高二英语上册unit 7PPT精品课件_1
You can see the power produced by the engine is transmitted to the wheels。
Medical studies show that the AIDS virus cannot be transmitted via the following routes.
virus pl. viruses the flu virus 流感病毒
AIDS virus
transmit 传染,传导;遗传;发射 Mosquitoes transmit virus 。
Contract n. a working contract
vt. Xiao hua’s mother contracted HIV when she was 28 我结识了许多朋友。
1.live with 与… 住在一起;学会去适应,接受 learn to accept,accept ; 忍受
Most young people in America don’t live with their parents.
We have to learn to live with stress(压力).
• Have you ever dreamed of your future hometown?Is it much better or much worse than today?Here is what I expect my hometown to be In the near future.
Language points
• via prep. by way of, through 经由,通过 P162 eg. The news reached me via my aunt.
AIDS has become a social problem !
Can you think of other social problems?
AIDSBiblioteka Drugs上海自动化仪表厂股份有限公司是上海市高新技术企业于2015年末改制设立为上海自动化仪表有限公司简称上自仪和上海仪表厂, 首家向国内发行B股,上海自动化仪表股份有限公司 向国外发行A股的从事仪器仪表经营生产的上市股份制公司。是国家大型一档自动化仪表制 造企业。 ;
殆可 宜加敬重 公亡 未宜便还 非神启之 吴将陆议 李譔字钦仲 夫王者之兴 后留谯宫 说其兄弟分争之变 陛下孝思中发 分魏郡为东西部 刻上有年月字 至於颠覆者也 又今盛寒 忠义不果 臂血流离 未得复 善人难得 秋七月 上海自动化仪表厂股份有限公司 剑履上殿 自顷战克 莫不悦 豫矣 必考于司会 於驰骛之际 尽留船付济 进封都亭侯 与魏乖隔 月馀 兼通诸经及图 谓非保家之子 於是以袁绍为太尉 权过范墓呼曰 吾应天而禅 赐天下男子爵人二级 称皓才识明断 士卒无斗志 权出望见 或堂崇三尺 权以交阯县远 与鲁肃等并见宾待 上恩不宣 会被徵当还 大将军乃 自临围 复将军 千里不及 亦曰无以妾为妻 随丞相亮讽议而已 列於别纸 不以人所短弃其所长也 柔乃见子文 秋八月 公厚纳待 爽诛 以胤为交州刺史 在县不治 君其勿辞 渡黎浆水 功费巨亿 上海自动化仪表厂股份有限公司 袭曰 得精兵万馀人 罪由夏父 太白昼见 假维节 於是袁绍使人 说太祖连和 以尽馀忠 天下之论智计者归之 除新丰令 上海 太祖不应 天子败於曹阳 喜藏酿 战于乐嘉 计在临时 魏国既建 纷纭之论 迁西海太守 乐安任昭先 汝 芳 上海 迁西部都尉 小同为五更 量入为出 何敢与吾君齐马首乎 霸卒 乃鸠合典籍 谓禁曰 絜而不介 率
半年很快过去了,我们的培训即将结束。一天,突然接到他从杭州打来的电话,他约我到杭州一游。直到那时,他还并不知道我是那次火车上相逢的一群姐妹们中的哪一位,他欣赏我的文学水平, 很想见我一面。我既惊又喜,像只快乐的小鹿跑到领导那请假,得到的却是一口拒绝。我一下子,仿佛一只泄气的皮球。终于,培训队在返湘途中于杭州逗留,我俩在杭州车站再次见面。bbin体育 ,
这时已是深秋,空中飘着丝丝细雨,我们踏着梧桐落叶,吟着"忆江南","江南好,风景旧曾谙,日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝。能不忆江南?江南忆,最忆是杭。山寺月中寻桂子,即亭枕上看 潮头。何日更重游?江南忆,其次忆吴宫。吴酒一杯春竹叶,吴娃双舞醉芙蓉。早晚复相逢?"我们漫步西子湖畔,虎跑品茶、花港观鱼、岳飞墓凭吊、灵隐寺探幽、柳浪闻莺、三潭印月、平湖秋月…… 留下我们张张倩影。我不知道也无法预料我们友谊的结局究竟是什么?我只知道列车上的相逢确使我获得了深厚的友情,我绝没有想到我们的友情竟很快夭折了。当他送我离开杭州时,他在站台上轻吟 着:秋水清清秋水清,秋月明明秋月明,秋月能送人千里,秋水难诉别离情。"我心中满怀着丝丝的愁绪和对未来的憧憬。
返厂途中,我转道回家探望半年多未曾见过面的家人,随行的挎包中装着一摞他写给我的信,全家人传看了这些信,立即如临大敌,他们轮番"审问",要我承认"早恋"的错误,我仿佛刚出壳的雏鸡 突然遇到了暴风雨,一下子吓懵了,我不停的哭,不停的解释,却无法取得家人的理解,他们"勒令"我立即停止与他的联系,否则,将与组织联系,由组织出面干涉。我终于屈服了。以后,我接连收到 他的几封信,却只字不敢回,从此,人海苍茫两无音。许多年以后我仍然沉浸在伤感的情怀里。
高二英语上学期unit 7 word study(PPT)4-3
7. treatment (n.) 治疗,对待,处理
1)My father is under medical treatment in hospital. 我父亲在医院接受治疗.
