



A am apple cat dad fat bag bad antE bed desk dog egg red betI six big it ink ill fit kit bin pin tipO fox lot mop soft oil offU mum cup fun us ugly upP pen pig pet past present print picnic potB but bus best boring bell bin biggerT ten sit tell top toy tap act insect parentD and dentist dig dog dot dumpling endC can carry cut cap cabK kid ask knock killG get gun gas gift god gumM milk swim many smell map must medic middle himN nest not nose next nod neck tennisF fast fun funny film fan fantastic fitV visit invent vet vest sevenS sing sad sunny Sunday story still second send stand sick self spend stopZ zoo zip zest zoneL long leg lemon lesson living left let little little land lost lip lapR rabbit run rest rubber rapH hand his help hat hill hobby himself hit hot W well windy windmill windbell will win wetJ jump job subject join jack jamY boy candy sorry very happy hungry angry unhappyQ(qu) quack quite quick queen quilt quitX fax max box fix sex waxsh fish shop brush shell fresh rubbish wishch much lunch catch sandwich chicken teacherwh when which whitck clock duck back sock stick picka_e face late cake make skate taste classmate name shape take save same lake safe hateGate tape gatekeeper tale whale rasei_e fine five mine bike kite like white tide rise life time bedtime shine inside smile nine dine size die pie wifeo_e close home stone homework hole smokeu_e cute use mute cube tuneee feel feet sheep sweet meet see need teeth week seed geese weekend keep bee sweeperstreet sweepai tail paint rainy wait mail nail aidea clean ear near dear cream each read tea meat pea east seafood heat sea leaf teach easy team oa road coat boat goalth(x) thank thin math thing bath think path tooth teethth these they this that those them then with their thanph phone phonic phlox graph phutoo(short) book good look foot woof wood cook oo(long) cool too roof noon tooth food moonsoon bedroom goose poolss chess boss mess less miss pass mass fuss ow window yellow show tomorrow own know row follow shadow throw snow flow grow ar far arm car card farm sharp park star hard art start march garden park partyartist farmer scarf blackboardor north born morning short doctor sport pork fork cornbl blow block blog blond blaze bleedcl club clever class cloth clear clapgl glass glad gleam glory glowpl plane plant plan plastic plate plot plusfl flag flap flash flat fleesl slow sleep slip slide slam slimcr crop cracker craft crab creep crash crossgr grass grape grow grade grand green great greet grain griptr train tree truck treatdr drink dress driver drop driver dreambr bring braveir chair thirsty girl hair bird shirt skirt first their dirtyur our nurse Thursday turn furn hurt turtle burn Churcher sister summer winter flower litter under dinner temper singer after letter hers butter emperorbetter hamburgeror work worker word world mirror actor editor doctor sailor directoray tray ray may day way play say crayon stay yesterday birthday。


字母K-O的自然拼读及配 图
/k/,发音时舌后部隆起紧贴软腭, 憋住气,然后舌突然离开,将气送出 来,像咳嗽一样。
一个卡通形象的大写字母K,旁边有一 个打开的国王的王冠,象征着字母K的 发音与“国王”有关。
/ziː/ 或 /zed/,类似于 单词“zee”或“zed”
一个熟睡的斑马(zebra ),象征着平静和安宁

自然拼读法能够帮助学生将字母 或字母组合的发音与单词的拼写 联系起来,从而提高阅读速度和
字母F-J的自然拼读及配 图
最新26个字母自然拼读带配 图(完整版)
• 字母A-E的自然拼读及配图 • 字母F-J的自然拼读及配图 • 字母K-O的自然拼读及配图 • 字母P-T的自然拼读及配图 • 字母U-Z的自然拼读及配图 • 总结与展望



