersmealssmall business owner talented2月4日Richard:....responsiblebrowsingdownloadedfarereserve3月4日Two friends....feverprescriptionpharmacyTake a rightblocks4月4日1.somehow2.hot3.asking to step aside for a minute4.hiredGrammar1月2日Three friends....Happy BirthdayWhat did you sayOh,noI'm sorryatSee you soon2月2日Answering machine....YesYesNoNoNoYesPronunciation1月7日proJECT--nocut DOWN--yesTERrible--yes2月7日shirt POCKet--NoVery conVENient--YesMaNILa--Yes4月7日Does he want a SMALL...--Yes1423 Holly STREET--NoHow many choices does...--NoHere you ARE--No5月7日MY sister IS tall...--Nooh,MY parents are...--NoThose are the PEOple...--Yes6月7日have--homerock--right7月7日choose--cheersuit--subwaySpeaking1月2日1.going up2.cut down on sweets3.give yourself a break4.bet youe on2月2日1.Sarah got three good job offers so that she can't decide which one to take up2.I was running late and missed my boyfriend by five minutes3.The general manager is expected to give a speech at the annual meetingA good economy will help to bring the const of living down againclick-on "add."to add numbers* the real* way.er with-you when you need* to add something.days, OK?。

1.frankie' homework
2.at home
1.Can you show* me how to use this math* program*?
2.You have to hit "return" after* each number.
Section Test A
1.At I-travel
2.He remembers Chris
3.He works in a travel office
4.He drives a taxi part-time
5.He means that Sam has a lot to do with two jobs
3.Just press Ctrl+S
4.It doesn't matter, on-line or off-line
5.Yes,I do,let me type it for you
1.Emi need medicine
2.She is sick
1.Be sure to bring the Lucid file
2.We'll talk about it when I get there
3.At his office
4.By car
5.On Ashby Avenue
6.On Luis's desk
7.Yes, he finds it after looking for a minute

新时代交互英语视听说2级答案unit3~unit12 & all testUnit33/121.frankie' homework2.at home5/121.Can you show* me how to use this math* program*?2.You have to hit "return" after* each number.3.Next*, you need* to highlight* the numbers . . . and now you have to click-on "add."4.Yeah, computers-are great* . . . but you have to learn how* to add numbers* the real* way.5.You have* to learn how to add without-a* computer.6.Why do I have to learn* that?7.Believe-it or* not, Frankie, you won't always* have-a computer with-you when you need* to add something.Why not*?8/121.you have to learn without a computer2.Yes,he does3.Why won't I always have a computer4.the numbers5.His math homework6.Click on "add"7.How to add without a computer11/12More listening1.Eversoft2.She can't use the program3.On the menu bartestlistening1/51.tweezers2..........small3.earring4.like a long needleV ocabulary and Usage2A/51.Do you have a device..........=Do you have a modem2.What software do you......=What browser do you prefer3.I often explore...=I surf the ....4.A password is....=Your computer is ....5.He bought a portable computer=Jeff bought ...2B/5work2.in3.modemptopGrammar3 /5Helen:Hi,Mark,do you .....knowcanWillshouldMayshouldn'tshouldcan'tSpeking5/5ually, I do2.Only if you have a USB port to plug it in3.Just press Ctrl+S4.It doesn't matter, on-line or off-line5.Yes,I do,let me type it for youUnit43/121.Emi need medicine2.She is sick5/121.You don't look* so good today.2.I feel* terrible*.3.You have* a* fever*.4.OK, open-up* . . . Say "ahh" . . .5.You need some medication*.6.You have-a sinus infection*, so I'm giving you some Azithromycin.7.You need to take-it* for five* days.8.Take-it to the pharmacy*, and they'll fill-it* for you.9.Oh, and-I know you're busy, but you need to take-it* easy* for-a few days, OK?8/12detailed comprehension1.Good health2.You seem sick today3.Take it for five days4.A prescription for some medicine5.What do I do with this6.You need to take it easy for a few days11/12More listening1.Fever,headache,sore throat2.For 2 or 3 days3.Her throat hurts a lottestlistening1A/51.She has a terrible cold2.lie down and have a rest3.can hardly breathe4.Stomachache1B/5feelingcoldnosethroatcoughbreathechesthomesoupdayV ocabulary and Usage2A/51.What conditions....=Can you describe2.His pain is sudden...=Jack has a sharp ...3.I can't breathe well through...=My nose is...4.She's been taking...=Rose has been ..5.My pain is contnuous...