
一、 单项选择题(每题 2 分,共 30 分)
1. 下述关于顺序存储结构优点的说法,哪个是正确的( )
A. 插入运算方便
B. 可方便地用于各种逻辑结构的存储表示
C. 存储密度大
D. 删除运算方便
2. 假设根结点为第 1 层,深度为 h 层的二叉树至少有( ) 个结点(h>1);
13. 有一个 100*90 的整数稀疏矩阵,其中非 0 元素个数为 10;设每个整数占用 3 个字节,则
用三元组表示该矩阵时,总共需要的存储空间为( )字节。
14. 在一个双向链表中,当删除结点 p 时,错误的操作序列为 ( )。
A. p=p->prev; p->next->prev=p; p->next=p->next->next;
2020 年全国硕士研究生统一入学考试自命题试题 B 卷
学科、专业名称:网络空间安全 研究方向:网络空间安全 083900 考试科目名称及代码:数据结构 830
4. 以下关于递归算法的论述,不正确的是( )
A. 递归算法的代码可读性好
B. 递归算法可以提高程序运行效率
C. 递归调用层次太深有可能造成堆栈溢出 D. 递归调用层次太深会占用大量内存
5. 设有字符集合{4,6,3,W,S},将字符序列 6W43S 中的字符按顺序进入堆栈,出栈可发生在任

40.主机甲与主机乙之间已建立一个 TCP 连接,主机甲向主机乙发送了 3 个连续的 TCP 段,
分别包含 300 字节、400 字节和 500 字节的有效载荷,第 3 个段的序号为 900。若主机
乙仅正确接收到第 1 和第 3 个段,则主机乙发送给主机甲的确认序号是
II.磁盘 I/O
A.仅 I、II
B.仅 II
I. 撤销部分进程
II. 增加磁盘交换区的容量
13.float 型数据通常用 IEEE 754 单精度浮点数格式表示。若编译器将 float 型变量 x 分配在
一个 32 位浮点寄存器 FR1 中,且 x = -8.25,则 FR1 的内容是
A.C104 0000H B.C242 0000H
C.C184 0000H
D.C1C2 0000H
39.主机甲向主机乙发送一个(SYN = 1, seq = 11220)的 TCP 段,期望与主机乙建立 TCP 连接,
若主机乙接受该连接请求,则主机乙向主机甲发送的正确的 TCP 段可能是 A.(SYN = 0, ACK = 0, seq = 11221, ack = 11221) B.(SYN = 1, ACK = 1, seq = 11220, ack = 11220) C.(SYN = 1, ACK = 1, seq = 11221, ack = 11221) D.(SYN = 0, ACK = 0, seq = 11220, ack = 11220)

数据结构暨南大学期末试卷试题一、判断题(共10分)1. 当静态链表采用数组实现时,插入与删除操作仍需移动元素。
2. 栈也是一种线性表,也同样有顺序存储结构和链式存储结构。
3. 二叉树的三种遍历算法区别仅在于对树根、左右子树访问先后顺序的不同。
4. 邻接表是图的一种顺序存储结构。
5. 二叉树就是度数为2的树。
6. 在哈希表中勿需比较就可找到记录在表中的位置。
7. 线性表的链式存储结构既方便其存取操作,也方便其插入与删除操作。
8. 顺序存储结构既适合于完全二叉树,也同样适合于一般的二叉树。
10. 快速排序与堆排序的平均时间复杂度相同。
二、概念填空(共20分,每题2分)1.对顺序存储结构的线性表,设表长为La;在各元素插入为等概率条件下,插入一个数据元素需平均移动表中元素_______ 个;在最坏情况下需移动表中元素_______ 个。

径及其路径长度(要求写出求解过程)。 (12 分)
图3 6.给出一组关键字的序列为{ 12,15,34,37,39,22,38,66,74,80,107 },假设哈 希函数为 Hash(key)=key mod 11,画出按照链地址法处理冲突构造所得的哈希表,并在记
} QNode, *QueuePtr;
typedef struct {
QueuePtr front; // 队头指针
QueuePtr rear; // 队尾指针
} LinkQueue, * LinkQueuePtr;