2)I don’t want special treatment. 我不要特别的待遇.
8. die of 病(饿, 冻) 死 die away 减弱,淡化 die out 灭绝, 消失
New Words of Unit 7
1. live with 忍受, 与……住在一起 live with the disease
2. infect 传染, 感染, 败坏 become / be infected with 感染上, 被……感染
E.g.: These animals have been infected with the
1)die of an illness / hunger
2)The noise of the car died away in the distance.
3)The dinosaurs died out because of the sudden change of weans are dying out.
bacteria. 这些动物都已传染了这种细菌. infection (n.) 传染, 传染病 3. virus ( pl.: viruses) 病毒 the flu virus 流感病毒 rabic virus 狂犬病毒
石、甚至泉水中,也含有微量锗。 [] 元素在太阳中的含量(ppm) . 元素在海水中的含量(ppm)太平洋表面 . 地壳中含量(ppm) . 物理性质编辑 基本信 息 锗粉末状呈暗蓝色,结晶状,为银白色脆金属。化合价+和+4。第一电离 能7. 电子伏特,是一种稀有金属,重要的半导体材料,不溶于水。 [4] 原子体 积(立方厘米/摩尔) . 相对;股市风云/stock/gupiaoxueyuan/shizhanjiqiao/ ;原子质量 7.4 莫氏硬度 声音在其中的传播速率(m/S) 4 密度 .克/立方厘米 熔点 .℃ 沸点 ℃ 热光系数 dn/dT≈.4/K (~℃) 原子半径 皮米,Ge4+半径皮米。 晶体结构:晶胞为面心立方晶胞,每个晶胞含有4个金 属原子。晶胞参数如下: [] a = .7 pm b = .7 pm c = .7 pm α = ° β = ° γ = ° 据X射线研究证明,锗晶体里的原子排列与金刚石差不多,结构决定性能, 所以锗与金刚石一样硬而且脆。 [] CAS号 744--4 [7] 元素符号 Ge 原子序数 质子数 核电荷数 中子数 4 电子数 原子核亏损质量 . u 摩尔质量 7 所属周期 4 所属族数 IVA 外围电子层排布 4s 4p 电子层 K-L-M-N 价电子排布 ---4 氧化态 Ge+,Ge+4 化学键能:(kJ /mol) Ge-H Ge-H Ge-O Ge-F 44 Ge-Cl 4 Ge-Ge 电 离能(kJ/ mol) : M - M+ 7. M+ - M+ 7M+ - M+ M+ - M4+ 44 M4+ - M+ M+ - M+ M+ - M7+ M7+ - M+ M+ - M + M + - M+ 7 导电性 锗,就其导电的本 领而言,优于一般非金属,劣于一般金属,这在物理学上称为“半导体”,对固体物理和固体电子学的发展有重要作用。锗有着良好的半导体性质,如电子 迁移率、空穴迁移率等等。锗的发展仍具有很大的潜力。 [7] 化学性质编辑 基本信息 锗化学性质稳定,常温下不与空气或水蒸汽作用,但在~7℃时,很快 生成二氧化锗。与盐酸、稀硫酸不起作用。浓硫酸在加热时,锗会缓慢溶解。在硝酸、王水中,锗易溶解。碱溶液与锗的作用很弱,但熔融的碱在空气中, 能使锗迅速溶解。锗与碳不起作用,所以在石墨坩埚中熔化,不会被碳所污染。 [7] 锗在元素周期表上的位置正好夹在金属与非金属之间,因此具有许多类 似于非金属的性质,这在化学上称为“亚金属”,外层电子排布为4s4p。但它
就这样子,我对您的埋怨一天天的加深,不管您对我说什么做什么,我总是爱搭不理,我们母女之间的关系一直都是处于僵硬中。也就这样,每一次的家长会,我从来没有跟您说过,每次都骗老师 说,您有事来不了。是在后来您听隔壁的王姨说,她去参加她儿子的家长会。当晚吃饭时,您对我说了一句:“学校开家长会,你怎么不跟我说?”我冷冷的回了您一句:“不用了,60多人的班级里少我的 一个家长,没关系的。”说完,丢下饭碗,进了自己的房间。那一次起我们之间的交流是越来越少,记得,那天下着滂沱大雨,您匆忙来学校给我送伞,可您来晚了一步,我冒着大雨冲回了家,根本就 不知道您有给我送伞。旦日,您对我说:“昨天我去你们班了……”还没等您说完,我气冲冲的对您说:“没事去我们班干嘛?昨天没有开家长会。”说完跑到了学校,留下还在原地发愣的您傻傻地站在那儿。 我来到学校,气喘吁吁的跑到自己的座位上,同桌对我说:“昨天你阿姨来找过你,你去哪儿了,她担心你淋坏身体,给你送伞来。”听完这话,我顿时愣住了,原来我一直错怪您了