=Sometimes I have ...2B/51.stuffed-up2.some rest3.prescription4.horribleGrammar3A/5feeling,feel,think,have,looks,seem,taking,need,usually eat,often have3B/51.I love2.I like their steak3.I am taking antibiotics4.She seems tired5.I think it isSpeking5/51.That's because you've got a cold and a stuffyed-up nose2.Yes,I get a dull pain in my chest when I breathe3.Oh,I feel horrible4.Yes,I'm taking the medication my doctor gave me5.I've got a pain in my chest and a sore throatUnit55/121. I'm-in* the office.2. It's on Ashby, 3121 Ashby, near* Telegraph Avenue.3. Be sure* to* bring* the Lucid file.4. I put-it-on* your desk this morning.5. I put-it next-to* your computer.6. Oh, right*.7. And Luis*, please hurry*.8. OK, we'll talk-about-it when I get* there.8/12detailed comprehension1.Be sure to bring the Lucid file2.We'll talk about it when I get there3.At his office4.By car5.On Ashby Avenue6.On Luis's desk7.Yes, he finds it after looking for a minute8. At Lucid Systems11/12More listening1.First Street2.Highway 17 North to Highway 8803.At the Civic Arena Stationtestlistening1A/51.Near the liquor store2.Turn left out of the driveway,and then left again at the next street3.Turn left at the lights and then turn right1B/5staydinnerstorecookplacedriveturnstraightmissfindV ocabulary and Usage2A/51.I'd like to ....=I want to explore2.You'll find ...=It's hard to...3.This road is...=It's a cul-de-sa...4.Go along the...=Go staight down..5.Turn at the...=Turn at the ...2B/51.dead end2.Turn right at the lightsGrammar3/5at,at,on,down,close,inSpeking5/51.It's in the left drawer of your desk2.Next to the community center3.Take Unibersity Avenue down....Section Test AListening1/41.At I-travel2.He remembers Chris3.He works in a travel office4.He drives a taxi part-time5.He means that Sam has a lot to do with two jobs2/4was,were,did,have,spent,much3/41.Young2.She thinks the director is a man3.He met a new employee4.He is nervous4/41.Super Math...2.Well,I'm...3.What do you...4.We need to5.All you have ...6.Mm-hmmm7.Then you highlight...V ocabulary1/3reserve,browse,delete,fares2/3waitressnervousresponsiblepunctual3/31.likework3.prescription4.in your way5.stufffed upGrammar1/31.a slice of tomato2.some3.iced tea2/31.How much coffee=YES2.Just a little=YES3.How many sugar=NO3/3can,have to,Take,make surePronunciation1/31.SHE=No2.YOUR=No3.TIME=Yes4.PARTY=Yes2/31.LOS-an-ge-les=No2.New-YORK=Yes3.MA-nil-a=No3/31.help=home2.homework=whoSpeaking1/21.I thik she is nice2.I'm glad you like it3.YEs,I like racketball and volleyball4.What are we celebrating5.I'm feeling terrible6.Hello,thank you for calling Jerry's Restaurant2/21.Thanks2.No,I don't think so3.It was great4.Yeah,I'd like a cup of coffeeUnit63/121.A farewell party2.A visitor from Japan5/12Are you going to the party tomorrow* night*?Emi's farewell* party?Oh, probably a million* people!Hmmm, what should-I* bring?Flowers or a card would* be nice*.OK, I'll think-of* something*.Emi, Emi, I think it's time for a speech*.I just want to thank everyone* for coming*.So thanks, everybody, for being such* great friends . . .8/12detailed comprehension1.I think I'm going to cry2.We don't know3.Saturday night4.A lot of people5.Next week6.He doesn't know11/12More listening1.To say goodbye to Emi2.In Seattle3.Maybetestlistening1A/51.A Halloween party2.They dressed up and danced3.Only one of them came4.A lot5.It was fun1B/5partyfunlookoutfitvampirespeopledresscandydanceplayerV ocabulary and Usage2A/51.Be creative....=Use your imagination2.I really enjoyed...=I've had a ...3.Emi,you should...=It's time for...4.It should be ...=It;ll be such..5.Will you come...=Are you going...2B/51.speech2.fabulous3.card4.Should5.farewellGrammar3/51.are you going to do2.I'll think3.won't tell4.I'm going5.Are you comingSpeking5/51.Yes,thousands2.A party where everyone has fun3.I'm going to a farewell party4.I like to watch movies5.speech6.I had a fabulous timee your imagination8.Thank youUnit73/121.The father and the son buy the wrong foods2.The father and the son have to buy food for the family5/12Frankie, let's do the grocery shopping.OK, I made-a* list*.Frankie, go get some milk*, two cartons, OK?I didn't get any* milk*, but I did get some ice* cream*. You know we have to cut down on sweets*.Oh good, you got the groceries*.We got a lot-of good* stuff*.Did you remember to buy some tomatoes?I didn't know* we needed* tomatoes.Good* work*, guys.8/12detailed comprehension1.He forgot lettuce and tomatoes2.Paul forgot some things3.Frankie,put it backk and vegetables5.They bought a lot of snacks6.Ice cream11/12More listening1.onions2.Tomorrow morning3.$172.43testlistening1A/51.Some of the stores are expensive2.A big mall3.One of the srores in the mall4.There are a few restaurants there,but the pizza place is the best one5.They don't say1B/5navigatestoressidelookbestcompareskywalkrestaurantspizzasclothesV ocabulary and Usage2A/51.We shouldn't eat.....=We need to cut2.A great job....= ...Good work,guys3.Let's go buy some....=Let's do the grocery...4.We bought lots of. ...=We got a lot of..5.I wrote down.