汽车专业英语 0 Introduction

The modern automobiles are not only powerful and fast, but also energy-saving, safe and comfortable.
not only …but also…. 不仅…而且…
Generally speaking, the larger the engine capacity is ,the higher the engine power is.
Dimensions of a car(汽车的尺寸)
长度 宽度 高度 轴距
பைடு நூலகம்
Lesson 1 Introduction to Automobiles
Learning goals: 1.学到一些基本的汽车知识,例如,汽车类型,汽车性能,汽车结构等等。 2. 了解在驾驶过程中或工作当中的一些安全知识。 3.了解汽车维护保养的一些知识。 4.掌握一些交流的技巧。
世界上第一辆汽车是由德国人卡尔·本茨(1844~1929)于1885年10月研制成功的,一举奠定了汽 车设计基调,即使现在的汽车也跳不出这个框框。他于1886年1月29日向德国专利局申请汽车发明 的专利,同年的11月2日专利局正式批准发布。因此,1886年1月29日被公认为是世界汽车的诞生 日。
4.此句使用现在完成时,表示过去发生的动作或时间延续到现在,既涉及过去,又联系现在的一种 时态,常与表示一段时间的状语连用,eg:since, this week, so far, up to now, during the last two weeks。

Accommodation 适应性Aerodynamics 空气动力学Air Conditioner 空调Air Drag 风阻Air Suspension 空气悬挂Analysis 分析Anti Corrosion 防腐Anti Rust 防锈Ashtray 烟灰盒Assembly 装配Assistant’s seat 副驾驶座Attaching Parts 附件Azimuth 方位(角)(极坐标)Back Angle 靠背角Backrest 靠背Backup Lamp 倒车灯Binocular Obstruction 双眼盲区BIW (Body-In-White) 白车身Blower 风机Body 车身,车体Bolt 螺栓Bonneted Cab 凸头驾驶室Bracket 托架Breakdown 分块Bumper 保险杠Bushing 衬套Case 壳体Caution Plate 警告牌Centroid 重心Cigarette Lighter 点烟器Chassis 底盘Chassis Frame 车架Check Arm 限位器Clip 卡扣Cluster Meter 组合仪表盘Coat Hanger 衣帽架Coat Hook 衣帽钩Collar 套环Combination Switch 组合开关Comfort 舒适性Component 总成Concealed Wipers 隐藏式雨刮器Condenser 冷凝器Contour 轮廓线Controls 控制件Convex Mirror 凸面镜Coolant 冷却液Cooler 制冷器Crash 碰撞Cup Holder 水杯架Curtain 窗帘Curtain Rail 窗帘滑轨Curvilineal 曲线的Dash Board 前围内板Delivery of the Drawing 出图Displacement 位移Door Check 限位器Door Header Rail 车门顶轨Door Lock 车门锁Door Opening 门洞Door Outer Handle 车门外手柄Door Outer Panel 车门外板Door Panel 门护板Door Pocket 门袋Door Regulator 车门玻璃升降器Door Sash 车门窗框Door Striker 锁环Door Trim 车门护板Door Ventilator 三角窗Drip Rail 滴水凹槽顶轨Drive Configuration 驱动形式Dummy Plate 平衡板Dynamic 动态的Ellipsoid Surface 椭球面Emblem 商标Engine 发动机Engineering 工程Entrance Handrail 上车门扶手Entry & Exit 进出Ergonomics 人机工程学Eyellipse 眼椭圆Fatigue Analysis 疲劳分析FEM (Finite Element Method) 有限元Fender 翼子板Fender Protector 挡泥护板Fender Stay 挡泥撑条Fender Welt 挡泥衬板Field of View 视野Finish Washer 精加工垫圈Fire Fighting Truck 消防车Fixed 固定的Flange Bolt 凸缘螺栓Fleece 绒毛织物Floor Insulator 地板隔热层Fluid Reservoir 贮液罐Fog Lamp 雾灯Fore/aft 前后Forward Control 平头Frame 车架Front Overhang 前悬Front Panel 前挡板,前围外板Front Turn Signal Lamp 前转向灯Fuse & Relay Box 保险丝和继电器箱Garnish 装饰板Gauge 量表Glare-free 防眩目Glass Run Channel 玻璃滑槽Glazing Rubber Plate 镶玻璃用橡胶板Glove Box 杂物盒Gradeability 爬坡度Grille 格栅Grip 扶手Grommet 密封圈Ground Clearance 离地间隙Halogen Headlamp 卤素大灯Handle Cover 手柄罩Head Contour 头廓包络线Head Restraints 头枕Headlamp 前大灯Headliner 顶棚Headlining 顶棚内饰Headrest 头枕Heater 加热器Heater Plumbing 取暖装置管路Height Adjuster 高度调节器High-mount 高位Hinge 铰链Hinge Bracket 铰链托架Holder 支架Hood 发动机罩Hook 挂钩Hose 软管Impact 碰撞In-line 直列Ingress/egress 进出Inside Lock Knob 内锁止按钮Instrument Panel 仪表板Interior Trim 内饰Intermittent Wiper 间歇式刮水器Joint 接头Joint Duct 连接管道Kinematics 运动学Lateral 横向Lever 杆籁绅士Plate 牌照籁绅士Plate Bracket 牌号托架籁绅士Plate Lamp 车牌灯Lift-up Type 翻转式(前围外板)Linear 线性的Load 载荷Lock Cylinder & Key 锁芯和钥匙Longitudinal 长度方向的Loose Panel 可卸盖板Lower Apron 下挡板Lumbar Support 腰托Luxury Interior Level 豪华内饰Mud Guard 挡泥板Mud Shield 挡泥板(侧)Male-to-Female Ration 男女比例Manikin 人体模型Manoeuvrable 操纵灵活的Meeting Minutes 会议纪要Member 横梁Meter & Gauge 仪表盘Meter Cable 仪表电缆Meter Cluster 仪表束Meter Cover 仪表面罩Meter Face 仪表面Meter Hood 仪表罩Milling 铣Mirror Holder 后视镜支架Model 模型Moquette 绒面Mount 悬置Movable Part 运动件Mudguard 挡泥板Muffler 排气消声器Muscular Contour 强壮的外形(造型风格)))Non-linear 非线性的Nozzle 喷嘴Nut 螺母Operation Hardware 开闭、锁紧装置Optimization 优化Ornament 标识Outlet 出风口Overhead Console Box 高架箱Packing 衬垫Parking Brake Lever 驻车制动手柄Percentile 百分位Perimeter 周长、周边Pillar 立柱Pin 销Pivot Point 关节点Plain Washer 平垫圈Plan View 俯视图Plate & Label 名牌和标识Plate Nut 板螺母Pneumatic Spring 空气弹簧Pocket 凹槽Pocket Facing 凹槽镶面Power Steering 动力转向Presentation 展示Push Button 按钮Push-on Spring Nut 顶推弹簧螺母Quarter Panel 后顶盖侧板Quarter Window 侧车窗Radiator 散热器Raised Roof 高顶Rear Overhang 后悬Rear View Mirror 后视镜Rear Wall 后围Reclining 倾斜Reflector 反射板Regulation 法规Reinforcement 加强件Rendering 效果图Requirement 要求Resin 树脂Retainer 护圈Rigidity 刚度Rivet 铆钉Roof Console 高架箱Roof Hatch 天窗Roof Panel 车顶板Room Lamp 室内灯Root-Mean-Square 均方根Round Oval Instrumentation 环抱式仪表板Safety 安全性Screw 螺钉Screw Grommet 密封圈螺钉Scuff 压条(门槛处)Seat Bench 长排座Seat Support 座椅支架Seat Track 座椅导轨Self-Supporting 自承载式Service Parts 修理配件Set Screw 定位螺钉Shim 调整垫片Shin-Knee Contour 膝部包络线Shock Absorber 减振器Side View 侧视图Sight Line 视线Silencer 消声器Sill 横梁Simulation 模拟Sketch 草效果图Sleeper 卧铺Sleeping Bed 卧铺Sleeping Berth 卧铺Slide Adjuster 前后滑动调节器Snap Ring 开口环Snorkel 进气管Snowplow 除雪车Spacer 隔环Speedometer 车速仪Splash Apron 侧挡泥板Spot Welding 点焊Static 静态的Steering Column 转向柱Steering Column Adjuster 转向柱调整器Steering Gear 转向机构Steering Wheel 方向盘Step Plate 踏脚板Step Protector 脚踏板护板Stiffener 加强肋Stiffness 刚度Stop Lamp 制动灯Stopper 挡块Strain 应变Strength 强度Stress 应力Structure 结构Styling 造型Sun Visor 遮阳板Surfacing 线图Suspension 悬架Switch 开关Tachograph & Speedometer 自记式转速记和车速表Tachometer 发动机转速表Tail Lamp 尾灯Tapping Screw 自攻螺钉Template 模板Ticket/Card Holder 名片夹Tilt 翻转(驾驶室)Tipper 自卸车Tonnage 吨位Torsional Stiffness 扭转刚度Tread 轮距Trim 饰件Trim Panel 装饰板Turning Radius 转弯半径Upper Console 高架箱Variant 变形车Ventilation 通风Vertical 垂直方向的Vinyl 乙烯基Washer 垫圈Water Proof Film 防水层Weather Strip 密封条Wear-Resistant 防磨Windscreen 风窗Windshield 风窗Windshield Washer 挡风玻璃洗涤器Windshield Wiper 挡风玻璃刮水器Wiper 刮水器Wiper Arm 刮臂Wiper Blade 刮片Wiper Link Assembly 刮水器连杆组件Wiring Harness 线束07轮椅升降机Wheel chair lift图例legend工位station吊运装置overhead hoist更衣室restroom1号厂房工艺布置方案图proposal of the Plant I layout合笼mate底盘平移台chassis shuttle车辆转移台bus transfer前围角板front wall angle cover后围侧板rear wall side cover保险杠bumper三类底盘three type chassis左侧围应力蒙皮R/S stretching skin (road side)中涂floating coat拼装台collector切割轮口wheel -arch cutting内饰trim线束harness返工re-doing轮罩护板wheel house发车前准备pre-delivery举升hoist小批量产品be pilot2 套two kits配电站power transformer substation裙板skirt发动机托架engine holding frame诊断报警系统diagnosis and alarming system互换性interchangeability缩微图纸microfiche files总装final assembly磷化phosphating仪表板dash board切齐trimming结构完整性structure integrity自动愈合的防腐材料self-healing corrosion preventative material 长途客车inter-city bus改装厂refitting factory遮阳板sun visor随车工具tool box钢化玻璃toughened grass异形钢管special steel pipe全天候空调系统full range A/C强制通风ram-air ventilation停机时间downtime无公害柴油clean diesel宽敞悬臂式座椅roomy cantilevered seat防滑地板no-skid floor织物纹里铝合金textured aluminum extrution 爬坡能力grade ability排水阀drain valve除湿器moisture ejector怠速时at idle琴式驱动桥banjo type drive axle通风口duct恒温控制thermostatic control平衡水箱surge tank变光开关simmer switch消音器muffler防破坏vandal resistant聚碳化透镜poly-carbonate len镀锌板galvanized plate搭接lap亮丽的外表smart apperance隐藏式固定concealed fastening水洼ponding发动机中置式客车bus with under floor engine 组合式客车车身modular bus body薄壳式结构shell construction衬垫pad空气导流板air deflector搁梁shelf beam腰梁waist rail梭梁stabilizing beam腰带式安全带diagonal safety belt压条trim strip嵌条insertion strip翼板fender斜撑bracing piece转向盘回正性试验test of steering wheel returnability转向盘转角脉冲试验steering wheel impulse input test转向盘转角阶跃输入试验steering wheel step input or transient state yaw response test极限侧向加速度试验limiting lateral acceleration test汽车平顺性随机输入行驶试验automobile ride random input running test汽车平顺性单脉冲输入行驶试验automobile ride single pulse input running test汽车悬挂系统固有频率与阻尼比的测定试验measurement of natural frequency and damping raito of suspension 功率突然变化影响试验test of effect of sudden power change收油门后控制试验test of control at breakway横风稳定性试验test of crosswind stability反冲试验kick-back test轮胎爆破响应时间试验test of burst response of tyre绕过障碍物试验obstacle avoidance test移线试验lane change testJ型转弯试验test of J turn频率响应时间试验frequency response test瞬态响应时间试验transient response test阶路响应时间试验step response test脉冲响应试验pulse response test静态操舵力试验static steering effort test悬架举升试验jack-up test of suspension耐翻倾试验test of overturning immunity轮辋错动试验rim slip test风洞试验wind tunnel test制动稳定性试验test of braking stability最小转弯直径试验minimum turning diameter test操舵力试验steering effort test汽车发动机类型type发动机engine内燃机intenal combusiton engine动力机装置power unit汽油机gasoline engine汽油喷射式汽油机gasoline-injection engine火花点火式发动机spark ignition engine压燃式发动机compression ignition engine往复式内燃机reciprocating internal combustion engine 化油器式发动机carburetor engine柴油机diesel engine转子发动机rotary engine旋轮线转子发动机rotary trochoidal engine二冲程发动机two-stroke engine四冲程发动机four-stroke engine直接喷射式柴油机direct injection engine间接喷射式柴油机indirect injection engine增压式发动机supercharged engine风冷式发动机air-cooled engine油冷式发动机oil-cooled engine水冷式发动机water-cooled engine自然进气式发动机naturally aspirated engine煤气机gas engine液化石油气发动机liquified petroleum gas engine 柴油煤气机diesel gas engine多种燃料发动机multifuel engine石油发动机hydrocarbon engine双燃料发动机duel fuel engine热球式发动机hot bulb engine多气缸发动机multiple cylinder engine对置活塞发动机opposed piston engine对置气缸式发动机opposed-cylinder engine十字头型发动机cross head engine直列式发动机in-line engine星型发动机radial engine筒状活塞发动机trunk-piston engine斯特林发动机stirling engine套阀式发动机knight engine气孔扫气式发动机port-scavenged engine倾斜式发动机slant engine前置式发动机front-engine后置式发动机rear-engine中置式发动机central engine左侧发动机left-hand engine右侧发动机right-hand engine短冲程发动机oversquare engine长冲程发动机undersquare engine等径程发动机square engine顶置凸轮轴发动机overhead camshaft engine双顶置凸轮轴发动机dual overhead camshaft engine V形发动机V-engine顶置气门发动机valve in-head engine侧置气门发动机side valve engine无气门发动机valveless engine多气门发动机multi-valve engine卧式发动机horizontal engine斜置式发动机inclined engine立式发动机vertical engineW形发动机I形发动机I-engineL形发动机L-engineF形发动机F-engine性能performance二冲程循环two-stroke cycle四冲程循环four-stroke cycle狄塞尔循环diesel cycle奥托循环otto cycle混合循环mixed cycle定容循环constant volume cycle 工作循环working cycle等压循环constant pressure cycle 理想循环ideal cycle热力循环thermodynamic cycle 冲程stroke活塞行程piston stroke长行程long stroke上行程up stroke下行程down stroke进气行程intake stroke充气行程charging strokecompression stroke爆炸行程explosion stroke膨胀行程expansion stroke动力行程power stroke排气行程exhaust stroke膨胀换气行程expansion-exchange stroke换气压缩行程exchange-compression