Boolean EnQueue (LinkQueuePtr Q, QElemType e) { //元素 e 加入到队列 Q 中
A. 读表元素
C. 查找
D. 定位
5. 设单链表中指针 p 指着结点 A,若要删除 A 之后的结点(若存在),则需要修改指针的操作为
A. p->next=p->next->next
B. p=p->next
C. p=p->next->next
D. p->next=p
6. 在内部排序中,排序时不稳定的有(
12. 稀疏矩阵一般的压缩存储方法有两种,即:(
A. 二维数组和三维数组
B. 三元组和散列
C. 三元组和十字链表
D. 散列和十字链表
13. 循环队列中是否可以插入下一个元素 (
A. 与曾经进行过多少次插入操作有关.

43、广义表A=(A,B,(C,D),(E,(F,G))),则head(tail(head(tail(tail(A)))))=( D )。
A) (G) B) (D) C) C D) D
44、数据结构研究的内容是( D )。
A)数据的逻辑结构 B)数据的存储结构
C)loc(A1)+i*c+1 D)loc(A1)+(i+1)*c
36、设有一个10阶的对称矩阵A,采用压缩存储方式,以行序为主存储,a??11为第一个元素,其存储地址为1,每元素占1个地址空间,则a85的地址为( B )。
A)13 B)33 C)18 D)40
C) D->Rchild=Null D) D->ltag=0
4、如果结点A有3个兄弟,而且B为A的双亲,则B的度为( B )。
A)3 B)4 C)5 D)1
5、n个顶点的强连通图至少有( A )条边。
A)n B)n+1 C)n-1 D)n(n-1)
37、采用链结构存储线性表时,其地址( B )。
A)必须是连续的 B)连续不连续都可以
C)部分地址必须是连续 D)必须是不连续的
38、链式存储的存储结构所占存储空间( A )。
C) 双链表 D) 仅有尾指针的单循环链表
15、下面关于线性表的叙述中,错误的是哪一个?( D )
A) 5,4,3,2,1,6 B) 2,3,5,6,1,4

5.请用顺序存储的方式,用 C 语言写出实现把串 S1 复制到串 S2 的串复制函数 strcpy(S1,S2)。
(8 分)
6.试着描述数据结构和抽象数据类型的概念与程序设计语言中数据类型概念的区别。(6 分)
五、算法填空(共 2 小题,每空 2 分,共 20 分)
A. 1 B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
二、填空题 (每空 2 分,共 20 分)
1. 有一个 10 阶对称矩阵 A,采用压缩存储方式(以行序为主,且 A[0][0]=1),则 A[8][5]的地 址是( ) 2. 含有 100 个结点的树有( )条边。 3. 已知二叉树的前序序列为 ABDEGCFHIJ,中序序列为 DBGEAHFIJC,请写出后序列( ) 4. 数据结构的三要素是指( )( )( )。
5. 在顺序表中插入或删除一个元素,需要平均移动( ),具体移动的元素个数与( )有关。 6. 设栈 S 与队列 Q 的初始状态皆为空,元素 a1,a2,a3,a4,a5 和 a6 依次通过一个栈,一个元素出 栈后即进入队列 Q,若 6 个元素出队列的顺序是 a3,a5,a4,a6,a2,a1,则栈 S 至少应该容纳( )个 元素。 7. 在一个无向图的邻接表中,若表结点数目为 m,则图中边的条数为( )。
A. a 在 B 的左边 B. a 在 b 的右边 C. a 是 b 的祖先 D. a 是 b 的子孙
7. 用单向链表来实现容量为 n 的堆栈时,链表头指针指向堆栈顶部元素,链表尾指针指向堆栈
底部元素,则以下说法错误的是( )
பைடு நூலகம்

计算机专业基础综合数据结构(排序)历年真题试卷汇编5(总分:66.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、单项选择题(总题数:15,分数:30.00)1.已知关键字序列5,8,12,19,28,20,15,22是小根堆(最小堆),插入关键字3,调整后得到的小根堆是( )。
【2009年全国试题9(2分)】A.3,5,12,8,28,20,15,22,19 √B.3,5,12,19,20,1 5,22,8,28C.3,8,12,5,20,15,22,28,19D.3,12,5,8,28,20,1 5,22,19首先按所给关键字序列画出完全二叉树,关键字3插入结点22的后边。
2.若数据元素序列11,12,13,7,8,9,23,4,5是采用下列排序方法之一得到的第二趟排序后的结果,则该排序算法只能是( )。
下列关于递归次数的叙述中,正确的是( )。
4.对一组数据(2,12,1 6,88,5,10)进行排序,若前三趟排序结果如下:第一趟排序结果:2,12,16,5,10,88 第二趟排序结果:2,12,5,10,16,88 第三趟排序结果:2,5,10,12,16,88则采用的排序方法可能是( )。

2011 年考研计算机学科专业基础综合一.选择题1.设n是描述问题规模的非负整数,下面程序片段的时间复杂度是x = 2;while ( x < n/2 )x = 2*x;A.O(log2n) B.O(n) C.O(n log2n) D.O(n2)2.元素a, b, c, d, e依次进入初始为空的栈中,若元素进栈后可停留、可出栈,直到所有元素都出栈,则在所有可能的出栈序列中,以元素d开头的序列个数是A.3 B.4 C.5 D.63.已知循环队列存储在一维数组A[0..n-1] 中,且队列非空时front和rear 分别指向队头元素和队尾元素。
若初始时队列为空,且要求第1个进入队列的元素存储在A[0]处,则初始时front和rear 的值分别是A.0, 0 B.0, n-1 C.n-1, 0 D.n-1, n-14.若一棵完全二叉树有768个结点,则该二叉树中叶结点的个数是A.257 B.258 C.384 D.3855.若一棵二叉树的前序遍历序列和后序遍历序列分别为1, 2, 3, 4和4, 3, 2, 1,则该二叉树的中序遍历序列不.会是A.1, 2, 3, 4 B.2, 3, 4, 1 C.3, 2, 4, 1 D.4, 3, 2, 16.已知一棵有2011 个结点的树,其叶结点个数为116,该树对应的二叉树中无右孩子的结点个数是A.115 B.116 C.1895 D.18967.对于下列关键字序列,不.可能构成某二叉排序树中一条查找路径的序列是A.95, 22, 91, 24, 94, 71 B.92, 20, 91, 34, 88, 35C.21, 89, 77, 29, 36, 38 D.12, 25, 71, 68, 33, 348.下列关于图的叙述中,正确的是I.回路是简单路径II.存储稀疏图,用邻接矩阵比邻接表更省空间III.若有向图中存在拓扑序列,则该图不存在回路A.仅II B.仅I、II C.仅III D.仅I、III9.为提高散列(Hash)表的查找效率,可以采取的正确措施是I.增大装填(载)因子II.设计冲突(碰撞)少的散列函数III.处理冲突(碰撞)时避免产生聚集(堆积)现象您所下载的资料来源于 考研资料下载中心获取更多考研资料,请访问A.仅I B.仅II C.仅I、II D.仅II、III10.为实现快速排序算法,待排序序列宜采用的存储方式是A.顺序存储B.散列存储C.链式存储D.索引存储11.已知序列25, 13, 10, 12, 9是大根堆,在序列尾部插入新元素18,将其再调整为大根堆,调整过程中元素之间进行的比较次数是A.1 B.2 C.4 D.512.下列选项中,描述浮点数操作速度指标的是A.MIPS B.CPI C.IPC D.MFLOPS13.float型数据通常用IEEE 754单精度浮点数格式表示。
暨南大学2023考研真题830 数据结构

2023年招收攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题A卷******************************************************************************************** 招生专业与代码:网络空间安全考试科目名称及代码:数据结构830考生注意:所有答案必须写在答题纸(卷)上,写在本试题上一律不给分。
