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三、检索词中文:天津地铁规划设计施工轨道交通地质线路水文施工天津地铁集团地铁站技术管线盾构网络勘察外文: tianjin metro metro engineering programme shield subway tunnel geology foundation pit dewatering construct urban railtransit四、资源检索1、查找本校纸本图书馆藏目录(1)检索途径(字段):所有字段(2)检索式(检索词、字段、检索组配算符构成):地铁and (建设),天津and (地铁),地下轨道交通(3)检中数量: 25条(4)检中结果列举①北京建工京精大房工程建设监理公司,城市轨道交通工程土建监理工作手册[J],1版,北京: 中国建筑工业出版社, 2011②高峰, 梁波, 城市地铁与轻轨工程[M].1版. 北京: 人民交通出版社, 2012③刘洪涛,北京地铁八通线 Bei jing Di tie Ba Tong Xian 勘察设计·施工监理·建设管理[M],1版,北京: 中国建筑工业出版社, 20082、查找中文数据库(1)检索数据库名称:万方数字化系统(2)检索途径:全部(3)检索式:天津地铁and (施工),地下轨道交通规划and (设计)and(施工),天津地铁规划and (建设)(4)检中数量:8(5)检中结果列举①王敏洁;地铁站综合开发与城市设计研究[D];同济大学;2006年②朱小雷;地铁车站高效空间环境的导向性和易识别性设计初探[J];南方建筑;2002③贾洪梅;国内当前地铁车站室内环境设计的方法及发展初探[D];南京林业大学;2006④郑明远.轨道交通时代的城市开发[M].北京:中国铁道出版社,2006.⑤汤青.轨道交通引导合肥市城市空间发展研究[D].合肥:合肥工业大学建筑与艺术学院,2010.3. 查找外文数据库(1)检索数据库名称:ASCE(2)检索途径: all fields(3)检索式: Tianjin and (urban rail transit) , urban rail transit or (subway tunnel geology)(4)检中数量:20(5)检中结果列举(以标准参考文献格式列出结果3个以上):①T. Litman, Evaluating rail transit criticism, Victoria TransportPolicy Institute, October 2004.②J. Richmond, A whole-system approach to evaluating urban transitinvestments, Transport Reviews 21 (2001) 141–179.③ C. Winston, C. Shirley, Alternate route: Toward efficient urbantransportation, Brookings Institution, Washington DC, 1998.④ I. Savage, Management objectives and the causes of mass transitdeficits, Transportation Research 38A (2004) 181–199.五、文献综述天津地铁始于“7047工程”,1970年4月7日,在向中央政府申请拨款建地铁未果的情况下,天津市决定自行筹款以备战通道为目的,以“天津市墙子河改造工程”的名义立项。
作者: 作者单位: 刊名: 英文刊名: 年,卷(期): 连丽艳, 马雪, 张静 辽宁省科学技术情报研究所 科技成果纵横 PERSPECTIVES OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL ACHIEVEMENT 2011(2)
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2. Fermentative production of styrene by genetically modified fungi expressing p-coumarate decarboxylase and ferulate decarboxylase genes 生物法By: Richard, Peter; Penttilae, MerjaAssignee: Teknologian Tutkimuskeskus VTT, FinlandPatent Information: Dec 24, 2014, WO 2014202838, A1Application: Jun 19, 2014, WO 2014-FI50498Priority: Jun 20, 2013, FI 2013-5680Source: PCT Int. Appl., 32pp., Patent, 2014, CODEN: PIXXD2Accession Number: 2014:2127872, CAN 162:91531, CAPLUSLanguage: EnglishAbstractThe present invention relates to uses of genetically modified recombinant micro-organisms to produce styrene from carbon substrates or to convert trans-cinnamic acid into styrene. Esp. the invention relates to microbiol. methods for producing styrene or for converting trans-cinnamic acid into styrene. The invention further relates to a recombinant fungus that has been genetically modified and which can be utilized in said processes.Patent InformationPatent No. Kind Date Application No. DateWO 2014202838 A1 Dec 24, 2014 WO 2014-FI50498 Jun 19, 2014Priority ApplicationFI 2013-5680 A Jun 20, 2013IndexingFermentation and Bioindustrial Chemistry (Section 16-5)Section cross-reference(s):10Substances50-99-7D-Glucose, processes140-10-3trans-Cinnamic acid, processes9034-32-6Hemicellulosefermentative prodn. of styrene by genetically modified fungi expressing p-coumarate decarboxylase and ferulate decarboxylase genesBiochemical process; Biological study; Process100-42-5P Styrene, preparationfermentative prodn. of styrene by genetically modified fungi expressing p-coumarate decarboxylase and ferulate decarboxylase genesBioindustrial manufacture; Biological study; Preparation1132-68-94-Fluoro-L-phenylalanine9024-28-6Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase60748-74-5Ferulate decarboxylasefermentative prodn. of styrene by genetically modified fungi expressing p-coumarate decarboxylase and ferulate decarboxylase genesBiological study, unclassified; Biological studySupplementary Termsgenetically modified fungus styrene fermn coumarate ferulate decarboxylase geneCitations1)NIELSEN DAVID ROSS; WO 2012122333 A1 20122)LEYS DAVID; WO 2013186215 A1 20133)Mukai; Journal Of