
Unit31.It’s importa nt to know your objecti ves on a busines s trip,and to set out with those goals in mind and how toaccompl ish them.But along the way,somethi ng ratheramazing happens when you travelon busines s.You may go to some prettyamazing places,and get chances to see thingsyou would have never soughtout on your own.翻译:了解出差的目的,出发时牢记目标并清楚如何达成目标,这些都是很重要的。
s s.There are times when you have complet ed your work and 2.Busines s trips don’t have to be all about busine,attract ions and good food.The first resourc e to find out what is reallyyou can take in some of the local colorn g is the locals. If you go to a faraway town to conduct busines s cool to enjoy in the city or town you are visitiwith a partner or vendor, they are often more than happy to show you the lay of the land and what is fun to see and do in the town.翻译:商务旅行不必都是生意。


11 To restore balance to my life, I force myself back into the real world. I call people, arrange to meet with the few remaining friends who haven't fled New York City. I try to at least get to the gym, so as to set apart the weekend from the rest of my week. I arrange interviews for stories, doctor's appointments -- anything to get me out of the house and connected with others.
13 However, I do not want to overstate my case. There is enormous creativity to be found in Chinese scientific, technological and artistic innovations past and present. And there is a danger of exaggerating creative breakthroughs in the West. When any innovation is examined closely, its reliance on previous achievements is all too apparent (the "standing on the shoulders of giants" phenomenon).
周边地面 2

A) 居住建筑:换热阻计算依据来源于《供热工程》(贺平孙刚编著)。
1) 对于贴土非保温地面(组成地面的各层材料导热系数λ都大于1.16W/m?℃),各地带的传热系数和换热阻如下:周边地面传热系数限值为0.52 W / m2·℃地区,考虑到非保温地面第一地带(周边地面)的传热系数为0.47 W / m2·℃,小于限值0.5 2W / m2·℃,可不做保温;非周边地面(第二、三、四地带)不做保温时传热系数最大值为0.23 W / m2·℃,小于限值0.3 W / m2·℃,同样也能满足非周边地面限值的要求。

WLAN安全策略-WEP、WPAWPA2、WPA3、常⽤WiFi加密⽅式推荐Wi-Fi 加密⽅式有不加密、WPA2 PSK 模式、 WPA/WPA2 PSK 混合模式、WPA2 PSK/WPA3 SAE 混合模式。
1)加密⽅式设置为不加密时,连接路由器的 Wi-Fi 时⽆需输⼊密码,因此不太安全。
2)WPA2 PSK 的加密⽅式设置⽐ WPA/WPA2 PSK 更安全,但是只有⽤ WPA2 认证的终端才能正常连接,因此会有兼容性问题。
3)加密⽅式设置为 WPA/WPA2 PSK 时,WPA 或 WPA2 认证的终端都可以连接路由器。
4)WPA2 PSK/WPA3 SAE 的加密⽅式⽐ WPA/WPA2 PSK 更安全,WPA2 或 WPA3 认证的终端都可以连接路由器。
建议您将路由器设置为 WPA/WPA2 PSK 混合模式。
WLAN安全策略配置建议WEP有线等效加密WEP(Wired Equivalent Privacy)协议是由802.11标准定义的,⽤来保护⽆线局域⽹中的授权⽤户所传输的数据的安全,防⽌这些数据被窃听。
现代大学英语中级写作(上)_Unit 2

No mistakes
Questions to think about Is this a directive or informative process
analysis? It is an informative process analysis giving the history of Liquid Paper. What is the central idea of the essay? Is the thesis statement presented or implied? The central idea is how Liquid Paper was invented and how it became a big business. The thesis statement is implied.
What is Process Analysis?
• A process analysis(PA) is a step-by-step explanation of how to do something , or how something works/ is done or made, or how something happened.

2021 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)试题真题(打印版)

