



开题报告英文版开题报告英文版开题报告英文版一:Outline 2.1 Development and major concepts of DTS In this part I will describe Holms’ basic map of DTS and the relationship between function, process and product. I will also discuss some important concepts such as pseudo-translation, multiple translation, translationese, norm etc. 2.2 Methodolgy I will in this part discuss the methodology of DTS before I apply the same to the case study in this thesis with emphasis to be placed on semiotic approach and the concept norm. 2.3 DTS in contrast to other theories A contrast study will be conducted here with the objective to find the difference of DTS from other theories such as equivalence theory and the Chinese Xin Da Ya criteria. Some advantage will possibly be shown in this study. 2.4 Case study In this part, translation of The Dream of Red Mansions (also translated as The Story of The Stone) will be under investigation inlight of DTS. Translation samples to be quoted here will be selected at random. 2.5 Conclusion Based on the above elaboration of DTS and thecase study, possible conclusion will be on the advantage of DTS in specific study of translation. Suggestions on further research efforts will be made also. (Note: While the topic will remain the same, the above arrangement of contents is subject to change in the process of writing.)开题报告英文版二:Function and Application of Descriptive Translation Studies 1 Introduction The intention of this study is to explore possible advantages of Descriptive Translation Studies as in its application in translation practice and translation analysis. Since early 20th century, translation studies gradually broke away from the marginal status within other related disciplines and established itself as an empirical science. From then on, schools of thought have kept coming out and each claimsits legitimacy for existence. Among these schools is Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS). DTS approaches translation from an empirical perspective. Translation is viewed to be a social activity havingsignificant importance in the receiving culture and for the target community. Therefore, translation is dealt with beyond the linguistic realization and language comparison, and is incorporated in social and cultural context. My attention was first directed to DTS by its peculiar characteristic of observation, description and explanation. The subject is whatever happens in translation practice, from the determination of prospective function of translation to the process of translator’s choice of strategies, brainstorming and the revision, to the final product making appearance in the target community. The method of DTS is basically descriptive. The prescriptive tendency and the problem-solution pattern is abandoned. Translation phenomena are noted down. With accumulated data, some underlying truths about translation will come out which will prove to be instructive not only for theoretical probe but also for applied translation practice. I will apply this descriptive method in the case study of this thesis. A convenient tool has been set up to conduct DTS. “Norm” is operative at every stage of description and explanation. Function, process and product and their relationship as well are skeletal structure of what constitute descriptive studies. Translation phenomena are accounted for with the help of norm. The case taken in this thesis is the Chinese classic The Dream of Red Mansions. Two English versions translated respectively by Yang Hsien-yi and David Hawks are compared and observations are made in regard to their translation approaches. In this regard, my observations are limited to several aspects, I hope in-depth observation and explanation will done in light of DTS.。





以下是的编辑收集整理的“英语论文开题报告范文”,欢迎大家与身边的朋友分享吧!英语论文开题报告范文【篇1】从语用角度分析香港粤语和英语混用现象论文开题报告从语用角度分析香港粤语和混用现象本科生毕业论文开题报告表论文名称中文从语用角度分析香港粤语和英语混用现象英文Analysis of the Mixing Phenomenon of Hongkong Cantonese and English from the Perspective of Pragmatics学生姓名欧焕仪英语专业年级2010级指导教师邹明洁职称单位毕业论文写作时间2014年2月日至2014 年5 月日一、The meaning of topic and related literature reviewThe positive effect of mixing use of Hongkong Cantonese and English. Cantonese is one of the most energetic languages in the world and there are nearly 120 million people speaking Cantonese. Apart from Mandrian, Cantonese is the languagein the Chinese language that have perfec writing system and successful development as functional language. It can be divided into Hongkong Cantonese and Cantonese of Guang style. However, with unique charm, Hongkong Cantonese plays an important role in the development of Cantonese. There was a long British colonial history of more than 150 years before the return of Hongkon, which have made great impact on Hongkong, no mattter at the aspect of economic, politics or culture. This has emerged into people's daily life and people are customed to the mixing use of Hongkon Cantonese and English. Under this kind of special circumstance, English, as a strongly inclusive language, was classifed as the offical language in Hongkong. On thecontrast, Cantonese can be regarded as a kind of weak language which is still necessary for the communication. During the daily communication, these two languages have intimate contact with each other, leading the frequently unconscious insertion of English into the dialogue which is very common nowadays. That is exactly the most obvious difference between Honkong Cantonese and Guang Cantonese.Purposed of research The ultimate goal of code-switching is to accomplish the conversation. This is thesis aims at analysing the mixing phenomenon of Hong Kong Cantonese and English from the perspective of pragmatic. We collect linguistic data from Hongkong song and movie etc. Honkong citzens usually create new Hongkong English vocabulary through transliteration and free translation.二、Main research problem, short-term target and difficultes you may encounterMain research problem:1. The reson and necessity of this mixing phenomenon of Hong Kong Cantonese and English2. The negative effect of confusing language use by mixing phenomenon3. Discussion of the difference and similarities on vocabulary and grammar of Hong Kong Cantonese and English4. Realization of the practicablity of this mixing phenomenon from the perspective of pragmatic5. Prediction of development direction of mixing use of Hong Kong Cantonese and EnglishShort-term Target:1. Basic knowledge of relevant pragmatic principle and theory2. The difference and similarities of Hong Kong Cantonese and English3. Sample analysis of mixing phenomenon of Hong Kong Cantonese and EnglishDifficult:1. One-sided analysis of Hong Kong Cantonese and English2. Can not complete the analyse the principle and phenomenon3. Not sure about the development direction of Hongkong Cantonese and English三、Theoretical frame andMethod of ResearchTheoretical frame:1. The comparsion between vocabulary and grammar2. Cooperative principle of GriceMethod of Research:1. Questionaire survey2. Literature surveyWe systemeticaly study both the realistic and historical condition of mixing phenomenon of Hong Kong Cantonese and English by analysing any related data, with intergrated use of scientific method such as conversation survey and questionaire survey. By collecting and sorting out lots of data including Honkong movie and songs and articles, we can easilyget the knowledge about code-switching rule of Hong Kong Cantonese and English.四、Outline and writing scheduleOutline0. Introduction0.1 General ideas on mixing phenomenon of Hong Kong Cantonese and English ;0.2 Brief review of their mixing;0.3 Thesis structure.1. Research Review1.1 Previous research on Hongkong language policy1.2 Previous mixing phenomenon research base on pragmatic principle1.3 Previous research on pragmatic theory1.4 Achievements and deficiencies of mixing use of Hongkong Cantonese and English2. Theoretical Framework 2.1 Cooperative Principle 【Proposed by Grice】2.1.1 An Overview of cooperative Principle2.1.2 Relationship within the cooperative Principle2.2 Applicability of cooperative principle in analysing mixing phenomenon3. Case Analysis3.1 The application of cooperative principle in analysing mixing phenomenon3.1.1 Analysis of the difference between Hongkong cantonese and English3.1.2 Duscission of the intergration of these two language3.2 Take example of supporting the good side of mixing ues of HK cantonese and English3.3 Discussion4. Conclusion4.1 conclusion of the practical effect of mixing ues of HK cantonese and English 4.2 assumption of the positive development of these two languageOveral time will be 4 months(Start from February 2014.)Schedule:Draft setting before 13st March, 2014. Thesis revision before 17th April, 2014; Final thesis before 8th May 2014; Thesis defense preparation from 8th to 28th May, 2014.五、The early reference(≥10,including book and article)MU Xiu-rong, The Comparative Study of The Pragmatic Failure between Chinese and English on the Basis of Politeness Principle. School of Foreign Language in Lanzhou Jiaolong University, 2011.Zhao YaoDong,An Analysis of Pragmatic Failure in Interculture Communication.Hong Kong Baptist University. 2012.Liu Shao-zhong, Studies of Negative Pragmatic Transfer in Interlanguage Pragmatics, Foreign Languages College Guangxi Normal University, 2002李婷,从语音相近探英语中粤语译词的文化渗透现象,广西,外国语言文学研究,2011何源,语码转换及其交际功能,陕西,《时代报告(学术版)》2012年1月(上)供稿陈启霞,香港粤语与英语的混用现象及“两文三语” 的语言政策,云南,临沧师范高等专科学校学报,2011李楚成,香港粤语与英语的`语码转换,香港,外语教学与研究(外国语文双月刊)2003易勇,粤语英语混用对英语习得的影响及对策分析,广东,重庆三峡学院学报,2013——,新编语用学概要,上海:上海外语教育出版社,1999.——,语用学讲稿,南京:南京师范大学出版社,2003.——, 对比语言学,许余龙,上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2001六、指导教师意见指导教师签名:年月日七、学院论文评审委员会意见盖章年月日英语论文开题报告范文【篇2】一、论文题目:classroom:interaction:and:oral:english:teaching二、研究现状:对于课堂互动与教学之间的关系,国内的研究主要集中在:(1)构建主义模式:它是以构建主义理论为基础的互动模式,司洪海在《构建主义理论与英语口语教学》中从对现有教学模式的“”入手,探讨将构建主义引入英语课堂教学的必要性、可行性及其意义和作用。



















