Styron EMERGE 8600-10


relyon plasma BA-KommCAN_ ES F03536 00 产品说明书

relyon plasma BA-KommCAN_ ES F03536 00 产品说明书

ÍndiceBA-KommCAN_ES / F0353600junio 20161Manual de instruccionesPaquete de comunicación CANBA-KommCAN_ES / F03536002BA-KommCAN_ES / F0353600Nos alegramos de que se haya decidido por un producto de alta calidad de la empresa relyonplasma GmbH y le agradecemos la confianza depositada en nosotros.Para poder utilizar el producto de forma óptima, lea atentamente el manual de instrucciones.¡Nota importante!¡Es imprescindible que lea todo el manual antes del montaje, la instalación y la puesta enservicio!¡Tenga en cuenta a toda costa las indicaciones de seguridad! El incumplimiento de las indicaciones de seguridad puede provocar accidentes y conllevar heridas graves para las personas o daños en la máquina. ¡La puesta en servicio y el funcionamiento del producto solo puede llevarlos a cabo personal técnico cualificado y con la debida formación!¡Instruya al personal! El explotador/usuario es responsable de que el personal haya comprendidocompletamente el manejo del aparato y las disposiciones de seguridad.© Copyright relyon plasma GmbH 2016.Todos los derechos reservados. All rights reserved.Los textos, las imágenes y los gráficos así como su disposición están protegidos por los derechos de propiedadintelectual así como otras leyes sobre protección. Se prohíbe la transferencia así como la distribución de estedocumento, la utilización y la comunicación de su contenido siempre que no se indique expresamente. Las infracciones implicarán una indemnización por daños y perjuicios. Todos los derechos reservados para el caso de registro depatente, registro de modelo de utilidad industrial o registro de modelo estético.Manual de instrucciones originalÍndiceBA-KommCAN_ES / F0353600 junio 2016 31Seguridad .................................................................................................................................. 4 1.1 Peligros residuales ............................................................................................................................ 4 1.2 Indicaciones y obligaciones para el usuario ..................................................................................... 4 1.3 Servicio de acuerdo con la normativa ............................................................................................... 5 1.4 Condiciones de servicio no admisibles ............................................................................................. 5 2Descripción del sistema ........................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Función.............................................................................................................................................. 6 2.2 Vista general del sistema .................................................................................................................. 6 2.2.1 Descripción de los componentes ........................................................................................ 6 2.2.2 Volumen de suministro ....................................................................................................... 7 2.2.3 Componentes de hardware necesarios adicionales ........................................................... 7 3Transporte/Almacenaje ............................................................................................................ 7 4Desembalaje e instalación ....................................................................................................... 7 4.1 Desembalaje ..................................................................................................................................... 7 4.2 Requisitos para la instalación ........................................................................................................... 7 4.3 Instalación de componentes de sistema ........................................................................................... 8 5Funcionamiento ........................................................................................................................ 9 5.1 Puesta en servicio ............................................................................................................................. 9 6 Medio ambiente .. (10)6.1 Eliminación (10)1SeguridadEl sistema se ha construido según las correspondientes normas internacionales. Noobstante, al igual que en cualquier producto técnico, en caso de un uso incorrecto o noadecuado pueden presentarse peligros derivados del sistema.Trabajar con el sistema puede resultar peligroso y provocar heridas graves, o incluso enalgunos casos la muerte. Por este motivo, le recomendamos se proteja usted mismo y aterceros.Además de las indicaciones de este manual de instrucciones, tenga en cuenta lasdisposiciones de seguridad válidas en general.Atención: ¡Peligro!Tenga en cuenta y cumpla las indicaciones de seguridad y los requerimientos de estemanual de instrucciones, ya que en caso de incumplimiento es posible que se produzcanheridas graves al manipular el sistema.1.1Peligros residualesEste sistema se ha fabricado según el estado actual de la técnica. A pesar de ello, nopueden excluirse riesgos residuales.Tenga en cuenta a toda costa las siguientes indicaciones de seguridad:Atención: ¡Tensión eléctrica!•Peligro debido a 230 V. Si se detectan daños en la conexión eléctrica, en el cable de red o en el sistema:- no ponga en servicio el sistema- encargue a un técnico que repare las piezas dañadas o sustitúyalas.¡Peligro de tropezar!Tienda las líneas de conexión en guías de cable adecuadas. Tienda el cable de maneraque no exista peligro de tropezarse con el mismo.1.2Indicaciones y obligaciones para el usuario•En principio, debe contarse con emisiones de interferencias.- El sistema ha sido comprobado según la disposición CEM.- El usuario debe comprobar y garantizar la compatibilidad electromagnética con otros aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos situados justo al lado.•Asegúrese de que:- el personal operario haya leído y comprendido este manual de instrucciones- las personas que se hallan cerca del aparato también hayan sido informadas sobre los peligros y estén equipadas con los medios de protección necesarios- los trabajos de mantenimiento solo sean realizados por personal técnicocualificado.•Instruya al personal operario especialmente sobre las indicaciones de seguridad de este manual de instrucciones.•Mantenga siempre la instalación en estado en condiciones para funcionar.•Las modificaciones en el aparato implicarán la extinción de los permisos de utilización y de la garantía. Excepción: en caso de que el fabricante haya autorizado lasmodificaciones expresamente.4 junio 2016 BA-KommCAN_ES / F03536001.3Servicio de acuerdo con la normativaEl sistema únicamente se ha previsto para el funcionamiento con la fuente de alta tensiónPS2000 y un generador de plasma de la empresa relyon plasma GmbH.Junto con un generador de plasma adecuado, el aparato únicamente es adecuado para eltratamiento de plasma de superficies de materiales (metales, tejidos, vidrio, plásticos) parala activación, la limpieza, el revestimiento o la eliminación de residuos con presiónatmosférica.En ningún caso, el sistema podrá ser accionado por personal que no disponga de ladebida formación.1.4Condiciones de servicio no admisiblesEl servicio del sistema no está permitido en las siguientes condiciones:•uso en áreas con peligro de explosión (EX)•en caso de grandes depósitos de polvo•en caso de humedad del aire muy elevada (>80 % rel.)•con temperaturas fuera del rango 0-40 °C o 32-104 °F•en caso de fuertes vibraciones.¡Nota!Le rogamos tenga en cuenta además las indicaciones de los manuales de instruccionesde todos los componentes adicionales conectados al sistema.BA-KommCAN_ES / F0353600junio 2016 52Descripción del sistema2.1FunciónLos componentes de este sistema son los elementos básicos de una comunicación conuna fuente de corriente PS2000 mediante el bus CAN con un PLC de orden superior.2.2Vista general del sistema2.2.1Descripción de los componentes23146 junio 2016 BA-KommCAN_ES / F03536002.2.2Volumen de suministroEl volumen de suministro incluye los siguientes componentes:•línea CAN (longitud 2 m)•resistencia terminal CAN (Sub-D)•paso de resistencia terminal CAN (Sub-D)•memoria USB con archivo EDS•manual de instrucciones2.2.3Componentes de hardware necesarios adicionalesSegún el PLC utilizado, se precisan componentes de hardware adicionales para unsistema completo en funcionamiento. A continuación encontrará recomendaciones paraello.Otros fabricantes de módulos PLC ofrecen para sus sistemas componentes similares.3Transporte/Almacenaje•Proteja el sistema frente a suciedad y cuerpos extraños.•Proteja el sistema frente a golpes.4Desembalaje e instalación4.1Desembalaje•Abra el embalaje con cuidado.•Extraiga los componentes del embalaje.4.2Requisitos para la instalaciónAntes de instalar el aparato, deben cumplirse los siguientes puntos:•los componentes deben estar en buen estado•en la instalación de tendido fijo y/o en la instalación del edificio, según lasespecificaciones de las respectivas disposiciones de seguridad nacionales (Alemania:VDE 0100) debe preverse un interruptor adecuado o un interruptor automático comodispositivo de aislamiento para todos los polos preconectado para poder aislar elsistema de la tensión de alimentación. Este dispositivo de aislamiento debe disponersecerca del aparato y debe ser fácilmente accesible para el usuario. Además, esteinterruptor debe identificarse como dispositivo de aislamiento para el aparato.•El cableado del sistema solo debe ejecutarlo un técnico electricista con la debida formación.•Tenga en cuenta todos los requisitos de instalación e indicaciones de seguridad de los aparatos conectados adicionalmente.BA-KommCAN_ES / F0353600junio 2016 78 junio 2016 BA-KommCAN_ES / F03536004.3 Instalación de componentes de sistemaPara instalar el sistema ejecute los siguientes puntos en la secuencia indicada:1. Conecte la resistencia de terminal CAN (paso) en el módulo previsto para ello del PLC deorden superior (véase al respecto el capítulo 2.2.3 Componentes de hardware necesarios adicionales).2. Conecte el cable CAN a la resistencia de terminal CAN (paso).3. Conecte la línea CAN con la conexión de la parte trasera de la fuente de corrientePS2000.4. Conecte el bus CAN a la PS2000 con la resistencia de terminal prevista para ello;véase al respecto también en caso necesario el manual de instrucciones de la fuentede corriente PS2000.5. Ajuste el número nodal de la PS2000 según el ajuste especificado en el software delPLC de orden superior.6. Establezca el circuito de parada de emergencia de la PS2000 así como todo el restode conexiones de los aparatos adicionales como se describe en los manuales deinstrucciones correspondientes.El sistema está instalado.5345Funcionamiento5.1Puesta en servicioPara accionar el sistema deben cumplirse los siguientes puntos:- Los interruptores principales de las fuentes de corriente conectadas PS2000 deben estar conectados.- El circuito de parada de emergencia debe estar conectado correctamente.- Las líneas de bus CAN deben estar conectadas, los dos extremos deben finalizar con resistencias terminales y las dirección de bus CAN debe estar ajustadacorrectamente en la parte posterior de la fuente de corriente.- La velocidad en baudios de la fuente de corriente es de 500 kBd. Esto debetenerse en cuenta en la programación del control de orden superior y ajustarsecorrectamente.- El suministro de gas del generador de plasma debe estar presente.- Todos los aparatos/componentes conectados adicionalmente deben estar bien conectados.Si se cumplen estos puntos, podrá controlar su proceso de plasma con el PLC de ordensuperior.Tenga en cuenta que para operar el generador de plasma es imprescindible que sedisponga de un flujo de gas. Se aconseja realizar una comprobación mediante el PLC deorden superior para controlar si hay suficiente flujo de gas. Esto puede realizarse porejemplo con un caudalímetro del tipo SFAB de Festo. Esta comprobación debe preverseen el sistema global. Antes de conectar la alta tensión a la generación de plasma, debeestar disponible durante como mínimo 2 segundos un flujo de gas mediante el generadorde plasma.Cuidado: ¡Daños en el aparato!El generador de plasma puede resultar dañado en caso de accionarse sin gas o con muypoco gas.- ¡No conecte en ningún caso la alta tensión si no fluye suficiente gas por el generador de plasma!BA-KommCAN_ES / F0353600junio 2016 96Medio ambiente 6.1EliminaciónTenga en cuenta la protección del medio ambiente.Los aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos no deben tirarse a la basura doméstica.- El aparato contiene materias primas valiosas que pueden reutilizarse. Por este motivo, recomendamos entregar el aparato en el puesto de recogida correspondiente.relyon plasma GmbHWeidener Straße 1693057 RegensburgAlemaniaTeléfono: +49-941-60098-0Fax: +49-941-60098-100email:**********************10 junio 2016 BA-KommCAN_ES / F0353600。