一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下数据结构中, ( )是非线性数据结构A.字符串B.树C.队列D.栈2. 请选择下面程序段的时间复杂度( )i = 1;while (i <= n)i = i * 3;A. O(n)B. O(log3 n)C. O(n2)D. O(i * n)3. 顺序表中第一个元素的存储地址为120,每个元素的长度为5,则第4个元素的地址为( )A. 135B. 140C. 130D. 1454. 在单链表中,要将L所指节点插入到M所指节点之后,其语句应为( )A. L->next = M+1; M->next = L;B. (*M).next = L; (*L).next = (*M).next;C. L->next = M->next; M->next = L->next;D. L->next = M->next; M->next = L;5. 若让元素1,2,3,4,7依次进栈,则出栈顺序不可能为( )A. 7, 4, 3, 2, 1B. 4, 3, 1, 2, 7C. 2, 1, 7, 4, 3D. 2, 3, 7, 4, 16. 假设栈S与队列Q的初始状态为空,元素e1、e2、e3、e4、e5和e6依次进入栈S,一个元素出栈后即进入Q,若6个元素出队的序列是e2、e4、e3、e6、e5和e1,则栈S 的容量至少为( )A.2 B. 4 C. 3. D.67. 假设以行序列为主序存储二维数组A = array[1..100,1..100],设每个数据元素占2个存储单元,基地址为10,则LOC[5, 5] = ( )A.808 B.1010 C.818 D.10208. 由3个不同结点可计算出多少种不同的二叉树?( )A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 69. 广度优先遍历类似于二叉树的( )A. 先序遍历B. 中序遍历C. 层次遍历D. 后序遍历10. 设哈希表长为14,哈希函数是H(key)=key%11,表中已有数据的关键字为15,38,61,84共四个,现要将关键字为49的元素加到表中,用二次探测法解决冲突,则放入的位置是( )A.8 B.3 C.5 D.9考试科目:数据结构共 3 页,第 1 页二.填空题(每空2分,共20分)1.设一组初始记录关键字序列为(20,12,42,31,18,14,28),则根据这些记录关键字构造的二叉排序树的平均查找长度是__________。

Ⅰ.Multiple choices.There are20questions in this part.Choose the best answer to each question.Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.Both literature candidates and linguistics candidates must do this part.(20%)1.The first American President to be elected from the Republican Party was_______.A.Abraham LincolnB.James MonroeC.James MadisonD.Thomas Jefferson2.The most important and largest river in the United States of America is_________.A.the Ohio RiverB.the Colorado RiverC.the Missouri RiverD.the Mississippi River3.______________has been called the"cradle of American liberty".A.PhiladelphiaB.BostonC.PlymouthD.Chicago4.Junior college in America is_______________.A.two-year collegeB.four-year collegeC.three-year collegeD.five-year college5.President Nixon decided to resign because he__________________.A.refused to hand over the White House tapes to courtB.was tired of political struggle in Washington D.C.C.came to sec that most probably he would be impeachedD.was deserted by the Republican Party6.To its full sense,the British Parliament consists of_______________.A.the House of Lords and the House of CommonsB.the House and the SenateC.the Queen and the House of LordsD.the Sovereign,the House of Lords and the House of Commons7.Which of the following is true under Thatcher's administration in the UK?A.The proportion of owner-occupation decreased.B.Public housing became more important.C.Many Public houses were sold to people.D.The UK became more European-like in its housing arrangement.8.The oldest British daily newspaper is______________.A.Daily ExpressB.The TimesC.Financial TimesD.The Observer9.In appearance the Queen of Great Britain seems very powerful,but in reality,she is only______________.A.the Supreme Governor of EnglandB.the Duke of EdinburghC.a figure-headD.all of the above10.Britain joined the European Community in_________________.A.1972B.1973C.1974D.197511.In Industrial Revolution,George Stephenson invented________________.A.railway engineB.spinning machineC.steam engineD.cotton textile12.London's Metropolitan Police Force is directly under the control of__________.A.the Lord ChancellorB.the Home SecretaryC.the AttorneyD.the Prime Minister13.Ireland has a bipolar political system with two major parties.They are_________.A.Sinn Fein and Fianna FailB.Sinn Fein and Fine GaelC.Fianna Fail and Fine GaelD.IRA and Sinn Fein14.________________is the oldest of all the parties in Ireland.A.The Irish Labour PartyB.The Progressive DemocratsC.Finna FailD.Fine Gael15.In______________James Joyce introduced the stream of consciousness techniqueas a remarkable means of character portrayal.A.DublinersB.UlyssesC.A Portrait of the Artist as a Young ManD.Paradise and Hell16.By_____________,Upper Canada and Lower Canada were created.A.Canada Act of1791B.Quebec Act of1774C.British North America ActD.Act of Paris of176317.The_______are the indigenous people of New Zealand,and have a rich and variedculture.A.MaoriB.CherokeeC.People from IndiaD.People from Southeast Asia18._____________is Australia's largest and most diverse industry.A.MiningB.ManufacturingC.FishingD.Agriculture19.New Zealand became a separate colony of Britain in________________.A.1841B.1857C.1907D.193120.Who produced the first complete map of New Zealand in1769?A.Abel Tasman.B.A Dutchman.C.HobsonD.James Cook.II.Fill in the blanks with proper answers.Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. Both literature candidates and linguistics candidates must do this part.(20%) 1._________features are the phonemic features that occur above the level of thesegments.They include stress,tone,intonation,etc.2.English consonants can be classified in terms of_____________of articulationorin terms of place of articulation.3.The affix“-ish”in the word boyish conveys a_____________meaning.4.___________morphemes are those that cannot be used independently but have tobe combined with other morphemes to form a word.5.In the complex sentence,the incorporated or subordinate clause is normallycalled an_____________clause.6.A______________is a structurally independent unit that usually comprises anumber of words to form a complete statement,question or command.7.______________can be defined as the study of meaning.8.When two words are identical in sound,but different in spelling and meaning,they are called________________.9.The notion of______________is essential to the pragmatic study of language.10.There are four maxims under the________________principle:the maxim ofquantity,the maxim of quality,the maxim of relation and the maxim of manner.11.Lord_______________(1561-1626),the world-renowned British essayist,foundso much leisure for study as to make himself a great philosopher,a good historian and an elegant writer.His concise essay“Of Studies”thoroughly illustrates the functions and significance of study.12.“I Have Nothing to Offer but Blood,Tears,and Sweat”is a speech given bythe British Prime Minister________________,who is a Nobel Prize winner for literature and a prolific and well-respected painter as well.13.James Joyce(1882-1941),the Irish novelist,is noted for his experimental useof language in such works as____________(1922)and Finnegans Wake(1939).14.In the_______________point of view,the narrator appears to know everythingabout all the characters,including what they are thinking.It takes no actions, casts no judgments,expresses no opinions and has no physical form in or out of the story.15._______________writers introduced a new theme into literature:the struggleof the proletariat for its rights.They portrayed the world as it was seen by the poor,the down trodden.16.An_______________story is a story whose overall plot is concerned with puttingthe protagonist through a particular sort of experience.The idea is that the character is forced,by what he/she encounters in the course of the action,to become"a different person,"usually someone more complicated,more comprehensive,with wider views.17.The story of“The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County”can be viewedas an epitome of the late______________century American society and culture.18.Edgar Allan Poe was considered part of the American____________________Movement.Best known for his tales of mystery and the macabre,Poe was one of the earliest American practitioners of the short story and is considered theinventor of the detective fiction genre.He is further credited with contributing to the emerging genre of science fiction.19.With the publication of The Sun Also Rises,three years later,Hemingway becamethe spokesman for what Gertrude Stein called______________.20.“I felt a funeral,in my Brain,/And Mourners to and fro/Kept treading–treading–till it seemed/That Sense was breaking through–“The poet who writes these lines is_______________.III.Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET according to requirements.Both literature candidates and linguistics candidates must do this part.(10%) Section A:Decide whether each of the following statements is True or False.If it is true,write T on the ANSWER SHEET.If it is false,Write F on the ANSWER SHEET.1.D-structure is formed by the XP rule in accordance with the head’ssubcategorization properties.2.An illocutionary act is the act performed by or resulting from saying something;it is the consequence of the utterance.3.Phonology is the study of the speech sounds and their functions.4.Diglossia refers to the dialect having to do with separation brought about bydifferent social conditions.ponential analysis is a way proposed by the structural semantics to analyzelexical/word meaning.Section B:Identify the author and indicate the genre of each of the following works.6.Dream Children7.The Raven8.The Death of the Salesman9.Shall I compare thee to a Summers day?10.Vanity FairIV.Choose SIX terms from the following and explain them briefly.Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.(30%)1.stream of consciousness2.The Aesthetic Movement3.Iceberg Theory4.Naturalism5.Theatre of the Absurd6.Predication analysis7.Neurolinguisticsnguage Acquisition Device(LAD)9.Idiolect10.Draw a tree diagram for the surface structure of“The girl bought the book”.V.Answer the following questions.According to different majors,choose the ones you must do.Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.(40%)Section A:for linguistics candidates only1.What is Language acquisition in modern linguistics?2.How do you understand Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?3.Explain the term sense and reference by using examples.4.State clearly the term“complementary distribution”in phonemics.Section B:for literature candidates only1.In the short story“A Rose for Emily”,what does the“rose”in the title symbolize?2.What are the main features of Metaphysical poetry?3.Why is Mark Twain acclaimed as“the Father of American National Literature”?4.What is/are the theme(s)of Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels?VI.Choose ONE of the following and write your response to it.Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.(30%)1.In what basic ways does modern linguistics differ from traditional grammar?2.Analyze the following poem as to its theme,poetic form,and rhetorical devices,and develop it into an essay of200words.LondonWilliam Blake(1757-1827)I wander thro’each charter’d street,Near where the charter’d Thames does flow,And mark in every face I meetMarks of weakness,marks of woe.In every cry of every Man,In every Infant’s cry of fear,In every voice,in every ban,The mind-forg’d manacles I hear.How the Chimney-sweeper’s cryEvery black’ring Church appalls;And hapless Soldier’s sighRuns in blood down Palace walls.But most thro’midnight streets I hearHow the youthful Harlot’s curseBlasts the new born Infant’s fear,And blights with plagues the Marriage hearse.。
2011级数据结构试卷A及答案 - 副本 (2)

accesses.(C) Eliminate the recursive calls. (D) Reduce main memory use.(7) Given an array as A[m] [n]. Supposed that A [0] [0] is located at 644(10) and A [2][2] is stored at 676(10), and every element occupies one space. “(10)” means that thenumber is presented in decimals. Then the element A [1] [1](10) is at position:( D)(A) 692 (B) 695 (C) 650 (D) 660(8) If there is 1MB working memory, 4KB blocks, and yield 128 blocks for workingmemory. By the multi-way merge in external sorting, the average run size and the sorted size in one pass of multi-way merge on average are separately ( C)?