

远程教育学习指南 本科 地质大学期机考题库及答案

远程教育学习指南  本科  地质大学期机考题库及答案

[2018年秋季]姓名学号学习中心专业年级考试时间远程教育学习指南(专升本)综合测试1总分:100分得分:0分一、问答题1. 远程教育有哪些显著特征?(10分)参考答案:远程教育充分利用现代网络技术,其显著特征是:任何人、任何时间、任何地点、从任何章节开始、学习任何课程。


解题思路:2. 如何报名参加学习中心所在省份的学位外语考试?(10分)参考答案:在学习中心所在省份报名时间截止前1个月向学习中心申报,由学习中心统一于报名截止前2个星期向学院提交申请,由学院统一办理。

解题思路:3. 完成选课后,出现在学课程与别的同学或与执行计划安排不一致的情况是什么原因?(10分)参考答案:按学院规定不及格课程必须重修,因此选课系统会自动将学生已修但未及格课程选上,受每学期修课门数不超过8门的限制,未选上的课程会自动往下学期顺延。

解题思路:4. 中国地质大学(武汉)开展远程教育的基本情况是什么?(10分)参考答案:中国地质大学(武汉)是教育部直属211工程重点大学。



解题思路:5. 什么是远程教育?(10分)参考答案:学校远程教育是对教师和学生在时空上相对分离,学生自学为主、教师助学为辅,教与学的行为通过各种教育技术和媒体资源实现联系、交互和整合的各类学校或教育机构组织的教育的总称。



中国地质大学远程与继续教育学院计算机应用基础(专升本)阶段性作业演示教学中国地质大学远程与继续教育学院计算机应用基础(专升本)阶段性作业1单选题1. 在Windows中,可以用"回收站"恢复的文件是被删除的________ (4分)(A) 软盘文件(B) 硬盘文件(C) 光盘文件(D) 可移动磁盘文件您的回答:B正确2. 在文件系统的树形目录结构中,从根目录到任何数据文件,其通路有_____ 。

(4分)(A) 二条(B) 唯一的一条(C) 三条(D) 多于三条您的回答:B正确3. 在进行Windows操作过程中,能将当前活动窗口中的信息复制到剪贴板中,应同时按下的组合键是_____ 。

(4分)(A) Alt + Print Screen(B) Ctrl + Print Screen(C) Esc + Print Screen(D) Shift + Print Screen您的回答:A正确4. 与人脑相比,计算机对信息进行处理时所不具有的特点是_________ 。

(4分)(A) 处理信息的速度快(B) 处理信息的准确度高(C) 记忆能力(D) 创造力您的回答:D正确5. 在Windows的资源管理器中,要创建文件夹,应先打开的是_________ 。

(4分)(A) “文件”菜单(B) “编辑”菜单(C) “查看”菜单(D) “插入”菜单您的回答:A正确6. 如果11+1=100,这说明使用的是_______ 。

(4分)(A) 十六进制数(B) 十进制数(C) 二进制数(D) 八进制数您的回答:C正确7. ASCII码可以表示的字符个数是______ 。

(4分)(A) 256(B) 255(C) 128(D) 127您的回答:B正确8. 冯诺依曼结构计算机的五大基本构件包括运算器、存储器、输入设备、输出设备和______ (4分)(A) 显示器(B) 控制器(C) 硬盘存储器(D) 鼠标器您的回答:B正确9. 在Windows中,打开一个窗口后,通常在其顶部是一个________ (4分)(A) 标题栏(B) 任务栏(C) 状态栏(D) 工具栏您的回答:A正确。



中国地质大学地质学基础(专升本)阶段性作业4单选题1. 震级大小主要取决于_______。

(6分)(A) 地震释放的能量(B) 地震对建筑物的破坏程度(C) 震源深度(D) 震中距参考答案:A2. 通常把地震对地面影响和破坏的程度称为_____ 。

(6分)(A) 震源(B) 震级(C) 震中(D) 烈度参考答案:D3. 确定背斜或向斜的主要依据是_____。

(6分)(A) 两翼地层的产状(B) 核和翼部地层的相对新老关系(C) 地形的高低起伏(D) 转折端的形态参考答案:B4. 在垂直断层走向的剖面上,地层断距主要是指对应层的_____ 。

(6分)(A) 铅直距离(B) 错开的距离(C) 垂直距离(D) 在同一高度上错开的距离参考答案:C5. 垂直地层走向上,断层两盘上所对应的同一层面沿断层面相对移动的距离称为____ _ 。

(6分)(A) 地层断距(B) 斜断距(C) 地层落差(D) 铅直断距参考答案:A6. 两条走向大致平行、倾向相对的正断层组合称为_____ 。

(5分)(A) 阶梯状断层(B) 地堑(C) 地垒(D) 叠瓦状断层参考答案:B多选题7. 按照地震的成因不同,除构造地震外,其成因类型还有_____ 。

(5分)(A) 火山地震(B) 深源地震(C) 陷落地震(D) 诱发地震参考答案:A,C,D8. 岩层的产状要素主要包括_____ 。

(5分)(A) 走向(B) 倾向(C) 倾角(D) 倾伏向参考答案:A,B,C9. 按节理面走向与所在褶皱枢纽之间的关系,节理可以分为_____ 。

(5分)(A) 纵节理(B) 横节理(C) 张节理(D) 斜节理参考答案:A,B,D10. 在转折端形态分类中,所包括的主要褶皱类型有_____ 。

(5分)(A) 圆弧褶皱(B) 尖棱褶皱(C) 箱状褶皱(D) 倒转褶皱参考答案:A,B,C11. 下列名词中,属于地质灾害类型的是_______。

(5分)(A) 臭氧空洞(B) 崩塌(C) 泥石流(D) 滑坡参考答案:B,C,D判断题12. 两组走向基本一致、倾向相反的正断层组合是否为地垒?(5分)正确错误参考答案:正确解题思路:13. 矿石品位是否指矿石中所含有用组分的百分含量?(5分)正确错误参考答案:正确解题思路:14. 沙漠化是否主要发生在中纬度区的干旱和半干旱气候带?(5分)正确错误参考答案:正确解题思路:15. 在地下水基本类型中,潜水是否属于两个稳定隔水层之间的重力水?(5分)正确错误参考答案:错误解题思路:填空题16. 大多数地震是由地壳中的脆性岩石发生___(1)___ 时产生的,地震能量是以___(2)___ 的方式传播的,常用___(3)___ 表示地震释放能量的强度。



