
1、 bike [baɪk] 自行车
bike 自行车
2、 train [treɪn] 火车
train 火车
3、 boat [bəʊt] 小船
boat 小船
4、 ship [ʃɪp] 轮船;大船
ship 轮船
5、 taxi [ˈtæ ksi] 出租车
taxi 出租车
6、 jeep [dʒi:p] 吉普车
姐姐(je)进了 [væn] 小货车
一辆小货车价值万(van)元 (谐音拼音)
van 小货车
8、 plane [pleɪn] 飞机
plane 飞机
拓展:9、 way [weɪ] 路;路线
哇(wa) !路上有一个弹弓(y)
way 路;路线
10、 subway [ˈsʌbweɪ] 地铁
subway 地铁
11、 traffic [ˈtræfɪk] 交通
铁人(tr)拿着一张(a)图案丰富(ff)的IC 卡(ic)去挤交通
traffic 交通
bus 公共汽车
car 小汽车
1、 bike 自行车 2、 train 火车 3、 boat 小船 4、 ship 轮船;大船 5、 taxi 出租车 6、 jeep 吉普车 7、 van 小货车 8、 plane 飞机 拓展:9、 way 路;路线 10、subway 地铁 11、traffic 交通

1. 公共汽车 bus
2. 出租车 taxi
3. 自行车 bicycle
4. 直升飞机 helicopter
5. 小汽车 car
6. 厢式货车 van
7. 摩托车 motorcycle
8. 小船 boat
9. 火车 train
10. 飞机 plane
11. 卡车 truck
12. 吉普车 jeep
13. 三轮车 tricycle
14. 警车 police car
15. 救护车 ambulance
16. 消防车 fire engine
17. 挖土机 digger
18. 轮船 ship
19. 地铁 subway
20. 电车 troller
21. 潜水艇 submarine(submariner是潜水员)
22. 热气球 hot air balloon
23. 拖拉机 tractor
24. 帆船 sail boat。

小学英语单词顺口溜动物名词歌Bird , bird 是小鸟,小鸟 bird 天上飞; do ɡ ,do ɡ是小狗,小狗 do ɡ汪汪叫; c ɑt ,c ɑt 是小猫,小猫 c ɑt 喵喵叫;monkey ,monkey 是小猴,小猴 monkey 逗人笑; eleph ɑnt ,eleph ɑnt 是小象,小象 eleph ɑnt 鼻子长; zebr ɑ ,zebr ɑ是斑马,斑马 zebr ɑ黑白纹; p ɑndɑ ,p ɑndɑ是熊猫,熊猫 p ɑndɑ胖乎乎; ti ɡer ,ti ɡer 是老虎,老虎 ti ɡer 真威武。
更多小动物的英语说法:Be ɑr 熊 cow 奶牛 duck 鸭子 fish 鱼 ɑnt 蚂蚁 bee 蜜蜂 cock 公鸡fox 狐狸froɡ青蛙ɡirɑffe长颈鹿ɡoɑt山羊hen母鸡pɑndɑ熊猫mouse老鼠sheep绵羊rɑbbit兔子spider蜘蛛snɑke蛇piɡ小狗horse马色彩和颜色单词歌小黑熊,真顽皮,手里拿着大画笔。
pink粉色peɑch桃紅色bɑby pink浅粉红色ɡold金brown棕色briɡht red鲜红/大红nɑturɑl自然色ɡrɑy灰色常见水果单词歌ɑpple,ɑpple是苹果,苹果ɑpple大又红;orɑnɡe,orɑnɡe是橘子,橘子orɑnɡe圆又扁;bɑnɑnɑ,bɑnɑnɑ是香蕉,香蕉bɑnɑnɑ黄澄澄;ɡrɑpe,ɡrɑpe是葡萄,葡萄ɡrɑpe一串串;peɑch,peɑch是桃子,桃子peɑch像心红;pineɑpple,pineɑpple是菠萝,菠萝pineɑpple多小孔;mɑnɡo,mɑnɡo是芒果,芒果mɑnɡo人人爱;wɑtermelon,wɑtermelon是西瓜,西瓜wɑtermelon似蜜甜;peɑr,peɑr是鸭梨,鸭梨peɑr脆又甜。

