(人教版部编版)初中语文九年级上册 期末专项复习试卷03—古诗词、文言文阅读

自古圣贤尽贫贱,何况我辈孤且直!本诗在思想感情上与李白的《行路难》有什么不同?____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________(二)(6分)得乐天书[唐]元稹远信入门先有泪,妻惊女哭问何如。
元稹得乐天来信和刘禹锡获乐天赠诗各有什么情感表现?____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ (三)(6分)画堂春•寄子由①[宋]苏轼柳花飞处麦摇波,晚湖②净鉴新磨。

(10分)jūn yún wéi fàn juān xiàn bì qīn cuī cùshèn zhònɡ ǒu ěr ɡǎn chùxún ɡuī dǎo jǔ3.用“√”给带点字选择正确的读音。
(3分)鲜(xiān xiǎn)为人知晋悼( diào dào )公薄壳(bó báo)茅塞(sè sāi)顿开顷刻间(qǐnɡ qīnɡ)估计(ɡū ɡǔ)4. 把成语补充完整,并选择合适的成语填在句中。
有道是“________ ”,上天就是偏爱于勤奋的人。
_________________________________________________________ ___ ___________________________________________________ _____________二、积累与运用。

福建省莆田市三年级上学期语文期末专项复习卷(三)句子姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________亲爱的同学,经过一段时间的学习,你们一定学到不少知识,今天就让我们大显身手吧!一、基础题精选。
(共8题;共70分)1. (2分) (2019三上·余杭期末) 下面的句子中,标点符号有错误的一句是()A . 小猫从门上的破洞跳了出来:“喵喵,谢谢!”B . “我觉得很难。
C . “等等,老屋!”一个小小的声音在它门前响起,“再过二十一天,行吗?”D . 一只小蚂蚁在队列里嘀咕:“要是偷嘴的是您呢?”蚂蚁队长说,“照样要受罚。
”2. (2分) (2018三下·盐田期末) 下列标点符号的运用,不正确的是()A . “啊!”魏王看了,大吃一惊:“真有这样的本事!”B . 时光老人问:“你是谁?为什么哭?”C . 读小学的时候,我的外祖母去世了。
3. (2分)照样子,给词语排队,组成句子,并加上合适的标点。
有奇石黄山上许多4. (11分)看图写话。
5. (3分)大自然很奇妙,动物的世界也很奇妙!你身边有哪些动物?你了解它们的生活习性吗?你和这些动物之间发生过哪些有趣的事?写一写,和同学们交流交流。
6. (20分)完成句子。
7. (15分)把陈述句换成把字句①一座堤坝被凶猛的洪水冲垮了。
8. (15分)小明是班里的宣传委员。
五年级英语PEP 期末复习 期末测试卷三(名校卷)及答案

(5分)() 1. A. many B. baby C. candy() 2. A. see B. feet C. feed() 3. A. Flower B. Down C. How() 4. A. afternoon B. noodles C. goodbye() 5. A. always B. say C. today二、听录音,为下列图片排序。
(10分)() 1. A. I can sing songs. B. I can't sing songs. C. Can I sing songs?() 2. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, there is. C. No, it isn't.() 3. A. No, he isn't. B. No, he doesn't. C. Yes, I am.() 4. A. I'd like some water. B. I don't like water. C. Some bread, please. () 5. A. I have salad today. B. I have English today. C. No, I don't.四、听录音,根据短文内容选择正确的一项。
(10分)() 1. What's the weather like today?A. It's cold and windy.B. It's hot and sunny.C. It's warm and snowy.() 2. There are a lot of ________ in the forest.A. flowersB. treesC. Both A and B.() 3. We can ________ in the forest.A. play footballB. play basketballC. go boating () 4. Amy plays with ________ .A. her parentsB. her sisterC. her friends () 5. Amy likes ________ very much.A. the parkB. the forestC. the zoo笔试部分(70分)五、根据句意及首字母提示写单词,完成句子。

(8分)A: Walk along Xinhua Street. Turn left at Beihai Road. Walk straight and I can see the Chinese Food Museum on my left. There is a supermarket beside the museum. The People’s Bank and May Flower Hotel are on my right. Behind the People’s Bank, there is a post office.B: Walk along Xinhua Street. Turn right at Beihai Road. I can see some shops on my right. The pet shop is between the flower shop and the toy shop. On my left, there is a big zoo. It is between the hospital and the restaurant.任务一:看图并读一读,从短文中找出1-4代表的建筑物名称,把它们写在相应的横线上。
(4分)1. ________2. ________3. ________4. ________任务二:阅读短文,判断下列句子正误,正确的写“√”,错误的写“×”。
( ) 5. The Chinese Food Museum is beside the supermarket.( ) 6. The hotel is next to the People’s Bank.( ) 7. The flower shop is between the pet shop and the toy shop.( ) 8. The zoo is on Xinhua Street.二、任务型阅读。

宁夏石嘴山市一年级上学期语文期末专项复习卷(三)姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________亲爱的同学,经过一段时间的学习,你们一定学到不少知识,今天就让我们大显身手吧!一、基础知识。
(共13题;共103分)1. (5分)连线2. (5分) (2019二上·夏津期中) 读一读,请把字与音节用线连起来。
翠绿jí tǐ青藤zhà kāi图案chánɡ páo炸开hánɡ mó集体tú àn航模hòu huǐ长袍cuì lǜ后悔qīnɡ ténɡ3. (5分) (2019一上·夏津期中) 我会连。
qí chēxiǎo hétián dìlǎo shīdú shū小河田地骑车读书老师4. (5分)搭配连线。
hū rán相遇打象棋一片飞机tiào shéng纯净下排球一架铅笔yǒng gǎn忽然丢沙包五支雨伞xiāng yù跳绳玩足球几把汽车chún jìng勇敢踢游戏十辆叶子5. (2分)读课文《七月的天山》给句子加上标点符号。
融化的雪水________从高悬的山涧________从峭壁断崖上飞泻下来________像千百条闪耀的银链________在山脚下汇成冲激的溪流________浪花往上抛________形成千万朵盛开的白莲________6. (10分)“美哉,我少年中国,与天不老!壮哉,我中国少年,与国无疆!”联系生活实际,说说现在少年中国和中国少年之美。
7. (20分)请仔细读谜语,再完成下面的练习。