=.I made a list..2B/51.pick up2.sweetie3.cartons4.sweets5.groceriesGrammar3/5anysomesomesomeanysomeSpeking5/51.check it out2.In a supermarket3.Vegetables and meat4.I like to buy fresh foods in small amounts5.It has the best selection of foods6.Excellent choice7.Darn!I didn't know we needed milk8.I need to cut down on sweetsUnit85/12What's* wrong*, Maggie?Well, I want-to ask Brian to the school dance* . . . but I can't.Try calling* him-up*.I'm too* shy*!I'll bet* he says yes.Um . . . I was wondering . . . if you . . . had-a date for the dance on Friday? But do we have* to* dance?Oh . . . but I don't have to dress-up, do I?Well, maybe you can pick* me-up* or something?11/12More listening1.Smoking is not allowed anywhere2.No containers are allowed in the gymnasium3.The parking lot will be lockedtestlistening1A/51.She's just wearing the same as everybody else2.short skirts3.it's hot in school and there's no air conditioning4.Take her father to school and show him what the other kids are wearing5.Her father doesn't think she's dressed right for school1B/5difficultwrongdressedwearingschoolnakedcoveredshortheelsshoesV ocabulary and Usage2A/51.You should make=It's up to you2.You should think=You should consider it ...3.He is bery thoughtful=He's really considerate...4.Time will make=You should give it..5.You told me something=You just opened...2B/51.up to you2.considerate3.dress up4.insightGrammar3/5spendingto speakto goenoughshould applytry to goto ask aboutto find outverytooSpeking5/51.I enjoyed talking to you,too2.You should take him to school and let him see what the other girls wear3.I'm too shyUnit93/12Global Comprehension1.She missed her flight,2.Neighbors5/12Welcome* back!You look tired*.Ahhh . . . I'm exhausted* . . .What happened*?What didn't* happen?!It was so frustrating!I almost lost* my mind*!That's terrible*.That's SO annoying*, I can't believe-it*! Did that go* well*?7/121.Exhausted2.Noisy and uncomfortable3.She was at a business meeting4.She can't think anymore5.Kate is very tired6.It was lost11/12More listening1.What kind of bag is it?2.Do you need your bag tonight3.We'll bring it to you tonighttestlistening1A/51.it was bad2.They were rude and disrespectful3.A group trip4.No,because she didn't experience the country the way ...5.She didn't enjoy it1B/5goodhorriblefoodtriprudeculturegroupmuseumsexperienceboringV ocabulary and Usage2A/51.No,but I missed.....=Was your flight delayed2.Thank you...= Welcome back...3.I bet...=it was so frustrating...4.It isn't at the baggage claim ...=Where is your suitcase..5.I am exhausted...=You look tired...2B/51.annoying2.delayed3.baggage claim4.frustrated5.businessGrammar3A/51.was annoying2.missed3.'m exhausted4.lost5.happenedSpeking5/51.What didnt't happen2.I missed it3.It was terrible4.Not really5.They were annoying6.TerribleUnit103/12Global Comprehension1.Disappointed2.Kate is looking at apartments to rent5/12This-is a great* location*.Mmm, that's convenient*.It's bigger* than my place*.It's-a great* place.That's . . . a little more* expensive* than I thought . . .That's-a view* of the ocean*?And here is the kitchen* . . . fully equipped with all the modern* conveniences*!I will definitely* give this some consideration* . . .Well, I would encourage* you to act quickly*.This beautiful place* won't last long.8/121.She can't see a view of the ocean2.It's bigger than my place3.It's a great place...4.Two5.It's a little expensive6.She will look for another apartment11/12More listening1.Between $1,000 and $1,5002.14503.Tt has a nice viewtestlistening1A/51.She's definitely going to take it2.They can have both dogs and cats3.Within walking distance from LCC4.An apartment5.They1B/5placeapartmentbedroomsdistancefloorsdecoratemonthutilitiesPetswasherV ocabulary and Usage2A/51.At an extra....=Are pets allowed2.That's convenient...= This place is within...3.There's no ...=What about a security...4.No,but it's not ...=Does the rent..5.Tt's lovely to be...=Do you like...2B/51.ceilings2.utilities3.Approved credit4.drier5.security depositGrammar3/51.more attractive2.as nice as3.bigger4.as much as5.betterSpeking5/51.It's high2.I'll have to pay it3.Yes,and safe,too4.Yes,I can have my cat5.Yes,it's within....6.Yes,they're extraUnit113/12Global Comprehension1.Where their families are from2.Her family5/12San Francisco, you know* that!I mean, where-is your family from?Oh, my parents* are from Mexico*.That's close*.It's somewhere-around* here . . . here.What's-it* like* there?I think it's the most* beautiful place-on-Earth*. Where's your family* from?Everyone's* got-a story*, huh?7/121.How about you2.near Mexico city3.Her father is from Georgia4.Mexico5.Colima6.is very beautiful7.Many people's families come from other places 11/12More listening1.union Square2.Fairmont Hotel3.San Francisco Baytestlistening1A/51.It's her ideal place to live2.Yes,but she doesn't want to stay there forever3.She's lived in Lansing all her life4.her father's from.....5.With her parents1B/5houseapartmentparentsbornareafromgrewcornercollegemoneyV ocabulary and Usage2A/51.I was born in California....