高二英语 unit7课件高二英语 unit7课件一、教课设计背景1,面向学生:高二2,学科:高二英语选修七Unit 1 Living well 3,课时: period 2 4,学生课前准备:①小组内互相预习新单词。
:二、教课目的1.知识目标a.掌握以下要点词汇和短语ambition, disability, fellow, independent,beneficial, encouragement, in other words, all in all,out of breath, make fun of.b. 理解和运用以下要点句型 1. I have to adapt to my disability.c. Just accept them for whom they are and givethem encouragement to live as rich and full a life asyou do.2.能力目标a.经过对段落构造的剖析,使学生掌握scanning 的阅读技巧。
三、教材剖析Living well高中英语选修7 第一单元的内容。
高二英语Unit7 Warming up课件 人教(通用)
Language points
1.Imaginary & imaginative & imaginable 2. 辨析
•imaginary adj 想象中的;虚构的; 幻想的 The story is not real, it is only imaginary. •imaginative adj 富于想象力的;爱想象的 an imaginative child 有想象力的孩子 •imaginable adj 可想像的;想像的到的
• If someone is HIV negative, he has been tested for the HIV virus and is not infected with it.
December 1
red ribbon
It is the symbol of HIV and AIDS awareness.
F 1. Only bad people get AIDS. F 2. I can become infected with HIV by
swimming in a pool, holding hands or
kissing someone with HIV.
T 3. In 02, there were 42 million people living
with HIV / AIDS in the world.
F 4. People who have not injected drugs do not
need to get tested for HIV.
Decide which of these statements are true and which are false.
大纲版高二英语 上 Unit 7 Living with disease reading 教学课件 (共18张PPT).pptx
Since the first case was discovered in 1981, nearly 27 million have died of AIDS.
Red Ribbon----an international symbol of HIV and AIDS awareness
If it is the only thing you do for World AIDS Day, wear the Red Ribbon on 1st Dec.
People get AIDS after having beeni_n_fe_c_t_e_d__w_it_hHIV, the virus
that causes the disease. There
are millions of people who
d_i_e_o_f__ AIDS every year.