英语论文开题报告范文例文大全6篇论文题目the Application and Innovationof Gothicism in Wuthering Heights一、选题的意义和探讨现状1.选题的目的、理论意义和现实意义长时期以来, 人们视艾米莉•勃朗特为英国文学中的“斯芬克斯”。

关于她本人和她的作品都有很多难解之谜, 很多评论家从不同的角度、采纳不同的方法去探讨, 得出了不同的结论, 因而往往是旧谜刚解, 新谜又出, 解谜热潮似永无休止。

本文立足于欧美文学中的哥特传统探讨《咆哮山庄》的创作源泉, 指出艾米莉•勃朗特在主题、人物形象、环境刻画、意象及情节构造等方面都借鉴了哥特传统, 同时凭借其超乎寻常的想象力, 将现实与超现实融为一体, 给陈旧的形式注入了激烈情感、心理深度和簇新活力, 达到了哥特形式与激情内容的完备统一, 使《咆哮山庄》既超越了哥特体裁的“黑色浪漫主义”, 又超越了维多利亚时代的“现实主义”, 从而呈现出独具一格、经久不衰的艺术魅力。

2.与选题相关的国内外探讨和发展概况各民族的文学中都有很多惊险、恐怖的故事, 但好像没有哪一种文学像英美文学那样不仅创作出数量众多、质量优秀的恐怖文学作品, 而且还形成了一个持续发展、影响广泛的哥特传统( Gothictradition) 。


对哥特文学的仔细探讨起先于20 世纪二三十年头, 到70 年头以后, 由于新的学术思潮和文学指责观念的影响, 该探讨出现了前所未有而且日趋高涨的热潮。

依据在国际互联网上的搜寻, 到2000 年9月为止, 英美等国的学者除发表了大量关于哥特文学的论文外, 还至少出版专著达184部, 其中1970 年以后为126 部, 仅90 年头就达59 部, 几乎占总数的三分之一。

当然,近年来哥特文学探讨的状况不仅在于探讨成果快速增加, 更重要的是它在深度和广度方面都大为拓展, 并且把哥特传统同英美乃至欧洲的历史、社会、文化和文学的总体发展结合起来。













开题报告英文附录范文Appendix1. Survey QuestionnaireDear respondent,Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. The purpose of this survey is to gather information about consumers' preferences and behaviors regarding online shopping. Your responses will be anonymous and will only be used for research purposes.Please check the box that best applies to you or provide your own response where necessary.1. Gender:- Male- Female- Prefer not to say2. Age:- Under 18- 18-25- 26-35- 36-45- 46-55- 56 and above3. How often do you shop online?- Daily- Weekly- Monthly- Once in a while- Never4. What is your main reason for shopping online?- Convenience- Better prices- Wider selection- Avoiding crowds- Other (please specify)5. Which factors are most important to you when selecting an online store? (Rank from most important to least important) - Price- Product quality- Customer reviews- Delivery options- Return policy- Website design and usability- Other (please specify)6. Have you ever experienced any issues or problems when shopping online? (Select all that apply)- Late delivery- Damaged or defective products- Poor customer service- Difficulty making returns- Security concerns (e.g., credit card information)- Other (please specify)- None7. How likely are you to recommend online shopping to others? - Very likely- Likely- Neutral- Unlikely- Very unlikely8. In your opinion, what could online stores do to improve the shopping experience?Thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.。