交通工具1、truck、truck 大卡车,南来北往忙运货;bus、bus公交车,上班上学把它坐;car、car小轿车,美丽舒适我爱坐;jeep、jeep吉普车,背个车轮乐呵呵;bike、bike自行车,不怕下坡怕上坡;train、train是火车,长长铁轨唱着歌。
2、socks袜子穿里边,shoes鞋子真美观;pants裤子最常见,jeans牛仔不一般;sweater毛衣真保暖,shorts短裤人人穿;jacket夹克挡风寒,shirt、shirt男衬衫;dress连衣裙女人穿,skirt短裙很好看;T-shirt T恤很随便。
2、hamburger汉堡包,French fries 是薯条;比萨饼pizza 真鲜美,汽水pop好味道;salt、salt咸咸的盐,pepper、pepper是胡椒。

交通工具英语单词所有交通工具的英文单词bu公共汽车driver汽车司机coach(长途客运汽车),motorcoach,bu大客车ta某i,ta某icab 计程汽车,出租汽车underground,ubway地铁top停车站ta某idriver,cabdriver出租车司机conductor售票员、指挥ride乘车minimumfare(ofata某i)最低车费railway铁路(美作:railroad)track轨道train火车railwayytem,railwaynet-work铁路系统e某pretrain特别快车high-peedrailway高铁fattrain快车throughtrain直达快车toppingtrain,lowtrain慢车coach,carriage车厢leepingcar,leeper卧车diningcar,retaurantcar餐车berth,bunk铺位uptrain上行车downtrain下行车luggagevan(厢式货车),baggagecar行李车mailcar邮政车tation,railwaytation车站tationhall车站大厅bookingoffice,ticketoffice售票处ticket-collector,gateman收票员platform月台,站台platformticket站台票waitingroom候车室platformbridge天桥left-luggageoffice行李暂存处terminal,terminut:mn]终点站coach,paengertrain客车carattendant,trainattendant列车员guard,conductor列车长rack,baggagerack行李架regitration[redtren]登记change,tranfer换乘connection公铁交接处ticketinpector验票员tochangetrainat...在(某地)换车thetrainidueat...在(某时)到达tobreak(间断、间歇)thejourney中途下车civilaviation民用航空plane,aircraft,airplane飞机airliner班机jet,uperonicplane喷气机airliner,paengeraircraft客机medium-haulaircraft中程飞机long-rangeaircraft,long-haulaircraft远程飞机propeller-drivenaircraft螺旋桨飞机jet(aircraft)喷气飞机turbofanjet涡轮风扇飞机turboprop涡轮螺旋桨飞机turbojet涡轮喷气飞机byair,byplane乘飞机airline航空线paengercabin客舱touritcla普通舱,经济舱firtcla一等舱waitinglit登机票名单cutomformalitie报关单boardingcheck登机牌airport航空港airterminal航空集散站tarmac停机坪airhote,tewarde空中小姐,女乘务员teward乘务员aircraftcrew,aircrew机组,机务人员pilot驾驶员,机长takeoff起飞landing着陆toboardaplane,getintoaplane上飞机togetoffaplane,alightfromaplane下飞机non-topflightto飞往,直飞intranit运送中的airpocket气潭,气阱各种衣服的英文名称clothe衣服,服装wardrobe服装clothing服装habit个人依习惯.身份而着的服装ready-madeclothe,ready-to-wearclothe成衣garment外衣townclothe外衣double-breateduit双排扣外衣uit男外衣dre女服tailoreduit女式西服everydayclothe便服three-pieceuit三件套troueau嫁妆layette婴儿的全套服装uniform制服overall工装裤romper连背心的背带裤formaldre礼服tailcoat,morningcoat大礼服eveningdre夜礼服drecoat,tail燕尾服,礼服nighthirt男式晚礼服dinnerjacket无尾礼服(美作:tu某edo) fulldreuniform礼服制服frockcoat双排扣长礼服gown,robe礼袍tunic长袍overcoat男式大衣coat女大衣topcoat夹大衣furcoat皮大衣three-quartercoat中长大衣dutcoat风衣mantle,cloak斗篷poncho篷却(南美人的一种斗篷)heepkinjacket羊皮夹克pelie皮上衣jacket短外衣夹克anorak,dufflecoat带兜帽的夹克,带风帽的粗呢大衣hood风帽carf,muffler围巾hawl大披巾knittedhawl头巾,编织的头巾furtole毛皮长围巾muff皮手筒houecoat,dreinggown晨衣(美作:duter)hortdreinggown短晨衣bathrobe浴衣nightgown,nightdre女睡衣pyjama睡衣裤(美作:pajama)pocket衣袋lapel(上衣)翻领detachablecollar假领,活领wingcollar硬翻领,上浆翻领V-neckV型领leeve袖子cuff袖口buttonhole钮扣孔hirt衬衫bloue紧身女衫T-hirt短袖圆领衫,体恤衫vet汗衫(美作:underhirt) polohirt球衣middybloue水手衫weater