Bioscience And Bioengineering 2010, 109, 5644)Schwarz; Journal Of The Institute Of Brewing 2012, 118, 2805)Curran; Metabolic Engineering 2012, 15, 556)Mckenna; Metabolic Engineering 2011, 13, 5447)Mukai; Journal Of Bioscience And Bioengineering 2014, 118, 5010. Treatment of aromatic hydrocarbon stream to remove oxygenates and olefinsBy: Bender, Timothy P.; Wang, Chong Jhoo; Heeter, Glenn A.; Pilliod, Dana L.Assignee: Exxonmobil Chemical Patents Inc., USAPatent Information: Nov 13, 2014, US 20140336436, A1Application: Mar 21, 2014, US 2014-14221764Priority: May 07, 2013, US 2013-61820286Source: U.S. Pat. Appl. Publ., 9pp., Patent, 2014, CODEN: USXXCOClassifications: US 585821000Accession Number: 2014:1909308, CAN 161:700165, CAPLUSLanguage: EnglishAbstractThe invention relates to a process, comprising: contacting at least one zeolite selected from the MWW family of zeolites with an arom. hydrocarbon stream comprising xylenes, olefins, and oxygenates, in at least one reactor, to produce a product stream from the reactor, wherein at least one condition of contacting in the reactor is adjusted in response to at least one measurement of a system comprising zeolite, arom. hydrocarbon stream, reactor, and product stream, so as to preferentially increase oxygenate removal or to preferentially increase olefin removal from the arom. hydrocarbon stream.Patent InformationPatent No. Kind Date Application No. DateUS 20140336436 A1 Nov 13, 2014 US 2014-14221764 Mar 21, 2014IndexingIndustrial Organic Chemicals, Leather, Fats, and Waxes (Section 45-4)Substances67-56-1Methanol, reactions115-10-6Dimethyl etheralkylating agent; treatment of arom. hydrocarbon stream to remove oxygenates and olefinsSciFinder®Reactant; Reactant or reagent100-42-5P Styrene, preparation108-95-2P Phenol, preparationtreatment of arom. hydrocarbon stream to remove oxygenates and olefinsByproduct; Removal or disposal; Preparation; Process106-42-3DP p-Xylene, polymerstreatment of arom. hydrocarbon stream to remove oxygenates and olefinsIndustrial manufacture; Preparation106-42-3P p-Xylene, preparationtreatment of arom. hydrocarbon stream to remove oxygenates and olefinsIndustrial manufacture; Purification or recovery; Preparation1330-20-7P Xylene, preparationtreatment of arom. hydrocarbon stream to remove oxygenates and olefinsPurification or recovery; Preparation71-43-2Benzene, reactions108-88-3Toluene, reactionstreatment of arom. hydrocarbon stream to remove oxygenates and olefinsReactant; Reactant or reagentSupplementary Termsxylene purifn arom hydrocarbon oxygenate olefin zeolite16. Process for producing styrene from benzene and acetic acid via methyl phenyl ketoneBy: Lange, Jean-PaulAssignee: Shell Internationale Research Maatschappij B.V., Neth.; Shell Oil CompanyPatent Information: Oct 16, 2014, WO 2014167025, A1Application: Apr 09, 2014, WO 2014-EP57205Priority: Apr 12, 2013, EP 2013-163486Source: PCT Int. Appl., 23pp., Patent, 2014, CODEN: PIXXD2Accession Number: 2014:1755052, CAN 161:551321, CAPLUSLanguage: EnglishAbstractThe invention relates to a process for producing styrene, comprising reacting benzene and acetic acid into Me Ph ketone and converting the Me Ph ketone into styrene.Patent InformationPatent No. Kind Date Application No. DateWO 2014167025 A1 Oct 16, 2014 WO 2014-EP57205 Apr 09, 2014Priority ApplicationEP 2013-163486 A Apr 12, 2013IndexingChemistry of Synthetic High Polymers (Section 35-2)Section cross-reference(s):25Substances75-56-9P Propylene oxide, preparationprocess for producing styrene from benzene and acetic acid via Me Ph ketoneByproduct; Preparation100-42-5P Styrene, preparationprocess for producing styrene from benzene and acetic acid via Me Ph ketoneIndustrial manufacture; Preparation98-85-1P Methyl phenyl carbinol98-86-2P Methyl phenyl ketone, preparationprocess for producing styrene from benzene and acetic acid via Me Ph ketoneIndustrial manufacture; Reactant; Preparation; Reactant