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‘Manager’ vs. ‘manger’

Here’s one that spell-check won’t catch: Hastily typing “manger” instead of “manager.”将“manager(经理)”粗心敲成“manger(食槽)”,这个错误拼写检查是检测不出来的。

It’s a highly mon mistake because of the frequency of the word on a typical résumé, Dana Leavy-Detrick, a résumécoach with Brooklyn Resume Studio, told Business Insider.布鲁克林简历工作室的简历指导达娜-利维-德特里克告诉商业内幕网,这个错误非常常见,频频出现在简历上。

Of course, “manger” is a perfectly valid word to put on your résumé, so long as your job experience includes work at a horse stable.当然,如果你的工作经验包括在马厩打工,那么“manger”这个单词完全可以出现在简历上。


Way too many people flub the spelling of “definitely”on their résumés, incorrectly spelling it “definately,”Redick told Business Insider.德雷迪克对商业内幕网表示,很多人的简历都将“definitely(明确地,肯定地)”的拼写搞错了,拼成“definately”。


For some reason, a lot of Leavy-Detrick’s clients have trouble getting their i’s and e’s straight, she told Business Insider. “Implement” is the proper spelling, not “impliment.”利维-德特里克表示,不知什么原因,她的不少客户都搞不清楚i和e。“Implement(实施,执行)”才是正确的写法,而不是“impliment”。


Another mon mistake résume-writers make is adding an extra e to judgment, spelling it “judgement,” Redick said.德雷迪克表示,应聘者常犯的另一个错误是给“judgment”多加个“e”,拼成“judgement”。

While the spelling technically isn’t incorrect, the “judgement” is almost exclusively used in British English.虽然严格来讲,这并不算拼写错误,但只有在英式英语中才会使用“judgement”。

‘Identify’ vs. ‘identity’

Leavy-Detrick says she catches some job-hunters saying “identity” on their résumés when they mean “identify.”利维-德特里克称,她发现一些求职者在简历中将“identify(理解,认同)”写成“identity(身份,一致)”。

‘Affect’ vs. ‘effect’

How to distinguish “affect” from “effect” can be difficult even for highly educated English speakers, and the usage error pops up time and time again on résumés, Leavy-Detrick told Business Insider.利维-德特里克告诉商业内幕网,即便对英语为母语且受过良好教育的人来说,也很难区别“affect”和“effect”这两个单词。经常有简历将两个单词用错。

Simply put, “affect” is almost always used as a verb, as in, “The weather affected my plans.” Meanwhile, “effect” is generally used as a noun, as in, “The diet pills did not have an effect.”简单来说,“affect”几乎总是做动词使用,比如:“The weather affected my plans.(天气影响了我的计划。)”而“effect”则通常做名词使用,比如,“The diet pills did not have an effect.(这些减肥药没有效果。)”

‘Ensure’ vs. ‘insure’

Another pair of words people have trouble distinguishing between is “ensure” and “insure,” Leavy-Detrick said.利