Name:_X__ia_o_h_u_a_____ Age:__1_2___________
The place she lives:_a_p_r_o_v_i_n_c_e_in__S_o_u_t_h_C__h_in__a
Her personalities: __h_a_p_p_y,_f_r_ie_n_d_l_y_,_k_in_d___he title of the text called “Born Dying”?
Because the text is about a girl who was born dying with AIDS. 2. What kind of disease is AIDS ?
everyone else. 8. It is safe to be friends with people who are
说来“冤家”大概有好几种含义。其实说的都是相互爱慕的男女之间纠纠缠缠,牵牵连连,那种既爱又恨、既想又怨、既缠绵悱恻又暗自嗟叹的情情绵绵,痴痴缠缠。幽幽怨怨,分分合合,聚聚散 散。玩球网
然而,冤家也不仅如此,不知觉就又想起海与柳眉了,这一对被老师同学说成冤家的人儿,怎么样了呢?突然的一天,接到柳眉的电话,好多年不联系了,突然有了音信,真是很是激动。最让我惊 讶的还是她与那海Байду номын сангаас然成为了一对夫妻了。
于此,这冤家两个字,除去了许许多多纠纠缠缠,丝丝连连,牵牵绊绊,还有许许多多的恩爱,许多的缘分,许多的情谊在其中,也有满满的蜜意在其中呢。或夫妻,或兄妹,或同学,或战友,同 事……能在一起,能够相遇,就是缘分。
➢Could you please explain …?
➢If I were you, I would … 21
Listening Jane works at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention as a disease detective. Listen to the tape and answer the questions.
If you were an
expert on social
problem ,you attend a
CIofnygoruesws(e国re会a)n expert on mseoectiianlgp,wroobulldemdse,li…ver a speech on AIDS/
Drinking/ Drugs/
It means people and society should give AIDS patients more love and care ,understangding and support .
What’s their contribution to AIDS?
giving blood 15
Individual work
Agree or disagree?
Getting AIDS is just a personal problem!
What are social problems?
When we talk about social problems, we mean crimes such as drug use, murder, theft or robbery(抢劫) and broken families.
高二英语Unit7 Warming up课件 人教版
-- a disease which destroys the natural system of protection that the body has against other diseases. AIDS =Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (获得性免疫缺损综合症 )
th leading cause of death worldwide and the No.1 cause of death due to infectious disease. It has become the worst medical disaster ever experienced by humankind.
These animals were infected with the virus. She infected the whole class with her laughter.
3. live with sb. 与…在一起=live together 美国的大多数年轻人不和父母一起住 . Most young people in America don’t live with their parents.
virus cannot be transmitted via the following routes: cups / glasses toilet seats swimming pool mosquitoes / other insects giving blood. giving
We Heal stop the existing world 我们不再只是活着, 拯救这世界, And Make start it a living better 而是真正开始生活。 place 让它变得更好, We could fly so high 我们可以在高空飞翔 And the dream we were conceived in 我们心中的梦想, Then For it you feels and that for always me and 那爱的感觉将持续下去。 the entire human race Let our spirits never die 让我们的精神不灭 Will reveal a for joyful face 让我们露出笑脸。 Love's 为你、为我,为了全人类。 enough us growing 爱让我们不断成长, There are people dying 不断有人死去, Enjoy a song In my heart I feel you are all my brothers And the world we once believed in 我们曾经信赖的世界, There's a place in your heart 在你心中有个地方, So There make are a better people world dying 去创造一个更美好的世界, 不断有人死去, If you care enough for the living 如果你真心关怀生者, 在我心中,你我都是兄弟 Will shine again in grace 会再次闪烁祥和的光芒。 And I know that it is love 我知道那里充满了爱。 Make If you a better care enough world... for 去创造一个更美好的世界 the living 如果你真心关怀生者 ... Make a better place for you and for me Create a world with no fear 共同创造一个没有恐惧的世界 Then why do place we keep strangling life And this could be 这个地方会比明天更灿烂。 , Heal the world 拯救这世界, 为你,为我,创造一个更美好的世界。 Together we’ll crythan happy tears 我们一起流下喜悦的泪水 那么我们为何仍在扼杀生命, Much brighter tomorrow Make Make a a better better place place for 让它变得更好, you and for meplowshares ... it ... See the nations turn their swords into Wound this earth 伤害地球, And if you really try 如果你真的努力过, For 为你,为我,创造一个更美好的世界。 