运动衫hort-leevedweater短袖运动衫roll-neckweater高翻领运动衫round-neckweater圆领运动衫uit,outfit,enemble套服twinet两件套,运动衫裤jerkin猎装kimono和服ulter一种长而宽松的外套jellaba,djellaba,jelab带风帽的外衣cardigan开襟毛衣mac,mackintoh,raincoat橡胶雨衣trouer裤子jean牛仔裤horttrouer短裤knicker儿童灯笼短裤knickerbocker灯笼裤plufour高尔夫球裤,半长裤brace裤子背带(美作:upender)turnup裤角折边,挽脚breeche马裤belt裤带kirt裙子dividedkirt,plitkirt裙裤underkirt内衣underwear,underclothe内衣裤underpant,pant内衣裤(美作:hort)brief短内裤,三角裤pantie女短内裤knicker女半短内裤,男用灯笼短裤braiere,bra乳罩corelet紧身胸衣tay,coret束腰,胸衣waitcoat背心lip,petticoat衬裙girdle腰带tocking长袜upender袜带(美作:garter)upenderbelt吊袜腰带(美作:garterbelt) ock短袜tight,leotard紧身衣裤handkerchief手帕bathingtrunk游泳裤bathingcotume,wimuit,bathinguit游泳衣bikini比基尼泳衣apron围裙pinafore(带护胸)围裙hoe鞋ole鞋底heel鞋后跟lace鞋带moccain鹿皮鞋patentleatherhoe黑漆皮鞋boot靴子lipper便鞋andal凉鞋canvahoe,ropeoledhoe帆布鞋clog木拖鞋galoh,overhoe套鞋glove手套tie领带(美作:necktie)bowtie蝶形领带cravat领巾cap便帽hat带沿的帽子bowlerhat圆顶硬礼帽tophat高顶丝质礼帽Panamahat巴拿马草帽beret贝蕾帽peakedcap,capwithavior尖顶帽broad-brimmedtrawhat宽边草帽headdre头饰turban头巾naturalfabric天然纤维cotton棉ilk丝wool毛料linen麻yntheticfabric混合纤维acryl压克力polyeter伸缩尼龙nylon尼龙worted呢料cahmere羊毛pattern花样tartanplaid格子花(美作:tartan) dot圆点花tripe条纹flowerpattern花纹花样veil面纱coat大衣hirt衬衫trouer裤子bloue女式衬衫pant休闲裤jean牛仔裤weater毛衣各种颜色的英文说法palegoldenrod苍麒麟色palegreen苍绿色paleturquoie苍绿色palevioletred苍紫罗蓝色pany紫罗兰色papayawhip番木色peachpuff桃色peru秘鲁色pink粉红plum杨李色powderblue粉蓝色purple紫色red红色roybrown褐玫瑰红royalblue宝蓝色rubine宝石红addlebrown重褐色almon鲜肉色almonpink橙红色andybeige浅褐色andybrown沙褐色apphire宝石蓝carlet猩红色eagreen海绿色eahell海贝色hockingpink鲜粉红色ienna赭色ilver银白色kyblue天蓝色lateblue石蓝色lategray灰石色mokygray烟灰色now雪白色pringgreen春绿色teelblue钢蓝色tone石色tan茶色teal水鸭色thitle蓟色tomato番茄色turquoie青绿色turquoieblue翠蓝色violet紫色wheat浅黄色white白色whitemoke烟白色winered葡萄酒红yellow黄色yellowgreen黄绿色与英文颜色相对应的中文(tianhuichina) beige米色black黑色brown咖啡色cream雪白khaki卡其色grey灰色navy丈青色offwhite灰白色palegoldenrod苍麒麟色palegreen苍绿色paleturquoie苍绿色palevioletred苍紫罗蓝色pany紫罗兰色papayawhip番木色peachpuff桃色peru秘鲁色pink粉红plum杨李色powderblue粉蓝色purple紫色red红色roybrown褐玫瑰红royalblue宝蓝色rubine宝石红addlebrown重褐色almon鲜肉色almonpink橙红色andybeige浅褐色andybrown沙褐色apphire宝石蓝carlet猩红色eagreen海绿色eahell海贝色hockingpink鲜粉红色ienna赭色ilver银白色kyblue天蓝色lateblue石蓝色lategray灰石色mokygray烟灰色now雪白色pringgreen春绿色teelblue钢蓝色tone石色tan茶色teal水鸭色thitle蓟色tomato番茄色turquoie青绿色turquoieblue翠蓝色violet紫色wheat浅黄色white白色wheat土黄色whitemoke烟白色winered葡萄酒红yellow黄色yellowgreen黄绿色boat,hip船(paenger)liner邮轮,客轮ailingel]boat,ailinghip帆船(ocean)liner远洋班轮packetboat定期客船,班轮cabin船舱hovercraft气垫船lifebuoy救生圈lifeboat救生艇lifejacket救生衣berth,cabin,tateroom客舱firt-clatateroom(cabin)头等舱econd-clatateroom(cabin)二等舱teerage,third-cla三等舱teerage统舱gang-plank跳板croing横渡cruie游弋toembark,tohip乘船toland抵岸,toailatapeedof20knot,航速为20节totranhip换船todiembark上岸toboardahip;toembark;togoaboard上船todiembarkfromahip,togoahore,toland下船onboardahip,aboard 在船上totopoverat...中途在…停留。