stroke止点dead center上止点top dead center(upper dead center)下止点lower dead center(bottom dead center) 上止点前budc(before upper dead center)上止点后atdc(after top dead cetner)下止点前bbdc(before bottom dead center)下止点后abdc(after bottom dead center)缸径cylinder bore缸径与行程bore and stroke空气室energy chamber气缸余隙容积cylinder clearance volume燃烧室容积combustion chamber volume气缸最大容积maximum cylinder volume压缩室compression chamber排气量displacement发动机排量engine displacement活塞排量piston swept volume气缸容量cylinder capacity单室容量single-chamber capacity容积法volumetry压缩比compression ratio临界压缩比critical compression ratio膨胀比expansion ratio面容比surface to volume ratio行程缸径比stroke-bore ratio混合比mixture ratio压缩压力compression pressure制动平均有效压力brake mean effective pressure(bmep) 空燃比air fuel ratio燃空比fuel air ratio燃料当量比fuel equivalence ratio扭矩torque单缸功率power per cylinder升功率power per liter升扭矩torque per liter升质量mass per liter减额功率derating power输出马力shaft horsepower马力小时,马力时horsepower-hour总马力gross horse power总功率gross power净功率net power燃油消耗量fuel consumption比燃料消耗率specific fuel consumption 空气消耗率air consumption机油消耗量oil consumption有效马力net horse power额定马力rated horse power马力重量系数horsepower-weight factor 制动功率brake horse power制动热效率brake thermal efficiency总效率overall efficiency排烟极限功率smoke limiting horsepower 功率曲线power curve机械损失mechanical loss机械效率mechanical efficiency有效热效率effective thermal efficiency 充气系数volumetric efficiency过量空气系数coefficient of excess air适应性系数adaptive coefficient扭矩适应性系数coefficient of torque adaptibility转速适应性系数speed adaptive coefficient强化系数coefficient of intensification校正系数correction factor换算系数conversion factor活塞平均速度mean piston speed发动机转速engine speed (rotational frequency) 怠速转速idling speed经济转速economic speed起动转速starting speed最低稳定工作转速lowest continuous speed with load 最大扭矩转速speed at maximum torque最高空转转速maximum no load governed speed 调速speed governing超速overspeed怠速idling转速波动率speed fluctuation rate工况working condition(operating mode) 额定工况declared working condition变工况variable working condition 稳定工况steady working condition 空载no-load全负荷full load超负荷overload部分负荷part load充量(进气)charge旋转方向direction of rotation顺时针clockwise逆时针counter-clockwise左转left-hand rotation右转right-hand rotation外径major diameter中径pitch diameter内径minor diameter径向间隙radial clearance发动机性能engine performance加载性能loading performance起动性能starting performance加速性能acceleration performance 动力性能power performance排放性能emission performance空转特性no load characteristics负荷特性part throttle characteristics调速特性governor control characteristics万有特性mapping characteristics稳定调速率steady state speed governing rate气缸体和气缸盖cylinder block and head气缸体cylinder block整体铸造cast inblock (cast enblock)发动机罩engine bonnet气缸体加强筋engine block stiffening rib气缸cylinder(转子机)缸体stator07 reock frameadhanism casingacer环ad ring gasketad gasketer(cylinder sleeve)r linerer lineretplugallrtte bottum转子机)radius转子机)widthn chamberustion chamber combustion chamberrustion chamber室mbustion chamber室combustion chamber室cal combustion chamberction combustion chamberon chambertion combustion chamberustion chamberay chamber烧室mberhamber比io of combustion cahmber比ume ratio of combustion chamberof combustion chamber passage 口breather座earing bush seat罩rive(gear)cover孔盖door门explosion proof doorng caphanism coververair receiver塞iston塞tonpistonistond piston(convex head piston) ead pistonpistonn塞c piston塞earance piston活塞piston活塞ed piston活塞oled pistononedd衬簧expander裙tkbossbushing销g piston pin销g piston pin活塞销piston pin环piston ringpiston ringiston ringngne ringr ringringcontrol ring载双坡口油环loaded slotted oil control ring elled oil control ringvel topvel bottom环ge oil control ring ngted piston ringexpandergrooveland面g构rod杆机构ated connecting rod 杆机构ecting rod杆机构necting rodrodrod small endg rod big endrod shankecting rodade connecting rod ecting rode connecting rod connecting rod rod caprod bearingcrankshaftcrankshaftcrankshaftrankshaft曲轴ankshaftfront endmain journalal overlapng承thrust bearing earing shelloil passageeuseelalancereightvibration damperanceralanceralancersprocketalhaft通风装置nkcase ventilating system ng gearindle矩oment of inertiaarksystemshaft length性力ng inertia force,1st order 性力ng inertia force, 2nd order inertia force轴camshaft轴camshaft机构rive轴haftearing journalearing轮ccentricprocket齿轮ming gearear wheel):swm45100 FanE『翻译中国』2004-5-27 14:07:30 te gear(counter gear)aft gearaft轴on imput shaft轴on output shaft齿轮轴on drive gear shafton main shaft轴on countershaft刚度shaft(变速比)on gear ratiorepressure力odulator pressureressureor or trimmer pressurere(input pump )置充油压力mic unit change pressure(output pump )il pumpegulator vavle阀gulator valve旁通阀bypass valvealvelvee生器n generatortor(shift torwer)veve控制阀ntrol valve锁止ockup换档系统utomatic control system 换档系统-hydraulic automatiec换档shfititshfithiftiftte shiftresisulepower shift程automatic shift automatic shft lementergear shift lever) )变速杆ctork (gear shift fork)杆ar shift forkpedal叉道轨)ge(direct control)速ft (handle change)ontrole07空档位置neutral position直接驱动direct drive高速档top gear(high gear)低速档bottom gear(low speed gear)第一档first gear第二档second gear超速档overdirve gear经济档economic gear倒档reverse gear爬行档creeper gear驱动特性drive performance反拖特性coast performance定输入扭矩特性constant input torque performance全油门特性full throttle performance寄生损失特性no load (parasitic losses)performance 原始特性primary characteristic响应特性response characteristic吸收特性absorption characteristic全特性total external characteristic输入特性characteristic of enhance输出特性characteristic of exit力矩特性torque factor(coefficient of moment) 过载系数overloading ratio变矩系数torque ratio能容系数capacity factorr几何相似geometry similarity运动相似kinematic similarity动力相似dynamic similarity透穿性transparency万向节和传动轴universal joint and drive shaft万向节universal joint非等速万向节nonconstant velocity universal joint 等速万向节constant velocity universal joint准等速万向节near constant velocity universal joint 自承式万向节self-supporting universal joint非自承式万各节non self suporting universal joint 回转直径swing diameter等速平面constant velocity plane万向节夹角true joint angle十字轴式万向节cardan (hookes)universal joint 万向节叉yoke突缘叉flange york滑动叉slip yoke滑动节,伸缩节slip joint花键轴叉slip shaft yoke轴管叉(焊接叉)tube(weld yoke)十字轴cross(spider)十字轴总成cross assembly挠性元件总成flexible universal joint球销式万向节flexible member assembly双柱槽壳housing球环ball球头轴ball head球头钉button中心球和座centering ball and seat球笼式万向节rzeppa universal joint钟形壳outer race星型套inner race保持架cage可轴向移动的球笼式万向节plunging constant velocity joint筒形壳cylinder outer race柱形滚道星形套inner race withcylinder ball grooves 偏心保持架non-concentric cage滚动花键球笼式万向节ball spline rzeppa universal joint外壳outer housing内壳体inner housing球叉式万向节weiss universal joint球叉ball yoke定心钢球centering ball三球销万向节tripod universal joint三柱槽壳housing三销架spider双联万向节double cardan universal joint凸块式万向节tracta universal joint凸块叉fork yoke榫槽凸块tongue and groove couplijng凹槽凸块groove coupling传动轴drive shaft(propeller shaft)传动轴系drive line传动轴形式drive shaft type两万向节滑动的传动轴two -joint inboard slip ddiveshaft 两万向节外侧滑动传动轴two joint ouboard slip drive shaft 单万向节传动轴single joint coupling shaft组合式传动轴unitized drive shaft传动轴减振器drive shaft absorber传动轴中间轴承drive shaft center bearing传动轴管焊接合件weld drive shaft tube assembly传动轴特征长度drive shaft length传动轴谐振噪声resonant noise of rive shaft传动轴的临界转速critical speed of drive shaft传动轴总成的平衡balance of drive shaft assembly允许滑动量slip相位角phase angle传动轴安全圈drive shaft safety strap驱动桥drive axle(driving axle)类型type断开式驱动桥divided axle非独立悬架式驱动桥rigid dirve axle独立悬架式驱动桥independent suspension drive axlesteering drive axle贯通式驱动桥tandem axles“三速”贯通轴"three-speed" tandem axles单驱动桥single drive axle多桥驱动multiaxle drive减速器reducer主减速器final drive单级主减速器single reduction final drive双级主减速器double reduction final drive前置式双级主减速器front mounted double reduction final drive后置式双级主减速器rear mounted double reduction final drive上置式双级主减速器top mounted double reducton final drive行星齿轮式双级主减速器planetary double reduction final drive贯通式主减速器thru-drive双速主减速器two speed final drive行星齿轮式双速主减速器two speed planetary final drive双级双速主减速器two speed double reduction final drive轮边减速器wheel reductor(hub reductro)行星圆柱齿轮式轮边减速器planetary wheel reductor行星锥齿轮式轮边减速器differential geared wheel reductor(bevelepicyclick hub reductor) 外啮合圆柱齿轮式轮边减速器spur geared wheel reductor差速器锥齿轮式差速器bevel gear differential圆柱齿轮式差速器spur gear differential防滑式差速器limited -slip differential磨擦片式自锁差速器multi-disc self -locking differential凸轮滑滑块自锁差速器self-locking differential with side ring and radial cam plate 自动离合式自锁差速器automotive positive locking differential强制锁止式差速器locking differential液压差速器hydraulic differential轴间差速器interaxial differential差速器壳differential carrieer(case)主降速齿轮final reduction gear驱动轴减速比axle ratio总减速比total reduction ratio主降速齿轮减速比final reduction gear ratio双减速齿轮double reduction gear差速器主齿轮轴differential pinion-shaft差速器侧齿轮differential side gear行星齿轮spider gear(planetary pinion)螺旋锥齿轮spiral bevel gear双曲面齿轮hypoid gear格里林齿制gleason tooth奥林康型齿制oerlikon tooth锥齿轮齿数number of teeth in bevel gears and hypoid gears锥齿轮齿宽face width of tooth in bevel gears and hypoid gears 平面锥齿轮plane bevel gear奥克托齿形octoid form平顶锥齿轮contrate gear齿面接触区circular tooth contact齿侧间隙backlash in circular tooth差速器十字轴differential spider差速器锁止机构differential locking -device差速器锁止系数differential locking factor差速器壳轴承carrier bearing桥壳axle housing整体式桥壳banjo housing可分式桥壳trumpet-type axle housing组合式桥壳unitized carrier-type axle housing对分式桥壳split housing冲压焊接桥壳press-welding axle housing钢管扩张桥壳expanded tube axle housing锻压焊接桥壳forge welding axle housing整体铸造式桥壳cast rigid axle housing半轴axle shaft全浮式半轴full-floating axle shaft半浮式半轴semi-floating axle shaft四分之三浮式半轴three-quarter floating axle shaft 驱动桥最大附着扭矩slip torque驱动桥额定桥荷能力rating axle capactiy驱动桥减速比driveaxle ratio驱动桥质量drive axle mass单铰接式摆动轴single-joint swing axle双铰接式摆动轴double joint swig axle悬架系suspension system悬架suspension类型type非独立悬架rigid axle suspension独立悬架independent suspension平衡悬架equalizing type of suspension组合式悬架combination suspension可变刚度悬架。