中国地质大学远程与继续教育学院计算机应用基础(专升本)阶段性作业1单项选择题1. 在Windows 中,可以用"回收站"恢复旳文献是被删除旳_____。

(4分)(A) 软盘文献(B) 硬盘文献(C) 光盘文献(D) 可移动磁盘文献您旳回答:B 对旳2. 在文献系统旳树形目录构造中,从根目录到任何数据文献,其通路有_____。

(4分)(A) 二条(B) 唯一旳一条(C) 三条(D) 多于三条您旳回答:B 对旳3. 在进行Windows操作过程中,能将目前活动窗口中旳信息复制到剪贴板中,应同步按下旳组合键是_____。

(4分)(A) Alt + Print Screen(B) Ctrl + Print Screen(C) Esc + Print Screen(D) Shift + Print Screen您旳回答:A 对旳4. 与人脑相比,计算机对信息进行处理时所不具有旳特点是_____。

(4分)(A) 处理信息旳速度快(B) 处理信息旳精确度高(C) 记忆能力(D) 发明力您旳回答:D 对旳5. 在Windows旳资源管理器中,要创立文献夹,应先打开旳是_____。

(4分)(A) “文献”菜单(B) “编辑”菜单(C) “查看”菜单(D) “插入”菜单您旳回答:A 对旳6. 假如11+1=100,这阐明使用旳是_____。

(4分)(A) 十六进制数(B) 十进制数(C) 二进制数(D) 八进制数您旳回答:C 对旳7. ASCII码可以表达旳字符个数是_____。

(4分)(A) 256(B) 255(C) 128(D) 127您旳回答:B 对旳8. 冯诺依曼构造计算机旳五大基本构件包括运算器、存储器、输入设备、输出设备和_____。

(4分)(A) 显示屏(B) 控制器(C) 硬盘存储器(D) 鼠标器您旳回答:B 对旳9. 在Windows中,打开一种窗口后,一般在其顶部是一种_____(4分)(A) 标题栏(B) 任务栏(C) 状态栏(D) 工具栏您旳回答:A 对旳10. 可以将高级语言源程序加工为目旳程序旳系统软件是_____(4分)(A) 解释程序(B) 汇编程序(C) 编译程序(D) 编辑程序您旳回答:C 对旳11. 在Windows 中,可以设置、控制计算机硬件配置和修改显示属性旳应用程序是_____(4分)(A) powerpoint(B) Excel(C) 资源管理器(D) 控制面板您旳回答:D 对旳12. 假设给定一种十进制整数D,转换成对应旳二进制整数B,那么就这两个数字旳位数而言,B与D相比_____(4分)(A) B旳位数不小于D(B) D旳位数不小于B(C) B旳位数不小于等于D(D) D旳位数不小于等于B您旳回答:C 对旳13. 计算机具有逻辑判断能力,重要取决与_____(4分)(A) 硬件(B) 体积(C) 编制旳软件(D) 基本字长您旳回答:C 对旳14. Windows 中,要变化显示屏旳颜色质量,应当先选定"显示属性"窗口中旳选项卡是_____(4分)(A) 效果(B) 外观(C) 设置(D) 背景您旳回答:C 对旳15. 当运行某个程序时,假如发现存储容量不够,最直接和有效旳处理措施是_____。



中国地质大学远程与继续教育学院线性代数(专升本)阶段性作业4单选题1. 齐次线性方程组解的情况是_____.(5分)(A) 无解(B) 仅有零解(C) 必有非零解(D) 可能有非零解,也可能没有非零解参考答案:C2. 元齐次线性方程组有非零解的充分必要条件是_____.(5分)(A) :(B) :(C) :(D) :参考答案:B3. 设是矩阵,是矩阵,则线性方程组_____.(5分)(A) :当时仅有零解(B) : 当时必有非零解(C) : 当时仅有零解(D) : 当时必有非零解参考答案:D4. 要使,都是线性方程组的解,只要为_____.(5分)(A) :(B) :(C) :(D) :参考答案:A5. 设元齐次线性方程组的系数矩阵的秩,且为此方程组的三个线性无关的解,则此方程组的基础解系是_____.(5分)(A) :(B) :(C) :(D) :参考答案:A6. 已知矩阵的秩为,和是齐次线性方程组的两个不同的解,为任意常数,则方程组的通解为_____.(5分)(A) :(B) :(C) :(D) :参考答案:D7. 设是矩阵,则下列命题正确的是_____.(5分)(A) : 若,则有唯一解(B) : 若,则有无穷多组解(C) : 若,则有解(D) : 若,则有解参考答案:D8. 已知是的两个不同的解,是相应齐次方程组的基础解系,为任意常数,则的通解是_____.(5分)(A) :(B) :(C) :(D) :参考答案:B9. 若阶方阵的两个不同的特征值所对应的特征向量分别是和,则_____.(4分)(A) : 和线性相关(B) : 和线性无关(C) : 和正交(D) : 和的内积等于零参考答案:B10. 设是的特征值,则_____.(4分)(A) : 0(B) : 5(C) : 10(D) : 15参考答案:D11. 设三阶矩阵的特征值为,则_____.(4分)(A) : -4(B) : -15(C) : 4(D) : 15参考答案:A12. 设矩阵与相似,则下列说法不正确的是_____.(4分)(A) : 秩=秩(B) :(C) :(D) : 与有相同的特征值参考答案:B13. 阶方阵具有个线性无关的特征向量是与对角矩阵相似的_____条件.(4分)(A) : 充分(B) : 必要(C) : 既充分又必要(D) : 既不充分也不必要参考答案:C14. 阶方阵与对角矩阵相似的充分必要条件是_____.(4分)(A) : 矩阵有个特征值(B) : 矩阵有个线性无关的特征向量(C) : 矩阵的行列式(D) : 矩阵的特征多项式没有重根参考答案:B15. 下面的矩阵中哪一个是二次型的矩阵_____.(4分)(A) :(B) :(C) :(D) :参考答案:C填空题16. 设方程有无穷多个解,则___(1)___ .(4分)(1). 参考答案: -217. 如果每一个维列向量都是齐次线性方程组的解,则系数矩阵的秩___(2)___ .(4分)(1). 参考答案: 018. 矩阵的非零特征值是___(3)___ .(4分)(1). 参考答案: 419. 若矩阵与相似,则___(4)___ ,___(5)___ .(4分)(1). 参考答案: 0(2). 参考答案: 120. 阶方阵具有个线性无关的特征向量是与对角矩阵相似的___(6)___ 条件.(4分)(1). 参考答案: 充分必要21. 已知为的特征向量,则___(7)___ ,___(8)___ .(4分)(1). 参考答案: 负三(2). 参考答案: 零22. 已知三阶方阵的特征值为,则___(9)___ .(4分) (1). 参考答案: 1623. 二次型是正定的充分必要条件是实对称矩阵的特征值都是___(10)___ .(4分)(1). 参考答案: 正数。



