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Phonology (sounds)

Loss of final consonants

and > an; of > o; have > hae; with > wi to > tae; parts > pairts; dogs > dowgs; eating >aitin
Байду номын сангаас
The Czech Languages
Laura A. Janda UNC-CH

Original inhabitants were Celts Slavs arrived in 6th century Legends of matriarchal rule, prophesy of Libuše, and “Girls‟ War” in 7th century Creation of Greater Moravia in early 9th century
Charles IV 1346-1378, King of Bohemia and Holy Roman Emporer
Reformation and Early Habsburg Rule

1415 Jan Hus, preacher and inventor of diacritics burned at the stake 1419-1434 the Hussite wars 1526, Ferdinand I, a Habsburg, becomes King of Bohemia, and ultimately Austria and Hungary as well, ushering in 400 years of Habsburg rule in Bohemia 1579-1594 translation of Kralice Bible and golden age of Czech literature
The Twentieth Century

1918 Dr. Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk becomes president of the “First Republic” 1938 Munich agreement signed by Hitler, Mussolini, Chamberlain, Daladier 1948 Communist party comes to power 1968 Prague Spring and August invasion 1989 Velvet Revolution 1993 Velvet Divorce
Decline and Renewal

1618 Habsburg repressions incite Prague defenestration, initiating 30 Year War 1620 Defeat at White Mountain Two centuries of decline and oppression 1809 Josef Dobrovský ‟s Czech grammar Remainder of 19th century: Czech National Revival
a population uses one language for high-brow purposes, such as written documents, but another language for all other purposes
King James > Scots English
Christianization of the Slavs
Charles IV 1346-1378, King of Bohemia and Holy Roman Emporer

1348 founding of Charles U. in Prague, oldest university north of the Alps Founding of New Town, construction of St.Vitus‟ Cathedral, Charles Bridge, many monasteries and castles, golden age of Bohemian art First complete translation of the Bible into Czech
Christianization of the Slavs

SS. Cyril and Methodius travel to Moravia in 863, invited by Prince Rostislav, first development of written language for Slavs 880 S. Ludmila is baptized by Methodius; Svatopluk blinds Rostislav, drives Methodius out, makes deal with Franks 924-935 Prince Václav (“Good King Wenceslaus”) reigns briefly and is murdered like his grandmother Ludmila

Morphology (forms of words)

Verb endings

saying > sayin; the dogs get > the dowgs gets
King James > Scots English

Syntax (how words are combined)

Be it unto thee even as thou wilt > ye will een hae your will Her daughter was made whole > her dachter cowred her ill Children‟s > bairns‟ Table > buird