汽车专业英语演讲稿范文Ladies and Gentlemen, Today, I am honored to have the opportunity to speak to you about the automotive industry, a field that has been my passion and my career for many years. The automotive industry is one of the most dynamic and exciting sectors in the world, constantly evolving and innovating to meet the demands of consumers and regulations. In my speech, I will discuss the latest trends and developments in the automotive industry and explore the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.First and foremost, the automotive industry is undergoing a significant transformation with the rise of electric vehicles (EVs). With the increasing concern over climate change and environmental impact, there is a growing demandfor cleaner and more sustainable transportation options. As a result, major automakers are investing heavily in thedevelopment of electric and hybrid vehicles, with a focus on improving battery technology, range, and charging infrastructure. This shift towards electrification presents a great opportunity for the industry to reduce its carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.In addition to electrification, the automotive industryis also experiencing rapid advancements in autonomous driving technology. Self-driving cars have the potential to revolutionize transportation by enhancing safety, reducing congestion, and improving accessibility for people with disabilities. However, the widespread adoption of autonomous vehicles also presents significant challenges, including regulatory hurdles, cybersecurity concerns, and ethical considerations. As automakers and tech companies continue to push the boundaries of autonomous driving, it is crucial to address these complex issues and ensure the safe integration of self-driving cars into our transportation ecosystem.Furthermore, the automotive industry is embracing digitalization and connectivity to enhance the driving experience and improve vehicle performance. Modern cars are equipped with a wide array of sensors, cameras, and connectivity features that enable advanced driver-assistance systems, real-time vehicle diagnostics, and seamless integration with smartphones and other smart devices. As the automotive industry becomes increasingly interconnected, there is a growing need for robust cybersecurity measures to protect against potential cyber threats and ensure the safety and privacy of vehicle occupants.Moreover, the automotive industry is also witnessing a shift towards new mobility solutions, such as ride-sharing, car-sharing, and subscription-based services. These innovative business models are reshaping the way people access and use transportation, providing more flexibility and convenience than traditional ownership models. As the demand for mobility solutions continues to grow, automakers areexploring new partnerships and collaborations with tech companies and transportation providers to deliver seamless and sustainable mobility experiences for consumers.In conclusion, the automotive industry is at a critical juncture, facing both unprecedented challenges and exciting opportunities. With the rise of electric vehicles, autonomous driving technology, digitalization, and new mobility solutions, the industry is undergoing a profound transformation that will shape the future of transportation. As we navigate this rapidly evolving landscape, it is essential for industry stakeholders to collaborate, innovate, and adapt to ensure the continued success and sustainability of the automotive industry. Together, we can drive towards a safer, cleaner, and more connected future for mobility.Thank you.End of speech.。

