


第一集打招呼 how are you ?

例句:how are you doing , Jane? 你好吗,简?

How 鬼哭狼嚎音Are 大嘴卷舌音You 穿针引线音


How are you? 你好吗?

How do you do? 你好吗?

How is everything? 一切都好吗?

How is everything with you? 你一切都好吗?

How is everything going? 你一切都好吗?

How is the world around you? 你周围的一切都好吗?

How is life treating you? 生活对你怎么样?

treat英 [tri?t] 美 [trit] vt. 治疗;对待;探讨;视为vi. 探讨;请客;协商n. 请客;款待How have you been? 你最近怎么样?

How are your family? 你的家人怎么样?

How are your daughter doing? 你的女儿怎么样?


A:How are you doing? 你最近过得好吗?

B:Great, How about you? 很好!你呢?

A:I’m very good. 我也很好!


例句:I'm really glad to see you. 我很高兴见到你。

I 大嘴音长元音2秒钟

Glad 90度音(有的称为梅花音或蝴蝶音)


Good to see you.

Good to see you again.

I'm glad good to see you again.

Please to see you again.

Glad to see you again.

Nice to meet you.

Please to meet you.

It's so nice to meet you.

It's pleasure to meet you.


Nice meeting you.

It was a pleasure meeting you.

Nice talking to you.

It's been talking to you.


A: Long time no see! 好久不见!

B: Yeah! I am really glad to see you! 很高兴见到你!

A: Me too! 我也是!

第三集 I'm sorry 道歉句

例句:I'm sorry I'm so late. 对不起,我来晚了。

So 舀水音Late 嘴角咧到耳朵上


I'm sorry I can't come. 对不起,我来不了。

I'm sorry I can't help you. 对不起,我不能帮助你。

I'm sorry I overslept. 对不起,我睡过头了。

I'm sorry I lost your book. 对不起,我把你的书丢了。

I'm sorry I dialed the wrong number. 对不起,我拨错号码了。(我打错电话了)。

I'm sorry I took you for someone else. 对不起,我把你当成另外一个人了。(我认错人了)

I'm sorry I have to cancel the appointment. 对不起,我不得不取消约会。


A:I’m sorry ,I’m so late 对不起,我迟到了。

B: It doesn’t matter. But next time come here on time, please. 没关系!请下次准时到这里。李阳说,人难免犯错误,犯错误就要道歉。道歉是一种美德。


例句:Isn't it small world? 这世界真小,不是吗?

Small 小像汉语的“死猫” World世界Isn't it 连读


Isn't it a lovely place? 这不是一个好地方吗?

Isn't it pleasant weather? 这不是令人愉快的天气?

Isn't it a coincidence? 这不是一个巧合吗?

Isn't it an interesting story? 这不是一个有趣的故事?

Isn't it a wonderful idea? 难道这不是一个好主意吗?

Isn't it a strange dream? 这不是一个奇怪的梦吗?


A: Isn’t it a small world?

B: Yes, It’s a small world. 是的,世界真的很小。



例句:Have's everything here? 这里的一切都好吗?

Everything 咬嘴唇咬舌头王牌单词Here 短“一”卷舌


Everything is OK? 一切都好吗?

Everything is ready? 一切都准备好了吗?

Everything is going fine. 一切都会好的。

Thank you for everything. 感谢你做的一切。

Everything's take good care of. 一切都很好的照顾。

Everything will be just fine. 一切都会安好的。

You are everything to me. 你是我的一切。

Money is everything to him. 对于他来说钱就是一切。

Tell me everything about it. 告诉我关于它的一切。


A: How is everything here? 这里一切都好吗?

B: Everything is Great! 一切都很好。



例句:You look so beautiful. 你看上去真漂亮!

Look [luk] Beautiful 英音:['bju:t?f?l]美音:['bjut?f?l]


You look nice. 你看起来很漂亮。

You look great! 你看上去棒极了。

You look good. 你看上去棒极了。

You look awesome. 你看起来真棒。 (awesome 令人敬畏的;可怕的;有威严的)

You look like a million dollars. 你看起来像一百万美元。


A: You know you look so beautiful today.今天你好漂亮。

B: Thanks , You look great too..谢谢,你也是。

A: Thank you! 谢谢。


例句:How about a cup of coffee? 来杯咖啡怎么样?

How 英音:[hau]美音:[hau]

about 英音:[?'baut]美音:[?'baut] How about 你认为...怎样(...为名词或动名词)


How about some beer? 喝杯啤酒好吗?

How about seeing movie tonight? 今晚去看电影,好吗?

How about having picnic this weekend? 这个周末我们去野餐,好吗?

How about eating out tonight? 晚上出去吃饭,好吗?


A: How about a cup of coffee? 喝杯咖啡怎么样?

B: That would be great! 好啊!



例句:That's a neat idea. 这是个好主意。 That's a great idea.

That 英音:[e?t] 美音:[e?t] 舌头伸出来,牙齿咬舌头

neat【美】【口】美妙的,很棒的)英音:[ni:t] 美音:[nit]

idea 英音:[ai'di?]


That's a wonderful idea. 那是一个好主意。

That's a great suggestion。这是个好的建议。

That's good idea. 的确是个好主意!

That's nice idea. 的确是个好主意!

That sounds great. 听起来不错。

That sounds terrific. 听起来太棒了。 (terrific【口】非常好的,了不起的)

That sounds like a great idea. 听起来是个好主意。


A: How about a cup of coffee? 喝杯咖啡怎么样?

B: That would be great! 好啊!


例句:I'm afraid I must be going. 我恐怕我必须得走。

Afraid 英音:[?'freid] 美音:[?'fred] Must 英音:[m st]美音:[m st]

going 英音:['g?ui?]


I'm afraid it's too late. 我恐怕太迟了。

I'm afraid you're wrong. 我恐怕你错了。

I'm afraid there's no hope. 恐怕没希望了。

I'm afraid I can't do this for you. 恐怕我不能为你做这件事。


A: I’m afraid I must be g oing now .恐怕我要走了。

B: That’s too bad. Can you stay a little longer?太遗憾了!你能多呆一会吗?

A: I’m afraid I can’t. I wish I could. Maybe next time.恐怕不能.我希望我能.也许下次吧!



例句:Don't let me down. 别让我失望。

don't 英音:[d?unt]美音:[dont] let (用于祈使句,表示建议、请求、命令等)让

Down 英音:[daun] 美音:[daun] let down 使失望


Don't give up. 别放弃!

Don't be late. 别迟到了!

Don't do that. 别这样。

Don't mention it. 别客气。别提了。 (mention 提到,说起;提名表扬)

Don't trick me. 不要欺骗(捉弄)我。

Don't say a word. 不要说一个字。

Don't worry about it. 别担心。

Don't waste my time. 别再浪费我的时间了!

Don't get me wrong. 不要误会我。(你搞错了)

Don't miss the boat. 不要坐失良机。

Don't take any chances. 不要心存侥幸。

Don't let our country down. 不要让祖国失望。


A: I’d like you to do this for me .Don’t let me d own.我很乐意你帮我做这个.不要让我失望。

B: No problem.没问题。


第十一集真的 (用以加强语气)实在,其实

例句:I had really bad day. 今天真是糟透了。

Had (have的过去式和过去分词) 英音:[h?d] 美音:[h?d]

Really 真地,确实,实际上英音:['ri?li] 美音把长音i变为短音

Bad 坏的,不好的;拙劣的;令人不悦的英音:[b?d] 美音:[b?d]


I'm really sorry. 真对不起。

You're really lucky. 你真幸运。

You're really something. 你是真的。

The exam was really difficult. 这次考试真的很难。

The weather is really awful. 天气真糟糕。 (awful 可怕的,吓人的)

His English is really good. 他的英语真的很好。

He's working really hard. 他的工作真艰苦。

It was really not my fault. It was really not my fault. 这真的不是我的错(fault 缺点,毛病,缺陷) You really shouldn't say that about her. 你真不该那样说她。

I really need your help. 我真的需要你的帮助。


A: I had a really bad day today.我今天真倒霉

B: Really? I’m sorry to hear that. What happened? 真的吗?听到那个我很难过,发生什么了?A: I was late this morning.今早我迟到了。

B: That’s awful .Try to be earlier next time.那太糟了,试请下次早点

A: OK, I will.好的,我会。



例句:May I use the phone? 我可以用电话吗?