or reagent64-19-7Acetic acid, reactions71-43-2Benzene, reactions115-07-1Propylene, reactions3071-32-7Ethylbenzene hydroperoxideprocess for producing styrene from benzene and acetic acid via Me Ph ketoneReactant; Reactant or reagentSupplementary Termsbenzene acetic acid methyl phenyl ketone styrene synthesisCitations1)HAWTON MALCOLM JOHN; WO 2008049823 A1 20082)NISBET TIMOTHY MICHAEL; EP 1786796 A1 20073)BUCHANAN J SCOTT; WO 2009082464 A1 20094)Groggins, P; Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, 10.1021/ie50300a024 1934, 26, 13175)Matsushita, Y; Tetrahedron Letters 2004, 45, 472320. Purification of aromatic hydrocarbon streams from olefin impurities in process for producing p-xylene by alkylation of benzene and/or tolueneBy: Heeter, Glenn A.; Ou, John D.; Tinger, Robert G.Assignee: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc., USAPatent Information: Oct 02, 2014, US 20140296598, A1Application: Feb 21, 2014, US 2014-14186482Priority: Apr 01, 2013, US 2013-61807067Source: U.S. Pat. Appl. Publ., 7pp., Patent, 2014, CODEN: USXXCOClassifications: US 585446000Accession Number: 2014:1659634, CAN 161:507012, CAPLUSLanguage: EnglishAbstractThe invention relates to a process for the removal of olefin impurities from an arom. hydrocarbon feed-stream comprising p-xylene in greater than equil. amts. and olefin impurities, by contact of the feed-stream with a solid acid catalyst to produce a product stream comprising reduced olefin impurities, the improvement comprising at least one of the following conditions: (I) reduced bed temp. on startup relative to a predetd. bed temp. at normal operating conditions; and (II) increased flow rate on startup relative to a predetd. flow rate at normal operating conditions.Patent InformationPatent No. Kind Date Application No. DateUS 20140296598 A1 Oct 02, 2014 US 2014-14186482 Feb 21, 2014IndexingIndustrial Organic Chemicals, Leather, Fats, and Waxes (Section 45-4)Section cross-reference(s):25, 67Substances100-42-5P Styrene, preparationpurifn. of arom. hydrocarbon streams from olefin impurities in process for producing p-xylene by alkylation of benzene and/or tolueneByproduct; Removal or disposal; Preparation; Process106-42-3P p-Xylene, preparationpurifn. of arom. hydrocarbon streams from olefin impurities in process for producing p-xylene by alkylation of benzene and/or tolueneIndustrial manufacture; Purification or recovery; Preparation67-56-1Methanol, reactions71-43-2Benzene, reactions108-88-3Toluene, reactions115-10-6Dimethyl etherpurifn. of arom. hydrocarbon streams from olefin impurities in process for producing p-xylene by alkylation of benzene and/or tolueneReactant; Reactant or reagentSupplementary Termstoluene benzene alkylation xylene purifn styrene removal zeolite catalyst29. Method of converting lignin and uses thereof 生化By: Dadi, Ananthram Prasad; Paripati, PraveenAssignee: Suganit Systems, Inc., USAPatent Information: Sep 18, 2014, WO 2014143657, A1Application: Mar 14, 2014, WO 2014-US27374Priority: Mar 15, 2013, US 2013-61799012, Mar 14, 2014, WO 2014-US27374Source: PCT Int. Appl., 39pp., Patent, 2014, CODEN: PIXXD2Accession Number: 2014:1562643, CAN 161:448135, CAPLUSLanguage: EnglishAbstractMethod for creating valuable products from lignocellulosic biomass comprises sequential pretreatment oflignocellulosic biomass with ionic liq. followed by hydrolysis and hydrothermal processing of the lignin. Intermediate steps in conversion of the lignin of lignocellulosic biomass to chems. comprises (a) mixing biomass in an ionic liq. to swell biomass and not dissolve biomass, (b) applying radio frequency (RF) heating to the swelled biomass to heat to a target temp. range, (c) applying ultrasonics, electromagnetic, convective, conductive heating, or combinations thereof, to the swelled biomass to maintain the biomass at target temp. range, (d) washing the treated biomass, and (e) sepg. the