=Where were youborn2.It's by the ocean...=What's it like there ...3.Mexico...=Where are you from...4.Wow! ...=They got married and...5.A town called Colima...=But where in Mexico...2B/5ndmarks2.family3.population4.city life5.countryGrammar3/5youryoursTheytheirthemSpeking5/51.Very much2.In a quiet countryside3.In college4.A small town5.It's very warm and beautiful6.My parents have lived here all their livesUnit123/12Global Comprehension1.Food2.Emi's friend5/12What's this little* dish*?The what*?And-this is the soy* sauce*, isn't-it?I'll try* it.It's very spicy*.I love* spicy* food.Wow, that is spicy*!Here, drink* some water . . . You OK?Next-time*, I won't-eat* the whole thing*.Sam, you're supposed* to mix-it* with the soy sauce!8/12Detailed Comprehension1.He ate the wasabi2.It's very spicy3.He for fot to mix the wasabi with the soy sauce4.It's a kind of spice5.Do you feel all right6.It's a dish for the soy sauce11/12More listening1.Get a recipe2.A seafood dish3.We don't knowtestlistening1A/51.Chinese and Italian2.Some of it3.Kangaroo4.She tried them,but didn't like them5.Cheese1B/5favoriteAmericanforeignChineseItalianMexicanspicyeatensteakchickenV ocabulary and Usage2A/51.Spices make my ....=I always add herbs2.This is spicy...=This stuff burned ...3.You can add ...=Try mixing it...4.I usually like ...=I like trying ..5.This stuff tastes ...=I love this dish...2B/51.Try2.mix3.Spicy4.custom5.authenticSpeking5/51.With pleasure2.Yes,but not too spicy3.Only pepper4.I love it5.Yes,and I often do6.It's a customUnit133/12Global Comprehension1.Co-workers2.Going to London to live and work5/12Have-you heard*?Heard* what?Have-you* ever been* to London? No, I've never* been to England, period!I think* you know* . . .You gotta* do what you gotta* do!So* you're going to take-it?Yeah, I just* can't pass* this-up.We're going to miss-you* around* here*!8/121.Assistant Art Director2.He's happy for her,but he'll miss her3.She's going to take the new job4.To work for Media View in London5.Mr.Arnello understood her reasons6.She has never been there11/12More listening1.To tell Mr.Jones her decision2.He's happy3.a human resources persontestlistening1A/51.No,never2.Massage3.Around $30 an hour or more4.In a small business5.Yes, a lot1B/5degreejobfamilybusinesscommutesalarymoneymaybeenvironmentimportantV ocabulary and Usage2A/51.They are taking me....=I got a job offer2.I like their...= They offered great...3.It's impossible ...=This kind of job offer is...4. I got a raise...=My salaru's..5.I will be helping...=I'm going to be some...2B/51.environment2.promotion3.stability4.raise5.pass upGrammar3A/51.Have you started looking....2.Who were looking for me3.Did you like your previous job4.Joe and Ken have changed jobs a million times5.She has been an assistant ...Speking5/51.Very important2.No,never3.15 dollars an hour or more4.Excellent5.I've had somemuting wouldn't be a problemSection Test CListening1/41.an ocean2.Kate is from California3.Luis's family is from Mexico4.Where is Kate's mother from? Texas5.where their families are from2/4Ana:What....happenforgotbaggage claimwas3/41.Happy2.to deliver her luggage3.Kate's luggage4/4Thank you....aretwoviewutilitiesfurnishedV ocabulary1/3Need a....oceanmountainstoursriverconvenient2/3Dr.Han:Good morning....interviewdelayedluggagebaggage claim3/31.save up2.What aboutndmark4.sometime5.are not supposed6.promotion7.bitterGrammar1/3Max:hello....werewas studyingmetweren'tdidn't haveFirstThenfinallywere you living2/3Jack:Have you....toldunderstoodmethavedecidedam3/3Two children....NoNoYesNoYesNoYesYesNoPronunciation2/41.Where's your FAMIL Y from--No2.oh,toNIGHT I'm going to a MOVie--Yes3.THAT'S the map that shows MY COUNtry4/41.Shall I meet...---Yes2.THIS is a great loCAtion--No3.absoLUTEL Y--Yes4.Very conVENient--Yes5.He's GOING to Jack's....=NoSpeaking1/21.I will put you through2.How about you3.Thanks,Sue,I hope so4.I am exhausted5.That's wonderful!...2/21.My parents have lived here all their lives2.I've had some3.In collegeLevel Test 2Listening1/51.Yes,he does2.go to the Rock in 15 minutes2/5Dave:....lettucegotIt'll3/51.He types in his account2.order food for the restaurant on the computer3.cilick on "yes" to..4.llikes4/5So,Rick....weirdestsnailthingforeigncuisinemeateatervegetarianstufffavoriteChinesefoodisprettygreat5/5I really....reallyniceofyoumakearightouttherefabulousbakerykeepgoingIwouldloveitthatdoesn'tsoundtoohardV ocabulary1/4Two high....waiterodersmealssmall business owner talented2/4Richard:....responsiblebrowsingdownloadedfarereserve3/4Two friends....feverprescriptionpharmacyTake a rightblocks4/41.somehow2.hot3.asking to step aside for a minute4.hiredGrammar1/2Three friends....Happy BirthdayWhat did you sayOh,noI'm sorryatSee you soon2/2Answering machine....YesYesNoNoNoYesPronunciation1/7proJECT--nocut DOWN--yesTERrible--yes2/7shirt POCKet--NoVery conVENient--Yes MaNILa--Yes4/7Does he want a SMALL...