May (表示许可或请求许可)可以英音:[mei]美音:[me]

use 用,使用英音:[ju:z] 美音:[juz]

phone 电话英音:[f?un] 美音:[fon]


May I come in? 我可以进来吗?

May I use your bathroom? 我可以用洗手间吗?

May I ask you a question? 我能问你个问题吗?

May I ask you something? 我可以请教您一下吗?


A: May I use your phone? 我可以用一下你的电话吗?

B: Go ahead! 用吧!



例句:I'm sure you'll enjoy it. 我肯定您会喜欢它

sure 确信的,有把握的enjoy欣赏;享受;喜爱


I enjoy losing face. 我喜欢丢脸。

I enjoy yelling English. 我喜欢喊英语。

I enjoy working with all of you. 我喜欢与你们一起工作。

I enjoy working with you very much. 我很喜欢和你一起工作。

I enjoy traveling. 我喜欢旅行。

I enjoy teaching. 我喜欢教书。

I enjoy helping people. 我喜欢帮助别人。

I enjoy watching TV. 我喜欢看电视。

I enjoy everyday of my life. 享受我的每一天。


A: I’m going to see t he new movie tonight 我今晚将去看一部新电影。

B: Really? I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.真的,相信你会喜欢


第十四集 Are you doing something 句型

例句:Are you kidding me? 你是逗我吧?

are大嘴加卷舌kid【口】小孩Kidding 戏弄;取笑;欺骗


Are you trying to cheat me? 你想骗我吗? (cheat 欺骗;骗取,诈取)

Are you trying to kill me? 你是想杀了我吗? ( kill 杀死;宰)

Are you challenging me? 你想挑战我吗? (challenge 挑战)


A: You know what? I lost my job today. 你知道吗?我今天失业了。

B: Are you kidding me? 你在开玩笑吗?

A:No! I am serious! 不,我是认真的!



例句:Why don't you join us? 你何不参加入我们呢?

why 为什么join 和...一起做同样的事;和...作伴连读技巧 don't you join us


Why don't you try? 你为何不试试看呢?

Why don't you do as I do? 你为什么不照我说的做呢?

Why don't you listen to me? 你为什么不听我的?

Why don't you learn Chinese? 你为什么不学中文呢?

Why don't you cooperate with me? 你为什么不跟我合作呢?

cooperate 合作,协作美音:[ko'ɑp?,ret]

Why don't you work with me? 你为什么不跟我一起工作?

Why don't you join the English club? 你为什么不加入英语俱乐部?


A: We are goin g out tonight. Why don’t you join us? 今晚我们准备出去.为什么不加入我们呢?B: I’m really sorry , I’m afraid I can’t对不起,恐怕不能.

I have a lot of work to do tonight. 我有很多事要做.

A: oh! That’s too bad. 太遗憾了!

B: I’m sorry about it. 对不起。



第十六集 the same (same通常与the连用)

例句:I felt the same way. 我当时也有这种感觉。

Felt (feel的过去式和过去分词) Same (通常与the连用)同一的,同样的

Way way 路,通路,道路the same way 同样的方式

连读技巧 felt the 两个相同的辅音t连接,前面的辅音t不发音


The same to you. 你也一样。

It's all the same. 这都是一样的。

We work in the same company. 我们在同一家公司工作。

We went to the same university. 我们去了同一所大学。

Let's meet at the same time tomorrow. 让我们在明天的同一时间见面。


A: This project is very important for us 这个工程以我们很重要。

B: I feel the same way! 我也有同感!


第十七集 How can I 我怎么能(我不能)

例句:How can I think all of you? 我怎么能认为你的一切?

think 认为,以为


How can I do this? 我怎么能做这个呢?

How can I afford it? 我怎么能负担得起呢?

How can I forget it? 我怎么能忘记呢?

How can I accept it? 我怎么能接受? (accept 接受,领受;答应,同意)

How can I marry him? 我怎么能嫁给他?


A: You have all done so much for me , How can I thank all of you? 你们为我做了这么多。我该怎样感谢你们?

B: It was really nothing. 那真的没什么!


第十八集 I'd like to 我想(表现修养的说话习惯)

例句:I'd like meet your daughter someday. 我想某一天见见你的女儿。

I'd =I would daughter 女儿;养女;媳妇


I'd like speak to Mr.Lee. 我想和李先生讲话。

I'd like to talk to you for a munite. 我想跟你谈一下。

I'd like to know more about your company. 我想知道更多关于你的公司。


A: My daughter is very obedient in school 我女儿在学校很乖。

B: Really? I’d like to meet your daughter someday.我想见你的女儿。

A: OK! OK! 好的,好的。

第十九集 Why are you 句型你为什么

例句:Why are you back so early? 你们怎么这么早回来?

early 早的;提早的;早产的,早熟的


Why are you always late? 你为什么总是迟到?

Why are you always sick? 你为什么总是生病?

Why are you so upset? 你为什么这么沮丧? (upset 使心烦意乱)

Why are you so excited? 你为什么这么激动?


A: Why are you back so early?你怎么这么早就回来了?

B: Tonight’s meeting was cancelled.今晚会议被取消了.

A: Why are you always late? 你为什么总是迟到?

B: traffic jams.交通堵塞。



第二十集 I'm 句型

例句:I'm exhausted. 累死了!

exhaust 使精疲力尽 (h不发音)


I'm tired. 我累了。I'm sleepy. 我很困。I'm hungry. 我饿了。

I'm starving. 我饿死了! (starving [口]挨饿的,饥饿的)


A: oh. I’m exhausted 我累死了

B: did you have a tough day today? 你今天很辛苦吗?

A: Yes, I did .是的。


第二十一集 Why didn't you 你为什么没有

例句:Why didn't you tell me? 你为什么不告诉我呢?

Why (用作疑问副词)为什么didn't =did not tell 告诉;讲述,说


Why didn't you wait for me? 你为什么没有等我?

Why didn't you call me? 你为什么没有打电话给我?

Why didn't you let me know earlier? 你为什么不早点让我知道呢?


A: Where were you yesterday? 你昨天在哪里?

B: I went to kate’s birthday party. 我去参加Kate的生日聚会了。

A: Why didn’t you call me? 你为什么不告诉我呢?

B: I’m sorry. 对不起。


第二十二集 What do you 你做什么

例句:What do you recommend? 你有什么可以推荐的吗?

what (用作疑问代词)什么do you 是不是recommend 推荐,介绍 *五星级动词


What do you think? 你的意见呢? What do you suggest? 你有什么意见?

What do you like? 关你啥事?What do you say? 你有何意见?

What do you do? 你现在做什么? What do you mean? 你什么意思?


A: Mr Liu .It’s my plan, What do you think?刘先生,这是我的计划,你觉得怎样?

B: Not bad! Keep on working!不错,继续努力!

A: Thank you 谢谢!


第二十三集 I appreciate your 我感谢你

例句:I appreciate your help. 我很感激您给予我的帮助。

appreciate [英] [??pri:?ieit][美] [??pri?i?et]感谢,感激 *五星级单词help 帮助


I appreciate your cooperation. 我感谢你的合作。

I appreciate your understanding. 我感谢你的理解。(理解万岁)

I appreciate your courage. 我很欣赏你的勇气。


A: The project went well Thanks for your help!