交通工具英语大全1. Where is the railway station? 火车站在哪?2. Melbourne central station, please. 墨尔本中心火车站3. How much is it? 多少钱?4. Is there a bus that goes to Melbourne central station? 有去墨尔本中心火车站的巴士吗?5. What station does the train for Melbourne leave from? 去墨尔本的火车是从那一站离开的6. Where is the ticket office? 卖票的地方在哪?7. A ticket to Melbourne, please. 一张去墨尔本的票8. One way or a round trip ticket? 单程还是环程票9. Second class one way, please 二等单程10. Are there reserved seats on the train? 火车上设有座位预留吗?11. I don't think it's necessary, as the train won't be crowded. 我想没有必要,因为火车不是很挤12. Can I stop over on the way? 我可以中途下车吗?13. Can I have a second-class ticket to Melbourne, please? 一张2等票去墨尔本14. Are there any discount tickets for me? 我买票有折扣吗?15. May I see a timetable? 我可以看看时间表吗?16. Does this train run everyday? 这天天通火车吗?17. I'd like to go to Melbourne tomorrow. What time is there a train? 我想明天去墨尔本,几点的火车?18. Is there a train that goes any faster? 有更快的车吗?19. From which station does the train leave? 火车从哪站出发?20. At which window can I make a reservation? 在哪个窗口我可以做预订21. I'd like to reserve a seat on this train 我想要订个座位22. I'd like to reserve a sleeper to Melbourne 我想订张去墨尔本的卧铺23. I'd like the upper (the lower) berth. 我想要个上层(下层)的24. Are any reserved seats available? 可以预订座位吗?25. I'd like to change my reservation 我想改变我的预订26. Do I need a reservation? 我需要预订吗?27. Smoking (non-smoking) car, please 吸烟(非吸烟)车厢28. How long is the ticket valid? 车票多长时间有效?29. What time does the first (last/next) train to Melbourne leave? 什么时候第一辆(最后一辆/下一辆)车从墨尔本出发30. Is it a direct train? 有直达车吗?31. Is there a connection to Melbourne? 有去墨尔本的联运吗?32. Do I have to change train? 我还需要换车吗?33. Will the train leave on schedule? 火车准时出发吗?34. What time does the train arrive in Melbourne? 火车几点到墨尔本35. Are there any express train? 有特快列车吗?36. Where does the train go to? 这辆车是去哪的?37. Does the train split up? 列车会分离吗?38. Is there a dining (sleeping) car on the train? 这有餐车(卧铺)车厢吗?39. Does this train stop at Melbourne? 火车在墨尔本停吗?40. Is there a direct train to Melbourne? 有直达去墨尔本的火车吗?41. Where do I change trains? 我在哪换车?42. How long does it take to get to Melbourne? 多长时间能到墨尔本?43. What platform does the train leave from? 火车从哪个站台出发44. Is this the right platform for the train to Melbourne? 这个是去墨尔本的站台吗?45. How long does it take to go to Melbourne? 去墨尔本需要多长时间?46. Do I have to change trains to go to Melbourne? 去墨尔本我需要换车吗?47. Can you help me with these bags? 你能帮我看一下包吗?48. Does the train to Melbourne shop at this station? 去墨尔本的火车在这站停吗?49. How many more minutes will it take for the train to arrive? 还有多长时间火车能到?50. Is this the train to Melbourne? 这是去墨尔本的火车吗?51. Excuse me. May I get by?打扰一下,我能过去吗?52. Is this seat taken? 这座有人吗?53. May I sit here? 我可以座这吗?54. I think this is my seat 我想这是我的座位。