开题报告自述英文范文I. IntroductionThis research report provides a detailed account of the objectives, methodology, findings, and conclusions of a study conducted on [insert topic/subject]. The purpose of this study was to [briefly state the main objectives of the research]. The insights gained from this research will contribute to a deeper understanding of [insert the significance/importance of the research topic].II. ObjectivesThe primary objectives of this research were:1. To explore [objective 1].2. To investigate [objective 2].3. To analyze [objective 3].III. MethodologyTo achieve the aforementioned objectives, a mixed-methods approach was adopted. Firstly, a comprehensive literature review was conducted to gather existing knowledge and identify research gaps. This served as the foundation for developing the research framework.Next, primary data collection was carried out through [state the data collection method] involving [number] participants [describe the participant selection criteria]. The data collection tool used was [state the tool], comprising of [state the components, e.g.,questionnaire, survey, interview guide]. The data collection phase was followed by data analysis, which involved both quantitative and qualitative techniques.IV. FindingsThe findings of this study revealed several key insights:1. [Present and discuss the findings related to objective 1].2. [Present and discuss the findings related to objective 2].3. [Present and discuss the findings related to objective 3].These findings shed light on [insert the implications/significance of the results] and contribute to the academic knowledge in the field of [insert the relevant field of study].V. DiscussionThe findings of this research were analyzed and interpreted in the context of relevant theoretical frameworks and existing literature. This section highlights the key insights derived from the findings and discusses their implications. Additionally, any discrepancies or limitations encountered during the research process are acknowledged and addressed.VI. ConclusionBased on the findings and discussions presented above, it can be concluded that [summarize the main findings and their implications]. The outcomes of this study provide valuable insightsfor [describe who can benefit from the research findings] and have implications for future research in this area.VII. RecommendationsDrawing from the conclusions, the following recommendations are suggested for further research or practical applications:1. [Recommendation 1].2. [Recommendation 2].3. [Recommendation 3].Implementing these recommendations may lead to further advancements and improvements in the field of [insert relevant field].VIII. References[List the references used throughout the report, following the appropriate citation style].。





一、选题依据及意义(不少于300字).English,especiallyEnglishreadingandwriting,hasbeeaneffectiv emeanstogetaccesstoallkindsofinformationandanindispensablem eansofinternationalmunication.Asamatteroffact,Englishwritin garevitaltoourindividualdevelopmentbecauseithasbeenappliedm oreandmoreinbothourEnglishstudyandfuturework.However,accordingtomypersonalwritingexperienceandteachingpr acticeexperienceinBobaiMiddleschool,Ifoundthatthestudents'E FLwritingabilityisnotsoencouragingandsatisfactoryinseniorhi ghschoolsthoughtheyhavelearnedEnglishforseveralyearsinprima ryandmiddleschool.NotafewofthemdoverypoorinapplyingEnglisht oexpresstheirideas,thoughts,feelings,etc.inEFLwriting.Someo fthemevencannotproduceasinglecorrectsentenceintheirposition s.Thosestudentsmayactuallyhavesomethingtowrite,buttheyjustc annotexpressitcorrectlyandappropriatelyinEnglish.Ononehand, theydonotgraspsufficientactivevocabulariestoexpressthemselv es.Ontheotherhand,theylacksenseofsentencestructureandpositionstructuretodeveloptheirposition.Thelastbutnotleast,theydon'tknowhowtoapplythematerialstheyhavereadtoimprovetheirwrit ingabilitythoughtheyhavereadalot.Therefore,it'snecessaryandurgenttofindaneffectiveandpractic alapproachtosolvethepoorperformanceinthestudents'EFLwriting andimprovetheirwritingability.Manyscholarshaveprovedthatthe reisastrongrelationshipbetweenreadingandwriting.Fromreading towritingcaneffectivelyenlargethestudents'amountofvocabular y,cultivatetheirsenseofsentencestructureandpositionstructur e,enrichtheirwritingmaterialsandpromotetheirabilityinusingw ordsandsentences.Therefore,fromreadingtowritingapproachishi ghlyadvocatedinimprovingEFLwritinginseniorhighschools.二、研究目标与主要内容(含论文(设计)提纲,不少于500字).1.研究目标:AccordingtotheNewCurriculumStandardsforseniorhighschools,li stening,speaking,readingandwritingarefourbasicskillsandrequ irementsforthestudents.However,thestudents'EFLwritingabilit yinseniorhighschoolsisnotsopleasantandencouraging.Thepreval entEFLwritingapproaches(theproductapproachandtheprocessappr oach)inseniorhighschoolsdonotdomuchgoodtoimprovestudents'writingability.Thisstudyaimstoparethesetwoapproacheswithfromr eadingtowritingapproachandshowtheadvantagesofapplyingfromre adingtowritingapproachinseniorhighschools.Fromreadingtowritingapproachadvocatesthatwritingshouldbeint egratedwithreadingsothatthestudentscanenlargetheirvocabular yinreading,learnhowtouselanguageappropriately,howtoapplythe irbackgroundknowledge,howtoarrangethesentences,howtanizethe position,howtoachievecoherenceandunityandhowtoactivatetheir mindwhenwriting.Inthisway,thestudentscanimprovetheirwriting abilityeffectivelyandefficiently.Therefore,thethesistriesto analyzethepresentreadingandwritingsituationinseniorhighscho ols,expoundthenatureofreadingandwriting,discussthenecessity andfeasibilityofreadingtowritingapproach,showtheapplication ofreadingtowritingapproachinEFLwritingpracticeandprovetheef fectivenessandpracticalityofreadingandwritingapproach.2.主要内容(提纲):1.Introduction2.ThepresentsituationofEnglishwritinginseniorhighschools3.Thenatureofreadingandwriting3.1Thenatureofreading3.2Thenatureofwriting4.Therelationshipbetweenreadingandwriting4.1Readingpavesthewayforwriting4.2Writingpromotesreading5.Thenecessityandfeasibilityofreading-to-writing5.1Thenecessityofreading-to-writing5.2Thefeasibilityofreading-to-writing6.Theadvantagesofapplyingreading-to-writingapproach 6.1Thedefinitionofreading-to-writingapproach6.2Aparisonofreading-to-writingapproachwithproductapproacha ndprocessapproach7.Theapplicationofreading-to-writingapproach7.1Theprinciplesofapplyingreading-to-writingapproach 7.1.1Payingequalattentiontoreadingandwriting7.1.2Payingequalattentiontointensivereadingandextensiveread ing7.2Theselectionofgoodreadingmaterials7.3Waysofadaptingreading-to-writingapproach7.3.1Pre-writingreading7.3.2Writingfromreading7.3.3Post-writingreadingandrewriting不想长大三、研究方法和手段。