汽车行业英语自我介绍Hello everyone,My name is [Your Name], and I am delighted to have the opportunity to introduce myself to you in the realm of the automotive industry. I am passionate about cars, and my entire professional journey has revolved around this fascinating and dynamic sector.My journey with automobiles began at a young age, when I was fascinated by the sleek designs and powerful engines of the cars that passed by our house. As I grew older, my interest only intensified, and I started delving deeperinto the intricacies of automotive technology. This led me to pursue a degree in automotive engineering, where I honed my skills in areas like vehicle design, engine performance, and electronics systems.During my academic years, I gained valuable hands-on experience through various internships and projects. One of my most memorable experiences was working at a renowned automotive manufacturing company, where I was involved in the design and testing of a new line of electric vehicles.This experience gave me a firsthand understanding of the challenges and rewards of working in the automotive industry.After graduating, I joined a leading automotive research and development firm as an engineer. Here, I was responsible for developing innovative solutions to enhance the performance and efficiency of vehicles. My work involved collaborating with cross-functional teams, conducting rigorous testing, and analyzing data to identify areas for improvement.Over the years, I have gained expertise in various aspects of automotive engineering, including powertrain design, emission control, and vehicle safety. I have also developed a strong understanding of the latest trends and advancements in the industry, such as the rise of autonomous vehicles and the increasing focus on sustainability.Apart from my professional achievements, I also pride myself on my ability to communicate effectively with diverse stakeholders. I have excellent interpersonal skills and am adept at explaining complex technical concepts in asimple and understandable manner. This has been crucial in my role as an engineer, where I often need to liaise with non-technical team members and clients.In addition, I am a continuous learner and am always eager to explore new technologies and methodologies. I believe that the automotive industry is constantly evolving, and it is crucial to stay updated with the latest developments to remain competitive. To this end, Iregularly participate in industry conferences, workshops, and training programs to broaden my knowledge and skills.In conclusion, I am a passionate and dedicated automotive engineer with a strong background in vehicle design, development, and testing. I am confident that my skills and experience will contribute significantly to any automotive project or team that I am part of. I am excited about the future of the automotive industry and am eager to contribute to its growth and success.Thank you for taking the time to listen to my introduction. I am looking forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications and how I can contribute to your team or organization in more detail.(Note: The above introduction is a mock example based on the provided requirements. It should be tailored to reflect the specific experiences, qualifications, and aspirations of the individual introducing themselves in the automotive industry.)。

面向“十三五”职业教育国家规划教材 汽车专业英语
Part Ⅲ Reading Passage Two Structure of the Automobile An automobile is composed of four sections: the engine, chassis, body, and electrical system.
Part ⅠWarming up The Development of the Car
本茨于1886年1月29日向 德国专利局申请发明汽车专 利申请,11月被批准,专利证 书编号为DRP37435 ,因此1886年 1月29日被公认为是世界汽车 诞生日。
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面向“十三五”职业教育国家规划教材 汽车专业英语
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面向“十三五”职业教育国家规划教材 汽车专业英语
Part ⅠWarming up The Development of the Car
Ford Model T (The first vehicle produced by assembly line)
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面向“十三五”职业教育国家规划教材 汽车专业英语
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面向“十三五”职业教育国家规划教材 汽车专业英语
Part Ⅲ Reading Passage One BMW Logo History
In fact the emblem developed from the round Rapp Motorenwerke Company logo, from which the BMW company grew, combined with the white and blue colors of the flag of Bavaria to produce the BMW logo. However, the origin of the logo is in dispute.
汽车专业英语 pdf