26个英文字母自然拼读发音及单词A a.- 发音:[ei]- 单词:apple ['æpl](名词,n. 苹果)B b.- 发音:[b]- 单词:book [bʊk](名词,n. 书;动词,v. 预订)C c.- 发音:[k](在多数情况下)或 [s](在e、i、y前)- 单词:cat [kæt](名词,n. 猫);city ['sɪti](名词,n. 城市)D d.- 发音:[d]- 单词:dog [dɒg](名词,n. 狗)E e.- 发音:[i:]- 单词:egg [eg](名词,n. 蛋)F f.- 发音:[f]- 单词:fish [fɪʃ](名词,n. 鱼;动词,v. 捕鱼)G g.- 发音:[g](在多数情况下)或 [dʒ](在e、i、y前)- 单词:go [gəʊ](动词,v. 去);giraffe [dʒə'rɑ:f](名词,n. 长颈鹿)H h.- 发音:[h]- 单词:hat [hæt](名词,n. 帽子)I i.- 发音:[ai]- 单词:ice - cream [,aɪs'kri:m](名词,n. 冰淇淋)J j.- 发音:[dʒ]- 单词:juice [dʒu:s](名词,n. 果汁)K k.- 发音:[k]- 单词:kite [kaɪt](名词,n. 风筝)L l.- 发音:[l]- 单词:lion ['laɪən](名词,n. 狮子)M m.- 发音:[m]- 单词:monkey ['mʌŋki](名词,n. 猴子)N n.- 发音:[n]- 单词:nose [nəʊz](名词,n. 鼻子)O o.- 发音:[əʊ]- 单词:orange ['ɒrɪndʒ](名词,n. 橙子)P p.- 发音:[p]- 单词:pig [pɪg](名词,n. 猪)Q q.- 发音:[kw]- 单词:queen [kwi:n](名词,n. 女王)R r.- 发音:[r]- 单词:ruler ['ru:lə](名词,n. 尺子)S s.- 发音:[s](在清辅音后或词首)或 [z](在浊辅音后或元音后)- 单词:sun [sʌn](名词,n. 太阳);zoo [zu:](名词,n. 动物园)T t.- 发音:[t]- 单词:tiger ['taɪgə](名词,n. 老虎)U u.- 发音:[ju:]- 单词:umbrella [ʌm'brelə](名词,n. 雨伞)V v.- 发音:[v]- 单词:violin [,vaɪə'lɪn](名词,n. 小提琴)W w.- 发音:[w]- 单词:window ['wɪndəʊ](名词,n. 窗户)X x.- 发音:[ks]- 单词:box [bɒks](名词,n. 盒子)Y y.- 发音:[waɪ](在词首)或 [j](在词中或词尾)- 单词:yellow ['jeləʊ](名词,n. 黄色;形容词,adj. 黄色的)Z z.- 发音:[z]- 单词:zebra ['zi:brə](名词,n. 斑马)。