cellulosic and lignin fractions.Patent InformationPatent No. Kind Date Application No. DateWO 2014143657 A1 Sep 18, 2014 WO 2014-US27374 Mar 14, 2014CA 2906565 A1 Sep 18, 2014 CA 2014-2906565 Mar 14, 2014Priority ApplicationUS 2013-61799012 P Mar 15, 2013WO 2014-US27374 W Mar 14, 2014IndexingCellulose, Lignin, Paper, and Other Wood Products (Section 43-5)Substances71-43-2P Benzene, preparation82-43-9P83-32-9P Acenaphthene90-05-1P90-12-0P91-10-1P91-20-3P Naphthalene, preparation91-57-6P92-52-4P Biphenyl, preparation93-51-6P95-48-7P , preparation96-48-0P Butyrolactone97-53-0P Eugenol97-54-1P Phenol, 2-methoxy-4-(1-propenyl)98-00-0P2-Furanmethanol100-42-5P Styrene, preparation108-39-4P , preparation108-88-3P Toluene, preparation108-95-2P Phenol, preparation110-82-7P Cyclohexane, preparation120-12-7P Anthracene, preparation120-80-9P Catechol, preparation121-33-5P Vanillin121-34-6P Vanillic acid123-05-7P129-00-0P Pyrene, preparation134-96-3P135-77-3P1,2,4-Trimethoxybenzene191-07-1P Coronene191-24-2P Benzo[ghi]perylene206-44-0P Fluoranthene207-08-9P Benzo[k]fluoranthene259-79-0P Biphenylene306-08-1P494-99-5P3,4-Dimethoxytoluene501-19-9P3-Allyl-6-methoxyphenol544-76-3P Hexadecane605-83-4P610-48-0P616-47-7P624-45-3PSciFinder®645-08-9P3-Hydroxy-4-methoxybenzoic acid767-58-8P Indan, 1-methyl776-99-8P3,4-Dimethoxyphenyl acetone832-69-9P934-00-9P1127-76-0P1195-09-1P2-Methoxy-5-methylphenol1330-20-7P Xylene, preparation1589-47-5P1855-47-6P1-Isopropenylnaphthalene1916-07-0P2033-89-8P2380-78-1P Homovanillyl Alcohol2475-56-1P2478-38-8P2503-46-0P2579-04-6P8-Heptadecene2785-87-7P2785-89-9P3674-69-9P4925-88-6P4-Methyl-2,5-dimethoxybenzaldehyde5077-67-8P1-Hydroxy-2-butanone5888-51-7P6232-48-0P6443-69-2P6627-88-9P Phenol, 2,6-dimethoxy-4-(2-propenyl)7507-89-3P7786-61-0P2-Methoxy-4-vinylphenol14786-82-4P60563-13-5P Ethyl homovanillate376372-00-8P Stigmast-3-ene443678-79-3Pconverting biomass to lignin to chems.Industrial manufacture; Preparation9005-53-2P Lignin, reactionsconverting biomass to lignin to chems.Industrial manufacture; Purification or recovery; Reactant; Preparation; Reactant or reagent 65039-10-31-Allyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride79917-90-11-n-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride125652-55-33-Methyl-N-butylpyridinium chloride143314-17-41-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate865627-64-11-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium propionateconverting biomass to lignin to chems.Other use, unclassified; UsesSupplementary Termsbiomass sepn lignin hydrolysis hydrothermal processing org chemCitations1)VARANASI SASIDHAR; US 20080227162 A1 20082)BRADY MICHAEL; US 20110256615 A1 20113)Sasaki; Chemical Engineering And Processing 2007, 47, 16094)Kang; Renewable And Sustainable Energy Reviews 2013, 27, 546Copyright © 2015 American Chemical Society (ACS). All Rights Reserved.32. Method for reducing energy consumption in the production of styrene monomer utilizing azeotropic water/ethylbenzene feed vaporizationBy: Welch, Vincent A.; Oleksy, Slawomir A.Assignee: Stone & Webster Process Technology, Inc., USAPatent Information: Sep 18, 2014, WO 2014142994, A1Application: Mar 15, 2013, WO 2013-US32244Priority: Mar 15, 2013, WO 2013-US32244Source: PCT Int. Appl., 25pp., Patent, 2014, CODEN: PIXXD2Accession Number: 2014:1555275, CAN 161:460121, CAPLUSLanguage: EnglishAbstractThe invention relates to a method for reducing the amt. of steam used in a dehydrogenation section of an alkenyl arom. hydrocarbon prodn. facility, the dehydrogenation section for dehydrogenating ethylbenzene to styrene monomer, the method comprising: (I) heating a feed stream comprising ethylbenzene and water as an azeotrope to provide an ethylbenzene/feed steam stream contg. vaporized ethylbenzene and feed steam having a feed steam to ethylbenzene ratio of 0.4 - 0.6; (II) mixing the ethylbenzene/feed steam stream with heating steam from a