Tet-On 3G Вector Set (with ZsGreen1) 商品说明书

Tet-On 3G Вector Set (with ZsGreen1) 商品说明书

Certificate of Analysis Takara Bio USA, Inc.1290 Terra Bella Avenue, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA U.S. Technical Support: ********************United States/Canada 800.662.2566 Asia Pacific+1.650.919.7300Europe+33.(0)1.3904.6880Japan+81.(0)77.565.6999Page 1 of 6Tet-On® 3G Vector Set (with ZsGreen1)Table of ContentsDescription (1)pCMV-Tet3G Vector Information (2)pTRE3G-ZsGreen1 Vector and pTRE3G-Luc Control Vector Information (4)Quality Control Data (6)Catalog No. Lot Number631159 (Not sold separately) Specified on product label.DescriptionThe Tet-On 3G Vector Set (with ZsGreen1) is used to create tightly regulated and highly responsive tetracycline (Tet)-inducible mammalian expression systems that are turned on by the addition of doxycycline to the culture medium. The Tet-On 3G Vector Set (with ZsGreen1) allows the simultaneous expression of a gene of interest and a green fluorescent protein marker.Package Contents•20 μl pCMV-Tet3G Vector (500 ng/μl)•20 μl pTRE3G-ZsGreen1 Vector(500 ng/μl)•20 μl pTRE3G-Luc Control Vector(500 ng/μl)•40 μl Linear Hygromycin Marker (50 ng/μl)•40 μl Linear Puromycin Marker (50 ng/μl)Storage Conditions•Store plasmids at –20°C.•Spin briefly to recover contents.•Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles.Shelf Life• 1 year from date of receipt under proper storage conditions.Storage Buffer•10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 1 mM EDTA (pH 8.0)Shipping Conditions• Dry ice (–70°C)Product DocumentsDocuments for our products are available for download at /manualsThe following documents apply to this product:•Tet-On 3G Expression Systems User Manual (PT5148-1)pCMV-Tet3G Vector InformationFigure 1. pCMV-Tet3G Vector Map.DescriptionThe pCMV-Tet3G Vector expresses Tet-On 3G, a tetracycline-controlled transactivator that exhibits high activity in the presence of the inducer doxycycline (Dox), and exceptionally low activity in its absence. Tet-On 3G results from the fusion of amino acids 1–207 of a mutant Tet repressor (TetR) to 39 amino acids that form three minimal "F"-type transcriptional activation domains from the herpes simplex virus VP16 protein. Tet-On 3G was derived from Tet-On Advanced (Zhou et al. 2006; Urlinger et al. 2000; Gossen and Bujard 1992; Gossen et al. 1995); as a result, it’s fully synthetic, lacks cryptic splice sites, and is codon-optimized for stable expression in mammalian cells. Compared to both of its predecessors, however, this 3rd generation Tet-On transactivator demonstrates increased sensitivity to Dox (Zhou et al. 2006). Constitutive expression of Tet-On 3G is driven by the human cytomegalovirus immediately early promoter (P CMV IE).Location of Features in pCMV-Tet3G•P CMV IE(human cytomegalovirus immediate early promoter): 2–688•Tet-On 3G (transactivator gene): 775–1521•SV40 polyA signal: 1536–1991•pUC origin of replication: 2342–2996•Amp r (ampicillin resistance gene; β-lactamase): 3144–4004 (complementary)•SV40 polyA signal: 4275–4809 (complementary)•Kan r/Neo r (kanamycin/neomycin resistance gene): 5417–6211 (complementary)•P SV40 e (SV40 early promoter): 6532–6891 (complementary)Additional InformationpCMV-Tet3G is used to develop stable Tet-On 3G cell lines, which are hosts for Tet-inducible gene expression systems. To create a Tet-inducible expression system, a vector containing a gene of interest under the control of the Tet-inducible TRE3G promoter(P TRE3G) is transfected into a Tet-On 3G cell line. The addition of Dox to the system causes Tet-On 3G to undergo a conformational change that allows it to bind to P TRE3G, activating transcription of the gene of interest in a highly dose-dependent manner. Additional information on TRE-containing vectors, and protocols describing the construction of Tet-On 3G cell lines can be found in the Tet-On 3G Expression Systems User Manual (PT5148-1).Propagation in E. coli•Suitable host strain: Stellar™ Competent Cells•Selectable marker: plasmid confers resistance to ampicillin (100 μg/ml) in E. coli hosts.• E. coli replication origin: pUCpTRE3G-ZsGreen1 Vector and pTRE3G-Luc Control Vector InformationFigure 2. pTRE3G-ZsGreen1 Vector and pTRE3G-Luc Control Vector Maps.Figure 3. pTRE3G-ZsGreen Vector Multiple Cloning Site. The internal start site (ATG) at the IRES2/MCS junction is indicated in bold.DescriptionpTRE3G-ZsGreen1is a Tet-inducible, mammalian expression vector designed to coexpress a gene of interest and the green fluorescent protein ZsGreen1 under the control of the Tet-responsive promoter P TRE3G. This promoter consists of a highly optimized Tet-responsive element (TRE) just upstream of a minimal CMV promoter. P TRE3G exhibits exceptionally low basal activity; it’s induced by the binding of Tet-On 3G but is virtually silent in its absence. The vector is designed to be used as part of our Tet-On 3G Inducible Expression System (Cat. No. 631164).ZsGreen1 is a human codon-optimized variant of the reef coral Zoanthus sp. green fluorescent protein (ZsGreen) that has been engineered for brighter fluorescence (excitation and emission maxima: 493 and 505 nm, respectively; Matz et al. 1999; Haas, Park, and Seed 1996). p TRE3G-ZsGreen allows Dox-inducible coexpression of ZsGreen1 and a gene of interest from a bicistronic mRNA transcript. An encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) internal ribosome entry site (IRES2), positioned between ZsGreen1 and the gene of interest, facilitates cap-independent translation of the gene of interest from an internal start site at the IRES2/MCS junction (Jang et al. 1988). This ensures that a high percentage of ZsGreen1-expressing clones also express the gene of interest, allowing ZsGreen1 to be used as an indicator of inducibility and transfection efficiency, as well as a marker for selection by flow cytometry. The vector also contains a pUC origin of replication and an ampicillin resistance gene (Amp r) to allow for propagation and selection in E. coli.The pTRE3G-Luc is a Tet-inducible control vector that expresses firefly luciferase under the control of P TRE3G. When used with standard luciferase detection reagents, this vector can be used as a reporter of induction efficiency (see User Manual for protocol). pTRE3G-Luc is not intended to be used as a cloning vector.Location of Features in pTRE3G-ZsGreen1•P TRE3G (3rd generation Tet-responsive promoter): 7–382•ZsGreen1: 389–1084•IRES2 (encephalomyocarditis virus internal ribosome entry site): 1091–1673•MCS (multiple cloning site): 1686–1721•SV40 polyA signal: 1776–2573•pUC origin of replication: 2838–3481•Amp r (ampicillin resistance gene; β-lactamase): 3629–4489 (complementary)Location of Features in pTRE3G-Luc•P TRE3G (3rd generation Tet-responsive promoter): 7–382•Luciferase: 432–2084•SV40 polyA signal: 2151–2948•pUC origin of replication: 3213–3856•Amp r (ampicillin resistance gene; β-lactamase): 4004–4864 (complementary)Additional InformationpTRE3G-ZsGreen1 is a mammalian expression vector that allows tightly regulated, doxycycline-controlled coexpression of a gene of interest and ZsGreen1. The gene of interest must have both a start and a stop codon. The gene of interest should be cloned in-frame with the start codon at the IRES2/MCS junction (this codon is shown in bold in the MCS sequence in Figure 3, page 3; see the User Manual for details on how to use In-Fusion® to simplify your cloning). Cotransfection of pTRE3G-ZsGreen1 constructs with Linear Hygromycin or Puromycin Markers allows antibiotic selection of stable transfectants. In order to function, the system requires the presence of the Tet-On 3G transactivator protein, supplied by a stable Tet-On 3G cell line created with our Tet-On 3G Inducible Expression System (Cat. No. 631164).Propagation in E. coli•Suitable host strain: Stellar™ Competent Cells•Selectable marker: plasmid confers resistance to ampicillin (100 μg/ml) in E. coli hosts.• E. coli replication origin: pUCExcitation and Emission of pTRE3G-ZsGreen1•Excitation: 493 nm•Emission: 505 nmReferences•Gossen, M. et al. Transcriptional activation by tetracyclines in mammalian cells. Science268, 1766–9 (1995).•Gossen, M. & Bujard, H. Tight control of gene expression in mammalian cells by tetracycline-responsive promoters. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A.89, 5547–51 (1992).•Haas, J., Park, E. C. & Seed, B. Codon usage limitation in the expression of HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein. Curr.Biol.6, 315–24 (1996).•Jang, S. K. et al. A segment of the 5’ nontranslated region of encephalomyocarditis virus RNA directs internal entry of ribosomes during in vitro translation. J. Virol.62, 2636–43 (1988).•Matz, M. V et al. Fluorescent proteins from nonbioluminescent Anthozoa species. Nat. Biotechnol.17, 969–73 (1999).•Urlinger, S. et al. Exploring the sequence space for tetracycline-dependent transcriptional activators: novel mutations yield expanded range and sensitivity. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A.97, 7963–8 (2000).•Zhou, X., Vink, M., Klaver, B., Berkhout, B. & Das, A. T. Optimization of the Tet-On system for regulated gene expression through viral evolution. Gene Ther.13, 1382–90 (2006).Quality Control DataPlasmid Identity & Purity•Digestion with the indicated restriction enzymes produced fragments of the indicated sizes on a 0.8% agarose/EtBr gel:Vector Enzyme(s) Fragment(s)pCMV-Tet3G EcoRI 7.1 kbEcoRI & HindIII 1.2 & 5.9 kbpTRE3G-ZsGreen1 XhoI 4.7 kbEcoRV 1.2 & 3.5 kbpTRE3G-Luc XhoI 5.1 kbEcoRI & BamHI 2.1 & 3.0 kbLinear Hygromycin Marker HindIII & XbaI0.5, 0.6 & 1.1 kbLinear Puromycin Marker HindIII & XbaI0.45, 0.6, & 0.75 kb•Vector identity was confirmed by sequencing.•A260/A280: 1.8–2.0Functional Testing of Linear Markers•HEK 293 cells were transfected with 200 ng of either the Linear Hygromycin Marker or the Linear Puromycin Marker. After 5 hr at 37°C, the transfection solution was removed, and the cells were given fresh medium. 48 hr later, the cells were plated in two 10 cm plates. 48 hr after plating, medium containing either hygromycin orpuromycin (depending on the linear marker used to transfect the cells) was added to the plates. After 2–3 weeks, >20 clones were identified.It is certified that this product meets the above specifications, as reviewed and approved by the Quality Department.CATALOG NO.631159NOTICE TO PURCHASER:Our products are to be used for research purposes only. They may not be used for any other purpose, including, but not limited to, use in drugs, in vitro diagnostic purposes, therapeutics, or in humans. Our products may not betransferred to third parties, resold, modified for resale, or used to manufacture commercial products or to provide a service to third parties without prior written approval of Takara Bio USA, Inc.Your use of this product is also subject to compliance with the licensing requirements listed below and described on the product´s web page at . It is your responsibility to review, understand and adhere to any restrictions imposed by these statements.STATEMENT 24The RCFPs (including DsRedExpress, DsRedExpress2, and E2-Crimson) are covered by one or more of thefollowing U.S. Patent Nos. 7,166,444; 7,157,565; 7,217,789; 7,338,784; 7,338,783; 7,537,915; 6,969,597; 7,150,979;7,442,522 and 8,012,682.STATEMENT 72Living Colors Fluorescent Protein Products: Not-For-Profit Entities: Orders may be placed in the normal manner by contacting your local representative or Takara Bio USA, Inc. Customer Service. Any and all uses of this product will be subject to the terms and conditions of the Non-Commercial Use License Agreement (the “Non-Commercial License”), a copy of which can be found below. As a condition of sale of this product to you, and prior to using this product, you must agree to the terms and conditions of the Non-Commercial License. Under the Non-Commercial License, Takara Bio USA, Inc. grants Not-For-Profit Entities a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable and limited license to use this product for internal, non-commercial scientific research use only. Such licensespecifically excludes the right to sell or otherwise transfer this product, its components or derivatives thereof to third parties. No modifications to the product may be made without express written permission from Takara Bio USA, Inc.Any other use of this product requires a different license from Takara Bio USA, Inc. For license information, please ***************************************************************************************.For-Profit Entities wishing to use this product are required to obtain a license from Takara Bio USA, Inc. For license information, please contact a licensing representative by phone at 650.919.7320 or by e-mail at ***********************.STATEMENT 42Use of the Tetracycline controllable expression systems (the "Tet Technology") is covered by a series of patents including U.S. Patent # 7541446, # 8383364, # 9181556 , European patents EP # 1200607, # 1954811, #2352833Academic research institutions are granted an automatic license with the purchase of this product to use the Tet Technology only for internal, academic research purposes, which license specifically excludes the right to sell, or otherwise transfer, the Tet Technology or its component parts to third parties. Notwithstanding the above, academicand not-for profit research institutions whose research using the Tet Technology is sponsored by for profitorganizations, which shall receive ownership to any data and results stemming from the sponsored research, shall need a commercial license agreement from TET Systems in order to use the Tet Technology. In accepting this license, all users acknowledge that the Tet Technology is experimental in nature. TET Systems GmbH & Co. KG makes no warranties, express or implied or of any kind, and hereby disclaims any warranties, representations, or guarantees of any kind as to the Tet Technology, patents, or products. All others are invited to request a license from TET Systems GmbH & Co. KG prior to purchasing these reagents or using them for any purpose. Takara Bio USA, Inc. is required by its licensing agreement to submit a report of all purchasers of the Tet-controllable expression system to TET Systems.For license information, please contact:GSF/CEOTET Systems GmbH & Co. KG,Im Neuenheimer Feld 58269120 Heidelberg GermanyTel: +49 6221 5880400Fax: +49 6221 5880404email:*******************or use the electronic licensing request form via /ip-licensing/licensing/for-profit-research TRADEMARKS:© 2015 Takara Bio Inc. All Rights Reserved.All trademarks are the property of Takara Bio Inc. or its affiliate(s) in the U.S. and/or other countries or their respective owners. Certain trademarks may not be registered in all jurisdictions.。