2021 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text.Choose the best word(s) for each numberedblank and mark A,B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)Section Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts.Answer the questions below each textby choosing A, B, C, or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.(40 points)Reskilling is something that sounds like a buzzword but is actually arequirement if we plan to have a future where a lot of would-beworkers do not get left behind.. We know we are moving into a period where the jobs in demandwill change rapidly, as will the requirements of the jobs that remain.Research by the WEF detailed in the Harvard Business Review, findsthat on average 42 per cent of the core skills " within job roles willchange by 2022. That is a very short timeline, so we can onlyimagine what the changes will be further in the future.The question of who should pay for reskilling is a thorny one Forindividual companies, the temptation is always to let go of workerswhose skills are no longer demand and replace them with thosewhose skills are.That does not always happen.AT&T is often given asthe gold standard of a company who decided to do a massivereskilling program rather than go with a fire-and-hire strategy.ultimatelyretraining 18,000employees. Prepandemic,othercompanies including Amazon and Disney had also pledged to createtheir own plans. When the skills mismatch is in the broader economythough, the focus usually turns to government to handle. Efforts inCanada and elsewhere have been arguably languid at best, and havegiven us a situation where we frequently hear of employers beggingfor workers even at times and In regionswhere unemployment is high.With the pandemic, unemployment is veryhigh indeed. In February,at 3.5 per cent and 5.5 per cent respectively,unemployment rates inCanada and the United States were at generational lows and workershortages were everywhere.As of May, those rates had spiked up to13.3 per cent and 13.7 per cent, and although many worker shortageshad disappeared, not all had done so. In the medical field, to take anobvious example,the pandemic meant that there were still clearshortages of doctors, nurses and other medical personnelOf course, it is not like you can take an unemployed waiter andtrain him to be a doctor in a few weeks, no matter who pays for it.Buteven if you cannot close that gap, maybe you can close others, anddoing so would be to the benefit of all concerned That seems to bethe case in Sweden, where the pandemickick-started a retrainingprogram where business as well as government had a role.Reskiling in this way would be challenging in a North Americancontext. You can easily imagine a chorus of"you cant do that,"because teachers or nurses or whoever have special skills, and usingany support staff who has been quickly trained is bound to end indisaster. Maybe. Or maybe it is something that can work 'ell inSweden,with its history of co-operation between business,labourand government, but not in North Americawhere our history is verydifferent. Then again, maybe it is akin to wartime, when extraordinarythings take place, but it is business as usualafter the fact.And yet, asin war the pandemic is teaching us that many things, including rapidreskilling, can be done if there is a will to do them. In any case,Swedens work force is now more skilled, in more things,and moreflexible than it was before.Of course, reskilling programs, whether for pandemic needs or thepostpandemic world,are expensive and at a time when everyonesbudgets are lean this may not be the time to implement them.Thenagain,extending income support programs to get us through thenext months is expensive, too, to say nothing of the cost of having aswath of long-term unemployed in thePOST-COVID years Given that,perhaps we should think hard about whether the pandemic canjump-start us to a place where reskilling becomes much more than abuzzword.B.PreDaacancies for the unemplovo teau.e1C. Retrain their cabin staff for better servicesD.finance their staff' s college educationText 2When Microsoft bought task managennent app Wunderlist andmobile calendar Sunrise in 2015, it pickecup two newcomers thatwere attracting considerable buzz in Silicon Valley. Microsoft' s ownOffice dominates the market for"productivity"software, but thestart-ups represented a new wave of technology designed from theground up for the smartphone world.Both apps, however, were later scrapped, after Microsoft said it hadused their best features in its own productsTheir teams of engineersstayed on, making them two of the many" acqui-hires"that thebiggest companies have used to feed their insatiable hunger for techtalent.To Microsoft’ s critics,the fates of Wunderlist and Sunrise areexamples of a remorseless drive by Big Tech to chew up anyinnovative companies that lie in their path. " They bought theseedlings and closed them down,"complained Paul Arnold, a partnerat San Francisco-based Switch Ventures, putting paid to businessesthat might one day turn into competitors. Microsoft declined tccomment.Like other start-up investors,Mr Arnold ' s own business oftendepends on selling start-ups to larger tech companies,though headmits to mixed feelings about the result:"I think these things aregood for me, if I put my selfish hat on. But are they good for theAmerican economy? I don' t know.”The US Federal Trade Commission says it wants to find the answerto that question. This week, it asked the five most valuable US techcompanies for information about their many smallacquisitions ovelthe past decade. Although only a research project at this stage, therequest has raised the prospect of regulators wading into early-stagetech markets that until now have been beyond their reach.Given their combined market value of more than $5.5tn,riflingthrough such small deals —many of them much less prominent thanwunderlist and Sunrise —might seem beside the point. Betweenthem,the five companies (Apple,Microsoft,Google,Amazon andFacebook) have spent an average of only $3.4bn a year on sub-$1bnacquisitions over the past five years a drop in the ocean compared with their massive financial reserves, and the more than$130bn of venture capital that was invested in the US last year.However, critics say that the big companies use such deals to buytheir most threatening potential competitcrs before their businesseshave a chance to gain momentum, in some cases as part of a"buyand kill" tactic to simply close them down31. What is true about Wuderlist and sunrise after their acquisitionsA.Their market values declined.B. Their tech features improvedC. Their engineers were retainedD. Their products werere-priced.32. Microsoft's critics believe that the big tech companies tend toA. ignore public opinionsB.treat new tech talent unfairlyC.exaggerate their product qualityD.eliminate their potential competitors.33. Paul Arnold is concerned that small acquisitions miahtA. harm the national economyB. worsen market competitionC. discourage start-up investorsD.weaken big tech companies.34. The US Federal Trade Commission intend toA. examine small acquisitionsB. limit Big Tech'’ s expansionC. supervise start-ups’operationsD.encourage research collaboration35. For the five biggest tech companies, their small acquisition haveA. brought little financial pressureB. raised few management challengesC.set an example for future dealsD. generated considerable profitsText 4we're fairly good at judging people based on first impressions,thin slices of experience ranging from a glimpse of a photo to afive-minute interaction, and deliberation can be not only extraneousbut intrusive. In one study of the ability she dubbed"thin slicing,"the late psychologist Nalini Ambady asked participants to watchsilent 10-second video clips of professors and to rate the instructor's overall effectiveness. Their ratings correlated strongly withstudents’ end-of-semester ratings.Another set of participants had tccount backward from 1,000 by nines as they watched the clips,occupying their conratings were just asaccurate, demonstrie social processing.Critically, anotherninute writing downreasons for their Jjudgment,betore giving the rating. Accuracydropped dramatically. Ambady suspected that deliberation focusedthem on vivid but misleading cues,such as certain gestures orutterances, rather than letting the complex interplay of subtle signalsform a holistic impression. She found similar interference whenparticipants watched 15-second clips of pairs of people and judgedwhether they were strangers, friends, or dating partners.Other research shows we' re better at detecting deception andsexual orientation from thin slices when we rely on intuition insteadof reflection.“It' s as if you' re driving a stick shift," says Judith Hall,a psychologist at Northeastern University,"and if you start thinkingabout it too much, you can' t remember what you’ re doing. But if yougo on automatic pilot, you' re fine. Much of our social life is like that."Thinking too much can also harm our ability to form preferencesCollege students' ratings of strawberry jams and college coursesaligned better with experts' opinions when the students weren'tasked to analyze their rationale. And peoplemadecar-buyingdecisions that were both objectively better and more personallysatisfying when asked to focus on their feelings rather than on details,but only if the decision was complex — when they had a lot o1information to process.Intuition ' s special powers are unleashed only in certaincircumstances. In one study, participants completed a battery of eighttasks, including four that tapped reflective thinking (discerning rules,comprehending vocabulary) and four that tapped intuition andcreativity (generating new products or figures of speech).Then theyrated the degree to which they had used intuition ( "gut feelings,""hunches,"“my heart”). Use of their gut hurt their performance onthe first four tasks,as expected, and helped them on the restSometimes the heart is smarter than the head.36. Nalini Ambabys study deals with_A. instructor student interactionB.the power of people's memoryC. the reliability of first impressionsD.People’s ability to influence others37. In Ambaby ' s study,rating accuracydropped whenparticipants_A. gave the rating in limited timeB. focused on specific detailsC. watched shorter video clipsD. discussed with on another38.Judith Hall mentions driving to mention that_A. memory can be selectiveB.reflection can be distractingC. social skills must be cultivatedD. deception is difficult to detect39. When you are making complex decisions, it is advisable to_A. follow your feelingsB. list your preferencesc. seek expert adviceD.collect enough data40.(缺)Directions:In the following article, some sentences have been removed. FotQuestions 41—45, choose the most suitable one from the list A—G tcfit into each of the numbered blanks.There are two extra choiceswhich do not fit in any of the blanks. Mark your answers on ANSWERSHEET 1.(10 points)A. Stay calmB. Stay humbleC. Don’t make judgmentsD.Be realistic about the risksE. Decide whether to waitF.Ask permission to disagreeG. Identify a shared goalHow to Disagree with Someone More Powerful than YouYour boss proposes a new initiative you think won' t work.Youlsenior colleague outlines a project timeline you think is unrealistic.What do you say when you disagree with someone who has morepower than you do? How do you decide whether it’s worth speakingup? And if you do, what exactly should you say? Here' s how tcdisagree with someone more powerful than you.41.You may decide it' s best to hold off on voicing your opinion.Maybe you haven’t finished thinking the problem through, the wholediscussion was a surprise to you, or you want to get a clearer sense oiwhat the group thinks. If you think other people are going to disagree too, you might want to gather your army first. People can contributeexperience or information to your thinking—all the things that wouldmake the disagreement stronger or more valid. It's also a good ideato delay the conversation if you' re in a meeting or other public space.Discussing the issue in private will make the powerful person feel lessthreatened.42.Before you share your thoughts,think about what the powerfulperson cares aboutit may be "the credibility of their team orgetting a project done on time. You' re more likely to be heard if youcan connect your disagreement to a higher purpose.When you dospeak up, don' t assume the link will be clear. You’ ll want to state itovertly, contextualizing your statements so that you' re seen not as adisagreeable underling but as a colleague whos trying to advance ashared goal. The discussion will then become more like a chess gamethan a boxing match.43.This step may sound overly deferential, but it' s a smart way to givethe powerful person psychological safety and control. You can saysomething like,“I know we seem to be moving toward a first-quartercommitment here.I have reasons to think that won' t work.T d like to lay out my reasoning. Would that be OK?"This gives the person achoice,allowing them to verbally opt in.And, assuming they say yes.it willmake, you feel more confidentabout voicing yourdisagreement.44._You might feel your heart racing or your face turning red, but dcwhatever you can to remain neutral in both your words and actions,When your body language communicates reluctance or anxiety,itundercuts the message. Itsends a mixed message, and yourcounterpart gets to choose what to read. Deep breaths can help, ascan speaking more slowly and deliberately. When we feel panicky wetend to talk louder and faster. Simply slowing the pace and talking inan even tone helps the other person calm down and does the samefor you. It also makes you seem confident, even if you aren't.45._Emphasize that you're offering your opinion, not gospel truth. Itmay be a well-informed, well-researched opinion, but it' s still anopinion, my talk tentatively and slightly understate your confidence.Instead of saying something like, " If we set an end-of-quarterdeadline, we'll never make it,:" say,“This is just my opinion, but ldon't see how we will make that deadline." Having asserted yourposition(as a position,not as a fact) demonstrate equal curiosityabout other views.Remind the person that this is your point of view,and then invite critique. Be open to hearing other opinions.Part CDirections:Translate the following text into Chinese. Write your translation onthe ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)We tend to think that friends and family members are our biggestsource of connection, laughter and warmth . While that may well betrue, researchers have also recently found that interacting withstrangers actually brings a boost in mood and feelings of belongingthat we didn't expect.In one series of studies,researchers instructed Chicago- areacommuters using publictransportation to strike up a conversationwith someone near them. On average,participants who followed thisinstruction felt better than those who had been told to stand or sit insilence.The researchers also argued that when we shy away fromcasual interactions with strangers,It is often due to a misplacedanxiety that they might not want to talk to us. Much of the time,however, this belief is false . As it tums outmany people are actuallyperfectly wiling to talk- and may even beflattered to receive yourattention .Section m WritinPart A51. Directions:Suppose you are organising an online meeting. Write an email to Jackan international student.(1) invite him to participate,and(2) tell him the detailsYou should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.Do not sign your own name at the end of the e-mail. Use " LiMing"instead.Do not write the address. (10 points)Part B52.Directions:Write an essay based on chart below. In your writing,you should(1) interpret the chart,and(2) give your commentsYou should write about 150words on theANSWERhave a chance to gain momentum, in some cases as part of a"buyand kill" tactic to simply close them down31. What is true about Wuderlist and sunrise after their acquisitionsA.Their market values declined.B. Their tech features improvedC. Their engineers were retainedD. Their products werere-priced.32. Microsoft's critics believe that the big tech companies tend toA. ignore public opinionsB.treat new tech talent unfairlyC.exaggerate their product qualityD.eliminate their potential competitors.33. Paul Arnold is concerned that small acquisitions miahtA. harm the national economyB. worsen market competitionC. discourage start-up investorsD.weaken big tech companies.34. The US Federal Trade Commission intend toA. examine small acquisitionsB. limit Big Tech'’ s expansionC. supervise start-ups’operationsD.encourage research collaboration35. For the five biggest tech companies, their small acquisition haveA. brought little financial pressureB. raised few management challengesC.set an example for future dealsD. generated considerable profitsText 4we're fairly good at judging people based on first impressions,thin slices of experience ranging from a glimpse of a photo to afive-minute interaction, and deliberation can be not only extraneousbut intrusive. In one study of the ability she dubbed"thin slicing,"the late psychologist Nalini Ambady asked participants to watchsilent 10-second video clips of professors and to rate the instructor's overall effectiveness. Their ratings correlated strongly withstudents’ end-of-semester ratings.Another set of participants had tccount backward from 1,000 by nines as they watched the clips,occupying their conratings were just asaccurate, demonstrie social processing.Critically, anotherninute writing downreasons for their Jjudgment,betore giving the rating. Accuracydropped dramatically. Ambady suspected that deliberation focusedthem on vivid but misleading cues,such as certain gestures orutterances, rather than letting the complex interplay of subtle signalsform a holistic impression. She found similar interference whenparticipants watched 15-second clips of pairs of people and judgedwhether they were strangers, friends, or dating partners.Other research shows we' re better at detecting deception andsexual orientation from thin slices when we rely on intuition insteadof reflection.“It' s as if you' re driving a stick shift," says Judith Hall,a psychologist at Northeastern University,"and if you start thinkingabout it too much, you can' t remember what you’ re doing. But if yougo on automatic pilot, you' re fine. Much of our social life is like that."Thinking too much can also harm our ability to form preferencesCollege students' ratings of strawberry jams and college coursesaligned better with experts' opinions when the students weren'tasked to analyze their rationale. And people madecar-buyingdecisions that were both objectively better and more personallysatisfying when asked to focus on their feelings rather than on details,but only if the decision was complex — when they had a lot o1information to process.Intuition ' s special powers are unleashed only in certaincircumstances. In one study, participants completed a battery of eighttasks, including four that tapped reflective thinking (discerning rules,comprehending vocabulary) and four that tapped intuition andcreativity (generating new products or figures of speech).Then theyrated the degree to which they had used intuition ( "gut feelings,""hunches,"“my heart”). Use of their gut hurt their performance onthe first four tasks,as expected, and helped them on the restSometimes the heart is smarter than the head.36. Nalini Ambabys study deals with_A. instructor student interactionB.the power of people's memoryC. the reliability of first impressionsD.People’s ability to influence others37. In Ambaby ' s study,rating accuracydropped whenparticipants_A. gave the rating in limited timeB. focused on specific detailsC. watched shorter video clipsD. discussed with on another38.Judith Hall mentions driving to mention that_A. memory can be selectiveB.reflection can be distractingC. social skills must be cultivatedD. deception is difficult to detect39. When you are making complex decisions, it is advisable to_A. follow your feelingsB. list your preferencesc. seek expert adviceD.collect enough data40.(缺)Directions:In the following article, some sentences have been removed. FotQuestions 41—45, choose the most suitable one from the list A—G tcfit into each of the numbered blanks.There are two extra choiceswhich do not fit in any of the blanks. Mark your answers on ANSWERSHEET 1.(10 points)A. Stay calmB. Stay humbleC. Don’t make judgmentsD.Be realistic about the risksE. Decide whether to waitF.Ask permission to disagreeG. Identify a shared goalHow to Disagree with Someone More Powerful than YouYour boss proposes a new initiative you think won' t work.Youlsenior colleague outlines a project timeline you think is unrealistic.What do you say when you disagree with someone who has morepower than you do? How do you decide whether it’s worth speakingup? And if you do, what exactly should you say? Here' s how tcdisagree with someone more powerful than you.41.You may decide it' s best to hold off on voicing your opinion.Maybe you haven’t finished thinking the problem through, the wholediscussion was a surprise to you, or you want to get a clearer sense oiwhat the group thinks. If you think other people are going to disagree too, you might want to gather your army first. People can contributeexperience or information to your thinking—all the things that wouldmake the disagreement stronger or more valid. It's also a good ideato delay the conversation if you' re in a meeting or other public space.Discussing the issue in private will make the powerful person feel lessthreatened.42.Before you share your thoughts,think about what the powerfulperson cares aboutit may be "the credibility of their team orgetting a project done on time. You' re more likely to be heard if youcan connect your disagreement to a higher purpose.When you dospeak up, don' t assume the link will be clear. You’ ll want to state itovertly, contextualizing your statements so that you' re seen not as adisagreeable underling but as a colleague whos trying to advance ashared goal. The discussion will then become more like a chess gamethan a boxing match.43.This step may sound overly deferential, but it' s a smart way to givethe powerful person psychological safety and control. You can saysomething like,“I know we seem to be moving toward a first-quartercommitment here.I have reasons to think that won' t work.T d like to lay out my reasoning. Would that be OK?"This gives the person achoice,allowing them to verbally opt in.And, assuming they say yes.it willmake, you feel more confidentabout voicing yourdisagreement.44._You might feel your heart racing or your face turning red, but dcwhatever you can to remain neutral in both your words and actions,When your body language communicates reluctance or anxiety,itundercuts the message. Itsends a mixed message, and yourcounterpart gets to choose what to read. Deep breaths can help, ascan speaking more slowly and deliberately. When we feel panicky wetend to talk louder and faster. Simply slowing the pace and talking inan even tone helps the other person calm down and does the samefor you. It also makes you seem confident, even if you aren't.45._Emphasize that you're offering your opinion, not gospel truth. Itmay be a well-informed, well-researched opinion, but it' s still anopinion, my talk tentatively and slightly understate your confidence.Instead of saying something like, " If we set an end-of-quarterdeadline, we'll never make it,:" say,“This is just my opinion, but ldon't see how we will make that deadline." Havingasserted yourposition(as a position,not as a fact) demonstrate equal curiosityabout other views.Remind the person that this is your point of view,and then invite critique. Be open to hearing other opinions.Part CDirections:Translate the following text into Chinese. Write your translation onthe ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)We tend to think that friends and family members are our biggestsource of connection, laughter and warmth . While that may well betrue, researchers have also recently found that interacting withstrangers actually brings a boost in mood and feelings of belongingthat we didn't expect.In one series of studies,researchers instructed Chicago- areacommuters using public transportation to strike up a conversationwith someone near them. On average,participants who followed thisinstruction felt better than those who had been told to stand or sit insilence.The researchers also argued that when we shy away fromcasual interactions with strangers,It is often due to a misplacedanxiety that they might not want to talk to us. Much of the time,however, this belief is false . As it tums outmany people are actuallyperfectly wiling to talk- and may even beflattered to receive yourattention .Section m WritinPart A51.Directions:Suppose you are organising an online meeting. Write an email to Jackan international student.(1)invite him to participate,and(2) tell him the detailsYou should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.Do not sign your own name at the end of the e-mail. Use " LiMing"instead.Do not write the address. (10 points)Part B52.Directions:Write an essay based on chart below. In your writing,you should(1) interpret the chart,and (2)give your commentsYou should write about 150words on theANSWERSHEET.(15points)60.0%,50.0% ,4.0%s30.0N)23.9%20.ogsy,10.0gy .px.hep.0.0%。