yìkēshù,wǔgèchà,bùzhǎng yè,bùkāi huā,zuòshìqing,quán kào tā。
新目标(Go for it)版2018-2019学年初中英语八年级下学期期末模拟复习卷三及参考答案

ESai Kung's Deserted Beaches *White beaches*Blue water*Beach volleyball*Open Mon. —Sun.FVictoria Park *Play bowls*Play tennis*Relax near the lake*Open Mon. —Sun.三、完形填空6. 完形填空My mother is a doctor.She is unable to get back home 1 every day.And she has to work on weekends sometimes.So it's ha rd for her to do all the 2 after work.As a member of the family,I think it's my duty to 3 some housework.4Mom always says she doesn't need any help,there are always things I can do.5 , I can help do the dishes and set the table.I'm sure Mom loves me 6 to help her.What's more,I'm trying to be 7.I wash my own clothes,tidy up my bedroom and take care 8 my things.I'm old enough to d o these things.And I can't9 on my parents forever.Always show your 10 to your mom for everything she does.I believe she will feel sweet.Try it now.四、语法填空7. 阅读下列短文,在每篇文章空白处填入一个适合的单词或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。
【期末复习专题卷】部编版语文七年级上册专题03 阅读与鉴赏测试试卷(含答案)

【期末复习专题卷】部编版语文七年级上册专题03 阅读与鉴赏一、现代文阅读阅读下面的文章,完成下面小题。

牛津译林版八年级英语下册期末复习测试卷(三)(考试时间:90分钟总分:100分)一、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)( ) 1. --Many people like watching_______ TV series In the Name of People now. Have you seen it, Mary?--Yes, it's quite______ excellent play, so I can't wait to turn on the TV when I get home.A. a; theB. the; anC. a; anD. the; the ( ) 2. People in Yangzhou _____ walk or ride bikes, but now they _____ taking the bus or driving cars.A. used to; used toB. were used to; used toC. were used to; are used toD. used to; are used to( ) 3. These days lots of people are working to get for their living.A. hard enough; enough moneyB. enough hardly; money enoughC. enough hard; money enoughD. hardly enough; enough money ( )4. --We want to find some ways to money for poor children. What will you do?--I am going to _______ some money to the Red Cross Society.A. donate; donateB. raise; raiseC. donate; raiseD. raise; donate ( )5. Hard work can bring you , but if you are lazy, you won't becomeA.success; successB. successful; successC. success; successfulD. successful; successful( ) 6. --Excuse me, could you tell me ?--In front of the gate of our school.A. what time should we arrive at the parkB. where should we meetC. where I can find you tomorrow morningD. what we need to take with us ( ) 7. There were some cars my way my way to school yesterday.A. in; onB. on; inC. in; byD. at; by( )8. "WeChat" really makes a great to our life. More and more people use it now.A. chanceB. problemC. differenceD. surprise( ) 9. Few students can understand the sentence until it twice or three times.A. explainsB. is explainedC. will be explainedD. has explained ( )10. --He's already come back from the USA, ?---__________ . He is on a visit to Shanghai.A. hasn't he; NoB. isn't he; YesC. hasn't he; YesD. isn't he; No ( ) 11. Lily's mother is too busy housework her with her homework.A. to do; helpingB. doing; helpingC. to do; to helpD. doing; to help ( )12. The book that I'm reading isn't mine. Kate _______ it to me last week. I have _______ it for days.A. borrowed; lentB. lent; borrowedC. lent; keptD. borrowed; kept ( )13. It is necessary the government to provide support the poor.A. for; forB. of; withC. of; forD. for; with ( ) 14. you have done! We are grateful to you for what you have done for the children in poor'areas.A. How a meaningful workB. How meaning jobC. What a meaningful jobD. What a meaning work( )15. --There are always many volunteers in great events, aren't there?