篇一:英语开题题目: A Negotiation on the Problems and Solution of Oral姓名:班级:学号:日期:A Negotiation on the Problems and Solution ofOral English in Remote RuralPrimary SchoolsⅠ Purpose and significanceAording to the unders tanding of the NewCurriculum,bining withclassroom practice,we have been exploring the status and the causes of students 'English municative ability in remote rural primary schools,and seeking to thestrategies to improve students' oral English municative petence in suburbanareas;simultaneously through the study of this subject teachers are in a position totransform traditional teaching ideas in order to improve classroom teaching.1,aording to the understanding of the NewCurriculum,bining classroompractice,we have been exploring the status and the causes of students 'Englishmunication ability in remote rural primary schools.2,by the research on improving students' English speaking ability,to improve theefficiency of classroom learning.3,through research,to improve their English literacy teachers,to improveteaching methods to improve teaching ability.4,through research and practice,to allow for better teaching oral Englishclassroom teaching service,improve teaching efficiency.Ⅱ Domestic and foreign research status and prospectsDomestic:In Influencing Factors of Teaching Spoken English,the famous expert LiuJinlan metions,“In traditional teaching of spoken English,the students do not bring thesubjectivity into full play,the teaching effect is not very idea.i” New situation,and thetraditional methods of teaching spoken english must be pletely changed,intendto improve the oral munication skills of students.In order to achieve the goal,wemust recognize the effect of the impact of the oral teaching of the relevant factors,such as the psychological factors,listen,speak,culture and adopt scientific andreasonable strategy of teaching.In cultivation of students’ spoken English ability,the well-known expert FangHuijuan considers,“The purpose of learnig English is proficient in oralmunication.Spoken English,also oral expressing abilityis the key factor ofinfluencing oral munication.ii” Thus,the cultivation of spoken English isuniversally appreciated.However,the iiigeneral standard of Primary schoolstudents’spoken English ability remains worrisome.Foreign:In Second Language Teaching and LearningNunun,David.believes,“Theinterest affects efficiency of improving spoken English.iv” The results indicate thestudents who are interested in speaking English can get twice the results with half theeffort.To those who are not very interested in speaking English,they not only wait forthe teacher to teach them English passively,but also usually are asked to open theirmouths to speak English.Application Prospects:As China continues to develop gradually,education ofthis line is gaining moreand more attention from people and teachers.And spoken English as a kind of skill,especially in aordance with the current trend of economic development,we areincreasingly close with the internationalmunication.Learning some practical oralknowledge,we can deal with the problem ofwork,business,and other aspectsencountered abroad.As modern people,we have no reason to avoid or refuse to learn spokenEnglish,otherwise we should learn it as early as possible,which is very useful forenhancing ourselves petitiveness.With the development of the Ages,spokenlanguage is being a learning trend of the times.Ⅲ References:[1] Nunun,David.Second Language Teaching andLearning[M].Boston,MA:Heinle and Heinle,1999.[2]杨玉林等,《英语学》[M].旅游教育出版社,1994.186.[3]刘金兰.试论影响效果的相关因素[J].教育实践与研究xx,(9)[4] 方惠娟.英语口语能力培养[J].教学与管理:理论版,xx,(8).[5] 学科评价课题组.《中小学外语教学》[J].xx—1—2.[6] 邱东林等,“改革大学英语测试内容,提高学生英语口语水平”,《外语界》[J],xx—1—24.[7] 胡春洞,《英语教学法》高等教育出版社[M],1990.154.ⅣThe main contents,methods and ideas:The main contents:In primary schools’ English teaching,how to improve the efficiency of classroomteaching spoken language,and how to cultivate students' interest in learning spokenEnglish,and how to improve students the language of the quality of theprehensive development are the main concern of English teachers.Around thistheme,it is necessary for the English teachers to take various means to mobilize theenthusiasm of students.Aiming at the primary school English teachers not payingattention to defects,bining with classroom practice,we have been exploring thestatus and the causes of students 'English munication ability in remote ruralprimary schools,and seeking to the strategies to improve students' oral Englishmunicative petence in suburban areas;simultaneously through the study ofthis subject teachers are in a position to transform traditional teaching ideas in order toimprove classroom teaching;Methods:(A) On the basis of inspecting,collecting,collating some relevant information aboutspoken English,of learning about the topics of research and practical experience,toclarify the status of spoken English in teaching,and to promote the role of teachingand improve students' oral English,we must take some effective ways to require reasonable rational knowledge.(B) the questionnaire1,the survey objectives(1) student awareness of spoken English,and the status quo.(2) the student's awareness and satisfaction of the teachers’spoken language in theclassroom.(3) the degree of students interest of spoken English learning.2,surveyall students from grade 3 to grade 63,the questionnaire designResearch ideas:Research ideas in this paper are divided into the following three stages: gatheringinformation to determining the topic;writing the research proposal;and writingpapers.The main idea and the framework are as follows:1 Introduction2 Domestic and foreign research status on spoken English Teaching2.1 Domestic Research on Spoken English Teaching in remote primary ruralschool2.2 Foreign Research on Spoken English Teaching in remote primaryrural schools2.3 Existing language learning theories2.4 New requirements proposed by New Curriculum Standards3 Problems and Solutions of Oral English in Remote Rural Primary Schools3.1Problems of Oral English In Remote Rural Primary Schools3.2 Solutions of Oral English In Remote Rural Primary Schools4 Conclusion篇二:英语论文—毕业论文开题报告范文下面是一篇英语论文的开题报告范文,虽然不是特别好,但也反应了开题报告的格式和写法,有一定的借鉴价值。