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松诺盟拟通过五年努力,总投资 30 亿元,建成我国军民两用高性能智能压力、扭矩、温度、力传感器及其相关精密仪器仪表研发和生产基地,为我国国防建设、经济建设及我国高性能传感器跻身世界先进行列做出积极贡献。

自主研发已获授权专利 80 余项国产芯完全国产化注册资金12000 万元I S O体系认证五项管理体系认证公司介绍+80+10由湖南省生产力促进中心主持,中国工程院桂卫华院士任主任委员的科技成果评价专家委员会评价:松诺盟纳米薄膜压力传感器整体技术达到国际先进水平 其中,零点漂移、工作温度范围性能指标达到国际领先水平。

资质与荣誉QUALIFICATION AND HONOR高新技术企业证书科技成果评价核电先进传感技术研究中心机器人智能传感技术联合创新实验室中美俄日发明专利国内国际授权专利 80 余项扭矩传感器校准证书压力传感器检定证书CE 认证证书产品防爆证书评价纳米薄膜传感器专利中美俄日发明专利五大体系认证证书HIGH-PERFORMANCESENSOR金属弹性体技术、新型敏感材料技术、真空原子薄膜沉积技术等。

Hatco Glo-Ray 热盘替换部件清单说明书

Hatco Glo-Ray 热盘替换部件清单说明书

© 2018 Hatco CorporationHatco Glo-Ray® Buffet Warmer* Use P/N for Canadian units.The shaded areas contain part information for International models only .NOTE: Quantities shown as a range (example = “1–4”) aredependent upon the model.Week Four6543211404Year 2014NOTE: The last four digits in a ten digit numerical serial number are the manufacturing date code: Please note also, prior to January 2001 the serial number date code indicated the month of manufacture: Month Seven (July)1234560007Year 2000ALABAMAJones McLeod Appl. Svc.Birmingham 205-251-0159ARIZONAService Solutions GroupPhoenix 602-234-2443Byassee Equipment Co.Phoenix 602-252-0402CALIFORNIA Industrial ElectricCommercial Parts & Service, Inc. Huntington Beach 714-379-7100Chapman Appl. Service San Diego 619-298-7106P & D ApplianceCommercial Parts & Service, Inc. S. San Francisco 650-635-1900COLORADOHawkins Commercial ApplianceEnglewood 303-781-5548FLORIDAWhaley Foodservice RepairJacksonville 904-725-7800Whaley Foodservice RepairOrlando 407-757-0851B.G.S.I.Pompano Beach954-971-0456Comm. Appliance ServiceTampa 813-663-0313GEORGIA TWC ServicesMableton 770-438-9797Heritage Service GroupNorcross 866-388-9837Southeastern Rest. Svc.Norcross 770-446-6177HAWAIIBurney’s Comm. Service, Inc.Honolulu 808-848-1466Food Equip Parts & ServiceHonolulu 808-847-4871ILLINOIS Parts TownLombard 708-865-7278Eichenauer Elec. ServiceDecatur 217-429-4229Midwest Elec. Appl. ServiceElmhurst 630-279-8000Cone’s Repair ServiceMoline 309-797-5323INDIANA GCS ServiceIndianapolis 800-727-8710IOWAGoodwin Tucker Group Des Moines 515-262-9308KENTUCKYService Solutions GroupLexington 859-254-8854Service Solutions GroupLouisville 502-451-5411LOUISIANAChandlers Parts & Service Baton Rouge 225-272-6620MARYLANDElectric Motor ServiceBaltimore 410-467-8080GCS Service Silver Spring301-585-7550MASSACHUSETTS Ace Service Co., Inc.Needham 781-449-4220MICHIGANBildons Appliance ServiceDetroit 248-478-3320Commercial Kitchen Service Bay City 989-893-4561Midwest Food Equip. ServiceGrandville 616-261-2000MINNESOTA GCS ServiceMinnetonka 800-822-2303 x20365MISSOURI General Parts Kansas City816-421-5400Commercial Kitchen ServicesSt. Louis 314-890-0700Kaemmerlen Parts & Service St. Louis 314-535-2222NEBRASKAAnderson ElectricOmaha 402-341-1414NEVADABurney’s Commercial Las Vegas 702-736-0006Hi. Tech Commercial Service N. Las Vegas 702-649-4616NEW JERSEY Jay Hill RepairFairfield 973-575-9145Service PlusFlanders 973-691-6300TEXASGCS Service Fort Worth800-433-1804Armstrong Repair ServiceHouston 713-666-7100Cooking Equipment SpecialistMesquite 972-686-6666Commercial Kitchen Repair Co. San Antonio 210-735-2811UTAHLa Monica’s Rest. Equip. Service Murray 801-263-3221VIRGINIA DaubersNorfolk 757-855-4097DaubersSpringfield 703-866-3600WASHINGTON3Wire Restaurant ApplianceSeattle 800-207-3146WISCONSIN A.S.C., Inc.Madison 608-246-3160A.S.C., Inc.Milwaukee 414-543-6460CANADAALBERTAKey Food Equipment ServiceEdmonton 780-438-1690BRITISH COLUMBIAKey Food Equipment ServiceVancouver 604-433-4484Key Food Equipment ServiceVictoria 250-920-4888MANITOBA Air Rite, Inc.Winnipeg 204-895-2300NEW BRUNSWICK EMR Services, Ltd.Moncton 506-855-4228ONTARIOR.G. Henderson Ltd.Toronto 416-422-5580Choquette - CKS, Inc.Ottawa 613-739-8458QUÉBECChoquette - CKS, Inc.Montreal 514-722-2000Choquette - CKS, Inc. Québec City 418-681-3944UNITED KINGDOMMarren Group Northants+44(0)1933 665313NEW YORKAlpro Service Co.Maspeth 718-386-2515Appliance InstallationBuffalo 716-884-7425Duffy’s Equipment Services, Inc. Buffalo 800-836-10143Wire NorthernPlattsburgh 800-634-5005Duffy’s Equipment Services, Inc. Sauquoit 800-836-1014J.B. Brady, Inc.Syracuse 315-422-9271NORTH CAROLINA Authorized ApplianceCharlotte 704-377-4501OHIOAkron/Canton Comm. Svc. Inc.Akron 330-753-6634Service Solutions GroupCincinnati 513-772-6600Commercial Parts and ServiceColumbus 614-221-0057Electrical Appl. Repair Service Brooklyn Heights 216-459-8700E. A. Wichman Co.Toledo 419-385-9121OKLAHOMAHagar Rest. Service, Inc. Oklahoma City 405-235-2184Krueger, Inc. Oklahoma City405-528-8883OREGONRon’s Service, Inc.Portland 503-624-0890PENNSYLVANIAElmer Schultz ServicesPhiladelphia 215-627-5401FAST Comm. Appl. ServicePhiladelphia 215-288-4800Appliance Installation & ServicePittsburgh 412-809-0244K & D Service Co.Harrisburg 717-236-9039Electric Repair Co.Reading 610-376-5444RHODE ISLAND Marshall Electric Co.Providence 401-331-1163SOUTH CAROLINAWhaley Foodservice RepairLexington 803-996-9900TENNESSEE Camp ElectricMemphis 901-527-7543Printed in U.S.A. July 2018Form No. GRBWRP-0718HATCO CORPORATIONP .O. Box 340500Milwaukee, WI 53234-0500 U.S.A.800-558-0607 414-671-6350*****************************24 Hour 7 Day Parts and ServiceAssistance available in the United States and Canada by calling 800-558-0607.AUTHORIZED PARTS DISTRIBUTORS • AUTORISÉS DISTRIBUTEURS DE PIÈCES。

VIC Leak Detection M MSS 4400 SSeerriieess 蜂鸟式螺缸胶质

VIC Leak Detection M MSS 4400 SSeerriieess 蜂鸟式螺缸胶质

Vacuum Instrument Corporation2099NinthAvenue•Ronkonkoma,NY11779•T6317370900•F6317371541•**************************VIC Leak Detection is a registered trademark and the VIC Symbol and the MS-(series) are trademarks of Vacuum Instrument Corporation. © 2008 Vacuum Instrument Corporation.M S ●40 S e r i e sPortable helium leak detectorsAccurate and Easy to UseQuickly and accurately detects leaks for a broad range of applications• Highest accuracy in the industry• Easy to use, most automated and fast• Reduce operator error• Internal NIST-traceable temperature compensated calibrator• Fast, non-destructive leak testing assures longer life and greater protection for your product• Allows testing for the smallestleaks at the highest pressures• Remote controlFeatures:►Simple one-button start up►Automatic operation, tuning & calibration ►Three modes of operation►Mini-sniffer probe port Benefits: ►System is ready in less than 3 minutes ►Reduces operator training; easy to use ►Faster, more accurate testing ►Sniffing operation through dedicated port Applications -Automotive -High Pressure -Devices -Compressors -Nuclear Reactors -Electron Beam –Welders -Power Distribution Plants -Gas Tanks -Refrigeration Parts -Heat Exchangers 1981Vacuum Instrument Corporation2099 Ninth Avenue • Ronkonkoma NY 11779 • Tel 631 737 0900 • Fax 631 737 1541 • email ************************** REV090716* Performance determined in accordance with American Vacuum Society Standards; Specifications subject to change without notice.©2009 Vacuum Instrument Corporation; ®VIC Leak Detection is a registered trademark and the VIC symbol and the MS-(series) are trademarks of Vacuum Instrument Corporation.MS ●40 PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONSCharacteristicsUnitsMS-40Sensitivity, vacuum * 4.0 x 10-11Sensitivity, sniffing 6.0 x 10-10Leak Measurement Range atm-cc/sec10 x 10-4to 4.0 x 10-11(10 x 10-3to 4.0 x 10-11w/ext pump)Leak Ranging - Auto/ManualStart-up time minutes <3Response Time * seconds<2 direct, <3 reverseResolution for 4He * - 14Mass Spectrometer Tube - 180° deflection; dual-magnetic sectorAuto-tuning - YesAuto-calibration - Internal – yes; External - manualAuto-zeroing - Yes Reject set-point - Yes Built-in calibrated leak - Yes NIST traceable- Yes Temperature compensated - Yes He Scan - Yes Filaments- 2 - TungstenMaximum Operating Pressure Torr 7.5, 760 w/ext roughing optionDisplay - Alpha/Numeric Units- atm cc/s, mbar*l/sBackground Compensation - Continuous automatic compensation for system backgroundTestable Masses - 3 and 4 Printer Port - Yes RS-232C-YesRemote Control Unit- Yes VACUUM SYSTEMVacuum Mode - Direct, reverse or combination flow Roughing Pump cfm 1.2 Mechanical Foreline/Rouging PumpHigh Vacuum Pump liters/second61 turbomolecularVacuum Gauging - Pirani: Test port & foreline; Ion: High vacuumTest Port Connection- NW25PHYSICALDimensions (W x H x D) Inches (cm) 20.5 x 15 x 14 (52.7 x 38.1 x 35.6)Weightlbs. (kg) 87 (39.5)ELECTRICALPowerV/Hz/A115/50-60/8; 230-240/50-60/5; 100/50-60/8。