地质大学远程与继续教育学院大学英语专升本阶段性作业集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-中国地质大学远程与继续教育学院大学英语(专升本)阶段性作业3选词填空This is my timetable. I study at No.3 Middle School of Dongfang. From Monday to Friday I get up___(1)___ 6:30 a.m. Ihave___(2)___ at 7:00 and then I go to school. I don't like tobe late. Our classes___(3)___ at 8:30 a.m. We have four classes in the morning. I often have lunch at school with my classmates. In the afternoon, we have two classes. Classes are over at 3:30, and I get home at 4:00. But sometimes I don't___(4)___ schoolso early because I play basketball on the playground. I have supper at about 6:00. After supper I do my homework. I often watch TV, but sometimes I___(5)___ to do some reading and the story books are very interesting. I usually go to bed at about 10:00 p.m.(20分) (A) leave (B) at (C) need (D) breakfast (E) start参考答案:(1)B(2)D(3)E(4)A(5)CMany people would agree that stress is a major problem in modern life. It is certainly true that worry and quarrel can cause all kinds of illnesses,___(6)___ backache to severe headaches, or even more serious complaints such as high blood pressure. Many of us think___(7)___ stress as something that other people impose on us. We often complain about how otherpeople put us___(8)___ pressure. But we should try not to let such pressure affect us. We should not forget that we arelargely responsible for some of the stress ourselves. We sometimes take___(9)___ more work than our bodies and our minds can handle. We should learn to___(10)___ our limitations. We should be aware of which things are really important and which are not.(20分) (A) of (B) under (C) accept (D) from (E) on参考答案:(1)D(2)A(3)B(4)E(5)CModern zoos are very different from zoos that were built fifty years ago. At that time, zoos were places___(11)___ peoplecould go to see animals from many parts of the world. Theanimals lived in cages that were made___(12)___ concrete with iron bars, cages that were easy to keep clean. Unfortunatelyfor the animals, the cages were small and impossible to hide in. The zoo environment was anything but natural.___(13)___ the zoo keepers took good care of the animals and fed them well, manyof the animals did not thrive; they behaved in strange ways,and they often became ill. In modern zoos, people can seeanimals in more natural habitats. The animals are givenmore___(14)___ in large areas so that they can live more comfortably as they would in nature. Even the appearance ofzoos has changed. Trees and grass grow in the cages, andstreams of water flow___(15)___ the areas that animals livein.(20分) (A) of (B) Although (C) where (D) over (E) freedom参考答案:(1)C(2)A(3)B(4)E(5)DIn the eighteenth century, cities became larger and larger. People moved from the countryside and small towns tothe___(16)___ because there was more work for them to do in the cities. On Sundays and holidays, they liked to leave the cities and have a good time in the countryside. But notevery___(17)___ had a horse or a wagon(四轮马车). People needed a simpler means of transportation. Inventors in many countries tried to solve this problem. The first bicycle, which was very simple,___(18)___ in 1790. People called "the horse on wheel". Then in 1861, after many improvements being made, the bicycle became a practical___(19)___ of transportation. People liked bikes because they weren't as expensive as horses and didn't need to be fed. They could go anywhere and were easyto___(20)___ .(20分) (A) appeared (B) cities (C) family (D) means (E) ride参考答案:(1)B(2)C(3)A(4)D(5)EFire can help people in many ways. Fire can heatwater,___(21)___ your house, give light and cook food. But fire can burn things too. Nobody knows___(22)___ people began to usefire. One story from Australia tells about a man a very longtime ago. He went up to the sun by a rope and brought fire down. Today people know how to___(23)___ a fire with matches.Children sometimes like to play with them. But matches can bevery dangerous. Fire kills people every year. So you must be careful about matches. You should also learn to___(24)___ fires. Fires need oxygen. Without oxygen they die. There is oxygen inthe air. Cover a fire with water, sand, or in an emergency,with your coat or a blanket. This keeps the air___(25)___ afire and kills it. Be careful with fire, and it will help you. Be careless with fire, and it might hurt you.(20分) (A) make (B) warm (C) how (D) put out (E) from 参考答案:(1)B(2)C(3)A(4)D(5)E。



中国地质大学远程与继续教育学院线性代数(专升本)阶段性作业3单项选择题1. 个维向量构成旳向量组必然_____.(5分)(A) : 线性无关(B) : 线性有关(C) : 部分无关(D) : 部分有关参照答案: A2.设向量假如是旳线性组合,则是_____.(5分)(A) :(B) :(C) :(D) :参照答案: B3.设线性有关,则_____.(5分)(A) : 1(B) : 2(C) : 4(D) : 5参照答案: A4.设,其中是任意实数,则有_____.(5分)(A) :总线性有关(B) :总线性有关(C) :总线性无关(D) :总线性无关参照答案: C5.若维向量组线性有关,为任一维向量,则_____.(5分)(A) : 线性有关(B) : 线性无关(C) : 线性有关性不定(D) : 中一定有零向量参照答案: A6. 维向量组( )线性无关旳充足必要条件是_____.(4分)(A) : 存在一组不全为零旳数, 使(B) : 中任意两个向量都线性无关(C) : 中存在一种向量不能由其他向量线性表达(D) : 中任意一种向量都不能由其他向量线性表达参照答案: D7. 为4阶方阵,且,则中_____.(4分)(A) : 必有一列全为0(B) : 必有一列是其他列向量旳线性组合(C) : 必有两列对应成比例(D) : 其中任意一列是其他列向量旳线性组合参照答案: B8.设均为维向量,下列结论不对旳旳是_____.(4分)(A) :若对于任意一组不全为零旳数, 均有, 则线性无关(B) : 若线性有关, 则对于任意一组不全为零旳数, 均有(C) : 线性无关旳充足必要条件是此向量组旳秩为(D) : 线性无关旳必要条件是其中任意两个向量线性无关参照答案: B9.设有两个维向量组和均线性无关,则向量组_____.(4分)(A) :线性有关(B) : 线性无关(C) : 也许线性有关也也许线性无关(D) : 既不线性有关, 也不线性无关参照答案: C10.设向量组线性无关,则下列向量组中,线性无关旳是_____.(4分)(A) :(B) :(C) :(D) :参照答案: B11.设向量组I: 可由向量组Ⅱ: 线性表达,则_____.(4分)(A) :当时, 向量组II必线性有关(B) : 当时, 向量组II必线性有关(C) : 当时, 向量组I必线性有关(D) : 当时, 向量组I必线性有关参照答案: D12.设向量组线性无关,线性有关,则_____对旳.(4分)(A) :可由线性表达(B) : 不能由线性表达(C) : 可由线性表达(D) : 不可由线性表达参照答案: C13.设为满足旳任意两个非零矩阵,则必有_____.(4分)(A) : 旳列向量组线性有关, 旳行向量组线性有关(B) : 旳列向量组线性有关, 旳列向量组线性有关(C) : 旳行向量组线性有关, 旳行向量组线性有关(D) : 旳行向量组线性有关, 旳列向量组线性有关参照答案: A14.向量组,,,旳极大线性无关组共有_____.(4分)(A) : 2个(B) : 3个(C) : 4个(D) : 6个参照答案: A15.假如,则_____对旳.(4分)(A) : 旳一种部分组假如包括向量个数不超过4, 则一定线性无关(B) : 是旳一种极大线性无关组(C) :假如旳一种部分组无关, 则它包括旳向量个数一定不超过4(D) : 旳线性有关部分组一定具有多于4个向量参照答案: C填空题参照答案: 有关16.若某向量组中具有零向量, 则该向量组线性___(1)__..(5分)(1).参照答案: 有关17.若某向量组中有两个向量对应成比例, 则该向量组线性___(2)__..(5分)(1).参照答案: 有关18.向量组线性___(3)__..(5分)(1).参照答案: 有关19.设有向量组, 又, ,, 则向量..线性___(4)__..(5分)(1).参照答案: 有关20.若向量组线性有关,则向量组, , 线性___(5)__..(5分)(1).参照答案: 3 21.设, 旳列向量组线性无关, 则___(6)__..(5分)(1).22.设向量组, ..线性参照答案: 无关___(7)__..(5分)(1).。