英文开题报告Opening ReportTitle: The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health among Young Adults1. Introduction:In recent years, the influence of social media on mental health, particularly among young adults, has become a significant concern. The rise of platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat has provided young adults with new avenues to connect, share, and express themselves. However, it has also raised questions and concerns about the potential negative effects of social media usage on mental well-being. This study aims to explore the impact of social media on mental health among young adults and provide insights into the ways in which this impact can be mitigated.2. Research Objectives:The main objectives of this research study are as follows:- To examine the relationship between social media usage and mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem, among young adults.- To identify the factors that contribute to these negative effects, including cyberbullying, social comparison, and excessive use of social media.- To explore the positive aspects of social media usage on mental health, such as social support and self-expression.- To propose strategies and recommendations for promoting healthier social media use among young adults.3. Methodology:A mixed-methods approach will be employed for this study. Firstly, a quantitative survey will be conducted among a sample of young adults aged 18-25. The survey will include standardized scales to measure social media usage, mental health issues, and perceived social support. Additionally, demographic variables such as age, gender, and socioeconomic status will also be collected. The survey results will be analyzed using statistical techniques such as regression analysis to examine the relationship between social media usage and mental health outcomes.Following the survey, qualitative interviews will be conductedwith a subset of survey participants. These interviews will provide a more in-depth understanding of the perceptions and experiences surrounding social media use and mental health. The interviews will be analyzed using thematic analysis to identify common themes and patterns related to the research objectives.4. Expected Outcomes:Based on existing literature and preliminary research, it is anticipated that there will be a significant relationship between social media usage and mental health issues among young adults.It is expected that excessive use of social media, social comparison, and cyberbullying will contribute to higher levels of depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. However, the positive aspects of social media, such as social support and self-expression, may act as protective factors against these negative effects.5. Significance:This research is significant as it contributes to the growing body ofliterature regarding the impact of social media on mental health. By exploring the relationships between social media use and mental health outcomes, this study aims to provide insights into the potential risks and benefits of social media for young adults. Furthermore, the findings of this research can inform the development of intervention strategies and policies to promote healthier social media use among young adults.6. Conclusion:In conclusion, this study seeks to explore the impact of social media on mental health among young adults. By employing a mixed-methods approach, it aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the complex relationships between social media usage and mental health outcomes. The findings of this research have the potential to inform and guide future interventions for promoting healthier social media practices among young adults.。



开题报告英文模板篇一:开题报告英文版模板Proposed Title for Dissertation:(Times New Roman 四号加粗)On Domestication and Foreignizationfrom the Perspective of Intercultural Communication(Times New Roman加粗小三号, 居中)I. Background(Times New Roman加粗四号)文本部分全部使用Times New Roman 小四号字体;1.5倍行距;缩进使用tab键本部分些个人选择所领域的原因和背景。


Over the last ten years, the implications of research into language acquisition (Crook & Gass, 1993) and the results of Prabhu?s task-based teaching experiment in India (Willis, 1990) have led to an increasing interest in the potential of task-based teaching of languages. However, this approach seems not easy to apply in Mainland China and Hong Kong due to the large class EFL teaching in those areas and a general lack of the environment in practicing thetarget language (Tsang, XX).Recent years have shown an explosion of interest in using computers for language teaching and learning. With the advent of multimedia computing and the Internet, ?the role of computers in language instruction has now become an important issue confronting large numbers of language teachers throughout the world? (Warschauer & Healey,1998). In the growing field of foreign language teaching to university students in large EFL class, then, the Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) approach may appear to be an almost obvious choice. Nevertheless, the research into an integrative use of the task-based language (TBL) approach and CALL has be(本文来自: 小草范文网:开题报告英文模板)en rather sparse in China.II. Research Questions and Its SignificanceThis dissertation aims at finding an answer to the question of what is the most appropriate way of teaching Chinese university students in large EFL class. The research begins with the hypothetical premise that CALL may solve some problems in large EFL class teaching,and it highlights aspects around using tasks in CALL approach. In doing so, the researcher hopes to gain some insights into the CALL approach and to contribute in some way to the improvement of English language teaching (ELT) in China.研究意义可参照中文版本Ⅲ. Literature Review本选题在国内外研究的现状,内容参照中文版本IV. Difficulties and Initiatives of the Research 内容参照中文版本V. Outline of the Proposed Structure of the Dissertation1. Introduction论述当今…的现状,从而引出本课题的研究重点,选题意义,简要说明本文的文章结构和布局。



课题开题报告优秀英文范文Title: The Importance of Effective Topic Proposal in ResearchIntroduction:Research is an integral part of academic and professional growth. Before embarking on any research project, it is crucial to develop a well-structured and compelling topic proposal. This article aims to highlight the significance of an effective topic proposal and provide insights into its key components.1. Understanding the Research Problem:The first step in developing a topic proposal is to clearly define the research problem. This involves identifying gaps in existing knowledge, exploring current issues, or addressing unanswered questions. A thorough understanding of the research problem lays the foundation for a focused and purposeful study.2. Literature Review:A comprehensive literature review is essential in constructing a strong topic proposal. It helps researchers gain insights into existing theories, methodologies, and findings related to the research problem. By critically analyzing previous studies, researchers can identify research gaps and propose innovative approaches to address them.3. Research Objectives and Questions:The next crucial element in a topic proposal is defining clear research objectives and questions. Research objectives outline the goals and expectations of the study, while research questions provide a framework for investigation. Well-defined objectives and questions guide the research process, ensuring that it remains focused and coherent.4. Methodology:The methodology section outlines the research design, data collection methods, and analytical techniques to be employed. A well-structured methodology demonstrates the feasibility and reliability of the research project. It is important to choose appropriate methods that align with the research objectives and questions, ensuring accurate and valid results.5. Significance and Potential Impact:An effective topic proposal should emphasize the significance and potential impact of the research. Researchers should clearly articulate how their study contributes to the existing body of knowledge and its potential implications for theory, practice, or policy. Demonstrating the relevance and importance of the research enhances its value and increases the chances of approval.6. Feasibility and Resources:A well-developed topic proposal should consider the feasibility of the research project. Researchers need to assess the availability of resources, such as time, funding, and access to data or participants. It is essential to demonstrate that the research can be realistically conducted within the given constraints.7. Timeline:A timeline provides a structured plan for the research project, highlighting key milestones and deadlines. It helps researchers manage their time effectively andensures the project progresses smoothly. A realistic and well-organized timeline demonstrates the researcher's commitment and ability to complete the study within the designated timeframe.Conclusion:In conclusion, an effective topic proposal is a fundamental aspect of any research project. It allows researchers to define the research problem, review existing literature, set clear objectives and questions, design an appropriate methodology, and highlight the significance and potential impact of the study. By carefully constructing a topic proposal, researchers increase their chances of receiving approval and conducting a successful research project.。