--Yes 1423 Holly STREET--No How many choices does...--No Here you ARE--No5/7MY sister IS tall...--Nooh,MY parents are...--No Those are the PEOple...--Yes6/7have--homerock--right7/7choose--cheersuit--subwaySpeaking1/21.going up2.cut down on sweets3.give yourself a break4.bet youe on2/21.Sarah got three good job offers so that she can't decide which one to take up2.I was running late and missed my boyfriend by five minutes3.The general manager is expected to give a speech at the annual meetingA good economy will help to bring the const of living down again。

新时代交互英语视听说2级答案unit3~unit12 & all testUnit33/121.frankie' homework2.at home5/121.Can you show* me how to use this math* program*?2.You have to hit "return" after* each number.3.Next*, you need* to highlight* the numbers . . . and now you have to click-on "add."4.Yeah, computers-are great* . . . but you have to learn how* to add numbers* the real* way.5.You have* to learn how to add without-a* computer.6.Why do I have to learn* that?7.Believe-it or* not, Frankie, you won't always* have-a computer with-you when you need* to add something.Why not*?8/121.you have to learn without a computer2.Yes,he does3.Why won't I always have a computer4.the numbers5.His math homework6.Click on "add"7.How to add without a computer11/12More listening1.Eversoft2.She can't use the program3.On the menu bartestlistening1/51.tweezers2..........small3.earring4.like a long needleV ocabulary and Usage2A/51.Do you have a device..........=Do you have a modem2.What software do you......=What browser do you prefer3.I often explore...=I surf the ....4.A password is....=Your computer is ....5.He bought a portable computer=Jeff bought ...2B/5work2.in3.modemptopGrammar3 /5Helen:Hi,Mark,do you .....knowcanWillshouldMayshouldn'tshouldcan'tSpeking5/5ually, I do2.Only if you have a USB port to plug it in3.Just press Ctrl+S4.It doesn't matter, on-line or off-line5.Yes,I do,let me type it for youUnit43/121.Emi need medicine2.She is sick5/121.You don't look* so good today.2.I feel* terrible*.3.You have* a* fever*.4.OK, open-up* . . . Say "ahh" . . .5.You need some medication*.6.You have-a sinus infection*, so I'm giving you some Azithromycin.7.You need to take-it* for five* days.8.Take-it to the pharmacy*, and they'll fill-it* for you.9.Oh, and-I know you're busy, but you need to take-it* easy* for-a few days, OK?8/12detailed comprehension1.Good health2.You seem sick today3.Take it for five days4.A prescription for some medicine5.What do I do with this6.You need to take it easy for a few days11/12More listening1.Fever,headache,sore throat2.For 2 or 3 days3.Her throat hurts a lottestlistening1A/51.She has a terrible cold2.lie down and have a rest3.can hardly breathe4.Stomachache1B/5feelingcoldnosethroatcoughbreathechesthomesoupdayV ocabulary and Usage2A/51.What conditions....=Can you describe2.His pain is sudden...=Jack has a sharp ...3.I can't breathe well through...=My nose is...4.She's been taking...=Rose has been ..5.My pain is contnuous...=Sometimes I have ...2B/51.stuffed-up2.some rest3.prescription4.horribleGrammar3A/5feeling,feel,think,have,looks,seem,taking,need,usually eat,often have3B/51.I love2.I like their steak3.I am taking antibiotics4.She seems tired5.I think it isSpeking5/51.That's because you've got a cold and a stuffyed-up nose2.Yes,I get a dull pain in my chest when I breathe3.Oh,I feel horrible4.Yes,I'm taking the medication my doctor gave me5.I've got a pain in my chest and a sore throatUnit55/121. I'm-in* the office.2. It's on Ashby, 3121 Ashby, near* Telegraph Avenue.3. Be sure* to* bring* the Lucid file.4. I put-it-on* your desk this morning.5. I put-it next-to* your computer.6. Oh, right*.7. And Luis*, please hurry*.8. OK, we'll talk-about-it when I get* there.8/12detailed comprehension1.Be sure to bring the Lucid file2.We'll talk about it when I get there3.At his office4.By car5.On Ashby Avenue6.On Luis's desk7.Yes, he finds it after looking for a minute8. At Lucid Systems11/12More listening1.First Street2.Highway 17 North to Highway 8803.At the Civic Arena Stationtestlistening1A/51.Near the liquor store2.Turn left out of the driveway,and then left again at the next street3.Turn left at the lights and then turn right1B/5staydinnerstorecookplacedriveturnstraightmissfindV ocabulary and Usage2A/51.I'd like to ....=I want to explore2.You'll find ...=It's hard to...3.This road is...=It's a cul-de-sa...4.Go along the...