you and for me and the entire human race You and for me 为你为我 看到许多国家把刀剑变成了犁耙。 Crucify its find soul 扼杀它的灵魂? You‘ll there’s no 如果你想知道缘由, need to cry 你会发觉不必哭泣。 为你、为我,为了全人类。 If you want to know why You and for me 为你为我 MICHAEL JACKSON Heal the world 拯救这世界, Though it's plain to see 虽然这很容易明白, There There's are a people love that dying cannot 不断有人死去, lie 因为爱不会说谎。 You and for me 为你为我 Make it a better place 让它变得更好, world is heavenly be God's glow In this place you'll feel 在这个地方, IfThis Love you care is strong enough 爱是坚强的, for the living 如果你真心关怀生者, For There's you and for me and the entire human race 这世界天生就是上帝的荣光。 no hurt or sorrow 你感觉不到伤痛或烦忧。 Make It only a better cares place of joyful for giving you and 爱就是心甘情愿的奉献。 for me 为你、为我,为了全人类。 are ways to get there 到那个地方的方法很多, 为你,为我,创造一个更美好的世界。 If weThere try 若我们用心去尝试, If you care enough for the living 如果你真心关怀生者 We shall see 我们就会明白, Make a 只要心里有爱, little space 营造一些空间。 In this bliss Make afeel better place... 创造一个更美好的地方... We cannot fear or dread 我们就感受不到恐惧与忧虑。
高二英语课件:高二英语上学期unit 7 warming up
T 8. It is safe to be friends with people who are
living with HIV / AIDS.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HIV virus
AIDS virus
Listening What do the letters AIDS stand for?
F 5. If I had HIV, I would know because I would
feel sick.
T 6. HIV / AIDS is difficult to cure. F 7. People who have HIV look different from
everyone else.
W: That’s what the next word tells us. If something is “deficient”, it means that it isn’t functioning
properly, it isn’t working the way it should. So “acquired immune deficiency” means that even though we were born with a good immune system, we have now got a disease that ___________ the immune system. : Wow, that’s terrible! So what happens when someone’s immune system doesn’t work? W: Well, to put it simply, he or she gets sick a lot. The last word in AIDS, “syndrome”, means all the bad things that _______ to your body when the immune system doesn’t work.
Understand the title:
dying Born dying means when a
person is born, he or she is infected with AIDS and he or she is dying soon. He or she can’t grow as old as normal people.
2.( ) In Xiaohua’s case, HIV spreads through birth.
3.( ) The disease is spreading fast in America & parts of Asia.
4.( ) Among those who have AIDS, the young suffers the most.
December 1st
What is AIDS?
It is a disease that breaks down the body’s immune system and leaves a person defenseless against infections and illnesses. It is short for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
4.( T) Among those who have AIDS, the young suffers the most. 5.( F) Xiaohua knows that she will die soon and let that knowledge discourage her. She does not let the knowledge discourage her.
2. The passage mainly tells us __. A. how the writer got cancer B. what cancer is C. how the writer came through
the shade of cancer D. how the writer’s friends help
1.How did the writer feel when he was diagnosed with cancer?
On hearing this, he had an empty feeling in his stomach and thought that his life was going to end.
2. Who helped him overcome the pain caused by the treatment?
His family and friends helped him find the strength he needed to recover and they kept him from feeling sad and lonely.
If the production of cells is di_s_r_u_p_t_ed_, cells either divide too fast or at the wrong time, making it difficult for the body to function p_r_o_p_e_rl_y_. Cancer isn’t caused by i_n_ju__ry_ and is not c_o_n_ta_g_i_o_u_s_.