2020年同等学力人员申请硕士学位外国语水平全国统一考试(二)真题及答案解析Section BDirections:Im this section,you are required1o read one quoted blog and the commentson it.The biog and comments arc followed by questions or unfinished statements,eachwith four suggested answers A,B,C and D. Choose the best answer and mark youranswer onthe Answer Sheet.Face masks are one of the best defenses against the spread of COVID-19,but theirgrowing adoption is having a second,unintended effect: breaking facial recognitionalgorithms(算法).Wearing face masks that adequately cover the mouth and nose causes the errorrate of some of the most widely used facial recognition algorithms to rise to between5percent and50percent,a study by the US National Institute of Standards andTechnology(NIST)has found.Black masks were more likely to cause errors than bluemasks,and the more of the nose covered by the mask,the harder the algorithms foundit to identify the face.“We need to understand how face recognition technology deals with maskedfaces,"said the author of the report and NIST computer scientist. "We have begun byfocusing on how an algorithm developed before the pandemic(大流行病)might beaffected by subjects wearing face masks. Later this summer,we plan to test theaccuracy of algorithms that were intentionally developed with masked faces in mind."Facial recognition algorithms such as those tested by NIST work by measuring the distances between features in a target's face.Masks reduce the accuracy of these algorithms by removing most of these features, although some still remain.This is slightly,different from how facial recognition works on iPhones,for example,which use depth sensors for extra security,ensuring that the algorithms can't be fooled by showing the camera a picture(a danger that is not present in the scenarios NIST is concerned with).Comment1Well,that's one good thing to come out of the pandemic.Mass sureillance is nonsense.Time to pair masks up with sunglasses to deliver the decisive stroke.Comment2“Wearing face masks that adequately cover the mouth and nose causes the error rate of some of the most widely used facial recognition algorithms to rise sharply"Rubbishtechnology!I would've never guessed.Comment3There's a reason why some country is already using gait(步态) analysis.Facial recognition is too easy to block or to fool.Comment4Pretty soon they are going to do...analysis.With the development of AI,there will be away out.Comment5The AI's getting better,though,so soon it won't matter.Just like how you can pick outa relative or close friend even in bad CCTV footage, so too can AI.Your height,walking gait,mannerisms,voice,ears,clothing, etc,all add up to YOU.41.What is the passage mainly about?A.The best way to defend against COVID-19.B.Efforts to improve facial recognition technology.C.Methods to fool the facial recognition system.D.The impact of masks on facial recognition accuracy.42.The NIST study found that compared with blue masks,black masksA.were more widely used by the publicB.caused more errors in facial recognitionC.provided better protection against the virusD.required less complex algorithmsment1seems to beA.in favor of the rules for wearing face masksB.in favor of the facial recognition technologyC.against the wide use of facial recognitionD.against the requirements for wearing face masks44.Which comment views the current facial recognition technology with contempt?ment2.ment3.ment4.ment5.45.Which of the following is positive about the future technological advance?ment2and Comment3.ment I and Comment4.ment3and Comment5.ment4and Comment5.Part IV Cloze(10points)Directions:In this part,there is a passage with ten blanks.For each blank there arefour choices marked A,B,C,and D.Choose the best answer for each blank and markyour answer onthe Answer Sheet.The English countryside has a classic image.People imagine that life in the country is slow and calm;that there are no traffic jams,no pollution,and no crime.In some places,this is true;but in 46it is not.Small towns and villages are becoming more and more 47;people have more space and most houses have gardens.But problems are48.Lots of people want to live in the country and work in the city; so more and more people travel49distances each day,to go to work.Of course they don't use buses or trains;they use cars.Little villages now have traffic problems in the morning,just50big cities!The problems are very complicated!If everyone moves into the country,the peace of the countryside will51!People leave cities and big towns,to escape from urban problems; but more and more,they are52their problems with them.On warm summer days,and cold winter days,air pollution can be a big problem in large53of the south of England,not just in London.Perhaps there is 54for the future.Soon Britain's population will stop rising.From about the year2030,it will perhaps start to fall.In100year's time, there will be less people in Britain than today-perhaps two million less. No doubt there will be55pollution too;oil and petrol will probably be rare by then.46.A.OtherB.the othersC.othersD.another47.A.FamousB.beautifulC.secureD.popular48.A.decliningB.growingC.solvedD.involved49.A.FarB.shortC.remoteD.long50.A.LikeB.asC.forD.to51.A.AriseB.emergeC.continueD.disappear52.A.developing B.bringingC.causingD.creating53.A.PartsB.placesC.ctiesD.blocks54.A.FearB.planC.hopeD.vision55.A.MoreB.lessC.muchD.fewPart V Text Completion(20points)Directions:In this part,there are three incomplete texts with20 questions(Rangingfrom56t075).Above each text there arre three or four phrases to be completed.First,use the choices provided in the box to complete the phrases.Second,use the completedphrases10fill in the blanks of the texr.Note you should blacken the lelters that indicate.your answers onthe Answer Sheet.Text OneA.ConnectedB.HealthyC.immuneA.eating56meals at regular timesB.can also impair our57system fiunctionC.are58to the body clockA lack of quality sleep not only affects how we feel during the daytime, but59,which is vital in protecting us from common viral illnesses. Efforts needed to sleep well that include following a sleeproutine,.60and not drinking too much coffee.All of these things are really interconnected in terms of their function.All of them61The bodyis like an orchestra where there's an orchestra leader that's sort of the main timer,but everybody clse is playing it together and they're optimizing what they are doing.Text TwoA.ShareB.DemandsC.forceA.true happiness62that we have it in our livesB.they freely.63their ups and downsC.as it is a driving.64in our natureOne of the basic needs we have as humans is to connect with others. We have done thissince the beginning of time65.Close intimate friendships fill that need.There issimply no replacement for this in our lives.You can't buy it,borrow it or steal it,but66.Experts found that people who can name several close,supportive friends-friendswithwhom67—live with greater health and happiness.Text ThreeA.FutureB.ShapeC.FormD.safetyA.will adjust themselves for your68and comfortB.wil69the way we live in astonishing waysC.mimicked human70and thinkingD.gains a truer glimpse of our robotic71Tiny technologies are a key to the future of robots.The old science-fiction notion of arobot pictured a large machine that72.But a visitor to the Arificial IntelligenceLaboratory at Cambridge73。
使命召唤2 详细流程攻略