开题报告英文版模板Title: Investigation of the Impact of Social Media on Consumer BehaviorChapter 1 Introduction1.1 BackgroundWith the increasing use of social media worldwide, there has been a significant impact on consumer behavior. Social media has revolutionized the way people communicate and interact with each other, and it has also transformed the way businesses operate in today's digital world. It has become an essential tool for marketers to reach out to their target audience and has influenced the decision-making process of consumers.1.2 ObjectivesThe purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of social media on consumer behavior. Specifically, the objectives are:1. To examine the influence of social media on consumer decision-making and purchasing behavior.2. To analyze the role of social media in building brand loyalty and brand awareness among consumers.3. To identify the factors that influence the effectiveness of social media marketing strategies adopted by businesses.1.3 Research QuestionsThis study will address the following research questions:1. How does social media influence consumer decision-making and purchasing behavior?2. What role does social media play in building brand loyalty andbrand awareness among consumers?3. What are the factors that influence the effectiveness of social media marketing strategies adopted by businesses?1.4 Scope and LimitationsThe scope of this study is limited to the impact of social media on consumer behavior. The research will focus on the use of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as marketing tools for businesses. The study will not examine the impact of other digital marketing strategies on consumer behavior.1.5 Significance of StudyUnderstanding the impact of social media on consumer behavior is essential for businesses that want to remain competitive in today's digital world. The findings of this study will provide valuable insights for businesses seeking to leverage social media to grow their brand and increase sales. It will also contribute to the knowledge base of researchers interested in the field of social media marketing.Chapter 2 Literature Review2.1 IntroductionThis chapter provides a review of the existing literature on the impact of social media on consumer behavior. The literature review is divided into three sections: the impact of social media on consumer decision-making and purchasing behavior, the role of social media in building brand loyalty and brand awareness, and the factors that influence the effectiveness of social media marketing strategies.2.2 Impact of Social Media on Consumer Decision-making and Purchasing BehaviorResearch has shown that social media has had a significant impact on consumer decision-making and purchasing behavior. Consumers are increasingly turning to social media to research products, read reviews, and make purchase decisions. The use of social media to make purchasing decisions has become a common practice among consumers, and it is changing the way businesses market their products.2.3 Role of Social Media in Building Brand Loyalty and Brand AwarenessSocial media has become an important tool for businesses seeking to build brand awareness and loyalty among consumers. Consumers are more likely to follow and engage with brands on social media platforms that they use regularly. Social media platforms also provide businesses with the opportunity to use targeted advertising to reach consumers who are most likely to be interested in their products.2.4 Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Social Media Marketing StrategiesThe effectiveness of social media marketing strategies adopted by businesses is influenced by several factors. These factors include the social media platforms used, the target audience, the type of content shared, and the frequency of posting. Factors such as the level of engagement with followers, the use of influencers, and the use of paid advertising also impact the effectiveness of social media marketing strategies.Chapter 3 Research Methodology3.1 IntroductionThis chapter discusses the research methodology adopted for this study. The research design, sample selection, data collection and analysis methods are discussed in this chapter.3.2 Research DesignThe research design for this study is a descriptive research design. This design is suitable for investigating the impact of social media on consumer behavior, as it allows for the collection of data on consumer behavior through observation, surveys and interviews.3.3 Sample SelectionThe sample for this study will consist of individuals aged 18 and above who are active social media users. The sample will be selected using a stratified random sampling technique.3.4 Data CollectionData for this study will be collected using a survey questionnaire and interviews. The survey questionnaire will be administered online, while the interviews will be conducted in person or through video conferencing.3.5 Data AnalysisData collected for this study will be analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis. The data will be analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software.Chapter 4 Results and Discussion4.1 IntroductionThis chapter presents the results of the data collected and the discussion of the findings.4.2 Demographic Profile of RespondentsThe demographic profile of the respondents will be presented in this section. This includes information on age, gender, education level and income.4.3 Impact of Social Media on Consumer Decision-making and Purchasing BehaviorThe findings from the survey will be presented in this section, and the results will be discussed in relation to the literature review. 4.4 Role of Social Media in Building Brand Loyalty and Brand AwarenessThe findings from the survey on the role of social media in building brand loyalty and brand awareness will be presented in this section. The results will be discussed in relation to the literature review.4.5 Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Social Media Marketing StrategiesThe factors influencing the effectiveness of social media marketing strategies adopted by businesses will be presented in this section. The results will be discussed in relation to the literature review. Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendations5.1 IntroductionThis chapter provides a summary of the study and the conclusions drawn from the research. Recommendations for businesses seeking to leverage social media to grow their brand and increase sales will also be provided.5.2 Summary of FindingsThe key findings of the study will be summarized in this section.5.3 ConclusionsThe conclusions drawn from the study will be presented in this section. This includes the implications of the study for businesses, marketers and researchers.5.4 RecommendationsRecommendations for businesses seeking to leverage social media to grow their brand and increase sales will be provided in this section. This includes recommendations for the use of social media platforms, the type of content shared, and the frequency of posting.5.5 Limitations and Future ResearchThe limitations of the study will be discussed in this section, and suggestions for future research will also be provided. ReferencesAppendices。