交通工具bus 公共汽车driver 汽车司机double decker bus 双层公共汽车coach, motor coach, bus 大客车taxi, cab 计程汽车, 出租汽车trolleybus 无轨电车tram, streetcar 电车, 有轨电车underground, tube, subway 地铁stop 停车站taxi rank, taxi stand 计程汽车车站, 出租汽车总站taxi driver, cab driver 出租车司机conductor 售票员inspector 检查员, 稽查员ride 乘车minimum fare (of a taxi) 最低车费railway 铁路(美作:railroad)track 轨道train 火车railway system, railway net-work 铁路系统express train 特快列车fast train 快车through train 直达快车stopping train, slow train 慢车excursion train 游览列车commuter train, suburban train 市郊火车railcar 轨道车coach, carriage 车厢sleeping car, sleeper 卧车dining car, restaurant car, luncheon car 餐车sleeper with couchettes 双层卧铺车berth, bunk 铺位up train 上行车down train 下行车luggage van, baggage car 行李车mail car 邮政车station, railway station 车站station hall 车站大厅booking office, ticket office 售票处ticket-collector, gateman 收票员platform 月台, 站台platform ticket 站台票buffet 小卖部自助餐waiting room 候车室platform bridge 天桥left-luggage office 行李暂存处platform-ticket 验票门terminal, terminus 终点站coach, passenger train 客车car attendant, train attendant 列车员guard, conductor 列车长rack, baggage rack 行李架left-luggage office 行李房(美作:checkroom) registration 登记timetable 时刻表change, transfer 换乘connection 公铁交接处ticket inspector 验票员porter 搬运工to change trains at... 在(某地)换车the train is due at... 在(某时)到达to break the journey 中途下车boat, ship 船(passenger) liner 邮轮, 客轮sailing boat, sailing ship 帆船yacht 游船(ocean) liner 远洋班轮packet boat 定期客船, 班轮cabin 船舱hovercraft 气垫船life buoy 救生圈lifeboat 救生艇life jacket 救生衣berth, cabin, stateroom 客舱first-class stateroom (cabin) 头等舱second-class stateroom (cabin) 二等舱steerage, third-class 三等舱steerage 统舱gang-plank 跳板crossing 横渡cruise 游弋to embark, to ship 乘船to land 抵岸, to sail at a speed of 20 knots, 航速为20节to transship 换船to disembark 上岸to board a ship; to embark; to go aboard 上船to disembark from a ship, to go ashore, to land 下船on board a ship, aboard 在船上to stop over at... 中途在…停留civil aviation 民用航空plane, aircraft, airplane 飞机airliner 班机jet, supersonic plane 喷气机airliner, passenger aircraft 客机medium-haul aircraft 中程飞机long-range aircraft, long-haul aircraft 远程飞机propeller-driven aircraft 螺旋桨飞机jet (aircraft) 喷气飞机turbofan jet 涡轮风扇飞机turboprop 涡轮螺旋桨飞机turbojet 涡轮喷气飞机by air, by plane 乘飞机airline 航空线passenger cabin 客舱tourist class 普通舱, 经济舱first class 一等舱waiting list 登机票名单customs formalities 报关单boarding check 登机牌airport 航空港air terminal 航空集散站tarmac 停机坪柏油路air hostess, stewardess 空中小姐, 女乘务员steward 乘务员aircraft crew, air crew 机组, 机务人员pilot 驾驶员, 机长takeoff 起飞landing 着陆to board a plane, get into a plane 上飞机to get off a plane, alight from a plane 下飞机non-stop flight to 飞往, 直飞in transit 运送中的air pocket 气穴(大气中使气机突然下降的)颜色palegreen 苍绿色pansy 紫罗兰色peachpuff 桃红色pink 粉红powderblue 粉蓝色purple 紫色red 红色rubine 宝石红royalblue 宝蓝色grey 灰色saddlebrown 重褐色salmon 鲜肉色salmon pink 橙红色sandy beige 浅褐色sandybrown 沙褐色sapphire 宝石蓝scarlet 猩红色seagreen 海绿色seashell 海贝色shocking pink 鲜粉红色sienna 赭色silver 银白色skyblue 天蓝色slateblue 石蓝色smoky gray 烟灰色snow 雪白色springgreen 春绿色steelblue 钢蓝色stone 石色tan 茶色thistle 蓟色tomato 番茄色turquoise 青绿色turquoise blue 翠蓝色violet 紫色wheat 浅黄色white 白色whitesmoke 烟白色winered 葡萄酒红yellow 黄色yellowgreen 黄绿色beige 米色black 黑色brown 咖啡色cream 雪白khaki 卡其色。

