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sn__ck(小吃)h__ngr_(饥饿)fr__ __(水果)f__ __d(食物)s__ __p汤gr__p__(葡萄)th__ __sty(口渴)dr__nk(喝)sl__ __(慢的)st__m__ch(胃)__ __t(吃)
qu__ck(快的)b__b__(婴儿)dr__w(画)sl__ __p(睡觉)qu__ __k(安静)
2.does your go work to father how
3. aIgreen see tall tree
4.go school they every by day to bus
5. wantIto Australia leave
6.the is too drink tea hot to
7. would to what you like drink
A. who B. what C. where
( ) 6. Lanzhou is far___ Beijing
A. to B. from C. in
( ) 7. Danny,please ______sing
A. not B. don’t C no
( ) 8. I like meat .Danny likes meat,____
L__ __d(吵闹)po__nt(指)sw__ __(游泳)pl__ __(玩)
Look at the window喝茶
Atall green tree指向一座大山
Fly kites想跳绳
Abig mountain在我的胃里
Abeautiful city看电影
Behind the door向窗外看
A. for B. at C out
( ) 3. The ___ is the baby’s mother
A. man B woman C girl
( ) 4. Look,Ourteacher is ____a book
A. seeing B. reading C. looking
( ) 5. _____is the man ?He is my father
( ) 11.Danny is hungry ,he wants a ___
A. milk B. dumpling C snackBaidu Nhomakorabea
( ) 12. MayIpiay ____ the little dog?
A.with B for C in
1.at school pointing is Jenny the
14 . teacher is my the on train
15.is hungry who
16.baby is crying the
1.He is playing cards with his friends(一般疑问句)
______ ______ piaying cards with his friends?
Please _____ sing . you are _____ ______
He is _____ _____ ______the window .
Iwould like two _____ of pop.
Point at the mountain一座大山
In my stomach一棵大树
Drink tea放风筝
Watch a movie一座美丽的城市
Want to skip在门后面
1、我不喜欢吃面条I____ _____ noodles.
2、我可以喝杯茶吗?_____I______ a cup of tea ?
A. too B. and C. to
( ) 9.What would you like to eat ?_____
A. orange juice B. some soup C.some vegetable
( ) 10.The soup is too hot ____
A. to eat B. to drink C. to buy
Shi is very ____, shi is ______ a book .
please____ ___.mum is ______
( )1.Isee two ____ of milk
A. bottle B. bottles C. a bottle
( )2. danny is looking ___of the window
8. is a nice that picture
9.likes to piay he football
10.Isome apples have may
11.amIhungry not
12. father is LiMing’s the man
13. is to talking he you behind woman the
2.I would likesome grapes .(对划线部分提问)
_____ _____ you like ?
3.I like donuts(否定句)
I____ ______donuts.
4.Iam resdy for the party .(一般疑问句)
____ ______ready for a party ?
7、我的父亲在火车上My father is ____the _____
The woman _______ _____ is _______
9、你看见那只山羊了吗?____ you see the ______?
10、“谁在哭”我问“______ is crying”?I____
3、他不喜欢大声交谈He _____ like _____ talking
4、她在那儿_______ sheis
He is ____ ____ ____ his friends
____I_____ ______ the little monkey?