B:I appreciate your cooperation.谢谢合作!

C: So do I. Thank you very much. 我也一样,谢谢。

B: Thank you! 谢谢。


第二十四集 Don't forget to 别忘了(做某事)

例句:Don't forget to invite Linda for dinner. 别忘了,请琳达来吃晚餐。

Don't 别forget 忘记invite 邀请;招待dinner 晚餐;正餐


Don't forget to tell him. 别忘了告诉他。

Don't forget to take your CD card. 不要忘记带你的身份证。

Don't forget to give me a call when you arrive. 你到了的时候别忘了给我打电话。


A: hello! I’ll have a party at my place tonight, will you come? 你好!今晚我有一个聚会,你会来吗?

B: terrific! I am sure I will. Oh! Don’t forget to invite Linda. 好极了!我一定会来!不要忘了邀请林达!


第二十五集 Maybe you should 也许你应该

例句:Maybe you should do it again. 也许你该再做一次。

Maybe 大概,或许,可能(表示委婉礼貌)

Should (shall的过去式,表示过去将来)将again 再,再一次


Maybe you should tell her about it. 也许你应该把这事告诉她。

Maybe you should say sorry to her. 或许你应该对她说对不起。

Maybe you should try Crazy English. 也许你应该试试疯狂英语。


A: oh, I’ve learned English for a long time. But I can’t speak out. 我学英语好久了, 可是我说不出来.

B: You can speak better with Crazy English. 你使用疯狂英语会说得更好。

A: oh, Let me have a try .让我试一下。



例句:Finding a good job is not easy these days. 找个好工作不容易。

find 找到,寻得;发现;碰上job 工作;职业

easy 容易的;不费力的days 每天;在白天


Saying is easy. Doing is difficult. 说是容易的。做起来难。

Driving is exciting. 开车真是刺激。

Lying is a bad habit. 说谎是一个坏习惯。


A: I have a good news 我有一个好消息。

B: What is it ? 什么好消息?

A: I went to work yesterday我昨天去上班了。

B: Well,now it’s not easy to find a job.You must work hard 哇!现在找工作不容易。你要努力啊。

A: I’m sure. I will. 是的,我会。


第二十七集 prefer something to something 更喜欢

例句:I prefer hot weather to cold weather. 我喜欢热天气胜过喜欢寒冷天气。

prefer 宁可,宁愿(选择);更喜欢hot 热的cold 冷的,寒冷的weather 天气


I prefer tea to coffee. 和咖啡相比,我更喜欢茶。

I prefer swimming to running. 比起游泳来,我更喜欢跑步。

I prefer winter to summer. 我喜欢冬天,胜过喜欢夏天。


A: It’s too hot today! 今天太热了!

B: Yeah! But we can go swimming是啊我们可以去游泳

I prefer hot weather to cold weather 比起寒冷的天气我更喜欢热天。


第二十八集 I guess 我(猜)想

例句:I guess it's going to rain. 我想天要下雨了。

guess 猜测;推测I guess 我想going to 将要rain 雨,雨水;降雨


I guess you are right. 我想你是对的。

I guess I need a doctor. 我想我需要一个医生。

I guess he won't come. 我猜他不会来了。


A: Would you like to play badminton?你喜欢打羽毛球吗?

B: Yes, I like it very much! But I guess it’s going to rain today. May be next time. ok? 是的,我非常喜欢,但是我想今天会下雨。下次好吗?

A: OK. 好的!


第二十九集 I promise 我保证(承诺)

例句:I promise I won't do it again. 我保证我不会再做这种事了。

Promise 承诺,诺言won't=will not 不会


I promise I won't do anything stupid. 我保证不会做任何愚蠢的事。

I promise I'll never lie again. 我保证我不会再说谎。

I promise to pay you back. 我保证还给你(钱)。


A: May I come in? 我可以进来吗?

B: Come in, please. 请进。

A: Why are you so late again? 你为什么这么迟?

B: I’m sorry. I promise I won’t do it again. 对不起,我保证以后不了。


第三十集 I'm crazy about 我痴迷于…

例句:I'm crazy about American movies.

crazy 疯狂的;蠢的;古怪的I'm crazy 我是疯狂的American 美国的;美洲的


I'm crazy about learning English. 我非常热爱学英语。

I'm crazy about Chinese food. 我特喜欢中国的食物。

I'm crazy about sports. 我特爱运动


A: What kind of food do you like most? 你最喜欢吃什么菜?

B: I'm crazy about Chinese food. 我特别喜欢中国菜.

A: Me too. 我也是。


第三十一集 I can't afford to 我负担不起

例句:I can't afford to go out eat every night. 我负担不起每天晚上出去吃。

afford (常与can,could,be able to连用)买得起;有足够的...(去做...) 美音:[?'ford]

I can't afford to 我负担不起


I can't afford to live in a big city. 我住不起大城市。

I can't afford to travel abroad. 我没钱出国旅游。

I can't afford to buy a house. 我买不起房子。

*I can't afford the English training.我负担不起英语培训。


A: Hi, Dane. 丹,你好。

B: Hi, Oh, thank you. Do you live here? 你好。哦,谢谢。你住在这里吗?

A: It’s rented. I can't afford to buy a house. 这是租的,我可买不起房子.


第三十二集 I'm dying to 我渴望

例句:I'm dying to go home. 我想(渴望)回家。

dying 垂死的;行将结束的;快熄灭的英音:['daii?]

I'm dying to 我渴望

thirst 渴望[the S][(+for)] 英音:[θ?:st]

desire 渴望;要求[W][+to-v][+that] 英音:[di'zai?]


I'm dying to hear your news. 我渴望听到你的消息。

I'm dying to speak good English. 我非常想说流利的英语。

I'm dying to take a vacation. 我渴望去度假。


A: I haven’t seen john for a long time. 好久没有见约翰了。

B: Yes, I miss him, too. I’m dying to see him again. 是的,我也很想他。我渴望再次见到他。A: Me too.


第三十三集 How long have been 过了多久现在完成进行时

例句:How long have you been learning English? 学习英语多久了?

How long 有多久How long have you been 你等了多久


How long have you been working here? 你在这里工作多久了?

How long have you been staying in China? 你已经在中国呆了多久?

How long have you been waiting? 你已经等候多久了?


A: You speak English very well. How long have you been leaning English? 你英语说的这么好!你学英语多久了?

B: Five years. 五年。


第三十四集 Thank you for 超级万用句型

例句:Thank you for encouraging me. 谢谢你鼓励我。

Thank you 谢谢你encourage 鼓励;怂恿encouraging 鼓励的;赞助的;促进的


Thank you for teaching me English. 谢谢你教我英语。

Thank you for your advice. 谢谢你的建议。(advice 劝告,忠告)英音:[?d'vais]

Thank you for your support. 谢谢你的支持。

(support 支撑,支托,扶持;支持,拥护,赞成;资助)美音:[s?'port]


A: Hi, How did your exam ? 你试考得怎么样?

B: I Don’t know yet. 我还不知道。

A: I’m sure , you did well. 我相信你做的好。

B: Thank you for encouraging me! 谢谢你的鼓励。

第三十五集 Am I allowed ?我可以吗?

例句:Am I allowed to smoke here? 我可以在这吸烟吗?

allow 允许,准许英音:[?'lau] 美音:[?'lau] allowed 允许的

Am I allowed ?我可以吗?smoke 烟英音:[sm?uk] 美音:[smok]


Am I allowed to park here? 我可以在这里停车吗?

Am I allowed to site here? 我可以坐在这里?