汽车专业英语 pdfThe automotive industry is a vast and ever-evolving field that encompasses the design, manufacture, and maintenance of vehicles. As the industry continues to grow and become more technologically advanced, the need for specialized knowledge and communication skills in the automotive field has become increasingly important. One crucial aspect of this is the understanding and mastery of automotive English, which is the focus of this essay.Automotive English refers to the specific vocabulary, terminology, and language used in the automotive industry. This includes terms related to vehicle components, systems, and technologies, as well as the processes and procedures involved in the design, production, and repair of vehicles. Proficiency in automotive English is essential for a wide range of professionals working in the industry, from engineers and technicians to sales and customer service personnel.One of the primary reasons for the importance of automotive English is the global nature of the automotive industry. Vehicles are manufactured, sold, and serviced around the world, and the industryrelies on effective communication and collaboration across international borders. Automotive English serves as a common language that allows professionals from different countries and backgrounds to effectively communicate and share information.Another key reason for the significance of automotive English is the rapid technological advancements in the industry. As vehicles become more complex and incorporate advanced features and technologies, the language used to describe and discuss these developments has become increasingly specialized and technical. Mastering automotive English is essential for staying up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the industry.In addition to the technical language, automotive English also encompasses a range of other communication skills that are essential for professionals in the industry. This includes the ability to effectively present technical information to non-technical audiences, such as customers or management, as well as the ability to write clear and concise technical reports and documentation.One of the primary ways that professionals in the automotive industry can develop their proficiency in automotive English is through the use of specialized educational resources, such as textbooks, online courses, and industry-specific training programs. These resources provide a comprehensive overview of theterminology, concepts, and communication skills that are essential for success in the automotive field.For example, many automotive engineering programs at universities and technical schools offer courses that focus specifically on automotive English, covering topics such as vehicle systems, repair procedures, and technical writing. These courses often include hands-on activities and simulations that allow students to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios.In addition to formal educational programs, there are also a variety of other resources available for professionals looking to improve their automotive English skills. This includes industry-specific publications, such as trade magazines and technical journals, as well as online forums and discussion groups where automotive professionals can share knowledge and best practices.One particularly useful resource for developing proficiency in automotive English is the use of automotive English PDF documents. These documents, which are widely available online, provide a comprehensive overview of the terminology, concepts, and communication skills that are essential for success in the automotive industry. They often include detailed explanations of key terms and concepts, as well as exercises and practice activities to help reinforce the material.Overall, the importance of automotive English cannot be overstated. As the automotive industry continues to evolve and become more globally interconnected, the ability to effectively communicate in the specialized language of the field has become a critical skill for professionals at all levels. Whether you are an engineer, technician, or sales representative, mastering automotive English can open up a world of opportunities and help you to excel in your chosen career.。

《汽车专业英语》教学教案一、教学目标1. 知识目标:(1)掌握汽车行业常见的专业术语和表达方式。
2. 能力目标:(1)能够熟练运用汽车专业英语进行交流和表达。
3. 情感目标:(1)激发学生对汽车专业的兴趣和热情。
二、教学内容1. 单元一:汽车行业概述(1)汽车发展历史(2)汽车行业现状与未来发展趋势(3)汽车相关术语介绍2. 单元二:汽车发动机(1)发动机类型及工作原理(2)发动机部件及其功能(3)发动机技术发展动态3. 单元三:汽车电器与电子技术(1)汽车电器系统概述(2)汽车电子控制系统(3)新能源汽车电器与电子技术4. 单元四:汽车制动系统(1)制动系统类型及工作原理(2)制动器结构与性能(3)制动系统故障诊断与维修5. 单元五:汽车body and pnt(1)车身结构与材料(2)汽车涂装技术(3)车身修复与涂装工艺三、教学方法1. 讲授法:讲解汽车专业英语的基本知识和术语,阐述重点难点。
2. 案例分析法:分析具体汽车案例,培养学生解决实际问题的能力。
3. 小组讨论法:分组讨论,提高学生的团队协作能力和跨文化交际能力。
4. 情景模拟法:模拟汽车行业工作场景,进行角色扮演,提高学生的实际操作能力。
四、教学评价1. 平时成绩:课堂参与度、作业完成情况、小组讨论表现等。
2. 期中测试:汽车专业英语知识测试,检验学生学习效果。
4. 综合评价:结合学生课堂表现、测试成绩和论文质量,进行全面评价。
五、教学资源1. 教材:《汽车专业英语》教材及相关辅助材料。
2. 多媒体教学设备:投影仪、计算机、网络等。
3. 实践教学基地:汽车实验室、维修车间等。
4. 参考文献:汽车专业英文文献、技术手册、期刊杂志等。

汽车专业英语教程教案第一章:汽车行业概述1.1 教学目标了解汽车行业的发展历程掌握汽车行业的主要术语和概念能够阅读和理解关于汽车行业的英文资料1.2 教学内容汽车行业的历史和发展趋势汽车行业的组织结构和主要企业汽车行业的术语和概念1.3 教学方法讲授和讨论相结合英文资料的阅读和理解词汇练习和翻译练习1.4 教学资源汽车行业的历史和发展趋势的PPT汽车行业的组织结构和主要企业的PPT 汽车行业的术语和概念的PPT相关英文资料和阅读材料1.5 教学评估课堂参与度和讨论表现阅读和理解能力的评估第二章:汽车构造2.1 教学目标了解汽车的各个组成部分及其功能掌握汽车构造的相关术语和概念能够阅读和理解关于汽车构造的英文资料2.2 教学内容汽车的主要组成部分及其功能汽车构造的相关术语和概念汽车的分类和特点2.3 教学方法讲授和示范相结合实物展示和观察英文资料的阅读和理解词汇练习和翻译练习2.4 教学资源汽车构造的PPT实物汽车模型或图片相关英文资料和阅读材料2.5 教学评估课堂参与度和示范观察表现阅读和理解能力的评估第三章:汽车发动机3.1 教学目标了解汽车发动机的结构和工作原理掌握汽车发动机的相关术语和概念能够阅读和理解关于汽车发动机的英文资料3.2 教学内容汽车发动机的结构和工作原理汽车发动机的分类和特点汽车发动机的相关术语和概念3.3 教学方法讲授和示范相结合实物展示和观察英文资料的阅读和理解词汇练习和翻译练习3.4 教学资源汽车发动机的PPT实物汽车发动机模型或图片相关英文资料和阅读材料3.5 教学评估课堂参与度和示范观察表现阅读和理解能力的评估第四章:汽车电器系统4.1 教学目标了解汽车电器系统的基本组成和功能掌握汽车电器系统的相关术语和概念能够阅读和理解关于汽车电器系统的英文资料4.2 教学内容汽车电器系统的基本组成和功能汽车电器系统的分类和特点汽车电器系统的相关术语和概念4.3 教学方法讲授和示范相结合实物展示和观察英文资料的阅读和理解词汇练习和翻译练习4.4 教学资源汽车电器系统的PPT实物汽车电器系统模型或图片相关英文资料和阅读材料4.5 教学评估课堂参与度和示范观察表现阅读和理解能力的评估第五章:汽车维修与保养5.1 教学目标了解汽车维修与保养的基本知识和技能掌握汽车维修与保养的相关术语和概念能够阅读和理解关于汽车维修与保养的英文资料5.2 教学内容汽车维修与保养的基本知识和技能汽车维修与保养的流程和注意事项汽车维修与保养的相关术语和概念5.3 教学方法讲授和示范相结合实物展示和操作演示英文资料的阅读和理解词汇练习和翻译练习5.4 教学资源汽车维修与保养的PPT实物汽车维修工具和设备相关英文资料和阅读材料5.5 教学评估课堂参与度和操作演示表现阅读和理解能力的评估第六章:汽车诊断与检测6.1 教学目标理解汽车诊断与检测的基本原理和方法掌握汽车诊断与检测的相关术语和设备能够阅读和理解关于汽车诊断与检测的英文资料6.2 教学内容汽车诊断与检测的基本原理和方法汽车诊断与检测设备的介绍和操作汽车诊断与检测的相关术语和概念6.3 教学方法讲授和示范相结合实物展示和操作演示英文资料的阅读和理解词汇练习和翻译练习6.4 教学资源汽车诊断与检测的PPT汽车诊断与检测设备实物或模型相关英文资料和阅读材料6.5 教学评估课堂参与度和操作演示表现阅读和理解能力的评估第七章:新能源汽车技术7.1 教学目标了解新能源汽车的类型和特点掌握新能源汽车相关技术的原理和应用能够阅读和理解关于新能源汽车技术的英文资料7.2 教学内容新能源汽车的类型和特点新能源汽车相关技术(如电动机、电池、充电设施等)的原理和应用新能源汽车的技术发展趋势7.3 教学方法讲授和示范相结合实物展示和观察英文资料的阅读和理解词汇练习和翻译练习7.4 教学资源新能源汽车技术的PPT实物新能源汽车模型或图片相关英文资料和阅读材料7.5 教学评估课堂参与度和示范观察表现阅读和理解能力的评估第八章:汽车安全与环保8.1 教学目标理解汽车安全与环保的重要性掌握汽车安全与环保的相关技术和标准能够阅读和理解关于汽车安全与环保的英文资料8.2 教学内容汽车安全与环保的重要性汽车安全与环保的相关技术和标准(如安全气囊、防抱死制动系统、排放控制等)汽车安全与环保的未来发展趋势8.3 教学方法讲授和示范相结合实物展示和观察英文资料的阅读和理解词汇练习和翻译练习8.4 教学资源汽车安全与环保的PPT实物汽车安全设备模型或图片相关英文资料和阅读材料8.5 教学评估课堂参与度和示范观察表现阅读和理解能力的评估第九章:汽车销售与服务9.1 教学目标理解汽车销售与服务的基本流程和策略掌握汽车销售与服务相关的沟通技巧和客户关系管理能够阅读和理解关于汽车销售与服务的英文资料9.2 教学内容汽车销售与服务的基本流程和策略汽车销售与服务相关的沟通技巧和客户关系管理汽车销售与服务的未来发展趋势9.3 教学方法讲授和示范相结合角色扮演和模拟情景英文资料的阅读和理解词汇练习和翻译练习9.4 教学资源汽车销售与服务的PPT角色扮演和模拟情景的道具或模拟软件相关英文资料和阅读材料9.5 教学评估课堂参与度和角色扮演表现阅读和理解能力的评估第十章:汽车文化与发展10.1 教学目标了解汽车文化的历史和影响掌握汽车设计的艺术和趋势能够阅读和理解关于汽车文化与发展的英文资料10.2 教学内容汽车文化的历史和影响汽车设计的艺术和趋势汽车行业的社会和经济影响10.3 教学方法讲授和示范相结合实物展示和观察英文资料的阅读和理解词汇练习和翻译练习10.4 教学资源汽车文化的PPT汽车设计艺术作品的展示或图片相关英文资料和阅读材料10.5 教学评估课堂参与度和实物展示观察表现阅读和理解能力的评估词汇练习和翻译练习的评估重点和难点解析教案编辑中需要重点关注的环节包括:1. 教学目标:明确每个章节的教学目标,确保学生能够掌握必要的知识和技能。