--Yes._________.A. No pain, no gain B, Many hands make light workC. Actions speak louder than wordsD. A friend in need is a friend indeed二、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)Once upon a time, there was a lazy poor man living in a small house with spider(蜘蛛) webs on the walls and mice running around. People 16 coming into such a dirty place and the poor man was lonely and 17 every day. He thought it was poverty(贫穷) that led 18 his unhappy life.One day, the poor man dropped in on a wise old man and asked him for 19 about changing his life. The old man gave him a 20 vase(花瓶) and said, "This is a magic vase that will bring you 21 "The poor man looked at the vase 22 . He wondered 23 he needed a vase in his poor house. However, he didn't want to 24 away such a beautiful vase, so he brought it home and put it on the table."It's not right for something so beautiful to be 25 ," the poor man looked at the vase and thought. Then he picked some wild flowers and put them into it, making it even more beautiful.26 he was still not satisfied(满意的). "It is not good for such a beautiful thing to stand next to a spider web." At this, he started to do some 27 in the house and paint the walls.His house turned into a 28 place immediately. The poor man cheered up. He suddenly 29 that in the past, it was his 30 that made him poor and unhappy. From then on, he worked hard and his life got better and better.( )16. A. avoided B. continued C. enjoyed D. risked ( )17. A. sadly B. sad C. sadness D. sadder ( )18. A. for B. off C. to D. with ( )19. A. knowledge B. success C. service D. advice ( )20. A. big B. small C. beautiful D. old ( )21. A. pain B. happiness C. harm D. confidence ( )22. A. closely B. easily C. surprisingly D. gladly ( )23. A. what B. why C. how D. when ( )24. A. throw B. turn C. keep D. go ( )25. A. ugly B. full C. empty D. dirty ( )26. A. And B. But C. Because D. So ( )27. A. work B. cleaning C. job D. cooking ( )28. A. strange B. large C. dirty D. comfortable ( )29. A. hoped B. realized C. thought D. found ( )30. A. business B. laziness C. loneliness D. sickness三、阅读理解(共12小题,每小题2分,满分24分)AA jobless man wanted very much to have the position of "office boy" at Microsoft. TheHR manager interviewed him and then watched him cleaning the floor as a test. "You have passed the test," he said. "Give me your e-mail address and I'll send you the form to fill in and the date when you may start. ' The man replied, "But I don't have a computer, neither an e-mail." "I'm sorry," said the HR manager. "If you don't have an e-mail, that means you are not living. And anyone who isn't living cannot have the job."The man left with no hope at all. He didn't know what to do with only $10 in his pocket. He thought and thought. Then he went to the supermarket and bought 10 kilos of tomatoes. He sold the tomatoes from door to door. In less than two hours, he had 20 dollars. He repeated the operation three times, and started to go early every day, and returned home late. Shortly, he bought a cart, then a truck, and then he had his own fleet of delivery vehicles(运货车队). Five years later, the man was one of the biggest food retailers(零售商) in the US.One day, one of his friends asked him for his e-mail. He said, "I haven't got one." His friend couldn't believe his ears. "Can you imagine what you could have been if you had an e-mail?" The man thought for a while and replied, "Yes, I'd be an office boy at Microsoft!"31. What did the man do for the test?A.He sent e-mails.B. He did the cleaning.C. He sold computers.D. He filled in forms.32. The man after he left Microsoft.A. went to look for another jobB. asked for food from door to doorC. thought of an idea to make moneyD. bought a computer and got an e-mail33. "Office boy" means _____ in Chinese.A. 请杂工B. 学徒C. 学生D. 