steam superheater; (III) supplying the ethylbenzene/feed steam stream and heating steam to a first reactor in the dehydrogenation section; (IV) dehydrogenating the ethylbenzene in the first reactor, a second reactor, and at least a third reactor of the dehydrogenation section to produce styrene monomer; and (V) reheating an effluent from the first reactor in at least a first reheat exchanger and an effluent from the second reactor in at least a second reheat exchanger, wherein each reheat exchanger is provided with heating steam from at least one steam superheater, the heating steam having a temp. of < 899° and the method utilizing a total heating steam to ethylbenzene ratio of < 0.65.Patent InformationPatent No. Kind Date Application No. DateWO 2014142994 A1 Sep 18, 2014 WO 2013-US32244 Mar 15, 2013Priority ApplicationWO 2013-US32244 Mar 15, 2013IndexingChemistry of Synthetic High Polymers (Section 35-2)Section cross-reference(s):48Substances37246-01-8304H60616-02-6Incoloy 800H130572-98-4Incoloy 800HTdehydrogenation reactor constructed from; method for reducing energy consumption in prodn. of styrene monomer utilizing azeotropic water/ethylbenzene feed vaporizationTechnical or engineered material use; Uses100-42-5P Styrene, preparationmethod for reducing energy consumption in prodn. of styrene monomer utilizing azeotropic water/ethylbenzene feed vaporizationIndustrial manufacture; Preparation100-41-4Ethylbenzene, reactionsmethod for reducing energy consumption in prodn. of styrene monomer utilizing azeotropic water/ethylbenzene feed vaporizationReactant; Reactant or reagentSupplementary Termsethylbenzene dehydrogenation styrene azeotropic vaporizer energy consumptionCitations1)GAMI AJAYKUMAR CHANDRAVADAN; US 20120149960 A1 20122)WILCOX RICHARD J; US 8163971 B2 20123)MERRILL JAMES; US 20110245561 A1 20114)WELCH VINCENT A; US 8084660 B2 20115)WHITTLE LESLIE F; US 4695664 A 19876)SARDINA HELION H; US 4628136 A 1986Copyright © 2015 American Chemical Society (ACS). All Rights Reserved.41. Selective hydrogenation of styrene to ethylbenzeneBy: Chen, Tan-Jen; Ou, John Di-Yi; Abichandani, Jeevan S.; Heeter, Glenn AllenAssignee: ExxonMobil Chemical Patents Inc., USAPatent Information: Aug 07, 2014, US 20140221710, A1Application: Jan 27, 2014, US 2014-14165255Priority: Feb 06, 2013, US 2013-61761402Source: U.S. Pat. Appl. Publ., 4pp., Patent, 2014, CODEN: USXXCOClassifications: US 585254000Accession Number: 2014:1289184, CAN 161:320833, CAPLUSLanguage: EnglishAbstractThe invention relates to the selective hydrogenation of styrene to ethylbenzene and more particularly to the removal of small quantities of styrene present in the product stream of a method of making para-xylene selectively by the alkylation of arom. species with an alkylating agent over a solid catalyst. A feedstream comprising para-xylene and styrene is contacted, in the presence of hydrogen, with a catalyst comprising at least one metal, selected from one or more metals selected from Groups 8-10.Patent InformationPatent No. Kind Date Application No. DateUS 20140221710 A1 Aug 07, 2014 US 2014-14165255 Jan 27, 2014IndexingBenzene, Its Derivatives, and Condensed Benzenoid Compounds (Section 25-2)Substances1344-28-1Aluminum oxide, uses7440-02-0Nickel, uses7440-05-3Palladium, uses7440-18-8Ruthenium, uses7440-22-4Silver, uses7440-44-0Carbon, uses7440-48-4Cobalt, uses7440-57-5Gold, uses7440-74-6Indium, uses7631-86-9Silica, uses13463-67-7Titanium oxide, usesselective hydrogenation of styrene to ethylbenzeneCatalyst use; Uses71-43-2Benzene, reactionsselective hydrogenation of styrene to ethylbenzeneReactant; Reactant or reagent100-42-5P Styrene, preparation108-88-3P Toluene, preparationselective hydrogenation of styrene to ethylbenzeneReactant; Synthetic preparation; Preparation; Reactant or reagent95-47-6P o-Xylene, preparation100-41-4P Ethylbenzene, preparation106-42-3P p-Xylene, preparation108-38-3P