Uni-ram 重复利用沙砂喷洒器 UR007 系列用户手册说明书

Uni-ram 重复利用沙砂喷洒器 UR007 系列用户手册说明书

USER MANUAL RECLAIMING SAND BLASTERSMODELSUR007 UR007-YEXPUR007-YJUNI-RAM CORPORATION • ONTARIO • CANADARevised 2010-03CONTENTSINTRODUCTION (3)CAUTIONS AND WARNINGS (3)PREPARATION (4)NOTES ON USE AND OPERATION (4)MAINTENANCE (5)TROUBLESHOOTING (5)FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS (5)REPLACEMENT PARTS (6)WARRANTY (7)INTRODUCTIONUni-ram holds many patents on designs used in its innovative products. Every machine is rigorously tested for compliance with stringent Quality Assurance standards. Follow the notes on preparation, use and operation to operate this machine safely and effectively. Ensure that this manual is readily available to the operator at all times. If you have any questions about the operation of this machine, contact:North America:Uni-ram Technical Service1-800-417- 9133Other Continents:Contact Your SupplierCAUTIONS AND WARNINGS• Wear safety glasses and follow all local safety regulations.• Do not leave the unit unattended when plugged in. Unplug from outlet when not in use and before servicing.• To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not use outdoors or near water or wet surfaces.• Do not use with a damaged Power Cord or Plug. If the unit is not working as it should or if it has been dropped, damaged, left outdoors or emersed into water, contact Uni-ram for service instructions.• Keep the Power Cord away from heat.• Do not use without a fi lter.• Turn off the Power Switch before unplugging.• Use only a properly installed, grounded outlet.• The fi lter is water resistant and washable in water. Do not use high pressure air or solvents to clean it.Cleaning with a soft brush is recommended.PREPARATIONNote: Item numbers given below refer to the parts listing on page 6.1. Check for transportation or handling damage.2. Lay the carton on its side and wheel the unit out. Do not stand it back up until Step 9.2. Make sure all parts and accessories are included.3. Remove all packing material.4. Remove the Vacuum Head Assembly and the Debris Container.5. Remove the two items stored underneath the Debris Container during shipping: Tubular Handle,Gun+Head Assembly.6. Install the Tubular Handle with the nuts and screws provided (see picture on Page 6).7. Remove the Hose Assembly from the bag and insert the Abrasive Hose (the smaller of the twohoses), which protrudes past the Vacuum Hose, through the hole at the back of the unit. Connect it to the air outlet underneath the base of the unit.8. Connect the Vacuum Hose to the connecting outlet on the container. Stand the unit back up.9. Pour 20-40 LB (11-18 kg) of abrasive through the strainer at the bottom into the Abrasive Containerunderneath. It is not necessary to remove the strainer.10. Connect the Vacuum Hose and Abrasive Hose to the Blast Head and the Air Line to the Blast Gun.Use the white clamp provided for the Abrasive Hose.11. Re-insert the Debris Container.12. Re-install the Vacuum Head and clamp in position.13. When ready to operate, connect the Power Cord and turn on the Power Switch.NOTES ON USE AND OPERATION1. Use Air Pressure between 75 and 100 PSI depending on the surface to be cleaned.2. Air Volume should be between 8 to 22 CFM (optimum: 16-20 CFM).3. Use one hand to hold the Blast Gun and the other to hold the Blast Head as shown below.4. Do not press downwards - the brush’s function is to reduce the escape of abrasive and to maintain avacuum for the effi cient recycling of the abrasive.5. Move both hands in the same direction.6. The blast area may be varied by lengthening or shortening the nozzle with the Lock Bolt (Item 30,Page 6).7. Careful placement of the brush over the area to be cleaned is very important. The bristlesshould be spread out so that the abrasive spray inside does not impact the bristles. This precaution will preserve the bristles, improve the vacuum effect, create better coverage and utimately result in better savings, safety and results.8. The fl at 1-1/4” brush (Part No. 27-611) is supplied with the unit. Four additional specialty brushes areavailable. The same precautions should be followed when using these brushes.9. When working on a 90° corner, alin the gun at a 45° angle to reach the deepest area. Move the gun ina slow rotating motion for the best results.FILTER PART NO.27-180 STANDARD27-172 HEPAMAINTENANCE1. After each use, knock the dust off the fi lter and after one hour of continuous use, lift off the VacuumHead and check for dust accumulation. Clean the fi lter with a soft brush, vacuum or low-pressure air.MODELUR007UR007-YEXP UR007-YJ POWER (V/W)120/1350240/1350200/1350STANDARD HOSE8.5 FT (2.5m)8.5 FT (2.5m)8.5 FT (2.5m)FILTRATIONCARTRIDGE CARTRIDGE CARTRIDGE SHIP WEIGHT (LB/KG)69/3169/3169/31SHIP SIZE (WDH)20X18X45”20X18X45”20X18X45”FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONSUni-ram Reclaiming Sand Blasters allow sandblasting without personal breathing apparatus, face masks or separate dust removal. The abrasive media are recovered and re-used continuously for a 92% reduction in media consumption.• Can be used with most abrasives including:• Air fl ow: 8-22 CFM glass beads, metal shot, aluminum oxide,• Air pressure: variable to 150 PSI nut shells, plastic pearls, baking soda etc.• Fume grade fi lter standard, HEPA available • Uses standard air fi ttings • Motor Speed: 19,600 RPM SYMPTOMCAUSE AND REMEDY Decrease in blast performance Low air presure. Check compressor and hose connections forleaks. Check CFM and PSI input.Moisture in the abrasive.The air supply must be clean and dry.Abrasive is worn or too fi ne and does not cut the surface.Vacuum Filter needs cleaning; debris collects with the media.Gun blockage. Disconnect air and power, unscrew nozzle, use apaper clip or thin wire to clear the passageway.Decrease in vacuum performance Filter needs cleaning.Check vacuum lines for blockage or leakage.Check CFM input.Abrasive escapes from betweenbristles of brush Air pressure is too high.Check vacuum lines for blockage or leakage.TROUBLESHOOTINGREPLACEMENT PARTSGUN + HEAD ASSEMBLY 27-500OPTIONAL BRUSHES ITEMPART NO.DESCRIPTION 1Z9852Moulding, Head Cover 220-101-Y Head Cover 327-100S Vac Head Assy, Complete, 120V 4110-313Pull Handle 527-129*Motor Brush 6KIT-26123*Vac Motor Kit, 1350W, 120V 6.1KIT-26127*Vac Motor Kit, 1350W, 240V 6.2KIT-26125*Vac Motor Kit, 1350W, 100V 6a27-151Valve Stem Assy for U5047727-103Gasket Motor Mount 827-131Power Switch 120V 8.127-132Power Switch 240V 927-141Neon Lamp 100-120V 9.127-142Neon Lamp 220V 1027-112Thermal Separator Plate 1127-193Vacuum Head Seal Gasket 1227-218Rim Clamp 1327-180Filter, Regular 13.127-172HEPA Filter 1425-215Debris Container 1527-217Tubular Handle 1627-710Vacuum Hose Assy (8 )16.127-712Vacuum Hose Assy (10 FT)16+1827-700Complete Hose Assembly, 8’1727-721Hose End Cuff, 1.5”1827-731Abrasive Feeder Hose (8 FT)18.127-732Abrasive Feeder Hose (10 FT)1927-231Abrasive Screen 20Z123Abrasive Screen Knob 2111-161Wheel, 6” Heavy Duty Industrial 2227-381Axle Shaft 1/2” x 18” ZP 2327-384Wheel Cap, High Impact, 1/2” Axle 2427-378Swivel Caster, 2” Wheel 2520-250Impeller Assembly 2620-210-Y Body Tube Assembly 27U5047Blast Gun Assembly 27+3127-500Blast Gun+Head (U5047+27-570)2851-252Air Jet, 1/8” ID for Blast Guns 2952-055Steel Blast Nozzle 29.152-020Ceramic Blast Nozzle 29.252-010Carbide Blast Nozzle 3027-513Lock Bolt, 1/4” x 1/2”ITEM PART NO.DESCRIPTION 3127-570Blast Head incl. Brush (27-611)3227-571Blast Head without Brush 3327-512O Ring, D3303427-611Flat Brush 1-1/4”, Standard 34.127-612Flat Brush 1-3/4”, Optional 3627-621Inside Corner Brush (90º Male)3727-631Outside Corner Brush (90º Female)3827-650Brush and Holder (for thin edges)27-914Abrasive, #60, 25 LB Pail 51-270Valve Stem Assy for U5047* For units purchased before 2005-12, call before orderingFull Product WarrantyThese Uni-ram products have been engineered and manufactured to high performance standards. Each unit has been subjected to detailed factory testing before shipment.This product comes with a one-year full warranty from the date of purchase. Uni-ram Corporation reserves the right to repair or replace the unit, free of charge, to the original purchaser if a part is found to be defective in material or workmanship as determinedby factory service personnel. The items listed below under “Conditions of Warranty” as consumables are not covered.Uni-ram reserves the right to direct the customer to ship the unit collect to the Uni-ram factory or to an approved Service Center for repair using the Uni-ram Return Goods Procedure or to repair the unit on-site. To prevent damage in transport, the purchaser must ship the unit in the original packaging or use alternate adequate packaging. All units must be shipped clean and free of solvent.Conditions of Warranty:As Uni-ram Corporation has no control over the working conditions or circumstances under which the purchaser stores, handles or uses the product, Uni-ram makes no war-ranty or claim, either expressed or implied with respect to this product’s fi tness for any purpose or the result to be obtained from its use. This condition applies to the sale of all products and no representative or distributor of Uni-ram Corporation has the authority to waive or change these conditions.This warranty applies only to the original purchaser and does not apply if the unit has been misused, overloaded, neglected, altered or used for any purpose other than those specifi ed in the operating and installation instructions. Deterioration due to normal wear is not covered by this warranty. Damage due to accident, transportation, fi re, fl oodsor acts of God is also not covered. Units whose serial numbers have been altered or removed are not covered. The warranty is invalid if unauthorized abrasives are used in this unit. Unauthorized attempts at self-repair or alterations by the owner also invalidate this warranty. Interior or exterior fi nishes are not covered by this warranty.Consumable Items are not covered by this warranty.This warranty replaces all other warranties expressed or implied by statute or otherwise.To make a claim, call Uni-ram Service at 1-800-417-9133 and quote the serial number of the unit.。