Am I allowed to use your car tonight? 我可以用你的车吗?


A: Am I allowed to smoke here ? 我可以在这吸烟吗?

B: oh! I’m sorry , I’m afraid it’s not allowed here.对不起,恐怕这里不允许这样。


第三十六集 Let me know if (如果…)请让我知道

例句:Let me know if you change your mind. 如果你改变了主意,请通知我。

let (用于祈使句,表示建议、请求、命令等)让Let me know 告诉我

if (表示条件)如果;(表示条件)如果;(表示让步)即使mind 主意;意见,想法


Let me know if you need money. 如果你需要钱,请让我知道。

Let me know if anything goes wrong. 如果有任何差错,请让我知道。

Let me know if there's any difficulty. 如果有任何困难,请让我知道。


A: I’m leav ing in a few days 最近几天,我就要走了。

B: If you run into any trouble, Please let me know. 如果你有什么困难, 就告诉我。

A: I will. Don’t worry. 好的,不要担心。


第三十七集 Are you sure 你肯定吗

例句:Are you sure you can make it? 你确信你能做吗?

sure 确信的,有把握的Are you sure 你肯定吗

make 做;制造;建造英音:[meik] 美音:[mek] 魔鬼动词


Are you sure you know how to get there? 你真的知道怎样去那里吗?

Are you sure you can manage it yourself? 你确定你自己能行吗?

manage [英] [?m?nid?][美] [?m?n?d?]vi.能解决(问题);应付(困难局面等)

Are you sure you really love her? 你确定你真的爱她吗?

Are you really sure that you like English? 你确信你真喜欢英语吗?


A: Are you sure you can make it? 你确信你能行吗?

B: Yes, I think I can. 是的,我想我能。


第三十八集 Is't okay?行吗?好吗?

例句:Is't okay for me to call you tonight? 我今晚给你打电话,好不好?

okay 【口】对;可以;不错Is it okay ? 它是好的吗?Is't okay ? 是不好的?


Is't okay for me to come Wednesday? 我星期三来行吗?

Is't okay for me to hand in my paper tomorrow? 我可以明天交作业吗?

Is't okay for me to ask her out? 我邀她出去好吗?


A:I should be leaving now. 现在我应该离开了。

B: Can you stay a little longer. 你能多呆一会儿吗?

A: May be next time. 也许下次。

B: Is it okay for me to call you tonight.今晚给你打电话好吗?

A: Sure ——Bye! 好的,再见。


第三十九集 It was kind of 有点儿接形容词

例句:It was kind of strange. 事情有点儿怪。

kind of 有点儿strange 奇怪的,奇妙的,不可思议的(形容词)


It was kind of boring. 有点无聊。It was kind of a surprise. 有点惊喜。surprise 惊奇,诧异(名词) 前面加冠词a It was kind of exciting. 有一点刺激。


A: Wha t’s wrong? Are you okay?怎么了,你还好吗?

B: Well. It was kind of boring! 有点无聊!

A: Why don’t we go get some drinks?我们为什么不去买些饮料?

B: terrific! Let’s go. 好极了,让我们去。


第四十集 take care of 照顾;处理

例句:I know you'll be able to take care of it. 我知道你能够处理好这件事。

know 知道;了解;懂得you'll =you will; you shall

will be 将able 能,可,会care 照料;管理;关怀take care of 照顾;处理


I 'll take care of everything. 我会照顾好一切的。

I'm afraid I can't take care of this. 我怕我不能处理这个。

I'll leave this in your care. 我会把这件事交给你。(这是比较正式的说法,口语一般不用)


A: What do you think of this project? 你觉得这个项目怎么样?

B: oh, I know you’ll be able to take care of it.哦,我知道你会处理好的。

A: Thanks for saying that.谢谢你。


第四十一集 impressive 【六星级形容词】

例句:That's impressive. 这是令人印象深刻。太棒了!

impressive 予人深刻印象的;感人的;令人钦佩的英音:[im'presiv]


Your English is so impressive. 你的英语真棒。

His experience is impressive. 他的经验令人印象深刻。

Your determination is impressive. 你的决心令人印象深刻。

Beijing's history is very impressive. 北京的历史使人留下非常深刻的印象。

That story is really impressive. 这个故事真是令人印象深刻。


A: Wow, look at that .哦,看那个。

B: It’s impressive .太棒了。

A: It’s impressive. Hey! Your English is pretty good!

Did you study in America.太棒了,你的英语太好了


B: No, I studied in china. 不,我在中国学的!


第四十二集 As a matter of fact 事实上

例句:As a matter of fact, I don't really like America food. 事实上,我真的不喜欢美国的食物。

as 如同;例如matter 事情;问题;事件as a matter 作为一个问题

fact 事实As a matter of fact 事实上


As a matter of fact,you 're right. 事实上,你是对的。

As a matter of fact,I'm leaving tomorrow night. 事实上,我明天晚上要走了。

As a matter of fact,Beijing is best city I have ever visited. 事实上,北京是我参观过的最好的城市。

As a matter of fact,I don't really like living big cities. 事实上,我真的不喜欢住在大城市。

As a matter of fact,I have been studying English for twenty years. 事实上,我已经学了二十年英语了。


A: Hi, do you like American food? 你喜欢美国食物吗?

B: As a matter of fact. I don’t really like American food. It’s garbage, It’s try some Chinese food. ok?事实上,我真的不喜欢美国的食物。它是垃圾。让我们试下中国食物, 好吗?

第四十三集 I believe 我相信 (我想I think)

例句:I believe you can make it. 我相信你能做到。

believe 相信;信任英音:[bi'li:v] make 做;制造;建造英音:[meik] 美音:[mek]


I believe China is a pretty country. 我认为中国是一个美丽的国家。

I believe anything is possible. 我相信任何事都是可能的。

I believe I'm the best. 我相信我是最棒的。

I believe that children are future. 我相信孩子是未来。

I believe we are doing right thing. 我相信我们在做正确的事。


A: So how’s everything with your new job? 你最近新工作进展如何?

B: It’s so-so. You know everything’s still up in the a ir. 一般。你知道一切都有待解决。

A: I believe you can make it. Cheer up! 我相信你会做到的,打起精神来!

B: Okay. I believe you are right. 好的,我想你是对的。

第四十四集 Do you know…你知道?…

例句:Do you know what I mean? 你明白我的意思吗?

mean 意欲,意图,打算英音:[mi:n] 美音:[min] what (用作疑问代词)什么


Do you know who she is? 你知道她是谁吗?

Do you know what to do? 你知道做什么吗?

Do you know his background? 你了解他的背景吗?

Do you know anything about America? 你知道美国什么?

Do you know how old he is? 你知道他多大(年纪)吗?


A: Do you know what I mean? 你知道我的意思吗?

B: I know exactly what you mean. 我明白。

A: OK! 好的!


第四十五集 I know very little about 我不太了解

例句:I know very little about China. 我对中国不太了解。

little 少,不多的(有否定的意思)very little 很小的 a little 少量的(地),稍许的(地)


I know nothing about computer. 我对电脑一窍不通。

I know very little about football. 我对足球不是很了解。

I know very little about western music. 我对西方音乐不太了解。

I know very little about English grammar. 我不懂英语语法。

I know very little about her. 我对她不太了解。


A: Nabil, can you tell me something about Africa? 纳比尔,你能不能告诉我关于非洲的一些情况?

B: Africa? I know very little about Africa. 非洲?我最非洲不太了解。

A: That’s too bad. 真遗憾。

第四十六集 Don't 别(不要)

例句:Don't give up! 别放弃!

Don't 别give up 放弃


Don't make fun of me. 别取笑我!

Don't tell me what to do. 不要对我指手划脚!