苏军战役 第一关:家园保卫战(The Winter War) 1 红军训练(Red Army Training) 时间:1941年12月17日 地点:苏联 莫西科西20里处 德军的部队逼近莫斯科,瓦西里.克斯拉夫和许多市民一样加入到保卫莫斯科的队伍之中,他作为刚加入红军的新兵,必须进行一番训练才能投入战斗。乘车来到莫斯科郊外,跟随战友和长官跳下卡车,用Tab观看任务目标,地图上会用金星标注任务地点。听完雷特莱夫的命令,顺着战壕跑到储藏间拿手枪和来复枪(F),用数字键可切换武器,右键为放大瞄准。向长官汇报后开始射击训练,先朝柱子上的两只玩具熊射击,再将后面的碟子和酒瓶射碎。接下来是肉搏技能训练,用枪托砸向靶子(Shift)。最后学习投掷手榴弹的技能,拾起箱子里的马铃薯朝目标投掷,这里要用G或鼠标中键拾取,然后对准目标投掷,如果目标较高要留出提前量,即准星比目标稍高一些。 回到储藏间逼问俘虏,然后跟随队伍赶往东方的德军补给库。在穿越房屋时会遇到窗口或矮墙,用空格键可翻跃过去。跑过一串的废屋遇到德军的坦克,跑到对面的屋里拿烟雾弹,再上二层朝街道左边扔烟雾弹(4),和队友趁烟雾进入对面的楼,最后在补给库找到一辆德军装甲车,清掉德兵后上去放置炸药(F),轰隆声响中完成任务。 2 破坏(Demolition) 时间:1942年12月2日 地点:苏联 斯大林格勒 瓦西里和战友一起保卫斯大林格勒,在穿越伏尔加河时许多的同志都牺牲的,慢慢的他感觉到战争的残酷性。任务开始由房间进走廊,躲到箱子后面用步枪开始清理左边大厅里的德兵,等德兵撤离后跑到窗口杀轨道附近的敌人,然后跑到外面攻入对面的楼里。 穿过房间进入防御线战壕,看到前面一位战友正拖着伤员行进,等战壕上面的坦克离去后,看地上的伤员吐着微弱的气息,祝他好运。顺着战壕进入前面的大楼,在里面看到众多埋伏的战友