男程序员B34. Lisa has to get to school before 7.00 this morning. On her way to school, where can she buyher breakfast?A. At Apple Tree Bakery.B. At Papa Marko's.C. At Good Taste Fast Food.D. At Winnie's Sandwich Club.35. Lisa can go to any place for lunch on Sundays except_______.A. Papa Marko's B, Apple Tree BakeryC. Good Taste Fast FoodD. Winnie's Sandwich Club36. If Lisa buys some food for $150 at Apple Tree Bakery at 9:30 p. m. , she will save________.A. $80B. $20C. $30D. $12037. Which statement is WRONG?A.. They are all advertisements for food.B. Good Taste Fast Food is the best in town.C. You can't have a meal until noon at Papa Marko's.D. There are too many people at Papa Marko's, so you'll have to wait a long time.CLife comes in a package. This package includes happiness and sadness, failure and success, hope and despair. Life is a learning process. Experiences in life teach us new lessons and make us a better person. With each passing day, we learn to deal with kinds of situations.Love plays an important role in our life. Love makes you feel wanted. Without love a person could become cruel. In the early stage of our life, our parents are the ones who show us unconditional love and care, and they teach us about what is right and wrong, good and bad. But we always tend to take this for granted(认为理所当然). It is only after marriage and having kids that a person understands and becomes sensitive to others' feelings.Happiness achieved by bringing a smile on other's face gives a certain level of fulfillment(成就). Peace of mind makes you feel happy. No mind is happy without peace. We realize the true worth of happiness when we are sad. Sadness comes from the death of a loved one or the failure. But all of these things will pass away.Failure is the way to success, and it helps us to touch the sky, teaches us to survive and shows us a specific way. Success brings in money, fame, pride and self-respect.Hope is what keeps life going. Parents always hope their children will do well. Hope makes us dream. Hope builds in patience. Life teaches us not to despair even in the darkest hour, because after every night there is a day.Life teaches us not to regret over yesterday, for it has passed and is beyond our control. Tomorrow is unknown, for it could either be bright or dull. So what we can choose is to work hard today, so that we will enjoy a better tomorrow.38. In which section can readers probably read the passage?A. Education.B. Travel.C. Lifestyles.D. Business.39. In the passage, the author corripares life to_______.A. a packageB. happiness and sadnessC. failure and successD. hope and despair40. What does the underlined word "despair" mean in Chinese?A. 颓废B. 遗憾C. 悲伤D. 绝望41. What's the general meaning of the last sentence of the passage?A. What you only can choose is to work hard every day.B. If you work hard today, you will have a better life in the future.C. When choosing between "today" and "tomorrow", you'd better enjoytomorrow better.D. Enjoying a better tomorrow is your only choice.42. What's the purpose of the passage?A. To encourage people to love each other.B. To tell people how to deal with happiness and sadness.C. To remind people of working hard for a better tomorrow.D. To give readers some information about life.四、词语运用(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)A)选用方框内的单词或词组填空,其中有一个单词或词组是多余的。


AAndrew was a smart boy when he was young. He liked doing things in a way that he thought to be clever. But sometimes he made wrong choices(选择).One day, his father gave him ten dollars and asked him to buy some goldfish. When he got to the market,he found that the killifish looked like goldfish and that they were much cheaper. So he bought some killifish and kept the rest of the money for himself.When he got home, his father found what Andrew did at once. He put the fish in the tank (水槽)without saying anything first. The next day he said to his son,"Andrew, do you know what you bought yesterday? Are they goldfish? Andrew didn't know what to say. His father went on,"Well, I'm happy that you know how to save money.I also know you are good at watching things around you. But it's not right to be dishonest(不诚实)From then on, Andrew's father often asked him to do some chores, like buying daily things and helping his uncle in his store.Several years later, Andrew became a successful businessman. When talking about the key to his success, he said,"Thanks to my father, I got to know myself well and developed in a right way."