Don't make a fool of yourself. 不要愚弄你自己。

Don't judge a book by its cover. 不要从封面来判断一本书。

judge[英][d??d?][美] [d??d?]vt.& vi.审判,评判;断定vt.估计;评价;(尤指)批评;想,


Don't count on it. 不要指望它。


A: Nabil, you know, Korean is very difficult to learn. I Don’t think I can speak good Korean. 纳比尔,你知道吗?汉语太难学了。我想我说不好韩语了。

B: Ah, Don’t give up! I think your Korean is really good.


A: Really? 真的?

B: Yeah! 真的。

A: Thank you. 谢谢你。

第四十七集 Can /could you tell me 你能告诉我

例句:Can /could you tell me your name? 你能告诉我你的名字吗?请问你叫什么名字?(显得比较有教养)

could can的过去式 (用于虚拟语气,表示与事实相反的设想)能,可以

What's your name? What's your name? 你叫什么名字?

name 名字,姓名;名称英音:[neim] 美音:[nem]


Can /could you tell me why you came to China? 你能告诉我你为什么来中国?

Can /could you tell me how to study English? 你能告诉我如何学英语吗?

Can /could you tell me what I should do? 你能告诉我我应该做什么?

Can /could you tell me something about your company? 你能告诉我你公司的情况?

Can /could you tell me how to become a successful person? 你能告诉我如何成为一个成功的人?


A: Can you tell me your name? 你能告诉我你叫什么吗?

B: Sure. My name is Wilson. I’m a farmer from China. 当然,我叫威尔逊。我是一个中国农民。A: What part of China? 中国什么地方?

B: Shaoguan. 韶关。

A: My name’s Nabil. I’m a farmer from America. 我叫纳比尔。我是一个美国农民。


第四十八集 Do you remember 你还记得吗

例句:Do you remember me? 你还记得我吗?

remember 记得,想起,回忆起英音:[ri'memb?]


Do you remember meeting in Beijing? 你还记得在北京会(过)面?

Do you remember how to say this in English? 你还记不记得这个用英语怎么说?

Do you remember her telephone number? 你记得她的电话号码吗?

Do you remember what I told you? 你还记不记得我告诉了你什么?

Do you remember being here before? 你记得来过这里吗?


A: Hey, Nabil! Do you remember me? We met in Guangzhou 2 years ago.


B: Yuan yuan! 圆圆!

A: You got it! 对啊!

B: I remember you, but you look different. Did you lose weight or change your hairstyle?


A: Yeah. I changed My hairstyle. 是的,我换了发型。


第四十九集 Do you enjoy 你喜欢动词接动名词

例句:Do you enjoy your work? 你喜欢你的工作吗?

enjoy 欣赏;享受;喜爱


Do you enjoy traveling? 你喜欢旅游吗?

Do you enjoy learning English? 你喜欢学习英语吗?

Do you enjoy speaking English? 你喜欢说英语吗?

Do you enjoy meeting new people? 你喜欢会见新人吗?

Do you enjoy watching movies? 你喜欢看电影吗?


A: Do you like traveling? 你喜欢旅游吗?

B: I love traveling. 我喜欢旅游。

A: You know, I’ve been to all of China’s provinces.


B: Ah, that’s good .啊,那太好了。


第五十集 That sounds like 听上去像第三人称单数接动词加S

例句:That sounds like fun. 那听起来很有趣。

Sound 听起来,听上去英音:[saund] 美音:[saund] fun 有趣的人(或事物)


That sounds like good idea. 那听上去是个好主意。

That sounds like a very exciting job. 那听起来像是一个非常令人兴奋的工作。

That sounds like something I would be interested in. 听起来像是我会感兴趣的。

That sounds like a wonderful place. 听起来是个好地方。

That sounds like a great vacation. 听起来是个好假期。


A: I’m going to America on summer vacation.我准备去美国度假。

B: Ah, That sounds like fun. 听起来很有趣。

A: a lot of fun! 有趣.


第五十一集 Tell me about 告诉我关于

例句:Tell me about your family. 告诉我关于你的家庭。

tell 告诉;讲述,说英音:[tel] about 关于,对于英音:[?'baut] 美音:[?'baut]

family 家,家庭;家人英音:['f?mili]


Tell me about your country. 告诉我关于你的国家。

Tell me about your experiences as a CEO. 告诉我你作为一个首席执行官的经验。


Tell me about how you learned to speak such good English. 告诉我你是怎么学的这么好的英语。

Tell me about your trip to China. 告诉我关于你的中国之旅。

Tell me about your business. 告诉我关于你的业务。


A: Hey, tell me about your trip to China. 谈谈你在中国的旅行.

B: It was fantastic! 太惊彩了!


第五十二集 Can you help me with 你能帮我吗

例句:Can you help me with my English? 你可以帮我学习英语吗?

Can you help me 你能帮我吗with 介词


Can you help me with my home work? 你能帮我做我的家庭作业吗?

Can you help me with my bags please?你能帮我拿我的包吗?

Can you help me with these directions? 你能帮我指这些方向?读说明书?

Can you help me with something? 你能帮我个忙吗?

Can you help me with a problem? 你能帮我解决一个问题吗?


A: Can you help me with my English?你能帮我英语吗?

B: sure! 当然可以!


第五十三集 In my opinion 在我看来

例句:In my opinion China people are very friendly. 在我看来,中国人非常友好。opinion 意见,见解;主张英音:[?'pinj?n] In my opinion 在我看来

friendly 友好的,亲切的英音:['frendli]


In my opinion we shouldn't buy that stock. 在我看来,我们不应该买那支股票。(stock 美音:[stɑk] 美音:[stɑk] )

In my opinion she is a very capable woman. 在我看来她是个很有能力的女人。 (capable 有能力的,能干的,有才华的英音:['keip?bl] )

In my opinion we should be more careful. 在我看来,我们应该更小心。

In my opinion English is easy. 我认为英语是容易的。

In my opinion he is a excellent teacher. 我认为他是一个出色的教师。 (excellent 出色的;杰出的;优等的英音:['eks?l?nt] )


A: Lis a, what’s your impression of Chinese people.中国人给你的印象是什么?

B: In my opinion, Chinese people are very friendly.依我看,中国人是非常友好的.


第五十四集 What are you doing 一般现在进行时表示未来的打算

例句:What are you doing this weekend? 这个周末你打算干什么?


What are you doing tonight? 今晚你打算做什么?

What are you doing after graduation? 毕业后你干什么呢?

graduation[英][?gr?d?u:?e???n][美][?ɡr?d?u?e??n]n.毕业;毕业典礼;刻度,分度;分等级What are you doing this summer? 今年夏天你干什么呢?

What are you doing later this afternoon? 今天下午你打算做什么?

What are you doing after work? 下班后你干什么呢?


A:What are you doing after work? Are you going out?下班后你做什么?你要出去吗?