Honeywell SCBA (自主式氧气保障装置) 3L 200bar 紧急氧气设备说明书

Honeywell SCBA (自主式氧气保障装置) 3L 200bar 紧急氧气设备说明书

France PartenairesOù acheterIndustries chimiques Pétro-chimieNuméro de référence1815732Type de produitProtection respiratoireGammeSCBA (Appareil de protection respiratoire autonome)LigneSystèmes de filtration à air compriméMarqueHoneywellMarque anciennement connue sous le nom deSPERIANIndustriePrésentation généraleCaractéristiqueSifflet d’alarme puissant de fin d’autonomie en matière composite, positionné près de l’oreilles et qui ne consomme pas d’air (air réinjecté dans la cagoule).AvantageSécurité accrueCaractéristiqueCoussin gonflable.Caractéristiques & AvantagesBio-S-Cape avec bouteilled’air 3L / 200 bar , Acier, 15minutesCODE ARTICLE: 1815732Le Bio-S-Cape est un appareil respiratoire d’évacuationd’urgence à air comprimé conçu pour offrir une grandefacilité de mise en place, combinée à uneprotection respiratoire optimale. Il est contenu dans unsac de transport dont l’ouverture déclencheautomatiquement l’apport en air respirable contenu dansla bouteille. Une légère surpression dans la cagouleévite tout risque d’inhalation de gaz toxiques. Le réglagede la cagoule est automatique grâce au coussin d’airgonflable intégré au niveau de la nuque. Ce systèmepermet une bonne stabilisation de la cagoule sur la tête,offre un meilleur confort respiratoire et laisse les mainslibres pendant l’installation, garantissant un niveau desécurité maximal. Un sifflet d’alarme situé prêt de l’oreilleindique lorsque la réserve d’air est sur le point d’êtreterminée.Sécurité accrueCaractéristiqueLe flexible de la cagoule est à l’arrière sur le côté de la cagoule.AvantageSécurité accrueCaractéristiqueFlexible anti-pincement.AvantageSécurité accrueCaractéristiqueRevêtement intérieur noir de la cagouleAvantageSécurité accrueCaractéristiqueSystème anti-déchirure sur le joint de cou.AvantageSécurité accrueCaractéristiqueSystème d’évacuation des liquides dans le sac.AvantageSécurité accrueCaractéristiqueEtiquette d’identification accessible par l’intérieur du sacAvantageSimplicité d'utilisationCaractéristiquePositionnement de l’étiquette dans l’axe du sacAvantageSimplicité d'utilisationCaractéristiqueSurpression maintenue dans la cagouleAvantageSécurité accrueCaractéristiqueDétendeur déclenché automatiquement dès l’ouverture du sacAvantageSécurité accrueCaractéristiqueUne cagoule avec une large visibilité qui s’adapte à tous les types de visage et d’environnements AvantageSécurité accrueCaractéristiqueUn grand choix de bouteillesAvantageConfort accruCaractéristiqueMaintenance simplifiéeAvantageSimplicité d'utilisationEBAEN 1146:2005, ISO 23269-1:2008, SOLAS, MED, IMO, MSCCagoulePVC résistant (couleur orange), ouverture rapide, bandes réfléchissantes, plombage de sécurité, grande fenêtre, Système d’évacuation des liquidesMatériau de la cagoulePolyurethaneHarnais de sac à dosPVC résistant (couleur orange), ouverture rapide, bandes réfléchissantes, plombage de sécurité, grande fenêtre, Système d’évacuation des liquidesMatériau du harnais de sac à dosPVC (orange)PneumatiqueBio-S-Cape avec bouteille d’air 3L / 200 bar , Acier, 15 minutesDétendeur Niveau 1Déclenchement automatique à l’ouverture du sac; incluant un raccord de chargement intégré ENTempérature d'utilisation nominale-15°C/+60°CMallette de transport en optionCoffret mural pour stockage Bio-S-CapeEPI catégorie EU3Assurance qualitéISO 9001 / 2000Certification EUEU AttestationCertificationsEN 1146:2005REACHConformité au règlement CE 1907/2006 (REACH)The substance(s) listed below may be contained in this product above the threshold level of 0.1% byweight of the listed article.Références des produits vendus en Europe Substance > 0,1 %Nom de la substance Numéro CASNo Substance ContentAdditional Certification LinkMED certificateManuel d'utilisationBIO-S-CAPE user manual© Honeywell International Inc.。

恩德斯豪斯 溶解氧传感器 XA03110C 安全指南说明书

恩德斯豪斯 溶解氧传感器 XA03110C 安全指南说明书

Products Solutions Services安全指南Memosens 数字式溶解氧传感器NEPSI Ex ia IIC T6/ T4 Ga防爆危险区电气设备使用安全指南XA03110C/28/ZH/01.23-00716063392023-02-28Memosens数字式溶解氧传感器XA03110CMemosens数字式溶解氧传感器NEPSI Ex ia IIC T6/ T4 Ga目录配套文档资料 (4)补充文档资料 (4)证书 (4)标识 (4)防爆认证 (4)安全指南 (4)订货号 (5)温度表 (5)连接 (5)安装条件 (6)Endress+Hauser3XA03110CMemosens 数字式溶解氧传感器4Endress+Hauser配套文档资料本文档是Memosens COS22E 的《操作手册》BA02145C 的组成部分。

本文档是Memosens COS51E 的《操作手册》BA02146C 的组成部分。

补充文档资料《防爆手册》CP00021Z •防爆指南和防爆基础• 证书登陆Endress+Hauser 公司网站下载证书和符合性声明:/download 铭牌上标识有相应产品的NEPSI 防爆合格证证号。


防爆认证NEPSI Ex ia IIC T6...T4 Ga 安全指南•传感器插接头处的环境温度不得超过90 °C (194 °F)。

•防爆型溶解氧传感器使用专用导电性O 型圈。

金属传感器杆通过O 型圈与导电性安装部件(例如金属安装支架)连接。



•防爆型Memosens 数字式传感器的插接头上带橙色/红色标记环。


2-3 seconds. Apply lubricant until it expels from the exhaust air part for at least 2 seconds. (Fig. 7)
· When applying spray be sure to hold the motor firmly to prevent the motor from slipping out of the hand due to the spray pressure. · Hold the spray can upright.
· After washing with Thermo-Disinfector and prior to lubrication, dry the product until all internal moisture is thoroughly removed. Thermo-Disinfector moisture remaining inside the product could reduce the effect of lubrication and could cause corrosion inside of the product. · To clean the product never use any solvent such as benzine or thinner.
classified as follows in accordance with the seriousness of the risk.
Degree of Risk
W A R N I N G Hazard that could result in serious injury or damage to the device if the safety instructions are not followed.



S H I F T T O S A F E T Y安全/传感/控制2022产品手册Products and ServicesS h e n z h e n T o r e n t T e c h n o l o g y C o.,L t d.深圳市多恩技术有限公司0755********1. 功能安全控制器及传感器,产品最高可达PLe/SiL3安全性能等级,符合中国及全球标准,通过欧美专业机构和中国国家检测中心认证,应用于自动化设备,AGV,物流系统,数控机床,电梯,机器人,风电等诸多行业;2. 提供专业的自动化产线整体安全防护系统风险评估,设计与定制。


多恩技术是专业的安全传感控制研发企业,具备TUV 认证的机械安全风险评估资质,同时也是中国机械工业安全卫生协会会员单位,公司产品具有多项发明及实用新型专利,并获得多家国内国际权威机构认证。


我们 的目标是让产品功能及应用精益求精,解决工业生产的安全难题,把安全的基因更加广泛植入到国内的传感与控制系统中,推动工业4.0的战略早日实现。

引言CONENT 目录0102040607081012141516171820多功能安全继电器功能型安全继电器可配置安全继电器佰安翼AnEZ 电磁式安全联锁开关截留钥匙型安全开关门栓把手部件安全触边/地毯安全围栏安全控制系统Safety V+可视化监视系统安全评估与改造行业应用引言01切割事故会造成严重的后果,比如人员伤亡,设备受损,生产停滞,经济赔偿,行政处罚,法务支出,额外的事故处理人力及费用,企业名誉受损等。



Jiangsu Wenrun Optoelectronic Co. Rev:1SpecificationWenrun P/N:LFD028AUE-103ACustomer confirmApproved byChecked byIssued byJiangsu Wenrun Optoelectronic Co.,LTD Rev:1 Tel************** Fax :************* Page 1 of 7 ◆Features:● High efficiency, low power consumption. ● Extremely low current.● Luminous evenly distributed on each segment. ● Low development cost.● This product doesn’t contain restriction Substance, comply ROHS standard.◆Descriptions:● Industrial standard size.● These display provide excellent reliability in bright ambient light. ● These devices are made with white segments and black surface.◆Applications:● Audio equipment or instrument panels. ● General use for digital indicators. ● Multimedia product.◆Selection guide:ChipPart No. Material Emitting Color Lens ColorLFD028AUE-103ACathodeAlGaInPHigh Super RedWhite DiffusedJiangsu Wenrun Optoelectronic Co.,LTD Rev:1 Tel************** Fax :************* Page 2 of 7 ◆Absolute Maximum Rating (Ta=25℃)ParameterSymbol High Super RedUnit Power Dissipation/Segment P d 70 mW Peak Forward Current /Segment ① I FP 80 mA Continuous Forward Current/Segment I F 20 mA Reverse V oltage /Segment V R 5 V Operating Temperature Range Topr -40~ +85 ℃ Storage Temperature Range Tstg -40 ~ +85 ℃ Solder Temperature ②Tsol260±5℃Notes :1、This is the limit current . It is not allowed to use when the product work continuously. 2、Soldering time ≤5 seconds.3、I FP condition: pulse width ≤1ms ,duty cycle ≤1/10◆Electrical Optical Characteristics (Ta=25℃)High Super RedParameterSymbolTyp.Max. UnitTestCondition Luminous Intensity/Segment I V 5.0 -- mcd I F =10mA Forward V oltage /Segment V F 2.0 2.5 V I F =20mA Reverse Current /Segment I R -- 50 uA V R =5V Dominant Wavelength λd 640 -- nm I F =20mA Spectral Line Half Width Δλ30--nm I F =20mAJiangsu Wenrun Optoelectronic Co.,LTD Rev:1 Tel************** Fax :************* Page 3 of 7 ◆Package Dimensions:NOTES :∙ All dimensions are in millimetres (mm), Tolerance is ±0.25mm unless otherwise noted. ∙ Specifications are subject to change without notice.◆Internal Circuit:Common CathodeLFD028AUE-103ADIG.1DIG.4DIG.3DIG.2Jiangsu Wenrun Optoelectronic Co.,LTD Rev:1 Tel************** Fax :************* Page 4 of 7 ◆Reliability(1) Test Items and ConditionsNO Test Item Test ConditionsSample Ac/Re 1 Temperature Cycle -40±5℃→25±5℃→85±5℃→25±5℃ (30min ,5min ,30min ,5min) 20 Cycles 20 0/1 2 High Temperature Storage Ta :100±5℃Test time=1000HRS(-24HRS,+72HRS) 20 0/1 3 High Temperature And High Humidity Working Ta :85±5℃,R H :85±5%,I F =10mA/seg Test time=500HRS(-24HRS,+72HRS) 20 0/1 4 Low Temperature Storage Ta :-40±5℃Test time=1000HRS(-24HRS,+72HRS) 20 0/1 5 Operating Life Test Connect with a power I F =10mA/seg Ta=25±5℃Test time=1000HRS(-24HRS,+72HRS) 20 0/1 6 Solder Resistance T.Sol=260±5℃ one timeDwell Time=5±1Secs ,distance 3mm 20 0/1 7Thermal Shock-40±5℃→85±5℃(15min ,15min) 20Cycles200/1(2)Criteria of judging the damageCriteria for judgement Item Symbol Test condition Min. Max. Forward voltage V F I F =10mA/Seg / U.S.L*1.1 Reverse current I R V R =5V / 15uA Luminous intensity I V I F =10mA/Seg L.S.L*0.7/ Wave length λD/λPI F =10mA/Seg /U.S.L ±2nmAppearance/View checkNo mechanical damage* U.S.L: Upper standard level L.S.L: Lower standard levelJiangsu Wenrun Optoelectronic Co.,LTD Rev:1 Tel************** Fax :************* Page 5 of 7 ◆Typical Electro-Optical Characteristics Curves◆Storage and application notices1、 Storage1. Before opening package: the LEDs should be kept at 18-30℃, related humility: 30-70%RH.They should be used out within 3mothes;2. LEDs should be used out within 24Hs after opening package to avoid the lead frame’s corrode;3. The internal box can not be contacted with ground to prevent absorption of moisture4. No acid, alkali, salt, corrosive and explosive gas; away from sunlight and keep the environment clean;2、 Application1.Do not use any unknown chemical liquid to clean LED, it will damage the LED resin surface; use the alcohol under the room temperature if necessary but less than 1 min;2.When forming lead frame, the lead frame should be bent at a point at least 2mm from the base of epoxy. The forming should be done before soldering which can avoid epoxy’s broken and internal structure’s R e l a t i v e L u m i n o u s I n t e n s i t y (%)Forward VoltageForward Current vs.Forward Voltage(Vf)-voltsF o r w a r d C u r r e n t I f (m A )1.20 1.6F o r w a r d C u r r e n t I f (m A )10Ambient Temperature Ta(°C) Current Derating Curve5050002575550Wavelength λd (nm)20403050600650Spectrum DistributionTa=25℃700750Jiangsu Wenrun Optoelectronic Co.,LTD Rev:1 Tel************** Fax :************* Page 6 of 7 damage. Forming must be operated by the specific jig or the qualified operator to make sure the lead frame and distance are as same as the circuit board. Specific is shown as below,Mark:“○” means correct ,“×”means incorrect.3.Do not apply any bending stress to the surface of the LED. The stress to the surface may damage the surface ink color and internal connection which causes the electric character & appearance’s failure. 4.a. Soldering iron power: under 30W; soldering temperature: 295℃±5℃; soldering time: within 3sec.(only1time) ;b. Soldering temperature in solder machine: 250℃±10℃; soldering time: within 5sec.c. Soldering temperature during wave soldering process: 230℃±10℃, soldering time: within 5sec. 5.The LEDs should be soldered at the coordinated position on the PCB; the distance from soldering point to epoxy resin should be 3mm at least. If the 2nd soldering process required, 3mins must be left to ensure the high temperature status can return to room temperature. But the recommended soldering time is only 1time in principle.6.If solder the LEDs on one PCB by the soldering iron; do not solder the different lead frames of one LED, but solder in proper sequence; 7.Note of Electrical matter:① One-way conduction, LED does not allow the reverse driving;Jiangsu Wenrun Optoelectronic Co.,LTD Rev:1 Tel************** Fax :************* Page 7 of 7 ②a. LED is a kind of constant current component which can not be lighted by the constant voltage mode;a smaller voltage fluctuation can cause the large current fluctuation which causes the failure of LED; b. Each LED should be drove under constant current mode if in a parallel circuit design, otherwise, thecolour and brightness will be nonuniform;c. When the environmental temperature rising, the LED junction temperature will rise, internalresistance will decrease, so the current will be increased by the constant voltage power which short the life span;③ If the brightness of lighting source can meet the requirement, we recommend using the drivingcurrent less than the rated current, in order to improve the product’s reliability;8.LED is a kind of electrostatic sensitive devises, anti-static measures have to be processed during storage and operation:① LED production workshop should lay anti-static floor and ground connection, the work table haveto use the anti-static materials and cover a table mater with the surface resistance of 106-109Ω ② Production machine: REFLOW, SMT equipment, electric iron, test equipment; all the equipmentsmust be well grounded, and the grounding alternating current impedance should be less than 1.0Ω. A fan need to be installed on the equipments and production processes that easy to generate static electricity; the operators must wear anti-static clothing, shoes, wristband , and gloves, etc. in the process;③ LEDs must be contained in the anti-static box, and all the package material should be the anti-staticmaterials;9.The details electronic characters can refer to our product specification.◆Notes:1、Above specification may be changed without notice. We will reserve authority on material changefor above specification.2、When use this product, please observe the absolute maximum ratings and the instructions for thespecification sheets. We assume no responsibility for any damage resulting from using of the product which does not comply with the instructions included in the specification sheets.。