号码复式三中三,三中二计算方法:n(n-1)---------=二中二的组数,如10个号是(10×9÷2)=45组!2n(n-1)(n-2)---------------- =三中二(或三中三)的组数,如10个号(10×9×8÷6)=120组!3*2 *1n(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)----------------------- =四中四(或四中二)的组数,如10个号(10×9×8×7÷24)=210组!4* 3*2 *1n(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)(n-4)---------------------------- =五中五(或五中二)的组数,如10个号(10×9×8×7×6÷120)=252组!5* 4* 3*2 *1n(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)(n-4)(n-5)--------------------------------- =六中六(或六中二)的组数,如10个号(10×9×8×7×6×5÷720)=210组! 6* 5* 4* 3* 2 * 1复式连(三中三)(三中二)赔率表:===============================================组合个数‖ 组数‖ 中二个‖ 中三个‖ 中四个‖ 中五个 ‖ 中六个 ‖===============================================4 ‖ 4 ‖ 2组 ‖ 3组+1 ‖ 0组+4 ‖===============================================5 ‖ 10 ‖ 3组 ‖ 6组+1 ‖ 6组+4 ‖ 0组+10‖===============================================6 ‖ 20 ‖ 4组 ‖ 9组+1 ‖ 12组+4‖ 10组+10 ‖ 0组+20‖===============================================7 ‖ 35 ‖ 5组 ‖ 12组+1‖ 18组+4‖ 20组+10‖ 15组+20‖===============================================8 ‖ 56 ‖ 6组 ‖ 15组+1‖ 24组+4‖ 30组+10‖ 30组+20‖===============================================9 ‖ 84 ‖ 7组 ‖ 18组+1‖ 30组+4‖ 40组+10‖ 45组+20‖===============================================10 ‖ 120 ‖ 8组 ‖ 21组+1‖ 36组+4‖ 50组+10‖ 60组+20‖===============================================11 ‖ 165 ‖ 9组 ‖ 24组+1 ‖ 42组+4‖ 60组+10‖ 75组+20‖===============================================12 ‖ 220 ‖ 10组 ‖ 27组+1‖ 48组+4‖ 70组+10‖ 90组+20‖===============================================13 ‖ 286 ‖ 11组 ‖ 30组+1‖ 54组+4‖ 80组+10‖ 105组+20‖===============================================14 ‖ 364 ‖ 12组 ‖ 33组+1‖ 60组+4‖ 90组+10‖ 120组+20‖===============================================15 ‖ 455 ‖ 13组 ‖ 36组+1‖ 66组+4‖ 100组+10‖ 135组+20‖===============================================组合个数‖ 组数‖ 中二个‖ 中三个‖ 中四个‖ 中五个 ‖ 中六个 ‖===============================================2中2复式计算公式2个码=2*1/2=1组2中2复式计算公式3个码=3*2/2=3组3中3复式计算公式3个码=3*2*1/6=1组3中3复式计算公式4个码=4*3*2/6=4组4中4复式计算公式4个码=4*3*2*1/24=1组4中4复式计算公式5个码=5*4*3*2/24=5组5中5复式计算公式5个码=5*4*3*2*1/120=1组5中5复式计算公式6个码=6*5*4*3*2/120=6组6中6复式计算公式6个码=6*5*4*3*2*1/720=1组6中6复式计算公式7个码=7*6*5*4*3*2/720=7组7中7复式计算公式7个码=7*6*5*4*3*2*1/5040=1组7中7复式计算公式8个码=8*7*6*5*4*3*2/5040=8组注:其实很简单,所有的复式都有公式可算的,全有关连,细看一定能看出的。
商务翻译英译汉 Unit (2)