远程教育学习指南(专升本)阶段性作业4 单选题1. 通过浏览器进入学院首页,在登陆窗口,输入正确的_____,点击登陆后,将进入学生工作室。

(15分)(A) 用户名和密码(B) 用户名(C) 密码(D) 中文姓名参考答案:A2. 下面哪种学习方式不符合远程(网络)学习的发展趋势?_____(15分)(A) 移动学习(B) 碎片化学习(C) 社会化学习(D) 集中面授学习参考答案:D3. 应用软件在没有操作系统的情况下,可以运行吗?_____(14分)(A) 可以,应用软件能否运行,不依赖有没有操作系统。

(B) 不能,应用软件需要在操作系统的支持下运行。

(C) 要看应用软件的功能,功能强的可以不依赖操作系统,直接运行。

(D) 不能确定。

参考答案:B4. .作为网上人大的学生,顺利完成学业的必要条件是_____。

(14分)(A) 脱产以保证充裕的学习时间(B) 强有力的经济支持以获取更多的学习资源(C) 每天都和学院辅导教师保持联系(D) 具有自主学习能力及学习责任感参考答案:D5. 进入学生工作室,首先看到的是?_____(14分)(A) 我的课程(B) 课程讲解(C) 课程作业(D) 课程大纲参考答案:A6. 在进行网络课程学习过程中,从下列哪个栏目可以看到.听到授课教师的讲解?_____(14分)(A) 课程讲解(或课程学习)(B) 课程辅导(C) 背景资料(D) 课程大纲参考答案:B7. 下列哪项学习方法是进行网络学习的最佳组合?_____(14分)(A) 自学教材就可以(B) 教材+光盘课件(或下载的课程资源)+网络课程学习(C) 只学习光盘课件(或下载的课程资源)(D) 教材+光盘课件(或下载的课程资源)学习参考答案:B(注:专业文档是经验性极强的领域,无法思考和涵盖全面,素材和资料部分来自网络,供参考。