XBE-DN32A 16点DC输入模块说明书

XBE-DN32A 16点DC输入模块说明书

88DC Input specificationTransistor specificationWiring(XBE-DN32A)XBE-DN32ADC 6V or less / 1mA or less About 5.6AC 560Vrms / 3 Cycle (altitude 2000m)10or more by Megohmmeter 16 point / COM 0.360(When all inputs and outputs are on)Input On, LED On 1/3/5/10/20/70/100(set by CPU parameter) Default:3TVS Diode 1or less 1or less (Rated load, resistive load)32 point / COM 0.360mA (when all point On)DC12/24V 10% (ripple voltage 4 Vp-p or less)89SpecificationNames and FunctionsXBF-AD04AXBF-AD04CWiring 0~100001/16000(0~5V)-10000~10000(10V)APPLICSTION90SpecificationNames and Functions WiringXBF-DV04AXBF-DV04CXBF-DC04C911.25mV (DC 1~5V, 0~5V),2.5mV (DC 0~10V)5(DC 4~20mA, 0~20mA)SpecificationNames and FunctionsWiring XBF-AH04AAPPLICSTION92SpecificationWiring XBF-RD04ANames and Functions93SpecificationNames and Functions Wiring XBF-TC04SAPPLICSTION94-200.0 ~ 1300.00.0 ~ 500.0-200.0 ~ 1200.00.0 ~ 500.0-200.0 ~ 800100ppm/(0.01%/)Automatic compensation by RJC sensing2.0500ms/ 4 loopPID CONTROL, ON/OFF CONTROL20 minutes or above0.5 /min (30 /hour) or less16 point terminal (10 point terminal 1ea, 6 point terminal 1ea)Fixed: 64 points0.2% or less (25 , normal temperature,except -200~-100 for the T type)Insulation resistor: 500V DC, 10 M or aboveSpecificationXBF-TC04TT95-200.0 ~ 850.0 -200.0 ~ 600.0 0.2% or less (25 , normal temperature)100ppm/ (0.01%/ )500ms/ 4 loop PID CONTROL, ON/OFF CONTROL SpecificationXBF-TC04RT Insulation resistor: 500V DC, 10 M or aboveAPPLICSTION962 Channel (Insulation between Channels)5VDC 5%, (8 per 350load cell channel)Four-wire or Six-wire1/400000.0~6.00.125(when the rated output of the load cell is 0.0 ~ 1.0/ V)5V, DC 24Internal DC5V : 110External DC24V : 2805SpecificationXBF-LD02S0.01% or below (nonlinear accuracy, 25)Zero Drift: 0.25Gain Drift: 15ppm//DC500 V,10 M orabove Insulation Insulation Voltage Resistance(Internal Test Specifications)97APPLICSTIONSpecificationNames and Functions XBF-PD02ATerminal98Switching controlSpecificationXBF-PN08B-214748364.8~214748364.7()-21474.83648~21474.83647-214748364.8~214748364.7()-21474.83648~21474.83647-214748364.8~214748364.7()-21474.83648~21474.8364799APPLICSTIONNames and FunctionsTerminal100SpecificationXBF-HO02AXBF-HD02ANames and Functions101APPLICSTIONTerminal (XBF-HO02A)A+A-A+A-B+B-B+B-P 24VP 12VA phase differentiation input +A phase differentiation input -A phase differentiation input +A phase differentiation input -B phase differentiation input +B phase differentiation input -B phase differentiation input +B phase differentiation input -Terminal (XBF-HD02A)102Ethernet (XBL-EMTA)RAPIEnet (XBL-EIMT)XBL-C21AXBL-C41ARS-232C, RS-422 / 485103APPLICSTIONEthernet/IP (XBL-EIPT)Main unit scan 2 + Data receive time + Communication module scan XG5000 (setting station and high-speed link parameter block)Profibus-DP Module (XBL-PMEC, XBL-PSEA)104Thin Cable Terminal resistance ()125 kbps 250 kbpsCSMA/NBA Poll type Up to 64 (including master) MAC IDs (MAC Identifier)Insertion and removal of nod available in voltage On status Terminal resistance ()Master/Slave operation Data Processing unit XG5000 : High Speed Link Monitoring 110(5%), 1/2W Only available as Master Byte Rnet (XBL-RMEA)DeviceNet Module (XBL-DSEA)Trunk/drop line Power/Signal cable inside the identical network cable105APPLICSTIONCANopen Module (XBL-CMEA, XBL-CSEA)106Smart linkConnection cable Terminal board Option modules107APPLICSTION Program editing & Engineering software Windows-based easy operation Multi-PLC, Multi-programming support Various monitoring and diagnosis functions Convenient network settingExtended monitoring function for network system and communication modules Fast interface with CPU by effective network managementVarious built-in diagnosis, functions(CPU condition, Link conditon, Service condition, Frame monitoring)Trend monitor Special module monitor Ladder monitor Forced I/O Variable monitor Parameter setting Service conditionmonitoringNetwork scan Frame monitoring XGT PanelLink monitoringFast ethernetSmart I/O Other PLCOther netdevicsLS Inverter XG5000(Programming software)XG-PD (Network setting software)108Main SpecificationAluminum body frame, responsive touch screen.Easy-to-use Multi-touch, gesture, dual screen, portrait mode. Multi connected with 1Gbits 2ch. Ethernet between PC to PLC.Various interfaces : USB host /device, SD card, HDMI. High resolution : 1024 X 768IP66, UL type 4x, NEMA 4x standardsDate/Hour data, Logging/Alarm/Recipe data and nonvolatile device Approx. 3 years (Operating ambient temperature of 2577)109APPLICSTIONMain Specification1GHz 32bit RISC Embedded CPU 16,777,216 TFT color LCD128MB display data and1MB back-up memory Ethernet 1ch, RS-232C 2ch, RS-422/485 1ch USB host 3ch and device 1chSD memory card interfaceMain FunctionsPLC ladder monitoring (XGK/XBC PLC only)Web Server/Data Server Path through XP-Remote :Remote controlling and monitoringDate/Hour data, Logging/Alarm/Recipe data and nonvolatile device Approx. 3 years (Operating ambient temperature of 25)and USB memory driver is available)110Main SpecificationTFT LCD-applied wide typeLED Backlight adopted for enhanced contrast ratio and low-powerPLC Ladder monitoring function: Only XGK/XBC supports*Web Server* / Data Server* / Path-Through Function*Remote Viewer Function*Screen editor : XP-BuilderFunctions that support only the TTA modelDate/Hour data, Logging/Alarm/Recipe data and nonvolatile deviceApprox. 3 years (Operating ambient temperature of 50)Time error Approx. 3 sec/1day(Operating ambient temperature of 25)1 channel, USB 2.0 Host (mouse, keyboard, printer and USB memory driver is available)4.6W7.2W 6.5W10W12810232165.0132.536.1165.0132.536.1156.0123.5208.0154.044.4192.0138.0276.0218.044.4260.0202.01 channel, IEEE802.1a, 10Base-T/100Base-TX111APPLICSTIONGraphic type XP30/XP40/XP50/XP70/XP80/XP90High and vivid distinction with 65,536 colors High quality raster and vector symbolsVarious BMP JPG GIF graphic file support: BMP, JPG, GIF, WMF, etc Simple animation effects: animated GIF 10/100BASE-T Ethernet interface Convenient and easy screen editingStrengthened data management: Logging, Recipe, and Alarm Read function of a controller’s state information: Monitoring and maintenanceMulti-lingual display: up to 8 languagesOffline and concurrent simulation with XG5000 Easy to change the address of the graphic objects: Tag function with XGT PanelUSB host for peripheral devices: USB Drive, Mouse, keyboard, printer, etcSufficient memory for screen data: 10MB112Text type XP10Screen: 192 64 Graphic STN LCDSystem RAM: 1000 wordsFlash memory: Program/Parameter back upCommunication: Half-duplex comm.- Baud rate: 1200~115200 bps - Master/slave setting available- RS-232C/RS-485 2 CH separate to usePower reguirements - 24 V input or 5 V direct input by LS PLC Various function key - ESC, ALM, SET, ENT, F1~F4, Arrow keys Panel Editor - Easy programming and H/W settingKey to control PLC device and screen ESC key Alarm historyData input and Screen change PLC data setting Enter keyDC24V input terminalRS-232C port to download a project Brightness adjustment RS-422 port115,200bps12 Keys (F1~F4, ESC, ALM, ,113APPLICSTIONProduct list114Product list。