m-Xylene, preparation108-95-2P Phenol, preparationselective hydrogenation of styrene to ethylbenzeneSynthetic preparation; PreparationSupplementary Termsstyrene selective hydrogenation catalyst ethylbenzene prepn54. Method for reducing energy consumption in a process to purify styrene monomerBy: Welch, VincentAssignee: Stone & Webster Process Technology, Inc., USAPatent Information: Jun 26, 2014, WO 2014098816, A1Application: Dec 19, 2012, WO 2012-US70494Priority: Dec 19, 2012, WO 2012-US70494Source: PCT Int. Appl., 30pp., Patent, 2014, CODEN: PIXXD2Accession Number: 2014:1046536, CAN 161:112526, CAPLUSLanguage: EnglishAbstractAn energy conservation process directed to the purifn. of styrene monomer via distn. after the dehydrogenation reaction of ethylbenzene to produce crude styrene is disclosed. As practiced today, the purifn. of styrene via distn. requires large amt. energy (i.e., steam) to provide heat to the various distn. columns. The presently disclosed improved process allows for a redn. in the amt. of steam needed for this purpose.Patent InformationPatent No. Kind Date Application No. DateWO 2014098816 A1 Jun 26, 2014 WO 2012-US70494 Dec 19, 2012 KR 2015088892 A Aug 03, 2015 KR 2015-7017374 Dec 19, 2012 CN 104903280 A Sep 09, 2015 CN 2012-80077795 Dec 19, 2012IndexingIndustrial Organic Chemicals, Leather, Fats, and Waxes (Section 45-4)Section cross-reference(s):25Substances100-42-5P Styrene, preparationmethod for reducing energy consumption in process to purify styrene monomerPurification or recovery; Preparation71-43-2Benzene, processes98-83-9 -Methylstyrene, processes100-41-4Ethylbenzene, processes108-88-3Toluene, processesmethod for reducing energy consumption in process to purify styrene monomerRemoval or disposal; ProcessSupplementary Termsenergy consumption conservation redn styrene monomer column distn purifnCitations1)WELCH VINCENT A; US 6171449 B1 20012)ART BILLIE E; US 6096941 A 20003)OLEKSY SLAWOMIR A; US 20100111785 A1 20104)GRAFF RICHARD R DE; US 3558729 A 19715)KEIL THOMAS; US 5386075 A 19956)Gheshlaghi; American Journal Of Advanced Scientific Research 2012, 1, 13757. Preparation of transition metal catalysts for C-O hydrogenolysis and hydrodeoxygenationBy: Bunquin, Jeffrey Camacho; Stryker, Jeffrey MarkAssignee: Governors of the University of Alberta, Can.Patent Information: Jun 26, 2014, US 20140179954, A1Application: Dec 21, 2012, US 2012-13725595Priority: Dec 21, 2012, US 2012-13725595Source: U.S. Pat. Appl. Publ., 17pp., Patent, 2014, CODEN: USXXCOClassifications: US 568630000Accession Number: 2014:1037632, CAN 161:155939, CAPLUSLanguage: EnglishAbstractPhosphoranimide-metal catalysts and their role in C-O bond hydrogenolysis and hydrodeoxygenation are disclosed. The catalysts comprise of first row transition metals such as nickel, cobalt and iron. The catalysts have a metal to anionic phosphoranimide ratio of 1:1 and catalyze C-O bond hydrogenolysis of a range of oxygen-contg. org. compds.under lower temp. and pressure conditions than those commonly used in industrial hydrodeoxygenation. For example, styrene oxide nickel-catalyzed underwent hydrodeoxygenation to give styrene.Patent InformationPatent No. Kind Date Application No. DateUS 20140179954 A1 Jun 26, 2014 US 2012-13725595 Dec 21, 2012US 9051229 B2 Jun 09, 2015IndexingBenzene, Its Derivatives, and Condensed Benzenoid Compounds (Section 25-2)Section cross-reference(s):67, 78Substances1429325-02-9P1429325-04-1P1613520-28-7P1614254-20-4Pprepn. of transition metal catalysts for C-O hydrogenolysis and hydrodeoxygenation of oxygen-contg. org. compds. Catalyst use; Synthetic preparation; Preparation; Uses60-29-7Ether, reactions93-04-92-Methoxynaphthalene96-09-3Styrene oxide101-84-8Diphenyl Ether132-64-9Dibenzofuran271-89-6Benzofuran286-99-7Cyclododecene Oxide613-37-64-Methoxybiphenyl937-30-4946-80-5Benzyl phenyl Ether6485-40-1R-Carvone7111-67-313118-91-71,3-Bis(4-methoxyphenoxy)benzene24771-62-83,4-Diphenyl-2-cyclopentenone69249-21-4Lithium