B: No, I don’t want to go out. I’ll probably stay at home.不,我不想出去。我可能会呆在家里。李阳说,要把句子从陌生变成滚瓜烂熟,就必须反复操练。清晰发音,才能正确交流。大声喊出英文,建立你的自信。快速说英文,锻炼你的嘴巴肌肉。卖弄赢得赞赏的目光。


汉译英常用结构和句型 一、主语 (一)主语的确定:汉语中长主语,短谓语的句子翻译,即戏称“头大身子小”的句型。【“尾重” 原则(end weight)】 1. 我国政府愿意在平等互利、相互开放、长期合作、共同发展的基础上,进一步加强同亚洲各国 的经济合作和贸易交流。 The Chinese government stands ready to further strengthen economic cooperation and trade ties with other Asianations on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, mutual openness, long-term cooperation and common development. 2. 未来老百姓的生活会更好。 × The life of the people in the future will be better. √ The people will lead/ live a better life in the future. 3. 中国加入世贸组织后,外商参与中国西部开发的机会将越来越多。 × The opportunities for foreign businesses to participate in China’s development of the western region will increase. √ Foreign businesses will have more and more opportunities to participate in China’s development of the western region. 4. 浙江大学建校100年来,办学取得了巨大成功。 × Zhejiang University has been established for more than 100 years, and made great achievements / made a huge success in its school running. √ Zhejiang University has made great achievements / made a huge success in its school running since its establishment 100 years ago. 5. 该产品的主要特点是工艺精湛,经久耐用。 This product is chiefly characterized by its fine workmanship and durability. 6. 语言这个东西不是随便就可以学好的,非下苦工夫不可。 The mastery of language is not easy and requires painstaking effort. 7. 如今,年过半百的他还是时常想起自己童年时代的玩伴。 Even now, memories of his childhood playmates haunt the man in his fifties. 8. 我们相信,在新的一年里,通过双方的努力,我们的业务和友好合作关系会得到发展。 We believe we will be able to develop business relations and friendly cooperation through our common efforts in the coming year. 9. 尽管己退居二线,他的工作热情丝毫不减。 He works enthusiastically as ever even though he has retired from the leading post. 10. 我来到杭州教书,完全是一个巧合。 It has been an unexpected piece of luck for me to become a teacher in Hangzhou. 11. 进行社会主义现代化建设,必须尊重知识,尊重人才。 In our drive for socialist modernization, we must respect knowledge and talented people. (二)名词化 12. 捕获萨达姆·侯赛因并不意味着在伊拉克的冲突会就此结束。 The capture of Saddam Hussein does not mean the end of conflict in Iraq. 13. 医疗服务不能改变预期寿命,许多当代的临床护理在治病中所起的作用也并不重要,这些事实 都是有据可查的。 The impotence of medical services to change life expectancy and insignificance of much contemporary clinical care in the curing of disease are all well-documented. 14. 中国加入世界贸易组织,将为中国和亚洲以及世界各国各地区经济的发展注入新的活力。 China’s entry into the WTO will instill new vitality into the economic growth of China as well as other countries and regions in Asia and beyond. 15. 坚持一个中国的原则,是实现和平统一的基础和前提。 Adherence to the principle of one China is the basis and premise for peaceful reunification.


U5—6重点短语句型和练习 第一部分: 一、阅读理解。 A. two corneas B. all organs C. two hands D. two ears ()2. Yao Beina started to sing for people when she was ________ years old. A. four B. nine C. thirteen D. thirty-three

()3. The underlined word “releases” in the passage means________. A. provides B. performs C. publishes D. counts ()4. Which of the following is NOT true about Brother Atang? A. “Brother Atang” is full of positive energy. B. He quickly became popular because of three videos. C. Internet friends call him “Police Guo Degang”. D. Sina Micro-Blog makes him go to the Spring Festival gala. 【主旨大意】本文是两则介绍性材料。第一则材料主要介绍了姚贝娜的生平。姚贝娜出生于音乐世家,四岁学钢琴,九岁登台表演,荣获过许多音乐奖项。不幸的是,她因乳腺癌于2015年1月16日去世,但将眼角膜捐给了两名眼疾患者。网友和粉丝称她为“有美丽歌喉的善良天使”。第二则材料介绍了常州市天宁公安分局局前街派出所社区民警“阿汤哥”,他被警察圈称为90后“锦旗达人”,“阿汤哥”因爆笑讲解防诈骗防扒安全知识蹿红网络。 【参考答案】1-4 ABCD 二、任务型阅读。 阅读短文,按要求完成问题。 Don’t want to walk a long way to shop? You c an go shopping online. Everything you need at the click (点击) of a mouse (鼠标). Nine of the 36 students of Class 6 of Shanghai No.3 Girls Middle School have bought things on the Internet. Jin Xiuxuan, 16, loves to buy clothes on the ______. “I once bought so me T-shirts online. Altogether they cost just 30 yuan. Can you imagine such a cheap price in a shopping mall?” Some even buy costly things like computers online. Zhang Yi, 14, bought a PC from Dell's online department. “I bought it when it was on sale. It cost me 6,000 yuan. If I had gone to a shop, I would have had to pay about 7,000 yuan.”Most students shop online because it saves their feet. But some have had unpleasant experiences. Sometimes, for example, the product (产品) you get isn't what it seems from the Web page ad. Zhang Yanyan, 15, once bought a DIY book online. But when she got it, she found it was poor quality (质量). She felt she had been cheated. “I rarely buy things online now,” she said. Online shopping numbers for my class: 1. The top three products we buy online: books, clothes and CDs; 2. The top four websites we buy things from: https://www.360docs.net/doc/2218645410.html,, https://www.360docs.net/doc/2218645410.html,, https://www.360docs.net/doc/2218645410.html,, and https://www.360docs.net/doc/2218645410.html,. 3. Every time we pay about 50 to 100 yuan. We pay after getting products.


疯狂说英语 句型1 How are you doing, Jane? 简,你最近过得好吗? 举一反三:( How…? ……怎么样?) How are you? 你好吗?How is everything with you? 你一切都好吗?How is the world around you? 你周围世界都好吗?How is everything going? 一切进展可好?How is your family? 你的家人好吗?实战练习: A:How are you doing?你最近过得好吗?B:Great, How about you? 很好你呢?A:I’m very good.我也很好!句型2I’m really glad to meet you! 我真高兴遇见你! 举一反三: I’m really glad to see you! 我真的很高兴见到你! I’m glad to see you again! 我很高兴再次见到你! Nice to meet you!很高兴见到你! It’s a pleasure to meet you! 很高兴见到你!I’m very glad to meet you! 我很高兴见到你! Nice meeting you!很高兴见到你!(结束语)Nice talking to you!很高兴跟你谈话!(结束语) 实战练习: A: Long time no see! 好久不见! B: Y eah! I am really glad to see you! 很高兴见到你!A: Me too!我也是! 句型3I’m sorry. I’m so late. 对不起,我迟到了。 举一反三: I’m sorry. I can’t come. 对不起,我来不了啦!I’m sorry. I can’t help you 对不起,我帮不了你! I’m sorry. I overslept 对不起,我睡过头了!I’m sorry. I didn’t notice you. 对不起,我没有注意。I’m sorry. I forgot to tell you 对不起,我忘了告诉你。I’m sorry. I forgot your name对不起我忘了你的名字I’m sorry. I have to cancel the appointment.对不起,我必须取消这次约会。 实战练习: A:I’m sorry ,I’m so late 对不起,我迟到了。 B: It doesn’t matter. But next time come here on time, please. 没关系!请下次准时到这里。 句型4Isn’t it a small world? 世界真的很小,不是吗? 举一反三: Isn’t it an interesting story? 这个故事很有趣,不是吗?Isn’t it a wonderful idea? 这是个好主意,不是吗?Isn’t it a strange dream这是个奇怪的梦不是吗?Isn’t it a silly question? 这是个愚蠢的问题,不是吗?Isn’t it a mystery? 它很神秘,不是吗?Isn’t it a miracle? 它是一个奇迹,不是吗? Isn’t it a lovely place? 这是一个很好的地方不是吗?Isn’t it pleasant weather? 真是个好天气,不是吗?Isn’t it a coincidence? 这难道不是一个巧合吗? 实战练习: A: Isn’t it a small world? B: Y es, It’s a small world. 是的,世界真的很小。 句型5How is everything here? 在这里一切可好。 举一反三: Everything is OK. 一切都好。Everything is ready 一切都准备好了。Everything is going fine 一切都进展的很顺利。Thank you for everything 谢谢你为我做的一切。Everything will be just fine. 一切都会好的。Y ou are everything to me 你是我的一切。 Money is everything to him 金钱就是他的一切。Tell me everything about it 告诉我所有的一切。 实战练习: A: How is everything here? 这里一切都好吗?B: Everything is great! 一切都很好。 句型6Y ou look so beautiful!你看起来好漂亮! 举一反三: Y ou look nice你好漂亮!Y ou look great! 你好棒!Y ou look good! 你很不错Y ou look awesome! 你好棒!Y ou look great today! 你今天看起来好帅!Y ou look like a million dollars! 你看起来好帅! 实战练习: A: Y ou know you look so beautiful today.今天你好漂亮。B: Thanks , Y ou look great too..谢谢,你也是。A: Thank you! 谢谢。 句型7How about a cup of coffee? 喝杯咖啡怎么样? 举一反三:


1.Weak men wait for opportunity, but the strong men make it. 弱者等待机会,强者创造机 会。 2.Opportunity meets the prepared mind, as the old saying goes. 正如俗话所说,机遇只属于那些有心理准备的人。 3.Perseverance is failing nineteen times and succeeding the twentieth. 十九次失败,到第二十次获得成功,这就叫坚持。 4.He tried hard to learn, and to be a good boy, and he succeeded fairly well. 他用心学 习,又很听话,因此一切倒还顺利。 5.In fact, there 'asn old Chinese saying which goes, “Hew ho hasn'bt een to the Great Wall is not a true man. 实际上”,中国有句古谚语说:“不到长城非好汉。” 6. A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. -John Barrymore 只要一个人还有所 追求 , 她就没有老。── 约翰·巴里莫尔 (美国艺术家 ) 7.To take advantage of them, you can 't let yourself be destroyed by a defeat, or let others set the limits on your ability to achieve. 利用它们 , 你就不会被一次失败击倒 , 也不会让别人来限制住你成功的能力。 8.Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily. 只有有耐心圆满完成简单工作的人才能够轻而易举地完成困难的事。 9.The most important thing in life is to have a beautiful dream and good ways to realize it. 人生最重要的是要有美梦,并有好的方法去实现它。 10.We must carry on till success in spite of the extremely difficult conditions. 尽管条件极端困难 , 我们必须坚持下去 , 直到成功。 11.This belief in equal opportunity has produced a spirit of compet ition. It 's like a race to the top of the success ladder. 这种机会均等的信念造就了一种竞争的精神 , 它就像一场通往成功之梯顶端的比赛一样。 12.Success is dangerous. One begins to copy oneself, and to copy oneself is more dangerous than to copy others. It leads to sterility. - Picasso (1881-1973), Spanish artist 成 功是危险的。一个成功的人开始模仿自己,而模仿自己比模仿别人更加危险。因为这样做将毫无结果。── 毕加索 (1881- 1973), 西班牙画家 13.But failure also taught me that life is a road with unpredictable forks and unexpected tomorrows. 但是, 失败还使我懂得 , 生活的道路充满了无法预测的岔路口和无法预料的明天。 14.The common idea that success spoils people by making them vain, egotistic, and self-complacent is erroneous; on the contrary, it makes them, for the most part, humble, tolerant, and kind. Failure makes people cruel and bitter. -W. Somerset Maugham (1874-1965), British author 人们普遍认为成功使人变得虚荣、自以为是、自满 , 从而毁了他们 , 但这种看法是错误的;恰恰相反 , 成功在很大程度上使人变得谦恭、宽容、善良。失败则使人变得残忍、怨愤。── W·萨默塞特·莫姆 (1874-1965), 英国作家 15.Against all the odds she achieved her dream of becoming an actress. 她冲破重重困难,实现了当演员的梦想。 16.He is too smart not to jump at the chance. 他这个人很精明,不会错过这个机会的。 17.I'm not sure if I 'll succeed, but I certainly hope 是so否. 成功我没有把握 , 不过我当然希望会成功 18.I wish you every success. 祝你万事如意! 19.He seems to be successful in anything he tries. 他好像不论做什么事都能成功。 20.Experience shows that success is due less to ability than to zeal. 经验告诉我们,成功与其


43. I‘m wondering why he hasn’t turned _____ at the meeting. A. down B. up C. out D. over 44. Contrary _____popular belief,moderate exercise actually decreases your appetite. A. on B. at C. against D. to 45. _____ the storm,we have to postpone the flight. A. Owing to B. Thanks to C. Because D. As 46. By using both ears one can tell the direction _____ a sound comes. A. in which B. from which C. over which D. with which 47. When she worked with the government,she _____ the difficult task of monitoring elections. A. overworked B. overtook C. underwent D. undertook 48. Apparently,it wasn‘t an accident. Someone must have done it on _____. A. intention B. determination C. purpose D. reason 49. _____ conclusion,walking is a cheap,safe and enjoyable form of exercise. A. In B. On C. By D. As


Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show? 教材回放 重点词汇 1.忍受,站立Stand 2. 发生,出现happen 3.预料,期待expect 4.毫无意义的meaningless 5.文化,文 明culture 6.著名的,出名的famous 7.出现appear 8. 笑话,玩笑joke 9.希望hope 10. 计划,打算plan 11.主要的,最重要的main 12. 原因,理由reason 13.普通的,普遍的common 14. 电影movie/film 15. 简单的,易做的simple 16. 陆军部队army 17. 富有的rich 18. 讨论,商量discussion 19.教育的,有教育意义的educational 20. 开始变得,成为become 21. 成功的successful 22.幸运,运气luck 23.失去lose 重点短语 1.查明,弄清find out 2.一部刺激的动作片an exciting action movie 3.愿意迅速做某事be ready to do sth 4.装扮,乔装打扮dress up 5.代替他的女朋友take his girlfriend’s place 6.干得好do a good job 7.访谈节目talk show 8.肥皂剧soap opera 9.就……展开讨论have a discussion about 10.从他们那儿学到很多learn much/a lot from them 11.计划看些令人愉快的东西plan to watch something enjoyable 12.希望看恐怖片hope to watch scary movies 13.想起,想到think of 14.出版,发行come out 15.最主要的原因之一one of the main reasons 16.尽我最大的努力面对危险try my best to face danger 17.中国文化的象征a/the symbol of Chinese culture 经典句型 1.今晚你计划看什么?我计划看一部动作片。 What do you plan to watch tonight? I plan to watch an action movie. 2.你期待能够从情景喜剧中学到什么?What can you expect to learn from sitcoms? 3.他为什么喜欢看新闻节目?Why does he like watching the news? 因为他希望弄清世界各地在发生什么?Because he hopes to find out what is happening/going on around the world. 4.你认为游戏节目怎么样?What do you think of game shows? How do you like game shows? 我不能忍受。/ 我不在意。 I can’t stand them. / I don’t mind them. 5.我姐姐不喜欢肥皂剧,因为她认为毫无意义。My sister doesn’t like soap operas because she thinks they are meaningless. 6.木兰乔装打扮成男孩代父从军。Mulan dressed up like a boy and took her father’s place to fight in the army. 7.那位女演员将木兰的角色演得很好。The actress played Mulan’s role well. 8.Sally认为访谈节目比情景喜剧更有教育意义。Sally thinks that talk shows are more educational than sitcoms.