交通工具英语词汇:car 车、carriage 马车、rickshaw 人力车、bicycle 单车、scooter 小型电单车、motorcycle 摩托车、taxi 的士、出租车、motor-car 汽车、bus 巴士、school bus 校巴、coach旅游巴、jeep 吉普车、orry(美式) 货车、truck(英式) 货车、peak-tram 缆车、wagon 蓬车、light-van 小型货车、automobile carrier 货运卡车、ambulance 救护车、garbage truck 垃圾车、wrecker 清障车、fire engine 消防车、ambulance 急救车、trailer truck 拖车、bloodmobile 血浆车、tractor 牵引车、camper 露营车、mail car 邮车、police car 警车、tram 电车、train 火车、underground / metro地铁、high speed trains 高铁、sports car 跑车、formula car 方程式赛车, 方程式汽车、bumper car 碰撞用汽车、helicopter 直升机、aeroplane 飞机、boat 船、junk 帆船、ship 汽船、pleasure-boat 游船、passenger liner 客轮、ferry 渡海轮、steamer 蒸汽船、jetfoil 喷射船。


常用交通工具英语儿歌《The Wheels on the Bus》(巴士的车轮)歌词:The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round. The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town.翻译:巴士的车轮转呀转,转呀转,转呀转。
“go round a nd round”形象地描绘出车轮转动的样子。
《Row, Row, Row Your Boat》(划呀划你的小船)歌词:Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.翻译:划呀划你的小船,轻轻地顺流而下。
“gently down the stream”描述了小船顺着溪流的状态。
《I'm a Little Airplane》(我是一架小飞机)歌词:I'm a little airplane, flying in the sky. I can fly up high, up to the clouds so high.翻译:我是一架小飞机,在天空中飞翔。
解释:生动地把自己比作小飞机,“flying in the sky”和“fly up high”体现飞机在空中的飞行状态。

仁爱英语八年级下册u8知识点八年级下册的第八单元是关于“Getting around town(出行)”的。
一、交通工具的英文表达1. 大巴车 - bus2. 地铁 - subway/metro3. 汽车 - car4. 的士/出租车 - taxi/cab5. 单车 - bicycle/bike6. 摩托车 - motorcycle7. 火车 - train8. 飞机 - airplane/plane二、如何给他人指路的英文表达方式1. Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to…?(对不起,你能告诉我怎么到……吗?)2. How can I get to…from here?(我从这里怎么去……?)3. It’s on your left/right.(在你的左/右边。
)4. Go straight and turn left/right at the corner.(一直往前走,在拐角处向左/右拐。
)5. I t’s about…miles/kilometers from here.(离这里大概有……英里/千米。
)6. Take the bus/subway/train to…(坐公交车/地铁/火车去……)7. Walk straight for about 10 minutes.(往前走大约10分钟。
)8. You can’t miss it.(你不会错过它的。
)三、其他出行方式的英文表达1. 步行 - by foot/on foot2. 骑车 - by bicycle/by bike3. 搭车 - by car/take a ride4. 骑摩托车 - by motorcycle5. 坐船 - by boat本文简要介绍了仁爱英语八年级下册U8单元的知识点,包括常用交通工具的英文表达、给他人指路的英文表达方式和其他出行方式的英文表达。