1、车辆 vehicle2、底盘 chassis['ʃæsɪ]3、货车truck4、微型货车mini truck5、轻型货车light truck6、中型货车medium truck6、重型货车heavy duty truck7、越野汽车off-road truck8、自卸汽车dump truck9、专用汽车special purpose vehicle10、客车passenger car11、车长vehicle length12、车宽vehicle width13、车高vehicle height14、轴距wheel base15、轮距tread16、前悬front overhang17、后悬rear overhang18、柴油机diesel19、汽油机gasoline fueled engine20、活塞piston21、喷油嘴nozzle22、火花塞spark23、曲轴crank shaft24、分电器distributor25、发电机alternator26、飞轮壳flywheel housing27、起动机starter28、散热器radiator29、凸轮轴camshaft 30、进气门Intake valve31、排气门exhaust valve32、气缸盖cylinder head33、水泵water pump34、风扇皮带轮fan pulley35、活塞环piston ring36、机油泵oil pump37、离合器clutch38、离合器操纵机构clutch operation39、飞轮flywheel40、从动盘磨擦衬片clutch plate lining driven plate lining (GB)41、离合器盖clutch cover (GB)42、压盘pressure plate43、分离杆release lever44、分离套筒release sleeve45、从动盘clutch plate46、分离弹簧release spring47、分离轴承release thrust bearing48、离合器踏板clutch pedal pad49、分离推杆release rod (operating rod)50、分离推杆叉push-rod fork51、分离套筒总成sleeve assembly52、分离叉withdrawal fork (operating fork)53、分离叉球头支座operating fork ball-end54、分离叉回位弹簧operating fork return spring55、离合器操纵机构主缸clutch release master cylinder56、变速器transmission57、万向节universal joint58、万向节叉yoke59、突缘叉flange yoke60、十字轴总成cross assembly61、传动轴drive shaft62、中间支承shaft support63、油箱tank64、滤清器filter65、汽油滤清器gasoline filter66、油箱盖fuel tank cap67、后桥rear axle68、主减速器reduction finaldrive69、差速器differential70、桥壳axle housing71、半轴axle shaft72、驾驶室cab73、双排座驾驶室crew cab74、带卧铺驾驶室sleeper cab75、连接板connecting panel76、盖lid77、罩cover78、支架support(bracket . brace)79、骨架member(rail beam)80、密封条weatherstrip81、衬垫pad(packing .gasket)82、装饰件trimming(finisher. molding)83、纵梁side rail(side member)84、横梁cross rail85、轮罩wheel housing86、挡泥板mudguard87、风窗玻璃windshield glass88、侧窗玻璃side window glass89、门窗玻璃door window glass90、后窗玻璃rear window glass91、仪表板instrument panel(facia)92、杂物箱glove box93、翻转机构tilting mechanical hardware94、门铰链hinge95、玻璃升降器window regulator96、后视镜rear view mirror97、刮水器wiper98、风窗洗涤器washer99、遮阳板sun visor100、空调装置air conditioner(air conditioning equipment) 101、暖风装置heater102、扶手hahdrail(hand grill. banisters) 103、拉手assist grip(handle)104、安全带seat belt105、标牌label106、纵梁main sill107、横梁cross sill108、货箱栏板gate109、边板side gate110、缓冲垫cushion rubber111、车轮wheel112、轮胎tyre113、轮辋rim114、排气消声器silencer115、凸缘flange116、排气管outtake117、钢板弹簧leaf spring118、减振器shock absorber119、吊耳shackle120、钢板弹簧衬套leaf spring bushing 121、钢板弹簧销leaf spring pin122、U型螺栓U bolt123、橡胶衬套rubber bushing124、缓冲块buffer stopper125、驻车制动系parking braking system126、气压制动系air braking system127、液压制动系hydraulic braking system128、制动器brake129、制动管路braking line131、真空泵vacuum pump132、真空筒vacuum tank133、空压机air compressor134、储气筒air storange reservoir135、单向阀single check valve136、制动踏板braking pedal137、踏板护套pedal pad138、回位弹簧return spring139、制动主缸brake master cylinder140、真空助力器vacuum booster141、真空增压器vacum mintensifier142、制动鼓brake drum143、制动底板brake bottom plate144、制动衬片friction lining145、制动蹄brake shoe146、转向万向节steering universal joint147、转向传动轴steering inner articulated148、转向管柱steering column149、转向盘steering wheel150、摇臂轴pitman arm shaft151、转向螺母steering nut152、动力转向器power steering gear153、转向摇臂pitman arm154、转向直拉杆steering drag link155、球头销ball stud156、球头座ball cup157、转向节臂steering (knuckle) arm158、横拉杆tie rod英语口语第一课.Greetings 问候语11.How is Amy ? 爱米好吗?12.How is your wife 你妻子好吗?13.How is your husband?你丈夫好吗?14.She is very well, thank you.她很好,谢谢。