开题报告 英文

开题报告 英文

开题报告英文Title: The Impact of Technology on EducationIntroduction:Education is an essential part of any society as it plays a crucial role in shaping the future of individuals and the nation at large. With the advent of technology, education has undergone a significant transformation. This report aims to explore the impact of technology on education and the various ways it has revolutionized the learning process.Body:1. Improved access to information: Technology has made it easier for students and teachers to access a vast amount of information. The internet has become a treasure trove of knowledge, providing students with access to various educational resources, research papers, and online libraries. This enhanced access to information has broadened the scope of learning beyond traditional classroom settings.2. Interactive learning experiences: Technology has brought innovation to traditional teaching methods by introducing interactive learning experiences. Smartboards, virtual reality, and educational apps have made learning more engaging and interactive. Students are now able to visualize complex concepts through simulations, virtual field trips, and interactive learning games. This has improved students' retention and understanding of the subjects.3. Personalized learning: Technology has paved the way forpersonalized learning experiences. Adaptive learning software can tailor instruction based on individual students' strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles. This approach ensures that each student receives customized content and support, leading to improved academic performance.4. Enhanced collaboration: Technology has revolutionized the way students collaborate and communicate. Online platforms, such as Google Classroom and collaborative tools, allow students to work together on projects, share ideas, and give feedback remotely. This has fostered teamwork and improved communication skills in students.5. Global learning opportunities: Technology has connected learners worldwide, providing them with opportunities to engagein global learning experiences. Video conferencing, online courses, and virtual exchange programs have allowed students to interact with their peers from different countries, exposing them to diverse cultures and perspectives. This global mindset prepares studentsfor a multicultural world and equips them with necessary skills for the global job market.6. Accessibility and inclusivity: Technology has made education more accessible to students with disabilities or those in remote areas. Assistive technologies and online learning platforms offer accommodations and support for students with learning disabilities, enabling them to overcome their challenges and participate fully in the learning process. Technology has also addressed geographical barriers, bringing quality education to underserved communities.Conclusion:The impact of technology on education has been transformative, revolutionizing the way students learn and educators teach. Technology has improved access to information, provided interactive learning experiences, personalized instruction, and enhanced collaboration among students. Additionally, it has opened up global learning opportunities and increased accessibility and inclusivity in education. As technology continues to evolve, it is crucial for educators and policymakers to leverage its full potential to ensure that all students have equal access to quality education.。

开题报告 英文版

开题报告 英文版

开题报告英文版Title: Opening ReportIntroduction:The opening report serves as a crucial step in any research project. It outlines the purpose, objectives, and methodology of the study, providing a roadmap for the research journey. This article aims to present an English version of the opening report, highlighting key aspects and ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the project.Research Background:The research project focuses on exploring the impact of technology on education. In recent years, advancements in technology have revolutionized various aspects of our lives, including education. The integration of technology in classrooms has the potential to enhance teaching and learning methods, improve student engagement, and prepare them for the digital era.Research Objectives:The primary objective of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of incorporating technology in educational settings. Specifically, the research aims to:1. Assess the impact of technology on student learning outcomes.2. Analyze the role of technology in promoting student engagement and motivation.3. Identify potential challenges and barriers in implementing technology ineducation.4. Explore best practices and strategies for successful integration of technologyin classrooms.Research Methodology:To achieve the research objectives, a mixed-methods approach will be employed. This approach combines qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis techniques, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the research topic. The following methods will be utilized:1. Surveys: A structured questionnaire will be distributed to teachers and students to gather quantitative data on their perceptions and experiences regarding technology integration.2. Interviews: In-depth interviews will be conducted with educators, administrators, and technology experts to gain insights into the challenges and best practices of incorporating technology in education.3. Classroom Observations: Observations will be made in selected classrooms to assess the impact of technology on student engagement and learning outcomes.4. Literature Review: A comprehensive review of existing literature will be conducted to gather relevant information and theoretical frameworks related to technology integration in education.Expected Outcomes:Based on the research objectives and methodology, the following outcomes are expected:1. Insights into the impact of technology on student learning outcomes, including academic achievement and skill development.2. Identification of strategies and best practices for effectively integrating technology in classrooms.3. Understanding of potential challenges and barriers in implementing technology in education and recommendations for overcoming them.4. Recommendations for policymakers, educators, and institutions on incorporating technology in education to enhance teaching and learning experiences.Conclusion:The opening report provides an overview of the research project on the impact of technology on education. By employing a mixed-methods approach, the study aims to explore the effectiveness of technology integration, identify challenges, and propose best practices. The expected outcomes will contribute to the existing body of knowledge on technology in education and provide valuable insights for educators and policymakers alike. As the research progresses, further analysis and findings will be shared in subsequent reports.。



















毕业论文开题报告 英文

毕业论文开题报告 英文

毕业论文开题报告英文Title: An Introduction to My Graduation ThesisIntroduction:As I embark on the journey of writing my graduation thesis, I would like to take this opportunity to present a brief overview of my research topic, its significance, and the methodology I plan to adopt. This report aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of my thesis, highlighting its objectives, research questions, and expected outcomes.1. Background:In this section, I will provide a contextual framework for my research topic. I will discuss the current state of knowledge in the field, highlighting key studies and theories that have laid the foundation for my research. Additionally, I will identify any gaps or limitations in the existing literature that my thesis aims to address. 2. Research Objectives:In this section, I will outline the primary objectives of my research. I aim to clearly define the purpose and scope of my study, emphasizing the specific goals I hope to achieve through my research. This will help readers understand the significance and relevance of my thesis in the broader academic context.3. Research Questions:This section will focus on the research questions that will guide my study. I will present a series of well-defined and focused questions that will serve as the backbone of my research. These questions will be designed to explore thevarious aspects of my research topic and provide a framework for data collection and analysis.4. Methodology:In this section, I will describe the methodology I plan to utilize in my research. I will discuss the research design, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques that I will employ. Additionally, I will explain the rationale behind my chosen methodology and highlight its suitability for addressing the research questions.5. Expected Outcomes:This section will discuss the anticipated outcomes of my research. I will outline the potential contributions my thesis can make to the existing body of knowledge, as well as its practical implications. By presenting the expected outcomes, I aim to demonstrate the significance and value of my research to both academia and relevant stakeholders.6. Limitations and Challenges:In this section, I will acknowledge the limitations and challenges that I may encounter during the research process. It is essential to address any potential obstacles or constraints that may impact the validity and reliability of my findings. By acknowledging these limitations, I aim to ensure transparency and enhance the credibility of my research.Conclusion:In conclusion, this report has provided an overview of my graduation thesis,including its background, research objectives, questions, methodology, expected outcomes, and limitations. Through this report, I hope to have conveyed the importance and potential impact of my research. I am excited to embark on this academic journey and contribute to the existing body of knowledge in my field.。