• 一种出口干电池的商标叫“白象”,英译成“White Elephant”。殊不知a white elephant是条固定的英文短 语,意为“沉重的负担”(a burdensome possession) 或“无用而累赘的东西”(useless)。“蜜蜂”牌洗 澡香皂被直译为“Bees”。这是完全对应的英译,但英 文读者却不欢迎这个译名,因为蜜蜂身上有几乎看不见 的绒刺,擦在身上自然感觉不到舒服。马戏牌扑克牌被 音译成“Maxipuke”也是符合翻译技巧和原则的。但这 个汉语拼音牌名正好是两个英义词“Maxi”(=very large or particularly big特大的)和“puke” (=vomit 呕吐物,催吐剂;令人作呕的人成物)的集合。人们玩 扑克无疑多为娱乐,起名“马戏”对中国人来说是个很 理想的名字。可英国人对此译名却可能是望而却步。它 不仅不给人以快乐的感觉,反而令人感到恶心。
Unit 2
Ugly Is Only Skin-deep
《商务英语翻译》 (英译汉)
It may not be much to look at. But beneath that humble exterior beats an air-cooled engine. It won’t boil and ruin your piston rings. It won’t freeze over and ruin your life. It’s in the back of the car for better traction in snow and sand. And it will give you about 29 miles to a gallon of gas. • After a while you get to like so much about the VW②, you even get to like what it looks like. • You find that there’s enough legroom for almost anybody’s legs. Enough headroom for almost anybody’s head. With a hat on it. Snugfitting bucket seats. Doors that close so well you can hardly close them. They’re so airtight, it’s better to open the window a crack first! • Those plain, unglamorous wheels are much suspended independently. So when a bump makes one wheel bounce, the bounce doesn’t make the other wheel bump. It’s things like that you pay $1585 for, when you buy a VW. The ugliness doesn’t add a thing to the cost of the car. • That’s the beauty of it.