tri-tert-butylphosphinimide1429325-01-8prepn. of transition metal catalysts for C-O hydrogenolysis and hydrodeoxygenation of oxygen-contg. org. compds. Reactant; Reactant or reagent1333-74-0Hydrogen, reactions7646-79-9Cobalt dichloride, reactions28923-39-999611-53-7Dibromo(1,2-dimethoxyethane)ironprepn. of transition metal catalysts for C-O hydrogenolysis and hydrodeoxygenation of oxygen-contg. org. compds.SciFinder®Reagent; Reactant or reagent71-43-2P Benzene, preparation90-43-7P Biphenyl-2-ol91-20-3P Naphthalene, preparation92-52-4P Biphenyl, preparation92-69-3P Biphenyl-4-ol100-42-5P Styrene, preparation100-66-3P Methoxybenzene, preparation105-05-5P1,4-Diethylbenzene108-95-2P Phenol, preparation135-19-3P2-Naphthalenol, preparation138-86-3P4-Isopropenyl-1-methylcyclohex-1-ene150-76-5P4-Methoxyphenol792-68-7P1,2-Dibenzylbenzene1501-82-2P Cyclododecene1655-69-2P4-Methoxydiphenyl ether3454-07-7P4-Ethylstyrene18457-38-0P20357-70-4P24018-98-2P1-(4-Methoxyphenoxy)-3-phenoxybenzene35115-46-9P1,5-Diphenyl-1-cyclopentene74753-01-8P1,5-Diphenylcyclopentadiene173370-68-8P2,3-Di(4-ethylphenyl)butane1616251-16-1Pprepn. of transition metal catalysts for C-O hydrogenolysis and hydrodeoxygenation of oxygen-contg. org. compds. Synthetic preparation; PreparationSupplementary Termsether hydrodeoxygenation nickel cobalt; cycloalkene arom hydrocarbon prepn; nickel cobalt hydrodeoxygenation catalystCopyright © 2015 American Chemical Society (ACS). All Rights Reserved.59. Preparation of transition metal catalysts for C-O hydrogenolysis and hydrodeoxygenationBy: Bunquin, Jeffrey Camacho; Stryker, Jeffrey MarkAssignee: Governors of the University of Alberta, Can.Patent Information: Jun 21, 2014, CA 2799356, A1Application: Dec 21, 2012, CA 2012-2799356Priority: Dec 21, 2012, CA 2012-2799356Source: Can. Pat. Appl., 45pp., Patent, 2014, CODEN: CPXXEBSciFinder®Accession Number: 2014:1031537, CAN 161:155937, CAPLUSLanguage: EnglishAbstractPhosphoranimide-metal catalysts and their role in C-O bond hydrogenolysis and hydrodeoxygenation are disclosed. The catalysts comprise of first row transition metals such as nickel, cobalt and iron. The catalysts have a metal to anionic phosphoranimide ratio of 1:1 and catalyze C-O bond hydrogenolysis of a range of oxygen-contg. org. compds. under lower temp. and pressure conditions than those commonly used in industrial hydrodeoxygenation. For example, styrene oxide nickel-catalyzed underwent hydrodeoxygenation to give styrene.Patent InformationPatent No. Kind Date Application No. DateCA 2799356 A1 Jun 21, 2014 CA 2012-2799356 Dec 21, 2012IndexingBenzene, Its Derivatives, and Condensed Benzenoid Compounds (Section 25-2)Section cross-reference(s):67, 78Substances1429325-02-9P1429325-04-1P1613520-28-7P1614254-20-4Pprepn. of transition metal catalysts for C-O hydrogenolysis and hydrodeoxygenation of oxygen-contg. org. compds. Catalyst use; Synthetic preparation; Preparation; Uses60-29-7Ether, reactions93-04-92-Methoxynaphthalene96-09-3Styrene oxide101-84-8Diphenyl Ether132-64-9Dibenzofuran271-89-6Benzofuran286-99-7Cyclododecene Oxide613-37-64-Methoxybiphenyl937-30-4946-80-5Benzyl phenyl Ether6485-40-1R-Carvone7111-67-313118-91-71,3-Bis(4-methoxyphenoxy)benzene24771-62-83,4-Diphenyl-2-cyclopentenone69249-21-4Lithium tri-tert-butylphosphinimide1429325-01-8prepn. of transition metal catalysts for C-O hydrogenolysis and hydrodeoxygenation of oxygen-contg. org. compds. Reactant; Reactant or reagent1333-74-0Hydrogen, reactions7646-79-9Cobalt dichloride, reactions28923-39-999611-53-7Dibromo(1,2-dimethoxyethane)ironprepn. of transition metal catalysts for C-O hydrogenolysis and hydrodeoxygenation of oxygen-contg. org. compds. Reagent; Reactant or reagent71-43-2P Benzene, preparation90-43-7P Biphenyl-2-ol91-20-3P Naphthalene, preparation92-52-4P Biphenyl, preparation92-69-3P Biphenyl-4-ol100-42-5P Styrene, preparation100-66-3P