中国地质大学远程与继续教育学院大学英语(专升本)阶段性作业4单选题1. A coelaca nth is a kind of livi ng fossil, first discovered whe n one was caught off Madagascar 马达加斯加)in 1938.A coelacanth is a kind of ____ (5 分)(A) rock(B) pla nt(C) fish(D) ani mal您的回答:C正确2.1 wasn ' t going to be one of those people who die wondering. What if? I would keep puttingmy dream to the test--- eve n though it meant livi ng with un certa in ty a nd fear of failure. This isthe shadow land of hope, and every one with a dream must learn to live there.“ the shadow land of hope ” means _____ (5 分)(A) the won der land one ofte n dream about(B) the bright future that one is look ing forward to(C) the state of uncertainty before one ' s final goal is reached(D) a world that exists only in one ' s imagination您的回答:C正确3. Yet you will find little if anything written on what it is to be an employee. You can find a greatdeal of very dubious advice on how to get a job or how to get a promoti on (5 分)(A) Valuable(B) useful(C) doubtful(D) helpful您的回答:C正确4. Many different people find that online method requires them to use their experiences andthat online learning offers them a place to communicate with each other. This forum for com muni catio n removes the visual barriers that hin der some stude nts in express ing themselves. (5 分)(A) a place for on li ne lear ning(B) a place to excha nge opinion(C) a place to excha nge opinion(D) the experience for online learning您的回答:C正确5. I can make this decision because rve gone down this road with patients many times. Recently I operated in vain on an eighty-year-old woman with cancer of the liver... There wasnothing I could do to relieve the problems the cancer had caused.“ in vain ” means __ (5 分)(A) un successfully(B) effortlessly(C) with difficulty(D) with expectatio n您的回答:A正确阅读理解We can make mistakes at any age. Some mistakes we make are about mon ey. But most mistakes are about people. Did Jerry really care when I broke up with Helen? ” When I got that great job, did Jerry really feel good about it, as a friend? Or did he envy my luck? ” When we look back, doubts like these can make us feel bad. But whe n we look back, it ' too late.Why do we go wrong about our friends —or our en emies? Sometimes what people say hides their real meaning. And if we don ' really listen, we miss the feeling behind the words. Suppose some one tells you, you 're a lucky dog ”.ls he really on your side? If he says, you 're a lucky guy” or you 're a lucky gal ” that 'being friendly. But lucky dog ”? There's a bit of envy in those words. Maybe he doesn'see it himself. But bringing in the dog ” bit puts you down a little.What he may be say ing is that he does n 'th ink you deserve your luck.How can you tell the real meaning beh ind some one 'words? One way is to take a good look at the pers on talk ing. Do his words fit the way he looks? Does that he says square with the tone of voice? His posture? The look in his eyes ? Minute you spe nd thinking about the real meaning of what people say to you may save ano ther mistake.(25 分)6) . From the questi ons in the first paragraph we can lear n that the speaker ____ .(5 分)(A) feels happy, thinking of how nice his friends were to him(B) feels he may not have “ read ” his friends ' true feelings correctly(C) thinks it was a mistake to have broke n up with his girl friend, Hele n(D) is sorry that his friends let him dow n您的回答:B正确7) . In the second paragraph, the author uses the example of “You ' re a lucky dog ” to show that _______ .(5 分)(A) the speaker of this sentence is just being frien dly(B) this saying means the same as “ You ' re lucky guy ” or “ You' re a lucky gal ” .(C) sometimes the words used by a speaker give a clue to the feeli ng behi nd the words(D) the word “ dog ” shouldn ' t be used to apply to people您的回答:C正确8) . This passage tries to tell you how to _____ .(5 分)(A) . avoid mistakes about money and friends(B) bring the “ dog ” bit into our conversation(C) avoid mistakes in un dersta nding that people tell you(D) keep people frien dly without trust ing them您的回答:C正确9) . I n liste ning to a person, the importa nt thing is ___ (5 分)What he may be say ing is that he does n 'th ink you deserve your luck.(A) to no tice his tone, his posture, and the look in his eyes(B) to liste n to how he pronounces his words(C) to check his words aga inst his manner, his tone of voice, and his posture(D) not to believe what he says您的回答:C正确10) . If you followed the advice of the writer, you would ____ .(5 分)(A) be able to get the real meaning of what people say to you(B) avoid any mistakes while talki ng with people who envy you(C) no t lose real friends who say thi ngs that to not please you(D) be able to observe people as they are talk ing to you您的回答:A正确Yuppies are young people who earn a lot of money and live in a style that is too expe nsive formost people. If you are invited to a Yuppie dinner party, don ' t be surprised if you are offered freshly cooked in sects as a first course. While the idea of eat ing fried in sects fills most of us with horror, i nsect eat ing is beco ming highly fashi on able. For example, in the media in dustry, successful man agers are ofte n see n to eat fried or boiled in sects from time to time while work ing at their desks. These safe-to-eat i nsects can be found and ordered on the Intern et.And young people are loggi ng on to foreig n food websites and orderi ng samples of preparedin sects to serve at their dinner parties. Although the idea of eati ng in sects is probably disgusting to most of us, few people would claim that pigs, chickens and some kinds of seafood we ofte n eat are examples of great beauty. One day, in sects would be marketed and sold as a food item in supermarkets. Accord ing to their fans of Yuppies, they are not on ly healthy, but also very tasty. But un til our attitudes to food cha nge, it seems that in sects eaters will remai n a select few.(25 分)11) . Why did the speaker say we might be surprised at the Yuppie dinner party? (5 分)(A) Because we might be offered a dish of freshly cooked in sects as a first course.(B) Because nothing but freshly cooked in sects are served.(C) Because some Yuppies like to horrify guests with in sects as food.(D) Because we might meet many successful man agers in the media in dustry.您的回答:A正确12) . Where can people order the unusual food mentioned by the speaker?(5(A) From Yuppie clubs.(B) In the supermarket.(C) In the seafood market.(D) On the In ternet.您的回答:D正确13) . Why are Yuppies attracted by the un usual food?(5 分)(A) It ' s easy to prepare.(B) It ' s tasty and healthful.(C) It' s exotic in appearance(D) It' s safe to eat.您的回答:B正确14) . What does the speaker say about the future of this type of unu sual food?(5 分)(A) It will be con sumed by more and more young people.(B) It will become the first course at dinner parties.(C) It will have to be cha nged to suit local tastes.(D) It is un likely to be enjoyed by most people.您的回答:D正确15) . Why did the author write such a passage?(5 分)(A) Look dow n upon Yuppies.(B) Enjoy the life of Yuppies.(C) In troduce the life of Yuppies.(D) Want to be Yuppies.您的回答:C正确There are stories about two U.S. preside nts. An drew Jacks on and Marin Van Buren, whichattempt to explain the American English term OK. We don ' t know if either story is true, but they are both in terest ing.The first expla nati on is based on the fact that Preside nt Jacks on had very little educati on. In fact, he had difficulty readi ng and writ ing. When importa nt papers came to Jacks on, he tried to read them and the n had his assista nts expla in what they said. If he approved of a paper, he would write “ all correct ” on it. The problem was that he didn ' t know how to spell, so what he really wrote was “ ol korekt ” . After a while, he shortened that term to “ OK ” .The sec ond expla nati on is based on the place where Preside nt Van Bure n was born, Kin derhook, New York. Van Bure n ' s friends orga ni zed a club to help him become Preside nt.They called the club the Old Kin derhook Club, and anyone who supported Van Buren was called “OK” .(25分)16) . . The author _____ .(5 分)(A) believes both of the stories(B) doesn ' t believe a word of the stories(C) is not sure whether the stories are true(D) is telling the stories just for fun您的回答:C正确17) . Accord ing to the passage, Preside nt Jacks on ___ .(5 分)(A) couldn ' t draw up any documents at all(B) didn ' t like to read important papers by himself(C) ofte n had his assista nts sig n docume nts for him(D) wasn ' t goon at reading, writing or spelling您的回答:D正确18) . According to the first story, the term “OK ”______ .(5 分)(A) was approved of by Preside nt Jacks on(B) was the title of some official docume nts(C) was first used by Preside nt Jacks on(D) was an old way to spell “ all correct ”您的回答:C正确19) . Accordi ng to the seco nd story, the term “ OK ” _________ .(5 分)(A) was the short way to say "Old Kin derhook Club ”(B) meant the place where Preside nt Van Bure n was born(C) was the name of Van Buren ' s club(D) was used to call Van Bure n ' s supporters in the elect ion您的回答:D正确20) . Accord ing to the sec ond story, the term “ OK ” was first used __________ .(5 分)(A) by Van Bure n(B) in a preside ntial elect ion(C) to orga nize the Old Kin derhook Club(D) by the members of the " Old Kin derhook Club ”您的回答:B正确。



中国地质大学远程教育学习指南(专升本)阶段性作业1~4 远程教育学习指南(专升本)阶段性作业一单选题1. 中国地质大学(武汉)远程与继续教育学院对学生采用弹性学分制管理,高起专和专升本学制均为_____。