(A) 1MB, 128 MB (B) 2MB, 512MB(C) 2MB, 256MB (D) 1MB, 256MB(9) In the following sorting algorithms, which is the best one to find the first 10biggest elements in the 1000 unsorted elements? ( B )(A) Quick-sort (B) Heap sort(C ) Insertion sort (D) Replacement selection(10) Assume that we have eight records, with key values A to H, and that they areinitially placed in alphabetical order. Now, consider the result of applying the following access pattern: F D F G E G F A D F G E if the list is organized by the Move-to-front heuristic, then the final list will be ( B).(A)F G D E A B C H (B) E G F D A B C H(C) A B F D G E C H (D) E G F A C B D H2. Fill the blank with correct C++ codes: (16 scores)(1)Given an array storing integers ordered by distinct value without duplicate, modify the binarysearch routines to return the position of the integer with the greatest value less than K when K itself does not appear in the array. Return ERROR if the lest value in the array is greater than K:(10 scores)// Return position of greatest element < Kint newbinary(int array[], int n, int K) {int l = -1;int r = n; // l and r beyond array boundswhile (l+1 != r) { // Stop when l and r meet___ int i=(l+r)/2_____;// Look at middle of subarrayif (K < array[i]) __ r=i ___; // In left halfif (K == array[i]) return i ; // Found itif (K > array[i]) ___ l=i ___ // In right half}// K is not in array or the greatest value is less than Kif K> array[0] (or l!= -1)// the lest value in the array is greater than K with l updated return l ; // when K itself does not appear in the arrayelse return ERROR; // the integer with the lest value greater than K}(2) The number of nodes in a complete binary tree as big as possible with height h is 2h -1(suppose 1-node tree ’s height is 1) (3 scores)(3) The number of different shapes of binary trees with 6 nodes is _132. (3 scores)3. A certain binary tree has the post-order enumeration as EDCBIHJGFA and the in-order enumeration as EBDCAFIHGJ. Try to draw the binary tree and give the postorder enumeration. (The process of your solution is required!!!) (6 scores)preorder enumeration: ABECDFGHIJ4. Determine Θ for the following code fragments in the average case. Assume that all variables are of type int. (6 scores) (1) sum=0;for (i=0; i<5; i++) for (j=0; j<n; j++)sum++; solution : Θ___(n)_______(2) sum = 0;for(i=1;i<=n;i++) for(j=n;j>=i;j--)sum++; solution : Θ__(n 2)________(3) sum=0;if (EVEN(n))for (i=0; i<n; i++) sum++; elsesum=sum+n; solution : Θ___(n)_____5. Show the min-heap that results from running buildheap on the following values stored in an array: 4, 2, 5, 8, 3, 6, 10, 14. (6 scores)6. Design an algorithm to transfer the score report from 100-point to 5-point , the level E corresponding score<60, 60~69 being D, 70~79 being C, 80~89 as B ,score>=90 as A. The distribution table is as following. Please describe your algorithm using a decision tree and give the total path length. (9 scores)Score in 100-point 0-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-100 Distribution rate5%10%45%35%5%solution:the design logic is to build a Huffman treeTotal length: 4 * 10% +10% * 3 + 15 %* 3 + 35% * 2 + 45% = 2.25, the 0-false,1-true as thelogic branches.7. Assume a disk drive is configured as follows. The total storage is approximately 675M divided among 15 surfaces. Each surface has 612 tracks; there are 144 sectors/track, 512 byte/sector, and 16 sectors/cluster. The interleaving factor is 3. The disk turns at 7200rmp (8.3ms/r). The track-to-track seek time is 20 ms, and the average seek time is 80 ms. Now how long does it take to read all of the data in a 360 KB file on the disk? Assume that the file ’s clusters are spread randomly across the disk. A seek must be performed each time the I/O reader moves to a new track. Show your calculations. (The process of your solution is required!!!) (9 scores) Solution :A cluster holds 16*0.5K = 8K. Thus, the file requires 360/8=45clusters.The time to read a cluster is seek time to the cluster+ latency