(四)用增词法表达复数概念 e.g. Note that the words “velocity” and “speed” require explanation.
请注意,“速度”和“速率”这两个词 需要加以解释。 e.g. He showed me the scars on his legs. 他让我看他双腿上的道道伤痕。 (五)增加表达抽象概念的范畴词
e.g. 我们取得了伟大的历史性胜利。
We have won great victory.
e.g. 我们对此进行了积极的尝试。 We have carried out the experiment. (四) 省译副词 e.g. 进一步简化手续,及时地、积极地从 国外引进,并且认真组织科学技术人员和 广大职工做好消化和推广工作。
e.g. After all preparations were made, the plane took off. 一切准备工作就绪以后,飞机就起飞 了。 e.g. He seized the chance for peace between them. 他抓住了实现和他们和解的机会。
(六)重复性增词 e.g. “Shall I bring you a dictionary or an encyclopedia?” “Both, please.” “给你带一本词典来还是带一本百科全 书来?”“劳驾把两样都带来。” e.g. I kept going back to it at odd times during the day, then at night when I was being put to bed.

目录1 用户快速使用指南 (1)1.1 使用须知 (1)1.2 操作面板简介 (1)1.3 按键功能简介 (1)1.4 指示灯逻辑状态 (2)1.5 遥控器 (2)1.6 初次使用 (3)2 产品型号表示方法 (4)3 安装、电气连接与调整 (4)3.1 安装 (4)3.2 电气连接与调整 (4)4 操作方法 (5)4.1 远方操作 (5)4.2 就地操作 (5)5 参数设置 (6)5.1 I/O参数设置 (6)5.2 控制参数设置 (8)6 参数浏览 (9)6.1 I/O参数浏览 (10)6.2 控制参数浏览 (11)6.3 故障记录浏览 (11)6.4 其它参数浏览 (12)7 外形及连接尺寸 (13)7.1 外形尺寸 (13)7.2 连接尺寸 (14)8 维修及保养 (15)附录1 2SDQ电动执行机构接线图 (16)附录2 2SDQ 主要技术参数 (18)附录3 2SDQ 主要性能参数 (19)附录4 2SDQ电动执行机构出厂默认参数一览表 (19)附录5 2SDQ电动执行机构故障显示以及解决方法浏览表 (20)附录6 2SDQ系列产品型号说明 (21)5 61、OLED显示屏2、红色-阀位指示灯(开向)3、黄色-报警灯4、绿色-阀位指示灯(关向)5、红外接收6、红外发射7、切换按键(状态切换)8、停止按键/菜单设置(确定)9、关向按键/菜单设置(下一个)10、开向按键/菜单设置(退出)1 用户快速使用指南1.1 使用须知●非侵入式2SDQ系列电动执行机构在运输、保管、安装、调试、运行、维修时应严格按照本说明书的各项要求进行,以避免发生故障及损伤。