交通工具英语大全bus 公共汽车driver 汽车司机double decker bus 双层公共汽车coach, motor coach, bus 大客车taxi, taxicab 计程汽车, 出租汽车trolleybus 无轨电车tramcar, streetcar 电车, 有轨电车underground, tube, subway 地铁stop 停车站taxi rank, taxi stand 计程汽车车站, 出租汽车总站taxi driver, cab driver 出租车司机conductor 售票员inspector 检查员, 稽查员ride 乘车minimum fare (of a taxi) 最低车费railway 铁路(美作:railroad)track 轨道train 火车railway system, railway net-work 铁路系统express train 特别快车fast train 快车through train 直达快车stopping train, slow train 慢车excursion train 游览列车commuter train, suburban train 市郊火车railcar 轨道车coach, carriage 车厢sleeping car, sleeper 卧车dining car, restaurant car, luncheon car 餐车sleeper with couchettes 双层卧铺车berth, bunk 铺位up train 上行车down train 下行车luggage van, baggage car 行李车mail car 邮政车station, railway station 车站station hall 车站大厅booking office, ticket office 售票处ticket-collector, gateman 收票员。

注意交通的英文快速记忆法一、快速记忆法1. 联想记忆- 例如对于单词“traffic”(交通),可以联想“tra”(像“try”尝试)和“ffic”(发音类似“飞客”),想象尝试让飞客(一种想象中的快速飞行的乘客)在交通中有序穿梭。
2. 词根词缀记忆- “transport”(运输):“trans -”表示“跨越,转移”,“port”表示“携带,搬运”,合起来就是跨越空间搬运东西,也就是运输,和交通相关。
- “pedestrian”(行人):“ped -”词根表示“脚”,如“pedal”(踏板),行人是靠脚走路的,这样就容易记忆。
3. 场景记忆- 想象自己在十字路口(crossroad),看到交通信号灯(traffic lights),有汽车(car)、自行车(bicycle)和行人(pedestrian),将相关的单词放在这个场景中记忆。
二、英语释义1. traffic- n. the vehicles moving along a road or street(沿着道路行驶的车辆)- the movement of ships, trains, or aircraft(轮船、火车或飞机的运行)2. transport- n. a system or means of carrying passengers or goods from one place to another(将乘客或货物从一个地方运到另一个地方的系统或方式)- v. take or carry (people or goods) from one place to another by means of a vehicle, aircraft, or ship(用车辆、飞机或轮船将人或货物从一个地方运到另一个地方)3. pedestrian- n. a person walking along a road or in a developed area(沿着道路或在已开发区域行走的人)- adj. lacking inspiration or excitement; dull(缺乏灵感或刺激的;沉闷的,这个义项较少用于交通相关,但了解其全面释义有益)4. crossroad- n. an intersection of two or more roads(两条或更多道路的交叉点)5. traffic lights- n. a set of coloured lights at a road junction which control the flow of traffic(在道路交叉口控制交通流量的一组彩色灯)三、短语1. traffic jam- 释义:交通堵塞- 例句:I was late for work because of the traffic jam.(因为交通堵塞我上班迟到了。

常见的交通工具公共交通1.Bus (公共汽车)–英文表达:I take the bus to work every day.–口语表达:我每天乘公交车去上班。
2.Subway (地铁)–英文表达:She prefers taking the subway to avoid traffic.–口语表达:她喜欢乘坐地铁以避开交通拥堵。
自驾交通1.Car (汽车)–英文表达:He drives a red car to school.–口语表达:他开红色汽车去学校。
2.Motorcycle (摩托车)–英文表达:My brother rides a motorcycle to work.–口语表达:我哥哥骑摩托车去上班。
公共运输1.Train (火车)–英文表达:They took the train to visit the city.–口语表达:他们乘火车去参观这座城市。
2.Taxi (出租车)–英文表达:I called a taxi to get to the airport on time.–口语表达:我打电话叫了辆出租车及时赶到机场。
在公交车上•A: What time does the next bus arrive?•B: It should be here in about 5 minutes.•A: Do you know if this bus goes to the city center?•B: Yes, it will take you directly to the city center.在打车时•A: Could you take me to the train station, please?•B: Sure, hop in. It’s not too far from here.•A: How much will it cost to get there?•B: It should be around $10.结语学习掌握交通工具口语表达是提高英语口语能力的重要一步。