表达「确定」、「有把握」的十句话: 1. Absolutely!/ Definitely!那当然! 2. It's certain.那是一定的。 3. It's for sure!/ Sure thing!那是一定的! 4. You bet!/ You betcha!/ You bet your life!我可以打包票! 5. No doubt!/ There's no doubt about it!毫无疑问! 7. It's in the bag.已经是囊中之物了。(十拿九稳、跑不掉的。) 8. It's settled. / It's set in stone.已经定案了。 9. It's a done deal. / It's a dead cert!已经定案了。 10. Sorted!搞定!(英式俚语) 「别放马后炮了」十句话 1.It's a little late for that now.现在说有点太晚了。 2.It would have been nice to know that before.如果早知道就好了。 3.You should've told me that earlier.你应该早一点告诉我的。 4.Thanks for your belated advice.谢谢你放的马后炮。 5.Why are you always telling me how to do things after the fact?为什么你总是在事后才告诉我该怎么做呢? 6.If only you told me that before.要是你之前告诉我就好了。 7.Hindsight is 20 / 20.后见之明总是完美的。 8.Don't you think it's kind of late to tell me now?你不觉得现在才告诉我有点晚了吗? 9.Thanks for telling me. But,I can't turn back time. 谢谢你告诉我。可是我不能让时光倒转。 10.That doesn't do me any good now.那对我现在一点帮助也没有。


高考英语常用经典句型复习 1、as 句型: (1) as引导方式状语从句句型:“按照……;正如……”例:We do farm work as the old peasant teaches us. (2) as+形容词/副词原级+(a /an)+名词+as ;否定式:not as/so …..as 例:He is as good a player as his sister. (3) such + n. + as to do 如此……以致于……例:She is such a fool as to believe what he said. (4) so + adj./adv. + as to do sth 如此……以致于……例:He was so strong as to carry the heavy box. (5) such --- as---象……之类的…… (接名词或定语从句)例:He wished to be such a man as Lei Feng was. (6) the same +名词+as 和……一样的…… (接名词或定语从句) 例:He is not the same man as he used to be 他不是从前的那样子了。 (7) as 引导非限制性定语从句例:As is known to us, knowledge is power. (8)引导时间状语从句。与while意义相近例:We get wiser as we get older. (9) 引导原因状语从句,与because的用法相近例:As it was getting very late, we soon turned back. (10) 引导让步状语从句例:Child as he is, he knows much about science. 2、when 句型: (1) be doing sth ---- when --- 例:He was still smiling when the door opened and his wife came in. (2) be about to do sth --- when --- 例:We were about to start when it began to rain. (3) had not done sth --- when ---/ hardly --- when --- 例:He had not fallen asleep when the telephone rang. (4) had just done ---- when --- 例:I had just gone to bed after a very hard day when the phone rang. 3、seem 句型: (1) It +seems + that从句例:It seemed that everyone was satisfied. (2) It seems to sb that --- 例:It seems to me that she is right.我看她是对的, (3) There seems to be --- 例:There seems to be a heavy rain.看上去要有一场大雨。 (4) It seems as if --- 例:It seemed that she couldn't come to class.看样子她不能来上课了。 4、表示“相差……;增加了……;增加到……”句型: (1) She is taller than I by three inches. 她比我高三英寸 (2) There is one year between us. 我们之间相差一岁。 (3)She is three years old than I她比我大三岁。 (4) They have increased the price by 50%. 他们把价格上涨了50% 5、too句型: (1) too...to do sth. 例:Politics is too important to be left to the politicians. (=Politics is so important that it can't be left to the politicians.)政治太重要了,不能由政治家来决定。 (2) only too --- to do sth 例:I shall be only too pleased to get home.我要回到家里就非常高兴。 (3) too + adj + for sth 例:These shoes are much too small for me.我穿这双鞋太小了。 (4) too + adj + a + n. 例:This is too difficult a text for me.这篇课文对我来说太难了。 (5)can't … too +形容词无论……也不为过 例:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much. 6、before 句型: (1) before sb can/ could … 某人还没来得及……例:Before I could get in a word ,he had measured me. (2) It will be +时间+ before + 还有多长时间…… 例:It will be 4 years before he graduates. (3) had done some timebefore(才……)例:We had sailed four days and four nights before we saw land. (4)had not done --- before ---不到……就……例:We hadn’t run a mile before he felt tired. (5) It was not +一段时间+ before不多久就……例:It wasn’t two years before he left the country. 7、强调句型: (1) It is /was +被强调部分+that(who)... 例:It was I who wrote to my uncle yesterday.


20个重点汉译英句型 1、There be 有迹象表明,不少工厂正面临着十分困难的局面。 There are indications that numerous factories are faced with a very difficult situation 二、形式主语 例:玛丽觉得毕.靠自己的力量执行她的计划是困难的。 Mary thought it difficult to carry out her plan all by herself. 三、Not h i n g b ut··· 例:艾米过去除了咖啡什么都不喝。 Amy used to drink nothing but coffee. 四、发现(看见\听见)谁做什么 例:亚当斯先生发现他1 3岁的儿子正从他的皮夹子里偷钱时大为震惊。 Mr. Adams was greatly shocked to find his 13-year-old son stealing money from his wallet. 五、动词不定式的否定式 例:他努力控制住自己的感情,假装没有听见那个令人悲痛的消息。 With an effort, he held in his feelings and pretended not to hear the sad news. 1、表手段 例:作者想通过这篇文章向读者传达她对赞扬与批评的看法。 Through the article the author wants to convey to the readers her views on praise and criticism. 七、比较结构 例:他比任何对手的得分都高得多,证明他不愧为一个胜利者。 He scored far more points / much higher than any of his rivals and proved himself a worthy winner 例:我们常常发现,运用一个规律比懂的它要难的多。 We often find it much more difficult to apply a rule than to know it 八、Ca n,t h e I p···d o i n g a b o ut 例:她读这部小说时,不禁想起了她在农村度过的那五年。 When she read the novel, she couldn’t help thinking of the five years she had spent in the countryside. 九、连续性动词。 例:我正忙着做一种新的捕鼠装置时,马克走来拖着我出去看花展了。 I was busy making a new device for catching rats when Mark came and dragged me out to a flowers show. 十、b efo r e句型 例:我想先和你讨论一下这篇文章的英译稿,然后再把它寄给霍布斯先生。


7B Unit5 Amazing things重点短语和句型 1.an amazing thing 2.bright lights 3.something unusual 4.hear a whisper from the bushes 5.the following/next Sunday 6.a UFO https://www.360docs.net/doc/2218645410.html,e on 8.the lights on the plane 9.stop growing 10.stop doing sth. 11.stop to do sth. 12.some fun facts 13.as usual 14.turn around 15.hear sb do sth. 16.hear sb doing sth 17.be afraid of (doing) sth 18.be afraid to do sth 19.on one’s/the way to sp 20.on one’s/the way home/here/there 21.leave the park quickly 22.listen to me carefully 23.be careful 24.take (good) care of…=look after…(well) 25.search sp. 26.search sp for sth 27.say to oneself 28.sound like a whisper 29.pick it/them up 30.be surprised to do sth. https://www.360docs.net/doc/2218645410.html,ter that day 32.take sb/sth to sp 33.say sth happily 34.be happy to do sth 35.find out 36.run away quickly 37.tell sb about sth 38.go back to sp 39.give sb sth=give sth to sb 40.get to=reach=arrive in/at(in大at小) 1、一个令人惊讶的事情 2、明亮的灯 3、一些不寻常的事 4、听见从灌木丛中传来的低语声 5、下个星期日 6、一个不明飞行物 7、得了吧、赶快、加油 8、飞机上的灯 9、停止生长 10、停止做某事 11、停下来去做另外一件某事 12、一些有趣的事实 13、像往常一样 14、转过去 15、听见某人做了某事 16、听见某人正在做某事 17、害怕(做)某事 18、害怕做某事 19、在去某地的路上 20、在回家/在来这儿/在去那儿的路上 21、快速离开 22、认真听我 23、当心,小心 24、(好好)照顾…… 25、搜寻某地 26、搜寻某地找某物 27、自言自语 28、听起来像一个低语声 29、把它/它们捡起来 30、惊讶做某事 31、那天晚些时候 32、带某人/物到某地 33、开心地说某事 34、开心做某事