Aaapple ant alligator arrowax angry airplane astronaut anchor alphabet actor actress anger ankleBbbaby bed boy ball book bird butterfly bear banana box bus bee bicycle bell basket bat baseball balloon bottle bib body bench beach basketballCccake candle candies cup count cat cow camel car cap corn carrot cook can cookies coffee camera computercupcakes cucumberDddoctor dancer doll deer donkey door desk dinosaur dog duck dolphinEeelbow egg envelope elephant empty exit echo elf entrance end edgeFffarmer food fork fire fish fox finger foot face feather fan field fence four five father family feetGggirl guita goldfish gorilla goose goat gate garden gift garlic golf gold goldfish gunHhhead hair hand heart hat house happy hen horse hippo hammer home helicopterIiigloo impala iguana itch insects ink inside infant inch indian instrumentsJjjar juice jeans jacket jump jelly jeepjewel jam jigsaw puzzleKkkey king kitten kangaroo kiwi kite koala kettle kick kitchen kissLlladybug leaf lemon ladder lightning lion leg light lamp lips lake log living roomMmmother meat milk meal mouth mop money mushroom mouse monkey mittens mirror mask mermaid mapmoon mix melon mango math man motorcycleNnneck necklace nose noodles napkin nest nail nurse needle number net nuts nickels newspaperOoostrich otter octopus ox oboe octagon olive orange off on operatePppizza pear pie picnic panda peppers peach popcorn peanut papaya peaspenguin piano pumpkin potato parrot park pen pencil pants path pig pink pot pond pineappleQqqueen quail quarrel quiltquiet quarter question markRrrabbit rooster rhino red rain rainbow rose rope ring rocket rice roof ruler robot ribbon river road rock radio rugSssun sailboat surf soccer sandwich soap socks ski sofa salt seeds seal sea salad silver sink sign six seven sunglassesTtturtle tiger tail toys table taxi telephone tie teacher tea teapot towel teeth tent two tomato toe ten toothbrushUuumbrella upside down underwear umpire uncle unhappy up underVvvacuum vest vase veilvan violin vet vomit vine vocano vulture village vegetablesWwwaiter woman water wetwash wave watch window wall wolf wood wind waffle witch wok worm walkman word watermelonXxxylophone ax boxfox six sax X-rayYyyo-yo yard yarn yolk yogurt yellow yacht yak YearZzzigzag zero zipper zebrazoo zither zinnia zicchiniShort- vowels (a e i o u)apple bag bat catfan hat map mat bed bell egg hen net pen red well bib hill ink kisslick pig pin sixbox octopus on operate ostrich ox sock bus cup gun nut sun umbrella under uncleMagic E (a-e e-e i-e o-e u-e)cape name tapelake rake bake icebite ice cream sidewalk five kite upside downjump rope homenose rope rose bone cube June notebook tubeai aypail paint jail maid nail pain rail rain tail bay hay lay May pay ray say wayee ea eyfeet teeth wheelbee eel jeep beef peel reeds see seeds tea sea leaf meat pea beans eat eagle peach peanutsdonkey hockey jockey keymonkey money trolley turkey honeyy1 y2 y3year Yellow Yo-yo yacht yes yam yolk yogurt puppy sunny baby dirty dizzy happy pony rainyteddy bearcry dry fly my shy sky spy type butterflyie ighdie lie pie diefight light high night right sigh sight tight lightning flashlightoa owboat road coat coalcoat toast boat goat soap toadhollow low rainbow row window yellow snow snowman pillow bowlui uefruit juice suit suitcaseblue glue Suearfarm carpet party car card artist marker barn arm garden park cart armchair parking lotor1corn fork fort horn pork horse morning porch popcorn shorts door floor warm orange board forestur ir er or2turtle turkey hurt nursesurfing fur pursethirteen bird circus dirty circle dirt girl birthdaysister teacher brother cashier mother father grandfather grandmother helicopterhamburger marker mermaid eraser hammer under winter rooster quartersfire fighter scissors visitors ou ow2mountain mouth mouse fountain count out shout house computer mouse owl plow cow clown crown flower towel brown toweroi oyoil point boil coinfoil noise soil coil poisonboy cowboy soy toy enjoy oyster soybeans soy sauceau awfaucet sausage sauce naughty autumn applause strawberrydraw paw straw lawn saw yawnoo1 oo2moon zoo roof rooster boots food spoon room root boot look hood cookbook bookcase foot cookie wool cook hook book wood woodsbookstoreea2head sweater sweat pear lead bear leather featherchcherry lunch chin child chess chocolate cheese chair beach cheerful cheer chalk chain chicken benchchick church chopsticksshfishing push shark shell shirt shoe shorts pull shout shrimp shop dish sheep fish ship push shoes shovelphphone photo telephone elephant trophy alphabet pharmacyth1earth think bath mat thumb bathroom bathtubtoothpaste thief bath thirsty three birthday party washcloth birthday caketh2gather weather leather jacket mother father grandfather gather feather brothers leathertogather grandmotherwhwheelbarrow white wheat whistle whisper wheelchairWheel whalemblamb comb thumb bomb numb crumbknknife knob knees knit knockwrwrite wreath wrap wrist wrinklebl cl fl gl Plblue blocks bloom blanket black blouse bleachBlonde hairflat flu fly fluteflame floor flag flower flamingo flashlightplane plus platform plate planet plum play plant glove glasses giler glue glasses globeclock clean climb claycloud Clothes close clownbr cr fr gr prbrothers bright brim brown brick brook bride bread brother hair brushfruit frog Friday frost French fries friend framecrown cream crayon crycrab crown crocodile croissant gray grass ground green grapes grow grandma grandpa green beans grassshopper grocery store grandmother grandfather。



4பைடு நூலகம்
bd 声母
右下半圆bbb, 左下半圆ddd, bd对坐乐呵呵!
b p d 声母

认识 d
ɑ ……
eu ü
ɑoe i u ü 单韵母
马儿跑,de de de 小喇叭,du du du
汽车开,di di di 敲门声,dɑ dɑ dɑ
dā dá dǎ dà
dē dé dě dè
dī dí dǐ dì
dū dú dǔ dù
dā dá dǎ dà
dē dé dě dè
dī dí dǐ dì
dū dú dǔ dù
做好事,好品德 dé




Ii Ii Ii /i/ /i/ /i/ Ii /i/ igloo Igloo igloo It’s so cold
Jj Jj Jj Jj /dʒ//dʒ//dʒ/ Jj /dʒ/ juice juice juice drink some juice
Kk Kk Kk/k/ /k/ /k/ Kk /k/ kiwi kiwi kiwi brown to see
Ll Ll Ll /l/ /l/ /l/ Ll /l/ Lemon lemon lemon in my tea
M M M /m//m//m/ M /m/ Milk milk milk good for me.
N N N /n//n//n/ N /n/ Noodles noodles noodles take a bite
Ff Ff Ff /f/ /f//f/ Ff /f/ fish Fish fish Don’t get talk
Gg Gg Gg/g//g//g/ Gg/g/ goat Goat goat have some fun
Hh Hh Hh /h/ /h/ /h/ Hh /h/ hamburger Hamburger Hamburger cheese and meet
O O O /o/ /o/ /o/ O /o/ ox ox ox big and strong
Pp Pp Pp / p// p// p/ Pp / p/ pig Pig pig lying down
Qq Qq Qq /kw//kw//kw/ Qq /kw/ queen queen queen wears a crown