(1)How much money did Andrew spend on the fish ?A. Just ten dollarsB. Almost ten dollarsC. Less than ten dollarsD. More than ten dollars(2)Which of the following is the RIGHT order according to the passage ?①Andrew's father saw the killifish.②Andrew became a successful businessman.③Andrew got ten dollars from his father.④Andrew helped his uncle in the store.A.①③④②B. ③①④②C. ④①②③D. ③④①②(3)Why did Andrew thank his father ?A.Because his father taught him how to grow in a right way.B.Because his father taught him how to look after himself.C.Because his father helped him to find a successful job.D.Because his father told him the importance of helping others.(4)What can we know from the passage ?A.Andrew, in fact, liked the killifish more than the goldfish.B.Andrew's father got really mad as soon as he saw the killifish.C.Many businessmen are successful because of their great fathers.D.Andrew's father is smart because he knows how to help his son.BOn a cold January morning, Myron opened the Spencer Library in Iowa.She heard a cat cry and finally found a yellow cat in many books."His little feet were frozen, " said Myron. "We gave him a bath to warm him up. He purred the whole time so that we knew he liked us very much. "That was 1988 and it was a story for Dewey, the cat who has lived happily among the books ever since. "His story has a life of its own.Many people drive hundreds of miles just to see him.A group of Japanese TV workers came to make a short film of him. "A few months after Dewey gotbetter, a photo of the library's "new employee(员工)" started to be in local(地方的)newspapers.Dewey grew from a popular local "library employee" to a national star with his pictures on calendars. However, he is not alone. Library cats greet people in about 125 libraries across America. Most live and "work" in comfortable, small town libraries and they don't get lost in the books."Library cats create a nice, warm atmosphere(气氛), " says Gary Roma, producer of Puss in Books, the film about library cats. "More children and elderly people come to the library because maybe they don't have pets in their homes," says Roma, "Books, libraries and cats just go together."(1)Myron found the cat called Dewey in the of 1988.A.springB.summerC.autumnD.winter(2)The underlined word "purred" in the second paragraph probably means .A.felt angryB.felt happyC.got hungryD.got sleepy(3)A group of Japanese TV workers went to the library to Dewey.A.winC.filmD.feed(4)The best title for this passage should be .A.What a small cat Dewey is!B.Dewey:there's a cat in the library!C.How important the library cats are!D.From a common cat to an international star!C①Frieda and her mother lived in an apartment in New York.Frieda had no brothers or sisters.Her best friend wasa very old woman named Maria and she lived downstairs.②Maria's biggest possessions(财产)were a dog named Javier and an album of photos(相册)from her family in Mexico.When she visited Maria,Frieda liked to study the album.Maria would begin by talking about her friends and family members but would end by telling stories about birds in the rain forest near her family home.Frieda loved listening to these stories.She wanted to become a scientist to help save the rain forest.