汽车专业介绍名片英语作文Title: Introduction to Automotive Engineering: A Professional Insight。
As the automotive industry continues to evolve with advancements in technology and design, the role of automotive engineers becomes increasingly pivotal. Automotive engineering encompasses a wide range of disciplines, from mechanical and electrical engineering to materials science and computer programming. In this essay, we will explore the diverse facets of automotive engineering and its significance in shaping the future of transportation.1. Introduction to Automotive Engineering:Automotive engineering involves the design, development, manufacturing, and maintenance of vehicles, including cars, trucks, motorcycles, and even electric scooters. It combines principles of mechanical engineeringwith elements of electrical engineering, focusing on propulsion systems, vehicle dynamics, safety features, and overall performance optimization.2. Core Disciplines:a. Mechanical Engineering: Fundamental to automotive engineering, mechanical engineers design and analyze the structural components of vehicles, such as chassis, suspension systems, and engines. They ensure durability, efficiency, and safety in all mechanical aspects.b. Electrical Engineering: With the integration of electronics in modern vehicles, electrical engineers play a crucial role in developing electrical systems, including wiring, sensors, control units, and infotainment systems. They also work on emerging technologies like autonomous driving and electric propulsion.c. Materials Science: Automotive engineers study the properties of various materials, such as metals, polymers, and composites, to enhance vehicle performance andefficiency while reducing weight and environmental impact.d. Computer Science: The advent of computer-aided design (CAD), simulation software, and artificial intelligence has revolutionized automotive engineering. Computer scientists develop algorithms for vehicle control, optimize energy management systems, and pioneer innovations like connected vehicles and cybersecurity solutions.3. Career Opportunities:Automotive engineering offers diverse career pathsin research, design, manufacturing, and testing. Graduates can work for automobile manufacturers, suppliers, engineering firms, government agencies, or research institutions. Common job titles include automotive engineer, design engineer, research and development (R&D) engineer, quality assurance engineer, and project manager.4. Industry Trends and Innovations:a. Electric Vehicles (EVs): With growingenvironmental concerns and advancements in battery technology, electric vehicles are gaining popularity. Automotive engineers are at the forefront of developing EV platforms, charging infrastructure, and battery management systems.b. Autonomous Driving: Self-driving cars represent the future of mobility, promising safer and more efficient transportation. Automotive engineers are working on sensor fusion, machine learning algorithms, and vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication to enable fully autonomous vehicles.c. Connected Vehicles: Connectivity features enhance driver experience and enable real-time data exchange between vehicles and infrastructure. Automotive engineers integrate sensors, GPS, and wireless communication technologies to enable features like navigation assistance, predictive maintenance, and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication.d. Advanced Safety Systems: Automotive engineerscontinually improve vehicle safety through innovations such as adaptive cruise control, lane-keeping assistance, emergency braking systems, and advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS).5. Conclusion:Automotive engineering is a dynamic and multidisciplinary field that drives innovation in transportation. From conventional gasoline-powered vehicles to cutting-edge electric and autonomous vehicles, automotive engineers play a pivotal role in shaping the future of mobility. As technology continues to evolve, the demand for skilled automotive engineers will remain high, offering exciting career opportunities and the chance to make a significant impact on the world.In conclusion, automotive engineering is a fascinating field that blends creativity, innovation, and technical expertise. Whether you're passionate about designing sleek vehicles, optimizing engine performance, or pioneering the next generation of autonomous cars, a career in automotiveengineering offers endless possibilities for exploration and growth.。

汽车专业英文作文Title: The Evolution of Automobile Engineering。
Introduction:In recent decades, the automotive industry has undergone profound transformations, driven by technological advancements and changing consumer demands. This essay explores the evolution of automobile engineering, tracing its development from early innovations to the latest trends shaping the future of transportation.Historical Milestones:The journey of automobile engineering can be traced back to the late 19th century when pioneers like Karl Benz and Henry Ford introduced the world to the first gasoline-powered vehicles. These early automobiles represented a breakthrough in transportation, offering an alternative to traditional horse-drawn carriages.As the automotive industry matured, engineers focused on enhancing performance, reliability, and safety. Innovations such as the introduction of the assembly line by Ford revolutionized mass production, making cars more affordable and accessible to the general public. Meanwhile, advancements in engine technology led to increased power and efficiency, paving the way for faster and more fuel-efficient vehicles.The Rise of Electric Vehicles:In recent years, the automotive landscape has been reshaped by the emergence of electric vehicles (EVs). With growing concerns over climate change and air pollution, automakers are increasingly investing in electric propulsion as a cleaner alternative to internal combustion engines.Electric vehicles leverage cutting-edge battery technology to store and deliver energy, offering zero-emission transportation solutions. Engineers arecontinuously improving battery efficiency and charging infrastructure to overcome range limitations and accelerate the adoption of EVs.Moreover, the integration of smart technologies and connectivity has transformed the driving experience. Electric vehicles often come equipped with advanced features such as autonomous driving capabilities,predictive maintenance, and seamless integration with mobile devices, enhancing convenience and safety fordrivers and passengers alike.Autonomous Driving and AI:One of the most transformative trends in automobile engineering is the development of autonomous driving technologies. Leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and sensor technologies, autonomous vehicles have the potential to revolutionize transportation by eliminating the need for human intervention.Engineers are tackling complex challenges related toperception, decision-making, and vehicle-to-vehicle communication to ensure the safety and reliability of autonomous systems. Real-world testing and simulation play a crucial role in validating these technologies and preparing them for widespread deployment.The Future of Mobility:Looking ahead, the future of automobile engineering is characterized by ongoing innovation and adaptation to evolving societal needs. Concepts such as shared mobility, ride-hailing services, and urban air mobility are reshaping the way people perceive and interact with transportation.Engineers are exploring novel propulsion systems, including hydrogen fuel cells and biofuels, to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and mitigate environmental impact. Additionally, advances in materials science are enabling the development of lightweight and sustainable vehicle components, further improving efficiency and performance.Conclusion:In conclusion, automobile engineering has evolved significantly since its inception, driven by technological innovation, regulatory changes, and shifting consumer preferences. From the early days of gasoline-powered vehicles to the rise of electric and autonomous transportation, engineers continue to push the boundaries of what is possible, shaping the future of mobility for generations to come.。

《汽车专业英语》教学教案一、教学目标1. 知识目标:(1)掌握汽车行业常见英语术语和表达方式。
2. 能力目标:(1)提高学生听说读写汽车专业英语的能力。
3. 情感目标:激发学生对汽车专业英语的兴趣,培养学生的专业素养和职业意识。
二、教学内容1. 汽车行业基本术语及表达方式。
2. 汽车构造与原理的英文描述。
3. 汽车零部件的英文名称和功能。
4. 汽车制造与维修过程中的英语交流。
5. 汽车行业英语文献阅读与写作。
三、教学方法1. 讲授法:讲解汽车专业英语的基本术语、表达方式和阅读技巧。
2. 案例分析法:分析汽车专业英语文献,提高学生的阅读理解能力。
3. 情景模拟法:模拟汽车制造、维修等实际工作场景,进行英语口语交流训练。
4. 小组讨论法:分组讨论汽车专业话题,提高学生的团队合作能力和英语口头表达能力。
四、教学资源1. 教材:《汽车专业英语》。
2. 辅助材料:汽车专业英语文献、图片、视频等。
3. 网络资源:汽车专业英语网站、论坛、新闻等。
五、教学评价1. 平时成绩:课堂参与度、作业完成情况、小组讨论表现等。
2. 期中测试:英语阅读理解、翻译和写作能力。
3. 期末考试:综合考察学生的汽车专业英语知识、能力和情感目标达成情况。
六、教学计划1. 课时安排:共计32课时,每课时45分钟。
2. 教学进度安排:(1)第1-8课时:学习汽车行业基本术语及表达方式。
七、教学活动1. 课堂讲解:教师讲解汽车专业英语的基本术语、表达方式和阅读技巧。

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Subcompacts have three, four or five doors and are designed to seat four passengers comfortably.
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Current subcompact hatchbacks are approximately 3900 mm long.
maneuvering [mə'nu:vəriŋ] n. 操纵
Page 12
However, due to their shorter wheelbase (distance from center of front wheel to center of rear wheel) and their lighter weight, subcompacts give a somewhat firmer ride, which some people prefer.
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UNIT 1 Introduction to Cars
Page 2
Passage A
Kinds of Cars
Page 3
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Cars of today have developed into many different body styles befitting their varied uses.
揭背式 sedan [si'dæn] n. (美)轿车 hardtop [hB:dtCp] n. 有金属顶盖的汽车 pickup ['pikʌp] n. 皮卡,小卡车 station wagon 小旅行车,旅行轿车

led by an electric motor powered by rechargeable battery packs.The Battery Electric Vehicle,for short BEV,
cal machinery control technology development,must be replaced by direct current the electric motor (BCEM),the switch magnetic resistance electric
internal combustion engine automobile
of the electric automobile works only produces the waste gas,have not the exhaust pollution . It is extremely
beneficial to protect the environmental and the air , so it has Laudatory of “ Zero-pollution ” . Electric motors
Environmentally friendly.EVs emit no tailpipe pollutants , al-
though the power plant producing the electricity may emit them.Electricity from nuclea- , hydro- , solar- , or wind-powered plants causes no air pollutants.