=Go staight down..5.Turn at the...=Turn at the ...2B/51.dead end2.Turn right at the lightsGrammar3/5at,at,on,down,close,inSpeking5/51.It's in the left drawer of your desk2.Next to the community center3.Take Unibersity Avenue down....Section Test AListening1/41.At I-travel2.He remembers Chris3.He works in a travel office4.He drives a taxi part-time5.He means that Sam has a lot to do with two jobs2/4was,were,did,have,spent,much3/41.Young2.She thinks the director is a man3.He met a new employee4.He is nervous4/41.Super Math...2.Well,I'm...3.What do you...4.We need to5.All you have ...6.Mm-hmmm7.Then you highlight...V ocabulary1/3reserve,browse,delete,fares2/3waitressnervousresponsiblepunctual3/31.likework3.prescription4.in your way5.stufffed upGrammar1/31.a slice of tomato2.some3.iced tea2/31.How much coffee=YES2.Just a little=YES3.How many sugar=NO3/3can,have to,Take,make surePronunciation1/31.SHE=No2.YOUR=No3.TIME=Yes4.PARTY=Yes2/31.LOS-an-ge-les=No2.New-YORK=Yes3.MA-nil-a=No3/31.help=home2.homework=whoSpeaking1/21.I thik she is nice2.I'm glad you like it3.YEs,I like racketball and volleyball4.What are we celebrating5.I'm feeling terrible6.Hello,thank you for calling Jerry's Restaurant2/21.Thanks2.No,I don't think so3.It was great4.Yeah,I'd like a cup of coffeeUnit63/121.A farewell party2.A visitor from Japan5/12Are you going to the party tomorrow* night*?Emi's farewell* party?Oh, probably a million* people!Hmmm, what should-I* bring?Flowers or a card would* be nice*.OK, I'll think-of* something*.Emi, Emi, I think it's time for a speech*.I just want to thank everyone* for coming*.So thanks, everybody, for being such* great friends . . .8/12detailed comprehension1.I think I'm going to cry2.We don't know3.Saturday night4.A lot of people5.Next week6.He doesn't know11/12More listening1.To say goodbye to Emi2.In Seattle3.Maybetestlistening1A/51.A Halloween party2.They dressed up and danced3.Only one of them came4.A lot5.It was fun1B/5partyfunlookoutfitvampirespeopledresscandydanceplayerV ocabulary and Usage1.Be creative....=Use your imagination2.I really enjoyed...=I've had a ...3.Emi,you should...=It's time for...4.It should be ...=It;ll be such..5.Will you come...=Are you going...2B/51.speech2.fabulous3.card4.Should5.farewellGrammar3/51.are you going to do2.I'll think3.won't tell4.I'm going5.Are you coming5/51.Yes,thousands2.A party where everyone has fun3.I'm going to a farewell party4.I like to watch movies5.speech6.I had a fabulous timee your imagination8.Thank youUnit73/121.The father and the son buy the wrong foods2.The father and the son have to buy food for the family5/12Frankie, let's do the grocery shopping.OK, I made-a* list*.Frankie, go get some milk*, two cartons, OK?I didn't get any* milk*, but I did get some ice* cream*. You know we have to cut down on sweets*.Oh good, you got the groceries*.We got a lot-of good* stuff*.Did you remember to buy some tomatoes?I didn't know* we needed* tomatoes. Good* work*, guys.8/12detailed comprehension1.He forgot lettuce and tomatoes2.Paul forgot some things3.Frankie,put it backk and vegetables5.They bought a lot of snacks6.Ice cream11/12More listening1.onions2.Tomorrow morning3.$172.43testlistening1A/51.Some of the stores are expensive2.A big mall3.One of the srores in the mall4.There are a few restaurants there,but the pizza place is the best one5.They don't say1B/5navigatestoressidelookbestcompareskywalkrestaurantspizzasclothesV ocabulary and Usage2A/51.We shouldn't eat.....=We need to cut2.A great job....= ...Good work,guys3.Let's go buy some....=Let's do the grocery...4.We bought lots of. ...=We got a lot of..5.I wrote down.=.I made a list..2B/51.pick up2.sweetie3.cartons4.sweets5.groceriesGrammar3/5anysomesomesomeanysomeSpeking5/51.check it out2.In a supermarket3.Vegetables and meat4.I like to buy fresh foods in small amounts5.It has the best selection of foods6.Excellent choice7.Darn!I didn't know we needed milk8.I need to cut down on sweetsUnit85/12What's* wrong*, Maggie?Well, I want-to ask Brian to the school dance* . . . but I can't.Try calling* him-up*.I'm too* shy*!I'll bet* he says yes.Um . . . I was wondering . . . if you . . . had-a date for the dance on Friday? But do we have* to* dance?Oh . . . but I don't have to dress-up, do I?Well, maybe you can pick* me-up* or something?11/12More listening1.Smoking is not allowed anywhere2.No containers are allowed in the gymnasium3.The parking lot will be lockedtestlistening1A/51.She's just wearing the same as everybody else2.short skirts3.it's hot in school and there's no air conditioning4.Take her father to school and show him what the other kids are wearing5.Her father doesn't think she's dressed right for school1B/5difficultwrongdressedwearingschoolnakedcoveredshortheelsshoesV