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一、选题依据及意义(不少于300字).English,especiallyEnglishreadingandwriting,hasbeeaneffectiv emeanstogetaccesstoallkindsofinformationandanindispensablem eansofinternationalmunication.Asamatteroffact,Englishwritin garevitaltoourindividualdevelopmentbecauseithasbeenappliedm oreandmoreinbothourEnglishstudyandfuturework.However,accordingtomypersonalwritingexperienceandteachingpr acticeexperienceinBobaiMiddleschool,Ifoundthatthestudents'E FLwritingabilityisnotsoencouragingandsatisfactoryinseniorhi ghschoolsthoughtheyhavelearnedEnglishforseveralyearsinprima ryandmiddleschool.NotafewofthemdoverypoorinapplyingEnglisht oexpresstheirideas,thoughts,feelings,etc.inEFLwriting.Someo fthemevencannotproduceasinglecorrectsentenceintheirposition s.Thosestudentsmayactuallyhavesomethingtowrite,buttheyjustc annotexpressitcorrectlyandappropriatelyinEnglish.Ononehand, theydonotgraspsufficientactivevocabulariestoexpressthemselv es.Ontheotherhand,theylacksenseofsentencestructureandpositionstructuretodeveloptheirposition.Thelastbutnotleast,theydon'tknowhowtoapplythematerialstheyhavereadtoimprovetheirwrit ingabilitythoughtheyhavereadalot.Therefore,it'snecessaryandurgenttofindaneffectiveandpractic alapproachtosolvethepoorperformanceinthestudents'EFLwriting andimprovetheirwritingability.Manyscholarshaveprovedthatthe reisastrongrelationshipbetweenreadingandwriting.Fromreading towritingcaneffectivelyenlargethestudents'amountofvocabular y,cultivatetheirsenseofsentencestructureandpositionstructur e,enrichtheirwritingmaterialsandpromotetheirabilityinusingw ordsandsentences.Therefore,fromreadingtowritingapproachishi ghlyadvocatedinimprovingEFLwritinginseniorhighschools.二、研究目标与主要内容(含论文(设计)提纲,不少于500字).1.研究目标:AccordingtotheNewCurriculumStandardsforseniorhighschools,li stening,speaking,readingandwritingarefourbasicskillsandrequ irementsforthestudents.However,thestudents'EFLwritingabilit yinseniorhighschoolsisnotsopleasantandencouraging.Thepreval entEFLwritingapproaches(theproductapproachandtheprocessappr oach)inseniorhighschoolsdonotdomuchgoodtoimprovestudents'writingability.Thisstudyaimstoparethesetwoapproacheswithfromr eadingtowritingapproachandshowtheadvantagesofapplyingfromre adingtowritingapproachinseniorhighschools.Fromreadingtowritingapproachadvocatesthatwritingshouldbeint egratedwithreadingsothatthestudentscanenlargetheirvocabular yinreading,learnhowtouselanguageappropriately,howtoapplythe irbackgroundknowledge,howtoarrangethesentences,howtanizethe position,howtoachievecoherenceandunityandhowtoactivatetheir mindwhenwriting.Inthisway,thestudentscanimprovetheirwriting abilityeffectivelyandefficiently.Therefore,thethesistriesto analyzethepresentreadingandwritingsituationinseniorhighscho ols,expoundthenatureofreadingandwriting,discussthenecessity andfeasibilityofreadingtowritingapproach,showtheapplication ofreadingtowritingapproachinEFLwritingpracticeandprovetheef fectivenessandpracticalityofreadingandwritingapproach.2.主要内容(提纲):1.Introduction2.ThepresentsituationofEnglishwritinginseniorhighschools3.Thenatureofreadingandwriting3.1Thenatureofreading3.2Thenatureofwriting4.Therelationshipbetweenreadingandwriting4.1Readingpavesthewayforwriting4.2Writingpromotesreading5.Thenecessityandfeasibilityofreading-to-writing5.1Thenecessityofreading-to-writing5.2Thefeasibilityofreading-to-writing6.Theadvantagesofapplyingreading-to-writingapproach 6.1Thedefinitionofreading-to-writingapproach6.2Aparisonofreading-to-writingapproachwithproductapproacha ndprocessapproach7.Theapplicationofreading-to-writingapproach7.1Theprinciplesofapplyingreading-to-writingapproach 7.1.1Payingequalattentiontoreadingandwriting7.1.2Payingequalattentiontointensivereadingandextensiveread ing7.2Theselectionofgoodreadingmaterials7.3Waysofadaptingreading-to-writingapproach7.3.1Pre-writingreading7.3.2Writingfromreading7.3.3Post-writingreadingandrewriting不想长大三、研究方法和手段。

(1)研究方法.1.Literatureresearchmethod:readrelevantbooks,journalsandsfo rresearch.parativeanalysismethod:paretheproductapproachandthepro cessapproachwithfromreadingtowritingapproachandshowtheadvan tagesoffromreadingtowritingapproach.(2)研究手段.Collect,sortandsearchbooks,journalsanddatesfromthelibraryan dontheinter.四、参考文献目录(作者、书名或论文(设计)题目、出版社或刊号、出版年月或出版期号).[1]JudithOster.1984.FromReadingtoWriting:ACompositionTextwi thReadingforEnglishasaSecondLanguage[M].Columbus:ABell&Howe llCompany.[2]JudithA.Standford.2000.DevelopingConnections:ShortReadin gforWriters(SecondEdition)[M].California:MayfieldPublishing Company.[3]蔡明德.论英语阅读教学对写作的影响及教学启示[D].华中师范大学,2003.[4]陈立平.从阅读与写作的关系看写作教学中的范文教学[J].外语与外语教学,2001,(04).[5]陈昕.浅谈英语阅读与写作的关系[J].科技信息(科学教研),20XX,(01).[6]高利华.英语写作教学中结果法与过程法的对比研究[J].大同职业技术学院学报,2003,(03).[7]刘上扶.英语写作论[M].南宁:广西教育出版社,1998.[8]刘烨.以读促写在高中英语写作教学中的应用研究[D].西北师范大学,20XX.[9]罗静.英语教学以读促写教学法新探[J].现代技能开发,2003,(03).[10]王蔷.英语教学法教程[M].北京:高等教育出版社,2000.[11]韦岩峰.提高英语阅读能力的有效途径[J].青海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版),20XX,(06).[12]相廷礼.EFL阅读与写作能力的相关性分析[D].山东大学,20XX.[13]肖福寿.英语写作教学的原则与策略[M].上海:上海大学出版社,20XX.[14]谢薇娜.谈阅读与写作的交融性[J].外语教学,1994,(04).[15]熊杰.高中英语阅读教学中结合写作练习提高学生写作能力的研究[D].西北师范大学,20XX.[16]中华人民共和国教育部制订。