(6分)(A) 2.5-6年(B) 2.5-3年(C) 2.5-5年(D) 2-4年参考答案:C2. _____的学习者,最起码的信息化素养要求就是能够掌握计算机操作的基本技能,掌握基本的网络操作技能。

(6分)(A) 现代远程教育(B) 传统教育(C) 成人教育(D) 自考参考答案:A3. 课程学习完成,必须参加课程考核。


(6分)(A) 开卷或撰写论文(B) 闭卷.开卷(C) 闭卷和撰写论文(D) 在线考试.开卷和考查参考答案:D4. 学生的必修课程总成绩平均在_____ ,已经办理免修的课程不计入在内。


(6分)(A) 60 分以上(含 60 分)(B) 65 分以上(含 65 分)(C) 75 分以上(含 75 分)(D) 70 分以上(含 70 分)参考答案:C5. 以下属于媒体播放软件的是_____ 。

(6分)(A) Winzip(B) Mediaplay(C) Winrar(D) Netants参考答案:B6. 网络教育的特点之一是:学生的学习过程主要是在网络环境中进行的,比如在_____ 网上讨论.网上辅导等等。

(7分)(A) 网上做作业(B) 网上答疑(C) 网上自测(D) 以上全部参考答案:D7. 第一代远程教育是以_____为主要学习资源.以邮政传递收写作业和批改评价(函授辅导)为主要通信手段(主要技术特征)的函授教育。

(7分)(A) 电视媒体(B) 光盘(C) 网络媒体(D) 印刷教材参考答案:D8. 现代远程教育的特点决定了远程学习以学生_____为主。

(7分)(A) 上课(B) 学习(C) 自学(D) 上网参考答案:C9. 现代远程教育其主要技术特征是_____,即通过数字.多媒体等信息技术实现人机.人际的相互交流和交互作用,可以加强教师和学习都之间的双向交流,极大地促进学习者之间的个性化学习和协作学习。