ocabulary and Usage2A/51.You should make=It's up to you2.You should think=You should consider it ...3.He is bery thoughtful=He's really considerate...4.Time will make=You should give it..5.You told me something=You just opened...2B/51.up to you2.considerate3.dress up4.insightGrammar3/5spendingto speakto goenoughshould applytry to goto ask aboutto find outverytooSpeking5/51.I enjoyed talking to you,too2.You should take him to school and let him see what the other girls wear3.I'm too shyUnit93/12Global Comprehension1.She missed her flight,2.Neighbors5/12Welcome* back!You look tired*.Ahhh . . . I'm exhausted* . . .What happened*?What didn't* happen?!It was so frustrating!I almost lost* my mind*!That's terrible*.That's SO annoying*, I can't believe-it*! Did that go* well*?7/121.Exhausted2.Noisy and uncomfortable3.She was at a business meeting4.She can't think anymore5.Kate is very tired6.It was lost11/12More listening1.What kind of bag is it?2.Do you need your bag tonight3.We'll bring it to you tonighttestlistening1A/51.it was bad2.They were rude and disrespectful3.A group trip4.No,because she didn't experience the country the way ...5.She didn't enjoy it1B/5goodhorriblefoodtriprudeculturegroupmuseumsexperienceboringV ocabulary and Usage2A/51.No,but I missed.....=Was your flight delayed2.Thank you...= Welcome back...3.I bet...=it was so frustrating...4.It isn't at the baggage claim ...=Where is your suitcase..5.I am exhausted...=You look tired...2B/51.annoying2.delayed3.baggage claim4.frustrated5.businessGrammar3A/51.was annoying2.missed3.'m exhausted4.lost5.happenedSpeking5/51.What didnt't happen2.I missed it3.It was terrible4.Not really5.They were annoying6.TerribleUnit103/12Global Comprehension1.Disappointed2.Kate is looking at apartments to rent5/12This-is a great* location*.Mmm, that's convenient*.It's bigger* than my place*.It's-a great* place.That's . . . a little more* expensive* than I thought . . .That's-a view* of the ocean*?And here is the kitchen* . . . fully equipped with all the modern* conveniences*!I will definitely* give this some consideration* . . .Well, I would encourage* you to act quickly*.This beautiful place* won't last long.8/121.She can't see a view of the ocean2.It's bigger than my place3.It's a great place...4.Two5.It's a little expensive6.She will look for another apartment11/12More listening1.Between $1,000 and $1,5002.14503.Tt has a nice viewtestlistening1A/51.She's definitely going to take it2.They can have both dogs and cats3.Within walking distance from LCC4.An apartment5.They1B/5placeapartmentbedroomsdistancefloorsdecoratemonthutilitiesPetswasherV ocabulary and Usage2A/51.At an extra....=Are pets allowed2.That's convenient...= This place is within...3.There's no ...=What about a security...4.No,but it's not ...=Does the rent..5.Tt's lovely to be...=Do you like...2B/51.ceilings2.utilities3.Approved credit4.drier5.security depositGrammar3/51.more attractive2.as nice as3.bigger4.as much as5.betterSpeking5/51.It's high2.I'll have to pay it3.Yes,and safe,too4.Yes,I can have my cat5.Yes,it's within....6.Yes,they're extraUnit113/12Global Comprehension1.Where their families are from2.Her family5/12San Francisco, you know* that!I mean, where-is your family from?Oh, my parents* are from Mexico*.That's close*.It's somewhere-around* here . . . here.What's-it* like* there?I think it's the most* beautiful place-on-Earth*. Where's your family* from?Everyone's* got-a story*, huh?7/121.How about you2.near Mexico city3.Her father is from Georgia4.Mexico5.Colima6.is very beautiful7.Many people's families come from other places 11/12More listening1.union Square2.Fairmont Hotel3.San Francisco Baytestlistening1A/51.It's her ideal place to live2.Yes,but she doesn't want to stay there forever3.She's lived in Lansing all her life4.her father's from.....5.With her parents1B/5houseapartmentparentsbornareafromgrewcornercollegemoneyV ocabulary and Usage2A/51.I was born in California....=Where were youborn2.It's by the ocean...=What's it like there ...3.Mexico...=Where are you from...4.Wow! ...=They got married and...5.A town called Colima...=But where in Mexico...2B/5ndmarks2.family3.population4.city life5.countryGrammar3/5youryoursTheytheirthemSpeking5/51.Very much2.In a quiet countryside3.In college4.A small town5.It's very warm and beautiful6.My parents have lived here all their livesUnit123/12Global Comprehension1.Food2.Emi's friend5/12What's this little* dish*?The what*?And-this is the soy* sauce*, isn't-it?I'll try* it.It's very spicy*.I love* spicy* food.Wow, that is spicy*!Here, drink* some water . . . You OK?Next-time*, I won't-eat* the whole thing*.Sam, you're supposed* to mix-it* with the soy sauce!8/12Detailed Comprehension1.He ate the wasabi2.It's very spicy3.He for fot to mix the wasabi with the soy sauce4.It's a kind of spice5.Do you feel all right6.It's a dish for the soy sauce11/12More listening1.Get a recipe2.A seafood dish3.We don't knowtestlistening1A/51.Chinese and Italian2.Some of it3.Kangaroo4.She tried them,but didn't like them5.Cheese1B/5favoriteAmericanforeignChineseItalianMexicanspicyeatensteakchickenV ocabulary and Usage2A/51.Spices make my ....