【课⽂】 First listen and then answer the following question. 听录⾳,然后回答以下问题。
How much of each year do spiders spend killing insects? Why, you may wonder, should spiders be our friends? Because they destroy so many insects, and insects include some of the greatest enemies of the human race. Insects would make it impossible for us to live in the world; they would devour all our crops and kill our flocks and herds, if it were not for the protection we get from insect-eating animals. We owe a lot to the birds and beasts who eat insects but all of them put together kill only a fraction of the number destroyed by spiders. Moreover, unlike some of the other insect eaters, spiders never do the harm to us or our belongings. Spiders are not insects, as many people think, nor even nearly related to them. One can tell the difference almost at a glance, for a spider always has eight legs and an insect never more than six. How many spiders are engaged in this work on our behalf? One authority on spiders made a census of the spiders in grass field in the south of England, and he estimated that there were more than 2,250,000 in one acre; that is something like 6,000,000 spiders of different kinds on a football pitch. Spiders are busy for at least half the year in killing insects. It is impossible to make more than the wildest guess at how many they kill, but they are hungry creatures, not content with only three meals a day. It has been estimated that the weight of all the insects destroyed by spiders in Britain in one year would be greater than the total weight of all the human beings in the country. 【New words and expressions ⽣词和短语】 insect n. 昆⾍ devour v. 吞⾷ flock n. ⽺群 herd n. 牧群 beast n. 野兽 fraction n. ⼩部分 census n. 统计数字 acre n. 英亩 content adj. 满⾜的 【课⽂注释】 1. you may wonder 是这个疑问句的插⼊语。

新概念英语同步读写练习册2参考答案(网络下载版)Lesson 1阅读理解(1)◆答案与解析1. C。
从短文第一句的works in a hospital可以判断Mr. Black是一名医务人员,因此选项C是正确的。
2. A。
为什么不出国,原因是he’s busy all the time。
3. B。
他之所以带家人在国内旅行,是因为他doesn’t have time。
4. C。
5. B。
(2)◆答案与解析1. 害怕的。
2. Footsteps.“人的走路声”。
3. They go hiking and sleep outside. 结合After hiking all day, we find a place to camp for the night.这句话,整理出本题的答案。
4. Because they want to cook their food. 原文中的...so that we can cook our dinner引导的是一个目的状语从句,表示“取火”的目的,符合本题的内容。
5. Because they tell ghost stories before going to sleep. 结合we all hear footsteps and we are all so scaredthat we can’t get to sleep. 这句话的意思得出本题答案:害怕的原因是鬼故事而导致不敢睡觉。
英汉翻译1. Your English is getting better and better.2. The school master will look over our studies in half an hour.3. She is always ready to help others.4. They didn’t tell me whether she had left.5. Hainan is China’s second largest island.6. I’d like to reserve some seats for the opera.7. The match ended at three o’clock.8. How did you open the door?Lesson 2阅读理解(1)◆答案与解析1. B。

long history of civilization but also demonstrates a great deal of modern vitality. It is endowed with unique, rich and varied tourism resources.
人教版(2019)必修三Unit 2 Morals and Virtues 课文翻译

MOTHER OF TEN THOUSAND BABIES万婴之母“Life is precious. ... To a person nothing is more precious than their life, and if they entrust me with that life, how could I refuse that trust, saying I’m cold, hungry, or tired?” These words of Dr Lin Qiaozhi give us a look into the heart of this amazing woman, and what carried her through a life of hard choices.“⽣命诚可贵。
……对⼀个⼈来说,⽣命是最宝贵的,⽽现在这个⼈对你说,我把⽣命交给你,那么你还说什么呢?你冷?你饿?你困?” 从林巧稚医⽣的这番话,我们可以看到这位伟⼤⼥性的内⼼世界,以及到底是什么⽀撑着她⾛过充满艰难抉择的⼀⽣。
As a five-year-old girl, Lin Qiaozhi was deeply affected by her mother’s death. At age 18, instead of following the traditional path of marriage like the majority of girls, she chose to study medidne. “Why should girls learn so much? Finding a good husband should be their final goal!” her brother complained, thinking of the high tuition fees. She responded, “I’d rather stay single to study all my life!”林巧稚五岁时母亲病故,这对她影响极⼤。
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2020年4月27日15点左右,因1#风机1级电机显示过载,1# 主扇风机1级电机停止运行,主扇司机立即将1#主扇风机倒在2#主扇
4 、撤离路线:
(1)、1123回风巷f 11运输石门f进风行人大巷(主平硐)f地面。
(2)、1123切眼f 12运输石门f轨道下山f进风行人大巷(主平硐) f地面。
(3)、1121采面f 1121运输巷f 11运输石门f进风行人大巷(主平硐) f地面。
1、当2#主扇恢复运行前,必须先关闭主扇防爆门,然后再启动2# 主扇,启动时,必须安排电工在现场指挥;启动后,值班人员随时观察
3、在瓦斯排放过程中,严禁采取“一风吹” 斯变化情况,直到井下各地点用风量满足要求后,