Methoxybenzene, preparation105-05-5P1,4-Diethylbenzene108-95-2P Phenol, preparation135-19-3P2-Naphthalenol, preparation138-86-3P4-Isopropenyl-1-methylcyclohex-1-ene150-76-5P4-Methoxyphenol792-68-7P1,2-Dibenzylbenzene1501-82-2P Cyclododecene1655-69-2P4-Methoxydiphenyl ether3454-07-7P4-Ethylstyrene20357-70-4P24018-98-2P1-(4-Methoxyphenoxy)-3-phenoxybenzene35115-46-9P1,5-Diphenyl-1-cyclopentene74753-01-8P1,5-Diphenylcyclopentadiene173370-68-8P2,3-Di(4-ethylphenyl)butane1616251-16-1Pprepn. of transition metal catalysts for C-O hydrogenolysis and hydrodeoxygenation of oxygen-contg. org. compds. Synthetic preparation; PreparationSupplementary Termsether hydrodeoxygenation nickel cobalt; cycloalkene arom hydrocarbon prepn; nickel cobalt hydrodeoxygenation catalystCopyright © 2015 American Chemical Society (ACS). All Rights Reserved.61. Reactor for carrying out an autothermal gas-phase dehydrogenationBy: Olbert, Gerhard; Tellaeche Herranz, Carlos; Asprion, Norbert; Weck, Alexander; Dahlhoff, EllenAssignee: BASF SE, GermanyPatent Information: Jun 19, 2014, US 20140171709, A1。
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• 全球最大的土木工程信息知识的出版机构,每年有5万 多页的出版物 • 出版物包括: - 专业和技术期刊 - 专业会议录 - 图书、实践手册、标准专论
• 包括30种专业技术期刊,是土木工程学科的主要核心 期刊
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我校2013年考取研究生的数量为299人;我所在学院的研究生考取数量69人;韩圣东中国科学研究院电子与通信工程;蔡宇晶中国铁道科学研究院计算机技术;5、请把以下图书的索书号按本馆排架的顺序排列TP317/36 TP39/45 TP303/115 TP27/3 TP319/78 TP31/789 H319.9/12 TP3/29H319.9/12 TP3/29 TP27/3 TP31/789 TP39/45 TP303/115 TP317/36 TP319/786、请写出中图法中你常用的6个大类的名称,若是工业技术方面的内容,请具体写出他的两个字母的名称,如:H 语言文字TP自动化技术、计算机技术TP3计算技术、计算机技术H语言、文字O数理科学与化学R医药、卫生Z综合性图书7、请拷贝读者条例中“读者借阅须知”的内容读者条例读者入馆须知1.读者凭我校一卡通入馆。
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• 美国机械工程师学会(American Society of Mechanical Engineers)成立于1880年,是一家拥有全球超过 125,000会员的国际性非赢利教育和技术组织; • 世界上最大的技术出版机构之一; • 每年召开约30次大型技术研讨会议,并举办200个专业发 展课程; • 制定众多的工业和制造业行业标准;现在ASME拥有工业 和制造行业的600项标准和编码,这些标准在全球90多个 国家被采用。
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AIP(美国物理联合会)提供的一个科技 文献检索平台, “Scitation”的含义: 平台内容主要涉及科学和技术领域 平台采用了强大的引文处理技术。 Scitation平台中包含18个科技出版社的 110多种科技期刊,包含大约600,000篇 文献,每月新增6,000多篇文献。
Low Temperature Physics 低温物理学 1063-777X 影响因子 0.767, 0.7 即年指标 0.109, 0.112 /ltp SCI-186 Physics of Fluids 流体物理学 1070-6631 影响因子 1.697, 1.566 即年指标 0.374, 0.307 /pof SCI-388 Ei-383
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering《生物机械工程 学杂志》 ISSN 0148-0731,创刊于1977年,全年4期,刊载机械工 程原理、技术及知识在生理现象与系统的分析,以及生物 学与医学设备和系统的设计、开发、分析与控制应用的科 技论文。SCI、EI收录期刊,EI 2000年收录39篇,2000年 SCI影响因子0.816、被引频次1802、即年指标0.135、年 载文量89、被引半衰期8.7。 Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering《工程计算与信息科学杂志》 ISSN:1530-9827,创刊于2001年,全年4期,发表研究论 文与技术评论,内容涉及网络辅助设计与生产、虚拟现实 环境系统、信息模型与实体的工程应用、计算机辅助设计 与制造、工程模拟与可视化、计算机辅助产品开发、企业 信息管理、工程教育中的计算机技术等方面。
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参考文献的格式示例:Culver, H. R.; Cusack, P. A. Sulfur Dioxide Content of Volcanic Gases. Nature1952,169, .
示例:Solar Energy Conversion: Advances and Challenges。
ASCE美国土木工程协会全文电子期刊数据库美国土木工程协会(The American Society of Civil Engineers,简称ASCE),成立于1852年,至今已有150多年的悠久历史。
ASCE出版的30种电子期刊通过scitation平台访问,进入后在Select选项框中,选择By Publisher,点击GO,在Publisher选项框中选择ASCE就可以看到ASCE的期刊列表,最早回溯到1995年,全文提供PDF和GZipped PS两种格式。
ASCE全文电子期刊导航(按字母顺序排列)Journal of Aerospace Engineering《航天工程杂志》美国ISSN: 0893-1321,1988年创刊,每年4期,American Society of Civil Engineers,USA出版。
EI 2002年收录7篇。
Journal of Architectural Engineering《建筑工程杂志》美国ISSN: 1076-0431,1995年创刊,每年4期,American Society of Civil Engineers,USA出版,刊载建筑设计科学的最新进展、与建筑设计有关的工程技术问题的信息。
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Civil Engineers 美国《土木工程师学会数据库》
• ASCE概况 • ASCE出版物 • ASCE Digital Library • ASCE DL的资源浏览和检索 • ASCE DL的个性化服务
ASCE 美国土木工程师协会 American Society of Civil Engineers 成立于1852年,与65个国家的土木工程学会有合 作协议,为全球最大的土木工程出版机构。
• ASCE数据库中包含: (1)ASCE出版的34种期刊,回溯至1983年 (2)美国土木工程学会ASCE在线会议录,回溯 至1996年。 全球最大的土木工程全文文献资料库 收录了ASCE所有专业期刊和会议录
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