③One night when Frieda was doing her homework she heard the fire trucks on the street.Then a firefighter was at their door.The top floors of the building were on fire.Frieda's mother shouted,"Get your iPad quickly and let's go!" Frieda saved her money for a year to buy the iPad.④"Maria may need help," Frieda shouted as she ran to her friend's apartment.The door was open.The firefighters helped Maria and Javier downstairs.Frieda took the heavy photo album from the bookshelf where Maria always kept it. Frieda hurried downstairs.⑤Frieda's mother was worriedly waiting for her on the street.She saw her daughter only saved Maria's photo album. "I'm sorry about your iPad," Frieda's mother said.⑥"That's all right," Frieda said,"I made the right choice. "(1)Why did Frieda want to become a scientist?A.To save the rain forest.B.To help Maria and her cat.C.To become rich and famous.D.To have a better life for herself and her mother.(2)From the passage, we can infer(推断)that .a.Frieda is the only child of her family.b.Frieda and her mother lived in Mexico before.c.The iPad was something meaningful to Frieda.d.The firefighters saved Maria and Javier out of the fire.e.Frieda's mother felt angry because Frieda didn't get her iPad back.A.a b eB.a c dC.b c dD.c d e(3)What does the underlined word "it" refer to in Paragraph 4?A.The bookshelf.B.The photo album.C.The pet dog.D.The iPad.(4)Which of these sentences would be the best at the end of this story?A. "I'm tired of my iPad."B. "Maria told me to save it."C. "I didn't like anything else."D. "I knew it meant a lot to Maria.DMost people have a place to call home on Earth.What about in outer space? The International Space Station (ISS)became our first "home" in space in 2000. It welcomed its first astronauts that year and made the way for 20 years of future research(研究,探索)."You just find that we're all citizens(公民)of not a country,but of the planet, " NASA astronaut Scott Kelly told National Geographic about working in ISS. "We are working together for the future of the humans."Over the past 20 years, the ISS has mainly been used as a science lab, with 241 people from 19 countries.They have gone on spacewalks, done research and even grown plants in space.The station's development(发展)is good for people on the earth.For example,the way how the station makes water clean helps poor villages to get better drinking water.The station also helps to tell us something terrible before it happens, such as earthquakes.However, after being our home in space for over 7,000 days, the station is starting to get old.Scientists think that the station can keep working until 2024.After that,scientists will bring it down to the earth and most of it will be burned up.Other debris(残骸)will fall into the Pacific Ocean.In the future,space will be home to more stations like the ISS. NASA is building a space station, smaller than the ISS, near the moon.(1)What is the first home to astronauts in outer space?A.NASA.B.ISS.C.National Geographic.D.The Pacific Ocean.(2)What can we know from what Scott Kelly said in Paragraph 2 ?A.Astronauts work for their own countries.B.Astronauts work for the whole planet.C.Astronauts in ISS aren't friendly to each other.D.Astronauts think they are just common people like us on the earth.(3)How does the development of ISS help people on the earth?A.People will take a trip on the moon one day.B.People learn how to work better in a science lab.C.People in poor villages can get clean drinking water.D.People will be able to grow plants as well as astronauts in space.(4)What will happen to ISS in the future ?A.It will become a space station near the moon.B.It will become smaller and smaller as time goes by.C.It will still keep working for at least 20 years from now on.D.It will come back to the earth and most of it will be burned up.第二节(共1小题,每小题10分,满分10分)下面文章中有五处(第31-35题)需要添加小标题。
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