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color is it这是什么颜色(考官可以随便指着一个人的衣服或一件物品提问)It’s red……

is the color of milk牛奶是什么颜色It’s white.

old are you你今年几岁了I’m ten years old.

is your mouth你的嘴巴在哪儿

your hand.举起你的手.

your head.摸摸你的头。

many pencils do you have你有多少只铅笔I have ten pencils.

morning . 早上好! Good morning.

to meet you! 见到你很高兴!Nice to meet you, too.

’s your name你叫什么名字My name is Emma.

many people are there in your family你家有多少口人There are three people in my family.

12. Who is this girl 这个女孩是谁She is Emma.

is your favorite color你最喜欢什么颜色My favorite color is red.

is in the box 盒子里有什么There is a pen in the box.

15. Is she our new friend 她是你的新朋友吗Yes, she is. No she isn’t.

’s the pen钢笔在哪里It’s in the pencil-box.

old is your grandmother你的祖母多大了My grandmother is seventy-three.

afternoon!中午好Good afternoon.

you.谢谢You’re welcome.

you sure你确定吗Yes, I am.

’s your telephone number你的电话号码是什么My telephone number is . your nose.摸摸你的鼻子

your arm.摸摸你的胳膊

evening!晚上好Good evening!

night.晚安Good night!

many people are there in your class你的班级有多少人There are 43 people in my class.

your knees.摸摸你的膝盖

your hair.摸摸你的头发

your face.摸摸你的脸颊

you ready 准备好了吗Yes, I’m ready.


day is today 今天星期几Today is Monday.

this your teacher这是你的老师吗Yes, she is.

's the color of this coat这件外套是什么颜色的It’s red.

is your schoolbag你的书包在哪里It’s in my bedroom.

are you from你来自哪里I’m from China.

is the pen这只笔在哪里It’s on the desk.

number are you players你是几号选手I’m number 123.

is this这是什么(考官随便指着房间里的物品提问)It’s a book.

one is big哪一个是大的(考官拿两个物品提问考生)This one.

this your pen这是你的钢笔吗Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

is that old man那个老人是谁He is my grandfather.

are the balls这些球在哪儿They are in the box.

is she她是谁She is my mother.

’s the time, please请问,几点了It’s nine o’clock.

opens the door 谁在开门The teacher opens the door.

is the cinema电影院在哪里The cinema is next to the supermarket.

is the post office 邮局在哪里The post office is next to the cinema.

are you going this afternoon 今天下午你打算去哪里I’m going to the park this afternoon.

19. Where is your teacher’s home 你的老师家在哪里My teacher’s home is next to the bank.

he tall 他长得高吗Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.

is your best friend 你最好的朋友是谁My best friend is Emma.

's your work going 最近工作怎么样Not bad.

Tom from Canada 汤姆是加拿大人吗Yes, he is. No he isn’t.

I talk to Mary 玛丽在吗Yes, please. Sorry, Mary isn’t here.

is the shop 卖场在哪儿It’s in front of the school.

there anything to eat 我饿了,有什么吃的吗Yes, here you are.

time is it 几点了It’s half past ten.

28. Does he have an eraser 他有橡皮吗Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.

this your ruler这是你的格尺吗Yes, it’s mine. No, it isn’t.

color is the door 这个门是什么颜色It’s yellow.


does your father do你的爸爸是干什么工作的He is a train driver.

old is your mother你的妈妈多大年龄了She is 36 years old.

is the weather like today 今天是什么天气It’s sunny.

month is it now现在是几月份It’s July now.

school are you in 你在哪所学校上学I’m in Xinhua primary school.

many people are there in your family Who are they你家有几口人都有谁There are three people in my family. Father, mother and me.

you a student你是一名学生吗Yes, I am.

your mother a teacher你的妈妈是老师吗No, she isn’t.

is behind the table桌子后面有什么It’s a ball.

's in your schoolbag你的书包里有什么A book.

much is it它多少钱It’s 5 dollars.

I help you我能帮助你吗Of course.

I go with you我能和你一起走吗Yes, of course.

I come in我可以进来吗Sure./ No, you can’t.

can I get to ZhongShan Park 我怎样能到达中山公园You can go by the