time + (interleaf factor × rotation time).Average seek time is defined to be 80 ms. Latency time is 0.5 *8.3, and cluster rotation time is 3 * (16/144)*8.3.Seek time for the total file read time is 45* (80 + 0.5 * 8.3+ 3 * (16/144)*8.3 ) = 3911.258. Using closed hashing, with double hashing to resolve collisions, insert the following keys into a hash table of eleven slots (the slots are numbered 0 through 10). The hash functions to be used are H1 and H2, defined below. You should show the hash table after all eight keys have been inserted. Be sure to indicate how you areusing H1 and H2 to do the hashing. ( The process of your solution is required!!!) H1(k) = 3k mod 11 H2(k) = 7k mod 10+1Keys: 22, 41, 53, 46, 30, 13, 1, 67.(9 scores)Solution :H1(22)=0, H1(41)=2, H1(53)=5, H1(46)=6, no conflictWhen H1(30)=2, H2(30)=1 (2+1*1)%11=3,so 30 enters the 3rd slot; H1(13)=6, H2(13)=2 (6+1*2)%11=8, so 13 enters the 8th slot;H1(1)=3, H2(1)=8 (3+5*8)%11= 10 so 1 enters 10 (pass by 0, 8, 5, 2 );9. You are given a series of records whose keys are chars. The records arrive in the following order: C, S, D, T, A, M, P, I, B, W, N, G , U, R. Show the 2-3 tree that results from inserting these records. (the process of your solution is required!!!) (9 scores) Solution :MSBD PU A C GI N R T W 10.The following graph is a communication network in some area, whose edge presents the channel between two cities with the weight as the channel ’s cost. How to choose the cheapest path that can connect all cities? And how to get cheapest paths scores)Solution :1,C to A: 4 (C,A); CF: 5(C,F); CD: 6(C,A,D); CB: 12(C,A,D,B); CG:11 (C,F,G); CE: 13(C,A,D,B,E)2. Draw the MST: It is a Hamilton path.。

一、单项选择题(每题2分,共30分)1. 下述关于顺序存储结构优点的说法,哪个是正确的()A. 插入运算方便B. 可方便地用于各种逻辑结构的存储表示C. 存储密度大D. 删除运算方便2. 假设根结点为第1层,深度为h层的二叉树至少有( ) 个结点(h>1);A. 2hB. 2h-1C. 2h+1D. 2h-13. 用单向链表来实现容量为n的堆栈时,链表头指针指向堆栈顶部元素,链表尾指针指向堆栈底部元素,则以下说法错误的是( )A. 入栈操作的复杂度为O(1)B. 出栈操作的复杂度为O(1)C. 删除底部元素的复杂度为O(1)D. 插入一个新的堆栈底部元素复杂度为O(1)4. 以下关于递归算法的论述,不正确的是( )A. 递归算法的代码可读性好B. 递归算法可以提高程序运行效率C. 递归调用层次太深有可能造成堆栈溢出D. 递归调用层次太深会占用大量内存5. 设有字符集合{4,6,3,W,S},将字符序列6W43S中的字符按顺序进入堆栈,出栈可发生在任何时刻。
A. 64WS3B. 4W36SC. 6W34SD. WS4366. 在管理城市道路交通网络据时,最适合采用()数据结构来对其进行存储。
A.有向图B.无向图C.树D.矩阵7. 具有k个顶点的完全有向图的边数为( )。
A. k(k-1)B. k(k-1)/2C. k2-1D. k2+18. 若线性表最常用的操作是增加或者删除某个元素, 则采用( )存储方式节省时间.A. 单链表B. 双链表C. 单循环链表D. 顺序表9. 由权为6,3,2,8的四个叶子结点构造一个哈夫曼树,该树的带权路径长度为()。

2 010参考答案一、 选择题1 1 1 .B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.C1.B 12.C 13.A 14.C 15.B 16.D 17.D 18.D 19.A 20.A5 解释:线索二叉树中某结点是否有左孩子,不能通过左指针域是否为空来判 断,而要判断左标志是否为 1。
二、 填空题1 2 3 .归并排序。
. 能否将关键字均匀影射到哈希空间上.一端 先进后出有无好的解决冲突的方法4 5 6 7 8 9 . 顺序存储或链式存储 (1+n )/2.从任意节点出发都能访问到整个链表.时间 空间.n-1 n(n-1)/2.2n-1.n n三、 判断题 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 .F.F 非空才成立.F 有向的非强连通图,不成立.T.F 表头没有前驱,表尾没有后序.T.F 先序跟后序不行,中序才行.T.F 不可能0.T1.F2.T3.F4.F5.F四、 应用题1 .逻辑结构是从操作对象抽象出来的数学模型,结构定义中的“关系”描述的 是数据元素之间的逻辑关系;物理结构是数据结构在计算机中的表示(又称 映像),又称存储结构。
物理结构是指数据具体存放在哪个位置,逻辑结构是 指数据跟数据间是怎样联系的2 3.由 AOV 网构造拓扑序列的拓扑排序算法主要是循环执行以下两步,直到不存 在入度为 0的顶点为止。
(1) 选择一个入度为 0的顶点并输出之;(2) 从网 中删除此顶点及所有出边。
拓扑序列 1:abcdef 拓扑序列 2:adbcef.二叉树图如下:4 5 .略。
已经不纳入考纲.哈夫曼编码问题编码: 3: 000020: 10 10: 0001 22: 11 18: 001 37: 016.二叉排序树问题比根节点小的往左子树插,大的往右子树插。
图如下:删除50有两种做法:《数据结构》中的解析这里我用第二种做法:五.算法设计题1 & .算法填空(L.elem[i-1]) L.length-1 ++p *p L.length-1;2. 设计算法: 输入 n 个元素的值 创建带头结点的单链线性表 L 。

3.假设检验中显著性水平 有何意义?试写出几个常用的用于假设检验的统计量。
(1)计算概率P( )。
从中获样本 ,求p与E(X)的极大似然估计。
3.某纤维的强力服从正态分布 ,原设计的平均强力为6克,现改进工艺后,某天测得100个强力数据,其 元,假定标准差不变,试问在 水平上均值的提高是否是工艺改进的结果?
A卷 共2页,第2页
2012年招收攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题 B卷
1. 简述概率抽样与非概率抽样。
2. 简述假设检验的基本步骤。
3. 什么是标准差系数,为什么有了标准差还要计算标准差系数?
B卷 共2页,第2页
2013年招收攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题 B卷
考试科目:432统计学(含 统计学原理、概率论与数理统计,共150分)