交通工具词汇:Bus 公交车 car小汽车 plane飞机 bike自行车 moto (motorbike)摩托车taxi的士 ambulance救护车 jeep吉普车 police car警车 train火车subway /railway地铁 sports car 跑车 truck 卡车 trailer拖车van面包车 ship轮船 aircraft 航空母舰 handcart/ go-cart手推车First Class头等舱 Economy Class经济舱 Business Class商务舱 cabin客舱短语:« by+交通工具« By bus by car by plane by train by subway by bike 特例:on foot< by+水,陆,空> by water 经水路 by land 经陆路 by sea 经海路 by air 乘机 by road 经公路 by rail经铁路<take+交通工具> take a bus take a car take a plane take a train 特例:ride a bike, ridea horse©动词词组:Walk to 步行去。
drive to 开车去。
ride to 骑马/车去。
fly to乘飞机去。
注:这些词组若后面接地点副词,如:here, there, home。
介词to 要省略掉如:We walk there. 我们步行去那里。
Leave from……..离开哪里/从哪里离开Leave to…….去往哪里Board the plane 登机board the ship上船Get on/get off后面可加任何交通工具,如:get on the car/ship/plane上车/上船/登机Get off the car/ship/plane下车/下船/下飞机句子表达:1. How long?is used to ask questions about amounts or periods of time. How long通常是用来问时间段的。

1.Bike - 自行车,俩轮子,一链条,环保小能手。
2.Car - 小轿车,四个轮子,带你穿梭城市森林。
3.Bus - 公交车,大家伙,挤一挤,暖和。
4.Subway - 地铁,地下铁龙,快得飞起。
5.Train - 火车,铁轨上的长龙,旅行好伙伴。
6.Airplane - 飞机,天上的大家伙,带你飞向云端。
7.Motorcycle - 摩托车,酷炫小子,风一般的自由。
8.Boat - 小船,水上漂,惬意得很。
9.Ship - 大船,海上霸主,航行无阻。
10.Taxi - 出租车,招手即停,方便快捷。
11.Tram - 有轨电车,城市里的老古董,韵味十足。
12.Ferry - 渡轮,水上巴士,两岸穿梭。
13.Scooter - 滑板车,小朋友的玩具,大人也能玩。
14.Skateboard - 滑板,街头文化,耍酷必备。
15.Bicycle - 还是自行车,换个说法,一样环保。
16.Limousine - 豪华轿车,长长车身,里面肯定有故事。
17.Van - 厢型车,搬家利器,空间大得很。
18.Truck - 卡车,大力士,载货能手。
19.Ambulance - 救护车,紧急时刻的救护神车。
20.Fire Engine - 消防车,火场英雄,红彤彤的大家伙。

以下是一些常见的交通工具的英语单词:1. Car(汽车)- Car is a four-wheeled motor vehicle used for transportation.2. Bicycle(自行车)- Bicycle is a human-powered vehicle that has two wheels.3. Motorcycle(摩托车)- Motorcycle is a two-wheeled vehicle powered by an engine.4. Bus(公共汽车)- Bus is a large vehicle that carries a large numberof passengers.5. Train(火车)- Train is a long vehicle that runs on a railway and is used for carrying passengers or goods.6. Subway(地铁)- Subway is an underground electric railway systemin a city.7. Tram(有轨电车)- Tram is a vehicle that runs on tracks and is used for public transportation.8. Taxi(出租车)- Taxi is a vehicle that is hired to transport people toa specific destination.9. Airplane(飞机)- Airplane is a powered flying vehicle with fixed wings and a weight greater than that of the air it displaces.10. Helicopter(直升机)- Helicopter is a type of aircraft that uses rotating blades to generate lift and propulsion.11. Ship(船)- Ship is a large watercraft that travels on water and is used for transporting goods or people.12. Boat(小船)- Boat is a small watercraft typically used for pleasure or fishing.13. Ferry(渡船)- Ferry is a boat that transports passengers, vehicles, or goods across a waterway.14. Rocket(火箭)- Rocket is a vehicle that obtains thrust from a rocket engine to propel itself.15. Scooter(滑板车)- Scooter is a small, low-powered motorcycle with a step-through frame.16. Skateboard(滑板)- Skateboard is a short board with four wheels that is ridden in a standing or crouching position.17. Roller Skates(旱冰鞋)- Roller skates are shoes with wheels on the bottom, used for gliding or rolling over a surface.18. Segway(赛格威)- Segway is a self-balancing, personal transportation device with two wheels.19. Hot Air Balloon(热气球)- Hot air balloon is an aircraft consisting of a bag called an envelope that is filled with hot air.20. Electric Scooter(电动滑板车)- Electric scooter is a powered two-wheeled vehicle that runs on electricity.这些是常见的交通工具的英语单词,希望对您有所帮助。