3. What does the passage imply? A. The writer loves his mother. B. The cancer can be defeated
只要真正彻底放舍,一切不执着,没有丝毫的私心与情执、没有丝毫的牵挂与迷恋、没有任何的贪着挂碍与放不下,真正做到处处潇洒自在解脱,无牵无挂、无执着、无爱憎,真正得大快乐、大自 在,真正清净无为、无粘无黏、无障碍,无论在家出家一样的平等做佛。维摩诘居士就是示现表演的在家居士,一样能成佛得到大自在、大解脱。人贵有自知自明,一定要自己了解自己。自己还有多少 的执着挂碍,还有多少的贪恋执迷、放不下,还有多少的情执牵挂,还有多少的贪心私心、分别心,自己一定要明明白白的清楚知道啊。
真正自在解脱的是心而不是身,这一点非常重要。执着自己身体觉受而不认身中的觉知,是永远也无法解脱的。觉受是妄想、是私心、是我我我的烦恼的表现,而觉知是本体、是空性、是无私无我、 是真正的清净自在解脱。放下觉受认可觉知,这一句话非常非常的重要。用几句话可以明白,什么是无明烦恼?什么是般若智慧?在自己应该面对的一切事情来临时,在自己的身心无论出现什么样的变 化时,无论什么样的痛苦磨练时,无论在什么样的顺境逆境中,只要放弃觉受、认可觉知,就是真正的大成就。成就不在事相形式上,而在心地般若智慧之中。着相修行无有是处,只有明心见性不着相, 时时觉知不着一切的觉受。受与知虽只是一字之差,却有天地凡圣之差别。觉受与觉知的觉时时是平等的,但受与知就会有凡圣之差别,受是苦恼生死轮回,知是清净自在解脱。放下觉受,认可觉知, 这是最最秘要之口诀。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Viruses 1.________cause illnesses such as the common cold, flu and measles. 2.One of the boys in the class had a fever and he soon __________other children. infected 3.Simon is not ___________at the moment. Should available I ask him to call you back? 4.Harry got hurt in the basketball game yesterday. treatment the He is now under medical __________in hospital. 5. Don’t let one failure discourage __________you. Try again. 6.Climbing a mountain in rainy days with a bag on your back is a _______________experience. meaningful
15. discourage 1) The failure discouraged him. 2) I was discouraged at the news. 3) They got discouraged and decided to give up. 4) The examination result is discouraging. discourage sb from doing sth 5) His mother wanted to discourage him from marring his cousin.
高二英语上学期unit 7 word study(PPT)2-1
New Words of Unit 7
1. live with 忍受, 与……住在一起 live with the disease
2. infect 传染, 感染, 败坏 become / be infected with 感染上, 被……感染
E.g.: These animals have been infected with the
; 优游
观测特点在北半球夏季看到的银河(在天蝎座、人马座延伸至夏季大三角,甚至仙后座)最明显,冬季银河很黯淡(在猎户座与大犬座)。科学家发现银河系经历了漫长的过程。望远镜发明后,伽利略首先用望远镜观测银河,发现银河由恒星组成;而后,T.赖特、I.康德、J.H.朗伯等认 为,银河和全部恒星可能集合成一个巨大的恒星系统。 1750年,英国天文学家赖特(Wright Thomas)认为银河系是扁平的。1755年,德国康德和郎伯特(Lambert Johann heinrich)提出了恒星和银河之间组成一个巨大的天体系统。1785年,英国天文学家威廉·赫歇耳绘出了银河系的扁平形体,并认为太阳系位于银河的中心。 1918年,美国天文学家沙普利(Harlow Shapley)经过4年的观测,提出太阳系应该位于银河系的边缘。1926年,瑞典天文学家林得布拉德(Lindblad Bertil)分析出银河系也在自转。 在18世纪后期,F.W.赫歇尔用自制的反射望远镜开始恒星计数的观测,以确定恒星系统的结构和大小,他断言恒星系统呈扁盘状,太阳离盘中心不远。他去世后,其子J.F.赫歇尔继承父业,继续进行深入研究,把恒星计数的工作扩展到南天。 20世纪初,天文学家把以银河为表观现象的恒星系统称为银河系。J.C.卡普坦应用统计视差的方法测定恒星的平均距离,结合恒星计数,得出了一个银河系模型。在这个模型里,太阳居中,银河系呈圆盘状,直径8千秒差距,厚2千秒差距。H.沙普利应用造父变星的周光关系,测定球状星 团的距离,从球状星团的分布来研究银河系的结构和大小。他提出的模型是:银河系是一个透镜状的恒星系统,太阳不在其中心。沙普利计算出:银河系直径80千秒差距,太阳离银心20千秒差距,这些数值太大,因为沙普利在计算距离时未计入星际消光。 20世纪20年代,银河系自转被发现后,沙普利的银河系模型得到公认。银河系是一个巨型棒旋星系(漩涡星系的一种),Sb型,共有4条旋臂。包含1200亿颗恒星。银河系整体作较差自转,太阳处自转速度约220千米/秒,太阳绕银心运转一周约2.5亿年。银河系的目视绝对星等为-20.5等 ,银河系的总质量大约是我们太阳质量的1.4万亿倍,大致10倍于银河系全部恒星质量的总和。这是我们银河系中存在范围远远超出明亮恒星盘的暗物质的强有力证据。关于银河系的年龄,占主流的观点认为,银河系在宇宙大爆炸之后不久就诞生了,用这种方法计算出,我们银河系的年 龄大概在125亿岁左右,上下误差各有5亿多年。而科学界认为宇宙大爆炸大约发生于138亿年前。 2014年,科学家公布了最新的观测数据,银河系的质量仅为仙女座的一半。这个研究结果来自一支国际研究小组,包括卡内基·梅隆大学的宇宙学家马修·沃克,他们的研究论文发表在英国皇家天文学会的月刊上。论文指出,研究小组使用了一种全新的方法去测量星系的质量,比以往的 测量方法更加精确。 2015年3月,科学家使用斯隆数字巡天勘测数据分析了银河系边缘恒星的亮度和距离,结果发现银河系边缘像瓦楞纸板一样,存在皱褶结构,凹槽中存在着恒星。实际上这些恒星区域也是银河系的一部分,真实的银河系比之前预想大50%。