A am apple cat dad fat bag bad antE bed desk dog egg red betI six big it ink ill fit kit bin pin tipO fox lot mop soft oil offU mum cup fun us ugly upP pen pig pet past present print picnic potB but bus best boring bell bin biggerT ten sit tell top toy tap act insect parentD and dentist dig dog dot dumpling endC can carry cut cap cabK kid ask knock killG get gun gas gift god gumM milk swim many smell map must medic middle himN nest not nose next nod neck tennisF fast fun funny film fan fantastic fitV visit invent vet vest sevenS sing sad sunny Sunday story still second send stand sick self spend stopZ zoo zip zest zoneL long leg lemon lesson living left let little little land lost lip lapR rabbit run rest rubber rapH hand his help hat hill hobby himself hit hotW well windy windmill windbell will win wetJ jump job subject join jack jamY boy candy sorry very happy hungry angry unhappyQ(qu) quack quite quick queen quilt quitX fax max box fix sex waxsh fish shop brush shell fresh rubbish wishch much lunch catch sandwich chicken teacherwh when which whitck clock duck back sock stick picka_e face late cake make skate taste classmatename shape take save same lake safe hateGate tape gatekeeper tale whale rasei_e fine five mine bike kite like white tide riselife time bedtime shine inside smile nine dinesize die pie wifeo_e close home stone homework hole smokeu_e cute use mute cube tuneee feel feet sheep sweet meet see need teethweek seed geese weekend keep bee sweeperstreet sweepai tail paint rainy wait mail nail aidea clean ear near dear cream each read tea meatpea east seafood heat sea leaf teach easy team oa road coat boat goalth(x) thank thin math thing bath think path toothteethth these they this that those them then withtheir thanph phone phonic phlox graph phutoo(short) book good look foot woof wood cookoo(long) cool too roof noon tooth food moonsoon bedroom goose poolss chess boss mess less miss pass mass fuss ow window yellow show tomorrow own knowrow follow shadow throw snow flow growar far arm car card farm sharp park starhard art start march garden park partyartist farmer scarf blackboardor north born morning short doctor sport pork fork cornbl blow block blog blond blaze bleedcl club clever class cloth clear clapgl glass glad gleam glory glowpl plane plant plan plastic plate plot plusfl flag flap flash flat fleesl slow sleep slip slide slam slimcr crop cracker craft crab creep crash crossgr grass grape grow grade grand green great greet grain griptr train tree truck treatdr drink dress driver drop driver dreambr bring braveir chair thirsty girl hair bird shirt skirt first theirdirtyur our nurse Thursday turn furn hurt turtle burn Churcher sister summer winter flower litter under dinnertemper singer after letter hers butter emperorbetter hamburgeror work worker word world mirror actor editordoctor sailor directoray tray ray may day way play say crayon stayyesterday birthday。



M M M /m//m//m/ M /m/ Milk milk milk good for me.
N N N /n//n//n/ N /n/ Noodles noodles noodles take a bite
O O O /o/ /o/ /o/ O /o/ ox ox ox big and strong
Yy Yy Yy / j// j// j/ Yy/ j/ yoyo Yoyo yoyo up and down
Zz Zz Zz /z/ /z//z/ Zz /z/ zoo Zoo zoo animal town
Thank You for Watching
Aa Aa Aa /æ / /æ / /æ /
Aa/æ / apple
Apple apple on the tree
Bb Bb Bb/b//b//b/ Bb/b/ banana Banana banana one two three.
Cc Cc Cc /k/ /k//k/ Cc/k/ cake Cake cake all for me
Jj Jj Jj Jj /dʒ//dʒ//dʒ/ Jj /dʒ/ juice juice juice drink some
Kk Kk Kk/k/ /k/ /k/ Kk /k/ kiwi kiwi kiwi brown to see
Ll Ll Ll /l/ /l/ /l/ Ll /l/ Lemon lemon lemon in my tea
Dd Dd Dd /d//d//d/ Dd/d/ Duck Duck duck want to back