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Kit de tapón de llenado: tapón de llenado y O-ring
LRP-96-730 LRP-96-710
Dixon Valve & Coupling Co., Llame al 01-800-00-DIXON en México ó al 410-810-7585 en los Estados Unidos de América
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P 247
L30, L40 L30, L40, L50
Tazón metálico con purga manual Tazón plástico sin purga Tazón metálico con purga manual Tazón plástico con Guarda y purga manual Tazón metálico con mirilla y purga manual Tazón plástico, Guarda, purga manual Tazón plático sin purga Tazón metálico con mirilla, purga manual Tazón plástico, Guarda, purga manual Tazón metálico con mirilla y purga manual Tazón plástico sin purga Tazón metálico con mirilla, purga manual Tazón plástico, Guarda, purga manual Tazón metálico con mirilla y purga manual Tazón plástico sin purga



V I S U A L S I G N A L S1AC voltage frequency is 50/60 Hz2Calculated at operating power to 75% efficiency.NOTE: Mounting options notincluded (ordered separately)Edwards 116DEXMST-FJ and 116EXMST Series Xenon strobe beacons are explosionproof, signaling devices suitable for use in hazardous indoor or outdoor applications requiring NEMA Type 3R or 4X installations. The housing is cast aluminum with a corrosion resistance epoxy powder coat, and includes a dome guard. The fluted, high-impact glass dome provides even light distribution.The 116DEXMST-FJ Series is Diode Polarized for use in electrically supervised circuits. Both versions can be bracket, ceiling, pendant or stanchion mounted.Features and Specifications• Xenon strobe light source • Flash rate 65 fpm• High impact glass dome, dome guard included • Quick connect for easy assembly and installation• Diode Polarized for use in electrically supervised circuits (116DEXMST-FJ Series only)• Suitable for indoor and outdoor hazardous applications • B racket, ceiling, pendant or stanchion mountingoptions (ordered separately)• NEMA Type 3R and 4X enclosure • E xplosionproof: Class I, Div 2, Groups A and B, Class I, Div 1 and 2, Groups C and D; Class II and III, Div 1, Groups E, F and G; Class II andIII, Div 2, Groups F and G1Stanchion 116EX-SPendant 116EX-P3/4" Conduit EntryCeiling/Wall 116EX-C (4) 3/4" HubCeiling/Wall 116EX-C (4) 3/4" HubsWall BracketElbow 116EX-B116DEXSTM-FJ Series116EXMST-N5 Series*Letter in this position designates lens color: A - amber, B - blue, C - clear, G - green, M - magenta, or R - redV I S U A L S I G N A L S1Stanchion Mount116EX-Sdr_vs_explodeproof_wallMt_01.epsCeiling Mount 116EX-Cdr_vs_explodeproof_ceilingMt_01.eps6 3/4"4"Pendant Mount116EX-P。

TE-8600 紫外智能多参数水质 测定仪使用说明手册说明书

TE-8600 紫外智能多参数水质 测定仪使用说明手册说明书
1.1 性能参数 .......................................................................4 1.2 物理参数 .......................................................................4 1.3 环境及工作参数 .................................................................4 第二章 仪器简介 ........................................................................5 2.1 主机正视图 .....................................................................5 2.2 主机比色槽及开关部件 ...........................................................5 第三章 仪器安装 ........................................................................6 3.1 安装流程 .......................................................................6 3.2 开机流程 .......................................................................6 3.3 输入工具的使用 .................................................................7

VersaFlow Coriolis 6000选型指南说明书

VersaFlow Coriolis 6000选型指南说明书

Hazardous Area Approvals
Hygienic/Sanitary Approvals
None ATEX Ex ia (T1-T6) IEC Ex ia (T1-T6) cFMus Class 1 Div 1 (USA standards) cFMus (Canadian Standards) / Dual seal for liquids’ cFMus (Canadian Standards) / Dual seal for gases’ None NACE according to MRO175 / ISO 15156 and MRO103
SmartLine® VersaFlow Coriolis 6000
CM74 Size 25 Stainless Steel or Hastelloy C
Model Selection Guide
Issue 7
• Broad Range of Operating Temperatures
(Alu or SS mandatory for Cryogenic or High Temperature)
3 point mass flow calibration
5 point mass flow calibration
3 point volume flow calibration
5 point volume flow calibration
TWC 9400 Compact Mount (Not for High Temperature) TWC 9400 Field Mount Other
Requires a separate MSG# to be entered. Either

Trigonox L108P 甲醛乙醛氧化物 (Methyl ethyl ketone peroxi

Trigonox L108P 甲醛乙醛氧化物 (Methyl ethyl ketone peroxi

Product Data SheetTrigonox L108PMethyl ethyl ketone peroxide, in solvent mixtureMethyl ethyl ketone peroxide, in solvent mixture CAS number1338-23-4EINECS/ELINCS No. 215-661-2TSCA statuslisted on inventorySpecificationsAppearance Clear colorless liquidTotal active oxygen9.8-10.0 %CharacteristicsDensity, 20 °C 1.120 g/cm³Flashpoint37°C (Closed Cup) / ≥ 63°C (Open Cup) °CApplicationsTrigonox® L108P is general purpose methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (MEKP) for the curing of unsaturated polyester resins in the presence of a cobalt accelerator at room and elevated temperatures.The curing system Trigonox® L108P/cobalt accelerator is developed for general purpose GRP- and non GRP-applications such as the curing of laminating resins and castings. Practical experience throughout many years has proven that for marine applications a special MEKP with low water content and without polar compounds is demanded in order to prevent from osmosis and other problems. Butanox M-50 is the MEKP advised for this application.For room temperature application it is necessary to use Trigonox® L108P together with a cobalt accelerator (e.g. Accelerator NL-49PN).Thermal stabilityOrganic peroxides are thermally unstable substances, which may undergo self-accelerating decomposition. The lowest temperature at which self-accelerating decomposition of a substance in the original packaging may occur is the Self-Accelerating Decomposition Temperature (SADT). The SADT is determined on the basis of the Heat Accumulation Storage Test.SADT55°CMethod The Heat Accumulation Storage Test is a recognized test method for thedetermination of the SADT of organic peroxides (see Recommendations on theTransport of Dangerous Goods, Manual of Tests and Criteria - United Nations, NewYork and Geneva).StorageDue to the relatively unstable nature of organic peroxides a loss of quality can be detected over a period of time. To minimize the loss of quality, Nouryon recommends a maximum storage temperature (Ts max.) for each organic peroxide product.Ts Max.25°CTs Min.-10°CNote When stored under the recommended storage conditions, Trigonox® L108P willremain within the Nouryon specifications for a period of at least 3 months afterdelivery.Packaging and transportThe standard packaging is a 30 l HDPE can (Nourytainer®) for 20 kg peroxide solution.Both packaging and transport meet the international regulations. For the availability of other packed quantities contact your Nouryonrepresentative.Trigonox® L108P is classified as Organic peroxide type D; liquid; Division 5.2; UN 3105.Safety and handlingKeep containers tightly closed. Store and handle Trigonox® L108P in a dry well-ventilated place away from sources of heat or ignition and direct sunlight. Never weigh out in the storage room.Avoid contact with reducing agents (e.g. amines), acids, alkalis and heavy metal compounds (e.g. accelerators, driers and metal soaps). Please refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for further information on the safe storage, use and handling of Trigonox® L108P. This information should be thoroughly reviewed prior to acceptance of this product. The SDS is available at /sds-search.Major decomposition productsCarbon dioxide, Water, Acetic acid, Formic acid, Propanoic acid, Methyl ethyl ketoneAll information concerning this product and/or suggestions for handling and use contained herein are offered in good faith and are believed to be reliable.Nouryon, however, makes no warranty as to accuracy and/or sufficiency of such information and/or suggestions, as to the product's merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose, or that any suggested use will not infringe any patent. Nouryon does not accept any liability whatsoever arising out of the use of or reliance on this information, or out of the use or the performance of the product. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as granting or extending any license under any patent. Customer must determine for himself, by preliminary tests or otherwise, the suitability of this product for his purposes.The information contained herein supersedes all previously issued information on the subject matter covered. The customer may forward, distribute, and/or photocopy this document only if unaltered and complete, including all of its headers and footers, and should refrain from any unauthorized use. Don’t copythis document to a website.Trigonox®, Nourytainer and Butanox are registered trademarks of Nouryon Functional Chemicals B.V. or affiliates in one or more territories.Contact UsPolymer Specialties Americas************************Polymer Specialties Europe, Middle East, India and Africa*************************Polymer Specialties Asia Pacific************************2022-6-30© 2022Thermoset composites Trigonox L108P。