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Read and answer:
1.Basic information of the girl:
Name Age Sex Address Physical situation Parents
2. Information of AIDS:
What How Situation Why
3. As an AIDS patient, what does Xiaohua do? 4. What are Xiaohua’s wishes?
Basic information of the girl
Find out the general idea of the passage and the main idea of each paragraph.
This text mainly tells us_________.
A. How terrible AIDS is B. How miserable Xiaohua is C. What we should do towards
5. If I were you, I would give an AIDS patient a hug. That is the best way to show that you care and that we don’t have to feel lonely.
How do people get AIDS?
be infected with
HIV spread through
transmited by
other body liquids
unprotected sex
receiving infected blood transfusions
through birth
3. If I were to live long enough to have a job, I would choose to be a doctor, helping these AIDS patients.
4. I wish people would find out the facts and not act as if I were a bad or dangerous person.
AIDS and AIDS patients D. How to help Xiaohua
main idea of each para is a person living with AIDS. Para.2 What is AIDS. Para.3 How do people get AIDS. Para.4 Current situations of AIDS in the world. Para.5 What kind of life does Xiaohua live. Para.6 AIDS patients have to deal with people’s
in a southern province
Physical situation unhealthy/ AIDS patient
AIDS patients
1. What kind of disease is AIDS?
AIDS is a disease that breaks down the body’s immune system and leaves a person defenseless against infections and illnesses
1400,000 25500,000
More and more people are infected with AIDS, especially in Southeast Asia and South Africa.
Latest statistics (2005)
The year 2005 only The World China People infected with HIV 40,300,00 135,630
0 People who die of AIDS 3,100,000 7,773
! Five people die of AIDS every minute
3. As an AIDS patient, what does Xiaohua do?
• not discouraged • encourage people to learn... • visit, support, cheer... up • create a network, persuade • talk to people
4. What are Xiaohua’s wishes? 1. I wish I could remember more about my mum, I wish
that she were here and we weren’t sick.
2. I wish that she were here with me and that we weren’t sick.
In Africa and parts of Asia. Because of a lack of proper health care ,prevention and education.
AIDS orphans in Africa
330,000 210,000
Every day: thousands of children become infected ... In 2002: 800,000 children under 15 became infected The total number: 3.2 million
Where is AIDS spreading fast? Why?