A am apple cat dad fat bag bad antE bed desk dog egg red betI six big it ink ill fit kit bin pin tipO fox lot mop soft oil offU mum cup fun us ugly upP pen pig pet past present print picnic potB but bus best boring bell bin biggerT ten sit tell top toy tap act insect parentD and dentist dig dog dot dumpling endC can carry cut cap cabK kid ask knock killG get gun gas gift god gumM milk swim many smell map must medic middle himN nest not nose next nod neck tennisF fast fun funny film fan fantastic fitV visit invent vet vest sevenS sing sad sunny Sunday story still second send stand sick self spend stopZ zoo zip zest zoneL long leg lemon lesson living left let little little land lost lip lapR rabbit run rest rubber rapH hand his help hat hill hobby himself hit hot W well windy windmill windbell will win wetJ jump job subject join jack jamY boy candy sorry very happy hungry angry unhappyQ(qu)quack quite quick queen quilt quitX fax max box fix sex waxsh fish shop brush shell fresh rubbish wishch much lunch catch sandwich chicken teacherwh when which whitck clock duck back sock stick picka_e face late cake make skate taste classmate name shape take save same lake safe hateGate tape gatekeeper tale whale rasei_e fine five mine bike kite like white tide rise life time bedtime shine inside smile nine dine size die pie wifeo_e close home stone homework hole smokeu_e cute use mute cube tuneee feel feet sheep sweet meet see need teeth week seed geese weekend keep bee sweeperstreet sweepai tail paint rainy wait mail nail aidea clean ear near dear cream each read tea meat pea east seafood heat sea leaf teach easy team oa road coat boat goalth(x) thank thin math thing bath think path tooth teethth these they this that those them then with their thanph phone phonic phlox graph phutoo(short) book good look foot woof wood cook oo(long)cool too roof noon tooth food moon soon bedroom goose poolss chess boss mess less miss pass mass fuss ow window yellow show tomorrow own know row follow shadow throw snow flow grow ar far arm car card farm sharp park star hard art start march garden park partyartist farmer scarf blackboardor north born morning short doctor sport pork fork cornbl blow block blog blond blaze bleedcl club clever class cloth clear clapgl glass glad gleam glory glowpl plane plant plan plastic plate plot plusfl flag flap flash flat fleesl slow sleep slip slide slam slimcr crop cracker craft crab creep crash crossgr grass grape grow grade grand green great greet grain griptr train tree truck treatdr drink dress driver drop driver dreambr bring braveir chair thirsty girl hair bird shirt skirt first their dirtyur our nurse Thursday turn furn hurt turtle burn Churcher sister summer winter flower litter under dinner temper singer after letter hers butter emperorbetter hamburgeror work worker word world mirror actor editor doctor sailor directoray tray ray may day way play say crayon stay yesterday birthday。

字母d及相关字母组合发音规律总结 A4打印版

字母d及相关字母组合发音规律总结 A4打印版

不发音 d在个别单词中不发音
handkerchief /ˈhæŋkətʃiːf/手帕 handsome /ˈhænsəm/ 英俊的 wednesday /ˈwenzdeɪ/ 星期三
/dʒ/ d在个别单词中发/dʒ/
educate /ˈedʒukeɪt/ 教育 procedure /prəˈsiːdʒə/ 步骤 soldier /ˈsəʊldʒə/
/dʒ/ dj在单词中常发/dʒ/
adjective /ˈædʒɪktɪv/ 形容词 adjudge /əˈdʒʌdʒ/ 宣判; 判决 adjust /əˈdʒʌst/
/dʒ/ dge组合在音节或单词结尾常发/dʒ/
acknowledge /əkˈnɒlɪdʒ/ 承认 edge /edʒ/
加法 ladder /ˈlædə/
梯子 riddle /ˈrɪdl/
谜, 谜语
daddy /ˈdædi/
爸爸 middle /ˈmɪdl/
中间的 suddenly /ˈsʌdnli/ 突然地
giddy /ˈɡɪdi/
头晕的 odd /ɒd/
奇数的; 奇怪的 wedding /ˈwedɪŋ/
字母 d 及相关字母组合发音规律总结
/d/ d在大多数单词中发/d/
bad /bæd/
坏的 deep /diːp/
深的 need /niːd/
必须, 需要
bed /bed/
床 deer /dɪə/
鹿 old /əʊld/
旧的; 老的
bird /bɜːd/
鸟 desk /desk/
边缘 judge /dʒʌdʒ/ 法官; 判断
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