=I always add herbs2.This is spicy...=This stuff burned ...3.You can add ...=Try mixing it...4.I usually like ...=I like trying ..5.This stuff tastes ...=I love this dish...2B/51.Try2.mix3.Spicy4.custom5.authenticSpeking5/51.With pleasure2.Yes,but not too spicy3.Only pepper4.I love it5.Yes,and I often do6.It's a customUnit133/12Global Comprehension1.Co-workers2.Going to London to live and work5/12Have-you heard*?Heard* what?Have-you* ever been* to London? No, I've never* been to England, period!I think* you know* . . .You gotta* do what you gotta* do!So* you're going to take-it?Yeah, I just* can't pass* this-up.We're going to miss-you* around* here*!8/121.Assistant Art Director2.He's happy for her,but he'll miss her3.She's going to take the new job4.To work for Media View in London5.Mr.Arnello understood her reasons6.She has never been there11/12More listening1.To tell Mr.Jones her decision2.He's happy3.a human resources persontestlistening1A/51.No,never2.Massage3.Around $30 an hour or more4.In a small business5.Yes, a lot1B/5degreejobfamilybusinesscommutesalarymoneymaybeenvironmentimportantV ocabulary and Usage2A/51.They are taking me....=I got a job offer2.I like their...= They offered great...3.It's impossible ...=This kind of job offer is...4. I got a raise...=My salaru's..5.I will be helping...=I'm going to be some...2B/51.environment2.promotion3.stability4.raise5.pass upGrammar3A/51.Have you started looking....2.Who were looking for me3.Did you like your previous job4.Joe and Ken have changed jobs a million times5.She has been an assistant ...Speking5/51.Very important2.No,never3.15 dollars an hour or more4.Excellent5.I've had somemuting wouldn't be a problemSection Test CListening1/41.an ocean2.Kate is from California3.Luis's family is from Mexico4.Where is Kate's mother from? Texas5.where their families are from2/4Ana:What....happenforgotbaggage claimwas3/41.Happy2.to deliver her luggage3.Kate's luggage4/4Thank you....aretwoviewutilitiesfurnishedV ocabulary1/3Need a....oceanmountainstoursriverconvenient2/3Dr.Han:Good morning....interviewdelayedluggagebaggage claim3/31.save up2.What aboutndmark4.sometime5.are not supposed6.promotion7.bitterGrammar1/3Max:hello....werewas studyingmetweren'tdidn't haveFirstThenfinallywere you living2/3Jack:Have you....toldunderstoodmethavedecidedam3/3Two children....NoNoYesNoYesNoYesYesNoPronunciation2/41.Where's your FAMIL Y from--No2.oh,toNIGHT I'm going to a MOVie--Yes3.THAT'S the map that shows MY COUNtry4/41.Shall I meet...---Yes2.THIS is a great loCAtion--No3.absoLUTEL Y--Yes4.Very conVENient--Yes5.He's GOING to Jack's....=NoSpeaking1/21.I will put you through2.How about you3.Thanks,Sue,I hope so4.I am exhausted5.That's wonderful!...2/21.My parents have lived here all their lives2.I've had some3.In collegeLevel Test 2Listening1/51.Yes,he does2.go to the Rock in 15 minutes2/5Dave:....lettucegotIt'll3/51.He types in his account2.order food for the restaurant on the computer3.cilick on "yes" to..4.llikes4/5So,Rick....weirdestsnailthingforeigncuisinemeateater vegetarian stuff favorite Chinese foodispretty great5/5I really....reallyniceofyoumakearightoutthere fabulous bakery keep goingIwould loveitthat doesn't soundtoohardV ocabulary 1/4Two high....waiter oders mealssmall business ownertalented2/4Richard:....responsiblebrowsingdownloadedfarereserve3/4Two friends....feverprescriptionpharmacyTake a rightblocks4/41.somehow2.hot3.asking to step aside for a minute4.hiredGrammar1/2Three friends....Happy BirthdayWhat did you sayOh,noI'm sorryatSee you soon2/2Answering machine....YesYesNoNoNoYesPronunciation1/7proJECT--nocut DOWN--yesTERrible--yes2/7shirt POCKet--NoVery conVENient--Yes MaNILa--Yes4/7Does he want a SMALL...--Yes 1423 Holly STREET--No How many choices does...--No Here you ARE--No5/7MY sister IS tall...--Nooh,MY parents are...--No Those are the PEOple...--Yes6/7have--homerock--right7/7choose--cheersuit--subwaySpeaking1/21.going up2.cut down on sweets3.give yourself a break4.bet youe on2/21.Sarah got three good job offers so that she can't decide which one to take up2.I was running late and missed my boyfriend by five minutes3.The general manager is expected to give a speech at the annual meetingA good economy will help to bring the const of living down again。