中国地质大学(武汉)远程与继续教育学院大学英语课程作业4(共 4 次作业)学习层次:专升本涉及章节:第五章阅读理解一.猜测生词词义1. A coelacanth is a kind of living fossil, first discovered when one was caught off Madagascar马达加斯加)in 1938.A colelacanth is a kind of _____A. rockB. plantC. fishD. animal2. The bacteria paramecia, for instance, are eaten by tiny fish and crustaceans and the crustaceans, in turn, may be devoured by small fish.A. eatenB. chasedC. attackedD. protected3.When Halley’s comet (彗星)came through the inner solar system in 1986, spacecraft from Japan, the Soviet Union, and Europe were there to meet it. But six months before these spacecraft met up with Halley, another one had already made the first comet rendezvous, with a different comet.A. space tripB. explorationC. meetingD. test4. I can make this decision because I've gone down this road with patients many times. Recently I operated in vain on an eighty-year-old woman with cancer of the liver... There was nothing I could do to relieve the problems the cancer had caused.. in vainA. unsuccessfullyB. effortlesslyC. with difficulty5. I'll tell you which choice I would make in this theoretical situation. I'd say, "Don't give her anything to fight the infection. Keep her comfortable and let's see what happens; maybe she'll fight off the infection on her own and if she doesn't, she'll die a peaceful death. I don't want to be responsible for condemning my mother to a living hell.". condemn toA. blame forB. criticize forC. restrict to6. Many different people find that online method requires them to use their experiences and that online learning offers them a place to communicate with each other. This forum for communication removes the visual barriers that hinder some students in expressing themselves.A. the online methodB. a place for online learningC. a place to exchange opinionD. the experience for online learning7. Y et u will find little if anything written on what it is to be an employee. Y ou can find a great deal of very dubious advice on how to get a job or how to get a promotionA.valuableB. usefulC. doubtfulD. helpful8.I wasn’t going to be one of those people who die wondering. What if? I would keep putting my dream to the test--- even though it meant living with uncertainty and fear of failure. This is the shadow land of hope, and everyone with a dream must learn to live there.A. the wonder land one often dream aboutB. the bright future that one is looking forward toC. the state of uncertainty before one’s final goal is reachedD. a world that exists only in one’s imagination二.篇章阅读Passage 1 ( 2007.10 统考全真题阅读的第二篇文章)Y uppies are young people who earn a lot of money and live in a style that is too expensive for most people. If you are invited to a Y uppie dinner party, don’t be surprised if you are offered freshly cooked insects as a first course. While the idea of eating fried insects fills most of us with horror, insect eating is becoming highly fashionable. For example, in the media industry, successful managers are often seen to eat fried or boiled insects from time to time while working at their desks. These safe-to-eat insects can be found and ordered on the Internet. And young people are logging on to foreign food websites and ordering samples of prepared insects to serve at their dinner parties. Although the idea of eating insects is probably disgusting to most of us, few people would claim that pigs, chickens and some kinds of seafood we often eat are examples of great beauty. One day, insects would be marketed and sold as a food item in supermarkets. According to their fans of Y uppies, they are not only healthy, but also very tasty. But until our attitudes to food change, it seems that insects eaters will remain a select few.1. Why did the speaker say we might be surprised at the Y uppie dinner party?A. Because we might be offered a dish of freshly cooked insects as a first course.B. Because nothing but freshly cooked insects are served.C. Because some Y uppies like to horrify guests with insects as food.D. Because we might meet many successful managers in the media industry.2. Where can people order the unusual food mentioned by the speaker?A. From Y uppie clubs.B. In the supermarket.C. In the seafood market.D. On the Internet.3. Why are Y uppies attracted by the unusual food?A. It’s easy to prepare.B. It’s tasty and healthful.C. It’s exotic in appearance.D. It’s safe to eat.4. What does the speaker say about the future of this type of unusual food?A. It will be consumed by more and more young people.B. It will become the first course at dinner parties.C. It will have to be changed to suit local tastes.D. It is unlikely to be enjoyed by most people.5. Why did the author write such a passage?A. Look down upon Y uppies.B. Enjoy the life of Y uppies.C. Introduce the life of Y uppies.D. Want to be Y uppies.Passage2There are stories about two U.S. presidents, Andrew Jackson and Marin V an Buren, which attempt to explain the American English term OK. We don’t know if either story is true, but they are both interesting.The first explanation is based on the fact that President Jackson had very little education. In fact, he had difficulty reading and writing. When important papers came to Jackson, he tried to read them and then had his assistants explain what they said. If he approved of a paper, he would write “all correct” on it. The problem was that he didn’t know how to spell, so what he really wrote was “ol korekt”. After a while, he shortened that term to “OK”.The second explanation is based on the place where President V an Buren was born, Kinderhook, New Y ork. V an Buren’s friends organized a club to help him become President. They called the club the Old Kinderhook Club, and anyone who supported V an Buren was called “OK”.1. The author _______.A. believes both of the storiesB. doesn’t believe a word of the storiesC. is not sure whether the stories are trueD. is telling the stories just for fun2. According to the passage, President Jackson _______.A. couldn’t draw up any documents at allB. didn’t like to read important papers by himselfC. often had his assistants sign documents for himD. wasn’t goon at reading, writing or spelling3. According to the first story, the term “OK” _______.A. was approved of by President JacksonB. was the title of some official documentsC. was first used by President JacksonD. was an old way to spell“all correct”4. According to the second story, the term “OK” _______.A. was the short way to say “Old Kinderhook Club”B. meant the place where President V an Buren was bornC. was the name of V an Buren’s clubD. was used to call V an Buren’s supporters in the election5. According to the second story, the term “OK” was first used _______.A. by V an BurenB. in a presidential electionC. to organize the Old Kinderhook ClubD. by the members of the“Old Kinderhook Club”Passage 3We can make mistakes at any age. Some mistakes we make are about money. But most mistakes are about people. “Did Jerry really care when I broke up with Helen?” “When I got that great job, did Jerry really feel good about it, as a friend? Or did he envy my luck?” When we look back, doubts like these can make us feel bad. But when we look back, it’s too late.Why do we go wrong about our friends — or our enemies? Sometimes what people say hides their real meaning. And if we don’t really listen, we miss the feeling behind the wo rds. Suppose someone tells you, “you’re a lucky dog”. Is he really on your side? If he says, “you’re a lucky guy” or “you’re a lucky gal”, that’s being friendly. But “lucky dog”? There’s a bit of envy in those words. Maybe he doesn’t see it himself. But br inging in the “dog” bit puts you down a little. What he may be saying is that he doesn’t think you deserve your luck.How can you tell the real meaning behind someone’s words? One way is to take a good look at the person talking. Do his words fit the way he looks? Does that he says square with the tone of voice? His posture? The look in his eyes ? Minute you spend thinking about the real meaning of what people say to you may save another mistake.1. From the questions in the first paragraph we can learn that the speaker _______.A. feels happy, thinking of how nice his friends were to himB. feels he may not have “read” his friends’ true feelings correctlyC. thinks it was a mistake to have broken up with his girl friend, HelenD. is sorry that his friends let him down2. In the second paragraph, the author uses the example of “Y ou’re a lucky dog” to show that_______.A. the speaker of this sentence is just being friendlyB. this saying means the same as “Y ou’re lucky guy” or “Y ou’re a lucky gal”C. sometimes the words used by a speaker give a clue to the feeling behind the wordsD. the word “dog” shouldn’t be used to apply to people3. This passage tries to tell you how to .A. avoid mistakes about money and friendsB. bring the “dog” bit into our conversationC. avoid mistakes in understanding that people tell youD. keep people friendly without trusting them4. In listening to a person, the important thing is .A. to notice his tone, his posture, and the look in his eyesB. to listen to how he pronounces his wordsC. to check his words against his manner, his tone of voice, and his postureD. not to believe what he says5. If you followed the advice of the writer, you would .A. be able to get the real meaning of what people say to youB. avoid any mistakes while talking with people who envy youC. not lose real friends who say things that to not please youD. be able to observe people as they are talking to youPassage 4The French Revolution broke out in 1789. At the time France was in a crisis. The government was badly run and people's lives were miserable. King Louis XIV tried to control the national parliament and raise more taxes. But his effort failed. He ordered his troops to V ersailles. The people thought that Louis intended to put down the Revolution by force. On July 14, 1789, they stormed and took the Bastille, where political prisoners were kept. Ever since that day, July 14 has been the French National Day. Louis tried to flee the country in 1792 to get support from Austria and Prussia. However, he was caught and put in prison. In September 1792, the monarchy was abolished. In the same year, Louis was executed. A few months later his wife, Marie also had her head cut off. The Revolution of France had frightened the other kings of Europe. Armies from Austria and Prussia began to march against France. The French raised republican armies to defend the nation. The Revolution went through a period of terror. Thousands of people lost their lives. In the end, power passed to Napoleon Bonaparte. (190 words)1. What's this passage about?A. France.B. King Louis.C. The French RevolutionD. Europe.2. Which did not happen in 1789A. The French Revolution broke out.B. The national economy was developing rapidly.C. The government wasn't well run.D. King Louis XIV was in power.3. Where were the political prisoners kept?A. In V ersailles.B. In Austria.C. in Prussia.D. In Bastille.4. What does the underlined word "abolished" mean?A. Put off.B. Established.C. United.D. Ended.5. What was NOT the effect of the Revolution?A. July 14 has become the French National Day.B. It brought some impact on the other European kings.C. Louis's wife, Marie was killed.D. The king tried to control the national parliament.参考答案一.猜测生词词义1-4CACA5-8 CCCC二.篇章阅读Passage 1这是一篇关于雅皮士(yuppies)吃昆虫的新风尚的文章。



中国地质大学远程与继续教育学院马克思主义原理(专升本)阶段性作业4多选题1. 科学社会主义主要理论来源是_____(6分)(A) 18世纪空想社会主义者的学说(B) 19世纪三大空想社会主义者的学说(C) 德国古典哲学(D) 英国古典政治经济学参考答案:B,C,D2. 邓小平关于社会主义本质的概括是_____(6分)(A) 解放生产力、发展生产力(B) 坚持按劳分配的标准(C) 消灭剥削、消除两极分化(D) 最终达到共同富裕参考答案:A,C,D3. 人的全面发展是指_____(6分)(A) 人的各种要求都能得到满足(B) 人的需要的全面丰富和充分满足(C) 个人潜力和智能得到最大限度的发挥(D) 德智体美劳各方面都得到发展参考答案:B,C,D4. 在共产主义社会,对于成为“生活的第一需要”的劳动的正确理解有_____(6分)(A) 劳动不再是单纯的谋生的手段,成为乐生的活动(B) 劳动能力和劳动时间不再是分配消费品的尺度(C) 劳动摆脱了谋生的压力,成为发挥人的才能和力量的活动(D) 劳动成为人们乐于从事的自我实现的活动参考答案:A,B,C,D5. 马克思主义经典作家与其他思想家预见未来社会的方法区别在于_____(6分)(A) 前者是客观主义的态度,后者是主观主义的态度(B) 前者从客观规律出发,后者凭空猜测无法知道的事情(C) 前者侧重于一般规律的揭示,后者侧重于详尽细节的描绘(D) 前者通过批判旧世界发现新世界,后者教条主义预测未来参考答案:B,C,D判断题6. 请问科学社会主义是否是关于资本主义的科学的理论体系、理论模型与实践模式?(6分)正确错误参考答案:错误解题思路:7. 请问三大差别是否指工业活动和农业活动、城市生活和乡村生活、脑力劳动和体力劳动的差别?(6分)正确错误参考答案:正确解题思路:8. 请问社会和谐是否是社会主义的本质属性?(6分)正确错误参考答案:正确解题思路:9. 请问无产阶级政党学说的核心内容是否是人民当家作主?(6分)正确错误参考答案:错误解题思路:10. 请问无产阶级夺取政权的根本目的是否是解放和促进社会生产力的发展?(6分)正确错误参考答案:正确解题思路:11. 请问阶级斗争是否是一切社会发展的直接动力?(6分)正确错误参考答案:错误解题思路:填空题12. ___(1)___ 是科学社会主义的重要理论来源。