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暨南大学2011 年全国硕士研究生统一入学考试自命题试题*******************************************************************************学科与专业名称:计算机技术, 软件工程考试科目代码与名称:数据结构考生注意:所有答案必须写在答题纸(卷)上,写在本试题上一律不给分。
一. 选择题(每题2 分,共30 分)1. 算法分析的目的是()。
A. 找出数据结构的合理性B. 研究算法中的输入和输出关系C. 分析算法的效率以求改进D. 分析算法的易读性和文档性2. 下列函数中渐近时间复杂度最小的是()。
A. T1(n)=log2n+5000nB. T2(n)=n2-8000nC. T3(n)=n3+5000n D. T4(n)=2nlog2n-1000n3. 线性表的动态链表存储结构与顺序存储结构相比,优点是()。
A. 所有的操作算法实现简单B. 便于随机存取C. 便于插入与删除D. 便于节省存储器空间4.若进栈序列为1,2,3,4,5,6, 且进栈和出栈可以穿插进行,则可能出现的出栈序列为( )。
A.3,2,6,1,4,5 B.5,6,4,2,3,1C.5,1,2,3,4,6 D.3,4,2,1,6,55. 顺序存储的线性表的第一个元素的存储地址是100,每个元素的长度为4,则第4 个元素的存储地址是()。
A. 108B. 112C. 116D. 1206. 在任意一棵二叉树的先序序列和后序序列中,各叶子之间的相对次序关系( )。
A.不一定相同B.互为逆序C.都不相同D.都相同7. 高度为5 的二叉树至多有结点数为()。
A. 63B. 3 2C. 31D.648. 图的邻接矩阵表示法适用于表示()。
A.无向图B.有向图C.稠密图D.稀疏图9. 在一个单链表中,若p 所指的结点不是最后一个结点,在p 之后插入s 所指的结点, 则执行( )。
A. s->next=p; p->next=sB. p->next=s; s->next=pC. p=s; s->next=p->nextD. s->next=p->next; p->next=s10. 若在线性表中采用折半查找法查找元素,该线性表应该是()。
A. 元素按值有序B. 采用顺序存储结构C. 元素按值有序且采用顺序存储结构D. 元素按值有序且采用链式存储结构考试科目:数据结构共 5 页,第1 页11. 已知一棵二叉树结点的先序序列为ABDGCFK, 中序序列为DGBAFCK, 则结点的后序序列为( )。
A. GDBFKCAB. DGBFKCAC. KFCABDGD. CAFKGDB12. 对于元素是整数(占2 个字节)的n 行n 列对称矩阵A,采用以行序为主的压缩存储方式存储到一维数组s[n*(n+1)/2]中(下三角),若A[1][1]的起始地址是400,问元素A[8][5]的存储地址是( ).A. 432B. 563C. 484D. 46413. 在所有排序方法中,关键字的比较次数与记录的初始排列无关的是()。
A. Shell 排序B. 冒泡排序C. 直接插入排序D. 直接选择排序14. 具有6 个顶点的无向图至少应有()条边才能确保是一个连通图。
A.5 B.6 C.7 D.815. 如果T2 是由树T1 转换而来的二叉树, 那T1 中结点的先序就是T2 中结点的( )。
A. 先序B. 中序C. 后序D. 层次序二.填空题(每题2 分,共20 分)1. 在数据结构中,数据的逻辑结构分____________ 和______________。
2. 若对关键字序列(12,18,4,3,6,13,2,9,19,8)进行快速排序(以第一个元素为支点),则第一趟排序得到的结果为____________。
3. 堆排序采用了____________作为其数据结构,如果希望第一次就能找出最小关键字记录,就建立____________。
4. 二叉树中度为0 的结点数为30,度为1 的结点数为30,总结点数为____________。
5. 向栈中压入元素的操作是先____________ ,后____________。
6. 在____________ 的情况下,链队列的出队操作需要修改尾指针。
7. 所谓连通图G 的生成树,是G 的包含其全部n 个顶点的一个极小连通子图。
它必定包含且包含G 的____________条边。
8. 对于一个有向图,若一个顶点的度为k1,出度为k2,则对应邻接表中该顶点单链表中的边节点数为____________。
9. 设GetHead(p)为求广义表p 的表头函数,GetTail(p)为求广义表p 的表尾函数。
其中() 是函数符号,运算GetTail(GetHead((a,b),(c,d,e)))的结果是____________。
10. 对n 个结点进行快速排序,最大比较次数是____________。
三.判断题(每题 1 分,共10 分, 正确的选t,错误的选f)1.一个广义表的表尾总是一个广义表。
( )3.双循环链表中,任一结点的前驱指针均为不空。
()4. 存储图的邻接矩阵中,邻接矩阵的大小不但与图的顶点个数有关,而且与图的边数也有关。
()5. 当从一个最小堆中删除一个元素时,需要把堆尾元素填补到堆顶位置,然后再按条件把它逐层向下调整,直到调整到合适位置为止。
()6. 栈和队列都是顺序存取的线性表,但它们对存取位置的限制不同。
( )7. 一个无序的元素序列可以通过构造一棵二叉排序树而变成一个有序的元素序列。
(t)8. 一棵m 阶B+树中每个结点最多有m 个关键码,最少有2 个关键码。
( )9. 拓扑排序是一种内部排序的算法。
( )10. 空串与空格相同。
( )四. 简答题(50 分)1. 对关键字序列(49,38,65,97,75,13,27,51,55,10)进行一趟希尔排序(由小到大)。
试写出第 1 趟(增量d1=5)希尔排序的结果及元素移动次数。
(4 分)2. 已知一个图如图1 所示,(10 分)(1)请写出其邻接矩阵和邻接表。
图13. 在图2 所示的AOE 网中,试找出此网络中的关键活动和关键路径。
(10 分)图2考试科目:数据结构共 5 页,第 3 页4. 已知一颗3 阶的B-树如图3 所示,若删除44 和79 之后,画出这棵B-树的最终状态。
(8分)图 35. 设有一段正文是由字符集{A,B,C,D,E,F}组成的,正文长度为100 个字符,其中每个字符在正文中出现的次数分别为17,12,5,28,35,3。
若采用Huffman 编码对这段正文进行压缩存储,请完成如下工作:(10 分)(1) 构造出Huffman 树(规定权值较小的结点为左子树);(2) 写出每个字符的Huffman 编码;(3) 计算按Huffman编码压缩存储这段正文共需要多少个字节(设每个字节为8位二进制位组成;(4) 若有另一段正文的二进制编码序列为01101010110011,请用(2)的Huffman 编码将它翻译成所对应的正文。
6. 设有一组关键字(47,7,29,11,16,92,22,8,3)采用散列函数H(key)= key%11,开放地址的线性探测再散列方法解决冲突,试在0~10 的散列地址空间中对该关键字序列(按从左到右的次序)构造散列表,并计算在查找概率相等的前提下,成功查找的平均查找长度。
(8 分)五.算法填空,(每空2 分,共16 分)1.下面的算法是一个在元素按值递增排列,并以带头结点的单链表作存储结构的线性表中,删除表中所有值大于mink 且小于maxk 的元素(若表中存在这样的元素),同时释放被删除结点空间。
V oid delmn(LinkList &L, int mink, int maxk){ LinkList p=L,q,s;if ((p->next)&&(mink<=maxk)){ while ( (1) ) p=p->next; }if( (2) ){ q=p->next;while(q->data<maxk){ s=q; q=q->next; free(s); }(3)}}2.下面是一个图的广度优先非递归算法,请在处填上适当内容,使其成为一个完成算法。
void BFSTraverse (Graph G, Status(*Visit) (VertexTyp e)){ for(v=0; v<G.vexnum; v++) visited[v]=FALSE;InitQueue(Q);for(v=0; (4)v++){ if(!visited[v]){ visited[v]=TRUE;(5)EnQueue(&Q,v);while( (6)){ (7)for(w=FirstAdjVex(G,u); w>=0; w=NextAdjVex(G,u,w)){ if(!visited[w]){ visited[w]=TRUE;visit(w);(8)}//if}//for}//while}//if}//for}六.编写算法(24)1.试编写出后序遍历二叉树的算法(10 分)2.已知n 个顶点的带权图用邻接矩阵表示,试编写算法实现用Kruskal 算法构造最小生成树。
(14 分)。