一、汽车基础知识1. Engine(发动机): The heart of the vehicle that converts fuel into mechanical energy.2. Transmission(变速箱): A system that transfers power from the engine to the wheels.3. Suspension(悬架): System of springs, shock absorbers, and linkages that connects a vehicle to its wheels.4. Chassis(底盘): The internal framework of a vehicle which supports the body and other components.二、汽车零部件1. Brake pads(制动片): Friction materials used to stop a vehicle by applying pressure to the brake rotors.2. Radiator(散热器): A device that cools the engine by transferring heat away from the coolant.3. Fuel pump(燃油泵): Component that pumps fuel from the tank to the engine.4. Alternator(发电机): Device that generates power to recharge the battery and supply electrical components.三、汽车维修与保养1. Oil change(换油): Process of draining old engine oil and replacing it with fresh oil.2. Tire rotation(轮胎换位): Moving tires to different positions on a vehicle to ensure even wear.3. Spark plug replacement(火花塞更换): Installing new spark plugs to maintain engine performance.4. Coolant flush(冷却液更换): Removing old coolant and replacing it to prevent overheating.四、购买汽车常用术语1. MSRP(Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price): The price recommended by the manufacturer for a vehicle.2. Down payment(首付): Initial payment made when purchasing a vehicle to reduce the loan amount.3. APR(Annual Percentage Rate): The interest rate on a loan over a year.4. Trade-in value(以旧换新价值): The amount credited for a vehicle when trading it in for a new one.五、汽车行业发展趋势1. Electric vehicles(电动汽车): Cars powered by electricity rather than traditional fuels.2. Autonomous driving(自动驾驶): Vehicles equipped with technology to navigate without human input.3. Connected cars(互联汽车): Vehicles with internet connectivity to enhance safety and convenience.4. Mobility as a Service (MaaS)(出行服务): Providing transportation solutions through apps and platforms.通过学习这些汽车专业英语,你将更好地了解汽车行业以及相关知识。
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ØType of sedan
– Notchback sedan
• A notchback sedan is a three-box sedan, where the passenger volume is clearly distinct from the trunk volume of the vehicle . The roof is on one plane, generally parallel to the ground, the rear window at a sharp angle to the roof, and the trunk lid is also parallel to the ground. Historically, this has been a popular and arguably the most traditional form of passenger vehicle.
all way in。
• 为关闭油门,应将踏板推到底。
– A four-stroke engine cycle consists of intake stroke, compression stroke, power stroke and exhaust stroke. • 四冲程发动机包含了进气、压缩、做功和排气等四 个冲程。
1926 Ford station wagon
1940 Pontiac woodie
Ø 商用车 Commercial car
– 客车 bus – Single-deckers // double-deckers – Articulated buses – Low-floor buses
– 小型客车 minibus
– Hatchback sedan 舱盖式
• Hatchback (a.k.a. liftback) sedans typically1941 Plymouth fastback sedan have the fastback profile, but instead of a trunk lid, the entire back of the vehicle lifts up (using a liftgate or hatch).
– English for Science and Technology – 把英语和具体专业知识结合起来,用英语来说
– 英语 – 专业知识
• 汽车构造(含发动机)、内燃机原理、汽车理论
Ø 关注的焦点不同
1. 词汇:专业词汇的英文表达
• Notchback / fastback / hatchback
– Coupe // off-road – Station wagon
Ø Commercial car
– Bus // city-bus – Coach – Goods vehicle / truck / lorry – Trailer // tractor
Ø 乘用车
– 轿车
凹背式/斜背式/仓背式 三厢 两厢 box
– 小型车 // 越野 – 旅行车
Ø 商用车
– 客车 // 公共汽车 – 长途客车 – 货车/ 卡车 – 挂车 / 牵引车
• a car with a back that extends approximately horizontally from the bottom
2. 翻译
– 英翻汉 – 汉翻英 – 科技文章中英文写作方式的差别
• 英文中大量使用被动语态、祈使句、修饰词很多 • 翻译时应该注意中文的流畅
pEvery year, many cars are made in this factory.
pThe speed of a car is controlled by the engine transmission, the tire and the road surface.
• 8 and 30 seats
Ford Transit Toyata Coaster
– 城市客车 city-bus/transit bus/commuter bus/public bus: used for short-distance public transport purposes
– Coach: used to refer to a large motor vehicle for
Ø 乘用车 Passenger car
– 普通乘用车(轿车)
• Saloon :英 // Sedan:美
– 活顶乘用车:convertible saloon – 高级乘用车:驾驶室和座椅可隔开
• pullman saloon 卧铺车
– 小型乘用车:双门 coupe – 仓背乘用车(两厢):hatchback – 越野:off-road
– 货车 goods vehicle truck // lorry used for carrying goods and materials.
Ø牵引车//挂车 towing tractor/tractor // trailer
– Trailer: an unpowered vehicle pulled by a
The tolerance should not be so big. 此公差不应给这么大。(机械学) The importance of computer in the use of manufacturing can not be overestimated. 计算机在制造业应用上的重要性怎么估计也不会过高。 Heat-treatment is used to normalize, to soften or to harden steels. 热处理可用来对钢正火、退火或淬火。
– Two-door sedan (coupe)
• Beetle
Chevrolet Malibu
Ø Cross country vehicle 越野车 Ø SUV = Sports Utility Vehicle
Ø MPV=Multi Purpose Vehicle 多用途车 Ø RV = Recreation Vehicle 休闲车 Ø Racing car 赛车 Ø 皮卡:pick-up truck 轻型卡车
– Fastback sedan 斜背式
• A fastback sedan is a two-box sedan, with continuous slope from the roof to the base of the decklid, but excludes the hatchback feature.
Mechanical Engineering English
专业英语与基础英语的不同: 1. 掌握专业词汇是学好专业英语的基础,专业词汇的
含义和上下文有关,因此查阅专业书籍的Index并参照 课文确定词意是学习和掌握专业词汇的有效方法。 2. 英语科技文章在结构上也具有很多自身的特点,如 长句多,被动语态多,大量的名词化结构等,这都给对 英文原文的理解和翻译带来了基础英语中很难解决的困 难。
Mechanical Engineering English
3. 专业英语对听说读写译的侧重点不同,其主要要求 在于“读”和“译”,也就是通过大量的阅读对外文资 料进行正确的理解和翻译,在读和译的基础上,对听、 说、写进行必要的训练。
4. 专业外文资料由于涉及科技内容而往往极为复杂难 以理解,加之这类文章的篇幅通常很长,所以只有经过 一定的专业外语训练,才能完成从基础英语到专业英语 的过渡,达到英语学以致用的最终目的。
汽车专业英语 Specialty English for Automobile
《汽车工程专业英语》 李俊玲 罗永革 机械工业出版社 ¥23.00 重大书店
– 3-4, 6-11周:星期一5,6节 A5310 – 3-4, 6-11周:星期四3,4节 A5202
to provide easy access for loading
– 特定词 robot/engine/mechanics – 外来词 science/technology/acoustic – 词缀 Bio-sensor – 合成 information highway – 简化 CAD/CAE/FEA/CD/DVD
Finite element analysis computational fluid dynamics Compact disk/ digital video disk
– to look for work 找工作 – to convert heat to work 将热能转换为功
– The clutch plate is round.(形容词) – The wheel turns round the axle.(介词) – To close the throttle the pedal should be pushed
pWater could be used to cool the engine.
– 翻译的标准
• 信:忠实传达原文的意思 • 达:通顺流畅 • 雅:译文有文采
Ø 翻译的过程
– 理解原文
• 语境:涉及的知识内容 • 语法 • 词汇意思 • 专业的角度
– 初步的汉语表达:逻辑性、规范性 – 订正:通顺、文采
powered vehicle
– Semi-trailer: a trailer without a front axle. A