中国地质大学(武汉)远程与继续教育学院计算机应用基础课程作业4(共 4 次作业)学习层次:专升本涉及章节:第6章——第9章一、选择题1.支持局域网与广域网互联的设备称为。

A. 转发器B. 以太网交换机C. 路由器D. 网桥2.TCP/IP协议是Internet中计算机之间通信所必须共同遵循的一种。

A. 信息资源B. 通信规定C. 软件D. 硬件3.在浏览网页时,下列可能泄露隐私的是。

A. HTML文件B. 文本文件C. CookieD. 应用程序4.为了指导计算机网络的互联、互通和互操作,ISO颁布了OSI参考模型,其基本结构分为。

A. 6层B. 5层C. 7层D. 4层5.流量分析是指通过对截获的信息量的统计来分析其中有用的信息,它。

A. 属于主动攻击,破坏信息的可用性B. 属于主动攻击,破坏信息的保密性C. 属于被动攻击,破坏信息的完整性D. 属于被动攻击,破坏信息的保密性6.以下应用领域中,属于典型的多媒体应用的是。

A. CSCW计算机支持协同工作B. 视频会议系统C. 电子表格处理D. 网络远端控制7.网络通信设备中的Hub中文全称是。

A. 网卡B. 中继器C. 服务器D. 集线器8.调制解调器(Modem)的功能是实现。

A. 模拟信号与数字信号的转换B. 数字信号的编码C. 模拟信号的放大D. 数字信号的整形9.认证使用的技术包括。

A. 消息认证和身份认证B. 身份认证和DNA认证C. 压缩技术和身份认证D. 数字签名和IP地址认证10.Windows Media Player不支持的文件格式是。

A. MPGB.AVIC. RMVBD.MP3二、操作题1.Internet应用1、(考生单击窗口下方"打开[internet应用]应用程序"启动IE)打开Internet Explorer,完成下面操作:1)在工具栏中点击按钮;2)查看最近访问过的页面。




中国地质大学测量学概论(专升本)阶段性作业4单选题1. 某地位于东经130度40分30秒,则其所在的高斯投影6度投影带的中央子午线的经度为_______度。

(5分)(A) 130(B) 129(C) 132(D) 128参考答案:B2. 地面上某点的经度为112°,则该点所在3°带带号及中央子午线为_______。

(5分)(A) 19带111°(B) 37带114°(C) 37带111°(D) 36带108°参考答案:C3. 下面关于高斯投影的说法正确的是:_______。

(5分)(A) 中央子午线投影为直线,且投影的长度无变形;(B) 离中央子午线越远,投影变形越小;(C) 经纬线投影后长度无变形;(D) 高斯投影为等面积投影;参考答案:A4. 地图投影必然产生变形,高斯投影无_______。

(5分)(A) 长度变形(B) 角度变形(C) 面积变形(D) 以上都不对参考答案:B5. 高斯投影是一种_______投影。

(4分)(A) 方位(B) 等面积(C) 等角(D) 任意参考答案:C6. 地面某点的经度为东经85°32′,该点应在三度带的第_______带。

(4分)(A) 28(B) 29(C) 27(D) 30参考答案:B7. 我国位于北半球,x值全为正,而每一投影带的y值却有正有负。


(4分)(A) 400km(B) 500km(C) 300km(D) 600km参考答案:B8. 1:10万地形图的标准分幅是_______。

(4分)(A) 矩形分幅(B) 按图纸大小分幅(C) 按高斯平面坐标分幅的(D) 按经纬线分幅参考答案:D9. 放样点位时应有_______个以上的控制点,且已知待定点坐标。

(4分)(A) 1(B) 2(C) 3(D) 4参考答案:B10. 在高斯平面直角坐标系中,纵轴为_______。

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远程教育学习指南(专升本)阶段性作业4 单选题
1. 通过浏览器进入学院首页,在登陆窗口,输入正确的_____,点击登陆后,将进入学生工作室。

(A) 用户名和密码
(B) 用户名
(C) 密码
(D) 中文姓名
2. 下面哪种学习方式不符合远程(网络)学习的发展趋势?
(A) 移动学习
(B) 碎片化学习
(C) 社会化学习
(D) 集中面授学习
3. 应用软件在没有操作系统的情况下,可以运行吗?_____(14分)
(A) 可以,应用软件能否运行,不依赖有没有操作系统。

(B) 不能,应用软件需要在操作系统的支持下运行。

(C) 要看应用软件的功能,功能强的可以不依赖操作系统,直接运行。

(D) 不能确定。

4. .作为网上人大的学生,顺利完成学业的必要条件是_____。

(A) 脱产以保证充裕的学习时间
(B) 强有力的经济支持以获取更多的学习资源
(C) 每天都和学院辅导教师保持联系
(D) 具有自主学习能力及学习责任感
5. 进入学生工作室,首先看到的是?_____(14分)
(A) 我的课程
(B) 课程讲解
(C) 课程作业
(D) 课程大纲
6. 在进行网络课程学习过程中,从下列哪个栏目可以看到.听到授课教师的讲解?_____(14分)
(A) 课程讲解(或课程学习)
(B) 课程辅导
(C) 背景资料
(D) 课程大纲
7. 下列哪项学习方法是进行网络学习的最佳组合?_____(14分)
(A) 自学教材就可以
(B) 教材+光盘课件(或下载的课程资源)+网络课程学习
(C) 只学习光盘课件(或下载的课程资源)
(D) 教材+光盘课件(或下载的课程资源)学习