Anderson Instrument Co. Inc.156 Auriesville RoadFultonville, NY 120721-800-833-0081Fax 518-922-8997www.and InstructionManualInstrument Model Number ________________________Instrument Serial Number ____________________________Form Number AIC2032© June 2003 Rev: 2/13Model HC1 SeriesElectrodless Conductivity SensorsP AGE 2T able of ContentsSection 1 - General (3)1.1 MOUNTING (3)1.2 WETTED MATERIALS (3)1.3 OPERATING PRECAUTIONS ............................................................................3Section 2 - Specifications ......................................................................................3.............................3Section 3 - Location Requirements .......................................................3Section 4 - Sanitary Mounting ...............................................................4Section 5 - Sensor/ Interconnect Cable T Section 5 - Sensor/ Interconnect Cable Terminationermination ........................65.1 SENSOR CABLE DETAILS (6)5.2 CE TERMINA 5.2 CE TERMINATION PROCEDURE (FOR CE-TION PROCEDURE (FOR CE-TION PROCEDURE (FOR CE-ONL ONL ONLY APPLICA Y APPLICA Y APPLICATIONS) (7)TIONS) .............................75.3 STANDARD TERMINATION PROCEDURE (EXCEPT CE) (8)5.4 INTERCONNECT CABLE DETAILS........................................................................9Section 6 - T Section 6 - Troubleshooting roubleshooting . (10)6.1 CHECKING THE SENSOR ...............................................................................10Section 7 - Ordering Matrix ..................................................................10Section 8 - W Section 8 - Warranty and R arranty and R arranty and Return Statementeturn Statement .....................................11FIGURESFIGURE 4-1SANITARY MOUNTING DETAILS ....................................................5FIGURE 5-1STANDARD TERMINATION DETAILS STANDARD TERMINATION DETAILS (EXCEPT CE)................................7(EXCEPT CE)................................7FIGURE FIGURE 5-25-2CE TERMINA CE TERMINATION DET TION DET TION DETAILS (FOR CE-AILS (FOR CE-AILS (FOR CE-ONL ONL ONLY APPLICA Y APPLICA Y APPLICATIONS) .................8TIONS) .................8FIGURE 5-3INTERCONNECT CABLE / JUNCTION BOX TERMINATIONS . (9)P AGE 3 Section 1 - General1.1 MOUNTINGThe Model HC1-series electrodeless conductivity sensor measures the conductivity of solutions from 0-200 up to 0-2,000,000 microSiemens/cm.The sensor is constructed of 3A approved materials and has a sanitary 2" tri-clamp process connection. The sensor may be installed in a special 2" x 2" sanitary tee (available from Anderson), or in a standard 2 1/2" x 2", or 3" x 2" short outlet reducing tee.1.2 WETTED MATERIALSThe sensor is constructed of PVDF or PFA Teflon depending on option choice.1.3 OPERATING PRECAUTIONSAlways consider the temperature/pressure ratings of the mounting hardware used to install the sensor. The sensor and hardware combine to become an integrated system. The hardware material usually limits the system’s temperature/pressure rating. Refer to Section 2 for complete specifications.Section 2 - SpecificationsWetted Materials PVDF or PFA Teflon®Operating Temperature Range14 to 347°F (-10 to 175°C)Measuring Range From 0-200 to 0-2,000,000 microSiemens/cm Temperature Compensator Pt 1000 RTDSensor Cable: 5 conductor (plus two isolated shields) cable with Teflon-coated jacket; rated to 175°C (347°F); 20 ft. (6 m) long Pressure/Temperature Limits:200 psi at 347°F (13.8 bar at 175°C)*Ratings for above sensor are based upon water service. More severe service may require a correction factor.Teflon® is a registered DuPont Co. Trademark.Section 3 - Location RequirementsLocate the sensor as close as possible to the instrument. Depending on the instrument model and full-scale range, the maximum allowable distance between sensor and instrument varies (refer to instrument manual for distances).NOTE:When indirectly wiring the sensor to the instrument with interconnect cable and a junction box, use only an Anderson specified cable. When using a different cable, itmust have equivalent construction: five conductors and two separate isolated shields — one shielding the signal, and one shielding the overall cable. These specific cable characteristics protect the measurement signal from electromagnetic interference.Using a cable with different construction may interfere with the measuring system’sperformance.P AGE 4Section 4 - Sanitary MountingThe sanitary style sensor may be clamp-mounted for clean-in-place applications by using a sanitary clamp-type tee or ferrule and clamp.1.Install a 2-inch sanitary clamp-type tee or ferrule into the process line or vessel. NOTE:For a 2" line a special 2" x 2" tee is available from Anderson. Use of a 2" x 2"standard, or short-outlet tee will introduce calibration errors. Alternatively, thesensor may be mounted in a 2 1/2" x 2", or 3' x 2' short-outlet reducing tee.2.Connect the sensor cable wires to the instrument.•Direct ConnectionA)Route sensor cable into the instrument through a watertight fitting in a cable entryhole.B)Connect sensor wires to the instrument. Refer to the instrument operating manualfor details.•Indirect Connection with Junction Box (see Section 5.4 for details)C)Mount a junction box that has a terminal strip onto a flat surface. Make sure thejunction box cover can be removed after installation.3.Before installing the sensor into the process line or vessel, calibrate the measuringsystem with conductivity reference solution using the procedure in the instrumentoperating manual.4.After calibration, mount the sensor into the sanitary tee or ferrule:A.Properly seat the sanitary gasket onto the mating surface of the tee or ferrule.B.Carefully place the sensor into the tee or ferrule, making sure the gasket is inplace and contacting the bottom surface of the integral sensor flange.C.Rotate the HC1 sensor in th process line so that the arrow on the sensor housingis aligned with the direction of product flow.NOTE:If the sensor is not properly aligned with the product flow, calibration errors may result.D.Secure the sensor onto the tee or ferrule with a clamp.NOTE:If the sensor is installed in a temperature cycling process, the wing nut may need to be periodically re-tightened.CAUTION:STEAM STERILIZATION IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR CLEANING THEHC1 SANITARY STYLE ELECTRODELESS CONDUCTIVITY SENSOR.P AGE 5FIGURE 4-1 Sanitary Mounting Details 2.67”8.54”1.91”P AGE 6Section 5 - Sensor/Interconnect CableT erminationCAUTION:IF THE SENSOR OR INTERCONNECT CABLE IS NOT TERMINATEDEXACTLY AS DESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION, THE MEASURING SYSTEMWILL NOT OPERATE PROPERLY.5.1 SENSOR CABLE DETAILSDepending on how the sensor was ordered, its integral cable is terminated one of two ways:•Standard Termination: For all applications except those using instruments with the European Community “CE” label. The sensor cable is terminated with five coloredwires (red, green, yellow, white, and blue) and one shield wire (signal shield wire and cable shield wire are electrically common).•CE Termination: Available by special order for applications using instruments with the European Community “CE” label. The sensor cable is terminated with five colored wires (red, green, yellow, white, and blue), and two separate isolated shield wires(signal shield wire and cable shield wire is electrically isolated).In either case, the integral sensor cable may require shortening during installation. When doing this, refer to the appropriate subsection (5.2 or 5.3) for the procedure to re-terminate the sensor cable.P AGE 75.2 STANDARD TERMINATION PROCEDURE (FOR ALL APPLICATIONS EXCEPT CE)CAUTION:USE THIS STANDARD TERMINATION PROCEDURE TO TERMINATE THESENSOR OR INTERCONNECT CABLE UNLESS THE MEASURINGINSTRUMENT HAS THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY "CE" LABEL. IN THISCASE, USE THE CE TERMINATION PROCEDURE DESCRIBED IN SECTION5.3.P AGE 85.3 CE TERMINA5.3 CE TERMINATION PROCEDURE (FOR CE-TION PROCEDURE (FOR CE-TION PROCEDURE (FOR CE-ONLONLONLY APPLICAY APPLICAY APPLICATIONS)TIONS)CAUTION:USE THE FOLLOWING CE TERMINATION PROCECURE WHEN THEMEASURING INSRUMENT HAS THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY "CE"LABEL. IF THE INSTRUMENT IS NOT "CE CERTIFIED," USE THESTANDARD TERMINATION PROCEDURE DESCRIBED IN SECTION 5.21.Refer to Figure 5-2 and carefully strip back an appropriate length of the outer cablejacket and outer foil wrap. This exposes the signal shield wire, cable shield wire, andcellophane-wrapped wire bundle.2.Fold back the cable shield wire. Using shrink wrap or tape, equally cover the outercable jacket, and the exposed cable shield wire/cellophane-wrapped wire bundle. 3.Carefully clip back the cellophane wrap, inner foil wrap, and unused black wire up tothe end of the shrink wrap or tape applied in step 2. This exposes the signal shieldwire, and the five colored wires (red, green, yellow, white, and blue).4.Insulate the signal shield wire with shrink wrap or tape.5.Strip the insulation back 1/8 inch (3 mm) from each of the colored wires. Then tin eachstripped an ohmmeter or test light, verify that the signal shield wire is not shorted to thecable shield wire. If okay, shorten the cable shield wire to an appropriate length. If not, clip entire cable back to get a new unfinished end and start over at step shrink wrap or tape, equally overlap the existing shrink wrap or tape applied instep 2, and the five colored wires/signal shield wire. This secures and completes theterminated assembly.P AGE 95.4 INTERCONNECT CABLE DETAILSThe Anderson specified interconnect cable, which is the same cable as the integral sensor cable, is provided with unfinished ends since it often needs to be shortened during installation. Use the appropriate procedure in subsection 5.3 or 5.4 to terminate either cable.NOTE:Anderson Instrument Company strongly recommends using only its specified interconnect cable. If a different cable is used, it must have equivalent construction:five conductors, and two separate isolated shields — one shielding the signal, andone shielding the overall cable. These specific cable characteristics protect themeasurement signal from electromagnetic interference. Using a cable with differentconstruction may interfere with the measuring system’s ability to operate properly.If the application requires interconnect beyond the standard 20' length the use of a Interconnect Cable / Junction box is required to ensure a quality connection.1.Mount the junction box on a flat surface, within 20' of the electrodless conductivitysensor.2.Route the sensor and interconnect cable ends through the provided cord grips.3.Prepare the ends of the cable as described in Section 5.3 keeping the two shieldwires insulated from each other with shrink wrap or tape.4.Terminate the wires to the appropriate terminals according to wire color.5.Replace the junction box gasket and cover and tighten the cord grips to preventmoisture ingression.FIGURE 5-3Interconnect Cable / Junction Box TerminationsP AGE 10Section 6 - T roubleshooting6.1 CHECKING SENSOR OPERATIONDetermine whether the sensor or instrument is defective by using the troubleshooting section in the instrument operating manual. If the sensor is suspect, check it using this procedure:1.Disconnect the sensor from the instrument (or junction box if interconnect cable isused).3.With the sensor at a temperature between 23°C and 27°C, measure the resistancebetween the red and yellow wires with an ohmmeter. The reading should be between1090 and 1105 ohms.4.Measure the resistance between the white and blue wires. The reading should be lessthan 5 ohms. Now measure the resistance between the green and yellow wires. Thereading should also be less than 5 ohms.5.Place the ohmmeter to its highest range and measure the resistance between theshield and white wires. The reading should indicate infinity (open circuit).•If any one of the resistance checks in the previous steps is incorrect, the sensor is probably defective. Contact Anderson Instrument Company for details on arrang-ing a sensor replacement.•If the resistance checks are correct, the sensor may still be defective. In this case, more extensive troubleshooting is required. Please consult the Anderson Instru-ment Company at (800) 833-0081 for details.Section 7 - Ordering MatrixH C 10PROCESS CONNECTION0 2" Tri-Clamp®PRODUCT CONTACT0 PVDF1 PFA Teflon®WIRING STYLE1 Sealed cable (20 ft.)w/ Strain Relief2 Sealed cable (20 ft.)w/ male 1/2" NPT & Strain ReliefJUNCTION BOX*0 No junction box1 Thermoplastic surface mount junction boxINTERCONNECT CABLE LENGTH**00 No junction box05 25 ft. (additional cable)10 50 ft. (additional cable)15 75 ft. (additional cable)20 100 ft. (additional cable)25 125 ft. (additional cable)30 150 ft. (additional cable)P AGE 11 Section 8 - W arranty and R eturn StatementThese products are sold by The Anderson Instrument Company (Anderson) under the warranties set forth in the following paragraphs. Such warranties are extended only with respect to a purchase of these products, as new merchandise, directly from Anderson or from an Anderson distributor, representative or reseller, and are extended only to the first buyer thereof who purchases them other than for the purpose of resale.WarrantyThese products are warranted to be free from functional defects in materials and workmanship at the time the products leave the Anderson factory and to conform at that time to the specifications set forth in the relevant Anderson instruction manual or manuals, sheet or sheets, for such products for a period of one year.THERE ARE NO EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES WHICH EXTEND BEYOND THE WARRANTIES HEREIN AND ABOVE SET FORTH. ANDERSON MAKES NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCTS.LimitationsAnderson shall not be liable for any incidental damages, consequential damages, special damages, or any other damages, costs or expenses excepting only the cost or expense of repair or replacement as described above.Products must be installed and maintained in accordance with Anderson instructions. Users are responsible for the suitability of the products to their application. There is no warranty against damage resulting from corrosion, misapplication, improper specifications or other operating condition beyond our control. Claims against carriers for damage in transit must be filed by the buyer.This warranty is void if the purchaser uses non-factory approved replacement parts and supplies or if the purchaser attempts to repair the product themselves or through a third party without Anderson authorization.ReturnsAnderson’s sole and exclusive obligation and buyer’s sole and exclusive remedy under the above warranty is limited to repairing or replacing (at Anderson’s option), free of charge, the products which are reported in writing to Anderson at its main office indicated below. Anderson is to be advised of return requests during normal business hours and such returns are to include a statement of the observed deficiency. The buyer shall pre-pay shipping charges for products returned and Anderson or its representative shall pay for the return of the products to the buyer.Approved returns should be sent to:ANDERSON INSTRUMENT COMPANY INC.156 AURIESVILLE ROADFULTONVILLE, NY 12072 USAATT: REPAIR DEPARTMENT。

诺力昂 Trigonox V388 VR 过氧化甲乙酮说明书

诺力昂 Trigonox V388 VR 过氧化甲乙酮说明书

产品数据表Trigonox V388 VR过氧化甲乙酮溶于混合溶剂中Trigonox® V388 VR为通用型过氧化甲乙酮(MEKP),在钴促进剂存在时,于室温或升温条件下用于不饱和聚酯树脂的固化。

CAS 编号1338-23-4EINECS/ELINCS编号215-661-2TSCA 状态清单上列出的规格外观红色液体总活性氧9.7-10.0 %特性密度, 20 °C 1.120 g/cm³闪点37 (Closed Cup) / ≥ 63 (Open Cup) °C应用Trigonox® V388 VR为通用型过氧化甲乙酮(MEKP),在钴促进剂存在时,于室温或升温条件下用于不饱和聚酯树脂的固化。

Trigonox® V388 VR/钴促进剂固化系统特别适合于增强制品或非增强制品的生产,如层压树脂、浇铸树脂的固化。

在室温下,Trigonox® V388 VR要和钴促进剂(Accelerator™ NL-49PN)一起使用以获得理想的固化。




SADT55°C方法热累积储存试验是公认的用于测定有机过氧化物SADT的测试方法(见《关于危险货物运输的建议书·试验和标准手册》– 联合国,纽约和日内瓦)。



最高温度25°C注意在建议的条件下存储时,Trigonox® V388 VR会在交付后至少6个月内保持在诺力昂产品规格范围内。


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